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1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1"1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 United States Patent 119] [11] [45] Katou [54] ANALOG TIMEPIECE [75] Inventor: Ikuo Katou, Kitakatsushika, Japan Patent Number: Date of Patent: 5,245,591 Sep. 14, 1993 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 63-17030 5/1988 Japan . [73] AS51811“: Jnazitnhm witch Co" Ltd" Tokyo’ Primary Examiner-Vit W. Miska [21] Appl. No.: 892,588 . 57]u ana]og timepiece 2Bas a stan(Zrard sigm] generator, a [22] Filed: Jun‘ 3’ 1992 [3Q] Fol-gin Appliu?on priority Dita reversely rotatable minute pulse motor and a reversely rotatable hour pulse motor. Current time is measured based on a standard signal from the standard signal Oct. 2, Japan ................................ [51] Int. Cl.5 ..................... .. G04B 19/04; G04B 19/24 [52] us. 01. ...... ............................. .. 368/80; 368/187 [58] Field of Search ................. .. 368/76, 80, 157, 159, 368/150’ 185, 187 _ [56] generator md stored in a current time memory‘ The emu" timc storcd in the Current time memory is con vmcd *0 a minute hand desimd Position and an hour band dcsired Position which m storcd in *1 dcsircd position memory. A minute hand indicating position indicated by a minute hand and an hour hand indicating References Cited position indicated by an hour hand are stored in an U.S_ PATENT DOCUMENTS indicating position memory. The minute pulse motor and the hour pulse motor are driven until the minute hand indicating position and the hour hand indicating :3 a1‘ """"""""" " 415233557 6/1985 Ushikoshi - 4,623,260 11/1986 5,016,231 5/1991 Iii-736M157 Kamiyama .............. .. 368/80 Kawaguchi et a1. ..... .. 368/80 with“ °°m°id° with ‘11° minute hand and hm" hand deslrcd P°$m°"S 5,119,349 6/1992 Muto et a1. ........................ .. 368/157 9 Claims, 15 Drawing Sheets OSCILLATCR 1O i--/ 20/ 40) 31) 81 7 TIE ADJSTIM "PUT EMS STNDAFD SIGML t (BERATGR 39; 41 2 "MTG SIITCH - 371 ' ESE 5mm 26 ) HND POSITIG‘ '_ (ETECTGR 212) WAR m __ 21 7 HMO WT CEl?H-‘tllki SIITCH m 61) C: ‘I; 437 ‘_ SETHKS EMS (2mm _,, t IESIIED " Posmnu mi! 457 CONERTHG lam" 717 ‘H! mm EARS GHENT TIE 75 7 c: : EMS IIDICATHG POSITIN EIRY 477 ARITPETIC DRIVER F 49] TiE KRISTIN ¢_ : COOTKLLER 85') "PUT/(INPUT US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 osclLLAToR Sheet 1 of 15 5,245,591 10 v 20 4O / / 317 817 TIIIE ADJUSTING INPUT AEANs STANDARD mm C: (BERATOR 397 412 CENTRAL coNTRoLLER "0mm Smc“ '" 37) RESET smc" 617 L ‘ 432 TIAE AEAsuRING IIEANs “ 26) 717 DEsIRED * POSITION IENoRY 457 HAND POSITION __ cDNvERTING DETEGTDR 757 b AEANs 22? cumENT TIAE IEIIIDRY ImIcATING POSITION AENDRY 477 ANGuLAR RANGE __ ARITI-IETIC SETTING AEANs DRIVER 217 497 HAND SHAFT __ cENTERING sIIITcII 857 TIIE ADJUSTING c; _\ CONTROLLER _' 1 "PUT/OUTPUT DEVICE IL DISPLAY NEANs V90 US. Patent Sep. 14,1993 Sheet 3 of 15 5,245,591 OSCILLATOR J0 40/ 81 _ 2o 61 STANDARD SIGNAL‘ GENERATOR — I \* 63 SECOND COUNTER mom \ A EXTERNAL —v 41 INPUTIEANS \— CENTRAL ' 4§_m£ msuRmek II-IANS CONVERTING ._ ‘Ems omcm “- 59 mm POSITION EMORY HOUR —\ ‘—\/ 76 MINUTE HAND ** * 75 \' cONTROLI-ER MONITOR 72 v HAND DESIRED EANS 51 EMORY 73 PROCESSING HANDSHAFT CENTERING mcownsn v 7]’ “mm 49 Tm; ADJUSTING 5Q 6-, " HAND DESIRED 4L mimic * 5g lsuoRY CONTROLLER -_ 4Q mum; COUNTER ._<:>65 INDICATING POSITION EMORY 77 HOURHAND " INDICATING POSITION IEMORY h comm CARRY .- TQ lNPUT/OUTPUT DEVICE 85 _— ‘~ ‘CONTROLLER L ‘ 91 “5:1 MINUTE 93PuLsEmoToR HOUR FIG. 3 9o US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 @ Sheet 4 of 15 5,245,591 FIG. 4 INITIALIZATION s1 mums ~ 1 omem mocsss X32 mums "\m CLIENT THE [183 INCREIENT ROUTHE 101 CONVERTING PROCESS “S7 ROUTHE ' \103 MOTOR DRIVE INDICATION/\SB SET ROUTIPE ‘\105 i mm DRIVE \ $9 ROUTIE YES a /Nl OPERATING FLAG IS SET TO 1 S10 511) m: ADJUSTING mm“ / 115 US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Sheet 5 of 15 5,245,591 FIG. 5 N105 READ DESIRED MINUTE/HOUR POSITIONS , READ INDICATING MINUTE/HOUR POSITIONS INUTE DESIRE YES POSITION = INDICATING POSITION SET IAINUTE HAND OPERATING FLAG SET - DIRECTION FLAG OF MINUTE HAND CU RESET AIINUTE HAND OPERATING FLAG SET + DIRECTION FLAG ' OF IIINUTE HAND US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Sheet 6 of 15 5,245,591 FIG. 6 SET HOLB HAND OPERATING FLAG RESET HOUR HAND OPERATING FLAG SET - nmscnou $5 + DIFECTION FRAGOFHOURHAND FRAGOFHOURHAND & FIRST SETTING SWITCH IS on SECOND SETTING SWITCH IS ON m IDESIRED POSITI YES 180Posn?:>— no INVERT NINUTE HAND DIRECTION FLAG US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 5,245,591 Sheet 7 of 15 INU'IE HAND INDICATING POSITI MINUTE HAND INDICATING POSITION '1 YES YES = IAX SET POSITION \ENORY TO ZERO INUTE HAND INDICATING POSITI NINUTE HAND INDICATING POSITION +1 SET POSITION mv T0 m / \ ST mm: IS IN THE REVERSE ST mml IS IM me REVERSE 'RECT' N0 EC} N0 CHANGE OUTPUT E/ PORT ssnme ' cums OUTPUT PORT smme I C27 YES ' | US. Patent Sep. 14,1993 Sheet 9 of 15 5,245,591 SET NINuTE/HOIIR ORDINARY DIRECTION FLAG SET IIINuTE/IIOIIR ORDINARY DIRECTION FLAG I II sIIITcII-OFF Cl-ECK ROUTINE 111a_\_ "\d ROUTINE 1 SET IIINuIE/HOIIR 7 ' REVERSE DIRECTION I II ROUTINE FLAG 1 I \maN 1' SET IIINuTE/HOIIR ORDINARY DIRECTION FLAG II OUTPUT PULSE RESET IIAE EASURING IEANs RESET INDIcATING POSITION AEIIORY I HAND SHAFT CENTERING ROUTINE III SET IIINuTE/IIOuR ORDINARY DIRECTION FLAG sIIITcII-ON Cl-ECK sIIITcII-OFF CHECK ' \l 11"’ sIIITcII-ON Cl-ECK ROUTINE US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 @/ 5,245,591 Sheet 10 of 15 111a SET SWITCH CI'ECK FLAGS OF MINUTE/HOUR SHAFTS TO 1 HEAD OUTPUTS OF IIMJTE/HOLR FIG. 10 CONTACT SWlTCI-ES I INVERT OUTPUT SIGNALS 4mm; SWITCH CIE NO 4F MINUTE comer YES FLAG IS SET TO 1 YES INVERTED OUTPUT SWITCH IS LOW PRODUCE OUTPUT FOR MINUTE HAND PULSE KITOR /\ SWITCH CI-ECI(> YES_ SWITCH IS LOW LEVEL NO PRODUCEOUTPUT FORHOURHAND IESET HOUR CI-ECK FLAG PULSE MTOR I nIT I STOP OUTPUTS IEJ US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Sheet 11 of 15 No YES l 5,245,591 NO men YESIS o:>;)\ | TSETTI NO I men IS ON>— IRST SETTI ___3 @1110 SIITCH YES IS cumee ' _ ,8 m TYES <12SECOND PASSE START men YES » HOUR COLNTER + 1 . couvsmmc PROCESS RouTmz K103 I YES MOTOR DRIVE mmcmou SET 105' mumz $1 1 mm DRIVE 110mm; \107 IINUTE/HOU N0 OPERATING FLAG/ as SET TO 1 YES N0 US. Patent Sep.14,1993 SET NONITOR FLAG START T I IER NINUTE HANO DESIRED POSITION = IIIN HOUR HAND DESIRED POSITION = IAX Sheet 14 of 15 5,245,591 US. Patent Sep. 14, 1993 Sheet 15 of 15 5 5,245,591 FIG. 15 SET MINUTE DESIRED POSITION TO "IN SEI' IINUTE DESIRED POSITION TO MAX I 2K NO TO I YES N0 SET HOUR uesmso SET HOUR DESIRED POSITION T0 um - POSITION T0 uAx ~ I we IS ELAPSED YES no 105, i MOTOR omve INDICATION SET mums 107%“ WI mTOR DRIVE "E RESET MONITOR FLAG @ \118 5,245,591 1 2 nals when said differences exist, whereby the minute ANALOG TIMEPIECE 4 hand and the hour hand are rotated. The time adjusting means comprises input means for BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION inputting a time adjusting signal, incrementing means responsive to the time adjusting signal for incrementing The present invention relates to an analog timepiece 5 the number stored in the current time memory with a such as an analog watch, having a plurality of pulse predetermined value, whereby the desired positions of motors which are capable of reversely rotating, and the minute and hour hands are increased by the convert more particularly to a system for individually control ing means, thereby operating the motors to rotate both ling an hour hand and a minute hand thereof with the the hands. plurality of pulse motors. In an aspect of the present invention, the time adjust Recently, similar to a digital watch, an analog watch ing means comprises, a minute adjusting switch and an is provided with a quartz oscillator which produces hour adjusting switch for inputting a minute adjusting standard pulse signals and pulse motors are accurately signal and an hour adjusting signal, ?rst incrementing driven based on the standard pulse signals. I 15 means responsive to the minute and hour adjusting Pulse motors are provided for individually driving signals for incrementing numbers stored in a minute the hour hand and the minute hand. Pulse motors capa memory and an hour memory in the current time mem ble of reversely rotating are employed so thatthe min ory with one respectively at every input of the adjusting ute hand and the hour hand may be driven in the range signals, ?rst determining means for producing a quick of 120 degrees or 180 degrees. Thus, various shapes of 20 adjusting signal when the minute adjusting switch is dials and designs of watches can be provided. Japanese operated over a predetermined time, second increment Utility Model Publication 63717030 discloses .such an ing means responsive to the quick adjusting signal for " analog watch. incrementing the number stored in the minute memory However, in the conventional analog watch,'the re with ?ve, whereby the desired positions of the minute versely rotatable pulse motor is used only for adjusting 25 hand is increased by the converting means, thereby the time by reversely rotating the hour hand’ or the operating the motor to rotate the minute hand by 30 minute hand. degrees corresponding to five as long as the minute adjusting switch is operated. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In another aspect, angular range setting means is An object of the present invention is to provide a 30 provided for setting an angular range, including a sector range smaller than 360 degrees, in which the minute system for controlling an analog timepiece which has hand and the hour hand are driven, the converting multifunction and design variation in the dial of the watch by effectively using reversely rotatable pulse means operated to change the scale factor in accor motors. dance with the angular range set by the angular range According to the present invention, there is provided an analog timepiece having a standard signal generator, setting means so as‘to drive the minute hand and the _ hour hand within the set range. a reversely rotatable minute pulse motor and a reversely rotatable hour pulse motor which are operated by a A monitor means may be provided. The monitor means comprises input means for inputting one of a standardv signal from the standard signal generator, and time adjusting means for adjusting a time represented by tion of the minute hand and one of a minimum desired maximum desired position and a minimum desired posi position and a maximum desired position of the hour hand in the desired position memory, second determin ing means for determining a coincidence of the hand a minute hand and an hour hand. The timepiece comprises time measuring means for producing a current time based on the standard signal fed from the standard signal generator, a current time memory for storing the current time, converting means indicating position stored in the indicating position 45 memory and the desired position stored in the desired position memory and for producing a coincidence sig nal, and changing means responsive to the coincidence signal for changing the stored maximum desired posi tion into the minimum desired position, and changing the stored minimum desired position into the maximum desired position, whereby the minute hand and the hour hand are continuously reciprocated between the maxi mum and minimum positions. Thus, the minute hand and the hour hand are quickly reciprocated. for producing a minute hand desired position and an hour hand desired position by converting a signal from the current time stored in the current time memory with a scale factor, a desired position memory for storing the minute hand desired position and the hour hand desired position, an indicating position memory for storing a minute hand indicating position indicated by a minute hand and an hour hand indicating position indicated by an hour hand. 1 55 In a watch having a sector dial, a minute hand contact A comparator is provided for comparing the stored switch and an hour hand contact switch are located at a minute hand indicating position and the stored hour position outwardly deviated from a zero position on a hand indicating'position with the stored minute hand dial having a sector range. After a shaft of the minute desired position and with the stored hour hand desired hand and a shaft of the hour hand are located at the position respectively and for producing a minute hand 60 positions of the minute hand switch and the hour hand rotating direction signal and an hour hand rotating switch, both the shafts are moved to a zero position. direction signal in accordance with respective differ A carry control means is provided for inhibiting the ences based on the comparison. ' time measuring means from carrying of hour count A motor driving means is provided for producing a during minute adjusting operation. Therefore, it is not minute pulse signal to operate the minute pulse motor 65 necessary to correct the position of the hour hand in the and for producing an hour pulse signal to operate the time adjusting operation. hour pulse motor in respective directions determined by In a further aspect, the watch further comprises a the minute hand and hour hand rotating direction sig hand shaft centering switch for producing a shaft cen 5,245,591 3 tering signal, and drive means responsive to the shaft centering signal for rotating the minute hand and the hour hand to an angular position corresponding to a central position of a dial having a sector range. Since the shaft is located at the central position, the hand can be easily mounted on the shaft. 4 indicating position memory 75 are provided. An input /output device 85 is connected to the display means 90. Referring to FIG. 2 showing the detail of the external input means 20, the time adjusting input means 31 has an adjusting mode switch 32, a minute adjusting switch 33, and an hour adjusting switch 35. By operating the time These andother objects and features of the present adjusting input means 31, the time displayed on the invention will become more apparent from the follow display means 90 is easily and rapidly adjusted. ing detailed description with reference to the accompa The hand position detector 26 is provided on the nying drawings. 10 underside of a dial and has a minute hand contact switch BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing a system for con trolling an analog watch according to the present inven tiOn; FIG. 2 is a circuit of an external input section of the system; \ ‘FIG. 3 is a block diagram showing a microcomputer of the system; FIG. 4 is a ?owchart showing an operation of the system; ‘ FIG. 5 is a ?owchart showing a part of a time indica tion set routine of FIG. 4; FIG. 6 is a ?owchart showing the other part of the 25 routine of FIG. 5; FIG. 7 is a ?owchart showing a part of a pulse motor drive routine of FIG. 4; FIG. 8 is a ?owchart showing the other part of the routine of FIG. 7; 27 and an hour hand contact switch 29 for detecting zero positions of the minute hand and hour hand shafts, respectively. The minute hand contact switch 27 de tects the origin of a minute hand gear for determining a zero position of the minute hand shaft. The hour hand contact switch 29 detects the origin of an hour hand gear for determining a zero position of the hour hand shaft. When one of the contact switches 27 and 29 is closed, a “0” signal of a low (L) level is produced. I The angular range setting means 22 has a first setting switch 23 and a second setting switch 25 which are selectively closed in the factory. By selecting the com bination of closing of the ?rst and second setting switches, the hour hand and the minute hand are set to be driven on the dial within a range selected from 360 degrees, 240 degrees, 180 degrees and 120 degrees. FIG. 12 shows examples of the dial used in the analog watch having the system of the present invention. A dial of FIG. 120 has a range of 360 degrees, which is set FIG. 9 is a ?owchart showing an origin process rou 30 by closing both the first and second setting switches 23 and 25. A dial of FIG. 12b has a range of 240 degrees tine of FIG. 4, and a hand shaft centering routine; which is set by closing the second setting switch 25. A FIG. 10 is a ?owchart showing a switch-off check dial of FIG. 120 has a range of 180 degrees which is set routine of FIG. 9; FIG. 11 is a ?owchart showing a hand shaft centering routine of FIG. 9; ’ FIGS. 12a to 12d are schematic plan views showing examples of a dial of the'analog watch; FIG. 13 is a ?owchart showing a time adjusting rou tine of FIG. 4; ‘ by closing the ?rst setting switch 23. A dial of FIG. 12d has a range of 120 degrees which is set by opening both setting switches. Referring to FIG. 3 showing the detail of the mi crocomputer 40, the standard signal generator 81 oper ates to divide a standard signal from the oscillator 10 to produce a machine cycle standard signal, a standard signal of 1 hertz, and other necessary standard signals. process routine of FIG. 4; and . The standard signals are applied to the central control FIG. 15 is a ?owchart showing the other part of the ler 41 provided in an arithmetic and program control routine of FIG. 14. unit of the microcomputer 40. The central controller 41 45 is provided for controlling the devices included in the DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE arithmetic and program control unit such as the time PREFERRED EMBODIMENT measuring means 43, converting means 45, arithmetic Referring to FIG. 1, a system for controlling an ana driver 47, and time adjusting controller 49. log watch according to the present invention comprises The arithmetic and program control unit further an external input means 20 having a plurality vof 50 comprises an origin processing means 53, a hand shaft switches and a microcomputer 40 for controlling a dis centering controller 55, a monitor controller 51, and a play means 90 having reversely rotatable pulse motors carry controller 59. for the analog watch. The display means 90 comprises a minute pulse motor The external input means 20 comprises a time adjust 91 for driving the minute hand, an hour pulse motor 93 ing input means 31, a monitor switch 39, an angular for driving the hour hand, and operational ampli?ers 95 FIG. 14 is a ?owchart showing a part of a monitor range setting means 22, a reset switch 37, a hand shaft connected to the input/output device 85. The input centering switch 21, and a hand position detector 26. /output device 85 is applied with stepping signals from The user can operate the time adjusting input means 31 the arithmetic driver 47 which are applied to the opera and the monitor switch 39., The angular range setting tional ampli?ers 95. Thus, the pulse motors 91 and 93 means 22 is operated by the manufacturer for setting the 60 are driven by the stepping signals to drive the minute moving angular ranges of a minute hand and an hour and hour hands for indicating the time. By changing the connection between the output port and the pulse mo The microcomputer 40 comprises a standard signal tor, the rotating direction of the motor is changed. generator 81 connected to an oscillator 10, a central The current time memory 61 in the random access controller 41, a time measuring means 43, a converting 65 memoryv has a second counter memory 63, a minute means 45, an arithmetic driver 47, and a time adjusting counter memory 65, and an hour counter memory 67. controller 49. As a random access memory, a current The desired position memory 71 has a minute hand time memory 61, a desired position memory 71, and an desired position memory 72 and an hour hand desired 5 5,245,591 position memory 73. The indicating position memory 75 6 In the setting mode where only the second setting has a minute hand indicating position memory 76 for storing the position indicated by the minute hand and an hour hand indicating position memory 77 for storing the switch 25 is turned on (240-degree dial watch), the scale factor is changed, so that the value of the minute hand desired position memory 72 is incremented by 1 every 15 seconds of the second counter memory 63, and the value of the hour hand desired position memory 73 is position indicated by the hour hand. The time measuring means 43 is provided for measur ing the current time based on the standard signal fed from the standard signal generator 81. The time measur ing means 43 comprises a second counter, a minute incremented by 1 every 3 minutes of the minute counter memory 65. The maximum value of the memories 72 and 73 is set to 239 (decimal number). counter, and an hour counter. A current time signal based on the measured current time is applied to the In the setting mode where only the ?rst setting switch 23 is turned on (180-degree dial watch), the scale factor is changed, so that the value of the memory 72 is incremented by 1 every 20 seconds of the second counter memory 63 and the value of the memory 73 is incremented by 1 every 4 minutes of the minute counter memory 65. The maximum value of the memories 72 current time memory 61 and stored in the respective memories 63, 65 and 67. The second counter counts a one-?fth hertz signal to ‘measure the time every ?ve seconds. The measured time is applied to the second counter memory 63 and stored therein. Since the second counter is operated and 73 is 179 (decimal number). every ?ve seconds, the load on central controller 41 is When both of the ?rst and second setting switches 23 reduced. and 25 are turned off (l20-degree dial watch), the value The converting means 45 operates to convert the 20 of the memory 72 is incremented by 1 every 30 seconds current time, that is the current minute and the current of the second counter memory 63, and the value of the hour stored in the current time memory 61, into a de memory 73 is incremented by 1 every 6 minutes of the sired angular position for the minute hand and a desired minute counter memory 65. The maximum value of the angular position for the hour hand which are repre memories 72 and 73 is 119 (decimal number). sented by 3-digit hexadecimal number. The calculated 25 value of the desired position is applied to the desired position memory 71, and stored in the respective memo The arithmetic driver 47 produces stepping signals which are applied to the minute pulse motor 91 and the hour pulse motor 93 through the input/output device 85 ries 72 and 73. for stepping the minute hand and the hour hand. The More particularly, the desired position of the minute indicating position memory 75 is operated to store the hand is calculated from the times stored in the second 30 number of pulses of the stepping signals in the minute counter memory 63 and the minute counter memory 65 hand and hour hand indicating position memories 76 of the current time memory 61. The desired position of and 77 as the minute and hour indicating positions of the hour hand is calculated from the times stored in the 3-digit hexadecimal numbers, respectively. minute counter memory 65 and the hour counter mem In the system, the minute hand pulse motor 91 rotates 180 degrees with one pulse. The minute gear train is so arranged as to rotate the minute hand shaft by one de gree when the minute pulse motor 91 is rotated 180 ory 67. The converting calculation is performed based on a scale factor set in the converting means 45 which is determined by the setting mode of the angular range setting means 22. degrees. Similarly, the hour hand pulse motor 93 is In an ordinary watch which is a circular dial watch, rotated 180 degrees with one pulse to rotate the hour the angular range setting means 22 is set to the 360 40 hand shaft by one degree through an hour gear train. degreemode by turning on both of the ?rst and second setting switches 23 and 25. In the circular dial watch, 10 Thus,‘ the minute hand indicating position memory 76 stores a rotating angle of the minute hand shaft, and the hour hand indicating position memory 77 stores a rotat ing angle of the hour hand shaft. ory 72. For example, 59 minutes 50 seconds is converted 45 Furthermore, the arithmetic driver 47 is provided for to 359 (3590+10=359) which is ‘converted into the comparing the minute hand desired position stored in corresponding hexadecimal number 167. The hexadeci the desired position memory 72 of the desired position mal number is applied to the minute hand desired posi memory 71 with the actual minute hand indicating posi tion memory 72 as a maximum value of the desired tion stored in the indicating position memory 76 of the position of the minute hand and stored therein. In order indicating position memory 75. If the value of minute to obtain the hour hand desired position, 2 minutes from hand desired position is larger than the value of minute the minute counter and hour counter memories 65 and hand indicating position, the arithmetic driver 47 pro 67 is converted into 1 to be stored. For example, 11 duces a stepping signal for rotating the pulse motor 91 hours 58 minutes is converted to 359 (7l8—:-2=359), and in the ordinary direction while the value of the indicat further converted to the hexadecimal number 167 55 ing position memory 76 is incremented by 1 every one which is applied to the hour hand desired position mem pulse of the stepping signal. If the desired position value ory 73 as a maximum value of the desired position of the is smaller than the indicating position value, a reverse hour hand and stored therein. Namely, the minute hand stepping signal for rotating the pulse motor 91 in the desired position in the memory 72 is increased by 1 reverse direction is produced while the value of the every 10 seconds, and the hour hand desired position in memory 76 is decremented by 1 every one pulse of the seconds from the second counter memory 63 is con verted into 1 to be stored in the desired position mem _ the memory 73 is increased by 1 every 2 minutes. The reverse stepping signal. value of the memory 72 is between 0 and 359 (decimal number). The value of the memory 73 is between 0 and 359 (decimal number). By setting the ?rst setting switch 23 and the second setting switch 25 of the angular range setting means 22 to other setting mode, the scale factor of the converting means 45 is changed. When the indicating position value coincides with the desired position value, output operation of the stepping signal to the pulse motor 91 is stopped. 65 Similarly, the actual hour hand indicating position in the hour hand indicating position memory 77 is com pared with the hour hand desired position of the hour hand desired position memory 73 and a stepping signal 5,245,591 7 is applied to the pulse motor 93 until the hour hand indicating position value coincides with the hour hand desired position value. 8 - troller 49 detects that the hour and minute adjusting switches 35 and 33 are turned on. When the minute ' adjusting switch 33 or the hour adjusting switch 35 is The origin processing means 53 is provided for posi turned on, each counter of the time measuring means 43 ' tioning the minute hand shaft and the hour hand shaft at 5 is incremented with l and the arithmetic driver 47 is the respective zero positions. When the reset switch 37 operated. The minute hand and the hour hand are inter is operated, the minute hand shaft and the hour hand shaft are returned to the zero positions. Namely, when a reset signal is applied to the origin processing means 53, the means 53 causes the arithmetic driver 47 to mitt'ently rotated at every closing of the switches 33 and 35, as described in detail hereinafter. . When the minute counter is increased and the counter goes to 0 from 59, the minute counter produces a carry produce a stepping signal for driving the pulse motors signal which is applied to the hour counter for increas ing the hour counter. However, if the minute counter is increased in accordance with the operation of the min ute adjusting switch 33, the carry controller 59 is oper ated for preventing the production of the carry signal. The operation of the system will be described herein 91 and 93. When the minute contact switch ‘27 of the hand position detector 26 detects that the minute hand shaft is positioned at the zero position, the stepping signal applied to the pulse motor 91 is stopped. When the hour contact switch 29 detects that the hour hand shaft is positioned at the zero position, the stepping signal applied to the pulse motor 93 is stopped. Further after. The main routine of the system is described with more, the counters in the time measuring means 43 and reference to the ?owchart of FIG. 4. the memories 76 and 77 of the indicating position mem 20 At a step $1, an initialization is performed in accor ory 75 are reset to cause the numbers stored therein dance with an initial setting routine. In the initial rou zero. tine, random access memories are reset, a melody IC is When the monitor switch 39 is operated, the monitor checked and reset, and the pulse motors 91 and 93 are controller 51 is operated such that the minute hand and set to rotate in the ordinary directions. At a step S2, an the hour hand are rapidly reciprocated within a deter 25 origin process routine 111 is performed by operating the mined range of the dial. Namely, the monitor controller reset switch 37, which will be described hereinafter in 51 operates to set a value stored in the minute hand detail. ' desired position memory 72 to a maximum value, and to At a step $3, a current time increment routine 101 is set a value stored in the hour hand desired position performed. In accordance with the routine 101, the time memory 73 to a minimum value. . 30 measuring means 43 measures the time every 5 seconds The minimum value and the maximum value of the with the second, minute and hour counters based on the minute hand desired position are determined in depen standard signals, and the measured times are stored in dency on the setting mode of the ?rst and second setting the second, minute and hour counter memories 63, 65 switches 23 and 25 of the angular range setting means and 67 of the current time memory 61, respectively. 22. 35 Thereafter, a hand driving flag is set to 1. When the arithmetic driver 47 detects that the minute At steps S4 and S5, it is determined whether the time hand desired position value in the memory 72 coincides adjusting mode switch 32 and the monitor switch 39 are with the minute hand indicating position value in the memory 76, the minimum value is input in the memory 72. When the hour hand desired position and the hour hand indicating position coincide with each other, the maximum value is input in the memory 73. The chang ing operation from the maximum value to the minimum value is ‘repeated for predetermined time periods. Thereafter, the desired positions for the minute and 45 hour hands are calculated by the converting means 45 based on the times stored in the current time memory 61 and the calculated desired positions are input in the The hand shaft centering controller 55 is provided for 50 by the setting mode of the ?rst and second setting switches 23 and 25. ‘The calculated value of minute hand desired position is stored in the minute hand de sired position memory 72 of the desired position mem position in'the sector dial, thereby making it possible to ute hand and hour hand shafts are positioned at respec tive zero positions. A pulse signal having pulses corre~ _ sponding to a half of the maximum value is applied to the display means 90 through the input/output device In accordance with the converting process routine 103, the values of the second and minute counter memo ries 63 and 65 of the current time memory 61 are read, and the value read from the minute counter memory 65 is converted into the second unit for calculating the vhexadecimal number with the scale factor determined locating the minute hand and the hour hand at a central easily attach the minute and hour hands on respective shafts at the manufacturing or the repairing of the watch. When the hand shaft centering switch 21 is turned on and the reset switch-37 is operated, the min $7. value of the minute hand desired position of 3-digit desired position memory 71, thereby returning the sys— tem in the normal operation. turned on or not. When it is determined that the switches are turned off and that the hand driving flag is set at steps S4, S5 and S6, a converting process routine 103 is performed by the converting means 45 at a step ory 71. 55. ~ Furthermore, the values of the minute and hour counter memories 65 and 67 are read, and the value read from the hour counter memory 67 is converted into the minute unit for calculating the value of the hour hand desired position of 3-digit hexadecimal number. The calculated value of hour hand desired position is stored in the hour hand desired position memory 73. 85. Thus, both hand shafts are positioned at the respec At a step S8, a motor drive indication set routine 105 tive central positions on the dial. Namely, the minute is provided for the arithmetic driver 47, which will be hand shaft is located at the thirty-minute position and ' described hereinafter in detail. At a step S9, a motor the hour hand shaft is located at the six-hour position. 65 drive routine 107 is performed, which will be also de When the adjusting mode switch 32 of the time ad scribed hereinafter in detail. justing input means 31 is turned on for adjusting the At a step S10, it is determined whether minute and time represented by the hands, the time adjusting con hour hand operating ?ags for the minute and hour