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1383 Random Noise Gen., Manual




INSTRUCTION MANUAL Type 1383 Random- Noise Generator A GENERAL RADIO Contents SPECIFICATIONS INTRODUCTION- SECTION 1 INSTALLATION- SECTION 2 PROPERTIES OF RANDOM NOISE- SECTION 3 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION- SECTION 4 OPERATING PROCEDURE- SECTION 5 APPLICATIONS- SECTION 6 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE- SECTION 7 PARTS LISTS AND DIAGRAMS- SECTION 8 WARRANTY We warrant that each new instrument manufactured and sold by us is free from defects in material and workmanship and that, properly used, it will perform in full accordance with applicable specifications for a period of two years after original shipment. Any instrument or component that is found within the two-year period not to meet these standards after examination by our factory, District Office, or authorized repair agency personnel will be repaired or, at our option, replaced without charge, except for tubes or batteries that have given normal service. ©GENERAL RADIO COMPANY 1969 West Concord, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 01781 Form 1383-01 00-A February, 1969 ID-0100 Specifications MlHR fUll Sf.Alt Spectrum: Fl at (constant energy per hertz of bandwidth) ± 1 dB from 20 Hz to 10 MHz, ± 1.5 dB from 10 MHz to 20 MHz. Waveform: Table shows amplitude-density-distribution specifications of generator co mpared wit h th e Gaussian probabi lily-density function , as measured in a "window " of 0 .2o, ce nte red oo th e i nd icated values: Voltage Gau ss ian Prob . Dens. Function 0 ±a ± 2a ± 3a 0.0796 0.0484 0 .0108 0.000898 Amplit ude- Densi ty Dist. of 1383 Rand om-Noise Gen. 0.0796 0.0484 0.0108 0 .000898 ± 0.005 ± 0.005 ± 0 .003 ± 0 .000 3 (a is the standard deviation or rms value of the noise volta ge.) Output Voltage: At least 1 V rms ma x , open circuit. Output Meter: In d icates open-circuit output v oltage ahead of 500 . Output Impedance: 500 . Can be shorted without causing di sto rtion . Amplitude Control: Continuous control and 8-step, 10 dB-per-step atten uator. Output Terminals: GR874 _J "'"' "' 0 v 0 ,......,./ I 0 ~ -2 _J "'~ -3 _J .."' ~ 0 > -7 -8 -9 "'cr::: -10 J.O MHz 0 . 1 MHz IO MHz FREQUENCY Figure 3-3. Typical voltage spectrum of the 1383 Random-Noise Generator. common bandwidth basis, and the most-often-used bandwidth is one cyc le. Units for W(f) are "vo lts squa red per cycle bandw idth," and considerable use has been made of the unit "volts per root-cy cle" for w(f). Now that "cycles" have become "hertz," this term is even more cumbersome, and is perhaps best replaced by "volts in a 1-hertz band." In order to convert to volts in a 1-hertz band, it is necessary to divide the voltage indication of the analyzer by the square root of the ana lysis bandw id th. For example, using the General Radio Ty pe 1900 Wave Ana lyzer, mu ltiply by the factors given in Table 3-3 to convert measured values of random noise t o vo lts in a 1-hertz band. TABLE 3-3 Correction factors for converting voltage indication of the Type 1900 Wave Analyzer to voltage in a 1-hertz band. ANALYZER BANDWIDTH CORRECTION FACTOR 3 Hz 10Hz 50 Hz 0.650 (-3. 7 dB) 0.357 (-9.0 dB) 0.159{-15.9dB) 4 TABLE 3-4 Correction factors for converting voltage indication of a constant-percentage-bandwidth analyzer to voltage in a 1-hertz band. BANDWIDTH CORRECTION FACTOR 1/ 10 Octave 1/3 Octave Octave 3.80/ JT 2.08/JT 1.1 9/JT 3.4.6 Spectrum of the Type 1383. The noise produced by the Type 1383 is w hite ove r a w ide rang e of frequenci es; the voltage spectru m is flat within ±1 dB for frequencies from 20Hz to 10 MH z, and w ithin ±1.5 dB for frequ encies from 10 to 20 MHz. A typical spectrum is shown in Figure 3-3. T he spectrum is cut off very sha rply at 20 MHz, so that the effective ban dw idth of the noise is quite closely 20 MH z. At the open-circui t output amp litude of 1 V, the voltage spe ctrum level is 224 J..l.V in a 1-H z bandwidth. 3.5 STATIONARITY. 4These numbers include the correction for the average-responding voltmeter in the 1900 Wave Analyzer. In a constant-percent age-bandwidth analyzer, the ana lysis bandwidth is directly proportional to the center frequency of the pass band. This necessitates dividing the voltage indication by the square ro ot of the f requency as well as by the correction factor for the fractional bandwidth itself. When using constant-percentage-bandwidth analyzers, su ch as the General Radio T ype 1564 Sound and Vibration Analyzer or t he Type 1558 Octave-Band Analyzer, multiply the analyzer voltage indication by the appropri ate conversion factor in Table 3-4. 3-4 PROPERTIES OF RANDOM NOISE A random noise is said to be stationa ry 5 if its various statist ical pa ra meters, such as the amp I itude distribution and the spectral intensity, do not cha nge w ith time. Random noise, of course, never repeats the same pattern from one moment to the next, but, if it is stationary , many measurements of the spectru m made at different times will all indi cate the same result, except for the unavoidable errors of measuring a random quantity in a finite time. In discussing t ests for stationarity, Bendat and Piersol 6 po int out th at, for most noise-generating 5sennett, op. cit., p. 52-54. 6sendat, J. S., and Piersol, A. G., Measurement and Analysis of Random Data, John Wil ey and Sons, Inc ., New York, 1966, pp. 219-223. processes, it is su ffi cient to determine that the mean and the varian ce (square of the standa rd dev iation, a) do not change w ith the time at whi ch they are measured. Because the output of the 1383 is ac coupled, the mean is automatically zero, and it is only necessary t o observe the rms amp ! itude to prove stationa rity. This can be done by see ing that the flu ctuations in lo ng-time recordin gs of th e amplitude of the noise are no greater than the value predicted from t he bandwidth of the noise and the smoothing time of the detector. Th e importance of stati onarity in a rand om-n oise generator is analogous to stability in an osc illator; the user is assured that th ere is no change in the spectru m or the amplitude distributi on during the cou rse of an experim en t. The stat ionarity of t he noise output of the 1383 comes, f irst of all, from its noise sou rce; the temperature-limited thermionic diode has long been recog nized and used as a st andard noise sou rce f or noise-figure measu rements of high-frequency am p! ifi ers. 7 The noise current it produ ces is proportional t o the square root of 7spa ngenberg, K. R., Vacuum New Yo r k , 1948, p, 307, T ubes, M cGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. the de plate current, which , in the 1383, is held constan t by feedback controll ing the f il ament current. Th e gain of the noise-cu rrent amp! ifi ers is stabil ized by feedback. 3.6 SUMMARY. Because vari ous terms used in speaking of rand om noise are sometimes con fused, a summary is presented here of th e most-often-used word s, together with a brief exp lanation of thei r mean ing: "N oise" is any unwanted signal. "Random noise" is a signa l whose future value cannot be exactly predicted and that does not contain any peri od ic componen ts. To different iate clea rly between the spectrum and the amp ! itude distribution, in this book the wo rd "densi ty" is used only in connection with the amp litude distribution. The word "intensity'' is used only in connecti on with the spectru m. " Gaussian" app lies on ly t o t he amplitude di stribution and ref ers to a pa rticular theoretical distribution. "White" refers only to the spectru m, and means that the spectral intensity is constant over some ran ge of interest. PROPERTIES OF RANDOM NOISE 3-5 Principles of Operation-Section 4 4.1 DESCRIPTIONOFC IRCUIT . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4· 1 @OUTPUT 1383· 9 Fi!PJre 4-1. Block diagram of the 1383 Random-Noise Generator. 4.1 DESCRIPTION OF CIRCUIT. Fi gure 4· 1 is a bl ock di ag ram of the Type 1383 Random- Noise Generator. The noise source is a thermon ic diode operated in th e temperatu re-l imited mode. T he no ise output of such a di ode operated in th is way is exact ly Ga ussian , it is spectrall y fl at to extremely high frequenc ies, and its leve l is pro porti onal t o the square root of the de plate cu rren t . To keep the amp li tude stable, the fi lament current of the no ise di ode is contro lled by feedback, to maintain a constant current. The noise out put of the diode is amplified in 4-1 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION t he f requency range f rom 40 t o 80 M Hz. By heterodyning aga inst a 60-M Hz loca l osc ill at or , the noise frequency is translated to t he 0-to-20-M Hz band . A sharp-cutoff low-pass fil ter ensu res t hat higher no ise frequen cies and residual loca l-osci ll ator signals are removed . A n ac-coup led amp li fi er is used to increase the power of tha t noise t o th e output level of 1 V. The voltmeter (wh ich ind ica tes t he output level) and the output attenuator complete the circu it. A ll power supplies are regulated except the plate supp ly to t he no ise di ode. Operating Procedure- Section 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 • .. . 5-1 . 5-1 . 5-1 . 5-1 . 5-1 . 5-1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . OUTPUT LEVEL CONTROL . . . METER' FULL SCALE CONTROL OUTPUT CONNECTIONS .. OUTPUTIMPEDANCE MODIFYING THE OUTPU T 5.1 GENERA L. With the instrument in position on the bench or installed in a relay rack, set the screwdriver-operated slide switch S502 (4, Figure 1-2) to the range corresponding to the power-line voltage. Connect the instrument to the line power, using the power ca ble supplied (P/N 4200-9622), and turn on the POWER switch. Follow the instructions given in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 for sett ing the OU TPUT LEVEL and METER FULL SCALE controls. 5.2 OUTPUT LEVEL CONT RO L. The OUTPUT LEVEL control is a con tinuous rotary control by means of wh ich the output level can be set at any selected value between its maximum open-circuit value and zero. The open-circuit output voltage is indi cated by the meter on the front panel, wh ich must be read on the scale appropriate to the setting of the output attenuator (the METER FULL SCALE control). 5.3 METER FULL SCALE CONT ROL. coaxial system. Adaptors t o other types of high-frequency connectors are available (refer to Tabl e 1-4). The output connector can be moved to the rear panel if more convenient, as when the instrument is mounted in a relay rack (refer to paragraph 2.4 and Figure 8-2). 5.5 OUTPUT IMPEDANCE. The output impedance of the 1383 is 50 ohms, ±2%. The output can be sho rt ci rcuited without causing distortion of the output current. The maximum output current into a short circu it is 20 mA, rms, with occasional peaks that may exceed four times that value. 5.6 MODIFYING TH E OU TPUT. 5.6.1 Producing Lower Levels. GR874-G fixed coax ial attenuat ors (refer to Tabl e 1-4) in reducing the output level beyond the range of the 1383 output attenuator (the METER FULL SCALE control). These units are avai lable with attenuat ions of 3, 6, 10, 14, and 20 dB. They are designed for inserti on in a 50-ohm line. The METER FULL SCALE control is the output attenuator and permits reduction of the output-voltage level by 80 dB from its maximum , in 10-dB steps. The voltage indicated is the open-ci rcuit output voltage; when the output is loaded by 50 n, the output voltage is reduced by half. Decibel readings on the dial of the METER FULL SCALE control can be added to the decibel indication of the meter to obtain the open-circuit output vo ltage in dec ibels below 1 V. It may be necessary to restrict the bandwidth of the noise outpu t of the 1383. For inserting a tuned circuit or filter in series with the 50-ohm output, it may be convenient to use the GR874-X insertion unit, which permits totally-shielded connection of any circu it that will fit in its 2-inch long, 9/16inch-diamet er space. 5.4 OUTPUT CONNECTIONS. 5.6.3 Generating Higher Levels. T he output connector on the front panel is a GR874, locking-type, coaxial connector. Generally, the output shou ld be taken by means of a mating G R874 connector into a closed The noise generated by the 1383 Random-Noise Generator can be amplified by any amplifier whose frequency range is adequate. The high crest factor of Gaussian noise must be kept 5.6.2 Generating Bands of Noise. OPERATING PROCEDURE 5-1 in mind in choosing the power rati ng of the amplifier so that the noise will not be clipped. In order that peaks of 3a be passed without clipping, the amplifier must be capabl e of amplifying a sine wave without distortion to a power level 4.5 times greater than the average noise power desired. of noise 40 MHz wide, centered on the carrier frequency. (There will be a notch 40 Hz w ide at the ca rrier frequency. 1 ) The degree of discrimination aga inst the carrier and the upper carri er frequency that ca n be used will depend upon the charact eristi cs of the mixer used. Many such mixer units are commercial ly available. 2 5.6.4 Generating Noise at Higher Frequencies. Noise at higher frequen cies can be generated by using a double-balanced mixer to modulate a high-frequency carri er from an oscil lator or signal generator. The result will be a band 5-2 OPERATING PROCEDURE 1 Perhaps wider, depending upon the characteristics of the mixer. 2Relcom, E. G. , Mountain View, Cal. Applications- Section 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIMULATION OF BACKGROUND NOISE . . . . . MEASURit\G INTERMODULATION DISTORTION. MEASURING CROSSTALK . . . . . . . . . . . . MEASUREMENT OF EFFECTIVE BANDWIDTH. NOISE TEMPERATURE . . . . .. . . NOISE FACTOR OR NOISE FIGURE . . . . . . . 6.1 GENERAL. The Type 1383 Random-Noise Generator is useful whereever a broad-band, high-level source of white noise is needed. Its 50-ohm output impedance and spectral intensity that is substantially constant to 20 MH z make it particularly useful at radio frequencies. For audio-frequency applications, Types 1381 and 1382 Random-Noise Generators 1 may be found to be more useful. They are intended for applications in the fields of acoustics, electroacoustics, psychoacoustics, and vibration analysis, in addition to their general use as audio-frequency generators of random electri ca l noise. 6.2 SIMULATION OF BACKGROUND NOISE. In studying the performance of radio, telemetry, radar or sonar systems with regard to their ability to transmit, detect, and recover signals in noise, it is convenient to simulate the real mixtu re of signal and naturally occurring noise by adding noise of controlled characteristics to a standard signal. Noise sometimes becomes the signal itself in tests of correlation receivers and other modern signal-processing systems. ' • A mixture of signal and noise can be created by adding the output of a signal generator (possibly modulated in some appropriate m?nner) to the noise from the 1383. This can be accomplished with the GR874-TPD or GR874-TPDL Power Divider (see Table 1-4), with which signals in two 50-ohm systems can be added together. Noise that has been heterodyned to higher frequencies (see paragraph 5.6.4) can be used for this purpose. 6.3 MEASURING INTERMODULATION DISTORTION. Random noise is used in one very effective method of 2 measuring intermodulation distortion. White noise, which 1 Faran, J. J., Jr., " Random-Noise Generators" , General Radio Experimenter Vol . 42, No.1 , pp. 3-13 (January , 1968). 2MIL STD-1886. . 6·1 . 6-1 . 6-1 . 6-1 . 6-1 . 6-2 . 6-3 has been passed through a band-stop filter that reduces the level of the noise by, say, 80 dB over a narrow range of frequencies, is applied to the input of a system. Spectrum measurements of the system output indicate how much the "notch" in the noise spectrum has been filled in by intermodulation products. This is an especia lly significant measu rem-ent because white noise contains all the frequencies to which the system responds, and represents, in this sense, a "worst-case" type of test signal. 6.4 MEASURING CROSSTALK. White noise is a very appropriate signal for use in measuring crosstalk in multichannel telephone, radio, or telemetry systems. Spectrum analysis of the crossta lk signal identifies the frequencies that cause the greatest disturbance, thereby providing some assistance in determining the cause and specifying a cure. 6.5 MEASUREMENT OF EFFECTIVE BANDWIDTH. When wave analyzers or filters (or more complex systems) are used to measu re the spectral density of noise, it is necessary to know the effective bandwidth of the filter or of the system. The effective noise bandwidth can· be thought of in terms of an ideal filter having a rectangular frequency characteristic (constant over a range of freq uencies, and zero everywhere else). The effective noise bandwidth of a filter is the width of the pass band of the ideal filter whose output is exactly equal to the output of the actual filter when the inputs are the same white noise, provided the maximum transmissions of the two filters are the same. It can be measu red by finding the total signal transmitted when white noise of known spectral level is applied to the input. The frequency range of the white noise must include all frequencies for which the filter being measu red has appreciable transmission. When the effective bandwidth of the input noise is known, the necessary computations are simplified. Then the APPLICATIONS 6-1 effective bandwidth of the filter is where EBWn is the effective bandwidth of the noise; Nout is the output noise voltage; Nin is the input noise voltage; Gfmax is the maximum or peak gain of the filter (as measured with a sine-wave signal). The effective bandwidth of the noise output of the 1383 is very close to 20 MHz. In measuring the output voltage, it should be kept in mind that the voltmeter used should respond accurately to frequencies as high as 20 MHz and its operation (average, peak, or rms) should be known (refer to paragraph 3.3.3). The voltmeter should not be connected at the end of an unter minated cable, but should either terminate the cable (if a 50-ohm input adaptor is available) or should be bridged onto a terminated cab le. 6.6 NOISE TEMPERATURE. 6.6.1 Definition. It is somet imes convenient to express the noise level in a ci rcuit in terms of noise temperature. The noise voltage across a resistance due to thermal agitation of the free electrons in it (thermal noise) is where en is the rms noise voltage, k isBoltzmann'sconstant(1.38X 10- 23 joules/°K), Tis the absolute temperature of the resistance in o K, R is the resistance in ohms, and B is the bandwidth in hertz in which the noise is bei ng observed. When an artificially-generated noise voltage, ea, is impressed across a resistance, it adds to the thermal noise whose amplitude is given above. It is then possible to define noise temperature as that temperature at which the thermal noise power would equal the total noise power 3 : (6-1) Because noise temperature depends upon the square of the noise voltage, such values can become extraordinarily large; for examp le, th e noise temperature of the output of the 1383 at full output is 1.8 X 10 13 o K. Noise temperature is most useful in describing the equivalent input 3More complicated (and more precise) definitions are given in "IR E Standards on Electron Tubes : Definitions of Terms, 1962 (62 IRE 7.S2)", Proc. IEEE 51, pp. 434-435 (March, 1 963) . 6-2 APPLICATIONS noise of high-frequency receivers and amplifiers, where, incidentally, for certain types of circuits, the equivalent input noise temperature (see below) is considerably lower than the ambient temperature. The noise temperature of the output of the 1383 can never be less than its actual temperature, because its output circuits are comprised of real resistances. Fi[r ure 6-1 shows how the noise temperature of the output varies with the amount of attenuation when the OUTPUT LEVEL control is set so that the meter indicates full scale. Attenuation up to 80 dB is available with the METER FULL SCALE control ; additional attenuation must be obtained with external attenuators such as G R As is readily 874-G units (refer to parag raph 5.6.1 ). apparent, the noise temperature levels off at 290° K (23°C) as the attenuation is increased (assuming the noise generator and attenuators are at 23°C). 6.6.2 Measurement of Effective Input Noise Temperature. The effective input noise temperature of a receiver or amplifier is the temperature at which the resistive component of the input source would generate an amount of noise exactly equal to that arising in the receiver or amplifier only. One procedure for measuring the effective input noise temperature involves knowledge of the effective noise temperature of a sou rce under both hot (on ) and cold (off ) conditions. 4 For amplifiers intended for operation from a 50-ohm source, the effective noise temperature of the output of the 1383 wh en on can be read from Figure 6-1 or calculated from equation 6- 1, paragraph 6.6.1. The effective noise temperature when the noise generator is off is the temperature of the noise Normal room generator (and its output attenuators). temperature (290° K) is often a close-enough approximation. The measurement is made by connecting a noise generator to the receiver and measuring the output power wh en the noise generator is co ld off and hot on. The effective input noise temperature is then where Tih is the noise temperature of the source when it is hot (on), Ti c is the noise temperature of the source when it is cold (off), Poh is the output power when the source is hot (on), and Poe is the output power when the source is co ld (off). 4for an excellent discussion of noise temperature and noisefigure measurements, refer to Mumford, W.W., and Sc heibe, E.H., Noise Perfonnance Factors in Communication Systems, Horizon House- Microwave, Inc., Dedham, M ass. ( 1 968). era lly accepted useage, "n oise figure" is the noise factor exp ressed in decibels, 6 i.e., "noise figure" is 10 log F. 10,000 _L /_ I - - 3000 ~ "" 1/ (/) w w a: 200 0 I (.!) w 0 - ~ t-- I w a: ....::> ~ w "::E w 1000 - ~0 0 v -300 20 0 -1 40 (Poh/Pod- 1 I I 1/ w (/) (Ti c ) Tih ) F = ( 2§0- 1 - (P 0 h/P 0 c) 29Q- 1 I -- .... 0 z The simplest and most c9nvenient method of measuring the noise factor of a receiver or amplifier is usually by use of a noise generator. The measu rement is similar to that used in the determination of effect ive input noise temperature. The noise factor is I z ~ 6.7.2 Measurement of Noise Factor or Noise Figure. I ~0 00 I J 290"K- __]_ -1 30 -120 -110 -1 00 -90 OUTPUT LEVEL IN dB RE t VOLT nn-1 Figure 6-1. Noise temperature at the output connector of the 1383 as a function of the level in dB re 1 V, rms. Output impedance 50 D. temper· ature 23°C (290° K). Additional attenuation beyond 80 dB provided externally. where Tih is the noise temperature of t he source when it is hot (on), Tic is the noise temperature of the source when it is cold(off ), Poh is t he power output when the source is hot (on), and Poe is the power output when the sou rce is cold (off ). When Tic is 290°K, the f ormu la simplifies t o Tih 29oF 1 Poh --1 Poe 6.7 NOISE FACTOR OR NOISE FIGURE. 6.7.1 Definitions. The noise factor, F, of a receiver or amplifier is the rati o of the total output noise power to that portion of the output power that is due to thermal noise in the It is thus the amount by which the output source. 5 noise is increased because of noise in the amplifier over what it would be if the thermal noise in the source was amplified by a perfect (noise-free) amplifier. In gen- For more detailed discussion of noise factor and noise fi gu re and the measurement th ereof, the reader is referred to the literature, footnotes 4 and 5, thi s section. 5More complicated (and more prec.i se) definitions are given in Haus, H. A. , et al, " Description of the Noise Performance of Amplifiers and Receiving Systems", Proc. IEEE 51, PP. 436-442 (March, 1963), Appendix. 6Mumford an d Schiebe, op,cit., p. 69 . APPLICATIONS 6-3 Service and Maintenance-Section 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MINIMUM PERFORMAN CE STANDARDS. RECALIBRATION . .. TROUBLE ANALYSIS . KNOB REMOVAL .. . KNOB INSTALLATION PILOT-LAMP REMOVAL . 7-1 . 7-1 . 7-5 . 7-6 . 7-7 . 7-7 . 7-7 7.1 SERVICE. 7.2.2 Checking the Spectrum. Our two-year warranty attests the quality of materials and workmanship in our products. When dificulties do occur, our service engineers will assist in any way possible. If the difficulty cannot be eliminated by use of the following service instructions, please write or phone ou r Service Department (see rear cover), giving full information of the trouble and of steps taken to remedy it. Be sure to mention the type serial and I D numbers of General. instrument. Before returning an instrument to General Radio for service, please write to our Service Department or nearest District Office, requesting a Returned Material Tag. Use of this tag will ensure proper handling and identification. For instruments not covered by the warranty, a purchase order should be forwarded to avoid unnecessary delay. 7.2 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. 7.2.1 General. The two most important items to be measured in checking a noise generator for conformance to specifications are the spectrum and the amp I itude distribution. Both of these are com pi icated and tedious measurements, requiring a number of pieces of equipment. Instru ments have been constructed especially for this purpose at General Radio and are used in checking noise generators before they are shipped. The performance of this special ly constructed equipment is not readily duplicated by commercially available instruments. However, given below are lists of equipment and instructions for check ing these characteristics as well as possible, with readily available apparatus. The spectrum of the noise output of the 1383 covers an extremely wide frequency range (20 Hz to 20 MHz). No single wave analyzer covers this range. Measurements, therefore, must be made with severa l analyzers that may operate in different ways, particularly with regard to bandwidth and detector characteri stics. Because of the difficulties of calibrating some of them, it is recommended that the analyzers be used to check the flatness of the spectrum, rather than to make abso lute determinations of the voltage spectrum level at each frequency. Spectrum. A I ist of equipment that can be used to check the f latness of the spectrum of the 1383 is given in Table 7-1. Connect the output of the 1383 to the input of either the Rhode & Schwarz Type USVH Selective Microvoltmeter (Figure 7-1) or the Hewlett Packard Model 312A Wave GR 874 -R22A PATCH CORO R&S USVH SELECTIVE MICROVOLT METER R8S FLA209'90 ADAPTOR 1383-.t Figure 7-1. The R & S USVH Microvoltmeter can be used to check the flatness of the spectrum from 25 kHz to 20 MHz. SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 7-1 GR 874·R22A PATCH CO RD HP 312A WAVE ANALYZER GR 874 -O BPA 13B3.~ ADAPTOR F igure 7-2. Th e spectrum flatness can be checked from 25 kHz to 18 M Hz with the HP model 312A Wave Analyzer. Ana lyzer (Figure 7-2), and set the input impedance at 50 S1 . Wi th the full 1-V, rms, ou t put of the 1383, the vo ltage delivered t o the 50 S1 load of t he analyzer w ill be 0.5 V . Set th e attenuators of the wave analyze r accordin gly, and tune across th e range from 25 kHz t o 20 MHz (necessarily st opp ing at 18 MHz in th e case of the HP-3 12A). Record th e mete r indi ca ti ons as a function of frequency. This is the voltage spectru m level on an arb itrary sca le. T o measu re the spectrum at frequ encies below 20 kHz, use th e G R Type 1564 Sound and Vibration Analyzer connected as shown in Figure 7-3. Th e bandwidth of the noise shou ld be red uced before it is connected to the 1564. Th e simp le filter shown in Figure 7-4 can be constructed in a GR 874-X Inserti on Unit for this purpose. This fi Iter is designed f or operati on from a 50-ohm source into an open circui t (impedan ce high compared to 50 ohms). Place this filter at th e ou t put of th e 1383 and connect it to the inpu t of the 1564 by a shielded cab le. (Use an 874-02 Adapto r and a 1560-P95 Adaptor Cable. See Tabl e 1-4.) A measu rement made at 25 kHz (in th e 1/3octave band) corresponds to the level measured with th e high-frequency wave analyzer, and provides the tran sfer to a new arbitrary sca le f or thi s analyzer. The 1564 is a constant-percentage-bandwidth analyzer. Subsequent voltage GR 1560- P95 ADAPTOR CABL E GR 1~64 SOUND AND VIB RATION ANA LY ZER Figure 7-3. Connect ions for checking the spectrum at f requencies below 20 k Hz. IN OUT I c 00 47p.F 0 Figure 7-4 . Low-pass f ilter to be built into a GR874-X Insertion Unit and used with a 5G- n Termination Unit. 7-2 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE measurements made at lower frequencies must be mu ltiplied by the factor v'25000/f to find the voltage that would be measured by an· analyzer having constant bandwidth. The amount by which the resultant number differs f rom that measured at 25 kHz is the departure from perfect spectral f latness. 7.2.3 Amplitude Distribution. As mentioned above, special ly const ructed equ ipment is used at Gene ral Radio for check ing the amplitude distribution of noise generators before they leave the fa ctory. Customers fam i I iar with amp I itude distribution measurements may have suitab le equipment on hand, or at least wil l understand what so rt of equ ipment is necessary, and how to assemble it. Others must make use of comme rciall y available amplitude distribution analyzers, two of which will be discussed here. A list of equ ip ment tha t can be used in checking the amplitude density distribution is included in Table 7- 1. Sampling Unit Necessary. Regardless of what equ ipmen t is used fo r the measurement, there is one impo rtant co nsideration in connection with the 1383: The bandwidth of the noise produced by it is much too wide for any conventio nal amp li tude dist ri bution measu ring equipment. This problem can be overcome by us ing sampling tech niques to reduce th e bandwidth of the noise signal wh ile preserving the amplitude distribution chara cteristi cs. This is most eas il y done with a samp ling osci lloscope, which makes ava il ab le as an output the "sampled-and-he ld " wavef orm. One such is the Tek tronix 1S1 Sampl ing Plug-in Unit. It shou ld be triggered from an external source of pulses at, say, a 20-k Hz rate; the resulting rectangular samp led-and-held waveform is easily processed by amp litude distribution ana lyzers intended for audio-frequency use. An imp ortant precaut ion in the use of such a samp ling system is th at the " sampl ing efficiency'fnust be adjusted to unity. Otherwise the ho ld capac itor w ill not be cha rged fully to the va lue of th e no ise wavef or m at the sampling in stant, and the resulting output at each step will be some so rt of average over the prev ious few samp les; the ampl itude distribution of the samp led-and-held ou tput will not be representative of the no ise. The manufacturer's procedure shou ld be followed in setting th e samp ling efficiency to unity. When us ing the Tektronix 1S1, connect th e output of the 1383 by a 50-Q ca ble to the 50-Q input of th e sam piing unit. To avoid overload ing the sampl ing unit, adequate attenuation should be inse rted ahead of the sampler. This can be done co nven ientl y with th e output attenuator of the 1383. It may be necessary to use a buffer amp lifier at the output of the sampling unit, ahead of the amplitude distribution analyze r, either to in crease the signa l amplitude TABLE 7-1 Equipment required for checking minimum performance standards. INSTRUMENT REQUIREMENTS RECOMMENDED TYPE (or equivalent) Analy zer 25kHz- 20 M Hz Rhode & Schwarz Type USVH Selective Mi crovo ltmeter or Hew lett-Packard Model 312A Wave Analyzer (usable to 18 MHz) Analy zer 20H z-2 5kH z G R Type 1564 Sou nd and Vibrat ion Ana lyzer Low-pass Filter (See Figure 7-4) Bui ld in GR874-X Insertion Unit Sampling Oscilloscope >100 MHz input bandw idth , 50S1 input impedance, samp led-and -held ou tput avai lable Tek tronix Model 1S1 Samp ling Unit in any Tektronix Type 530, 540, or 550 Oscill oscope Pul se Generator 10-ps pu lses at 20-kHz rate GR Type 1340 Buffer Amplifier Input impedance > 100 kS1 bandwidth >200kHz, voltage gain of 10, distortion < 1%. Hewlett -Packard Modei465-A Amplitude Distributi on Analy zer Counter B & K Model 16 1 or Ouan-Tech Model 3 17 Counts at 10-MHz rate, mu lt ip le-period ope rati on or t o lower the impedance of the samp led-and-held signal . If a buffer ampl ifi er is used, it is ex tremely important that it have low di sto rti on, as even sma ll amoun ts of nonlinear distorti on can have a seri ous effect on the amp li tude distribu t ion of a rand om noise signa l. Use of the B & K Model 161 Ampl itude Distribution Analyzer. The B & K Model 161 Amp lit ude Di str ibu tion Anal yzer wi ll measu re th e amp litude density distribution of rand om noise. When making such measurements on the output of th e 1383, samp ling techniques w ill be necessa ry. (See above). In conjunction with a samp ling osc ill oscope, a buffer amplifier wi ll probably be necessary to bring the GR Type 11 9 1 sig na l to an adequate level. The amp lifier should have distorti on well under 1% and bandwidth f lat to 200k Hz or mo re. Measuremen t s made w ith the B & K Mode l 161 shou ld be made acco rding t o th e manufactu rer's instructions. The window w idth of the Mode l 16 1 is 0. 1 a whi le the spec ifi cat ions of the 1383 are given in terms of a window of 0.2 a. The spec ifi ed va lues, if divided by 2, w ill give va lues fo r a window of 0.1 a with adequate accu ra cy . It w ill not be possible to read the panel met er of th e B & K 161 with suff ic ient accu racy for measu rements at 3 a. Use a counte r with the digita l output acco rdi ng to the man ufactu rer's instructions. The test setup is shown in Figure 7- 5. SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 7-3 GR 777- 03 ADAPTOR TEKTRO NIX 54 3 SAM PLI NG OSCILLOSCOPE GR874-R33 PATC H CO RD j GR 1383 RA NDO M - NOISE GENERATOR GR 8 74 -0 BPA ADAP TOR GR 134 0 PUL SE GENERATO R GR 119 1 COUNTER 1383-7 Figure 7-5. Test setup for measuring the amplitude density distribution using the B & K Analyzer. 7.2.4 Other Tests. Use of the Ouan'Tech Model 317 Amplitude Dist ribution Analyzer. Output Attenuator Accuracy. The accu racy of the output attenuator can be check ed by compa ri son w ith some oth er attenuator such as that in t he Rhode & Schwarz USVH Selective Mi crovoltmeter. The compa rison can be made at any frequency w ith in th e range of the two instru ments, usin g th e no ise as the t est signal. The Ouan -Tech Model 3 17 Amp litude Di st rib ution Ana ly zer wi ll not measure th e amp litude de nsity, but w ill measu re th e am plitud e d istributi on. When it is used w ith the Tektronix Model 1S1 Samp li ng Un it , no buffer amp li fi er is necessary. Compar ison of measu red va lues of the amp litude distributi on fun cti on w ith th ose f or t he Gauss ian d ist ribut ion given in Table 3- 1 w ill show how close ly th e d ist r ibuti on fun ction is Gau ss ian . Initial adjust ment of the input level w ill have t o be made w ith th e front panel ATTEN and VAR ATTEN co ntro ls. A n adequate way to proceed is to offset th e L EVEL contro l (which sets th e va lue of sigma at w hi ch t he measurement is made) fro m its mid-range value by one un it (co rrespond ing to one a). The full range of thi s contro l is plus and min us 5 a. T he attenuators shou ld then be set so that t he meter ind icates 15.8 perce nt. Then, if th e L EVE L contro l is turned two units from mid -range , the meter should indi ca te 2.27 %, et c. Th e manufact urer 's inst ructions w ill be f ound helpful. The test setup is shown in F igure 7-6. TEKT RONIX 543 SAM PLI NG OSCILLOSCOPE GR 874 - R22 A PATC H CORD GR 138 3 RA NDO M - NOISE GE NE RAT OR \ }--' Vol tmeter Acc uracy. The vo lt meter ca n be chec ked t o it s specif ied accuracy of ±5% by using a Ballantine Model 323 True-rms Voltme ter as a stand ard . Connect it to the output of the 1383 by a cabl e th at is t erminated at t he vo ltmeter w ith an 874-W50 B 50-Sl Terminati on, using an 874-T Tee and an 874-0B PA Adapto r (G R874 t o BNC) t o connect t o the vo ltmet er. T he term inati on, located at the vo ltmet er , ensu res t hat t here are no st anding waves on the ca ble. The indi cation of th e Model 323 Vo ltmet er w ill be half that of th e panel met er (w hi ch ind icates the open-circuit output vo ltage ). A ll ow th e 1383 to reach therma l equi libriu m in its case so tha t t emperatu re-co mpensati on elements in th e met er circui t w ill operate proper ly. GR 874 -R33 PATC H CO RD . ' ~ l ~ GR874 -QBPA ~ T r ADAPTOR j ....-'--i..,- 0 - T 31 7 AM PLI TUDE DIST RIBUT IO N ANA LYZ ER ~R 777-03 ADAPTOR GR874 - R22A PATCH CORD ---........ GR 1340 PULSE GENERATO R 1383-B Figure 7-6. Test setup for measuring the amplitude distribut ion with the Ouan-Tech Analyzer. 7-4 SERVICE AND MAINTENANC E 7.3 RECALIBRATION . abso lutely possible (the "finger stock" material makes the If repa irs are rnade that include the rep lacement of some compo nents, the internal control s noted below may have to be readjusted (see Figures 8-1 and 8-2). The required test equipment is listed in Tab le 7-2 . Allow a '/,-hou r warm-up peri od, with the instrument in the cabinet, before making adjustments. R525 · Thi s potentiometer is adjusted to set th e voltage at the output of the regulated + 10 V supp ly. Connect a de vo lt mete r from AT531 (negative) to A T530 (posit ive ) and set R525 so th at th e voltmeter indicates 10 V. The negative 10-V supply is co ntrolled by the positive 10-V supply. If the negative supply is appreciably differen t from -10 V , measured from A T532 (negative) to AT531 (positive), R525 ca n be reset sl ightl y to average the two magn it udes about 10 V. R 143: This potentiometer set s th e magnitude of the de plate curren t in the noi se diod e, V901, and th ereby control s the magnitude of the noi se output of th e 1383. To set R 143, turn the OUTPUT LEVE L co ntrol on the front pane l fully clockwise and set th e potentiometer so that the meter indi ca tes full sca le. Then turn the OUTPUT LEVEL contro l co unter clockwi se, to redu ce the indi ca ti on of the meter by 1 dB. Reset R 143 to return the meter indi ca ti on to full sca le. This sets the noise leve l so that th ere is a reserve ampl itude of 1 dB beyond full sca le under normal con dition s. T202 : Adjustment of the core inside this co il varies the frequency of the oscill ator . Using a grid-dip meter, set the frequency of the osci ll ator t o 60 MHz,±1 MHz. When rep lacing the cover over the osci ll ator and modular boa rd, tighten the f our screws fairly tight , but not as t ight as best grounding connections for sh ielding when not pressed abso lutely flat). R327: Thi s potent iometer ad justs the de bias conditions on th e output stage, to compensate f or different cu rrent gains in the output transistors, 0308 and 0309. Using a de vo ltmeter , with th e OUTPUT LEVEL control turned full y coun tercl ockw ise, adjust R 327 so that th e voltage f rom the co llect or of 0309 to ground is 2 V, positive. A further ref ineme nt of this ad justment is to observe the amp litude distr ib ut ion of the noise at full amp litud e ou tput and ad ju st R327 for best symmetry. This is, however, a com pli ca ted procedure, and the simpler ad justment given first usua ll y su ffi ces to produce sat isfactory results. R322: Thi s potentiometer adjusts the sensitiv ity of the vo ltmeter on the pane l. To properly adju st this co ntrol , it is necessa ry to measu re th e output noise voltage. Connect the ou tput, by means of a 50-D. cable, to the input of the Ba ll ant ine 323 True- rm s Voltmete r. The cab le should be terminated at the voltmete r by an 874-W50B 50-D. Termination using an 874-T Tee . An 874-0BPA Adaptor (GR874 to BNC) is usefu l in mak ing closed connecti on t o the voltmeter. With th is arrangement, the cab le is terminated in a matched load; th erefo re, the Bal lant ine 323 Voltmeter w ill read half the vo ltage indi cated by th e panel meter, which indi ca tes th e open -circuit output vo ltage. A fter th e 1383 has been in its cab inet long enough to reach therma l equi libriu m, set the OUTPUT LEVEL contro l so that the Ba ll antine Voltmeter reads exactl y 0.5 V. Then sl ide the 1383 forward, out of its cab inet, and set R322 (on the under side) so that the pane l mete r indi cates exact ly 1 V. TABLE 7-2 Equipment required for recalibration. INSTRUMENT REQUIREMENTS RECOMMENDED Voltmeter True rm s, 20 MHz upper frequency limit Ballantine Model 323 Gr id D ip Meter Must cover 60 M Hz Millen No. 90651 Mu lti meter 20,000 D.!V sensit ivity Trip lett Model 630A SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 7-5 7.4 TROUBLE ANALYSIS. A sine-wave signa l of 40 to 80 MH z from a signal generator, such as the GR 1003, may be substitu ted for the noise sou rce of the 1383. App ly the signa l from the gene rator through a 1-kD. resistance to AT101 of the 1383 with V901 removed. Set the OUTPUT LEVEL control fully cw and the METER FULL SCALE switch to 1 V . With the 1383 functioning properly, a 300-500 p.V signal will give a full-scale meter deflection over the entire 40-80 MH z range. A 500-p.V, 50-MHz signal from the generator should produce a 15 mV signa l at the output of the 40-80 MHz amp lifier (AT1 02). This input shou ld also produce a signal of approx imately 500 mV, 10 MHz at the OUTPUT terminals. TABLE 7-3 DC Test Voltages Cond iti ons : Line, 115 V, ac, 60H z Output Level, Full ccw Meter Fu ll Sca le sw itch, 1 V All voltages to chassis grou nd. Readings t aken with 1806 Electronic Volt meter or equivalent. TEST POINT DC VOLTS Amplif ier, 40-80 MH z 0101 E c TEST POINTS 0203 E c 0 103 +0.7 - 5.2 0 104 0 105 E -5.8 -0.06 E +07 c - 5.2 E - 5.8 0 c 0106 E c 0 107 E c 0 108 E c 0109 E c -5.8 - 0.15 +0.65 - 5.2 -5.8 0 -5.8 --0.15 c 02018 E c 0202 E c -0.7 +3.8 -0.7 +9.6 030 1 E c 0302 E c 0303 E c TEST POINTS 050 1 0502 +0.75 -5.2 0504 0505 - 5.8 +0.5 0305 + 0.75 - 5.2 E -6.0 c - 0.5 E E c E c - 6.0 - 0.2 -0.8 0 +005 +9.6 *Vari es with sett ing of bias control, R327 . 7-6 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 0308 E c 0309 E c 0310 E c +0.7 -5.0* +14.5 +10.0 E 0 - 14.0 E (AT529) c - 15.0 - 13.5 E (A T526) C (AT532) - 14.0 - 10.0 E (AT109) E -60.0 -62.0 -66.0 -64.0 c -64 .0 -60.0 0901 E (AT106) C (AT11 2) -66 .0 -64.0 V90 1 #3 (AT112) #4 (AT108) -64.0 - 60.0 -5.6* -0.7 * -5.6* +2.0* -0.8 +3.0 E (A T 523) C (AT530) c 0 11 2 -0.8 0 +5.0 + 14.4 c 01 11 0307 E Filament Regulato r 0 11 0 0306 +15.0 + 13.5 c c - 5.8 - 0.3 c E (AT527) c 0506 0304 DC VOLTS Regulato r , ±10 V 0503 Video Amp lifier Local Osci llator, 60 MH z 0201A E E c -5.8 +0.03 c E c 0204 0102 DC VOLTS E 7.5 KNOB REMOVA L. To remove the knob on a front-panel con tro l, either to rep lace one that has been damaged or to replace the associated control, proceed as follows: a. Grasp the knob firmly with the finge rs, close into the panel (or the indicator dial, if app li cab le) and pull the knob straight, away from th e panel. a. Place the black nylon thrust washer over the contro l shaft, if appropri ate . b. Mou nt the bushing on the shaft, using sma ll slotted piece of w rapping paper as a sh im for adequate clearance. c. Ori ent the setscrew on t he bushing with respect t o the panel-marking index and lock the setscrew w ith an Allen w rench. NOTE CAUT ION Do not pull on th e dial t o remove a dial/knob assembly. A lways remove the knob first. Make su re that the end of the shaft does not protrude through the bush ing or the knob won't seat properly. b. Observe the posit ion of the setscrew in the bushing, w ith respect to any panel markings (or at the full CCW positi on of a continuous control). c. Release the setscrew w ith an A llen w rench and pull the bushing off the shaft. d . Remove and reta in the black nylon thrust washer, behind the dial/knob assemb ly, as appropri ate. d. Pl ace the knob on the bushing w ith the retention sprin g opposite the setscrew. e. Push the knob in until it bottoms and pull it slight ly to check that the reten ti on sprin g is seated in the bushing . NOTE If the retent ion sprin g in the knob comes loose, reinstall it in the interior notch with the sma ll slit in the outer wall. To sepa rate the bushing from the knob, if for any reason they shou ld be combined off the instrument, dri ve a machine-screw tap a turn or two into t he bushing to provide sufficient grip for easy separation. 7.6 KNOB INSTA LLAT ION . To inst all a "Snap-on" knob assemb ly on the con trol shaft : NOT E 7.7 PI LOT-LAMP REMOVAL. To rep lace the pi lot lamp (GE No . 328, GR P/N 5600-0300), remove the instrumen t from its cab inet. Insert a sma ll screwdriver under the retaining strap at the rear of the lamp holder. Raise the end of the stra p slightl y and it w ill slide free, permitting the lamp to be withdrawn. SERVI CE AND MAINTENANCE 7-7 Parts Lists and Diagrams - Section 8 FEDE 'lAI. 1\nANUFACTURER'S CO DE From Federal Supply Corl ~ for Manufacturers Cataloging Handbooks H4-1 (Name to Code) and H4- 2 (Code to Name) as supplemented through August, 1968. Code 00192 00194 00434 00656 01009 01121 01295 02114 02606 02660 02768 03508 03636 03888 03911 04009 04713 05170 05624 05820 07126 07127 07261 07263 07387 07595 07828 07829 07910 0798 3 07999 08730 09213 09408 09823 09922 11236 11599 12040 12498 12672 12697 12954 13327 14433 14655 14674 14936 15238 15605 16037 17771 19396 19644 19701 21335 22753 23342 24446 24454 24455 24655 26806 28520 28959 30874 32001 33173 35929 37942 38443 40931 42190 42498 43991 Manufacturer Jones Mfg. Co, Chicago, Illinois Walsco Electronics Corp, L.A., Calif. Schweber Electronics , Westburg, L.l., N.Y . Aerovox Corp, New Bedford, Mass. Alden Products Co, Brockton, Mass. Allen-Bradley, Co , Milwaukee, Wise . Instruments, Inc, Dallas, Texas Ferroxcube Corp, S augerties, N.Y. 1 24 77 Fenwal Lab Inc, Morton Grove, Ill. Am phenol Electron Corp, Broadview, Ill. Fastex , Des Plaines, Ill. 60016 G.E . Semlcon Prod , Syracuse, N.Y . 13201 Grayburne, Yonkers, N.Y . 10701 Pyrofilm Resistor C o, Cedar Knolls, N.J. Clalrex Corp, New York, N.Y. 10001 Arrow-Hart & Hegeman, Hartford, Conn. 06106 Motorola, Phoenix, Ariz. 85008 Engr'd Electronics, San ta Ana, Calif. 92702 Barber-Colman Co, Rockford , Ill. 61101 Wakefield Eng, Inc, Wakefield , Mass. 01880 D lg itron Co, Pasadena , Calif. Eagle Signal (E.W. Bliss Co), Baraboo, Wise. Avnet Corp, Culver City, Calif. 90230 Fairch ild Camera, Mountain View, Calif. Birtcher Corp, No. Los Angeles, Calif. Amer Semicond, Arlington Hts, Ill. 60004 Bodi ne Corp, Bridgeport, Conn. 06605 Bodin e Electric Co , Chicago, Ill. 60618 Cant Device Corp, Hawthorne, Calif. State Labs Inc, N.Y., N.Y. 10003 Borg lnst., Delavan, Wise . 53115 Vemaline Prod Co , Franklin Lakes, N.J. G. E. Semiconductor, Buffalo, N.Y. Star-Tronics Inc, Georgetown, Mass. 01830 Burgess Battery Co, Freeport, Ill. Burndy Co rp, Norwalk, Conn. 06852 C.T. S. of Berne, In c, Berne, Ind. 46711 Chandler Evans Corp, W. Hartford , Conn. Nati ona l S emicon duc tor, Danbury, Conn. Crystalonics, Cambridge, Mass. 02140 RCA , Woodbridge, N. J. Clarostat Mfg Co , Inc, Dover, N.H. 03820 Dickson Electronics, Scottsdale, Ariz. Solltron Devices, Tappan, N.Y. 10983 ITT Semlcondictors, W. Palm Beach , Fla. Corneii -Du blller Electric Co, Newark, N.J. Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y. Gene ral Instrument Corp, Hicksville, N.Y. ITT , Semiconductor Div, Lawrence, Mass. Cutlet-Hammer Inc, Milwaukee, Wise. 53233 Spruce Pine Mica Co , Spruce Pine, N.C. Singer Co, Diehl Div, Somerville, N.J. Illinois Tool Works, Pakton Div, Chicago, Ill. LAC Electronics , Horseheads, N.Y. Electra Mfg Co , Independence, Kansas 67301 Fafnir Bearing Co, New Briton, Conn. U I D Electronics Corp, Hollywood, Fla. Avnet Electronics Corp, Franklin Park , Ill. G.E., Schenectady, N.Y. 12305 G.E., Electronics Camp, Syracuse, N.Y. G. E. (Lamp Dlv), Nela Park , Cleveland, Ohio General Radio Co, W. Concord, Mass. 01781 American Zettlet Inc, Costa Meta, Calif. Hayman Mfg Co, Kenilworth, N.J. Hoffman Electronics Corp, El Monte, Calif. I.B.M, Armonk, New York Jensen Mfg. Co, Chicago, Ill. 60638 G. E. Camp, Owensboro, Ky. 42301 Constanta Co, Mont. 19, Que. P. R . Mallory & Co Inc, Indianapolis, Ind. Marlin-Rockwell Corp, Jamestown, N. Y. Honeywell Inc , Minneapolis , Minn . 55408 Muter Co , Chicago, Ill . 60638 National Co, Inc, Melr ose, Mass . 02176 Norma-Hoffman, Sta nford, Conn. 06904 Code 49671 49956 53021 54294 54715 56289 59 730 59875 6 0399 61637 61864 63060 63743 65 0P.J F 'J092 70485 7:' 563 70903 -, ~ 126 71 294 71400 71468 7 1590 71666 71707 71744 71785 71823 72136 72259 72619 72699 72765 72825 72962 72982 73138 73445 73559 73690 73899 74193 74861 74970 75042 7 5382 75491 75608 75915 76005 76149 76487 76545 76684 76854 77147 77166 77263 77339 77642 77630 77638 78189 78277 78488 78553 79089 79725 79963 80030 80048 80131 80183 80211 80258 80294 Manufacturer RCA, New York, N.Y. 10020 Raytheon Mfg CC", Waltham, Mass. 021 54 c:~,ga mo Electric Co, Sp rlngf iald, Ill 62705 Sha llcross Mfg Co, Selma, N.C. Shure Brothers, Inc, Evanston IlL Sp rague Electric Co, N. Ad aTl s, Mass. Thomas and Betts Co, E 1 1abeth, N.J. 07207 TRW Inc, (Accessorl e!o Div), Cleveland, Ohio Torringt on Mfg C ... , 1 orr ington, Conn. Union Carbide C .J rp, New York, N.Y. 10017 United-Ca rr Fastener Corp, Boston, Mass. Victoreen Ins tru ment Co, I nr.:, Cleveland, 0. Ward Leo nard El ectric Co, Mt. Ve r no n , N. Y. Westl,..ghouse ( Lamp Olv). Bl oo mfield , N.J. Weston Instruments , Newa rk , N.J. At lan tic-Indi a R u bber , Chicago, Ill. 60607 A m per lte Co, Unio,.. C ity, N.J. 07087 Belden Mfg Co, Chicago, Ill. 60644 Br o nson Homer D, Co, Beacon Fall s, Conn. Canfield, H.O. Co, Clifton Forge, Va. 24422 Bussman (McGraw Edison), St. Louts , Mo . ITT Cannon Elec, L.A., Calif. 90031 Centra la b, Inc , Milwaukee, Wise , 53 2 12 Continental Carbon Co, Inc, New Y o rk , N.Y. Coto Coli Co Inc, Providence, R.I. Chicago Miniature Lamp Works, Chicago, Ill. Cinch Mfg Co, Chic ago , Ill. 60624 Darnell Corp, Ltd, Downey, Calif. 90241 Electro Motive Mfg Co, Wilmington , Conn. Nytronics Inc, Berkeley Heights, N.J. 07922 Dialight Co, Bro oklyn, N.Y. 11237 General I nstr Corp, Newark, N.J. 07 104 Drake Mfg Co, Chicago, Ill. 60656 Hugh H. Eby Inc , Philade lphia, Penn. 19144 Elastic Stop Nut Corp, Union, N.J. 07083 Erie Techno logic al Pro ducts Inc , Erie, Penn. Beckman Inc, Fullerton, Calif. 9263 4 Amperex Electronics Co, Hick sv ille, N.Y. Carling Electric Co , W. Hartford , Co nn. Elco Resistor Co, New Y o rk , N. Y . JFD Electronics C o rp , Br o oklyn , N.Y. Hein emann Electric Co, T renton, N.J. lndunrlal Condenser Corp, Chicago, 111. E. F. Johnson Co, Waseca, Minn. 56093 lAC Inc, Philadelphia , Penn. 19108 Kulka Electric Corp, Mt. Vern on, N.Y . Lafayette I ndustrlal Elec tr onics, Jamlca, N.Y. Linden and Co, Prov idence, R.I. Littelfu se, Inc, Des Pla ines, Ill . 60016 Lord Mfg Co , Erie, Pe nn . 16512 Mallory Electric Cor p , Detroit, Mich. 482 0 4 James Millen Mfg Co , Ma lrl en, Mass. 02148 Mueller Electri c Co. Cleveland , O hio 44114 National Tube Co, P ittsbu rg, Penn. Oak Mfg Co , Crystal La ke, Il l. Patton MacGuyer Co, P roviden ce, R. I. Pass-Seym our, Svracuse, N.Y. Pierce Roberts Rubber Co, Trenton, N.J. Positive Lockwasher Co, Newark . N.J. Ray-0-V ac Co, Madison , Wise. TRW, Electr onic Comp, Ca mden , N.J. 08103 General instrumen ts Corp, Brooklyn, N.Y . Shakeproof (Ill . Tool Works), Elgin, Ill. 60120 Sigma Instruments Inc, S . Braintree, Mass. Stackpole Carbon Co, St. Marys, Penn. Tinnerman Products , Inc, Cleveland, O h io RCA, Rec Tube & Semlcond, Harrison , N.J. Wirem o ld Co, Hartford, Conn. 061 10 Zierl ck Mfg Co, New Roc helle, N.Y. Prestole Fastener, T o ledo, Ohio Vickers Inc, St. Louts, Mo. Electronic I ndustrles Assoc, Washington , D.C. Sprague Products Co, No. Adams, Mass. Motorola Inc, Franklin Park , Ill. 60131 Standard Oil Co , Lafayette, Ind. Bo u rns Inc , Riverside, Calif. 92506 Code 80431 80583 807 40 81030 81073 81143 8134 9 81350 81751 81831 81840 81860 82 2 19 82273 82389 82647 82807 83033 83058 83186 83361 83587 837 40 83781 84411 84835 8 4971 86577 86684 86687 86800 88140 88219 88419 88627 89482 89665 9020 1 90750 90952 91032 91146 91293 91506 91598 91637 9 1662 91719 91929 92519 92678 93332 939 16 94144 94154 95076 95121 95146 95238 95275 95354 95412 95794 96095 96214 96256 96341 9679 1 96906 98291 98474 98821 99180 99313 99378 99800 Manufacturer Air Filter Corp, Milwaukee, Wise. 53218 Hammarlund Co , Inc, New York, N.Y . Beckman Instruments, inc, Fullerton, Calif. International lnsturment, Orange, Conn. Grayhill Inc, LaGrange, Ill. 60525 lso lantite Mfg Corp, Sti rling, N.J. 07980 Military Specificatio ns Joint Army-Navy S pec ifications Co lumbus Electronics Corp, Yonkers, N.Y. Filtron Co, Flushing, L. l., N.Y. 11354 Ledex Inc, Dayton, Ohio 45402 Barry-Wright Corp, Watertown. Mass. Sylvania Elec Prod, Emporium, Penn. I ndlana Patte rn & Model Works, LaPort, Ind . Switchcraft Inc, Chicago, Ill. 60630 Metals & Controls Inc , Attleboro, Mass. Milwaukee Resistor Co, Milwaukee, Wise . Meissner Mfg, (Maguire lnd) Mt. Carmel , Ill . Carr Fastener Co, Cambridge, Mass. Victory Engineering, S pringfield, N.J . 07081 Bearing Specialty Co, San Francisco, Calif. So lar Electric Corp, Warren, Penn. Union Carbide Corp, New York, N.Y. 10017 Nation al Electronics Inc, Geneva, Ill. TAW Capacitor Div , Ogallala, Nebr. Lehigh Metal Prods, Cambridge, Mass. 02140 TA Mfg Corp, Los Angeles, Calif. Precision Metal Prods, Stoneham, Mass . 02180 RCA (Elect. Camp & Dev) , Harrison, N.J. A EC Corp, New Rochelle, N.Y. 10801 Cant Electronics Corp, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11222 Cu tler-Hammer Inc, Lincoln , Ill. Gould Nat. Batteries Inc, Trenton, N.J. Corneii-Dubilier, Fuquay ~ Varlna , N.C. K & G Mfg Co, New York, N. Y. Holtzer-Cabot Corp, Boston, Mass. Un ited Tiansformer Co, Chicago, Ill. Mallory Capacito r Co, Indianapolis, Ind. Westing house Electric Corp, Boston , Mass. Hardware Products Co, Reading, Penn. 19602 Continen tal W ire Corp, York, Penn. 17405 ITT {Cannon Electric Inc), Salem, Mass. Johanson Mfg Co, Boon ton , N.J. 07005 Augat Inc , Attleboro, Mass . 02703 Chandler Co, Wethersfield , Conn. 06109 Dale Electronics Inc, Columbus, Nebr. E\co Co rp, Will ow Grove, Penn. General Inst ruments, Inc, Dallas, Texas Honeywell Inc, Freeport, Ill. Electra lnsul Corp, Woodside, L.l. , N. Y. E.G.&G . , Boston, Mass. Sylv ania Elect Prods, Inc, Woburn, Mass. Crame r Produ cts Co, New York, N. Y. 10013 Raytheon Co, Compon ents Olv , Quincy, Mass. Tung Sol Electr ic Inc, Newark , N.J . Garde Mfg Co , Cumberland, R . I. Qua lity Components Inc , St. Mary's, Penn. A leo Electro nics Mfg Co, Lawrence, Mass. Continental Connecto r Corp , Woodside, N. Y. V itramon, Inc , Bridgeport, Conn. Methode Mfg Co, Chicago, Ill. Gene ral Electric Co, Schenectady, N.Y. Anaconda Amer Brass Co, Torrington, Conn. HI-Q Oiv, of Aerovox Corp, Orlean, N.Y. Texas Instruments Inc , Dallas, Texas 75209 Thordarson-Melssner, Mt. Carmel, Ill. Microwave Associates Inc, Burlington, Mass. Amphen ol Corp, Jonesville, Wise, 53545 Military Standards S ealectro Corp, Mamaroneck, N.Y . 10544 Com par Inc, Burlingame, Calif. North Hills Elec tronics Inc, Glen Cove, N.Y. Transltron Electronics Corp, Melrose, Mass. Varian, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303 Atlee Corp, Winchester, Mass. 01890 Delevan Electronics Corp, E. Aurora, N. Y. 9/68 8-1 MECH ANICA L PARTS LIST Name Cabinet Meter Cover Knob Asm . Di al Asm. Knob Asm. Cover Plate Dress Nut Foot Foot Bail Fuseholder 8-2 Description Complete, Convertible-Bench ME3-701 , light gray OUTPUT LEVEL Knob, including retainer 5220-5402 METER FULL SCALE dial, including retainer 4123-3241 METER FULL SCALE Knob , including retai ner 5220-5402 OUTPUT Cover Plate, Complete For Power Toggl e Switch, 15/3 2- 32, Dress Rear, black Neoprene Foot Right, front black Pheno li c Foot for us e with Bail Left, front black Phenolic Foot, for use with Bail Tilt-bar support Extraction - post Fuse-mounting Dev ice Output Connector Assembly Panel Jack GR Part Number FMC Mfg. Part Number 4181-2646 5720-3713 24655 24655 4181-2646 5720-3713 5520-532 1 24655 5520 - 532 1 1383-1110 24655 1383-1110 5500-5321 0480-24 70 24655 24655 5500-5321 0480-2470 5800-0800 5260-2060 24655 24655 5800-0800 5260-2060 5250-2121 24655 5250-2121 5250-2120 5250-2125 24655 24655 5250-2120 5250-2125 5650-0100 0874-4624 0874-6690 71400 24655 24655 HKP-H 0874 -4624 0874-6690 F edera/ Stock No. 5310-344-3634 5920-284-7144 R923 R917 J 901 $901 ArlO! T202 S 5 01 ATI02 (HIDDEN) ETC H ED -CIRCUIT BOAR D P/ N 138 3-2711 0 9 01 T201 V901 C506 C507 C504 F502 FSOI COVER PLATE P/N csoa 0480 - 2470 R504 Figure 8-1. C505 ETCHED- Cl RCUIT BOAR D P/N 138 3- 2750 C503 PL SOI Top interior view of the Generator. R923 R525 S502 R917 COVER PLATE P/N 0480-2470 R 322 R924 5!501 0308 0309 AT530 ~,Y:H'T-- ETCHED- CIRCUIT BOARD P/ N 1383 -2731 AT53 2 PL501 /.>"/0503 5502 F502 csos C504 C506 C507 C508 J90 1 Figure 8-2, Bottom interior view of the Generator. 8-3 PARTS LIST Ref. No. /)( '>Crip/) 1)1, GR Par t No. Fed. Mfg. Cod e Mfg. Part No. Fed. Stock No. CAPACITORS C101 C102 C103 C104 C105 C106 C107 C108 C109 C110 C111 C112 C11 3 C114 C11 6 C11 7 C11 8 C11 9 C120 C121 C122 C123 C124 C125 C126 Cera mic , Ce ramic, Ceramic, Ceramic , Ceramic, Ceramic, Ceramic, Ceramic, Ceramic, Ceramic, Ceramic , Ceramic, Ceramic, Cerami c, Ceramic, Ceramic, Ce ramic, Ceramic, Ceramic, Ceramic , Ceramic, Ceramic, Ceramic , Ceramic, Ceramic, ll.01 J-lF +80-20 % 500 V 0 .001 J-lF +80 - 20% 500 V 0.1 J-lF ±20% 25 V 33 pF ±5% 500 V 0 .001 J-lF +80 -20 % 500 V 0.001 J-lF +80-20 % 500 V 0.001 J-lF +80 - 20% 500 V 33 pF ±5% 500 V 0.001 J-lF +80-20% 500 V 51 pF ±5% 500 V 56 pF ±5% 500 V 0.001 J-lF +80-20% 500 V 33 pF ±5% 500 V 0.001 J-lF +80-20% 500 V 0 .1 J-lF ±20% 25 V 0.001 J-lF +80-20% 500 V 0 .001 J-lF +80 - 20% 500 V 0 .1 J-lF +80-20% 10 V 0.001 J-lF +80 - 20% 500 V 0.001 J-lF +80 - 20% 500 V 0.001 J-lF +80-20% 500 V 0 .1 J-lF ±20% 25 V 0 .01 J-lF +80-20 % 500 V 0.01 J-lF +80 - 20% 500 V 0 .01 J-lF +80 - 20% 500 V 4406-3109 4404-2109 4400-2050 4404-0335 4404 -210 9 4404-2109 4404-2109 4404 -0335 4404-210 9 4404-0515 4404-0565 4404-2109 4404-0335 4404-2109 4400-2050 4404 - 2109 4404-2109 4431-4109 4404-2109 4404-2109 4404 - 2109 4400-2050 4406-3109 4406 - 3109 4406-3109 72982 72982 80183 72982 72 98 2 72982 72982 72982 72982 72982 72982 72982 72982 72982 80 183 72982 72982 80183 72982 72982 72982 80183 72982 72982 72982 811, 0 .01 J-lF +80 - 20% 83 1, 0.001 J-lF +80 - 20% 5C13, 0.1 J-lF 831,33 pF ±5% 83 1, 0 .001 J-lF +80-20% 831, 0.001 J-lF +80-20% 831, 0.001 J-lF +80-20% 831, 33 pF ±5% 831, 0.001 J-lF +80 - 20% 83 1, 51 pF ±5% 83 1, 56 pF ±5% 831, .001 J-lF +80 -20% 831 , 33 pF ±5% 831, 0 .001 J-lF +80 - 20% SC1 3 , 0.1 J-lF 831, 0.001 J-lF +80 - 20% 831, 0.001 J-lF +80 - 20% 20C202, 0.1 J-lF +80 - 20% 831, 0.001 J-lF +80 - 20% 83 1, 0.001 J-lF +80 - 20 % 83 1, 0.001 J-lF +80 - 20% 5C13 , 0.1 J-lF 811, 0.01 J-lF +80 - 20% 811, 0.01 J-lF +80 - 20 % 811, 0.01 J-lF +80 - 20% 6083-1028 6083-1002 6082 -1012 6082 -1 012 6082-10 12 6082 - 1027 6082-1027 07910 07910 24446 24446 24446 13327 13327 IN750A IN748A IN4009 IN4009 IN4009 MS7330 MS7330 6099 -04 75 6099- 15 65 6250-9909 62 50-0010 6099 -1515 6099-122 5 6099- 1915 6099 - 0105 6099 - 0105 6099-1565 6250 - 9909 6250 - 0010 6099 -1 515 6099 -1 225 6099-1915 6099 - 0105 6099-0105 6099 - 0475 6099 -1565 6250-9909 6250 - 0010 6099 -151 5 6099 -1 225 6099 -1 915 6099- 14 75 6099 -1 475 6099 -1 475 6099 - 2515 6100-1 685 6100 -11 05 6100 -11 05 6100 - 1515 6100 -1 685 6100 - 0625 6100 -1155 6056-0135 6099 - 0105 6099-0105 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 11236 75042 75042 BTS, 47 Q ±5% BTS, 560 Q ±5% CEA, 90.9 Q ±1 % CEA, 10 Q ±1% BTS, 510 Q ±5% BTS, 220 Q ±5% BTS, 910 Q ±5% BTS, 10 Q ±5% BTS, 10 Q ±5% BTS, 560 Q ±5% CEA , 90.9 Q ±1% CEA, 10 Q ±1 % BTS, 510 Q ±5% BTS , 220 Q ±5% BTS, 910 Q ±5% BTS , 10 0 ±5% BTS, 10 Q ±5% BTS, 47 Q ±5% BTS , 560 Q ±5% CEA, 90.9 Q ±1 % CEA, 10 Q ±1% BTS, 510 Q ±5% BTS, 220 n ±5% BTS , 910 Q ±5% BTS, 4 70 Q ±5% BTS, 4 70 Q ±5% BTS, 4 70 Q ±5% BTS, 5 .1 kQ ±5% RC20GF 68 1J RC20GF101J RC20GF10 1J RC20GF511J RC20GF 68 1J RC20GF 620J RC20G F 151J 115 , 300 Q ±10% BTS , 10 Q ±5% BTS, 10 Q ±5% 5910 - 754 - 7049 5910-983 - 9994 5910 - 974 - 5695 5910-983-9994 5910 - 983 - 9994 5910-983 - 9994 5910-983-9994 5910 - 983-9994 5910 - 983 - 9994 5910-974-5695 5910 - 983 - 9994 5910 - 983 - 9994 5910 - 983 - 9994 5910 - 983 - 9994 5910 - 983 - 9994 5910 - 974 -5 695 5910 - 754 - 7049 5910 - 754 - 7049 5910 - 754 - 7049 DIODES CR101 CR102 CR103 CR104 CR105 CR201 CR202 Type Type Type T ype Type Type T ype IN750A IN748A IN4009 IN4009 IN400 9 MS7330 MS7330 5960 - 754 - 5897 5960-800- 3973 5961-892-8700 5961-892 - 8700 5961-892 - 8700 RESISTORS R1 01 R10 2 R1 03 R1 04 R105 R10 6 R10 7 R11 0 R111 Rll2 Rll 3 R11 4 R115 R11 6 R11 7 R120 R121 R12 2 R1 23 R1 24 R125 R1 26 R1 27 R1 28 R1 31 R1 32 R1 33 R1 34 R1 35 R1 36 R1 37 R1 38 R1 39 R140 R141 R143 R144 R145 8-4 Composition, 4 7 Q ±5% 1/ 4 W Composition, 560 Q ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 90.9 Q ±1 % 1/8 W Compos ition, 10 Q ±1 % 1/8 W Composition, 510 Q ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 220 Q ±5% 1/ 4 W Composition, 910 Q ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 10 Q ±5% 1/ 4 W Composit ion, 10 Q ±5% 1/ 4 W Composition , 560 n ±5% 1/ 4 W Composition, 90.9 Q ±1 % 1/8 W Composition, 10 Q ±1 % 1/8 W Composition , 510 Q ±5% 1/4 W Composition , 220 Q ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 910 Q ±5% 1/ 4 W Compos iti on, 10 Q ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 10 Q ±5% 1/ 4 W Composition, 47 Q ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 560 Q ±5% 1/ 4 W Composition, 90 .9 n ±1 % 1/8 W Composition, 10 Q ±1 % 1/8 W Composition, 510 Q ±5% 1/ 4 W Composition, 220 Q ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 910 Q ±5% 1/ 4 W Composition, 470 Q ±5% 1/ 4 W Composition, 4 70 Q ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 470 Q ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 5 .1 kQ ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 680 Q ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 100 Q ±5% 1/2 W Composition , 100 Q ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 510 Q ±5% 1/ 2 W Composition, 680 Q ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 62 Q ±5% 1/ 2 W Composition, 150 Q ±5% 1/2 W Pot. , Wire Wound 300 Q ±10% Composition, 10 Q ±5% 1/ 4 W Composition, 10 Q ±5% 1/4 W 5905 - 801-82 72 5905-683 - 2240 5905 - 809-8596 5905 - 809 - 8596 5905 - 80 1-8272 5905 - 683 - 2240 5905 - 809 - 8596 5905 - 809 - 8596 5905 - 80 1- 8272 5905-683 - 2240 5905 - 683 - 2242 5905 - 683 -2242 5905 - 683 - 2242 5905- 195 - 679 1 5905 -1 90 - 8889 5905 -1 90-8889 5905 - 2 79-3511 5905 -1 95 - 679! 5905-279 -1 760 5905-299-1541 5905 - 809 - 8596 5905 - 809 - 8596 PARTS LIST (Cont) Description Ref. No. 1\f {g. Part No. Part No. FAIC 82 10 - 1089 82 10-1088 82 10 -111 9 8210- 112 9 8210 -1088 8210- 111 9 82 10 - 1129 82 10 - 1088 8210 -111 9 8210 -ll1 4 82 10-1047 8210-1047 8210 -109 7 802 11 24454 07263 93916 24454 07263 93916 24454 07263 04713 24446 24446 12672 2N3250 2N2810-A 2N3646 2N3640 2N28 10-A 2N3646 2N3640 2N2810 - A 2N3646 2N3905 2N3416 2N3416 40251 4300-0101 4300-0101 5000-2711 8380 -5722 99800 99800 24655 822 19 1536 , 0.15 J,JH ±10% 1536, 0.15 J,JH ±10% 5000 -2 711 5722 Fed. Stock No. TRANSISTORS Q101 Q102 Q103 Q104 Q105 Q106 Q107 Q108 Q10 9 QllO Q1ll Qll2 Q901 Type 2N3250 T ype 2N285 7 Type 2N3646 T ype 2N3640 Type 2N2857 Type 2N3646 Type 2N3640 T ype 2N2 857 Type 2N3646 T ype 2N3905 Type 2N3414 Typ e 2N3414 Type 2N3055 5961 - 945 - 4108 5961 - 964-5753 5961- 964-5753 5961 - 989 -2749 5961 - 989 - 2749 MISCELLANEOUS Ll 0 1 Ll 02 T101 V901 Choke, Mo lded , 0.15 J,JH ±10% Choke , Molded, 0.15 J,JH ±10% Co il Type 5722 OE 1383-0710/ 5 OE E 103 0 Rll7 C~l AO 0 '* T A - ~~,~~_.. . . . . . . .~~ Rli O RI14 0 017 : 0 150 etoe.A - R ill Figure 8-3. Etched-circuit-board assembly for the 4(}.8G-MHz amplifier. The complete board is P/N 1383-2711. NOTE: The number appearing on the foil side is not the part number. The dot on the foil at the transistor socket indicates the collector lead. B OARD 1- - - - - - - - - - - - + 10 V AT530 1383-2711 40-80 MHz AMPLIFIER RIIO 10 CI03 T0-1 RI02 560 TIOI Rl 0 7 910 Rl31 470 J Rl12 560 CI07 .OOI Rl2 0 10 Cll Rl l 7 91 0 Rl32 470 Rl2 3 560 Rl34 5JK J DO AltO! I V901,-,~ I NO ISE DIODE g"J 4 1 Rl05 510 Rll5 510 Rl06 220 Rl44 10 Rill 10 Cll6 J , -- Rl21 10 Cll7 OOl AT/04 -- I I -- WH- GN- BK H.Rc AT508 _j_CI25 J O,OI ATIIO Rl37 100 CR I05 AT II/ FILA MENT E EO c SHIE LOO 0101 REGULATOR -- --- B 0 c 0 901 EO c 0103 ,104,106 0 107, 109 WH-GH - BR AT509 _ _ _ _ _ _j c B c 0102 ,105,108 AT514 I / 2W ATI06 B WHGN- BU -IOV AT532 Rl40 62 I/2W I Rl 2: Rl45 10 T OI ....J Rl26 510 CRIOI 4 .7V . 0 0 EG,0 ___ / B 0111 ,112 OliO BOTTOM VIEW OF TRANSIST ORS NOTE U NLESS SPECIFIED S. RESI STANCE IN OHMS K - 1000 OHMS M 1 MEGOHM 1. POSITION OF ROTARY SWITCHES SHOWN COUNTERCLOCKWISE. 2. CO NTACT NUMBERING OF SWITCHE S EXPLAINED ON SE PARATE SHEET SUPPLIED IN INSTRUCTION BOOK. 3. REFER TO SERVICE NOTES IN INSTR UCTION BOOK FOR VOLTAGES APPEARING ON DIAGRAM . 4. RE SISTORS 1/4 WATT. 6. CAPACITANCE VALUES ONE AND OVER IN PICOF ARADS. LESS THAN ONE IN MICROFARADS. 7. 0 KNOB CONTROL 8. @ SCREWDRIVER CONTROL 9. AT · ANCHOR TERMINAL 10. TP . TEST POINT Figure 8-4. Sche MHz amplifier. -BOARD + 10V AT530 1383-2711 -, I 40·80 MHz RIIO 10 J RI02 560 Cl03 0.1 Rl31 470 Cl02 .001 Rl07 910 CI07 1'.001 Rll2 560 ClOG .001 AMPLIFIER Rl32 470 Rl20 10 I I Cll2 Rll7 910 Rl23 560 Rl34 5,1K 1'.001 RI2B .910 Rl33 470 Rll3 TO AT201 Rl05 510 Rl26 510 CRIOI 4.7V Rl06 220 Rl44 10 Rill 10 ,- - Rl27 220 Rl45 10 Rl21 10 Cll7 1'001 CIIB ATI04 J.O() I _ j ~~--,-------~------~------r-~~~--,----A-T~I049-+--------, ~--------~W ~H~ GN ~-~ B~.--------__.AT50B --L Cl25 · IOV AT532 JO,OI WK-GN· BR ATill FILAMENT ---- -- - o e e ----- 0 c EOc E8B· ,0 0 0 0901 0103,104,106 ()107,109 _ _ _ _ _ _j c ~~-- ,108 AT509 I REGULATOR .. 0111,112 ~ 0110 ECIFIED , RESISTANCE IN OHMS K- 1000 OHMS M 1 MEGOHM . CAPACITANCE VALUES ONE AND OVER IN PICOFARADS. LESS THAN ONE IN MICROFARADS . .Q §) 8. KNOB CONTROL SCREWDRIVER CONTROL . AT . ANCHOR TERMINAL . TP . TEST POINT Figure 8-4. Schematic circuit diagram of the 40-80MHz amplifier. 8-5 PARTS LIST GR Ref. No. Description Part No. Fed. Mfg. Code Mfg. Part No. Fed. Stock No. CAPACITORS C20I C202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C2IO C80I C802 C803 C902 C903 C904 C905 Ceramic, O.OOI IJF +80-20% 500 V Ceramic, 0.001 IJF +80-20% 500 V Ceramic, 0.001 IJF +80-20% 500 V Ceramic, 24 pF ±5% 500 V Ceramic, 220 pF ±5% 500 V Ceramic, O.OOI IJF +80-20% 500 V Ceramic, IO pF ±IO% 500 V Ceramic, 0.001 IJF +80-20% 500 V Electrolytic, IOO iJF +I50-10% I5 V Mica, I70 pF ±I% 500 V Mica, 255 pF ±I% 500 V Mica, 232 pF ±I% 500 V Filter, 2500 pF Filter, 2500 pF Filter, 2500 pF Filter, 2500 pF 4404-2I09 4404-2I09 4404-2I09 4410-0245 4404-I225 4404-2I09 4404-0I08 4404-2I09 4450-2800 4710-0170 4710-0434 4710-0411 5280-0100 5280-0100 5280-0100 5280-0100 72982 72982 72982 72982 72982 72982 72982 72982 56289 729I5 729I5 729I5 0112I 0112I 0112I 0112I 83I, O.OOI IJF +80-20% 83I, O.OOI IJF +80-20% 83I, O.OOI IJF +80-20% 811, 24 pF ±5% 83I, 220 pF ±5% 83I, O.OOI IJF +80 -20% 83I, IO pF ±5% 83I, O.OOI iJF +80-20% 017872 DMI5 (4CR), I70 pF ±I% DMI5 (4CR), 255 pF ±I% DMI5 (4CR), 232 pF ±I% FIB, 2500, pF FIB, 2500 pF FIB, 2500 pF FIB, 2500 pF 6099-1155 6099-0475 6099-2155 6099-1155 6099-2475 6099-0105 6099-0205 6099 -0245 6099-0245 6099-0205 6099-0105 6099-2305 6099-I915 6099-I915 6099-1105 6000 -0300 6670-8709 6099-0305 6099-0305 6099-0305 6099-0305 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 0112I 75042 75042 75042 75042 75042 BTS, I50 !1 ±5% BTS, 47 !1 ±5% BTS, 1.5 k!1 ±5% BTS, I50 !1 ±5% BTS, 4. 7 k!1 ±5% BTS, IO !1 ±5% BTS, 20 !1 ±5% BTS, 24 n ±5% BTS, 24 !1 ±5% BTS, 20 !1 ±5% BTS, 10 !1 ±5% BTS, 3 k!1 ±5% BTS, 9IO !1 ±5% BTS, 9IO !1 ±5~ BTS, IOO !1 ±5 n JU, I k!1 ±IO% AS-10, 0.7 !1 ±IO% BTS, 30 !1 ±5% BTS, 30 !1 ±5% BTS, 30 !1 ±5% BTS, 30 !1 ±5% 6082-I027 6082-1027 4300-7524 4300-7524 4300-7523 82I0-1130 82IO-I052 82IO-I119 82I0-11I9 5000-2710 I383 -2200 I3327 13327 99800 99800 99800 56289 93916 07263 07263 24655 24655 MS7330 MS7330 1025-I8, 0.82 ±10% I025-I8, 0.82 ±10% 1025-10, 0.39 ±IO% TD-100 2N2369 2N3646 2N3646 5000-2710 1383-2200 5910-983-9994 5910-983-9994 5910-983-9994 5910-983-9994 5910-983-9994 5910-034-5368 59I5-908-I892 59I5-908-I892 59I5-908-I892 59I5-908-I892 RESISTORS R20I R202 R203 R204 R205 R206 R207 R~08 R209 R210 R211 R2I2 R2I3 R2I4 R2I5 R917 R918 R9I9 R920 R92I R922 Composition, I 50 n ±5% I/ 4 W Composition, 47 !1 ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 1.5 kn ±5% I/4 W Composition, 150 !1 ±5% I/4 W Composition, 4.7 k!1 ±5% l/4 W Composition, IO !1 ±5% l/4 W Composition, 20 !1 ±5% I/4 W Composition, 24 !1 ±5% l/4 W Composition, 24 !1 ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 20 !1 ±5% 1/4 W Composition, IO !1 ±5% I/4 W Composition, 3 k!1 ±5% I/4 W Composition, 910 n ±5% I/4 W Composition, 910 !1 ±5% I/ 4 W Composition, IOO n ±5~I/4 W Pot. , Comp., 1 k!1 ±IO 0 Power, Wire Wound, 0. 7 !1 ±10% Composition, 30 !1 ±5% 1/4 W Composition, 30 !1 ±5% I/4 W Composition, 30 !1 ±5% I/4 W Composition, 30 !1 ±5% 1/4 W 5905-683-2243 5905-683-2243 5905-686-9998 5905-809-8596 5905-809-8596 5905-682-4097 5905-644-6789 MISCELLANEOUS CR203 CR204 L80I L802 L803 Q20I Q202 Q203 Q204 T20I T202 8-6 Type MS7330 Type MS7330 Choke, Molded, 0.82 ±IO% Choke, Molded, 0.82 ±IO% Choke, Molded, 0.39 ±10% Type TD-IOO Type 2N2369 Type 2N3646 Type 2N3646 Coil Transformer Ass. 5960-682-7755 • Figure 8-5. Etched-circuit·board assembly for the oscillator and modulator. The complete board is P/N 1383-2721. Figure 8-6. The 20.MHz low-pass filter is hidden by the regulator circuit etched board, P/N 1383-2741 (refer to paragraph 4-1 I. NOTE: The number appearing on the foil side is not the part number. The dot on the foil at the transistor socket indicates the collector lead. ~-- - ­ T201 MODULATOR 3 / R207 20 I IR201 150 CABLE RD INPUT r·, ,-, I \_; I o AT202J. IArZOI T I C202 1 .oo1 I I I R202 47 AT2C R203 1.5K -7V I '~'J"" 24 I I R212 3K R205 4 .7K R920 30 0 R919 30 60 MHZ I AT203 L _ BOARD BOTTOM VIEW OF TRANSISTORS E C 8 (cOO') ~ E G 8 0201 0202 0203,204 NOTE UNLESS SPECIFIED 5. RESISTANCE IN OHMS K - 1000 OHMS M 1 MEGOHM 1. POSITION OF ROTARY SWITCHES SHOWN COUNTERClOCKWISE. 2. CONTACT NUMBERING OF SWITCHES EXPLAINED ON SEPARATE SHEET SUPPLIED IN INSTRUCTION BOOK. 3. REFER TO SERVICE NOTES IN INSTRUCTION BOOK FOR VOLTAGES APPEARING ON DIAGRAM. 4. RESISTORS 1/2 WATI. 6. CAPACITANCE VALUES ONE AND OVER IN PICOFARADS. LESS THAN ONE IN MICROFARADS. 7. 8. 0 . KNOB CONTROL G SCREWDRIVER CONTROL 9. AT - ANCHOR TERMINAL 10. TP - TEST POINT C205 220 OSCILLATOR I AT204 1383-2721 0204 .001 C210 . R214 910 IOO~F r - - - - - - T201 MODULATOR I I R2 07 20 FILTER C202 - 1 .oo1 R202 47 I I Tc902 -::-2500 R203 I.~K I -7V I IAT204 R20~ I I R21 2 3K 60 MHZ 4.7K R214 910 R21~ 100 I R922 OSCILLATOR -'V\31'.0--,--W-H·R-0--84R - ~~~32 AT 206-- IAT203 I _j L- - - - - BOARD T- C903 2~00 1383-2721 SIS TORS BASE SE ~COLL E~ 0203,204 Figure 8-7. Schematic circuit diagram of the oscillator, modulator, and 2~MHz low-pass filter. 8-7 PARTS LIST Description Ref. No. GR Part No. Fed. Mfg. Code Mfg. Part No. Fed. Stock No. CAPACITORS C301 C302 C303 C304 C305 C306 C307 C308 C309 C310 C311 C312 C313 C314 C315 C316 C317 C318 C319 C320 C321 C322 C323 C324 Electrolytic, 200 1-1F +150-10% 6 V Electrolytic, 100 1-1F +150-10% 15 V Electrolytic, 200 1-1F +150-10% 6 V Electrolytic, 100 1-1F +150-10% 15 V Ceramic, 51 1-1F ±5% 500 V Ceramic, 51 1-1F ±5% 500 V Electrolytic, 200 1-1F +150-10% 6 V Electrolytic, 330 1-1F ±20% 6 V Electrolytic, 330 1-1F ±20% 6 V Electrolytic, 200 1-1F +150-10% 6 V Electrolytic, 200 1-1F +150-10% 6 V Ceramic, 0.47 1-1F ±20% 25 V Ceramic, 0.47 1-1F ±20% 25 V Electrolytic, 200 1-1F +150-10% 6 V Electrolytic, 600 1-1F +150-10% 3 V Electrolytic, 22 1-1F ±20% 15 V Electrolytic, 22 1-1F ±20% 15 V Electrolytic, 100 1-1F +150-10% 15 V Ceramic, 0.1 1-1F ±20% 25 V Ceramic, 0.1 1-1F ±20% 25 V Ceramic, 0.1 1-1F ±20% 25 V Ceramic, 0.1 1-1F ±20% 25 V Ceramic, 62 pF ±10% 500 V Ceramic, 27 pF ±5% 500 V 4450-2610 4450-2800 4450-2610 4450-2800 4404-G515 4404-0515 4450-2610 4450-5707 4450-5707 4450-2610 4450-2610 4400-2054 4400-2054 4450-2610 4450-5589 4450-5300 4450-5300 4450-2800 4400-2050 4400-2050 4400-2050 4400-2050 4404-0628 4404-G275 37942 56289 37942 56289 72982 72982 37942 37942 37942 37942 37942 80183 80183 37942 37942 56289 56289 56289 80183 80183 80183 80183 72982 72982 TI, 200 1-1F 6V 017872 TI, 200 1-1F 6 V 017872 831, 51 pF ±5% 831, 51 pF ±5% TI, 200 1-1F 6 V TI, 300 1-1F 6 V TI, 300 1-1F 6 V TI, 200 I-IF 6 V TI, 200 1-1F 6 V 5C13, 0.4 7 1-1F ±20% 5C13, 0.47 1-1F ±20% TI, 200 1-1F 6 V TCM, 600 1-1F 3 V 150D226X0015B2 150D226X0015B2 017872 5C13, 0.1 1-1F 5C13, 0.1 1-1F 5C13, 0.1 1-1F 5C13, 0.1 1-1F 831, 62 pF ±10% 831, 27 pF ±5% 8210-1129 8210-1119 8210-1119 8210-1129 8210-1119 8210-1119 8210-1089 8210-1168 8210-1168 8210-1066 93916 07263 07263 93916 07263 07263 80211 73445 73445 07263 2N3640 2N3646 2N3646 2N3640 2N3646 2N3646 2N3250 A211 A211 2N3563 6100-1475 6100-1625 6100-1335 6100-0515 6100-1515 6100-1225 6100-1915 6100-2515 6100-2515 6100-1135 6100-04 75 6100-1685 6100-1335 6100-0515 6100-1515 6100-1115 6100-1475 6100-2245 6100-2245 6100-0475 6040-0050 6110-1205 6100-0625 6100-0105 6100-1245 6040-0300 6550-0075 6250-0536 6100-1435 6100-0435 6100-2105 6100-1135 6740 -1607 6100-2185 6100-04 75 6099-94 75 6610-1300 6610-1200 6610-1300 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 75042 75042 01121 01121 01121 01121 02606 01121 01121 01121 03888 03888 03888 RC20GF471J RC20GF621J RC20GF331J RC20GF510J RC20GF511J RC20GF221J RC20GF911J RC20GF512J RC20GF512J RC20GF131J RC20GF470J RC20GF681J RC20GF331J RC20GF510J RC20GF511J RC20GF111J RC20GF471J RC20GF242J RC20GF242J RC20GF470J FWC, 50 Q ±20% RC32GF201J RC20GF620J RC20GF100J RC20GF241J FWC, 500 Q ±20% MEF-TO, 75 n ±1 % CEA, 536 Q ±1% RC20GF431J RC20GF430J RC20GF102J RC20GF131J LA25L2 RC20GF182J RC20GF470J Type CB, 4. 7 n ±5% A3AJ01 A3AJ01-E A3AJ01 5910-945-1836 5910-034-5368 5910-945-1836 5910-034-5368 5910-945-1836 5910-945-1836 5910-945-1836 5910-974-5696 5910-974-5696 5910-945-1836 5910-729-9975 5910-752-4270 5910-752-4270 5910-G34-5368 5910-974-5695 5910-974-5695 5910-974-5695 5910-974-5695 TRANSISTORS Q301 Q302 Q303 Q304 Q305 Q306 Q307 Q308 Q309 Q310 Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type 2N3640 2N3646 2N3646 2N3640 2N3646 2N3646 2N3250 A211 A211 2N3563 5961-945-4108 RESISTORS R301 R302 R303 R304 R305 R306 R307 R308 R309 R310 R312 R313 R314 R315 R316 R317 R318 R319 R320 R321 R322 R323 R324 R325 R326 R327 R329 R330 R331 R332 R333 R334 R335 R336 R337 R338 R901 - R902 R903 Composition, 4 70 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 620 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 330 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 51 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 510 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 220 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 910 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 5.1 kn ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 5.1 kn ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 130 Q ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 4 7 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 680 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 330 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 51 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 510 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 110 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 470 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 2.4 kn ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 2.4 kn ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 47 n ±5% 1/2 W Pot. , Comp., 50 n ±20% Pot. , Comp., 200 n ±5% 1 W Pot. , Comp., 62 Q ±5% 1/2 W Pot., Comp., 10 Q ±5% 1/2 W Pot., Comp., 240 Q ±5% 1/2 W Pot., Comp., 500 n ±20% Film, 75 n ±1% Film, 536 n ±1% 1/8 w Composition, 430 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 43 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 1 kQ ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 130 n ±5% 1/2 W Thermistor, 500 n ±10% Composition, 1.8 kn ±5% 1/2 W Composition , 47 n ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 4. 7 n ±5% 1/4 W Film, 142.3 Q ±1% Film, 96 .2 n ±1% ,Film, 142.3 n ±1% 5905-192-3973 5905 - 279-1761 5905-192-3971 5905 - 279-3517 5905-279-3511 5905 - 279-3513 5905-279-3509 5905-279-2019 5905-279-2019 5905-252-5436 5905-252-4018 5905-195-6791 5905-192-3971 5905-279-3517 5905-2 79-3511 5905-279-3515 5905-192-3973 5905-279-1877 5905-279-1877 5905-252-4018 5905-279-1760 5905-190-8883 5905-279-2593 5905-072-7795 5905-279 - 3512 5905-279-1887 5905-195-6806 5905-252-5436 5905-190-8881 5905-252-4018 --~------- ----------- PARTS LIST (Cont) Ref. No. Description Part No. FMC Atfg. Part No. P ed. Stock No. RESISTORS (cont) R904 R905 R906 R907 R908 R909 R910 R911 R912 R913 R914 R915 R916 R923 R924 R925 Film, 96.2 n ±1% Film, 142.3 n ±1% Film, 96.2 r! ±1% Film, 142.3 n ±1% Film, 96.2 r! ±1% Film, 142.3 n ±1 % Film, 96.2 n ±1% Film, 142.3 r! ±1% Film, 96.2 n ±1% Film, 142.3 r! ±1% Film, 96.2 n ±1% Film, 142.3 r! ±1% Film, 65.8 n ±1% Composition, 100 n ±5% 1/2 W Thermistor' 100 n ±10% Composition, 22 n ±5% 6610-1200 6610-1300 6610-1200 6610 -1300 6610-1200 6610-1300 6610-1200 6610-1300 6610-1200 6610-1300 6610-1200 6610-1300 6610-0900 6100-1105 6740-1606 6095-0022 03888 03888 03888 03888 03888 03888 03888 03888 03888 03888 03888 03888 03888 01121 02606 01121 A3AJ01-E A3AJ01 A3AJ01-E A3AJ01 A3AJ01-E A3AJ01 A3AJ01-E A3A 01 A3AJ01-E A3AJ01 A3AJ01-E A3AJ01 A3AG01 RC20GF101J Type LB21J1 HM, 22 n ±5% 6082-1001 6082"1001 4300-0101 4300-0101 4300-2200 5730-1411 24446 24446 99800 99800 99800 24655 IN3604 IN3604 1536 , 0.15 1-1H ±10% 1536, 0.15 flH ±10% 1536,10 1-1H ±10% 5730-1411 5905-190-8889 MISCELLANEOUS CR301 CR302 L301 L302 L303 M901 8-8 Type IN3604 Type IN3604 Choke, Molded, 0.15 1-1H ±10% Choke, Molded, 0 .15 1-1H ±10% Choke, Molded, 10 flH ±10% 5961-995-2199 5961-995-2199 • SO 301 R: .: ( · ~.1. CABLE I YE I -= I I I I Figure 8-8. Etched-circuit board assembly for the video amplifier and attenuator. The complete board is P/N 1383-2731. NOTE: The number appearing on the foil side is not the part number. The dot on the foil at the transistor socket indicates the collector lead. SWI 1. POSITION OF R SHOWN COUNTI 2. CONTACT NUMB EXPLAINED ON SUPPLIED IN IN 3. REFER TO SERY UCTION BOOK I APPEARING ON 4. RESISTORS 1/2 +IOV AT~30 BOARD --- - -- - - - 1383- 2731 1 WH RO I R310 130 VIDEO AT:504 AMPLIFIER C302 + IOO~fT ~~ 02 -:- _, R318 . 470 R313 680 R307 910 R329 75 IW R330 ; 536 • 118W R30~ R306 510 220 R309 5.1K R316 510 R317 110 R320 2.4K C304 r-IOO~F ---IOV - - AT532 R92~ 22 4W EOs EOC EgB C 0 307,309 SWITCHING DIAGRAM S901 ~ SWITCHES EXPLAINED ON SEPARATE SHEET SUPPLIED IN INSTRUCTION BOOK. 2. CONTACT NUMBERING 3. REFER TO SERVICE NOTES IN INSTRUCTION BOOK FOR VOLTAGES AI'PEAIIING ON DIAGRAM. 4. RESISTORS 112 WATT. 5. RESISTANCE IN OHMS K - 1000 OHMS M • I MEGOHM 6. CAPACITANCE VALUES ONE AND OVER IN PIC~ ARADS. LESS THAll ONE IN MICR~ARADS. 7. Q 0301,304,306 0306,310 030~.303 BOTTOM VIEW OF TRANSISTORS NOTE UNLESS Sf'£C1Fim 1. POSITION ~ ROTARY SWITCHES SHOWN COUNTERO.OCKWISE. B KNOB CONTROL 8. ~ SCREWDRIVER CONTROL 9. AT - ANCHOR TER-._ 10. TP - TEST POINT Rotary switch sections are shown as viewed from the panel end of the shaft. The first digit of the contact number refers to the section. The section nearest the panel is 1 , the next section back is 2, etc. The next two digits refer to the contact. Contact 01 is the first position clockwise from a strut screw (usually the screw above the locating key), and the other contacts are numbered sequentially (02 , 03, 04, etc), proceeding clockwise around the section. A suffix F or R indicates that the contact is on the front or rear of the section, respective! y . [TC TO +-lOY AT~30 -------------- ----l WHROBK C312 0 .471 23 -:- METER CIRCUIT L303 IO~H R329 R333 680 75 IW 5901 R321 47 CR301 5901 -80d8 CABLE GN 102t ,", 203R· cw QR~2 103t- J9 01 O.IMY C31~ 600~F AT307 R338 4.7 I/4W -=J;c?r WH-VT- GY C309 R336 910 AT 906._-'VII'v-,..__. 330~F I-----109F -2008 R924 t• IOO AT908~._;.;,fv.-J,--e C314 ~----IIOF -IOdB 200~F L------IIIF OdB 111901 J \METER I 50302 (\ FULL SCALE I CABLE BK 'I J --IOV- - AT532 [ T O AT308 R925 22 4W TO AT305 s viewed The first the secis 1, the wo digits the first (usually and the ally (02, und the that the section, Figure 8-9. Schematic circuit diagram of the video amplifier and attenuator. 8-9 PARTS LIST Ref. No. Description GR Part No . Fed. Mfg. Code Mfg. Part No. Fed. Stock No. 4406-3109 4406-2689 4450-5609 72982 72982 80183 811, 0.01 flF +80-20% 811, 0.0068 +80-20 % D-38841 5910-754-7049 4450-4000 74861 1B850RT 5910-448-5397 4450-0700 90201 203828S10C10X2 5910-976-9415 4450-0700 90201 203828S10C10X2 5910-976-9415 4450-D700 90201 203828S10C10X2 5910-976-9415 CAPACITORS C501 C502 C503 C504 C505 C506 C507 C508 C509 C510 C511 C512 C513 C514 C515 C516 C517 C518 C519 C520 Ceramic, 0.01 flF +80-20 % 500 V Ceramic, 0.0068 +80-20% 500 V Electrolytic, 3600, 1800, 1800 flF +100-10% 10 v Electrol%tic, 450, 225, 225 flF +100-10 0 100 v Electrolytic, 1500, 750, 750 iJF +100-10% 25 v Electrolytic, 1500, 750, 750 iJF +100-10% 25 v Electrolytic, 1500, 750, 750 iJF +100-10 % 25 v Electrolytic, 1500, 750, 750 iJF +100-10 % 25 v Ceramic, 0.01 iJF +80-20% 500 V Ceramic, 0.01 iJF +80-20% 500 V Electrolytic, 200 iJF +150-10% 6 V Ceramic, 470 pF ±10% 500 V Electrolytic, 100 i-LF +150-10% 15 V Ceramic, 0.47 iJF ±20% 25 V Electrolytic , 200 iJF +150-10% 6 V Ceramic, 0.1 iJF ±20% 25 V Ceramic, 0 .1 iJF ±20% 25 V Ceramic , 0.47 iJF ±20% 25 V Ce ramic, 0.011-LF +80-20 % 500 V Electrolytic , 15 i-LF +150-10% 15 V 4450-0700 90201 20382 8S10C10X2 5910-976-9415 4406-3109 4406-3109 4450-2610 4404-1478 4450-2800 4400-2054 4450-2610 4400-2050 4400-2050 4400-2054 4406-3109 4450-3700 72982 72982 37942 72982 56289 80183 37942 80183 80183 80183 72982 37942 811, 0.01 iJF +80-20 % 811, 0.01 iJF +80-20% TT, 200 iJF 6 V 831, 4 70 pF ±10% Dl7872 5C13, 0.47 iJF ±20% TT, 200 i-LF 6 V 5C13, 0.1 iJF 5C13, 0.1 iJF 5C13, 0.47 iJF ±20% 811, 0.01iJF +80-20% TT, 15 iJF 15 V 5910-754-7049 5910-754-7049 5910-945-1836 Type Type T ype Type Type Type Type Type Type T ype T ype T ype T ype Type Type 6081-1014 6081-1014 6081-1014 6081-1014 6081-1001 6081-1001 6081-1001 6081-1001 6081-1001 6081-1001 6081-1001 6081-1001 6082-1012 6083-1028 6082-1012 13327 13327 13327 13327 79089 79089 79089 79089 79089 79089 79089 79089 24446 07910 24446 IN4140 1N4140 IN4140 1N4140 1N3253 1N3253 1N3253 IN3253 IN3253 IN3253 IN3253 IN3253 IN4009 IN750A IN4009 5910-034-5368 5910-974-5696 5910-945-1836 5910-974-5695 5910-974-5695 5910-974-5696 5910-754-7049 DIODES CR501 CR502 CR503 CR504 CR505 CR506 CR507 CR508 CR509 CR510 CR511 CR512 CR513 CR514 CR515 IN4140 IN4140 1N4140 IN4140 IN3253 IN3253 1N3253 1N3253 IN3253 IN3253 IN3253 1N3253 IN4009 1N750A IN4009 5961-814-4251 5961-814-4251 5961-814-4251 5961-814-4251 5961-814-4251 5961-814-4251 5961-814-4251 5961-814-4251 5961-892-8700 5960-754-5897 5961-892-8700 TRANSISTORS Q501 Q502 Q503 Q504 Q505 Q506 Type Type Type Type Type Type 2N3905 2N3903 2N3740 2N3905 2N3903 40250 8210-1114 8210-1132 8210-1121 8210-1114 8210-1132 8210-1095 04713 93916 93916 04713 93916 12672 2N3905 2N3903 2N3740 2N3905 2N3903 40250 6100-2755 6100-1625 01121 01121 RC20GF752J RC20GF621J 6760-9279 75042 BWH, 2.7 fl ±10% 6760-9279 75042 BWH, 2.7 fl ±10% 6760-9229 6100-0335 6100-1685 6100-0335 6100-1335 6100-1105 6100-1515 6100-1335 6100-1335 6100-1335 6100-0335 6100-1685 6100-0335 75042 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 01121 BWH, 2.2 fl ±10% RC20GF330J RC20GF681J RC20GF330J RC20GF331J RC20GF101J RC20GF511J RC20GF331J RC20GF331J RC20GF331J RC20GF330J RC20GF681J RC20GF330J 5905-192-4490 5905-195-6791 5905-192-4490 5905-192-3971 5905-190-8889 5905-279-3511 5905-192-3971 5905-192-3971 5905-192-3971 5905-192-4490 5905-195-6791 5905-192-4490 6760-9229 6100-0755 6100-2155 75042 01121 01121 BWH, 2.2 fl ±10% RC20GF750J RC20GF152J 5905-279-1758 5905-841-7461 RESISTORS R501 R502 R503 R504 R505 R506 R507 R508 R509 R510 R511 R512 R513 R514 R515 R516 R517 R518 R519 R520 8-10 Composition, 7.5 kfl ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 620 fl ±5% 1/ 2 W Low Power Wire Wound, 2. 7 fl ±10% 2W Low Power , Wire Wound, 2.7 fl ±10% 2W Low Power, Wire Wound, 2.2 fl ±10% 2W Composition, 33 fl ±5% 1/ 2 W Composition, 680 fl ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 33 fl ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 330 fl ±5% 1/ 2 W Composition, 100 fl ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 510 fl ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 330 fl ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 330 fl ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 330 fl ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 33 fl ±5% 1/ 2 W Composition, 680 fl ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 33 fl ±5% 1/2 W Low Power, Wire Wound, 2.2 fl ±10% 2W Composition, 75 fl ±5% 1/2 W Composition, 1.5 kfl ±5% 1/2 W 5905-249-4195 5905-279-1761 5905-794-3857 5905-794-3857 PARTS LIST (Cont) Description Ref. No. Part No. FMC Mfg. Part No . Fed. Stock No. RESISTORS {cont) R521 R522 R52 3 R524 R525 Film, 5.11 H! ±1 % l / 4 W Compositi on, 1.6 k!J ±5% 1/ 2 W Film , 4.42 k!J ±1 % l / 4 W Comp os iti on , 100 !J ±5% l / 2 W Pot., Wire Wound, 1 k!J ±10% 6350-1511 6100-2165 6350-1442 6100-1105 6056 -0138 75042 01121 75042 01121 11236 CEB, 5.11 k!J ±l% RC20GF162J CEB, 4.42 k!J ±l% RC20GF101J 115' 1 k!J ±10% 5330-1100 5330-0800 4240-0600 5600-0309 7910-1300 7910-0831 7530-0200 0485-4037 71400 71400 91146 71744 04009 42190 81350 24655 MDL, .6 Amp MDL , .3 Amp 45002 #330 83053 -SA 4603 TS102C01 0485-4037 5905-279-3507 5905-190-8889 MISCELLANEOUS F501 F502 PL50l P50l S50l S502 S0901 T501 l 0 0 S10-B10 6/10A S10-Bl0 3/10A Power, Input Pilot Power/OFF Line Voltage Selector Tube Power 5920-280-3161 5920-235-8362 5930-909-3510 5935-232-3 758 Figure 8-10. Etched-circuit-board assembly for the power·supply. The complete board is P/N 1383-2750. Figure 8-11. Etched-circuit-board assembly for the ±10 V regulator circuit. The complete board is P/N 1383-2741. NOTE: The number appearing on the foil side is not the part number. The dot on the foil at the transistor socket indicates the collector lead. BOARD 1383 -2750 ATI09 ATIII r--- AT508 33 JPOWERJ 5 501 R515 33 R514 330 R516 2.2 ,2W BOARD 138 BOTTOM VIEW OF TRAN SISTORS E 0 E B C ~ 0501 ,502 0504,505 0503,506 NOTE UNLESS SPECIFIED 5. RESISTANCE IN OHMS K - 1000 OHMS M 1 MEGOHM 6. CAPACITANCE VALUES ONE AND 2. CONTACT NUMBERING OF SWITCHES OVER IN PICOFARADS. LESS EXPLAINED ON SEPARATE SHEET THAN ONE IN MICROFARADS. SUPPLIED IN INSTRUCTION BOOK . 7. KNOB CONTROL 3. REFER TO SERVICE NOTES IN INSTR 8. {§;) SCREWDRIVER CONTROL UCTION BOOK FOR VOLTAGES APPEARING ON DIAGRAM. 9. AT - ANCHOR TERMINAL 1. POSITION OF ROTARY SWITCHES SHOWN COUNTERCLOCKWISE. 0 4. RESISTORS 1/ 2 WATT. 10. TP . TEST POINT BOARD 1383-2750 r- - - - --- ATI09 R505 Alii I C509 .01 - - - - - - - - 22 AT~23 2W WH ·GY·BR WH · GN · Bt< WH-GN ·BR WH ·GN CR513 AT50B R509 330 33 C512 470pt R511 510 cw + Wtj-BlJ-BK C511 200 R512 330 C513 100 CR514 4.7V R520 1.5K AT~30 R525 IK . R5l5 33 I W ·RO -BK R521 5.11K 114W •IOV C902 ATI03 AT304 C514 0.47 R522 16K AT528 C515 200 0503 AT~21 AT531 AT903 R513 330 0504 R514 330 C520 15 R523 4.42K 114W C518 0.47 WH-f!O~R AT532 -IOV C903 ATI04 AT305 WH-G'I'-GN AT525 I I WH-GY.RO AT524 R518 2.2,2W e 9 YE VT ~501 -- BOARD 1383 - 2741 I I 0506 WH-VT-111< - -- - - - ~T~~ _j BOTTOM VIEW OF TRANSISTORS E 0 E B C 'e5' 0501,502 0504,505 0503,506 Figura 8-12. Schematic circuit diagram of the power supply. SPECIFIED 5. RESISTANCE IN OHMS K - 1000 OHIIIS Ill I IIIEGOHM 6. CAPACITANCE VALUES ONE AND OVER IN PICOF ARAOS. LESS THAN ONE IN IIIICROf ARADS. NSTR· 7. 8. 0 (§} KNOB CONTROL SCREWCJliVER CONTROL 9. AT . ANCHOR TERMINAL 10. TP . TEST POINT 8-11 GENERAL RADIO WEST CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS 01781 617 369-4400 SALES AND SERVICE ATLANTA •BOSTON BRIDGEPORT •CHICAGO •cLEVELAND COCOA BEACH •DALLAS DAYTON 404 617 203 312 216 800 214 513 633-6183 646-0550 377-0165 992-0800 886-0150 241-5122 637-2240 434-6979 DENVER 303 44 7-9225 DETROIT 313 261-1750 GREENSBORO 919 288-4316 HOUSTON 713 622-7007 HUNTSVILLE 800 241-5122 INDIANAPOLIS 317 636-3907 •LOS ANGELES 213 469-6201 •NEW YORK (NY) 212 964-2722 (NJ) 201 943-3140 ROCHESTER PHILADELPHIA SAN DIEGO •SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE SYRACUSE •wASHINGTON, BALTIMORE 315 394-2037 21 5 646-8030 714 232-2727 415 948-8233 206 GL4-7545 315 454-9323 301 946-1600 INTERNATIONAL DIVISION WEST CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS 01781, USA • GENERAL RADIO COMPANY (OVERSEAS) AUSTRALIA JAPAN Warburton Frankl lndustnes Pty. Ltd. Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide Midortya Electric Co., Ltd. Tokyo CANADA• General Radio C&nad& Limited Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Rudolph·Desco Co., Inc. New York KOREA M-C International San Francisco, Seoul, Korea MALAYSIA and SINGAPORE Vanguard Company Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia MEXICO Fredin S.A. Mexico, O,F, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA AUSTRIA FRANCE OipL lng. Peter Marchetti Wien NORWAY SOUTH and CENTRAL AMERICA Gustav A. Ring A/S Oslo Ad. Auriema, Inc, New York BELGIUM Ets Radlophon Paris, Lyon Radiophon Corporation New York TAIWAN He•ghten Scientific Co., Ltd. Taipe• THAILAND G. Simon Radio Company Ltd. Bangkok INDIA NEW ZEALAND Motwane Private Limited Bombay, Clllcutta, Lucknow, l(anpur, New Delhi, Bangalore, Madras W, & K. McLean Limited Auckland TURKEY PAKISTAN Mevag Eng•neering, Trading and Industrial Corporation Istanbul Pakland Corporation Karachi PHILIPPINES Helenastrasse 3, CH-8034, Z.Urich 34, Switzerland G. H. Langler & Co., Ltd. Johannesburg Groenpoi·Belgique S. A. Bruxelles DENMARK Semler & Matthiassen K•benhaven <& EIRE Firma Johan Lagercrantz KB Solna General Radio GmbH MUncnen Norddeutsche Vertretung Or.-lng. NUssle•n Wedel S•yffar & Co. AG ZUnch General Radio Company (Overseas) General Rad io Company (U.K.) Limited GREECE FINLAND Eastronics Ltd. Tel Aviv Into 0 / Y Helsinki Marias Oallegg1o Athens ISRAEL ITALY T. J. Wolff & Company Mllkati, RIZIIII SWEDEN GERMANY SWITZERLAND UNITED KINGDOM • General Radio Company IU,K,) Limited Bourne End, Bucklnghamshlre YUGOSLAVIA Sanford de Brun Wlen, Osterrelch lng. S. & Or. Guido Balottl Milano, Genova, Aoma, Napoli PORTUGAL and SPAIN Ad. Auriem&, Inc. New York, Madrid, Lisbon NETHERLANDS Groenpol Groep Verkoop Amsterdam • Repair services are available at these offices. PRINTED IN. U.S.A. GENERAL RADIO WEST CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS 01781