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14-5519 (amendment




University of Wisconsin - Madison REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL THIS IS NOT AN ORDER AGENT: Andy Richardson Questions regarding this proposal – see Section 2.6 For Submittal Instructions & Proposal Response Format – see Sections 2.2 and 2.3. OFFICIAL SEALED PROPOSAL NUMBER: 14-5519 NO PUBLIC OPENING Proposal prices and terms shall be firm for sixty (60) days from the date of proposal opening, unless otherwise specified in this Request for Proposal by the UW-Madison Purchasing Services. ISSUE DATE: 02/28/14 If NO BID (check here) DUE DATE: and return. 03/11/14 2:00 PM CDT University of Wisconsin - Madison AMENDMENT #1 – 14-5519 - LIBRARY BOOK AND DOCUMENT SCANNING STATIONS Amendment #1 issued to: (1) change Sections 4.1.3 and 4.2.1 (Pages 13 and 14); and (2) provide answers to questions received from proposers. If this amendment is not returned, it shall be assumed your original proposal meets all conditions of the amendment. All other terms and conditions remain the same. Please revise and submit your proposal accordingly. In signing this proposal, we have read and fully understand and agree to all terms, conditions and specifications and acknowledge that the UW-Madison Purchasing Services proposal document on file shall be the controlling document for any resulting contract. We certify that we have not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any contract or participated in any collusion or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competition; that no attempt has been made to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a proposal; that this proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other proposer, competitor or potential competitor; that this proposal has not been knowingly disclosed prior to the opening of proposals to any other proposer or competitor; that the above stated statement is accurate under penalty of perjury. I certify that the information I have provided in this proposal is true and I understand that any false, misleading or missing information may disqualify the proposal. By submitting a proposal, the proposer certifies that no relationship exists between the proposer and the University that interferes with fair competition or is a Conflict of Interest, and no relationship exists between such proposer and another person or firm that constitutes a Conflict of Interest. Further, proposer certifies that no employee of the University whose duties relate to this request for proposal assisted the proposer in preparing the proposal in any way other than in his or her official capacity and scope of employment. The Proposer certifies by submission of the proposal that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency. COMPANY NAME: COMPANY STREET ADDRESS: COMPANY CITY, STATE & ZIP: SIGNATURE: DATE : TYPE OR PRINT NAME: TITLE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( ) FAX NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: FEIN NUMBER: DUNS #: ( ) UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON, WISCONSIN 53715-1218 AMENDMENT #1 PROPOSAL NO.: 14-5519 PAGE 13 OF 28 Section #4: Requirements and Specifications Requirements that include the word "must" or "shall” describe a mandatory requirement. FAILURE TO MEET A MANDATORY REQUIREMENT MAY DISQUALIFY YOUR PROPOSAL. Only proposals submitted by Proposers that meet all mandatory specifications will be considered for evaluation. Proposer's response must: 1) indicate agreement on each mandatory requirement and, if requested, describe how the specifications will be met and/or provide additional information, 2) complete any required form(s) and 3) provide a complete and detailed response to any non-mandatory requirement that can be fulfilled. If supplemental materials will be provided, clearly mark all supplements with the corresponding section number. The Proposers response to this Section must clearly demonstrate the capacity to handle the needs stated in this RFP in addition to the Proposers current workload. The University reserves the right to request supplementary information deemed pertinent to assure Proposers competence, business organization, and financial resources are adequate to successfully perform. NOTE: Failure to respond to all items in this section may be deemed as sufficient reason to reject a proposal. Format your response to correspond numerically with items on the Submittal Instruction (see Section 2.2). 4.1 Hardware (135 Points) 4.1.1 Scanner must be either a flatbed scanner with a book edge or an overhead scanner with a book carriage. Provide a description of the hardware configuration and setup, including physical dimensions of the total installation, height of work space, connections between devices, type and number of network and/or power connections needed. Include the manufacturer's full specification documentation with your response. 4.1.2 System must be designed for use in public spaces with a high amount of user traffic. Explain why the proposer's equipment is properly designed and constructed to handle the wear and tear of being used in a public setting. What is the manufacturer's expected life cycle for the system? 4.1.3 All hardware required to operate the scanning kiosk should be provided by the vendor, excluding a printer. If a computer is required, it shall be provided by the vendor and the vendor will be responsible for antivirus software and regular maintenance of the computer (windows updates, etc.). The University shall provide power, networked data connection (if necessary), printer (if desired) and a table (if necessary). Provide component list for the proposer's scanning kiosk and indicate any other items that proposer expects to be provided by the University. 4.1.4 The scanning area dimensions must be 11.5" x 17" or larger. Response must indicate size of scanning area. If the station is an overhead scanner, indicate dimensions of scanning area (provide minimum and maximum range if adjustable). 4.1.5 Provide a price list of all currently available options or accessories that are NOT included in the base unit price as stated on the cost proposal. Prices for options are expected to be competitively priced according to the opportunity presented in this RFP. Option pricing may be used in evaluation of the cost proposal if deemed necessary. 4.1.6 Does the kiosk come with, or have the option to come with an automatic document feeder for loose page scanning? Indicate the maximum page capacity and provide prices on the accessory price list if appropriate (see 4.1.5). 4.1.7 If the system is an overhead scanner, describe the lighting required for the system. Indicate whether lighting options are included on the base price on the cost proposal. If lighting is not included in the base price, indicate cost of lighting options on the accessory price list (see 4.1.5). UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON, WISCONSIN 53715-1218 4.2 4.3 AMENDMENT #1 PROPOSAL NO.: 14-5519 PAGE 14 OF 28 Image Quality (80 Points) 4.2.1 Minimum optical resolution of the base unit priced on the cost proposal must be at least 300 dpi. Indicate minimum dpi of the system and all levels of user adjustable dpi settings available on the base unit proposed. 4.2.1 Optical resolution of the base unit priced on the cost proposal must be capable of 300 dpi or higher. The base unit must also be capable of a dpi setting of 300 or less. Indicate the default dpi setting and all levels of user adjustable dpi settings available on the base unit proposed. 4.2.2 Describe the user adjustable color options. Available settings must include color, black and white and grayscale. 4.2.3 What is the maximum optical resolution achievable with the base unit on the cost proposal? Provide information on whether a higher optical resolution is achievable with the addition of options. If so, indicate what options would be needed to achieve the maximum resolution, and make sure those items are on the accessory price list (see 4.1.5). 4.2.4 What is the bit depth for each output option of the system? 4.2.5 What is the focus depth (depth of field) for your system? File Formats (55 Points) 4.3.1 Describe all available file output types for the base unit priced on the cost proposal. Base unit must be able to output files in the following formats at a minimum:  Single page per file PDF  Multiple page per file PDF  Single page per file Optical Character Recognition (OCR) PDF  Multiple page per file OCR PDF  Single page per file TIF  JPEG Response should clearly affirm base unit can output above file formats. In addition, please indicate if output can be done in the following file types:  JPEG 2000  Excel  Word  Multiple page per file TIF  Others? Provide information as to all other file types available. 4.4 4.3.2 Describe what quality options (e.g., image compression) are available for each of the output formats (including the required formats); indicate which of these quality options can be set only by the administrator and which can be set by the user. 4.3.3 Provide any technical information and a description of the OCR software package your system uses. Output Delivery Options (80 Points) 4.4.1 Describe all available file delivery options for the base unit priced on the cost proposal. Base unit must be able to deliver files in the following methods at a minimum:  Send to email address  Save to user USB memory device  Print to network printer queue Response should clearly affirm base unit can deliver files in the above methods. In addition, please indicate if the base unit is capable of:  Print to local printer (University printer connected directly to the system)  Save to network location  Send to Google Docs  Send to Box account  Send to other cloud-based storage (provide names of all compatible services)  Text link to the file to a mobile device  Others? AMENDMENT #1 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR 14-5519 (LIBRARY BOOK AND DOCUMENT SCANNING STATIONS) Q1: Please define what you mean by “book carriage” A1: A book carriage is an apparatus needed to support and center the materials being scanned for an overhead scanner. Q2: Please define what you mean by “high amount of user traffic” A2: UW Libraries serve over 4 million visitors (students, faculty, staff and the public) per year. In 2012, three University libraries ran approximately 247,000 scan jobs on 4 scanning stations. Q3: Should the hours of service be based on central-standard time? A3: Yes. Q4: Does the University prefer on-site support? A4: The University will consider all types of support. Proposer's should provide pricing and explain all available levels of support in their response. Q5: Does the University prefer on-site installation? A5: The University will consider vendor installation and University installation options when possible. Proposers should provide pricing for both if available. Q6: Should details be provided for warranty coverage on hardware and software? A6: Yes Q7: Is the University looking to have this equipment maintained beyond a 5 year period? A7: Once deployed, the University expects this program will be continued beyond 5 years. If equipment has not reached is useful life within 5 years we may choose to maintain it beyond 5 years. Q8: Will the University be providing its own antivirus software and all updates? A8: No, vendor is responsible for providing all equipment and antivirus software if necessary. Section 4.1.3 has been updated. Q9: Is the University looking for the scan station to also provide fax service? A9: No Q10: Should any user entered data or scan statistics ever be stored external to the University computer system or outside of the control of the University? A10: Section 4.8.7 requires proposers to explain how this information is handled and includes a requirement that it cannot be used by the proposer without the University's consent. -2Q11: Does the University currently have a policy in regards to handling confidential user information and work stored outside of the University’s control? A11: There are multiple policies which could be applicable to this situation. Proposers should explain in response to 4.8.7 what information would be stored outside of University's control, why, and how the vendor protects the information. Q12: Will guests and community members have access to the system? A12: Yes Q13: Should the solution accommodate integration to the University’s current print management system as well as any others that the University may migrate to in the future? See section 4.4 A13: Q14: Please provide clarification on the text link to a scanned file to a mobile device capability. (Section 4.4.1) A14 Can your system text a user a link to the scanned file? Q15: In regards to Blackboard is the University using the Blackboard Transact system? If so, what version? A15: The University is currently using Blackboard Transact version 3.10. The University will be upgrading to version 3.11 by April 1st 2014. Q16: Will vendors who are not Blackboard certified by the bid’s due date be excluded from bidding? (Section 4.6.1) A16: No Q17: Does the University require credit card acceptance to be PCI compliant? A17: Yes Q18: Should the solution interface with the University’s current coin and stored value debit card systems? A18: This is not a requirement, but proposers should read 4.6.2 and respond accordingly. Q19: Should the light source for the book-edge scanner be LED or CCD? A19: Proposer should price with their standard lighting and provide pricing on all options in regards to lighting. Q20: Does the University of Wisconsin want the OEM manufacturer of the hardware listed as part of the response? A20: Yes, see section 4.10, number one. -3- Q21: Is the University of Wisconsin willing to accept software as is, without warranties of any kind? A21: If the proposal was determined to be in the University's best interests, the University will consider software without a warranty if the proposer were to agree to a no risk no cost trial and acceptance period. Q22: Will the University accept a standard warranty which allows for the submission of error reports and questions by email, rather than to a ticketing system with the ability to track and report the status of submissions until resolution? The University is okay with communicating on warranty service issues by email or into a ticketing system, either is acceptable. Proposers may include this information in their response to section 4.8.4. A22: Q23: What copy and print volumes has the University of Wisconsin generated library wide for the past 2 years? A23: In fiscal year 2013, patrons of 13 libraries (total of 37 copiers) ran just over 188,000 pages of photocopying. This does not include any scanning jobs from the four scanning stations from answer number two, nor does it include any printing. The equipment purchased under this contract will only be used for making photocopies of library materials and making electronic file copies (pdf for instance) of library materials. Print volume of the libraries is irrelevant. Q24: Will the University of Wisconsin accept third party leasing companies for equipment acquisition? If so, does the University require that maintenance costs of the equipment are inclusive of that lease not a separate agreement for the best interest of the University? A24: The University will consider third party leasing companies as a subcontractor to the proposer (see Section 3.17). Proposers should submit the third party leasing company's contract documents with their proposal. If the University does not agree to the terms of the third party lease contract, that will be grounds for disqualification of the proposal. The University is neutral on whether the maintenance costs are included with a third party lease or handled separately. Proposers should include all pricing models in their response to the cost proposal section. Q25: The University of Wisconsin is looking for purchase and lease options as part of the RFP. Would the University be interested in viewing additional acquisition models besides these two options which may offer better financial packaging for the acquisitions? A25: Proposers should include all pricing models in their response to the cost proposal section.