FOG PRODUCTS 4QUEQ(QI(NWKF Rosco Fog Fluid, for nearly 20 years, the most widely used fog fluid in theatre, live entertainment and theme parks. When vaporized, this unique formulation produces a dense, realistic fog which has no unpleasant odor. For health information contact Rosco. No. 820711 No. 820720 No. 820712 No. 820814
litre 2.5 litre 12 litre Case 4 litre
Rosco Light Fog Fluid is one of the latest additions to the Rosco line of fog effects. Utilizing the same components as Rosco’s other award-winning fluids, this economical fluid delivers exactly what the name says: a lighter fog effect. It is useful when you don’t want the thick clouds of Rosco Fog Fluid.
This special formulation offers many of the same features that Rosco Fog Fluid does, with two additional benefits. This special fluid, when used with any of Rosco’s fog machines, will dissipate more quickly than the standard fluid. This is especially useful for theatrical or video applications where the effect must appear and disappear on cue. When properly chilled (through the use of the Rosco Chiller Module), the Stage and Studio Fluid generates an excellent low-lying fog.
No. No. No. No.
No. No. No. No.
850711 850720 850712 850814
litre 2.5 litre 12 litre Case 4 litre
4QUEQ%NGCT(QI(NWKF For almost 20 years Rosco has sold the familiar Rosco Fog Fluid with its green color and distinctive scent. Now Rosco offers Rosco Clear Fog Fluid. Rosco Clear delivers the exact same effect as Rosco Fog Fluid, but doesn’t have the colorant or scent additives of standard Rosco Fog Fluid. No. No. No. No.
860711 860720 860712 860814
litre 2.5 litre 12 litre Case 4 litre
(QI#EEGUUQTKGU No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
054197 821760 150085 150086 450020 450030 120050 160050 450050 150070
4" Hose Adaptor Ducting Hose 4" x 25' 50' Remote Extension 100' Remote Extension 6" Hose Adapter Ducting Hose 6" x 25' Alpha 900 Carrying Case Model 1600 Carrying Case Model 4500 Carrying Case Standard Remote (replacement)
900011 900020 900012 900024
litre 2.5 litre 12 litre Case 4 litre
5EGPVGF(QI(NWKF Rosco’s scented fog fluids are designed for use with all Rosco fog machines for special applications in live entertainment, clubs and discos. These fluids may be used in Rosco fog machines without affecting machine warranties or function. Custom scents are also available. Call Rosco for details. NKVTG NKVTG )CNNQP %CUG Piña Colada Lemon Tropical Apple Blossom Strawberry Mint
820745 820755 820765 820775 820785 820795
820844 820854 820864 820874 820884 820894
820749 820759 820769 820779 820789 820799