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2. Lcd Display And Controls




Q∶ bIa Pray Watch泸 JJ犭 1ˉ !刂 1。 il{ Thank y° u for your purchase ofthis qibla ρray watch "is designed specialfor mus|im Υo凵 jus1sθ ectyouro"y,this qibla oompass wⅢ indicate mθ ooa for you and rθ m"d pray ume aut° ma"oaIIy Thθ fo"owing user guide proˇ ides step by stepins订 uC"ons for。 perau° n Every chaρ ter desoribes one mode w"h LCD disρ Iay and° ρ eration setting method JusteⅡ oy Ⅱ 1,Features: ● Indicate Mecca accuracy wheΓ eˇ eryou are ● PΓ ay"me remind automa"caIIy ● Grego"an ca丨 θndar&H刂 automaucal y) ● Wo"dume fun° n(DsT switch "calendar ● ● ● ● Hou门 y aIarm "° lnoorporates digltaI compass,comρ ass oa"bration and time Low battery remind EL back"ght 3.FunCtion mode 2.LCD d∶ spIay and controIs Bu"om: 0Light b"tto"∶ EL back"ght o setlViow butto"∶ se1and sw仗 Ch funcuons ◎ QIbIa`+butto"∶ Qibla funcu° n andinorease data 0Comρ 卜 buttom:Compass function and decrease data lco": 圃 current"me 回 回 H刂 E≡彐 LOw battery remind 回 伽 "caIendar Time,da1e ordata Qibla m。 de Pray ume rem nd 口砭彐 Alarm olook 口耐口曰Ⅱn C° mpass m。 de Compass mode Ⅱ ˉ nˉ … --… ----… … ˉ -9--1^】 turned on6sρ conds EL backlight wⅢ ・ -P--‘ :】 to e"terρ ray ume m° de 山■刂 【 to e口 lerioto"me set刂 ng mode -P--【 c,to eoter qibIa mode -P--【 D,10emteΓ ° ompass mode :=… … … nter setting mode ress bu廿 on 1B】 to θ loog ρ ---e・ --P--‘ -∶ ,EL backIIght wⅢ be turned on6seoonds ^】 to sw"ch setung"θ ms as below, -P--‘ ¨ ˉ -teˉ s∞ond→ Year→ Month→ Date→ 1z/24hr→ DsT(daylight saving ume) --mˉ "ou"y aIarm→ -P--:C,to de。 ase data・ long pressitto deCrθ ase data quickIy -P--【 ress"to inCrease data quIokIy D,to increase data,long ρ -“ D, to sw"ch12`24H or 【 -1C】 -P--EC: of D1 to sw"oh Grego"an calendar`H刂 Ⅱ bθ B】 :】 rθ 嬲 唰 臧 黼 耐黝 湓 ∷ 季 ::穿 罕 。戌 罗群 嬲 LCD display: |re∶ "calendar 鞒限 ρress Θ to save and θx" setting modθ m扪 c洲 y 1hanged a“ 。 早 时莒 4 3.3Pray ume Vnderume mode,ρ ress button【 B】 s芯 meth° dⅡ °ms: to enter ρray“ me mode -Vppθ Ⅱ FajΓ ,Dhuhr,Asr,MaghHb orlsha -MiddIθ ;"em no -8eIow:Ⅱ me Bu仗 on funotion: -Press button【 on6seoonds A】 ,EL baok ght wⅢ boturned - Press button【 B】 to entor woddumθ m° de Long ρ Γ ess 【 B】 to enter pray time sθ tting -Press button【 C】 to check5groups pray timθ in sequenoθ order - Press button 【 D】 to check5groups pray timθ in inversθ order 3.4PΓ ay t∶ me se"Img m° d。 "adhab items: "adhab slflndnrd , - Press button 【 A】 to turn on back"ght6seConds —Press bu⒒ on【 B to sw"ch setung"ems, Method-◆ Madhab-◆ Rounding→ 8uzz〈 on° r0仟 ) - Press button1C1 to seIectin sequθ noe order -Press button1D】 to seleotin inversθ order DescrIotion shafIi Mn"ki Infn"曰 nd H多 nhn" Hanaf schooI oftoLK1ht Rou"ding"θ ms∶ Rou"d0mo Desc“ otbm -Long ρΓ oss 1B】 t0savθ and ex"seⅢ ng mode - umdθ rsetting mode,ifthere is no oρ erat∶ on∶ n30seconds,"vˇ i"saVe se效 ing data and ex"set"ng mode automaJca"y j-~冖 ' Ps∶ TⅡ rn on Buzzer,“ .】 0” w"I be dIsplayed° When"is ρray tme,the un"w"aIarm” Press any button to stop aIarm nLCD bibi” sound in10seconds ¨ … C"y"st of WoddU me ¨ Ihdo0oe mode,ρ ress button △CD dis9hr -Vp。 er W° 【B彐 two刂 mesto enter wodd ume m° de -"1ddle∶ City"djme code -Beloo∶ Bm。 n L∝aIjme funct° n∶ -Press buⅡ oo【 A】 to turn on baokIight6seoonds -Pcess buuon【 B, to go backtime modθ LOng ρress 【BⅡ ittoˇ iθ w the C"y whioh sθ eCted ` n).press button【 siu° j,Ile zooe,Ioogitude Iatitude in turn "selected city:sand usER(userdenned p° - Press bu⒒ on【 C,to chθ ck WorId time in sθ LOng ρress"to browsθ quickly q凵 B】 to set enCe order -Press buuon【 D1 to check worId ume ninverse order Lomg ρress"to browse q凵 iCk|y 牌 κB△ TΥ HKG HOngKon° Dx¨ 嘤 柙 姗 甥 壮 跺 → DEL-ˉ 爿>DAC-ˉ 爿)RGN△ -△>BKK-ˉ 爿)Hκ ¨ "I-● sΥ D-ˉ ◆ NOu-● WL¨ PPC冖 ˉ◆ HNL→ RI0 ^D¨ ●DEN ● CHI-● ● CC-● 爿>LAX NΥ C :茹 寻s:a槛 戛 |umpu・ :eⅡ no,Ta pe,Ma汛 b, 唧 κ -● 0-● ^NC-ˉ LAX Los Ang创 Ps∶ 8 es Wo"dt】 meis woΓ king base onthe ρlace which you stay so"rs"y pIease seIect yourlocal city under qibla mode Deta"setting method,ρ ρage12 |θ ase refer ° °° G ⒙ ::∶ 摺饣黯查 l~靼 毪摁帚 uˇ ⒗ 1叩 屮 LD钔 as/F1峋 Hh,New odθ a玲 .Me痴 ∞ gˇ Monteθ 1Dθ 饣 °“ ,M0m1Boston,%nam C;ty,HaVσ 9 3.6QibIa undθ rume m° de,press button【 qibIa mode LCD disρ C】 to entθ r lay∶ —Vpper∶ Current degree —Middle: Mecca degree —Below:Time -0uter冖 ng∶ Black point(Always indiCaung n° rth) AⅡ errθ p|ace orinsta l a nθ W battery,press 【 C1, ˉ keeplever wⅢ be displayθ d on LCD ltrequests ca"brate compass first Deta"oa"bration method,ρ Iease refer page14 Then prθ ss 【 C】 to en1θ r qibla mode Button funCuon∶ —Press button【 A】 to turn on backl ght6sθ oonds —Press bu⒒ on【 B1to go backume m。 dθ 8Long prθ ss B】 【 D】 【 to savθ to se|ect o"y wh oh you stay 。 "y setting10 tc Long press【 1Vnder"me mode,press button 【 C】 to enterinto qibIa oompass 2Long press button 1B】 to enterinto city sθ ttlng 3Pross button 【 C】 or 【 D1 to se|ect Π rstIθ ttθ r ofthe oo凵 ntry Which you stay such as saudiArab a.plθ asθ select“ s” 4Pross button 【 B】 to θ nter country selecu° n 5Prθ ss bu⒒ on【 C】 or 1D】 to seIect country which you stay 6Prθ ss buⅡ on【 B】 to θ nter ci1y selection 7Prθ ss button【 C】 or σ $tο 37City settimg steps h芈 Long press 【 B】 to entercⅡ y setJng mode —Press button【 C】 to rθ start qib a compass —Press buuon 【 D】 to θ ntercomρ ass mode Ps∶ B】 to Undθ rc"y setting mode,ifthere is n。 opθ rau° n in30seconds,"w"l not savθ set"ng and ex"backto ume 11 槲:E背 帛 :l:∶ 1Ⅱ sde∝ 。 o“ γ nam汴 罂:%姹 iI凇 黹 喙刂 :蹴 3.8Comρ ass modo 1V"der qibIa c° mpass mode,bng press【 B】 to en1er city sθ tung m° de 2 Press butt° n【 D】 to seIect firstle‖ er of oountry“ 0” 3 Press button【 B, to sw"Ch to country selection,it is“ 0THER” 4 Press botton【 B, to sw"oh to c"y sθ lθ ouon,"is"VsER” 5 Long prθ ss ‘ B1 t° saˇ e sθ tting 6PΓ ess button【 B】 3“ mes to onterinto wo"d"me mode 1|:∶ %钴 γ 1J要 品七 bⅥ :;:甘 唧扯Ⅱ wh ch you泪 "a帅 ecte⒍ m。 de,ρ ress bu⒒ u9ger"mθ iξ LCD display∶ 二 黜 :|;∶ on 1D】 to enter Compass m° de 〗l鞲描ξ 耀茎 ∷ ;l;∶ li∶ |!样 -Outer"ng∶ BlaCk po nt(AIways ind丨 ca"ng north〉 Aftθ r replaoθ Vs卩 orins1a"a new ba廿 ery,press 1C】 bra怡 刭 浊::普 :i拈ξ 早 詈rsc钔 oomρ ass】 d 首 凇 Ic瓦 ‰甘 早 :mel点 -Press button【 ' {∶ g∶ - Press button【 A】 to turn on baoklight6seconds to go backtime modθ 二 ⒌ 暮 :}鲫 携眶 B■ n I∶||丨 B】】 A When shouId we oaIibrate compass? en叫 rΘ ° σcomρ a$mod⒍ ‖ :attery"ess1D1be汛 韫 :淝揣:摁 耀ξ昆 uad、 甜:;9%l‖ ;l11猊 出 撼%:l泔 吊 %淠 潆刂 1:烈 弼培 虏 £ I:R混罗 B How to onterin(oo° mpass oa"braⅡ on? rrep adng batto%盯 ess【 DJ,"酬 咖 e"mo comρ a“ 拄 茹 甜忑 :!me。 tdaˉ ss【 B⒈ 1hθ n .° k es_〓 【 Prθ `鬯 P「 Press【 B⒈ then r° ss 【 C】 or 【 D 39Compass caIibrauon: :η l宫 ← - To get m° re aocuracy data,undθ roompass mode,Iong press【 D】 ioto oompass oalibra“ on 桁韩 妞 糊 年 秒 ` :∶ 分 o叩 器‰ 叮龋::{::J:″ l:∮∶ 刂 帚 :f早 照∷ 泔揣 1fi£ △茹∮汛 能 功能 针 π功 } ` 谳趣锱翳耕蠲斟讠 獭ξ 醑旦 鞯 每 ’ . 59.E :显 1o° 时 示 ngdc noaa goˇ /gθ omagmodeIs/Dθ c"nation jsρ ρroduces the following resu":Dθ c"nation〓 Forθ Xamρ Ie,Phoenix,Az : 能能 功功示 示 醒显 指提历 动动回 自自及 http:〃 WWW 1基 本特性 ι 麦祈公 时 世整电指 低 Ε ● ●● ● ●●●●● ● location,vis"∶ l刂 the magnetic north is east oftrue n° rth The deC"nation is nθ gatiˇ e whθ nthe magne"c north is west oftruθ n° rth To determine the ded na"on for your 咖 舫 硎 删 咖 蜘 硎 妯 觥 问 3.10"ag"etic DocIl"ation B】 ∞ enlerlnlo magn刨 cdeO h甜 on 觊 萎 秽 1叮 F∶ 芒 :咒 :茗 Fsbullcln【 l::F’ 」 Magneuc decⅡ nau° nis deⅡ nod asthe ang|e between magne"c north(the direcuon the n° rth end ofa compass needle po nts)and true n。 rlh 0nly a GPs can determine truθ north by knowing your e× act oHenta"on onthe earth A" digitaIComρ asses measure magnetic冂 0rth The dedination is posit∶ Vθ When 要 蜊主 蹦 嗍 ・ 都度 亻there is s""no opθ rauon ln3o seconds,"wⅢ go baokto"mθ mode If ca"brating is not suooessfu1compass。 a"bration mode w"I be disρ |ayed on LCD whθ n ente"nto compass mode Then we shouId ca"brate"agaio 利可 Pross 【D】 .晒 start” 的在世法的 方 表 作 蜘 咖告 祷 `工 拜包能供 ’ rθ 提 铷 咖 并 瞬 硎 ’ ts no operation io60seConds,compass w"| to restartoompass ca"bra"on 林 的 时 了图 lftheΓ e 拜麦 compass mode 黝 删 漪 咖 眦 咖 s|oW|yt"l"exits oa"bration automatioa"y and enterinto l 蛳 蛳 卿 啷 咖 rota1θ κeep watCh leveI,rotate"c ockwise w"h equaIspeed and go toIDLε mode LCD wiIIdisplayed“ 硎 蚋 卿 杩 ⑽ 务 艮 月 穆斯林朝拜表 泸 JJ叩 C How to oaIibrato compass? When enterimto caIibration,ciroIe on LCD display wⅢ Ⅱ car wⅢ display onthe toρ ,"w"θ nte (200I2099)、 月、日、星期、12/2例 制 `时