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The University of Texas Publication No. 4033 September 1, 1940 WORD LISTS FOR INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE SPELLING CONTESTS Bureau of Public School Extracurricular Activities Division of Extension PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY FOUR TIMES A MONTH AND ENTERED AS SECOND·CLASS MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE AT AUSTIN, TEXAS, UNDER THE ACT OF AUGUST 24, 1912 FOREWORD BULLETIN contains three lists, each of which is designated T HIS as a source of words for the League spelling and plain writing contests in the respective divisions. The words are carefully selected and supplementary to the State Adopted Text (Breed and Seale), Grades 'fwo to Seven, inclusive. Few, if any, of the words appearing in the lists will be found in the adopted spelling text, and none included which appeared in last year's lists. Pupils are required to spell only the words in Roman type; words and phrases in italics are explanatory and chiefly for the purpose of helping the pronouncer distinguish between words having the same or similar sound. The italic "n." after a word means ''noun"; "v." means "verb"; "pl." means "plural"; and "sing." means "singular"; "p.," "past"; "masc.," "masculine"; "fem.," "feminine"; "comp.," "comparative." Misprints or other errors in the word lists are noted in the Official Notice Column of the Leaguer. Teachers who report errors to the State Office do the League a real service. This is not only a spelling, but a "plain writing" contest. More papers are rejected by the State Grading Committee on account of illegible writing than on account of incorrect spelling. Many county grading committees do not seem to realize the importance which is attached by the State Committee to "plain writing." An appendix has been added to the Constitution and Rules containing many illustrations of writing errors, and each teacher having the responsibility of preparing pupils for this contest should study carefully the suggestions therein contained. PRICES This bulletin is sold at 5 cents per copy; 25 cents per dozen; $1 per hundred. No League bulletins are sent C.O.D. Stamps are not accepted in payment for the lists. For additional copies of this bulletin address Interscholastic League, University Station, Austin, Texas. COPYRIGHT, 1940 BY THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS -3SPELLING LIST FOR GRADES IV AND V 1 aching guy wire sailors ransack strongest yield Arthur dawn coils angrily jacket barefoot hopped mantle, a garment rowing thieves startle earns money left-handed shank Washington believing swollen dreaded bomb sickle yolk of an egg custard breast fang mink parking seaplane thinner sorrel flea, an insect ooze acted chore giggle lag pied smiles 2 3 4 wasting sigh boot cord of wood auger, a tool cottonwood, a tr•• deeper jaywalker gizzard Asia Austin flit hail, f'rozen rain cheaper Columbus chart berth of a sleeper retire margin stony remember jam seat cover thresher proved youthful jeer spurn matches cactus youngest giver apiece cigar reindeer sharper hops Colorado River smoky bristle eaten ninetieth lily annoy churn drilling berry, a fruit drier colonel, an officer hammered seeming, cornstalk appearing flesh nickel-plated lighter weaken lief go as not San Antonio patched nimble sallow dew, on the grass preaching battle-plane threat thistle secrets sandpaper ginning anvil throne of a king faults fearful steadied brink deny elder borne on the back halter Houston dreary batch handed bases, plural missed, p. of miss Missouri pasting bewitch cacti pillar actor pillows lap mint skimmed horseman water pump skin aged weapon pierce organs rare Oregon border, margin calico stuffed squall partner flocks of birds thickets watermelon echo pry landscape swum checking rubbing sour prowling meek lance prow speaker chestnut. you've, you have British oral mayor stutter farmers -45 weighted down returning noose steaming ails, troubled hub cistern couger Jerusalem pausing shawl tighter sardine Connecticut auto tack smoothed wheelbarrow pinned limped speaks folk ardor billion diet misspelling squat tightly pulley gleam drizzly stopping whichever silly bayou botch handkerchiefs eleventh oval largest rhyme seesaw United States jewel sowing wheat feat, act of skill 6 broadcast county seat hull feeble skull and crossbones mesh whipped stems freezing Canada arc, part of circle sumac air-cooled beak forced civil linen shedding unpleasant tail spin satchel norther mixed dimple awl, a tool grasshopper glider pealing bells placed smother whirlwind sixtieth pump hedge bin for coni boy scout El Paso overflow latch right angle speller unscrewed cannon broil strained 7 whistled hanging squeak covered John seize with. hands used to milch cow span hunted fender clamor frosted airman dingy lining stile, steps over a fence whistling notebook sunshiny grates sauce arctic enemy shield plainly valleys axle bearer snatch fore, in front take-off wig slack pedal a bicycle hem canvas tent bragging modest skim crackle glimmer squirm vein of water purely 8 overload birdseed Arkansas surround ferns clamping hare, a rabbit brother-in-law sparkle willow, a tree laughter rind shimmer air-tight funnel beaver jostle sneeze verb milestone lizard scalp baboon dishful graze on grass stir wires platter nozzle stable tallow enroll hurrah spice quack peddle papers skidded verses forenoon bitter sparrow lax, not tense molding straining wit Rio Grande -59 millet heroes swam capitol building bran stirring vest overtake scaring glisten fidget clang brute withdrew seizing pledge jumble harmless slang nurses furry dish washing crank shipwreck ajar grease husk entered vice, a moral fault soaped tastes quail spike peeling potatoea loaves forgetful armful hers baggage wives ripped monkey wrench stagger teacup fierce 10 beefsteak carelessness streamed volleyball pelt owes a dollar swarming vinegar wrecked auto blasting clause of a sentence fury gloomy senses woolen teas, pl. of tea scorch jut greedy bravery shooting Waco pressed cricket harsh Armistice Day budding sleek wrecks an auto vise, a tool raspberries sob teasing lop hilly divided Alabama beet, a vegetable hyphen spine workmen plug stake a horae moth fiery 11 bald, uncovered eraser streams wading quake forth, to go forth carrot, a vegetable brazen Pacific rising sweating wrenches gained blister crisp glove ruin shove temper perch arrest haste servants waked scoring grim bulk clinch icicles kangaroo sobbing wringer for wet clothes Alaska Fort Worth beggar dizzy hinge loud-speaker plural sleeve tenth mourn gnash pressing 12 splinter walks rattles queerly Brazos River Europe packing balk stall writer roared films crime bloodthirsty kernel of a nut stretched thaw ruling scrapbook gait of a horse burden cask lounge sweeper waltz perfect movies haunt settling yawn grinding ale, a drink thickest crow wanting ghostly ill-humor spray poisons clink sores, wounda buzzard questions rein of a brUU. showy neigh of a horse -613 chord of a piano hive framed prim smallpox label changing gnat soiling fin dodged ballad preached shudder ravel hawthorn, a tree rural swept improved ewe, a female skeep shadow blotted standing pailful roasting ear stripped Galveston kidnap spoonfuls childhood burro, an animal sly flavor propped stare, to look steadily fraud boll of cotton hoped shackle pert grip with. the hand coolers strip 14 pickle okra sons-in-law printing goblin currant, a fruit shrink ravine lull catsup sponge dropping rushing sliding miner of coal haze petal choke sweetly almond cloak barb gull scraping pare, to trim mulberry, a tree indent dyed the dress crumb balloon tire polish freckle done, p. of do angel paints sag quilt leaning gentlemen falsehood chilly blowouts robe prizes kinsfolk hoes, a tool 15 eyesore dabble burrow in sand dash altar, place of worship cedar finding graceful drawer lung red wolf screech its, possessive flashlight cocklebur seam of a dress neatness drouth cent, money bandit chalk hazy mustard reap pore of the skin manly odor fade chopped bluing palm sadder raccoon burying in the ground knuckles mincemeat proofs garb crutch honeycomb initials knit a sweater roller skate phlox, flower 16 leafy doze, to nap cupful buttonhole lye soap promises screwdriver phrases rouse freezer chink alum gristle papa reasons safes gruff postmaster clothe boast naughty daring saddle blanket rank dose banjo radio tubes phonograph holly, a tree dainty muzzle drowse grapple promotion roofed insects fir, a tree prayed for favors red fox eyetooth bluster heal, to cure pansy scrubbed mane of a horse injure -7SPELLING LIST FOR GRADES VI AND VII 1 abandon breach hogshead gum elastic, a tree preceded irregular rigging tomfoolery startling muskrat Canadian enslave famish garland infantry corridor floodgate image skein trials plentiful dissolved cherish removal miserable haziness pilgrims zones victim situated pawn matinee sorrowed loyal condemn basely dangerously licorice pyramids sear, to wither types reducing license plate 2 3 luggage Gibraltar stow devour rightly crochet tyrants adopt pioneer clergyman Ford automobile likelihood knell, holy, sacred sound of a bell alien inhabit air service obliging floral shimmy maze, confusion victor of thought sheaf probe overwhelm seasoned gratitude trifled knavery quoting arriving objective indulge condensing diagramming awning girdle cancer grease gun dank ascend hoard of riches pact, to covenant dandelion support garbage prizing tonic irksome reels sea level mature pygmies cotter pin misfortune awe bask in the sun rabble shivered divisible precise imagined impartial headquarters kodaking commend uncommon bills theaters isinglass sketches sparerib admittance trickle Cleveland removing dialogue abhor crony breaker biplane entry adorn gypsy dolt contradict 4 luster fanciful jammed peaceably quadruped mustache survey render viewed pliers obtains Little River hookup gases sparse torch meander rigidly Chevrolet equator Abilene greedily measurement straightforward forego pageant trifling refined sorrows allies glacier inherit compel dappled mishap skillful underhand pistil of a ftoww mute Labrador statements axis, Rome-Berlin confederate -85 diary headway lynch profited supports vigor radishes occupy flourish hack saw father-in-law palette for mixing paint specimen trinket predict mispronounced horizontal gauge for meaauring domino controlled assault bisect foresee inkling erect crude batteries peacefully seasons abolish thereupon underwear qualified moose glaze shoal plowshare violins renewed nominative myth sought grid halo 6 7 8 speechless ally confine voting brew couplet gloat lair breastplate dovetail fossil faucet ply cantaloupe streamline securing alter, to change unfair grievances refuge refused pallid programs vocal bridal party origin orphanage grids mistletoe hearken presenting steadying convert hamlet strife virtues truckle dating alms magic maim advertise gluing cruising candor backbiters complexion forthwith babble shoeing affected diligent clew to the puzzle unit prompted flush nasal Mediterranean memorize backslider horsepower laden plumb, straight railed suspend up and down thickness renews swarthy skirmish voted unknown pistol, six-shooter hearth quartet gaunt chimneys offenses chiefly affairs mortar assemble escaped heathen moreover feats steely blameless assent, to agree drama prepay blazon clodhopper spectacles inquired prosper trough romance seeded, planted roil, to stir up piston ring totaling souring offends attain quarrelsome trowel conflict nonsense flywheel especially Pecan Bayou ramble belle, a beautiful strengthen skirting girl dictionary united palmetto unhappily absurd regain completion covet slacker beau, sweetheart behold trumpet forcible daughters-in-law host enrage gavel normally abreast peninsula dauntless -99 10 11 convey selected window card short circuit regiment instinct placard touches heaviness unsafe academy surge of the murmur chowchow waves fleecy feign, pretend bestial dissatisfy inserted Amarillo cleave evident convict brawny mote, a speck Laredo pamper dimension protected mite, uphold swindle small amount strive wreathe random noteworthy thrift totals lament rosin speedometer fountain pen preventing brigade attending mixture extensive dealt bade, past of bid crystal Guadalupe River confound hangar captive free trade for airplwnes benefits exceed fog-horn outcast mothers-in-law preserving short wave navigate surfaces plaintive, quest trunks mournful selections repairing wearied ware, as quell foist glassware ranging affirm cuckoo merge regretted covey spacing brittleness droll glut Old Testament blemish Pennsylvania arouses gear steering wheel coyote pennant blight warped Roosevelt gnarled maize, milo unwilling deceive hapless southward compose noticing oust plateau diminish grizzly, somewhat gray agreeably slander window curtain barter offered outer household hazard mallet felon devote preview clumsiness cadet brogan drunkenness illustration accent naval officer attract repeating caramel poach politely disagree men-of-war 12 mesquite papoose quibble spendthrift wretch, unhappy person genteel reject mode stint hardihood cudgel aides-de-camp damaged lotion hovel groundless motive protest rejoin shrewd wedded rant instructor demerit audible cluster heir to a fortune duchess bevy anchor laurel foot brake navy-yard retained perceive surplus window frame genuinely festival baffling confuse excellence discover omit rescuing -1013 scandal writhe pomp man-of-war friction elastic thrive switchboard blubber crabbed goddesses paradise nourish huckster province routed spar grouping caress access brooch decency helm insure weighting down modified outlawed rave sleighing, riding in a sleigh window sash hardiness coarseness Angelina River percentage selfsame lavatory disappear ailing balanced nectar spindle wrought pope fiber stomachs 14 cull bobbin duet swoon wharf denied accompany connected footman exclaim meter prudent opal shriek window seat germ auditorium discovery pardoned rebelled announce Frio River cranberries bewilder surprising Wyoming reservoir motto serums grudge elevator ball-and-socket joint helpmate rudder slighted whisk perfection modifies nourishment declaim carp brunt goggles hardy air-conditioned 15 hemisphere booby coaster netted outlet released self-will porous Methodist throttle window sill spirits averaging mantelpiece opera shutter retiring Yegua Creek thrusts hue, sha