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1 Preface - Fujitsu Manual Server




1 Preface 1.1 Brief product description With the constant creation, deletion, enlargement and reduction of files during IT operations, the files and free storage space on the volumes of a pubset become more and more fragmented. This fragmentation increasingly impairs the performance of the file accesses and disrupts the even distribution of the I/O load over all volumes of the pubset. The extent list in the catalog entries becomes longer and longer because of the inevitable creation of several small file extents whenever the files are enlarged. The product SPACEOPT cleans up this fragmentation through optimum reorganization of the file extents on the volumes of a pubset. The aim of SPACEOPT is to create the largest possible contiguous free storage areas on a volume so that large files with a small number of extents can be allocated space. Moreover, the number of extents is reduced where possible by combining several small extents into one large one. The result is improved performance in terms of file access. The extent list in the catalog entries becomes longer and longer because of the inevitable creation of numerous small file extents as the files increase in size, thus the upper threshold for the number of extents for each file is rapidly reached. SPACEOPT works on a volume-by-volume basis, i.e. jobs can be specified for individual or all volumes of a pubset. SPACEOPT offers ways of assessing the allocation and fragmentation status of the volumes of a pubset and of monitoring the SPACEOPT jobs. As well as the option of reducing the number of file extents on a volume basis (in other words, for files that have their extents on the volume being processed), the reduction of extents can also be carried out on a file basis, i.e. specifically for individual files by calling a SPACEOPT command. The SPACEOPT product also offers the option of specifically clearing a given volume of a pubset or volume set by starting the appropriate SPACEOPT job. During this process, the extents of files located on this volume are moved to another volume of the pubset or volume set. The complete clearance of the volume is a prerequisite in order to be able to remove a volume from a pubset or volume set (for example, in order to carry out repair work). U41073-J-Z125-3-76 1 Brief product description Preface When working with ISAM files, it may be that the continuous adding, extending, shortening and deleting of records may lead to an increasing number of free pages. These released pages are not returned to the BS2000 allocator, but instead remain under the control of the access method. This may lead to increased space requirements for ISAM files. The SPACEOPT product offers the option of determining the number of free pages of ISAM files by calling a SPACEOPT command. System support staff can then decide whether reorganizing the affected ISAM files will lead to an improvement in the storage capacity situation. As SPACEOPT is used during ongoing operation, it does not require an (additional) service window. Nevertheless, the best time to use SPACEOPT is off-peak, as it can generate a higher I/O load, depending on how fragmented the volumes are. Open files can also be included in the event of volume- or file-related reorganization and when emptying a volume. This enables applications which work with these files to continue running without interruption. Owing to possible affects on the performance of the applications this function should only be used at off-peak hours. In a RAID disk subsystem each BS2000 disk is mapped to a logical volume. A BS2000 disk can be significantly smaller than the entire space available over the logical volume (e.g. after a disk migration). With SPACEOPT as of Version 2.0C this wasted space can be made available for the disks of a pubset without a reinitialization and the associated backup and restoration of the user data. 2 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Preface Target group 1.2 Target group This manual is intended for systems support staff. 1.3 Summary of contents This manual consists of seven chapters plus a reference section and index. Chapter 1 Preface contains a brief description of the SPACEOPT product, specifies the target group of the manual and explains the structure of the manual. Chapter 2 SPACEOPT jobs and job options describes how SPACEOPT manages the jobs and explains the various job statuses, job objects and how to set the task limit. This chapter contains a list of files which are normally excluded from the reorganization and describes how to exclude user-specified files from the reorganization. Finally, it explains how SPACEOPT interacts with other products. Chapter 3 Assessing the volume status describes the information function for determining the volume utilization. This chapter also contains a short list of key terms from the field of storage space management and a description of the allocation strategy in BS2000. Chapter 4 Adapting the size of volumes describes how SPACEOPT adapts the size of BS2000 disks to the size of the logical volumes in RAID disk subsystems. Chapter 5 Installing, starting, terminating, managing describes how SPACEOPT is installed, started and terminated. The chapter contains additional information on the Trace diagnostic tool which is used to log extent movements and to provide accounting information for SPACEOPT. Chapter 6 Commands contains the SPACEOPT commands, i.e. syntax, function and operand descriptions, and examples. Chapter 7 Messages lists all messages output by SPACEOPT. Reference section and index The manual contains a list of abbreviations, a glossary of technical terms, a list of related publications and an index. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 3 README file Preface 1.4 README file Information on any functional changes and additions to the current product version described in this manual can be found in the product-specific README file. You will find the README file on your BS2000 computer under the file name SYSRME.SPACEOPT.030.E. The user ID under which the README file is cataloged can be obtained from systems support. With IMON-installed systems you can find out the user ID with the command /SHOW-INSTALLATION-PATH INSTALLATION-UNIT=SPACEOPT. You can view the README file using the /SHOW-FILE command or an editor, and print it out on a standard printer using the following command: /PRINT-DOCUMENT SYSRME.SPACEOPT.030.E,LINE-SPACING=*BY-EBCDIC-CONTROL 1.5 Changes since the previous manual The SPACEOPT V3.0 manual contains the following changes over the previous manual SPACEOPT V2.0: Including open files in reorganization runs Open files can also be included in the event of volume- or file-related reorganization and when emptying a volume. The inclusion of open files must be requested explicitly in the command concerned using the PROCESS-OPEN-FILES=*YES operand. This enables applications which work with these files to continue running without interruption. Owing to possible affects on the performance of the applications this function should only be used at off-peak hours. Adapting the size of volumes In a RAID disk subsystem BS2000 disks can be significantly smaller than the logical volume assigned to them. The new ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE command enables the usable disk size in BS2000 to be adapted to the size of the logical volume. Size adaption can be performed both for individual volumes and for complete pubsets/volume sets. When this function is used, reinitialization of the disks and the associated backup and restoration of the pubset’s user data are not required. This function is also available under BS2000/OSD V5.0 with SPACEOPT V2.0C. 4 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Preface Changes since the previous manual Compatibility with other products (DAB) With SPACEOPT V2.0 reorganization for volumes or files which were buffered with ADMPFA was rejected under BS2000/OSD < V5.0. It only became possible without interruption of caching as of BS2000/OSD V5.0 and DAB V8.0 . Open files which are buffered with user PFA are not included in the reorganization even if this is explicitly requested (see inclusion of open files). Modified commands The following table summarizes the most important changes to the commands since SPACEOPT V2.0A. Command Page Operand ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE 52 Modification New command: Adapts the size of BS2000 disks in a RAID disk subsystem to the size of its logical volume CLEAR-VOLUME 58 PROCESSOPEN-FILES New operand: Permits the inclusion of open files REDUCE-FILEEXTENT-NUMBER 65 PROCESSOPEN-FILES New operand: Permits the inclusion of open files START-SPACEOPTJOB 88 PROCESSOPEN-FILES New operand: Permits the inclusion of open files U41073-J-Z125-3-76 5 Changes since the previous manual 6 Preface U41073-J-Z125-3-76 2 SPACEOPT jobs and job options 2.1 SPACEOPT jobs SPACEOPT is implemented as a DSSM subsystem. A server task generated via DSSM acts as the carrier task and manages all SPACEOPT jobs. SPACEOPT jobs are created asynchronously using the commands /START-SPACEOPT-JOB, /CLEAR-VOLUME and /PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES. SPACEOPT works on a volume-by-volume basis, i.e. SPACEOPT jobs can be specified for individual volumes of a pubset or for a whole pubset. The individual volumes are processed under subtasks (one per volume), which are initiated and managed by the carrier task (see figure 1). The carrier task and the subtasks are system tasks. The number of active subtasks per pubset can be set (see /STARTSPACEOPT-JOB, operand TASK-LIMIT on page 90). User task (TSOS) /STARTSUBSYSTEM SPACEOPT /START-SPACEOPT-JOB OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=ABC) Job processing SPACEOPT carrier task SPACEOPT job management Creation and administration of subtasks One subtask per volume SPACEOPT subtasks Reorganization of volume ABC.02 Reorganization of volume ABC.01 Reorganization of volume ABC.00 Figure 1: Structure of the SPACEOPT jobs U41073-J-Z125-3-76 7 SPACEOPT jobs SPACEOPT jobs and job options The /CLEAR-VOLUME command creates a SPACEOPT job that completely clears the contents of the volume that you specify. The /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS command provides information on jobs which have not yet been completed, see page 73. Jobs can be terminated prematurely with the /CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB command, see page 55. The reorganization progress up to this point is retained. You can request information to help you assess the allocation and fragmentation status of individual volumes or pubsets using the /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION command (see page 80). This command can also be used to check the success of a current SPACEOPT job. As well as processing entire volumes, pubsets or volume sets you can use the /REDUCEFILE-EXTENT-NUMBER command to target specific files and reduce the number of their extents. No separate SPACEOPT job is created to do this; processing is carried out synchronously under the task of user that called the command. Information about the number of free pages in ISAM files can be obtained using the /SHOWFREE-ISAM-SPACE command. If an ISAM file contains free pages, you can reorganize the file and thus reduce the amount of storage space it occupies. Job statuses An asynchronously created SPACEOPT may be in one of five statuses. The current statuses of these jobs can be displayed using the /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS command. The displayed values are given in brackets after the status. 1. Running (RUN) The SPACEOPT job is in the processing phase. A SPACEOPT job was initiated via the /START-SPACEOPT-JOB command. 2. Waiting (WAIT) The SPACEOPT job is in the wait state. A SPACEOPT job was initiated via the /START-SPACEOPT-JOB command. When the TASK-LIMIT (see section “Setting a task limit” on page 11) is reached, the SPACEOPT job is put in the wait state. The job implicitly enters the processing phase (status Running) when a SPACEOPT job with the Running status terminates or if the TASKLIMIT is increased. 8 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SPACEOPT jobs and job options SPACEOPT jobs 3. Purge (PURG) A SPACEOPT job was initiated for purging an unsuccessful SPACEOPT job (/PURGESPACEOPT-WORK-FILES command). 4. Purge-Wait (PGWT) This status arises when a job is created for the volume with the /START-SPACEOPTJOB command but a purge job is already being processed for that volume. The purge job is supplemented with the data of the second job and is given the status Purge-Wait. When the original purge job is complete, the job status changes to Waiting. 5. Clearing (CLEAR) This status occurs when a clear volume job is processed (created using the /CLEARVOLUME command). In comparison with the other four statuses this status represents a special case: – A job to clear a volume is rejected if another SPACEOPT job has already been started for that volume and has not yet been completed. – If a clear volume job has been started for a volume (volume is already in the CLEARING status), a reorganization or purge job for this volume will be rejected. – A clear volume job cannot change from the Clearing status to another status. In the same way, a reorganization or purge job is not able to change from to the Clearing status. Figure 2 shows the possible status changes. Above and below the straight arrows on the left-hand side of the figure are the commands which can be used to change the status explicitly, while on the right-hand side are the events which cause an implicit change in status. The job statuses are output using the /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS command. Only “active” jobs with the status Running, Purge, Purge-Wait or Clearing already have a TSN. Jobs in the wait state are managed internally by SPACEOPT. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 9 SPACEOPT jobs SPACEOPT jobs and job options /START-SPACEOPT-JOB Running implicit, depends on TASK-LIMIT /CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB /START-SPACEOPT-JOB Waiting Initial status /CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB /CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB after completion of purge processing PurgeWait /START-SPACEOPT-JOB /PURGE-SPACEOPTWORK-FILES Purge /CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB /CLEAR-VOLUME Clearing /CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB Figure 2: Job statuses and status changes 10 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SPACEOPT jobs and job options Job options 2.2 Job options 2.2.1 Objects A SPACEOPT reorganization job (initiated using the /START-SPACEOPT-JOB command) or a job to purge the SPACEOPT work files (initiated using the /PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORKFILES command) may apply to the following objects: – – – – SM pubset SF pubset Volume set Volume of a pubset or volume set If a pubset or volume set is specified, a SPACEOPT job is initiated for processing each volume of this pubset or volume set. The system checks each time whether a SPACEOPT job has already been initiated for the volume in question and not yet completed. If this is the case, no new SPACEOPT job will be initiated for this volume. With SM pubsets the volumes are determined in two stages. First, all volume sets in the NORMAL-USE state of the SM pubset are determined (see the /SHOW-PUBSETCONFIGURATION command in the “Commands” manual [1]). Then the SPACEOPT jobs are initiated for each volume set thus determined. The information output by the /SHOWSPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS command includes which volume belongs to which volume set. A SPACEOPT job to completely clear the contents of a volume (initiated using the /CLEARVOLUME command) applies only to the volume that is to be cleared, not to the SM pubset, SF pubset or volume set that this volume belongs to. 2.2.2 Setting a task limit The TASK-LIMIT operand of the /START-SPACEOPT-JOB command can be used to limit the number of SPACEOPT jobs running in parallel for an SF pubset or a volume set. This allows you to control the additional system load generated by SPACEOPT through I/O load and catalog operations. The TASK-LIMIT operand defines a maximum number of parallel subtasks for processing the individual volumes of the SF pubset or the volume set. Execution of the individual jobs is therefore staggered. If more jobs are initiated than are specified in the TASK-LIMIT operand, these are placed in a wait state (status Waiting). As soon as the number of jobs with the status Running drops below the TASK-LIMIT, the jobs with the status Waiting implicitly enter the processing phase (status Running); see also “Job statuses” on page 8. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 11 Job options SPACEOPT jobs and job options Special feature of SM pubsets If the referenced object is an SM pubset, the value specified for TASK-LIMIT is assigned to each volume set of the SM pubset. Information function for TASK-LIMIT You can find out the current value of TASK-LIMIT using the /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOBSTATUS command. Modifying TASK-LIMIT value You can modify the current TASK-LIMIT value by starting a new SPACEOPT job. If a SPACEOPT job for this pubset or volume set is still active, the existing value of TASK-LIMIT is modified by the current specification. The number of parallel jobs is successively adjusted to the new value. The TASK-LIMIT value can be specified via the /START-SPACEOPT-JOB command. 2.2.3 Files normally excluded from the reorganization In every system there are a number of files which are excluded from a reorganization on account of their special functions. These include system initialization files which must always be in precisely defined physical locations. The files which are normally excluded from a reorganization are listed in the following sections. Files that are, by default, excluded from reorganization, are also excluded when attempting to reduce the number of their extents (/REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER command). Neither can files of this nature be moved to other volumes when clearing a volume (using the /CLEAR-VOLUME command). A volume of this nature will still contain all files that cannot be moved. The names of files which cannot be moved are logged (see page 59). The files that are by default excluded from reorganization are listed below. In addition, users can specify their own choice of files which are to be excluded from a reorganization (see page 15). 12 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SPACEOPT jobs and job options Job options Startup files and important system files To guarantee smooth running of the current session or a problem-free system startup, the system files required for this are not included in a reorganization. Startup files – – – – – – $TSOS.SYSPRG.BOOT.* $TSOS.SYSREP.SLED.* $TSOS.SYSPRG.SLED.* $TSOS.SYSREP.IPL.* $TSOS.SYSDAT.IPL-CONF.* $TSOS.SYSPRG.IPL.* These files are required for loading the BS2000/OSD-BC operating system and they can only be addressed at the time of startup via address references in the SVL. System files – – – – – – – – $TSOS.TSOSCAT $TSOS.TSOSCAT.* $TSOS.CONVCAT $TSOS.SYS.PAGING.* $TSOS.SYSEAM $TSOS.SYSEAM.* $TSOS.SYS.PVS.SHARER.CONTROL $TSOS.SNAPFILE Files of the SYSSOPT ID Also excluded are all files under the SYSSOPT user ID. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 13 Job options SPACEOPT jobs and job options Files in specific processing states Files in the following processing states are not included in the reorganization: – Open files are excluded by default, but can be explicitly included in the reorganization (see also the section “Reorganization including open files” on page 20) – Locked files Files with a secure lock or cache lock – Files with the status NOCLOSE or REPAIR-NEEDED Displayed by the /SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command, STATUS=*PARAMETERS(CLOSED-OUTPUT=...,REPAIR-NEEDED=...) operand, see the “Commands” manual [1] – Files currently in the cache Displayed by the /SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command, STATUS=*PARAMETERS(CACHED=...,CACHE-NOT-SAVED=...) operand, see the “Commands” manual [1] – Files for which a CCOPY session is running Files with specific attributes Files with at least one of the following attributes are not included in the reorganization: – Files with the attribute BACKUP-CLASS=E (files marked as such are not saved by ARCHIVE/HSMS) or with the MIGRATE=*FORBIDDEN attribute (but may not be displaced) Exception The following files are nevertheless excluded from the reorganization by default: – $TSOS.EQUISAMQ – $TSOS.SYSSRPM – $TSOS.SYSSRPM.BACKUP – $TSOS.SYSTEM.JOBPOOL – $TSOS.TSOSJOIN.TSNN – 14 Files whose catalog entry was marked by the operating system and which, as special system files, may only be processed by specific system functions (e.g. the defect garbage file, see the “Introductory Guide to Systems Support” [6]) U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SPACEOPT jobs and job options Job options 2.2.4 User-specified files to be excluded from the reorganization Other files which are to be excluded from the reorganization must be listed in an “EXCEPT” file. This file must be specified in the /START-SPACEOPT-JOB EXCEPT-FILES=*FROMFILE(...) command. It must contain no more than 4096 entries (path names) and must be a SAM file with a fixed or variable record length containing one path name (maximum length 80 characters) per entry. The path names in the EXCEPT file are subject to the following conditions: – [::]$.[] The specification of a catalog ID is optional. A user ID must always be specified! Wildcards are only allowed in the component. Partially qualified specifications are also allowed in . For more details, see page 16. SPACEOPT replaces the component with the catalog ID of the pubset or volume to be processed, and not with the default catalog ID of the specified user ID . If an explicitly specified is different from the catalog ID of the pubset or volume to be processed, the entire path name will be ignored without further checking for correct syntax. The quota for the maximum number of path names in the EXCEPT file is not affected by this entry. In this way, specifications for several pubsets can be combined in one EXCEPT file. – The path names must be specified in uppercase letters. – There is no ACS replacement for the specified path names in the EXCEPT file; for information on ACS, see the “Introductory Guide to DMS” [4]. – The specification of file generations (relative or absolute) is not allowed. The name of a file generation group, however, can be specified. This causes all associated file generations to be automatically excluded from the reorganization. – The specification of a file name with its version is not allowed. Versions may only be specified for names of tape files (see the “Introductory Guide to DMS” [4]). SPACEOPT does not process tape files. If any of these rules are violated, the SPACEOPT job is terminated with a return code (SOP0025, SOP0026). U41073-J-Z125-3-76 15 Job options SPACEOPT jobs and job options Examples of valid specifications in the EXCEPT file: $USER11.DATAFILE.123 ( not specified) :A:$USER11.DATAFILE.124 (fully-qualified specification) :ABCD:$TSOS.EDT (fully-qualified specification) :X:$TSOS.SYSLNK. (partially-qualified specification) $TSOS.SYSPRG. ( not specified and partially-qualified specification) $USERVIF. ( not specified and partially-qualified specification) :X:$USER22.*LOG. (specification of wildcard and partially-qualified spec.) $SYSAUDIT.*LOG ( not specified and specification of wildcard) Handling of wildcard specifications SPACEOPT resolves wildcard specifications and replaces them with the resulting list of path names. This means that when wildcards are specified, only files which exist at the time these specifications are resolved can be excluded. Files created later which would fall within the naming scope of the wildcard specifications are not considered (remedy: use partial qualification, see below). The SPACEOPT job is terminated with a return code (SOP0026) if the resolving of the wildcards causes the maximum number of 4096 path names in the EXCEPT file to be exceeded. Handling of partially-qualified specifications With partially-qualified specifications, all files covered by the partial qualification are excluded from the reorganization. When a pure partial qualification is specified, the quota of the maximum number of path names in the EXCEPT file is only debited by “1”, irrespective of how many files are covered by this specification. If a partial qualification also contains wildcards, this case is treated like a wildcard specification. Checks and error handling The specifications in the EXCEPT file are doubly checked: 1. Under the task of the job submitter, i.e. immediately after the command has been entered, a preliminary check is made so that any major violations can be reported back immediately. The syntax of the specifications and the number of corresponding files are checked, but wildcard specifications are not yet resolved. When the program determines the total number of valid entries, it counts every entry; there is no sorting of identical or redundant entries (e.g. :ABC:$UID.A.BC, :ABC:$UID.A.). If the total number 16 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SPACEOPT jobs and job options Job options is greater than 4096 or if violations were found during the syntax check, the SPACEOPT job is aborted. Up to ten violations are logged in the accompanying message output (SOP0027, SOP0028). 2. The “actual” resolving and replacement of the wildcard specifications does not occur until the function is executed. The syntax and the total number of file specifications are also checked. When the program determines the total number of valid entries, any repeat occurrences, redundancies and overlaps with predefined files are purged. If the EXCEPT file was modified with errors (or deleted) in the meantime, the SPACEOPT job is terminated with a corresponding message (SOP0024, SOP0025 or SOP0026). Because the SPACEOPT job is being processed in an asynchronous system task, messages can only be output at the console. There is no detailed error logging as described under point 1. 2.2.5 Reduction of file extents The number of file extents can be reduced within certain limits. In the /START-SPACEOPT-JOB command, the ONE-EXTENT-FILE-SIZE operand defines the maximum file size at which the SPACEOPT tries to accommodate the whole file in only one file extent. But SPACEOPT does not attempt to reduce the file extents for every file which meets this size requirement. It considers only those files whose extents are processed during the reorganization and whose total size does not exceed the specification in ONE-EXTENTFILE-SIZE. However, if there is no area large enough, the extent is reorganized “normally”. The setting ONE-EXTENT-FILE-SIZE=0 defines that the extents are to be reorganized normally, i.e. no attempt is made to combine all extents of a file into one. As well as the option of reducing file extents using the /START-SPACEOPT-JOB command, it is also possible to carry out file-specific reduction using the /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENTNUMBER command. This type of reduction can target a specified file, and is carried out synchronously under the task of the user calling the command. If you specify a list of file names, you can also process a number of files. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 17 Job options SPACEOPT jobs and job options 2.2.6 Monitoring SPACEOPT jobs using the monitor job variable You can start SPACEOPT jobs asynchronously using the /CLEAR-VOLUME and /STARTSPACEOPT-JOB commands. The calling task receives a message output to SYSOUT. This message simply states that a SPACEOPT job has been started. Information about the status of the started system tasks can be displayed using the /SHOWSPACEOPT-JOB command. You will need to consult the console log to find out whether a SPACEOPT job was terminated normally or abnormally. When using the separately licensed subsystem JV, you can use the monitor job variables to monitor SPACEOPT jobs. A SPACEOPT job is defined as a number of system tasks that are created and started by specifying either the /CLEAR-VOLUME or /START-SPACEOPTJOB command. An entire SPACEOPT job created using one of these commands can be monitored, but not the individual system tasks within this job. Monitoring is activated by specified a job variable in the MONJV operand of either the /CLEAR-VOLUME or the /START-SPACEOPT-JOB command. A job variable that monitors a SPACEOPT job may contain one of the following status values. $S: The SPACEOPT job has been accepted. $R: The first of the generated system tasks has been started. $T: The last of the generated system tasks has been terminated normally, all other system tasks were also terminated normally. $A: At least one of the generated system tasks was terminated abnormally. In the system part of the monitor job variable, the TSN of the SPACEOPT server task (SOPT) is stored as the TSN (byte 5-8) and the character string “SPACEOPT” is stored as the name of the application to be monitored (byte 53-60). In addition to this, the name of the SPACEOPT command that was used to create the SPACEOPT job is also stored as application-specific information (as of byte 71). The structure of a job-monitoring job variable is described in detail in the “JV” [9] manual. 18 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SPACEOPT jobs and job options Job options The user part of the monitoring job variable (as of byte 128) stores information about the status of the SPACEOPT job being monitored in a printable format. Depending on the status values in the system part, the user part may contain the following status information: Value Status information Meaning $S Empty (blanks) No information $R NORMAL RUNNING All started system tasks are running as they should. RUNNING WITH ERROR At least one system task has discovered an error COMPLETED All system tasks have been completed without errors COMPLETED WITH ERROR All system tasks have been completed, but at least one of the system tasks has encountered an error $T $A ABNORMAL TASK TERMINATION A system task was terminated abnormally CANCEL BY COMMAND A system task was terminated using a /CANCELSPACEOPT-JOB command EXPORT PUBSET A system task was terminated as a result of the pubset being exported STOP SUBSYSTEM A system task was terminated as a result of a /STOPSUBSYSTEM SUBSYSTEM-NAME=SPACEOPT command Notes – Supplying the individual fields of the system part of the monitoring job variable with current values (in this case, the application name and application-specific information) is supported as of JV V13.0B. – When monitoring SPACEOPT jobs within a shared pubset environment, the monitoring job variables should be accessible on both the master and the slave computer of the shared pubset environment. As a result, the monitoring job variable should be cataloged on the relevant shared pubset. If the specified job variable cannot be accessed in the shared pubset environment, the SPACEOPT job will simply be started without monitoring. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 19 Job options SPACEOPT jobs and job options 2.2.7 Reorganization including open files Open files can be included in reorganization runs with the following functions: ● Reorganizing of files (/REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER) ● Reorganizing of volumes, volume sets or pubsets (/START-SPACEOPT-JOB) ● Emptying of volumes (/CLEAR-VOLUME) Open files are included in reorganization runs if this is requested explicitly in the relevant command by specifying the PROCESS-OPEN-FILES=*YES operand. By default, open files are excluded from reorganization runs. When open files are included in reorganization runs the following aspects must be noted in particular: 20 ● Files cached using USER-PFA are not included in the reorganization even if this is requested explicitly (see “DAB” in the section “Compatibility with other products” on page 22). ● Reorganization of open files can have an affect on the performance of applications which access these open files. Concurrent catalog accesses by SPACEOPT and the application (e.g. OPEN, secondary allocation) can result in an open file being removed from the reorganization so as not to impair the executability of the application. Consequently it is recommended that reorganizations with SPACEOPT which include open files should preferably be performed in off-peak hours. ● If open files were included for reorganization with SPACEOPT, unloading of the SPACEOPT subsystem is rejected until all applications which access the files involved are informed of the reorganization. This may take a long time if no access takes place. ● Files which are not opened and processed using DMS resources (OPEN and DMS access methods) may not simultaneously be reorganized with SPACEOPT. These files also include files which are processed using the SPCCNTRL program (in particular including the opening of a complete volume). As SPACEOPT can only ensure coordination of reorganization runs with files which are opened using DMS resources, whether or not this condition is observed is the responsibility of the system administration. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SPACEOPT jobs and job options Compatibility with other products 2.3 Compatibility with other products General system behavior SPACEOPT does not impair current file processing. Open files are not included in the SPACEOPT processing. Files locked by SPACEOPT for the duration of an extent reorganization do not normally cause the rejection of simultaneous DMS actions, because access conflicts (parallelism of SPACEOPT and DMS actions) are intercepted by internal protocols. The DMS action is delayed and put in a system-internal wait state until the SPACEOPT action is completed. The DMS action is then resumed normally. A SPACEOPT job leads to an increase in the I/O load on the volumes, depending on the degree of fragmentation. Furthermore a higher CMS load can be expected for the pubset on account of increased catalog accesses. It is therefore recommended that volume reorganization be carried out when data traffic is light. On the one hand this avoids overloading the system, while on the other it improves the result of the reorganization, as generally fewer (open) files have to be implicitly excluded. A further advantage is that the reorganization takes a lot less time when done off-peak. To prevent excessive fragmentation, you should reorganize your disk space regularly. The interval between reorganizations generally depends on the application profile with regard to the allocation/deallocation behavior on the respective pubsets and can vary, for example, between daily, weekly, every two weeks etc.. Regular reorganizations mean reduced runtime for each one, and a lower average number of file extents. In order to remove an individual volume from a pubset or volume set, the specified volume must be completely empty. The /CLEAR-VOLUME command is used to start a SPACEOPT job that completely clears the contents of a volume. During processing, the affected pubset or volume set can remain operational, in other words, you can continue to process the other volumes of the pubset or volume. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 21 Compatibility with other products SPACEOPT jobs and job options DAB From DAB V8.0 on ADM-PFA caching is also permitted when reorganizing with SPACEOPT: in the event of a reorganization SPACEOPT informs DAB about the moving of files and extents so that DAB can keep the administrative data of the buffered files consistent. This means that caching of the volumes or files involved can be continued without interruption. In the event of user PFA caching the files concerned are buffered during processing (i.e. from OPEN to CLOSE). If open files are to be explicitly included in a reorganization with SPACEOPT, the files buffered with user PFA are not processed. For information on DAB, see the “DAB” manual [7]; for information on “USER-PFA caching”, see the “Introductory Guide to Systems Support” [6]). Shared Pubset In a shared pubset environment (SPVS environment), it is possible to launch SPACEOPT commands on any computer, i.e. both on a master computer and on a slave computer. The processing of the commands /SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE and /SHOW-SPACEOPTSPACE-ALLOCATION is always carried out on the computer from which they were launched. The following applies when processing the /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER, /STARTSPACEOPT-JOB, /PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES, /CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB, /CLEARVOLUME or /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS command: 22 ● When the command is entered on a slave computer of a shared pubset environment, it is forwarded to the master computer and then processed there. The prerequisite for this is that all participating computers, in other words both the master and the slave computers, are running BS2000/OSD-BC Ï V4.0. If this is not the case, execution of the command will be rejected with the message SOP0039. ● If open files are included in the reorganization by specifying the PROCESS-OPENFILES=*YES operand in the /CLEAR-VOLUME, /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER or /START-SPACEOPT-JOB command, BS2000/OSD-BC Ï V6.0 must be running on both the master and the slave computer, otherwise execution of the command is rejected with the message SOP0068 or SOP0069. ● Open files which are to be included in reorganization may only be open on the master computer, otherwise execution of the command is rejected with the message SOP0051. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SPACEOPT jobs and job options Compatibility with other products Export pubset If a large degree of volume fragmentation exists, SPACEOPT jobs may need a relatively long time to carry out their volume reorganization tasks. Thus when exporting a pubset, the system terminates all SPACEOPT jobs that have been started to reorganize or delete volumes as quickly as possible; this refers to volumes that belong to the pubset that is to be exported. The level of reorganization that has been achieved by this point in time will remain. Concurrent Copy (CCOPY) Once a CCOPY session has been initiated, the individual extents of the extent list must not change for files which are involved in the session. All that is permitted is expansion of the extent list by adding new extents, or deletion of the entire extent list. Changes to the contents, as made by SPACEOPT, might lead to the wrong data being saved. For this reason, all files involved in a CCOPY session are implicitly excluded from the reorganization by SPACEOPT. This eliminates the risk of the wrong data being saved. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 23 Compatibility with other products 24 SPACEOPT jobs and job options U41073-J-Z125-3-76 3 Assessing the volume status You can find out the allocation and fragmentation status of a volume using the /SHOWSPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION command. To help you evaluate the information output by this command with regard to the current state of the volume, there follows a brief explanation of key terms from the field of storage space management and a description of the allocation strategy in BS2000. 3.1 General information on the allocation strategy in BS2000 This section essentially provides an overview of the allocation strategy. The terms are explained in the glossary on page 115. PAM pages Volume Unit table Packet table allocated Segment table free Figure 3: Administrative units of storage space management Figure 3 shows the relationships between the individual administrative units. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 25 Allocation strategy in BS2000 Assessing the volume status A volume consists of a number of PAM pages. In figure 3, three PAM pages form an allocation unit in the unit table. Eight contiguous allocation units form a packet in the packet table. Eight contiguous packets in turn form a segment in the segment table. A packet or segment is considered free when all allocation units it contains are free. Storage space allocation strategy The most important aims of storage space allocation are to keep the number of extents of a file as low as possible and to utilize the space on all volumes of a pubset or volume set as evenly as possible. How the allocation turns out depends on many different factors, including the number of PAM pages requested by the user, the volume configuration and the allocation status of the volumes. The requested size (number of PAM pages) is converted into allocation units and compared with the packet size and segment size. In the majority of cases the storage space is selected according to the procedure described below. But in borderline situations other strategies are also employed. When an existing file is being extended, SPACEOPT first tries to allocate the space directly after the last extent of the file to the file, i.e. to create a seamless connection on the most recently allocated disk. Procedure for storage space allocation on a volume: (R below is the requested size in allocation units) – Request greater than 64 allocation units: Searches for a series of contiguous segments to match the requested size – Request between 8 and 64 allocation units: ---- (rounded up, integer) contiguous packets Searches for a segment with exactly R – Request = 8 allocation units: Searches for the first free packet in the packet table – Request smaller than 8 allocation units: Searches for exactly R contiguous allocation units which do not belong to a free packet (i.e. one in which no allocation units are occupied) 8 If the request cannot be fully met according to the above rules, it will be divided up. 26 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Assessing the volume status Determining the volume status 3.2 Determining the volume status Systems support staff can get an overview of the allocation and fragmentation status of individual volumes using the /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION command. This information, which can be provided in various levels of detail, helps systems support to determine whether a reorganization is necessary. A distinction is made between evaluated output and non-evaluated output: Evaluated output /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION INFORMATION=*SUMMARY or /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION INFORMATION=*FREE-ALLOC-UNITS In the evaluated output, the information on the free storage areas is output from the perspective of the BS2000 Allocator component (see page 25). Free areas which extend beyond segment and packet limits are split up such that the parts either form whole packets/segments or are smaller than one packet/segment and then each lie completely within these units. This basically corresponds to how free storage space is considered in allocation processes. Non-evaluated output /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION INFORMATION=*FREE-PAGES The free areas are output as they are exist on the volume, i.e. without regard for the Allocator administrative units packet or segment. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 27 Determining the volume status Assessing the volume status Detailed output In the detailed output, the position and size of the individual free areas on a volume are sorted according to size. Evaluated and non-evaluated output can be distinguished. The different output formats can be seen in the following section from a volume allocation, in which as of PHP 2275 the next 39 PAM pages are not allocated: PHP no. 2275 2281 2305 (2281+24) 2314 ..... Packet limit Packet limit PHP= physical half page (physical page number of the PAM page) Allocated pages Free pages Figure 4: Section from a volume allocation Non-evaluated detailed output /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION ...,INFORMATION=*FREE-PAGES %VOLUME ! PAM-PAGES ! PHP-FROM ! PHP-TO %-------+-----------+-----------+----------%ABCD.1 39 2275 2313 As of PHP 2275 there is a contiguous area of 39 PAM pages which is currently not occupied by any file. Evaluated detailed output /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION ...,INFORMATION=*FREE-ALLOC-UNITS %VOLUME ! PAM-PAGES ! PHP-FROM ! PHP-TO ! ALLOC-SIZE ! ALLOC-UNIT %-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------+-----------%ABCD.1 24 2281 2304 1 PACKET %ABCD.1 9 2305 2313 3 UNIT %ABCD.1 6 2275 2280 2 UNIT The free areas are output according to size. The largest area begins at PHP 2281 - with a contiguous free space of one packet (24 PAM pages). There is a small area as of PHP 2305 with 3 allocation units (9 PAM pages), and finally the smallest area comprises 2 allocation units (6 PAM pages) and begins at PHP 2275. 28 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Assessing the volume status Determining the volume status Advantage of evaluated output If in the above example you only consider the non-evaluated output, you might reasonably conclude that there is room for an allocation of, say, 32 pages as of PHP 2275. But the evaluated output, by taking into account the cited procedure during space allocation, makes it clear that the desired allocation will not be completely accommodated in this location, as an area of 2 packets will be sought for it. (32 : 3 = 10.66 ≈ 11 allocation units; 11 : 8 = 1.375 ≈ 2 packets) SUMMARY output A summary of the allocation status of a volume can be output via /SHOW-SPACEOPTSPACE-ALLOCATION ...,INFORMATION=*SUMMARY. In this summary the free areas are assigned to certain categories according to their size. The information output shows how many free areas there currently are within a category. With regard to the view of the free areas, the evaluated output is always used here. The following categories are displayed: 1. UNIT 1..7 Summary of the free areas with a size of 1 to 7 allocation units. If you take, say, an allocation unit size of 3 PAM pages as the basis, the number of free areas with a size of up to 21 PAM pages is displayed. 2. PACK 1..7 Summary of the free areas with a size of 1 to 7 packets; i.e. with an allocation unit size of 3 PAM pages, the number of free areas with a size of 24 to 168 PAM pages is displayed. 3. SEGM 1..63 Summary of free areas with a size of 1 to 63 segments. With an allocation unit size of 3 PAM pages, the number of free areas with a size of 192 to 12,096 PAM pages is displayed. 4. SEGM 64..4095 Summary of free areas with a size of 64 to 4095 segments; i.e. with an allocation unit size of 3 PAM pages, the number of free areas with a size of 12,288 to 786,240 PAM pages is displayed. 5. SEGM 4096.. Summary of free areas with a size of 4096 segments or more. With an allocation unit size of 3 PAM pages, the number of free areas with a size of 786,432 PAM pages or more is displayed. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 29 Determining the volume status Assessing the volume status The table below shows the sizes of the individual categories in PAM pages, depending on the allocation unit. Category AU = 3 AU = 4 AU = 32 UNIT 1..7 3 - 21 4 - 28 32 - 224 PACK 1..7 24 - 168 32 - 224 256 - 1,792 192 - 12,096 256 - 16,128 2,048 - 129,024 12,288 - 786,240 16,384 - 1,048,320 131,072 - 8,386,560 > 786,432 > 1,048,576 > 8,388,608 SEGM 1..63 SEGM 64..4096 SEGM 4096.. In addition, three specific reference values are output for each volume, which provide further information on the allocation situation. – LARGEST-AREA Outputs the size in PAM pages of the largest contiguous free segment area on the volume. – FREE PAGES Outputs the total of all free areas on the volume in PAM pages. – TOTAL-PAGES Outputs the total capacity of the volume in PAM pages Example /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION OBJECT=*PUBSET(PVSX),INFORMATION=*SUMMARY %VOLUME! NUMBER-OF-CONTIGUOUS-FREE-SPACE-AREAS! LARGEST ! FREE ! TOTAL % ! UNIT ! PACK ! SEGM ! SEGM! SEGM! AREA ! PAGES ! PAGES % ! 1..7 ! 1..7 ! 1..63 !..4095!4096..! ! ! %------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+----------+----------+---------%PVSX.0 491 427 46 1 0 108480 161661 225657 %PVSX.1 509 473 20 1 0 114048 155043 225660 30 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Assessing the volume status Usage scenarios 3.3 Usage scenarios You can check the success of a SPACEOPT job for storage space optimization by analyzing the output from the /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION command. The following example illustrates how the output can be evaluated: 1. /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=PVSX) %VOLUME! NUMBER-OF-CONTIGUOUS-FREE-SPACE-AREAS! LARGEST ! FREE ! TOTAL % ! UNIT ! PACK ! SEGM ! SEGM! SEGM! AREA ! PAGES ! PAGES % ! 1..7 ! 1..7 ! 1..63 !..4095!4096..! ! ! %------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+----------+----------+---------%PVSX.0 491 427 46 1 0 108480 161661 225657 %PVSX.1 509 473 20 1 0 114048 155043 225660 The current allocation status of the pubset PVSX is determined via the summary display. From the output you can see that the pubset consists of 2 volumes PVSX.0 and PVSX.1. Both volumes show a large number of free small areas, which indicates a high degree of fragmentation. 2. /START-SPACEOPT-JOB OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=PVSX) % SOP0001 Task for Command START-SPACEOPT-JOB initiated and started ... ... Space optimization is initiated for the pubset PVSX. 3. /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=PVSX) %VOLUME! NUMBER-OF-CONTIGUOUS-FREE-SPACE-AREAS! LARGEST ! FREE ! TOTAL % ! UNIT ! PACK ! SEGM ! SEGM! SEGM! AREA ! PAGES ! PAGES % ! 1..7 ! 1..7 ! 1..63 !..4095!4096..! ! ! %------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+----------+----------+---------%PVSX.0 3 4 1 1 0 151296 161661 225657 %PVSX.1 3 4 0 1 0 154752 155043 225660 Once the SPACEOPT job is complete, the current allocation status of the pubset is determined again. Notice that the total number of free areas is now minimal, which indicates optimum reorganization of the volumes. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 31 Usage scenarios Assessing the volume status 4. /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=PVSX), INFORMATION=*FREE-ALLOC-UNITS %VOLUME ! PAM-PAGES ! PHP-FROM ! PHP-TO ! ALLOC-SIZE ! ALLOC-UNIT %-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------+-----------%PVSX.0 151296 74305 225600 788 SEGMENT %PVSX.0 9984 45505 55488 52 SEGMENT %PVSX.0 120 55489 55608 5 PACKET %PVSX.0 96 74209 74304 4 PACKET %PVSX.0 72 45433 45504 3 PACKET %PVSX.0 72 225601 225672 3 PACKET %PVSX.0 9 45424 45432 3 UNIT %PVSX.0 9 55609 55617 3 UNIT %PVSX.0 3 225673 225675 1 UNIT %PVSX.1 154752 70849 225600 806 SEGMENT %PVSX.1 96 51745 51840 4 PACKET %PVSX.1 72 51841 51912 3 PACKET %PVSX.1 72 225601 225672 3 PACKET %PVSX.1 24 70825 70848 1 PACKET %PVSX.1 21 51724 51744 7 UNIT %PVSX.1 3 51913 51915 1 UNIT %PVSX.1 3 225673 225675 1 UNIT The current allocation status is determined via the evaluated detailed view. Both volumes reveal one very large area of 788 and 806 contiguous free segments respectively. 5. /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=PVSX), INFORMATION=*FREE-PAGES %VOLUME ! PAM-PAGES ! PHP-FROM ! PHP-TO %-------+-----------+-----------+----------%PVSX.0 151467 74209 225675 %PVSX.0 10194 45424 55617 %PVSX.1 154851 70825 225675 %PVSX.1 192 51724 51915 Another variant is to determine the current allocation status via the non-evaluated detailed view. In this case, the total free space is concentrated in two large contiguous areas for each volume. 32 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Assessing the volume status Usage scenarios Process example The pubset SBZ2 is to be reorganized with SPACEOPT. (IN) /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=SBZ2) ————— (OUT) (1) %VOLUME! NUMBER-OF-CONTIGUOUS-FREE-SPACE-AREAS! LARGEST ! FREE ! TOTAL % ! UNIT ! PACK ! SEGM ! SEGM! SEGM! AREA ! PAGES ! PAGES % ! 1..7 ! 1..7 ! 1..63 !..4095!4096..! ! ! %------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+----------+----------+---------%SBZ2.0 42 54 9 1 0 230400 239394 1025988 %SBZ2.1 34 56 8 2 0 165504 223761 1025991 (IN) /START-SPACEOPT-JOB OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=SBZ2) ————————————————— (OUT) % (2) SOP0035 Subsystem User-Id SYSSOPT does not exist on Pubset SBZ2 (IN) ( ) ( ) ( ) /ADD-USER USER-IDENTIFICATION=SYSSOPT,- ————————————————————————— PROTECTION-ATTRIBUTE=*PARAMETERS,PUBSET=SBZ2,DEFAULT-PUBSET=SBZ2,PHYSICAL-ALLOCATION=*ALLOWED,ACCOUNT-ATTRIBUTES=*PARAMETERS(ACCOUNT=1) (3) (IN) /START-SPACEOPT-JOB OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=SBZ2,TASK-LIMIT=1) ———— (OUT) (4) % SOP0001 Task for Command START-SPACEOPT-JOB initiated and started (IN) /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS OBJECT=*ALL-JOBS —————————————————————— (OUT) (5) %VOLUME !PUB-/ ! TSN ! STA ! CPU-USED ! TASK- ! START-TIME ! MOVED % !VOLSET! ! ! ! LIMIT ! ! EXTENTS %-------+------+-------+------+------------+-------+-----------------+-------%SBZ2.0 SBZ2 XAAX RUN 1.9802 1 2003-03-12.094043 56 %SBZ2.1 SBZ2 *NONE WAIT 0.0000 1 *NONE 0 (IN) /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS OBJECT=*ALL-JOBS —————————————————————— (OUT) % (6) SOP0037 For specified object there is no existing task U41073-J-Z125-3-76 33 Usage scenarios Assessing the volume status (IN) /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=SBZ2) ————— (OUT) (7) %VOLUME! NUMBER-OF-CONTIGUOUS-FREE-SPACE-AREAS! LARGEST ! FREE ! TOTAL % ! UNIT ! PACK ! SEGM ! SEGM! SEGM! AREA ! PAGES ! PAGES % ! 1..7 ! 1..7 ! 1..63 !..4095!4096..! ! ! %------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+----------+----------+---------%SBZ2.0 10 11 4 1 0 228672 239394 1025988 %SBZ2.1 15 16 6 1 0 215616 223761 1025991 34 (1) Output of the current allocation status of the pubset SBZ2. The pubset comprises the volumes SBZ2.0 and SBZ2.1. Both volumes show a large number of free small areas, which indicates a high degree of fragmentation. (2) A SPACEOPT job is started for the pubset SBZ2. Because the SYSSOPT ID is not initialized on this pubset, the message SOP0035 is output. (3) The SYSSOPT ID is initialized on the pubset SBZ2 by means of the /ADD-USER command. (4) A SPACEOPT job is started for the pubset SBZ2 with specification of a task limit. (5) A status request via the command /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS OBJECT=*ALL-JOBS shows all currently active SPACEOPT jobs. The number of extents relocated by the reorganization so far is shown for each volume. (6) Another status request some time later shows that there are no more SPACEOPT jobs. (7) A new output of the allocation status for the pubset SBZ2 shows the space optimization executed in comparison with the output under point (1). The number of free small areas has been greatly reduced, which indicates optimum reorganization of the volumes. This information and other job-specific outputs are also sent to the console and the CONSLOG file. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Assessing the volume status Console output 3.4 Console output To allow you to check the asynchronous SPACEOPT jobs, the allocation status of the processed volumes is displayed via the message SOP0004 at the start and successful completion of each job. The information displayed confirms the summary output of the /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION command. In addition, the total number of free areas from a non-evaluated perspective is output. By comparing this figure before and after the reorganization, you can make an initial assessment of how the volume status has improved. Example Input from system administrator terminal: /START-SPACEOPT-JOB OBJECT=*PUBLIC-DISK(PVSX.1) Console output: ... %XAA6-000.145657 % SOP0002 'START-SPACEOPT-JOB' for volume PVSX.1 started %XAA6-000.145657 % SOP0004 Space summary for PVSX.1: free areas of t1=509, t2=473, t3=20, t4=1, t5=0, largest area = 114048HPs, free space = 155043 HPs, total space = 225660 HPs, free areas = 463 ... %XAA6-000.145701 % SOP0004 Space summary for PVSX.1: free areas of t1=3, t2=4, t3=0, t4=1, t5=0, largest area = 154752 HPs, free space = 155043 HPs, total space = 225660 HPs, free areas = 2 %XAA6-000.145701 % SOP0003 Job for volume PVSX.1 terminated The inserts for the keywords t1,.. t5, largest area, free space and total space of the message SOP0004 correspond to the values of the summary output of the /SHOWSPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION command. The value for free areas specifies from a non-evaluated perspective how many contiguous areas make up the total free space of a volume. In this example the SPACEOPT job causes a major reduction in the fragmentation from 463 to 2 areas. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 35 Console output 36 Assessing the volume status U41073-J-Z125-3-76 4 Adapting the size of volumes In a RAID disk subsystem (e.g. Symmetrix) the BS2000 disks are emulated. Here each BS2000 volume is mapped onto a logical volume. The service engineer determines both the size and the allocation of these logical volumes to physical volumes when the hardware of the disk subsystem is configured. BS2000/OSD Files Pubset ID :A:$. RAID disk subsystem Unit (MN) Volume (VSN) # log. volume Phys. volume #0000 2A:C0 #0001 15A:C0 #0002 2A:C1 #0003 15A:C1 5000 PUBA00 :A:$. 5001 PUBA01 :A:$. Pubset A :A:$. 5002 PUBA02 :A:$. 5003 PUBA03 :A:$. Figure 5: Allocation of BS2000 volumes to logical and physical volumes of a disk subsystem U41073-J-Z125-3-76 37 Adapting the size of volumes Ideally the size of a BS2000 volume is at most the same as that of the allocated logical volume. However, owing to the emulated disk type (CKD or FBA disk architecture) and the disk formatting, “normal” disk wastage can occur, i.e. the capacity of the BS2000 volume is a little less than that of the logical volume. The table below shows how the normal disk wastage influences the size of the BS2000 volume: Device type of the emulated disk D3490-x (CKD) D3435 (FBA) Formatting Net capacity of the BS2000 volume (in % of the size of the logical volume) 2K 68 NK2 76 NK4 86 2K 81 NK2 100 NK4 Currently not supported The net capacities shown in the table relate to an 18-Gbyte disk. Depending on the disk size slight deviations are possible. However, the general rule is: – The normal disk wastage is lower on FBA disks than on CKD disks. – During formatting the NK format generates less wastage. In addition to this normal disk wastage, the size of a BS2000 volume can be further reduced by additional disk wastage which can, for example, occur after a volume with a lower capacity has been restored with FDDRL or after disk migration. Size adaption with ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE As of Version 2.0C this additional disk wastage without reinitialization and the associated backup and restoration of the user data can be utilized for volumes of a pubset by means of the SPACEOPT command /ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE. This function is available for all disk types supported on Symmetrix. The command performs no action for a disk of a disk type which is not supported but displays this with the relevant message and, if required, continues processing with the next disk. With regard to the number of volumes to be processed, the command has the following call options: 38 ● With a single-feature pubset (SF pubset) the size of all disks (volumes) of the pubset or of individual disks can be adapted. ● With a system-managed pubset (SM pubset) the size of all disks (volumes), the disks of specific volume sets or individual disks can be adapted. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Adapting the size of volumes Prerequisites Size adaption of volumes is possible under the following conditions: ● The pubset involved is not imported. ● All disks to be adapted are attached (i.e. they are in the ATTACHED status). ● Depending on the pubset type the following volumes may be needed: – for SF pubsets the pubres, – for SM pubsets all disks of the control volume set and the volres of those volume sets to which the volumes to be adapted belong. Termination of size adaption After the /ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE command has been called the F5 labels of the processed volumes are moved. Final termination of size adaption is implemented with F5 label restoration when the next import takes place. Restoration takes place automatically after a positive response has been received for the message DMS038C. Disk capacity > 32 GB When the size is adapted a disk capacity of 32 GB can only be exceeded if the associated pubset has the attribute LARGE-VOLUMES=*ALLOWED. Otherwise the size adaption is limited to 32 GB (with rounding in line with the allocation unit). Applications Size adaption should be used if it is possible that additional disk wastage exists. This need not be known when you execute the /ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE command as the command first determines the used capacity and the maximum capacity of the associated logical volume when it processes a volume and only initiates size adaption if this is required. In Symmetrix systems the BS2000 host component supplies, among other things, information on the used and maximum capacity of the logical volume and can this provide information on the additional disk wastage (see the /SHOW-SYMMETRIX-DEVICE-CONFIG command in the “SHC-OSD” manual [10]). Size adaption can be required after the following actions: ● Restoration of public volumes with FDDRL When a volume is restored with FDDRL the capacity of the volume is always taken over, even if the disk to which the restoration takes place permits a greater capacity. Wastage that occurs in this way can be removed after restoration through size adaption. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 39 Adapting the size of volumes ● 40 Disk migration with DRV The DRV migration function copies the data inventory from disks of various types (e.g. CKD disks of the type D3490-xx or FBA disks of the type D34211-xx) to FBA disks of the type D3435 emulated in a Symmetrix system. As the source disk is copied 1:1, the target disk (BS2000 volume) evinces the same capacity data in Symmetrix. If the maximum capacity of the logical volume is greater, unused space may result. Size adaption means that the higher capacity can also be made available for the BS2000 volumes. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 5 Installing, starting, terminating, managing This chapter describes the installation of the SPACEOPT V3.0 subsystem, and provides additional notes on the operation and management of SPACEOPT. – – – – – – Components and installation Starting SPACEOPT Terminating SPACEOPT Trace diagnostic tool Logging of extent movements SPACEOPT accounting record 5.1 Supplied components and installation SPACEOPT is supplied as a subsystem. The subsystem SPACEOPT V3.0 runs only under BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0. Supplied components SPACEOPT is normally installed via IMON. The relevant file and volume attributes are listed in the SOLIS2 delivery note. The following supplied components are included in the installation of the SPACEOPT V3.0 subsystem: File name Explanation SYSFGM.SPACEOPT.030.D German release notice SYSFGM.SPACEOPT.030.E English release notice SPMLNK.SPACEOPT.030 Load library for SX systems SYSLNK.SPACEOPT.030 Load library for /390 systems SYSMES.SPACEOPT.030 Message file SYSREP.SPACEOPT.030 REP file SYSSDF.SPACEOPT.030 SDF syntax file SYSSSC.SPACEOPT.030 Subsystem catalog SYSSII.SPACEOPT.030 Information file for the installation with IMON U41073-J-Z125-3-76 41 Supplied components and installation Installing, starting, terminating, managing System administrator tasks SYSSOPT user ID The SYSSOPT user ID is necessary for the operation of SPACEOPT. Under this user ID, SPACEOPT creates pubset-specific auxiliary and work files. The SYSSOPT user ID must be entered in the user catalogs of all pubsets that are to be processed using SPACEOPT. The entry in the user catalog of a pubset can be made using the following command (see the ”Commands” manual [1]): /ADD-USERUSER-ID=SYSSOPT,PUBSET=...,PROT-ATTR=*PAR(LOGON-PASS=...), ACCOUNT-ATTR=*PAR(ACCOUNT=...) It is not necessary to specify further operands (the default values can be used). If the SYSSOPT user ID does not exist in the user catalog of the pubset, the SPACEOPT jobs will be terminated with the return code SOP0035. Installing the subsystem SPACEOPT is a subsystem of BS2000 and is managed by DSSM. To be loaded by DSSM it must be declared in the subsystem catalog. The subsystem declarations required for this can be found in the SYSSSC.SPACEOPT.030 file. The subsystem declarations must be entered in the subsystem catalog with the SSCM program. The /START-SUBSYSTEM command activates the SPACEOPT subsystem and thus also the associated message file, syntax file and REP file. For information on the subsystem catalog and SSCM, see the “Subsystem Management (DSSM/SSCM)” manual [3]. The messages and help texts can be found in the SYSMES.SPACEOPT.030 file. 42 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Installing, starting, terminating, managing Starting SPACEOPT 5.2 Starting SPACEOPT Following installation the SPACEOPT subsystem can be loaded and started using the following command: /START-SUBSYSTEM SUBSYSTEM-NAME=SPACEOPT The following applies to the other operands of the command: – VERSION = *STD / an explicitly specified version () must match the version defined in the subsystem catalog – Specifications for SUBSYSTEM-PARAMETER are ignored – The specification RESET=*YES causes the command to be rejected – SYNCHRONOUS = *NO / *YES Both specifications are allowed – For VERSION-PARALLELISM only *NONE is allowed; other specifications cause the command to be rejected The command is described in the “Subsystem Management” manual [3]. 5.3 Terminating SPACEOPT The SPACEOPT subsystem is terminated and unloaded1 with the following command: /STOP-SUBSYSTEM SUBSYSTEM-NAME=SPACEOPT The following applies to the other operands of the command: – VERSION = *STD / an explicitly specified version () must match the version defined in the subsystem catalog – Specifications for SUBSYSTEM-PARAMETER are ignored – FORCED = *NO / *YES Both specifications are allowed – SYNCHRONOUS = *NO / *YES Both specifications are allowed The command is described in the “Subsystem Management” manual [3]. 1 If open files were included in a reorganization using SPACEOPT, unloading of the SPACEOPT subsystem is rejected until all applications which access the files concerned have been informed of the reorganization. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 43 Diagnostics with trace Installing, starting, terminating, managing /STOP-SUBSYSTEM implicitly terminates all SPACEOPT jobs. DSSM does not complete the unloading until all SPACEOPT subtasks have finished working. You can find out which jobs are still active using the command /SHOW-SUBSYSTEM-STATUS SUBSYSTEM-NAME=SPACEOPT or /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS OBJECT=*ALL-JOBS Once the subsystem has been unloaded, the SPACEOPT commands are no longer available. 5.4 Diagnostics with trace If problems occur when you are using the SPACEOPT product, you can activate a trace for diagnostic purposes, which will log the most important steps of the data reorganization. The trace files should be made available to BS2000 diagnostics. Activating and deactivating the trace The trace is activated and deactivated using the commands of the Trace Manager (see the “Diagnostics Handbook” [5]) /START-TRACE TRACE-ID=*ALL(SUBSYSTEM-NAME=SPACEOPT) or /STOP-TRACE TRACE-ID=*ALL(SUBSYSTEM-NAME=SPACEOPT) Trace files For each volume for which a SPACEOPT job is executed, once the trace has been activated a file is created on the home pubset under the TSOS user ID with the following name: ::$TSOS.SYSTRC.SPACEOPT..yyyy-mm-dd.hhmmss 44 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Installing, starting, terminating, managing Logging of extent movements 5.5 Logging of extent movements When processing the SPACEOPT commands /START-SPACEOPT-JOB, /CLEAR-VOLUME and /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER, SPACEOPT usually moves file extents. In order to ensure that these movements can be traced accurately, the security officer can specify that when extents are moved, the affected files or volumes are logged. Prerequisite for the creation of the log is the use of the software product SECOS as of version V4.0A (see the “SECOS” manual [8]). The recording of loggable events is carried out using the subsystem SATCP (SAT = Security Audit Trail). SATLOG files created using SATCP are then evaluated using the SATUP utility (under the SYSAUDIT user ID). File accesses by SPACEOPT can be logged for the object “FILE” with the events “FSO” or “FME” (default setting: no logging); – FSO: Select object for reorganization (file - select object) This event logs user requests, for example, the jobs issued to SPACEOPT. Depending on the object that has been selected, the following items of information may be logged. catid Catalog ID of the selected pubset filename File name of the selected file vsn1 The VSN of the selected volume – FME: Move file extents (file-move extents) This event is used to log the results of job processing. The following items of information are logged: filename File name of the processed file sopact Short form of a SPACEOPT command (CLEAR-VOL, REDUCE-EXT or START-JOB) vsn1 Optional, the VSN of the processed volume Whether there is a single record or several associated records with the event FME for a record with the event FSO will depend on whether, during processing, files have been moved or extents have moved. A record with the event FME is only written if a file or at least one extent of a file has been moved. By contrast, for each record with an FME event, a record will always exist with an FSO event . An exact description of the loggable events FSO and FME can be found in the “SECOS” manual [8]. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 45 Logging of extent movements Installing, starting, terminating, managing The following section contains a range of typical application examples. Since these are only designed to show the type of information that is logged, only extracts from the logs are given. (The information is not shown in the format output by the SATUT evaluation program.) Example 1: Reducing the file extents of a file /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER FILE-NAME=FILE For the specified file (default catalog ID is PVSX) a selection record FSO is logged and when reduction of file extents is carried out a results log FME is logged: FSO: filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE FME: filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE, sopact=REDUCE-EXT Example 2: Reducing the file extents of several files /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER FILE-NAME=*FROM-FILE(LIST-FILE-NAME=FLIST) The file name list FLIST contains the path names of 5 files. For each processed file a selection record FSO is logged. If the number of file extents of a file is reduced, an additional FME results record is created (in this case, for FILE1, FILE2 and FILE5 only): FSO: FME: FSO: FME: FSO: FSO: FSO: FME: filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE1 filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE1, sopact=REDUCE-EXT filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE2 filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE2, sopact=REDUCE-EXT filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE3 filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE4 filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE5 filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE5, sopact=REDUCE-EXT Example 3: Reorganizing a volume /START-SPACEOPT-JOB OBJECT=*PUBLIC-DISK(VOL=PVSX.0) For the specified volume, an FSO selection record is logged and for each file of the volume for which extents are moved, an FME results record is also logged (in this case, extent movements for n files): FSO: FME: FME: . . . FME: 46 vsn1=PVSX.0 filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE1, vsn1=PVSX.0, sopact=START-JOB filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE2, vsn1=PVSX.0, sopact=START-JOB filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILEn, vsn1=PVSX.0, sopact=START-JOB U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Installing, starting, terminating, managing Logging of extent movements Example 4: Reorganizing a pubset /START-SPACEOPT-JOB OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=PVSX) For the specified pubset, an FSO selection record is logged and for each file of the pubset for which extents are moved, an FME results record is also logged (in this case, n files with extent movements and pubset PVSX with 2 volumes): FSO: FME: FME: . . . FME: catid=PVSX filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE1, vsn1=PVSX.0, sopact=START-JOB filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE2, vsn1=PVSX.0, sopact=START-JOB filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILEn, vsn1=PVSX.1, sopact=START-JOB Example 5: Clearing a volume /CLEAR-VOLUME VOLUME=PVSX.0 For the specified volume, an FSO selection record is logged and for each file of the volume that is moved, an FME results record is also logged (in this case, n movements): FSO: FME: FME: . . . FME: U41073-J-Z125-3-76 vsn1=PVSX.0 filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE1, vsn1=PVSX.0, sopact=CLEAR-VOL filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILE2, vsn1=PVSX.0, sopact=CLEAR-VOL filename=:PVSX:$USER.FILEn, vsn1=PVSX.0, sopact=CLEAR-VOL 47 SPACEOPT accounting record Installing, starting, terminating, managing 5.6 SPACEOPT accounting record SPACEOPT creates accounting records when reorganizing files using /START-SPACEOPTJOB and when clearing a volume using /CLEAR-VOLUME. When these commands arecalled, a system task is created asynchronously for each volume that is to be processed. At the beginning and end of an asynchronously started system task a SPACEOPT accounting record is written. This contains primarily the “amount of CPU time used” and the “number of inputs/outputs”. By comparing these pairs of accounting records, it is possible to determine the amount of resources used per system task. The pairs of records differ in terms of the basic information contained in the record index (“A” for the start of the record and “B” for the end of the record). A record with the index “B” cannot exist without the corresponding index “A”. A record with the index “A” can exist without the corresponding index “B”; however this record must then be ignored. The accounting is carried out for the user ID and the accounting number of the task issuing the command. If no accounting number is specified at the beginning of the task in the /SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command, “ADMINSTR” is used as the accounting number. Format of the SPACEOPT accounting record Record description (20 bytes) Field no. Displacement Length Format Meaning (bytes) hex. dec. 1 00 0 4 A ID of the accounting record: “SOPA” 2 04 4 8 B2 Time stamp of the TOD system clock 3 0C 12 2 B Length of the identification part X'1C' (see below) 4 0E 14 2 B Length of the basic informaiton: X'24' (see below) 5 10 16 4 B --- reserved --- Identification part (28 bytes) Field no. Displacement hex. 48 dec. Length Format Meaning (bytes) 1 14 20 8 A User ID 2 1C 28 8 A Account number (“ADMINSTR”) 3 24 36 4 A Task sequence number (TSN) of the system task 4 28 40 8 A Group name U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Installing, starting, terminating, managing SPACEOPT accounting record Basic information (36 bytes) Field no. Displacement Length Format Meaning (bytes) hex. dec. 1 30 48 8 B2 Task CPU time (TU and TPR) 2 38 56 4 B Number of inputs/outputs 3 3C 60 19 A Printable time stamp in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss 4 4F 79 1 A Record index; possible values: – “A” at the beginning of the system task – “B” at the end of the system task 5 50 80 4 B --- reserved --- A SPACEOPT accounting record thus has a total length of 84 bytes; variable extension information is not available. Explanation of the format – A alphanumeric value – B binary number – B2 binary representation of the CPU time: – The first four bytes contain the seconds – The second four bytes contain the nanoseconds Note regarding accounting for other SPACEOPT commands For the SPACEOPT commands /CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB, /PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORKFILES, /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER, /SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE, /SHOW-SPACEOPTJOB-STATUS, and /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION no specific accounting is carried out. The amount of resources used can, if required, be determined using the accounting record that is created at the end of a task. This accounting record (ID: “TASK”) contains, as part of its basic information, specifications regarding the amount of CPU time used and the number of inputs/outputs carried out. You should also bear in mind that these SPACEOPT commands, with the exception of /PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES, are carried out synchronously in the task that issues the command. This means that the resources that are recorded by a task accounting record, are not necessarily just resources used by SPACEOPT but also resources used by other processes. Recording the amount of resources used may be useful when, for example, reducing the number of file extents using the command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER, when a large number of file extents may need to be moved (as this may take some time). U41073-J-Z125-3-76 49 SPACEOPT accounting record 50 Installing, starting, terminating, managing U41073-J-Z125-3-76 6 Commands The metasyntax and general command return codes are described in “Commands, Volume 1” [1]. Overview of commands Command Function ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE Adapt volume size CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB Cancel SPACEOPT job CLEAR-VOLUME Completely clear a Volume PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES Purge SPACEOPT work files REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER Reduce the number of file extents SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE Show the number of free pages of an ISAM file SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS Show information on SPACEOPT jobs SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION Show space allocation on volumes START-SPACEOPT-JOB Start SPACEOPT job U41073-J-Z125-3-76 51 ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE Commands ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE Adapt volume size Domain: STORAGE-MANAGEMENT Privileges: TSOS, HSMS-ADMINISTRATION Function The /ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE command is used in a RAID disk subsystem (e.g. Symmetrix) to adapt the size of the BS2000 disks of an SF or SM pubset to the size of the logical volume by which they are implemented. Such an adaption can, for example, be required after disk migration using DRV. See also the chapter “Adapting the size of volumes” on page 37. The set of the volumes to be adapted can be defined using the following specifications: – – With a single-feature pubset (SF pubset) the size of all disks (volumes) of the pubset or individual disks can be adapted. With a system-managed pubset (SM pubset) the size of all disks (volumes), the disks of particular volume sets or individual disks can be adapted. Size adaption of volumes is possible under the following conditions: – – – – The pubset concerned is not imported. All disks to be adapted are attached (ATTACHED status). In the case of an SM pubset the disks of the control volume set and the volres of the volume set to which the disks which are to be adapted belong must on all accounts be attached. In the case of an SF the pubres must on all accounts be attached. The size adaption is terminated by the next import of the pubset with an F5 label restoration for the volumes concerned. The restoration is performed automatically after a positive acknowledgment of the message DMS038C. During size adaption a disk capacity of 32 GB can be exceeeded only if the accociated pubset has the attribute LARGE-VOLUMES=*ALLOWED. Otherwise the size adaption is restricted to 32 GB (rounded according to the allocation unit). This command processes all disk types supported on Symmetrix. The command does nothing for a disk of a type which is not supported but indicates this with a corresponding message and, if required, continues processing with the next disk. 52 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE Format ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE PUBSET = ,PUBSET-TYPE = *SINGLE-FEATURE (...) / *SYSTEM-MANAGED(...) *SINGLE-FEATURE(...)  VOLUME = *ALL / list-poss(255): *SYSTEM-MANAGED(...)     VOLUME-SET = *ALL / list-poss(255): (...) (...)  VOLUME = *ALL / list-poss(255): Operands PUBSET = ID of the pubset for which the size adaption is to take place. PUBSET-TYPE = *SINGLE-FEATURE(...) / *SYSTEM-MANAGED(...) Specifies whether the pubset is an SF or SM pubset. PUBSET-TYPE = *SINGLE-FEATURE(...) The pubset is an SF pubset. The pubres must be online. VOLUME = *ALL / list-poss(255): Specifies the volumes for which a size adaption is to take place. VOLUME = *ALL The size adaption is to take place for all volumes of the pubset. VOLUME = list-poss(255): The size adaption is to take place for the volumes of the pubset which are explicitly specified. All volumes specified must belong to the SF pubset. PUBSET-TYPE = *SYSTEM-MANAGED(...) The pubset is an SM pubset. To permit size adaption within an SM pubset the control volume set and, for each volume set that is to be adapted, the volres must be online. VOLUME-SET = *ALL / list-poss(255): (...) Specifies the volume sets for which a size adaption is to take place. VOLUME-SET = *ALL The size adaption is to take place for all volume sets of the SM pubset. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 53 ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE Commands VOLUME-SET = list-poss(255): (...) The size adaption is to take place for the explicitly specified volume set of the SM pubset. Multiple volume sets can be specified in a list. VOLUME = *ALL / list-poss(255): Specifies the volumes for which a size adaption is to take place. VOLUME = *ALL The size adaption is to take place for all volumes of the volume set. VOLUME = list-poss(255): The size adaption is to take place for the explicitly specified volume of the volume set. All the volumes specified must belong to the volume set. Command return codes (SC2) 54 SC1 Maincode Meaning 0 1 1 2 2 3 32 32 32 64 65 66 128 129 130 CMD0001 CMD0202 CMD2201 CMD0200 CMD2202 CMD2203 CMD0221 CMD2009 SOP0022 CMD0216 CMD2241 CMD2242 CMD2280 CMD2281 CMD2282 Command executed successfully Syntax error Internal parameter error Command currently unavailable Subsystem not defined Error during installation Internal SDF error Error in S variable Internal error Required privilege missing Subsystem not loaded No connection to subsystem Subsystem is not available (short-term) Subsystem is not available (long-term) Subsystem not available for undefined period of time U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB Cancel SPACEOPT job Domain: STORAGE-MANAGEMENT Privileges: TSOS, HSMS-ADMINISTRATION Function The /CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB command cancels an active or waiting SPACEOPT job. The reorganization progress up to this point is retained. You can find out about all active and waiting SPACEOPT jobs using the /SHOW-SPACEOPTJOB-STATUS command. Format CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) / *PUBLIC-DISK(...) / *BY-TSN(...) / *ALL-JOBS *PUBSET(...)   PUBSET = ,EXCEPT-VOLUMES = *NONE / list-poss(255): *PUBLIC-DISK(...)  VOLUME = list-poss(255): *BY-TSN(...)  U41073-J-Z125-3-76 TSN = list-poss(255): 55 CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB Commands Operands OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) / *PUBLIC-DISK(...) / *BY-TSN(...) / *ALL-JOBS Specifies which SPACEOPT jobs are to be canceled. When the operand value *PUBSET(...) or *PUBLIC-DISKS(...) is specified for a shared pubset, the command is always executed on the master computer. When the command is entered at the slave computer, it is sent to the master computer before being executed there (for more information about the execution of commands in a shared pubset environment see the notes on page 22). When the operand value *BY-TSN(...) or *ALL-JOBS is specified, the command is executed on the computer that issued the command. OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) All SPACEOPT jobs for the volumes of a pubset or volume set are to be canceled. PUBSET = Catalog ID of the pubset or volume set. EXCEPT-VOLUMES = *NONE / list-poss(255): EXCEPT-VOLUMES=... allows you to specify whether there are any volumes of the pubset or volume set for which SPACEOPT jobs are not to be canceled. EXCEPT-VOLUMES = *NONE All SPACEOPT jobs are to be canceled. EXCEPT-VOLUMES = list-poss(255): List of volumes whose SPACEOPT jobs are not to be canceled. Volumes which are not part of the pubset or volume set are ignored. OBJECT = *PUBLIC-DISK(...) The SPACEOPT jobs for specific volumes of an SF pubset or volume set are to be canceled. VOLUME = list-poss(255): Volume serial numbers (VSNs) of the volumes whose SPACEOPT jobs are to be canceled. All volumes must belong to the same SF pubset or volume set, which must have been imported. OBJECT = *BY-TSN(...) The SPACEOPT job is identified by its task sequence number (TSN). To find out the TSN, see also the /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS command. TSN = list-poss(255): TSN of the SPACEOPT job to be canceled. 56 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB OBJECT = *ALL-JOBS All currently active and waiting SPACEOPT jobs are to be canceled. To find out which SPACEOPT jobs are active, see also the /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS command. Command return codes (SC2) 1 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SC1 Maincode Meaning 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 66 128 129 130 130 CMD0001 CMD0001 CMD0202 CMD2201 SOP0034 CMD0200 CMD2202 CMD2203 CMD0221 SOP0022 CMD0216 SOP0030 SOP0031 SOP0033 SOP0037 SOP0039 CMD2241 CMD2242 CMD2280 CMD2281 CMD2282 SOP002C Command executed successfully No volumes to process / SPACEOPT job already active Syntax error Internal parameter error Incorrect VOLUME operand Command currently unavailable Subsystem not defined Error during installation Internal SDF error Internal error Required privilege missing VSN not in volume catalog Pubset not found or not accessible TSN not found Object not found Command not available on slave computer Subsystem not loaded No connection to subsystem Subsystem is not available (short-term) Subsystem is not available (long-term) Subsystem not available for undefined period of time Insufficient storage space 57 CLEAR-VOLUME Commands CLEAR-VOLUME Completely clear a volume Domain: STORAGE-MANAGEMENT Privileges: TSOS, HSMS-ADMINISTRATION Function The /CLEAR-VOLUME command can be used to remove all files (for restrictions, see page 59) from the specified volume and move them to other volumes in the same pubset or volume set. A SPACEOPT job is started in order to execute the command /CLEAR-VOLUME. Completely clearing a volume can only be carried out if it is not possible to allocate storage space on the affected volume. The following utilization restrictions can be set explicitly by the system support team for the affected volume using the /MODIFY-PUBSETRESTRICTIONS command: – Utilization restrictions for the volume of a SF pubset: /MODIFY-PUBSET-RESTRICTIONS PUBSET=,PUBSET-TYPE=*SINGLE-FEATURE (ALLOCATION-ON-VOLUME=*NOT-ALLOWED(VOLUME=)) – Utilization restrictions for the volume of a volume set: /MODIFY-PUBSET-RESTRICTIONS PUBSET=,PUBSET-TYPE=*SYSTEM-MANAGED (VOLUME-SET=,RESTRICTION=*ALLOCATION-ON-VOLUME= (MODE=*NOT-ALLOWED(VOLUME=))) If, on successful completion of clearing of the specified volume, allocation of the storage space on this volume is to be permitted again, the utilization restriction can be lifted using an appropriate /MODIFY-PUBSET-RESTRICTIONS command. The clearing of a volume is, for example, necessary when reconfiguring volumes during normal operation: a volume can only be taken out of the configuration of a pubset or volume set if this volume is completely empty. If the job for the specified volume has been initiated successfully, the /CLEAR-VOLUME command is terminated and the caller regains control. Processing is then carried out asynchronously. The processing statuses can be queried using the /SHOW-SPACEOPTJOB-STATUS command. A job to clear a volume is rejected if a SPACEOPT job to move file extents has already been started for this volume (/START-SPACEOPT-JOB) or a job to purge SPACEOPT work files (/PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES) has been initiated. 58 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands CLEAR-VOLUME A SPACEOPT job to clear a volume can be monitored by a monitor job variable if you are using the software product JV. Restrictions The clearing of a volume is carried out as far as it is possible. Important system files, locked files and files with certain attributes cannot be moved. These are the same files as are described under section “Files normally excluded from the reorganization” on page 12. Files that cannot be moved to other volumes are logged in the output file ::$SYSSOPT.SPACEOPT..yyyy-mm-dd.hhmmss. It is also not possible to move the current log file. Open files are moved only if this is explicitly requested using the PROCESS-OPENFILES=*YES operand (see also the section “Reorganization including open files” on page 20). If the allocation lock is lifted for the volume while the clearing job is running, it is possible to create files on the volume again. These files are not taken into consideration by the current SPACEOPT job. Thus, to ensure that the volume is cleared completely, you will need to start the complete clearance process again. Format CLEAR-VOLUME VOLUME = ,MONJV = *NONE / ,JV-PASSWORD = *NONE / / / / *SECRET ,PROCESS-OPEN-FILES = *NO / *YES Operands VOLUME = Determines the volume sequence number (VSN) of the volume that is to be cleared completely. If the command is launched from a slave computer and the specified volume belongs to a shared pubset, this command is sent to the master computer and executed there (for information on the execution of commands in a shared pubset environment, see the notes on page 22). U41073-J-Z125-3-76 59 CLEAR-VOLUME Commands MONJV = *NONE / Specifies whether the SPACEOPT job to clear a volume is to be monitored by a job variable. MONJV = *NONE The SPACEOPT job created in order to clear a volume is not to be monitored by a job variable. MONJV = Name of the job variable that is to monitor the SPACEOPT job created to clear a volume. It is only possible to specify a monitoring job variable if the software product JV has been purchased and installed. If the specified job variable has not been cataloged it will be set up by SPACEOPT. The status values that a monitoring job variable may assume are described in the section “Monitoring SPACEOPT jobs using the monitor job variable” on page 18. JV-PASSWORD = *NONE / / / / *SECRET Serves to specify the password for the monitoring job variable. The JV-PASSWORD operand has the following special characteristics: – The password entered is not logged. – The input field is automatically blanked out in an interactive dialog. – In unguided dialog and foreground procedures, the entry *SECRET or ^ permits concealed input of the password. PROCESS-OPEN-FILES = *NO / *YES Specifies whether the SPACEOPT job for emptying a volume should also process open files. PROCESS-OPEN-FILES = *NO The SPACEOPT job for emptying a volume does not process open files, i.e. open files remain on the volume. PROCESS-OPEN-FILES = *YES The SPACEOPT job for emptying a volume should also move open files. 60 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands CLEAR-VOLUME Command return codes (SC2) U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SC1 Maincode Meaning 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 CMD0001 CMD0202 CMD2201 SOP0034 CMD0200 CMD2202 CMD2203 CMD0221 SOP0022 CMD0216 SOP0009 SOP002F SOP0030 SOP0031 SOP0035 SOP003E 64 SOP003F 64 64 64 64 64 65 66 128 128 129 130 130 SOP005A SOP0058 SOP0059 SOP0068 SOP0069 CMD2241 CMD2242 CMD2280 SOP0008 CMD2281 CMD2282 SOP002C Command executed successfully Syntax error Internal parameter error Incorrect VOLUME operand Command currently unavailable Subsystem not defined Error during installation Internal SDF error Internal error Required privilege missing No MSCF connection to master Allocator lock not set for specified volume VSN not in volume catalog Pubset not found or not accessible The SYSSOPT ID has not been created Job to clear a volume of the pubset or a volume of the volume set is already active SPACEOPT job is already activated for the affected pubset or volume set Processing error for an open file Extent movement for an open file aborted by access method Input/output cannot be stopped for an open file Open files cannot be processed Open files cannot be processed on the master Subsystem not loaded No connection to subsystem Subsystem is not available (short-term) MSCF connection to master computer is overloaded/has timed out Subsystem is not available (long-term) Subsystem not available for undefined period of time Insufficient storage space 61 PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES Commands PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES Purge SPACEOPT work files Domain: STORAGE-MANAGEMENT Privileges: TSOS, HSMS-ADMINISTRATION Function The /PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES command initiates a necessary purge for a SPACEOPT job which was not completed successfully (e.g. in the last session). The main task here is the controlled release of internal SPACEOPT work files and thus of allocated disk space under the SYSSOPT ID. User files can also be processed unrestricted in the usual way without activation of the purge function. With every SPACEOPT job started with the /START-SPACEOPT-JOB command, the system checks at the beginning whether a purge job is necessary for the corresponding volume. If so, a purge job is implicitly initiated. As a rule, explicit purge jobs are only necessary if a purge is to be performed without a new SPACEOPT job. Purge jobs are executed asynchronously. You can find out their status using the /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS command. Explicit purge jobs do not affect the task limit (see section “Setting a task limit” on page 11). Format PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) / *PUBLIC-DISK(...) *PUBSET(...)   PUBSET = EXCEPT-VOLUMES = *NONE / list-poss(255): *PUBLIC-DISK(...)  62 VOLUME = list-poss(255): U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES Operands OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) / *PUBLIC-DISK(...) Specifies the objects for which the purge function is to be started. In any case the relevant pubset must have been imported, i.e. it must have the MRSCAT status ”local accessible”. If this is a shared pubset, the command is executed on the master computer. When the command is entered at the slave computer, it is sent to the master computer before being executed there (for more information about the execution of commands in a shared pubset environment see the notes on page 22). OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) The purge function is started for a whole pubset or volume set, i.e. the system checks for each volume of the pubset or volume set whether a purge job is necessary, and the necessary purge jobs are initiated. PUBSET = Catalog ID of the pubset or volume set. EXCEPT-VOLUMES = *NONE / list-poss(255): EXCEPT-VOLUMES=... allows you to specify whether there are any volumes of the pubset or volume set for which no purge job is to be initiated. EXCEPT-VOLUMES = *NONE No volumes are to be ignored, i.e. for every volume of the pubset or volume set the system checks whether a purge job can be initiated and, if applicable, starts it. EXCEPT-VOLUMES = list-poss(255): Specifies volumes for which no purge job is to be initiated. Volumes which do not belong to the pubset or volume set are ignored. OBJECT = *PUBLIC-DISK(...) The purge function is started for specific volumes. VOLUME = list-poss(255): VSNs of the volumes. All specified volumes must belong to the same SF pubset or volume set. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 63 PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES Commands Command return codes (SC2) 1 64 SC1 Maincode Meaning 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 32 32 64 64 64 64 65 66 128 129 130 130 CMD0001 CMD0001 CMD0202 CMD2201 SOP0034 CMD0200 CMD2202 CMD2203 CMD0221 SOP0022 CMD0216 SOP0030 SOP0031 SOP0039 CMD2241 CMD2242 CMD2280 CMD2281 CMD2282 SOP002C Command executed successfully No volumes to process / job already active Syntax error Internal parameter error Incorrect VOLUME operand Command currently unavailable Subsystem not defined Error during installation Internal SDF error Internal error Required privilege missing VSN not in volume catalog Pubset not found or not accessible Command not available on slave computer Subsystem not loaded No connection to subsystem Subsystem is not available (short-term) Subsystem is not available (long-term) Subsystem not available for undefined period of time Insufficient storage space U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER Reduce the number of file extents Domain: STORAGE-MANAGEMENT Privileges: TSOS, HSMS-ADMINISTRATION Function You can use the command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER to reduce the number of extents for one or more specified file(s). The specifications for FILE-NAME are used to determine those files for which a reduction of the number of extents is to be carried out. The following is achieved by reducing the number of extents of a file: – The continuous creation, extension, reduction and deletion of files does not lead to increased fragmentation of the volumes of the affected pubset. – You can still process the affected files without restriction, as the system ensures that you never reach the maximum number extents. In order to reduce the number of file extents, the volumes of the affected pubset require large areas of contiguous storage space. To ensure that the sufficient space is available, it is recommended that the pubsets to which the affected files have been allocated are reorganized first. The reorganization of affected pubsets can be initiated using the /STARTSPACEOPT-JOB command When executing the command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER, no separate asynchronous SPACEOPT job is created; processing is carried out synchronously under the task of user that called the command. Restrictions Files that are excluded from extent reduction include important system files, locked files and files with certain attributes. These are the files that are described in section “Files normally excluded from the reorganization” on page 12. Also excluded from extent reduction are files on private disks, tape files, migrated files, files with a single extent and files that do not occupy physical space. Open files are processed only if this is explicitly requested using the PROCESS-OPENFILES=*YES operand (see also the section “Reorganization including open files” on page 20). U41073-J-Z125-3-76 65 REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER Commands Format REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER FILE-NAME = / *FROM-FILE(...) *FROM-FILE(...)  LIST-FILE-NAME = ,PROCESS-OPEN-FILES = *NO / *YES Operands FILE-NAME = / *FROM-FILE(...) Determines a file or a number of files for which reduction of the number of file extents is to be carried out. For files located on a shared pubset, the command can be launched from both the master computer and from a slave computer. The affected pubset must have been imported, or in other words, it must be in the MRSCAT status “local accessible” (for more information about executing commands in a shared pubset environment, see the notes on page 22). FILE-NAME = Path name of the file for which a reduction of the number of extents is to be carried out. The specification of a file generation is permitted, but not the specification of a file generation group (the group entry does not have any extents). FILE-NAME = *FROM-FILE(...) The path names of the files whose number of extents are to be reduced are taken from a file name list. The file name list must be a SAM file with fixed or variable record lengths which contains a fully-qualified path name (maximum of 54 characters) in each record. Partially-qualified specifications or specifications with wildcard characters are not permitted. The use of leading blanks in a record is permitted, blank lines are ignored. Multiple occurrences of the path name of a file are permitted, however the affected file will only be processed once. SPACEOPT attempts to process all files. A separate message will be output to SYSOUT for all files for which the number of extents cannot be reduced. A file name list can, for example, be created using an editor. However, it is very quick and easy to use the /SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command to create a file name list. This provides you with the complete range of file selection options (partial-qualification, wildcards and selection criteria). LIST-FILE-NAME = Path name of the file name list 66 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER Example of creation of file name list The following example shows how to determine all files or file generations on pubset PVSX, for which the number of extents lies between a lower threshold 'x' and an upper threshold 'y': /SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES FILE-NAME=:pvsx:$*., SELECT=*BY-ATTRIBUTES(NUMBER-OF-EXTENTS=*INTERVAL(FROM=x,TO=y), GENERATIONS=*YES),OUTPUT=(FORM-NAME=FILE-NAME) The file as specified in the OUTPUT operand contains the fully-qualified path names of the affected files and file generations. This file can be used as an input file for the SPACEOPT command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER. PROCESS-OPEN-FILES = *NO / *YES Specifies whether the reduction in the number of extents should also be performed for open files. PROCESS-OPEN-FILES = *NO The reduction in the number of extents is not performed for open files. PROCESS-OPEN-FILES = *YES The reduction in the number of extents is to be performed for open files. Command return codes (SC2) SC1 Maincode Meaning/Guaranteed messages 2 0 0 CMD0001 SOP0056 1 1 2 2 3 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 CMD0202 CMD2201 CMD0200 CMD2202 CMD2203 CMD0221 SOP0022 CMD0102 CMD0216 SOP0031 SOP0035 SOP005A Command executed successfully Error during reduction of the number of extents for some files. At least one of the following guaranteed messages was issued: SOP0022, SOP002C, SOP0031, SOP0035, SOP0050, SOP0051, SOP0052, SOP0053, SOP0054, SOP0055, SOP0060, SOP0064, SOP0065 Syntax error Internal parameter error Command currently unavailable Subsystem not defined Error during installation Internal SDF error Internal error Command interrupted using the [K2] button Required privilege missing Pubset could not be found/could not be accessed The SYSSOPT ID has not been created Processing error for an open file continued ➠ U41073-J-Z125-3-76 67 REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER (SC2) 68 Commands SC1 Maincode Meaning/Guaranteed messages 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 66 128 129 130 130 SOP0050 SOP0051 SOP0052 SOP0053 SOP0054 SOP0055 SOP0057 SOP0058 SOP0059 SOP0060 SOP0061 SOP0062 SOP0063 SOP0067 SOP0068 SOP0069 CMD2241 CMD2242 CMD2280 CMD2281 CMD2282 SOP002C File does not exist File is locked Error creating a SPACEOPT auxilliary file Number of file extents cannot be reduced File attributes do not permit extent reduction DAB activated for file Command interrupted by a /CANCEL-JOB Extent movement for an open file aborted by access method Input/output cannot be stopped for an open file File is by default excluded from reorganization DMS error on opening or processing the file list file Invalid format of file list file File list file contains no valid records Name of the specified file is syntactically invalid Open files cannot be processed Open files cannot be processed on the master Subsystem not loaded No connection to subsystem Subsystem is not available (short-term) Subsystem is not available (long-term) Subsystem not available for undefined period of time Insufficient storage space U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE Show the number of free pages of an ISAM file Domain: STORAGE-MANAGEMENT Privileges: TSOS, HSMS-ADMINISTRATION Function You can use the /SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE command to determine the number of free pages of an ISAM file. Processing an ISAM file (adding, extending, shortening or deleting records) can result in an increasing number of free pages in front of the logical end of the file. Since these free pages remain allocated, the size of the ISAM file may continue to increase despite the fact that this additional space is not occupied by real data. Reorganization is recommended if an ISAM file contains a large number of free pages (this can be done using the PERCON utility). Format SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE FILE-NAME = / *FROM-FILE (...) *FROM-FILE (...)  LIST-FILE-NAME = ,OUTPUT = *SYSOUT / *SYSLST(...) *SYSLST(...)  U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SYSLST-NUMBER = *STD / 69 SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE Commands Operands FILE-NAME = / *FROM-FILE(...) Name of a file or file name list. Only ISAM files can be processed in this way, for all other files the command is rejected with the message SOP0066. For files located on a shared pubset, the command can be launched from both the master computer and from a slave computer. The affected pubset must have been imported, or in other words, it must be in the MRSCAT status “local accessible” (for more information about executing commands in a shared pubset environment, see the notes on page 22). FILE-NAME = Path name of the file for which the number of free pages is to be determined. The specification of a file generation is permitted, but not the specification of a file generation group index. FILE-NAME = *FROM-FILE(...) The path names of the files whose number of extents are to be reduced are taken from a file name list. The file name list must be a SAM file with fixed or variable record lengths which contains a fully-qualified path name (maximum of 54 characters) for each record. Partially-qualified specifications or specifications with wildcard characters are not permitted. The use of leading blanks in a record is permitted, blank lines are ignored. Multiple occurrences of the path name of a file are permitted, however the affected file will only be listed once. If output is not possible for a file (e.g. file is not an ISAM file), a message is output to SYSOUT and the system continues processing the file name list. A file name list can, for example, be created using an editor. However, it is very quick and easy to use the /SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command to create a file name list. This provides you with the complete range of file selection options (partial-qualification, wildcards and selection criteria). LIST-FILE-NAME = Path name of the file name list. Example of creation of file name list The following example shows how to determine all ISAM files and/or file generations on pubset PVSX, for which the number of extents lies between a lower threshold 'x' and an upper threshold 'y': /SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES FILE-NAME=:PVSX:$*.,SELECT=*BY-ATTRIBUTES( FILE-STRUCTURE=*ISAM,GENERATIONS=*YES,SIZE=*INTERVAL(FROM=x,TO=y)), OUTPUT=(FORM-NAME=FILE-NAME) The file as specified in the OUTPUT operand contains the fully-qualified path names of the affected files and file generations. This file can be used as an input file for the SPACEOPT command SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE. 70 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE OUTPUT = *SYSOUT / *SYSLST(...) This specifies where the information is to be output. Information can be output to SYSOUT (default) or to the system file SYSLST. OUTPUT = *SYSOUT Information is output to SYSOUT. OUTPUT = *SYSLST(...) Information output in printable format to the system file SYSLST. The first byte of each output record is X’40’. SYSLST-NUMBER = *STD / Determines whether the information is to be output to the system file SYSLST or to a SYSLST file from the range SYSLST01 through SYSLST99. The default is *STD, which means that the output is sent to the SYSLST system file. Command return codes (SC2) SC1 Maincode Meaning/Guaranteed messages 2 0 0 CMD0001 SOP0056 1 1 2 2 3 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 66 128 129 130 130 CMD0202 CMD2201 CMD0200 CMD2202 CMD2203 CMD0221 CMD2009 SOP0022 CMD0216 SOP0050 SOP0061 SOP0062 SOP0063 SOP0066 SOP0067 CMD2241 CMD2242 CMD2280 CMD2281 CMD2282 SOP002C Command executed successfully Error when displaying free pages for some files. At least one of the following guaranteed messages was issued: SOP0022, SOP002C, SOP0050, SOP0064, SOP0065, SOP0066 Syntax error Internal parameter error Command currently unavailable Subsystem not defined Error during installation Internal SDF error Error in S variable Internal error Required privilege missing File does not exist DMS error on opening or processing a file Invalid format of file list file File list file contains no valid records Specified file is not an ISAM file Name of the specified file is syntactically invalid Subsystem not loaded No connection to subsystem Subsystem is not available (short-term) Subsystem is not available (long-term) Subsystem not available for undefined period of time Insufficient storage space U41073-J-Z125-3-76 71 SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE Commands Output format The output of the command /SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE contains a block of information with four value lines for each of the specified files. The value lines provide the following information, the path name of the file, the number of reserved pages, the number of free pages and the proportion of free pages to reserved pages. Output example %========================================================================== % FILE_NAME : :2OS6:$TSOS.ISAMFILE % TOTAL_PAGES : 102 % FREE_PAGES : 10 % PERCENT : 9% %========================================================================== The following table describes the output lines, possible values and their meanings: Output line Value Meaning FILE_NAME Path name of the processed file TOTAL_PAGES 0..2,147,483,647 Total number of pages in the processed ISAM file, up to and including the logical last page (in units of 2 KB). FREE_PAGES 0..2,147,483,647 Total number of free pages in the processed ISAM file before the logical end of the file (in units of 2 KB). PERCENT 0..100 % Percentage of free pages in relation to the total number of pages in the ISAM file (including the last logical page) S variables Output information Name of S variable T Contents Path name of the ISAM file var(*LIST).F-NAME S Number of free pages var(*LIST).FREE-PAGE Total number of all pages up to and including LHP var(*LIST).TOTAL-PAGE 72 I 0..2,147,483,647 I 0..2,147,483,647 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS Show information on SPACEOPT jobs Domain: STORAGE-MANAGEMENT Privileges: TSOS, HSMS-ADMINISTRATION Function The /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS command is used to request information on active and waiting SPACEOPT jobs. This command supports structured output in S variables (see the “Commands” manual, under “Output in S variables” [2]). Format SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS OBJECT = *ALL-JOBS / *PUBSET(...) / *PUBLIC-DISK(...) / *BY-TSN(...) *PUBSET(...)  PUBSET = *PUBLIC-DISK(...)  VOLUME = list-poss(255): *BY-TSN(...)  TSN = list-poss(255): ,SELECT = *ALL / *BY-ATTRIBUTES(...) *BY-ATTRIBUTES(...)   VOLUME = *ANY / list-poss(255): STATUS = *ANY / *RUNNING / *WAITING / *PURGE / *PURGE-WAIT / *CLEARING ,OUTPUT = *SYSOUT / *SYSLST(...) *SYSLST(...)  U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SYSLST-NUMBER = *STD / 73 SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS Commands Operands OBJECT = *ALL-JOBS / *PUBSET(...) / *PUBLIC-DISK(...) / *BY-TSN(...) Specifies the objects for which information on the SPACEOPT jobs is to be output. When the operand value *PUBSET(...) or *PUBLIC-DISKS(...) is specified for a shared pubset, the command is always executed on the master computer. When the command is entered at the slave computer, it is sent to the master computer before being executed there (for more information about the execution of commands in a shared pubset environment see the notes on page 22). When the operand value *BY-TSN(...) or *ALL-JOBS is specified, the command is executed on the computer that issued the command. If no SPACEOPT job is found for the specified object, the command is terminated with a return code (SOP0033, SOP0037). OBJECT = *ALL-JOBS Information is displayed on all SPACEOPT jobs. OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) Information is displayed on the SPACEOPT jobs of a pubset or volume set. PUBSET = Catalog ID of the pubset or volume set. OBJECT = *PUBLIC-DISK(...) Information is displayed on the SPACEOPT jobs of specific volumes. VOLUME = list-poss(255): VSNs of the volumes. All specified volumes must belong to the same SF pubset or volume set. OBJECT = *BY-TSN(...) Information is displayed on the SPACEOPT jobs of specific TSNs. TSN = list-poss(255): TSNs of the SPACEOPT jobs. SELECT = *ALL / *BY-ATTRIBUTES(...) Specifies whether the number of SPACEOPT jobs implicitly specified in the OBJECT operand is to be limited. SELECT = *ALL Information is displayed on all SPACEOPT jobs specified in the OBJECT operand. 74 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS SELECT = *BY-ATTRIBUTES(...) The number of SPACEOPT jobs specified in the OBJECT operand is to be limited by means of selection criteria. The default *ANY means that the SPACEOPT jobs are not limited by these selection criteria. VOLUME = *ANY / list-poss(255): Information is displayed only on the SPACEOPT jobs of the specified volumes. STATUS = *ANY / *RUNNING / *WAITING / *PURGE / *PURGE-WAIT / *CLEARING Information is displayed only on SPACEOPT jobs with the specified status (see also “Job statuses” on page 8). STATUS = *RUNNING Information is displayed only on SPACEOPT jobs with the status Running. STATUS = *WAITING Information is displayed only on SPACEOPT jobs with the status Waiting. STATUS = *PURGE In formation is displayed only on SPACEOPT jobs with the status Purge. STATUS = *PURGE-WAIT Information is displayed only on SPACEOPT jobs with the status Purge-Wait. STATUS = *CLEARING The information is only to be output for SPACEOPT jobs that are created by calling the /CLEAR-VOLUME command and are in the status Clearing. OUTPUT = *SYSOUT / *SYSLST(...) Defines where the information is to be output. You can choose either SYSOUT (default) or the system file SYSLST. OUTPUT = *SYSOUT The information is output to SYSOUT. OUTPUT = *SYSLST(...) The information is output to the system file SYSLST in edited form. The first byte of each output record is X’40’. SYSLST-NUMBER = *STD / Specifies whether the output is to the system file SYSLST or to a SYSLST file from the set SYSLST01 through SYSLST99. The default is *STD, i.e. output to the system file SYSLST. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 75 SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS Commands Command return codes (SC2) 76 SC1 Maincode Meaning 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 66 128 129 130 130 CMD0001 CMD0202 CMD2201 SOP0034 CMD0200 CMD2202 CMD2203 CMD0221 CMD2009 SOP0022 CMD0216 OPS0002 SOP0030 SOP0031 SOP0033 SOP0037 SOP0039 CMD2241 CMD2242 CMD2280 CMD2281 CMD2282 SOP002C Command executed successfully Syntax error Internal parameter error Incorrect VOLUME operand Command currently unavailable Subsystem not defined Error during installation Internal SDF error Error in S variable Internal error Required privilege missing K2 interrupt for output in S variables VSN not in volume catalog Pubset not found or not accessible TSN not found Object not found Command not available on slave computer Subsystem not loaded No connection to subsystem Subsystem is not available (short-term) Subsystem is not available (long-term) Subsystem not available for undefined period of time Insufficient storage space U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS Output format The output contains a header and one or more value lines, depending on the number of objects that have been selected. A different header will be output depending on the type of job. Header for reorganization or purge jobs: VOLUME !PUB-/ ! !VOLSET! TSN ! STA ! ! ! CPU-USED ! TASK- ! ! LIMIT ! START-TIME ! MOVED ! EXTENTS ! ! CPU-USED ! TOTAL ! ! FILES ! START-TIME ! MOVED ! FILES Header for a clear volume job: VOLUME !PUB-/ ! !VOLSET! TSN ! STA ! When outputting reorganization or purge jobs and clear volume jobs at the same time, both headers are output and the jobs listed under the appropriate header. The following table describes the output columns with the possible values and their meanings. Output column Value Meaning VOLUME VSN of the volume PUB-/VOLSET Catalog ID of the SF pubset or volume set TSN TSN or *NONE for SPACEOPT jobs with the status *NONE Waiting STA Processing status of the SPACEOPT job, where a * at the beginning of a column indicates that a cancel command has already been issued for this job (using /CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB): RUN SPACEOPT job has the status Running WAIT SPACEOPT job has the status Waiting PURG Purge job initiated, is in processing phase PGWT Purge job initiated, is in processing phase; after successful completion, processing is resumed with SPACEOPT job CLEAR SPACEOPT job to clear a volume is currently in Clearing status CPU-USED CPU time used in seconds TASK-LIMIT NONE only for reorganization and purge jobs Setting for the maximum number of subtasks per pubset or volume set continued ➠ U41073-J-Z125-3-76 77 SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS Commands Output column Value Meaning TOTAL-FILES only for a clear volume job Total number of files with extents on the volume that is to be cleared START-TIME Start time of the processing phase of the SPACEOPT job MOVED EXTENTS only for reorganization and purge jobs Number of extents moved MOVED FILES only for a clear volume job Number of file extents that have already been carried out Example /START-SPACEOPT-JOB OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=SBZC) /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS SELECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=SBZC) ————————————————— (1) VOLUME !PUB-/ ! TSN ! STA ! CPU-USED ! TASK- ! START-TIME ! MOVED !VOLSET! ! ! ! LIMIT ! ! EXTENTS -------+------+-------+------+------------+-------+-----------------+-------SBZC.0 SBZC XADC RUN 5.0138 1 2004-03-23.082337 124 SBZC.1 SBZC *NONE WAIT 0.0000 1 *NONE 0 SBZC.2 SBZC *NONE WAIT 0.0000 1 *NONE 0 /CLEAR-VOLUME VOLUME=SBZD.2 /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS SELECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=SBZD) ————————————————— (2) VOLUME !PUB-/ ! TSN ! STA ! CPU-USED ! TOTAL ! START-TIME ! MOVED !VOLSET! ! ! ! FILES ! ! FILES -------+------+-------+------+------------+-------+-----------------+-------SBZD.2 SBZD XAE1 CLEAR 2.1713 140 2004-03-23.082423 45 (1) 78 Reorganization has been started for pubset SBZC. The /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOBSTATUS command indicates that volume SBZC.0 is currently being processed (status RUN) and 124 extent movements (MOVED EXTENTS) have already been carried out. The subtasks for the other volumes of the pubset are waiting (WAIT status). U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS (2) The volume SBZD.2 of pubset SBZD is to be cleared. The /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOBSTATUS command indicates that the process to clear volume SBZD.2 has been started (CLEARING status). Of the 149 files in total (TOTAL FILES) 45 files or their file extents (MOVED FILES) have already been moved to other volumes of the pubset. The output in the second example (clearing a volume) differs to the output for the first example (reorganization of files) because it contains the output columns TOTAL FILES (instead of TASK-LIMIT) and MOVED FILES (instead of MOVED EXTENTS). S variables Output information Name of S variable CPU used in seconds var(*LIST).CPU-USED S Number of extent movements var(*LIST).MOV-EXT I Catalog ID of the SF pubset or volume set var(*LIST).PUBSET S Processing status of SPACEOPT job var(*LIST).STA *RUN= SPACEOPT job has status Running *WAIT= SPACEOPT job has status Waiting *PURGE= purge job initiated, is in processing phase *PURGE-WAIT= purge job initiated, is in processing phase; after successful completion, processing is resumed with /START-SPACEOPTJOB *CLEAR= SPACEOPT job is in the status Clearing T Contents 1..2,147,483,647 S *RUN *WAIT *PURGE *PURGE-WAIT *CLEAR Start time of processing phase of SPACEOPT job var(*LIST).START S Setting for the maximum number of subtasks per pubset or volume set var(*LIST).TASK-LIM S 1..255 *NONE Total number of files with extents on the volume that is to be cleared var(*LIST).NUM-OF-F I 1..2,147,483,647 Number of files on volume to be cleared with extents that have already been moved var(*LIST).NUM-OF-F-MOVE I 1..2,147,483,647 TSN or *NONE for SPACEOPT jobs with the status Waiting var(*LIST).TSN S *NONE VSN of the volume var(*LIST).VOL S U41073-J-Z125-3-76 79 SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION Commands SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION Show space allocation on volumes Domain: STORAGE-MANAGEMENT Privileges: TSOS, HSMS-ADMINISTRATION Function The /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION command gives systems support an overview of the space allocation on individual volumes or the whole pubset or volume set. The information can be provided in varying levels of detail. It allows systems support to determine whether a reorganization is necessary (see also section “Determining the volume status” on page 27). This command supports structured output in S variables (see the “Commands” manual, under “Output in S variables” [2]). Format SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) / *PUBLIC-DISK(...) *PUBSET(...)  PUBSET = *PUBLIC-DISK(...)  VOLUME = list-poss(255): ,INFORMATION = *SUMMARY / *FREE-ALLOC-UNITS / *FREE-PAGES ,OUTPUT = *SYSOUT / *SYSLST(...) *SYSLST(...)  80 SYSLST-NUMBER = *STD / U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION Operands OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) / *PUBLIC-DISK(...) Specifies the objects for which information is to be output. If you are dealing with a shared pubset, the command can be issued on both the master computer and a slave computer. The relevant pubset must have been imported, i.e. it must have the MRSCAT status “local accessible”. OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) Information on a pubset or volume set is displayed. PUBSET = Catalog ID of the pubset or volume set. OBJECT = *PUBLIC-DISK(...) Information on specific volumes is displayed. VOLUME = list-poss(255): VSNs of the volumes. All specified volumes must belong to the same SF pubset or volume set. If some of the specified volumes do not exist, the return code SOP0037 will be output once the command has been executed. INFORMATION = *SUMMARY / *FREE-ALLOC-UNITS / *FREE-PAGES Defines the scope of the information to be output. INFORMATION = *SUMMARY A summary is output, containing the information for each selected volume in one line. The free areas are based on an evaluated output. Output information: VSN, number of contiguous free areas in specific size categories, largest free area, number of free PAM pages, total capacity of the volume. INFORMATION = *FREE-ALLOC-UNITS Evaluated output of the number of free areas of a volume, sorted according to size (see also page 27 and page 83). Output information: VSN, size, physical page numbers (PHP), allocation size and allocation unit. INFORMATION = *FREE-PAGES Non-evaluated output of the number of free areas of a volume, sorted according to size (see also page 27 and page 83). Output information: VSN, size and physical page numbers (PHP). U41073-J-Z125-3-76 81 SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION Commands OUTPUT = *SYSOUT / *SYSLST(...) Defines where the information is to be output. You can choose either SYSOUT (default) or the system file SYSLST. OUTPUT = *SYSOUT The information is output to SYSOUT. OUTPUT = *SYSLST(...) The information is output to the system file SYSLST in edited form. The first byte of each output record is X’40’. SYSLST-NUMBER = *STD / Specifies whether the output is to the system file SYSLST or to a SYSLST file from the set SYSLST01 through SYSLST99. The default is *STD, i.e. output to the system file SYSLST. Command return codes (SC2) 82 SC1 Maincode Meaning 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 32 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 66 128 129 130 130 CMD0001 CMD0202 CMD2201 SOP0034 CMD0200 CMD2202 CMD2203 CMD2009 CMD0221 SOP0022 CMD0216 OPS0002 SOP0030 SOP0031 SOP003B SOP003C CMD2241 CMD2242 CMD2280 CMD2281 CMD2282 SOP002C Command executed successfully Syntax error Error in parameter Incorrect VOLUME operand Command currently unavailable Subsystem not defined Error during installation Error in S variable Internal SDF error Internal error Required privilege missing K2 interrupt for output in S variables VSN not in volume catalog Pubset not found or not accessible Error during catalog access Error during F5 label access Subsystem not loaded No connection to subsystem Subsystem is not available (short-term) Subsystem is not available (long-term) Subsystem not available for undefined period of time Insufficient storage space U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION Output formats A distinction is made between evaluated and non-evaluated output (see also page 27): – – With evaluated output, the information is provided from the perspective of the BS2000 Allocator component (see page 25). Free areas which extend beyond segment and packet boundaries are divided up such that the parts either form whole packets/segments or are smaller than one packet/segment and then each lie completely within these units. A contiguous free area on the volume can be described in evaluated output by a series of areas of the size unit, packet and/or segment. In non-evaluated output, the free areas are shown as they are to be found on the volume, without regard for the Allocator’s administrative units packet or segment. Levels of detail The output information can be requested in three levels of detail: 1. SUMMARY(evaluated) 2. FREE-ALLOC-UNITS(evaluated) 3. FREE-PAGES(non-evaluated) Output format when INFORMATION=*SUMMARY INFORMATION=*SUMMARY produces a summary output in which the information for each selected volume is displayed in one line. The free areas are based on an evaluated output (see also page 29). Example /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION OBJECT=*PUBSET(PVSX),INFORMATION=*SUMMARY %VOLUME! NUMBER-OF-CONTIGUOUS-FREE-SPACE-AREAS! LARGEST ! FREE ! TOTAL % ! UNIT ! PACK ! SEGM ! SEGM! SEGM! AREA ! PAGES ! PAGES % ! 1..7 ! 1..7 ! 1..63 !..4095!4096..! ! ! %------+--------+-------+-------+------+------+----------+----------+---------%PVSX.0 491 427 46 1 0 108480 161661 225657 %PVSX.1 509 473 20 1 0 114048 155043 225660 The current allocation status of the pubset PVSX is determined from the summary display. The output shows that the pubset consists of 2 volumes PVSX.0 and PVSX.1. Both volumes reveal a large number of free small areas, which indicates a high degree of fragmentation. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 83 SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION Commands Explanation of the output columns: 84 Output column Value Meaning VOLUME VSN of the volume UNIT 1..7 1..5,592,405 Number of contiguous free areas with a size of 1 to 7 allocation units; i.e. with an allocation unit size of 3 PAM pages, the number of free areas with a size of up to 21 PAM pages is displayed. PACK 1..7 1..699,051 Number of contiguous free areas with a size of 1 to 7 packets; i.e. with an allocation unit size of 3 PAM pages, the number of free areas with a size of 24 to 168 PAM pages is displayed. SEGM 1..63 1..87,382 Number of contiguous free areas with a size of 1 to 63 segments; i.e. with an allocation unit size of 3 PAM pages, the number of free areas with a size of 192 to 12096 PAM pages is displayed. SEGM ..4095 1..1,366 Number of contiguous free areas with a size of 64 to 4095 segments; i.e. with an allocation unit size of 3 PAM pages, the number of free areas with a size of 12288 to 786240 PAM pages is displayed. SEGM 4096.. 1..22 Number of contiguous free areas with a size of over 4096 segments; i.e. with an allocation unit size of 3 PAM pages, the number of free areas with a size of 786432 PAM pages or more is displayed. LARGEST AREA 1..2,147,483,647 Largest contiguous free segment area on the volume. Size is specified in PAM pages. FREE PAGES 1..2,147,483,647 Sum of all free areas on the volume in PAM pages. TOTAL PAGES 1..2,147,483,647 Total capacity of the volume in PAM pages. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION Output format when INFORMATION=*FREE-ALLOC-UNITS and INFORMATION=*FREE-PAGES INFORMATION=*FREE-ALLOC-UNITS and INFORMATION=*FREE-PAGES both produce a detailed list of free contiguous areas per volume. If INFORMATION=*FREE-ALLOC-UNITS is specified, the free areas are displayed in evaluated form, but if INFORMATION=*FREEPAGES is specified, they are displayed in non-evaluated form. The free areas are shown sorted by volume and in descending order of the size of the free areas (see also page 28). Examples /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION OBJECT=*PUBSET(PVSX), INFORMATION=*FREE-ALLOC-UNITS %VOLUME ! PAM-PAGES ! PHP-FROM ! PHP-TO ! ALLOC-SIZE ! ALLOC-UNIT %-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------+-----------%PVSX.0 151296 74305 225600 788 SEGMENT %PVSX.0 9984 45505 55488 52 SEGMENT %PVSX.0 120 55489 55608 5 PACKET %PVSX.0 96 74209 74304 4 PACKET %PVSX.0 72 45433 45504 3 PACKET %PVSX.0 72 225601 225672 3 PACKET %PVSX.0 9 45424 45432 3 UNIT %PVSX.0 9 55609 55617 3 UNIT %PVSX.0 3 225673 225675 1 UNIT %PVSX.1 154752 70849 225600 806 SEGMENT %PVSX.1 96 51745 51840 4 PACKET %PVSX.1 72 51841 51912 3 PACKET %PVSX.1 72 225601 225672 3 PACKET %PVSX.1 24 70825 70848 1 PACKET %PVSX.1 21 51724 51744 7 UNIT %PVSX.1 3 51913 51915 1 UNIT %PVSX.1 3 225673 225675 1 UNIT The current allocation status is determined from the evaluated output. Both volumes reveal one very large area of 788 and 806 contiguous free segments respectively. /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION OBJECT=*PUBSET(PVSX),INFORMATION=*FREE-PAGES %VOLUME ! PAM-PAGES ! PHP-FROM ! PHP-TO %-------+-----------+-----------+----------%PVSX.0 151467 74209 225675 %PVSX.0 10194 45424 55617 %PVSX.1 154851 70825 225675 %PVSX.1 192 51724 51915 Another variant is to determine the current allocation status via the non-evaluated output. In this case, the total free space is concentrated in two large contiguous areas for each volume. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 85 SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION Commands Explanation of the output columns: Output column Value Meaning VOLUME VSN of the volume SIZE 1..2,147,483,647 Size of the contiguous free area in PAM pages PHP-FROM 1..2,147,483,647 Start of the area on the volume PHP-TO 1..2,147,483,647 End of the area on the volume ALLOC-SIZE 1..87,382 Size of the area in Allocator administrative units ALLOC-UNIT UNIT PACKET SEGMENT Allocator administrative unit to which the ALLOC-SIZE column refers S variables The INFORMATION operand of the command is used to define which S variables are supplied with values. The following specifications can be made for INFORMATION: Notation in command Abbreviated notation in table INFORMATION=*SUMMARY INFORMATION=*FREE-ALLOC-UNITS INFORMATION=*FREE-PAGES 86 1 2 3 Output information Name of S variable T Contents Cond. Size of the area in Allocator administrative units var(*LIST).ALLOC-SIZE I 1..87.382 2 Allocator administrative unit to which the ALLOC-SIZE column refers var(*LIST).ALLOC-UNIT S *UNIT *PACKET *SEGMENT 2 Total free PAM pages var(*LIST).FREE-PAGE I 1..2.147.483.647 1 Largest contiguous free segment area. Size specified in PAM pages var(*LIST).LARG-AREA I 1..2.147.483.647 1 Number of contiguous free areas with a size of var(*LIST).LARG-SEGM 4096 segments or more I 1..22 1 Number of contiguous free areas with a size of var(*LIST).MID-SEGM 64 to 4095 segments I 1..1.366 1 Number of contiguous free areas with a size of var(*LIST).PACK 1 to 7 packets I 1..699.051 1 Start of the area on the volume var(*LIST).PHP-FROM I 1..2.147.483.647 2,3 End of the area on the volume var(*LIST).PHP-TO I 1..2.147.483.647 2,3 continued ➠ U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION Output information Name of S variable T Contents Cond. Size of the contiguous free area in PAM pages var(*LIST).SIZE I 1..2.147.483.647 Number of contiguous free areas with a size of var(*LIST).SMALL-SEGM 1 to 63 segments I 1..87.382 1 Total free and allocated PAM pages I 1..2.147.483.647 1 Number of contiguous free areas with a size of var(*LIST).UNIT 1 to 7 allocation units I 1..5.592.405 1 VSN of the volume S U41073-J-Z125-3-76 var(*LIST).TOTAL-PAGE var(*LIST).VOL 2,3 1,2,3 87 START-SPACEOPT-JOB Commands START-SPACEOPT-JOB Start SPACEOPT job Domain: STORAGE-MANAGEMENT Privileges: TSOS, HSMS-ADMINISTRATION Function The /START-SPACEOPT-JOB command starts a SPACEOPT job. The specifications for the OBJECT operand determine the volumes for which a reorganization is to be performed. For each of these volumes a separate subtask is generated, under which the relevant volume is processed. At the start of processing, the system checks for each volume whether a purge job is necessary (see the /PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES command). If so, the purge job is started implicitly before the actual processing. Once the jobs for the determined volumes have been successfully initiated, the /STARTSPACEOPT-JOB command is terminated and the user regains control. Processing is then asynchronous. The respective processing statuses can be requested using the /SHOWSPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS command. The SPACEOPT job is complete when all subtasks have terminated. A SPACEOPT reorganization job can be monitored using a monitor job variable. Open files are included in the reorganization only if this is explicitly requested using the PROCESS-OPEN-FILES=*YES operand (see also the section “Reorganization including open files” on page 20). 88 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands START-SPACEOPT-JOB Format START-SPACEOPT-JOB OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) / *PUBLIC-DISK(...) *PUBSET(...)    PUBSET = ,TASK-LIMIT = *STD / *NONE / ,EXCEPT-VOLUMES = *NONE / list-poss(255): *PUBLIC-DISK(...)  VOLUME = list-poss(255): ,EXCEPT-FILES = *NONE / *FROM-FILE(...) *FROM-FILE(...)  LIST-FILE-NAME = ,ONE-EXTENT-FILE-SIZE = 1920 / ,KEEP-CONTIGUOUS-AREA = 5760 / ,MONJV = *NONE / ,JV-PASSWORD = *NONE / / / / *SECRET ,PROCESS-OPEN-FILES = *NO / *YES Operands OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) / *PUBLIC-DISK(...) Specifies the object for which a SPACEOPT job is to be initiated. In any case, the relevant pubset must have been imported, i.e. it must have the MRSCAT status “local accessible”. If this is a shared pubset environment, a command launched by the slave computer is sent to the master computer and executed there (for or more information about the execution of commands in a shared pubset environment see the notes on page 22). OBJECT = *PUBSET(...) A SPACEOPT job is initiated for all volumes of a pubset or volume set for which no SPACEOPT job is active. PUBSET = Catalog ID of the pubset or volume set. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 89 START-SPACEOPT-JOB Commands TASK-LIMIT = *STD / *NONE / Specifies the maximum number of parallel subtasks for the processing of the pubsets or volume sets. With a SPACEOPT job for a pubset or volume set all volumes are processed, with a separate subtask being generated for each one. The number of parallel subtasks can be limited, for example so as not to impede parallel jobs on account of too great a load on the system resources. Execution of the individual SPACEOPT jobs is therefore staggered. If an SM pubset is specified in the OBJECT=*PUBSET(PUBSET=...) operand, the value specified for TASK-LIMIT is assigned to every volume set of the SM pubset. If a SPACEOPT job is still active for this pubset or volume set, the existing value of TASK-LIMIT is modified by the current specification. The number of parallel SPACEOPT jobs is successively adjusted to the new value. TASK-LIMIT = *STD How this operand works depends on whether a SPACEOPT job is active for this pubset or volume set: – If there is no active SPACEOPT job for this pubset or volume set, TASK-LIMIT=*NONE is assumed. – If a SPACEOPT job is active for this pubset or volume set, the existing value of TASK-LIMIT is not changed. TASK-LIMIT = *NONE The number of parallel SPACEOPT jobs is not limited. TASK-LIMIT = Defines the maximum number of parallel SPACEOPT jobs. EXCEPT-VOLUMES = *NONE / list-poss(255): EXCEPT-VOLUMES=... allows you to specify whether any volumes of the pubset or volume set are to be excluded from the reorganization. EXCEPT-VOLUMES = *NONE No volumes are to be excluded, i.e. a SPACEOPT job is to be initiated for every volume of the pubset or volume set. EXCEPT-VOLUMES = list-poss(255): Specifies volumes of the pubset or volume set for which no SPACEOPT job is to be initiated. Volumes which do not belong to the pubset or volume set are ignored. 90 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands START-SPACEOPT-JOB OBJECT = *PUBLIC-DISK(...) Lists specific volumes of an SF pubset or volume set for which a SPACEOPT job is to be initiated. No new SPACEOPT job is initiated for volumes for which a SPACEOPT job already exists. You can find out about the existing SPACEOPT jobs with the /SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOBSTATUS command. VOLUME = list-poss(255): VSNs of the volumes. All specified volumes must belong to the same SF pubset or volume set. EXCEPT-FILES = *NONE / *FROM-FILE(...) EXCEPT-FILES=... allows you to specify whether any files are to be excluded from the reorganization. Important system files, open files and files with certain attributes are excluded from a reorganization by default (for more details, see section “Files normally excluded from the reorganization” on page 12). EXCEPT-FILES = *NONE No further files are excluded from the reorganization. EXCEPT-FILES = *FROM-FILE(...) The path names of the files to be excluded from a reorganization are taken from the socalled EXCEPT file. This file must be a SAM file with fixed or variable record length, which contains one path name (max. 80 characters) per record. No more than 4096 files may be excluded. For details of the syntax for the path names, see section “User-specified files to be excluded from the reorganization” on page 15). LIST-FILE-NAME = Path name of the EXCEPT file. ONE-EXTENT-FILE-SIZE = 1920 / Defines the maximum size of files in PAM pages (2K pages), at which SPACEOPT tries to accommodate the whole file in just one file extent. If, however, there is no area large enough, the extent is reorganized “normally”. The default setting is that with files of up to 10 segments (with an allocation unit of 6K), SPACEOPT tries to consolidate extents. If you specify a value of less than 6 PAM pages, the extents will not be consolidated. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 91 START-SPACEOPT-JOB Commands KEEP-CONTIGUOUS-AREA = 5760 / Specifies a size in PAM pages (2K pages) as of which the contiguously allocated areas cannot be reorganized. To avoid unnecessary file movements, SPACEOPT does not reorganize contiguously allocated areas as of the specified size. The default setting for the area size is 5760 PAM pages (30 segments if the allocation unit is 6K). The lowest possible setting is 1920 PAM pages (10 segments if the allocation unit is 6K). MONJV = *NONE / Specifies whether a SPACEOPT job is to be monitored by a job variable. MONJV = *NONE Specifies that a SPACEOPT job is not to be monitored by a job variable. MONJV = Name of the job variable that is to monitor the SPACEOPT job created to clear a volume. It is only possible to specify a monitoring job variable if the software product JV has been purchased and installed. If the specified job variable has not been cataloged it will be set up by SPACEOPT. The status values that a monitoring job variable may assume are described in the section “Monitoring SPACEOPT jobs using the monitor job variable” on page 18. JV-PASSWORD = *NONE / / / / *SECRET Serves to specify the password for the monitoring job variable. The operand is only evaluated if job monitoring has been specified (see the MONJV operand). The JVPASSWORD operand has the following special characteristics: – The password entered is not logged. – The input field is automatically blanked out in an interactive dialog. – In unguided dialog and foreground procedures, the entry *SECRET or ^ permits concealed input of the password. PROCESS-OPEN-FILES = *NO / *YES Specifies whether the SPACEOPT job should also include open files in the reorganization. PROCESS-OPEN-FILES = *NO Open files are not included in the reorganization, i.e. they are not processed in the SPACEOPT job. PROCESS-OPEN-FILES = *YES The SPACEOPT job should also include open files in the reorganization. 92 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Commands START-SPACEOPT-JOB Command return codes (SC2) SC1 Maincode Meaning/Guaranteed messages 1 0 0 CMD0001 CMD0001 1 1 1 2 2 3 32 32 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 66 128 129 130 130 CMD0202 CMD2201 SOP0034 CMD0200 CMD2202 CMD2203 CMD0221 SOP0022 CMD0216 SOP0024 SOP0025 SOP0026 SOP0030 SOP0031 SOP0035 SOP0039 SOP005A SOP0058 SOP0059 SOP0068 SOP0069 CMD2241 CMD2242 CMD2280 CMD2281 CMD2282 SOP002C Command executed successfully No volumes to process / SPACEOPT job already active Guaranteed messages: SOP0032, SOP0036 Syntax error Internal parameter error Incorrect VOLUME operand Command currently unavailable Subsystem not defined Error during installation Internal SDF error Internal error Required privilege missing DMS error in the EXCEPT file EXCEPT file has invalid format Too many entries in the EXCEPT file VSN not in volume catalog Pubset not found or not accessible SYSSOPT ID not initialized Command not available on slave computer Processing error for an open file Extent movement for an open file aborted by access method Input/output cannot be stopped for an open file Open files cannot be processed Open files cannot be processed on the master Subsystem not loaded No connection to subsystem Subsystem is not available (short-term) Subsystem is not available (long-term) Subsystem not available for undefined period of time Insufficient storage space U41073-J-Z125-3-76 93 START-SPACEOPT-JOB 94 Commands U41073-J-Z125-3-76 7 Messages For guaranteed messages the message attribute “Warranty” (see the manual “System Messages, Volume 1” [12]) must be documented in the line “◆ Warranty: Y” after the message text. SOPCOPY Copyright (C) (&00’Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH’) (&01’2001’) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SOP00A0 The Volume List specified for the SF-Pubset contains invalid VSNs. Meaning One or more errors were detected in the volume list specified for the SF pubset. Details for individual VSNs may be found in preceding messages with Message Codes SOP009F and/or SOP00A1. Response Correct and re-issue command. SOP00A1 Volume with VSN ’(&00)’ specified in command is not available. Meaning (&00): Volume Serial Number (VSN) Response Correct and re-issue command. SOP00A2 At least one of the Volume Set Ids specified in the command is invalid. Meaning The volume set list specified in the command is invalid for one or more of the foloowing reasons: – A specified catalog id does not correspond to a volume set of the SM Pubset. – One or more VSNs specified for a volume set are invalid. – No volume(s) corresponding to one or more VSNs specified for a volume set is/are available. Response Correct and re-issue command. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 95 SOP00A3 SOP00A3 Messages No Volumes were found for the Volume Set with Catalog ID ’(&00)’. Meaning (&00): Catalog ID of Volume Set The message is caused by one of the following problems: – The Volume Set with Catalog ID ’(&00)’ is not part of the SM-Pubset specified in the command. – No Volumes are assigned to the Volume Set (State DEFINED-ONLY). – The Volumes belonging to the Volume Set are not on-line (The Volume Set may, for example, be in state DEFECT). Response Response: – Make Volumes of Volume Set available, if necessary. – Correct and re-issue command. SOP00A4 An error occurred during import of the control volume set of SM pubset ’(&00)’ while its volume list was being determined. Meaning (&00): Catalog ID of SM pubset The message is caused by one of the following problems: – One or more volumes of the control volume set are not on-line or in use. – The pubset is not in state INACCESSIBLE. Response Response: – Make Volumes available, if necessary. To determine the current state of the volume(s) refer to the CONSLOG file or issue the command /SHOW-DISK-STATUS – Export pubset and re-issue the command. SOP00A5 An error occurred when an SVL of a volume of SM-Pubset ’(&00)’ was read while its volume list was being determined. Meaning (&00): Catalog ID of SM pubset In order to determine the volume list of the SM pubset the SVLs of all its Volres’s have to be read. This read opertation failed for one or more of these volumes. Response Make volumes available, if possible. To determine the cause of the error refer to the CONSLOG file. SOP00A6 Volume ’(&00)’ is a GS Volume. Meaning (&00): VSN of volume The function "Size adaption" is not supported for GS Volumes. 96 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Messages SOP00A7 SOP00A7 Adaption of volume size is not supported for volume ’(&00)’. Meaning (&00): VSN of volume Adaption of volume size is not supported for this volume type. SOP00A8 Volume ’(&00)’ was extended. Meaning (&00): Volume Serial Number SOP000A Subsystem cannot be deleted due to outstanding extent updates. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning Subsystem SPACEOPT cannot be deleted at the moment, because processing of opened files has to be completed by SPACEOPT. For these files, update of the extent lists is still in progress. SOP000B STOP-SUBSYTEM SPACEOPT has already been started. ◆ SOP0001 Warranty: Y Task for Command (&00) initiated and started Meaning Meaning: (&00): Command /START-SPACEOPT-JOB or /PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES or /CLEAR-VOLUME SOP0002 ’(&00)’ for volume (&01) started (C) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): command that caused start of this job (&01): volume serial number SOP0003 Job for volume (&00) terminated (C) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): volume serial number U41073-J-Z125-3-76 97 SOP0004 SOP0004 Messages Space summary for (&00): free areas of t1=(&01), t2=(&02), t3=(&03), t4=(&04), t5=(&05), largest area = (&06) HPs, free space = (&07) HPs, total space = (&08) HPs, free areas = (&09) (C) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning This message is issued when a SPACEOPT-JOB is started for a volume and again when the job is ended, if at least one extent has been moved during space optimization. The message inserts are to a great extent equivalent to the output information of command /SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION with INFORMATION=*SUMMARY (&00): volume serial number (&01): number of free unit areas (&02): number of free packet areas (&03): number of small segment areas (&04): number of medium segment areas (&05): number of large segment areas (&06): size of largest free segment area (&07): free space on volume (&08): total space on volume (&09): total number of free areas SOP0005 Cancel request for volume (&00) accepted (C) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): volume serial number SOP0006 Volume (&00) could not be cleared completely (C) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): volume serial number of volume to be cleared SOP0007 DMS-error (&01) while trying to access output file (&00). Command aborted (C) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning DMS-error (&01) while trying to access output file (&00) generated by command /CLEARVOLUME. Further information:/HELP-MSG DMS(&01). (&00): pathname of output file (&01): DMS error code 98 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Messages SOP0008 SOP0008 MSCF connection to master host (&00) overloaded. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning Possible reasons: – Trying to send a SPACEOPT command within a shared pubset environment from a slave host to the corresponding master host, the MSCF connection to the master was found to be overloaded, or timeout occurred at reply bourse. – Subsystem SPACEOPT could not be started on master host, or version 1.0 of subsystem SPACEOPT is available on master host. (&00): MSCF name of concerned master host SOP0009 No MSCF connection to master host (&00). ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning Trying to send a SPACEOPT command within a shared pubset environment from a slave host to the corresponding master host, no MSCF connection to the master host could be installed. (&00): MSCF name of concerned master host SOP0010 No action necessary. Command terminated Meaning Possible causes: A PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES Command was given and it is not necessary to create a purge task for any volume SOP002A Filename (&00) of except file contains non-existing userid. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning During processing of command /START-SPACEOPT-JOB the filename specified for except file contains a non-existing userid. (&00): filename containing non-existing userid Response Change filename of except file, if possible, and try once more. SOP002C Memory shortage ◆ Warranty: Y (B) Routing code: E Weight: 99 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 99 SOP002F SOP002F Messages Allocator lock for specified volume (&00) not installed ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning Trying to clear a volume by calling /CLEAR-SPACEOPT-VOLUME, the required allocator lock has not been installed before (&00): volume serial number of volume Response Set allocator lock by using command /MODIFY-PUBSET-RESTRICTIONS and try once more SOP0022 Internal error. SERSLOG entry created ◆ Warranty: Y (B) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning An entry has been written into the SERSLOG file in order to enable a more precise diagnosis. The function is aborted or not performed. Response The system administrator should analyze SERSLOG entries SOP0100 and SOP0101. SOP0023 Filename (&00) of except file is invalid. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning During processing of command /START-SPACEOPT-JOB a syntactically incorrect filename has been specified for except file. (&00): Syntactically incorrect filename of except file Response Change filename of except file, if possible, and try once more. SOP0024 DMS error (&01) at open or read processing of except file (&00). Further information: /HELP-MSG DMS(&01) (B) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): pathname of except file (&01): DMS error code 100 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Messages SOP0025 SOP0025 Except file (&00) has an invalid format or contains invalid records (B) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning Possible errors: – the except file is not a SAM file – the file has record format U – the file has record format F and its record size exceeds 80 characters – some lines of the except file are too long – some lines of the except file are syntactically incorrect Further messages might have been issued with reference to the erroneous lines. (&00): pathname of except file Response Correct the error and try again. SOP0026 Too many entries in except file (&00) (B) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning More than 4096 files to be excepted. (&00): pathname of except file Response Correct the error and try again. SOP0027 Line (&00) in except file (&01) too long (B) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning The maximal length of 80 characters has been exceeded. (&00): line number (&01): pathname of except file Response Correct the error and try again. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 101 SOP0028 SOP0028 Messages Syntax error in line (&00) of except file (&01). Line content: (&02) (B) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning The line is not conform to the syntax for entries of an except file. Possible errors: – the entry is not a pathname – pathname without userid – pathname with wildcards in catid or userid – pathname for temporary file – pathname with version – pathname with generation (&00): line number (&01): pathname of except file (&02): content of erroneous line Response Correct the error and try again. SOP0029 More than (&01) errors in except file (&00). Check aborted (B) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): pathname of except file (&01): error limit SOP003A The file (&00) is not a SPACEOPT workfile. Purge action not possible (C) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning When processing a /PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES command or during the implicit purge action at the beginning of a job to process a /START-SPACEOPT-JOB command, an (user) file has been found whose name is built like the name of a SPACEOPT workfile (:pvsid:$SYSSOPT.SYS.vsn.H<1,2>*). (&01): pathname of affected file Response Rename or erase file and start job again. 102 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Messages SOP003B SOP003B Error during catalog access on pubset (&00). Error type ’(&01)’ (B) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): pubset id (&01): error type ’00’: no further information ’01’: catalog index or TSOSCAT block destroyed ’02’: volume not available ’03’: I/O error The function is aborted or not performed. SOP003C Error when accessing F5 label on volume (&00). Error type ’(&01)’ (B) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): volume serial number (&01): error type ’00’: no further information ’01’: invalid F5 label header ’02’: volume not available ’03’: I/O error The function is aborted or not performed. SOP003D Job for volume (&00) cancelled due to allocation restriction (C) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning Possible causes: – allocation on volume is not allowed – the volume is part of a volume set where new file allocation is not allowed (&00): volume serial number SOP003E /CLEAR-VOLUME for pubset or volume set (&00) already active ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning For the concerned pubset or volume set a task clearing a volume is already active. (&00): Identification of pubset or volume set SOP003F SPACEOPT-JOB for pubset or volume set (&00) already active ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning For the concerned pubset or volume set a SPACEOPT-job is already active. (&00): Identification of pubset or volume set U41073-J-Z125-3-76 103 SOP0030 SOP0030 Messages Volume ’(&00)’ not found Meaning Possible causes: – wrong specification – VSN is currently not part of the configuration (&00): VSN Response Correct the error and try again. SOP0031 Pubset (&00) not found or not accessible ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning Possible causes: – Pubset not imported – Pubset not in MRSCAT state local accessible – MRSCAT entry not found (&00): Pubset ID / volume set ID Response Correct the error and try again. SOP0032 All VSNs of the corresponding pubset are specified in EXCEPT-VOLUMES operand ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning No processing will be started for any volume. Response Please inform about the current state of the volume catalog and try command again if necessary. SOP0033 One ore more tasks with specified TSN(s) not found Meaning Possible causes: – Task does not exist – Task has been terminated in the meantime Response Correct the error and try again. 104 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Messages SOP0034 SOP0034 Wrong specification ’(&00)’ in VOLUME or EXCEPT-VOLUMES Operand Meaning Possible causes: – operand contains illegal characters – operand does not specify a public volume – volumes given within a volume list are syntactically wrong (&00): VSN Response Correct the error and try again. SOP0035 Subsystem User-Id SYSSOPT does not exist on Pubset (&00) ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning The userid is requested on every pubset which should be worked with the SPACEOPT Subsystem. (&00): Pubset-Id Response Join User-Id with ADD-USER command to the corresponding pubset and try again. SOP0036 Task for volume already active ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning For one or more referenced volumes tasks are already active. SOP0037 For specified object there is no existing task Meaning Possible causes: Task does not exist Response Correct the error and try again. SOP0038 Job for volume (&00) cancelled due to DAB caching conflict (C) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): volume serial number SOP0039 Requested function not available on slave host of the shared pubset Meaning Possible causes: – the specified command can be executed only on master host of the shared pubset – BS2000/OSD-BC version running either on master host or on slave host is lower than 4.0 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 105 SOP005A SOP005A Messages Error in SPACEOPT processing detected for file (&00). ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning During processing of command /START-SPACEOPT-JOB, /CLEAR-VOLUME or /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER, an error resulting from preceeding SPACEOPT file treatment has been detected. (&00): Pathname of concerned file Response Close file, afterwards retry command. SOP005B Cataloglock for file (&00) has been requested. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning Another task has requested and obtained the cataloglock for the file copied by SPACEOPT by command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER or /CLEAR-VOLUME. (&00): Pathname of concerned file Response Retry command. SOP0050 File (&00) does not exist. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning During processing of command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER or command /CLEAR-VOLUME a not existing file has to be reorganized. (&00): pathname of file to be processed Response Change filename, if possible, and try once more. SOP0051 Reorganization not possible for file (&00) in the moment, because file is locked. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning While processing command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER or command /CLEARVOLUME, a file has been found which is locked (input-Lock, output-lock, secure-lock or ccopy-lock). Reorganization for file is not allowed in the moment. (&00): pathname of file to be processed Response Unlock file, if possible, and try once more. 106 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Messages SOP0052 SOP0052 Requested disk space for SPACEOPT-helpfile could not be allocated. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning While trying to request disk space for SPACEOPT-helpfile, concerning call of FILE provided returncode DMS0541; reorganization of file is not possible. Response Reorganize concerned pubset or volume and try again. SOP0053 It is not possible to decrease the number of extent for file (&00). ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning The attempt to decrease the extent number of the specified file would reside in a file with equal or even increased extent number. (&00): pathname of file to be processed Response Reorganize concerned pubset or volume and try again. SOP0054 Reorganization of file (&00) is not possible due to existing file attribute (&01) ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning When calling command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER, or while processing command /CLEAR-VOLUME, a file has been specified or found which is not allowed to be reorganized due to one of existing file attributes. (&00): pathname of file specified (&01): concerned attribute of file specified – ’01’: file is residing on private volume; – ’02’: file is migrated; – ’03’: file is index file of a file generation group; – ’04’: file is used by CMS or by DMS (defect garbage file, SPACEOPT-helpfile etc); – ’05’: file is processed within cache; – ’06’: file cannot be decreased or erased, for example paging file; – ’07’: file cannot be migrated, or backup-level E is defined for file; – ’08’: file has not been closed correctly (indicator repair); – ’09’: extent number cannot be reduced for file (no extent or only one extent exists for specified file); – ’10’: file is POSIX file system. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 107 SOP0055 SOP0055 Messages File (&00) cannot be reorganized, because DAB is activated for file. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning The attempt to reorganize a file by shifting extents or by reducing the number of extents is refused, bacause subsystem DAB is activated for file processing. (&00): pathname of file to be processed Response Deavtivate DAB and try again. SOP0056 Some files specifed in a file-list-file could not be processed correctly. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning While executing command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER or command /SHOWFREE-ISAM-SPACE, some files specified in concerning file-list-file could not be processed correctly. SOP0057 Command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER aborted due to /CANCEL-JOB ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning While processing command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER, processing of concerned task has been aborted by calling command /CANCEL-JOB. SOP0058 Move of extent for file (&00) cancelled by access method. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning During processing of command /START-SPACEOPT-JOB, /CLEAR-VOLUME or /REDUCEFILE-EXTENT-NUMBER, underlying access method has cancelled extent move of open file. (&00): Pathname of concerned file Response Analyze SERSLOG entries with identification SOP0100 and SOP0101. SOP0059 Input/output operation for file (&00) cannot be stopped. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning During processing of command /START-SPACEOPT-JOB, /CLEAR-VOLUME or /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER, it is impossible to stop an input/output operation. Reason: e.g. system load too high or unexpected error recovery during input/output processing. (&00): Pathname of concerned file Response Retry command again later. 108 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Messages SOP0060 SOP0060 For file (&00) it is not allowed to reduce the extent number or to shift extents. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning When calling command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER, or while processing command /CLEAR-VOLUME, a file has been specified or found which is not allowed to be reorganized by pre-definition. (&00): pathname of file to be processed SOP0061 DMS error (&01) at open or read processing of file (&00). Further information: /HELP-MSG DMS(&01) Meaning (&00): pathname of specified file (&01): DMS error code SOP0062 File list file (&00) has an invalid format Meaning Possible errors: – the file list file is not a SAM file – the file list file has record format U – the file list file has record format F and its record size exceeds 80 characters (&00): pathname of file list file Response Correct the error and try again. SOP0063 File list file (&00) contains no valid records ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning The file list file is empty or contains no records representing valid pathnames (&00): pathname of file list file Response Correct the error and try again. SOP0064 Line (&00) in file list file (&01) syntactically incorrect. Line content: (&02) ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning Line (&00) of file list file (&01) does not correspond to expected syntax. Line content: (&02) (&00): line number (&01): pathname of file list file (&02): content of syntactically incorrect line Response Correct the error and try again. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 109 SOP0065 SOP0065 Messages Line (&00) in file list file (&01) too long ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning The maximal length of 54 characters has been exceeded. (&00): line number (&01): pathname of file list file Response Correct the error and try again. SOP0066 Specified file (&00) is not an ISAM-file ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning Calling command /SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE, a file has been specified that is not an ISAM file (&00): pathname of specified file Response Retry command using an ISAM-file. SOP0067 Filename (&00) is invalid. ◆ Warranty: Y Meaning During processing of command /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NBUMBER or command /SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE a syntactically incorrect filename has been specified. (&00): Syntactically incorrect filename Response Change filename, if possible, and try once more. SOP0068 Processing of opened files not possible Meaning Parameter PROCESS-OPEN-FILES=*YES has been specified in command /START-SPACEOPT-JOB, /CLEAR-VOLUME or /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER; but for processing of opened files, at least version 6.0 of BS2000/OSD-BC is mandatory SOP0069 Processing of opened files on master host not possible Meaning Parameter PROCESS-OPEN-FILES=*YES has been specified in command /START-SPACEOPT-JOB, /CLEAR-VOLUME or /REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER; but for processing of opened files on master host of specified or determined shared pubset, at least version 6.0 of BS2000/OSD-BC is mandatory 110 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Messages SOP0070 SOP0070 Subsystem JV not available. Processing continues without jobvariable. ◆ Warranty: Y (B) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning A monitoring jobvariable has been specified, when one of the SPACEOPT commands /START-SPACEOPT-JOB or /CLEAR-VOLUME has been called. Subsystem JV mandatory for processing jobvariables is not available. Response Call command START-SUBSYSTEM JV and try once more. SOP0071 JVS error (&01) during processing of jobvariable (&00). Processing continues without jobvariable. Further information: /HELP-MSG JVS(&01) (B) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): Name of monitoring jobvariable (&01): JVS error code SOP0072 Error during construction of SPACEOPT accounting record. Processing continues without accounting. ◆ Warranty: Y (C) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning While constructing a SPACEOPT accounting record, an error has been detected. Processing continues without accounting processing. An entry has been written into the SERSLOG file in order to enable a more precise diagnosis. Response The system administrator should analyze SERSLOG entries SOP0100 and SOP0101. SOP0080 Trace file (&00) opened (B) Routing code: * Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): pathname of trace file SOP0081 Trace file (&00) closed (B) Routing code: * Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): pathname of trace file SOP0082 Trace file processing is cancelled. DMS-Interface (&00) gives returncode (&01). Further Information: /HELP-MSG DMS(&01) (B) Routing code: * Weight: 99 Meaning (&00): name of DMS-Interface (&01): DMS error code U41073-J-Z125-3-76 111 SOP0083 SOP0083 Messages Trace file processing is cancelled. No class-5-memory available. (B) Routing code: * Weight: 99 SOP009A An error occurred during resizing for one or more volumes. Meaning The problems encountered for individual volumes are described by specific messages preceding this summary message. SOP009B Request for volume ’(&00)’ not honored (error code ’(&01)’) (C) Routing code: E Weight: 99 Meaning This message is issued during processing of the command ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE. Volume ’(&00)’ could not be made available. Examine error code ’(&01)’ to determine cause of the problem. (&00): vsn of volume (&01): error code ’01’: volume &00 is aquired exclusively ’02’: a drv volume cannot be aquired shareable ’03’: device not available ’XXXXXXX’: if the error code is a message number, you should gain further information with ’/HELP XXXXXXX’. Response Make volume available, if necessary. SOP009C The Pubset Type specified for catalog id ’(&00)’ in command /ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE does not agree with the pubset type in the corresponding MRSCAT Entry. Meaning (&00): Catalog id Response Response: – Correct command or MRSCAT entry. – Re-issue command. SOP009D No MRSCAT entry was found for catalog id ’(&00)’ specified in command /ADAPTPUBSET-SIZE. Meaning (&00): Catalog id Response Response: – Create MRSCAT entry. – Re-issue command. 112 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Messages SOP009E SOP009E Pubset ’(&00)’ is not in state ’INACCESSIBLE’. Meaning A pubset has to be in state INACCESSIBLE if it is to be proccessed by the command /ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE. (&00): Catalog id Response Response: – Export pubset at a suitable point in time. – Re-issue command. SOP009F VSN ’(&00)’ specified in the command is invalid. Meaning (&00): Volume Serial Number (VSN) VSN ’(&00)’ is not valid for one of the following reasons: – The specified VSN is not an volume serial number of a public disk. – The specified VSN does not match the catalog id of the SF-Pubset Response Correct and re-issue command. SOP0090 Interface ’(&00)’ returns Error Code ’(&01)’ Meaning During processing of a SPACEOPT command interface ’(&00)’ was called. The call was not successful, error code ’(&01)’ was reported. Response Contact your system engineer. SOP0091 The Standard Volume Label of Volume ’(&00)’ is locked. Processing of this volume is aborted. Meaning The Standard Volume Label (SVL) is locked by another task or system, and therefore cannot be accessed. Response Make sure the target discs are on-line: – Check status of volume and associated pubset. – Repeat command when volume is available. SOP0092 A permanent I/O error occurred when accessing volume ’(&00)’. Processing of this volume is aborted. Response Response – Have I/O problem fixed. – Repeat command when volume is available again. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 113 SOP0093 SOP0093 Messages Shortage of Resources prevents access to the Standard Label of Volume ’(&00)’. Processing of this volume is aborted. Response Make sure the target discs are on-line: Retry command after some time. SOP0094 Volume ’(&00)’ is not available any longer. Processing of this volume is aborted. Meaning The volume or the associated device access right is no longer available. Possible cause: The command /UNLOCK-DISK was issued for the volume. Response Repeat command when volume is available. SOP0095 The Standard Volume Label of volume ’(&00)’ is locked by device monitoring. Processing of this volume is aborted. Response Response: – Check status of volume and associated pubset. – Repeat command when volume is available. SOP0096 Volume ’(&00)’ already is maximum size. Meaning (&00): Volume Serial Number SOP0097 More than one volume with Volume Serial Number ’(&00)’ is attached. Meaning More than one volume with VSN (&00) is attached. Thus the VSN is not unique, and selection of a volume for processing is impossible. Response Response: – Detach all the volumes with VSN (&00) but the one to be processed. – Repeat command. SOP0098 Device Management reports inconsistency of volume ’(&00)’. Meaning (&00): Volume Serial Number (VSN) Response Contact your system engineer. 114 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Glossary allocation unit, unit Storage unit for the management of volumes and files. The size of an allocation unit is determined by the number of PAM pages. Allocation units of 3, 4 or 32 PAM pages are currently possible. The allocation unit is specified by the user when formatting the volume. extent Storage area in which the user data of a file is partially or fully stored. Extents are always multiples of the allocation unit. The set of all extents of a file can be found in the catalog entry of the file in the form of the extent list. This list contains the names of the volumes as well as the number and position of the extents. fragmentation Disordered division of storage space into areas which hold or do not hold data. fragments Parts of a file or small isolated storage areas. optimization Reorganizing the allocated disk space by moving files or file extents so as to produce large, contiguous, free storage areas. packet The allocation units are grouped into larger units, called packets, for easier management. Each packet represents eight contiguous allocation units. A packet is considered free when all the allocation units within it are free. PAM page A contiguous storage space of 2048 bytes. In BS2000, the PAM page is the unit of formatting for volumes. PHP (physical half page) Physical page number of a PAM page on the volume. U41073-J-Z125-3-76 115 Glossary reorganization Rearrangement of the extents to recreate large, contiguous, free storage areas on the volume. During a reorganization, several small extents of a file can also be combined to form one larger extent. The extent list is updated each time. segment Packets are grouped into larger units, called segments, for easier management. Each segment is an amalgamation of eight contiguous packets. unit table Allocation table for storage space management. This table is a bitmap in which each allocation unit is represented by one bit, which indicates whether the allocation unit is occupied or free. 116 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Abbreviations ACS Alias Catalog Service AU Allocation Unit CCOPY Concurrent Copy CMS Catalog Management System DAB Disk Access Buffer DSSM Dynamic Subsystem Management DMS Data Management System HSMS Hierarchical Storage Management System IMON Installation Monitor PHP Physical Half Page SF pubset Single-Feature Pubset SM pubset System-Managed Pubset SOLIS Software Lieferungs- und Informationssystem (German acronym for “software delivery and information system”) SPVS Shared Public Volume Set SSCM Static Subsystem Catalog Management VSN Volume Serial Number U41073-J-Z125-3-76 117 Abbreviations 118 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Related publications The manuals are available as online manuals, see, or in printed form which must be paid and ordered separately at [1] BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0 Commands, Volumes 1 - 5 User Guide Target group This manual is addressed to nonprivileged users and systems support staff. Contents Volumes 1 through 5 contain the BS2000/OSD commands ADD-... to WRITE-... (basic configuration and selected products) with the functionality for all privileges. The command and operand functions are described in detail, supported by examples to aid understanding. An introductory overview provides information on all the commands described in Volumes 1 through 5. The Appendix of Volume 1 includes information on command input, conditional job variable expressions, system files, job switches, and device and volume types. The Appendix of Volumes 4 and 5 contains an overview of the output columns of the SHOW commands of the component NDM. The Appendix of Volume 5 contains additionally an overview of all START commands. There is a comprehensive index covering all entries for Volumes 1 through 5. Order numbers U2338-J-Z125-16-76 Commands, Volume 1, A – C U41074-J-Z125-3-76 Commands, Volume 2, D – MOD-JO U21070-J-Z125-6-76 Commands, Volume 3, MOD-JV – R U41075-J-Z125-3-76 Commands, Volume 4, S – SH-PRI U23164-J-Z125-5-76 Commands, Volume 5, SH-PUB – Z U41073-J-Z125-3-76 119 Related publications [2] BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0 Commands, Volume 6, Output in S Variables and SDF-P-BASYS User Guide Target group This manual is addressed to programmers and users who write procedures. Contents Volume 6 contains tables of all S variables that are supplied with values by the SHOW commands in conjunction with structured output. Further chapters deal with: – introduction to working with S variables – SDF-P-BASYS V2.3A Order number U23165-J-Z125-5-76 [3] DSSM V4.0/SSCM V2.3 Subsystem Management in BS2000/OSD User Guide Target group This manual addresses systems support staff and software consultants of BS2000/OSD. Contents The following are described: BS2000/OSD subsystem concept, dynamic subsystem management (DSSM) V4.0, subsystem catalog management (SSCM) V2.3 and the associated commands and statements. DSSM supports the option of creating and managing user-specific subsystem configurations on a task-local basis. Order number U23166-J-Z125-3-76 Readme file for DSSM V4.1 120 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Related publications [4] BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0 Introductory Guide to DMS User Guide Target group This manual is addressed to nonprivileged users and systems support staff. Contents It describes file management and processing in BS2000. Attention is focused on the following topics: – volumes and files – file and catalog management – file and data protection – OPEN, CLOSE and EOV processing – DMS access methods (SAM, ISAM,...) The main new feature of OSD-BC V6.0 is the protection of files using a “file encryption” mechanism. Order number U4237-J-Z125-8-76 [5] BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0 Diagnostics Handbook User Guide Target group The manual addresses system programmers, systems support and software maintenance. Contents The manual describes tools for identifying, logging and analyzing program execution data. It deals with dump generators (CDUMP, SNAP, SLED), dump analyzers (DAMP,NDMDAMP), logging tools (SERSLOG, AUDIT), the TRACE-MANAGER, and the log evaluator ELFE. Order number U5663-J-Z125-7-76 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 121 Related publications [6] BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0 Introductory Guide to Systems Support User Guide Target group This manual is addressed to BS2000/OSD systems support staff and operators. Contents The manual covers the following topics relating to the management and monitoring of the BS2000/OSD basic configuration: system initialization, parameter service, job and task control, assignment of privileges, accounting, memory/device/system time/user/file/pubset management and operator functions. Order number U2417-J-Z125-15-76 [7] DAB V9.0A (BS2000/OSD) Disk Access Buffer User Guide Target group This manual is addressed to systems support. Contents The manual describes Version 9.0. This version can run on S series servers and on SX series servers. The manual begins with some introductory chapters dealing with DAB caching, the DAB cache media and the DAB functions, and continues with detailed descriptions of the DAB commands. Overview of contents: – DAB caching, DAB media, DAB functions – DAB application notes, performance behavior, installation, starting and terminating DAB – DAB commands and messages – DAB error recovery Order number U2431-J-Z125-14-76 122 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Related publications [8] SECOS V5.0 (BS2000/OSD) Security Control System User Guide Target group – BS2000 system administrators – BS2000 users working with extended access protection for files Contents Capabilities and application of the functional units: – SRPM (System Resources and Privileges Management) – SECOS-KRB (Authentication with Kerberos) – SRPMSSO (Single Sign On) – GUARDS (Generally Usable Access Control Administration System) – GUARDDEF (Default Protection) – GUARDCOO (Co-owner Protection) – SAT (Security Audit Trail). Order number U5605-J-Z125-8-76 [9] JV V14.0A (BS2000/OSD) Job Variables User Guide Target group The manual addresses both nonprivileged users and systems support. Contents The manual describes management and possible uses of job variables. The command descriptions are divided according to function areas. The macro calls are described in a separate chapter. Order Number U3616-J-Z125-8-76 Readme file for JV V14.0B U41073-J-Z125-3-76 123 Related publications [10] SHC-OSD V4.0A (BS2000/OSD) Symmetrix Host Component User Guide Target group This manual is intended for systems support staff and service technicians. Contents The SHC-OSD software product is the BS2000 host component for Symmetrix systems. It provides information services and commands for controlling the Symmetrix functions SRDF (Symmetrix Remote Data Facility) and TimeFinder (Symmetrix Multi Mirror Facility). Brief overview of contents: – Symmetrix in BS2000/OSD – Software component SHC-OSD – SRDF: downtime scenarios and measures for ensuring continued operation – TimeFinder: working with multi-mirror pairs – commands (listed in alphabetical order) – Assembler and C program interface Order number U41000-J-Z125-4-76 [11] DRV V3.0A (BS2000/OSD) Dual Recording by Volume User Guide Target group This manual is intended for systems support, operators and nonprivileged users. Contents The manual describes the recording method DRV (Dual Recording by Volume) which allows data to be stored in duplicate on two disks. The use of DRV in the computer center increases the availability of the data stored on disk. The manual contains descriptions of all the procedures, commands and macro extensions required for the installation, use, control and monitoring of DRV. The use of DRV to migrate disks is also described in detail. Order number U6515-J-Z125-4-76 124 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Related publications [12] BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0 System Messages, Volumes 1 - 3 User Guide Target group This manual is addressed to systems support staff, operators and users. Contents Chapter 1 deals with message processing in BS2000/OSD. Chapter 2 contains the system messages of the message classes for the basic configuration of the BS2000/OSD operating system. The messages are arranged in alphabetical order by message class and are accompanied by explanatory texts where appropriate. Volume 2 and 3 contain the second and third part of system messages of the message classes for the basic configuration of the BS2000/OSD operating system. Order numbers Volume 1: U5854-J-Z125-7-76 Volume 2: U5855-J-Z125-7-76 Volume 3: U41076-J-Z125-3-76 [13] BS2000/OSD Softbooks English CD-ROM Target group BS2000/OSD users Contents The CD-ROM “BS2000/OSD SoftBooks English” contains almost all of the English manuals and README files for the BS2000 system software of the latest BS2000/OSD version and also of the previous versions, including the manuals listed here. These Softbooks can also be found in the Internet on our manual server. You can browse in any of these manuals or download the entire manual. Order number of the CD-ROM: U26175-J8-Z125-1-76 Internet address: U41073-J-Z125-3-76 125 Related publications 126 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Index A accounting record (SPACEOPT) basic information 49 creating 48 identification part 48 record description 48 ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE (command) 52 administrative units of storage space management 25 allocation strategy in BS2000 25 allocation unit 26, 115 B basic information 49 brief product description 1 C caching 22 CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB (command) 55 carrier task 7 Clearing (job status) 9 clearing volumes 8 →also CLEAR-VOLUME 58 monitoring 18 CLEAR-VOLUME (command) 58 command ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE 52 CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB 55 CLEAR-VOLUME 58 PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES 62 REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER 65 SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE 69 SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS 73 SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACEALLOCATION 80 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 START-SPACEOPT-JOB 88 compatibility with other products 21 completely clear a volume →CLEAR-VOLUME 58 monitoring 18 Concurrent Copy (CCOPY) 23 console output, volume status 35 D DAB 22 diagnostics 44 disk capacity greater than 32 GB 39 maximum useable 39 net capacity in relation to the size of the logical volume 38 disk migration 38, 40 disk wastage additional 38 normal 38 utilizing through size adaption 39 disk, adapting size →ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE 52 DRV migration function 40 E EXCEPT file 15 checks and error handling 16 conditions for file names in 15 partially-qualified specifications 16 wildcard specifications 16 extent 115 reduce 17 reorganize 1 extent movements, audit trail logging 45 127 Index extent reduction file-specific →REDUCE-FILE-EXTENTNUMBER 65 volume-specific →START-SPACEOPTJOB 88 F file extents, reduce 17 files exclude user-specified from reorganization 15 normally excluded from reorganization 12 open files, including in reorganization 20 open, moving 59 open, reducing extents 65 open, reorganizing 88 FME (event File - Move Extents) 45 fragment 115 fragmentation 1, 115 FREE PAGES (specific reference value) 30 free pages, show number of free pages in ISAM file →SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE 69 FSO (event File - Select Object) 45 I identification part 48 installation, subsystem SPACEOPT 42 ISAM files, determining the number of free pages →SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE 69 J job options 11 files, exclude user-specified from reorganization 15 files, normally excluded from reorganization 12 objects 11 reduce file extents 17 set task limit 11 job status 8 Clearing 9 Purge 9 Purge-Wait 9 Running 8 128 show →SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS 73 status change 9 Waiting 8 job, purge 62 job, SPACEOPT 7 cancel 55 limit number 11 show information on →SHOW-SPACEOPTJOB-STATUS 73 start →START-SPACEOPT-JOB 88 structure 7 L LARGEST-AREA (specific reference value) 30 M messages 95 monitor job variable 18 JV-PASSWORD →CLEAR-VOLUME 60 JV-PASSWORD →START-SPACEOPTJOB 92 MONJV →CLEAR-VOLUME 60 MONJV →START-SPACEOPT-JOB 92 O objects (job options) 11 SF pubset 11 SM pubset 11 volume of a pubset 11 volume set 11 optimization 115 output advantage of evaluated 29 disk capacity, used and maximum evaluated 83 non-evaluated 83 P packet 26, 115 PAM page 115 PHP (physical half page) Purge (job status) 9 purge job 62 39 115 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Index PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES (command) 62 Purge-Wait (job status) 9 R RAID disk subsystem 37 README file 4 record description 48 reduce file extents →also REDUCE-FILE-EXTENTNUMBER 65 monitor 18 REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER (command) 65 reducing file extents, monitor 18 reorganization 116 files in specific processing states 14 files with specific attributes 14 files, exclusion of user-specified 15 files, including open files 20 files, normally excluded 12 startup files 13 SYSSOPT ID 13 system files 13 restoration with FDDRL 39 Running (job status) 8 S S variables 72, 79, 86 SAT (Security Audit Trail) 45 SATCP 45 SATLOG files 45 SATUT (utility) 45 segment 26, 116 server task 7 SF pubset 38, 52 shared pubset 22, 23 SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE (command) 69 SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION (command) 80 single-feature pubset 38, 52 size adaption of volumes 37, 52 SM pubset 38, 52 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 space allocation, show on volumes →SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION 80 start SPACEOPT 43 START-SPACEOPT-JOB (command) 88 status change 9 status, show of volumes →SHOW-SPACEOPTSPACE-ALLOCATION 80 storage space allocation strategy 26 storage space management, administrative units 25 subtask 7 summary of contents 3 supplied components 41 SYSSOPT ID 42 system-managed pubset see SM pubset T target group 3 task limit modify 12 set 11 set →START-SPACEOPT-JOB 88 terminate SPACEOPT 43 TOTAL-PAGES (specific reference value) trace diagnostic aid 44 files 44 30 U unit 115 unit table 26, 116 user task 7 V volume logical 37 physical 37 size adaption 37 volume status assess 25 console output 35 detailed output 28 determine 27 evaluated output 83 129 Index volume status (continued) non-evaluated output 83 show →SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACEALLOCATION 80 summary output 29 usage scenarios 31 W Waiting (job status) 8 work files, SPACEOPT purge →PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORKFILES 62 130 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Contents 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brief product description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Target group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . README file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Changes since the previous manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.3 SPACEOPT jobs and job options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 SPACEOPT jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Job options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Setting a task limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Files normally excluded from the reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 User-specified files to be excluded from the reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Reduction of file extents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Monitoring SPACEOPT jobs using the monitor job variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Reorganization including open files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Compatibility with other products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Assessing the volume status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General information on the allocation strategy in BS2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Determining the volume status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Usage scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Console output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Adapting the size of volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Installing, starting, terminating, managing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supplied components and installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting SPACEOPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terminating SPACEOPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diagnostics with trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Logging of extent movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPACEOPT accounting record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U41073-J-Z125-3-76 1 1 3 3 4 4 25 25 27 31 35 41 41 43 43 44 45 48 Contents 6 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Overview of commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 ADAPT-PUBSET-SIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adapt volume size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 CANCEL-SPACEOPT-JOB Cancel SPACEOPT job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 CLEAR-VOLUME Completely clear a volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 PURGE-SPACEOPT-WORK-FILES Purge SPACEOPT work files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 REDUCE-FILE-EXTENT-NUMBER Reduce the number of file extents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 SHOW-FREE-ISAM-SPACE Show the number of free pages of an ISAM file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 SHOW-SPACEOPT-JOB-STATUS Show information on SPACEOPT jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 SHOW-SPACEOPT-SPACE-ALLOCATION Show space allocation on volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 START-SPACEOPT-JOB Start SPACEOPT job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 7 Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 U41073-J-Z125-3-76 SPACEOPT V3.0 Disk Optimization and Reorganization User Guide Target group This manual is addressed to systems support staff. Contents The SPACEOPT subsystem is used to optimize reorganization of the volumes on a pubset. Reorganization makes available large areas of contiguous free storage space and reduces the number of file extents. Reorganization can take place on a volume- or file-related basis. With the aid of SPACEOPT, users can assess the occupancy and fragmentation status of the volumes of a pubset as well as monitor the SPACEOPT jobs. For ISAM files it is also possible to determine the number of free pages that can be produced during processing. Overview of contents: – SPACEOPT jobs and job options – assessment of the volume status – installing, starting, terminating, managing – commands in alphabetical order Edition: December 2004 File: spaceopt.pdf Copyright © Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH, 2004. All rights reserved. Delivery subject to availability; right of technical modifications reserved. All hardware and software names used are trademarks of their respective manufacturers. This manual was produced by cognitas. Gesellschaft für Technik-Dokumentation mbH U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Fujitsu Siemens computers GmbH User Documentation 81730 Munich Germany Comments Suggestions Corrections Fax: (++49) 700 / 372 00000 e-mail: [email protected] Submitted by Comments on SPACEOPT V3.0 Disk Optimization and Reorganization ✁ U41073-J-Z125-3-76 Information on this document On April 1, 2009, Fujitsu became the sole owner of Fujitsu Siemens Computers. This new subsidiary of Fujitsu has been renamed Fujitsu Technology Solutions. This document from the document archive refers to a product version which was released a considerable time ago or which is no longer marketed. Please note that all company references and copyrights in this document have been legally transferred to Fujitsu Technology Solutions. Contact and support addresses will now be offered by Fujitsu Technology Solutions and have the format … The Internet pages of Fujitsu Technology Solutions are available at and the user documentation at Copyright Fujitsu Technology Solutions, 2009 Hinweise zum vorliegenden Dokument Zum 1. April 2009 ist Fujitsu Siemens Computers in den alleinigen Besitz von Fujitsu übergegangen. Diese neue Tochtergesellschaft von Fujitsu trägt seitdem den Namen Fujitsu Technology Solutions. Das vorliegende Dokument aus dem Dokumentenarchiv bezieht sich auf eine bereits vor längerer Zeit freigegebene oder nicht mehr im Vertrieb befindliche Produktversion. Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle Firmenbezüge und Copyrights im vorliegenden Dokument rechtlich auf Fujitsu Technology Solutions übergegangen sind. Kontakt- und Supportadressen werden nun von Fujitsu Technology Solutions angeboten und haben die Form … Die Internetseiten von Fujitsu Technology Solutions finden Sie unter, und unter finden Sie die Benutzerdokumentation. Copyright Fujitsu Technology Solutions, 2009