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Model 2441 IS a powerful, professional-quality driver built to typrcal JBL standards 100 mm (4 in) voice werghlng coil compressron of precision and an AlnlcoV A new suspension Featuring magnetic a structure more than 10 kg (23 lb), It can take the most explo- save transients In stride and reproduce dimensional bending depth of the diamond suspension to eliminate by industry pneumatically exponential phase cancellations. cast and machined generated The diaphragm cause fatigue. After manufacture, assembly considered is impractical of aluminum drawn to shape to minimize alloy is crystal stresses that the frequency each driver is tested, and any deviation for rejection. pattern IS response in response of is cause one oc&ve support beyond response of a threeto reduce structure closely controlled The to provrde 2nd and 3rd normal resonance resonance design and precise manufacturing the 2441 a frequency horns, configured The magnetic to hold tolerances standards. design, For), consisting pattern, has been designed modes and for the basic suspension plug, a mathematically consists of die cast concentric diamond stresses In the diaphragm predrctablefrequenciesforthe them at thunderous levels with flawless accuracy The phasing (Patent Applied extending that of Its predecessor This control approximately give Model 2441-Compression The compresslon encased driver shall consist of an Alnlco V magnet In a cast iron return circuit parts shall be machined The phasing mlnlmlze All magnetic from cast or extruded plug shall be assembled phase cancellations, to a tapered Driver assembly billet stock of concentric The back cover shall be cast aluminum ribs to prevent ringing resonances. drawn to shape through sion structure High frequency ; Sensitivity alloy pneu- response the use of a three-dImensional shall be suspen- The voice co11shall be edgewound aluminum nbbon of not less than 100 mm (4 in) in diameter, operating in a magnetic field of not less than 1 8 tesla (18,000 gauss) Performance speciflcatlons of a typical production Nominal Efficiency Measured sensitivity Recommended Crossover terminated tube, averaged 1 m distance sensitivity of electromechanical Frequency response, measured on a terminated to 12 kHz. Nomlnal capacity program Impedance shall be 16 ohms and power speech or music material The compression 178 mnn (7 in) diameter 138 mm (53/aIn) depth Net Weight 11 3kg 11.8 kg 24% lb 26 lb 1. Continuous Drooram oower is deftned as 3 df3 areatt ?rthan conttnuous s,“e wave oower and IS a conservat~e expressfon of the transduceis ablilty to handle normal speech and mwc program material 2 Sensttivity measured wtth a 1 W input at 1 m distance on-ax?s from the mouth of a JBL 2350 90° r&al horn (nomtnal Q=6 3) wth an input signal swept from 500 Hz to 2 5 kHt 3 As speclfled by recogrwed standards organlratlons sensttlwty IS measured wth the driver coupled to a terminated tube The JBL sensltlvlty rattng represents the SPL m a 25 mm (1 1x11termmated tube usmg a 1 mW input stgnal(0 126 V into 16 0) swept from 500 Hz to 2 5 kHz The sensltwty rating wth a W Input would be 30 dB greater shall be 23 dB from 500 Hz shall be at least 70 watts normal 8,000 gauss) Dimensions ; Shipping Weight tube, shall be flat within *5 dB from 500 Hz to 8 kHz On a JBL Model 2350 horn, response 18T(l con- version efficiency, the BI factor shall be at least 17 newtons per ampere. ; Pos&ve voltage to black terminal gives diaphragm motion toward the phasing plug with a 1 W input at from 500 Hz to 2 5 kHz, shall be at least 111 dB SPL As an indication ! 51 Factor on-axis from the mouth of a JBL model 2350 90’ radial horn, averaged : : Edgewcxnd aluminum ribbon Voice Co11Matenal Flux Density from 500 Hz to 2 5 kHz, shall be at least 118 dB SPL Measured : 0.08 mm (0.003 in) aluminum alloy 100 mm 4 in Voice Coil Diameter with a 1 mW input on a 25 mm (1 In) i 500 Hz to 18 kHz 500 Hz or higher : Diaphragm be as follows: It-l 25% (500 Hz to 2.5 kHz) : Frequency Range unit shall 2 7owcc 3ntinuous program at 500 Hz, 12 dB/octave slope 150 W continuous program at 1 kHz or higher, 18 dB/octave slope llldBSPL,lW@lmonJBL 2350 horn2 118 dB SPL, 1 mW on plane wave tube3 with The dia- shall be 0 08 mm (0 003 In) aluminum controlled Power Capacity’ throat, the mouth of which shall be 49 mm (2 in) reinforcing matically 49 mm 16 n and it shall be further coupled In diameter phragm horns to Horn Throat Diameter ’Nomlnal Impedance ’ 1 driver shall be JBL Model 2441. Other drivers will be considered for equivalency mitted data from a recognized independent verify that the above performance provided that sub- test laboratory specifications are met : Frequency response contour of Model 2441 coupled to a 2350 horn Measured response of a typlcal productlon unit, lncludlng all j peaks and dips, does not deviate more than 2 dB from the above curve. IBLc~nfmually engages m research related to product m~provement New materials,, productmn methods. and design refmements are mtroduced mto exwng products wthout nowe as a IOUtme expressmn of that philosophy For this reason, any current IBL product may differ in some respect from Its pubhshed descnptlon, but wll always equal or exceed the orlgmal design specsflcatlons unless otherwse stated JBL Professional, 8500 Balboa Boulevard, P.O. Box 2200, Northridge, California 9 1329 U.S.A. 882441 15M 3186 P841 ~r,nted ,n u s A