IN3128HD RS232 Control Instructions Serial Communication Configuration To control this projector via RS232, connect a null modem cable and set the control system serial port settings to match the following communication configuration. Bits per second Data bits Parity Stop bits Flow Control Emulation
9600 8 None 1 None VT100
Command Format All commands consist of 3 alpha characters followed by a request, all enclosed in parentheses. The request can be a read request (indicated by a "?") or a write request (indicated by 1 to 4 ASCII digits). Error Conditions Not all commands are supported for all projectors. If a command is received that is not understood, a "?" character will be returned indicating the command was not understood. Read Requests A read command returns a text string or the range and the current setting, for example: Function Volume Source Lamp Hours Max Lamp Life
Command (VOL?) (SRC?) (LMP?) (LIF?)
Returns (0‐20, 12) (0‐3, 2) (0‐9999, 42) ("5000")
Write Requests Some commands have ranges, while others are absolute. If a number greater or less than the maximum range is received, it will return an error "?". Function Power on Source Ceiling Set Volume
Command (PWR1) (SRC3) (CEL1) (VOL+)
Response Turns the projector on Switches to Source 3 Turns on ceiling mode Increase volume 1 step
Write/Read Requests add a read command after the write command has been processed. For example, (PWR1!) would be equivalent to entering (PWR1)(PWR?). Function Power on Source Keystone Color Space
Command (PWR0!) (SRC3!) (DKH20!) (CSM2!)
Response Turns the projector off Switches to Source 3 Sets keystone to +20 Sets Color Space to REC601
Returns (0‐1,0) (0‐3,3) (‐40‐40,20) (0‐4,2)
Timing Limitations If you enter a command inside the timing parameters below, you may receive an error response and your command will not be processed. • 10 second delay after lamp ignition • 3 second delay after changing sources • 10 second delay after a power down • 5ms inter‐command delay • 2ms inter‐character delay
RS232 Command list Power Status ? ON OFF ON & return OFF & return
Command (PWR?) (PWR1) (PWR0) (PWR1!) (PWR0!)
Return code (ok) (0‐1,n) n=0,1
Menu (OSD) Status Status ? ON OFF ON & return OFF & return
Command (MNU?) (MNU1) (MNU0) (MNU1!) (MNU0!)
Return code (ok) (0‐1,n) n=0,1
Keypad Menu Up Down Select Left Right
Command (NAV0) (NAV1) (NAV2) (NAV3) (NAV4) (NAV5)
Return code (ok)
(0‐1,1) (0‐1,0)
(0‐1,1) (0‐1,0)
Auto Source Status ? ON OFF ON & return OFF & return
Command (ASC?) (ASC1) (ASC0) (ASC1!) (ASC0!)
Return code (ok) (0‐1,n) n=0,1
Blank Key Status ? ON OFF ON & return OFF & return
Command (BLK?) (BLK1) (BLK0) (BLK1!) (BLK0!)
Return code (ok) (0‐1,n) n=0,1
Blank Screen Status ? Blue Screen Black Screen White Screen Blue Screen & return Black Screen & return White Screen & return
Command (BSS?) (BSS0) (BSS3) (BSS4) (BSS0!) (BSS3!) (BSS4!)
Return code (ok) (0‐4,n) n=0,3,4
Source Status ? Next source Last source Computer1 Computer2 HDMI1 HDMI2 Video S‐Video Component USB Type‐A USB Mini‐B LAN & return Next source & return Last source & return Computer1 & return Computer2 & return HDMI1 & return HDMI2 & return Video & return S‐Video & return Component & return USB Type‐A & return
Command (SRC?) (SRC+) (SRC‐) (SRC0) (SRC1) (SRC2) (SRC3) (SRC4) (SRC5) (SRC6) (SRC7) (SRC8) (SRC9) (SRC+!) (SRC‐!) (SRC0!) (SRC1!) (SRC2!) (SRC3!) (SRC4!) (SRC5!) (SRC6!) (SRC7!)
Return code (ok) (0‐9,n) n=0‐9
(0‐1,1) (0‐1,0)
(0‐1,1) (0‐1,0)
(0‐6,0) (0‐6,3) (0‐6,4)
(0‐9,n) n=0‐9 (0‐9,n) n=0‐9 (0‐9,0) (0‐9,1) (0‐9,2) (0‐9,3) (0‐9,4) (0‐9,5) (0‐9,6) (0‐9,7)
USB Mini‐B & return LAN & return
(SRC8!) (SRC9!)
(0‐9,8) (0‐9,9)
Auto Image execute
Command (AIM1)
Return code (ok)
Keystone Status ? Keystone + Keystone ‐ Keystone + & return Keystone ‐ & return Set keystone & return
Command (DKH?) (DKH+) (DKH‐) (DKH+!) (DKH‐!) (DKHnnn!) n=‐40 ~ 40
Return code (ok) (‐40,40,nnn) n=‐40 ~ 40
Aspect Status ? Auto 4 x 3 16 x 9 Native Letterbox 16 x 10 Auto & return Native & return 4 x 3 & return 16 x 9 & return Letterbox & return 16 x 10 & return
Command (ARZ?) (ARZ0) (ARZ1) (ARZ2) (ARZ3) (ARZ4) (ARZ6) (ARZ0!) (ARZ1!) (ARZ2!) (ARZ3!) (ARZ4!) (ARZ6!)
Return code (ok) (0‐6, n) n=0,1,2,3,4,6
Lamp Low Power (Eco Mode) Status ? ON OFF ON & return OFF & return
Command (IPM?) (IPM1) (IPM0) (IPM1!) (IPM0!)
Return code (ok) (0‐1,n) n=0,1
Volume Status ? Volume + Volume ‐ Set volume Volume + & return Volume ‐ & return Set volume & return
Command (VOL?) (VOL+) (VOL‐) (VOLnn) n=0 ~ 20 (VOL+!) (VOL‐!) (VOLnn!) n=0 ~ 20
Return code (ok) (0,20,nn) n=0~20
(‐40,40,nnn) n=‐40 ~ 40 (‐40,40,nnn) n=‐40 ~ 40 (‐40,40,nnn) n=‐40 ~ 40
(0‐6,0) (0‐6,1) (0‐6,2) (0‐6,3) (0‐6,4) (0‐6,6)
(0‐1,1) (0‐1,0)
(0,20,nn) n=0~20 (0,20,nn) n=0~20 (0,20,nn) n=0~20
Mute Status ? ON OFF ON & return OFF & return
Command (MTE?) (MTE1) (MTE0) (MTE1!) (MTE0!)
Return code (ok) (0‐1,n) n=0,1
Factory Reset execute
Command (RST1)
Return code (ok)
Model Name Status ?
Command (MDL?)
Return code (ok) (x) x = "IN3924", "IN3926"
Firmware Version Status ?
Command (FVS?)
Return code (ok) (nnnn) n="x.xx"
Lamp Eco Hours Status ?
Command (LME?)
Return code (ok) (0‐9999,nnnn) n=lamp hours
Lamp Normal Hours Status ?
Command (LMO?)
Return code (ok) (0‐9999,nnnn) n=lamp hours
Lamp Hours Status ?
Command (LMP?)
Return code (ok) (0‐9999,nnnn) n=lamp hours
Total Eco Hours Status ?
Command (LTE?)
Return code (ok) (0‐9999,nnnn) n=lamp hours
Total Normal Hours Status ?
Command (LTO?)
Return code (ok) (0‐9999,nnnn) n=lamp hours
Total Hours Status ?
Command (LMT?)
Return code (ok) (0‐9999,nnnn) n=lamp hours
Lamp Hours Reset Times Status ?
Command (LMR?)
Return code (ok) (0‐9999,nnnn) n=lamp hours
Lamp Hours Reset Status ?
Command (LRT1)
Return code (ok)
Auto Time Off Status ? Never 5 min 10 min 15 min 20 min
Command (AOT?) (AOT0) (AOT1) (AOT2) (AOT3) (AOT4)
Return code (ok) (0‐6,n) n=0‐6
(0‐1,1) (0‐1,0)
25 min 30 min Never & return 5 min & return 10 min & return 15 min & return 20 min & return 25 min & return 30 min & return
(AOT5) (AOT6) (AOT0!) (AOT1!) (AOT2!) (AOT3!) (AOT4!) (AOT5!) (AOT6!)
Ceiling Set Status ? ON OFF ON & return OFF & return
Command (CEL?) (CEL1) (CEL0) (CEL1!) (CEL0!)
Return code (ok) (0‐1,n) n=0,1
Keypad Status ? Enable Locked Enabled & return Locked & return
Command (KPE?) (KPE1) (KPE0) (KPE1!) (KPE0!)
Return code (ok) (0‐1,n) n=0,1
Max Lamp Life Status ?
Command (LIF?)
Return code (ok) (nnnn) n=lamp hours
Detect Film Status ? ON OFF ON & return OFF & return
Command (TTO?) (TTO1) (TTO0) (TTO1!) (TTO0!)
Return code (ok) (0‐1,n) n=0,1
Menu Location Status ? Upper left Upper right Center Lower Left Lower Right Upper Left & return Upper Right & return Center & return Lower Left & return Lower Right & return
Command (OFF?) (OFF0) (OFF1) (OFF2) (OFF3) (OFF4) (OFF0!) (OFF1!) (OFF2!) (OFF3!) (OFF4!)
Return code (ok) (0‐4,n) n=0‐4
(0‐6,0) (0‐6,1) (0‐6,2) (0‐6,3) (0‐6,4) (0‐6,5) (0‐6,6)
(0‐1,1) (0‐1,0)
(0‐1,1) (0‐1,0)
(0‐1,1) (0‐1,0)
(0‐4,0) (0‐4,1) (0‐4,2) (0‐4,3) (0‐4,4)
Color Temp Status ? Warmest Warm Cool Bright Warmest & return Warm & return Cool & return Bright & return
Command (TMP?) (TMP0) (TMP1) (TMP2) (TMP4) (TMP0!) (TMP1!) (TMP2!) (TMP4!)
Return code (ok) (0‐4,n) n=0‐4
Language Status ? English French German Italian Korean Norwegian Portuguese Russian Simplified Chinese Spanish Traditional Chinese Swedish Dutch Polish Turkish Danish Finnish Vietnamese Indonesian Bahasa English & return French & return German & return Italian & return Korean & return Norwegian & return Portuguese & return Russian & return Simplified Chinese & return Spanish & return Traditional Chinese & return Swedish & return Dutch & return Polish & return Turkish & return
Command (LAN?) (LAN0) (LAN1) (LAN2) (LAN3) (LAN5) (LAN6) (LAN7) (LAN8) (LAN9) (LAN10) (LAN11) (LAN12) (LAN13) (LAN14) (LAN15) (LAN16) (LAN17) (LAN20) (LAN21) (LAN0!) (LAN1!) (LAN2!) (LAN3!) (LAN5!) (LAN6!) (LAN7!) (LAN8!) (LAN9!) (LAN10!) (LAN11!) (LAN12!) (LAN13!) (LAN14!) (LAN15!)
Return code (ok) (0‐21,n) n=0~21
(0‐4,0) (0‐4,1) (0‐4,2) (0‐4,4)
(0‐21,0) (0‐21,1) (0‐21,2) (0‐21,3) (0‐21,5) (0‐21,6) (0‐21,7) (0‐21,8) (0‐21,9) (0‐21,10) (0‐21,11) (0‐21,12) (0‐21,13) (0‐21,14) (0‐21,15)
Danish & return Finnish & return Arabic & return Vietnamese & return Indonesian Bahasa
(LAN16!) (LAN17!) (LAN19!) (LAN20!) (LAN21!)
(0‐21,16) (0‐21,17) (0‐21,19) (0‐21,20) (0‐21,21)
Rear Set Status ? ON OFF ON & return OFF & return
Command (REA?) (REA1) (REA0) (REA1!) (REA0!)
Return code (ok) (0‐1,n) n=0,1
Power Saving Mode Status ? OFF ON OFF & return ON & return
Command (SPS?) (SPS4) (SPS0) (SPS4!) (SPS0!)
Return code (ok) (0‐7,n) n=0,4
(0‐1,1) (0‐1,0)
(0‐7,4) (0‐7,0)