ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ЖЕЛЕЗНОДОРОЖНОГО ТРАНСПОРТА Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Иркутский государственный университет путей сообщения Сибирский колледж транспорта и строительства
БД.03.ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК Учебно-методические указания к практическим занятиям для обучающихся всех специальностей I курса и преподавателей Часть 1
ОДОБРЕНО Цикловой методической комиссией русского языка, культуры речи, литературы, иностранных языков 19 июня 2017 г. Председатель цикловой методической комиссии «Иностранных языков»
/Горовая О.В.
М.А. Ибрагимова, О.В. Горовая
Рецензент: С.А. Корнилова, председатель ДЦК иностранных языков ГБПОУ НО «Иркутский региональный колледж педагогического образования»
Данное учебно-методическое пособие (Часть 1) предназначено для студентов 1х курсов колледжа, изучавших английский язык в школе. Учебно-методическое пособие (Часть 1) составлено в соответствии с требованиями действующей программы по английскому языку и рассчитано на 51 часов аудиторных занятий. Каждая тема состоит из словаря, лексических и грамматических упражнений, текстов, диалогов и послетекстовых упражнений. Работа над языковым материалом начинается с введения и закрепления лексики, а для её активизации предложены различные типы упражнений. В УМП приведен краткий грамматический справочник и таблица неправильных глаголов.
Содержание: 1. Family. Appearance Семья. Внешность………………………………...……….…4 2. Working Day Рабочий день……………………..…………..……………….19 3. Dwelling Квартира……………………………………….......................29 4. Meals Еда…………………………………………………...................40 5. Grammar Грамматический справочник……………………………… 57 6. Список литературы………………………………………….67
Family. Appearance. Семья. Внешность. grandparents grandfather (mother) parents father mother father (mother)-in-low uncle aunt brother sister husband wife spouse children son daughter nephew niece cousin (first cousin) son (daughter)-in-low brother-in-low sister-in-low grandchildren grandson granddaughter godparents godfather (godmother) godchildren godson (goddaughter) stepfather stepmother stepbrother (stepsister) wedding
деды дедушка, бабушка родители папа мама. свёкор, тесть(свекровь, тёща) дядя тётя брат сестра муж жена супруг, супруга дети сын дочь племянник племянница двоюродный брат (сестра) зять (сноха, невестка) зять, шурин, свояк, невестка, золовка внуки внук внучка крёстные крёстный отец (мать) крёстные дети крестник (крестница) отчим мачеха сводный брат (сестра) свадьба, венчание 4
fiancé bride divorce divorce, divorcee unmarried, single man widower (widow) orphan generation baby youth teenager childhood adult folk marriage neck chin eye eyebrow eyelash ear age young middle-aged old build fat thin slim plump medium-build well-build broad-shouldered overweight height medium (average)
жених невеста развод, разводиться разведённый (ая) холостой человек вдовец (вдова) сирота поколение малыш, младенец юноша, юность подросток детство взрослый родня брак, замужество, женитьба шея подбородок глаз бровь ресница ухо возраст молодой средних лет старый телосложение толстый худой стройный пухлый средняя фигура хорошо сложенный широкоплечий очень толстый рост средний рост 5
below average tall short tallish fashionable a blonde a brunette a redhead dark straight wavy curly with plaits in a bun swept back a fringe pony-tail bald high cheekbones high forehead thin (full) lips long (straight) nose turned-up nose a pointed chin double chin beard moustache side-burns clean-shaven a beauty-spot (a mole) with freckles with wrinkles head hair face skin
выше среднего высокий низкий рослый модно одет блондинка брюнетка рыжая тёмная прямые волнистые кудрявые с косами в пучке зачёсаны назад чёлка хвост лысый высокие скулы высокий лоб тонкие (полные) губы длинный (прямой) нос курносый подбородок с ямочкой двойной подбородок борода усы бакенбарды чисто выбритый родинка с веснушками с морщинами голова волосы лицо кожа 6
forehead temple cheek complexion sunburned
лоб висок щека цвет лица загорелый
1 Заполни пропуски правильной формой неопределенного артикля и переведи с английского на русский 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
__bride __adult __spouse __orphan __aunt
6. __niece 7. __widow 8. __eye 9. __wedding 10. __cousin
2 Образуй форму множественного числа данных ниже существительных и переведи с английского на русский ___________ 6.marriage____________ 2.woman _________7.toy________________ 3.baby___________ 8.family______________ 4.boy____________ 9.fiancé ______________ 5.child___________10.wife _______________ 3 Напиши по-английски 16_____________________28_____________________________ 10_____________________82_____________________________ 12_____________________47_____________________________ 506____________________________________________________ 698____________________________________________________ 7
4703___________________________________________________ 23 февраля 1917 _______________________________________________________ к 31 января 1971 _______________________________________________________ в ноябре 1812 _______________________________________________________ 4 Заполни пропуски подходящими по смыслу личными местоимениями 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
How old are you? - _______________ am 19 years old. Who is ___________? - __________ is my friend Anna. Where is George? - ____________________ is at school. Are Julie and Maria sisters? – Yes, ______________ are. Is this your nephew? – Yes, _____________________ is. Are _____ a policeman? – No, ____ am not a policeman. Is Ben a pilot? – Yes, __________________________ is. Where are his parents? - ____________are in the country.
5 Дополни предложения формами глагола to be в настоящем времени 1. I ____ a student of a radio-electronic college. 2. _____ you at the lesson now? – No, we ____ . We ____ at the cinema 3. The Maths home task ___ very difficult. 4. The children ____ in the schoolyard playing football. 5. _____ Sofia in the hospital? – Yes, she___. She ____ ill. 6. They ____ able students. They ____ especially good at Literature. 7. The banks ___ closed after 7 o’clock. 8. ___ I happy to have a new book as a present? Yes, I ___. I love reading. 8
9. They ____ not good friends, they ___ acqaintences. 6 Вставьте определённый или неопределённый артикль, где необходимо. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
My brother goes to __ school on __ foot. ___ night was very dark. We didn’t see ___moon. He drinks____ glass of juice when he feels tired. It helps him. ___ Alps are very beautiful mountains. You must see them. Our train crossed ___ bridge. ___ bridge was very long. ___ Queen of ___ Britain lives in ___ Buckingham Palace. He put ____ sugar into his soup by ___ mistake.
7 Ответь на вопросы 1. What is your nationality? (Japan) I am Japanese. 2. What is their nationality? (the USA) ________________________________________ 3. What is his nationality? (France) ________________________________________ 4. What is her nationality? (Russia) ________________________________________ 5. What is our nationality? (Spain) ________________________________________ 6. What is my nationality? (Greece) ________________________________________ 7. What is his nationality? (Finland) ________________________________________ 8. What is her nationality? (Italy) ________________________________________ 9. What is their nationality? (Poland) ________________________________________ 8 Измени предложения по образцу 1. My brother Steven is 27. I have the 27 years old brother. 9
2. Her uncle Mark is 38. _________________________________________________ 3. Their aunt Helen is 42. ___________________________________________________ 4. Our grandfather Paul is 61. ___________________________________________________ 5. Her twins Tim and Ted are 16. ___________________________________________________ 6. His sister Jane is 9. ___________________________________________________ 9 Дополните предложения, используя have, haven’t, has, hasn’t. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Has Pierre got a beard? No, he _________. _______ Mario and Pierre got brown eyes? _________ . _________ Anna got long hair? __________ . _________ Mario got a beard? ___________ . Anna __________ got brown hair. _____________ Mario and Pierre got fair hair? _________ .
10 Переведи на английский язык 1. Когда ей было 3 года, она пошла в детский сад. ___________________________________________________ 2. Когда ему было 7 лет, он пошел в школу. ___________________________________________________ 3. Когда нам было 18 лет, мы поступили в институт. ___________________________________________________ 4. Когда ей было 24 года, она вышла замуж. ___________________________________________________ 5. Когда ему было 31 год, он купил квартиру. ___________________________________________________ 6. Когда ему было 50 лет, он ушел на пенсию(to be retired). ___________________________________________________ 10
11 Изучи границы возраста для следующих возрастных групп 0 -1 - a baby (babyhood) 2 -13 - a child (childhood) 13 – 19 - a teenager (the teenage years) 20- 45 - an adult (adulthood) 45 – 60 - a middle-aged person (middle age) after 60 - an old person (old age) 12 Назови возраст твоих родственников или знакомых, и определи, к какой возрастной группе они относятся 1.
My sister's husband is thirty three. He is an adult.
13 Закончи предложения 1. Daughter of your brother or sister __________________ 2. Mother of your wife or husband ________________________ 3. Brother of your mother or father _______________ 4. One of two children born at the same time to the same mother_________________ 5. Son of your brother or sister_____________________________ 6. Daughter of your grandson or granddaughter _______________ 7. The group of relatives is ___________________________ 8. Your mother’s sister is your________________________ 9. Mother of your mother or father________________________ 14 Поделись мыслями по данным пословицам. Что они 11
означают. > A friend in need is a friend indeed. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ > Land your money and lose your fiend. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 15 Дай полные ответы на вопросы анкеты When were you born? _____________________________________________________ Where were you born? _____________________________________________________ What type of school did you finish? _____________________________________________________ Where is this school situated? _____________________________________________________ Have you got a family? _____________________________________________________ What persons does your family consist of? _____________________________________________________ What is your favorite kind of sport? _____________________________________________________ What are you interested in? _____________________________________________________ What do you want to be? _____________________________________________________ 16 Распредели данные ниже слова по группам. Используя данные слова, составь предложения well-built, left-handed, clean-shaven, straight-haired, blue-eyed good-looking, broad-shouldered, medium-length Clothes: ______________________________________________ Face: 12
______________________________________________ Body: ______________________________________________ 17 Прочитай и переведи с английского на русский отрывки из писем. Подчеркни глаголы и определи их вид и время 1. “… I’m thirteen. I’m very tall for my age. Some people think I’m eighteen. They call me “Bean-pole” and I don’t like it.” 2. “… I’m twelve and I’m very fat, and have been since I was ten. I want to be 55 kg and then I can go to discos and enjoy myself. Can you help me, please? my mother likes me the way I am.” 3. “…I think I’m fat. My friend says I’m not. But when I go shopping with my friend, all the nice things fit HER but not ME. Why don’t they make nice clothes in bigger sizes?” 4. “… I’m a fourteen year old boy and I’m very much below the average height for my age. I look like an eleven-year-old. What can I do?” 18 Прочитай и переведи с английского на русский ответы на письма. Подчеркни прилагательные и определи их степени сравнения. Соотнеси каждое письмо с ответом 1_____ 2_____ 3_____ 4_____ A) “Don’t worry, remember that you don’t stop growing until you are 21. How tall are your parents? Tall parents usually have tall children. Short parents have short children. But boys are almost always 12 to 15 cm taller then their mothers when they stop growing. However, some people are always shorter (or taller) than the average. But remember you can always feel taller. Here are two suggestions: speak in a louder voice than normal; look people in the eye and smile when you meet them.” B) “Try different shops. Many shops do have larger clothes. In many ways you are lucky. Shops usually sell the average sizes first.” C) “Don’t worry if you’re taller than your friends. Teenagers grow at different times. Later, you may want to be taller!” 13
D) “Your mum is right. It doesn’t matter how heavy you are. You are still the same person. But she can help you lose weight. I’m sending you a diet sheet and a weight chart. Show them to her and plan your meals together. Also, try taking more exercise like walking or riding a bicycle.” 19 Ответь на вопросы 1. 2. 3. 4.
How can you lose weight? How can you feel taller? How can you find larger clothes? When do you stop growing?
20 Прочитай и переведи диалог Betty: Hi, Natta! It’s Betty. I received your letter and your photo. Natta: Hi! I'm very glad. I'm looking forward to your photo. Betty: Certainly! My mother and father say you are very pretty. Natta: Thanks! What do you do? What's your hobby? Betty: I'm a sophomore. I'm 19. I study marketing and advertising at the college. My father wants me to help him in the future. He has a small business. It's bistro. He works a lot. My mother is a doctor. She is to work hard too. She reads much. So my parents are very busy people. They have reached much in their 40-s. To be correct my mother is 39 and my father is three years older. As for me I like my future profession but I want to find an interesting job in some successful firm. I'm sending my photo. Natta: Betty, my brother Oleg is here. He is also a student. He studies law at the university. He wanders if you have a boy-friend. Betty: Aha!! Good question! I have some friends but I haven't any close one. Natta: I've received your photo. My brother says he has never seen such beautiful golden hair and blue eyes like two deep lakes. You see, I've never thought that my brother is a poet. Betty: Oh! I'm so confused! You are lucky, Natta, you have a brother, I’m alone in my family though there is one poor thing who 14
needs some kindness. I mean my dog - a terrier Rocky. Natta: Well! I'm not sure it's good to have a noisy brother. I'm 18 and my brother is 21. He thinks if he is older, so he is cleverer than I am. He is constantly trying to teach me something since my childhood. You see, my father is an engineer and he often goes for business trips. And my mother is busy and tired. So all my life was "poisoned" by his care, his friends, his moralizing, his "Yes" and "No". In spite of everything I love my family. Betty: So do me. But my family can have very little time to spend together. But I have some friends thanks Internet. I like to chat with them, to send visual presents. Natta: Well, I see. Good for you. Notes blue eyes like - голубые глаза как ... a sophomore (a second year student) - студент второкурсник as for - что касается in spite of - не смотря на...
21 Ответь на вопросы 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What does Betty study? How old are Betty's parents? What is Betty's pet? What are the members of Natta's family? What does Oleg do?
22 Используя картинку и диалог, расскажи о членах семьи Натты
23 Прочитай и переведи с английского на русский 1. People from countries such as Denmark, Norway and Sweden are usually tall with fair hair, blue eyes and a pale complexion. 2. Most people in Mediterranean countries, such as Italy, Spain, and Greece, are rather short. They have usually black or dark brown hair, brown eyes and light brown skin. 3. Most people from central and southern parts of Africa have black curly hair and very dark skin. They have also dark brown eyes, full lips and a wide, flattish nose. 4. People from Arab countries such as Iraq and Libya have usually dark hair and dark brown eyes. They have also dark skin. 5. The northern Chinese are quite short, with thick black hair and dark, slanting eyes. They have a small nose and a yellowish complexion. 24 Дополни предложения 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
People from ____________ are taller than __________________ Most people from ____________ are shorter than ____________ _____________________ are short. People from ____________________________ have dark skin. People from _______ haven’t so dark skin as people from ______
25 Прочитай и переведи с английского на русский The Importance of Family In Western Europe and the USA, family life has changed dramatically over the last forty years. The number of families that depend on most parents going out to work, or where there is one parent raising the children alone, is much greater than it used to be. Also, many more people move away from their families than 16
ever before. Despite these changes, most people still think of their family as one of the most significant parts of their lives. A recent American survey showed that most people think that spending time at home is more important than earning a high salary or having a challenging job. The majority of young people surveyed said that they would be happy to earn less money if they had more time to spend with their loved ones. Older people also commented that they had worked too hard in the past when they should have been with their families. Even if the typical family doesn’t follow the traditional model today, it is still a vital part of our lives. 26 Ответь на вопросы 1. 2. 3. 4.
How has changed family life in the USA and Western Europe? What did a recent American survey show? What did most people say about the family? What is more important, in your opinion, to be with your family more time or to earn a high salary, spending much time at your job?
27 Прочитай и переведи с английского на русский A fairy-tale princess It was like a fairy-tale when the beautiful young girl married the Prince and became the Princess of Wales. Unlike a fairy-tale, the happiness soon ended, but Diana was still The People’s Princess. Diana Frances Spencer was born on 1 st July 1961, in Norfolk, England. Her father was Earl Spencer. She had two older sisters and a younger brother. Her parents divorced when she was a young girl. As a child, Diana studied at a boarding school in Kent. She continued her education in Switzerland. When she returned to England she worked as a nanny in London. Diana married Prince Charles in July 1981, at St Paul’s Cathedral in London. People around the world watched her wedding on 17
television. Charles and Diana had two sons, William and Harry. Diana was very popular. The British loved her for her kindness and beauty. They called her “The People’s Princess” because she cared so much about sick and poor people all over the world. She once said, “I see myself as a princess for the world, not the princess of Wales.” Reporters were always around her. She was their favorite person. But Diana’s life wasn’t as happy as it appeared. She and Charles had problems with their marriage. They finally divorced in August, 1996. Diana continued to travel around the world and help those in need. But her life was short – she died in a car accident on 31 st August 1997, in Paris. She was only thirty-six years old. 28 Ответь на вопросы 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
When and where was Diana born? Where did she study? How many children did she have? Why was she popular? Was her life as happy as it appeared? When and where did she die?
Working Day. Рабочий день. просыпаться умываться делать зарядку завтракать обедать ужинать выходной будни каникулы принимать душ пить чай готовить еду стирать утюжить прибирать дом выносить мусор свободное время ходить за покупками расписание перерыв идти спать ранняя пташка отдыхать посещать тренировки просматривать проводить, тратить никогда иногда обычно часто всегда болтать мыть, убирать
wake up wash oneself do morning exercises have breakfast have lunch, have dinner have supper weekend week days holidays take a shower have tea cook the meals do washing do ironing clean the house empty the rubbish free time go shopping time-table break go to bed an early bird have a rest attend trainings look through spend never sometimes usually often always chatter clean 19
trendy outfit ансамбль, комплект одежды invitation приглашение 1 Составь предложения по образцу о рабочем дне Генри 7.30 – get up Henry gets up at seven thirty. 8.15 – have breakfast 9.00 – write a test 10.30 – phone his friend 11.00 – have lunch 12.00 – play tennis 13.20 – work in Internet 15.00 – have dinner 17.40 – watch TV 23.35 – go to bed 2 Напиши что ты обычно делаешь в указанное время 6.25 – 7.45 – 8.30 – 12.00 – 15. 20 – 18.00 – 19.10 – 21.30 – 23.50 – 3 Заполни пропуски наречиями, подходящими по смыслу 0% never
100% sometimes
usually often
1. In the evenings I_______________ watch television for about two hours. 2. On Sundays I _________________ go to school. 3. After school I _________________ listen to music. 20
4. At weekends I _________________play basketball or football. 5. From Monday to Friday I ______________have lunch at home. 6. I ___________________ buy sweets and fizzy drinks. 7. At weekends I ______________ get up at 7.00 a.m. 8. On Saturdays I ______________ play computer games. 9. I ___________________ read comics in bed. 10. I _______________ spend my pocket-money on chewing-gum. 4 Переведи список того, что Натта делала вчера 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
At 8.45 she was having breakfast. At 9.45 she was chattering the phone. At 12.00 she was cleaning her flat. At 13.30 she was having lunch. At 15.30 she was washing some clothes. At 18.00 she was playing computer games.
5 Напиши, что ты делал в указанный момент, используй глаголы в Past Progressive 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
At 7.30 I__________________________________________ At 11.00 I ________________________________________ At 17.00 I_________________________________________ At 20.00 I ________________________________________ At 24.00 I ________________________________________
6 Выбери подходящий по смыслу предлог 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
I’m usually awake (at/ on) 6:35 a.m (in/on) weekdays. I’m at work (from/at) 8:00 (in/on) the morning. I work (at/from) 8:00 (to/till) 4:30 (at/in) the afternoon. Then I’m on the training (in/from) 6:00 (till/to) 9:30 (at/in) night. (at/on) the weekends, I’m very lazy. I’m still in bed (at/from) 10:00 a.m.
7 Ответь на вопросы 21
1. What is he doing now? (to phone Jane) He is phoning Jane now. 2. What are you doing now? (to do test) ____________________________________________________ 3. What is your mother doing now? (to cook dinner) ____________________________________________________ 4. What are your friends doing now? (to dance) ____________________________________________________ 5. What is his dog doing now? (to bark) ____________________________________________________ 8 Заполни пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках употребив их в Present Simple или Present Progressive 1. Jim usually _____________________ (wake up) late on Sundays. 2. I _________________________ (play) tennis at the moment. 3. Sheila _____________________ (listen) to music in her free time. 4. The sun usually _____________________ (shine) in the summer. 5. We __________________ (make) a snowman at the moment. 6. The children _______________________ (swim) now. 7. She __________________ (go) on a picnic every day. 9 Исправь ошибки, допущенные в употреблении видовременных форм глаголов 1. Bill are having a shower at the moment. __________________________________________________ 2. They decorates the Christmas tree now. __________________________________________________ 3. Joy watch TV every afternoon. __________________________________________________ 4. They sleeps at the moment. __________________________________________________ 5. We usually goes on holidays in July. ___________________________________________________ 6. I am liking working in the garden in the Sunday afternoons. 22
___________________________________________________ 10 Изучи план рабочей недели бизнесмена на следующую неделю. Напиши, что он собирается делать, употребляя глаголы в Future Progressive 1. MONDAY Fly to Paris 7 p.m. He will be flying to Paris at 7p.m. on Monday. 2. TUESDAY Visit the Eiffel Tower 2 p.m. ____________________________________________________ 3. WEDNESDAY Make a record with Den 7 a.m. ____________________________________________________ 4. THURSDAY Have dinner with the Boss 8 p.m. ____________________________________________________ 5. FRIDAY Fly home 7 a.m. ____________________________________________________ 6. SATTURDAY Do nothing! ____________________________________________________ 7. SUNDAY Have a rest! ____________________________________________________ 11 Дай полные ответы на вопросы 1. Can you get up very early? _________________________________________________ 2. Must you do your lessons every day? _________________________________________________ 3. May you watch TV late in the evening? ________________________________________________ 4. Must your friend help you at the lesson? ________________________________________________ 5. Can he spend his free time with his friends? ________________________________________________ 6. Must they attend basketball trainings according to the timetable? ___________________________________________ 23
12 Это список дел, которые Генри собирался сделать. Напиши, что он сделал (√), а что нет Things to do 1. wash the car √ 2. tidy the house 3. water the plants √ 4. write a letter to Shirley 5. phone Mum 6. clean the kitchen √ 7. do the ironing 8. go to the supermarket 9. make bread √ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
He washed the car. He didn’t tidy the house, but he must do it. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
13 Допиши слова в диалоге Helen: Hello! C _ _ I speak to Natta, please? Natta: Speaking. Helen: It’s H _ _ _ _ here. What a_ _ y_ _ d_ _ _ _ this evening? Natta: N_ _ _ _ _ _. I haven’t g_ _ any p_ _ _ _. Helen: Sh_ _ _ we g_ to the c_ _ _ _ _ ? Natta: W _ _ _ is on? Helen: A comedy! Natta: G _ _ _ idea! L _ _’s g_! Helen: C _ _ _ to my house at 6.30. Natta: See y_ _ then. B _ _! 24
Helen: Goodbye! 14 Составь диалоги, используя данные ниже фразы A Let’s go and see (name of film) Shall we go and play (name of play) Why don’t we go and watch (name of team) go to swimming-pool go to gym
this week. tomorrow. after lessons today.
B What a good idea. What time do you want to meet? or I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m going to (do my homework, see my grand mother, clean the flat,…) 15 Исправь смысловые ошибки и переведи текст на русский язык 21 December 1900 This morning Queen Victoria was waken up by her mobile alarm clock. She looked through the Internet news. She had breakfast and watched morning television. She got into her car and drove to the station. The train left at 10.00 from London airport. She telephoned Buckingham Palace while she waited for her flight to America. 16 Прочитай и переведи текст с английского на русский. Составь вопросы к каждому предложению в тексте, начиная с предложенных слов Dramarama is a special school. It teaches drama and music. Normal lessons start at 9.00 a.m. They finish at 4.00 p.m.
Is_______________________ What____________________ What time _______________ When ___________________ 25
After school, the boys and girls learn drama and music for 1 ½ hours. They sing, dance, act, and play musical instruments. In the evenings they do their homework. Robert plays the piano and the guitar. On Saturday he plays in a jazz band. On Sunday he plays basketball.
How long ________________
Do______________________ What ___________________ Who ____________________ Does ___________________ When ___________________
17 Дополни письмо, употребляя глаголы в скобках в отрицательной форме Past Simple. Переведи текст на русский язык. Измени и напиши это письмо таким образом, чтобы события, происходившие во время каникул, вызывали положительные эмоции Dear Alex, I’m back from my holiday with Aunt Mabel. It was terrible! Aunt Mabel _________ (want) to go to the beach. She wanted to visit museums all the time! I hated that. There _________ (be) any interesting things to look at. The weather _________ (be) very good either. The sun _________ (shine) and it rained a lot. I __________ (see) any of my friends. There were two cinemas but I ____________ (have) any money and Aunt Mabel ___________ (give) me any! It _________ (be) a very good holiday and I’m pleased to be home. See you soon. Nick. 18 Прочитай и переведи с английского на русский My day 26
Yesterday was a hard day for Dima Yaroslavtsev. He stood up too late and didn’t have his breakfast. He went to college and remembered that he had left his pencil case at home. Besides, he said some unpleasant words to his friend and offended him. “Misfortunes never come alone,” thought Dima when he came home, “the day is spoiled.” Today Dima’s father, Sergey Vassilievich, got up a quarter to seven and did his bed. Then he took a shower, brushed his teeth, dressed and packed his briefcase for work. “Have you brushed your teeth?” he asked his son. “Yes, I have done it. I’m also ready. Let’s go and have breakfast.” The day was very good for Dima. He came to college in time, and he was ready to answer any question the teacher asked. Today he had the classes of mathematics, Russian, English and physics. It was very difficult to study because there were many new things. But the textbooks were good, and the tasks were clear. His groupmate Igor didn’t study maths well at school, so he didn’t understand the new material. But the teacher patiently explained, and everybody understood the task. After classes, the students went to different hobby groups. Dima is fond of computers, so he went to programming club. There are ten students in the club besides him. Today the topic was cycles. At home, Dima rewrote one of the programs and inserted a cycle there. After the club, Dima went home and had dinner. All the family was together, except father, who was still at the plant. They discussed the events of the day. After dinner, Dima had a rest, did his homework, read books from the college library. Then his college friends phoned him and called him for a walk. When he came back, he had supper, got ready for the next day and went to bed. This time, he was satisfied with his day and decided to plan it carefully in the future.
19 Ответь на вопросы 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
When do you usually get up? When do the lessons at college start? When do you have lunch? When do you come home after classes? When do you start doing your homework? When do you go to bed? Do you have much free time?
20. Вставь предлоги или отглагольные наречия 1. Yesterday was a very hard day __ Dima Yaroslavtsev. 2. He stood __ too late. 3. He went __ college and remembered that he had left his pencil case __ home. 4. Today Dima’s father, Sergey Vasilievich, got __ __ a quarter __ seven, did his bed, took a shower, brushed his teeth, dressed and packed his briefcase __ work. 5. He came __ college __ time, and he was ready to answer any question the teacher asked. 6. Igor didn’t study maths well __ school. 7. Dima is fond __ computers, so he went __ the programming club. 8. There are ten students __ the club __ him. 9. His college friends phoned him and called him __ a walk. 10. This time, he was satisfied __ his day and decided to plan it carefully __ the future. 20 Прочитай и переведи с английского на русский Bob Ellis, 29 is a dolphin trainer. “I like my job a lot because I love working with animals”, he says. Bob is an early bird. His day starts at five o’clock in the morning. He gets up, has a shower, and then he dresses. After breakfast, at about six o’clock, he catches a bus to work. He arrives at the 28
aquarium at a half past six and feeds the dolphins. After that, they practice for the show until lunchtime. Bob has a brake for lunch from half past twelve till half past one, and then the show starts. At five o’clock in the afternoon, he feeds the dolphins again and then he goes home. In the evening Bob usually watches TV. He doesn’t go out during the week because he goes to bed early. And what does Bob do in his free time? He loves going for a long walks in the countryside with his dog, Jack. Bob also likes swimming at the pool, but he never swims in the sea because he’s afraid of sharks! “I feel very satisfied with my life at the moment”, says Bob. “I’ve got a great job and I enjoy my free time. Who could ask for more?” 21 Ответь на вопросы 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Does Bob like his job? Why is his job tiring? What does Bob do in the morning/ afternoon/ evening? What does Bob do in his free time? How does Bob feel about his life?
Dwelling. Квартира. особняк многоквартирный дом коттедж квартира балкон крыша погреб, подвал окно жалюзи крыльцо этаж пол потолок лестница стена дверь коридор прихожая гардероб кабинет столовая гостиная спальня детская смежные комнаты кухня туалет водопровод отопительная система плита мусоропровод забор, изгородь ворота, калитка
detached house block of flats cottage flat balcony roof cellar window blind, window shade porch floor, storey floor ceiling stairs wall door passage, corridor hall, hallway cloak-room study dining room living room bedroom nursery communicating rooms kitchen lavatory, toilet running water central heating system stove refuse chute fence gate 30
гараж двор беседка вешалка (крюк) для одежды зеркало комод ковер входная дверь замок ключ ручка глазок счётчик электроэнергии стена с обоями побеленная стена мебель мягкая мебель мебельная стенка письменный стол стул кресло диван книжный шкаф книжная полка камин торшер бра кровать двуспальная кровать гардероб тумбочка у кровати табурет туалетный столик палас прикроватный коврик одеяло
garage yard pergola coat rack (hook) hall mirror chest of drawers carpet front door door lock key door handle spyhole electricity meter papered wall whitewashed wall furniture upholstered furniture wall unit desk chair armchair sofa, settee bookcase bookshelf fireplace floor lamp wall lamp bed double bed wardrobe bedside cabinet dressing stool dressing table fitted carpet bedside rug blanket 31
матрас подушка постельное бельё занавеска ванна душ унитаз биде стиральная машина аптечка микроволновка холодильник морозильная камера раковина посудом. машина буфет табурет стол мусорное ведро тостер миксер меблированная двойное остекление кондиционер хорошо оборудованный сигнализация, охрана расположен в центре жилой массив в пригороде на задворках раздельный пылесос
mattress pillow bed-clothes, linen curtain bath shower toilet pam, bowl bidet washing machine medicine cabinet microwave oven refrigerator, fridge freezer sink dishwashing machine cupboard stool kitchen table waste bin toaster mixer fully-furnished double glazing air conditioning fully-equipped security system centrally located residential area in the suburbs on the outskirts isolated vacuum cleaner
1.Подбери по 3 прилагательных к каждому существительному и составь с каждым словосочетанием предложения 32
door front door: You enter the house through the front door. wooden door: In my house there is no any wooden door._ small door: In her room leads too small door._ roof, window, staircase, furniture 2.Напиши какие из данных приспособлений есть в вашем доме refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, electric heater, washing machine, microwave, air conditioner, hairdryer, dishwasher, cooker 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I have refrigerator in the kitchen. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
3.Составь словосочетания и напиши предложения по образцу built-in central fitted double entrance private security 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
system hall glazing wardrobes carpet parking heating
There are(not) built-in wardrobes in our house. ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
4.Задай вопросы и ответь на них по образцу 33
1. pictures/wall? Are there any pictures on the wall? Yes, there are. There are some pictures on the wall. 2. table/sofa? 3. armchair/fireplace? 4. magazines/table? 5. plants/sofa? 6. cushions/sofa? 7. fireplace/mirror? 8. posters/wall? 9. fridge/living-room? 10. vases/table? 5.Составь вопросы, начиная со слов данных в скобках 1. То the right of the window in her cozy room there is a bookcase. (Where___________________________________________________?) 2. Our living-room isn't large but light. (What___________________________________________________?) 3. The dressing table is near the window. (Is____________________________________________________________?) 4. The thick carpet covers the floor in his room. (Does_______________or___________________________________?) 6.Употреби прилагательные в нужной форме 1. This room is (small) than all the rooms in the house.___________ 2. Our house is (low) than yours. ___________ 3. The new hotel is (modern) building in our town. ___________ 4. This house is (old) that one. ___________ 5. Your house is not so (new) as mine. ___________ 6. Her room is as (light) as his. ___________ 7.Прочитай рекламы, затем выпиши и распредели термины на 2 группы Inside (внутри дома) – Outside (вне дома) 34
FOR RENT 3-bedroomed semi-detached house, Paddington. Large lounge/dining room with fireplace, entrance hall, modern fitted kitchen, attic, central heating, built-in wardrobes. Garage and driveway. Large front garden with shared fence and pool. Close to shops and public transport. Available for long let. $500 per month. Contact Mrs Wilson Tel: 020 8360 7289 FOR SALE $499,986 Golders Green, London. A superb first-floor 2-bedroomed flat. Fully-furnished with a large balcony, double glazing and air conditioning. Fully-equipped kitchen and modern security system. Minutes from tube station. Full details at Primary Properties: 020 8731 6889 Inside:_ Outside:_ 8.Прочитай текст и выпиши данные под следующими заголовками FOR RENT $180/month Address: 6, Shell Street, Canterbury This attractive flat is in a quiet street near the city centre. It is rather small, but it is in a very pleasant area. It is also very cheap. It has got a pretty bedroom, a bathroom with a shower and a toilet, a modern kitchen with a cooker, a dishwasher and a fridge, and a comfortable living-room. The flat has also got a big balcony with a wonderful view. There is a large garage behind the building. Type of Home Location Cost Size Inside the House/Flat (Rooms, Furniture etc) Outside the House/Flat 9.Составь рекламу вашего дома. Укажи сдаётся или продаётся он, что это за дом, сколько он стоит, какие особые 35
приспособления есть в нём, укажи номер телефона 10.Составь описание комнат, изображенных на картинке
11.Прочитай текст и заполни пропуски предлогами next to, on, behind, under This is Jenny’s bedroom. It’s nice and spacious with a carpet……the floor. There is a very comfortable bed with a pillow……it. There are two windows….. the bed. There is a lamp….the bed. Jenny’s desk is quite modern. There is a chair ……it and some magazines … Jenny has got some pictures and a poster…….the walls. There is also a bedside table……the poster. Jenny likes her bedroom a lot. 12.Дополни предложения, используя подходящие слова и фразы. Central heating, washing machine, in brown colour, at a loss, a lampshade, chute, a garden and an orchard, wardrobes, modern conveniences, cosy, block of flats, in fashion, the left-hand corner, dish-washer, the outskirts 1. The family lives in a new ___________ on ___________ of Moscow. 36
2. Our country house doesn’t have ____________________ . 3. Most English houses don’t have ________________ and in winter it is cold in them. 4. In the kitchen we have a ______________ but we don’t have a ______________ . 5. The _______________ is to carry rubbish down. 6. They want to build a new house with _______________ around it. 7. In my study everything is ______________ . 8. The wall units are not ______________ now. Everybody prefers built-in _____________ . 9. Our living-room is small , but in spite of it, it is very ___________________ . 10. There is a small round table with a music centre in _____________ of the bedroom. 13.Поставь глаголы в правильную форму и переведи текст. British Homes There (to be) 22 million homes in Britain – big homes and small homes, old cottages and new buildings, houses and flats. Many British people (to love) old houses. They also (to love) gardening, and there (to be) gardens everywhere you go: in towns, villages and in the country. Two thirds of families in Britain (to own) their houses. Millions of these houses (to be) the same with two or three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, dining room and kitchen downstairs. There (to be) a great many different kinds of homes in Britain, but there (to be) not enough! It (to be) often very difficult for young people to find a home when they (to want) to start a family. British homes (to be) usually smaller than American homes. But like Americans, different generations usually (not to live) in the same house. 14.Переведи с английского на русский 37
Mike rents an apartment (or a flat as they say in Britain) in a modern 15-storey building not far from his office. It is very convenient because he can walk there. It takes him not more than 7 minutes. His flat which looks on Regent’s Park, is on the 12th floor, so Mike can see all the park, London Zoo and the Planetarium from his window. Though the flat is small, it is quite comfortable for one person to live in: it has a living-room, a well-equipped modern kitchen and bathroom with a shower. It has got no central heating but it is rather warm. There is only one problem: the flat is too noisy, because there is a disco on the ground floor and music goes on quite late every night. So no wonder Mike is going to find a new flat away from the noise. 15.Выпиши из текста английские эквиваленты недалеко от ___________________________________________ очень удобный ________________________________________ достаточно для одного __________________________________ хорошо-оборудованная __________________________________ довольно теплая ________________________________________ 16.Ответь на вопросы по тексту 1. What advantages has Mike’s apartment? 2. What is the main disadvantage of Mike’s apartment? 17.Переведи с английского на русский So Many Men so Many Minds Alexander’s family has a flat in a new block of flats on the outskirts of Moscow. Their flat is on the fourth floor. Alexander’s foreign friends – Peter, Jane and Nora – are now in Moscow. At the weekend they come to Alexander to have a look at his new flat. Alexander welcomes them on the landing. He shows them all the 38
modern conveniences: central heating, running hot and cold water, electricity, gas, the internet, two lifts and a chute to carry rubbish down, as well as three rooms, a kitchen and a balcony. Peter is a future designer. He gives alexander a piece of advice to change the wallpaper colours in his bedroom and rearrange some pieces of furniture. Peter says: “Look! It would be right to put the bookcase closer to the right-hand corner. I think your wallpaper should be pink.” Jane is not a designer. She is a sociology student, but she she has good taste. Jane likes Alexander’s library with a lot of English and Russian books, the cozy kitchen and the paintings on the walls. But Jane doesn’t like the carpet on the floor. “It is not in fashion now”, she explains to Alex. As for the wallpaper colours in Alex’s room, Jane prefers them in green. Alexander is at a loss. He looks at the wallpaper in his room and at the carpet on the floor. Whose advice to follow? 18. Какие из данных утверждений верные, а какие неверные. 1. Alexander’s pen friends are now in Moscow. 2. At the weekend alexander meets them at the metro station. 3. He shows them a rich collection fo English and Russian books. 4. Peter likes Alexander’s library and pictures on the walls. 5. Jane is not a designer but she works for a building company. 6. Jane thinks that alexander does not follow fashion trends. 7. She recommends Alexander to change the wallpaper in the living-room 8. Jane prefers it in pink. 9. Peter thinks it is better to move the bookcase. 10. Alex is ready to follow his advice. ТЕКСТЫ ДЛЯ ЧТЕНИЯ There’s No Place Like Home Home, sweet homely home! The English like their home. They enjoy 39
its quiet pleasures, its sweet familiar atmosphere. Home means one’s country when one is abroad; home means one’s family; home means a country’s independence. Home is the residence, the dwelling, the house, home is everything! That is why the English are far away from their homeland they do their best to preserve the ways of Home Life: in food, in dress, in manners, in everything as far as possible. And they like to say, “There’s no place like home”. Do you agree?
A House of Their Own Ann to Mavis My dear Mavis, Our new house has its roof on now, so Jack and I are getting very excited about it. We’re busy choosing furniture. Luckily we have wardrobes built in, and even a sideboard, so we haven’t to spend a fortune. We haven’t a fortune to spend. I’d very much like your advice about curtains and rugs. I’m sure you know much better than I do what colour schemes would look well. Could you spare a few hours one Sunday next month to go out to Park Green with us and look at the house? You’d want to know what colour the walls are before thinking about curtains and rugs, wouldn’t you? The inside decoration will be finished early next month. Jack tells me he is going to write to David about the garden. Yours Ann. Mavis To Ann My dear Ann, Of course I’d be delighted to help you, if you think my advice useful, in choosing curtains and rugs. It’ll be almost as exciting as choosing them for my own house. You are lucky having a house built for you: David and I will probably have to wait five years before we can marry, unless we can get a building society to help us. I’m very fond of reds – they make a room look warm. Blues and 40
greens are rather cold colours, don’t you think? Yellows and creams are good for walls, but not very suitable for rugs. I’m very much looking forward to seeing the house. Do let me know when the inside decoration is finished, and we’ll fix a date. I hope David can join us, though he’s not really an expert gardener. Yours Mavis
Meals. Еда. meal toast marmalade strong (weak, middling) tea elevenses
meat (beef, veal, pork, mutton) steak chop (cutlet, rissoles) roast-beef roast chicken to fry fried fish (meat) Yorkshire pudding
(potato) chips high tea tastes differ To feel (to be) hungry To feel (to be) (thirsty) I could eat a horse. dish
еда хлеб, нарезанный ломтиками и подрумяненный на огне густое повидло, джем, обычно из апельсинов и лимонов крепкий (жидкий, средней крепости) чай небольшой перерыв около 11 часов утра для лёгкого завтрака (чашка кофе с бутербродом) мясо (говядина, телятина, свинина, баранина) кусок мяса или рыбы для жаренья отбивная котлета (из свинины или баранины) ростбиф жареный цыплёнок жарить (в масле, на сковороде) жареная рыба, (мясо) Йоркширский пудинг (взбитое тесто, запечённое в форме и подаваемое с жареным мясом) тонко нарезанный сырой картофель, поджаренный в масле плотный ужин (холодные закуски и чай) о вкусах не спорят хотеть есть хотеть пить Я мог бы съесть целую лошадь. блюдо (тарелка, миска, кушанье) 42
course Нelp yourself to …. Have another helping of… What shall I help (treat) you to? Enjoy your meal! lack salt menu-card tinned (canned) fruit stewed fruit
блюдо (часть обеда, ужина) Возьмите….. Возьмите ещё… Чем вас угостить? Приятного аппетита! не хватает соли меню консервированные фрукты, компот компот из сухих и свежих фруктов
1 Выбери правильный вариант, обращая внимание на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
I’m going to buy new sunglass / sunglasses. He’s going to order some fish / fishes. They are going to cook some coffee / coffees. His hair / hairs is fair. He’s got much information / informations about his travel. They gave us some advice / advices.
2 Перепиши исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные в 2 столбика и переведи их. Time, water, machine, music, snow, word, coffee, money, idea, knowledge, sea, hour, tree, silver, meat, happiness, information, speed, book, news, house, milk, pen, paper, clothes, pictures, air. 3 Напиши следующие существительные во множественном числе и добавь артикли “a”, “an”или неопределённое местоимение “some”. 1. ………….cheese 2. ………….apple 3. ..…………sugar
10. …………..banana 11…………….onion 12……….........sandwich 43
4. …………..fruit 13 …………….bread 5. …………..salad 14……….…...chocolate cake 6. ………… 15. …………..apricot 7. …………..tomato 16. …………..carrot 8. …………..egg 17. ………… 9. …………..spaghetti 18. …………..hotdog 4 Подчеркни выделенное слово, подходящее по контексту. 1. How much/many biscuits would you like? 2. There isn’t many/much sugar in this tea. 3. How many/much chocolates did you eat? 4. I didn’t use many/much eggs to make the omelette. 5. There isn’t many/much milk left. 6. How many/much hot dogs would you like? 7. You didn’t put many/much salt in the soup. 8. How many/much sugar do you need? 9. There isn’t many/much lettuce in this salad. 10. We haven’t got many/much wine in the party. 5.Исправь ошибки в следующих предложениях. 1. There aren’t much carrots left. many 2. There are any eggs in the fridge. 3. There is a few tea left in the teapot. 4. Would you like a apple? 5. Is there many cheese left? 6. Do you want an hamburger? 7. How much oranges do you need? 8. There are a little grapes left in the fridge. 9. Are there some olives on the pizza? 10. Would you like some doughnut? 6Дополни предложения с much, a little, many, a few, few. 1. There are _____ boys in our group and ____ girls. 2. We are thirsty! – It’s a problem! There is ____ water. 44
3. There is _____ cheese in the fridge. It’s not enough for the salad. 4. There are _____ people at the stadium. Because it has been raining all day. 5. There isn’t _____ snow in the yard. 6. There is ____ food in the kitchen. We can’t feed our guests. 7. This disc has only ____ good songs I don’t want to buy it. 8. My younger brother likes to go to the kindergarten. There are _______ toys there. 9. There is _____ furniture in my parent’s bedroom: a bed, built-in wardrobe and two bedside tables. 10. I want to knit a short jacket. I don’t need ____ wool yarn for it. 7 Добавь разделительные вопросы к следующим предложениям переведи предложения на русский язык . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
You always have your breakfast at home The tea is too weak Kate seldom takes fish at all It’s high time to have supper They are having tea You are going to take steak for the second course The chips lack salt
8. Переведи на русский язык вопросы и дай ответы по образцу: 1. Where is my cup? Here (there) it is. Here (there) in your cup. 2. Have the napkins been put out? Here they are. Here are the napkins. 3. Where are the oranges you have bought? ___________________ ____________________________________________________ 4. Where can I find the salt-cellar? __________________________ ____________________________________________________ 45
5. Has the dessert been brought?____________________________ ____________________________________________________ 6. Have the vegetables been cooked? ________________________ ____________________________________________________ 7. Where is the salad? ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 8. Where have you put the knives? __________________________ ____________________________________________________ 9 Ответь на воросы. 1. At what time does she have breakfast? ______ ______
2. Where do you have your dinner? ___ 3. What do you usually take for the first and second course?
____________ 4. What kind of soup do you prefer? 5. What fruit do you prefer? ______ 6. How many meals a day have you? ______ 7. Who washes up the dishes in your family? ______ 10. Поставь к следующим предложениям вопросы: общие, специальные, альтернативные. 1. The table is laid for supper. 2. There’s a table for two in the corner. 3. I’m fond of ice-cream. 11. Назови четыре или пять видов… 1. vegetables_ 46
______ 2. meat ____________ 3. fruit ____________ 4. soup ____________ 5. dessert ______ 12.Составь предложения, пользуясь следующей таблицей: I She He Tom We
want don’t want wants doesn’t want
me you her him us them your brother anyone his son Peter
to lay the table. to dine with us. to be a cooker. to bring the dessert. to clean the table. to have lunch with us. to fry fish. to pass the pepper. to taste the apple pie.
13. Переведи на русский язык следующие пословицы: 1. Tastes differ. ____________ 2. As like as two peas. ____________ 3. As hungry as a wolf (hunter) ____________ 4. His eyes are bigger than his stomach. __________________
5. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad dinner. __________________ 6. Too many cooks spoil the broth. __________________ 7. Hunger is the best sauce. ____________ 14. Переведи на английский язык 1. Ешьте яблоки. Они очень вкусные. ____________ 2. Какой суп ты хочешь? Любой. ____________ 3. Не кладите много сахару, пожалуйста. 4. Пора ужинать. Что сегодня на ужин? ____________ 5. Что ты заказал на второе? Котлеты и жареный картофель. 6. Как вам нравится мороженое? Оно чудесное. ________________________ 7. Доктор советовал вам есть больше фруктов. Выполняйте его советы и вы скоро поправитесь.
___________________________________ 8. Позвони мне в пять часов, я уже пообедаю и мы сможем пойти погулять. ______________________________ 15. Заполни пропуски предлогами. 48
1. I have dinner … one o’clock. 2. My son’s breakfast consists … porridge, a glass … tea or coffee and some sandwiches. 3. What will take … dessert? I’m fond .. ice-cream, if they have it I’ll order some. As … me, I prefer fruit … ice-cream. 4. May I treat you … this delicious fish-jelly or offer another helping … salad? Thank you. I think I’ll trouble you … a little fish. 5. … breakfast we had no time to eat properly. 6. The usual time … dinner is one o’clock, but of course, it may be half an hour earlier or later. 7. Dinner was followed … coffee served … small cups. 8. Meat is often served up … vegetables. 9. Where is my spoon? It is … the drawer … the sideboard over there. 10. Health depends … good food, plenty … exercise, fresh air and sound sleep. 16. Переведи текст с английского языка на русский. A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal – sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms… But nowadays many people just have cereal with milk sugar or toast with marmalade, jam or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same. Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. The traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee, often instant coffee, which is made with just hot water. For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want – brown, white or roll and then all sorts of salad and meat or fish in the sandwich bars. Pubs often serve good, cheap food, both hot and cold. School-children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home – a sandwich, a drink, some fruit. Tea means two things. It is a drink and a meal. Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes, and , of course, a cup of tea. The evening meal is the main meal of the day for many people. They 49
usually have it quite early, between 6.00 and 8.00, and often the whole family eats together. On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat, either beef, lamb, chicken, or pork with potatoes, vegetables and gravy. Gravy is a sauce made from the meat juices. The British like food from other countries, too especially Italian, French, Chinese and Indian. People often get take away meals – you the food at the restaurant and then bring it home to eat. Eating in Britain is quite traditional! 17. Выбери правильный вариант ответа. 1. Is a traditional English breakfast a big meal or not? a) yes; b) no; c) it doesn’t say in the text; d) I don’t know; 2. What marmalade is made from? a) all sorts of fruit; b)vegetables; c) orange; d) meat; 3. What do the British drink for breakfast? a) tea; b) coffee; c) nothing; d) both; 4. Where do office people have their lunch? a) at home; b) in the office; c) at sandwich bars; d) in restaurants; 5. Do the British like food from other countries? a) yes; b) no; c) they don’t eat at all; d) I’m not English, I don’t care; 18. Прочти и переведи текст. THE DIFFICULTIES OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE There are numerous anecdotes about the difficulties of people traveling in foreign countries without knowledge of the language of that country. Here’s the story of a Frenchman traveling in the United States who, while eating in a restaurant, wished to order some mushrooms. Unable to make himself understood, he asked for a pencil and paper and carefully drew a picture of a mushroom. His drawing, however, was not too good, for the puzzled waiter returned in about ten minutes, not with an order of mushrooms, but with a large umbrella. 50
Another similar story concerns two Americans traveling in Spain. They were both unable to speak a word of Spanish and one day, while eating in a restaurant in a small village, they were having considerable difficulty in explaining to the waiter what they wanted. One of them wanted a glass of milk. The waiter seemed unable to understand. Finally, on the back of the menu the man drew a picture of a cow. The poor waiter, however, still seemed puzzled. Finally he left and was gone from the restaurant for half an hour or so. He returned very pleased with himself. There were two tickets for a bullfight in his hand. 19. Ответь на вопросы по тексту. 1. 2. 3. 4.
What must people know when they travel in foreign countries? What countries did he visit? What is the first story? What is the second story?
21. Прочти и переведи диалог на русский язык. HAVING A MEAL IN A RESTAURANT John Waiter John Waiter John Waiter John Waiter John Daniela John
Good evening Good evening. Have you booked a table? Yes. A table for two at eight o’clock. Ah, yes. Mr Williams? That’s right. Your table is ready now, sir. Come this way. At the table Could we have the menu and the wine list, please? Here you are, sir. What would you like to start with, Daniela? I’ll have asparagus soup… and then the duck. And I’ll take the pate and then … well, I’m not sure what to have next. (to waiter) What do you recommend? 51
Waiter John Daniela Waiter Daniela Water Daniela Water John John Waiter Daniela John Waiter John Waiter John Waiter John Waiter John Waiter Daniela
The beef casserole is very good, sir. OK. I’ll take that, then. I’ve changed my mind. I’ll have that too. What vegetables would you like? I’ll have a salad. Later Would you like a dessert, madam? Yes, please. I’ll have the cheesecake. And for you, sir? Nothing for me, thank you. At the end of the meal Could we have two coffees, please? Certainly. White or black? Black for me, please. I’ll take mine with milk. And could you bring the check, please? Pardon, sir? Oh, the bill! Yes, the bill. Here you are, sir. Is service included? Yes, sir. Do you take credit cards? Yes, sir. Is this one OK? That’ll do nicely, sir. I hope you both enjoyed your meal. Yes, we enjoyed it very much. And you were right about the beef-it was very good.
Notes That’ll do nicely That’s fine Pardon This is what you say when you don’t hear or understand what someone says to you Is service included? Many restaurants in Britain add ten or fifteen per cent to the bill. This is called a service charge. If this has been added it is not necessary to give a tip, although you may want to if the service has been very good. 52
a mixture of different things cooked together.
ТЕКСТЫ И ДИАЛОГИ ДЛЯ ЧТЕНИЯ ENGLISH MEALS An Englishman’s day begins when he sits down to breakfast with his morning paper. As he scans the headlines there is nothing he likes better than his favorite breakfast of cornflakes with milk and sugar or bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade, tea or coffee. Round about 11 in the morning some Englishmen who work have their tea or coffee break. They never call it a meal, of course. Tea or coffee is usually brought to the factory bench or office desk. Then at mid-day, everything is stopped for lunch. Most offices and small shops are closed for an hour, say from 1till l2, and the city pavements are full of people on their way to cafes. Factory workers usually eat in their canteens. The usual mid-day meal consists of two courses. First a meat course is served with plenty of vegetables. It may be potatoes, peas, beans, cabbage or cauliflower. This is followed by a sweet dish, perhaps fruit pudding with tea to follow. Most Englishmen like what they call “good plain food”. They must be able to recognize what they are eating. Usually they like steak, chops, roast-beef, Yorkshire pudding and fish and chips. They are not over-fond of soup remarking that it doesn’t leave sufficient for the more important meat course. Those who eat at home usually call their mid-day meal dinner and make it the chief one of the day. It consists of three or four courses and is cooked by the mother of the family. The first course is soup. Then comes fish or meat served with various vegetables; as a change they sometimes eat chicken or duck. Then the table is cleared and the dessert is brought on. This is jelly or fruit – apples, pears, oranges, plums and nuts. Afternoon tea is taken at about five o’clock, but can hardly be called a meal. It is a cup of tea with bread-and-butter and cake or 53
biscuits. It is not often served at a table; each person has a cup and saucer, a spoon and a small plate in his hands. Even Englishmen themselves do not always find it convenient. The evening meal, when all the family gather round the table after their working day, goes under various names – tea, high tea, dinner or supper (depending upon its size). It is usually a meat course followed by canned fruit or cake and tea. But it is not the same in every English home. Tastes differ. EAT TO RELAX We all know that eating of healthy foods helps us to live longer and to ward off the danger of strokes or heart disease. A healthy lifestyle, which includes and regular exercise and a diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, not only keeps the doctor away but also makes us to feel good. Being in good health is an important way for to reduce stress, but this is not the only benefit of eating properly. In particular, the types of food that we eat influence on our moods. Eating carbohydrate-rich foods like breads, cereals, rice and pasta it causes the production of serotonin, which makes us feel calm. Fruit and vegetables also set off the production of this chemical, but in too smaller doses. Milk, cheese and the yoghurt can also help, especially when they eaten together with carbohydrates. The next time you feel stressed, try a little piece bread and a glass of milk and you’ll feel relaxed in no time.
1) This book is____(твоя) and that one is ____(моя). a) yours, mine; b) your,my; c) your,mine. 2) ____(моя) sister Mary is very beautiful. ____(её) eyes are blue, ____(её) hair is long. a) mine, hers, hers; b) my, her, her c) my, hers, her. 3) Dear guests, help ______ to the cakes, please. a) yourself; b) yourselves; c) themselves. 4) Alice was a pretty girl and she liked to look at ______ in the mirror. a) himself; b) myself; c) herself. 5) Tom usually _____ up at 7 o’clock. a) is getting; b) to get; c) gets. 6) I often______ to music in the evening. a) listen; b) is listening; c) to listen. 7) Listen! Somebody ________. a) sings; b) to sing; c) is singing 8) What _____ you usually ____ in the morning? a) are----doing; b) do----do ; c) does-----do. 9) We _____ a party next Sunday. a) will be having; b) will have; c) will be have. 10) A new film is ____ TV tonight. a) along; b) by; c) on. 11) A man in _____ is a friend indeed. a) doubt; b) need; c) trouble. 12) A good name is _____ than riches. a) better; b) brighter; c) more expensive. 13) But we all have different ______ . a) choices; b) tastes; c) news 55
1. ______ 2. ______
3. ______ 4. ______
5. ______ 6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______
9. ______ 10. ______ 11. ______ 12. ______ 13. ______
14) All parents can’t help worrying _____ their children. a) about; b) for; c) with. 15) Choose friends you can rely ______ . a) with; b) --; c) on. 16) Tom looks _____ his father. He’s got the same brown eyes. a) by; b) after; c) like. 17) Do you know that girl? _______ is her name? a) How; b) Which; c) What 18) Marc lives in Paris, _______? a) isn’t it; b) isn’t he; c) doesn’t he. 19) Did they go to Canada? – Yes, they ________ . a) went; b) did; c) did go 20) _______ is my favourite art. a) A music; b) The music; c) Music 21) Her eyes are blue and her _______ dark. a) hair are; b) hair is; c) hairs are 22) We don’t need to buy ______ milk. a) a; b) some; c) any 23) Have you got any money? – I’ve got _______ . a) little; b) few; c) a few 24) It happened ________ Friday. a) at lunch-time in; b) at lunch-time on; c) in lunchtime on. 25) That student over there – the one _________ . a) in the blond hair; b) with the blond hair; b) blonde haired 26) The rooms were full _____ old furniture. a) of; b) with; c) from 27) Peter _____ a car. a) hasn’t got; b) haven’t got; c) doesn’t have got
14. ______ 15._______ 16._______
17. ______ 18. ______ 19. ______ 20. ______ 21. ______ 22. ______ 23._______ 24. ______
25. ______
26. _____ 27. ______
Grammar \Глагол to be в Simple Active Present (I) am (he, she, it) is (we, you, they) are
was (ед. ч.)
shall be (1-е л.) will be
were (мн. Ч.)
Глагол to have в Simple Active Present have (got) has (got)
Past had
Future shall have will have
Оборот there + to be в Simple Active Present
there is (ед.ч.)
there was (ед.ч.)
there are (мн.ч.)
there were (мн.ч.)
Future there will be
Степени сравнения прилагательных I
Положительная long easy
Сравнительная longer easier
Превосходная (the) longest (the) easiest
more interesting
(the) most interesting
ш good bad much, many little
better worse more less
(the) best (the) worst (the) most (the) least
Времена группы Simple Passive to be + Participle П Infinitive
to be written, to be translated
Present Past Future
The letter is written/translated. The letter was written/translated. The letter will be written/translated.
Сводная таблица модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов
Present Долженствов I must meet him. ание
I have to meet him. I had to meet him. I am to meet him.
Future I shall have to meet him.
I was to meet I’ll be to meet him. him.
I should meet him. Способность He can help you. или возможность совершения He is able to help you. действия
He could help you. He was able to help you.
He will be able to help you.
Разрешение I may use this I might use или device. this device возможность (вероятность) I am allowed to use I was allowed I shall be
the device.
to use the device.
allowed to use the device.
Таблица времен группы Simple Active Форма
Present Simple
Past Simple
Утвердител My friends ьная study French.
My friends studied French at He speaks school. English. He spoke English at the conference. Вопросител Do your friends Did your friends ьная study French? study French at school? Does he speak Did he speak English? English at the conference? Отрицатель My friends ная don't study
French. He doesn't speak English.
My friends did not study French. He didn't speak English at the conference.
Future Simple My friends will study French at the Institute. The teacher will speak about our English exam. Will your friends study French at the Institute? Will the teacher speak about our English exam? My friends won't study French at the Institute. The teacher won't speak about our English exam.
Структура специальных вопросов Вопросительные слова
Вспомо гательный глагол
What Where When
do did will
Подлежащ ее и определен ие к нему_ you he your sister 60
Смысловой глагол в форме инфинитива
Другие члены предложе ния
do go return
in the evening? yesterday? home?
Таблица времен группы Progressive Active Форма
Present Progressive
Утверди The are having тельная an English class. He is still writing an exercise.
Past Progressive
Future Progressive
They were having an English class when I came to see them. He was writing an exercise from 6 till 8 o'clock.
They will be having an English class tomorrow at 9 o'clock.
He will be writing an exercise from 6 till 8 they o'clock Were they having Will be Вопросит Are they tomorrow. an English class having an having an ельная when I came to see English class English class? them? tomorrow at 9 o'clock? Is he still Was he writing an writing an exercise from 6 till Will he be exercise? 8 o'clock. writing an exercise from 6 till 8 o'clock tomorrow? They weren't They will not be Отрицат They aren't having having having an ельная an English class an English class English class, when 1 came to tomorrow at 9 they are having a see them, they o'clock, they will Russian class. were having a be having a Russian class. Russian class. He isn't writing an exercise, he is He wasn't writing He won't be reading a book. an exercise from 6 writing an till 8 o'clock, he exercise from 6 was reading a till 8 o'clock book. tomorrow, he'll be reading a book.
Таблица времен группы Perfect Active Форма Present Perfect Утвердите I have sent the льная letter.
Past Perfect Future Perfect I had already sent I shall have sent the letter by 6 the letter by o'clock yesterday. tomorrow evening. Вопросите Have you sent the Had you sent the Will you have letter? letter by 6 o'clock sent the letter by льная yesterday? tomorrow evening? Отрицател I have not sent the I had not sent the I shall not have letter by 6 o'clock sent the letter by ьная letter yet. yesterday. tomorrow evening. Таблица времен Simple, Progressive, Perfect in Passive Voice Simple Progressive Perfect to be + Participle II
to be + being + Participle II The letter is being translated
to have + been + Participle II The letter has been translated
Present Is the letter translated? Is the letter being
Has the letter been translated?
The letter is translated
translated? The letter isn't translated Past
The letter was translated Was the letter translated? The letter wasn't translated. Future The letter will be translated Will the letter be translated? The letter won't be translated
The letter isn't being The letter hasn't been translated translated. The letter was being translated Was the letter being translated? The letter wasn't being translated
The letter had been translated Had the letter been translated? The letter hadn't been translated? The letter will have been He употребляются. Will the letter have been translated? The letter won't have been translated. 62
Таблица производных слов от some, any, no, every Местоимения
+ thing
+body, one
some некоторый какой-то какой-нибудь несколько any 1 )всякий любой 2)какой-нибудь
something чтото, что-нибудь
somebody someone кто-то кто-нибудь
no, not any никакой + не
nothing (not anything) ничто + не ничего everything всё
every всякий, каждый
anything 1 )всё 2)что-то 3)что-нибудь
somewhere где-то, кудато, гденибудь, куда-нибудь anybody anywhere anyone 1)везде, \)всякий, 2)где-нибудь, 2)кто-то, кто- куда-нидудь нибудь nobody (not anybody), no one никто + не
everbody everyone все
nowhere not anywhere
нигде, никуда + не everywhere везде, повсюду
Употребляют всяутверд. . предл.
1)в утверд. 2)в вопросит, предл. в отрицат. предп. в утверд., вопросит, и отрицат. предл.
Словообразовательные аффиксы Существительные - ion / - sion /-tion - er / -or -ing -ment -ty / -ity -ance / -ence -ness -ure / -ture
- discussion, transmission, combination - writer, inspector - opening - development - activity - importance, difference - darkness - mixture
Прилагательные -ic -ive -able / -ible -ant / -ent -ous -al -ful -less -un / -in / -ir / -il / -im Глагол -ize re-
- democratic - progressive - valuable, accessible -resistant, different - dangerous - central - hopeful - hopeless - uncomfortable, indirect, irregular, illogical, impossible - to characterize - to rewrite
Infinitive arise awake проснуться be bear beat become begin bend bind bite blow break bring build burst взорваться buy catch поймать choose cut deal dream do draw рисовать drink drive eat fall feed fight find fly forbid forget
Past arose awoke
Participle II arisen awaked
Translation возникать будить,
was, were bore beat became began bent bound bit blew broke brought built burst
been born beaten become begun bent bound bitten blown broken brought built burst
быть носить, родить бить стать начать согнуться связать кусать дуть ломать приносить строить разразиться,
bought caught
bought caught
покупать ловить,
chose cut dealt dreamt did drew
chosen cut dealt dreamt done drawn
выбирать резать иметь дело мечтать делать тащить,
drank drove ate fell fed fought found flew forbade forgot
drunk driven eaten fallen fed fought found flown - forbidden forgotten
пить ехать есть, кушать падать кормить сражаться находить летать запретить забыть
forgive freeze get give go grow hang have hear hit hold1 hurt know keep lay lead leap leave lend let lie lose make meet pay put read ride ring rise run say see sell send set shake
forgave froze got gave went grew hung had heard hit held hurt knew kept laid laid leapt/leaped left lent let lay lost made met paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sold sent set shook
forgiven frozen got given gone grown hung had heard hit held hurt known kept laid laid leapt/leaped left lent let lain lost made met paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen sold sent set shaken 66
прощать замёрзнуть, замораживать получить дать идти расти висеть иметь слушать ударить, держать причинять боль знать держать класть, вести прыгать оставлять одолжить пустить, дать лежать терять делать встречать платить класть читать ездить верхом звонить поднимать бежать говорить, видеть продавать послать устанавливать трясти
shine shoot show sing sink sit sleep slide speak spend steal stick strike swear swim take teach tell think throw wake wear weep win wind write
shone shot showed sang sank sat slept slid spoke spent stole stuck struck swore swam took taught told thought threw woke wore wept won wound wrote
shone shot shown/showed sung sunk sat slept slid spoken spent stolen stuck struck/stricken sworn swum taken taught told thought thrown woken worn wept won wound written
светить, сиять стрелять, давать побеги показывать петь опускаться сидеть спать скользить говорить тратить украсть втолкнуть, приклеить ударять, бастовать клясться плавать брать учить говорить думать бросить просыпаться, будить носить плакать выигрывать заводить писать
Литература. 1. Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений НПО и СПО/ Г.Т. Безкоровайная, Н.И. Соколова, Е.А. Койранская, Г.В. Лаврик. – М. : Издательский центр «Академия», 2015 2. Гальчук Л.М. 5D English Grammar in Charts, Exercises, Film-based Tasks, Texts and Tests – Грамматика английского языка: коммуникативный курс: учеб. пособие / Л.М. Гальчук. – М. : Вузовский учебник: ИНФРА-М, 2016, 439с. ЭБС Договор №2 эбс от 31.01.2016г.; ЭБС Договор № 2144 эбс от 20.02.2017г.