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1 Executive Session Public Session 1. School




SALEM BOARD OF EDUCATION SALEM, CONNECTICUT MINUTES OF June 11, 2012 REGULAR MEETING PRESENT: Stephen Buck, Margaret Caron, Robert Green, George Jackson, Monica Lord-McIntyre, Pamela Munro (arrived at 7”12 pm), Linda Robson ABSENT: Dinis Pimentel* and Mary Ann Pudimat ADMINISTRATION: H. Kaye Griffin, Interim Superintendent; Benjamin Dix, Director of Special Programs; Kim Gadaree, Business Manager; Cynthia Ritchie, Elementary School Principal; Tom Heffernan, Interim Middle School Principal VISITORS: Donald Bourdeau (Director of Facilities), Robyn McKenney, Mona Miller, Suzanne Zahner, Barbara James, Dawn Cwirka, Jennifer Wojcik, Christina Holth EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion to enter into Executive Session at 7:02 p.m. for personnel/legal matters. Made: Robert Green 2nd: George Jackson Vote: All in Favor Motion Passed *Dinis Pimentel was on speaker phone with the Board during the Executive Session. (Exited Executive Session at 7:43 p.m.) PUBLIC SESSION 1. SCHOOL COMMUNITY RECOGNITIONS 1.1. Call to Order/Additions to Agenda / Salute to the Flag The public meeting session of the Board of Education was called to order at 7:47 p.m. by Chairman, Stephen Buck. MOTION: To postpone item 4.3. to a later date. Made: Robert Green 2nd: Margaret Caron Vote: All In Favor Motion Passed Agenda was approved as amended. Stephen Buck led the Salute to the Flag. 1.2. ELHS Leadership Team Report (Mona Miller) Mona reported on the following items: ELHS attendance policy changes for next year; Parent Portal; changes in class rank starting with class of 2015; Student Success Plans. 1.3. Recognition of Students / Staff / School Community 1.3.a. Staff Recognition: Retirement Recognition Staff Recognized: Barbara James and Dawn Cwirka Dr. Griffin recognized both Barbara James and Dawn Cwirka for their years of service to Salem School. Cynthia Ritchie also read a poem and played a song called “You have made a difference” to recognize the retirements of the staff members being honored. The Board presented each retiree with a gift and thanked them for their years of service. 1 1.3.b. Staff Recognition: Interim Middle School Principal(s) Staff Members Recognized: Tom Heffernan and Suzanne Zahner Dr. Griffin recognized Tom Heffernan for his dedicated service to the students and staff at Salem Middle School. She presented Tom with a small gift of appreciation. Dr. Griffin introduced Suzanne Zahner to the Board and audience. 1.4. Public Comments The public comment portion of the meeting is a time for members of the audience to address the Board of Education to express opinions concerning the educational program or other topics within the purview of the Board. The public is advised that any discussion of specific Board employees will not be allowed. The Board will listen to remarks but discussion and Board action is limited to agenda items only. When making a comment, please use the microphone and state your name and address. Robyn McKenney - 33 Woodland Drive: Robyn commented on the retirement of Barbara James. 2. CONSENT AGENDA 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Approve Minutes of the May 7, 2012 Regular BOE Meeting Budget and Financial Reports 2.2.a. May Expenditure Report 2.2.b. Line Item Adjustments: $89,265.49. 2.2.c. Special Aid / Grant Status Report Acknowledge Superintendent’s Staff Appointments  Appointed Jennifer Kayser of 18 Maplewood Court, Norwich, CT 06360 as Webmaster for the 2012-2013 school year at a stipend amount of $1,123.00.  Accepted the resignation of Ginni Cronin, 0.65 FTE Tutor, effective July 1, 2012, with regret. Robert Green requested item 2.2.b to be pulled for discussion. MOTION: To approve consent agenda items 2.1., 2.2.a., 2.2.c., and 2.3., as presented. Made: George Jackson 2nd: Robert Green Vote: All In Favor Motion Passed Robert Green asked questions pertaining to the projected surplus for 2011-2012. MOTION: To approve consent agenda item 2.2.b. as presented. Made: Robert Green 2nd: Monica LordMcIntyre Vote: All In Favor Motion Passed 3. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT (Superintendent) 3.1. Spotlight on School Programs 3.1.a. Elementary School in the Spotlight: 2011-2012 School Year in Review Video Presented by Cynthia Ritchie, Elementary School Principal A video highlighting special memories/events during the school year was shown to the Board. 3.2. 2 Program Improvement Initiatives 3.2.a. Updates on Program Improvement Initiatives: Salem School District Athletic Handbook: Chris Pugliese talked about the handbook expansion. Mr. Pugliese noted that this handbook is very thorough and will lead us in the right direction. Salem School District Code of Conduct (Draft for SY2012-2013): Dr. Griffin reported that she has shared this information with the faculty. In addition, she met with the faculty and reviewed the information with them. Dr. Griffin said that this is a comprehensive document that communications student behavioral expectations and consequences of infractions in advance. The code of conduct will be placed on the website. Dr. Griffin thanked Christina Holth for her participation in assisting in the creation of the code of conduct. Schol Field Trip Procedures Manual: Dr. Griffin reported that this is a comprehensive manual that covers field trips and assists teachers in planning field trips. It was decided that the ratio for supervision should be changed from 1:15 to 1:10 (page 11). There was discussion around the fact that a nurse is required to attend field trips. Budget Sense Training Program for Staff: Dr. Griffin reported that Budget Sense staff training has been completed.The fiscal package will be online for July 1, 2012 and all purchase requisitions will be entered by staff using this system. The Human Resources module will be completed by the end of July. Enterprise Vault Email Archiving System: Dr. Griffin reported that this is a system to archive, journal and retain e-mails in accordance with Board policy. She reported that the District has worked with Chris Burke to get this system installed and the two official confidential employees (Jennifer Kayser and Kim Gadaree) have been trained to use this system. The system is currently in place and operational. 3.3. 4. 3 Announcements 3.3.a. Elementary School Building Project: Administrative Plan for Managing Staff Moves and the Scheduing of Classes Dr. Griffin reported that 4-5 teachers in the Elementary School and 3-4 teachers in the Middle School will be relloacted due to Phase I of the project. Boxes have been supplied to these teachers and they will have custodial assistance for their relocations. The impacted staff will be compensated for time outside of their workday up to 12 hours. Phase II, ADA bathrooms, will occur in mid-February. Phase III will occur in the summer of 2013. 3.3.b. Proposed Plan for Curriculum, Instructional and Assessment Coordination for SY20122013 – Tabled BOARD ACTION ITEMS/ MOTIONS 4.1. MOTION: To adopt the “Journeys” textbook series and instructional materials (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishers, copyright 2012) for students and teachers for grades K-4 ($65,427.75 in SY20112012) and grade 5-6 ($20,037.71 in SY2012-2013). Made: Linda Robson 2nd: Robert Green Vote: All In Favor Motion Passed 4.2. MOTION: To approve the Sullivan, Schoen, Campane and Connon LLC. legal retainer for the 20122013 school year for a fee in the amount of $21,500.00. Made: Monica LordMcIntyre 2nd: Robert Green Vote: All In Favor Motion Passed 4.3. MOTION: To adjust the 1.0 FTE Director of Special Programs position to 0.6 FTE for Director of Special Education, effective July 1, 2012. TABLED (See motion on page 1) 4.4. MOTION: To approve the purchase and installation of school bus video equipment from SEON Mobile Surveillance in the amount of $12,147.00. Made: Robert Green 2nd: Margaret Caron Vote: In Favor: RG, MC, LR, SB, MM, PM Opposed: GJ Motion Passed (6:1) There was discussion on this purchase/transfer of funds prior to the vote. 4.5. MOTION: To approve the extension of the contract for the Interim Superintendent (H. Kaye Griffin) to July 31, 2012. Made: Monica LordMcIntyre 2nd: Linda Robson Vote: All In Favor Motion Passed 4.6. MOTION: To approve the Summer Reading List for grades K-8, as presented. Made: Linda Robson 2nd: Margaret Caron Vote: All In Favor Motion Passed The Board approved an additional item to the agenda, #4.7. 4.7. 5. MOTION: To approve the purchase of 47 iPad2’s (covers and iPad2 packs) for a total of $23,778.65 and authorize the transfer of funds in the amount of $14,700.43 to the computer line item. Made: George Jackson 2nd: Linda Robson Vote: In Favor: GJ, LR, SB, MM, MC, PM Opposed: RG Motion Passed (6:1) There was discussion on this purchase/transfer of funds prior to the vote. BOARD OF EDUCATION’S SUBCOMMITTEES / LIAISON COMMITTEE REPORT STANDING COMMITTEES: 5.1. Policy Subcommittee (Standing Committee) Chair: Member: Ex Officio: Pamela Munro Monica Lord-McIntyre Board Chair and Superintendent 2nd Readings: #1324 - Soliciting Funds From and By Students (Revision) #6145 - Extra-Curricular Activities (Revision) MOTION: To approve policy #1324 - Soliciting Funds From and By Students and #6145 - ExtraMade: Pamela Munro Curricular Activities as presented in 2nd reading. 2nd: Monica LordMcIntyre Vote: All In Favor Motion Passed 5.2. Personnel/Contract Negotiations (Standing Committee) Chair: Member: Ex Officio: Dinis Pimentel Robert Green and Mary Ann Pudimat Board Chair and Superintendent Robert Green reported that the committee presented a candidate for the Superintendent position with a contract and that candidate countered and the committee is working on the appropriate response. 5.3. Long-Range Educational Planning (Standing Committee) Chair: 4 Linda Robson Member: Ex Officio: Margaret Caron and George Jackson Board Chair and Superintendent The next meeting is June 18, 2012. AD-HOC COMMITTEES: 5.4 EL/Salem Cooperative Agreement Subcommittee (Ad-Hoc) Chair: Member: Ex Officio: Pamela Munro Stephen Buck and Linda Robson Board Chair and Superintendent No report. 5.5 SY2013-2014 School Calendar Subcommittee (Ad-Hoc) Chair: Member: Ex Officio: Margaret Caron George Jackson and Dinis Pimentel Board Chair and Superintendent No report. LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES: 5.6 Town Building Committee (Liaison) Representatives: Robert Green and Stephen Buck Robert Green reported that the State was finalizing plans. 5.7 LEARN (Liaison) Representative: Pamela Munro Pamela Munro reported that the next meeting is Thursday and Patrice McCarthy will be speaking. 5.8 East Lyme BOE (Liaison) Representative: George Jackson George Jackson will be seeking clarification on class standings from the EL BOE as he thought parents could request GPA’s not just colleges. 5.9 Cable Advisory (Liaison) Representative: Pamela Munro Next meeting is July 12, 2012. 5.10 ELPS Vision Facility Committee (Liaison) Representative: Dinis Pimentel No report. 6. BOARD MEMBERS’ COMMENTS / ANNOUNCEMENTS / COMMUNICATIONS 6.a. Annual Management Plan Review Reviewed – on target 6.b. Superintendent Search Update 7. AUDIENCE RESPONSE / COMMENTS The public comment portion of the meeting is a time for members of the audience to address the Board of Education to express opinions concerning the educational program or other topics within the purview of the Board. The public is advised that any discussion of specific Board employees will not be allowed. The Board will listen to remarks but discussion and Board action is limited to agenda items only. When making a comment, please use the microphone and state your name and address. 8. 5 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS (JULY 16, 2012) 9. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: To adjourn at 10:04 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 10:04 p.m. PM/jlk 6 Made: Margaret Caron 2nd: George Jackson Vote: All in Favor Motion Passed