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24online User Guide




User Guide (Version Copyright Elitecore Technologies Ltd., Ahmedabad, INDIA Important Notice Information supplied by Elitecore is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of printing but is presented without warranty of any kind expressed or implied. Users must take full responsibility for their application of any products. Elitecore assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Elitecore reserves the right, without notice to make changes in product design or specifications. Information is subject to change without notice. SOFTWARE LICENSE The software described in this document is furnished under the terms of Elitecore’s software license agreement. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using the software. By using this software, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license, promptly return the unused software and manual (with proof of payment) to the place of purchase for a full refund LIMITED WARRANTY Software: Elitecore warrants for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of shipment from Elitecore: (1) the media on which the Software is furnished will be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use; and (2) the Software substantially conforms to its published specifications Except for the foregoing, the software is provided AS IS. This limited warranty extends only to the customer as the original licenses. Customers exclusive remedy and the entire liability of Elitecore and its suppliers under this warranty will be, at Elitecore or its service center’s option, repair, replacement, or refund of the software if reported (or, upon, request, returned) to the party supplying the software to the customer. In no event does Elitecore warrant that the Software is error free, or that the customer will be able to operate the software without problems or interruptions. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY Except as specified in this warranty, all expressed or implied conditions, representations, and warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranty or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or arising from a course of dealing, usage, or trade practice, and hereby excluded to the extent allowed by applicable law. In no event will Elitecore or its supplier be liable for any lost revenue, profit, or data, or for special, indirect, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages however caused and regardless of the theory of liability arising out of the use of or inability to use the product even if Elitecore or its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages. In a event shall Elitecore’s or its suppliers liability to the customer, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, exceed the price paid by the customer. The foregoing limitations shall apply even if the above stated warranty fails of its essential purpose. In no event shall Elitecore or its supplier be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages, including, without limitation, lost profits or loss or damage to data arising out of the use or inability to use this manual, even if Elitecore or its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages. RESTRICTED RIGHTS Copyright 2000 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. 24online-Internet on Cable, 24online-Internet on Cable logo are trademark of Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Information supplies by Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of printing, but Elitecore Technologies assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this documents. Elitecore Technologies reserves the right, without notice, to make changes in product design or specifications. Information is subject to change without notice Corporate Headquarters Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 904 Silicon Tower, Off. C.G.Road, Ahmedabad – 380015, INDIA Tele: 079-26405600 Fax: 079-26462200 24online website: Company website: 24online User Guide About This Guide Welcome to the 24online Billing and Bandwidth Management software User guide. Guide provides user information for the 24online Billing and Bandwidth Management software. Objective Provide help for the first time User to understand and use the software efficiently. New users may go through the document in a sequential manner in order to gain a thorough understanding of the system. Users who already have some hands-on experience or looking for help on some specific functionality may skip sections as need be. Guide will help Users of the 24online to • • • • Configure Register Use Maintain the application Audience Guide is for the users who want to manage their business and customer base with 24online package Notation conventions Material in this manual is presented in text, screen displays, or command-line notation. Item Convention Example Service provider Person/Company who provides Cable connection and has purchased 24online Software Server Machine where 24online server software is installed Client Machine where 24online client software is installed User Subscriber/Customer of the Service provider kbit kbit means kilo bits per second kbps kbps is kilo bytes per second (1 kilobyte=8 kilo bits) Customer name Username Actual name of the subscriber Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Username uniquely identifies the user of the system 3 24online User Guide Section titles Topic titles Subtitles Navigation link Bold and shaded font typefaces Shaded font typefaces Bold and Black typefaces Bold typeface Name of a particular parameter or field or command button text Lowercase italic type Cross references Hyperlink in different color Notes & points to remember Prerequisites Bold typeface between the black borders Bold typefaces between the black borders Report Introduction Notation conventions User management → Pool management → Create it means, to open the required page click on User management then on Pool management and finally on Create tab Enter policy name, replace policy name with the specific name of a policy Or Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click Name to select where Name denotes command button text which is to be clicked refer to Customizing Subscriber’s database Clicking on the link will open that particular topic Note Prerequisite • Prerequisite details • Prerequisite details 4 24online User Guide Contents Contents About This Guide...........................................................................................................................................3 Objective.....................................................................................................................................................................3 Audience .....................................................................................................................................................................3 Notation conventions ................................................................................................................................................3 Introduction & Getting Started ..................................................................................................................12 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 How 24online works – server and client ................................................................................................................................12 Getting help..............................................................................................................................................................................14 24online Documentation.....................................................................................................................................................14 FAQ .....................................................................................................................................................................................14 Technical Support................................................................................................................................................................14 Getting to Work...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................................................15 Server ...................................................................................................................................................................................15 Client....................................................................................................................................................................................16 24online Web Based GUI .......................................................................................................................................................17 The Basic Modules ..................................................................................................................................................................18 Log on & log off from the 24online Web GUI ......................................................................................................................20 Log on procedure.................................................................................................................................................................20 Authorization and Access Control......................................................................................................................................23 Administrator group........................................................................................................................................................23 Manager group................................................................................................................................................................23 Operator group ................................................................................................................................................................23 Zone Manager Group (Applicable if Zone Management module is enabled).............................................................23 Zone Operator Group (Applicable if Zone Management module is enabled).............................................................23 User – Subscriber group .................................................................................................................................................23 Leased Line User – Subscriber group............................................................................................................................23 Reset Administrator Password............................................................................................................................................24 Edit Personal Details/Change Password ............................................................................................................................24 Log off procedure................................................................................................................................................................26 Network Configuration............................................................................................................................................................27 Gateway configuration........................................................................................................................................................27 Interface configuration ........................................................................................................................................................28 DNS (Domain Name Server) configuration ......................................................................................................................29 Planning and Understanding Business.....................................................................................................31 Business Scenario ................................................................................................................................................... 31 Options for Internet connection...............................................................................................................................................31 Possible locations for Internet distribution .............................................................................................................................31 Benefits of starting Internet connection distribution project..................................................................................................31 Competition faced....................................................................................................................................................................32 Business objective....................................................................................................................................................................32 Planning Business................................................................................................................................................... 33 Policy Management.................................................................................................................................................................34 Surfing Time Policy ............................................................................................................................................................34 Access Time Policy.............................................................................................................................................................34 Allow strategy .................................................................................................................................................................34 Disallow strategy.............................................................................................................................................................35 Pricing Factor ..................................................................................................................................................................35 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 5 24online User Guide Contents Bandwidth Policy ................................................................................................................................................................35 Pool based bandwidth policy..........................................................................................................................................36 User based bandwidth policy .........................................................................................................................................36 IP address based bandwidth policy ................................................................................................................................38 Package Management..............................................................................................................................................................38 User Management....................................................................................................................................................................38 Pool Management................................................................................................................................................................39 Improving Operations........................................................................................................................................... 40 Security – Firewall...................................................................................................................................................................40 Cache management..................................................................................................................................................................40 Setting Customer Base ................................................................................................................................41 Create Surfing time policy .................................................................................................................................... 41 Create Access time policy...................................................................................................................................... 43 Create Bandwidth policy....................................................................................................................................... 45 To create Pool based bandwidth policy..................................................................................................................................46 To create User/IP Address based Committed Bandwidth policy..........................................................................................47 To create User/IP Address based Strict Bandwidth policy....................................................................................................49 To create User/IP Address based Strict Bandwidth policy....................................................................................................49 Only for IP Address based bandwidth policies ......................................................................................................................51 Select IP Address from Pool...........................................................................................................................................52 Create Pool.............................................................................................................................................................. 53 Create Package....................................................................................................................................................... 54 Define Renewal Rules.............................................................................................................................................................56 Delete Renewal Rules..............................................................................................................................................................57 Create User ............................................................................................................................................................. 58 Create Schedule...................................................................................................................................................... 60 Schedule details .......................................................................................................................................................................61 Add Schedule Details..........................................................................................................................................................61 Delete Schedule details .......................................................................................................................................................62 Setting Advanced features ..........................................................................................................................63 Defining Firewall rules .......................................................................................................................................... 63 Various options........................................................................................................................................................................65 Delete firewall access ..............................................................................................................................................................66 Change Firewall Rule Sequence .............................................................................................................................................67 DoS Settings.............................................................................................................................................................................68 Cache Configuration.............................................................................................................................................. 70 Manage Keyword ....................................................................................................................................................................71 Manage file extension..............................................................................................................................................................72 Manage Cache .........................................................................................................................................................................73 Cache – Advanced Configuration...........................................................................................................................................74 Define WCCP Router Address...........................................................................................................................................74 Add router........................................................................................................................................................................75 Delete router....................................................................................................................................................................75 Define External Cache ........................................................................................................................................................76 Add domain.....................................................................................................................................................................76 Delete Domain ................................................................................................................................................................77 Routing policy .....................................................................................................................................................................78 Add Network...................................................................................................................................................................78 Delete Network ...............................................................................................................................................................79 Malicious HTTP traffic ...........................................................................................................................................................80 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 6 24online User Guide Contents Manage Traffic....................................................................................................................................................................81 Manage keywords...........................................................................................................................................................82 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ............................................................................................................... 83 Change Console Password.................................................................................................................................... 84 Client Services......................................................................................................................................................... 85 Message Management.............................................................................................................................................................85 List of predefined messages................................................................................................................................................86 Parameters................................................................................................................................................................................89 Grace period ........................................................................................................................................................................89 My Account Images ................................................................................................................................................................91 Exclusion list............................................................................................................................................................................92 Add Host..............................................................................................................................................................................92 Delete Host ..........................................................................................................................................................................93 Proactive Reports.....................................................................................................................................................................94 List of Users by remaining usage...................................................................................................................................94 User management related Admin Activities Log..........................................................................................................95 Services .................................................................................................................................................................... 96 Access Control List (ACL).................................................................................................................................... 98 Default Access rights...............................................................................................................................................................98 View.....................................................................................................................................................................................98 Create .................................................................................................................................................................................100 Update................................................................................................................................................................................101 Delete .................................................................................................................................................................................102 Change default rights ........................................................................................................................................................104 Modules and Visibility Rights......................................................................................................................................104 Sub Modules and Access Rights..................................................................................................................................105 IP Address based Access control ..........................................................................................................................................106 Data store............................................................................................................................................................... 108 Backup....................................................................................................................................................................................108 Data Type...........................................................................................................................................................................108 Set Backup Schedule.........................................................................................................................................................108 Backup Data ......................................................................................................................................................................110 Restore....................................................................................................................................................................................111 Purge.......................................................................................................................................................................................112 Auto purge .........................................................................................................................................................................112 Manual purge.....................................................................................................................................................................113 Configure Mail Server......................................................................................................................................... 114 SMTP redirection...................................................................................................................................................................114 Configure Mail Access..........................................................................................................................................................115 Add Domain to RELAY...................................................................................................................................................115 Delete Domain from RELAY...........................................................................................................................................116 Monitoring Bandwidth........................................................................................................................................ 117 Bandwidth usage graphical report.........................................................................................................................................117 Invoice.................................................................................................................................................................... 121 Search Invoice........................................................................................................................................................................121 Invoice reports ...................................................................................................................................................................122 Invoice ...........................................................................................................................................................................123 Reports ...................................................................................................................................................................................124 Invoice Reports (Between selected dates) ...................................................................................................................124 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base............................................................................................125 Manage Surfing time policy................................................................................................................................ 125 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 7 24online User Guide Contents Update Surfing time policy ...................................................................................................................................................125 Delete Surfing time policy.....................................................................................................................................................127 Manage Access time policy ................................................................................................................................. 128 Update Access time policy....................................................................................................................................................128 Manage Access time .........................................................................................................................................................129 Delete Access time details ................................................................................................................................................131 Delete Access time policy .....................................................................................................................................................132 Manage Bandwidth policy .................................................................................................................................. 133 Update Bandwidth policy......................................................................................................................................................133 Update pool based bandwidth policy ...............................................................................................................................134 Update User based Bandwidth policy ..............................................................................................................................135 Attaching Schedule based details.................................................................................................................................136 Remove Schedule based details ...................................................................................................................................138 Update IP Address based bandwidth policy ....................................................................................................................139 Add IP Addresses to IP Address based policy ............................................................................................................140 Remove IP address from IP Address based policy .....................................................................................................141 Delete Bandwidth policy.......................................................................................................................................................142 Manage Pool.......................................................................................................................................................... 143 Search Node...........................................................................................................................................................................143 Update Pool............................................................................................................................................................................144 Add Node...........................................................................................................................................................................145 Delete Node .......................................................................................................................................................................145 Update Bandwidth Policy .................................................................................................................................................146 Delete Pool.............................................................................................................................................................................147 Manage Package................................................................................................................................................... 148 Update Package .....................................................................................................................................................................148 Delete Package.......................................................................................................................................................................150 Manage User ......................................................................................................................................................... 151 Search User ............................................................................................................................................................................151 Live Users ..............................................................................................................................................................................152 Update User ...........................................................................................................................................................................153 Change User personal details............................................................................................................................................156 Change package.................................................................................................................................................................157 Change Individual Policy..................................................................................................................................................157 Change login restriction of the user..................................................................................................................................158 Renew user.............................................................................................................................................................................159 Deactivate User......................................................................................................................................................................162 Activate User..........................................................................................................................................................................163 Delete User.............................................................................................................................................................................164 Update Bind to MAC ............................................................................................................................................................165 Reset MAC ............................................................................................................................................................................166 User My Account...................................................................................................................................................................167 My Account Page..............................................................................................................................................................168 Account Status...................................................................................................................................................................169 Renewal .............................................................................................................................................................................170 Invoice................................................................................................................................................................................170 Personal..............................................................................................................................................................................171 Change Password..........................................................................................................................................................171 Personal Detail ..............................................................................................................................................................171 Client..................................................................................................................................................................................172 Bandwidth Usage ..............................................................................................................................................................172 Daily Bandwidth Usage................................................................................................................................................172 Yesterday’s Bandwidth Usage .....................................................................................................................................174 Reports........................................................................................................................................................183 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 8 24online User Guide Contents Significance of Reports........................................................................................................................................ 183 Web Surfing reports ............................................................................................................................................ 186 Web Surfing - Organization wise reports .............................................................................................................................186 Top 10 sites – Visit report (Today’s Report) ...................................................................................................................188 Tabular Report Format .................................................................................................................................................188 Graphical Report Format..............................................................................................................................................189 Printable Report Format ...............................................................................................................................................190 CSV Report Format ......................................................................................................................................................190 Top 10 sites - Data transfer wise report............................................................................................................................191 Top 10 Content types - Request report.............................................................................................................................192 Top 10 Content types - Data transfer report.....................................................................................................................193 General Statistics (Hits and Site Statistics Report) ..........................................................................................................194 HTTP Malicious Traffic Log............................................................................................................................................195 Web Surfing - Package wise reports.....................................................................................................................................196 Package wise - Requests report ........................................................................................................................................197 Package wise - User wise Request report.........................................................................................................................198 Package wise - Data Transfer report.................................................................................................................................199 Package wise – Users for a Group (By Data Transfer) ...................................................................................................200 HTTP Requests – Content type wise report.....................................................................................................................201 Package wise - User wise Content type Request report ..................................................................................................202 HTTP Data transfer – Content type wise report ..............................................................................................................203 Package wise – User wise Content type Data transfer report..........................................................................................204 Web Surfing – User wise reports......................................................................................................................................205 User wise Request report ..................................................................................................................................................206 User wise – Site wise Request report ...............................................................................................................................207 URL Detail Report (By Number of Requests).................................................................................................................208 HTTP Data transfer report ................................................................................................................................................209 Sites for a User (By Data Transfer) ..................................................................................................................................210 URL Detail Report (By Data Transfer)............................................................................................................................211 HTTP Content type Requests report ................................................................................................................................212 User wise – Content type Request report.........................................................................................................................213 User wise – Content type Requests Detail Report...........................................................................................................214 HTTP Content type - Data transfer wise report ...............................................................................................................215 User wise - Content type Data transfer report..................................................................................................................216 User wise – Content type Detail Report (By Data Transfer)...........................................................................................217 Search.....................................................................................................................................................................................218 Web Surfing Reports (Summary).....................................................................................................................................219 Web Surfing Reports (Detail)...........................................................................................................................................220 Internet Usage reports......................................................................................................................................... 221 Internet usage - Organization wise reports ...........................................................................................................................221 Date wise usage report ......................................................................................................................................................222 Top 10 Users - Data transfer wise report..........................................................................................................................223 Top 10 Users - Surfing time wise report ..........................................................................................................................224 Top 10 Packages - Data transfer wise report....................................................................................................................225 Top 10 Packages - Surfing time wise report ....................................................................................................................226 Summary of Activity (User Sessions)..............................................................................................................................227 Internet usage – Package wise reports ..................................................................................................................................228 Package wise Data transfer report ....................................................................................................................................229 Package wise – User wise Data transfer report................................................................................................................230 Package wise Surfing time report.....................................................................................................................................231 Package wise - User wise Surfing time report .................................................................................................................232 Package wise Composite Report ......................................................................................................................................233 Package wise Exclusive report .........................................................................................................................................234 Package wise – User wise Summary report.....................................................................................................................235 Internet usage – User wise reports ........................................................................................................................................236 User wise Data transfer report ..........................................................................................................................................237 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 9 24online User Guide Contents User wise – Date wise Data transfer report......................................................................................................................238 User wise Surfing time report...........................................................................................................................................239 User wise - Date wise Surfing time report .......................................................................................................................240 User Session wise Internet Usage report..........................................................................................................................241 User wise Usage report .....................................................................................................................................................242 Internet usage – Generate report.......................................................................................................................................243 Search.....................................................................................................................................................................................244 Search Reports (User based).............................................................................................................................................245 Search Reports (Package based).......................................................................................................................................246 MIS reports........................................................................................................................................................... 247 List of Packages.................................................................................................................................................................249 List of Pools...................................................................................................................................................................249 Registered users (Package wise) ..................................................................................................................................250 Renewed users (Package wise) ....................................................................................................................................250 All Active Users (Package wise)..................................................................................................................................250 Report of All De-Active Users (Package wise)...........................................................................................................251 Report of All Users (Package wise).............................................................................................................................251 Details table...................................................................................................................................................................252 Invoice wise – (Select Date) .............................................................................................................................................253 Invoice reports...............................................................................................................................................................254 Search.................................................................................................................................................................................255 Cache Reports....................................................................................................................................................... 257 Cache Statistics ......................................................................................................................................................................258 Percentage (%) Bandwidth Gain (Daily and Yesterday) ............................................................................................258 Percentage (%) Bandwidth Gain (Weekly and Monthly)...........................................................................................259 Percentage (%) Bandwidth Gain (Yearly)...................................................................................................................260 Cache Efficiency (Daily and Yesterday) .....................................................................................................................261 Cache Efficiency (Weekly and Monthly)....................................................................................................................262 Cache Efficiency (Yearly)............................................................................................................................................263 Median Service Time (Daily and Yesterday)..............................................................................................................264 Median Service Time (Weekly and Monthly).............................................................................................................265 Median Service Time (Yearly).....................................................................................................................................266 Cache Statistics Summary (Daily) ...............................................................................................................................267 Cache Statistics Summary (Daily) ...............................................................................................................................268 System Usage ....................................................................................................................................................................269 Cache CPU Utilization (Daily and Yesterday)............................................................................................................270 Cache CPU Utilization (Yearly) ..................................................................................................................................272 Cache Page Faults Rate (Yearly) .................................................................................................................................275 Cache Disk Space Utilization (Daily and Yesterday) .................................................................................................276 Cache Disk Space Utilization (Weekly and Monthly)................................................................................................277 Cache Disk Space Utilization (Yearly)........................................................................................................................278 Summary Graphs (System Usage)...............................................................................................................................279 Summary Graphs (System Usage)...............................................................................................................................280 Registration ................................................................................................................................................281 Online Registration.............................................................................................................................................. 281 Manual registration ............................................................................................................................................. 283 Upgrade License................................................................................................................................................... 284 Module License .....................................................................................................................................................................285 Module Registration form.................................................................................................................................................286 Company Information......................................................................................................................................... 287 24online Client ...................................................................................................................................................... 289 Upgrade 24online ................................................................................................................................................. 290 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 10 24online User Guide Contents Check new version.................................................................................................................................................................290 Steps to Upgrade to new version ......................................................................................................................................290 Upload Upgrade Version.......................................................................................................................................................291 Help ........................................................................................................................................................................ 292 About...................................................................................................................................................................... 293 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 11 Introduction & Getting Started Getting to Work Introduction & Getting Started SECTION 24online User Guide 1 Introduction Welcome to 24online Billing and Bandwidth management software solution for Broadband, Dialup, VSAT and WiFi services. 24online is the complete billing and bandwidth management solution that helps broadband, dialup and wifi service providers, hotels, hotspots and cafes to provide reliable and differentiated Internet access, creating a high level of competitive strength and customer satisfaction. It helps to organize & manage Internet distribution and user database. This section describes • Basic Components of 24online • Graphical User Interface • Functions of various Modules Also provides instructions • to perform some basic operations • for network configuration How 24online works – server and client 24online software consists of two components: 24online server and 24online client. Server – The 24online software component residing at the Service Provider premises Client – The 24online software component installed on the user’s computer The network connecting Server with clients is termed as the Internal network. Various options are available for connection but the common practice is to connect with Ethernet card and hub or switch. 24online Server is, connected to the Internet via the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to provide Internet related services to clients. The network connecting Server with ISP is termed as External network. Various options are available for connection but the common practice is to connect with Router and hub or switch. Every machine has a unique identifying number called an IP address. Computers use Internet Protocol (IP) to communicate with each other over the network. Server authenticates the IP address. If the IP address is valid and user is authorized user then user will be allowed to access the Internet. Hence, Server acts as a gateway between the two and all the traffic will pass through 24online server. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 12 24online User Guide Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Introduction & Getting Started Getting to Work 13 24online User Guide Introduction & Getting Started Getting to Work Getting help 24online Documentation Online version of this manual FAQ Frequently Asked Questions about 24online software. Please check this document before contacting technical support Technical Support You may direct all questions, comments, or requests concerning the software you purchased, your registration status, or similar issues to Customer care/service department at the following address: Corporate Office eLitecore Technologies Ltd. 904, Silicon Tower Off C.G. Road Ahmedabad 380015 Gujarat, India. Phone: +91-79-26405600 Fax: +91-79-26462200 Web site: 24online support contact: Technical support (Corporate Office): +91-79- 26400707 Email: [email protected] Web site: Visit for the regional and latest contact information. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 14 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Intel Pentium P-III 700 MHZ or P-4 or higher Intel Server Range, on board SCSI Adapter of ADAPTEC or SYMBIOS 1 GB RAM 18 GB SCSI Hard Disk Network Cards 2 Intel Ether Express 100 Pro Processor Motherboard Intel Pentium P-III 700 MHZ or P-4 1.5 GHZ or higher Intel Server Range, on board SCSI Adapter of ADAPTEC or SYMBIOS 1.5 GB RAM 18 GB SCSI Hard Disk Network Cards 2 Intel Ether Express 100 Pro Dual Intel Pentium P-4 1.5 GHZ or Higher Intel Server Range, on board SCSI Adapter of ADAPTEC or SYMBIOS 2 GB RAM 18 GB SCSI (Recommended 36 GB SCSI ) Hard Disk Network Cards 2 Intel Ether Express 100 Pro 201 – 300 301 – 400 Processor Motherboard Processor Motherboard Intel Pentium P-III 700 MHZ or higher Intel Server, on board SCSI Adapter of ADAPTEC or SYMBIOS 512 MB RAM 18 GB SCSI Hard Disk Network Cards 2 Intel Ether Express 100 Pro Processor Motherboard With caching feature Enabled 101 – 200 51 – 100 No. of Users Hardware specification 1GB 18 GB IDE 2 Intel Ether Express 100 Pro Intel P-III 700 MHZ or Higher Intel Server Range 786 MB 18 GB IDE 2 Intel Ether Express 100 Pro Intel Pentium P-III 500 MHZ or higher Intel Server Range 512 MB 18 GB IDE 2 Intel Ether Express 100 Pro Intel Pentium P-III 500 MHZ or higher Intel server 256 MB or higher 10 GB IDE 2 Intel Ether Express 100 Pro Intel Pentium P-III 500 MHZ or higher Intel With caching feature disabled 24online User Guide Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario Getting to Work To work with 24online, one requires knowledge of basic networking concepts, TCP/IP and operating knowledge of the Windows operating system. Prerequisites Server 15 24online User Guide Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario Client Refer to the Client guide for details regarding client installation, configuration, and use Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 16 Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario 24online User Guide 24online Web Based GUI 24online Server is accessible and administrable from Console and Web. There are three ways to access the 24online server: • Through a Web browser – for Web based administration • Through a Remote login utility – TELNET – for Console based administration • With a direct Console connection – attaching a keyboard and monitor directly to 24online server - for Console based administration In this section and throughout the guide, we will talk about Web based administration of the 24online Server. For Console based administration, refer to the Console guide. Figure shows the components of the GUI (Graphical User Interface) used for Web based administration. C B G F H A D I E Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 17 Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario 24online User Guide Symbol Represents A Basic Modules B Sub Modules, Changes according to Basic module selection C Tabs, Changes according to Sub module selection D Drop box, select from the list E Click button F Descriptive name of the item G Enter Value for the item H Radio button I Tips Labels marked with * are compulsory fields and cannot be left blank The Basic Modules Modules Use System Management Allows to • View Interface Configuration and Gateway Settings • Enable/Disable DNS Traffic (i.e. UDP/TCP Port 53) redirection to 24online • Define Firewall Rules for TCP, UDP, ICMP and All Protocols • Update the firewall rule order • Firewall Rules are applied as per the priority • Protect Internal network from unauthorized access • Update the DHCP Configuration • Start, Stop, Restart, Enable/Disable Autostart, and Shutdown utilities like DHCP server, Mail server, 24online server, DNS • Reset Console password • Set schedule for Backup, Restore and Purge • Take automatic Backup or manually take Backup of System Data (Policies, Packages, User details) or Log Backup (Web Surfing Logs, Virus Logs, Audit Logs) • Purge Web Surfing Logs and User Session Logs as per the Schedule specified (Days and Months) • Set customized messages for actions performed by the user • Open a Configured URL after Client logs on to Server • Set Grace period after the expiry date during which subscriber can renew package and carry forward remaining hours • Customize the My Account site as per the company logo for a more personalized experience • Control Access to various modules and sub modules using Access Control List (ACL) Allows to • Configure Cache server • Enable/Disable Proxy Server from Caching Web Pages • Start and Stop Cache server • Configure Cache Server to Start Automatically or Manually • Configure Cache Policies to Disable Caching for URLs having the selected Keyword or File Extension Cache Management Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 18 24online User Guide Policy management Package Management User Management Mail Management Reports Help Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario • Use 24online as a Local Cache Server or specify a separate machine to act as a Cache Server • Set a WCCP Router to use 24online for Caching Web Pages • Protect the subscribers from Malicious Traffic and viruses like “Nimda” and embedded executables on the basis of given Keyword To create & manage • Surfing time policy: Defines the total surfing time up to which the user can access Internet • Access time policy: Indicates the time duration during the day when the users can access Internet. Allow or Deny access and specify variable pricing factor as per the duration selected. • Bandwidth policy: Define the speed as per which a Pool, Users, or IP Address can perform data transmission. • Schedule: Create various Schedules, which are bind to Bandwidth. Override the Default Bandwidth during the selected Schedule. Allows to • Create and Manage Package • Package is a combination of Policies i.e. Surfing Time Policy, Access Time Policy, and Bandwidth Policy. It specifies the Price, which will be charged to users to whom the Package is assigned during registration. • Search & Print Invoice Allows to • View Live Users and Live Lease Line Users, designated by L. • Send Message and Disconnect Live Users • Register Users (User, Leased Line User, Operator, Manager, Administrator), Activate, Deactivate, Delete User • Search for a User on the basis of IP Address, MAC Address, username or remaining usage in percentage • User My Account equivalent view for Administrator • Add, Manage Pool • View Graphical Bandwidth Usage report on the basis of Gateway or Pool • View Live Graph for Current Bandwidth usage Allows to • Add, Configure Mail server • Enable and Disable Mail server • Bandwidth restriction will now apply on mail traffic with the 24online mail server View • Web surfing reports • Internet usage reports • MIS reports • Cache reports Allows to • Update Company Information and Invoice Terms and Conditions • Download 24online Linux Client • Upgrade 24online and Check for new version • Register 24online 19 Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario 24online User Guide • Upgrade License of 24online • Register Add on Modules using the Product ID and Unique ID • Access documentations Exit 24online Logout Log on & log off from the 24online Web GUI The Log on procedure verifies validity of user and creates a session until the user logs off. Log on procedure 24online GUI access requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or above. To get the login screen, open the browser Default Usernames and passwords provided with 24online Username administrator manager operator Password administrator manager operator Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 20 Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario 24online User Guide Screen Elements Browser Address box Description Browser opens the page specified in the Browser Address box Type where is the internal IP Address of 24online Opens the 24oline login screen Log on User name Uniquely identifies the User of the system. Password If you log on for the first time, type administrator Password for the User name Go button If you log on for the first time, type administrator as the password Log on to 24online server Click Go If log on is successful and the copy of 24online is already registered, fig. 1 screen is displayed otherwise fig 2 screen is displayed. Register your copy of 24online if fig. 2 is displayed. To register please refer to Registration. Links Launch Diagnostic Tool Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Use the link “Click here to Launch Diagnostic Tool” in order to perform troubleshooting operations and track down the possibility of Network Problem, Database Problem, Authentication Problem, DNS Problem, etc. 21 24online User Guide Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario Fig. 1 Fig 2 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 22 24online User Guide Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario Note 24online GUI access requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or above If you have logged on for the first time & not yet registered 24online, refer to Installation guide for registration. Change the default password, the first time you log on. To change the password, refer to Reset Administrator password Authorization and Access Control User can perform all or any of the four tasks: Add, Delete, View & Update as per the rights assigned to him. By default, 24online has four types of user groups: Administrator group Log on as Administrator group User to maintain, control and administer 24online. By default, the Administrator group User has the right to create, update, and delete system configuration & user information. Administrator can create multiple administrator level users. Manager group By default, the Manager group User has the right to create, update, and view user information. Delete action will not be available to the user of the Manager group by default. Operator group By default, the Operator group User has only the right to view user information. Create, update and delete actions will not be available to the user of the Operator group. Zone Manager Group (Applicable if Zone Management module is enabled) By default, the “Zone Manager” group User has the right to create, update, and view information of users belonging to the zones assigned to him. Delete action will not be available to the user of the “Zone Manager” group. Zone Operator Group (Applicable if Zone Management module is enabled) By default, the Zone Operator group User has only the right to view information of users belonging to the zones assigned to him. Create, update and delete actions will not be available to the user with the Zone Operator group. User – Subscriber group User is the person who logs on to the client machine for using Internet resources. To change the default rights of any user, please refer to Access Control List. Leased Line User – Subscriber group Leased Line Users can access Internet without logging on to 24online Client. Surfing Time Policies and Access Time Policies will not be applicable in Packages created for Leased Line User Type. Bandwidth Policy restriction will be applied for Leased Line Users. Data Transfer Policy restriction will be applied if Add on modules are enabled. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 23 24online User Guide Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario Reset Administrator Password Change the default password, the first time you log on. It is advisable to change your password regularly. Prerequisite • Update right for System management, ACL Select User management → Manage Users → Manage Active and click Administrator link to display the details of the ‘Administrator’ user Edit Personal Details/Change Password Click “Edit Personal Details/Change Password” button if you want to update the personal details of a user or change the password. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 24 Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario 24online User Guide Screen Elements Description Personal information Edit personal details/Change password button User name Customer name New Password Re-enter New Password Click to modify personal details and/or change password Displays User name with which user has logged on Displays Customer name Type the new password Re-enter password Update button Should be same as New password Update the password Click Update The guidelines suggested here will help to choose a password, which will be difficult to crack. Guidelines: Most people choose their password for its convenience. Unfortunately, what is convenient for them is convenient also for the hacker. Passwords are generally cracked by computer programs which use a dictionary of common words to make a password difficult to crack, pick a password which 1. is at least 6 to 15 character long 2. has a mixture of uppercase, lowercase characters & numbers or special characters 3. should not be your first, last or middle name or organization name Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 25 24online User Guide Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario The above procedure only updates the GUI password. Please refer the Console guide to reset the Console password. Log off procedure To avoid un-authorized users from accessing 24online, log off after you have finished working. This will end the session and exit from 24online. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 26 Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario 24online User Guide Network Configuration Network setting of 24online consists of Interface Configuration, Gateway Configuration, and DNS Configuration. It is advisable to configure Network from Console. Please refer to Console Guide – Configuring Network for Network Configuration The first step is to add the Default Gateway details using Gateway configuration, view Interface Configuration and specify the DNS (Domain Name Server). You can specify Multiple DNS (Domain Name Server). DNS requests will be resolved as per the DNS order. To configure, follow the steps: Note Before you configure network, make sure that you have the correct information and any needed IP addresses. If you configure incorrectly, server will not be able to connect to the network (Internal or external). Gateway configuration Gateway routes the traffic between the networks. Prerequisite • Network Interface configuration from Server console. Refer Console guide • Update right for System management, Network Select System Management → Network → Gateway configuration Screen Elements Description Gateway information Gateway IP address Displays Gateway name Displays IP address of the Gateway Save button Cancel button The IP address of the device 24online uses to reach devices on a different Network, typically a router Saves the configuration Cancels the current operation Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 27 Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario 24online User Guide Note One cannot delete the default Gateway of 24online Interface configuration Prerequisite • Network Interface configuration from Server console. Refer Console guide Select System Management → Network → Interface configuration Screen Elements Description Displays list of all the defined Internal Interface(s) Internal Interface name Internal Interface connects server with clients. By default, eth0 is termed as Internal Interface IP Address Displays IP address of Internal Interface Net mask Displays Net mask Displays list of all defined External Interface(s) External Interface name External Interface connects server to the external network IP Address Net mask Elitecore Technologies Ltd. By default, eth1 is termed as External Interface Displays IP address of External Interface Displays Net mask 28 Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario 24online User Guide Note One can assign or bind more than one IP address to the same Ethernet or the Network card. These are Aliases. It is possible to define Aliases for both Internal as well as External network. Maximum eight IP addresses (Aliases) can be bound to a single Network card. DNS (Domain Name Server) configuration A Domain Name Server translates domain names to IP addresses. You can configure the domain name server for your network as follows. One can add Multiple Domain Name Servers (DNS). 24online server process the DNS requests as per the DNS Order. Administrator can also enable/disable DNS traffic redirection to 24online. Prerequisite • Update right for System management, Network Select System Management → Network → DNS Configuration Screen Elements Description DNS List Displays list of Domain name servers List order indicates preference of DNS. If more than one Domain name server exists, query will be resolved according to the order Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 29 Planning and Understanding Business Business Scenario 24online User Guide Add button specified. Allows to add IP address of Domain Name Server Multiple DNS server can be defined Click Add Remove button Move Up button Type IP address Click OK Allows to remove IP address of Domain Name Server Click IP address to select Click Remove Changes the order of server when more than one DNS server defined Moves the selected Server one step up Move Down button Click IP address which is to be moved up Click MoveUp Changes the order of server when more than one DNS server is defined Moves the selected Server one step down Save button Click IP address which is to be moved down Click Move Down Updates the DNS details and order, if modified Click Save Redirect DNS traffic to local DNS Server DNS traffic Redirects all the DNS traffic to 24online redirection Click Enable to redirect Define alternate DNS so that whenever the local DNS is down, query can be resolved through alternate DNS. To add multiple DNS repeat the above-described procedure. Use the up & down buttons to change the order of DNS. If more than one Domain name server exists, query will be resolved according to the order specified. Note Review Section 2 & 3, once 24online is installed and configured. This will help you customize and configure 24online for your business and organizational requirements. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 30 Planning and Understanding Business Planning Business Planning and Understanding Business SECTION 24online User Guide 2 This section describes • • • • Preliminary information about the business Guidelines for planning & managing critical areas of business Explanation on various policies Description on Firewall & Cache management Business Scenario Options for Internet connection • • • • • • Traditional Modem Dial Up – connection through telephone line ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) DSL (Digital Subscriber line) Cable Broadband Wireless Enhanced Access Possible locations for Internet distribution • • • • • Hotspots Cyber cafes Corporate sector Hotels Residential apartments etc Benefits of starting Internet connection distribution project Service providers are in a unique position to offer a suite of economic broadband access solutions to small and mid-size businesses. In general, business applications can be differentiated from residential applications by: (1) providing productivity enhancements as opposed to the entertainment focus of residential applications, (3) requiring high bandwidth. Business applications that can best be supported: Real-time broadband applications, Commerce-related applications and Collaborative application, which allows multiple users in different locations of the office to share the information concurrently. Other applications that can be supported are college campus, telemedicine, real estate, work-athome/telecommuting, and retail and government departments. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 31 24online User Guide Planning and Understanding Business Planning Business Competition faced Because business applications provide productivity enhancements, there are specific sets of requirements like: Reliability Business applications demand highly reliable networks. To successfully enter the local market and capture market share, service providers must deliver highly reliable access service. Security Business applications have privacy and competitive implications, thus requiring secured access. This implies authorized users must be authenticated before accessing the network and a firewall has to be integrated. Bandwidth Certain business applications demand huge bandwidth usage. Providing adequate and consistent bandwidth to customers is one of the key factors in improving the quality of service, gaining customer satisfaction, and as a result increasing business. Business objective • • • • Secured and fast Access Optimize Network performance Subscriber satisfaction Generate more revenue without compromising on requirement Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 32 24online User Guide Planning and Understanding Business Improving Operations Planning Business Requirement analysis is the first phase in business planning. It involves understanding customer’s requirements and result is the answers to all probable questions of the customers. Few common questions asked by a potential subscriber: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • How fast will be my access? Am I always connected to Internet? Will I get busy signals when trying to connect? Will my connection get slow during peak hours? What payment methods are available? What will be the charge for unlimited account? What will be the charge for limited account? _____ hours per month/year Can the account be changed? How do I renew my account? Can I renew my account after the expiry date? Will I be informed for renewal of my account? Can I change my personal details and Password? Can I view my current Bandwidth Usage? Will I have the facility to view my Account Status and Invoice? Is the Leased Line Package provided? What if I don’t use Internet for couple of months? Do you send notices if I have been online too long or disconnect me for being online too long at a time? How many different services do you offer? Different customers will have different requirements but some of the common requirements are • • • • • Speed Cost Bandwidth Network security Support services Business is all about selling a product or service that satisfies most of the needs of most of the customers. Success of business lies in how far the customer requirements are satisfied and how convincing your answers are to above queries. Efficient distribution and management of limited resources will result into: • customer satisfaction • expanded customer base • increased revenues A customer who registers with Service provider is the User - subscriber. A customer who registers with Service provider and does not require 24online Client to log on is a Leased Line User. User subscribes to the Internet connection for a certain period. Bandwidth is the amount of data that can pass through the network at a given time. Due to steady increase in number of customers using Bandwidth, which is a limited resource, service providers face bandwidth shortage and congestion problems. To avoid the above scenario proactive strategy has to be implemented. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 33 24online User Guide Planning and Understanding Business Improving Operations Policy Management Policy is the strategy that specifies the Internet access duration and bandwidth usage for a User -subscriber. In other words, policy controls the Internet access of the subscriber. Consider all types of prospective users and their typical requirements, before deciding on a policy. Primary objective is to define a policy, which includes all the necessary parameters that satisfies most of the subscriber needs. Three areas that require concentration are: 1. Surfing Time Policy 2. Access Time Policy 3. Bandwidth Policy Surfing Time Policy Surfing time is analogous to a magazine subscription. Surfing time policy should be used to define the period of subscription and the duration of surfing time. Surfing time policy defines the duration of surfing time and the period of subscription. The surfing time duration is the allowed time in hours for the User to access Internet. The period of subscription is the time period till the User is allowed access. Number of Users can share one policy. Multiple policies can be defined as per requirement. Few examples: i) 50 hours, 30 days – gives access for 50 hours, to be used within 30 days ii) 100 hours, Unlimited days- gives access for 100 hours iii) Unlimited time for 30 days – gives unlimited access for 30 days iv) Unlimited policy – gives access for unlimited time & days For creating surfing time policy refer to Create Surfing time Policy Access Time Policy User Internet access can be controlled as per the timings set in the Access time policy. Access Time Policy also allows you to specify time band based discounts and charges for different time bands. The Access time policy enables to set timings or schedule, for access and specify pricing factor for different time bands. Access time policy works on three basic strategies: Allow strategy By default, access is allowed unless specified otherwise E.g. To allow night hours access only - select Allow as the default strategy and disallow access from 7:00 to 21:00 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 34 24online User Guide Planning and Understanding Business Improving Operations Disallow strategy By default, access is disallowed unless specified otherwise E.g. another way to define "night hours access only” - select disallow as the default strategy and allow access from 21:00 to 9:00 Few examples i. Full Access – gives access for 24 hours, 7 days a week ii. Day hours only (Allow strategy) – gives access during day time only i.e. disallow from 21:00 to 9:00 in the morning iii. Day hours only (Allow strategy & disallow on Sunday) - give access only from 9:00 to 21:00 and disallow all the time on Sunday. Pricing Factor Pricing Factor (50%, 100%, 150%, 200%, etc) allows Service Provider to define different rates for different Time bands. Pricing Factor is specified in percentage and the user will be accounted for the number of hours or minutes as per the Pricing Factor. Few examples: i. Free surfing in Night Hours: -Define Pricing Factor = 0% from 00 to 8:00 for All Days a. Users registered for, Access Time Policy with the Pricing Factor=0%, will not be accounted, and can surf for free during Night from 00 to morning 8 am as the pricing factor is 0%. ii. 50% charges on Weekends during Day – Define Pricing Factor=50% from 10:00 to 18:00 for Saturday and Sunday a. Users registered for, Access Time Policy with the Pricing Factor=50%, will be accounted, for half the time they surf on Weekends from 10:00 to 18:00. If a user surfs for 4 hours on Weekends during the day, then he will be accounted for only 2 hours. iii. 150% charges on Week Days (Monday to Friday) between 10:00 to 18:00. a. Users registered for, Access Time Policy with the Pricing Factor=150%, will be accounted, for 150% the time they surf on from 10:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. If a user surfs for 4 hours from 10:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday then he will be accounted for 6 hours. For creating Access time policy, refer to Create Access time Policy Bandwidth Policy Bandwidth is the amount of data passing through a media over a certain time. As bandwidth is a limited resource, it needs to be managed efficiently. The primary objective of Bandwidth management is to manage and distribute total bandwidth on certain parameters and user attributes. Bandwidth policy is used to allocate and restrict the bandwidth usage of the user. You can allocate bandwidth for a group of users, a single user, and for IP Address(s). Using 24online, you can restrict the Bandwidth speed as well as assign Guaranteed Bandwidth and Burstable Bandwidth if it is free. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 35 Planning and Understanding Business Improving Operations 24online User Guide Each User is assigned an IP address. Similar IP addresses are grouped to form a pool. Bandwidth policy can be defined for: 1. Pool 2. User 3. IP Address Pool based bandwidth policy It restricts the bandwidth of a pool i.e. the specified bandwidth will be shared by all the users defined under the pool e.g. if there are 10 users in the pool and bandwidth allotted is 20 kbps, then all 10 users can draw bandwidth up to 20 kbps. For creating pool based bandwidth policy refer to Create Pool based bandwidth Policy User based bandwidth policy It restricts the bandwidth of a particular user. There are two types of bandwidth restrictions: 1. Strict 2. Committed Strict In this type of bandwidth restriction, user cannot exceed the defined bandwidth limit. Strict policy can be implemented in two ways: 1. Total (Upload + Download) 2. Individual Upload and Individual Download Implementation on Bandwidth specified Example Total (Upload + Download) Total bandwidth Total bandwidth is 20 kbps Upload and Download combined cannot cross 20 kbps Individual Upload and Individual Download Individual bandwidth i.e. separate for both Upload and Download bandwidth is 20 kbps then Upload Bandwidth speed cannot be more than 20kbps and Download Bandwidth speed cannot be greater than 20kbps. Strict policy – Bandwidth usage Bandwidth usage Bandwidth specified Individual Each user is assigned the specified bandwidth but the user will not be able to cross the specified bandwidth limit The Bandwidth will be shared among all the users who have been assigned this policy Shared Committed In this type of bandwidth restriction, you can assign a Minimum Guaranteed Bandwidth to your important and critical users differentiating them from normal users and ensuring that critical users are assigned, guaranteed bandwidth at all times, and their tasks are not delayed. In case if free unused bandwidth is available, then you can specify a Maximum Burstable Bandwidth limit up to which users can access Bandwidth. This type of Bandwidth Policy will be available only if User or IP Address based Bandwidth Policy is selected. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 36 Planning and Understanding Business Improving Operations 24online User Guide Committed – Bandwidth usage In this type of Bandwidth restriction, user can specify a Guaranteed (Minimum) Bandwidth and Burstable (Maximum) Bandwidth. Committed Policy type can be implemented in two ways: 1. Total Bandwidth a. Total Guaranteed Bandwidth b. Total Burstable Bandwidth 2. Individual Upload and Individual Download Bandwidth a. Individual Upload Guaranteed Bandwidth / Individual Upload Burstable Bandwidth b. Individual Download Guaranteed Bandwidth / Individual Download Burstable Bandwidth Implementation on Bandwidth specified Example Total (Upload + Download) Guaranteed=20 Burstable=30 Total Guaranteed bandwidth is 20kbps hence users can perform Total Data Transfer (Upload + Download) with the Guaranteed (Minimum) bandwidth speed of 20kbps depending on the provider’s link capacity. Individual Upload and Individual Download Guaranteed Upload=20 Guaranteed Download=20 Burstable Upload=30 Burstable Download=30 If excess bandwidth is available then user can draw bandwidth up to Burstable bandwidth limit i.e. 30kbps. Guaranteed Upload Bandwidth is 20 kbps and Guaranteed Download Bandwidth is 201kbps hence while uploading data, users will get a Guaranteed (Minimum) Bandwidth speed of 20kbps depending on the provider’s link capacity. Similarly, while performing download users can download data with Guaranteed (Minimum) Bandwidth speed of 20kbps depending on the provider’s link capacity. In case if excess bandwidth is available then user can draw Upstream bandwidth up to Burstable (Maximum) Upload i.e. 30kbps and Burstable (Maximum) Download bandwidth up to 30 kbps. If Link has lesser bandwidth then that required by Guaranteed Bandwidth, then Bandwidth is assigned according to the ratio of the Guaranteed Bandwidth assigned to users. Example: 1 kbps is kilobytes per second Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 37 Planning and Understanding Business Improving Operations 24online User Guide Consider the case in which Guaranteed Bandwidth assigned to User1 is 20kbps and Guaranteed Bandwidth assigned to User2 is 40kbps. However, link has 30kbps Bandwidth speed available. Hence, Bandwidth will be assigned to users in the ratio in which Guaranteed Bandwidth is assigned. The ratio of Guaranteed Bandwidth for User1 and User2 is 1:2. As a result, Guaranteed Bandwidth assigned to User1 is 10kbps and Guaranteed Bandwidth assigned to User2 is 20kbps. Committed Policy – Bandwidth usage Bandwidth usage Bandwidth specified Individual Individual Bandwidth usage assigns the specified Bandwidth to each user. Bandwidth will be shared among all the users who are assigned this policy Shared For creating user based bandwidth policy, refer to Create User based bandwidth Policy IP address based bandwidth policy It restricts the bandwidth for a particular IP address. It is similar to the user-based policy with the same type of restrictions on Implementation type & Bandwidth usage. For creating IP address based bandwidth policy refer to Create IP address based bandwidth Policy It is possible to create Bandwidth policy based on the following parameters: 1. Pool based 2. User/IP address based strict total Individual 3. User/IP address based strict total sharing 4. User/IP address based strict Individual Individual 5. User/IP address based strict Individual sharing 6. User/IP Address based Committed Total Individual policy 7. User/IP Address based Committed Total Sharing policy 8. User/IP Address based Committed Individual Individual policy 9. User/IP Address based Committed Individual Sharing policy Package Management Package is a combination of Surfing Time policy, Access Time policy, Bandwidth policy with a rate scheme. Different packages can be created by combining the policies as per the subscriber requirement. Subscriber is charged based on the price defined in the package. Packages defined for Leased Line Connection Type will be having Unlimited Surfing Time and Access Time but Bandwidth Policy restrictions can be applied to Leased Line User. While creating the user, Package is assigned to the Subscriber as per the requirements. The price defined in the Package is charged to the User. For creating Package, refer to Create Package User Management User management section describes how to use 24online to register a new user based on Connection type (User, Leased Line User, Administrator, Manager, and Operator) and manage existing user information like • Register/Create a new user • View Live Users. L indicates Leased Line Live users • Change personal details/Password of an existing user Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 38 24online User Guide • • • • • • • • • • • • • Planning and Understanding Business Improving Operations Change package attached to the user Change policies attached to the user Change login restriction of the user Delete an existing user Search user Activate and Deactivate user Renew user View My Account of a particular user Send message Monitor live users activities Bind MAC Address to IP Address Bulk Enable/Disable MAC Address Reset MAC Address of User Pool Management Basic objective of pool management is to create and manage pools of IP addresses based upon some criteria. The general criterion of pool management is geographical grouping of IP addresses. Pool Management is used to create a Public or Private Pool of IP Addresses and there after bind Pool based Bandwidth to the IP Address(s). An IP Address must be a member of a pool. A pool can contain up to 254 IP addresses. For creating pool refer to Create pool. Each user is assigned one or more IP Address(s), and can log on from the assigned IP Address(s) only. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 39 24online User Guide Setting Customer Base Improving Operations Improving Operations Security – Firewall A firewall protects the network from unauthorized access and typically guards the Internal network against malicious access; however, firewall may also be configured to limit the access of Internal users. Firewall is a set of rules to determine the traffic to be allowed in or out of the Internal Network. 24online Firewall stops unauthorized requests access from External to Internal Network. Users will have to log on to 24online Client in order to access External WAN, and only after successful authentication and authorization 24online will allow access to users. One can restrict access to certain IP addresses or domain names, or block certain traffic by blocking the TCP/IP ports used. 24online provides necessary utilities using, which you can Accept, Drop, Proxy, or Port Forward requests to specified IP Address for TCP/IP, UDP, or ICMP Protocols. Port Forwarding Action also provides Destination Network Address Translation (DNAT) support. Packet matching the first Firewall Rule defined in the Sequence is applied. It is possible to change the sequence of Firewall Rules. 24online has the above, described basic features of a firewall. For defining firewall rules refer to Defining Firewall Cache management HTTP Cache helps in improving the performance of network by reducing web access time and web traffic. 24online can also act as a cache server. All visited static websites are cached on the 24online server hard drive or in the memory. The advantage of a cache server is that it will cache the static web pages once requested and serve them locally when they are requested the next time. 24online will act as a cache server only if caching is enabled. To enable caching refer to Enable Cache server and configure the cache server refer to Configure cache. Caching can be configured to store Web Pages up to the specified Cache Size (MB). Cache can also be deleted. Using Configure Cache Policy, you can disable Caching for certain types of keyword and file extensions. 24online provides the facility to define an External cache server also. To define External cache refer to Define External cache 24online also provides facility to add WCCP (Web Cache Communication Protocol) router for which you want the cache requests to be processed by 24online. WCCP provides mechanism to redirect traffic flow to 24online. 24online provides the facility to add, and delete the IP Address of the WCCP Router. To define WCCP router refer to Define WCCP router 24online protects the service provider’s subscribers from harmful viruses and Malicious Traffic by providing a Virus Web Category, which will block URLs that can be potential viruses. Using HTTP Malicious Traffic utility, you can define the potential Virus Categories and add Keywords to detect and stop known viruses like “Code Red”, “Nimda”, etc. This is a major advantage over Firewall as Firewall operates at Packet level and is ill suited to handle Web threats. To define Virus Web Categories and protect subscribers, refer HTTP Malicious Traffic. 24online also provides Reports for HTTP Malicious Traffic Log and System Usage and Cache Statistics Reports. Refer to Cache Reports for further details. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 40 Setting Customer Base This section provides instructions for creating • • • • • Policy Package Pool User Schedule Setting Customer Base Create Surfing time policy SECTION 24online User Guide 3 Create Surfing time policy Prerequisite • Create right for Policy management, Surfing time policy Select Policy management → Surfing time policy → Create Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 41 Setting Customer Base Create Surfing time policy 24online User Guide Screen Elements Description Create Surfing time policy Policy name Assign name to the policy. Choose a name that best describes the policy Allotted time or Unlimited time Allows maximum of 60 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Allots surfing time in Hours & minutes or Creates Unlimited time policy Session Pulse (in minutes) Allotted Days or Unlimited Days Description Allots allowed surfing days or Creates Unlimited days policy Full description of the policy Create button Allows maximum of 255 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Creates the policy Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Pulse rate 42 24online User Guide Setting Customer Base Create Access time policy Create Access time policy Prerequisite • Create right for Policy management, Access time policy Select Policy management → Access time policy → Create Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 43 Setting Customer Base Create Access time policy 24online User Guide Screen Elements Description Access Time Policy Details Name Assign name to the policy. Choose a name that best describes the policy to be created Default strategy Description Allows maximum of 60 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Select default strategy Full description of the policy Create button Allows maximum of 255 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Creates the policy Manage Access Time button Creates the policy & allows defining access time. Refer to Manage Access time for details. Allows adding access time details to the policy Click to add Delete Selected Access Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Refer to Manage Access time for details Allows deleting access time details. Refer to Manage Access time for details 44 Setting Customer Base Create Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Create Bandwidth policy Bandwidth policy allocates & restricts the bandwidth usage of the user. It can be defined for group of users or a single user. Using Strict Bandwidth Policy type, you can restrict the Bandwidth of users till the specified limit. Using Committed Bandwidth Policy type, you can assign Guaranteed (minimum) Bandwidth to Critical Users and if free unused Bandwidth is available then you can specify a maximum Burstable Bandwidth limit up to which users can access Bandwidth. Bandwidth policy can be defined for: • Pool • User • IP address Common Screen Elements Screen Elements Description Bandwidth Restriction Details Policy Name Assign name to the policy. Choose a name that best describes the policy to be created Description Allows maximum of 60 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Full description of the policy Create button Cancel button Allows maximum of 255 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Creates the policy Cancels the current operation Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 45 Setting Customer Base Create Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide To create Pool based bandwidth policy Prerequisite • Create right for Policy management, Bandwidth policy Screen Elements Description Bandwidth Restriction Details Policy based on Click Pool to create pool based policy Total Bandwidth Allocates maximum amount of bandwidth, expressed in terms of 2kbps Maximum bandwidth limit is 4096 kbps 2 * kbps is kilobytes per second Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 46 24online User Guide Setting Customer Base Create Bandwidth policy To create User/IP Address based Committed Bandwidth policy Prerequisite • Create right for Policy management, Bandwidth policy Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 47 Setting Customer Base Create Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Screen Elements Description Bandwidth Restriction Details Policy based on Click User to create User based policy Policy type Implementation on Total or Individual GuaranteedBurstable (in KB) Click IP Address to create IP address based policy Type of bandwidth restriction Click Committed to assign a minimum Guaranteed Bandwidth and if bandwidth is available then allow the IP Address to use excess bandwidth till the specified Burstable (Maximum) limit. Select Total option if you want to assign Bandwidth speed, which will be used for Total data transfer i.e. Upload and Download data transfer. The specified bandwidth speed will be used for both Uploading and Downloading data. Select Individual option if you want to specify Bandwidth Speed for Upload and Download Data Transfer separately. Upload Bandwidth speed specifies the bandwidth speed while uploading data. Similarly, Download Bandwidth speed specifies the Bandwidth speed that will be used while downloading data. Guaranteed (Minimum) or Burstable (Maximum) Bandwidth option will be shown if Bandwidth Policy type is selected as Committed. Guaranteed Bandwidth specifies the minimum bandwidth speed, available to users depending on the provider’s link capacity. Bandwidth Usage (Individual or Sharing) Client Side Bandwidth Factor Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Burstable Bandwidth specifies the Maximum bandwidth speed, up to which user can exceed bandwidth speed if bandwidth is available. Bandwidth Usage can be defined on Individual (user) basis or Shared basis. Individual Bandwidth Usage is used if you want to apply bandwidth restrictions individually for each user. Individual Bandwidth restriction will dedicate the specified Bandwidth speed to each user. In case if Sharing is selected then specified Bandwidth speed will be shared among all the users to whom the Bandwidth Policy is assigned. Specify client side bandwidth factor for the user 48 Setting Customer Base Create Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide To create User/IP Address based Strict Bandwidth policy Prerequisite • Create right for Policy management, Bandwidth policy Screen Elements Description Bandwidth Restriction Details Policy based on Creates policy Click User to create User based policy Policy type Implementation on Total bandwidth Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click IP Address to create IP address based policy Type of bandwidth restriction Click Strict to apply strict policy Implements Bandwidth restriction on Total (Upstream + Downstream) or Individual Upload and Individual Download bandwidth Allocates maximum amount of Total bandwidth, expressed in terms of kbps if Implementation on is Total 49 Setting Customer Base Create Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Upload Bandwidth Download Bandwidth Bandwidth usage Client Side Bandwidth Factor Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Minimum bandwidth allowed is 2 kbps and Maximum is 4096 kbps Specifies maximum amount of Upload Bandwidth, expressed in terms of kbps if Implementation on is Total Minimum bandwidth allowed is 2 kbps and Maximum is 4096 kbps Specifies maximum amount of Download Bandwidth, expressed in terms of kbps if Implementation on is Total Minimum bandwidth allowed is 2 kbps and Maximum is 4096 kbps Bandwidth specified can be for a particular User or Shared among all the users who have been assigned this policy Click Individual for a particular User Click Shared to be shared among the users Specify client side bandwidth factor 50 Setting Customer Base Create Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Only for IP Address based bandwidth policies Prerequisite • Create right for Policy management, Bandwidth policy • Presence of at least one Pool Note IP Address based Bandwidth Policy is used to apply bandwidth restrictions on a specific IP Address. Before defining an IP Address-based bandwidth policy, ensure that the IP address is a member of an IP Address Pool. Refer Create Pool to create a pool of IP addresses. Screen Elements Description Bandwidth Policy Details Name Specifies the Bandwidth Policy Name Policy Based on Displays based on what policy is created i.e. IP Address based Client Side Bandwidth Displays applicable Bandwidth factor Factor Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 51 Setting Customer Base Create Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Description Implementation on Total Total Bandwidth Policy Type Add Detail Add IP Address button Displays description of the policy Indicates whether Bandwidth Policy is applied on Total or Individual basis Specifies the Total Bandwidth up to which users can access bandwidth Indicates, whether Bandwidth Policy type is Strict or Committed. Add Schedule wise Bandwidth to override default Bandwidth details To apply bandwidth restriction to the selected IP address from the Pool Click Add IP Address Select IP Address from Pool Select the IP Address from the Pool to apply the specified Bandwidth restrictions. Screen Elements Description Pool Name Pool in which the IP address is to be added Select Click Pool name list to select Allows to select the IP address to be attached to the policy Click Select against the IP address to be attached Select All More than one IP address can be selected Selects all IP Addresses Apply restriction button Click Select All to select all the IP Addresses Applies bandwidth restriction to the selected IP address Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 52 Setting Customer Base Create Package 24online User Guide Create Pool Prerequisite • Bandwidth policy created • Create right for User management, Pool management Refer Add on Modules to create pool based on SNAT module Select User management → Pool Management → Create Screen Elements Pool details Pool name Is Pool Public Bandwidth policy Show details link Description Description Assign name to the pool. Choose a name that best describes the pool characteristics Allows maximum of 50 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 To create a Pool of Public IP Address, select Is Pool Public checkbox. In case if you want to create a Pool of Private IP Address, do not select the Is Pool Public checkbox. Assigns Bandwidth policy, to newly created Pool. Bandwidth Policy defined for Pool will be listed over here. Click Bandwidth policy list to select View details of the selected bandwidth policy Full description of the pool Allows maximum of 250 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Machine details From – To Machine name Create button IP addresses to be included in the pool Machine name Creates pool Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 53 Setting Customer Base Create Package 24online User Guide Create Package Prerequisite • Pool creation • Policy creation • Create right for Package management In case of Data transfer module being enabled, refer to Add on Modules Data Transfer policy - Create Package Select Package management → Package → Create Package is a combination of Surfing Time Policy, Access Time Policy, and Bandwidth Policy. Select Connection Type as User if you want to create a Package and apply Surfing Time, Access Time and Bandwidth restrictions. Screen Elements Package details Package name Package Type Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Description Assign name to the package. Choose a name that best describes the package characteristics Allows maximum of 50 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Specify whether the created package is registration package or package for renewal or both. 54 Setting Customer Base Create Package 24online User Guide Registration package – One time package which cannot be renewed on expiry Renewal package – Package which can be renewed after expiry Connection Type Surfing policy Access policy Bandwidth policy Price If package type is renewal or both then renewal rules are to be defined. Refer Define Renewal Rules for defining renewal rules Select the connection type i.e. User or Leased Line for which you want to create the Package. Assign surfing time policy to the package Click Surfing time policy list to select Assign Access time policy to the package. For leased line users, unlimited policy is automatically attached. Click Access time policy list to select Assign Bandwidth policy to the package Click Bandwidth policy list to select It specifies the Package Rate that will be charged to the Users to whom the Package is assigned. Creates package Cancels the current operation Create button Cancel button Renewal Rules (Only if the package type is ‘Renewal’ or ‘Renewal’ & ‘Register’ both) Add Rule button Allows to add the package renewal rules Click to add renewal rule Delete button Refer to Define Renewal Rule for more details Allows to delete the defined renewal rules Refer to Delete Renewal Rule for more details Note Access Time Policy restriction will not be applied on Leased Line Connection Type Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 55 24online User Guide Setting Customer Base Create Package Define Renewal Rules Note Define Renewal rules for Pre paid Package Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 56 Setting Customer Base Create Package 24online User Guide Screen Elements Renewal Rules Description Displays list of all packages which are defined as Package type ‘Renewal’ or Register and Renewal both Renewal Rule Details Renew to this package Carry Forward Hours Carry Forward Days Carry Forward Data Transfer Only if Data Transfer module is Enabled Add Rule button Cancel button Click to select package(s) to which the current defined package can be renewed If enabled carry forwards the remaining hours to the new package at the time of renewal If enabled carry forwards the remaining days to the new package at the time of renewal If enabled carry forwards the remaining data transfer bytes to the new package at the time of renewal Add the defined rule Cancels current operation Delete Renewal Rules Screen Elements Description Del Select rule to be deleted Click Del to select rule Select All More than one rule can also be selected Selects all the rule details Delete button Click Select All to select all the rule details Deletes the selected rule(s) Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 57 Setting Customer Base Create User 24online User Guide Create User Prerequisite • Set System date from Console • Package & policy created • Pool created • Create right for User management, Manage Users Select User management → Manage User → Create Screen Elements Description User Information Customer name Customer name User name Allows maximum of 60 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 A name that uniquely identifies customer & used to log on to the server Allows maximum of 15 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 58 Setting Customer Base Create User 24online User Guide Password Confirm Password User Type Assigns Password Allows maximum of 15 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Should be same as Password User is assigned access rights according to the User Type i.e. User, Leased Line User, Operator, Manager, Administrator. In order to access Internet, a Leased Line User does not require 24online Client to log on. Click User type list to select User Package Information Package Assigns package to the user Click Package list to select Bandwidth Policy Bandwidth policy Assigns bandwidth policy By default, assigns bandwidth policy defined in the package. To override the bandwidth policy defined in package and assign another policy -Click Bandwidth policy list to select Login Restriction Select Node button Bind to MAC Assigns IP address to the user from where the user logs on Click Select Node Click Pool name list to select Click Select against the IP address to be assigned Select Bind to MAC as Yes if you want to bind the MAC Address with IP Address. If Bind to MAC Address is selected as ‘Yes’ then the User’s MAC Address will be stored the first time user logs on. If the user tries to access Internet from another Machine by changing the IP Address, the user will not be able to log on, as MAC Address is bind. MAC Address of each Machine is unique. MAC Address Shows the MAC Address of the Network Interface Card (NIC) of the computer Personal Information Address1, Complete address & phone number of Customer Address2, City, State, Country, Zip, Address1 is the compulsory field phone Birth date Date of Birth Click Popup Calendar to select the date Email Email-id Invoice Information Generate Invoice Select the check box to Generate Invoice. Invoices will be generated only for the prepaid packages Register button Review button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click Printable Format to print the invoice generated Registers the user Allow to review the registration details of User 59 Setting Customer Base Create Schedule 24 Online User Guide Create Schedule Prerequisite • Create right for Policy management, Schedule Schedule definition is mainly used to override the default bandwidth restrictions. The schedules defined over here are used to override the default bandwidth restrictions, and specify alternate bandwidth during the selected Schedule. The basic reason to define Schedule is to apply different bandwidth restrictions at different times during the week. Select Policy management → Schedule → Create Screen Elements Schedule details Schedule name Description Assign name to the schedule. Choose a name that best describes the schedule Description Allows maximum of 75 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Full description of the schedule Create button Allows maximum of 255 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Creates the schedule Click Add schedule details to add details to the schedule, refer to Add schedule details Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 60 Setting Customer Base Create Schedule 24 Online User Guide Schedule details Click on Add Schedule Details Button to add the Schedule details. Add Schedule Details Screen Elements Description Schedule details Schedule name Schedule Description Weekday Schedule name to which the details are to be added Schedule description Select weekday Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 61 Setting Customer Base Create Schedule 24 Online User Guide Start time & stop time Add schedule detail button Cancel button Defines the access hours/duration Start & stop time cannot be same Creates & attaches the schedule details for the selected weekday Cancels the current operation Note Schedule created here is optional and will be used in case if you want to override the default bandwidth Delete Schedule details Screen Elements Description Del Select schedule details to be deleted Click Del to select schedule details Select All Delete Selected Schedule button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. More than one schedule can also be selected Selects all the schedule details Click Select All to select all the schedule details Deletes the selected schedule detail(s) 62 Setting Advanced features Firewall Rules Setting Advanced features This section provides instructions for defining • • • • Firewall rules Cache server DHCP server Mail Server SECTION 24 Online User Guide 4 Defining Firewall rules Prerequisite • Create right for System Management, Firewall Select System Management → Firewall → Create Access Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 63 Setting Advanced features Firewall Rules 24 Online User Guide Screen Elements Description Source and Destination Information Source Domain Source Domain name, IP address or Network for which rule is to be name/IP Address defined Destination Domain name/IP Address Generally Source address is the Internal Network address Destination Domain name or IP address for which the rule is to be defined Generally Destination address is the External address Port details Source Port Port Type Destination Port Port Type Specify source port address. Range of ports can be specified using ‘:’ e.g. 20:25 Specify whether the rule should be applied to the traffic from the source port or not Select Include or Exclude Specify destination port address Range of ports can be specified using ‘:’ e.g. 20:25 Specify whether rule should be applied to the traffic from the destination port or not Select Include or Exclude Network Protocol TCP UDP ICMP All Protocols Rule Action Action TCP protocol UDP protocol ICMP protocol All protocols Click Select Action list to select Accept – Allow access Drop – Denies access Proxy – Allow access Port forwarding – Allows access through forwarded port. Forwarding Address Information (Only for Rule Action is ‘Port Forwarding’) Forwarded IP IP address to which request is to be forwarded Address Forwarded Port Port to which request is to be forwarded Description Description Full description of the rule Save button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Allows maximum of 255 characters Can be any combination of A-Z, a-z,’_’, 0-9 Saves the rule 64 Setting Advanced features Firewall Rules 24 Online User Guide Various options Source IP Source address/Domain Port name Action - Accept/Proxy * * Destination IP address/Domain name Destination Port Result * * * * * * * * * * Access from all the IP addresses to all the IP addresses All IP addresses are allowed to access is allowed access all the IP addresses is allowed to access Action – Drop * * * * * * * * * * * * Access to all is denied (want to stop access temporarily due to some technical reasons) All the IP addresses are denied access to is denied the access to all is denied the access to Action - Port forwarding Forwarded IP – Port – 80 * * 9090 Requests from any Source IP Address to Destination IP Address on Port 9090 is forwarded to IP Address on port 80. Action - Port forwarding Forwarded IP – Port – * * * * Requests from any Source IP Address to Destination IP Address is forwarded to IP Address Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 65 Setting Advanced features Firewall Rules 24 Online User Guide Delete firewall access Prerequisite • Delete right for System Management, Firewall Select System Management → Firewall → Manage Access Screen Elements Description Select Select the firewall to be deleted Click Select checkbox of respective Firewall rule Select All More than one access can also be selected Select all the Firewall Rules Delete button Click Select All to select all the firewall rules Delete all the selected Access Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 66 Setting Advanced features Firewall Rules 24 Online User Guide Change Firewall Rule Sequence Prerequisite • Update right for System Management, Firewall Whenever a request is sent to 24online, Firewall Rule Sequence is used to decide the course of action to be taken on the Packet. The Packet is mapped to the Firewall rules according to the sequence from top to bottom. If the Packet matches one of the Firewall Rules from the sequence, then that firewall rule is applied on the Packet and accordingly action is performed. Administrator can also change the Firewall Rule Sequence by selecting the Firewall rule and using Move Up or Move Down, Button. Example: As given below there are two firewall rules defined for requests going from Source IP Address to The sequence of Firewall Rule with Accept Action is higher then Firewall Rule with Deny action. 24online Firewall will allow the packets for requests from to as it with map the Firewall Rule with “Accept” Action and is having higher sequence over the Firewall rule with “Deny” Action. Change the Firewall Rule sequence and assign Firewall Rule with “Deny” Action higher sequence if you want to deny the requests from to Select Firewall rule with “Deny” Action and move it above the Firewall rule with “Accept” Action. Select System Management → Firewall → Manage Access Screen Elements Description Select Select the firewall rule whose sequence you want to change. Move Up Move Down Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click Select Moves Up the selected firewall rule Moves Down the selected firewall rule 67 24 Online User Guide Setting Advanced features Firewall Rules DoS Settings 24online provides several security options which cannot be defined by the firewall rules. 24online provides protection from several kinds of "Denial of Service attacks". These attacks disable computers and circumvent security. Denial of Service (DoS) attack is the type of attack on a Network that brings network to its knees by flooding it with useless traffic and in which a user or organization is deprived of the services of a resource they would normally expect to have. The nature of the DoS attacks is to deny something from users or other machines/processes by the way of destructing/modifying data, by bringing down the system, or by overloading the system's servers (flooding) to the extent that service to authorized users is delayed or prevented. Many of the DoS attacks exploit the limitations in the TCP/IP protocols. Denial of Service attacks normally stem from external sources (such as via the Internet); or from disaffected or disgruntled employees who bear a grudge towards the company. SYN Flood In this attack, huge amount of connections are send so that the backlog queue overflows. The connection is created when the victim host receives a connection request and allocates for it some memory resources. A SYN flood attack creates so many half-open connections that the system becomes overwhelmed and cannot handle incoming requests any more. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Flood This attack links two systems. It hooks up one system's UDP character-generating service, with another system's UDP echo service. Once the link is made, the two systems are tied up exchanging a flood of meaningless data. TCP attack This attack sends huge amount of TCP packet than the host/victim computer can handle. ICMP attack This attack sends huge amount of packet/traffic than the protocol implementation can handle to the host/victim computer. IP Spoofing Spoofing is a process of translating the IP address of a given packet so that the firewall will believe that the request came from the trusted source. Disable ICMP redirect packet An ICMP redirect packet is used by routers to inform the hosts what the correct route should be. If an attacker is able to forge ICMP redirect packets, he or she can alter the routing tables on the host and possibly weaken the security of the host by causing traffic to flow via another path. Set the flag to disable the ICMP redirection Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 68 Setting Advanced features Firewall Rules 24 Online User Guide Select System Management → Firewall → DoS Setting Screen Elements Description Attack type Packets per second Type of Attack Allowed Packets per second (Packet rate) Packets dropped Apply flag Update button If the packet rate exceeds, it is considered as an attack and rest of the packets are dropped. Displays number of packets dropped Set flag to control allowed number of packets Updates Packet rate Updated details will be applied only after restarting the Management services from Console Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 69 Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration 24 Online User Guide Cache Configuration Prerequisite • Create right for System Management, Cache Select Cache Management → Cache → Configure Screen Elements Description Bandwidth control configuration for Cached Objects Bypass Bandwidth control Specify whether bandwidth control should be bypassed for the for Cached objects Cached objects Save Cache Size Recommended Cache Size (MB) Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click ‘Yes’ for bypassing bandwidth control Click ‘No’ for not bypassing the bandwidth control Save the cache configuration Recommended size is the optimum size of cache determined based on the memory and the disk size 70 Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration 24 Online User Guide Cache size (MB) Save Cache Start Configuration Autostart Manual Save Cache Configure Cache policies Manage Keyword button Cannot be modified Specify Cache size (in MB) It is recommended that cache size defined be equal to or more than the recommended size Save cache configuration Automatically starts the Cache server with the startup of 24online server Start Cache server manually Save startup configuration Sites containing the keywords defined here will be not be cached Click Manage keyword Manage file extension button To set keywords refer Manage Keyword Sites containing the pages with the defined file extensions will not be cached Click Manage file extension To set file extensions refer Manage file extension Manage Keyword Screen Elements Description Manage Keyword Keywords File extensions that are not to be cached e.g. if you want site- ‘’ not to be cached, enter ‘timesofindia’ as keyword Save Keyword button Cancel button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. More than one keywords can be added separated by comma Updates the cache configuration Cancels the current operation 71 Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration 24 Online User Guide Manage file extension Screen Elements Description File type details Extensions File extensions that are not to be cached Description Update button Cancel button e.g. if you want pages with the extension ‘jsp’ and ‘cgi’ not to be cached, enter ‘jsp’ and ‘cgi’ as extensions Description of the file extension Updates the cache configuration Cancels the current operation Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 72 Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration 24 Online User Guide Manage Cache Prerequisite • Create right for System Management, Cache Select Cache Management → Cache → Manage Screen Elements Description Server Status Start button Only if Current Status is ‘Stopped’ Cache Server status Stop button Only if Current Status is ‘Running’ Restart button Empty Cache Empty Cache button Displays current status of Cache server Click to start Cache server Click to stop Cache server Click to restart Cache server Deletes any previously cached entities. Empty cache if corruption is found Click to empty cache Enable Caching In Proxy Server (if disabled) Disable Caching In Proxy Server (if enabled) Enable Caching button Enable Caching if you want Proxy server to cache pages (if disabled) Click to enable Disable Caching button (if enabled) Disable Caching if you do not want Proxy server to cache pages Need 24online for URL filtering Save configuration Click to disable Save the cache server configuration Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 73 24 Online User Guide Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration Cache – Advanced Configuration Prerequisite • Create right for System Management, Cache Select Cache Management → Cache → Advanced configuration Define WCCP Router Address Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 74 Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration 24 Online User Guide Add router Screen Elements Description Add router Router address Add button Cancel button IP address of the Router Adds router Cancels the current operation Delete router Screen Elements Description Select Select Router IP address to be deleted Click Select to select Select All More than one router can be selected Select all the IP addresses Delete Router button Click Select All to select all the routers Delete the selected Router(s) Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 75 Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration 24 Online User Guide Define External Cache Screen Elements Description External Cache IP Address Cache Type Defines Cache type Local – Uses 24online Server for caching External – Uses machine other than 24online server for caching Only for the External Cache IP address IP address of the machine which is to be used for caching Click Add domain for defining caching criteria. Refer to Add domain Add domain Screen Elements Add Domain Domain type Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Description Specifies whether domain names are to be included or excluded from caching 76 Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration 24 Online User Guide Domains Add button Cancel button Click any one Include – includes specified domain names in caching Exclude – excludes specified domain names from caching Domain names which are to be included/excluded in cache Adds the criteria Cancels the current operation Delete Domain Screen Elements Description Select Select Domain to be deleted Click Select to select Select All Delete Domain button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. More than one domain can also be selected Select all the Domains Click Select All to select all the domains Delete all the selected Domain(s) 77 Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration 24 Online User Guide Routing policy Prerequisite • Create right for System Management, Cache Select Cache Management →Cache → Routing policy Screen Elements Description Add button Displays list of all the routing policies defined Allows to add Network to the Routing policy Click Add Delete button Refer to Add Network for details Allows to delete Network from Routing policy Click Delete Refer to Delete Network for details Add Network Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 78 Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration 24 Online User Guide Screen Elements Add Interface Network ID/Netmask Show Nodes button Select Interface IP Address Add button Cancel button Description Network whose caching is to be routed through the selected Interface Shows the list of nodes in the specified Network Click Select Interface to select IP address of the Interface Adds the interface Cancels the current operation Delete Network Screen Elements Description Select Select Network to be deleted Click Select to select Select All More than one network can also be selected Select all the Networks Delete Network button Click Select All to select all the networks Delete the selected Network(s) Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 79 Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration 24 Online User Guide Malicious HTTP traffic Use to identify and block HTTP malicious traffic by defining the keywords Select Cache Management →Malicious HTTP traffic → Create Screen Elements Webcategory details Name Description Assigns name to the category. Choose a name that best describes the category Description Allows maximum of 60 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Full description of the category Create button Allows maximum of 80 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Creates the category for blocking the malicious traffic Click Create to create Cancel button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click Manage Keywords to set keywords, refer Manage Keywords for details Cancels the current operation 80 Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration 24 Online User Guide Manage Traffic Select Cache Management →Malicious HTTP traffic → Manage and click the required ‘web category name’ link Screen Elements Web category details Name Description OK button Description Displays the name of the Web category, modify if required Displays the description , modify if required Saves the modified details, if any Click to save Keyword Management Manage Keyword button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Allows to manage (add and delete) keywords defined for the web category 81 Setting Advanced features Cache Configuration 24 Online User Guide Manage keywords Add Keywords Screen Elements Add Keyword Add to Domains Add Keywords button Cancel button Description Specifies whether keywords are to be included or excluded from blocking Click any one Include – Blocks the traffic with keywords specified Exclude – Passes the traffic with keywords specified Actual keywords which are to be included/excluded Adds the criteria Cancels the current operation Delete Keyword Screen Elements Description Select Selects keywords to be deleted from web category Click to select Delete Domain button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. More than one keyword from any of the lists can be selected Delete all the selected keyword(s) 82 Setting Advanced features DHCP 24 Online User Guide Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol that assigns a unique IP address to a device, releases and renews the address as device leaves and re-joins the network. The device can have different IP address every time it connects to the network. In other words, it provides a mechanism for allocating IP address dynamically so that addresses can be reused. Prerequisite • Create right for System Management, DHCP Select System Management → DHCP → DHCP Screen Elements Description DHCP details Network Interface Interface IP Netmask IP address From – To Displays Network Interface Displays Interface IP address Displays Netmask IP address range for clients Domain name Subnet Mask Gateway Domain name server Update DHCP Button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. The DHCP server assigns an available IP address in the range to the client upon request Domain name for the specified subnet Specifies the subnet mask for the client/network Gateway IP address Domain name server IP address Updates the configuration 83 Setting Advanced features Change Console Password 24 Online User Guide Change Console Password Change Console password from GUI or Console itself. To change the password from Console, refer to the Console guide. Prerequisite • Update right for System Management, Console Select System Management → Console → Reset Console password Screen Elements Description Reset Console Password GUI Admin Password Admin password with which the administrator has logged on New password Assigns new console password Confirm New password Same as Password Submit button Saves the new password Click Submit Note Only user with respective rights can reset the Password Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 84 24 Online User Guide Setting Advanced features Client services Client Services Prerequisite • Create right for System Management Client Services 24online enables the service providers to configure and set subscriber specific functionalities. Client Services Module is mainly used to set the messages (Deactivation messages, Disconnection messages, etc) which will be shown to the user or subscriber upon a particular action, specify a URL that will open when Client logs on to the Server, and as per the Service Provider’s requirement upload the My Account Images with the Service Provider’s Company logo. Message Management Message tab allows Administrator to send messages to the various users. Messages help Administrator in notifying users about problems as well as Administrative alerts in areas such as access, user sessions, successful log in and log off, incorrect password, renewal of package etc. Customized messages like Announcement of Festival Bonanza package, Discount Schemes, Events, Commercial Advertising, Birthday greetings etc can also be send. Message is sent to the User whenever the event occurs. Select System Management → Client Services Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 85 Setting Advanced features Client services 24 Online User Guide Screen Elements Description Message Key Message key Click Message link to modify the message Click Save to save the changes Click Cancel to cancel the current operation Message Message description Configure Percentage To Alert User Before Expiration Remaining usage Alert is sent to the user depending on the percentage specified i.e. in Percentage when remaining usage will be less than the specified percentage Save details button Used for sending alert for renewal of subscription/package Saves the changes List of predefined messages Messages Description/Reason AlertMessage Alert sent as a reminder for renewal of subscription/package specifying numbers of days and hours left Alert is sent depending on the percentage specified i.e. User will be given an alert when remaining usage will be less than the specified percentage Administrator can customize how messages and message lists are displayed By default message will be displayed as: {u} you have {d} days and {h} hours remaining where {u} – user name {d} – remaining days {h} – remaining hours DeactiveUser DisconnectByAdmin InvalidIPAddress Elitecore Technologies Ltd. It can also be displayed as: Dear {u}, Your subscription expires after {d} days, Please renew as soon as possible. Administrator has temporarily deactivated the User. Message can also be sent if • User subscription/package has expired • User has not renewed • Due to some administrative/technical reasons Administrator has temporarily disconnected the User and will not be able to log on Message is sent if User tries to log on from the IP address not 86 24 Online User Guide InvalidMachine LeasedLineUser Setting Advanced features Client services assigned to the user Message is sent if User’s MAC Address is different from the MAC Address stored with the 24online server. This message will be shown when user’s MAC Address is bound at the time of registration. Message is sent when Leased Line User logs in to 24online Client to access Internet. Leased Line Users can access Internet without log on from 24online Client. If Leased Line Users tries to log on to 24online Client then message bind with Leased Line User Key will be shown. LoggedOffSuccessfulMsg Example: -“Leased Line Users not allowed logging on from a Client”. Message is sent when User logs off successfully LoggedOnSuccessfulMsg This message can be customized to send other messages like • Thank you • Commercial Advertising • Advertising for Special packages Message is sent when User logs on successfully NotAuthenticate NotCurrentlyAllowed This message can be customized to send other messages like • Festival greeting • Commercial Advertising • Special package announcement • Notifying technical problems like slow connection • Alerts for not opening unknown mails • Alerts for running anti virus package Message is sent if User name or password are incorrect Message is sent if User is not permitted to access at this time SurfingTimeExhausted SurfingTimeExpired LiveIPinuse Nmpoolexceedlimit ServerID Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Access time policy applied to the User account defines the allowed access time and not allowed access at any other time. Message is sent when User is disconnected because Package is not renewed and allotted surfing time is exhausted The surfing time duration is the time in hours the User is allowed Internet access that is defined in Surfing time policy. If hours are exhausted, User is not allowed to access. Administrator has temporarily deactivated the User and user will not be able to log on because User subscription/package has expired and not renewed. The period of subscription is the time period till the user is allowed access and defined in surfing time policy. Message is sent if connection is requesting a live IP address from the server that is already in use Message is sent if the maximum number of IP addresses in the live Pool at one time has exceeded the limit Each user created in the System, is assigned a Customer ID. Server ID enables Service Provider to specify the initial Prefix of 87 Setting Advanced features Client services 24 Online User Guide the Customer ID. In case if multiple 24online Server’s are installed in different location, then for each 24online Server you can specify the Server ID Prefix and differentiate the Customer’s of each Server. Example: -Server ID=ICENET_AHM, Customer ID: -ICENET_AHM_15. Note Do not forget to restart ‘Management Services’ from Console after changing the message. Changes in message will come into effect only after you restart Management service Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 88 24 Online User Guide Setting Advanced features Client services Parameters 24online provides the Administrator to set the URL, which will open when the user logs on to Client and opens the browser. To allow subscribers to carry forward remaining hours upon renewal after the expiry date, Grace Days can be specified. Grace period 24online facilitates service provider’s to specify grace period even after the expiry date till which subscribers can carry forward the remaining hours upon renewing the Package. Select Limited Grace days option if you want remaining hours to be carried forward, if the renewal happens within the grace day period. The Unlimited Grace Days option will always carry forward the remaining hours upon renewal whenever it happens. Example: A 24online subscriber is using a Renewal Package with 30 hours and 30 Days Scheme Validity Period. The expiry date of the Package is 30th January. The subscribers, has used 20 hours but the user is deactivated since the expiry date has reached i.e. 30th January. Grace days specified in Parameters is 10 Days Limited. If subscriber renews the Package before 10th February the remaining 10 Hours will be carry forwarded. Hence Total Hours in Package after Renewal is 30 Hours of Package + 10 remaining Hours=40 Hours. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 89 Setting Advanced features Client services 24 Online User Guide Screen Elements Description Open following site after client logs on to server URL Specify the URL to be opened after Client logs on to the Server In case, you do not want any page to open then keep the field empty. Update button Updates the modified details Grace period in days to carry forward the remaining hours on renewal Grace days to carry Select Limited Grace days option if you want remaining hours to forward the be carried forward, if the renewal happens within the grace day remaining hours period. Select Unlimited option if you want to allow user to carry forward remaining hours whenever the Package is renewed after expiry date. Grace days Specify the number of limited grace days after expiry date up to which user can carry forward the remaining hours upon renewal. This option will be shown only if Limited Grace Days option is selected. Update button Updates the modified details Page Size to Display No. of User Per Page Maximum Users Number of users to be displayed on single page Per Page Update button Updates the modified details Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 90 Setting Advanced features Client services 24 Online User Guide My Account Images 24online facilitates the Service Providers to customize the My Account site with their Company logo. Administrator can upload the Images for Top Bar, Bottom Bar, and Top Left Corner Images for My Account. As per the Service Provider’s requirement, the Images can be customized in My Account. Screen Elements Description Upload Top Bar & Bottom Bar Images (jpg files) For My Account Page Top Bar This image (jpg) will update the Top Bar of My Account Page Bottom Bar This image (jpg) will update the Bottom Bar of My Account Page Upload Top Left Corner Image (jpg files) For My Account Page Top Left Corner Image This image (jpg) will update the Top Left Corner Image of My Account Page Upload File Uploads the Images of My Account Page Note The Images should be of the specified Dimensions Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 91 Setting Advanced features Client services 24 Online User Guide Exclusion list Need may arise to bypass the client side bandwidth restriction for certain hosts or complete network itself. In this case, add hosts to the Exclusion list i.e. client side bandwidth restriction will not be placed on the hosts/networks added to the exclusion list. Screen Elements Description Add Host button Displays list of Hosts which will not have client side bandwidth restriction Allows to add hosts Click to add Delete Host button Refer Add Host for details Allows to delete hosts defined Refer Delete Host for details Add Host Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 92 Setting Advanced features Client services 24 Online User Guide Screen Elements Exclusion list Host Type IP Address Only for Host Type is single NetworkID/Netmask Only for Host Type is Network Protocol Port Create button Cancel button Description Specify hosts to be included in exclusion list Specify IP Address of host Specify Network address Specify Protocol Specify port number Adds the host Cancels the current operation Delete Host Screen Elements Description Select Select Host to be deleted Click Select to select Select All More than one host can also be selected Select all the hosts Delete Host button Click Select All to select all the hosts Delete the selected Host(s) Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 93 Setting Advanced features Client services 24 Online User Guide Proactive Reports Use this tab to configure the reporting schedule for the proactive reports List of Users by remaining usage Screen Elements Description Update Proactive report Duration Specify when the email should be send – Daily, Weekly, Never Enter remaining Specify how the remaining usage hours should be usage in send – as a absolute value or in percentage Expire days Specify remaining days Data Transfer (MB) Specify remaining data transfer Time (in Hours) Specify time left To Specify the e-mail name of each recipient Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 94 Setting Advanced features Client services 24 Online User Guide CC BCC Subject Save button Cancel button Specify the e-mail name of each recipient Specify the e-mail name of each recipient Specify a message title Saves the configuration Cancels current operation User management related Admin Activities Log Screen Elements Description Update Proactive report Duration Specify when the email should be send – Daily, Weekly, Never To Specify the e-mail name of each recipient CC Specify the e-mail name of each recipient BCC Specify the e-mail name of each recipient Subject Specify a message title Save button Saves the configuration Cancel button Cancels current operation Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 95 Setting Advanced features Client services 24 Online User Guide Services Use Services tab to Start/Stop and Enable/Disable Autostart various configured servers. According to the requirement, one can Start, Stop, Enable, or Disable the services. Types of the servers available: 1. DHCP 2. DNS 3. Mail server 4. 24online server Prerequisite • Create right for System Management, Control services Select System Management → Services → Control service Screen Elements Description Service name Status Name of the server Status of the respective server Commands Running – if server is on Stopped – if server is off Starts or stops the respective servers Enables or disables Autostart Refer to Action table Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 96 Setting Advanced features Client services 24 Online User Guide Action table Button Usage Start Starts the Server Stop For configured servers whose status is ‘Stopped’ Stops the server Disable Autostart Restart For configured servers whose status is ‘Started’ Automatically starts the configured server with the startup of 24online server Disables the Autostart process Restarts 24online server Shutdown Only for 24online server All the servers with ‘Enable Autostart’ will restart Shutdown 24online server Enable Autostart Only for 24online server All the servers will be stopped Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 97 Setting Advanced features Access Control List 24online User Guide Access Control List (ACL) Access control list is used by Administrators for controlling user access to information or resources and is typically implemented by granting rights to the groups for access. It is a way/mechanism for limiting access to certain information based on users' identity and their membership in the predefined groups. 24online has seven predefined user groups namely : • • • • • • • Administrator Manager Operator User – Subscriber Leased Line User – Subscriber Zone Manager (if zone management module is enabled) Zone Operator (if zone management module is enabled) Every user group has a set of default access privileges/rights or permissions, which controls the kind of additions and modifications each user makes. Default Access rights Each module has a visibility right i.e. Module will be visible on screen only if the User is given visibility right of that module. Zone manager & Zone operator are given rights to manage user related information for their respective zones only. Hence, they do not have Visibility right to System Management, Cache Management, and Mail Management modules. View Users with the View right can only view the information. Sub modules and/or tabs for which User does not have view right will not be visible at all. Modules\User Groups Administrator Manager Operator Zone Manager Zone Operator System Management Network N/A N/A Firewall N/A N/A DHCP N/A N/A Services N/A N/A Console N/A N/A Data Store N/A N/A Client Services N/A N/A N/A N/A Cache Management N/A N/A Cache N/A N/A ACL N/A N/A HTTP Malicious Traffic Policy Management Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 98 Setting Advanced features Access Control List 24online User Guide Surfing time policy Access time policy Bandwidth policy Schedule Package Management Package Invoice User Management Manage Users Live Users Pool management Bandwidth usage MAC Address Mail Management SMTP Redirection N/A N/A Mail Relay N/A N/A Reports Web surfing Report Internet Usage Report MIS Report Cache Report Help Company Info 24online client Upgrade 24online Register 24online Help About Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 99 Setting Advanced features Access Control List 24online User Guide Create User groups with the Create right can only view and create. Update and Delete buttons for the Sub modules and/or the tabs will not be visible at all. Modules\User Groups Administrator Manager Operator Zone Manager Zone Operator System Management Network N/A N/A Firewall N/A N/A DHCP N/A N/A Services N/A N/A Console N/A N/A Data Store N/A N/A Client Services N/A N/A N/A N/A Cache N/A N/A HTTP Malicious Traffic N/A N/A N/A N/A SMTP redirection N/A N/A Mail relay N/A N/A ACL (Access Control List) N/A N/A Cache Management Policy Management Surfing time policy Access time policy Bandwidth policy Schedule Package Management Package Invoice N/A User Management Manage Users Live Users Pool management Bandwidth usage N/A N/A MAC Address Mail Management Reports Web surfing report N/A N/A N/A N/A Internet Usage report N/A N/A N/A N/A MIS report N/A N/A N/A N/A Cache report N/A N/A N/A N/A Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 100 Setting Advanced features Access Control List 24online User Guide Help Company Info 24online client N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Upgrade 24online N/A N/A N/A Register 24online N/A N/A N/A Help N/A N/A N/A N/A About N/A N/A N/A N/A Update User groups with the Update right can view, create, and update. Delete buttons for the Sub modules and/or the tabs will not be visible at all. Modules\User Groups Administrator Manager Operator Zone Admin Zone Operator Network N/A N/A Firewall N/A N/A DHCP N/A N/A Services N/A N/A Console N/A N/A Data Store N/A N/A Client Services N/A N/A N/A N/A Cache N/A N/A HTTP Malicious Traffic N/A N/A System Management ACL N/A N/A Cache Management Policy Management Surfing time policy Access time policy Bandwidth policy Schedule Package Management Package Invoice N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A User Management Manage Users Live Users Pool management Bandwidth usage MAC Address Mail Management SMTP redirection Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 101 Setting Advanced features Access Control List 24online User Guide Mail relay N/A N/A Reports Web surfing report N/A N/A N/A N/A Internet Usage report N/A N/A N/A N/A MIS report N/A N/A N/A N/A Cache report N/A N/A N/A N/A Upgrade 24online N/A N/A N/A Register 24online N/A N/A N/A Zone Admin Zone Operator Network N/A N/A Firewall N/A N/A DHCP N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Data Store N/A N/A N/A Client Services N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Help Company Info 24online client Help About Delete User groups with the Delete right can view, create, update, and delete. Modules\User Groups Administrator Manager Operator System Management Services Console ACL N/A N/A Cache Management Cache HTTP Malicious Traffic Policy Management Surfing time policy Access time policy Bandwidth policy Schedule Package Management Package Invoice N/A User Management Manage Users Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 102 Setting Advanced features Access Control List 24online User Guide Live Users Pool management Bandwidth usage N/A N/A N/A SMTP redirection N/A N/A N/A Mail relay N/A N/A N/A MAC Address Mail Management Reports Web surfing report N/A N/A N/A N/A Internet Usage report N/A N/A N/A N/A MIS report N/A N/A N/A N/A Cache report N/A N/A N/A N/A Company Info N/A N/A N/A N/A 24online client N/A N/A N/A N/A Upgrade 24online N/A N/A N/A N/A Register 24online N/A N/A N/A N/A Help N/A N/A N/A N/A About N/A N/A N/A N/A Help Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 103 Setting Advanced features Access Control List 24online User Guide Change default rights Select System Management → ACL → Update Screen Elements Description Select User type User type User type Click User type to select the User group Modules and Visibility Rights Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 104 Setting Advanced features Access Control List 24online User Guide Modules Module Visibility Update button Displays list of Modules Click Module to grant the individual operation right for the selected User group Shows whether the selected User group has the visibility right for the respective module or not If Checked – Module is visible Not checked – Module will not be visible Saves the granted rights Sub Modules and Access Rights Click on the Module for which you want to update the Sub Modules. Sub-Modules of System Management Sub Modules Sub module name Update button Cancel button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click View/Create/Update/Delete to grant individual operation access right Update the rights Cancels the current operation 105 Setting Advanced features Access Control List 24online User Guide IP Address based Access control Select System ACL Access Configuration to open configuration page Screen Elements Description Access Restriction Enable IP Address Allows to enable/disable IP Address Restriction Restriction Select Yes to enable IP Address Restriction Select No to disable IP Address Restriction Console Access Allows Access Specifies whether Administrator and Manager will be able to From access Console from all IP Addresses or from specific IP Addresses only Select All IP Addresses to allow access from all IP addresses Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 106 Setting Advanced features Access Control List 24online User Guide Screen Elements IP Address list Only for Specific IP Addresses Description Select Specific IP Addresses to allow access from specific IP addresses Specifies from which IP Address(s) Administrator and Manager will be able to access Console Click Add to add IP address to the list Click IP Address and Remove to remove IP address from the list Click Remove All to remove all IP Addresses from list Web Access User Type Allows Access From Specifies which user has access to Web Administration Console Click User type to select Specifies whether the selected User will be able to access Web Administration Console from all IP Addresses or from specific IP Addresses only Select All IP Addresses to allow access from all IP addresses IP Address list Only for Specific IP Addresses Select Specific IP Addresses to allow access from specific IP addresses Specifies from which IP Address(s) selected user will be able to access Web Administration Console Click Add to add IP address to the list Click IP Address and Remove to remove IP address from the list Save button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click Remove All to remove all IP Addresses from list Saves configuration 107 24 Online User Guide Setting Advanced features Data Store Data store Prerequisite • Create right for System Management, Data store Backup Backup is the essential part of the data protection. No matter how well you treat your system, no matter how much care you take, you cannot guarantee that your data will be safe if it exists in only one place. Data Type To avoid unnecessary loss of data, 24online provides facility of taking System Data Backup and Log Backup. System Data Backup will take backup of System configuration, all the policies, packages, user related information, and Internet Usage Reports. System Data Backup will exclude the logs i.e. Web Surfing Logs, Virus logs, and Audit Logs. System data backup will be, sent as per duration selected. Log Backup will take backup, of the selected Log names i.e. Web Surfing log, Virus log, and Audit Log. Log Backup will be, sent in a CSV format. Log Backup will be, sent as per the duration selected. Auto Backup can be, sent by FTP or by Email on the specified Email ID after regular time intervals. Specify Backup Sending Configuration details as per your requirement and click on Save Button. Administrator can manually take recent backup of System Data or Current Log backup. Administrator can also download the last backup file created on the specified date and time. Set Backup Schedule Select System Management → Manage Data → Set Backup Schedule Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 108 Setting Advanced features Data Store 24 Online User Guide Screen Elements Description Backup of Data only (Does not include Logs) Backup Frequency Specify backup schedule. Only data backup will be taken. Select any one Daily – backup will be send daily Weekly – backup will be send weekly Monthly – backup will be send monthly Never – backup will never be send In general, it is best to schedule backup on regular basis. Depending on how much information you add or change will help you determine the schedule Incremental Backup of Log files only (in CSV format) Log Select the logs for backup. Backup of log files will be taken in CSV format. Backup Frequency Set Backup Mode Backup mode Available logs for backup: 1. Web surfing 2. Virus 3. NSM (Only of Audit log module is Enabled) 4. Audit (Only of Audit log module is Enabled) Select any one Daily – backup will be send daily Weekly – backup will be send weekly Never – backup will never be send Specifies how backup should be taken and send Select FTP backup OR Mail backup Only for FTP backup FTP server User name Password Only for Mail backup To Mail Id Save button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. IP address of FTP server User name for FTP server Password for FTP server Email address to which the backup will be mailed Saves the configuration 109 Setting Advanced features Data Store 24 Online User Guide Backup Data Select System → Manage Data → Backup Data Screen Elements Description Backup System Data (Does not include logs) Backup button Takes the recent backup and allows to download Download button Only if previous backup is taken Click Backup data to take backup Download the backup already taken. Also displays date and time when backup was taken Click Download to download To download follow the screen instructions Backup Log (in CSV format) Logs Backup button Download button Only if previous backup is taken Backup of selected logs will be taken Select the logs for backup 1. Web surfing 2. Virus 3. NSM 4. Audit Takes the recent backup of logs and allows to download Click Backup data to take the recent backup Download the backup of logs already taken. Also displays date and time when backup was taken Click Download to download To download follow the screen instructions Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 110 Setting Advanced features Data Store 24 Online User Guide Restore With the help of restore facility, restore data from the backup taken. Restoring data older than the current data will lead to the loss of current data. Select System Management → Manage Data → Restore Screen Elements Description Upload Backup File to upload Browse button Upload button Name of backup file Select the backup file Uploads the specified backup file Refer to Console guide for restoring data Note Restore facility is version dependant. Restore will work only if the backup and restore versions are same i.e. if backup is taken from version 5.0.0 then restore will work only for version 5.0.0 and not for any other version. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 111 Setting Advanced features Data Store 24 Online User Guide Purge Purging of data means periodic deletion of the data. 24online maintains two types of log reports: Web surfing log This log stores the information of all the websites visited by all the users User session log Every time the user logs in, session is created. This log stores the session entries of all the users and specifies the login and logout time. Auto purge feature provides Administrator to specify the duration up to, which Web Surfing Logs and User Session logs will be kept in the system. The logs generated before the duration will be automatically purged (deleted) from the system. 24online provides Auto purge and Manual purge facility for deleting log records. Auto purge Select System Management → Manage Data → Configure AutoPurge Utility Screen Elements Purge Frequency Purge Web surfing logs every Description Specify number of days after which web surfing log should be purged automatically Saves purging schedule configuration Save button Popup Notification Enable Alert Popup Click to send Alert popup before purging the logs Save button Saves popup alert configuration Download Purged Logs Only if Logs have been Autopurged Download button Allows to download the purged log files Delete button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click to download Allows to delete purged log files 112 Setting Advanced features Data Store 24 Online User Guide Manual purge Select System Management → Manage Data → Manual purge Screen Elements Purge Web Surfing Logs User Session Logs Audit logs Network Security Logs Till Date Purge button Description It will purge the log containing the details about the sites visited by users before the selected date It will purge the log containing the details about the login, log out time and session entries of users before the selected date Only if Audit log module is enabled Only if Network Security module is enabled Select the date till which the selected log is to be purged Purges the selected log till the specified date Click Purge to purge Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 113 Setting Advanced features Configuring Mail Server 24 Online User Guide Configure Mail Server 24online Mail server provides facility of SMTP redirection that allows re-directing the SMTP traffic through 24online server for sending mails. Configure Mail server for not accepting mails from the outside world. This will protect 24online server from mail spamming. Using the Manage Access tab, configure Mail server to send/relay mails to the world domains. SMTP redirection Prerequisite • Create for Mail Management, SMTP Redirection Select Mail Management → SMTP Redirection → Configure Screen Elements Description Configure Enable button Enable SMTP redirection Click Enable To configure 24online to Relay messages from Internal IP addresses, refer Configure Mail Access SMTP Access Access SMTP server Allows to access SMTP server before/after 24online login Save details button Select Yes or No Save the configuration Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 114 Setting Advanced features Configuring Mail Server 24 Online User Guide Configure Mail Access Add Domain to RELAY Prerequisite • Create for Mail Management, Mail Relay Select Mail Management → Mail Relay → Configure Mail Access Bandwidth Restrictions will apply on mail traffic with the 24online mail server. This will stop customers from clogging bandwidth by mail spamming. Add Domain Names/IP Address of users for whom you want to Relay Mails through 24online Mail Server. Screen Elements Add Domains Domain Name/IP Address Add Domain to Relay button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Description Domain name or IP address which will be allowed RELAY mails through 24online Adds the Domain name or IP address 115 Setting Advanced features Configuring Mail Server 24 Online User Guide Delete Domain from RELAY Prerequisite • Delete for Mail Management, Mail Relay Select Mail Management → Mail Relay → Configure Mail Access Screen Elements Description Del Select Domain name to be deleted Click Del to select Select All More than one Domain name can also be selected Select all the Domain names Delete button Click Select All to select all the Domain names Delete the selected Domain name(s) Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 116 24 Online User Guide Setting Advanced features Monitoring Bandwidth Monitoring Bandwidth Bandwidth is the amount of data passing through a media over a period. In other words, it is the amount of data accessed by the Users. Each time the data is accessed – uploaded or downloaded, the amount is added to the total bandwidth. Because of the limited resource, it needs periodic monitoring. Bandwidth usage graphical report allows Administrator to monitor the amount of data uploaded or downloaded by the Users. Administrator can use this information to help determine: • • • • Whether to increase or decrease the bandwidth limit? What type of traffic is consuming the majority of the Bandwidth? Which inbound/ outbound traffic has consumed the most Bandwidth in the last week/month? Pricing of the package Bandwidth usage graphical report Bandwidth usage report is the graphical analysis of bandwidth used by the Users. Administrator can view the live graph for current bandwidth usage, Gateway wise or Pool wise bandwidth usage for different durations like Daily, Yesterday, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly. It gives details of data transfer activities carried out by every user. It helps administrator to identify the peak hours and manage the traffic as it gives the details of Upload & Download data transfer. Select User management → Bandwidth usage → Report Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 117 Setting Advanced features Monitoring Bandwidth 24 Online User Guide Screen Elements Description Live graph plot for current bandwidth usage Click to get current Shows you the Graph of currently used bandwidth by live users bandwidth usage Bandwidth report Graph type Generates graph Select any one Graph period Gateway wise Pool wise Total Generates graph based on time interval selected Click Graph period to select Daily Yesterday Weekly Monthly Yearly It generates five types of graphical reports: 1. Live Graph – for current bandwidth usage- It shows the current bandwidth being used by live users. As shown in the following figure, X Axis shwos the time while Y Axis plots the Bandwidth in kilo bits being used by live users. It also shows the Current Value, Maximum Value, Minimum Value and Average Value of bandwidth being used. X axis – Hours Y axis – Bandwidth in kilo bits being used by live users Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 118 24 Online User Guide Setting Advanced features Monitoring Bandwidth 2. Total data transfer – Graph shows total data transfer (upload + download) during the day. In addition, shows minimum, maximum and average data transfer. X axis – Hours Y-axis – Total data transfer (upload + download) in Bits/Second 3. Composite data transfer – Combined graph of Upload & Download data transfer. Colors differentiate upload & download data traffic. In addition, shows the minimum, maximum and average data transfer for upload & download individually. X axis – Hours Y-axis – Upload + Download in Bits/Second Orange Color - Upload traffic Light Blue Color – Download traffic Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 119 24 Online User Guide Setting Advanced features Monitoring Bandwidth 4. Download data transfer – Graph shows only download traffic during the day. In addition, shows the minimum, maximum and average download data transfer. X axis – Hours Y-axis – Download data transfer in Bits/Second 5. Upload data transfer - Graph shows only upload traffic during the day. In addition, shows minimum, maximum and average upload data transfer. X axis – Hours Y-axis – Upload data transfer in Bits/Second Note Daily or Yesterday Graph period the Graph details are plot at the average of 5 minutes Weekly Graph period the Graph details are plot at the average of 15 minutes Monthly Graph period the Graph details are plot at the average of 6 Hours Yearly Graph period the Graph details are plot at the average of 1 Day Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 120 Setting Advanced Features Invoice 24online User Guide Invoice Generate Invoice at the time of User registration. Search Invoice Use Search Invoice Tab to search previously generated invoice based on Customer name. Select Package management → Invoice → Search Screen Elements Description Search Invoice Enter Customer name Search Invoice starting with the name entered e.g. Criteria – ‘B’ Result - Displays list of all the Customer(s) whose name starts with B Click to search Search Invoice button Service Tax Information Service Tax (in Specify Service tax percentage) Save button Saves configuration Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 121 24online User Guide Setting Advanced Features Invoice Invoice reports Displays the list of Invoice generated for the respective Customer. Click on Invoice No to view the actual Invoice and its details. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 122 Setting Advanced Features Invoice 24online User Guide Invoice Report columns Description Invoice No Invoice number Customer ID Date Package Name Service Tax Total Amount Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click Invoice no link to display the details of the selected invoice Click Printable format to print the selected Invoice For each customer registered in 24online a Customer ID is generated. Based on the Server ID specified for the 24online Servers, the customers registered under the respective 24online Server, will be having the Customer ID Prefix as per the Server ID. Date on which Invoice was generated Shows the Package Name of customer, User name and policies Service tax added to the total amount Total Invoiced amount that the customer has to pay to the Service Provider 123 24online User Guide Setting Advanced Features Invoice Reports Select the Start Date and End Date between which you want to view the Invoices that are created and click on Submit button. Using this feature, you can easily search for Invoices that are generated between a specified duration. Invoice Reports (Between selected dates) Invoices generated between the selected duration will be listed as shown in the following figure. It will give you the Invoice No, Create Date, Invoice Date, Customer ID, Customer Name, and Amount for which Invoice is generated. Administrator can view the details of a particular Invoice by clicking on the Invoice No. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 124 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Surfing time policy Managing and Monitoring Customer Base SECTION 24online User Guide 5 Manage Surfing time policy Update Surfing time policy Prerequisite • Update right for Policy management, Surfing time policy Select Policy management → Surfing time policy → Manage and click Policy name link to be updated Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 125 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Surfing time policy 24online User Guide Screen Elements Description Edit Surfing Time policy Policy name Displays policy name, modify if required Allows maximum of 60 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Displays allotted time in hours, minutes, modify if required Allotted time Or Unlimited time Session Pulse (in minutes) Allotted Days Or Unlimited Days Description Can be modified only if policy is not attached to any package Displays description of the policy, modify if required Update button Cancel button Allows maximum of 255 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Updates and saves the policy Cancels the current operation Can be modified only if policy is not attached to any package Displays session pulse Displays allotted days, modify if required Note Changes in surfing time policy come into effect dynamically Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 126 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Surfing time policy 24online User Guide Delete Surfing time policy Prerequisite • Not attached to any package • Delete right for Policy management, Surfing time policy Select Policy management → Surfing time policy → Manage to view list of policies Screen Elements Description Del Select the Surfing time policy for deletion Click Del to select Select All More than one policy can also be selected Select all the surfing time policies for deletion Delete policy button Click Select All to select all the policies Delete(s) the selected policy/policies Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 127 24online User Guide Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Access time policy Manage Access time policy Update Access time policy Need to update Access time Policy • Update details of the policy • Add/remove access time details • Add/remove Pricing Factor details Prerequisite • Update right for Policy management, Access time policy Select Policy management → Access time policy → Manage and click Policy name link to be updated Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 128 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Access time policy 24online User Guide Screen Elements Description Access Time Policy Details Name Displays policy name, modify if required Default Strategy Allows maximum of 60 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Displays the default strategy Description Update button Cancel button Manage Access time button Cannot be modified Displays description of the policy, modify if required Allows maximum of 255 characters Can be any combination of A – Z, a – z, ‘_’, 0 - 9 Updates and saves the policy Cancels the current operation Adds Access time details Click Manage Access time Delete Selected Access button Refer to Manage Access time for more details Deletes Access time details Refer to Delete Access time for more details Manage Access time Manage Access Time can be used to Allow, Disallow and define percentage wise Pricing Factor for the selected Weekday and Timings. Depending on the Default Access Policy selected, the administrator will be getting Allow, Disallow option in Access along with the Pricing Factor. Select the Pricing Factor option if you want to charge a different price for a specific Schedule and specify the Pricing Factor in percentage (%). Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 129 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Access time policy 24online User Guide Screen Elements Description Access time policy details Name of Access time Displays name of the Access time policy to which access time will be policy added Access Policy Displays access time policy description Description Weekday Modifies the access restriction for the particular weekday From Click Weekday to select Indicates the Starting Time from which the Access Policy details will be applicable. Till Click From list to select the Starting Time Indicates the Ending Time till which the Access Policy details will be applicable. Access (Allow/Disallow/Pricing Factor) Pricing Factor (%) Add Access policy button Cancel button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click To list to select the Ending Time Depending on the Default Access Time Policy selected, Allow/Disallow option will be shown. Select Pricing Factor option from Access if you want to specify a higher charge then normal or give discounts to users between selected timings. Pricing Factor (%) will be shown if Access type is selected as Pricing Factor. Specify the Pricing Factor in percentage (%) based on which the user will be accounted if Internet usage is done between the defined Schedule. Adds the details to the policy Cancels the current operation 130 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Access time policy 24online User Guide Delete Access time details Screen Elements Access time policy details Name of Access time policy Default strategy Access time policy description Del Description Displays name of the Access time policy from which Access details will be deleted Displays Default strategy of the policy Displays description of the policy Selects the restricted access time for deletion Click Del to select Select all More than one can also be deleted Selects all the restricted access time for deletion Delete Selected Access button Cancel button Click Select All to select all the restricted access time Delete the selected detail(s) Cancels the current operation Note Changes in Access time policy come into effect dynamically and apply to all the packages attached with policy Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 131 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Access time policy 24online User Guide Delete Access time policy Prerequisite • Not attached to any package • Delete right for Policy management, Access time policy Select Policy management → Access time policy → Manage to view the list of policies Screen Elements Description Del Selects the Access time policy for deletion Click Del to select Select All Delete Policy button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. More than one Access time policy can also be selected Selects all the Access time policies for deletion Click Select All to select all the policies Delete(s) the selected policy/policies 132 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Manage Bandwidth policy Update Bandwidth policy Need to update Bandwidth Policy • Update schedule based details of the policy • Add/remove IP addresses attached to the IP address based policy • Update bandwidth values Prerequisite • Not attached to any package • Update right for Policy management, Bandwidth policy Select Policy management → Bandwidth policy → Manage and click Policy name link to be updated Common Screen Elements Screen Elements Description Bandwidth restriction details Policy name Displays the Bandwidth policy name, modify if required Description Displays the Bandwidth policy description, modify if required Update button Updates and saves the policy Cancel button Cancels the current operation Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 133 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Update pool based bandwidth policy Screen Elements Description Bandwidth Restriction Details Show members link Opens a new browser window and displays bandwidth restriction details and the member pools of the policy Click Close to close the new window Policy based on Cannot be modified Client Side Bandwidth Displays client side bandwidth factor applied Factor Default values to be applied all the time Implementation on Cannot be modified Total Bandwidth Displays total bandwidth for the pool, modify if required Maximum bandwidth limit is 4096 kbps Note Changes in Pool based bandwidth policy come into effect only after restarting the Management services from Console. To restart Management server refer the Console Management Guide Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 134 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Update User based Bandwidth policy Screen Elements Bandwidth Restriction details Show members link Description Opens a new browser window and displays bandwidth restriction details, schedule details and the members/users of the policy Click Close to close the new window Policy based on Cannot be modified Client Side Bandwidth Factor Displays applied client side bandwidth factor Default values to be applied all the time Implementation on Cannot be modified Total Bandwidth Displays the total bandwidth value, modify if required Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 135 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Upload Bandwidth This option is available only when the bandwidth policy implementation is based on Total (Upstream + Downstream) Modifies the Upstream bandwidth value Download Bandwidth This option is available only when the bandwidth policy implementation is based on Individual(Upstream / Downstream) Modifies the Downstream bandwidth value This option is available only when the bandwidth policy implementation is based on Individual(Upstream / Downstream) Cannot be modified Updates the changes made in ‘Bandwidth restriction details’ and ‘Default values to be applied all the time’ Attaches schedule to override default bandwidth restriction. Policy type Update button Add details button Click Add details To add schedule details refer to Attaching Schedule based details Attaching Schedule based details Committed Screen Elements Description Bandwidth restriction details Policy Name Displays the policy name Policy Type Type of bandwidth restriction i.e. Strict or Committed. Select Strict Policy type if you want to restrict the bandwidth policy upto a specified limit. Select Committed to assign a Minimum Guaranteed Bandwidth and Maximum Burstable Bandwidth upto which the users can access if free unused bandwidth is available. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 136 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Implementation On (Total or Individual) Selecting Total Bandwidth will apply Bandwidth restrictions on Total Bandwidth (Upstream + Downstream). Guaranteed (Min) Bandwidth Burstable (Max) Bandwidth Schedule Select Individual Bandwidth if you want to apply bandwidth restriction on Upstream and Downstream Individually. Specifies the minimum Guaranteed Bandwidth, which will be available to the users to whom the Bandwidth policy is assigned Specifies the maximum Burstable Bandwidth up to which the users can access Bandwidth if free unused bandwidth is available Select the Schedule to be attached with the bandwidth policy. Bandwidth restrictions will be applied during the selected Schedule. Show details link Click Schedule list to select Opens the new browser window and displays the details of the schedule selected Click Close to close the new window Strict Screen Elements Description Bandwidth restriction details Policy name Displays the policy name Policy type Type of bandwidth restriction Implementation on Click Strict to apply strict policy Implements bandwidth restriction on Total or Upstream & downstream individually For Total Total Bandwidth - Allocates maximum amount of Total bandwidth, expressed in terms of kbps For Individual Upload Bandwidth - Allocates maximum amount of Upstream bandwidth, expressed in terms of kbps Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 137 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Total Bandwidth Schedule Show details link Download Bandwidth - Allocates maximum amount of Downstream bandwidth, expressed in terms of kbps Specify the Total Bandwidth in kbps Schedule to be attached Click Schedule list to select. Bandwidth restrictions will be applicable in the selected Schedule Opens the new browser window and displays the details of the schedule selected Click Close to close the new window Remove Schedule based details Screen Elements Description Select Selects the Schedule(s) detail for deletion Click Select to select Select All Remove Detail button Add Detail Elitecore Technologies Ltd. More than one schedule details can also be selected Selects all the details for deletion Click Select All to select all the details Removes the selected schedule(s) detail Used to add the Bandwidth details and override default bandwidth 138 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Update IP Address based bandwidth policy Screen Elements Description Bandwidth restriction details Policy name Policy based on Displays policy name, modify if required Displays policy based on Cannot be modified Client Side Bandwidth Factor Displays applied client side bandwidth factor Description Displays description of the policy, modify if required Default values to be applied all the time Implementation on Displays implementation type Total Bandwidth Upload bandwidth Download bandwidth Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Cannot be modified Only if Implemented on ‘Total’ Displays total bandwidth allocated, modify if required Only if Implemented on ‘Individual’ Displays Upload bandwidth allocated, modify if required Only if Implemented on ‘Individual’ 139 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Policy type Update button Cancel button Add Detail button Displays Upload bandwidth allocated, modify if required Cannot be modified Updates the changes made in ‘Bandwidth restriction details’ and ‘Default values to be applied all the time’ Cancels the current operation Attaches schedule to override default bandwidth restriction. The bandwidth restrictions will be applied if user is accessing Internet during the selected Schedule. Click Add details Add IP Address button To add details refer to Attaching Schedule based details Attach policy to IP Address Click Add IP Address Refer to Add IP Addresses to IP Address based bandwidth policy for more details Add IP Addresses to IP Address based policy Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 140 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Screen Elements Description Pool name Pool from which IP address is to be added Select Click Pool name list to select. Opens a new page and allows to select IP address(s) Selects the IP address(s) to be added to the policy Click Select to select Select All Apply Restriction button More than one IP address can also be selected Selects all the IP addresses Add the IP addresses to the policy Click Apply restriction Remove IP address from IP Address based policy Screen Elements Description Select Selects IP address to be removed Click Select to select Select All More than one IP address can also be selected Selects all IP addresses Remove IP Address button Click Select All to select all the IP addresses Removes the selected IP addresses Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 141 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Bandwidth policy 24online User Guide Note 1. Changes in User based and IP address based bandwidth policy come into effect dynamically 2. Changes in Pool based bandwidth policy come into effect only after restarting the Management services from Console. Refer to Console Management Guide to restart Management services from the Console Delete Bandwidth policy Prerequisite • Bandwidth policy not attached to any pool, package, user or IP address • Delete right for Policy management, Bandwidth policy Select Policy management → Bandwidth policy → Manage to view the list of policies Screen Elements Del Description Selects the Bandwidth policy for deletion Click Del to select Select All More than one policy can also be selected Selects all the polices for deletion Delete button Click Select All to select all the policies Delete(s) the selected policy/policies Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 142 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Pool 24online User Guide Manage Pool Search Node Use Search Node Tab to search node based on: IP address OR MAC address Prerequisite • Update right for User management, Pool management Select User management → Pool Management → Search Node Screen Elements Enter IP Address Search Node Button Example Search Criteria ‘1’ ‘192’ ‘ ‘ ‘b’ ‘4C’ ‘B7’ Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Description Specify the IP Address/MAC Address to be searched It will search and give list of IP Address or MAC Address matching the specified IP Address Result List of nodes whose address contains ‘1’ List of nodes whose address contains ‘192’ node whose address is ‘’ List of nodes whose address contains ‘B’ List of nodes whose address contains ‘4C’ List of nodes whose address contains ‘B7’ 143 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Pool 24online User Guide Update Pool Updation of pool is required to • • • • • Add a node Delete a node Search node Update Is Pool Public (Public or Private IP) Update Bandwidth Policy Prerequisite • Update right for User management, Pool management Select User management → Pool Management → Manage and click Pool name link to be updated Screen Elements Pool details Pool name Is Pool Public Bandwidth policy Show details link Description Show Nodes link Description Displays Pool name, modify if required Displays whether pool is of Public IP addresses or not Displays bandwidth policy attached, modify if required Opens the new browser window and displays bandwidth restriction details and policy members Displays description of the pool, modify if required Displays pool IP addresses. Allows to Add node, Delete node Click Show nodes Update button Cancel button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click Add Node To add node refer to Add node To delete node refer to Delete node Updates and saves the details Cancels the current 144 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Pool 24online User Guide Add Node Screen Elements Description Machine details IP Address Range link IP Address of the Node to be added to the pool Click to add range of IP Address Machine name Create button Cancel button From – To - IP addresses to be included in the pool Machine name for the IP addresses Adds the nodes to the pool Cancels the current operation Delete Node Screen Elements Description Select Select the IP address of the node for deletion Click Select to select Select All More than one node can also be selected Selects all the nodes for deletion Delete Node button Click Select All to select all the nodes Delete the selected Node(s) Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 145 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Pool 24online User Guide Update Bandwidth Policy Screen Elements Pool Details Pool Name Is Pool Public Bandwidth Policy Description Update Button Cancel button Description Displays pool name, modify if required Display whether pool IP Address(s) are public or private, modify if required Displays bandwidth assigned to the pool, modify if required Displays description, modify if required Click Update to save the modified details Cancels the current operation Note Do not forget to restart ‘Management Services’ from Console after changing Pool type i.e. Public or Private Pool. Changes in Pool Type will come into effect only after you restart Management service Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 146 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Pool 24online User Guide Delete Pool Prerequisite • Not connected to any IP address or User • Delete right for User management, Pool management Select User management → Pool Management → Manage to view the list of pools Screen Elements Del Description Select the Pool(s) for deletion Click Del to select Select All Delete Pool button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. More than one Pool can also be selected Select all the pools for deletion Click Select All to select all the pools for deletion Delete the selected pool(s) 147 24online User Guide Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Package Manage Package Update Package Updation of package is required to • • • • change the surfing time policy if package is not attached to any user change the access time & bandwidth policy package price add, delete & change renewal rules Prerequisite • Update right for Package management, Package Select Package management → Package → Manage and click Package name link to be updated Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 148 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Package 24online User Guide Screen Elements Description Package information Package name Show package members button Displays package name, modify if required Opens a new browser window and displays members of the package Connection Type Surfing time policy Click Close to close the new window Specifies the Connection Type based on which the Package is created Displays name of the currently attached Surfing time policy to the package To change Click Surfing time policy list to select Time allotted Expiry date Access time policy To view the details of the surfing time policy Click Show details Displays time allotted in Surfing time policy Displays Expiry date of Surfing time policy Displays name of the currently attached Access time policy to the package To change Click Access time policy list to select Bandwidth policy To view the details of the access time policy Click Show details Displays name of the currently attached Bandwidth policy to the package To change Click Bandwidth policy list to select Package price Update button Cancel button Renewal Rules Add Rule To view the details of the bandwidth policy Click Show details Displays package price, modify if required Updates the Package details Cancels the current operation Displays list of defined rules Allows to define a new rule Click to define Delete Refer to Define Renewal Rules for more details Allows to delete the rule Refer to Delete Renewal Rules for more details Note Access Time Policy do not apply in case of Leased Line Packages Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 149 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage Package 24online User Guide Delete Package Prerequisite • Not attached to any users • Delete right for Package management, Package Select Package management → Package → Manage to view the list of packages Screen Elements Description Del Select package(s) for deletion Click Del to select Select All More than one package can also be selected Selects all the packages Delete Package button Click Select All to select all the packages for deletion Delete the selected package(s) Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 150 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Manage User Search User Use Search User Tab to search the Walk-in Users Select User management → Walk-In Users → Search Screen Elements Description Search User Enter Username OR Customer name OR IP address OR Mac address Search User button Search criteria Search user based on the above criteria Click to search Search User on remaining usage base Enter remaining usage in percentage Percentage Search User button Search user based on the percentage criteria Click to search Search criteria Result ‘Mark’ ‘M’ ‘ ‘ Details of the user ‘MARK’ List of Users starting with ‘M’ Details of the User whose address is ‘’ List of Users whose address starts with ‘102’ ‘102’ Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 151 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Live Users Live users report gives the details of all the users currently accessing Internet through 24online. Administrator can Send Message to Live Users, Disconnect the Live Users and view Total Upload and Total Download Data Transfer of all Live Users. Prerequisite • Update right for User Management, Live Users Select User Management → Live Users → Live Users Screen Elements Description User name Name with which user has logged in Name Connected from Public IP Start time Time Upload Data transfer Download Data transfer Bandwidth Select Click User name link to View/Update user details Customer name IP address of the machine from which user has logged in Public IP address if User has logged in using Public IP Login time Time used in hours and minutes Data uploaded Data downloaded Average bandwidth (Upload + Download) used in last 5 minutes Select User for sending message or disconnecting Click Select to select Send Message button Disconnect button Total Elitecore Technologies Ltd. More than one User can be selected Send message to the selected Live User(s) Disconnect selected Live User(s) Shows the Total Upload Data Transfer and Total Download Data Transfer 152 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Update User Need to update user • • • • • • • • Change personal details and/or Password Change package and policies Change login restriction Bind MAC Address with IP Address Reset MAC Address Deactivate and Delete Users Renew User View User’s My Account Prerequisite • Update right for User management, Manage Users Select User management → Manage Users → Manage Active and click User name link to be updated Common Screen Elements Screen Elements Description Update button Cancel button Show details link Updates the policy Cancels the current operation Displays the details of the respective policy type and selection Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 153 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Screen Elements Description Personal Information Username Edit Personal Details/Change Password Button Customer Name Birth Date Email Specifies the Username of the respective User Used to change Password, User type and Personal Details of the respective User Shows the Name of the respective Customer Birth date of customer Email Id of Customer Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 154 24online User Guide User type Customer Id Policy Information Package Change Package Time Allotted to User (HH:mm) User Expiry Date Time Used by User Access Time Policy Bandwidth Policy Login Restrictions Allowed Login from Selected Node(s) Change/View login restriction Bind to MAC MAC Invoice Information Generate Invoice Save Renew User User My Account Cancel Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User Shows the user type i.e. user, operator, manager, administrator, and leased line user. Unique Customer ID of the user Shows the Package name assigned to the user Used to change the User’s Package Specifies the Time allotted to user based on the surfing time policy Date on which the user’s Policy will expire Specifies the time already used by the user Shows the name of the Access Time Policy assigned to the user. Access Time Policy can be change The bandwidth policy assigned to the user. Specifies whether user is allowed to log on from selected nodes or from all the nodes Use to change the log on restriction of the user Used to select whether MAC Address will be used for authentication. As a result when user logs on for the first time, the MAC Address is stored and used for authentication the next time user logs on. Specifies the MAC Address of the machine from where the user can log on. In case of Lease line user MAC Address is specified manually. Select the checkbox to Generate Invoice for Prepaid Packages. Used to save the Information of the user Renews the user Administrator can log on to User’s My Account by clicking on this button Cancels the operation 155 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Change User personal details Screen Elements Description Personal information User name Customer name New Password Re-enter New Password Displays User name Displays Customer name Type the new password Re-enter new password Birth date Email User Type Contact information Address1, Address2, City, State Zip, Phone number User name Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Should be same as New password Modifies date of birth Modifies Email address Displays the User Type. The User Type of users can be changed except for Leased Line User. Administrator User Type can be changed by other users with Administrator Access Rights. Contact address and phone number This field cannot be modified 156 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Change package Screen Elements Description Policy Information Change Package button Select Done button Apply changes button Click to modify the package Select package Attaches selected package Applies the changes done as follows: Time allotted to user, User Expiry date, Access policy, Bandwidth policy. Resets used hours to zero Resets allotted time and Expiry date as per the newly attached package Change Individual Policy Screen Elements Description Policy Information Access time policy Assigns Access time policy To override the access time policy defined in the package and assign another policy – Click Access Time Policy list to select Bandwidth policy Bandwidth policy Assigns Bandwidth policy Save To override the bandwidth policy defined in the package and assign another policy -Click Bandwidth policy list to select Saves the changes Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 157 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Change login restriction of the user Screen Elements Login restriction Change/view login restriction button Allowed login from all the nodes Allowed login from selected node(s) Save button Cancel button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Description Click to change the login restriction Allows user to login from all the nodes Allows user to login from the selected nodes only To select node Click Select node Select a Pool from the Pool name list Click Select to select the IP addresses to be added to the policy Click Select All to select all IP addresses Click Apply Restriction to add the IP addresses to the policy Click Close to cancel the operation Saves the above selection Cancel the current operation 158 24online User Guide Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User Renew user Renew user if surfing hours exhausts or policy expires. According to the Grace Days specified in Parameters, the user is assigned additional grace days even after expiry date within which if Package is renewed then remaining hours are carried forward. If the User renews after the Grace days, then the subscription/package expires. As a result, 4. User is de-activated 5. Any unused resources are not carry forwarded If the User renews before the expiry or within the Grace days specified then 1. User is activated automatically 2. Remaining hours are carried forward 3. New Expiry date is extended by subscription days and calculated as New Expiry date = Current/Renewal date + subscription days E.g. Subscription - 30 days package Expiry date – June -15 Grace Days – 10 Renewal date – June-15 New Expiry date – 30 days from June-15 i.e. July-15 4. Any Remaining hours are carried forward if renewal is done before expiry date or withing grace days and calculated as New Total hours = Total hours of the new package + Remaining hours at the time of renewal (if any) E.g. Subscription - 30 days 50 hours package Expiry date – June-15 Renewal date – June-20 Grace Days – 10 Used hours – 40 Remaining hours at the time of renewal – 10 hours New Expiry date – 30 days from 20-June i.e. July-20 Total hours – 50 + 10 (unused) = 60 hours New used hours – 0 hours Note Remaining hours are carried forward if renewal is done before expiry date or within the specified Grace days Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 159 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Select User management → Manage Users → Manage Active and click User name to be renewed Screen Elements Description Policy information Package Change package button Displays the Package attached Change the attached package Time allotted to User To change package, refer to Change package Displays Total time allotted to User in hours and minutes User Expiry date Change if required Displays Expiry date of the Package Time used by User Click Popup Calendar to change Used hours in hours and minutes Access time policy Cannot be modified Displays the Access time policy attached to the package Show details link Login restriction Change/view login restriction button To override the access time policy defined in the package and assign another policy – Click Access policy list to select Shows the details of the access time policy selected Click to view/change the login restriction To change the login restriction, refer to Change login restriction of the user Bandwidth policy Bandwidth policy Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Displays Bandwidth policy attached to the package 160 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Show details link Invoice Information Generate Invoice To override the bandwidth policy defined in the package and assign another policy -Click Bandwidth policy list to select Shows the details of the bandwidth policy selected Generates Invoice Save button Click to generate Saves the user details Renew User button Click Save Renews User User My Account button Cancel button Click Renew user Displays the User Account details To view the user details, refer to User My Account Cancels the current operation Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 161 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Deactivate User If account is not renewed and package expiries, User is de-activated automatically. In case, need arises to deactivate user manually, select User management → Manage Users → Manage Active. Screen Elements Description Select Select User Click Select to select Select All More than one User can be selected Selects all the users Deactivate button Click Select All to select Deactivates the selected User(s) View the list of deactivated users by User management → Manage Users → Manage Deactive Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 162 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Activate User To activate user, click User management → Manage Users → Manage Deactive Screen Elements Description Select Select User Click Activate to select Select All More than one User can be selected Selects all the users Activate button Click Select All to select Activates the selected user(s) To check, view the list of activated users by User management → Manage Users → Manage active Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 163 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Delete User Prerequisite • Delete right for User management, Manage Users User can be deleted from Active list as well as from Deactive list To delete from Active list - User management → Manage Users → Manage Active To delete from Deactive list - User management → Manage Users → Manage Deactive Screen Elements Description Select Select the user Click Select to select Select All More than one User can be selected Selects all the users Delete User button Click Select All to select Deletes the selected user(s) Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 164 24online User Guide Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User Update Bind to MAC Prerequisite • Update right for User management Manage Users 24online provides powerful features using which you can strengthen log on restrictions of users. Bind to MAC feature is used if Administrator wants to authenticate the MAC Address of the user along with username and IP Address. If Bind to MAC is enabled then user will not be able to log on from Machine other than the one whose MAC Address is bind. To Bind MAC Address and authenticate it, select Bind to MAC checkbox of respective user and click on Update Bind to MAC Button. Disable Bind to MAC checkbox and click on Update Bind to MAC button if you do not want to authenticate the MAC Address. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 165 24online User Guide Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User Reset MAC Prerequisite • Update right for User management Manage Users MAC Address is a unique hardware address that uniquely identifies each node of a network. If Bind to MAC Address is enabled for a user, MAC Address along with username, password and IP Address is authenticated when user logs on to 24online Client. If NIC Card of user is changed, then MAC Address will be changed and hence user cannot log on. Using Reset MAC functionality the MAC Address of selected user is set to null. Hence when user logs on next time, the new MAC Address of user is stored in 24online server and used for future authentication. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 166 24online User Guide Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User User My Account Prerequisite • Update right for User management Manage Users. 24online provides Administrator, equivalent view to User’s My Account. Click on User My Account Button to automatically log on to My Account site of respective user. Administrator can use My Account and view Internet usage done by a user for a particular Month, Bandwidth Usage done by a user daily, weekly, monthly and yearly, view Invoices, and change user’s password and personal details. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 167 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide My Account Page Upon clicking on User My Account Button the user will directly log on to My Account Page of the user and following screen will be shown. Screen Elements Description Personal Client Used to change Password and Personal Details of the user Use to download Windows Client, HTTP Client and Linux Client. You can also launch HTTP Client and log on using the username and password. Administrator can use Account Status to view Package assigned to user, Time allotted to user, User expire date, and Internet usage Information for the selected month (January to December) and Year. Allows user to view the renewal history Shows the Invoices generated for the respective user. Administrator can view the Bandwidth usage report for the selected duration i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly. Used to exit from My Account Account Status Renewal Invoice Bandwidth Usage Log out Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 168 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Account Status Administrator can use Account status to view the Policy Information, Data Transfer done after last renewal or registration and Internet Usage Information for the selected Month and Year. Screen Elements Description Policy information Username Registration date Last Renewal date Package Displays the username used by user to log on Displays registration date Displays last renewal date Specifies the Package name assigned to the user Package Expiry date Usage Information Time To change package, refer to Change package Displays Expiry date of the Package Displays Allotted time, Used time by user and remaining time in hours and minutes Upload Data Transfer Displays Allotted, Used and remaining Upload Data Transfer Download Data Displays Allotted, Used and remaining download Data Transfer Transfer Total Data Transfer Displays Allotted, Used and remaining total Data Transfer Get Internet usage Information for month Get Internet usage Shows the Internet usage done by user for the selected month Information for month and Year Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 169 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Renewal User can view the renewal history of his/her account. It displays how many times his account is renewed, renewal date and package details. Invoice Invoice module show the list of Invoices generated for the respective User. Screen Elements Invoice Details Invoice ID Invoice Date Amount Details Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Description Displays the Invoice ID of Invoice generated for the user. Clicking on Invoice ID link will open the Invoice in another window. Shows the date on which the Invoice was generated Specifies the Invoiced Amount Used to view the details 170 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Personal It is used to change the password of the user and Personal Details. Change Password Screen Elements Change Password UserName Current Password New Password Re-enter NewPassword Update Button Description Username used by user to log on Enter the current password used by user to log on Specify the New Password that you want to assign to user to log on Re enter the New Password Updates the Password Personal Detail Screen Elements Description Personal Information UserName Username used by user to log on User Name Birth Date Email Update Button It cannot be modified Shows the Customer Name Shows the Birth Date of the user Email ID of the user Updates the Personal Detail Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 171 Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 24online User Guide Client Client Module is mainly used by users to download 24online Client. You can download 24online Client for Windows Operating System, Linux Operating System, Download HTTP Client and even launch the HTTP Client. Screen Elements Client Type Windows HTTP Click to launch browser based HTTP 24online Client and log on to 24online Server without downloading it Linux Description Click Download to download Windows client Click Download to download Browser based HTTP Client Click Download to download Linux client Bandwidth Usage Administrator can use Bandwidth Usage Reports and view the Total Data Transfer and Composite Data Transfer (Bits/second) done by the user for various Time Intervals (Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly). Daily Bandwidth Usage The following graph shows Daily Bandwidth Usage done by the respective user. It shows the Total Data Transfer (Upload + Download) Bits/Second with respect to Hours given on X-Axis. For Daily Bandwidth Usage it plots the graph at the average of 5 minutes. Composite Data Transfer Graph describes Upstream and Downstream graph separately. Composite Graph uses different colors and shows separately the Upstream and Downstream taking place. Graph with blue lines shows downstream traffic and graph plotted with orange line shows upstream traffic. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 172 24online User Guide Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User 173 24online User Guide Managing and Monitoring Customer Base Manage User Yesterday’s Bandwidth Usage The following graph shows Yesterday’s Bandwidth Usage done by the respective user. It shows the Total Data Transfer (Upload + Download) Bits/Second with respect to Hours given on X-Axis. For Yesterday Bandwidth Usage it plots the graph at the average of 5 minutes. Composite Data Transfer Graph describes Upstream and Downstream graph separately. Composite Graph uses different colors and shows separately the Upstream and Downstream taking place. Graph with blue lines shows downstream traffic and graph plotted with orange line shows upstream traffic. Similarly you can view Bandwidth Usage for Weekly, Monthly and Yearly duration. Note For Daily or Yesterday Graph, details are plot at the average of 5 minutes For Weekly Graph, details are plot at the average of 15 minutes For Monthly Graph, details are plot at the average of 6 Hours For Yearly Graph, details are plot at the average of 1 Day Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 174 Reports Significance of Reports • • • • • Reports SECTION 24online User Guide 6 Reports provide you the means to view, and analyze the details generated in 24online Numeric and Graphical representation of details help Administrator to easily compare the details. Reports are also useful for cross verifying the details generated and can also be used while providing support and for troubleshooting. Reports are highly useful in viewing details generated in the System from time to time for various entities like users, Package, Pool, Bandwidth, etc. Reports facilitate Administrator to generate a Print out or save reports in CSV (comma-separated values) format. Reports are broadly grouped into 1. Web surfing reports 2. Internet usage reports 3. MIS reports 4. Cache reports Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 183 24online User Guide Reports Upon clicking on Reports link, the following Reports screen will be shown. For selecting the report period, Calendar is used Click Month list box < > << >> Today To select Month the previous month the next month the previous year the next year Today’s date Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 184 24online User Guide Reports Common Screen Elements Screen Elements Description Export as CSV Export report in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format Click Export as CSV Follow the screen instruction and select the appropriate action. Printable format Open will open the file Save will save the file for later use Prints the report Follow the screen instruction and select the appropriate action. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 185 24online User Guide Reports Web Surfing - Organization wise reports Web Surfing reports Web Surfing Reports is mainly used to view details about the sites visited by users Organization wise, Pacakge wise and User wise. In general Web Surfing Reports provide details for Top Sites visited, Top Sites for which maximum data transfer is done, Top contents Hit wise and Top users and Packages from where maximum data transfer is done. It also provides details about Malicious Traffic for which request was sent. Based on specific set of requirement, Administrator can search for reports. Administrator can also view Package wise and User wise, Number of requests made, Total Data transfer performed, Content type wise number of requests made and total data transfer performed. Administrator can view the reports based on the Report Format selected i.e. Tabular Format, Graphical Format, Printable and CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. Web Surfing - Organization wise reports Note Web surfing reports are generated only if cache engine is enabled or running as Proxy Server Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 186 Reports Web Surfing - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide Screen elements Description Start Date End Date Report Format Starting Date from which details generated will be shown Ending Date till which Report details will be shown. Used to select the format based on which the report details will be plotted. Tabular Format will show the details in a table format. Graph report format will show the details using bar graphs. Today’s Report Top 10 Sites - Visit report Top 10 Sites - Data transfer report Top 10 Content types - Visit wise Top 10 Content types - Data transfer report General Statistics (Sites and Hits) HTTP Malicious Traffic Log Print report format is used if you want to take a print out of report details. CSV format is used to save the details in csv format. Shows the details generated on the date on which you are viewing the report. Today’s Report selection will override the dates selected. Displays top ten sites requested/visited For details refer to Top 10 sites - Request report Displays top ten sites from which maximum data transfer was requested For details refer to Top 10 sites – Data transfer wise report Displays top ten content types visited For details refer to Top 10 Content types - Request report Displays top ten content types-data transfer requests For details refer to Top 10 Content types - Data transfer wise report Shows the number of requests received for the Month in which date is selected and Weekday/Weekend when the request was received. 24online protects the subscribers by preventing harmful viruses matching the pre defined web categroy. This report shows the Date, Client IP from where request was made, URL, Web Category and Pattern of HTTP Malicious Traffic defined using Cache Management. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 187 Reports Web Surfing - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide Top 10 sites – Visit report (Today’s Report) Tabular Report Format Report columns Description Report title Report date Site name link Top 10 sites Visited– Request report Report duration Sites visited Number of requests Click Site name to view Site wise - User wise Request report Number of times the site was visited Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 188 24online User Guide Reports Web Surfing - Organization wise reports Graphical Report Format Graphical Report Format plots a Bar Graph for Top Sites visited by users. The Y Axis shows the number of requests made and X Axis shows the Site names visited by users. Graphical report format is useful if you want to compare the details. The sites visited by users are shows in different colors. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 189 24online User Guide Reports Web Surfing - Organization wise reports Printable Report Format Select Report format as Printable if you want to take print out of a particular report. Upon selecting Printable Format option the following page will be shown. Click on icon in order to take the print out. CSV Report Format Select CSV Report Format if you want to save report details and send it in excel format. You can also click on icon if you want to save the report details in csv format. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 190 Reports Web Surfing - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide Top 10 sites - Data transfer wise report Report columns Description Report title Report date Site name link Top 10 sites - Data transfer wise Report duration Site from which data was transferred Data transfer Click Site name to view Site wise - User wise Data transfer report Total data transferred from the site Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 191 Reports Web Surfing - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide Top 10 Content types - Request report Report columns Description Report title Report date Content-type link Top 10 Content type - Request report Report duration Requested Content-types Number of requests Show all button Click Content type to view Content type wise - User wise Request report Number of times content-type was requested Displays all the content-types requested Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 192 Reports Web Surfing - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide Top 10 Content types - Data transfer report Report columns Description Report title Report date Content-type link Top 10 Content types - Data transfer wise report Report duration Top 10 Content-types requested for data transfer Requested data Show all button Click Content type to view Content type wise - User wise Data transfer report Total data transferred Displays all the requested Content-types for data transfer Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 193 Reports Web Surfing - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide General Statistics (Hits and Site Statistics Report) Report columns Description Report title Report date Month No of Requests Hits and Site Statistics Report Report duration Shows the Month as per the date selected Specifies Number of requests received for the respective Month Displays whether requests were received on Weekday/Weekend Weekday/Weekend Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 194 Reports Web Surfing - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide HTTP Malicious Traffic Log Report columns Description Report title Report date Date Malicious HTTP Traffic Generation Report Report duration Shows the Date on which Malicious Traffic was detected by 24online Specifies Client IP from where request was sent and due to which the Malicious Traffic was received Shows the URL of the Malicious Traffic Web Category created using Cache Management for Malicious Traffic Shows the pattern of HTTP Malicious Traffic Client IP URL Webcategory Pattern Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 195 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide Web Surfing - Package wise reports Reports Description Site Visit report Displays total requests placed by all the Users defined under the package HTTP Data transfer report For details refer to Package wise - Requests report Displays total data transferred by all the Users defined under the package HTTP hits by content report For details refer to Package wise - Data Transfer report Displays Content type wise total requests placed by all the Users defined under the package HTTP data transfer by Content report For details refer to HTTP Requests – Content type wise report Displays Content type wise total data transferred by all the Users defined under the package For details refer to HTTP Data transfer – Content type wise report Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 196 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise - Requests report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name Package wise Request report Report duration Package name Click Package Name to change the display order Total requests Show all button Click Package name to view Package wise - User wise Request report Total request placed by all the Users defined under the package Displays all the packages Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 197 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise - User wise Request report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name User name Package wise Request report Report duration Package name Users defined under the package Click User Name to change the display order Total requests Click User name to view User wise – Site wise Request report Click Total requests to change the display order Show all button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Total request placed by the User Displays all the Users of the package 198 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise - Data Transfer report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name Package wise - Data transfer report Report duration Package name Click Package Name to change the display order Data transfer Click Package name to view Package wise – User wise Data transfer report Total data transferred by all the Users defined under the package Click Data transfer to change the display order Show all button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Displays all the packages 199 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise – Users for a Group (By Data Transfer) Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name User name Package wise – User wise Data transfer report Report duration Package name Users defined under the package Click User Name to change the display order Data transfer Click User name to view Sites for a User (By Data Transfer) User wise – Site wise Data transfer report Total data transferred by the User Click Data transfer to change the display order Show all button Displays all the Users of the package Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 200 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide HTTP Requests – Content type wise report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name Package wise Request report Report duration Package name Click Package Name to change the display order Total requests Show all button Click Package name to view Package wise - User wise Content type Request report Total request placed by all the users defined under the package Displays all the packages Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 201 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise - User wise Content type Request report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name User name Package wise – User wise Content type Request report Report duration Package name Users defined under the package Click User Name to change the display order Total requests Click User name to view User wise – Content type Request report Total request placed by the User Click Total requests to change the display order Show all button Displays all the packages Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 202 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide HTTP Data transfer – Content type wise report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name Package wise - Content type Data transfer report Report duration Package name Click Package Name to change the display order Data transfer Click Package name to view Package wise – User wise Content type Data transfer report Total data transferred by all the Users defined under the package Click Data transfer to change the display order Show all button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Displays all the packages 203 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise – User wise Content type Data transfer report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name User name Package wise – User wise Request report Report duration Package name Users defined under the package Click User Name to change the display order Data transfer Click User name to view User wise – Content type Data transfer report Total data transferred the User Click Data transfer to change the display order Show all button Displays all the packages Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 204 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide Web Surfing – User wise reports Screen Elements Description Sites Visit report Displays Sites requested HTTP Data transfer report For details refer to User wise Request report Displays User names who have requested data transfer HTTP Content type Requests report HTTP Content type Data transfer report For details refer to HTTP Data transfer report Displays User names who have requested content types For details refer to HTTP Content type - Requests report Displays Content types-data transfer requests For details refer to HTTP Content type - Data transfer wise report Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 205 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide User wise Request report Report columns Description Report title Report date User name link User wise Request report Report duration User name Number of requests Show all button Click User name to display User wise – Site wise Request report Number of times the Request was placed by the User Displays all the Users Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 206 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide User wise – Site wise Request report Report columns Description Report title Report date User name Site name User wise - Site wise Request report Report duration User name Site Requested/visited Number of requests Number of times the Site was requested/visited Click to change the display order Click Number of requests to view User wise - Site wise Request Summary report Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 207 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide URL Detail Report (By Number of Requests) Report columns Description Report title URL Detail Report - By number of requests Report duration Shows the URL visited by user during selected duration Date and Time when the URL was visited Shows the number of requests for the respective URL Report date URL Date No of Requests Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 208 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide HTTP Data transfer report Report columns Description Report title Report date User name link User wise Data transfer report Report duration User name Data transfer Show all button Click User name to view User wise - Site wise Data transfer report Total data transferred by the User Displays all the User Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 209 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide Sites for a User (By Data Transfer) Report columns Description Report title Report date Site name Data transfer User wise – Site wise Data transfer report Report duration Site from which data was transferred Total data transferred from the site by the User Show all button Click Data transfer to view User wise - Site wise Data transfer Summary report Displays all the User Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 210 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide URL Detail Report (By Data Transfer) Report columns Description Report title Report date URL Path Date URL Detail Report (By Data Transfer) Report duration URL path Time and Date on which data was transferred Click to change the display order Data transfer Total data transferred Click to change the display order Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 211 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide HTTP Content type Requests report Report columns Description Report title Report date User name link Top Users (HTTP Hits by Content) Report duration User name Click to change the display order Click User name to display User wise – Content type Request report Number of times the content type was requested Number of requests Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 212 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide User wise – Content type Request report Report columns Description Report title Report date Content type User wise - Content type Request for a User Report duration Requested Content type Click to change the display order Number of requests Number of times the Content type was requested Click to change the display order Click Number of requests to display User wise – Content type Requests Detail report Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 213 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide User wise – Content type Requests Detail Report Report columns Description Report title Report date URL Path User wise – Content type Requests Detail report Report duration URL Path Click to change the display order Date Time and Date of Request Click to change the display order Hits Number of requests Click to change the display order Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 214 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide HTTP Content type - Data transfer wise report Report columns Description Report title Report date User name link Top Users (HTTP Content type Data Transfer wise Report) Report duration User name Click to change the display order Data transfer Click User name to view User wise - Content type Data transfer report Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Total data transferred by the User 215 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide User wise - Content type Data transfer report Report columns Description Report title Report date Content type User wise – Content type for a User Report duration Content type requested for data transfer Click to change the display order Data transfer Total data transferred by the User Click to change the display order Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click Data transfer to view User wise – Content type Data transfer Summary report 216 Reports Web Surfing – User wise reports 24online User Guide User wise – Content type Detail Report (By Data Transfer) Report columns Description Report title Report date Content type URL Path User wise – Content type Data transfer Summary report Report duration Requested Content type Data requested Click to change the display order Date Time and Date of transfer Click to change the display order Data transfer Total data transferred Click to change the display order Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 217 Web surfing reports Search 24online User Guide Search 24online facilitates user to search for reports based on the given filter criteria. Search functionality enables the user to view required Web Surfing Reports as per the search criteria specified. Summary or Details of Web Surfing Report will be provided as per the Search Type selected. Screen elements Description Start Date and Time End Date and Time Search Type (Summary or Detail) Select the Start Date and Time for report Select the End Date and Time for report Based on search type selected, Web Surfing Reports Summary or Details will be shown. If Search type is selected as Detail, then it is compulsory to specify the Data i.e. username, package or site name for which you want to search. If summary is selected then there is no need to specify the username or package. You can search Web Surfing Reports based either on Username or on Package. Specify the username for which you want to view Web Surfing Reports. If Search type is selected as Detail then it is compulsory to specify the username. Specify the Package name for which you want to view Web Surfing Reports. If Search type is selected as Detail then it is compulsory to specify the package name. Name of the site for which you want to view Web Surfing Report details. Searches for Web Surfing reports based on the search criteria specified. Search For (Username or Package) User name Package name Site name Search Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 218 Web surfing reports Search 24online User Guide Web Surfing Reports (Summary) Report columns Description Report title Report date Username Search Result Report duration Username of the user who viewed the respective site, performed number of successful hits and the Data Transfer Site name viewed by the user The retrieval of any item, like a page or a graphic, from a Web Server is called a Hit. Site Name Hits Data Transfer Show All Elitecore Technologies Ltd. It shows the number of successful hits made by the user for the respective site. Shows the Data Transfer done by the user for the respective site Shows the next 50 Web Surfing Reports 219 Web surfing reports Search 24online User Guide Web Surfing Reports (Detail) Report columns Description Report title Report date Group Name Search Result Report duration Shows the Package name for which Administrator wanted to view the Web Surfing Reports. Site name surfed by the user to whom the respective Package was allocated Shows the complete path of the site surfed by the user Time at which the request was sent by the user The retrieval of any item, like a page or a graphic, from a Web Server is called a Hit. Site Name Path Time Hits Data Transfer Elitecore Technologies Ltd. It shows the number of successful hits made by the user for the respective site. Shows the Data Transfer done by the user for the respective site 220 Reports Internet usage - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide Internet Usage reports Internet usage report is the comprehensive analysis of Internet usage by all the users. It gives the details of all the data transfer activities carried out by every user. With details based on Data transfer and sites visited Administrator can keep track of what is coming in and going out on Internet. Internet Usage Reports gives details based on Organization, Package or User. Generate Report is used to view report of session between the selected dates. Using Search, you can search for Internet Usage reports based on the specified search criteria. Internet usage - Organization wise reports Screen Elements Description Date wise usage report Displays date wise Internet usage report Top 10 Users by Data transfer wise For detail refer to Date wise report Displays top 10 users who have requested maximum data transfer Top 10 Users Surfing time Users For details refer to Top 10 Users - Data transfer wise report Displays top ten Users who had used maximum surfing time during the specified period. It displays total surfing time of individual Users Top 10 Packages by Data transfer For details refer to Top 10 Users - Surfing time wise report Displays top ten packages from which maximum data transfer was done Top 10 Surfing time Groups For details refer to Top 10 Packages - Data transfer wise report Displays top ten packages which had used maximum of surfing time Summary of Activity (User Session) For details refer to Top 10 Packages - Surfing time wise report Shows the Total number of User Sessions between the selected Time Interval and Average number of User Sessions per day. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 221 Reports Internet usage - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide It also shows the Average number of Distinct Users on Weekdays and Average number of Distinct users on Weekends for the Month in which the date interval is selected. Date wise usage report Report columns Description Report title Report date Date Internet Usage Report Report duration Date Click to change the display order Data transfer Click to change the display order Used Time Click to change the display order Effective Used Time Total data transferred on the particular date, represented in MegaBytes(MB) Total time used on the particular date, represented in Hours :Minutes Billing is done based on effective used time. Effective time used = Used Time – Discounted Hours Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 222 Reports Internet usage - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide Top 10 Users - Data transfer wise report Report columns Description Report title Report date User name link Top 10 Users - Data transfer wise Report duration Top 10 Users who had requested maximum data transfer Data download Data Upload Data transferred Percentage of total usage Show All button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click User name to display User wise – Date wise Data Transfer report Data downloaded by the User Data uploaded by the User Total data transferred by the User Percentage used from total usage Displays the next 50 Users who have performed data transfer operation during the specified period (report duration) 223 Reports Internet usage - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide Top 10 Users - Surfing time wise report Report columns Description Report title Report date User name link Top 10 Users - Surfing time wise Report duration Top 10 users who had used maximum surfing time during the specified period Displays total surfing time used by the individual users Used Time (Hours : Minutes) Effective time used Show All button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click User name to display User wise - Date wise Surfing time report Total time used by the User, represented in Hours & minutes Effective time used Displays all the Users who have accessed during the specified period (report duration) 224 Reports Internet usage - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide Top 10 Packages - Data transfer wise report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name link Top 10 Packages - Data transfer wise Report duration Package name Data download Data Upload Data transferred Percentage of total usage Show All button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click Package name to display Package wise - User wise Data transfer report Total Data downloaded by all the Users defined under the Package Total Data uploaded by all the Users defined under the Package Total data transferred by all the Users defined under the Package Percentage used from total usage Displays all the Packages 225 Reports Internet usage - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide Top 10 Packages - Surfing time wise report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name link Top 10 Packages - Surfing time wise Report duration Top 10 packages from which maximum surfing time was requested Displays total surfing time used by the individual users Time Usage (Hours : Minutes) Show All button Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Click User name to display Package wise - User wise Surfing time report Total time used by all the Users defined under the package, represented in Hours & minutes Displays all the Packages 226 Reports Internet usage - Organization wise reports 24online User Guide Summary of Activity (User Sessions) Report columns Description Report title User and User Session Report User Sessions During (selected duration) Total number of User Sessions Shows the total number of User Sessions that have taken place between the selected duration Average Number of User Specifies the Average number of User Sessions per day Sessions per Day between the selected duration Users for (Month in which date is selected) Average Number of Distinct Shows the average number of Distinct users on Weekdays Users on Weekdays for the month in which the date is selected Average Number of Distinct Shows the average number of Distinct users on Weekends Users on Weekends for the month in which the date is selected Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 227 Reports Internet Usage – Package wise reports 24online User Guide Internet usage – Package wise reports Report Description Data transfer report Displays Package wise data transfer details Surfing time report For detail refer to Package wise Data transfer report Displays Package wise surfing time used Usage report Exclusive report For details refer to Package wise Surfing time report Displays Package wise Data transfer details along with Used time For details refer to Package wise Composite report Displays package wise data transfer For details refer to Package wise Exclusive report Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 228 Reports Internet Usage – Package wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise Data transfer report Report columns Description Report title Report date Packagename ‘Package wise Data transfer Report’ Report duration Package name Click to change the display order Click Package name link to view Package wise – User wise Data transfer report Data Downloaded by all the Users defined under the selected package Data download Click to change the display order Data Upload Click to change the display order Data transfer Click to change the display order Percentage Use Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Data uploaded by all the Users defined under the selected package Total data transferred (Uploaded + Downloaded) by all the Users defined under the selected package Bandwidth Used in % out of the total bandwidth usage 229 Reports Internet Usage – Package wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise – User wise Data transfer report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name User name Package wise - User wise Data transfer Report Report duration Package name User name of the respective user Click Username to change the display order Data download Click User name link to view User wise – Date wise Data transfer report Data Downloaded by the User Click Data Download to change the display order Data Upload Data uploaded by the User Click Data Upload to change the display order Data transfer Click Data transfer to change the display order Percentage of Total usage Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Total data transferred (Uploaded + Downloaded) by the User Percentage used from total usage 230 Reports Internet Usage – Package wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise Surfing time report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name link Package wise Surfing time report Report duration Package name Click Package Name to change the display order Time Used (Hours : Minutes) Click Package name to display Package wise - User wise Surfing time report Total time used by the all the Users defined under the package, represented in Hours & minutes Click Time Used to change the display order Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 231 Reports Internet Usage – Package wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise - User wise Surfing time report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name User Name Package wise - User wise Surfing time report Report duration Package name User name Click User name to change the display order Time Used (Hours : Minutes) Click User name to view User wise - Date wise Surfing time report Total time used by the User, represented in Hours & minutes Click Time Used to change the display order Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 232 Reports Internet Usage – Package wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise Composite Report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name Data Download Composite report Report duration Package name Total data downloaded Click to change the display order Data Upload Click User name to view User wise - Date wise Surfing time report Total data uploaded Click to change the display order Data transfer Total data transferred Click to change the display order Used Time (Hours : Minutes) Click to change the display order Effective Used Time Total time used by the User, represented in Hours & minutes Total effective used time Click to change the display order Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 233 Reports Internet Usage – Package wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise Exclusive report Report columns Description Report title Report date Package name Package wise Data transfer Report Report duration Package name Data download Click Package name link to view Package wise – User wise Summary report Data Downloaded by all the Users defined under the selected package Data Upload Data uploaded by all the Users defined under the selected package Data transfer Total data transferred (Uploaded + Downloaded) by all the Users defined under the selected package Click Data transfer to change the display order Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 234 Reports Internet Usage – Package wise reports 24online User Guide Package wise – User wise Summary report Report columns Description Report title Report date User name Date Start time Stop time Used time IP Address Data download Data Upload Data transfer Package wise User wise Data transfer Report Report duration User name Session date Session start time Session stop time Total Session time IP address from where User had logged on Data Downloaded by the User Data uploaded by the User Total data transferred (Uploaded + Downloaded) by the User Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 235 Reports Internet Usage – User wise Reports 24online User Guide Internet usage – User wise reports Screen Elements Description Data transfer report Displays details of Data transfer Surfing time report For detail refer to User wise Data transfer report Displays details of Surfing time used by Users Usage report For details refer to User wise Surfing time report Displays details of data transfer along with the used time For details refer to User wise User report Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 236 Reports Internet Usage – User wise Reports 24online User Guide User wise Data transfer report Description Report columns Report title Report date Username User wise Data transfer Report Report duration User name Click Username to change the display order Data download Click User name link to view User wise – Date wise Data transfer report Data Downloaded by the User Click Data Download to change the display order Data Upload Data uploaded by the User Click Data Upload to change the display order Data transferred Total data transferred (Uploaded + Downloaded) by the User Click Data transfer to change the display order Percentage Data transfer used Percentage used from the total usage Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 237 Reports Internet Usage – User wise Reports 24online User Guide User wise – Date wise Data transfer report Report columns Description Report title Report date Username Date User wise - Date wise Data transfer Report Report duration User name Report date Click Date to change the display order Data download Click Date to view the User Session wise Internet Usage report Data Downloaded by the User on the particular date Click Data Download to change the display order Data Upload Data uploaded by the User on the particular date Click Data Upload to change the display order Data transferred Total data transferred (Uploaded + Downloaded) by the User on the particular date Click Data transfer to change the display order Percentage Data transfer used Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 238 Reports Internet Usage – User wise Reports 24online User Guide User wise Surfing time report Report columns Description Report title Report date User name link User wise Surfing time report Report duration User name Click to change the display order Used (Hours : Minutes) Click User name to view User wise - Date wise Surfing time report Click to change the display order Effective Used Time Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Total time used by the User, represented in Hours & minutes Total effective time used 239 Reports Internet Usage – User wise Reports 24online User Guide User wise - Date wise Surfing time report Report columns Description Report title Report date Date Userwise – Internet Usage By Date Report Report duration Surfing date Click to change the display order Surfing time Click Date to view User Session wise Internet Usage report Total hours surfed on the particular day, represented in Hours :Minutes Click to change the display order Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 240 Reports Internet Usage – User wise Reports 24online User Guide User Session wise Internet Usage report Report columns Description Report title Date Username IP Address User Session wise Internet Usage Report Report date User name IP address from which User had logged in Click to change the display order Live IP Address Start time Live IP address Session start time Click to change the display order Stop time Used time Session stop time Session time Click to change the display order Data Download Data Downloaded during the session Click to change the display order Data Upload Data uploaded during the session Click to change the display order Data transfer Total data transferred (Uploaded + Downloaded) during the session Click to change the display order Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 241 Reports Internet Usage – User wise Reports 24online User Guide User wise Usage report Report columns Description Report title Report date User name Data Download Composite report Report duration User name Total data downloaded Click to change the display order Data Upload Total data uploaded Click to change the display order Data transfer Total data transferred Click to change the display order Used Time (Hours : Minutes) Click to change the display order Effective Used Time Total time used by the User, represented in Hours & minutes Total effective used time Click to change the display order Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 242 Reports Internet Usage – User wise Reports 24online User Guide Internet usage – Generate report Generates comprehensive Internet usage report in CSV format Report columns Description Username Date & Start time Date & Stop time Client IP Address SNAT IP Address (Only if SNAT – Ann on module is enabled) Download Bytes Upload Bytes Total Bytes User name Date & Start time of the session Date & Stop time of the session IP address from which User had logged in SNAT IP Address Starting date Used time in seconds Used time Elitecore Technologies Ltd. Data Downloaded during the session Data uploaded during the session Total data transferred (Uploaded + Downloaded) during the session Starting date Used time in seconds Total used time 243 Reports Internet Usage - Search 24online User Guide Search 24online facilitates user to search for Internet usage reports based on the given filter criteria. Search functionality enables the user to view required Internet Usage Reports as per the search criteria specified. Administrator can search Internet usage reports based on Username or Package based and IP Address. Screen elements Description Start Date and Time Select the Start Date and Time after which you want to view the Internet usage reports Select the End Date and Time till which the Internet usage reports you want to view You can search Internet usage reports either based on User or Package Specify the username for which you want to view Internet usage reports Specify the Package name for which you want to view Internet usage reports Internet usage reports details for surfing done from a specific IP Address This will be shown only if SNAT Module functionality is enabled to the Service Provider Searches and provides Internet usage reports based on the search criteria provided End Date and Time Search For (User or Package) User name Package name IP Address SNAT IP Search Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 244 Reports Internet Usage - Search 24online User Guide Search Reports (User based) Report columns Description Report title Report date Username Search Result Report duration Username of the user who performed the respective Data transfer in the current session Start Date and time when user logged on in the current session Stop Date and time when user logged off from the current session Data Downloaded by the user during the respective session Data Uploaded by the user during the respective session Total data transfer performed by the user in the respective session Start Time Stop Time Download Data Upload Data Total Data Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 245 Reports Internet Usage - Search 24online User Guide Search Reports (Package based) Report columns Description Report title Report date Group Name Search Report Report duration Shows the Package name for which Administrator wanted to view the Internet Usage Reports Start Date and Time Ending Date and Time Total downloaded data by users to whom Package is assigned for the current session Total Uploaded data by users to whom Package is assigned for the current session Total Data transfer performed by users of the respective package in the current session Start Time Stop Time Downloaded Data Uploaded Data Total Data Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 246 Reports MIS Reports 24online User Guide MIS reports Use MIS reports tab to view User’s details. Report is displayed Package wise, Pool wise or User wise. Each report can be further viewed as Active User wise, De-active User wise or All Users in the system. You can also view Number of registrations and Number of renewals done in the selected duration. It also displays User wise - Invoice report. Search module is provided to search for user or package based on the search criteria given. Report Description Number of Registrations done in above period Package wise Click MIS reports Package wise Number of Registrations done in the selected period to view the list of Packages (fig – List of Packages) Click Package name to view the registered users of the selected package between the selected duration Pool wise Click MIS reports Pool wise Number of Registrations done in the selected period to view the list of pools (fig – List of Pools) Click Pool name to view the registered users of the selected pool Number of Renewals done in above period User wise Click MIS reports User wise Number of Registrations done in the selected period to view the registered users Package wise Click MIS reports Package wise Number of Renewals done in the selected period to view the list of Packages (fig – List of Packages) Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 247 Reports MIS Reports 24online User Guide Click Package name to view the renewed users of the selected package between the selected duration Pool wise Click MIS reports Pool wise Number of Renewals done in the selected period to view the list of pools (fig – List of Pools) Click Pool name to view the renewed users of the selected pool Active Users report User wise Click MIS reports User wise Renewed users in the selected period Displays complete details of all the Active users Package wise Click MIS reports Package wise Active Users report to view the list of Packages (fig – List of Packages) Click Package name to view all the active users of the selected package Pool wise Click MIS reports Pool wise Active Users report to view the list of pools (fig – List of Pools) Click Pool name to view all the active users of the selected pool User wise Click MIS reports the active users De-active Users report User wise Active Users report to view all For details, refer to Details table Displays complete details of all the De-active users Package wise Click MIS reports Package wise De-active Users report to view the list of Packages (fig – List of Packages) Click Package name to view all the De-active users of the selected package Pool wise Click MIS reports Pool wise De-active Users report to view the list of pools (fig – List of Pools) Click Pool name to view all the De-active users of the selected pool User wise Click MIS reports User wise all the De-active users All Users report De-active Users report to view For details, refer to Details table Displays complete details of all the Users Package wise Click MIS reports Package wise All Users report to view the list of Packages (fig – List of Packages) Click Package name to view all the Users of the selected package Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 248 Reports MIS Reports 24online User Guide Pool wise Click MIS reports Pool wise All Users report to view the list of pools (fig – List of Pools) Click Pool name to view all the Users of the selected pool User wise Click MIS reports Users User wise All Users report to view all the For details, refer to Details table List of Packages List of Pools Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 249 24online User Guide Reports MIS Reports Registered users (Package wise) This report shows details of registered users for the selected Package. Report of registered users between the selected date range will be shown. Renewed users (Package wise) This report shows details of renewed users for the selected Package. Report of renewed users between the selected date range will be shown. All Active Users (Package wise) This report shows the details of all active users for the selected Package. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 250 24online User Guide Reports MIS Reports Report of All De-Active Users (Package wise) This report shows the details of all De-active users for the selected Package. Report of All Users (Package wise) This report shows the details of all users for the selected Package. Similarly you can view, registered users, renewed users, Active users, De-Active users and All Users according to Pool Wise and User Wise Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 251 Reports MIS Reports 24online User Guide Details table Report columns Description Report title ‘Details of Registered Users’ - Registered users between selected date range ‘Details of Renewed Users’ - Renewed users between selected date range ‘Details of Active Users’ – for Active Users ‘Details of De-active Users’ – for De-active Users Date Package name (Only for Package wise report) Pool name (Only for Pool wise report) Username ‘Details of All Users’ – for All Users Report date Package name Pool name User name Click User name to change the display order Customer name Customer name Click to change the display order Address Phone IP Address Package name Customer Address Customer phone number IP address from which User had logged in Package attached to the User Click to change the display order Bandwidth policy Pool name Bandwidth policy allotted to the User Pool under which User is defined Click to change the display order Creation date Date on which User was registered Click to change the display order Renewal date Date on which User was renewed Click to change the display order Expiry date Security level Used time (HH :MM) Date on which the User subscription expires Or Date before which User is to be renewed Security level of the user Total time used, represented in hours and minutes Click to change the display order Status Status of the User - Active or De-active Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 252 24online User Guide Reports MIS Reports Invoice wise – (Select Date) To view invoices generated during the specified time. Invoice for every user is generated at the time of registration. Select the dates between which you want to view the Invoices generated. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 253 Reports MIS Reports 24online User Guide Invoice reports Report columns Description Report title Invoice No Create date Bill date Customer name Address Package Amount Total Earning Invoice report Invoice number Date on which Invoice was generated Date on the Bill Customer name Customer Address Package attached to the User/Customer Bill Amount Total amount Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 254 Reports MIS Reports 24online User Guide Search 24online facilitates user to search for MIS reports based on the given filter criteria. Search functionality enables the user to view required MIS Reports as per the search criteria specified. Administrator can search MIS reports based on Username or Package. Screen elements Description Search User Search Based on Select search criteria Available options User and Package Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 255 24online User Guide Reports MIS Reports Remaining Usage Search based on User and Package (if Search based on is ‘User and Package’) Start Date Select the Start Date and Time after which you want to view the MIS Reports End Date Select the End Date and Time up till which the MIS Reports you want to view Do not apply date filter Select the checkbox if you want to view details of all the users irrespective of the selected dates Search For You can search MIS reports either based on User or Package User name Specify the username for which you want to view MIS (if Search For is User) reports Package name Package name for which you want to view the user’s User name report. Package list will be shown if Search For option (if Search For is Package) is selected as Package Pool name Specify the pool name for which you want to view the user’s report Search Based on Remaining Usage (if Search based on is ‘Remaining Usage’) Enter Remaining Usage in Specify whether the criteria is entered in absolute or in percentage Expire days Specify remaining days Data transfer Specify remaining data transfer Time Specify remaining time Users to be included Specify which user is to included in search Search Searches and provides MIS reports based on the search criteria provided Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 256 Reports Cache Reports 24online User Guide Cache Reports Using Cache Reports you can judge the Cache performance in terms of Bandwidth Gained, Cache Efficiency and Time required to serve the requests and the impact of Cache on System Usage. Cache Reports provide details Daily, Yesterday, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly basis. Administrator can also view a summary of all the types of Graph for the duration selected i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly. Cache Reports are divided into two categories: 1) Cache Statistics 2) System Usage Screen elements Description Cache Statistics Cache Statistics shows Reports pertaining to how far Cache has improved the performance or efficiency level System Usage shows Reports related to the impact of Cache on the 24online System in terms of CPU Utilization, Cache Disk Space Utilization and Page Faults This report plots the Graph of traffic served to end users against the traffic consumed by cache giving an idea of actual bandwidth gained. Bandwidth gain occurs when a cache delivers more traffic to end users than it pulls from the backbone Cache Efficiency shows the total requests served and those served from Cache This Graph plots the average time taken by cache server to serve HTTP requests and DNS requests Summary will include all the Cache Statistics report i.e. Percentage Bandwidth Gained, Cache Efficiency and Median Service Time. It will give the details as per the duration selected i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly System Usage Percentage (%) Bandwidth Gain Cache Efficiency Median Service Time Summary Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 257 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache Statistics Percentage (%) Bandwidth Gain (Daily and Yesterday) This Graph plots the Percentage Bandwidth gained i.e. the Traffic served to end users from the Cache agaisn the traffic consumed by cache. The following are the Graphs for Cache % Bandwidth Gain for Daily and Yesterday basis. Here Y Axis shows the Percentage bandwidth gained and X Axis shows the time duration. Cache % Bandwidth Gain is calculated at 5 Minute Interval for Daily and Yesterday Graphs. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 258 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Percentage (%) Bandwidth Gain (Weekly and Monthly) The following Graph plots the Cache Percentage (%) Bandwidth Gain on Weekly and Monthly basis. Weekly graph will consider the last 7 days and % Bandwidth Gain is calculated at 30 minute Interval. It also shows Maximum, Average, and Last Bandwidth Gain. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 259 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Percentage (%) Bandwidth Gain (Yearly) The following Graph plots the Cache Percentage (%) Bandwith gain on Yearly basis. Year will consider the last 12 months and Interval period is 1 Day. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 260 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache Efficiency (Daily and Yesterday) Cache Efficiency Graph plots the graph of Total bits served in comparision to those served from the Cache. Here Y Axis shows the bits/second while X Axis shows the Time Duration. The following graph plots Cache Efficiency Graph for Today and Yesterday considering 5 Minute Interval. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 261 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache Efficiency (Weekly and Monthly) The following Graph plots Cache Efficiency on Weekly and Monthly basis. Here Week will consider the last 7 Days and will plot the Cache efficicency graph where Cache Efficiency is calculated at the interval of 30 Minutes. Monthly graph plots the Cache Efficiency Graph of the last 30 Days where Cache Efficiecy is calculated at the interval of 1 Day. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 262 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache Efficiency (Yearly) The following Graph plots the Cache Efficiency on Yearly basis i.e the last 12 months. Cache Efficiency is calculated at the interval of 1 Day. It also shows Total and Served from Cache Maximum bits served, total Average bits served and total last bits served. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 263 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Median Service Time (Daily and Yesterday) This graph plots the Cache Median Service time for http and dns requests for Today and Yesterday. The Y Axis shows the Time (Milli Seconds) required to process the HTTP and DNS requests and X axis shows Hours during the day. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 264 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Median Service Time (Weekly and Monthly) The following graph plots Weekly and Monthly Median Service time. Here Week will consider the last 7 days while Month shows the details of the last 30 days. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 265 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Median Service Time (Yearly) The following Graph plots the Cache Median Service Time on Yearly basis i.e. for the last 12 months. Median Service Time is calculated at 1 Day Interval. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 266 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache Statistics Summary (Daily) Cache Statistics Summary Plots the Graph of Cache % Bandwidth Gain, Cache Efficiency and Median Service Time as per the Duration selected. You can view Summary of Cache Statistics report on Daily, Yesterday, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly basis. The following graph shows Cache % Bandwidth Gain and Cache Efficiency. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 267 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache Statistics Summary (Daily) The following graph shows Cache Median Service Time. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 268 Reports Cache Reports 24online User Guide System Usage System Usage shows Reports related to the impact of Cache on 24online System in terms of CPU Utilization, Cache Disk Space Utilization and Page Faults. Use the Summary option to view all the three reports simultaneously for the selected duration. Screen elements Description CPU Utilization CPU Utilization report shows the % CPU Utilization by Cache. Viewing this report helps you to find how much CPU is being utilized by Cache It shows the number of Cache page faults rate with respect to time This report shows how much Disk Space is being utilized by Cached objects. This report helps us to know the hard disk space occupied by Cached objects. Summary helps you to know all the three types of reports simultaneously for the selected duration. Page Faults Cache Disk Space Utilization Summary Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 269 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache CPU Utilization (Daily and Yesterday) Cache CPU Utilization shows Cache CPU Usage in percentage (%). The Y Axis shows the percentage CPU Usage in % while X Axis shows the time interval. The following report shows Cache CPU Usage for daily and yesterday. It also shows the Maximum, Average, and Last Cache % CPU Usage. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 270 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache CPU Utilization (Weekly and Monthly) The following Graph plots Cache CPU Usage in percentage for Weekly and Monthly duration. Cache CPU Usage is calculated at the interval of 30 minutes for Weekly duration while it is calculated at the interval of 1 Hour for Monthly duration. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 271 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache CPU Utilization (Yearly) The following Graph Plots Cache CPU Usage for the complete Year where CPU Usage is calculated at the interval of 1 Day. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 272 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache Page Faults Rate (Daily and Yesterday) If a block of data fetched from secondary storage (HDD) to read into RAM (Physical memory), that is called one Page Fault. The following graph shows Cache Page Fault Rate on Daily and Yesterday basis. The Y Axis represents the Page Fault Rate while X Axis represents Hours. It also shows the Maximum, Average and Last Page Faults. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 273 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache Page Faults Rate (Weekly and Monthly) The following report plots graph for Cache Page Faults rate for Weekly and Monthly duration. Here Week is considered as the last 7 days while Month is considered as the last 30 days. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 274 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache Page Faults Rate (Yearly) The following graph plots Cache Page faults rate reported for the whole Year. Year is considered as the last 12 months. Cache page faults rate are calculated at the interval of 1 Day for Yearly reports. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 275 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache Disk Space Utilization (Daily and Yesterday) Cache Disk Space Utilization shows how much Disk space is occupied by Cached Data. The following Graph plots the Disk Space Utilization for Daily and Yesterday basis. The Y Axis represents Giga Bytes, while X Axis shows the Hour. It also shows the Maximum Average and Minimum Cached Disk Space occupied by Cached Data. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 276 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache Disk Space Utilization (Weekly and Monthly) The following Graph plots Cache Disk Space Utilization on Weekly and Monthly basis. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 277 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Cache Disk Space Utilization (Yearly) The following Graph plots Cache Disk Space Utilization on Yearly basis i.e. the last 12 months. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 278 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Summary Graphs (System Usage) To view all the three types of reports simultaneously, select the duration for which you want tov view the summary reports and click on Summary link. It will show you all the three types of reports simultaneously. The following graph plots Cache CPU Usage, and Cache Page faults rate for Weekly duration. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 279 24online User Guide Reports Cache Reports Summary Graphs (System Usage) The following graph shows System Usage summary for Cache Disk Space Utilization. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 280 Registration Registration Online Registration SECTION 24online User Guide 7 Register 24online software copy before use. In order to enable all the functionalities and use 24online, you will have to register the copy of 24online. Registration is based on number of Live Current Users in the system. There are two ways to register: 1. Online registration 2. Manual registration Online Registration Prerequisite • Network Configured It is the default mode of registration and used only if the 24online machine is connected to the Internet. Select Help → Register 24online → Online registration Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 281 Registration Online Registration 24online User Guide Screen Elements 24online Registration form Public key Product ID Unique ID Company name Contact person Address, City, State, Zip, phone, Email Id, Fax Description Displays Public key of the software Supplied along with Software CD Supplied along with software CD Name of the company under whose name the 24online software is to be registered Contact person in the company Complete address, phone number, Email Id & Fax number of the Company All are compulsory fields except Fax External Proxy Server Information Proxy server Proxy server name Proxy port Port on which proxy is running User name User name Password User Password Register button Registers the 24online software copy Cancel Cancels the current operation Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 282 Registration Upgrade License 24online User Guide Manual registration If the 24online machine is not connected to the Internet, use Manual Registration to register the copy of 24online. Select Help → Register 24online → Manual registration Screen Elements Description 24online Registration form Public key Displays Public key of the software Product ID Supplied along with software CD Unique ID Supplied along with software CD License key Click the 24online registration site link to get the license key User license Specifies the total number of Users who can concurrently log on Company name Name of the company under whose name the 24online software is to be registered Contact person Contact person in the company Address1, City, State, Complete address, phone number, Email Id & Fax number of Zip, phone, Email Id, Company Fax All are compulsory fields except Fax Register button Registers the 24online software copy Cancel Cancels the current operation Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 283 Registration Upgrade License 24online User Guide Upgrade License Select Help → Register 24online → Upgrade License If your need has exceeded the number of user licenses you have purchased earlier, then 24online provides you a facility to upgrade the user license according to your need. E.g. At the time of purchase of 24online you had only 25 Subscribers and over the period of time your company has grown to 50 subscribers then you would need to upgrade the user license of 24online for your increased need if you had a bought a copy with 25 user licenses. Contact the 24online sales representative in your area to get the new Product ID and the new Unique ID for upgrading the number of user license of 24online. Following is the screen as seen in your browser when you access the Register 24online->Upgrade License sub-tab. After giving the New Product ID and New Unique ID click on Upgrade Button. Screen Elements Description Upgrade 24online License Public key Displays Public key of the software Product ID Product ID of the registered software Unique ID Unique ID of the registered software New Product ID New Product ID received from the sales representative New Unique ID New Unique ID received from the sales representative Upgrade Upgrades the 24online License Cancel Cancels the current operation Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 284 Registration Module License 24online User Guide Module License Select Help → Register 24online → Module License There are certain features in 24online that will be given to the Service Provider on demand and if the Service Provider wants to avail these modules than he will have to obtain the license for these modules. Using Module License, the Service Provider can register the desired Add On Modules as well as extend the Demo and convert it to permanent installation using Product ID and Unique ID. Module License shows the list of Add On Modules, Status and the Expire Date. Click on the Module for which you want to register and uisng Product ID and Unique ID register the module. Screen Elements Description Modules Shows Name of the Add on Module. Status Click on the link to perform registration or extend the Demo. Shows the status of the Add On Module. Expire Date Status can be Registered, Unregistered, Demo, or Demo Expired. Shows the Expiry date of the Add on Module. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 285 24online User Guide Registration Module License Module Registration form The following screen shows the Registration form for the Add on Module. Specify the Product ID and Unique ID obtained from the Sales representative and click on Register button. Upon successful registration, the status of the module will be changed to Registered and the Module will be enabled. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 286 24online User Guide Company Information Company Information Select Help → Company Information This screen should be used to update your company information if any change has occurred. The fields like address, city, state and zip are used to pre fill certain forms like user registration with the values provided in the below screen. Invoice Terms and conditions can be stored in this sub-tab, which will be printed in User Invoice. Fields in * are compulsory fields. After performing, the respective changes click on Update Button. You will be asked a confirmation message whether you want to save the Company Information. Click on OK Button to save the changes. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 287 24online User Guide Screen Elements Company Information Description Company Information Product ID Supplied along with software CD Unique ID Supplied along with software CD Company name Name of the company under whose name the 24online software is to be registered Contact person Contact person in the company Address1, City, Complete address, phone number, Email Id & Fax number of the State, Zip, phone, Company Email Id, Fax All are compulsory fields except Fax Invoice Terms and Specifies Invoice Terms and conditions that will be printed in User’s conditions Invoice Update button Updates the Company Information Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 288 24online User Guide Upgrade 24online 24online Client Select Help → 24online Client Download 24online client After installing 24online in your network every user accessing the Internet have to Download, Install and log on to 24online client as per the user name and password. 24online Client provides the Administrator option to download 24online Client for Windows and 24online Client for Linux. Click on 24online Client to download Windows Client and Client on Download Linux Client to download 24online client for Linux operating system. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 289 24online User Guide Upgrade 24online Upgrade 24online Select Help → Upgrade 24online Check New Version With new features and bug fixes coming on a regular basis in any product the Service Provider needs to be informed of the new version. Check new version provides the facility to check if any new version is available. Upload Upgrade Version is used to upload the selected file for upgrading the currently installed version. Check new version This sub tab checks for any new version available at the 24online site and provides the features and the download URL link. If new version is not available then you will be getting the message “No upgrade available for the current version”. Steps to Upgrade to new version • • • • • • • • • Click the New features URL to view the new features and bug fixes of the new version Click on the Download URL The File Download dialog box will open giving the following options Run this program from its current location. Save this program to disk. Select the ‘Save this program to disk’ option A ‘Save As’ dialog box will appear asking you the location where to save the file Give an appropriate location and save the file on your computer Follow the steps as given in the Upload Upgrade Version section Elitecore Technologies Ltd. H H 290 24online User Guide Upgrade 24online Upload Upgrade Version Select Help → Upgrade 24online → Upload Upgrade Version This is the next step after downloading the new version on your computer. This sub tab allows you to upload the new version to the 24online Server from your computer. Click on Browse Button to select the version downloaded by you. After selecting Version, click on Upload button to upload the version to 24online Server. Note Automated Update Agent feature is provided in 24online version which will check for new updates on a central site located at Elitecore. This would keep the 24online Server updated of any new security and policy updates Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 291 24online User Guide Help Help Select Help → Help Documentation 24online provides Documentation feature in Help using which you can access User Guide, Console Guide and view Diagrams. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 292 24online User Guide Help About Select Help → About This Tab gives information regarding 24online version, Product ID and the User licenses. The following shows you the screen, as seen in your browser when you access the Help-About sub tab. Elitecore Technologies Ltd. 293