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2012-2013 Usli Cdr Report




UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA TWIN CITIES 2012 – 2013 University Student Launch Initiative Critical Design Review Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics 1/14/2013 2012-2013 University of Minnesota Team Mark A Senior Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Team Lead [email protected] Devin V Senior Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Structures Team Tim C Junior Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Structures Team Vishnuu M Junior Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Payload Team Hannah W Junior Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Payload Team Matthew D Junior Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Payload Team Christopher S Senior Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Avionics and Airbrakes Team Binh B Senior Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Safety Officer Amir E Senior Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Financial Officer Monique H Graduate Student Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Outreach Officer Nathan K Senior Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Recovery Team Greg Z Freshman Mechanical Engineering, Recovery Team 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 2 Table of Contents 1 SUMMARY OF CDR REPORT 11 1.1 Team Summary 11 1.2 Launch Vehicle Summary 11 1.3 Payload Summary 11 2 CHANGES MADE SINCE PDR 12 2.1 Changes Made to Launch Vehicle 12 2.2 Changes Made to Payload Criteria 12 2.3 Changes Made to Project Plan 12 3 VEHICLE CRITERIA 3.1 Design and Verification of Launch Vehicle 14 14 3.1.1 Mission Statement 14 3.1.2 Major Milestones 17 3.1.3 Systems Review 17 3.1.4 Functional Requirements 39 3.1.5 Workmanship 43 3.1.6 Testing 44 3.1.7 Manufacturing and Assembly 46 3.1.8 Design Integrity 53 3.1.9 Failure Analysis 58 3.2 Subscale Flight Results 59 3.3 Recovery Subsystem 62 3.3.1 Analysis 62 3.3.2 Major Components 65 3.4 Mission Performance Predictions 69 3.4.1 Mission Performance Criteria 69 3.4.2 Flight Profile 70 3.5 Interfaces and Integration 73 3.6 Launch Operations 75 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 3 3.7 Safety and Environment (Vehicle) 78 3.7.1 Safety Officer 78 3.7.2 Vehicle Failure Modes 78 3.7.3 Procedural Risks 82 3.7.4 Personnel Hazards and Environmental Concerns 82 4 PAYLOAD CRITERIA 4.1 Testing and Design of Payload Experiment 85 85 4.1.1 Review of Payload Systems 87 4.1.2 Systems Level Functional Requirements 93 4.1.3 Approach to Workmanship 97 4.1.4 Testing 99 4.1.5 Manufacturing and Assembly 100 4.1.6 Integration Plan 101 4.1.7 Precision of Instrumentation and Repeatability of Measurements 104 4.1.8 Rover Electronics 105 4.1.9 Safety and Failure Analysis 116 4.2 Payload Concept Features and Definition 117 4.3 Science Value 117 4.3.1 Payload Objectives 117 4.3.2 Payload Success Criteria 118 4.3.3 Experimental Approach 118 4.3.4 Experimental Test Measurement, Variables and Controls 118 4.3.5 Relevance of Expected Data and Accuracy/Uncertainty 119 4.3.6 Preliminary Experiment Process Procedures 119 4.4 Safety and Environment (Payload) 119 4.4.1 Safety Officer 119 4.4.2 Failure Modes (Payload) 120 4.4.3 Personal Hazards and Mitigation 122 4.4.4 Environmental concerns 122 5 PROJECT PLAN 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review 123 Page 4 5.1 Budget Plan 123 5.2 Funding Source 127 5.3 Timeline 128 5.4 Educational Engagement 129 6 APPENDICES 133 6.1 Appendix I: LEUP License 133 6.2 Appendix II: Safety Protocol 135 6.3 Appendix III: Launch Rules and Regulations 143 6.4 Appendix IV: Motor Preparation 160 6.5 Appendix V: Motor Storage/Transportation 167 6.6 Appendix VI: Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 169 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 5 Table of Figures Figure 2.3.1: Future lab space for the 2012 – 2013 USLI team. The team will move in by February. ....................................................................................................................... 13 Figure 3.1.1: Mission concept of operations, a flow diagram showing flight processes from pre-flight to recovery. ............................................................................................ 16 Figure 3.1.2: Overview of major systems and components. .......................................... 18 Figure 3.1.3: Exploded view of vehicle shows how the vehicle can be disassembled into major components. This model also verified the geometric integration of the entire vehicle and payload....................................................................................................... 19 Figure 3.1.4: Isometric View, Side, and Top View of Booster section. .......................... 20 Figure 3.1.5: Dimensions and configuration of the motor mount used in the half scale. The operation of the half scale motor mount has verified the full scale version is functional. ...................................................................................................................... 21 Figure 3.1.6: Schematics of Forward and Aft Centered Rings ...................................... 22 Figure 3.1.7: Middle Fin Stabilizer. The slots stabilize the base of the fin, and the holes allow additional banding area for the motor mount. This part can be modified further if more stability is required for the fins. ............................................................................. 23 Figure 3.1.8: Solidworks fin drawing parameters. ......................................................... 24 Figure 3.1.9: Avionics Bay (circled) shown on vehicle................................................... 25 Figure 3.1.10: Featherweight Raven3 Altimeter ............................................................ 26 Figure 3.1.11: Front avionics bay wiring schematic (shown without redundant system). The entire recovery system can be powered by a single 9 volt battery with drogue and ARRD deploy according to the Raven’s programing. Activating the switch arms the telemetry and readies the vehicle for liftoff. ................................................................... 27 Figure 3.1.12: Solidworks rendering of complete avionics bay. ..................................... 27 Figure 3.1.13: Diagram of the avionics bay. The sled has been designed with room for additional altimeters (such as the official NASA altimeter) in mind ................................ 28 Figure 3.1.14: The implementation of screw switches is common in high powered rocketry, and our vehicle has made no exceptions either. They are reliable, light weight, and simple to install. ...................................................................................................... 29 Figure 3.1.15: Cross section of proposed airframe tube illustrating the placement of recovery system wires. These wires are shielded from the blast of the black powder using this approach and the parachutes by applying a layer of fiber glass. Plugs can be used to quickly connect the embedded wires to avionics and e-matches. .................... 29 Figure 3.1.16: Body diagram of forces present in U – bolt and bulkhead during deployment.................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 3.1.17: Components within the parachute tube and attached avionics bay. Unlike in PDR, the tube does not break away from the booster. .............................................. 31 Figure 3.1.18: Diagram of carbon fiber tube experiencing cross-sectional loading from the launch acceleration. ................................................................................................ 32 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 6 Figure 3.1.19: Plots of predicted performance for 6.007” diameter carbon fiber tubes. In the top plot, the stress for even single layer of 3K weave is within limits, suggesting excellent performance of the material. The bottom plot shows that the none of the tubes will buckle under 10g loading. ....................................................................................... 33 Figure 3.1.20: Retractable rail button component. ........................................................ 35 Figure 3.1.21: Retractable rail button with diagram of functionality. These are anticipated to increase the overall altitude by 500 feet. ................................................. 36 Figure 3.1.22: Diagram of fillet bonding......................................................................... 36 Figure 3.1.23: Views of Sabot system. The Sabot caps shall be printed out of ABS plastics and reinforced with Kevlar and silica beads. .................................................... 37 Figure 3.1.24: Diagram of sabot operation. The piston imparts a ∆𝑣 to the payload by detonating a black powered charge. This same momentum is used to break the shear pins of the nose cone .................................................................................................... 38 Figure 3.1.25: Detailed diagram of sabot cap. To ensure long term reusability of the cap, the team has decided to apply a layer of Kevlar and silica to the area exposed to the black powder detonation. .............................................................................................. 38 Figure 3.1.26: Composite test articles created to determine the effective heat transfer between two sides of a 0.25” core of Nomex. Initially, this verification was for shield vehicle parts from high temperature gas associated with cracked engine casings, but has now been repurposed for the sabot. Similar to the space shuttle, these parts were made of a silica infused resin that was applied to a Kevlar and Nomex core plate. ...... 45 Figure 3.1.27: (Left) The verification test in progress. The temperature on the other side of the plate was at an average of 2̊ C for 10 seconds of applied flame. (Right) aftermath of test shows that the flame did not breach the plate. ................................................... 45 Figure 3.1.28: Student machine shop............................................................................ 46 Figure 3.1.29: The diagram represents a flow of operation per part of the vehicle from design to integration. No untested or unverified part shall be fully integrated into the vehicle. .......................................................................................................................... 48 Figure 3.1.30: Rover and other test parts being laminated for future stress tests. ........ 49 Figure 3.1.31: Jig that was assembled to verify composite tube manufacturing techniques. This method delivered a hand crafted tube that was compatible with commercial parts. .......................................................................................................... 50 Figure 3.1.32: Progression of tube manufacturing tests. The left most is the initial prototype, the right is the final tube ............................................................................... 50 Figure 3.1.33: (Top) Overall vehicle with major components. (Bottom) Features that address mission needs.................................................................................................. 52 Figure 3.1.34: Load path diagram for motor thrust. ....................................................... 54 Figure 3.1.35: Load path diagram for booster – parachute tube. .................................. 54 Figure 3.1.36: Load path diagrams for drogue deployment and shear pins .................. 55 Figure 3.2.1: Picture of half scale vehicle. ..................................................................... 59 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 7 Figure 3.2.2: Figure of half scale vehicle and half scale model from RockSim. The nose of the half scale was custom made through helpful donors. .......................................... 59 Figure 3.2.3: Booster section of half scale. The motor mount broke free upon impact and shattered all of the onboard avionics. ..................................................................... 60 Figure 3.2.4: Wiring of half scale avionics bay proved difficult to work with, and the bay has since been redesigned to ensure ease of access ................................................... 61 Figure 3.3.1: Rocketman Mach 2 kevlar drogue chute chosen by team. ....................... 64 Figure 3.3.2: Cross section of parachute tube. .............................................................. 65 Figure 3.3.3: Diagram of mission sequence of events with recovery functions. ............ 66 Figure 3.3.4: Diagram of channel component. The black powder canister is fixed to the end of the channel just beneath the drogue chute. The channel also serves as a conduit for wires. ........................................................................................................................ 67 Figure 3.3.5: ARRD assembled and disabled. .............................................................. 68 Figure 3.3.6: Deployment bags make packing easier and protect internal vehicle components................................................................................................................... 69 Figure 3.4.1: RockSim 2D rendering of full scale vehicle. ............................................. 71 Figure 3.4.2: Output from RockSim. The simulation was set for similair atmospheric conditions in Huntsville, Alabama in April with 10 mph winds. ...................................... 71 Figure 3.4.3: Thust curve of L1720 – WT from manufacturer (not measured by the team). ............................................................................................................................ 72 Figure 3.5.1: Interfaces and integration flow chart. ....................................................... 74 Figure 4.1.1: Front view of payload in open wheel configuration. .................................. 85 Figure 4.1.2: Rear view of payload in closed wheel configuration. ................................ 86 Figure 4.1.3: Front view of rover showing main components. ....................................... 87 Figure 4.1.4: Rear view of rover showing main components. ........................................ 87 Figure 4.1.5: Control System for Inquisitivity. ................................................................ 88 Figure 4.1.6: Solidworks sketch showing the orientation correction system. ................. 89 Figure 4.1.7: Exploration System connections. ............................................................. 90 Figure 4.1.8: Sabot deployment system. ....................................................................... 91 Figure 4.1.9: Views of rover in closed wheel configuration, integrated with sabot chassis ...................................................................................................................................... 92 Figure 4.1.10: Closed wheel configuration allows the rover to fit inside payload bay. ... 93 Figure 4.1.11: Drawing showing all major dimensions of the rover. ............................... 95 Figure 4.1.12: Drawings showing dimensions of the rover in closed wheel configurations, for the purpose of demonstrating that it can fit inside the payload bay of the rocket, which has an inner diameter of 6 inches. .................................................... 95 Figure 4.1.13: Fiberglass balsa wood composite leg (left) and 3D printed hubs (right). 98 Figure 4.1.14: Laser cutting in progress. ....................................................................... 98 Figure 4.1.15: Rover integrated into the payload bay along with deployment system. 102 Figure 4.1.16: Sabot deployment system configuration............................................... 103 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 8 Figure 4.1.17: Camera System Package..................................................................... 105 Figure 4.1.18: ReadyMadeRC RMRC-600XV Camera. .............................................. 106 Figure 4.1.19: ImmersionRC IMRC24500TX wireless transmitter. .............................. 107 Figure 4.1.20: Spektrum AR600. ................................................................................. 107 Figure 4.1.21: ArduIMU + V3 microcontroller............................................................... 108 Figure 4.1.22: Hitec HSR-5980SG. ............................................................................. 109 Figure 4.1.23: Li-ion 18650 Battery Pack. ................................................................... 110 Figure 4.1.24: Mediatek MT3329 GPS. ....................................................................... 111 Figure 4.1.25: Ground station diagram. ....................................................................... 112 Figure 4.1.26: DX5e RC Transmitter. ......................................................................... 113 Figure 4.1.27: 8dbi Flat Patch Antenna. ...................................................................... 114 Figure 4.1.28: Airwave 2.4GHz A/V Receiver. ............................................................ 115 Figure 5.4.1: Pneumatics activity at the 2012 South East Minneapolis Learning Carnival .................................................................................................................................... 130 Figure 5.4.2: Electrical circuitry activity at the 2012 Family Fun Fair at Coffman Memorial Union ........................................................................................................... 131 Figure 5.4.3: Display board for the project at the 2012 Family Fun Fair at Coffman Memorial Union ........................................................................................................... 132 List of Tables Table 3.1.1: Mission event and success criteria summary. ........................................... 15 Table 3.1.2: Summary of major milestones. .................................................................. 17 Table 3.1.3: Electrical components for avionics bays .................................................... 26 Table 3.1.4: Featherweight Raven3 specifications. ....................................................... 26 Table 3.1.5: Tabulated data for common carbon fiber weaves against conventional phenolic tubing. The mass advantages are self-evident................................................ 34 Table 3.1.6: Performance table of 2 – 56 Nylon shear pins........................................... 35 Table 3.1.7: Functional requirement verification summary. ........................................... 43 Table 3.1.8: Table of critical test with purpose and procedure with dates. .................... 44 Table 3.1.9: Summary of vehicle parts with manufacturing requirements. .................... 47 Table 3.1.10: Design integrity summary. ....................................................................... 53 Table 3.1.11: Discussion table with critical vehicle components and integration with statements on their overall integrity. .............................................................................. 55 Table 3.1.12: Mass balance summary........................................................................... 57 Table 3.1.13: Project risk mitigation. ............................................................................. 58 Table 3.2.1: Half scale specification summary. ............................................................. 59 Table 3.3.1: Theoretical kinetic energies experienced by each section at impact. ........ 63 Table 3.3.2: Theoretical drift distances under various wind conditions ......................... 63 Table 3.4.1: Full scale vehicle simulated stability specifications. .................................. 71 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 9 Table 3.4.2: Full scale vehicle simulated performance specifications. .......................... 72 Table 3.7.1: Procedures Risk and Mitigation Summary................................................. 82 Table 3.7.2: Machine Shop Hazards and Mitigation ...................................................... 83 Table 3.7.3: Chemical hazards ...................................................................................... 84 Table 4.1.1: Rover construction timeline. .................................................................... 101 Table 4.1.2: Advanced FPV Starter Package components. ......................................... 106 Table 4.1.3: ReadyMadeRC RMRC-600XVN camera specifications........................... 106 Table 4.1.4: ImmersionRC IMRC24500TX specifications. ........................................... 107 Table 4.1.5: Spektrum AR600 specifications. .............................................................. 108 Table 4.1.6: Arduino arduIMU +v3 microcontroller specifications. ............................... 109 Table 4.1.7: Hitec HSR-5980SG specifications. .......................................................... 109 Table 4.1.8: Tenergy Li-ion 18650 Battery Pack specifications.................................... 110 Table 4.1.9: Mediatek MT3329 GPS specifications. .................................................... 111 Table 4.1.10: Ground station. ...................................................................................... 112 Table 4.1.11: RC Transmitter Specifications. ............................................................... 113 Table 4.1.12: 8dbi Patch Antenna Specifications......................................................... 114 Table 4.1.13: Airwave 2.4GHz A/V Receiver. .............................................................. 115 Table 4.1.14: Table of Payload Failure Modes, including risks, consequences, mitigation and status.................................................................................................................... 121 Table 5.1.1: Half scale 1 budget summary (half scale 2 budget estimate $500).......... 123 Table 5.1.2: Full scale budget summary. ..................................................................... 124 Table 5.1.3: Manufactured component budget summary. ............................................ 125 Table 5.1.4: Payload budget summary. ....................................................................... 125 Table 5.1.5: Safety, tools and miscellaneous budget summary. .................................. 126 Table 5.1.6: Travel budget summary............................................................................ 126 Table 5.1.7: Expense summary. .................................................................................. 127 Table 5.2.1: Funding summary. ................................................................................... 127 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 10 1 Summary of CDR Report 1.1 Team Summary Name: School: Chapter 1 Team Official: Team Mentor: ‘Gopher Throttle Up’ Rocketry University of Minnesota 107 Akerman Hall 110 Union St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 Dr. William Garrard Gary Stroick (TRA 5440 – Level 3 Certified) 1.2 Launch Vehicle Summary Overall Length (in): Diameter: Gross Weight: Motor Selection: Total Impulse: Recovery: 128 inches 6 inches 574 oz L1720 – WT 3696 N-sec Duel Deploy, ARRD The milestone review flysheet is available as a separate document on the team’s website. 1.3 Payload Summary The payload mission is to demonstrate that a small, remote-controlled rover can complete a novel scientific mission. The rover will be equipped with a camera to transmit a live video feed to the ground station and a team member will monitor the video feed and use a radio controller to input commands to the rover and navigate through the landing site. The rover is to weigh no more than six pounds including all mechanical and electrical components. The current mission plan dictates that the rover will be deployed after the airframe has landed using a black powder-loaded piston and sabot system. In the big picture, the purpose of this project is to simulate and explore the possibility of deploying small, inexpensive probes to extraterrestrial bodies in order to scout potential landing zones for more complex, large-scale missions. In that respect, the vehicle’s descent from an altitude of one mile represents atmospheric entry of an extraterrestrial body and ground operation represents a full-scale data-acquisition mission. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 11 2 Changes Made Since PDR 2.1 Changes Made to Launch Vehicle The overall length of the vehicle has increased to 10.6 feet, and the active air braking deployment system has been completely removed from the design. This has subsequently reduced the overall mass to 36 lb. and motor requirements to reach the required AGL. In addition, the duel deployment scheme has incorporated an ARRD and reduced the design to use a single avionics bay with Raven3 altimeters. The vehicle is currently designed to lift off on retractable rail buttons to improve its aerodynamic efficiency. Lastly, the rover deployment system has incorporated a sabot style deployment integrated with the nose cone, and the number of split-able vehicle parts has been reduced to 3 parts (booster, payload section, and nosecone) 2.2 Changes Made to Payload Criteria To accommodate the sabot deployment, the structure for Inquisitivity has been condensed. Smaller components been implemented into the design. Additional changes include a reduction of redundant axel supports and the usages of composite legs to decrease mass. The payload shall also be jettisoned from a sabot, and the deployment scheme shall be triggered remotely through a secured channel and only after receiving RSO approval. 2.3 Changes Made to Project Plan Critical testing deadlines have been solidified and the team has planned for more project time invested in verification of vehicle systems. The second half scale launch is planned for mid-February and will test solely the recovery systems. The rover ejection test will be conducted by the end of February. The team is still on track to meet the FRR launch deadline in March, but could easily be derailed if further crises falls upon the group. The team’s large composite tubes have yet to be constructed due to workspace issues. Fortunately, the team has acquired new space within the department that is dedicated for the team. This will also help solidify the project within the college, and ensure many return entries into USLI. Lastly, the team is in contact with Alliant Technologies (ATK) and is in the process of negotiating sponsorship. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 12 Figure 2.3.1: Future lab space for the 2012 – 2013 USLI team. The team will move in by February. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 13 3 Vehicle Criteria 3.1 Design and Verification of Launch Vehicle 3.1.1 Mission Statement The mission is to launch a high powered lift vehicle to a target altitude of 5280 feet and successfully deploy a science and engineering payload upon a safe landing. All mission components must be recovered after launch and be reusable, and the payload must perform an engineering and exploration mission. During the flight, the vehicle must lift off on an L-class or lower commercially available solid propellant motor, remain subsonic, structurally sound, and aerodynamically stable. Upon descent, the vehicle will detach into 2 tethered pieces within USLI kinetic energy requirements. The parts must be recovered and reusable after the mission. In addition, the vehicle will be designed and built by team members, ballasted within 10% of its empty mass and meet all NAR and FAA regulations. The launch vehicle will be easy to assemble, and will use a light weight structure. Success Criteria In addition to meeting the USLI prescribed requirements, the team has defined its own success criteria with regard to mission events. Green boxes indicate primary objectives, and yellow are secondary objectives. Mission Event Preparation Objective Vehicle, Payload and motor are integrated RSO launch All safety systems approved for approval flight Launch Vehicle clears pad and is aerodynamically stable Drogue Begin controlled descent of Deployment vehicle to safe main chute deployment Main Deployment Final descent stage of vehicle before landing Landing Vehicle does note damage property nor cause bodily harm Rover Deployment systems jettison deployment rover from vehicle after RSO approval 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Mission Outcome Launch readiness meet, Phase I begins Safe mission outcome Phase I completed Primary vehicle mission objective Primary vehicle mission objective Primary vehicle mission complete, Phase II complete Safe deployment, Phase III begins Page 14 Mission Event Rover systems activated Objective Verification from ground station determines if scientific mission can safely proceed Rover operational Recovery Begin streaming telemetry to ground station for storage Recovery team locates and returns vehicle and rover Backup mission data for analysis after leaving range Data processing Mission Outcome Rover’s survival post vehicle mission is determined, instruments are tested to ensure a beneficial mission Rover proceeds till scientific mission is complete Launching range is cleared of USLI mission components Primary Mission Objective. Determines value and performance of technical and scientific aspects of mission Table 3.1.1: Mission event and success criteria summary. . In large, the vehicle must demonstrate the fundamental elements of a duel deploy rocket. This approach is part of a larger mission to ensure the longevity of the project and build up a fundamental design confidence within the current and future teams. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 15 5280 AGL Drogue Deploy Descent Stage 1 800 ft Main Deploy, ARRD Descent Stage 2 at 800 ft Given RSO approval, vehicle Pre-launch flight checks, prepare vehicle Landing Rover deploys after getting RSO Range to pad from landing site must be Arrive at launch site Activate telemetry, begin scientific mission Launch site debrief, determine reusability of hi l Recover Vehicle and rover Recover and return to launch site Figure 3.1.1: Mission concept of operations, a flow diagram showing flight processes from pre-flight to recovery. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 16 3.1.2 Major Milestones The major milestones for our project are summarized in Table 3.1.2. Milestone Construct Half Scale Test Half Scale Construct Second Half Scale Test Second Half scale Complete major manufacturing of parts (tubes, bulkheads) Test Deployment and Recovery Assemble Motor Mount and fins Assemble avionics and parachute tube Integrate components and test functionality FRR Launch FRR Due FRR Presentation Competition PLAR Due Winning USLI team announced Date Completed Completed February 15th February 18th – 22nd February 1st – February 20th February 15th – 25th February 15th – 20th February 15th – 20th March 1st March 3rd, 9th 10th March 18th, 8:00 a.m. March 25th – April 3rd April 17th – 21st May 6th May 17th Table 3.1.2: Summary of major milestones. 3.1.3 Systems Review Since PDR, the removal of the air braking system has greatly simplified the complexity of the vehicle system. The chart below illustrates a hierarchy between various vehicle systems. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 17 Paylaod Piston Black powder charges Rail Buttons Couplers Shear pins Vehicle Nose Cone Circuitry Airframe Avionics Sleds Bulkheads Internal Motor Mount Safety Transition Removable Mount Fins Avionics Recovery Black powder charges Safety Figure 3.1.2: Overview of major systems and components. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 18 Figure 3.1.3: Exploded view of vehicle shows how the vehicle can be disassembled into major components. This model also verified the geometric integration of the entire vehicle and payload. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 19 Booster Section Figure 3.1.4: Isometric View, Side, and Top View of Booster section. The booster section contains the fins, motor and bearing mounts to join the avionics bay with the rest of the vehicle. The avionics bay joins the booster to the rest of the rocket as well, and its modular features leave room for future projects. The screws to accomplish the connection shall be 12 2-56 stainless steel screws. Since the PDR, the overall length of the booster has been increased to insure a more reliable altimeter arming system. This also allows larger motors to be integrated into future vehicle. A retractable rail button has also been designed into the booster. Motor Mount To reach the target altitude, the motor mount must secure the motor to the vehicle and allow for safe static force transmission along the airframe of the rocket. The motor must not jettison from the vehicle during launch nor allow the motor to become free of the motor mount. Further, in the event of a crash, the mount must not severally damage the avionics bay. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 20 In addition, the motor mount locks the fins in place, and because it is removable it affords changing fin geometries to modify the flight performance for reaching the target AGL. Our rocket runs on the Cessaroni L1720 - WT motor, and the vehicle configuration is built around its commercial 75mm diameter. For our selected motor, this force is anticipated to be 𝑇 = 386 𝑙𝑏. This is nearly half the anticipated structural loading during launch (since PDR) ensuring that previous structural analysis will exceed performance expectations. Since PDR, the motor mount built for the half scale successfully demonstrated the systems functionality. Figure 3.1.5: Dimensions and configuration of the motor mount used in the half scale. The operation of the half scale motor mount has verified the full scale version is functional. Boat tail Reaching the target altitude can also be accomplished through drag reduction of the exterior body. The bow tail transition accomplishes this while adding additional motor mount length to the vehicle. To ensure the transition will not detach from the booster tube the shoulder of the bow – tail shall be screwed into the wall of the body tube with 2 steel 2-56 screws. Also, to avoid manufacturing challenges beyond the scope of the team, the transition will be purchased from Public Missile™ and modified to be compatible with the design. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 21 Centering Rings To keep the motor in line with the over center of mass of the vehicle, centering rings shall be implemented. The rings must not yield to lateral stress during launch, and must be manufactured within enough precision to ensure thrust vector of the motor is in line with the vehicles center of mass. However, to reduce the mass of the G10 fiberglass, holes have been drilled into the centering rings. Figure 3.1.6: Schematics of Forward and Aft Centered Rings The functionality of the middle centering ring seen in PDR has been swapped out for a custom fabricated fin stabilizer. This reduces manufacturing time and is a system that has been verified during the half scale launch. This port shall be printed from ABS plastic and can be laminated to increases its overall strength and stiffness. The G10 centering rings must transmit the static loading of motor mount to the rest of the vehicle. The team intends to use epoxy and fillets to ensure a secure bond to the vehicle. Further, the transition piece will also transmit thrust into the tube, further reducing the stress on the centering ring. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 22 Figure 3.1.7: Middle Fin Stabilizer. The slots stabilize the base of the fin, and the holes allow additional banding area for the motor mount. This part can be modified further if more stability is required for the fins. Fins In order to provide a convenient means for testing a variety of fin plan-forms, tapering, airfoil cross sections, and fin geometry in general, the team has designed a mechanism for removable fins. This functionality will allow for the ease of fin replacement and transportation. Below is the current fin design as well as the mechanism for removability integrated into the centering rings located in the rocket booster. The fins are locked in place by the aft centering ring, and the taps work to prevent the fins from falling out of the vehicle. Flutter is mitigated with the Fin Stabilizer part. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 23 Figure 3.1.8: Solidworks fin drawing parameters. The team has decided to adopt the clipped-delta plan-form as their primary fin shape. This plan-form provides the greatest potential in fin drag optimization at subsonic speeds in comparison to the more basic parallelogram plan-forms. This is due to the difference in root and tip chord lengths which allow for purposeful radial tapering in the future. In general, research has indicated that the clipped-delta plan-form is ideal for subsonic flight. Research has shown that optimal tip chord to root chord ratio should be 0.5 and optimal wing span to root chord ratio is 1, initial projected parameters indicated an unexpectedly large mass contribution using G10 fiberglass. Since G10 fiberglass provides near isotropic shear modulus elasticity which is desired in flutter velocity calculations, the team decided to temporarily alter the fin parameters rather than change fin material in order to resolve the design conflict whilst maintaining a stability margin close to 2 in aims of satisfying NASA ULSI requirements. Since the PDR, the fins have been designed with an increased leading edge sweep to reduce the overall drag. This option became avaiable upon removing the airbraking 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 24 systems. This moved the center of gravity forward and affords more aerodynamic fins with small spans lengths. With these changes, fin thickness requires further adjustment to satisfy a safety margin of 15%-20% for fin flutter velocity considerations. For a fin of thickness t, root chord length Cr, tip chord length Ct and semi-span b, the flutter velocity boundary equation is given by, 𝑣𝑓 = 𝑎 where, 𝐺𝐸 (1.337)(𝐴𝑅 3 )(𝑃)(𝜆 + 1) � 𝑡 3 2(𝐴𝑅 + 2) �𝐶 � 𝑟 𝑣𝑓 = 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑡 𝑠 𝑜 𝑇 = 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒 = (59 − 0.00356ℎ) 𝐹 ℎ = 𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 (𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑡) 𝑏2 𝐴𝑅 = 𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑙 𝑎𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 𝑆 1 𝑆 = (𝐶𝑟 + 𝐶𝑡 )𝑏 2 𝑇 + 459.7 5.256 2116 � � 518.6 𝑃 = 𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒 = 𝑝𝑠𝑖 144 𝐶𝑡 𝜆 = 𝑡𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 𝐶𝑟 𝑎 = 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 = �(1.4)(1716.59)(𝑇 + 460) Avionics There is a single avionics bays in the rocket design shown in Figure 3.1.9. Figure 3.1.9: Avionics Bay (circled) shown on vehicle 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 25 The front avionics bay will provide signals for main parachute deployment as well as payload deployment. The aft avionics bay will provide signals to deploy the drogue parachute and will house the microcontroller that will control the airbrake system. Each avionics bay will contain two altimeters, two power sources, and two on-off switches (Table 3.1.3) in compliance with the USLI guidelines for redundancy. Components Raven3 Featherweight Altimeter 9 Volt Battery Screw Switch Quantity 2 2 2 Table 3.1.3: Electrical components for avionics bays Figure 3.1.10: Featherweight Raven3 Altimeter Manufacturer Axial Accel range and frequency Lateral Accel frequency Download Interface Power Supply Max output Size Featherweight Altimeters LLC 70-g, 400 Hz 35-g, 200 Hz USB 9 volts DC 9 amps 0.8” x 1.8” x 0.55” Table 3.1.4: Featherweight Raven3 specifications. Orientation and Wiring The altimeters will be oriented axially to ensure accurate altitude results and the batteries will be oriented with the terminals facing the ground. Screw switches will be implemented 6’ from the base of the vehicle and can be to be turned on through a small hole in the airframe at launch. Due to symmetry from redundancy, the wiring schematics are shown in Figure 3.1.11 for only one half of each avionics bay. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 26 Drogue ARRD 9V + Raven 3 - 1 Switch GND Figure 3.1.11: Front avionics bay wiring schematic (shown without redundant system). The entire recovery system can be powered by a single 9 volt battery with drogue and ARRD deploy according to the Raven’s programing. Activating the switch arms the telemetry and readies the vehicle for liftoff. Avionics Housing Figure 3.1.12: Solidworks rendering of complete avionics bay. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 27 Figure 3.1.13: Diagram of the avionics bay. The sled has been designed with room for additional altimeters (such as the official NASA altimeter) in mind The avionics hardware will be mounted onto a sled. The sled is supported with 1/8” diameter stainless steel threaded bolts. The sled holds the altimeters and batteries into position, and the bolts seal the bay through the use of steel nuts and washers. To lower the overall mass, the tray is intended to be a balsa wood core composite piece. The Avionics Bay is required to house drogue, ARRD controls and provide access ports for E – matches that are channeled to the black powder canisters forward of the bay. Critical to the success of this system is the reliability of being armed by a screw switch situated 6’ from the base of the vehicle. Wire must also be trenched from the forward portion of the vehicle to the avionic bay in order to arm the altimeters. The accomplish this; the team has proposed embedding insulated multistrand wire into the walls of the tube. These wires are accessed with plugs. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 28 Figure 3.1.14: The implementation of screw switches is common in high powered rocketry, and our vehicle has made no exceptions either. They are reliable, light weight, and simple to install. Since PDR, the team has increased the length of the tube to manage larger parachutes if need be and to also eliminate the need to ‘break’ wires during the deployment. This reduces the complexity of the recovery system as well as the integration. E – match Flat Cable Screw Redundan t Wires Carbon Fiber Figure 3.1.15: Cross section of proposed airframe tube illustrating the placement of recovery system wires. These wires are shielded from the blast of the black powder using this approach and the parachutes by applying a layer of fiber glass. Plugs can be used to quickly connect the embedded wires to avionics and e-matches. Aft Bulkhead To allow access to the avionics systems while the vehicle is disassembled, the Aft Bulkhead is removable, and mounted to the entire booster section though threaded bolts. Steel U-bolts are mounted on the end of the bulkhead to mount shock chords. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 29 This bulkhead must be able to take the anticipated 10g loading of launch and drogue chute deployment. The Aft Bulkhead and Forward bulkhead will also experience the high shear stress during parachute chute deployment. It is anticipated that the parachute will impart 20 g’s of shock acceleration to the U – bolts mounted to the bulkheads. To lower the stress intensity, washers shall be implemented to ensure safe deployment and avoid shear failure. 𝑃 𝑡 U bolt Washer G10 Bulkhead 𝐷 Figure 3.1.16: Body diagram of forces present in U – bolt and bulkhead during deployment. 𝑃 𝜏 = 𝐴, 𝐴 = 𝐷𝜋𝑡 Assuming chute may have to support a 2𝑃 = 50 𝑙𝑏 load accelerated at 20 g’s, the thickness of the G10 plate to be 𝑡 = 0.25”, and washer diameter of 𝐷 = 1”, it is found that 𝜏 = 636 𝑃𝑠𝑖 . This is well within G10’s 𝜏𝑢𝑙𝑡 = 22𝐾𝑠𝑖. The team will experiment with composite materials to further reduce the bulkhead’s weight. Parachute Tube Building off the lessons learned from the half scale launch, the parachute tube has been extended to ensure the parachute is easy to pack, as well as provide additional space for avionics related systems. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 30 Figure 3.1.17: Components within the parachute tube and attached avionics bay. Unlike in PDR, the tube does not break away from the booster. In addition, the tube is a fixture for the black powder charges that have been moved forward above the main parachute and below the drogue. This insures the resulting pressure wave doing AGL deployment does not jettison the main chute Carbon Fiber Tubes Carbon strucutres are lightweight, and durable. Creating the entire external airframe from carbon fiber as opposed to conventional phenolic can reduce it’s respective mass by 60% while at the same time creating a structure that is resistant to hazardous failure modes within high powered rocketry. It is thus advantageous to build our airframe from carbon fiber. However, given the cost to contract these custom tubes to a local manufacturer, the team will be required to manufacture them. Given the large cost and resource risk involved with the task, the team is currently running a low risk feasibility study with scaled down composite tubes made of fiberglass. This will assess our ability to manufacture full sized tubes (see section 3.3) 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 31 𝑡 𝜎 𝑙 𝑑 Figure 3.1.18: Diagram of carbon fiber tube experiencing cross-sectional loading from the launch acceleration. The preliminary design for the tubes is aimed to satisfy the loading the vehicle experiences during launch and flight events. Since the primary loads are static, and 10 times the acceleration due to gravity, the tube was designed to meet these specific quantities with a safety factor 𝑆𝐹 = 2. These tubes can be modeled as free standing columns, with the governing equation as the deign parameter. For a thin walled tube, 𝜎𝑐𝑟 = 𝐹𝑐𝑟 𝐴 = 𝜋2 𝐸 𝐿 2 � � 𝑘 𝐽 , 𝑘 = �𝐴 𝐴 = 𝑑𝜋𝑡, 𝐽 = 𝑑3 𝜋𝑡 4 Assuming a 𝐹 = 50𝑙𝑏 and 10 g acceleration, an effective tube length of 𝐿 = 2 𝑙 and that the modulus of elasticity of carbon fiber-epoxy in compression is 𝐸 = 20 𝑀𝑠𝑖, a matlab script was created to evaluate stress during launch against wall thickness for tubes with 𝑑 = 6” Similarly, the critical stress for buckling failure was plotted against tube length and found to be a negligible failure mode for the same rocket tubes. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 32 Weave Type * = 6K 4 Harness Satin * = 6K Plain * 3K Plain 1 Layer 2 Layers 3 Layers Length of preliminary design vehicle Figure 3.1.19: Plots of predicted performance for 6.007” diameter carbon fiber tubes. In the top plot, the stress for even single layer of 3K weave is within limits, suggesting excellent performance of the material. The bottom plot shows that the none of the tubes will buckle under 10g loading. Since all of these carbon fiber options meet the base stress performance requirements, selection of fiber material shall be determined based on survivability requirements including “zippering” (shock cord shearing though tube) and high impacting with the ground. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 33 Tube Material Phenolic 6K Harness Carbon Fiber 6K Plain Carbon Fiber 3K Plain Carbon Fiber Fabric (oz/yard2) n/a 10.9 8.9 5.9 Wall thickness (inch) 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 Mass/Length w/ Laminate (oz/ft) 9.25 4.091 4.303 3.9179 Table 3.1.5: Tabulated data for common carbon fiber weaves against conventional phenolic tubing. The mass advantages are self-evident. Research in composite materials has revealed that these advantageous mass properties shown above can be easily achieved with carbon fiber. The table shows that if the tubes can be manufactured, they can be over half the weight of a conventional phenolic tube and can withstand acceleration up to and beyond 20 g‘s of static loading. The significance of this is that it allows the transition piece of the vehicle to also act as a thrust plate, reducing the need for centering rings. Since the desired tubes have simple geometries, the team has opted to use a 6K Plain Carbon Fiber weave. The weave is easier to sand without de-laminating the matrix, and is more cost effective than the other fibers. To laminate the fibers, the team has determined that the performance properties of marine grade epoxy from Adtech™ will allow the tubes to pass the verification requirements Given the complexities of manufacturing composite tubes, the team has begun a feasibility study to make scaled down tubes from scrap fiberglass and resin. If the manufacturing process is successful, these tubes shall meet the airframe requirements for the vehicle. Shear Pins During flight, the team shall utilize shear pins to avoid a premature deployment of recovery systems and payload. The pins must yield to black powder detonation. For nylon 2-56 thread screws (McMaster-Carr 93135A017), the ultimate shear strength is assumed to be 𝜏𝑦 = 11 𝐾𝑠𝑖. Assuming each pin shears across the diameter of its screw, the force to break each pin can be calculated with 𝑃 = 𝜏𝑦 𝐴, 𝐴 = 𝜋𝑑2 4 Choose the inner pitch diameter of 𝑑 = 0.0717", gives required force of 𝑃 = 44.4 𝑙𝑏. Assuming a 10% margin for uncertainty, the minimum required force to remove the pin is 𝑃 ≈ 50 𝑙𝑏. Adding more shear pins increase the required deployment force proportionally. For example, 2 pins will require 𝑃 = 100 𝑙𝑏 for shearing. Table 3.1.6 relates descent 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 34 accelerations to major vehicle connection and shear pin estimates. The weights are the gravitational weights after vehicle apogee and assuming a nose down trajectory. Connection Nose Cone – Payload Tube Payload tube – Parachute tube Loaded Weight post apogee 𝒍𝒃 8 12 Maximum G factor 12.2 (main parachute deploy) 12.2 (main parachute deploy) Shear pin count (1.25 safety factor and rounded up to nearest odd number) 3 3 Table 3.1.6: Performance table of 2 – 56 Nylon shear pins. These shear pin configuration represent the minimum required to avoid premature separation of vehicle components. It must be noted that these shear pins have been known to fail at 𝑃 = 35 𝑙𝑏. This leads to an uncertainty of +/- 1 pin count, and will be taken into consideration for ground test of the deployment. Rail Buttons The rail buttons shall be compatible for 10 – 10 rail. The profile of the 10-10 rail button is smaller ensuring that commercial rail buttons shall have a smaller drag profile. Since PDR, the team has decided to purchase commercial rail buttons and then incorporating them into a custom made retractable rail button. The rail buttons passively retract into the body of the vehicle after clearing the rail. This is a concept that the team had considered last year and shared with another senior design team at the University of Minnesota. This system was implemented successfully for this vehicle, and is ready for integration into the USLI vehicle. Figure 3.1.20: Retractable rail button component. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 35 Spring is compressed Spring is neutral Figure 3.1.21: Retractable rail button with diagram of functionality. These are anticipated to increase the overall altitude by 500 feet. Bonding Previous rocketry experience has shown that the best option for high strength and lightweight assembly of the vehicle is epoxy. Since the team is using fiber glasses and epoxy materials for most of it components, these adhesives will readily bond to parts with minimal need to key joining surfaces or fillet parts. It must be noted though that applying these adhesives is a permanent fixture, and has been chosen with care for the presented design. 𝑅 Wall 𝑡 Plate (after sanding) Thin film of epoxy (not to scale) Figure 3.1.22: Diagram of fillet bonding The team will practice fillets for reinforcing lap bonds of epoxy done over a sanded surface. The radius of the fillet 𝑅, will be designed for redundancy of JB weld Epoxy’s ultimate lap shear of 𝜏𝑦 = 1000 𝑝𝑠𝑖. For additional safety and avoidance of CATO, the centering rinds and motor mounts shall have a bond radius of 𝑅 = 3 𝑡, where 𝑡 = bond line = 0.25". In practice, this produces an additional bonding strength of 9000 𝑝𝑠𝑖. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 36 Deployment Sabot for Payload Figure 3.1.23: Views of Sabot system. The Sabot caps shall be printed out of ABS plastics and reinforced with Kevlar and silica beads. To successfully deploy the rover, the team has redesigned last year’s piston deployment system for a more compact and ergonomic sabot style system in which, the payload is held in place by the sabot caps. Upon detonating the aft black powder charge, the high pressure generated propellers the piston forward and breaks the shear pins on the nose cone. The vent holes on the piston relieve the pressure and allow the payload to fall away from the caps. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 37 m Mass High pressure gas is safely vented out of tube ∆𝑣 Piston m Piston Figure 3.1.24: Diagram of sabot operation. The piston imparts a ∆𝑣 to the payload by detonating a black powered charge. This same momentum is used to break the shear pins of the nose cone Figure 3.1.25: Detailed diagram of sabot cap. To ensure long term reusability of the cap, the team has decided to apply a layer of Kevlar and silica to the area exposed to the black powder detonation. Since this component must be reusable, the explosion exposed sections of the caps shall be coated in a single layer of Kevlar and silica. This increases the impact resistance of the cap while protecting it from intense heat. A test was conducted to verify this and can be in section 3.1.6. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 38 3.1.4 Functional Requirements Requirement Design Feature Satisfying Verification The launch vehicle shall The vehicle has a payload carry a science or bay defined in section III is engineering payload. capable of housing our designed rover payload in defined in section IV. Lift capability of vehicle shall be predicted with RockSim and verified with full scale test launch. The launch vehicle shall deliver the science or engineering payload to, but not exceeding an altitude of 5,280 feet above ground level. The airbrake system shall be simulated using CFD techniques. The system will be priority during half scale testing. Performance of vehicle is predicted with RockSim with proper mass allocation with respect to motor performance. The vehicle shall carry Space for official altimeter CAD and 3D modeling one altimeter to be shall be included into ensures the avionics bay has determined for recording design. the acceptable volume. the official altitude used in the competition. The recovery system Body of tube will have hole Lab testing shall be designed to be to allow screw switch functionality. armed on the pad. activation using screwdriver. Shall be placed 6’ from base of rocket. The recovery system There is no electrical N/A electronics shall be connection between the completely independent avionics bay and the of the payload payload. electronics. of hardware The recovery system There will be a total of 2 Shall be verified though half shall contain redundant altimeters for the drogue scale launch. altimeters. and main parachute events even though the system can be run on 1. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 39 Requirement Design Feature Satisfying Verification Each altimeter shall be 2 screw switches will be Ground testing of armed by a dedicated supplied for the four bay circuitry will arming switch. separate altimeters. ensure each connected to altimeter. the avionics be done to switch is only one Each altimeter shall 2 9V batteries will be Ground testing of the avionics have a dedicated supplied for the four bay circuitry will be done to battery. separate altimeters. ensure each battery is supplying power to only one altimeter. Each altimeter arming switch shall be accessible from the exterior of the rocket airframe. Hole in body tube to allow Each switch is ground tested screw switch arming, and before launch. imbedded wires will allow for a secure electrical connection. Each altimeter arming Screw switch design locks Switch shall be designed to switch shall be capable upon activation. ensure complete circuit during of being locked in the all mission events. ON position for launch. Each altimeter arming Arming switches shall be 6 Tape measure shall be used switch shall be a feet above base of vehicle. to verify this distance. maximum of six feet above the base of the launch vehicle. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 40 Requirement Design Feature Satisfying Verification The recovery system electronics shall be shielded from all onboard transmitting devices. The RF tracker is placed in the nose cone, while the payload's transmitter is separated from the tracker by over 2 ft. The GPS tracker is placed in the aft avionics bay and thus is more than 2 feet from either of the other two transmitters. The impact of interference shall be determined before FRR by measuring the accuracy of the RF tracker while in close proximity to the payload. The launch vehicle and All payload materials are science or engineering made of metal or strong payload shall be composites. The vehicle is designed to be made from carbon fiber recoverable and tubes and G10 reusable. fiberglass. An RF tracker is placed in the nose cone for tracking purposes, and the material performance characteristics of the chosen composite material shall ensure reusability. The launch vehicle shall The chosen altimeters and stage the deployment of ARRD have this feature its recovery devices. built into them. We will do tensile and compression test on the G10 fiberglass to ensure structural strength to absorb impact, and similar test for the carbon fiber tubes as well. We will also be using the same RF tracker in the ½ scale testing to make sure the tracker is working properly. Removable shear pins shall be used for both the main parachute compartment and the drogue parachute compartment. Shear pin calculations will be tested on the ground to ensure the charges are large enough to deploy each parachute. The shear pin strength will also be designed to withstand the forces from the deceleration of the airframe due to the parachutes and will be tested at the full scale test launch. The current design of deployment for the main and drogue parachutes is by using black powder charges large enough to break the shear pins used to keep the airframe together during flight. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review We will test that the altimeters are working properly with half scale testing. Page 41 Requirement Design Feature Satisfying Verification The launch vehicle shall have a maximum of four independent or tethered sections. The airframe has 3 N/A sections (nosecone, payload and booster tube) which are all tethered together. At landing, each independent or tethered section of the launch vehicle shall have a maximum kinetic energy of 75 ft-lbf. Our dual deploy parachutes will work in unison to guarantee that our kinetic energy upon landing is minimal. The launch vehicle shall require no external circuitry or special ground support equipment to initiate the launch. Our rocket only requires a N/A standard firing system and requires no external circuitry or special ground support equipment to initiate launch. Data from the science or engineering payload shall be collected and reported by the team following the scientific method. The payload will transmit scientific data outlined in section 4 which will be analyzed and reported by our team following the scientific method. The payload data transmission and collection will be tested on the ground at distances up to 2,500 feet prior to launch. An electronic tracking device shall be installed in each independent section of the launch vehicle and shall transmit the position of that independent section to a ground receiver. An RF tracker will be installed in the nosecone of the airframe as well as housed within the payload. A GPS tracker will be installed in the aft avionics bay. Each transmitter/receiver will be tested prior to launch as well as at the half and full scale test launches to verify their capabilities. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Using simulations, such as RockSim, and independent calculations, we will minimize kinetic energy as well as drift, by varying the area of our parachutes Page 42 Requirement Design Feature Satisfying Verification The launch vehicle shall use a commercially available solid motor propulsion system using ammonium perchlorate composite propellant which is approved and certified by the National Association of Rocketry, Tripoli Rocketry Association, and/or the Canadian Association of Rocketry. The total impulse provided by the launch vehicle shall not exceed 5,120 Newton-seconds (L-class). We will be using a N/A commercially available Cessaroni L1720-WT solid motor which is certified by the National Association of Rocketry, Tripoli Rocketry Association, and/or the Canadian Association of Rocketry. All teams shall successfully launch and recover their full scale rocket prior to FRR in its final flight configuration. We will test our design near the end of February with a mass matching that of the payload in the payload bay. The Cessaroni L1720 – N/A WT solid motor has an impulse of 3695 N-s. We have designated a strict schedule to ensure completion of the construction of our design by our preliminary test launch date. Table 3.1.7: Functional requirement verification summary. 3.1.5 Workmanship To insure that the vehicle is properly assembled, the team members responsible for building the vehicle have reviewed many of the construction tutorials supplied by Apogee Components and Gary S., the team Mentor. These skills are continuing to be cultivated through building test articles and subscale components. For these vehicles, craftsmanship is critical to maximize aerodynamic efficiency and vehicle interface functionality. A poorly craft component is more prone to failure and the team will not install parts that do not meet their design standard. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 43 3.1.6 Testing Presently, the team has conducted thermal and structural tests for the rover chassis and a half scale launch that has verified the motor mounting and fin systems. Future test are outlined below: Test Recovery deployment test Purpose Verify functionality of Raven with ARRD and number of shear pins required Verify strength of tube Procedure Create full scale prototype of this system using commercial parts and preform simulated ground ejection Load tube with equivalent amount of static load Create a single bearing and load with equivalent stress to verify strength Dates February 17th – 20th Static loading March 1st of tube Critical Verify number of screws February bearing stress needed to maintain a 21st of safe connection connections from tube to the coupler Planar Verify strength of custom Load members with anticipated February composite composite parts loads 1st parts Fin stability Verify that the fin is Compare CDR design with March 1st verification secure fixed designs through prototype and applying static loads to each case. The comparison will verify the functionality Electrical Ensure circuitry scheme Prototype design to determine February circuitry is reliable and meets flaws 1st verification vehicle requirements Conducted Heat Ensure component can Create prototypes and and shielding be shielded from 3000º measure heat transfer Verified F flame Table 3.1.8: Table of critical test with purpose and procedure with dates. Heat Shielding Results The feasibility of a heat shield concept to protect parts from motor failure and black powder blasts was verified with test articles composed of combinations of Kevlar and silica infused resin. These composite plates were then exposed to an oxy- acetylene torch flam that burned at 3000̊ F. Heat transfer was measured on the opposite side of the plate using a laser thermometer. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 44 Figure 3.1.26: Composite test articles created to determine the effective heat transfer between two sides of a 0.25” core of Nomex. Initially, this verification was for shield vehicle parts from high temperature gas associated with cracked engine casings, but has now been repurposed for the sabot. Similar to the space shuttle, these parts were made of a silica infused resin that was applied to a Kevlar and Nomex core plate. The verification procedure showed that these materials can effectively heat shield vehicle components with little addition to overall vehicle mass. The application of these materials is cheap, and can be done with minimal shop space. Adding a Kevlar layer further increases the durability of pieces. Figure 3.1.27: (Left) The verification test in progress. The temperature on the other side of the plate was at an average of 2̊ C for 10 seconds of applied flame. (Right) aftermath of test shows that the flame did not breach the plate. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 45 Future tests shall be conducted and presented during FRR. 3.1.7 Manufacturing and Assembly Figure 3.1.28: Student machine shop. The team currently has access to facilities to fabricate all the vehicles primary composite parts using vacuum bagging techniques as well as any alloy or G10 fiberglass machining needs that the team will encounter. Part Type Tube Bolt 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Tooling and Manufacturing Required        Jig Vacuum Laminating Kit Chop Saw Band Saw Hack saw File Page 46 Part Type Bulkhead, Annuls Wire, Cable Fin Custom 3D part Planar Composite Tooling and Manufacturing Required     Laser cutting (composite) Lathe Drill Press Filing  Solder  Pliers  Wire Striper        Dremmel Table Saw Drill Press Filing Router (edges) 3D printer ABS plastic  Laminating Kit  Laser cutter Table 3.1.9: Summary of vehicle parts with manufacturing requirements. However, special attention must be kept to details including jigs, fiber alignment, and tooling and gluing techniques to ensure that designed parts can be manufactured with precision and assembled. The team has already experienced this first hand during the half scaled build and has determined the manufacturing requirements for the half scale, and is making efforts to maintain access to table saws, chop saws, and the lathes needed for fin slots, tube ends, and circular bulkheads. Commercially purchased parts will be integrated into the vehicle while within their performance envelope. Modified parts form commercial supplies will go through a verification process to remove further hazards and risks. This would take on the form of adding fiberglass reinforcements or epoxy fillets. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 47 Design •Using engineering principles to predict design preformance •Consider commercial purchase of component upon verification failure Cannot be manufactured •Document techniques during the process of manufacturing for complex parts Manufacturing •Create prototype Fails to meet requirements Poor workmanship Verification •Functionality test •Static test •Test flight •Must meet mission respective requirment Optimization •Part is succesful Integration Figure 3.1.29: The diagram represents a flow of operation per part of the vehicle from design to integration. No untested or unverified part shall be fully integrated into the vehicle. Composites Given the inherit complexities in designing composite materials and the affects the manufacturing process can impart on material performance, all composite components will undergo static tests to ensure they meet the vehicle requirements. If static loadings are not applicable, tests article of the part will be manufactured to their predicted performance, and then flight tested for verification. Further, given that the manufacturing process of these tubes can be time consuming and expensive, prototypes can be made with inexpensive fibers and resins (fiberglass and polyesters). This will be done to verify the team’s ability to manufacture the full scale part to acceptable standards. The team has finished this study and verified that the tubes can be manufactured. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 48 Figure 3.1.30: Rover and other test parts being laminated for future stress tests. Composites have further been integrated in the vehicle’s design as well. The full scale shall utilize a composite fiberglass sled and carbon fiber rods to reduce its overall mass. The avionics bay bulkheads shall also be constructed similarly. However, due to the forces present in the bulkheads during the mission, they must be stress tested before being integrated into the vehicle. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 49 Figure 3.1.31: Jig that was assembled to verify composite tube manufacturing techniques. This method delivered a hand crafted tube that was compatible with commercial parts. Figure 3.1.32: Progression of tube manufacturing tests. The left most is the initial prototype, the right is the final tube 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 50 Since PDR, the team has verified that commercially compatible parts can be manufactured with the given resources. Upon completion of a prototype part, the part must undergo functionality tests to validate further vehicle integration and static tests if the part is to experience loading during the mission. Successful parts will be considered for optimization if resources permit so. As part of a contingency plan, the vehicle was designed using known commercial parts from Public Missiles™. In the event these tubes do not pass verification, commercial parts will be substituted and the rocket performance revaluated. Parts and Operations Mission events shall be simulated preflight to team’s best abilities in the laboratory or appropriate testing facilities. All deployment systems shall be tested on the ground to ensure correct shear pin configurations. Designed parts that meet vehicle integration will be demonstrated during future flight tests, up until the final verification test flight. Afterwards, no changes in design shall be made. Further, the team intends to supply the necessary spare parts to ensure a successful mission in the event of unpredictable catastrophe to parts or components while traveling or on the flight line. Presently, the team has yet to order the full scale materials for manufacturing. This is expected to occur after acquisition of major funds by the start of February. During this manufacturing process, test articles shall be created to verify the design integrity. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 51 • • Engineering Payload Deployment Control • BP charge • • Electrical shielding Reliability feature • • • Descent control Joins components Redundancy • • • Motor retention Fin stabilization Aerodynamic stability Figure 3.1.33: (Top) Overall vehicle with major components. (Bottom) Features that address mission needs. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 52 3.1.8 Design Integrity As detailed in the above sections, the vehicle has followed common practice in material and geometric preferences within high powered rocketry. The design has been kept simple and affords flexibility in making design changes to improve the overall integrity. For example, the large volume within the booster ensures that additional centering rings may be added if needed, or the fins further stabilized to reduce flutter. At the same time, this increase in volume, or length, simplifies the feature requirements of the recovery systems by allowing switch wires to be effectively shielded from moving parts. Feature Suitability of Fin Material Selection Motor mounting and retention Discussion The clipped delta is highly efficient because of its tapering. This is critical for the rocket to carry a relatively large payload to AGL while running on a smaller motor. Further, the system allows for removable fins if changes in mass require so to reach AGL or stay within the competition’s altitude limits G10, fiberglass, phenolic and other composite materials have all been established within high powered rocketry as means to build strong vehicles. The nature of these materials also allows for designs to be reinforced with little addition to mass and reduction in aerodynamic performance. These materials are flexible in that regard. The design utilizes the transition bow – tail as a thrust plate to distribute the thrust between both the cross section of the tube and centering ring. The system shall also utilize a reloadable motor mount with retainer. Table 3.1.10: Design integrity summary. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 53 Aft centering ring is bonded to wall bow tail and motor mount Applied Thrust Bow tail transmits stress to wall of tube Forward centering ring is bonded to wall of tube Figure 3.1.34: Load path diagram for motor thrust. Avionics bay is bonded to parachute tube Main deployment force Critical bearing stress at this connection shall be verified with lab test Figure 3.1.35: Load path diagram for booster – parachute tube. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 54 Black powder drogue deployment Force to break pins shall be verified in ground test Figure 3.1.36: Load path diagrams for drogue deployment and shear pins Feature Discussion Attachment of Booster to AV bay and Parachute tube To insure the booster does not separate from the vehicle during any stage of the mission, the team shall connect the booster to the avionics bay with 12 2-56 stainless steel screws. The maximum bearing stress is anticipated to be 7000 psi. To ensure these screws do not shear through the walls of the tube, the holes for the screws shall be composed of a stainless or ABS plastic gusset that are better suited to distribute this high stress. As learned from the half scale, all electrical connections must be secured. The team shall purchase plugs with snaps and screw terminals to ensure reliable connections. Presently, the team has verified the functionality of the motor mount and material selection. Remaining verification and a second half scale flight is scheduled to continue through midFebruary Secure Electrical Connections Status of verification Table 3.1.11: Discussion table with critical vehicle components and integration with statements on their overall integrity. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 55 Mass Statement Part Quantity Mass (oz) Nose Cone 1 28 0.01 Ballast Mass 1 1 0 Payload Tube 1 16.33 0.05 Payload 1 96 0.05 Piston (w/piston bulkhead) 1 7 0.1 Front Av bay Permanent Bulkhead 1 0 0.05 Front Avionics Bay Electronics 1 0 0.25 Front Av Bay Removable Bulkhead Cap 1 0 0.05 Coupler 1 1 3.6 0.01 Paint 1 8 0.1 Epoxy 1 10.66 0.1 Main Chute 1 21 0.01 Forward Rail Button 1 2.5 0.05 U Bolt 2 3 0.01 Parachute Tube 1 21.76 0.05 Main Shock Cord 1 21.6 0.05 Quick Link 4 2.4 0.01 Swivel 0 0 0.01 Drogue Parachute Shock Cord 1 21.6 0.01 ARRD 1 16 0.01 Drogue Chute 1 12 0.01 Paint 1 8 0.1 Epoxy 1 10.66 0.1 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Margin Page 56 Part Quantity Mass (oz) Booster Tube 1 15 0.15 Coupler 2 1 3.6 0.15 Back Av Bay Removable Bulkhead Cap Head 1 Rear Avionics Bay 1 20.4 0.1 Front Centering Ring 1 1.5 0.1 Motor mount 75mm 1 15 0.05 Fins 3 12 0.05 Transition 1 22 0.05 Aft Rail Button 1 2.5 0.1 Aft Centering Ring 1 1.5 0.1 Motor Casing 1 64.89 0.1 Propellent Weight 1 81.89 0.1 Paint 1 8 0.1 Epoxy 1 10.66 0.1 Total (oz) Low Estimate (oz) High Estimate(oz) 4.5 Margin 0.1 574.55 613 536 Table 3.1.12: Mass balance summary. For commercially supplied parts, the margin mass error is low, and these parts are considered to have highly accurate mass estimates. Care has gone into the estimates for manufactured parts including conservative estimates of adhesives and paint, and measurements are based on the paint and epoxy consumption form last year’s vehicle build 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 = 𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑈𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑦 ∗ 𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 This puts the team’s vehicle at 7% mass uncertainty. If this holds true, the vehicle can easily be ballasted to reach the target AGL using the retractable rail button system. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 57 As part of a strategy to curb the anticipated ‘creep’ of vehicle mass, the team shall be diligent in seeking light weight alternatives to many of the vehicle’s parts. If the team does find that the vehicle is over mass, the next logical motor, the L1090SS can readily be inserted into the vehicle without changing any of the vehicle’s configurations. Thus the team’s contingency plan is viable. 3.1.9 Failure Analysis Risk Consequence Mitigation Parts for half scale do Pushes schedule Order parts early, contact distributors not arrive on time. back, causes other ahead of time to make sure part is in delays. stock. Parts for full scale do Pushes schedule Order parts early, contact distributors not arrive on time. back, causes other ahead of time to make sure part is in delays. stock. Team costs underestimates Project will be over Keep a constantly updated budget budget. plan, and a contingency plan to secure additional funds. Team underestimates Project will be Plan to manufacture and assemble time to manufacture behind schedule. early. and assemble half scale. Rocket does not pass Team does not get Check constantly with NAR mentor to RSO inspection on to fly, losing major ensure all systems will pass safety competition launch day. points. inspection. Not enough team Project seriously Abandon all non-essential systems members to finish behind schedule. and components in favor of on-time manufacturing and flight. testing in time for flight tests. Team Member leaves. Project or Sub- Disperse responsibilities among other system behind people of the team and find new team schedule . members. Table 3.1.13: Project risk mitigation. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 58 3.2 Subscale Flight Results A sub scale flight was conducted to verify the manufacturing and functionality of preliminary design systems. Primarily, the flight was meant to test the ARRD duel deployment recovery systems and motor mount. The vehicle was a geometric half scale of the anticipated full scale and carried a 3 lb. simulated payload. Overall Length (in) Diameter Span Diameter Gross Weight Motor Selection 128“ 3.5” 8.5” 12 lb L355 – RT Table 3.2.1: Half scale specification summary. Figure 3.2.1: Picture of half scale vehicle. Figure 3.2.2: Figure of half scale vehicle and half scale model from RockSim. The nose of the half scale was custom made through helpful donors. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 59 Result Analysis The launch revealed a flaw in the design of the deployment section in the recovery system. The flaw originated in the wiring linkage between the electronic matches and the Raven 2.0 altimeter and the Co-Pilot v2.0 altimeter. The electronic matches were designed to trigger ejection charges at apogee. These charges were set in ejection canisters attached to the drogue parachute aft bulkhead. The ejection charges would increase the pressure in the drogue parachute bay causing the forward section of the rocket to separate from the coupler holding it to the bottom body tube of the rocket. The drogue parachute would then deploy attached to both the forward bulkhead in the payload section and the bulkhead attached to the inside of the coupler. Once deployed the coupler would be held in place by an Advanced Recovery and Retention Device (ARRD). The ARRD would hold the coupler in place until the rocket reached an altitude of 800ft at which point the ARRD would detach and the drogue parachute would pull the main parachute out of its bay allowing it to deploy. The rocket would then finish its descent on the main parachute. Figure 3.2.3: Booster section of half scale. The motor mount broke free upon impact and shattered all of the onboard avionics. This series of events was disrupted by the break in linkage to both the sets of ejection canisters. Careful examination of the wreckage revealed that the electronic matches, which are composed of single stranded wire, had been damaged, completely breaking the circuit, during the packing of the parachute in the main parachute bay. This made the altimeters not capable of deploying the drogue parachute. Without the drogue parachute deploying, the rocket reached apogee and continued on a ballistic trajectory. When the rocket passed 800ft the ARRD detached which did not deploy the main 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 60 parachute because the drogue had not deployed and therefore could not use its force to pull the main out of its bay. The rocket crashed with the drogue parachute ejection canisters still not triggered. The ejection canisters were found intact after the crash and they were able to be ejected during a later field test proving that the canisters themselves were packed correctly. Lessons Learned Resulting from the Half Scale failure the design has been reworked to address the problems which arose during the half scale construction and flight. The piston design that was used in the Half Scale for dual deployment has been removed and the new design will incorporate the use of a deployment bag in conjunction with an Advanced Recovery and Retention Device. This design has been chosen because it has a proven track record of reliability and ease of use. Using a deployment bag will eliminate the use of a piston to manage the dual deployment. The piston design proved to be challenging to pack because the system's order of events was not manageable for packing the removable avionics bay, the main chute, and the piston coupler. This order of packing caused tearing of the electronic matches during the compression of the system as it went into the rocket. In order to avoid that in future flights the rocket will incorporate the use of wiring that has been entrenched into the walls of the body tubes (see vehicle section 3.3). The wiring will run along the sides of the parachute bay to the altimeter power switches which will be mounted next to the forward bulkhead of the parachute bay. This satisfies the requirement of keeping the switches for the deployment charges a minimum of 72 inches above the base of the rocket. Figure 3.2.4: Wiring of half scale avionics bay proved difficult to work with, and the bay has since been redesigned to ensure ease of access 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 61 The avionics bay will also be altered as a result of the half scale tests. The original design was too complex to pack in the field and would not have been suitable for future testing. The new bay will again be a coupler but for the full scale the coupler will be between the necessary split in the booster stage and the recovery stage. This coupler is needed because the tubes can only be manufactured in length's which necessitate the use of a coupler in the rear of the rocket. The avionics bay will be affixed to the forward recovery tube using epoxy and bolts while the booster tube will be affixed to the avionics bay using bolts which can be removed to access the avionics sled. This access is necessary to allow for the connections between the ARRD, black powder charges, and the screw switches to be accessed without having to remove parachutes. The avionics bay will be sealed from the booster stage with a removable bulkhead which bolts to the back of the bay and holds the sled in place. 3.3 Recovery Subsystem 3.3.1 Analysis Parachute, altimeter, and electrical component selection play the most critical role in ensuring that the vehicle is reusable. A ground impact from AGL would destroy the entire vehicle and payload. It is thus vital to ensure that the system is reliable, but does not exceed the mission constraints. To accomplish this, the team has performed an analysis dedicated to choosing the commercially available components to obtain the optimal engineering solution. Main Parachute Main parachute selection addressed drift distance, kinetic energy at impact, force exerted at deployment, and the volume of the packed parachute. Competition requirements specified that all independent sections of the launch vehicle must land within 2,500 ft. of the launch pad, assuming a 15 mph wind. The kinetic energy requirement stated that the maximum kinetic energy of an independent section upon landing must be 75 ft-lbf. The force exerted by parachute deployment was a significant consideration, since too severe of deceleration could result in damage to the rocket and possibly even tear the main parachute entirely. Finally, the rocket’s parachute bay has a diameter of 6 in. and a length of 43 in., resulting in a total volume of approximately 4863.19 in3. Any parachutes selected would need to fit within this volume, shock cord and protectors included. The Iris Ultra 84 is composed of rip-stop nylon bringing the total weight of the chute to 21oz including a 3000 lb. max load rated swivel which is attached to the harness of the chute. The Fruity Chutes website provided detailed specifications for the parachute, 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 62 listing its CD as 2.2 and its packing volume as 95.6 in3. Combining the listed packing volume with the 90.2 in3 volume calculated for the shock cords below brings the total volume to 185.8 in3, which is significantly less than the 4863.2 in3 of the parachute bay. RockSim simulations indicated that the final descent rate of the rocket would be approximately 20 ft/s. The kinetic energies for each separate section of the rocket were calculated for this descent rate using the equation, 𝐾𝐸 = 1 2 𝑚𝑣 2 , where KE is the kinetic energy, m is the mass of each section of the rocket (determined from the mass balance sheet), and v is the velocity of the rocket immediately prior to impact. Kinetic energies at impact for each of the separate sections of the rocket can be seen in Table 3.6.1. The maximum amount of kinetic energy experienced by any single section of the rocket was found to be 70.68 ft-lbf, thus meeting the requirement of 75 ftlbf or less. Sections Upper Section Recovery Booster 20 Kinetic Energy On Landing (ft-lbf) 66.28 54.54 70.68 2800 Table 3.3.1: Theoretical kinetic energies experienced by each section at impact. The total drift, assuming a 15 mph wind was determined using RockSim and was found to be 1700ft., well below the limit of 2,500 ft. The drift distances for 5, 10, 15, and 20 mph winds were likewise calculated using RockSim and can be found in Table 3.2.2. Wind Speed (mph) 5 10 15 20 Drift Distance (ft.) 520 1200 1700 2800 Table 3.3.2: Theoretical drift distances under various wind conditions RockSim simulations indicated that the main parachute deployment would exert approximately 20 g’s of force on the rocket, which was deemed to be within acceptable levels. It is important to note that RockSim’s predictions assume that the parachute deployment is instantaneous and thus the force predicted by RockSim are significantly higher than what will actually be exerted on the rocket at any given moment during 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 63 parachute deployment. A more realistic way of modeling the force experienced during parachute deployment is currently being investigated by the team. The Fruity Chutes Iris Ultra 84 chute has a spill hole at the center of the canopy, which helps to prevent Karman vortex trail. The vortex is created by the airflow blocked by the canopy and goes around and separates at the leading edge. The flow separation creates the uneven distribution of pressure in the canopy, and this produces the oscillations. This type of parachute has the highest drag coefficient related to the canopy surface area and due to its toroidal design, is lightweight and compact. Drogue Parachute Drogue chute selection was interlinked with main parachute selection. The drogue chute minimizes the force exerted during main parachute deployment and prevents damaging deployment scenarios such as “zippering”. The drogue chute we have selected is a Rocketman Mach 2 with a diameter of 36 in. and a 𝐶𝐷 of 1.16. RockSim calculations showed that this drogue chute brings the rocket to a descent velocity of 70 ft/s which is well below the general requirement for safe descent from apogee to main parachute deployment (800 ft.) of 100 ft/s. The estimated total packing volume of the drogue parachute was determined to be 50.3 in3, which when combined with the shock cord’s volume of 90.2 in3 brings the total drogue volume requirement up to 140.5 in3, well below the estimated remaining volume of 4704.4 in3 of the parachute bay. Figure 3.3.1: Rocketman Mach 2 kevlar drogue chute chosen by team. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 64 3.3.2 Major Components Shock Cords, Quick Links, U-Bolts The shock cord to be used for parachute attachments will be a 9/16 in width tubular nylon type. We will be using standard length guides and half scale flight testing to determine the optimal length of shock cord to be used. All connection points for the shock cords will be quick links allowing for rapid setup and replacement of the chute. Quick links provide ease of maintenance and assembly, as well as affordance to replace damaged parts. The quick links from the shock cords will attach to U-bolts in bulkheads forward and aft of the vehicle. The shock cords will have individual volumes of 90.2 in3 resulting in a total combined volume of 180.4 in3. Parachute Protectors Parachute protectors will be used on both our main and drogue parachutes. The purpose of the parachute protectors is to wrap the chutes in a fireproof kevlar-nomex material and provide protection against the damaging effects of black powder charges and residue. Singeing parachutes could lead to a catastrophic failure of our parachutes, endangering personnel and damaging to our rocket. Figure 3.3.2: Cross section of parachute tube. Attachment Scheme The payload section is integrated with an ARRD. The main parachute is located aft of the drogue chute, and both will be protected by a parachute protector. The parachute will be connected to a shock cord, which in turn will be connected to the main parachute’s U-bolts (one end of the shock cord will connect to one of the U-bolts, and the other end will connect to the other). The main parachute will be deployed by firing an ARRD once the rocket descends to an altitude of 800 ft, as determined by the electronics in the fore avionics bay. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 65 Figure 3.3.3: Diagram of mission sequence of events with recovery functions. The drogue chute will be forward of the main and booster and will also be protected by a parachute protector. The drogue will be connected to a shock cord, which will be attached to the drogue U-Bolts in the same manner as the main parachute system. The drogue parachute will be deployed by firing a drogue ejection canister at apogee, as determined by the electronics in the aft avionics bay. The canisters are deployed by the Raven altimeters, and the system shall utilize a redundant BP charge and Raven for safety. Both shock cords will be 30 feet in length, or approximately three times the length of the rocket. Black Powder Ejection Canisters The parachutes shall be deployed by a single ejection canister with an additional canister for redundancy. Ejection canister is intended to be made of custom-made aluminum cylindrical housing, similar to those used in the half scale launch. These housings will be channeled into the wall of the body tube to allow the main chute to be inserted between and below them. See Figure 3.3.4 for details. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 66 Figure 3.3.4: Diagram of channel component. The black powder canister is fixed to the end of the channel just beneath the drogue chute. The channel also serves as a conduit for wires. The front end of each cylinder shall be chamfered outward and a concave groove shall be cut into the corresponding bulkhead. Though only a single ejection canister will be necessary to deploy each parachute, two ejection canisters shall be attached to the bulkheads of each of the parachute bays in order to fulfill redundancy requirements. Black Powder Required to Deploy Main and Drogue Parachute The mass of black powder necessary to ensure the proper deployment of each parachute was calculated using Chuck Pierce’s Black Powder Ejection Charge Calculator. This calculator was capable of determining the required mass of black powder for ejection based on several different criteria, including the volume of the parachute bay, the type of black powder used, and either the desired pressure or the desired ejection force. The basic formula used for the calculation was, 𝕍𝑃 𝑁 = 𝑅𝑇 ∗ 454, where N is the number of grams of black powder required, 𝕍 is the volume of the payload bay, P is the pressure, R is the combustion gas constant and T is the burn temperature of the black powder used. This calculator was preconfigured to use the required mass of black powder, gas properties in its calculations and the same type of black powder that had been selected. This meant that R = 22.16 ft-lbf/lbm R and T = 2847º Rankine. The volume of the main parachute bay, based on a 6.007 inch diameter 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 67 and a 12.5 inch length, was found to be 𝕍 = 354.3 in3. Similarly, the volume of the parachute bay, based on a 6.007 inch diameter and a 43 inch length, was found to be 𝕍 = 4863.2 in3. The mass of black powder required was calculated based on a desired pressure of 12 psi, and was determined to be 7.55g for the main parachute. The calculator also determined that this set up would produce an ejection force of 340.1 lbf for each parachute deployment. ARRD Operation The ARRD is capable of withstanding 2000 lbs of force and is deployed using an electronic match and black powder. The explosive force of the black powder causes the main piston to disconnect the bolt holding a shock cord for the main parachute’s deployment. This design is reliable and very easy to maintain between launches. Figure 3.3.5: ARRD assembled and disabled. Deployment Bags To protect the main parachute during drogue deployment and to allow for dual deployment without the use of a piston, a Rocketman deployment bag will be used to house the main parachute. The deployment bag is made of a ripstop NOMEX fabric which is both fireproof and light. The bag will ease the packing process of the parachute as well as ensure a clean deployment. The size of bag which we are using is a Rocket man DB7 which is designed to hold an 84 in parachute. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 68 Figure 3.3.6: Deployment bags make packing easier and protect internal vehicle components 3.4 Mission Performance Predictions 3.4.1 Mission Performance Criteria The mission has imposed constraints on the vehicle’s configuration and performance, and in order to make a successful mission, the team must design and build to fly within certain vehicle prohibitions: • The vehicle shall deliver the science or engineering payload to an apogee altitude of 5,280 feet AGL Automatic disqualification if over 5,600 feet AGL. • The launch vehicle shall remain subsonic from launch until landing. • The launch vehicle shall be designed to be recoverable and reusable. (Reusable is defined as being able to be launched again on the same day without repairs or modifications). • The vehicle shall be compatible with an 8 foot long, 1 in. rail (1010). • The launch vehicle shall use a commercially available solid motor propulsion system using ammonium perchlorate composite propellant (APCP) which is approved and certified by the National Association of Rocketry (NAR), Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA), and/or the Canadian Association of Rocketry (CAR). • The total impulse provided by a USLI launch vehicle shall not exceed 5,120 Newton-seconds (L-class). This total impulse constraint is applicable to a single stage or multiple stages. • The amount of ballast, in the vehicle’s final configuration that will be flown in Huntsville, shall be no more than 10% of the unballasted vehicle mass. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 69 On top of NASA’s criteria, the team has decided to impose its own restrictions regarding the mission: • Vehicle shall not exceed 20 g’s. • Vehicle shall land on its motor retainer. • Payload shall not be permitted to move while onboard vehicle. Vehicle prohibitions and constraints: • The vehicle shall not utilize forward canards. • The vehicle shall use only a commercially available motor below an L – class. • The vehicle shall not utilize forward firing motors. • The vehicle shall not utilize motors which expel titanium sponges (Sparky, Skidmark, MetalStorm, etc). • The vehicle shall not utilize hybrid motors. • The vehicle shall not utilize a cluster of motors, either in a single stage or in multiple stages. • The vehicle shall only use ductile metals to prevent dangerous shrapnel. 3.4.2 Flight Profile Verification of altiude, stability, velocity, and accelerations was determined with the Rosksim rocketry simulator. After removing pressure tank system and related systems from the PDR simulation, motor selections, fin geometries, and ballast amounts were varied to reach AGL. In addition, simulations with and without rail buttons were carried out to increase the number of contigencies to reach AGL in the event gross vehicle mass fluxuates. Drag was found to effect the altitude of this configuration substaintially. In order the meets the target AGL, the fins were reduced in span and increased in taper to improve their aerodynamic efficiency. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 70 Figure 3.4.1: RockSim 2D rendering of full scale vehicle. Center of Pressure (in from nose) Center of Gravity (in from nose) Static Stability Margin Thrust-to-Weight Ratio 87.58 in 76.53 in 1.81 10.75 Table 3.4.1: Full scale vehicle simulated stability specifications. Figure 3.4.2: Output from RockSim. The simulation was set for similair atmospheric conditions in Huntsville, Alabama in April with 10 mph winds. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 71 Figure 3.4.3: Thust curve of L1720 – WT from manufacturer (not measured by the team). The simulation(s) predict the vehicle shall travel between 5010 – 5050 feet without ballast while maintaining all required flight preformance characteristics. Rail Exit Velocity (ft/s) Max Velocity (ft/s) Max Mach Number Max Acceleration (ft/s^2) Peak Altitude (ft) 70.4529 ft/s 674 ft/s 0.69 738.189 ft/s^2 5050 ft Table 3.4.2: Full scale vehicle simulated performance specifications. It was found though that without rail buttons, the vehicle traveled to 5600 feet in altitude. Because of this, and the anticipated exsitence of screw heads and a matte finish on the vehicle, the team has opted to include retractable rail buttons to allow the vehicle to reach a higher flight score. Although this brings the vehicle to a potentially disqualifying high altitude, it allows the team to carefully ballast the vehicle in order to reach the target AGL. Furthermore, this model once full ballasted to its 10% vehicle wieght limit reaches 5150 feet; an acceptable score for the mission. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 72 Retractable rail buttons are a system that a 2012 University of Minneastoa senoir design project successfully implemented, and the USLI team will build off of their work to verify its operation. 3.5 Interfaces and Integration The entire vehicle has been designed from the ground up to be compatible with the Public Missiles™ 6.007” tube because of the flexible geometries of the tubes. This also affords easy size changes along the length of the rocket. This tube selection is part of a larger contingency plan to make parts easy to replace in the event of damages during test flights. This means that the vehicles manufactured parts will be compatible with commercial parts if the vehicle’s design and testing suffers major pitfalls over the coming months. Further, the modular system of the design allows the avionics bay, motor, and payload to be prepared separately from each other. This allows for a near seamless integration that only requires connecting wires, preparing e-matches, and inserting shear pins and screws. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 73 Parachute Tube AV bay Booster Payload • • • • • • Sabot BP Charge E – Match Telemetry • Pack chutes Pack Shock cord • • Parachute Tube • + + Payload • • • • • Fin Motor installation AV bay Install BP Charge Parachute Tube • • Battery installation Altimeter installation Connect to Switches AV bay + Booster Screw connection Checklist Parachute Tube AV bay Booster Completed Assembly Final Checklist Ready for launch Figure 3.5.1: Interfaces and integration flow chart. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 74 Specifically, all tube sizes are the same 6.007 inch inner diameter, and all couplers, shoulders, and bulkheads are built within this consistent design parameter. This approach will ensure a smoother integration process of the vehicle structure. To interface with the ground, TX and RX (transmission and reception) functions are routed from an antenna to the ground station transmitter then to a ground station computer. This system affords all mission TX and RX needs, and is within the team members abilities to implement. Prior to launch, the vehicle’s onboard altimeters shall be armed through screw switches placed 6 feet from the base of the rocket. The switches are activated using a screwdriver, and are locked in place by tightening the screw. After this operation, the vehicles electronics are mission ready. Because the wires for these switches are imbedded into the body of the vehicle with built in redundant wires, the team will reduce the time it takes to connect and arm the recovery systems. These interfaces also ensure that the vehicle shall be armed while on the launch pad with all altimeters and mission components integrated. Upon arming, the vehicle is ready to launch with RSO approval. 3.6 Launch Operations All necessary information regarding launch operations can be found in 6.2 Appendix II: Safety Protocol. Pre-Launch Checklist Structures & Propulsion Preflight Checklist People Responsible: Devin V, Nathan K. Fin Installation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Inspect fin surface for cracks or chips Slide each fin into fin centering ring Install locking centering ring and motor mount Inspect quality of lock for fins Inspect fin alignment Avionics – Vehicle Installation 1. Test Systems for functionality 2. Test Batteries with digital multi-meter 3. Test Altimeters 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 75 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Slide avionics sled onto treaded bolts Connect appropriate plugs to switch circuits and BP charge circuits Secure sled with lock 2 nuts Ensure nuts are locked Join booster and parachute tube via the avionics bay using 12 2 -56 steel screws Vehicle Assembly 1. Inspect tubes for potential snags or stops and make proper adjustments 2. Pack shock chord and parachutes into parachute tube 3. Install BP charge 4. Inspect payload bay for hazardous obstructions or snags 5. Insert payload into sabot 6. Slide nose cone into Payload tube 7. Check for snug fit in all connections 8. Inspect body tube for cracks and chips 9. Inspect rail buttons for miss alignment 10. Inspect motor mount 11. Apply shear pins Recovery Checklist People Responsible: Nathan K, Greg Z. 1. Inspect all shock cords for structural integrity, removing and replacing any frayed components 2. Inspect drogue and main parachute for defects 3. Connect and verify electrical connections 4. Fill ejection canisters, ARRD with appropriate amount of black powder 5. Attach ARRD to fore avionics bulkhead 6. Attach main parachute to aft parachute bay U-bolt 7. Attach main parachute to ARRD 8. Attach one end of drogue shock cord to fore parachute bay U-bolt 9. Attach other end of drogue shock cord to the main parachute 10. Hook on drogue parachute to the middle of the drogue shock cord 11. Fold and load drogue parachute into drogue bay, cover with the parachute protector 12. Secure rear bulkhead to avionics bay 13. Connect recovery section to payload section, secure with shear pins 14. Connect recovery section to motor section, secure with bolts through avionics bay 15. Arm electronics using screw switch, verify functionality 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 76 Payload Checklist People Responsible: Vishnuu M, Hannah W, Matthew D 1. Verify that the battery pack is connected 2. Verify that the RMRC-600XV Camera is oriented correctly and stable on the payload chassis 3. Verify that the camera’s Immersion RC transmitter is functioning with the Airwave Receiver and Patch antenna and its transmitting live video feed to the ground station 4. Verify that the high torque continuous rotation servos are properly connected mechanically to the rover as well as electrically to the ArduIMU 5. Verify that the RC receiver is successfully connected to the ArduIMU and the RC Transmitter/Controller is able to transmit commands to the receiver. 6. Test the rover to make sure that it is functioning and can move forward and rotate 180ᵒ 7. Verify that the GPS is properly connected and is transmitting coordinates of the rover’s location 8. After all subsystems are properly functioning, wrap payload into its polyethylene foam case 9. Inspect the black powder canister and make sure that the on/off switch is properly connected and functioning 10. Put the black powder and piston assembly into the payload bay before the rover is put in 11. Put the payload with its sabot into the payload section of the rocket 12. Verify that the payload is secure and can be sealed into the rocket and place the nose cone into place along with the shear pins Post-Launch Checklist People Responsible: Devin V, Greg Z, Nathan K, Binh B 1. Locate the rocket and ensure that it can be recovered safely 2. Verify that all four ejection charges fired. If any have not fired, carefully disconnect the E - matches and twist the leads together. Consult the Safety Officer regarding the disassembly of the charge(s) 3. Power off the altimeters after recording the altitude readout 4. Remove the camera section from the rocket, stop the recording, and power off the camera 5. Remove the screws holding on the nosecone and then remove the nosecone from the payload section 6. Dismount the thermocouples and then remove the payload electronics, powering them off once they have been removed from the rocket 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 77 7. Inspect the main and drogue parachutes for any damage from the ejection charges or landing 8. Inspect the fin fillets for any cracks or damage 9. Inspect the motor retainer to ensure that there is no damage 10. After the motor cools off some, remove the motor and clean the casing. Note any irregularities in the motor, such as burned through liners, damage to the casing, any bulges in the casing, or damage to the closure threads 11. Remove any remaining tape on the ejection charge wells as well as fired ematches 12. Clean the bulkheads with cleaning wipes to remove the ejection charge residue. 13. Inspect the bulkheads for any damage or loose components 14. Remove the electronics bay bulkhead and the attached altimeters 15. Disconnect the charge and switch wires from the altimeters 16. Inspect the payload bulkhead for any damage and clean any charge residue from the bulkhead 17. Clean out the charge residue from the main and drogue airframe sections 3.7 Safety and Environment (Vehicle) 3.7.1 Safety Officer The safety officer for the team is Binh Bui. The safety officer responsibilities include developing safety plans and procedures ensure proper compliance with school, regional and federals codes. In addition the safety officer will provide oversight to ensure that safety procedures and best practices are met by team members. 3.7.2 Vehicle Failure Modes To save time, cost, and increase the overall success of the design requirements, Table 3.11.1 summarizes the possible failure modes and their respective mitigation. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 78 Item Description Potential Failure Mode Effects of Failure Mode Potential causes VF-1 Launch Rail Button Launch rail shear off Rocket launches at an angle VF-2 Body Tube Yields to compression VF-3 Severity Rating Probability Recommended Actions Completed? Manufacturin g defect 3 Low Test sliding action before each launch, use larger buttons Verified from last year Rocket splits, structural failure Manufacturin g defect 3 Low Static load test per FV-012012 Nosecone Separation in flight Unstable flight dynamics Not enough shear pins 2 Low VF-4 Nosecone Nosecone jams upon deployment Rover will not deploy Too little BP, or too many shear pins 2 Medium VF-5 Payload Piston Piston jams upon deployment Rover will not deploy Too little BP, or too many shear pins 2 Medium 2 Low 3 Low VF-6 VF-7 Payload Piston Piston bulkhead fails Nosecone will not deploy Too much BP or improper manufacturin g BP Charges Charges fail to ignite Parachutes will not deploy igniter does not receive signal to ignite 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Detailed calculations will be done to confirm proper amount of shear pins in nosecone. Static load test per FV-012012 Using the proper shoulder length, and guarantee that the load to separate is evenly distributed. Ground Rover Deployment test with BP charge test per FV-022012 Using the proper shoulder length, and guarantee that the load to separate is evenly distributed. Ground Rover Deployment test with BP charge test per FV-022012 Use proper epoxy techniques to ensure a rigid bond, ground testing to find failure load limit. Ground Rover Deployment test with BP charge test per FV-022012 Proper wiring to avionics is important, will check power to leads prior to ejection canister being loaded, ematches will be centered in the canister. Parachute Deployment test with BP charge test per FV-022012 Tentative Tentative Tentative Mid February Mid February Mid February Page 79 Parachute tears off rocket, structural breach Altimeter malfunction 3 Low Proper wiring to avionics, and programming of avionics is important. Half scale test per FV-03-2012 Proper wiring and programming. Half scale test per FV-03-2012 The avionics bays must be properly sealed to protect from BP residue, ejection canisters must fit properly and not move or fail. Perhaps incorporating a ground radio based tracker. Calculations will be essential, and ground tests will be conducted. Parachute Deployment test with BP charge test per FV-02-2012 Ensure correct orientation of battery terminals, fresh batteries every flight, and holder strength prevents movement under acceleration. Primary and secondary systems are onboard to ensure ejection charges and electronics will function. Half scale test per FV-03-2012 VF-8 BP Charges Charges ignite prematurely VF-9 BP Charges Charges ignite simultaneously Larger drift distance Programmin g code 2 Low VF-10 BP Charges BP residue contaminates avionics Lose GPS tracking Improper seal 1 Low VF-11 BP Charges Not enough BP to deploy payload or parachutes Parachute does not deploy Insufficient BP 2 Low VF-12 Avionics Battery failure Parachutes does not deploy Poor wiring 3 Medium VF-13 Avionics Altimeter failure Parachutes does not deploy Damaged Hardware 3 Low VF-14 Avionics Incorrect pressure readings Parachutes does not deploy Damaged Hardware 2 Low Half scale test per FV-03-2012 Mid February VF-15 Parachutes Singed by BP charge Descent rate will be higher, high kinetic impact Parachute damaged 2 Low Main and drogue will have a chute protector Verified from last year VF-16 Shock Chord High descent rate, high kinetic impact Defective Swivel 2 Low Half scale test per FV-03-2012 Mid February Structure failure caused by motor Manufacturin g Process defect Low Proper epoxy attachment of CR’s and calculations of max structural loads on CR’s Static load test per FV-012012 Verified from half scale VF-19 Motor Shock chord becomes tangled Retention failure 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review 3 Mid February Mid February Mid February Mid February Mid February Mid February Page 80 VF-20 Fins Fins fail Stability failure Manufacturin g process 3 Medium Ensure fins are properly and snuggly attached to fin mount. Static load test per FV-012012 Verified from half scale Table 3.11.1-Vehicle Failure Modes [see Appendix ## SO 2 for failure verification plan] Severity Rating: 1 - Minor failure. Over all mission requirements are still attainable 2 - Moderate failure. One or two requirements is/are unattainable. 3 - Complete failure. Overall mission is unattainable, failure of most requirements. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 81 3.7.3 Procedural Risks There will also be procedural hazards to the team members as they prepare for flight and recover the vehicle and payload. Checklists for pre-flight procedures, launch procedures and post-flight procedures as well as travel and shop checklists will be maintained and adhered to. The following table lists some of the procedural hazards, and the proposed mitigations. Procedure Hazard Risk Mitigation Pre-flight Black powder ignites on loading Low Mentor and safety officer will load black powder charges, and will be one of the last components to be loaded into rocket Launch Charges Ignite on pad Low Ensure avionics are powered off Post-flight Live charges still onboard Low Switch off electronics immediately upon recovery, and disassemble ejection canisters Table 3.7.1: Procedures Risk and Mitigation Summary. Note, by the time the team attends the competition launch, we will have successfully launched a minimum of one half scale rocket and one full scale rocket. We will practice our flight operation procedures as a team at each of the test launches. We will also practice successful assembly and disassembly of the entire rocket and all components prior to competition launch. Each team member will be expected to be familiar with all rocket systems to ensure safety. On launch day, each team member will be assigned specific tasks to be performed in preparation of launch. The team lead and the safety officer will supervise the preparation and maintain the checklists. 3.7.4 Personnel Hazards and Environmental Concerns Personnel hazards will exist during the course of this project, and all steps will be taken to prevent any accidents from occurring. Construction, testing and assembly of our high powered rocket (consisting of various materials including fiberglass, aluminum and wood) will require the use of a variety of specialty tools, many of which are contained in the Mechanical Engineering student machine shop and can be accessed by the team members. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 82 All team members who will be working on constructing the rocket have completed a shop safety course. The team has put forth a general rule that will require any member working on any component to do so in pairs. This rule will be held in strict adherence especially when working in the machine shop. The purpose of the rule is to not only prevent accidents by providing assistance in proper shop techniques, but also so that each component that is fabricated will have more than one person who understands the fabrication process. In addition on October 11th the Safety Officer put on a safety training session that was required for all team members. This included familiarizing with MSDSs, proper lab safety practices, safe design practices, and risk mitigation practices. This ensured that all team members have a high level of awareness for safety. The following table summarizes the shop hazards that will be encountered during the manufacturing and assembly of our rocket. Machine Hazard Mitigation Safety Band Saw Rotating blade Always wear safety equipment, and pay attention. Safety Training Eye, ear protection Jig Saw Reciprocating blade Pay attention, Safety Training Eye, ear protection No loose clothing, Safety Training Eye, ear protection Milling Machine Rotating bits Lathe High speed rotation No loose clothing, Safety Training Eye, ear protection Drill Press High speed roation No loose clothing, Safety Training Eye, ear protection Miter Saw Rotating blade Pay attention, Safety Training Eye, ear protection Rotary Tool Rotating bits Pay attention, Safety Training Eye, ear protection Table 3.7.2: Machine Shop Hazards and Mitigation With regard to the various hazardous materials to be used during the testing and construction of our high powered rocket, we will keep all materials in a locked storage 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 83 cabinet in our Aerospace Engineering design project workspace in Akerman Hall 130B. Upon the purchase of any hazardous material, the team lead and the safety officer will present details of how to handle the material properly during the weekly meetings. All MSDS sheets will be kept in a binder located at the storage cabinet. All team leads will be required to know the high level overview of chemicals that they will be using extensively. Again, it will be a mandatory rule that all team members must work in pairs when handling any hazardous material. The shop in Akerman Hall 130B will also contain all safety equipment that will be required for the safe construction of our rocket. It is the responsibility of the team lead and the safety officer to ensure that the first aid kit and the fire extinguishers located in the workspace are functioning properly at all times. Other safety equipment to be purchased will include respirator masks to be used when cutting or sanding fiberglass, applying epoxy and applying paint or primer. Safety goggles will also be purchased to be used as needed. Ear plugs and latex gloves will also be purchased and placed by the storage cabinet to be used as needed. The following table summarizes the hazards from the various working materials in the lab, and includes risk mitigation. Material Hazard Safety Equipment Mitigation Epoxy Noxious fumes Respirator, safety glasses, latex gloves Make sure well ventilated Super Glue Fumes, skin contact Respirator, latex gloves Use ventilation Black Powder Skin contact Latex gloves Always wear gloves Pyrodex Skin contact Latex gloves Always wear gloves Spray Paint Fumes Respirator, gloves Make sure well ventilated Table 3.7.3: Chemical hazards 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 84 4 Payload Criteria 4.1 Testing and Design of Payload Experiment The payload consists of a remote controlled rover that is based on the concept of an extraterrestrial exploration vehicle. A number of factors influenced the initial design plan for our rover, Inquisitivity. These include: • Ability to fit and deploy smoothly from the payload bay of the rocket. • Structural integrity to withstand the forces experienced during takeoff, flight, parachute deployment and landing. • Ability to drive on uneven terrain. • Robust performances of on-board electronic systems. • Orientation correction. Figure 4.1.1: Front view of payload in open wheel configuration. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 85 Figure 4.1.2: Rear view of payload in closed wheel configuration. For these factors to be successfully implemented, the rover has to be designed at a system level, with each system consisting of certain subsystems. These systems and subsystems are described below. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 86 4.1.1 Review of Payload Systems Figure 4.1.3: Front view of rover showing main components. Figure 4.1.4: Rear view of rover showing main components. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 87 A. Control System An ArduIMU unit forms the heart of the control system for the rover .The ArduIMU is an extremely robust, compact and reliable microcontroller platform and is compatible with the spectrum receiver. These two components shall be the rovers on-board control system, while the transmitter remote controller that will be operated by the ground station operator will serve as the rovers manual control link. Since the Spectrum receiver and transmitter system is mainly used for model airplanes, they have a long range of up to 1.6 miles, which is more than sufficient for our purpose. It must be noted that the stated range is for remote aircraft flying at altitude, and hence radio coverage is better. Testing will be done to verify that this system can function equally or sufficiently well on the ground at a range of up to 2500 feet. The ArduIMU shall perform the primary function of controlling the speed of rotation of the high torque servos, which form the propulsion system of the rover. Any command given by the ground controller through the RC transmitter shall be received by the onboard receiver, and these signals will form the input signal to the ArduIMU which shall accordingly process these signals to output signals for the servos. The autonomous control code will be uploaded on the ArduIMU and executed when the necessary condition is met, that being that the RC receiver receives no signal from the transmitter for a period of 5 minutes. Figure 4.1.5: Control System for Inquisitivity. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 88 B. Propulsion System The rover’s propulsion system consists of the high torque servos that drive the wheel assembly. This system must be capable of generating enough torque to drive the rover and account for the rough and uneven terrain of a cornfield. The Hi-Tech HSR 8960 servos selected for the propulsion system will be able to meet this requirement and generate enough torque to drive and steer the 6-pound rover. C. Orientation Correction System The high torque servos located on the chassis of the rover and responsible for driving the wheels create a reactive torque that tends to rotate the chassis of the rover. Correcting the orientation of the rover is important for continued proper transmission and for a continuous streaming of relevant video data. To correct the orientation of the rover, the team will attach an outrigger arm to the underside of the rover, which will stick out at the back of the rover. The outrigger will serve to counteract the torque that is generated by the servos and act on the chassis of the rover so that it remains in the correct orientation. The correct orientation is defined as the orientation of the chassis such that the camera points straight ahead and the transmitter antenna points straight up. Figure 4.1.6: Solidworks sketch showing the orientation correction system. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 89 If the rover does not land in the correct orientation, then its orientation will be corrected once the outrigger touches the surface of the terrain as it rotates with the chassis due to the reactive torque of the servos. It will then drag behind the rover and continuously exert a counter torque which will keep the chassis in the correct orientation. D. Exploration System One of the primary objectives of an exploration vehicle is to be able to transmit the view of its surroundings to its operating team. This feature enables the ground team to maneuver the rover and also provides useful information in case the rover is being used for a rescue mission. Inquisitivity will be loaded with a high definition CCD camera that will transmit live video feed through a small radio transmitter that will also be mounted on its avionics bay. A receiver and patch antenna combination on the ground station will display the video feed from the rover on a TV or computer screen. The system is compact and efficient and a similar system has been tested on a high-altitude balloon flight by one of the team members for a UAV project. The team still plans on doing further tests as to the robustness of this system on the ground and its ability to transmit high-definition video efficiently. Figure 4.1.7: Exploration System connections. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 90 D. Deployment System Figure 4.1.8: Sabot deployment system. The payload deployment system will consist of a sabot chassis that will fit on one end of the payload bay of the rocket. This sabot chassis will have room for four black powder canister ejection charges, and the black powder amount required to eject the rover will be evenly distributed amongst these canisters. A Turnigy Remote Controlled On/Off switch will connect to the ArduIMU and will serve as an on/off switch to arm and disarm the black powder ejection charges. When armed upon the control input given by the ground controller, the charge will travel to the black powder ejection canisters by means of a quick release wire that will easily break the link between the rover and the sabot chassis and deploy the rover once the black powder explosion occurs. The black powder ejection charges wil be ignited by means of e-matches connected to the switch. If the black powder does not go off upon arming, then the ground controller can switch off the switch by means of the RC transmitter, hence eliminating the live electric charge in the wire connection and making the rover and the rocket safe for a manual recovery. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 91 Figure 4.1.9: Views of rover in closed wheel configuration, integrated with sabot chassis Integrity of Design Structural integrity is an essential parameter for the design of any system and its components. Inquisitivity will boast a chassis made of 0.125 inch thick G-10 fiberglass, and a stainless steel axle connecting the servos to the wheel assembly. The hubs for the wheel assembly have been 3D printed in the Mechanical Engineering Machine Shop. Since the link between the servo and the axle is potentially the weakest point on the rover, we modified our design to house the servos in the middle of the chassis, and supporting the axle by an inner wall as well as the outer wall of the chassis. Also, to reduce stress on the axle and servo connection, the team decided that it would be a novel idea to make the wheel assembly as light as possible while maintaining structural integrity. Instead of manufacturing the legs out of G-10 fiberglass, the team decided to use 0.125 inch thick balsa wood and then coating it with three layers of fiberglass using epoxy and curing it. This process yielded a much stronger composite material leg than balsa wood alone, but much lighter than one made out of just fiberglass. This ensures that the legs of the rover that would be subject to the weight of the rover and a bending moment due to the torque generated by the servos could sustain such forces. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 92 All our components have been designed on Solidworks with precise dimensional specifications to ensure that all the electrical system components can be housed on the chassis of the rover in the most efficient manner. The model was tested in both closed and open wheel configurations, to ensure adequate ground clearance while ensuring that it can fit inside the payload bay of the rocket. Figure 4.1.10: Closed wheel configuration allows the rover to fit inside payload bay. All components for the rover were carefully chosen to fulfill their purpose for the mission with exceeding expectations. The system level requirements describe the integrity of each component. Analysis and Testing The analysis conducted by the team till now has largely been related to optimizing the design of the payload and designing and testing its integration into the rocket. This analysis has been conducted using accurate Solidworks models of both the rover and the rocket. The team has tested one of the major structural components of the rover, the legs of the wheel assembly. This testing is discussed in detail in section 4.1.4. 4.1.2 Systems Level Functional Requirements Payload Structure and Dimensions Dimensional analysis was one of the first things the payload team had to come to an agreement upon. Although the payload bay measures 26 inches in length and 6 inches in inner diameter, we had to take into consideration the space utilized by the avionics bay, the piston deployment system, and the coupler for the nose cone that extended 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 93 into the payload bay. For the efficient functionality of all the systems, it was decided that the payload length will not exceed 15 inches and the inner diameter must be kept at below 5.86 inches for the payload to integrate into the Sabot chassis deployment system. However, a wheel diameter of 5.86 inches does not provide sufficient ground clearance for the rover to drive well. To deal with this, Inquisitivity will have a compressible wheel assembly that will consist of six drive legs connected to two hubs on an axle that connects each of these assemblies to the chassis. The outer hub of each wheel assembly is fixed to the end of the axle, while the inner hub is attached to the chassis by means of a spring. Each leg is connected to the outer hub and then linked to the inner hub. This way when the inner hub is compressed, the legs collapse into the chassis of the rover. This gives Inquisitivity the flexibility of fitting inside the rocket payload bay, as the closed cross sectional diameter can be maintained below 5.86 inches, and also gives it the ability to have sufficient ground clearance, as the open wheel diameter is 9.09 inches. From our Solidworks drawings, it is evident that in the closed wheel configurations, the maximum distance between the outermost points on the rover is 5.8 inches, which meets the required design goal. Also the length of the rover is 14.53 inches from one end to the other. In the open wheel configuration, the wheel has a diameter of 9.09 inches, providing a sufficient ground clearance of 3.04 inches. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 94 Figure 4.1.11: Drawing showing all major dimensions of the rover. Figure 4.1.12: Drawings showing dimensions of the rover in closed wheel configurations, for the purpose of demonstrating that it can fit inside the payload bay of the rocket, which has an inner diameter of 6 inches. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 95 Inquisitivity will boast a fiberglass chassis and a composite wheel assembly, coupled with a stainless steel axle. Any difference between the closed diameter of the rover and the inner diameter of the rocket gives us the ability to wrap the rover in a thin foam pad as it fits inside the payload bay. This will reduce any vibrations and shaking the rover experiences during the flight and will also avoid it from bumping into the walls of the payload bay by ensuring a tight but flexible fit, as the foam pad will be able to absorb reaction forces from the rocket. The wheel design, which ensures sufficient ground clearance and the propulsion system comprised of high torque servos, enhances the rover’s ability to drive and maneuver itself on uneven terrain. The rover’s electronics have been carefully selected to ensure superb functionality, efficiency and system harmony. The team is certain that the operating frequency of the RC receiver will not interfere with the operating frequency of the camera transmitter system. However, we still plan to test all these systems together. The ArduIMU will be powered by the Tenergy Lithium-Ion battery pack that shall provide the sufficient power required to drive the servos, power the receiver, GPS unit and the on/off switch. The camera system will run on a different power supply to ensure independence of the control and exploration system. Deployment System Requirements After the rocket lands safely, the first step towards the successful completion of our rover’s mission as a science payload is deployment. Deployment will be triggered by the ground controller after receiving permission from the RSO. After the RSO has given the ground controller the clearance, the controller will send the deployment signal through the DX5e transmitter to the electronic switch connected to the ArduIMU. Successful ignition of the ejection charges will deploy the rover, allowing it to start its mission and demonstrate its functionality as an exploration vehicle. Control System Requirements A Spectrum AR600 Receiver will be connected to the ArduIMU on the rover to receive and relay control inputs from the transmitter to the ArduIMU, which in turn will process the inputs and relay them to the servos that will drive the wheels of the rover. Successful deployment of the rover will depend upon successful functionality of the control system so that the signal to deploy is transmitted by the RC transmitter, received and relayed by the RF receiver, and processed by the ArduIMU. Thus the Remote controlled receiver and transmitter combination must be capable of interfacing and communicating with each other at ranges of up to 2500 feet. This requirement will also determine controlling the rover once it is deployed as desired by the ground controller. Once the rocket has landed and the rover is deployed, it will be extremely important to determine the exact location of the rover for recovery purposes. The Mediatek GPS is 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 96 compatible with the ArduIMU and has a low power consumption, high sensitivity and has a build-in patch antenna. The GPS has a position accuracy of less than 3 meters, which is acceptable for our purpose. Propulsion System Requirements Once it is deployed in the ground, Inquisitivity will have to be capable of functioning on terrain that will not be smooth or flat. There is a high possibility of obstacles such as small rocks and ground bumps and depressions. Apart from having significant ground clearance, the wheels of the rover will have to rotate with enough torque to be able to get through such rough terrain. The propulsion system consisting of the high torque servos coupled with the wheel assembly is essential for driving the rover. It requires a rigid and secure connection between each servo and wheel assembly by means of a stainless steel axle. It also requires securing the electrical connection between the control system and the propulsion system, so that the ArduIMU can relay the necessary signals to operate and drive the servos. Exploration System Requirements To be able to drive and maneuver the rover after deployment, the ground controller needs to have a view of the rovers surrounding from the perspective of the rover. Inquisitivity’s video camera system must be capable of transmitting live video feed after deployment from the rocket to the ground station, which means it must have a range of up to 2500 feet. Orientation System Requirements For the exploration system to be able to transmit useful video feed to the ground controller, it is necessary that the rover can orient itself from time to time, since the servos will exert a reactive torque on the chassis, as was discussed. 4.1.3 Approach to Workmanship As of now, the team has successfully manufactured the legs that will be a major part of the wheel assembly of the rover and will be responsible for bearing its weight and experiencing a bending moment due to the torque of the servos. To ensure precision, the team made use of the College of Design’s, Design and Fabrication Lab. Here the team laser cut the leg pieces out of 0.125 inch thick balsa wood. Once one of the legs was laser cut, the team coated the leg with fiberglass using epoxy and cured it for 24 hours to make a composite that would be much stronger than just the balsa wood itself. The hubs for the wheel assembly have been 3D printed in the Mechanical Engineering Machine Shop. The major challenge the team will face as far as the structural workmanship of the rover goes is that of securing the connection between the wheel 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 97 assembly and the servos through the stainless steel axle, and making sure it is rigid and does not oscillate about its mean position during movement. The electrical components used for the various systems are off the shelf. The ArduIMU will require considerable programming and interfacing so that it can have a robust means of communicating with the AR600 RC Receiver. The team has found some online documentation which includes a description of the process and code required to connect an Arduino based device to an RC Receiver. The exploration system comes ready to use and only requires a computer or TV screen for displaying the video. Figure 4.1.13: Fiberglass balsa wood composite leg (left) and 3D printed hubs (right). Figure 4.1.14: Laser cutting in progress. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 98 4.1.4 Testing Structural testing It is integral to the success of our payload that its structural components can withstand the forces that they will experience. As mentioned, the team is extensively making use of a balsa wood fiberglass composite material to ensure the parts are strong and at the same time to reduce the overall mass of the rover to increase efficiency. As of now the team has successfully manufactured and stress tested a leg of the rover, which is part of the wheel assembly and supports the weight of the rover. This was done by fixing one end of the leg and loading the other leg with a 3 pound mass. The stress test on this composite piece showed that it could alone support a 3 pound mass, which gives us a factor of safety of 4, since the estimated mass of the rover is a maximum of 6 pounds and at any instant of time, there will be four legs supporting the mass of the rover. The chassis once constructed will be tested once it is assembled with the wheel assembly using a stainless steel axle as a link between the on-board servos and the hub of the wheel. This test will comprise of the rover being integrated into the payload bay of the rocket and being ejection tested to ensure that the entire assembly can withstand the force of deployment. Range Tests for the Control System and Camera System The main challenge posed at the control system is its ability of the RC transmitter to transmit and the receiver to receive and relay the control inputs from the ground station at a range of up to 2500 feet. A similar challenge is posed to the first person camera system, and a range test will ensure that the camera transmitter can transmit live video feed from the rover at distances of up to 2500 feet from the ground station. Both these systems can be tested in a simulated environment, one in which the CCD camera and transmitter along with the control system coupled with the propulsion system is placed at a distance of 2500 feet from the ground station. At the ground station, we will be able to verify whether we are able to receive the live video feed on the computer connected to the patch antenna and if the propulsion system responds to the control inputs of the ground controller. Finally, the degree of autonomy of the rover will be tested by noticing if it performs the required autonomous functions when it receives no input from the ground controller for a period of five minutes. These autonomous functions will cause the rover to follow a pre-planned trajectory, one that will rotates the servos such that the rover moves 10 feet forward, rotate 180 degrees and then move forward 10 feet again. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 99 Propulsion System Testing The propulsion system will be tested once the entire rover has been constructed and all subsystems are integrated. This test is expected to demonstrate the ability of the servos to generate enough torque to drive the rover on a plain surface, as well as on rough and uneven terrain such as a cornfield. The team plans to perform this test in a corn field in North Branch, from where the team conducts its launch tests as well. Since the servos will use up a majority of the on-board power supply on the rover, this test will also give us an idea of how long we can sustain the batteries of the rover. Deployment System Testing The first step towards testing the deployment system would be to test the sabot and black powder system with a dummy payload through the development phase of the project, and through these tests, we will be able to determine if our theoretical calculations for the amount of black powder we need to use to deploy the rover out of the nose cone under the worst case scenario conditions match with experimental results. If the results differ, then further tests will help us improve and make any necessary changes to our deployment system. Further deployment testing will require the entire rover to be fitted into a tube with similar dimensions as the payload bay of the rocket which will contain a prototype of the proposed ejection system. A mockup nose cone will fit at the front end of the tube and the black powder charges will be fired via RC transmitter. The ejection test must demonstrate the ability of the rover to be pushed out of the payload bay without getting stuck to the nose cone of the rocket. It will also demonstrate the functionality of the RC on/off electronic switch that will connect to the ejection charges. If ejection is successful at a short range, it will be tested at a long range, to ensure that ejection is possible at a range of up to 2500 feet and the on-off switch can unarm the black powder charges in case of failure of deployment, so that the rocket and the rover are safe to recover manually. 4.1.5 Manufacturing and Assembly Currently, the team has all the Solidworks drawings necessary to fabricate the structural components of the rover. The team recently fabricated the hubs, legs, and linkages for the wheel assembly of the rover and is currently in the process of fiberglass coating all the legs and linkages and completing the wheel assembly. Structural stress tests have been performed on the individual hubs and legs, but are yet to be performed on the linkages. Once these are performed and the wheels are assembled, the team will go ahead and fabricate the chassis of the rover. Currently the only subsystem the team has ordered are the servos but the team will order all other subsystems by February 1st and begin subsystem testing after they arrive and the dependent systems are integrated. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 100 The plan is to have the chassis ready and integrated with the wheel assembly by the end of January, so that once the subsystem components arrive, they can readily be integrated into the structural assembly of the rover and be tested. The deployment system manufacturing process will begin after we have finished fabricating the rover. Keeping in mind scenarios where certain components may need to be re-fabricated or rebuilt due to damage or failure as part of the testing process, the team plans to have the entire rover ready by the first week of March. January 14th 2013 CDR Due th Complete composite rover parts rd Strength test rover composite parts st February 7th 2013 Have chassis built and integrated with rover parts to have a full scale rover Order the rover electronics still needed: ArduIMU, CCD Camera/transmitter, batteries, GPS Have all electronics tested and working properly February 14th 2013 Integrate rover with rover electronics February 24th 2013 Make sure ArduIMU is programmed January 18 2013 January 23 2013 January 31 2013 February 1st 2013 st February 31 2013 Black powder test and programmed on/off switch is functioning th March 7 2013 Have an operational rover March 18th 2013 FRR report, presentation and flysheet due April 20th 2013 Launch day Table 4.1.1: Rover construction timeline. 4.1.6 Integration Plan The payload will be located in between the nose cone and the aviation bay. The payload bay will be 26 inches in length. The inner diameter of the rocket is 6 inches and the rover, when it is closed, has a maximum cross sectional diameter of 5.80 inches with a length of 14.53 inches. This diameter of the closed rover has to be very close to the payload bay’s inner diameter so the rover can fit into the rocket snugly with as little movement as possible. This will make the rocket have little to no inconsistencies in flight due to the payload if the rover is not able to move around inside. A diagram of the payload integration is given below. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 101 Figure 4.1.15: Rover integrated into the payload bay along with deployment system. A sabot system will be used to fire the payload from the rocket. The sabot system consists of two red sabot caps that will hold the payload in place as shown in Figure 4.1.15. Black powder will be placed in the sabot cap that will be housed in the piston at the aft side of the payload bay. Figure 3.1.24 has a detailed description of sabot caps. A fixed bulkhead will separate the payload bay from the avionics bay. A shock chord will be connected between the fixed bulkhead and piston. Vent holes will be placed on the piston so that once the piston is fired out, it will stop due to the pressure being released once it is outside the payload bay. In case this release in pressure does not stop the piston, a shock cord of 30 inches will be used so the piston is not lost. This configuration is seen in Figure 4.1.16. With experimentation, the shock cord may be found to be unnecessary with the amount of black powder used. As the pressure builds up in the piston, once it is fired and the vent holes reach the outside of the rocket, the pressure release could be enough to stop the piston from firing completely out of the rocket. A shock cord will also be used in the design at this time, as a precaution as sufficient testing has yet to be completed. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 102 Figure 4.1.16: Sabot deployment system configuration. A hollow fixed bulkhead will be placed in the nose cone. The sabot cap will hit this fixed bulkhead upon deployment so that the rover will not get shot into the nose cone and the nose cone will get pushed off. Nylon 2-56 thread screws will be connecting the nose cone to the payload bay and will be sheared off once the black powder is fired to propel the rover from the rocket. Since the rover is deployed after the rocket has landed, approval will have to be given by the RSO. After the team has received this approval, a command will be sent from the RC controller to the rover that will turn the Turnigy Receiver Controlled Switch on to fire the sabot piston. The sabot piston will be fired by the use of four e-matches as there will be four ejection canisters in the aft sabot cap. These e-matches will be electrically connected to the Controlled Switch which is connected to the ArduIMU. This will receive the command sent from the RC controller directing it to fire. The ArduIMU will send a command to the Controlled Switch which will be set to “on” after the command is sent and can therefore send the current through to the e-matches to ignite the black powder to send Inquisitivity 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 103 out on its mission. Sufficient testing will be accomplished to make sure that this method is sound and reliable for what is expected of the rocket payload. LED lights will be connected from the ArduIMU and will be drilled onto the outside of the rocket, but flush with the surface so that they are visible on site. If the switch is off the lights will be green, if the switch is on, the lights will be red. This is a safety precaution so that if the command is sent to fire, but the black powder does not go off, the switch can be seen if it is on or off and safe to approach. These LEDs will be visible from the outside of the rocket and there will be multiple lights around the rocket so that one will always be visible in the case that the rocket lands in an orientation that covers one set of LEDs from view. The calculated mass of the black powder needed for the deployment of the rover is given by the equation: 𝑾= 𝑷∗𝑽 ∗ 𝟒𝟓𝟒. 𝑹∗𝑻 Where W is the amount of black powder needed, P is the pressure assuming to be at sea level of 14.7psi, R is the gas constant of 266 in-lbf/lbm, and the temperature is given in Rankine for 3307 R. The pressure is assumed at sea level as it should only have a slight increase in the rocket. Further testing will be done to get a more accurate reading of the real pressure in the rocket for the final calculation for the amount of black powder needed. The volume is taken from the equation 𝑽=𝑳 𝝅 𝟐 𝑫 𝟒 where D is the inner diameter of the rocket, 6 inches, and the length is the length of the payload bay being 26 inches. This volume is subtracted from the volume the rover and its components take up to use in the equation being 351.243 inches3. With all of these values, the amount of black powder needed will be 2.665 grams. 4.1.7 Precision of Instrumentation and Repeatability of Measurements The subsystems that will be integrated into the rover Inquisitivity will be compatible with the requirements for the rover upon landing such that they will still function properly within the range of 2,500 feet from the launch site. • • AR600 Receiver to receive transmissions from the DX5e controller has a range of ~ 2,600 feet. This will be well within the range 2,500 feet from the launch site making the receiver a reliable system for the rover payload. RMRC-600XV CCD Camera (NTSC) will use an Immersion RC 2.4GHz 500mW TX to transmit its video to the Airwave Receiver with a patch antenna. This 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 104 • system will have a range of ~6562 feet. This is within the range that the payload will land in making the system a dependable source for the rover to transmit live video feed to a team member’s computer. MediaTek MT3329 GPS tracking system has precision of within 9 feet, with a range of ~ 1 mile. It is important that this subsystem is reliable and this GPS tracking system is within the required range for the payload to land. The measurements for all of the subsystems can be repeated by recharging the battery that it will be using to complete its mission. Testing will be accomplished to verify the ranges and precision of the instrumentation used. These tests will be repeated to make the conclusions more accurate. 4.1.8 Rover Electronics We will be purchasing the Advanced FPV Starter Package: 2.4GHz. We found that this package has a lot of the components we will need and is cheaper than buying all of the components separately. The package includes a camera, transmitter, power cables for the receiver, two batteries, and a patch antenna. The main components we will be using from this package are the camera, transmitter, receiver, and patch antenna. This package along with a patch antenna and computer is all we will need to transmit and receive the live video feed from the rover. Figure 4.1.17: Camera System Package. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 105 Camera: Transmitter: Receiver: Patch Antenna: RMRC-600XV Camera ImmersionRC 500mW 2.4GHz TX Airwave 2.4GHz A/V Receiver 2.4 GHz 8 dBi Flat Patch Antenna Table 4.1.2: Advanced FPV Starter Package components. A. Camera The camera will be mounted on the lower shelf of the rover and will be mounted forward facing i.e. towards the direction of travel. This camera will be connected to a wireless transmitter to send the live feed to the driver’s computer to assist the driver in navigation and obstacle avoidance. The camera will be the main tool used in the navigation of the rover. Figure 4.1.18: ReadyMadeRC RMRC-600XV Camera. Manufacturer: Model: Voltage Range: Field of View: Resolution: Weight: Dimensions: ReadyMadeRC RMRC-600XV 5-15V 35 degrees CMOS of 600 TV lines of resolution 1.3 oz 1.2 x 1.2 x 0.5 in Table 4.1.3: ReadyMadeRC RMRC-600XVN camera specifications. B. Transmitter The transmitter will be attached to the camera directly and will send the live video feed from the camera to the ground station. The receiver will then receive the transmissions from the transmitter and will then connect directly to the computer at the ground station. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 106 By itself, the transmitter will not have enough power to send the transmission all the way to the ground station, so the transmitter will be coupled with a patch antenna in order to achieve the distance required. Figure 4.1.19: ImmersionRC IMRC24500TX wireless transmitter. Manufacturer: Model: Transmitter Frequency: Range with patch antenna : Input Voltage Range: Dimensions: Weight: ImmersionRC IMRC24500TX 2.4 GHz 6562ft 6-16V 2.36 x 1.26 x 0.55 in 0.78 oz Table 4.1.4: ImmersionRC IMRC24500TX specifications. C. RC Receiver The RC receiver will be mounted on the top surface or the rover and will act as an interface between the RC transmitter and microcontroller. The receiver will relay commands from the ground station to the microcontroller and then to the servos, giving the pilot complete control over the rover. Figure 4.1.20: Spektrum AR600. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 107 Manufacturer: Model: Voltage Range: Band: Range: Weight: Dimensions: Spektrum AR600 3.5-9.6V 2.4GHz Full Range line of sight, 2640 ft. on 0.017lbs 1.18 x 0.85 x 0.49 in Table 4.1.5: Spektrum AR600 specifications. D. Microcontroller The microcontroller will be mounted to the lower shelf of the rover. It will be used to relay commands from the RC receiver to the servos. In the event of the RC receiver not receiving any commands, the microcontroller will initialize a set of commands making the rover semi-autonomous. The microcontroller has a tri-axis accelerometer and triaxis angular rate sensor on-board which can measure the accelerations and angular rates of the rover. This coupled with the live video feed will assist the driver in determining the terrain that the rover is encountering and how to pilot accordingly. Figure 4.1.21: ArduIMU + V3 microcontroller. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 108 Manufacturer: Model: Processor: Frequency: Tri-axis accelerometer range: Tri-axis angular sensor range: Dimensions: 3D Robotics ArduIMU + V3 ATmega328 16MHz 16g 2000dps 1.5 x 1.0 in Table 4.1.6: Arduino arduIMU +v3 microcontroller specifications. E. High Torque Continuous Rotation Servos Two high torque servos will be mounted in the rover in order to drive the rover. Each servo will be mounted and operated separately for optimal control of the rover without any additional steering system to be put in place. High torque servos were chosen so that the rover could drive across any terrain that the rover encountered. These servos were also chosen for their reliability and durability. The metal gearboxes within these servos provide extra durability that the plastic counterparts simply do not provide. Figure 4.1.22: Hitec HSR-5980SG. Manufacturer: Model: Torque: Gear Type/Material: Motor Type: Speed: Weight: Dimension: Hitec HSR-5980SG 333 oz-in Metal Coreless 0.17 sec/60 degrees 2.46 oz 1.57 x 0.78 x 1.45 Table 4.1.7: Hitec HSR-5980SG specifications. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 109 F. Power Supply There will be one battery on the rover powering all the components on board. It will be mounted within the rover on the upper shelf. The ArduIMU board will be connected to the battery and most of the components through the ArduIMU board. This specific battery was chosen for its high mAh rating of 8800 which should be more than enough to power this rover for an extended period of time which is essential because the GPS in the rover will be powered by this battery. Figure 4.1.23: Li-ion 18650 Battery Pack. Manufacturer: Battery Type: Number of Cells: Voltage: Capacity: Dimensions: Tenergy Li-ion 8 7.4V 8800 mAh 2.56 x 2.87 x 1.46 in Table 4.1.8: Tenergy Li-ion 18650 Battery Pack specifications. G. GPS A GPS will be placed within the rover to aid in recovery. The rover will be separated from the rocket if the mission is a success, so it will be vital that we have a recovery system for the rover as well. The GPS will connect to the ArduIMU and transmit its position in real time. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 110 Figure 4.1.24: Mediatek MT3329 GPS. Manufacturer: Model: Accuracy: Sensitivity: Dimensions: Patch Antenna Size: Weight: MediaTek MT3329 9 ft. Up to -165 dBm 0.63x0.63x0.24in 0.59x0.59x0.16in 0.21 oz Table 4.1.9: Mediatek MT3329 GPS specifications. H. Turnigy Receiver Controlled Switch This switch can be plugged into the ArduIMU, which will be programmed to relay input signals from the RC units to turn it on or off. The switch will be used for the sole purpose of arming and disarming the e-matches that fire up the black powder ejection canisters for the purpose of deploying the rover. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 111 Ground Station The ground station will consist of one computer, one patch antenna, one radio antenna, and one RC transmitter/controller. The purpose of the ground station is to interface the controllers with the sensors, camera, and rover controls. From this station the pilot will be able to retrieve all relevant information from the rover via radio waves. The patch antenna will act as a “booster” to receive the signal from the camera and transmit it the signal to the computer. The pilot will monitor the live video feed and relay commands to control the rover. The components and their costs are summarized below. Component Computer 8 dbi Range Booster Patch Antenna RC Transmitter/Controller Receiver Model Unspecified RE09P-SM DX5e AWM634RX RF Cost Provided by pilot Included in Advanced FPV Starter Package Our team already owns this Included in Advanced FPV Starter Package Table 4.1.10: Ground station. Figure 4.1.25: Ground station diagram. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 112 A. RC Transmitter/Controller The pilot will use the DX5e full range RC transmitter to control the rover. Typically the controller and transmitter combination is used for aerospace vehicles, and has a large range due to the nature of the intended use. However, this controller will easily fulfill all of the needs for our mission. Because the rover will be ground based, the range will be limited to line of sight, so roughly 2,640 ft on ground. Figure 4.1.26: DX5e RC Transmitter. Manufacturer: Model: Power Requirements: Frequency: Number of Channels: Range: Key Features: Spektrum DX5e 4 Alkaline Batteries (included) 2.4 GHz 5 Full line of sight, 2,640 ft. on ground Two gimbals allow for independent wheel control Servo Reversing Includes AR600 RC Receiver Table 4.1.11: RC Transmitter Specifications. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 113 B. 8dbi Flat Patch Antenna Under standard operating procedures the ReadyMadeRC camera used in rover navigation transmits roughly 300-450 ft. on the ground. Our mission requires that the test equipment will function properly a maximum of 2,500ft from the launch pad. In order to accomplish this task, the signal must be boosted. The 8dbi Flat Patch Antenna will allow for the live video feed to be received over 1 mile. Figure 4.1.27: 8dbi Flat Patch Antenna. Manufacturer: Model: Range: Frequency: Polarization Type: Beam Width: Dimensions: L-com RE09P-SM 5600+ ft. 2.4 -2.5GHz Vertical , Horizontal 65° (Vertical) , 75° (Horizontal) 4.5 x 4.5 x 0.9 in Table 4.1.12: 8dbi Patch Antenna Specifications. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 114 C. A/V Receiver The receiver receives the live video feed from the rover and sends it to the ground station computer. This receiver is capable of receiving both audio and video transmissions. However, the rover will not be transmitting any audio transmissions, so we will only need to worry about the video. Figure 4.1.28: Airwave 2.4GHz A/V Receiver. Manufacturer: Model: Voltage Range: Frequency: Dimensions: Airwave AWM634RX RF 9VDC – 12VDC 2.4GHz 4.5 x 4.5 x 0.9 in Table 4.1.13: Airwave 2.4GHz A/V Receiver. Testing of electronic components Throughout the creation of the ground station and rover, the payload team will be testing the individual electronic components that the ground station and rover are comprised of. The simplest test will be to verify that the battery pack indeed works and will be able to power the different components needed, such as the ArduIMU and the transmitter/camera. The payload team will then test the camera, transmitter, and A/V receiver combination and verify that the individual components work as expected and that a live video feed will be able to be transmitted. The next step will be to test the range that the patch 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 115 antenna provides for the A/V Receiver. We will test this by going out into a field and measuring how far the camera and transmitter can go before the signal is lost. Our initial findings told us that the range will be greater than a mile which is more than enough, but we need to verify that this is true. The next test will be the verification of the ArduIMU along the components that use the ArduIMU which are the high torque servos, GPS shield. We will verify the ArduIMU and servos by uploading a simple code onto the microcontroller that will move the servos. If they move, then both components are verified to be working correctly. After the ArduIMU is tested and working correctly we can test the GPS by having one team member activate the ArduIMU and GPS combo and have the other team members find it based on the data from the ArduIMU. Our current timeline is that we will have completed construction of the rover’s structure by February 1st and then we will order the electric components. We can then start conducting tests and integrating these parts onto the rover. 4.1.9 Safety and Failure Analysis One of the main safety concerns with this payload is the ejection of the rover on the ground after the rocket has landed. The rover is ejected from the payload by the use of black powder charges, presenting a potential danger to anyone who may be near the rocket at the time of ejection. To mitigate this danger, the ejection of the payload will not take place until the RSO verifies that the rocket is clear of people and gives approval for the team to fire the ejection switch. This switch will be controlled from the RC controller command sent to the ArduIMU. There will also be a Turnigy Receiver Controlled Switch with LED lights to say if the switch is on or off. This will help control the danger of the black powder upon landing of the rocket as well for those who may be in the vicinity. If the RC controller sends the command and the ejection fails and the rover does not deploy, it will be noticed upon inspection, by the LED lights, and from the on-board CCD camera system. The ejection charge will be turned off as the command from the RC controller did not work properly. Another concern may be premature aerial ejection. This would be if the rover falls out of the rocket by the nose cone coming off due to, for example, weak shear pins. This will be prevented by the testing of the Nylon 2-56 thread screws attached to the nose cone and payload bay preventing the separation. Thorough calculation of the maximum forces experienced by the rocket and payload will be calculated before testing. This will prevent the risk of having the rover in free fall out of the rocket, causing a danger to people who may be below. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 116 There are other risks that may occur due to the rover itself once on the ground and are given in Table 4.1.14, Payload Failure Modes. All risk factors will be mitigated and taken seriously so that the functions of the payload will be safely executed and monitored by not only the safety officers, but the whole team that is participating in the build and launch of the rocket. 4.2 Payload Concept Features and Definition The payload concept of a deployable and maneuverable rover was inspired by the recent mission to Mars with the rover Curiosity. The rover that the University of Minnesota is creating for the USLI named Inquisitivity is a unique and significant, yet challenging design for a rocket payload. This payload is extremely significant in today’s society when it comes to planetary discoveries and uses. On Earth, a rover can be able to go to places that may be difficult or even hazardous for a human to go to. In space, it has the idea of exploring the surfaces of other planets, such as Mars. Whether it is on Mars or Earth, the rover will have impact in encountering new things. Inquisitivity is a suitable level of challenge as no one at the University of Minnesota has successfully created an operational rover that will eject from a rocket payload. The design, components and experimentation of the rover are very complex and there are many tasks involved. It is unique in the fact that it will also be able to become autonomous if the manual controller and receiver fail. Therefore, it will still be able to accomplish its mission even without the help of its team members. As the three team members are all juniors in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics at the University of Minnesota, this also holds a challenge for them as some of the material may be new to them. This makes it slightly more challenging, but as working together as a team, they will be able to overcome any obstacles faced by Inquisitivity. 4.3 Science Value 4.3.1 Payload Objectives As was stated in the payload criteria, Inquisitivity will be able to be deployed from the rocket payload bay after landing and will be able to be driven by a ground operator through remote control. The rover will stream live video back to the ground operator through its on-board camera system, which will assist the ground operator in driving it. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 117 Furthermore, the rover will be capable of executing a series of autonomous functions that will allow it to drive automatically by following a set of commands that vary the rotational velocity of each servo. We expect the rover to be operational for about 10 minutes on the ground. The objective of the payload is based on that of an extraterrestrial exploration vehicle that streams data and is monitored and controlled by operators at a mission control station. The rover can also be compared to a rescue robot that collects visual data of terrains and environments that are inaccessible or pose danger to human rescue workers. 4.3.2 Payload Success Criteria The success of the payload depends on its ability to withstand structural damage while it is inside the rocket and after it is deployed. It will also be determined by its ability to perform the necessary functions outlined in 4.1.2 efficiently. The exploration system of the rover comprises the camera system, which will stream live video feed to the ground operator. The video streaming will not only be instrumental in determining how well the rover executes the control inputs given by the ground operator but also in assessing to what extent it executes the autonomous commands programmed onto its control system, the heart of which is the ArduIMU. Once recovered, the rover system and all its subsystems will be analyzed to investigate if they have sustained any damage and if they are reusable. 4.3.3 Experimental Approach One of the main objectives of Inquisitivity is to prove itself as a test platform for rescue robots. The design itself and all its subsystems could be modified for future use and may prove beneficial for the growing field of distributed robotics, where several systems such as Inquisitivity communicate with each other to coordinate a common mission. That is, however, a future prospect of the project on which payload team members and other students in the Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics department at the University of Minnesota who are interested in Autonomous systems and robotics may benefit from. 4.3.4 Experimental Test Measurement, Variables and Controls Due to size and budget limitations, the team currently has no plan on adding any additional measurement sensors on the payload. However we may exploit the full functionality of the ArduIMU and use the Inertial Measurement Unit sensor to record the magnitude of the forces experienced by the rover during the flight. This will have to be done with the support of an additional data logger that is compatible with the ArduIMU and will be implemented if the ArduIMU has any spare pins to accommodate this secondary function apart from its primary functions. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 118 4.3.5 Relevance of Expected Data and Accuracy/Uncertainty Inquisitivity’s data collection system comprises the data logger that will be attached to the ArduIMU and shall record the three directional forces experienced by the payload during flight and deployment. This data will be relevant for future design modification and will also be used to validate the theoretical calculations made by the payload team in determining the forces exerted on the rover. Uncertainty in data may be caused due to the sensor accuracy limitations or in the worst-case scenario, the sensor loosing power or the data logger being cut off from the ArduIMU due to a loose electromechanical link. Before the ArduIMU is put onto the rover, it will be tested on the ground and the data will be validated using a Vicon Motion Tracking Camera System. This resource is available in the Interactive Guidance and Control Lab at the University of Minnesota’s Aerospace department. It will allow us to validate the IMU’s data with similar data from the motion tracking system, and MATLAB graphs will be used to determine the accuracy of the sensor. Minor accuracies can be fixed by manipulating the raw data collection code on the IMU. 4.3.6 Preliminary Experiment Process Procedures Inquisitivity is a systems engineering project, and involves the careful testing of the subsystem to determine their capability and enhance or modify them for the purpose of the project. One of the first things the team will test is the servo motor and wheel assembly to experimentally prove that the torque generated by the propulsion system is sufficient for the rovers operating conditions. The material used for the rover’s structure is primarily fiberglass and balsa wood fiberglass composite, which is extremely durable. However, it will be essential to determine the thickness of the material used for each section of the payload, which can be found by calculating the stress exerted on the structure from the reaction forces on the rover and confirming that they fall within the elastic limit of the material. The exploration subsystem will be ground tested to check it and validate its range and the control system will be tested for precision and robustness after implementing it on the rover. 4.4 Safety and Environment (Payload) 4.4.1 Safety Officer As stated in the Section 3.4.1 (Safety and Environment - Vehicle), the team safety officer will be Binh B. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 119 4.4.2 Failure Modes (Payload) Payload Failure Modes Risk Rover fails to deploy Consequence Rover will not be able to complete its mission. Unfired black powder still in rocket. Mitigation A lot of ground testing will be completed to make sure that the switch for the ejection charge is functional with what the rover will have to sustain. Off switch will not let the black powder fire. Rover out of range of The rover will not The ArduIMU will be RC Controller/RC be able to be programmed to be controller connection manually able to make the rover fails controlled to move complete its mission around the terrain. autonomously. Testing of the autonomous programming function will be completed. Rover camera signal The rover will not This will be completed fails be able to be autonomously to still manual controlled complete its mission. as the team will not Signal range testing be able to see will be completed. what the rover sees. Rover sustains damage Rover may not be Strength tests will be during able to be driven, completed so that the flight/landing/deployment parts may be rover will be as strong broken. as possible so as to not sustain damage. Electrical wiring will also be covered and protected in chassis to not break. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Status Proposed Proposed Proposed In progress Page 120 Payload Failure Modes Risk Rover ejection charge goes off prematurely Rover cannot navigate the terrain Consequence Can cause bodily harm to people in the vicinity. The rover will not be able to complete its mission. Mitigation A switch with a command from the RC controler to fire the charge is used as a precautionary measure as well as a lot of testing to make sure this does not occur. High torque servos are being implemented as well as its spring loaded wheels makes it able to navigate in rougher terrain with more ground clearance for the rover. Status Proposed In progress Table 4.1.14: Table of Payload Failure Modes, including risks, consequences, mitigation and status 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 121 4.4.3 Personal Hazards and Mitigation Rover Deployment: Probably the most hazardous part of the payload will be the deployment of the rover. The rover will be ejected from the rocket once it lands by black powder charges. In order to make this as safe as possible, the charges will not be live during the flight of the rocket. We will be implementing an on/off switch that controls the state of the black powder charges. Once we have clearance from the RSO, we can activate the charges by using the transmitter to send a command to the switch and then deploy the rover after the charges are live. Construction of Rover: We will need to be in the work shop a lot during the construction of the payload. We will be using heavy and dangerous machinery. In order to reduce the risk of accidents happening we all watched work shop safety videos, wear goggles while in the shop, wear close toed shoes, and only work in the shop when the shop manager is present. The rover chassis will be made of G10 fiberglass. During the construction of the chassis, we will need to cut, grind, and sand the G10 fiberglass which will cause a lot of dust. According to the material data safety sheet, “prolonged inhalation of G10 dust can produce lung disease.” To prevent the chances of this happening face masks will be worn any time G10 will be cut, ground, or sanded. The rover’s legs are made of a composite material. While constructing the legs of this composite material, vinyl ester was used. Vinyl Ester is a toxic material and according to the MSDS, “Adverse symptoms may include the following: nausea or vomiting, respiratory tract irritation, coughing, headache, drowsiness/fatigue, dizziness/vertigo, and unconsciousness.” Due to these effects, respirator masks were worn during the construction of the legs. In the future, we will be creating new legs and we will use a marine grade epoxy which has better stress performance characteristics and has no significant adverse effects. 4.4.4 Environmental concerns During the deployment of the rover, we will need to make sure that the body of the rocket is not destroyed for two reasons. First the rocket needs to be reusable, and secondly no parts of the rocket or rover should be left behind because they are not biodegradable. We will ensure that we use the proper amount of black powder so that there is no trace that a rocket or rover was ever there. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 122 5 Project Plan 5.1 Budget Plan Since the initial proposal, the estimated budget has been refined. At this stage, most items in the design have been finalized. The budget has been divided into Funding Summary and Budget Summary. The Budget Summary is divided into eight sections; Half Scales 1 and 2, Full Scale, Replacement Components, Manufactured Components, Safety Tools & Misc, and Travel. The first half scale rocket we launched crashed catastrophically, causing us to lose everything in it other than the parachutes. Most of the components were either donated or scrap material from the previous year’s projects. To build the second half scale, we will need to purchase the materials again, estimated to be $500 in total. Component Nosecone Bulkheads Raven ARRD Co-Pilot v2.0 36" J-Tex E-Matches Body Tubes Couplers Motor Mount Fins Motor Retainer Parachutes Half Scale Subtotal Unit Cost $ $ $ $ 95.00 $ 129.95 $ 2.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ - Qty Total Cost Status 1 $ Anomaly 1 $ Anomaly 1 $ Anomaly 1 $ 95.00 Anomaly 1 $ 129.95 Anomaly 5 $ 10.00 Used 1 $ Anomaly 1 $ Anomaly 1 $ Anomaly 1 $ Anomaly 1 $ Anomaly 1 $ On Hand $ 234.95 Table 5.1.1: Half scale 1 budget summary (half scale 2 budget estimate $500). System Nosecone Tracker PL Section Recovery Component Nose Cone Ballast Mass RF Tracker Payload Tube Piston (w/piston bulkhead) Front Permanent Bulkhead Coupler 1 Raven 3.0 Unit Cost $ 99.95 $ 5.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 155.00 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Total Cost $ 99.95 $ 5.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 310.00 Status Proposed Proposed On Hand Manufactured Manufactured Manufactured Manufactured Proposed Page 123 System Component Rocketman Deployment Bag Screw switches Iris Ultra 72" Parachute 2200lb D-Clips Rocketman Mach 2 3ft Drogue 16" Parachute Protector 1/8"Threaded bolt-6" ARRD 9/16" Shock Cord (per yd) 2 inch U Blots 9v Batteries 9V battery Holders Wire 10ft Composite Sled Tubes Booster Booster Tube Coupler 2 Back AV Bay Bulkhead Cap Fins Fins Fin Stabilizer Motor Front Centering Ring Motor Mount 75mm Motor Hardware Set Forward Rail Button Motor Casing Motor Retainer L1720-WT Aft Centering Ring Aft Rail Button Boat Tail Transition Sabot Caps Antigravity Warp Coils w/ Antimatter Full Scale Subtotal Unit Cost $ 50.00 $ 4.00 $ 165.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.60 $ $ $ 2.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 30.00 $ $ 31.00 $ 289.00 $ 20.00 $ 80.00 $ 50.00 $ 190.00 $ $ 20.00 $ 109.00 $ 30.00 $ - Qty 1 2 1 5 1 1 2 1 20 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Total Cost Status $ 50.00 Proposed $ 8.00 Proposed $ 165.00 Proposed $ On Hand $ On Hand $ On Hand $ On Hand $ On Hand $ 12.00 Proposed $ On Hand $ On Hand $ 4.00 Proposed $ On Hand $ On Hand $ Manufactured $ Manufactured $ Manufactured $ Manufactured $ 30.00 Manufactured $ Manufactured $ 31.00 Proposed $ 289.00 Proposed $ 20.00 Manufactured $ 80.00 Proposed $ 50.00 Proposed $ 190.00 Proposed $ Manufactured $ 20.00 Manufactured $ 109.00 Proposed $ 60.00 Manufactured $ On Hand $ 1,532.95 Table 5.1.2: Full scale budget summary. The following table contains the items that will be used to manufacture other components, such as the bulkheads, for the full scale rocket. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 124 Item PT 6" phenolic Airframe Tubing Fiberglass and Carbonfiber Epoxy Pump Flat Cable 0.1" Cable Connector 20 AWG Screw Kit 1 Screw Kit 2 Quick Set Epoxy Marine-Grade Epoxy Glue G10 3'x4' sheet Balsa Wood 1/8"x6"x36" 12" Tube Manufacturing Subtotal Unit Cost $ 39.50 $ 200.00 $ 25.00 $ 30.00 $ 6.71 $ 45.01 $ 24.43 $ 16.77 $ 100.00 $ 5.33 $ 120.00 $ 5.00 $ 13.36 Qty. Total Cost Status 2 $ 79.00 Proposed 2 $ 400.00 Proposed 1 $ 25.00 Proposed 1 $ 30.00 Proposed 4 $ 26.84 Proposed 1 $ 45.01 Proposed 1 $ 24.43 Proposed 1 $ 16.77 On Hand 1 $ 100.00 Proposed 1 $ 5.33 On Hand 1 $ 120.00 On Hand 2 $ 10.00 Proposed 3 $ 40.08 Proposed $ 922.46 Table 5.1.3: Manufactured component budget summary. System Components Electronics Component 3D Printed Components G10 Components Fiberglass Components ½”x1’ Stainless Steel Axel Advanced FPV StarterPackage ArduIMU Tenergy Li-ion 18650 Battery Arduino GPS Shield High Torque Servos RC receiver and transmitter Unit Cost Qty Total Cost $ 32.00 1 $ 32.00 $ 12 $ $ 12 $ $ 5.00 1 $ 5.00 $ 289.99 1 $ 289.99 $ 78.90 1 $ 78.90 $ 57.00 1 $ 57.00 $ 37.95 1 $ 37.95 $ 110.00 2 $ 220.00 $ 1 $ - Payload Subtotal Status On Hand On Hand On Hand Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed On Hand On Hand $ 720.84 Table 5.1.4: Payload budget summary. System Safety Supplies Tools Item Foam Ear Plugs Latex Gloves (per box) Safety Glasses Respirator Masks (20-pack) Dremel Rotary Tool Pistol Grip Drill Kit Drill Bit Set Unit Cost $ $ 15.03 $ $ 19.97 $ $ 76.83 $ 21.37 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Qty. 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 Total Cost $ $ 15.03 $ $ 19.97 $ $ 76.83 $ 21.37 Status On Hand Proposed On Hand On Hand On Hand On Hand On Hand Page 125 System Item Titanium Drill/Drive Set 12" Plastic Miter Box Fileset 8-piece Set/Host Interlock Knife 10"-12" Hacksaw Tungsten Rod Saw 4.5" Disc Saw 2 Pack Scotch Blue 1.88" Painters 6" Crescent Wrench Power Strip Calipers Heavy Duty 6" Bar Clamp Steel 6" Bar Clamp Mini Spring Clamp 1" Spring Clamp Portable Weigh Scale Multi-meter Angle Finder Universal Square Finishing Various Spray paint JB Weld ColdWeld Patch-N-Paint 80Grain Sanding Belt 2 Pk Sandpaper 4Pack Cleaning Cleaning Wipes Fastening Shear Pins (per 100 pack) 8' Strap 2 Pack Testing PVC Rocket Stand L1720-WT Extra for Testing E-Matches Blackpowder Safety&Misc Subtotal Unit Cost $ 11.74 $ 5.32 $ 10.67 $ 6.39 $ 10.64 $ 4.79 $ 4.04 $ 7.04 $ 12.81 $ 5.32 $ $ 11.74 $ 9.60 $ 0.40 $ 2.23 $ $ $ 6.39 $ 14.95 $ 10.00 $ 6.07 $ 7.47 $ 11.20 $ 5.85 $ 10.00 $ 6.13 $ 8.53 $ 24.11 $ 190.00 $ 1.50 $ 30.00 Qty. 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 20 1 Total Cost Status $ 11.74 On Hand $ 5.32 On Hand $ 10.67 On Hand $ 12.78 On Hand $ 10.64 On Hand $ 4.79 On Hand $ 4.04 On Hand $ 7.04 On Hand $ 12.81 On Hand $ 5.32 On Hand $ On Hand $ 23.48 On Hand $ 19.20 On Hand $ 1.20 On Hand $ 4.46 On Hand $ On Hand $ On Hand $ 6.39 On Hand $ 14.95 On Hand $ 100.00 Proposed $ 6.07 On Hand $ 7.47 On Hand $ 11.20 On Hand $ 5.85 On Hand $ 30.00 Proposed $ 6.13 Proposed $ 8.53 On Hand $ 24.11 Proposed $ 380.00 Proposed $ 30.00 Proposed $ 30.00 Proposed $ 927.39 Table 5.1.5: Safety, tools and miscellaneous budget summary. Van Rental $281/Week 1 Week $0.23/mile 2100miles $ 764.00 Gas ~$4/gal ~18mpg 2100miles $ 467.00 Hotel $87/Room/Night 2 Rooms 6 Nights $ 1,044.00 Travel Subtotal $ 2,275.00 Table 5.1.6: Travel budget summary. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 126 TOTAL COST OF PROJECT Half Scale 1 Subtotal Half Scale 2 Subtotal Full Scale Subtotal Replacement Components Manufacturing Subtotal Payload Subtotal Safety, Tools & Misc Subtotal Travel Subtotal TOTAL PROJECTED COSTS $ 234.95 $ 500.00 $ 1,532.95 $ 1,532.95 $ 922.46 $ 720.84 $ 927.39 $ 2,275.00 $ 8,646.54 Table 5.1.7: Expense summary. 5.2 Funding Source At this point, the USLI rocket team has secured a total of $4800 for this project. This is enough to get us started with the half scale test launch as well as the educational outreach our group is doing. Though there is a large gap with the amount of funds we currently have secured, our team has previous contacts as well as new ones such as Exxon, Best Buy, Goodrich Sensors and Integrated Systems, and Boeing. Exxon in particular has expressed interest in helping fund this project however has yet to give a defined amount. These contacts as well as others will be able to donate similar sums to the other groups and we will meet the total projected expenses. The following table summarizes the current state of the funds we have raised as of 1/13/2013. Minnesota Space Grant UofM Aerospace Department UofM Student Union Grant Family Fun Fair ATK Exxon Mobile Other Engagement Projects Other Sponsors Total Current Funding $ 500 $ 500 $ 600 $ 200 $ 3,000 ? ? ? $ 4,800 Table 5.2.1: Funding summary. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 127 5.3 Timeline 2012 - 2013 USLI Gantt Chart 29-Jul-12 26-Aug-12 23-Sep-12 21-Oct-12 18-Nov-12 16-Dec-12 13-Jan-13 10-Feb-13 10-Mar-13 7-Apr-13 5-May-13 Call for Proposals Proposal Deadline Preliminary Design Phase Payload Design Team Selections Payload Component Testing Initial Design Fabrication and Testing Team Teleconference PDR Q&A Half Scale Construction Web Presence Established Design Freeze PDR Deadline Half Scale Test Flight PDR Presentations Critical Design Phase Final Payload Construction CDR Q&A Design Freeze Final Design Fabrication and Testing CDR Deadline Final Payload Testing and Modification Full Scale Construction CDR Presentations FRR Q&A Payload Assembly Complete Full Scale Test Flight Final Deadline for Successful Flight FRR Deadline FRR Presentations Launch Week PLAR Deadline 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 128 Educational Engagement September 29th, 2012 2012 South East Minneapolis Learning Carnival November 17th, 2012 January-March, 2013 Family Fun Fair Outreach Events with local Middle School (tentative) Table EO 1. Educational Engagement Timeline Summary 5.4 Educational Engagement We have already begun creating new networks between the University and the local community. We plan on doing a variety of outreach projects at local area schools. We also plan on gaining additional community and University support through these outreach projects. We will be working with the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP), North Star STEM Alliance, and the Minnesota Space Grant Consortium (MnSGC). Events: Hands on activities for our event either given to us or made include, but are not limited to: - Straw rockets - Plastic cup air cannons - CD Mini Hovercrafts - Water hydraulic pet racers - Air pneumatic circuit kit - Water hydraulic excavator demonstrator - 1 foot tall rubber based, air propelled rocket - Large Hovercraft demonstrations - Angular Acceleration demonstrations - Parachute launchers - 4 inch water propelled plastic rockets 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 129 Figure 5.4.1: Pneumatics activity at the 2012 South East Minneapolis Learning Carnival The event in Figure 5.4.1 was the 2012 South East Minneapolis Learning Carnival, which was on September 29th, 2012. This event attracted children of a variety of ages. The ages of children ranged from three years to 15 years. There were 60 children and adults that were present at this event. At this event, we set up three tables with different activities. We had one table for Straw Rockets, Air Pneumatic, and an Angular Acceleration activity. The Straw Rockets activity taught the students about fin design. The students were allowed to create different shapes for their fins, add as many fins as they desired, and chose the location of where the fins should be on their straw rocket. The students had the opportunity to launch their straw rockets from a specially designed pressurized launcher. The students could change the angle of the launcher to determine a maximum height and distance their rocket could fly to. The students also experienced the Air Pneumatic activity, where they had to learn about pressure in order to successfully launch a tennis ball into a can a small distance away. The Angular Acceleration activity involved a stationary spinning chair and a spinning bicycle tire. The students sat on the chair and held the spinning bicycle tire. The students learned that if they changed the direction of the bicycle tire then they could control the direction the chair would rotate. Contact Information for the 2012 South East Minneapolis Learning Carnival: Matt Carlson Learning Carnival Coordinator Southeast Minneapolis Council on Learning [email protected] 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 130 Figure 5.4.2: Electrical circuitry activity at the 2012 Family Fun Fair at Coffman Memorial Union Since the PDR, we have participated in one event on November 17th, 2012. This was the Math & Science Family Fun Fair hosted by the University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering. This event brought nearly 2,500 people to enjoy a wide range of learning activities presented by several organizations. The USLI team had three different activities. We showed off our current rocket design and displayed a range of different sized rockets. We also had straw rockets and electrical circuit activities. The straw rockets taught the students about fin design and aerodynamics. Students had the opportunity to let their rockets fly by a small pneumatic launching device. The students had a chance to change the angle of the launching device to aim better at the target. The electrical circuit sets had a variety of different mini activities that allowed the students to be creative. These activities included miniature radios and helicopter launching pads. The ages of the students ranged from kindergarten to eighth grade. In the same room, there was also the senior design rocket team that displayed their rocket video from the last launch. We all had a great time teaching the students about the current design of the rocket. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 131 Figure 5.4.3: Display board for the project at the 2012 Family Fun Fair at Coffman Memorial Union Contact Information for the Math & Science Family Fun Fair: Dorothy Cheng Outreach Coordinator College of Science and Engineering University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Phone: 612-626-7566 Email: [email protected] Educational Engagement Timeline: Minneapolis STEM Expo February 12, 2013 from 2pm-7pm Minneapolis Convention Center 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 132 6 Appendices 6.1 Appendix I: LEUP License 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 133 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 134 6.2 Appendix II: Safety Protocol 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 135 Launch Operations Procedures Launch System For the launch system, our rocket will have a launch lug compatible to the 8 feet long 1 inch rail provided by the range. The vehicle will be capable of being launched by a standard 12 volt direct current firing system provided by the Range Services Provider. The vehicle planned will not require any external circuitry or special ground support equipment to initiate the launch. Launch Procedures Team Member Responsibility To efficiently conduct the launch, tasks and responsibilities will be distributed amongst individual team members. Each team member will be responsible for verifying their individual subsystem checklist prior to launch. The safety officer along with the team lead will provide oversight and communication for launch preparation. High level descriptions of individual responsibilities are shown below. Project Lead & Safety Officer The two officers will ensure that proper compliance with Safety Codes set by NAR and other federal codes has been met. Ensure that leads are checking off launch procedures in a proper and timely manner. Communicate and trouble shoot problems with team members to resolve issues that may arise during launch. Structures Lead The Structures Lead is responsible for ensuring proper assembly of individual subsystems and components. The lead will also ensure that the vehicle is free of defects that could possibly hinder the launch. The structural lead will also be responsible for the assembly of the rocket’s propulsion system by properly mounting the motor and ignition charges. Recovery Lead The Recovery Lead is responsible for ensuring the proper assembly of the recovery envelope for the rocket and its recovery payload. The recovery lead will work together with the team sponsor Gary Stroick who is a level 3 Tripoli Rocketry Association certified member to load and properly size the black power ejection charge. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 136 Payload Lead The Payload Lead is responsible for ensuring the proper assembly of the components for the payload and the subsystems to be placed into the rover. The lead is responsible for the assembly and integration of the payload into the rocket. The Payload Lead will make sure that the payload deployment system is functioning correctly and will work with the safety officers to make sure that it will be safely deployed. Safety and Environment (Vehicle) Safety Officer The safety officer for the team is Binh B. The safety officer responsibilities include developing safety plans and procedures; ensure proper compliance with school, regional and federals codes. In addition the safety officer will provide oversight to ensure that safety procedures and best practices are met by team members. Vehicle Failure Modes To save time, cost, and increase the overall success of the design requirements possible failure modes and their respective mitigation have been considered and tabulated. Procedural Risks There will also be procedural hazards to the team members as they prepare for the flight and the recovery of the vehicle and payload. Checklists for pre-flight procedures, launch procedures and post-flight procedures as well as travel and shop checklists will be maintained and adhered to. The following table lists some of the procedural hazards, and the proposed mitigations. Procedure Pre-flight Hazard Black powder ignites on loading Risk Low Mitigation Mentor and safety officer will load black powder charges, and will be one of the last components to be loaded into rocket Ensure avionics are powered off Launch Charges ignite on pad Low Post-flight Live charges still onboard Low Switch off electronics immediately upon recovery, and disassemble ejection canisters 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 137 Procedures Risk and Mitigation Summary Note, by the time the team attends the competition launch, we will have successfully launched a minimum of one half scale rocket and one full scale rocket. We will practice our flight operation procedures as a team at each of the test launches. We will also practice successful assembly and disassembly of the entire rocket and all components prior to competition launch. Each team member will be expected to be familiar with all rocket systems to ensure safety. On launch day, each team member will be assigned specific tasks to be performed in preparation of launch. The team lead and the safety officer will supervise the preparation and maintain the checklists. Personnel Hazards and Environmental Concerns Personnel hazards will exist during the course of this project, and all steps will be taken to prevent any accidents from occurring. Construction, testing and assembly of our high powered rocket (consisting of various materials including fiberglass, aluminum and wood) will require the use of various specialty tools. Many of the tools required are contained in the Mechanical Engineering machine shop. All team members who will be working on constructing the rocket have completed a shop safety course. The team has put forth a general rule that will require any member working on any component to do so in pairs. This rule will be held in strict adherence especially when working in the machine shop. The purpose of the rule is to not only prevent accidents by providing assistance in proper shop techniques, but also so that each component that is fabricated will have more than one person who understands the fabrication process. In addition on October 11th the Safety Officer put on a safety training session that was required for all team members. This included familiarizing with MSDS sheets, proper lab safety practices, safe design practices, and risk mitigation practices. This ensured that all team members have a high level of awareness for safety. The following table summarizes the shop hazards that will be encountered during the manufacturing and assembly of our rocket. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 138 Machine Ban Saw Hazard Rotating blade Jig Saw Reciprocating blade Safety training pay attention Eye, ear protection Milling Machine Rotating bits Safety training No loose clothing Eye, ear protection Lathe High speed rotation Safety training No loose clothing Eye, ear protection High speed rotation Safety training No loose clothing Eye, ear protection Drill Press Mitigation Always wear safety equipment, and pay attention Safety Eye, ear protection Safety training Miter Saw Rotating blade Pay attention Eye, ear protection Safety training Rotary Tool Rotating bits Pay attention Eye, ear protection Safety training Machine Shop Hazards and Mitigation With regard to the various hazardous materials to be used during the testing and construction of our high powered rocket, we will keep all materials in a locked storage cabinet in our Aerospace workspace in Akerman Hall 130B. Upon the purchase of any hazardous material, the team lead and the safety officer will present details of how to handle the material properly during the weekly meetings. All MSDS sheets will be kept in a binder located at the storage cabinet. All team leads will be required to know the high level overview of chemicals that they will be using extensively. Again, it will be a mandatory rule that all team members must work in pairs when handling any hazardous material. The shop in Akerman Hall 130B will also contain all safety equipment that will be required for the safe construction of our rocket. It is the responsibility of the team lead 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 139 and the safety officer to ensure that the first aid kit and the fire extinguishers located in the workspace are functioning properly at all times. Other safety equipment to be purchased will include respirator masks to be used when cutting or sanding fiberglass, applying epoxy and applying paint or primer. Safety goggles will also be purchased to be used as needed. Ear plugs and latex gloves will also be purchased and placed by the storage cabinet to be used as needed. The following table summarizes the hazards from the various working materials in the lab, and includes risk mitigation. Material Epoxy Hazard Noxious fumes Safety Equipment Respirator, safety glasses, latex gloves Mitigation Make sure well ventilated Super Glue Fumes, skin contact Respirators, latex gloves Use ventilation Black Powder Skin contact Latex gloves Always wear gloves Pyrodex Skin contact Latex gloves Always wear gloves Spray Paint Fumes Respirator, gloves Make sure well ventilated Failure Modes Verification Tracker Test FV-01-2013 Test Description: Static Loading Test Failure Item VF-2 Description Body Tube Test Statically load body tube Results Date Feb-23 VF-17 Motor Retention VF-18 Fins Static load motor retention structure Statically load fins 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review - Feb-23 Feb-23 Page 140 Test FV-02-2013 Test Description: Failure Item VF-4 Description Nose cone VF-5 Payload Piston VF-6 Payload Piston VF-11 & VF-7 BP Charges Test Test for nosecone deployment Test for piston mechanism Test for piston mechanism Test for parachute deployment using BP Rover & Parachute Deployment Mechanism Testing w/ Black Powder Results Date Feb-16 - Feb-16 Feb-16 Feb-16 Test FV-03-2013 Test Description: Half Scale Test Failure Item VF-8 Description BP Charges VF-9 BP Charges VF-13 Avionics VF-14 Avionics VF-16 Shock Chord Test Test for altimeter charge timing Test for programming code Test for primary and secondary altimeters Test for altimeter readings Test shock cord swivel Results Date UndeterminedFeb-16 1/06/2013 GoodFeb-16 1/06/2013 Undetermined Feb-16 1/06/2013 Undetermined Feb-16 -1/06/2013 Undetermined Feb-16 -1/06/2013 Static & Dynamic Test of Rover Structure Results Date Feb-16 Test FV-04-2013 Test Description: Failure Item PF-4 Description Control System PF-5 Camera System Test Test for hardware protective chassis for impact protection Impact & vibration test PF-6 Orientation System Power Sys. PF-7 - Impact test - Impact & vibration test - 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Feb-16 Feb-16 Feb-16 Page 141 Test FV-05-2013 Test Description: Failure Item PF-1 Description Servos PF-2 GPS Test Test for servos ability to maneuver Test for GPS range PF-3 Control System Test for software 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Rover Field Test ( must be one after rover Static & Dynamic test ) Results Date March-7 - March-7 March-7 Page 142 6.3 Appendix III: Launch Rules and Regulations 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 143 Federal Aviation Regulations (as pertaining to HPR) § 101.21 Applicability. (a) This subpart applies to operating unmanned rockets. However, a person operating an unmanned rocket within a restricted area must comply with §101.25(b)(7)(ii) and with any additional limitations imposed by the using or controlling agency. (b) A person operating an unmanned rocket other than an amateur rocket as defined in §1.1 of this chapter must comply with 14 CFR Chapter III. [Doc. No. FAA–2007–27390, 73 FR 73781, Dec. 4, 2008] § 101.22 Definitions. The following definitions apply to this subpart: (a) Class 1—Model Rocket means an amateur rocket that: (1) Uses no more than 125 grams (4.4 ounces) of propellant; (2) Uses a slow-burning propellant; (3) Is made of paper, wood, or breakable plastic; (4) Contains no substantial metal parts; and (5) Weighs no more than 1,500 grams (53 ounces), including the propellant. (b) Class 2—High-Power Rocket means an amateur rocket other than a model rocket that is propelled by a motor or motors having a combined total impulse of 40,960 Newton-seconds (9,208 pound-seconds) or less. (c) Class 3—Advanced High-Power Rocket means an amateur rocket other than a model rocket or high-power rocket. [Doc. No. FAA–2007–27390, 73 FR 73781, Dec. 4, 2008] § 101.23 General operating limitations. (a) You must operate an amateur rocket in such a manner that it: (1) Is launched on a suborbital trajectory; (2) When launched, must not cross into the territory of a foreign country unless an agreement is in place between the United States and the country of concern; (3) Is unmanned; and (4) Does not create a hazard to persons, property, or other aircraft. (b) The FAA may specify additional operating limitations necessary to ensure that air 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 144 traffic is not adversely affected, and public safety is not jeopardized. [Doc. No. FAA–2007–27390, 73 FR 73781, Dec. 4, 2008] § 101.25 Operating limitations for Class 2-High Power Rockets and Class 3Advanced High Power Rockets. When operating Class 2-High Power Rockets or Class 3-Advanced High Power Rockets, you must comply with the General Operating Limitations of §101.23. In addition, you must not operate Class 2-High Power Rockets or Class 3-Advanced High Power Rockets— (a) At any altitude where clouds or obscuring phenomena of more than five-tenths coverage prevails; (b) At any altitude where the horizontal visibility is less than five miles; (c) Into any cloud; (d) Between sunset and sunrise without prior authorization from the FAA; (e) Within 9.26 kilometers (5 nautical miles) of any airport boundary without prior authorization from the FAA; (f) In controlled airspace without prior authorization from the FAA; (g) Unless you observe the greater of the following separation distances from any person or property that is not associated with the operations: (1) Not less than one-quarter the maximum expected altitude; (2) 457 meters (1,500 ft.); (h) Unless a person at least eighteen years old is present, is charged with ensuring the safety of the operation, and has final approval authority for initiating high-power rocket flight; and (i) Unless reasonable precautions are provided to report and control a fire caused by rocket activities. [74 FR 38092, July 31, 2009, as amended by Amdt. 101–8, 74 FR 47435, Sept. 16, 2009] § 101.27 ATC notification for all launches. No person may operate an unmanned rocket other than a Class 1—Model Rocket unless that person gives the following information to the FAA ATC facility nearest to the place of intended operation no less than 24 hours before and no more than three days before beginning the operation: 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 145 (a) The name and address of the operator; except when there are multiple participants at a single event, the name and address of the person so designated as the event launch coordinator, whose duties include coordination of the required launch data estimates and coordinating the launch event; (b) Date and time the activity will begin; (c) Radius of the affected area on the ground in nautical miles; (d) Location of the center of the affected area in latitude and longitude coordinates; (e) Highest affected altitude; (f) Duration of the activity; (g) Any other pertinent information requested by the ATC facility. [Doc. No. FAA–2007–27390, 73 FR 73781, Dec. 4, 2008, as amended at Doc. No. FAA–2007–27390, 74 FR 31843, July 6, 2009] § 101.29 Information requirements. (a) Class 2—High-Power Rockets . When a Class 2—High-Power Rocket requires a certificate of waiver or authorization, the person planning the operation must provide the information below on each type of rocket to the FAA at least 45 days before the proposed operation. The FAA may request additional information if necessary to ensure the proposed operations can be safely conducted. The information shall include for each type of Class 2 rocket expected to be flown: (1) Estimated number of rockets, (2) Type of propulsion (liquid or solid), fuel(s) and oxidizer(s), (3) Description of the launcher(s) planned to be used, including any airborne platform(s), (4) Description of recovery system, (5) Highest altitude, above ground level, expected to be reached, (6) Launch site latitude, longitude, and elevation, and (7) Any additional safety procedures that will be followed. (b) Class 3—Advanced High-Power Rockets . When a Class 3—Advanced High-Power Rocket requires a certificate of waiver or authorization the person planning the operation must provide the information below for each type of rocket to the FAA at least 45 days before the proposed operation. The FAA may request additional information if necessary to ensure the proposed operations can be safely conducted. The information shall include for each type of Class 3 rocket expected to be flown: (1) The information requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, (2) Maximum possible range, (3) The dynamic stability characteristics for the entire flight profile, 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 146 (4) A description of all major rocket systems, including structural, pneumatic, propellant, propulsion, ignition, electrical, avionics, recovery, wind-weighting, flight control, and tracking, (5) A description of other support equipment necessary for a safe operation, (6) The planned flight profile and sequence of events, (7) All nominal impact areas, including those for any spent motors and other discarded hardware, within three standard deviations of the mean impact point, (8) Launch commit criteria, (9) Countdown procedures, and (10) Mishap procedures. [Doc. No. FAA–2007–27390, 73 FR 73781, Dec. 4, 2008, as amended at Doc. No. FAA–2007–27390, 74 FR 31843, July 6, 2009 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 147 NAR High Powered Rocket Safety Code 1. Certification. I will only fly high power rockets or possess high power rocket motors that are within the scope of my user certification and required licensing. 2. Materials. I will use only lightweight materials such as paper, wood, rubber, plastic, fiberglass, or when necessary ductile metal, for the construction of my rocket. 3. Motors. I will use only certified, commercially made rocket motors, and will not tamper with these motors or use them for any purposes except those recommended by the manufacturer. I will not allow smoking, open flames, nor heat sources within 25 feet of these motors. 4. Ignition System. I will launch my rockets with an electrical launch system, and with electrical motor igniters that are installed in the motor only after my rocket is at the launch pad or in a designated prepping area. My launch system will have a safety interlock that is in series with the launch switch that is not installed until my rocket is ready for launch, and will use a launch switch that returns to the "off" position when released. The function of onboard energetics and firing circuits will be inhibited except when my rocket is in the launching position. 5. Misfires. If my rocket does not launch when I press the button of my electrical launch system, I will remove the launcher's safety interlock or disconnect its battery, and will wait 60 seconds after the last launch attempt before allowing anyone to approach the rocket. 6. Launch Safety. I will use a 5-second countdown before launch. I will ensure that a means is available to warn participants and spectators in the event of a problem. I will ensure that no person is closer to the launch pad than allowed by the accompanying Minimum Distance Table. When arming onboard energetics and firing circuits I will ensure that no person is at the pad except safety personnel and those required for arming and disarming operations. I will check the stability of my rocket before flight and will not fly it if it cannot be determined to be stable. When conducting a simultaneous launch of more than one high power rocket I will observe the additional requirements of NFPA 1127. 7. Launcher. I will launch my rocket from a stable device that provides rigid guidance until the rocket has attained a speed that ensures a stable flight, and that is pointed to within 20 degrees of vertical. If the wind speed exceeds 5 miles per hour I will use a launcher length that permits the rocket to attain a safe velocity before separation from the launcher. I will use a blast deflector to prevent the motor's exhaust from hitting the ground. I will ensure that dry grass is cleared around each launch pad in accordance with the accompanying Minimum Distance table, and will increase this distance by a factor of 1.5 and clear that area of all combustible material if the rocket motor being launched uses titanium sponge in the propellant. 8. Size. My rocket will not contain any combination of motors that total more than 40,960 N-sec (9208 pound-seconds) of total impulse. My rocket will not weigh more at liftoff than one-third of the certified average thrust of the high power rocket motor(s) intended to be ignited at launch. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 148 9. Flight Safety. I will not launch my rocket at targets, into clouds, near airplanes, nor on trajectories that take it directly over the heads of spectators or beyond the boundaries of the launch site, and will not put any flammable or explosive payload in my rocket. I will not launch my rockets if wind speeds exceed 20 miles per hour. I will comply with Federal Aviation Administration airspace regulations when flying, and will ensure that my rocket will not exceed any applicable altitude limit in effect at that launch site. 10. Launch Site. I will launch my rocket outdoors, in an open area where trees, power lines, occupied buildings, and persons not involved in the launch do not present a hazard, and that is at least as large on its smallest dimension as onehalf of the maximum altitude to which rockets are allowed to be flown at that site or 1500 feet, whichever is greater, or 1000 feet for rockets with a combined total impulse of less than 160 N-sec, a total liftoff weight of less than 1500 grams, and a maximum expected altitude of less than 610 meters (2000 feet). 11. Launcher Location. My launcher will be 1500 feet from any occupied building or from any public highway on which traffic flow exceeds 10 vehicles per hour, not including traffic flow related to the launch. It will also be no closer than the appropriate Minimum Personnel Distance from the accompanying table from any boundary of the launch site. 12. Recovery System. I will use a recovery system such as a parachute in my rocket so that all parts of my rocket return safely and undamaged and can be flown again, and I will use only flame-resistant or fireproof recovery system wadding in my rocket. 13. Recovery Safety. I will not attempt to recover my rocket from power lines, tall trees, or other dangerous places, fly it under conditions where it is likely to recover in spectator areas or outside the launch site, nor attempt to catch it as it approaches the ground. 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 149 MINIMUM DISTANCE TABLE Minimum Minimum Personnel Personnel Distance Distance (ft.) (Complex Rocket) (ft.) Installed Total Impulse (NewtonSeconds) Equivalent High Power Motor Type Minimum Diameter of Cleared Area (ft.) 0 -- 320.00 H or smaller 50 100 200 320.01 -- 640.00 I 50 100 200 640.01 -1,280.00 J 50 100 200 1,280.01 -2,560.00 K 75 200 300 2,560.01 -5,120.00 L 100 300 500 5,120.01 -10,240.00 M 125 500 1000 10,240.01 -20,480.00 N 125 1000 1500 20,480.01 -40,960.00 O 125 1500 2000 Note: A Complex rocket is one that is multi-staged or that is propelled by two or more rocket motors Revision of July 2008 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 150 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 151 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 152 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 153 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 154 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 155 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 156 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 157 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 158 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 159 6.4 Appendix IV: Motor Preparation 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 160 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 161 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 162 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 163 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 164 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 165 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 166 6.5 Appendix V: Motor Storage/Transportation 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 167 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 168 6.6 Appendix VI: Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 2012 – 2013 USLI Preliminary Design Review Page 169 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET West System Inc. 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME:............................................. WEST SYSTEM® 105 Epoxy Resin®. PRODUCT CODE:............................................. 105 CHEMICAL FAMILY:......................................... Epoxy Resin. CHEMICAL NAME:............................................ Bisphenol A based epoxy resin. FORMULA:........................................................ Not applicable. MANUFACTURER: West System Inc. 102 Patterson Ave. Bay City, MI 48706, U.S.A. Phone: 866-937-8797 or 989-684-7286 2. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Transportation CHEMTREC:.................... 800-424-9300 (U.S.) 703-527-3887 (International) Non-transportation Poison Hotline: ................. 800-222-1222 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW HMIS Hazard Rating: Health - 2 Flammability - 1 Physical Hazards - 0 WARNING! May cause allergic skin response in certain individuals. May cause moderate irritation to the skin. Clear to light yellow liquid with mild odor. PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY:...................................................... Skin contact. POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: ACUTE INHALATION:........................................................................ Not likely to cause acute effects unless heated to high temperatures. If product is heated, vapors generated can cause headache, nausea, dizziness and possible respiratory irritation if inhaled in high concentrations. CHRONIC INHALATION: ................................................................... Not likely to cause chronic effects. Repeated exposure to high vapor concentrations may cause irritation of pre-existing lung allergies and increase the chance of developing allergy symptoms to this product. ACUTE SKIN CONTACT: ................................................................... May cause allergic skin response in certain individuals. May cause moderate irritation to the skin such as redness and itching. CHRONIC SKIN CONTACT:............................................................... May cause sensitization in susceptible individuals. May cause moderate irritation to the skin. EYE CONTACT: ................................................................................. May cause irritation. INGESTION: ....................................................................................... Low acute oral toxicity. SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE: .................................................. Possible sensitization and subsequent allergic reactions usually seen as redness and rashes. Repeated exposure is not likely to cause other adverse health effects. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE:................ Pre-existing skin and respiratory disorders may be aggravated by exposure to this product. Pre-existing lung and skin allergies may increase the chance of developing allergic symptoms to this product. 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT NAME CAS # Bisphenol-A type epoxy resin Benzyl alcohol Bisphenol-F type epoxy resin 4. CONCENTRATION 25085-99-8 100-51-6 28064-14-4 > 50% < 20% < 20% FIRST AID MEASURES FIRST AID FOR EYES........................................................................ Flush immediately with water for at least 15 minutes. Consult a physician. FIRST AID FOR SKIN......................................................................... Remove contaminated clothing. Wipe excess from skin. Remove with waterless skin cleaner and then wash with soap and water. Consult a physician if effects occur. FIRST AID FOR INHALATION............................................................ Remove to fresh air if effects occur. MSDS #105-11b Last Revised: 22JUN11 West System Inc. Page 2 of 4 WEST SYSTEM® 105 Resin FIRST AID FOR INGESTION.............................................................. No adverse health effects expected from amounts ingested under normal conditions of use. Seek medical attention if a significant amount is ingested. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT: ................................................................................... >200°F (Tag Closed Cup) EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: .................................................................. Foam, carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: ....................................... Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus and complete full-body personal protective equipment. Closed containers may rupture (due to buildup of pressure) when exposed to extreme heat. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: .................................................. During a fire, smoke may contain the original materials in addition to combustion products of varying composition which may be toxic and/or irritating. Combustion products may include, but are not limited to: phenolics, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES: ...................................................... Stop leak without additional risk. Dike and absorb with inert material (e.g., sand) and collect in a suitable, closed container. Warm, soapy water or non-flammable, safe solvent may be used to clean residual. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (min./max.): .......................................... 40°F (4°C) / 120°F (49°C) STORAGE:......................................................................................... Store in cool, dry place. Store in tightly sealed containers to prevent moisture absorption and loss of volatiles. Excessive heat over long periods of time will degrade the resin. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS: ............................................................. Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. Wash thoroughly after handling. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. Avoid inhalation of vapors from heated product. Precautionary steps should be taken when curing product in large quantities. When mixed with epoxy curing agents this product causes an exothermic, which in large masses, can produce enough heat to damage or ignite surrounding materials and emit fumes and vapors that vary widely in composition and toxicity. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EYE PROTECTION GUIDELINES: ..................................................... Safety glasses with side shields or chemical splash goggles. SKIN PROTECTION GUIDELINES:.................................................... Wear liquid-proof, chemical resistant gloves (nitrile-butyl rubber, neoprene, butyl rubber or natural rubber) and full body-covering clothing. RESPIRATORY/VENTILATION GUIDELINES:................................... Good room ventilation is usually adequate for most operations. Wear a NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator with an organic vapor cartridge whenever exposure to vapor in concentrations above applicable limits is likely. Note: West System, Inc. has conducted an air sampling study using this product or similarly formulated products. The results indicate that the components sampled for (epichlorohydrin, benzyl alcohol) were either so low that they were not detected at all or they were significantly below OSHA’s permissible exposure levels. ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE MEASURES: ......................................... Practice good caution and personal cleanliness to avoid skin and eye contact. Avoid skin contact when removing gloves and other protective equipment. Wash thoroughly after handling. Generally speaking, working cleanly and following basic precautionary measures will greatly minimize the potential for harmful exposure to this product under normal use conditions. OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS: ............................................. Not established for product as whole. Refer to OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) or the ACGIH Guidelines for information on specific ingredients. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL FORM: ............................................................................. Liquid. COLOR: ............................................................................................. Clear to pale yellow. ODOR:................................................................................................ Mild. BOILING POINT: ................................................................................ > 400°F. MELTING POINT/FREEZE POINT:..................................................... No data. VISCOSITY:........................................................................................ 1,000 cPs. pH: ..................................................................................................... No data. SOLUBILITY IN WATER: ................................................................... Slight. SPECIFIC GRAVITY:.......................................................................... 1.15 BULK DENSITY: ................................................................................ 9.6 pounds/gallon. VAPOR PRESSURE:.......................................................................... < 1 mmHg @ 20°C. VAPOR DENSITY:.............................................................................. Heavier than air. % VOLATILE BY WEIGHT: ................................................................ ASTM D 2369-07 was used to determine the Volatile Content of mixed epoxy resin and hardener. Refer to the hardener's MSDS for information about the total volatile content of the resin/hardener system. 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY MSDS #105-11b Last Revised: 22JUN11 West System Inc. Page 3 of 4 WEST SYSTEM® 105 Resin STABILITY: ........................................................................................ Stable. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION:.................................................... Will not occur by itself, but a mass of more than one pound of product plus an aliphatic amine will cause irreversible polymerization with significant heat buildup. INCOMPATIBILITIES: ........................................................................ Strong acids, bases, amines and mercaptans can cause polymerization. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: ........................................................ Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and phenolics may be produced during uncontrolled exothermic reactions or when otherwise heated to decomposition. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No specific oral, inhalation or dermal toxicology data is known for this product. Specific toxicology information for a bisphenol-A based epoxy resin present in this product is indicated below: Oral:................................................................... LD50 >5000 mg/kg (rats) Inhalation: .......................................................... No Data. Dermal: .............................................................. LD50 = 20,000 mg/kg (skin absorption in rabbits) TERATOLOGY: ................................................. ………………Diglycidyl ether bisphenol-A (DGEBPA) did not cause birth defects or other adverse effects on the fetus when pregnant rabbits were exposed by skin contact, the most likely route of exposure, or when pregnant rats or rabbits were exposed orally. REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS:............................. ……………….DGEBPA, in animal studies, has been shown not to interfere with reproduction. MUTAGENICITY: ............................................... ………………..DGEBPA in animal mutagenicity studies were negative. In vitro mutagenicity tests were negative in some cases and positive in others. CARCINOGENICITY: NTP ............................................................................................ Product not listed. IARC........................................................................................... Product not listed. OSHA ......................................................................................... Product not listed. No ingredient of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen by OSHA, NTP or IARC. Ethylbenzene, present in this product < 0.1%, is not identified by OSHA or NTP as a carcinogen, but is identified by NTP as a Group 2B substance possibly carcinogenic to humans. Many studies have been conducted to assess the potential carcinogenicity of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A. Although some weak evidence of carcinogenicity has been reported in animals, when all of the data are considered, the weight of evidence does not show that DGEBPA is carcinogenic. Indeed, the most recent review of the available data by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has concluded that DGEBPA is not classified as a carcinogen. Epichlorohydrin, an impurity in this product (<5 ppm) has been reported to produce cancer in laboratory animals and to produce mutagenic changes in bacteria and cultured human cells. It has been established by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a probable human carcinogen (Group 2A) based on the following conclusions: human evidence – inadequate; animal evidence – sufficient. It has been classified as an anticipated human carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program (NTP). Note: It is unlikely that normal use of this product would result in measurable exposure concentrations to this substance. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Prevent entry into sewers and natural waters. May cause localized fish kill. Movement and Partitioning: Bioconcentration potential is moderate (BCF between 100 and 3000 or Log Kow between 3 and 5). Degradation and Transformation: Theoretical oxygen demand is calculated to be 2.35 p/p. 20-day biochemical oxygen demand is <2.5%. Ecotoxicology: Material is moderately toxic to aquatic organisms on an acute basis. LC50/EC50 between 1 and 10 mg/L in most sensitive species. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD:........................................................... Evaluation of this product using RCRA criteria shows that it is not a hazardous waste, either by listing or characteristics, in its purchased form. It is the responsibility of the user to determine proper disposal methods. Incinerate, recycle (fuel blending) or reclaim may be preferred methods when conducted in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. MSDS #105-11b Last Revised: 22JUN11 West System Inc. Page 4 of 4 WEST SYSTEM® 105 Resin 14. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME:............................................................................... Not regulated. TECHNICAL SHIPPING NAME: .......................................................... Not applicable. D.O.T. HAZARD CLASS: .................................................................... Not applicable. U.N./N.A. NUMBER:............................................................................ Not applicable. PACKING GROUP: ............................................................................. Not applicable. IATA SHIPPING NAME:............................................................................... Not regulated. TECHNICAL SHIPPING NAME: .......................................................... Not applicable. HAZARD CLASS:................................................................................ Not applicable. U.N. NUMBER: ................................................................................... Not applicable. PACKING GROUP: ............................................................................. Not applicable. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION OSHA STATUS: ................................................................................. Slight irritant; possible sensitizer. TSCA STATUS:.................................................................................. All components are listed on TSCA inventory or otherwise comply with TSCA requirements. Canada WHIMIS Classification: ........................................................ D2B SARA TITLE III: SECTION 313 TOXIC CHEMICALS ........................................... None (deminimus). STATE REGULATORY INFORMATION: The following chemicals are specifically listed or otherwise regulated by individual states. For details on your regulatory requirements you should contact the appropriate agency in your state. COMPONENT NAME /CAS NUMBER Epichlorohydrin 106-89-8 Phenyl glycidyl ether 122-60-1 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 Benzyl alcohol 100-51-6 1. CONCENTRATION STATE CODE < 5ppm 1 <5ppm 1 < 0.1% 1 < 20% MA, PA, NJ CA CA CA, NJ, PA These substances are known to the state of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm, or both. 16. OTHER INFORMATION REASON FOR ISSUE:........................................................................ Changes made in Sections 10, 11, 14 & 15. PREPARED BY: ................................................................................. G. M. House APPROVED BY:................................................................................. G. M. House TITLE: ................................................................................................ Health, Safety & Environmental Manager APPROVAL DATE: ............................................................................ June 22, 2011 SUPERSEDES DATE:........................................................................ February 6, 2011 MSDS NUMBER:................................................................................ 105-11b Note: The Hazardous Material Indexing System (HMIS), cited in the Emergency Overview of Section 3, uses the following index to assess hazard rating: 0 = Minimal; 1 = Slight: 2 = Moderate; 3 = Serious; and 4 = Severe. This information is furnished without warranty, expressed or implied, except that it is accurate to the best knowledge of West System Inc. The data on this sheet is related only to the specific material designated herein. West System Inc. assumes no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon these data. MSDS #105-11b Last Revised: 22JUN11 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET West System Inc. 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: .............................................. WEST SYSTEM® 406™ Colloidal Silica. PRODUCT CODE: .............................................. 406 CHEMICAL FAMILY: .......................................... Silicon. CHEMICAL NAME: ............................................. Silicon dioxide (amorphous). FORMULA: ......................................................... SiO2 MANUFACTURER: West System Inc. 102 Patterson Ave. Bay City, MI 48706, U.S.A. Phone: 866-937-8797 or 989-684-7286 2. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Transportation CHEMTREC: .....................800-424-9300 (U.S.) 703-527-3887 (International) Non-transportation Poison Hotline: ..................800-222-1222 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW HMIS Hazard Rating: Health - 1 Flammability - 0 Physical Hazards - 0 CAUTION! Static ignition hazard. Avoid excessive breathing of airborne dust. White, fluffy powder with no odor. PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY:........................................................ Inhalation. POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: ACUTE INHALATION: .......................................................................... If exposure limits are exceeded, the respiratory tract may become irritated. May cause shortness of breath, coughing, and/or chest tightness due to temporarily physically overloading the lungs. CHRONIC INHALATION:...................................................................... May aggravate existing respiratory conditions. May cause dryness of mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. ACUTE SKIN CONTACT: ..................................................................... May cause irritation and dryness. CHRONIC SKIN CONTACT:................................................................. Repeated exposure may cause dermatitis due to drying of the skin. EYE CONTACT:.................................................................................... May cause irritation, redness and tearing. INGESTION:.......................................................................................... No known health effects. SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE: .................................................... Coughing, shortness of breath or irritation of the respiratory tract. Dry, chapped or irritated skin. Irritated or tearing eyes. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Skin and respiratory conditions, such as dermatitis and asthma. 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS CAS# INGREDIENT NAME Fumed Amorphous Silica 4. 112945-52-5 CONCENTRATION 99% FIRST AID MEASURES FIRST AID FOR EYES:......................................................................... Flush adequately with water to remove particles. If discomfort persists, seek medical advice. FIRST AID FOR SKIN:.......................................................................... Wash with soap and water. Apply moisturizing cream to replenish moisture in the skin if necessary. FIRST AID FOR INHALATION:............................................................. Remove to fresh air if effects occur. If effects persists, seek medical advice. FIRST AID FOR INGESTION:............................................................... No specific information. MSDS406-11a Last Revised: 06FEB11 West System Inc. 5. WEST SYSTEM® 406™ Page 2 of 4 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT:...................................................................................... Greater than 535°F (COC, ASTM D-92). EXTINGUISHING MEDIA:..................................................................... Water, dry chemical, halon or foam. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES:......................................... No specific information. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES: ........................................................ Sweep and shovel or use properly grounded vacuum equipment. Do so in a manner that minimizes airborne dust. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (min./max.): ............................................ 0°F (-17°C)/100°F (38°C) STORAGE:............................................................................................ Keep dry. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS:................................................................ Avoid handling that will unnecessarily generate airborne dust. Properly ground all material handling equipment to prevent static discharge. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EYE PROTECTION GUIDELINES: ....................................................... Safety glasses or goggles are recommended, depending on the expected level of exposure. SKIN PROTECTION GUIDELINES:...................................................... Areas expected to have repeated exposure, such as hands, may need to be protected by an impervious material to prevent dryness. Barrier creams can be used effectively. RESPIRATORY/VENTILATION GUIDELINES: .................................... Work environments should be maintained below applicable exposure level through the use of engineering controls, such as dilution and exhaust ventilation. If this is not feasible, use a NIOSH approved dust mask/respirator for nuisance dust. ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE MEASURES:........................................... Practice good industrial hygiene by washing with soap and water after each use. Apply moisturizing cream to replenish moisture if necessary. Generally speaking, working cleanly and following basic precautionary measures will greatly minimize the potential for harmful exposure to this product under normal use conditions. OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS: ............................................... This product should be treated as a nuisance dust. Refer to OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) or the ACGIH Guidelines for information on specific ingredients. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL FORM ................................................................................. Powder. COLOR ................................................................................................. White. ODOR.................................................................................................... Odorless. BOILING POINT.................................................................................... No data. MELTING POINT/FREEZE POINT........................................................ No data. pH ......................................................................................................... No data. SOLUBILITY IN WATER....................................................................... Insoluble. SPECIFIC GRAVITY ............................................................................. 2.2 BULK DENSITY .................................................................................... 0.33 pounds/gallon. VAPOR PRESSURE ............................................................................. Not Applicable. VAPOR DENSITY ................................................................................. Not Applicable. % VOLATILE BY WEIGHT.................................................................... 0.0 (0.0 g/L) 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: ........................................................................................... Stable. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: ...................................................... Will not occur. INCOMPATIBILITIES:........................................................................... A chemical reaction is possible with strong bases or hydrofluoric acid. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: .......................................................... Can include carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Oral: .................................................................... LD50 >5000 mg/kg (rats) Inhalation:............................................................ LD50 > 2.08 mg/L 4hr. Dermal:................................................................ LD50 >5000 mg/kg (rabbits) MSDS406-11a Last Revised: 06FEB11 West System Inc. Page 3 of 4 WEST SYSTEM® 406™ Data from chronic inhalation of treated and untreated silicas are currently under review. CARCINOGENICITY: NTP............................................................................................... No. IARC ............................................................................................. No. OSHA............................................................................................ No. No ingredient of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen by OSHA, NTP or IARC. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION No information. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: This material is determined not to be a hazardous waste as per RCRA standards, either by listing or characteristics. Disposer must comply with all federal, state and local laws. Waste product may be sent to a landfill. 14. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT D.O.T. SHIPPING NAME: ..................................................................... Not regulated by DOT. TECHNICAL SHIPPING NAME:............................................................ Not applicable. D.O.T. HAZARD CLASS: ...................................................................... Not applicable. U.N./N.A. NUMBER:.............................................................................. Not applicable. PACKING GROUP: ............................................................................... Not applicable. IATA SHIPPING NAME: ................................................................................. Not regulated. TECHNICAL SHIPPING NAME:............................................................ Not applicable. HAZARD CLASS: .................................................................................. Not applicable. U.N. NUMBER:...................................................................................... Not applicable. PACKING GROUP: ............................................................................... Not applicable. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION OSHA STATUS: .................................................................................... Hazardous. Nuisance dust. TSCA STATUS:..................................................................................... All components are listed on TSCA inventory or otherwise comply with TSCA requirements. Canada WHIMIS Classification:.......................................................... No data. SARA TITLE III: SECTION 313 TOXIC CHEMICALS ............................................. None. STATE REGULATORY INFORMATION: The following chemicals are specifically listed or otherwise regulated by individual states. For details on your regulatory requirements you should contact the appropriate agency in your state. COMPONENT NAME /CAS NUMBER Amorphous Silica 112945-52-5 16. CONCENTRATION STATE CODE 99% MA, NJ, RI OTHER INFORMATION REASON FOR ISSUE:.......................................................................... Changes made in Sections 3, 11, 14 & 15. PREPARED BY: ................................................................................... G. M. House APPROVED BY: ................................................................................... G. M. House TITLE: ................................................................................................... Health, Safety & Environmental Manager APPROVAL DATE: ............................................................................... February 6, 2011 SUPERSEDES DATE: .......................................................................... January 3, 2008 MSDS NUMBER: .................................................................................. 406-11a Note: The Hazardous Material Indexing System (HMIS), cited in the Emergency Overview of Section 3, uses the following index to assess hazard rating: 0 = Minimal; 1 = Slight; 2 = Moderate; 3 = Serious; and 4 = Severe. MSDS406-11a Last Revised: 06FEB11 West System Inc. Page 4 of 4 WEST SYSTEM® 406™ This information is furnished without warranty, expressed or implied, except that it is accurate to the best knowledge of West System Inc. The data on this sheet is related only to the specific material designated herein. West System Inc. assumes no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon these data. MSDS406-11a Last Revised: 06FEB11 Page 1 of 3 Pyrodex Family MSDS MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IDENTITY Pyrodex, a pyrotechnic mixture HMIS Rating Health Hazard: 2 Flammability Hazard: 3 Reactivity Hazard: 4 Section I. Hodgdon Powder Co., Inc. 6231 Robinson Shawnee Mission, Ks. 66202, USA Emergency Telephone: Chem-tel 800-255-3924 Telephone Number for Information: 913-362-9455 Date Prepared: 6/17/96 Section II. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY INFORMATION Hazardous Components (Chemical Identity: Common Name(s) OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Other Limits %(optional) Charcoal NA NA NA Sulfur NA NA NA Potassium Nitrate NA NA NA Potassium Perchlorate NA NA NA Graphite NA 2.5 mg/m3 Respirable Dust Other: Other ingredients are trade secrets, but can be disclosed per 29 CFR 1910.1200(i) Section III. PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling Point Not Applicable Specific Gravity (H2O =1): Bulk density is 0.75 (g/cc) Vapor Pressure (mm HG): Not Applicable Melting Point: Not Applicable Vapor Density (AIR = 1) Not Applicable Evaporation Rate: Not Applicable Solubility in Water: Partially (Butyl Acetate = 1) Appearance and Odor: Medium to dark pray granular solid. Slight odor when ignited. Section IV. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Auto-ignition Temperature: 740 (F) (Pellets: 500[f]) Flammable Limits: N/A LEL: N/A UEL: N/A Extinguishing Media: For unattended fire prevention, water can be used to disburse burning Pyrodex. Pyrodex has its own oxygen supply, so flame smothering techniques are ineffective. Water may be used on unburnt Pyrodex to retard further spread of fire. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Pyrodex is extremely flammable and may deflagrate. Get away and evacuate the area. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: As with any pyrotechnic, if under confinement or piled in moderate quantities, Pyrodex can explode violently, toxic fumes such as sulfur dioxide are emitted while burning. Section V. REACTIVITY DATA Stability Unstable: Stable: X Conditions to Avoid: Avoid storage at temperatures above 150[F], impact, hot embers, sparks and static discharges. file://C:\DOCUME~1\reeder\LOCALS~1\Temp\triGEHML.htm 7/8/2002 Page 2 of 3 Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) Metal powders and acids Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: CO, CO2, SO2, non-metallic oxides, and suspended particulate matter from burning. Hazardous May Occur: Conditions to Avoid: Not known to occur. Polymerization: Will Not Occur: X Section VI. HEALTH HAZARD DATA Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation?: Yes Skin?: Yes Ingestion?: Yes Health Hazards (acute and Chronic): TLV unknown for ingestion of dust, Acute oral LD50 in rats is calculated to be 4.0 [g/kg body weight]. Carcinogenicity: No NTP? No IARC? No OSHA regulated?: No Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Burning or itching of the eye, nose, or skin; shortness of breath. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Some people may be unusually sensitive to the product. Emergency and First Aid Procedures: Remove patient from exposure, and if skin contact, wash affected area with copious amounts of water. Section VII. PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE Steps to Be Taken in Case Material is Released of Spilled: Do not smoke in the area. Powder should be scooped or swept up using non-sparking, conductive tools. This should be done in a manner so that no dusting occurs. Waste Disposal Method: Wet thoroughly with water to dissolve the powder. Comply with all federal, state, and local laws. Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing: Pyrodex is a solid propellant which is designed to propell a mass. Thus appropriate care should be taken to avoid heavy confinement and ignition sources such as, but not limited to, heat, static discharge, embers, friction, and impact. Do not drop containers of powder. Store at temperatures of less than 150[F] in approved magazines. Other Precautions: In the area of use, avoid all possible sources of ignition and use explosion proof electrical equipment suitable for use with explosive dusts. Section VIII. CONTROL MEASURES Respiratory Protection (Specify Type): Disposable NIOSH approved dust masks may be used if desired. Ventilation Local Exhaust: if used, should be equipped with well maintained, continuously active water washing system. Mechanical (General): Use NEMA Class II, Division 1, Groups F&G motors or better. Protective Gloves: May use if sensitivity of skin occurs. Wash daily. Eye Protection: Use goggles if sensitivity occurs. Other Protective Clothing or Equipment: "100%" cotton clothing and grounded work station are recommended to minimize static electricity discharge. Work/Hygienic Practices: Work with small quantities, keeping main supply in closed container. Shower after exposure, and wash clothing daily. Please read container warning, and call 913-362-9455 for more information Home | FAQ | Products | Data | Dealers | Store | News | MSDS | Games Events | Subscribe | Success Stories | Free Stuff !!! | Links | Email Send mail to [email protected] with questions or comments. Hodgdon Powder Co., Inc. Phone 913-362-9455 Fax 913-362-1307 Send mail to webmaster with questions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 1998-2002 Hodgdon Powder Co., Inc. All rights reserved. This site maintained by 98.Net, Inc. file://C:\DOCUME~1\reeder\LOCALS~1\Temp\triGEHML.htm 7/8/2002 Page 3 of 3 file://C:\DOCUME~1\reeder\LOCALS~1\Temp\triGEHML.htm 7/8/2002 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET West System Inc. 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: .............................................. WEST SYSTEM® 205 Fast Hardener® PRODUCT CODE: .............................................. 205 CHEMICAL FAMILY: .......................................... Amine. CHEMICAL NAME: ............................................. Modified aliphatic polyamine. FORMULA: ......................................................... Not applicable. MANUFACTURER: West System Inc. 102 Patterson Ave. Bay City, MI 48706, U.S.A. Phone: 866-937-8797 or 989-684-7286 2. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Transportation CHEMTREC: .....................800-424-9300 (U.S.) 703-527-3887 (International) Non-transportation Poison Hotline: ..................800-222-1222 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW HMIS Hazard Rating: Health - 3 Flammability - 1 Physical Hazards - 0 DANGER! Corrosive. Skin sensitizer. Moderate to severe skin, eye and respiratory tract irritant. May cause allergic reactions. Amber colored liquid with ammonia odor. PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY:........................................................ Skin contact, eye contact, inhalation. POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: ACUTE INHALATION: .......................................................................... May cause respiratory tract irritation. Coughing and chest pain may result. CHRONIC INHALATION:...................................................................... May cause respiratory tract irritation, coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath or chest pain. ACUTE SKIN CONTACT: ..................................................................... May cause strong irritation, redness. Possible mild corrosion. CHRONIC SKIN CONTACT:................................................................. Prolonged or repeated contact may cause an allergic reaction and possible sensitization in susceptible individuals. Large dose skin contact may result in material being absorbed in harmful amounts. EYE CONTACT:.................................................................................... Moderate to severe irritation with possible tissue damage. Concentrated vapors can be absorbed in eye tissue and cause eye injury. Contact causes discomfort and possible corneal injury or conjunctivitis. INGESTION:.......................................................................................... Single dose oral toxicity is moderate. May cause gastrointestinal tract irritation and pain. Aspiration hazard. SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE: .................................................... Respiratory tract irritation. Skin irritation and redness. Possible allergic reaction seen as hives and rash. Eye irritation. Possible liver and kidney disorders upon long term skin absorption overexposures. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: ................. Chronic respiratory disease, asthma. Eye disease. Skin disorders and allergies. 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS 4. INGREDIENT NAME Reaction products of TETA with Phenol/Formaldehyde Polyethylenepolyamine Triethylenetetramine (TETA) Hydroxybenzene Reaction Products of TETA and propylene oxide Tetraethylenepentamine (TEPA) FIRST AID MEASURES CAS # 32610-77-8 68131-73-7 112-24-3 108-95-2 26950-63-0 112-57-2 CONCENTRATION > 25% < 25% < 10% < 10% < 10% < 10% FIRST AID FOR EYES:......................................................................... Immediately flush with water for at least 15 minutes. Get prompt medical attention. FIRST AID FOR SKIN:.......................................................................... Remove contaminated clothing. Immediately wash skin with soap and water. Do not apply greases or ointments. Get medical attention if severe exposure. MSDS #205-11a Last Revised: 10FEB11 West System Inc. Page 2 of 4 WEST SYSTEM® 205 Hardener FIRST AID FOR INHALATION:............................................................. Move to fresh air and consult physician if effects occur. FIRST AID FOR INGESTION:............................................................... Give conscious person at least 2 glasses of water. Do not induce vomiting. Aspiration hazard. If vomiting should occur spontaneously, keep airway clear. Get medical attention. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT:...................................................................................... >270°F (PMCC) EXTINGUISHING MEDIA:..................................................................... Dry chemical, alcohol foam. carbon dioxide (CO2), dry sand, limestone powder. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: .................................................... During a fire, smoke may contain the original materials in addition to combustion products of varying composition which may be toxic and/or irritating. Combustion products may include, but are not limited to: oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, volatile amines, ammonia, nitric acid, nitrosamines. When mixed with sawdust, wood chips, or other cellulosic material, spontaneous combustion can occur under certain conditions. If hardener is spilled into or mixed with sawdust, heat is generated as the air oxidizes the amine. If the heat is not dissipated quickly enough, it can ignite the sawdust. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES:......................................... Use full-body protective gear and a self-contained breathing apparatus. Use of water may generate toxic aqueous solutions. Do not allow water run-off from fighting fire to enter drains or other water courses. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES: ........................................................ Stop leak without additional risk. Wear proper personal protective equipment. Dike and contain spill. Ventilate area. Large spill - dike and pump into appropriate container for recovery. Small spill - recover or use inert, non-combustible absorbent material (e.g., sand, clay) and shovel into suitable container. Do not use sawdust, wood chips or other cellulosic materials to absorb the spill, as the possibility for spontaneous combustion exists. Wash spill residue with warm, soapy water if necessary. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE STORAGE TEMPERATURE (min./max.): ............................................ 40°F (4°C) / 90°F (32°C). STORAGE:............................................................................................ Store in cool, dry place away from high temperatures and moisture. Keep container tightly closed. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS:................................................................ Use with adequate ventilation. Do not breath vapors or mists from heated material. Avoid exposure to concentrated vapors. Avoid skin contact. Wash thoroughly after handling. When mixed with epoxy resin this product causes an exothermic reaction, which in large masses, can produce enough heat to damage or ignite surrounding materials and emit fumes and vapors that vary widely in composition and toxicity. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EYE PROTECTION GUIDELINES: ....................................................... Chemical splash-proof goggles or face shield. SKIN PROTECTION GUIDELINES:...................................................... Wear liquid-proof, chemical resistant gloves (nitrile-butyl rubber, neoprene, butyl rubber or natural rubber) and full body-covering clothing. RESPIRATORY/VENTILATION GUIDELINES: .................................... Use with adequate general and local exhaust ventilation to meet exposure limits. In poorly ventilated areas, use a NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator with an organic vapor cartridge. Note: West System, Inc. has conducted an air sampling study using this product or similarly formulated products. The results indicate that the components sampled for (phenol, formaldehyde and amines) were either so low that they were not detected at all or they were well below OSHA’s permissible exposure levels. ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE MEASURES:........................................... Use where there is immediate access to safety shower and emergency eye wash. Wash thoroughly after use. Contact lens should not be worn when working with this material. Generally speaking, working cleanly and following basic precautionary measures will greatly minimize the potential for harmful exposure to this product under normal use conditions. OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS: ............................................... Not established for product as whole. Refer to OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) or the ACGIH Guidelines for information on specific ingredients. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL FORM ................................................................................. Liquid. COLOR ................................................................................................. Amber. ODOR.................................................................................................... Ammonia-like. BOILING POINT.................................................................................... > 440°F. MELTING POINT/FREEZE POINT........................................................ Approximately 23°F. pH ......................................................................................................... Alkaline. SOLUBILITY IN WATER....................................................................... Appreciable. SPECIFIC GRAVITY ............................................................................. 1.05 MSDS #205-11a Last Revised: 10FEB11 West System Inc. Page 3 of 4 WEST SYSTEM® 205 Hardener BULK DENSITY .................................................................................... 8.85 pounds/gallon. VAPOR PRESSURE ............................................................................. < 1 mmHg @ 20°C. VAPOR DENSITY ................................................................................. Heavier than air. VISCOSITY ........................................................................................... 1,000 cPs % VOLATILE BY WEIGHT.................................................................... ASTM 2369-07 was used to determine the Volatile Matter Content of mixed epoxy resin and hardener. 105 Resin and 205 Hardener, mixed together at 5:1 by weight, has a density of 1137 g/L (9.49 lbs/gal). The combined VOC content for 105/205 is 7.91 g/L (0.07 lbs/gal). 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: ........................................................................................... Stable. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: ...................................................... Will not occur. INCOMPATIBILITIES:........................................................................... Avoid excessive heat. Avoid acids, oxidizing materials, halogenated organic compounds (e.g., methylene chloride). External heating or self-heating could result in rapid temperature increase and serious hazard. If such a reaction were to take place in a waste drum, the drum could expand and rupture violently. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: .......................................................... Very toxic fumes and gases when burned or otherwise heated to decomposition. Decomposition products may include, but not liminted to: oxides of nitrogen, volatile amines, ammonia, nitric acid, nitrosamines. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No specific oral, inhalation or dermal toxicology data is known for this product. Oral: .................................................................... Expected to be moderately toxic. Inhalation:............................................................ Expected to be moderately toxic. Dermal:................................................................ Expected to be moderately toxic. Adsorption of phenolic solutions through the skin may be very rapid and can cause death. Lesser exposures can cause damage to the kidney, liver, pancreas and spleen; and cause edema of the lungs. Chronic exposures can cause death from liver and kidney damage. CARCINOGENICITY: NTP............................................................................................... No. IARC ............................................................................................. No. OSHA............................................................................................ No. No ingredient of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen by OSHA, NTP or IARC. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Wastes from this product may present long term environmental hazards. Do not allow into sewers, on the ground or in any body of water. Hydroxybenzene (phenol) (CAS # 108-95-2) biodegradability = 99.5% at 7 days. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: ............................................................. Evaluation of this product using RCRA criteria shows that it is not a hazardous waste, either by listing or characteristics, in its purchased form. It is the responsibility of the user to determine proper disposal methods. Incinerate, recycle (fuel blending) or reclaim may be preferred methods when conducted in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. 14. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT SHIPPING NAME: ................................................................................. Polyamines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. TECHNICAL SHIPPING NAME:............................................................ (Triethylenetetramine) D.O.T. HAZARD CLASS: ...................................................................... Class 8 U.N./N.A. NUMBER:.............................................................................. UN 2735 PACKING GROUP: ............................................................................... PG III IATA SHIPPING NAME: ................................................................................. Polyamines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s. TECHNICAL SHIPPING NAME:............................................................ (Triethylenetetramine) HAZARD CLASS: .................................................................................. Class 8 U.N. NUMBER:...................................................................................... UN 2735 PACKING GROUP: ............................................................................... PG III 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION OSHA STATUS: .................................................................................... Corrosive; possible sensitizer. MSDS #205-11a Last Revised: 10FEB11 Page 4 of 4 West System Inc. WEST SYSTEM® 205 Hardener TSCA STATUS:..................................................................................... All components listed on TSCA inventory or otherwise comply with TSCA requirements. Canada WHIMIS Classification: D2A, D2B, E SARA TITLE III: SECTION 313 TOXIC CHEMICALS:............................................ This product contains hydroxybenzene (phenol) and is subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372. STATE REGULATORY INFORMATION: The following chemicals are specifically listed or otherwise regulated by individual states. For details on your regulatory requirements you should contact the appropriate agency in your state. COMPONENT NAME /CAS NUMBER Tetraethylenepentamine 112-57-2 Tetraethylenetriamine 112-24-3 Phenol 108-95-2 16. CONCENTRATION STATE CODE <10% MA, NJ, PA <10% MA, NJ, PA <10% NJ, RI, PA, MA, IL OTHER INFORMATION REASON FOR ISSUE:.......................................................................... Changes made in Sections 5, 10, 14 & 15. PREPARED BY: ................................................................................... G. M. House APPROVED BY: ................................................................................... G. M. House TITLE: ................................................................................................... Health, Safety & Environmental Manager APPROVAL DATE: ............................................................................... February 10, 2011 SUPERSEDES DATE: .......................................................................... January 3, 2008 MSDS NUMBER: .................................................................................. 205-11a Note: The Hazardous Material Indexing System (HMIS), cited in the Emergency Overview of Section 3, uses the following index to assess hazard rating: 0 = Minimal; 1 = Slight; 2 = Moderate; 3 = Serious; and 4 = Severe. This information is furnished without warranty, expressed or implied, except that it is accurate to the best knowledge of West System Inc. The data on this sheet is related only to the specific material designated herein. West System Inc. assumes no legal responsibility for use or reliance upon these data. MSDS #205-11a Last Revised: 10FEB11 249863 PTOUCH 2X +SSPR 6PK GLOSS CRANBERRY Page 1 of 5 Material Safety Data Sheet 24 Hour Assistance: 1-847-367-7700 Rust-Oleum Corp. Section 1 - Chemical Product / Company Information Product Name: PTOUCH 2X +SSPR 6PK GLOSS CRANBERRY Identification 249863 Number: Product Use/Class: Topcoat/Aerosols Rust-Oleum Corporation Supplier: 11 Hawthorn Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 USA Preparer: Regulatory Department Revision Date: 08/12/2011 Manufacturer: Rust -Oleum Corporation 11 Hawthorn Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 USA Section 2 - Composition / Information On Ingredients Chemical Name Acetone Liquefied Petroleum Gas Naphtha Toluene Xylene Ethylbenzene CAS Number 67 -64-1 68476-86-8 8032-32 -4 108-88-3 1330-20 -7 100-41-4 Weight % Less Than 35.0 25.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 ACGIH TLV-TWA ACGIH TLV-STEL OSHA PEL -TWA OSHA PEL CEILING 500 ppm 750 ppm 1000 ppm N.E. N.E. N.E. N.E. N.E. N.E. N.E. N.E. N.E. 20 ppm N.E. 200 ppm 300 ppm 100 ppm 150 ppm 100 ppm N.E. 100 ppm 125 ppm 100 ppm N.E. Section 3 - Hazards Identification *** Emergency Overview ***: Contents Under Pressure. Harmful if inhaled. May affect the brain or nervous system causing dizziness, headache or nausea. Vapors may cause flash fire or explosion. Harmful if swallowed. Extremely flammable liquid and vapor. Effects Of Overexposure - Eye Contact: Causes eye irritation. Effects Of Overexposure - Skin Contact: Prolonged or repeated contact may cause skin irritation. Substance may cause slight skin irritation. May be absorbed through the skin in harmful amounts. Effects Of Overexposure - Inhalation: High vapor concentrations are irritating to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Avoid breathing vapors or mists. High gas, vapor, mist or dust concentrations may be harmful if inhaled. Harmful if inhaled. Effects Of Overexposure - Ingestion: Aspiration hazard if swallowed; can enter lungs and cause damage. Substance may be harmful if swallowed. Effects Of Overexposure - Chronic Hazards: IARC lists Ethylbenzene as a possible human carcinogen (group 2B). May cause central nervous system disorder (e.g., narcosis involving a loss of coordination, weakness, fatigue, mental confusion, and blurred vision) and/or damage. Reports have associated repeated and prolonged 249863 PTOUCH 2X +SSPR 6PK GLOSS CRANBERRY Page 2 of 5 occupational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Overexposure to xylene in laboratory animals has been associated with liver abnormalities, kidney, lung, spleen, eye and blood damage as well as reproductive disorders. Effects in humans, due to chronic overexposure, have included liver, cardiac abnormalities and nervous system damage. Primary Route(s) Of Entry: Skin Contact, Skin Absorption, Inhalation, Ingestion, Eye Contact Section 4 - First Aid Measures First Aid - Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes holding eyelids open. Get medical attention. Do NOT allow rubbing of eyes or keeping eyes closed. First Aid - Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation develops or persists. First Aid - Inhalation: If you experience difficulty in breathing, leave the area to obtain fresh air. If continued difficulty is experienced, get medical assistance immediately. First Aid - Ingestion: Aspiration hazard: Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth because this material can enter the lungs and cause severe lung damage. Get immediate medical attention. Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures Flash Point: -156 F (Setaflash) Extinguishing Media: Film Forming Foam, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Dry Sand, Water Fog Unusual Fire And Explosion Hazards: FLASH POINT IS LESS THAN 20 °. F. - EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR! Perforation of the pressurized container may cause bursting of the can. Isolate from heat, electrical equipment, sparks and open flame. Keep containers tightly closed. Water spray may be ineffective. Closed containers may explode when exposed to extreme heat. Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Vapors can travel to a source of ignition and flash back. Special Firefighting Procedures: Evacuate area and fight fire from a safe distance. Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures Steps To Be Taken If Material Is Released Or Spilled: Contain spilled liquid with sand or earth. DO NOT use combustible materials such as sawdust. Remove all sources of ignition, ventilate area and remove with inert absorbent and non-sparking tools. Dispose of according to local, state (provincial) and federal regulations. Do not incinerate closed containers. Section 7 - Handling And Storage Handling: Follow all MSDS/label precautions even after container is emptied because it may retain product residues. Use only in a well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing vapor or mist. Wash thoroughly after handling. Wash hands before eating. Storage: Do not store above 120 ° F. Store large quantities in buildings designed and protected for storage of NFPA Class I flammable liquids. Contents under pressure. Do not expose to heat or store above 120 ° F. Keep containers tightly closed. Isolate from heat, electrical equipment, sparks and open flame. Section 8 - Exposure Controls / Personal Protection 249863 PTOUCH 2X +SSPR 6PK GLOSS CRANBERRY Page 3 of 5 Engineering Controls: Prevent build-up of vapors by opening all doors and windows to achieve cross -ventilation. Use explosion-proof ventilation equipment. Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to control airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. Respiratory Protection: A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2 requirements must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant a respirator's use. A NIOSH/MSHA approved air purifying respirator with an organic vapor cartridge or canister may be permissible under certain circumstances where airborne concentrations are expected to exceed exposure limits. Protection provided by air purifying respirators is limited. Use a positive pressure air supplied respirator if there is any potential for an uncontrolled release, exposure levels are not known, or in any other circumstances where air purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection. Skin Protection: Nitrile or Neoprene gloves may afford adequate skin protection. Use impervious gloves to prevent skin contact and absorption of this material through the skin. Eye Protection: Use safety eyewear designed to protect against splash of liquids. Other protective equipment: Refer to safety supervisor or industrial hygienist for further information regarding personal protective equipment and its application. Hygienic Practices: Wash thoroughly with soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking. Section 9 - Physical And Chemical Properties Vapor Density: Appearance: Solubility in H2O: Specific Gravity: Physical State: Heavier than Air Aerosolized Mist Slight 0.749 Liquid Odor: Evaporation Rate: Freeze Point: pH: Solvent Like Faster than Ether N.D. N.A. (See section 16 for abbreviation legend) Section 10 - Stability And Reactivity Conditions To Avoid: Avoid temperatures above 120 ° F. Avoid all possible sources of ignition. Incompatibility: Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, strong acids and strong alkalies. Hazardous Decomposition: By open flame, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. When heated to decomposition, it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur under normal conditions. Stability: This product is stable under normal storage conditions. Section 11 - Toxicological Information Chemical Name Acetone Liquefied Petroleum Gas Naphtha LD50 5800 mg/kg (Rat) N.E. >5000 mg/kg (Rat, Oral) LC50 50100 mg/m3 (Rat, 8Hr) N.E. N.E. 249863 PTOUCH 2X +SSPR 6PK GLOSS CRANBERRY Toluene Xylene Ethylbenzene Page 4 of 5 636 mg/kg (Rat, Oral) 4300 mg/kg (Rat, Oral) 3500 mg/kg (Rat, Oral) >26700 ppm (Rat, Inhalation, 1Hr) 5000 ppm (Rat, Inhalation, 4Hr) N.E. Section 12 - Ecological Information Ecological Information: Product is a mixture of listed components. Section 13 - Disposal Information Disposal Information: Dispose of material in accordance to local, state and federal regulations and ordinances. Do not allow to enter storm drains or sewer systems. Section 14 - Transportation Information Proper Shipping Name: Hazard Class: UN Number: Packing Group: Limited Quantity: Domestic (USDOT) Consumer Commodity ORM-D N.A. N.A. No International (IMDG) Aerosols 2.1 UN1950 N.A. Yes Air (IATA) Aerosols 2.1 UN1950 N.A. Yes Section 15 - Regulatory Information CERCLA - SARA Hazard Category This product has been reviewed according to the EPA "Hazard Categories" promulgated under Sections 311and 312 of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA Title III) and is considered, under applicable definitions, to meet the following categories: IMMEDIATE HEALTH HAZARD, CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD, FIRE HAZARD, PRESSURIZED GAS HAZARD SARA Section 313: Listed below are the substances (if any) contained in this product that are subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372: Chemical Name Toluene Xylene Ethylbenzene CAS Number 108-88-3 1330-20-7 100-41-4 Toxic Substances Control Act: Listed below are the substances (if any) contained in this product that are subject to the reporting requirements of TSCA 12(B) if exported from the United States: U.S. State Regulations: As follows New Jersey Right-to-Know: 249863 PTOUCH 2X +SSPR 6PK GLOSS CRANBERRY Page 5 of 5 The following materials are non-hazardous, but are among the top five components in this product. Chemical Name Modified Alkyd CAS Number PROPRIETARY Pennsylvania Right-to-Know: The following non-hazardous ingredients are present in the product at greater than 3%. Chemical Name Modified Alkyd CAS Number PROPRIETARY International Regulations: As follows CANADIAN WHMIS: This MSDS has been prepared in compliance with Controlled Product Regulations except for the use of the 16 headings. CANADIAN WHMIS CLASS: AB5 D2A D2B Section 16 - Other Information HMIS Ratings: Health: 2* Flammability: 4 Physical Hazard: 0 NFPA Ratings: Health: 2 Flammability: 4 Instability: 0 Personal Protection: X VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS, g/L: 533 REASON FOR REVISION: Regulatory Update Legend: N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, N.D. - Not Determined Rust-Oleum Corporation believes, to the best of its knowledge, information and belief, the information contained herein to be accurate and reliable as of the date of this material safety data sheet. However, because the conditions of handling, use, and storage of these materials are beyond our control, we assume no responsibility or liability for personal injury or property damage incurred by the use of these materials. Rust-Oleum Corporation makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy or reliability of the data or results obtained from their use. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution. The information and recommendations in this material safety data sheet are offered for the users’ consideration and examination. It is the responsibility of the user to determine the final suitability of this information and to comply with all applicable international, federal, state, and local laws and regulations. DATE: 08/16/10 Revision #11 Page 1 of 2 For Chemical Emergency Only: In the US & Canada (800) 424-9300 Int'l & Wash DC (COLLECT) (703) 527-3887 Telephone for Information:(909) 987-0550 (HMIS or NFPA) HAZARD RATING MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Section 1 PACER TECHNOLOGY 9420 Santa Anita Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Super Glue Health = 1 Flammability = 2 Reactivity = 1 Section 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS INFORMATION: Hazardous Components (Common Names, CAS Number) Ethyl-2-Cyanoacrylate (7085-85-0) Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) (9011-14-7) Hydroquinone* (123-31-9) OSHA PEL NE NE 2mg/m3 ACGIH OTHER TLV LIMITS NE 0.2ppm TWA NE 2mg/m3 % OPTION 60-100 10-30 0-1 *This ingredient is subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments & Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) and 40 CFR 372. Section 3 - PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Boiling Point: 365 F Specific Gravity (H2O=1): Vapor Density (Air=1): nil-NE Melting Point: Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 1 @ 20 C Evaporation Rate (Butyl acetate=1): Solubility in Water: Insoluble, material reacts to hardened mass for non-hazardous waste. VOC: This product is VOC compliant for sale in California. Appearance & Odor: Transparent water-white to straw colored liquid with stimulative odor. 1.05 NE nil-NE Section 4 - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA: Flash Point (Method Used): 185 F (TCC) Flammable Limits: LEL: NE UEL: NE Extinguishing Media: Flush with large amounts of water or dry chemical extinguisher. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Fumes may be irritating if not burning and require air supply with goggles while applying large amounts of water or dry chemical extinguisher. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None. Combustible requiring the above procedures. Section 5 - REACTIVITY DATA: Stability: Stable XX Conditions to Avoid: Excessive heat above 176 F, moisture and alkalines. Stable up to 122 F. Store in a cool dry place. Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Polymerized by water, alcohol, amines, alkaline materials and direct UV. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Combustible by-products of carbon monoxide/dioxide. Hazardous Polymerization: May Not Occur XX Section 6 - HEALTH HAZARD DATA: Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation: Yes Oral LD50 = > 5000 mg/kg (estimated) Dermal LD50 = > 2000 mg/kg (estimated) Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic): Acute - Irritates eyes, mucous membranes. Chronic - No residual effects of acute properties. Carcinogenicity: NTP: No IARC Monographs: No OSHA Regulated: No MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PACER TECHNOLOGY Super Glue Revision #11 Page 2 of 2 First Aid Procedures: Eye contact - Tearing from eye irritation. Remove to fresh air. Flush areas of contact with water. Adhesive will disassociate from eye/eyelids over time, usually within several hours. Temporary weeping of eyes/double vision may be experienced until clearance is achieved. Skin contact - Immerse bonded areas in warm, soapy water. Peel or roll skin apart. Remove cured adhesive with several applications of warm, soapy water. Prolonged or repeated contact at elevated levels may cause dermatitis in sensitive individuals. Inhalation - Irritation of mucous membranes/coughing. Remove to fresh air. Prolonged or repeated exposure at elevated levels may produce allergic reactions with asthma-like symptoms in sensitive individuals. Ingestion - Lips may become stuck together: apply copious amounts of warm water & encourage wetting/pressure from saliva inside mouth. Peel or roll (do not pull) lips apart. It is almost impossible to swallow cyanoacrylate as adhesive solidifies upon contact with saliva & may adhere to inside of mouth. Saliva will lift adhesive in 1-2 days, avoid swallowing adhesive after detachment. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Pre-existing skin, eye and respiratory disorders may be aggravated by exposure. Section 7 - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE: Steps to Be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: Polymerize with water. Solid material may be scraped from surface. Waste Disposal Method: Incinerate solid combustible waste or dump as chemical waste according to local, state and federal regulations. Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing: Avoid contact with clothing as contact can cause burn. Avoid moisture, direct UV-sunlight and do not store above 25 C. Keep containers closed tightly when not in use. Ideal storage: 5-10 C. Other Precautions: Avoid breathing vapor, contact with eyes/skin. Allow product to reach room temperature before use. Section 8 - CONTROL MEASURES: Respiratory Protection (Specify Type): A NIOSH-approved organic vapor canister may be used to maintain vapor concentration below TLV. Ventilation: Local Exhaust: To maintain vapor concentration below TLV. Mechanical (General): Large amounts used to 0.2ppm. Protective Clothing or Equipment: Safety glasses with side shield, Vinyl (polyethylene) non-sticking gloves, rubber apron to protect clothing. Work/Hygienic Practices: Soap and water helps remove adhesive from skin. Section 9 - OTHER: Super Glue - Not regulated for transportation. NE = Not established The data contained herein is based upon information that Pacer Technology believes to be reliable. Users of this product have the responsibility to determine the suitability of use and to adopt all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and protection of property and persons involved in said use. All statements or suggestions are made without warranty, express or implied, regarding accuracy of the information, the hazards connected with the use of the material or the results to be obtained from the use thereof. Material Safety Data Sheet NOTICE ALL INFORMATION APPEARING HEREIN IS BASED UPON DATA OBTAINED FROM THE MANUFACTURER AND/OR RECOGNIZED TECHNICAL SOURCES. THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT, BUT DOES NOT PURPORT TO BE ALL INCLUSIVE AND SHALL BE USED ONLY AS A GUIDE. MARTINEZ SPECIALTIES, INC. MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THIS INFORMATION. IT IS THE USER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THE SUITABILITY OF THIS INFORMATION FOR THE ADOPTION OF NECESSARY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND/OR COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS. Section I. - General Information Identity: (As used on label and list) UN0454 Igniters 1.4S Manufacturer’s Name & Address: MJG Technologies, Inc. 832 Camden Avenue Blenheim, NJ 08012 Trade Name: J-Tek Emergency Telephone: 1-800-535-5053 Telephone Number: 856-228-6118 Date Prepared: September 1, 2009 Prepared By: J. Genzel Section II. - Hazardous Ingredients / Identity Information Per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 Chemical Name: Bismuth Trioxide Boron Potassium Perchlorate Titanium 1 OSHA (PEL) CAS# 1304-76-3 7440-42-8 7778-74-7 7440-32-6 Exposure Limits ACGIH (TLV) 15 mg / m3 15 mg / m3 Not Established Not Established 10mg / m3 10mg /m3 Not Established Not Established Other Limits % orl rat LDLo; 32g/kg/30 days orl rat LDLo: 2,100 mg/kg ims-rat LDLo:114 mg/kg/77W- Section III. - Physical / Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point (deg. F.) N/A Specific Gravity (H2O = 1) N/A Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.) N/A Melting Point N/A Vapor Density (Air = 1) N/A Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1) N/A Solubility in Water: Insoluble with lacquer coating intact. Appearance and Odor: Medium brown colored bead of pyrotechnic composition on a copper-clad chip with two PVC insulated connecting wires of various lengths. Red or blue lacquer coating on igniter head. Section IV. - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point: N/A Flammable Limits N/A LEL N/A UEL N/A Extinguishing Media: N/A Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Do not use suffocating methods - devices contain their own oxygen. If conditions permit, separate burning from unburned igniters. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Burning igniters will project sparks several feet and can cause secondary fires. Igniters may rupture a container if ignited under confinement. Igniters may be ignited by extreme impact, friction or electrostatic discharge. Page 1 Section V. - Reactivity Data Stability: Stable Conditions To Avoid: Sources of ignition - heat, sparks, open flames and smoking. Do not subject igniter heads to impact or friction. Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Acids and reducing agents. Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: Smoke contains oxides of Boron and Titanium. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Section VI. - Health Hazard Data Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation? Not with match head intact. Skin? No Ingestion? Not with match head intact. Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic): Primary hazard is from thermal burns caused by accidental ignition of igniters Deliberate inhalation or ingestion of large amounts of crushed igniter head composition may cause respiratory discomfort. Not absorbed through skin. Carcinogenicity: NTP? No ARC Monographs? No OSHA Regulated? No Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: See Boric Acid exposure. Large doses of Boron compounds can cause depression of the circulation, persistent vomiting and diarrhea, followed by shock and coma. Bismuth Trioxide ingestion has no known adverse effects. However, ingestion is not advised. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated By Exposure: Smoke generated by burning igniters may cause respiratory irritation in those individuals with asthma, allergies or other preexisting respiratory conditions. Emergency First Aid Procedures: Move patient to source of fresh air. Do not induce vomiting. Get prompt medical attention from qualified medical personnel. Section VII. - Precautions For Safe Handling And Use Steps To Be Taken In Case Material Is Released Or Spilled: Immediately remove sources of ignition and isolate spill from any other flammable or pyrotechnic materials. Sweep up any crushed igniter heads using non-sparking tools. Avoid inhaling igniter head dust. Waste Disposal Method: Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Small quantities can be disposed of by open burning if permitted. Precautions To Be Taken In Handling And Storage: Keep away from sources of heat and ignition such as sparks or open flames. Avoid impact or friction to igniter head. Store igniter containers in a cool place. Do not store igniters with flammable, explosive or other pyrotechnic compositions. Keep out of the reach of children and uninformed persons. Other Precautions: Avoid sources of strong electromagnetic fields and static electricity. Section VII. - Control Measures Respiratory Protection (Specify Type): Nuisance dust/particulate filter mask if large numbers of igniters are ignited in a confined area. Ventilation: Yes. Local Exhaust: Acceptable. Mechanical (General): Special: Protective Gloves: Not normally required. Other: Eye Protection: Goggles or safety glasses with side shields. Other Protective Clothing or Equipment: Long sleeve cotton garments advised if handling a large quantity of igniters. Work / Hygienic Practices: Wash thoroughly after handling igniters and before eating, drinking or smoking. Page 2 MSDS – ProX Rocket Motor Reload Kits Page 1/6 Version 2.02 Revision Date. 8 Feb 2010 ========================================================================= MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ========================================================================= ProX Rocket Motor Reload Kits & Fuel Grains -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.0 PRODUCT / COMPANY IDENTIFICATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Product Name: Synonyms: Proper Shipping Name: Part Numbers: Pro29, Pro38, Pro54, Pro75, and Pro98 Rocket Motor Reload Kits Rocket Motor Articles, Explosive, N.O.S. (Ammonium Perchlorate) Reload kits: P29R-Y-#G-XX, P38R-Y-#G-XX, P54R-Y-#G-XX, P29R-Y-#GXL-XX, P38R-Y-#GXL-XX, P54R-Y-#GXL-XX, Propellant grains: P75AC-PG-XX, P98AC-PG-XX, P98AC-MB-PG-XX Where: Y = reload type (A = adjustable delay, C = C-slot) # = number of grains & XX = propellant type Product Use: Solid fuel motor for propelling rockets Manufacturer: Cesaroni Technology Inc. P.O. Box 246 2561 Stouffville Rd. Gormley, Ont. Canada L0H 1G0 Telephone Numbers: Product Information: 24 Hour Emergency Telephone Number: 1-905-887-2370 1-613-996-6666 (CANUTEC) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.0 COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Propellant Ingredient Name --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ CAS Number ---------------- Percentage ----------------- Ammonium Perchlorate .................................................................................. Metal Powders ................................................................................................ Synthetic Rubber ............................................................................................ 7790-98-9 40-85 % 1-45 % 10-30 % Ingredient Name --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ CAS Number ---------------- Percentage ----------------- Potassium Nitrate............................................................................................ Charcoal.......................................................................................................... Sulphur............................................................................................................ Graphite .......................................................................................................... 7757-79-1 n/a 7704-34-9 7782-42-5 70-76 % 8-18 % 9-20 % trace Black Powder Ignition pellet -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.0 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Emergency Overview: There articles contain cylinders of ammonium perchlorate composite propellant, encased in inert plastic parts. The forward closure also contains a few grams of black powder. ProX Rocket motor reload kits are classified as explosives, and may cause serious injury, including death if used improperly. All explosives are dangerous and must be handled carefully and used following approved safety procedures under the direction of competent, experienced personnel in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Avoid inhaling exhaust products. MSDS – ProX Rocket Motor Reload Kits Page 2/6 Version 2.02 Revision Date. 8 Feb 2010 General Appearance: Cardboard tubes contain various plastic parts. Inside the plastic tube are cylinders of composite propellant (rocket fuel). The forward closure also contains a small quantity of black powder. All parts are odourless solids. Potential Health Effects: Eye: Not a likely route of exposure. May cause eye irritation. Skin: Not a likely route of exposure. Low hazard for usual industrial/hobby handling. Ingestion: Not a likely route of exposure. Inhalation: Not a likely route of exposure. May cause respiratory tract irritation. Do not inhale exhaust products. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.0 FIRST AID MEASURES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyes: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical aid. Skin: Flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical aid if irritation develops or persists. Ingestion: Do NOT induce vomiting. If conscious and alert, rinse mouth and drink 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water. Inhalation: Remove from exposure to fresh air immediately. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical aid. Burns: Burns can be treated as per normal first aid procedures. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.0 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Extinguishing Media: In case of fire, use water, dry chemical, chemical foam, or alcohol-resistant foam to contain surrounding fire. Exposure Hazards During Fire: Exposure to extreme heat may cause ignition. Combustion Products from Fire: During a fire, irritating and highly toxic gases may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion. Fire Fighting Procedures: Keep all persons and hazardous materials away. Allow material to burn itself out. As in any fire, wear a selfcontained breathing apparatus in pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent), and full protective gear. Special Instructions / Notes: These articles burn rapidly and generate a significant flame for a short period of time. Black powder is a deflagrating explosive. It is very sensitive to flame and spark and can also be ignited by friction and impact. When ignited unconfined, it burns with explosive violence and will explode if ignited under even slight confinement. Do not inhale exhaust products. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.0 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Safeguards (Personnel): Spills: Clean up spills immediately. Replace articles in packaging and boxes and seal securely. Sweep or scoop up using non-sparking tools. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.0 HANDLING AND STORAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Handling: Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Avoid contamination. Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing. Do not taste or swallow. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for use. MSDS – ProX Rocket Motor Reload Kits Storage: Page 3/6 Version 2.02 Revision Date. 8 Feb 2010 Store in a cool, dry place away from sources of heat, spark or flame. Keep in shipping packaging when not in use. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.0 EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Engineering Controls: Use adequate explosion proof ventilation to keep airborne concentrations low. All equipment and working surfaces must be grounded. Personal Protective Equipment: Eyes: Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles as described by OSHA's eye and face protection regulations in 29 CFR 1910.133 or European Standard EN166. Skin: Clothing should be appropriate for handling pyrotechnic substances. Clothing: Clothing should be appropriate for handling pyrotechnic substances. Respirators: A respirator is not typically necessary. Follow the OSHA respirator regulations found in 29CFR1910.134 or European Standard EN 149. Always use a NIOSH or European Standard EN 149 approved respirator when necessary. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.0 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Physical State: Appearance: Odour: Odour Threshold: pH: Vapour Pressure: Vapour Density: Viscosity: Evaporation Rate: Boiling Point: Freezing/Melting Point: Coefficient of water/oil distribution: Autoignition Temperature: Flash Point: Explosion Limits, lower (LEL): Explosion Limits, upper (UEL): Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact: Sensitivity to Static Discharge: Decomposition Temperature: Solubility in water: Specific Gravity/Density: Molecular Formula: Molecular Weight: solid rubber cylinders inside plastic parts none Not available. Not available. Not available. Not available. Not available. Not available. Not available. Not available. Not available. 280°C Not available. Not available. Not available. unprotected black powder can be ignited by impact unprotected black powder can be ignited by static discharge > 400°C black powder is soluble in water black powder = 1.7-2.1 Propellant = not available Not applicable Not applicable. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.0 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemical Stability: Stable under normal temperatures and pressures. Conditions to Avoid: Heat, static electricity, friction, impact Incompatibilities with Other Materials: Combustible or flammable materials, explosive materials Hazardous Products Of Decomposition: Oxides of nitrogen Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. MSDS – ProX Rocket Motor Reload Kits Page 4/6 Version 2.02 Revision Date. 8 Feb 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11.0 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Routes of Entry: Skin contact – not likely Skin absorption – not likely Eye contact – not likely Inhalation – not likely Ingestion – not likely Effects of Acute Exposure to Product: No data available Effects of Chronic Exposure to Product: No data available Exposure Limits: Black Powder Pellets Ingredient Name --------------------------------------------------- CAS Number ------------------ OSHA PEL ---------------- ACGIH TLV ------------------ Potassium Nitrate Charcoal Sulphur Graphite 7757-79-1 n/a 7704-34-9 7782-42-5 not established not established not established 3 2.5 mg/m not established not established not established 15 mmpct (TWA) Ingredient Name --------------------------------------------------- CAS Number ------------------ OSHA PEL ---------------- ACGIH TLV ------------------ Ammonium Perchlorate metal powder Synthetic Rubber 7790-98-9 not established varies not established not established varies not established Propellant Irritancy of the Product: No data available Sensitization to the Product: No data available Carcinogenicity: Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NIOSH, NTP, or OSHA Reproductive Toxicity: No data available Teratogenicity: No data available Mutagenicity: No data available Toxically Synergistic Products: No data available LD50: No data available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12.0 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Environmental Data: Ecotoxicity Data: Not determined. EcoFaTE Data: Not determined. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13.0 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Product As Sold: Product Packaging: Special Considerations: Pack firmly in hole in ground with nozzle pointing up. Ignite motor electrically from a safe distance and wait 5 minutes before approaching. Dispose of spent components in inert trash. Dispose of used packaging materials in inert trash. Consult local regulations about disposal of explosive materials. MSDS – ProX Rocket Motor Reload Kits Page 5/6 Version 2.02 Revision Date. 8 Feb 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14.0 TRANSPORT INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shipping Information – Canada TDG Classification: Proper Shipping Name: UN Number: UN Classification Code: Packing Group: UN Packing Instruction: Class 1.4 Explosive Articles, Explosive, N.O.S. (Model Rocket Motors) 0351 1.4 C II 101 Shipping Information - USA / IMO Proper Shipping Name: UN Number: UN Classification Code: DOT / IMO Label: Articles, Explosive, N.O.S. (Model Rocket Motors) 0351 1.4 C Class 1 – Explosive – Division 1.4C Shipping Information - IATA Proper Shipping Name: UN Number: UN Classification Code: IATA Labels: Articles, Explosive, N.O.S. (Model Rocket Motors) 0351 1.4 C Class 1 – Explosive – Division 1.4C Cargo Aircraft Only --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15.0 REGULATORY INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Canada This product has been classified according to the hazard criteria of the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. WHMIS Classification: Not Controlled (explosive) Domestic Substance List (DSL) Status: All ingredients are listed on Canada's DSL List. Canadian Explosives Classification: Class 7.2.5 This product is an authorized explosive in Canada. These products are not considered “Controlled Good” in Canada under the Controlled Goods Regulations. United States of America TSCA Inventory Status: All ingredients are listed on the TSCA inventory. Hazardous Chemical Lists CERCLA Hazardous Substance (40 CFR 302.4) SARA Extremely Hazardous Substance (40CFR 355) SARA Toxic Chemical (40CFR 372.65) European/International Regulations No No No The product on this MSDS, or all its components, is included on the following countries’ chemical inventories: EINECS – European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances European Labelling in Accordance with EC Directives Hazard Symbols: Explosive. Risk Phrases: R2 Risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ignition. R 11 Highly flammable R 44 Risk of explosion if heated under confinement. Safety Phrases: S 1/2 Keep locked up and out of the reach of children. S8 Keep container dry. S 15 Keep away from heat. S 16 Keep away from sources of ignition -- No smoking. MSDS – ProX Rocket Motor Reload Kits S 17 S 18 S 33 S 41 Page 6/6 Version 2.02 Revision Date. 8 Feb 2010 Keep away from combustible material. Handle and open container with care. Take precautionary measures against static discharges. In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16.0 OTHER INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MSDS Prepared by: Telephone: Fax: Web Sites: Regulatory Affairs Department Cesaroni Technology Inc. P.O. Box 246 2561 Stouffville Rd. Gormley, ON Canada L0H 1G0 905-887-2370 x239 905-887-2375 The data in this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to the specific material or product designated herein and does not relate to use in combination with any other material or in any process. The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no way shall the company be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if the company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.