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1562 Sound Calibrator, Manual




INSTRUCTION MANUAL CERTIFIED INDUSTRIAl. SOUND LEVEL t.IIETER SET IN ACCoi!DANCE WITI-1 ol2 CFR s:l GR1562 NATIONAL INSTITUTS FOR OCCUPATIONAL .... F£1'Y ANO IRAI.'nl -~ TC-51·113 Tho..- ... - ..... - .. _ ·- SOUND-LEVEL CALIBRATOR ~·· --~ -~ Form 1582·0100·00 -11182Bouodl.oool- _,11182or-11Y7 -..-c.......... _(,.....,,, U42-8101,0<1SOI7·8701 UICI-7H1 ....................... , ... llll>tl•""l ...,............"'" ·~ This lr>str .. meM is capable of calibrating •ol1ndlavel meters t1sed for meast1rements r&q<.>ired under 111112-<11110, 11111'>.()'100 ,1M741C. - -·--·LIMITA.niJMi Part 1910.95 "Occupationel Noise _,,_11182_10..,.,..,,,_."odbyNIOI)Hfo,-- ''""'".,.........,"..,lv_ool_ _ ,.., ... ,........,... E~posure," (Dept. of Labor) of the Code of Federal Regula· tions, Chap. XVII of Title 29 (36 F.· A. 7006). ............... .... --~.., .... -.1182··-·11117--lool __ _ """''"'''""""-"""'ooolioooolvr. Detoiled rnformat1on on noise•meosuring techniques end ~ound·meosuring equipment associated with such o colibrotor can be f<;>und in the General Rodio ~Handbook cl Norse Measure• Section 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose ..• 1.2 Description . . . . . . men!~' .1 2 Section 2 OPERATING PROCEDURE 2.1 Preliminary Checks . . . . . . . 2.2 Calibration of Sound-Measuring 11 Instruments . • . . . . . . . . 13 2.3 Calibration of Sound-Level Meters . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Alt1tude and Pressure Corr~ctwns . . . . • . REPLACEMENT 9-V 6ATTERI ES Manufaclllr~r h!tmufllclurer's Part Number 18 23 Section 3 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Bnghr Star Burges-' EvNcady Mallory Marathon Ned a Ph!lco Ray-D-Vac 'CA $e"1S Varta' Wiza.menrs "'ith 1026~~ and greater ,..;l! accept this barrery. J' 32 33 33 33 36 38 38 -----------------~ 1.2 DESCRIPTION. 1.2.1 GENERAL Figure 1~1 shows the Type 1562 with its adaptors, and Table 1-1 documents the type and function of lhc control and accP• ~~:!:. OPF·STARTFREqUf.NCY 7·poolt!oo selector sw,.ch Oelootslreq~ency. Knurled nut Tubular Holds shield onlnsrrumem. 1.2 .3 ACOUSTIC OUTPUT. Eloe<le Adaptor (PIN l50l- Adapts Instrument to 1 Inch d•omoter mtcrophono. llattery 9 V Burgess PM6 or eq· ulvalen< The oscillator drives a small controlled-reluctance magnetic loudspeaker. The loudspeaker drives one end of a small acoustic coupler. The other end of the coupler is closed by the microphone to be calibrated. A controlled leak to atmosphere in the wall of the coupler is adjusted so that constant voltage across the loudspeaker terminals generates essentially constant sormd-pressure level in the coupler from below 100 Hz to 1000 Hz. Above 1000 Hz the respcmse Output ' Cao~ 2 Tllrns instrum..,t on. C~«<• battery. The oscillator is a battery-operated Wien-bridge transistor oscillator that generates five ANSI-preferred frequencies, 125, 2SO, 500, 1000, and 2000Hz. The oscillator op"erates from a 9-volt battery and is very stable, has low distortion, and low noise. 61001 p.,., !or lnotrument. Hold" \Jiotrument Olld •""''Y'''"' o/~nlra (Sf). lr-l.r th< l'o>eai(Po). ""'""< • 5 TYPE 1562 This is also lhe diameter of the USASI Type L Laboratory Standard Microphone embodied m the Westem Electric Type 640-AA Microphone. T'IP( , , . , CONTROLLED LEM TO ATMOSPHERE C01<1ROL<.5"""' I-·~ ~~ICOO"t<-C 760 mm of mercury. 1.2.5 ELECTRICAL OUTPUT. The electrical output voltage Of the oscillator is available at the phone jack on the side of the calibrator. The tubular knurled nut which. secures the instrument cover, forms the shell of a standard telephone jack. The open-circuit output voltage at this point is nominally one volt in back of a source resistance of 6000 ohms. Th.e a~;tual value of this voltage for any calibrator is constant over the instruments frequency range and 8 The tolerances on the characteristics of the thermistor (Rl33), which determines the operating level of the oscillator, penn it operating levels among oscillators to differ by ±20%. Each oscillator will operate, however, at the constant level dictated by its thermistor. 1.2.6 BATTERY CHECKING CIRCUIT. The operation of the calibrator oscillator is independent of the battery voltage as long as it remains at 6 volts or higher. The battery-checking circuit is included in the instrument so the operator can quickly determine if his battery is safely in the operating range. When the calibrator dial is turned to the spring return, counter-clockwise position, the lamp (PlOl) will light only if the battery voltage is 6 volts or higher. If the battery is below 6 volts the transistor switch remains open and the lamp will not light. Since the lamp load is much higher than the normal oscillator load on the battery, the battery must also be in good condition or its voltage will drop below the lamp ignition level during the battery check: of one or two seconds, because of the excess load. • 1.2. 7 CONTROLS AND CONNECTORS. MASTER CONTROL The master control is the plastic combination knob, dial, and nameplate at the top of the instrument. This control is used to turn the instrument on, check the battery condition, and select the operating frequency. A red background area illuminates the transparent engraving to indicate the dial setting. ACOUSTIC-OUTPUT COUPLING The acoustic output from the calibrator is obtained at the bottom of the instrument, at the opposite end from the main control. The correct acoustic output is obtained when a 1 1/8-inch-diameter microphone. or smaller diameter microphone in a 1 1/8-mch-diameter adaptor is properly seatt>d in the 1 1/8-inchdiameter recess at the botwm of the calibrator. s.,ction 2 OPERATING PROCEDURE 2.1 PR!:LlMINARY CHECKS. 2-1.1 BATTERY CHECK. Install the battery in the instrument by removing the cover (paragraph 4-3) and connecting the battery between the battery cUps. Replace the cover. With the instrument upright on a desk or bench and the output phone jack connector facing the operator, the master control should be in the position shown in Figure 2-1. That 10 II is, the nameplate should be oriented for propw er reading and OFF should be illuminated by the red backing area. To r.:heck the battery, turn the knob momentarily r.:ounterwclockw wise against the spring return and obsenre that the small lamp at the 3:00 o'clock position lights. If the lamp doesn't light when the dial is turned against the spring retum, repeat a second time, If there still isn't any light refer to Section 4 of this book. Turn the knob cloclcwise to the 2000-Hz posiw tion. A clear 2000-Hz tone should be easily audible. lf a more raucous tone is heard it Will be necessary to hold the knob in the START position a little longer before setting it to 2000 Hz. One second or so is usually long enough at normal room temperatures; however, at low temperatures the knob must be held in the start position somewhat longer to ensure proper starting of the oscillator. When the clear 2000-Hz tone is heard, the calibrator is ready for use and can be set to any oi its five frequencies without repeating the starting procedure. 2.2 CALIBRATION OF SOUND-MEASURING INSTRUMENTS. Figvroo 2· I. Top view of colibrolor with mostoor control OFF. 2.1.2 OPERATIONAL CHECK. Turn the Type 1562 on by rotating the masw ter control counterwclockwise against the spring return, as when checking the battery, and holding it for approximately one second, 12 The Type 1562 Sol!l1d-Level Calibracor is adjusted to develop a constant sound-pressure level of 114 dB re 20 micronewtons per meter2 at each ot five frequencies (125, 250, 500, 1000, and 2000Hz), when its acoustic coupler is placed over a high (acoustic) impedance sound-measuring microphone. This level is established by adjusting the calibra· tor output to register a 114-dB sound-pressure level on a sound-measuring system using a carefully maintained laboratory standard microphone, such as the Western Electric 640-AA, with a pressure calibration determined by reciprocity and tlaceable to the National Bureau of Standards. This calibration is performed at a temperature of 23° C and an atmospheric pressure of 760 mm of Hg. Normal variation of temperature and 13 atmospheric pressure will have negligible effect on the smmd-pressure level developed. The specifications give the value of the temperature coefficient, and the curves in Figure 2-2 show the variation of sound-pressure level with atmospheric pressure, So long as the volume enclosed by the coupler is lcept constant, including the effective volume of the microphone to be calibrated, the sound-pressure level developed in the calibrator coupler is constant at 114 dB. The adaptors supplied with this calibrator are d~signed so that most of the commonly used measurement microphones are calibrated at the 114 dB solUld-pressure level. Tables 2-1 and 2-2 list commonly used sound-measuring microphones. The appropriate calibrator adaptor, microphone adaptor if required, and the sol.llld-pressure levels developed by the calibrator for each microph;:me are also tabulated. The levels listed in Tables 2-1 and 2-2 are sound-pressure levels and are the levels that would be indicated by a measuring system using a microphone with a flat pres5Ure response, plus amplifiers and meters with flat frequency characteristics. Many sound-measuring systems (i.e., sound-level meters, see paragraph 2.3.1) are designed to have other than flat pressure response, so that the levels given in Tables 2-1 and 2-2 must be adjusted to account for the desired response of the measuring system. The procedure for calibrating sound-level meters will be explained in the following paragraphs. " ' ;.'• 0 .•• 0 • < £ 0 0 " ~--·-------~-------------~---''''"~~ ~ Tablo 2·1 SPL Deviotions for Microphones Assuming Flo! Pressure Response I lol«•opho•~ Tyf>o Mfg. W. E. 640-AA W, E. 640-AA 4131/32 4131/32 4131/32 ""' "'" ""' ""' ""' ""' ALTEC 1. 2. 3. 4. No. /S62· ON OH ON 4135/36 4138 MR103 MR103 BR series M••-- DiQ"'00 0,9]9 0~ 6!10 0.628 6100 MOO 6;00 ~torr' 0FF 2 413.~/34 TOKYOR!KO TOKYORIKO 'I Pro<«l!004 ON ON 61110' 6100' 6ton• " 1 5o•nd·Pr., '"" '-"''' idll)! h•q•••<> 11' '" '"' 114.0 ll4.0 113.4 114.0 114,0 114,1 ll4.0 114,0 ll4.0 ll4.0 114,0 ;oc 114.0 1!4.0 114.0 113.8 113.3 ll3.2 114.0 113.8 114.0 114,0 114.0 1!4.0 J14,Q 114,0 114.0 1!4,0 !14.0 I 14.0 ll3.9 Measuremeot cood.don.o "'"'osphet61. 114,0 113,8 113.9 2\ 'c. HW 2000 ll4.C 113.7 113.2 113.8 114.0 114.0 113.5 ll3.2 1l:l.4 114.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 ll4.0 ]]J .s 113 .s 114,:1 114,0 114,0 !14.0 113.7 114,0 Table 2-2 SPL O.. iolions lor J.lioro;d>ones Auuming Flat Preuuro RuP< ce oe GO GO GO GO Ge GO GO GO GO GO J P"'l%> '%' '"' 1971 1972 ON ON ON ON ON •l ~dapW. No. IH2· 6WO 6WO NONE NONE NONE 6110 6110 6100 "" 6>00 "" "" Di•>'"''~' ~ /><<~~' 0.939 0.939 1.125 I.l25 1.125 0.628 0.628 0.939 0.500 0.275 0.939 o,;oo So•,.._p,_., .... L•••l fd8)/Fwp..•ry 125 114.1 ll4,1 114.0 IH.O 114,0 114,1 1!4,1 114.1 114.0 114,0 114.1 114,0 250 113.9 ll3,9 114,0 ll4.0 114,0 113.9 113.9 ll4.1 114.0 ll4,0 113.9 114,0 500 IH.O ll4.0 114.0 ll4.0 114,0 113.9 113.9 114.1 lH.O 114,0 114.() 114 0 1000 113.9 ll3.9 113.9 ll3.9 113.9 ll4.0 114.0 114.1 114.0 114.0 113.9 ll4.0 1, Cond,.; 00 ., Aign-Conlor Re.oding< in dB lor Sound-L.,ol M•~!O U>ing 1 inch Diomofr! Microphonul (Trpe 1560.P5, -P6, -P7 or 1560-9570 Cottridg•) Deviaticrns in dB lrcrm Flcrt Respcrnse lor Sound-Level Meter Weighting 1 F"''f"""CY (liz) Jt~tP#•t c B A .. us ~0.2 250 500 woo 2000 0 0 0 -0.2 -0.2 H.2 0 0 -4.3 -1.4 ·16.2 ·8.6 -0.3 -3.3 ~" our ""'"' coodito.otl>, At:o>oophr,;c prCnU<< - 76o mm ol Ht Tempcranuo - 23 •c ~ ........., c ' "' Pn'1<'••<) 1/fUStonce of on internal 0-ring in the smaller 'ldoptors fur true bottoming. ' 22 2.4 AlTITUDE AND PRESSURE CORRECTIONS. The Type 1562 is subject to altitude and atmospheric pressure changes in relation to its acoustical output. A graph. has been plot· ted (Figure 2-2) to show the change m so:.~nd­ pressure level with a change m altitude and 2J ---------------------------------------~·-~''P""<->"'"""''""~'"·••~~,.~,,- atmospheric pressure. Each frequency has its own CUlVe to be used when determining ttle outpUt level at a specific altitude or pressure, The pressures given by the United States Weather Bureau and l>y various flight facilities are corrected pressures, i.e., pressures referred to sea level, Most barometers are similarly calibrated to read pressur~s corrected to sea level. The actual barometric pressure can be specificaily requested of your local weather station, or you can correct the published barometric reading for your own location. This correction is a function of altitude, temperature, and pressure, but the principal factor is the altitude correction of one inch of mercury per 1000 feet above sea level. The Appendix includes an altitude correction chart and a conversion nomograph for inches of mercury to millibars, along with a table of altitudes above sea level for selected cities in the U.S. and Canada. NOTE When the curves of Figure 2-2 are used to determine the acoustical output of the calibrator at high altitudes, SJI additional tolerance of ±0.1 dB per 4000 feet of elevation must be added to the existing specification tolerance. a. Conditions of measurement: Frequency, 250 Hz Altitude, 8000 feet Microphone, Western Electric 640-AA Solution by graph: Instrument tolerance from specification, ±0,5 dB Graph sound-pressure level and tolerance, 113.5 ±0.2 dB 113.5 ±0.7 dB Final acoustical output, b. Conditions of measurement: Frequency, 500 Hz Altitude, 18000 feet Microphone, Westelll Electric 640-AA Solution by graph: Instrument tolerance from specification, ±0.3 dB Graph sound-pressure level and tolerance, Final acoustical output, 110.2 ±0.45 dB 110.2 ±0, 75 dB This final acoustical output is the value of sound-pressure level that will be generated by the calibrator under the stated measure- ment conditions. Two examples of how to use the graph are: 25 ' l Section 3 -~ 0 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION J.l THE WIEH-BRIDGE OSCILLATOR. 3.1.1 GENERAL. The Wien-bridge circuit (Figure 3-1) used in this oscillator perfonns two functions. Two of the bridge arms (C105, Rp1 and Cl04, RF2) form a frequency determining impedance divider which provides positive feedback to sustain oscillation. The remaining two arms (Rl33 and R108), form a resistive divider which provides negative feedback to stabilize the amplitude. 1 •' l. Foe a detailed d1~cussion of this dtsign feature, see Fulks, R.G., "Novel Feedback Loop Stabilizes Audio Oscillator~, Electronics, Vol. 36 No.~ February, 1963. Available as General Radio reprint A-107. " ------~--------------- 3.1.2 FREQUENCY AND STABILITY. The operating frequency of a Wienbridge oscillator depends on the values of the components in the impedance divider. In the Type 1562, capacitors C104 and ClOS (Figure 3-1) are equal and remain at a constant value. Resistors RFl and RF2 are also eqw;•l. but are switched in value toestablish the frequency of oscillation. This frequency-determining network has a transfer function: 'OUT RCS 'IN 1+3RCS+R2 c2s 2 where S = j2"'F R = RFl = RF2 C = ClOS = Cl04 1 At the oscillator frequency (f 0 = ~) this function equals +l/3. The net loop gain should be +1 for proper and stable operation, so the resistive divider consisting of R133 and Rl08 IS used to set the associated amplifier gain to +3. Ibis gives a roet loop gain of +1 and the <.:ircuit oscillates at the desired frequency. Rl33, a thennistor, automatically adjusts its resistance to the value needed to maintain oscillations. Its time constant is short enough to provide rapid correction for amplitude variations, yet " long enough to cause little distortion at the lower frequencies. It operates at a high tern· perature, in an evacuated bulb, to minimize the effects of ambient temperature. The effects of ambient temperature are furthexreduced by winding Rl08 with wix-e having a high positive temperature coefficient. 3.1.3 AMPLIFIER. The amplifier uses four transistors in a single, direct-coupled feedback loop. The input amplifier circuit is chosen for low-noise performance. Transistor Ql02 provides a high-impedance drive for the class-B output stage, and achieves a minimum of crossover distortioo, yet does not require complicated, temperature-sensitive biasing networks. Negative de feedback is used in addition to the negative ac feedback to obtain a transfer characteristic which is substantially independent of transistor characteristics, resulting in eJC:Cellent stability, low distortion, and long-term reliability. 3.2 ACOUSTICAl. OUTPUT CIRCUIT. The output voltage obtained from the oscillator is the same at each frequency. To correct for any variation in establishing the 114 dB sound-pressure level, a potentiometer has been placed in series between the oscillator output and the speaker for each frequency. C107, added at 2000Hz, forms a series resonant boost circuit with the speaker inductance to insure that all units " ·---~--~~~--------------~-~ will develop the required 114 dB soundpressure level. This is necessary because the output of the transducer used falls off in response above 1000 Hz. 3.3 ELECTRICAL OUTPUT CIRCUIT. The oscillator output voltage is also fed to a telephone jack through a resistive divider netwark (R129, Rl30, R131, Figure 4-5) which makes available a Sinewave: of 1 V, rms, ±20%, with a source impedance of 6000 Ill. 3.4 BATTERY CHECK CIRCUIT. Tite battery checking circuit (Figure 4-5) is a transistor switch. The two transistors, Q106 and QJ.05, are in the ON state when the battery is above 6 volts. When this condition exists the bulb, PlOl, will light if the master control is held in the STARTBATTERY CHECK position. CAUTION Do not hold the switch in the START-CHECK BATTERY position ~ny long.,, thon nee. essory because the battery will run down very fost. causing QlOS to go to the OFF state and extinguish PlOl. 3.5 STARTIHG CIRCUIT. Under normal room conditions (23"C and 760 mm of Hg) the oscillator will start and operate properly when the battery connection is made. However, since lhe output of the oscillator is always connected to tb.e loudspeaker, an annoying, raucous sound will be heard as tb.e thermistor comes up to its proper operating temperature. At low ambient temperatures the normal oscillator current tb.rough the tb.ermistor is not sufficient to warm the thermistor to its proper operating temperature, and the raucous sound w111 persist, indicating improper operation of the oscillator. To avoid the raucous sound and insure proper starting of the oscillator even at low temperatures, a spring return oscillator START position on the master control is provided. This connects the thermistor in series with the battery and a protective resistor (Rl32) causing extra warmup current to be momentarily forced through the thermistor, The warm up takes approximately one second. If the battery voltage drops below 6 volts, the emitter and base voltages of Ql06 drop, cau:;ing a change in the collector voltage. This change is in the upward direction which will raise the base voltage of Ql05, " Jl Section 4 4.2 SERVICE. SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 4.1 WARRANTY. !!'! GenRad WARRANTY We ...,N.nt thOt tN• O«>dv" " '"" l•om .. loot• In ""'''"' ond ~O""''"'htO 0 nn one( t 1,.., arte< O<•1"' O,HAN0_, I~ THE PROOUCT NOT """"OV•D 6Y (\fi 35 ·~··~--------------- g. Check the accuracy of the outpJt frequency by connecting a digital counter (Type !192) into the output jack through a telephone plug, The value should be wid<~ in ±3% of the desired frequency. h, Jnsert the 1/2-inch microphone adaptor into the acoustic coupler and see that the ball detents hold it firmly. i. Repeat step h for the l-inch adaptor, 4.5 TROUBLE-ANAL YSlS. The following is a list of trouble symptoms and probable solutions: a. Bulb fails to light in BATTERY CHECK position. 1) Low battery. 2) Bulb failure, 3) Failure of QlOS or Q106 (Table 4-1, Figure 4-1). b. No acoustical or electrical outpUt at any frequency (BATTERY CHECK working)· I) R108 open (Figure 4-1). c. No acoustical or electrical output at any frequency (BA1TERY CHECK working): 1) Failure of QlOl, Q102, QI03, or Ql04 (Table 4~1, Figure 4-1). d, Acoustical output not "clean" signal at aU frequencies, electrical output high (about 3 volts, rms) (BATTERY CHECK working): l) Thermistor (Rl33) open, " ,-~~~~~T<:ble 4-1--,-----, Transistor Voltoges1 Tra.sisr"" Switch Po.wn, Pennsylvania Ashl~nd, Kentucky Atlanta, Georgia Augusta, Georgia Baltimore, Maryland Bangor, Maine Bay City, Michigan Binghamton, New York Birmingham, Alabama Boise, Idahn Boston, Massachusetts Brandon, Man. Buffalo, New York Bwlington, Vennoot Bridgeport, Connecticut Calgary, Alta. Cambridge, Mauachuseus Camden, New Jersey Campbellton, N .B. Charlesron, Sourh (Molina Charlorre, North Carolina Chadot<<"rida Milwauk""· Wisconsin Minneapolis, Minnesota Mobile, Alabama Moncton, N.B. Montgomery, Alabama Montreal, F .Q. Nashville, Tennessee Newark, Ne• J.,rsey Ne111 Haven, Connecricut N.,.. London, Connecticut Ne• Orleans, Louisiana New YaD, Peousylvania Seattle, Washington Shteveport, Louisiana Siou:r Falls, South Dakota South Bend, Indiana Spokane, Wuhington Springfield, Massachusetts Sydney, N.S. Syracuse, New York Tacoma, W•shington Tol~do, Ohio Toronto, Ontario Topek•, Kansas Tusc<><>, Ari~ona Tulsa, Oklaholll-'l Utica, New Yotk Vancou-oer, B.C. Washington, D.C. Wichita, Kansas Windsor, Ontario Winnipeg, Mao. Yonngsto01n, Ohio s~a Level ALTITUDES ABOVE SEA LEVEL FOR SELECTED FOREIGN CITIES 84 '"" .O.Itotudo .O.bow Sea Lo .. , C•tv 46o 7)4 430() 30 "'" 1596 42 757 " "' m 140~ 190~ '"" ,,." 4W 2)0 '" 2382 700 448 " wo 128, '" '127 832 Adelaide, Austr.ha Amman, jordan AIT'•tndam. NerherLwrb >Ankara, Turkey Athcm. Gr~«e Belgrade, Yug"''""" Berlin. Gorman; Bombay,lodia llru.<~d,, ~cl~wm Buenos Atre>, Ar~cn!lna Cairo, Fgypr Canberra, Austrolia Copcnhag Mtl~ourn~. Au• .acket indi· catn tlo• coJiector lee~d. F",gure 4-3. Amplif,er etched·c<••;',:"::;•:b;•;•::J~;•· (For complete etcl,ed-circuil a order Port Number 1562-2720.) ---- a~CHI!CAL PARTS tiST o•"t c tJ4 _coo'""" 1UO C'P c ''l'' ("' ''"' ,, ,,, ~<[ \IL.l[") ec<; p" lil IZ? l>l ll'• \1' ' L!o \<7 ., \ Of] 1~-cr rt• \),UK r1• "l> Fll< , . .,; 'LM "'S FL• ,~c; 'L' >f> Fl~ '(S fLM "tl i'L• ton wov .\Jl"l .\ lW< ~ \ 100'1 ~v OCJ \16• b.J'oK I P(.T ,,1b' l PCT 1.>e< l P(l 7H l1><·" l ''CT I'·''< 1 0~1 (>.'-~ 1 HT J.IOK 1 o;T I-'"" l 0 CI If"" t50U476X000b~l "ll4q S\349 BlJ4q ANS>~\ 302F R~>S~bJ'olf 02"-!"14 lf~~ "l>D-1\59 1/8W ~;>50-0787 lf~W 6l?0-2\30 \/6W \lAW tf6W Ol50-1l\Q lJI 0•' •1\i< "-J U' ;V ll•l \j\ 5~Z6q 5bl6q oi>U-u>; I/8W J>,> \2') •%D-19Jl '<6~D-'"J1 44~0-5500 ~<~G->llO " ' ' fl" ' " ' ~"~ 1 eo ua• •EI CU>>o ' · ' K SPCT l/4" "-~ (Q•P ';.\ YJ' '>CT 1/4W ROI (ll,

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