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2 Gallon Air Compressor - Air Compressors Direct




Owner’s Manual Table of Contents Page Topic 2 Gallon Air Compressor er’s Manual Model No. PCE6020K Safety Guidelines-Definitions 4 Hazard Warnings 5 Air Compressor 15 Precautions 15 Basic Air Compressor Components 16 Assembling the Air Compressor 16 Compressor Controls 18 Electrical Power Requirements 19 Breaking In The Pump 21 Operating Instructions 21 Maintenance 23 Storage 24 Service 24 Troubleshooting 25 Glossary Terms 29 Parts Listing 30 Limited Warranty 33 For Service Please Call Toll Free: 1-866-591-8921 WARNING Read and follow all safety rules and instructions in this manual before attempting to operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in personal injury. Diagrams within this manual may not be drawn proportionally. Due to continuing improvements, actual product may differ slightly from the product described herein. 2 Air Compressor Warning! Read And Understand All Safety Precautions In This Manual Before Operating. Failure To Comply With Instructions In This Manual Could Result In Personal Injury, Property Damage, And / Or Voiding Of Your Warranty. Pulsar Products, Inc Will Not Be Liable For Any Damage Because Of Failure To Follow These Instructions. Air Compressor Prior to installation and usage, thoroughly inspect air compressor for damages. ‡ &KHFN WKH WDQN FRPSUHVVRU FRPSUHVVRU PRWRU DQG SXPS IRU DQ\ VLgns of damage or corrosion. ‡ &KHFN DOO VFUHZV EROWV QXWV DQG IDVWHQHUV FRQILUP WKDW WKHy are secure. ‡ &RQILUP WKDW DOO ILWWLQJV WDQN SHWFRFN KDUGZDUH DQG SDLQW are free from rust and corrosion. ‡ &RQILUP WKDW DOO FRPSUHVVRU VHWWLQJV DUH FRUUHFW SULRU WR VWDrt up and usage. Owner’s Manual SAFETY GUIDELINES-DEFINITIONS This manual contains important information that you need to know and understand in order to protect YOUR SAFETY and to PREVENT EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS. The following symbols help you recognize this information. Please read the manual and pay attention to these sections. WARNING! WARNINGS INDICATE A CERTAINTY OR STRONG POSSIBILITY OF PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH IF INSTRUCTIONS ARE NOT FOLLOWED. CAUTION: CAUTIONS INDICATE A POSSIBILITY OF EQUIPMENT DAMAGE IF INSTRUCTIONS ARE NOT FOLLOWED. Air Tool Inspection Prior to connecting and using the compressor, thoroughly inspect each air tool for damage. ‡ &KHFN WKH HQWLUH WRRO DVVHPEO\ IRU DQ\ VLJQV RI GDPDJH RU FRUURVLon. ‡ &KHFN DOO DVVHPEO\ VFUHZV EROWV QXWV DQG IDVWHQHUV FRQILUP that they are secure. ‡ &RQILUP WKDW DOO ILWWLQJV ELWV DQG KDUGZDUH DUH LQ JRRG FRQGition. ‡ &RQILUP WKDW WKH WRRO VHWWLQJV DUH FRUUHFW SULRU WR FRQQHFWLRQ DQd usage. NOTE: NOTES GIVE HELPFUL INFORMATION. WARNING! IMPROPER OPERATION OR MAINTENANCE OF THIS PRODUCT COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL WARNINGS AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THIS EQUIPMENT. WHEN USING AIR TOOLS, BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SHOULD ALWAYS BE FOLLOWED TO REDUCE THE RISK OF PERSONAL INJURY. Save These Important Safety Instructions! Read and understand all of these safety instructions. Be sure to retain them for future use. 3 4 Owner’s Manual Air Compressor Hazard Warnings Hazard Warnings (cont’d) Dust RISK OF EYE OR HEAD INJURY What could happen: WARNING! DUST FROM POWER SANDING, SAWING, GRINDING, DRILLING, AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES CONTAIN CHEMICALS KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CAUSE CANCER, BIRTH DEFECTS OR OTHER REPRODUCTIVE HARM. These chemicals may include (but are not limited to) the following: ‡ /HDG IURP OHDGEDVHG SDLQWV ‡ &U\VWDOOLQH VLOLFD IURP EULFNV FHPHQW DQG RWKHU PDVRQU\ SURGucts ‡ $UVHQLF DQG FKURPLXP IURP FKHPLFDOO\WUHDWHG OXPEHU 7KH ULVN IURP WKHVH H[SRVXUHV YDU\ GHSHQGLQJ RQ KRZ RIWHQ \RX GR WKLV W\SH RI ZRUN 7R UHGXFH \RXU H[SRVXUH WR WKHVH FKHPLFDOV :RUN LQ D ZHOOYHQWLODWHG DUHD DQG ZRUN ZLWK DSSURYHG VDIHW\ HTXLSPHQW $OZD\V ZHDU 0$+$0,26+ DSSURYHG SURSHUO\ ILWWHG IDFH PDVNV RU UHVSLUDWRUV ZKHQ XVLQJ VXFK WRRls. Always follow EDVLF VDIHW\ SUHFDXWLRQV ZKHQ XVLQJ DLU WRROV WR UHGXFH WKH ULVN RI SHUVRQDO LQMXU\ Bursting: ‡ $LU SRZHUHG HTXLSPHQW DQG SRZHU WRROV DUH FDSDEOH RI SURSHOOLQJ PDWHULDOV VXFK DV IDVWHQHUV PHWDO FKLSV VDZ GXVW DQG RWKHU GHEULV DW KLJK VSHHG ZKLFK FRXOG UHVXOW LQ VHULRXV H\H LQMXU\ ‡ &RPSUHVVHG DLU FDQ EH KD]DUGRXV 7KH DLU VWUHDP FDQ FDXVH LQMXU\ WR VRIW WLVVXH DUHDV VXFK DV H\HV HDUV HWF 3DUWLFOHV RU REMHFWV SURSHOOHG E\ WKH VWUHDP FDQ FDXVH LQMXU\ ‡ 7RRO DWWDFKPHQWV FDQ EH EHFRPH ORRVH RU EUHDN DQG IO\ DSDUW SURSHOOLQJ SDUWLFOHV DW WKH RSHUDWRU DQG RWKHUV LQ WKH ZRUN DUHD How to prevent it: ‡ $OZD\V ZHDU $16, DSSURYHG = VDIHW\ JODVVHV ZLWK VLGH VKLHOGV ‡ 1HYHU OHDYH RSHUDWLQJ WRRO XQDWWHQGHG 'LVFRQQHFW DLU KRVH ZKHQ WRRO LV QRW LQ XVH ‡ )RU DGGLWLRQDO SURWHFWLRQ XVH DQ DSSURYHG IDFH VKLHOG LQ DGGLWLRQ WR VDIHW\ JODVVHV ‡ 0DNH VXUH WKDW DQ\ DWWDFKPHQWV DUH VHFXUHO\ DVVHPEOHG ‡ 1HYHU SRLQW DQ\ QR]]OH RU VSUD\HU WRZDUG D SHUVRQ RU DQ\ SDUW RI WKH ERG\ ‡ (TXLSPHQW FDQ FDXVH VHULRXVV LQMXU\ LI WKH VSUD\ SHQHWUDWHV WKH VNLQ 5XVW FDQ ZHDNHQ WKH WDQN 'UDLQ WKH FRQGHQVHG ZDWHU IURP WKH WDQN DIWHU HDFK XVH WR UHGXFH UXVWLQJ ,I D OHDN LV GHWHFWHG LQ WKH WDQN UHSODFH WKH WDQN LPPHGLDWHO\ 'R QRW ZHOG GULOO RU PRGLI\ WKH DLU WDQN RI WKLV FRPSUHVVRU :elding or modifications RQ WKH DLU FRPSUHVVRU WDQN FDQ VHYHUHO\ LPSDLU WDQN VWUHQJWK DQG FDXVH DQ H[WUHPHO\ KD]DUGRXV FRQGLWLRQ :HOGLQJ RU PRGLI\LQJ WKH WDQN LQ DQ\ PDQQHU ZLOO YRLG WKH warranty. &KHFN WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU¶V PD[LPXP SUHVVXUH UDWLQJ IRU DLU WRROV and accessories. &RPSUHVVRU RXWOHW SUHVVXUH PXVW EH UHJXODWHG VR QRW WR H[FHHG WKH PD[LPXP SUHVVXUH UDWLQJ RI WKH WRRO 5HOLHYH DOO SUHVVXUH LQ WKH KRVH Eefore attaching or UHPRYLQJ DFFHVVRULHV 'R QRW WDPSHU ZLWK WKH SUHVVXUH VZLWFK RU UHOLHI YDOYH IRU DQ\ UHDVRQ 'RLQJ VR YRLGV DOO ZDUUDQWLHV 7KH\ KDYH EHHQ SUHVHW DW WKH IDFWRU\ IRU WKH PD[LPXP SUHVVXUH RI WKLV XQLW 3HUVRQDO LQMXU\ DQGRU SURSHUW\ GDPDJH PD\ UHVXOW LI WKH SUHVVXUH VZLWFK RU WKH UHOLHI YDOYH DUH WDPSHUHG ZLWK 'R QRW XVH SODVWLF RU 39& SLSH IRU FRPSUHVVHG DLU 8VH RQO\ JDOYDQL]HG VWHHO SLSH ILWWLQJV IRU FRPSUHVVHG DLU GLVWULEXWLRQ OLQHV 5 6 Owner’s Manual Air Compressor Hazard Warnings (cont’d) Hazard Warnings (cont’d) RISK OF FIRE OR EXPLOSION RISK OF HEARING LOSS What could happen: What could happen: ‡ $EUDVLYH WRROV VXFK DV VDQGHUV DQG JULQGHUV URWDWLQJ WRROV VXFK DV GULOOV DQG LPSDFW WRROV VXFK DV QDLOHUV VWDSOHV ZUHQFKHV KDPPHUV DQG UHFLSURFDWLQJ VDZV DUH FDSDEOH RI JHQHUDWLQJ VSDUNV ZKLFK FRXOG UHVXOW LQ LJQLWLRQ RI IODPPDEOH PDWHULDOV ‡ ,W LV QRUPDO IRU WKH FRPSUHVVRU PRWRU DQG SUHVVXUH VZLWFK WR SURGXFH VSDUNV ZKLOH RSHUDWLQJ ,I VSDUNV FRPH LQWR ZLWK YDSRUV IURP JDVROLQH RU RWKHU VROYHQWV WKH\ PD\ LJQLWH FDXVLQJ D ILUH RU H[SORVLRQ ‡ ([FHHGLQJ WKH PD[LPXP SUHVVXUH UDWLQJ RI WRROV RU DFFHVVRULHV FRXOG FDXVH DQ H[SORVLRQ UHVXOWLQJ LQ VHULRXV LQMXU\ ‡ /RQJ WHUP H[SRVXUH WR QRLVH SURGXFHG IURP WKH RSHUDWLRQ RI DLU WRROV FDQ OHDG WR SHUPDQHQW KHDULQJ ORVV How to prevent it: ‡ 1HYHU RSHUDWH WRROV QHDU IODPPDEOH VXEVWDQFHV VXFK DV JDVROLQH FOHDQLQJ VROYHQWV HWF ‡ :RUN LQ D FOHDQ ZHOOYHQWLODWHG DUHD IUHH RI FRPEXVWLEOH PDWHULDOV ‡ 1HYHU XVH R[\JHQ FDUERQ GLR[LGH RU RWKHU ERWWOHG JDVHV DV D SRZHU VRXUFH IRU DLU WRROV ‡ 8VH FRPSUHVVHG DLU UHJXODWHG WR PD[LPXP SUHVVXUH DW RU EHORZ WKH UDWHG SUHVVXUH RI DQ\ DWWDFKPHQWV ‡ 1HYHU FRQQHFW WR DQ DLU VRXUFH WKDW LV FDSDEOH RI H[FHHGLQJ  SVL ‡ $OZD\V YHULI\ SULRU WR XVLQJ WKH WRRO WKDW WKH DLU VRXUFH KDV EHHQ DGMXVWHG WR WKH UDWHG DLU SUHVVXUH UDQJH ‡ 1HYHU VSUD\ IODPPDEOH OLTXLGV LQ D FRQILQHG DUHD 'R QRW VSUD\ ZKHUH VSDUNV RU IODPHV DUH SUHVHQW ‡ 'R QRW VPRNH ZKLOH VSUD\LQJ ‡ .HHS FRPSUHVVRU DV IDU IURP VSUD\ DUHD DV SRVVLEOH 7 How to prevent: ‡ $OZD\V ZHDU $16, 6 KHDULQJ SURWHFWLRQ ZKHQ XVLQJ D FRPSUHVVRU RISK TO BREATHING/INHALATION HAZARD What could happen: ‡ $EUDVLYH WRROV VXFK DV JULQGHUV VDQGHUV DQG FXWRII WRROV JHQHUDWH GXVW DQG DEUDVLYH PDWHULDOV ZKLFK FDQ EH KDUPIXO WR KXPDQ OXQJV DQG UHVSLUDWRU\ V\VWHP ‡ 6RPH PDWHULDOV VXFK DV DGKHVLYHV DQG WDU FRQWDLQ FKHPLFDOV ZKRVH YDSRUV FRXOG FDXVH UHVSLUDWRU\ GDPDJH 5HDG DOO LQVWUXFWLRQV WR EH VXUH WKDW \RXU UHVSLUDWRU PDVN ZLOO SURWHFW \RX ‡ $OZD\V ZRUN LQ D FOHDQ GU\ ZHOOYHQWLODWHG DUHD ‡ 1HYHU GLUHFWO\ LQKDOH FRPSUHVVHG DLU SURGXFHG E\ D FRPSUHVVRU ,W LV QRW VXLWDEOH IRU EUHDWKLQJ SXUSRVHV ‡ %H FHUWDLQ WR UHDG DOO ODEHOV DQG IROORZ WKH VDIHW\ LQVWUXFWLRQV ZKHQ \RX DUH VSUD\LQJ SDLQWV RU WR[LF PDWHULDOV 8 Air Compressor Owner’s Manual Hazard Warnings (cont’d) Hazard Warnings (cont’d) RISK OF INJURY RISK OF INJURY (cont’d) What could happen: How to prevent it: ‡ 7RROV OHIW XQDWWHQGHG RU ZLWK WKH DLU KRVH DWWDFKHG FDQ EH DFWLYDWHG E\ XQDXWKRUL]HG SHUVRQV OHDGLQJ WR WKHLU LQMXU\ DQGRU LQMXU\ WR RWKHUV ‡ $LU WRROV FDQ SURSHO IDVWHQHUV RU RWKHU PDWHULDOV WKURXJKRXW WKH ZRUN DUHD ‡ $ ZUHQFK RU NH\ WKDW LV OHIW DWWDFKHG WR D URWDWLQJ SDUW RI WKH WRRO LQFUHDVHV WKH ULVN RI SHUVRQDO LQMXU\ ‡ 8VLQJ LQIODWRU QR]]OHV IRU GXVWHU DSSOLFDWLRQV FDQ FDXVH VHULRXV LQMXU\ ‡ $LU WRROV FDQ EHFRPH DFWLYDWHG E\ DFFLGHQW GXULQJ PDLQWHQDQFH RU WRRO FKDQJHV ‡ $LU WRROV FDQ FDXVH WKH ZRUN SLHFH WR PRYH XSRQ FRQWDFW OHDGLQJ WR LQMXU\ ‡ /RVV RI FRQWURO RI WKH WRRO FDQ OHDG WR LQMXU\ DQGRU LQMXU\ WR RWKHUV ‡ 3RRU TXDOLW\ LPSURSHU RU GDPDJHG WRROV VXFK DV JULQGLQJ ZKHHOV FKLVHOV VRFNHWV GULOOV QDLOHUV VWDSOHV HWF FDQ IO\ DSDUW GXULQJ RSHUDWLRQ SURSHOOLQJ SDUWLFOHV WKURXJKRXW WKH ZRUN DUHD FDXVLQJ VHULRXV LQMXU\ ‡ )DVWHQHUV FRXOG ULFRFKHW RU EH SURSHOOHG FDXVLQJ VHULRXV LQMXU\ RU SURSHUW\ GDPDJH ‡ ,PSURSHUO\ PDLQWDLQHG WRROV DQG DFFHVVRULHV FDQ FDXVH VHULRXV LQMXU\ ‡ 7KHUH LV D ULVN RI EXUVWLQJ LI WKH WRRO LV GDPDJHG ‡ 7KH FRPSUHVVRU XQLW VWDUWV DXWRPDWLFDOO\ 6HULRXV LQMXU\ FRXOG RFFXU IURP FRQWDFW ZLWK PRYLQJ SDUWV ‡ 5HPRYH WKH DLU KRVH ZKHQ WKH WRRO LV QRW LQ XVH DQG VWRUH WRRO LQ D VHFXUH ORFDWLRQ DZD\ IURP WKH UHDFK RI FKLOGUHQ DQGRU XQWUDLQHG XVHUV ‡ 8VH RQO\ SDUWV IDVWHQHUV DQG DFFHVVRULHV UHFRPPHQGHG E\ WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU ‡ .HHS WKH ZRUN DUHD FOHDQ DQG IUHH RI FOXWWHU .HHS FKLOGUHQ DQG RWKHUV DZD\ IURP WKH DUHD GXULQJ RSHUDWLRQ RI WKH WRRO ‡ .HHS WKH ZRUN DUHD ZHOO OLW ‡ 5HPRYH DGMXVWLQJ NH\V DQG ZUHQFKHV EHIRUH WXUQLQJ WKH WRRO RQ ‡ '2 127 XVH LQIODWRU QR]]OHV IRU GXVWLQJ DSSOLFDWLRQV ‡ 5HPRYH WKH DLU KRVH WR OXEULFDWH RU DGG JULQGLQJ DWWDFKPHQWV VDQGLQJ GLVFV GULOOV HWF ‡ 1HYHU FDUU\ WKH WRRO E\ WKH KRVH ‡ $YRLG XQLQWHQWLRQDO VWDUWLQJ ‡ 5HSDLU VHUYLFLQJ VKRXOG EH GRQH RQO\ E\ DQ DXWKRUL]HG VHUYLFH UHSUHVHQWDWLYH ‡ 1HYHU RSHUDWH WKH WRRO ZKLOH XQGHU WKH LQIOXHQFH RI GUXJV RU DOFRKRO ‡ 'RQ¶W RYHUUHDFK .HHS SURSHU IRRWLQJ DQG EDODQFH DW DOO WLPHV ‡ .HHS WKH KDQGOHV GU\ FOHDQ DQG IUHH IURP RLO DQG JUHDVH ‡ 6WD\ DOHUW :DWFK ZKDW \RX DUH GRLQJ 8VH FRPPRQ VHQVH 'R QRW RSHUDWH WKH WRRO ZKHQ \RX DUH WLUHG ‡ 1HYHU XVH WRROV ZKLFK KDYH EHHQ GURSSHG LPSDFWHG RU GDPDJHG 9 10 Air Compressor Owner’s Manual Hazard Warnings (cont’d) Hazard Warnings (cont’d) RISK OF INJURY (cont’d) RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK ‡ 8VH RQO\ LPSDFW JUDGH VRFNHWV RQ DQ LPSDFW ZUHQFK ‡ 'R QRW DSSO\ H[FHVVLYH IRUFH WR WKH WRRO /HW WKH WRRO SHUIRUP WKH ZRUN ‡ 1HYHU SRLQW GLVFKDUJH RI WRRO DW \RXUVHOI RU RWKHUV ‡ 'R QRW SXOO WKH WULJJHU XQOHVV WKH WRRO FRQWDFW VDIHW\ RI WKHGHYLFH LV DJDLQVW ZRUN VXUIDFH ‡ 1HYHU DWWHPSW WR GULYH IDVWHQHUV LQWR KDUG VXUIDFHV VXFK DV VWHHO FRQFUHWH RU WLOH ZKHQ XVLQJ DLU WRROV ‡ 8VH RQO\ DFFHVVRULHV LGHQWLILHG E\ WKH PDQXIDFWXUHU WR EH XVHG ZLWK VSHFLILF WRROV ‡ 0DLQWDLQ WKH WRRO ZLWK FDUH ‡ .HHS D FXWWLQJ WRRO VKDUS DQG FOHDQ $ SURSHUO\ PDLQWDLQHG WRRO ZLWK VKDUS FXWWLQJ HGJHV UHGXFHV WKH ULVN RI ELQGLQJ DQG LV HDVLHU WR FRQWURO ‡ &KHFN IRU PLVDOLJQPHQW RI ELQGLQJ RU PRYLQJ SDUWV EUHDNDJH RI SDUWV DQG DQ\ RWKHU FRQGLWLRQ WKDW DIIHFWV WKH WRRO¶V RSHUDWLRQ ,I GDPDJHG KDYH WKH WRRO VHUYLFHG EHIRUH XVLQJ ‡ 8VH RI DQ DFFHVVRU\ QRW LQWHQGHG IRU XVH ZLWK WKH VSHFLILF WRROV LQFUHDVHV WKH ULVN RI LQMXU\  ‡ $OZD\V VKXW WKH FRPSUHVVRU RII UHPRYH WKH SOXJ IURP WKH RXWOHW DQG EOHHG DOO SUHVVXUH IURP WKH V\VWHP EHIRUH VHUYLFLQJ WKH FRPSUHVVRU RU ZKHQ WKH FRPSUHVVRU LV QRW LQ XVH ‡ 'R QRW RSHUDWH WKH XQLW ZLWK WKH VKURXG UHPRYHG What could happen: 11 ‡ 8VLQJ DLU WRROV WR DWWDFK HOHFWULFDO ZLULQJ FDQ UHVXOW LQ HOHFWURFXWLRQ RU GHDWK ‡ ,PSURSHU HOHFWULFDO FRQQHFWLRQV FDQ UHVXOW LQ ILUHV HOHFWURFXWLRQ RU GHDWK ‡ ,I WKH WRRO LV QRW SURYLGHG ZLWK DQ LQVXODWHG JULSSLQJ VXUIDFH FRQWDFW ZLWK D ³OLYH´ ZLUH PDNHV H[SRVHG PHWDO WRRO SDUWV DOVR ³OLYH´ UHVXOWLQJ LQ SRVVLEOH HOHFWURFXWLRQ RU GHDWK ‡ )DVWHQHUV FRPLQJ LQ FRQWDFW ZLWK KLGGHQ HOHFWULFDO ZLULQJ FRXOG FDXVH HOHFWURFXWLRQ RU GHDWK How to prevent it: ‡ 1HYHU DWWDFK HOHFWULFDO ZLULQJ ZLWK HQHUJL]HG WRROV ‡ $YRLG ERG\ FRQWDFW ZLWK JURXQGHG VXUIDFHV VXFK DV SLSHV UDGLDWRUV UDQJHV DQG UHIULJHUDWRUV 7KHUH LV DQ LQFUHDVHG ULVN RI HOHFWULF VKRFN LI \RXU ERG\ LV JURXQGHG ‡ 7KRURXJKO\ LQYHVWLJDWH WKH ZRUN SODFH IRU SRVVLEOH KLGGHQ ZLULQJ EHIRUH SHUIRUPLQJ ZRUN ‡ $ OLFHQVHG HOHFWULFLDQ LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DOO ORFDO DQG QDWLRQDO FRGHV PXVW LQVWDOO DOO ZLULQJ ‡ 1HYHU XVH DQ HOHFWULF DLU FRPSUHVVRU RXWGRRUV ZKHQ LW LV UDLQLQJ RU RQ D ZHW VXUIDFH DV LW PD\ FDXVH DQ HOHFWULF VKRFN 12 Air Compressor Owner’s Manual Hazard Warnings (cont’d) Hazard Warnings (cont’d) RISK OF ENTANGLEMENT RISK OF CUT OR BURNS What could happen: What could happen: ‡ 7RROV FRQWDLQLQJ PRYLQJ HOHPHQWV RU GULYLQJ RWKHU PRYLQJ WRROV JULQGLQJ ZKHHOV VRFNHWV VDQGLQJ GLVFV HWF FDQ EHFRPH HQWDQJOHG LQ KDLU FORWKLQJ MHZHOU\ DQG RWKHU ORRVH REMHFWVWKHUHE\ UHVXOWLQJ LQ LQMXU\ ‡ 7RROV ZKLFK FXW VKHDU GULOO VWDSOH SXQFK FKLVHO HWF DUH FDSDEOH RI FDXVLQJ VHULRXV LQMXU\ ‡ 7KH SXPS DQG PDQLIROG JHQHUDWH KLJK WHPSHUDWXUHV How to prevent it: How to prevent it: ‡ 1HYHU ZHDU ORRVH ILWWLQJ FORWKHV RU DSSDUHO WKDW FRQWDLQ ORRVH VWUDSV WLHV HWF ZKLFK FRXOG EHFRPH HQWDQJOHG LQ PRYLQJ SDUWV ‡ 5HPRYH DQ\ MHZHOU\ ZDWFKHV EUDFHOHWV QHFNODFHV HWFZKLFK PLJKW EHFRPH FDXJKW LQ WKH WRRO ‡ .HHS \RXU KDQGV DZD\ IURP PRYLQJ SDUWV 7LH XS RU FRYHU ORQJ KDLU ‡ .HHS WKH ZRUNLQJ SDUW RI WKH WRRO DZD\ IURP \RXU KDQGV DQG ERG\ ‡ 'R QRW WRXFK WKH SXPS PDQLIROG RU WUDQVIHU WXEH ZKLOH WKH SXPS LV UXQQLQJ $OORZ WKHP WR FRRO EHIRUH KDQGOLQJ RU VHUYLFLQJ ‡ .HHS FKLOGUHQ DZD\ IURP WKH FRPSUHVVRU DW DOO WLPHV 13 14 Owner’s Manual Air Compressor Compressor (cont’d) &RPSUHVVRU 6SHFLILFDWLRQV 0RGHO 1XPEHU 3&(. +RUVH 3RZHU  7DQN &DSDFLW\ *DOORQV/LWHUV  *DOORQ 9ROWDJH$PSV3KDVH  .LFN,Q 3UHVVXUH 75 .LFN2XW 3UHVVXUH 100 WARNING! The power cord on this product contains lead, a chemical, known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash your hands after handling Precautions ‡ 'UDLQ WKH PRLVWXUH IURP WKH WDQN EHIRUH HDFK XVH WR KHOS SUHYent corrosion. ‡ 3XOO WKH SUHVVXUH UHOLHI YDOYH ULQJ EHIRUH HDFK XVH WR eQVXUH SURSHU IXQFWLRQ DQG WR FOHDU SRVVLEOH REVWUXFWLRQV ‡ 7R SURYLGH SURSHU YHQWLODWLRQ IRU FRROLQJ tKH FRPSUHVVRU PXVW EH NHSW DW OHDVW  LQFKHV FP IURP WKH QHDUHVW ZDOO LQ D ZHOOYHQWLODWHG DUHa. ‡ )DVWHQ WKH FRPSUHVVRU VHFXUHO\ DQG UHOHaVH WKH WDQN SUHVVXUH EHIRUH WUDQVSRUWLQJ Basic Air Compressor Components Oil-less aircompressors are factory lubricated for life and do not require any oil. A&B The basic components of the air compressor are the electric motor, pump, pressure switch, and tank. The electric motor (see A) powers the pump. The electric motor is equipped with an overload protector and an automatic reset. If the motor becomes overheated, the overload protector will shut it down to prevent damage to the motor. When the motor sufficiently cools, it will automatically restart. The pump (see B) compresses the air and discharges it into the tank. The tank (see C) stores the compressed air. The pressure switch (located internally) shuts down the motor and relieves air pressure in the pump and transfer tube when the air pressure in the tank reaches the kick-out pressure. As compressed air is used and the pressure level in the tank drops to the kick-in pressure, the pressure switch restarts the motor automatically, without warning, and the pump resumes compressing air. ‡ 3URWHFW WKH DLU KRVH DQG HOHFWULF FRUG IURP GDPDJH DQG SXQFWXUH ,QVSHFW WKHP IRU ZHDN RU ZRUQ VSRWV DQG UHSODFH LI QHFHVVDU\ ‡ 7R UHGXFH WKH ULVN RI HOHFWULF VKRFN GR QRW H[SRVH WR UDLQ 6WRUH LQGRRUV ‡ 1HYHU RSHUDWH WKH FRPSUHVVRU LI WKH SRZHU FRUG RU SOXJ LV GDPDJHG 7DNH WKH HTXLSPHQW WR QHDUHVW DXWKRUL]HG VHUYLFH FHQWHU DQG D WHFKQLFLDQ ZLOO UHSODFH LW 15 16 Owner’s Manual Air Compressor Compressor (cont’d) Assembling the Air Compressor Unpack the air compressor. Inspect the unit for damage. If the unit has been damaged in transit, contact the carrier and complete a damage claim. Do this immediatly because there are time limitations to damage claims. The carton should contain. ‡ $LU &RPSUHVVRU ‡ 0DQXDO ‡ +DQGOH ‡ $FFHVVRULHV 1) Attach handle and srew in properly. Compressor (cont’d) COMPRESSOR CONTROLS Power switch: This switch turns the compressor power ON and OFF. Pressure Relieve Valve: If the pressure switch does not shut down the motor when pressure reaches the preset level, this valve will pop open automatically to prevent over pressurization. To operate manually, pull the ring on the valve to relieve air pressure in the tank. Tank Pressure Gauge: This gauge measures the pressure level of the air stored in the tank. It is not adjustable by the operator and does not indicate line pressure. Air Pressure Regulator: This air pressure regulator enables you to adjust line pressure to the tool you are using. WARNING! NEVER EXCEED THE MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE OF THE TOOL. TURN THE KNOB CLOCKWISE TO INCREASE PRESSURE, AND COUNTERCLOCKWISE TO DECREASE PRESSURE. Tank Pressure Gauges Power Switch Air Pressure Regulator Pressure Relieve Valve 17 18 Owner’s Manual Air Compressor Compressor (cont’d) Compressor (cont’d) ELECTRICAL POWER REQUIREMENTS (cont’d) Electrical Power Requirements Electrical Wiring Refer to the air compressor’s registration label for the unit’s voltage and amperage requirements. Use a dedicated circuit. For best performance and reliable starting, the air compressor must be plugged into a dedicated circuit, as close as possible to the fuse box or circuit breaker. The compressor will use the full capacity of a typical 15 amp household circuit. If other devices are on the same circuit, the compressor may fail to start. Low voltage or an overloaded circuit can result in sluggish starting that causes the motors overload protection system circuit breaker to trip, especially in cold conditions. Note: A circuit breaker is recommended. If the air compressor is connected to a circuit protected by a fuse, use dual element time delay fuses (Buss Fusetron type“1” only). Note: Avoid use of extension cords. If using an extension cord is necessary, be sure to use an extension with the correct specifications. For optimum performance, plug the compressor power cord directly into a grounded wall socket. Do not use an extension cord unless absolutely necessary. Instead, use a longer air hose to reach the area where the air is needed. If use of an extension cord cannot be avoided, the cord should be no longer than 100 feet and be a minimum wire size of 14 gauge (AWG). Extension Cord Use the chart on the right for the proper extension cord length. Use only a 3-wire extension cord that has a 3-blade grounding plug and a 3-slot receptacle that will accept the plug of the product. Make sure your extension cord is in good condition. An undersized cord will cause a drop in line voltage as well as a loss of power and overheating. The smaller the gauge number, the heavier the cord. AMP RATING (120 Volts) 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 LENGTH OF CORD IN FEET 25’ 16 16 16 14 14 50’ 14 12 12 12 12 100’ 10 10 10 8 8 150’ 8 8 8 8 8 Grounding Instructions This product is equipped with a cord having a grounding wire and an appropriate grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinance. WARNING! IMPROPER INSTALLATION OF THE GROUNDING PLUG CAN RESULT IN THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. IF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE CORD OR PLUG IS NECESSARY, DO NOT CONNECT THE GROUNDING WIRE TO THE FLAT BLADE TERMINAL. THE WIRE INSULATION THAT HAS AN OUTER SURFACE THAT IS GREEN GREEN WITH, OR WITHOUT, YELLOW STRIPES IS THE GROUNDING WIRE. This product is for use on a nominal 110 volt circuit. An outlet having the same configuration as the plug. No adapter should be used with this product. Do not alter the plug to fit into a non–Ground or 2-slot receptacle. 19 20 Air Compressor Owner’s Manual Compressor (cont’d) OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Compressor (cont’d) BREAKING IN THE PUMP 1.Turn the switch to the OFF position. 2. Open the petcock. Turn counterclockwise (loosen). 3. Plug in the power switch to the ON position. 4. The compressor will start. ALLOW THE COMPRESSOR TO RUN FOR 15 MINUTES, TO BREAK IN THE INTERNAL PARTS. CAUTION: AFTER ABOUT 15 MINUTES. IF THE UNIT DOES NOT OPERATE PROPERLY, SHUT IT DOWN IMMEDIATELY AND CONTACT PRODUCT SERVICE CENTER 1-866-591-8921. 5. After about 15 minutes, turn the power switch to the OFF position. 6. Close the petcock. Turn in the clockwise direction. 7. Turn the power switch to the ON position. The compressor will start and fill the tank to the kick-out pressure and stop. Note: As compressed air is used, the pressure switch will restart the motor automatically. Note: During the initial break-in cycle, there will be a slight electrical smell as the motor brushes seat.This is normal for universal motors and will last for about 5 minutes. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Periodic Starting 1. Turn the power switch to the OFF position. 2. Close the tank petcock. Turn in the clockwise direction. 3. Plug in the power cord. 4. Turn the power switch to the ON position. 21 WARNING! HIGH TEMPERATURES ARE GENERATED BY THE ELECTRIC MOTOR AND THE PUMP. TO PREVENT BURNS OR OTHER NJURIES, I DO NOT TOUCH THE COMPRESSOR WHILE IT IS RUNNING. ALLOW IT TO COOL I BEFORE HANDLING OR SERVICING. KEEP CHILDREN AWAY FROM THE COMPRESSOR AT ALL TIMES. WARNING! WHEN ADJUSTING FROM A HIGHER TO A LOWER PRESSURE, TURN THE KNOB COUNTERCLOCKWISE TO REACH THE DESIRED PRESSURE. DO NOT EXCEED THE OPERATING PRESSURE OF THE TOOL OR ACCESSORY BEING USED. 5. Adjust the regulator to the working pressure of the tool. (never exceed 90 PSI) Shut down 1. Turn the power switch to the OFF position. 2. Unplug the power cord. 3. Reduce pressure in the tank thorough the outlet hose. You can also pull the relief valve ring and keep it open in the tank. WARNING! ESCAPING AIR AND MOISTURE CAN PROPEL DEBRIS THAT MAY CAUSE EYE INJURY. WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES WHEN OPENING PETCOCK. 4. Tip the compressor (if necessary for your model ) so the petcock is at the bottom of the tank(s).Then open the petcock to allow moisture to drain from the tank. 22 Air Compressor Compressor (cont’d) MAINTENANCE Owner’s Manual Compressor (cont’d) MAINTENANCE (cont’d) WARNING! TO AVOID PERSONAL INJURY, ALWAYS SHUT OFF AND UNPLUG THE COMPRESSOR AND RELIEVE ALL AIR PRESSURE FROM THE SYSTEM BEFORE PERFORMING ANY SERVICE ON THE AIR COMPRESSOR. Relieve the air pressure in the system and open the petcock on the bottom of the tank to drain. WARNING! CONDENSATION WILL ACCUMULATE IN THE TANK. TO PREVENT CORROSION OF THE TANK FROM THE INSIDE, THIS MOISTURE MUST BE DRAINED AT THE END OF EVERY USE. BE SURE TO WEAR PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR. Note: In cold climates, drain the tank after each use to reduce problems with freezing of water condensation. Testing for Leaks Check that all connections are right. A small leak in any of the hoses or pipe connections will substantially reduce the performance of your air compressor. If you suspect a leak, spray a small amount of soapy water with spray bottle. If bubbles appear, repair or replace the faulty component. Do not over tighten any connections. Storage Before storing the compressor for a prolonged period, use the nozzle to clean all dust and debris from the STORAGE compressor. Disconnect the power cord and coil it up. Pull the pressure relief valve to release all pressure from the tank. Cover the entire unit to protect it from moisture and dust. Servicing Perform the following maintenance at the intervals indicated below: ‡ 2SHUDWH WKH SUHVVXUH UHOLHI YDOYH $IWHU HDFK XVH ‡ 'UDLQ DLU IURP WDQN $IWHU HDFK XVH 23 24 Air Compressor Compressor (cont’d) TROUBLE SHOOTING Owner’s Manual Compressor (cont’d) TROUBLE SHOOTING (cont’d) Note: Trouble shooting problems may have similar causes and solutions. ‡ 7KH 7DQN SHWFRFN LV RSHQ  &ORVH WKH SHW FRFN Low pressure, not enough air or compressor does not stop. ‡ 3URORQJHG H[FHVVLYH FRQVXPSWLRQ RI DLU 'HFUHDVH DPRXQW RI DLU XVHG ‡ 7KH &RPSUHVVRU QRW ODUJH HQRXJK IRU MRE &KHFN WKH DLU UHTXLUHPHQW RI DFFHVVRU\ ,I LW LV KLJKHU WKDQ WKH &)0 DQG SUHVVXUH RI WKH FRPSUHVVRU \RX QHHG D ODUJHU FRPSUHVVRU 0RVW DFFHVVRULHV DUH UDWHG DW  RI DFWXDO &)0 ZKLOH UXQQLQJ FRQWLQXRXVO\ Excessive starting and stopping, while not in use ‡ )LWWLQJV OHDN &KHFN WKH ILWWLQJV ZLWK VRDS\ ZDWHU 7LJKWHQ RU UHVHDO OHDNLQJ ILWWLQJV '2 127 29(57,*+7(1 5HSODFH ZRUQ SDUWV DQG UHDVVHPEOH ZLWK QHZ VHDOV 5HSODFH DQ\ UHJXODWRU LQWHUQDO SDUWV ‡ 7KH 5HJXODWHG SUHVVXUH JDXJH UHDGLQJ GURSV ZKHQ D WRRO LV EHLQJ XVHG This is normal in some applications ‡ 5HVWULFWHG FKHFN YDOYH Remove and clean or replace. ‡ &RPSUHVVRU QRW ODUJH HQRXJK ,I SUHVVXUH GURSV WRR ORZ DGMXVW WKH UHJXODWRU ZKLOH DFFHVVRU\ LV XVHG &KHFN DLU UHTXLUHPHQWV RI D WRRO LW PD\ EH KLJKHU WKDQ WKH &)0 SUHVVXUH VXSSOLHG E\ WKH FRPSUHVVRU 0RVW DFFHVVRULHV DUH UDWHG DW  RI DFWXDO &)0 Zhile running FRQWLQXRXVO\ ‡ +ROH LQ DLU KRVH &KHFN DQG UHSODFH LI QHFHVVDU\ ‡ &LUFXLW EUHDNHU WULSV IXVH EORZV WRR RIWHQ /RZ YROWDJH FRQVXOW DQ HOHFWULFLDQ ‡ 7DQN OHDNV 5HSODFH WDQN ‡ ([FHVVLYH ZLUH OHQJWK )XUQLVK DGHTXDWH SRZHU ,I XVLQJ H[WHQVLRQ FRUG WU\ DJDLQ ZLWKRXW LW WARNING! ,00(',$7(/< 5(3/$&( 7$1. '2 127 $77(037 72 5(3$,5 ‡ 5HVWULFWHG DLU SDVVDJHV &RQWDFW DQ DXWKRUL]HG VHUYLFH FHQWHU ‡ %ORZQ VHDOV 5HSODFH DQ\ IDXOW\ VHDOV Replace worn parts and reassemble with new seals. ‡ %DFN SUHVVXUH LQ SXPS KHDG 5HSODFH WKH FKHFN YDOYH 5HSODFH WKH SUHVVXUH VZLWFK EOHHGHU YDOYH 25 26 Owner’s Manual Air Compressor Compressor (cont’d) TROUBLE SHOOTING (cont’d) Compressor (cont’d) TROUBLE SHOOTING (cont’d) Overheating ‡ 3RRU YHQWLODWLRQ 5HORFDWH WKH FRPSUHVVRU WR DQ DUHD ZLWK FRRO GU\ DQG ZHOOFLUFXO ated air. Motor will not run (cont’d) ‡ $ IXVH EORZQ RU FLUFXLW EUHDNHU WULSSHG 5HSODFH WKH EORZQ IXVH RU UHVHW WKH FLUFXLW EUHDNHU 'R QRW XVH D IXVH RU FLUFXLW EUHDNHU ZLWK D KLJKHU UDWLQJ WKDQ VSHFLILHG IRU \RXU FLUFXLW &KHFN IRU D SURSHU IXVH ³)XVHWURQ´ W\SH 7 LV DFFHSWDEOH &KHFN IRU ORZ YROWDJH DQG WKH SURSHU H[WHQVLRQ FRUG VL]H 'LVFRQQHFW RWKHU DSSOLFDWLRQV IURP FLUFXLW 2SHUDWH FRPSUHVVRU RQ D GHGLFDWHG FLUFXLW ‡ 'LUW\ FRROLQJ VXUIDFH &OHDQ DOO FRROLQJ VXUIDFHV RI WKH SXPS WKRURXJKO\ ‡ /HDNLQJ YDOYH 5HSODFH WKH ZRUQ SDUWV DQG UHDVVHPEOH ZLWK QHZ VHDOV ‡ &KHFN YDOYH LV VWXFN RSHQ 5HPRYH DQG FOHDQ RU UHSODFH 0RWRU VWDOOV ‡ /RZ YROWDJH )XUQLVK DGHTXDWH SRZHU ‡ ,I WKH EOHHGHU YDOYH GRHV QRW RSHQ 5HSODFH WKH EOHHGHU YDOYH ‡ 'HIHFWLYH SUHVVXUH VZLWFK EOHHGHU YDOYH 5HSODFH WKH SUHVVXUH VZLWFK EOHHGHU YDOYH ‡ :URQJ ZLUH JDXJH LQ H[WHQVLRQ FRUG &KHFN IRU WKH SURSHU JDXJH DQG H[WHQVLRQ FRUG OHQJWK 3UHVVXUH UHOLHI YDOYH RSHQV ‡ 7DQN SUHVVXUH WKLV H[FHHGHG WKH QRUPDO RSHUDWLQJ SUHVVXUH 5HSODFH WKH SUHVVXUH VZLWFK ‡ 3DLQW VSUD\ RQ LQWHUQDO PRWRU SDUWV %ULQJ WKH XQLW WR D VHUYLFH FHQWHU IRU VHUYLFH 'R QRW RSHUDWH WKH FRPSUHVVRU LQ WKH SDLQW VSUD\ DUHD 0RWRU ZLOO QRW UXQ ‡ 7KH WDQN SUHVVXUH H[FHHGV WKH SUHVVXUH VZLWFK OLPLW 0RWRU ZLOO VWDUW DXWRPDWLFDOO\ ZKHQ WDQN SUHVVXUH GURSV EHORZ WKH NLFNLQ SUHVVXUH WDQN ‡ 3RVVLEOH GHIHFWLYH PRWRU %ULQJ WKH XQLW WR D VHUYLFH FHQWHU IRU LQVSHFWLRQ DQG UHSDLU ‡ 0RWRU RYHUORDG SURWHFWLRQ KDV WULSSHG /HW WKH PRWRU FRRO RII DQG WKH RYHUORDG VZLWFK ZLOO DXWRPDWLFDOO\ UHVHW 7KLV PD\ WDNH VHYHUDO PLQXWHV 27 28 Owner’s Manual Air Compressor Compressor (cont’d) TROUBLE SHOOTING (cont’d) Parts Listing Glossary of Terms 21 13 4 ‡ &)0 &XELF IHHW SHU PLQXWH D XQLW RI PHDVXUH RI DLU IORZ 8 15 ‡ 36, 3RXQGV SHU VTXDUH LQFK D XQLW RI PHDVXUH RI DLU SUHVVXUH 7 6 35 36 ‡ .LFNLQ SUHVVXUH $ IDFWRU\ VHW ORZ SUHVVXUH SRLQW WKDW HQJDJHV WKH FRPSUHVVRU WR GHSUHVVXUL]H WKH WDQN WR D KLJKHU SUHVVXUH 33 11 ‡ .LFNRXW SUHVVXUH $ IDFWRU\ VHW KLJK SUHVVXUH SRLQW WKDW VWRSV WKH FRPSUHVVRU IURP LQFUHDVLQJ WKH SUHVVXUH LQ WKH WDQN DERYH D FHUWDLQ OHYHO ‡ :HOOYHQWLODWHG $ PHDQV RI SURYLGLQJ IUHVK DLU LQ H[FKDQJH IRU GDQJHURXV H[KDXVW RU YDSRUV 10 25 39 9 23 37 5 18 16 19 ‡ $60( $PHULFDQ 6RFLHW\ RI 0HFKDQLFDO (QJLQHHUV  ,QGLFDWHV WKDW WKH FRPSRQHQWV DUH PDQXIDFWXUHG WHVWHG DQG LQVSHFWHG IRU WKH H[FOXVLYH XVH RI WKH DLU FRPSUHVVRU ‡ &6$ &DQDGLDQ 6WDQGDUGV $VVRFLDWLRQ  ,QGLFDWHV WKDW WKH SURGXFWV WKDW KDYH WKLV PDUNLQJ KDYH EHHQ PDQXIDFWXUHG WHVWHG DQG LQVSHFWHG WR VWDQGDUGV WKDW DUH VHW E\ &6$ 7KHVH SURGXFWV DOVR FRQILUP WR 8/ VWDQGDUG  26 14 28 22 32 27 31 18 38 9 30 1 29 3 2 34 20 29 12 30 24 Air Compressor Owner’s Manual Parts Listing Parts Listing PARTSNO. DESCRIPTION PARTS NO. DESCRIPTION PCE6020K-A-01 Air tank assmbly PCE6020K-A-21 Bolt M6 PCE6020K-A-02 Moisture release valve PCE6020K-A-22 Plain washer 6 PCE6020K-A-03 Rubber foot PCE6020K-A-23 Plain washer 4 PCE6020K-A-04 Cover PCE6020K-A-24 Vibration foot PCE6020K-A-05 Handle PCE6020K-A-25 Bolt PCE6020K-A-06 Handle protection PCE6020K-A-26 Pressure switch PCE6020K-A-07 Power switch PCE6020K-A-27 Electrical wire PCE6020K-A-08 Fuse base PCE6020K-A-28 Wire clamp PCE6020K-A-09 Motor head PCE6020K-A-29 Wire plate PCE6020K-A-10 Cir cuit assmbly PCE6020K-A-30 Washer PCE6020K-A-11 Plain washer 4 PCE6020K-A-31 Spring PCE6020K-A-12 Plain washer 6 PCE6020K-A-32 Bolt PCE6020K-A-13 Spring washer 4 PCE6020K-A-33 Tube connector PCE6020K-A-14 Spring washer 6 PCE6020K-A-34 Nut PCE6020K-A-15 Bolt M4 40 PCE6020K-A-35 Sylinder cover PCE6020K-A-16 Bolt M5 18 PCE6020K-A-36 Air hose PCE6020K-A-17 Bolt M3 8 PCE6020K-A-37 Safety valve PCE6020K-A-18 Bolt M4 10 PCE6020K-A-38 Combination connector PCE6020K-A-19 Bolt M4 15 PCE6020K-A-39 Pressure gauge PCE6020K-A-20 Bolt M6 15 31 32 15 8 Air Compressor LIMITED WARRANTY Owner’s Manual LIMITED WARRANTY (cont’d) Pulsar Products, Inc.warrants to the original purchaser who uses the product in a consumer application (personal, residential or household usage) that all products covered under this warranty are free from defects in material and workmanship for one year from the date of purchase. All products covered by this limited warranty which are used in commercial applications (i.e. income producing) are warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship for 90 days from the date of original purchase. Products covered under this warranty include air compressors, air tools, service parts, pressure washers and generators. Pulsar Products, Inc.will repair or replace at Pulsar Products, Inc.sole option, products or components which have failed within the warranty period. Service will be scheduled according to the normal work flow and business hours at the service center location, and the availability of replacement parts. All decisions of Pulsar Products, Inc.with regard to this limited warranty shall be final. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. RESPONSIBILITY OF ORIGINAL PURCHASER (Initial User): To process a warranty claim on this product, DO NOT return item to the retailer. The product must be evaluated by an Authorized Warranty Service Center. For the location of the nearest Authorized Warranty Service Center contact the retailer or place of purchase. Retain original cash register sales receipt as proof of purchase for warranty work. Use reasonable care in the operation and maintenance of the product as described in the Owner’s Manual(s). Deliver or ship the product to the nearest Authorized Warranty Service Center. Freight costs, if any, must be paid by the purchaser. Air compressors with 60 and 80 gallon tanks will be inspected at the site of installation. Contact the nearest Authorized Warranty Service Center that provides on-site service calls for service call arrangements. If the purchaser does not receive satisfactory results from the Authorized Warranty Service Center, the purchaser should contact Pulsar Products, Inc. 33 THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER: Merchandise sold as reconditioned, used as rental equipment, or floor or display models. Merchandise that has become damaged or inoperative because of ordinary wear, misuse, cold, heat, rain, excessive humidity, freeze damage, use of improper chemicals, negligence, accident, failure to operate the product in accordance with the instructions provided in the Owner’s Manual(s) supplied with the product, improper maintenance, the use of accessories or attachments not recommended by Pulsar Products, Inc , or unauthorized repair or alterations. Repair and transportation costs of merchandise determined not to be defective. Costs associated with assembly, required oil, adjustments or other installation and start-up costs. Expendable parts or accessories supplied with the product which are expected to become inoperative or unusable after a reasonable period of use. Merchandise sold by Pulsar Products, Inc. which has been manufactured by and identified as the product of another company, such as gasoline engines. The product manufacturer's warranty, if any, will apply. ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, DAMAGE, OR EXPENSE THAT MAY RESULT FROM ANY DEFECTS, FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION OF THE PRODUCT IS NOT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY. Some states do not allow the exclusion, so it may not apply to you. IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply. 34