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2yr Mba 4th Semester




IVs (2Yr) MBA (DDCE) Spl- II -B\NI-91{ 2A14 Full Marlrs' 100 : Time As in the Programme indicate marks The figures in the right hand ryargin therein' Answer questions as per instruction Section-A (Answer anY 1. Five) [12x5 down Who can be Insurance agents ? Write therecruitmentandselectionprocessofan agent. 2. and Define a Bank ? Discuss the principles the objectives of Banking institutions' 3. the Define deposit products ? What are 4. in Bank' different typqs of deposit products model of What is insurance ? Design a .contract to be singed by an insured' 5. What are Who development officer ? the roles and the duties of the development office ? ICont. fa ro ?a E cd c) )l-. *f \v tr o 'o g +t ,?1 E.Evl e! l.r H'q rFi l-{ 6B C) U) rA .gg Lig?t Nd XFr S9..9 b3E v)O6o. ac) 5eTFEg."8, .;E:358R=, - ,g?FEEEsflE E€g 's;=*EFFB.A :E E t'- od oi I F E Af I Fq t.E s-E F e E sr *.e.E A € c\.v =EEs c ';EdF& #.e€ =0aE i.C gE ; SnEEE: B E JE= :ii e-f, F6 9tt E g 5,E n a'.8 5t.2.2.2; (|)cl F 2E*EFESEgggE 6d=E r-'{ -() \o os I A. U) t1 X c> v, t\ EF + (n E.f Sg HEe.I $E eo F Eg Ee€ }.E -:"8 E HFgsg:q*f€xg- f- grg 5; 5; E -Ep€EEs F; =€Ei;-; FE€g _ ".E€ EE EE sF €tE$E€E 3g€$ Ef 3Ef:EEsiE€s $rs:E€sF gsFiSFS€ \o IVs (2Yr) MBA (DDCE) SPI- I -BIM-26 2014 n*.i*j{;:f" o:::,,**" figures in the right hand margin indicate marks Answer questions as per instruction therein. The Section-A (Answer any 1. Five) [12x5 What is Risk Management Structure ? Discuss the parameters which a risk management sfructure needs to encompass. 2. Discuss the various insurance principies as applied to insurance business in India 3. Describe the main requirements for an effective internal controi system for operati onal ri sk management. 4. What do you understand by Risk Based Supervision (RtsS) of tsanks ? What are the reasons for which RBI has decided to switch over to RBS. 5. Briefiy explain the marine insurance covers What is nrarine insurance various types of available in India. ? ICont" 1,2 f tr(\1 o-v 54h $s r-l- 6 ,$ >F5 H g dd E€ 6 g s,isf a i F.5;\' .tr Ec.i;+d\oNoo .=FF-B= # 'fr -F ff +-, = 3 g : ? ! F "q $ E g; ' F F€ Fe o-F.E+< " F# g F f gs $ $ F f f $ F 3; ,, 5 H i F "q ., =f $ F * il; 3EEgEEs,FE35 FEggg 6Ec ea vi \o H f gig$H C) Fl <1 q c,l ! s € U) os Fg5 e;.5 gFsEssi g}FF€F5 g €g F ;H _sggggs€ FF 3gF'F5fifs co $$$sF$$g$s ;Fs$$.$9fg$ ggrruFFF 5g$F$siuf g$ $$$$$$j$ \oNoo e.l IVs (ZYr) MBA (DDCE) Spl- I -BrM-27 20r4 Full Marks - t00 Time : As in ihe programme The figtres in the rigkt hand margin indicate marks Ansvver questions as per tnstruction therein. Section-A (Answer any 1. Five) [2x5 Explain the powers of RBI under Banking Regulation Act. 2. Discuss the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act regarding opening.of new branches and liensing of banks. 3. trnsurance business is partially regulated in India. Do you agree ? Give reasons for your answer. 4. Point out the oring and development of Bancassurance of India. Discuss the problems and prospects. 5" What do you understand by a Negotiabie instrument ?What are its features. ICont. HV; e3€o.: IFE€F tr{.i'.=2 Xu)tEO0o ;ssg.s w6 ts'-'sv 3 h ,i Eoi -o s -O\f,CBl;(!.= 'og : E E Eg g € w (n \O f- o F- a!t E I a 0 c.l. = rYl g O oO H € =3 : FP .: * F 3 tr = Fi H E a 1 ;€ i= ,,, €. .t ? -g 5 I X s! .=&=FditrE.=*m I e F .g € ? Eg t; € g cn 'o: o d t, E" s'=iE ns-J";d: ($E u€ € E .2 H H ; iE S U E 5 E E - ; i€ts€ts3_FF.gEF c.l o x'o i€; sE€si E F ? .Ee $E€:agFFiFtj€-n I 3g€ ca rf, (n €sE ;FEi;rsgii F;FE: iggsasFgugg*:fsgE'g$ ,61 *.; fr I!-s (2Yr) MBA (DDCE) Spl- I -BIM-28 2014 Full Marks - 100 Time : As in the programme The figwres ire the right hand margin indicate marks Answer questions as per instruction therein. Section-A (Answer any I I. ,t Five) [12x5 Define marketing. Discuss its nafure, scope and relevance of marketing in modern world & Positioning are Segmenting, Targeting three essential components of rnarketing. Discuss. 3. Explain and compare the importance of the internal and external marketing environment. A Define product, describe characteristics of it and discuss briefly the essentialities of new product development. J. Discuss the factors influencing consumer behaviour. 5. Define Promotion, disiuss different types of promotion adapted by the Banking and insurance industrv to attract the customers. ICont. (\l^ rt s* bb a€ .F= c\. c\. g F, *|-r*€€ 6) = : q'l 2 &2 \J9) ,q i;': -.130 ig) <'= F.v-r Ir al n 6 v) J e^' +i F +< r^, a'xl*{ ,s \JL Al_v* -lq(J xrE (a k .(l)€ U) .*O ! XE q.{ \o -v AO 'L.' EE tg A trtr= AALV vt! .-H rbjl-V EgE v)a: g ,r< t-t H A. trv \r/ P H' 'tr ou!p nE cd g g . EeFj .g F VL. /aa v c.l I T a rrl O /i\ c.r6 .r; E s SE qOl { -€ E F F € $ $.E Ef ? sEE $ 9 FE H$$ g $ €€ F€ € F s F g5F€$EF€f,EY-JA s; € 3€E. g fr FE Etr F;F s I F€ F $ h 5E5x$8fi5* E I ri€ 5H i $3F ,h H -Es E r HHHgfiEESE $; EEd "d + .d \o F.- oo. oi g =;==;= H€ d E s 5 sE == i==;i EFs€; vEx !:5 .rq€€!.2.E€ EgH e.EF-E_EEE_E fT, FES EA sE;fi*sae JEc) E3 +- ag 6J C).-E :=E9)() XF -.= Li€ n V€.r 'lf,2Etr F E9 * E€ tr,S t\ c"; + IVs {Zyr} MBA (DDCE) Spl_ r -DNM -2s 201 4 Full Mark.c - 100 Time : As in the programine T'he Jigwres i* the right hqnd margin indicate marks Ans**er questions as per instruction therein. Section-A (Answer any l. 2. 3. Five) [lZrS Explain the factors responsible fbr planning therapeutic. nutrition. Describe different types of modified diets used for therapeutic purpose. Explain the causes and symptoms of cirrhosis of liver. 4. 5. 6. 7" What are high residue and low residue diets anri when are they administrre,J. \Vhat it role of a dietitian and how is a rJiet prescription prepared. How is the diet ofa diabetic patient different iiom normal diet. Wtry is diet modified according to consistency and what are its types ICant. ; :,; HV .()0'5{) lv* a^t a.d 'd.96 xF :-nl{qi .:t9* \Jgq6 E q, =dJ(Jrc 't 'l' c) U o, '5 -HZG eE g; r ft:E.E E .9.=vFO^ X ';i t'lrJ u E e 6"8.2 .=>-q,faag.= .=f'Eo'--v) lics=.trtrhQ .96EEF^heE 99u,)99 = ;Eooh.9 ;.2.e.s:€ OcccgCg.=cchcu vv--- e 'E fr d d .2 o trt otI z I t g a fr"l (J l-r a o.l S a' d iE t'5 e{*; € €e E i$. .: A E €E g E 3 E E EE .e H E sg s 9H H ti gE ? 2f a +.r;\or-ooo\3 rs € E 'a E, r=i zR EE -EEH; g.H 3''E rq E i ;l cs .= c.i d .f, (n E€f 5E€59.8N * (..l cO 88Es SEE;FF EIg;flEEI gER H F€.EbEE: €gE;E E€E *H \ig*sglHEgf€ 3.t gEt Eri.t';eF$:p .jee;t Ei FE oo H q IVs (2yr) MBA (DDCE) Spr_ r _DNM _26 2014 Full Marks Iime : - 100 As in the programme figures in the right hand margin indicate marlrs Answer questions as per instruction therein. The Section-A (Answer any t. Five) [12x5 Label theparts of the cell and describe them. Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis. 2. 3. What is the role of lungs in the respiratory circulation. 4. Draw the structure of the digestive system and explain its parts. 5. ' How does digestioin take place in the stomach ? Explain wiih diagram. 6. Draw in details and label the parts of the circulatory system. 7" Explain the functioning ofthe heart. 8" Explain the filtration ofurine with appropriate diagram. fCont. ; ' dr csEl< l4 V) c'a C6 trq3-: Hg,() -i .-. ==cs c?-5 .;\J^ -F r q€? P o\ v '(' -q € c) 'n So F 2.9 Lr g 49. F j,i6€?c)qr *: h 5..= o S H f, n-v) g lVEq'rctE () (i Ol.) l-r C) 9l :! E -c= -e s a i '=-qEutr (c.= 9.\L-9 90 E B € A -.q -cti B}> F -cB fr s \o t- t+E€8 6A -= o., () =Gtx='F= PO o E B .ir' .*- 5E€€ e gE F Ha E€gE g c =E f;. E E3 Fe € ; T t H r';E I E >: EE € H B -8" T E HE E gH 5 h a I s E E .qiH 3€ v) ? I .! E 6 c.; + ,."; H€ l= rE H HE a EfiE r$E X^E"E BE = i,5 B igB e.i t c..I \o z l I E a frl O U) r\ €E xl 3tE .E t)l: B'ei'a Eo:P-E ,naEtr*posE Es)<*.qU q0-FOFh L/rrlSFtEtY ts9!= J2 '-6re.=}.j= d E q H E'4 r -9€qBF9tX+. ELEEFvo :{9ctr;qfi()q) -5o3 5 g u) 4 ri-€Pgg c\ -1 co .f, FFF 8" E :; = S '5P'::= u)Oo.u)a FFFFF }f}BB ,< d 3 g = rr| IVs (2Yr) MBA (DDCE) Spt- I -DNM -27 201'4 Full Marlcs - 100 Iime : As in the programme figures in the right hand margin indicate marks Answer questions as per instruetion therein. The Section-A (Answer any 1. Five) ll2x1 What are the general characeristics ofBacteria ? Explain the role of harmful andbeneficial Bacteria in food industry. 2. How food gets degraded. Explain in relation to dry fresh and preserved food. Suggest how degradation can be minimised. 3. Explain the different types of spoilage occur in food. i +. Define food adulteration. Explain the different types of adulteration. Discuss the roll of agencies to improve the quality and the standard of food. ICont. oo c .2 6,E,; g EPT ,91:6 t+r -lv ra v)v ro.9k tr (a !E U) x!s .|-{ .= -a 9l h rjqg : g b.E * h^w)Hg g o f- I C-l I a z r r'l a C) (t) c.I € EEg€ A : E H dA g E EEE gE€ E cl 6 6trH5|.1*€ .9 g ,F HHtrbeEtr FT b'8' rJt,lY(coq '.'' € -eEy,hE€." .d Fi .E !)A.q€.2Fhcir trRcs(scsctrGlcst uguuguu -l-n----(..t s|PIJ=----zb EE ; e EH E €g E.E €I E EEE'E ; !iet a;t.Ee.EFEe S e ?E:fl fiF.EFsEE € b: =E E; iEE b! E,Zg H g ?e 5 E E csds F.E PE.d Eq)Z Hg.R =H'E \/gEF.;sHE 3€EEH€FE €€g:; 3r€f vE;€E HN .f, ,r; 'rd f\ CA ;BEEg ss€,iK SFsE sEgEESF \ 5 IVs (2Yr) MBA (DDCE) Spt- I -DNM -28 2014 Full Marks - 100 Time : As in the programme The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks Answer questions as per instruction therein. Section-A (Answer any 1. [l2xS Explain the causes and effects of protein energy malnuffition 2. Five) . Vitamin C is known as fresh food vitamin. It is also destroyed easily, justify. Explain the functions ofVitamin C. 3. 4. Discuss the specific nutritional requirement for Athletes. Minerals are important constituents required by human boely. Support the statement with examples. 5. What is hygiene ? Explain the different fypes of food poisoning and its' prevention. ICont. .2.5.s:E EHEsH $rn \o c\ VL .5.e. oo oi = d H F F E E .E +f g :.E g s'50: F b;; "E H (s g 9.5 .u E 'F 'o# cs G; S iifr * ?€# EE# 7 EtF r: * b E s ;E ? "e i:F E 3'P ; .F. ;E F: E g F = 8 FE'i E€ g € :iFF B. : EB PE EZ E -E E.= e (h s X-.; +, = _8eE d x _gE ; €FEf;' EEEtEBH € EE E EE ES; -E E,€ c-l =:EESEFCFFg[# N dv)E':qivtrdr- E.E ? 'l=€g aJ. ,Nt 2 I a f r'l CJ a ct) c! ilf$g*firE$t 6€ =li u8'E cr H EEE EiE F E € 3E :E€ 5i E € E;v E Ia €{ € E c' I o F:; € E E F g E H flu enE EE 3 F F F;F g ri i TEErt irgr Fi1-5+H Es€E u \o 3EU sEF FE P€.: H!EH5EFE3E F€ rgE$*u€ EE=fFE oj N q IVs (2Yr) Yuo (DDCE) Spt- rr -DNM -2e 2AM Full Marks - 100 : Time As in the programme The figures in the right hand margin indicate matrks Answer question;s as per instruction therein; Sectron-A Five) [12x5 What is a therapeutic diet ? What is its (Answer any l. purpose and principles. 2. What do you mean by dietary modification How is it different from normal diet, 3. What are the ways a diet can be modified and,why ? Describe them, 4, What causes peptic ulcer ? Describe its symptoms and ways to prevent it ? 5. What is hypertension ? What are its causes and symptoms ? 6, What are the cause ofdiabetes ? What are its complications and how can it be prevented. ? IConr. r q< O.Xoq-E{=o 366'rr€ tr sE53u)(Do i-.E E a0 .= H fr .O o .E ruS(DeC.; 3 E b.? /lF'- L ts -o s: E.E .i€ "q 'Ea +.8?Ei3,8'6 E St E E o ,d \o F- od F d E 'tf g E E E .2 E g s 3 HE Fg : ! H € 6g #E 3F €i 3 f .2 I 5 =U 3l;f;€E E€ € GE .2 .+ oi E € > .J t c..l a '7 I rr) fYl U =r a rn c\ s A E E o o N d :oo €x = fi tr € .E €ggF F E; = F IE E s E3;F5 -qH -EE Fq= ;€ FE 5 E $ s sE5g co X EP €E \o ;SE e'€ B, EF tB EH s u= E E+. HB EF :o ;:Es FEE €E E tr; 5 E€ T !r€€Fe€EeE"A *N + ,r; \o F(N E Prr?q, ;E :: g f= gE ? fl!j * r; =sI,qEf ;EE; €sE?EEFTEE ;?CE if :€ FEEtr iiEE .oZF: sr#q s€g n:s.:FgB$Hf;frEE 5g€€:EfEH: $FFE si F"EH-EfiE€f;;E =8>= ==€;e*H=fE ES oo $ -s Y IVs (2Yr) MBA (DDCE) SPt- il -DNM -32 2014 Fult Marks - 100 Time : As in the Programme margin indicate marks The figures in the right hand ' Answer questions as per instruction therein' Section-A (Answer anY 1. 2" Five) [12x5 Define nutritional status' How can nutritional ? status of the individual be maintained Classify Vitamins' Write the sources' functions and deficiency diseases for VitaminsA. 3. Discuss the specific nutritional requirement for A +. athletes. What are the metabolic effects of fever ? in Explain the general dietary consideration fever. Describe the different types of anaemia that prevalent in INDIA' Explain the steps ICont. trO3.8 l.gEE-, collE .rtsrtrol AF X o6l=r. 'J3 L /' €) .F e ac)o'i;a 9...E 1tr \>;s et -E& E e. IVs (2Yr) MBA (DDCE) Spl- I -FM_2s 2014 Full Marlcs - 100 : Time As in the programme The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks Answer questions as per instruction therein. Section-A (Answer any l. Five) [f 2xS Explain the various components of Indian Financial System & state the inte,rrelationship between the components. 2. Explain in detail the SEBI guidelines for PrimaryMarket. 3. Discuss the various functions of the Capital market instrument andbring out the functions of New Issue market. 4. 5. What is On line Trading System ? Discuss the BSE BOIT system in detail. Critically examine the role of stock exchanges in the financial system of a counry. ICont. .H F6rg, OXc.) 6€.54 r^- I l'i sFao (A L q c\l e fr bod'4tr gg*;24=F#:E \oFodoiS v, Z e h F i i555AS2SE5X *c."tcd+,r; $€ E E E EE siir:€EaF e5 3 :gE ;q isg gsdH :iB EFt sB,F fi aafig EF;€ fr ifi: F;ffE; FgE Ef€:T#ni sE ? asF€E +rn\o F$H-,; F,gE;E nH t€ ry$? sE fiE€3gE€FE8'E EEs.E$EE HC\cA t* s IVs (2Yr) FIBA iooa"l spl- r -FM-27 2014 Full Marks Time : - 100 As in the programme figures in the right hand rnargin indicate marlcs Answer questions as per instruction therein. The Section-A (Answer any 1. Five) [12xS "'When an investor is assumed to use riskless iending and borrowing in his investment activity, the shape of the efficient frontier transform into a shaight line". Explain with examples. 2. Discuss the Markowitz model of portfolio seiection with appropriate diagrams. Note down the limitations of the model, 3. What do you mean by efficient market hypothesis ? Briefly discuss the empirical tests of weak form efficiency. How the efficient market hypothesis differs from fundamental analysis. ICont. t a"+4 i ; i; r 6 rE ; B * E & =.e a .i E iE sb E t5...3 E F j € 6r EE= s 5s€3 E tEs eeE#; UFE€€ S *HE & € frtgA ;E E;E :?e6H. *3r .E ,€"a''3.'€ -I H5€ €I;?"5i:1'-:; €f fiio i; PEE€i#agg';€g;€: 3BHE c\ cfl <: .r; \o f- .v OO O\ Fi 3 x €-: F € € E E; E E E E E ; E f; { X E E E Fr g IF€.FFd-: ai ;l +E EF,gf +#= aE E s€ i€ fi E E € ffFdF + ,r; \o t-orsgo EE;E HEA * c) E€EEiEgg fi Etg EEE'fE,igg g a s 3i' E erqas -U€:.d€E sa E c;c;c;c;d EE;€;€ '6E EE rE '! F; $= :: E:- *f €= c.i 3 A;B $g E:EE;EEE 4 EFEF p \, .v.ts[r'lc bs ':'E k cs E.E c;.E q;Egg5EgEE ;Fsn $:FF: €E;.3 ggEEt"FH.g-:EEfiE jF; E..E€ E$gE:8.F:tE 3E €$€t -c{-{,o EIfrHE#ESEA F6 -- t-- c\ a E. J rr) a Q c.l E € nVs {2Yn) M8.4. (DDCE) Spl- I -FM_28 2014 Full Marlcs _ 100 Time : As in the programme figures in the righr hand margin indicate marks Answer questions as per instruction therein. The Section-A (Answer any t. Five) Define international monetary [lZxS system. Discuss the emergence of system. 2. Define Balance of payment. What are the components ofbalance ofpayment ? Briefly present the India's balance of payment. 5- S&at are the components of f,oreign exchange rnarket ? Discuss the theories of exchange rate determination. A .f" Discuss the technique of managing foreign exchange Risk. 5. Discuss what are the new Global instruments and their Role. IConr. t \ vrd €X t\l - "E b0 .- (nFti ;O€BHS Ebca'Fo .--vH c, (th nr c b'Hs *A V * H g'.lt.i & F Xg *} p E = EI3:'o8. Erts-Etrv) EgEd'd 9fi m€ T ' >>S E Or 1, jL J (n rrl 8 q C\ : E" $ H. = E E €rE E3 F fi Eil,E* : : HE € tsE € c €3'H€3 -: e.i c.; + ,r; \o F- od oi F 3 F rr555Ei.3e?2 =;;i = atVtrqrJ;lJ/n.= A^.tr5?grc \>E(nbHi:G o==z 6 H O! F e, o u c = Neo a.; i) IVs {ZYn) MtsA (DDCE) SPI- X[ -F'M-29 2014 Full Marks - 100 : Time As in the Programme The figures in the e'igl* hand margin indicate marks Answer questions as per instruction therein" Section-A (Answer anY 1. Five) [12x5 Explain the role and functions of Financial Institution and F inancial Instrument. Di scus s its interdependencyin survival with suitable examples. 2. Discuss the innovative financial instruments introduced recently and bring out their featurbs. 3. i Explain in detail the role and functions underwriter ofNew Issue Market. 4. Describe Buy-back of shares. State the reason, importance, advantages and disadvantages of tsuy back" ICont. .C) ral]5 >. 6rA x:/ F '\H F It (.:. -v n2 V}r fr^ tJ nn r\ \Jtr o- Ho1 .yo v- = €cl (D+ L!J (Fo v:i E-T d()r{ Xcs(l) rriCnk rr) l+r r\ FA q-i '5 t\ fh \v H \o ) X N gg G. t ug aogq:'EE tr ri o616=;;F^O € L rri € a /n € 2..5 trt!u H E o q o r7.b z-.9 € E c\..Z.E e-. 3iro)-=?j(D,'1-r= v)E=EPHEE=aP,? >, * c\.n € E.H',E A f= = $,co;HO*7,e,O&Z .€.25.2.2 EoHHHgtskHH cdd.r;\oF*d;o\= -c5-c.c-c't-c^-c-c Jc.i @ et ea I (\l I I v) Q q c.l :f, E€ EEEE€t a€ R€ AE -Ed E E! €c YE Y E€.F :* l€ :$ $ F: E sAfli $E fi,.,;^,^gE;fi EE#; :g EP g,E €l;E frE ;? Fr€6 aE -€B.EE'iF'E# :;g ,=rEaE# I:; qEfrc :; :;€* =t€ fa?; EE €ifrfr;EgEEF 5t E$€Fi;t a"!rEFEE€# 3;t gE f- >f daEE 6 s f;t€.E€ EE x A u rn E a IVs (2Yr) MBA (DDCE) Spl- II -FM-32 2AM Full Marks - i00 Time : As in tlte programme figures in the right hand margin indicate marlcs Anstver questions as per instruction therein. The Section-A (Answer any i. Five) ll?x1 Define international finance. Discuss the importance of International finance. 2. Define foreign exchange rate. Discuss the theories of foreign exchange are determination. 3. Define Balance of payment. What are the components ofbalance ofpayment ? Briefly present the India's balance of payment. 4. What are the instruments in international capitai and mone5, market. 5. Discuss the role and objective of IMF. How IMF's lending operation was operated. ICont. € x N eg aoE*,8 Qii= LLJ c) a 9$)tr-"v2 dd {FC) 3A csFXcB --+l!L E F E tr E r^ :ti €f;ai EE €: .24 = g a'o9 .:E c -EF A E€ & .E S F'Fa !F -p lFtrEg -=.!5<(d fr o0 = o F E E E ..-. tr E -g --L=ac qJo9* vr2o+' . € rvm c1 * a lrI O a a\ 4 al 6 E Io € E I E", ci p ; g =f ,r; \o F fS E_eEq .* 5 8# -B H q e i= e P'E * jr=T-2F'=t u) a HD a+i H EE g 4 A s sF e c)c.l-E5*b .2.2o.qsA ?56 58 f; ? Ep n €;€F t Fa€=E I >iE e .Fl € F trbo=g'c,) 'tsdc:,tr oo 6 €.8- Eq= ,X'Ssoo \oagttr ? 2 € EF g co E Sfr.,e ^b"gp H E -i &' * .S .tr ep E 7€BFE$HEg t-? ae tr 4 ? ?atrtr'2EobE .PFFEs'ai E b H (\l E i!E ,-.EE tr': A +.H €g r&F3tu= I H f;€ ;iF?E;T EEF'zAAE €EHEa gE =c n F =E #C\ ...i fr Ix(5Yr.)IMBA(DDcE)FM-Min-4s(FMI) 20r3 Full Marks - 70 Time : As in the Programme The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks. Answer the questions as directed in each section. Section-A(Answer any i. THREE) [12x3 What is Indian Financial System ? The components of Indian Finanicial System is inter dependable with each other, explain. 2. Explain how trading & settlement help in fmancial growth of Indian Financial Market. 3. 4. 5. Define "New Issue Market", discuss the process of issuing the share with examples. Describe Capital Market; discuss its role in the growth of the economy of any country. Discuss how the RBI controls the inflation in different critical situtaions, explain with exampels. SECTION.B Answer any THREE 1. 2. : [8x3 Describe the T-Bill Market with examples. Describe briefly the different types of Commercial Bills. I Contd. l,2l 3. of deveiopment finanical Discuss the features 4. institution' & describe role of its Market Money Define PlaYers' 5. the IRDA' CBLO & Briefly describe about Repo. SECTION{ Answer anY TWO 15x2 Discuss rts 1. Market' Describe Call Money 2. 3. 4. SEBI' Describe the role of Commercial Banks' Discuss the role of advatnages & disadvantages' functions of RBI' Describe the role & o IX( 5Yr. )IMBA(DDCEf FN4-Nlin-4 5 (FMI) !n J. g'gE e qEE Eg E FE iag: P; E EEg3E b ;EA a gEE EH EEE :Fd eig *EFr E$€;7 XE* gigE EiEE :E€*! is"s t; T Es = E ss a$ u R F$} iE s;i;i* = g # sie v'2 ..i+.* =E=€*; A ;€€a iEE g5 F;s H:E xF:FEEg lE;g iP"' EE ts ? f;;; n,B :?E$ E ifiEgE IEE *€s s F E H TH x€E 5gs sF bI, 'qs cD '\ bxJe.i S rg(.l xx.: csmE ?) oc) (t) O b0 u=+i+l Z tr-Cg o 3 ai cA S H c) o .I r&l b. o (h \O .v .2 E c) E -.: ob J g F A, F f-ooO\* 3.= F b" "2.2 t E EE E E g g f,, E E'E I$ gQiS+.2.E.HeEE? --tr== tr E .n t, -='hoAeo':6ao c) € C{ gE{.t€tE 5o&E F,A'Fgg - EE=b0.aci ()6F,;tr-€+) Lr-o=50P-c-c frgE €#P C'.1 = O t.rj I ..! I I (n rrl O ot a (s G Fe.Fe, EEEF:EsFEEF iG):lO=rC:l9)=+Y4 = ='= v) t a d E H 3s € 3'E 3b \j€ qg s Ey gI e:::€ .2 c.: F SE E ; F i o,.l v) | )'r ii cs &E g'a 6i tr o e ql F ; E g5 s S E H .= * E A: F &, EF F& E :b iP fiHE F9 H EF F,7, sa aE * :T :t =>o.cts€E ;H;F T€f;E 6) .- -6E=Esss $EgtEgg* tn : c d ? E E E.E = EEE'e, E €IEEg'E='E = i;f^e6tr.EEcsH.oE'a,ES) X c -, A .8, $ F g E cs U v, : y E r-- ,-r -a t F E E : = -, u) e ? E E E $ €E 3 &€ e 5 .2'il.2.2.2 >.* HE E,E E E cc€- \o E€ gE ac)u,fi {H f; F. 5s bs nd ix E e €i F ptr 3= PE q g" E5 H trh= I? o. j gE :EE.: EI fU NE'JiF;== 3E .= E :e! = E € F fr E go,.E.e EH.n E E € E E ,,= E 5# EE E,f - IVs (2Yr) *1BA (DDCE) SPI- I -HR-26 28r4 Fwll Marks - !00 Time As in the Programme indicate rnarks The figures in the right hand margin Answer questions ss per instruction therein' : ' Section-A (Answer anY Five) [12x5 l.Definethetermindustrialrelations?E'xplain their functions and responsibilities of Industrial relations specialists' 2. Define WPM. What are the essentiatr conditions for the success of WPM ? 3. Discuss the provision relating to health and safety under the Factories Act, 1948' 4. Explain the provisions Remuneration Act, 5. 197 in the Equal 6' What are variqus authorities under the industrial disputes Act whictr help to settle the industrial disPute' ICont. F\. )driX ;p rt *-J 6€ ;-B c . q< E g3 +() a s! : q Fii ,€ E 3 g ?lF ; ra E ** ;-E E tr* y, b E # H.i H -* o.* !; € 6 \>tr3.E:A{€A$' .Ag' ;*# Fr C! cA S sE (n \O .f*. e B .O oO O\ rr a I frl -!. u) r) L a v) c\ 1;r te €*a€ s3€ EE€ E gi t E€E a.?E GE s€ s$6EF girl;aE * E h'F E .f : E g: ; F* qF E.gF,'EE F*P;EEEREE €8 +, H A ts fr E o U: I A E L q= X E b ; E'E e^ o E,"'l I o A E e.b -rn V^ ,h E * Ro 6 g g -U I-9 ;6deE?€8X!;{Es >'E ;'E r,E; E a c! en ttr) s€ F Fe g Et EE: iig Ee Egtg: g2; E€Eg €€ EE EApEE JEsE;asi€:#H oo 3.;#:,=EE E{ t'-- gEeX SI \o 5 IVs (2Yr) MBA (DDCE) SPI- I -HR-27 2g14 Full Marks - 100 Time : As in the Programme indicate marlcs The Jigures in tlte right hand margin Answer questions as per instruction therein' Section-A (ARswer anY 1. Five) [12xS Training is the process of upgrading the knowledge , skill and where as the development relates to upgrade attitude an emPloyees. Disuss' 2. of What is learning ? How its affects the employees capabilities, competency and comitmentlevel. 3. its What is training need assessment ? Why before an important techniques to be adopted conduot of a training programme ? Write down the different obstacles while applyrng TNA. 4. What are the skill and different qualities be required for a trainer ? What steps should ICont' 'F g g Eo HR E E E E uB. F EE q e. r*i ' E teE.a€ .g * E e E €sE'iI f H E E ?FAFg E ; E .e.i.: :E EbgE€ Aq$a;Efi gag :? q € .e'Eq.$g$e EH: .5E,E Z€ g€ € $ ge *C{c4$\n i !E iE€FiBR IEHe=rE i'*I € E aEe c *.E i E E.E Zfr ge €gg e f;a EP et E tr ;:E B'E: o E:E E€*3 EEH EEfi .9(d EE A;U'E€ Pse ;B :Ets $,8:Ee l?€ EHailEHEgEE T S :":;:E HF! EtEaatfr EE tH a€gF Eg€ EE E*€E€ E E Ea ;HfEHHeFE*EEBEiEE 3iF AHgRaE EEEfi € k1 F':'i NS';^F6 'fA-^v2S t\ rr s*R R;: v, fi= Z€ *€ E H € F.B (n-i€#€€E€H;Esr EE gE 8 $F r5Eg $-x € x E€:s 6E:€ :EE 'ut HSEgi;fiEIg;g*$; T.E a €ugE f3" &\ $F f *s :+ F -txt$ ;a-i E*g'gE ss 2X E R g$i ui;;$€ ;€iE ;x :F;: E =giF l rgE igis m€ :+Si; 3 c t ,.r v.- I rSS {s $\ oo q\s rS .4 Y €X c! *jts.5'= srtrE.= 50bFf, ./ r\ 9rIo;,b; '>1 (')EE,t;io=.=== :oGcr.==Ef,.E 'i3LEE=NiE r.L. .i a! CB o o 'E U) U) V). s: EFES ")a.s U) .ts 'H 'i 'H E* :'.E q 7' E E aAtG.zEv2qS-.o _ fr o_ 3 g 9 * _ €P7y,x*^.5-?^;. \-,Ut-El"bOOdE0 ^ }i +{ V) ({-. O o;EHEEEE o, 6-==;==== Y,E&, gt; g5 bb _o G ct) I co i''l =i z, \/ (.) f a I .e . t) c'l Y. eE B3€c ; leE sf E F H i $ iE's* €€a gE$ :gg ;Hgsg Egg s;E€ c $flE sg$rEF'€r H FEEH :$ cE€EE:FE zriEfi E€E g EE s€ EE gE ge €EErf ggI€ s IVs {Zyr) &{BA (DDCE) Spt- _HR II _29 2GT4 Full Martrs - 100 frme As in the programme The figures i* the right hind *orgin indicate ryarks Answer qwestions as per insiruction : therein. Section-A, (Answer any 1. Five) "HRp is a highly,important and usefu if used properly, its offers I [l2xS activity, a number of benefits". Discuss the importance ofHRp in the process of HRD. 2" What is manpower inventory. Discuss its importance of HRp. 3. trI/hat is quality of work reaiJy qual ity of w.ork life for &+. 5. life ? Do you think is a rnoti vating factor the enrployees in the organization. Human resource dccounting and human resource auditing are the two side of HRp. Discuss the irnportance and objectives.. Desing FIRD matrix developed by T.V. Rao. f Cont. +J 'dH&s , '.{ -3€,.6 cr]^: (ivu q'F -=A g i Fts E..a i5 + :-a1 +.q.,;tx4;..Fr 6 o E c..t f I (n 4: v) e{ sigE$€ E E E F8 Hs'n 3E; $E?1E Ef sEstEgEF$ssb E'A& EFF p $EE€EEiF€= 3 g FE € E g 3EE:g=Ee€,i:g eEgf EEF5$ 2;;$A E E E E ! fr E ; u e -Eg €€ A gF FNFFEi 8 gE AS E5F F- Ei #&:H€ # a * tl-! s sE s g F € s E f; € F sF;; €g ;H rsi F ;Eg# ;€ n$#" 5;E:ub gFie cagp;. s*ds$E# €; 3 cc #E tEe E€u E r Et 3g$$E j€aEEt:q'g,EEEFgEEiH g g g eE g * C'l * j rvs (2yg nrfa @DcE) spr;[ _r{R _32 201 4 rin" Tlte fi.gut es A nswe *:,r::;f_roo in rho -::;-.":'ue-programnte r';.:; ;::: ::#: ::::,' i ndic a,e ma rks mshuction therein. Section_A r' Denne*-JHllJ*Five) rl2xs 2 ;;J;..",::J;:)"1*T*:,, .di.rrf uunrr-r_*":_lr,:,r:r_theadvantagesand ,nr."rlli."lture 3. 4' *t* rrn ,i'tJ,rior ryVhat is slc.o ceiling a^it: ? wydoes it prace rorttutt take ernplovees and ernproyees *notifY groqP' i-,"", rl:.,:t* ilhte on' ,nu cljfferent sfrategies adopted adopter ,o* o:'i ;;;:"'tegies rnanase,;lTt b-v the s affects to trv,rar;,.;-:*:',::$anization in IIIRM z rriscuss -;. #:f,recruriternenr r-rfs and of each. demerits [Cont. I WJ tAII -r cgg (,) a , c,) ,F Hfi X t\. ? <] S 5h ,dtrtq.:S?cHo('.l '€o E'6 3 5 S -c E ? -E 6 r e ; g E.l E E fi i5: a sE a€€FF€$8f,5 € F.= d b E F'R 0.e S = \JE.9.26Yv';tr-i \or-o1ced*;;;.seloreBuleldxg .r uolrar8arut uI eceJ,erut eceJrelur pue *"rrr, *' ii^t1-1u* soil;: r'td eq1 ululdxg .Z 'srrEeP ur--' ;:,flT"11*,uorrnroas rxzrt -';*{:$i.1 ',m eu, aasuy) , y-uopcag 'u!alaqt uollcntt.err, .^ r $LtDw ,ro",orll"n'4su1 7"6 s0 sa , * ;::#1:,j i;ii os - sfio7a),r, ;;i, ffi:,, awlJ ,I0z ez rlrsrr rds (oCag) yflru(.r^z) slr 3. 4. 5. /sy [21 Write notes on EDI ? Explaininternetbankingindetail. Discuss the security and privacy issues associated with E-Business. Section - C (Answer any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B2G Website SCM Re-engineering ERP Virus BPR Smart card MRP. II Systemintegration 3 IVs (2Yr) MBA (DDCE) Spl- I - ISM-26 Eight) [7x2 . . 'tuoJJ n o^ etll seoP X;0",,i:0ry;#i:J:uvot3ezpe*nrnos (q-em,t nu lg ee,lrSUVJ ^og ,erdruexo osueroJJrp acp .I l rr, urr,l _^T,".rrros ctvu uee^,es u,urjilrillj:: rezlleuuoN ulels{s3ro sad,e }LroroJJrp _ sIrcq4l .S .Eupsel eq.'l ssncsrp pu, irrT lttlt erryctuls (q) .t r Eurtldno3 uourtlroc ue Jo dleq @) --rjnro*g;3l#t,,il:;:';:,.:1, erri uro.s ilff# t Jerrrp ur,,r"ib.i"fJj,.^.,l uo,r,rrp 'nJls seop ^toH 'e ruols,,(s 'lueurdole'rep .roJ t'o:t luere3rgrp ssn3sla 'I T,xztl (oru.r r.lul lamuy) ^uu 'ulaatlt uoi-^ v-uo.rlJos ro",rrlllltut r"i rl"rr",,sanb .ra*4s,,u sq.tDw , _,;::#w 0g - i *, ;:;:il#f",, sY.to1,y 11ng ?107 ca - rlrsx- r _lds (acog) varru (ead sar *- 2. t2t Distinguisfr betwer-r, tnAncqn+;^ 3 ;***;*i:lH,]:: decir . Strategy. 4. 5" I. Explain the DFD symbols and howar, represented. Explain the difference between schema and subschema with an example. Section _ C (Answer anI seven ) lzrl 2 o.o*iljilffiHfr'ffi,,** 3. 4 whar,,;il'ff:TrT"? { :rrl J. what u What is ur a slatem sfudY. 6. 7. ^--.t*'""De wnat rs Code generator What is Five C,s What is ? ? 8 wh,;;;fffffil;;1.J" 9. 10. ,n., r What are what.,.. 3;ffit G IVs (2yr) MBA @DCE) Spt_ r _ rSM_27 fpes of DFD ? rVs (2yr) MBA @DCE) Spr_ r _rsM _ 2s 2074 - The so ' ,or" .""t'Marks nt the prograntme figures itt the , 'o margin indicate Answer nr"rr;:::hand marks ,, ns t ru c n o n t h e re i n ;::rtr:;_i (Answ n. m::fif*{ fi;i;nExprain ,0"*o** di a, "ri,:L::iil Discuss the th Me s s age o,.,1,',1'T;: assocaited with it. 3. rf,eren,'#: 3 ",.;;;; HTil'#,3j: iT Explain Online RcnLi^^ Banking 'process in dehil. Discuss o,*rl issues and challenges of onlineg*kins.nt 4. ,' t. What is Firewall.? Explain the mechanism ofFirewall in dehil. Section - B {Answer whar is rnrerne, ;{;X"'*.,*rlrffi and disadvantages of intenret. fCont" zxLl gz-^sl -t tds (acocr) vgry (r^z) sAI o .sralllc 0r rue&3.rrd I4.uc_a dv/d Burlnftuor"X pere{ruJ sorlsll^rs 0 '8 L 'g ,+? v > srCIooloJd. ,VVA ( uaaas laeg ,{uu fr,- .taarsuV) -^ "7 'I 3 - uopcag Josluotrln4surrercueuggufroua.'IAfuJ 'lrerop "*ui4ueq rrl ,,[uJ tll ornlcolll{rrya ure;dxg 'b auo'rJo u"r^rl^n]utwnmr#t"r#'8 rq oruCIraJJlp 1€uos-red o Izl IIlolls^ ':e IVs (2Yr) MEA (DDCE) Spt- H -ISM -?{7} 2&X4 Full Marks - 50 Time : As tn the Programtne The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks Answer questions as per instruction therein' Section-A t. . 2. TWO) [12x2 Describe various components of DBMS (Answer anY environment and discuss how they relate to each other. Describe the main characteristics of the database aPProach in contrast, 3. Briefly discuss the History of database System. 4. Write on the various algebraic operations that can be peformed to manipulated the data in the database. 5" Discuss the method of implementing join queries. Section - B (Answer anY i. TWO) [ 6 x2 Define single valued and multivalued atfi'rbuted with examples r{-,t*t. az-rrus n ros tNl (af0a)vgY{t'^z\ c ot uo$cssuel:,ffi, sl l"' . r^.r u?1.35o5 trepo*u**"i;1fifi*;:1, 1t:, .,*""*;#:fit ;,eurewsl*tMt"ffi .q, i re'rr^u 'urssacorda*]10'*i:ffiffiilm sN6G € txt\ "'T\-1; :*kiH, \e - 'v ,-uo$eolrOor6rrpr*l1 .uoqlsodr$oca? o luuolre 1o -"r(\o uo sa$xa*"'snlncwo se101l ::":.:.r-*,nc 'l*\eedsouv*'-'' 7' "*tt* "oo* eql saop F{N\ lzl IX(5Yr.)IMBA(DDCE)FM-Min-46(MBFS) , z 2013 Full Marks - 70 Time : As in the programme The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks. Answer the questions as directed in each section. . 1. ' 2. 3. 4. 5. Section-A(Answer any THREE) ll2x3 . Define Lease, discuss the different types lease with examples. of Define venture Capital.Describe the fypes venture Capital firms. of Give an account about evolution of Mutual Fund in the world and India. What is Factoring ? Describe the process itwithexamples. of Define Merger, explain the different types of mergers. Section-B(Answer any THRBE) l. 2. [Bx3 Explain future of,MerchantBanking inlndia. What are the advantages & disadvaniages Hir-purchase. of I Contd. 12l 3. Briefly describe the role UTI in Indian Mutual Fund Market. 4. Define Management of Risk in finanical services. 5. Discuss the role & functions of IRDA. Section-C (Answer any TWO) l. Explain the SEBI Guideline for service Sector. 2. Explaion the role of National Housing bank in house financing. 3. Briefly discuss the role of CRISIL 4. Write a note on different policies of Mutual fund. o IX(5Yr.)IMBA(DDCE)FM-Min-46(MBFS) & carc. IVs (2Yr) MBA TDDCE) Spl- I - llIM -25 2tr4 Fuil Marks - l0A frrne : As in the prograrune The figwres i* the right hand margin indicate marks Answer rluestions as per instruction therein. Section-A (Answer any 1. Five) [12x5 Explain Howard Sheth model of consumer behaviour and also state the pros and cons of the model. 2. Discuss the process ofpurchasing. Highlight the significance of search process in purchase decision. 3. Brieflyexplain the applications ofconsumer behaviour. What are the leaming experiences we can gain from Consumer Research ? 4. 5. What is segmentation ? Explain the steps in segmentation process. What are tbctors affecting the influence of reference groups ? lVhat are the bases of social power. ICont" ; .6 x; s!6 o (.) O 'j5 F€ b"E ti H .. '* ri 5s E .tr5bpq_ie Q iib0vaCOO ,; n * 9lI E> Hfi b ?g o€loF€EsRl.-1.= F h ir Frp F = F g 6 A H 6:Z'o: F F '6 E 7a.g o = E c ta.? P a cl d tr >, 6; f 4=+-svFZ€EH :)E = F,ts=; F s =.9: e 'Et s E;5 g 'EBEoaqS"EBEE E5EtrAfi .;oicas\n\Of-oOO\'li T E E E 5 2 Y E al I (\ a a I rrl v) C) L z th c.l EE EE; H I H F {E E€ tE :eE Ag€a €E ia €iE ;E E;*g:E EgE g ; B ?,_ € g 5 E€ EE FE€EIETEHe :EEiitsvEfriFeiEx { E !; i E, 6 *;F *C\ ca rn F sg *E Hs EilEE -uf aA'i**EgEE.'F E 3 fEE ;E* t=- H a -26 lVs (2Yr) MBA (DDCE) SPI- I - MM 2,014 ' Full Marles - 100 Time : As in the Programme indieate marlcs The figwres in the rig:ht hand margin Answer questions as per in'struction therein' Section-A (Answer any t. Five) . [12x5 in Elaborate the communication process marketing. and Describe the different types of agencies ? how they differ from the one another a 1 with Explain different types of advertising suitable examPles. A +. of Briefly explainthe objectives and function advertising. 5. DesEribetheroleofmediaplayinadvertising? What are the f,actors should be taken account while planning media for an advertising camPaign' fCont" ?a d F >' r< o0 .o0 (l) c/) !) 'o 0) +) .F dH 9? .= +J -- u9 ts ,-. (g ct) e+" ._ ' 'i v F.2 \o (.) He P h n d o?4 H 4EF P -€€ts : d; vr\ atr xcg qts '*.' f-l ..ctr EoE .- 5F r EbcH 3 z € ri €.t H E = l) P i\ - .U F a+) (D {-) 6 v) ',- 4 E EE r.- E OO Q\ - -,t v o f{I I I V) rYl U v) et EF .Y .= ii.; F;fi o sE ?? S n EE : cocs -HEe E E i E € EE' H€ g :? € I = e" EE Fi F E ts€. E g Fea'r u) E >c" 6l cA AEg E€c€.;E &,#f;EF€sEY, 3 fi $ a e € E a re -t' Ex " E*'€ s g v .6.8' F :U .-j c'i cd + ,ri \o i-. 5 9F a H NE ? )-() oF 9F e ? ir ? €F.='*e E =d 5 Eg . |i^r d t "E sB n I '"E = g :, E z E b i: 3 *r().n 6 a E F ;a €.! 2 gaYrCCEi4a-.=e.dE3 E 8 F A T E8 H A T O 3 .Eg =X hF e= !E 5 EE iE €EE Ef; [€ €i*H 638 €iiho € l-. &? E 3 3 a'* !l r< *V-€i\ E-3 e; 6 q 0^ H E €'E Ro a (\ EE F..r E o p p p H: F lia H .Ftr.L:;g a€ epE qE.=F.= - .E .o x : tr6 6\ t f € 4.3=E frEH5 KiilE Fr S 's )DcE) IVs (2Yr) MBAG SPt- I - MM -27 ' 2ifr14 - 10A Futll Marks rime : As in the !ro::: ,!riorro,, marks * th ^Y,,,,#!':T:;*,1f,#",* questt r h e fi gure' \ Answer ' : r ein Section-A ;::-::: ,,, Salos' rnanagem€nt t. ' e rs :;"'1,,,,J';: *ut"t f-otce' Explain 'maou'"*U"'lf "r the *' # *,*,*.r, t ::T::T:i: T: Tobes Eureka I '' nAqua Uua- r--'nrrrrP of v- sales struururv different the r ExPlairforce ''''t-*i" of sales ' 'Howistt ational orgailzr determined' :-- 3, relasonqbiPbe tvPes of Yarious fftd '*;;;- 'qrlotl' l"::ut using sales the'reasons'for Make the salss quota'and quota. fCont. -r-t a\ cn E R xr- Fa€i ,>>Yi trtro ac!x .-.9L6) 9q)5 de 5.i Ee.= \/Ftr trA '=H u) ':: g.()a X= sv rY\ l{ FEEi 5€# Fg. {g:s i€t Fi s C.l CA E B€ g *Fe€iEt*It:g6sH et€; r*&:+#€ n iEcf a EfifiiHgf €:{ gi ei$e Egs s€ g;Ega ggi*g isg Eggi 1-j iJ IVs (2yr) iuBA (DDCE) Spt- r - MM _28 20r4 Full Marks Time : - 100 As in the prograrnme figures in the right hand margin indieate marks Answer questions as per instruction therein. The Section-A (Answer any l. Five) [l2x5 Explain the various test marketing process involve in the new product development process. 2. 3. Define productportfolio, discuss its analysis process through BCG matrix. Explain the process of positioning with example. 4. Describe the different types of Brand extensions and its advantages. 5. Discuss the elements , concepts of Brand identity and explain the Jean Noel Kapferer's Pyramidal model with suitable example. {Cont. ?atr €€E gF EEE .tX'FE ECE- sg€g$EFEI ; : s s; ; o €. 5 ; 5F'dF ;* f, d uir'E #t+& E€ ".. #; HofE rx:-E -> . e) o tr rEEa* t$EE u, g .F g 3 EE''' g E .O O\ ,-( '5 q o c\. rt € c X c E F &.;E F E E ; a_ u) Ib E ? E 3 6 E E: E -E' sSV'&El1,ii FFAe i .?.s .2 T € *' € P .s e €t .2 B€ E sE i'E E o -E.E.E E H ',g .c 5:o S EF E E E. ==>= E A =6E E E E;E !o € € : I ;€ fi E g F**H s ? gE?€;sts € p. E ..I €E : H€ i ? 3E F € ; EE g,n.HE€iFtrp€{E t (\ I a rrl O (n c.l E € € 5 € s g T ,f;; asE€F,Z€AlTFs" s 5E r"i + ,rj Es €K€F fg ;s:f €E€ EF6Esrg gE o',r E€r A: #: A€ Eg EE rf;EIE'sA 3€nEEnR,E8F t-. t-\ ' IYs (zYD &'IBA (DDCE) Spl- II - MM -29 z8l4 Full Marles - 10CI Time : As in the Programme The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks Ansro*er questions as per instruction therein. Section-A (Answen anY 1 l. Five) [12x5 Defrne consumer behaviour and explain its interdisciplinary nature. 2. Critically evaluate Eengell Kollat Blackwell model of consumer decision making. 3. Explain cognitive dissonance theory. How can marketers reduce dissonance experienced by consumer ? 4. Define culture. Explain the affect of culture and subculture on consumer behaviour. Give suitable exarnples to support your'answer. 5. Discuss thb process of consumer's decision making process. ICont. t-A o0 FA, -o H N -<# .9 H .i FE bo bo b uii Hr>>aF ?a4==='J ft :l g EE€€ '=- = Cg >r gE *a < .E oj + c\ I c..l z I arl a (J v u) ot v p tr Rg#B$iBEE E-9 aEeE{tEE re ;?A:E-EER E E eEEil Fb sE S 3 E sA E E€: He €$, EEE: EE'f ,c 0 s b 6.2 E ; * 4 5'E= a b .tr a Z EE 3Ad E€ =:S3 -o{ v; tr.= q' = E F g q.Y e e EE s; E E e *E E Eo E I # I t 9 = ,z c o E s EE6 E = a€ == ,fE U) lE lr rt Z.p -c Ecr99iF.: E E Hc\.EE H _ .a = B e E g AE E u= Erfl E., BF ts'& Hc -g H fr c639 E': €.EA.E;i B-E e 5'Eh ,io ci'.Eb}{#.= I Er .a o.r :E gEc:Ft FES ET g -^ a F € E .= r8.o E-= EE"g ES{ €FE +aE €;3F.H 5- q g.e il 5 8o ; H.E€ ;.9 E 8 3* $ _ g 3,e p s 6 as & s :x eE 5ab *NC1 E a IVs (2yr) hfBA (DDCE) Spt_ II - Mtvr -32 2814 Full Marks _ 100 Iitne : As in the prograntme The figwres in the right hand norgtn indicate marks Answer questions as per instruction tltereite. Section-A (Answer any 1 l. Five) [t2xS Explain the various strategy implernented during the lunching of the new products by the cornpany. Discuss the irnportance of GE model in business. 3. Branding ? Why should the marketer brand his producl ? 4. Describe the advantages ancl disadvantages and bases of pTM model (pre 'vVhat do,vsg mean by Test mo, *-fr = O 4&etFFd$X,=+ vH'?'.2€H€.sV-oc tn\Of-OOO\d qP*-,f{-r:)+)9::9 €crjcs(gc€dccccG.= (-r(1 d.ti;-;(r. ---/r ==FB #O,lc.|t .O gE e E g' 'f, I * EF :E; R Es :qE I H g i r,EE E?E E=;E -i ai*;e gtt :il gf ' E \o t-- e.l cat tf) 5EEEE?iIis ZE -E EE g.,? €gIgI€e+.s 3Ia€;E€t;F gcgFEg€E$ s;sFFgFFH (n I v) I L a at {; - !'\ IVs (2yr) MBA @DCE) Spt_ I _pONr.-26 2014 Full Marl,Ebo+< g'gd€ g o F E E S UFg:;;Efr € gFE * T:;EE EEi E E€E.; r.E gt Ff 3E H bae Eo = .i c.i cd +,r; \o .u F- @ oi h e?q-r 3 i$€€f*g s ii sE t E € E sE.E.E2F".X H esil E.}EE=E ESEEEgE ';s€#€j E E l€ Es qo f E f; € E -€ E :'Fe $t F F E q-r ., E 5 $ E l'dE,; !Ef* B :E aS E H Eaf sEts# €= E F caE? E gB FgEE rEEr>'r n#E3€ ca Fg sEFF$RgF5F!g EF E5gE€E€gE;; lEIa €iE6s$HEfE€ ;fl FE Gl I & (\ I I v) () V) Ctl r\ IVs (2Yr) MBA (DDCE) Spl- I - POM -27 20r4 Full Marks - 100 Iime : As in the prograrnme figures in the right hand margin indicate mqrks Answer qwestions as per instruction therein. The Section-A l. (Answer any Five questions) [12x5 Explain in details the functionp and strategies of Operation Planning and Contrpl with appropriate examples, 2. Why forecasting is rpquired ? Explain in details the different types of errors in forecasting. 3. What are the different plans adopted in Aggregate Production Planning ? Explain in detail with the advantages and disadvantages of each of thpm. 4. What is a master production scheduling Explain in details with the help of I an appropriate example. {Cont" I\F w(d X(L \oo -rF EI iF .=LUU)F () U) O ra v bo ,i .55o\\o..\Er ar 5 cF = .{ i ; -.c c = Eg ooN;.E No;f ng fgF F \.,/ * € ir !-; X .*. ':: 8F ts c\'E El E 6 '!95\ocI!'=:€+ F .g EF ", oo€ S ,tr- E t r{rrE -O'S€ =\o,$F€s R; cn \o o\.EE g i' U#€ F H r ' E b tr* 'F;SF * - @ 5r F ' o ; c\ N d; F'E \i;-c --ia€ --6 =ttr tr r< o 9d B E.ry,oe sFt eE e i #gg fE Ev..EF$;€E d, e3 I = I E v; ?.; -.i d- {\ \.) (n=v(., .\rNca\o qco\oNoo ;c\OLA -!n\| ca c) EOr-\J r-j S;:S "g o\ trt EI A + ,r; dU F € !!, ri RE .e,F b-E ; Fg (Dtr6\ 5'5x (J'6r Y G) r" ; :E :{d)*rA tj-H€ €-J Pta(lzEtr ! t\ .\ 'FNE-'H h.EitrcE Es EE b F'5 E O \o L E 8 oo E o H AE tr.b .E Cd e h E -S'q t € iiE E,ga CiE " i ) .! s *.; F,H :f ,Fra*FFF€gl 3€i Es ss;s$FFFsF cgo :8 € tr \\, sg -; g fleg FF $,f $ E5g gs e rF f : E$g n?F # 5 g, e.,FE E; fr sE '.g E €€ !NE€ \o F sF g fF$u \n a { -28 IVs (ZYr) MBA (DDCa) SPI- I - PoM 20L4 Futl Mart{s - 100 : ' TIme As in'the Programrne margin indicate marks The figtres in the right hand questions ss per instruction therein' Answer Section-A (Answer any Five : questions) [12x5 t. roles of What is Technology ? Explain the Technology in India' 2. policy Explain the science and technology details' statement of the Government in 3. in What is technology forecasting ? Explain details its necessitY' 4. Explain the methodologies for technology forecasting. 5. What is technology transfef ? Explain the same in details with examPle' 6. Wftutarethgmodelsfortechnologytransfer ExPlain in details' ? {Cont' ?93'A rIFE€& E sf,s f '3>,Ebo+< g'gd€ g o F E E S UFg:;;Efr € gFE * T:;EE EEi E E€E.; r.E gt Ff 3E H bae Eo = .i c.i cd +,r; \o .u F- @ oi h e?q-r 3 i$€€f*g s ii sE t E € E sE.E.E2F".X H esil E.}EE=E ESEEEgE ';s€#€j E E l€ Es qo f E f; € E -€ E :'Fe $t F F E q-r ., E 5 $ E l'dE,; !Ef* B :E aS E H Eaf sEts# €= E F caE? E gB FgEE rEEr>'r n#E3€ ca Fg sEFF$RgF5F!g EF E5gE€E€gE;; lEIa €iE6s$HEfE€ ;fl FE Gl I & (\ I I v) () V) Ctl r\ rvs QY)MBA@DCE)spr_[_TTM _A 2074 Time The figure, ^,, " As in the -,,";;::;i: : :#:i::;: i; - e therein m a r hs ,-;;;trucnon r 2. 3' Full Marks _ rnn 4 \"r "**"1ff#i:._1Jr,l.?sand n"*nrhrusr iri rndian ir,, ffi;1::1'*T1".* what srr.iul inreresr tour ,l,rcuss ? Discuss v suitabr,l exarnples' ---t a". with a*uti" : **d*fi*f+pil;::;;.''' 5. d. 7. I slate ofTourisrn in India. Discuss ,;"e :,^_,"j-,t significance of tourisrn industry in rndiar I econorny. - ofro".#ffi;l Discuss indusqy #ffi'fiill.ffi Differenr Dornesrjc ;::: :.ns in tourisn, between Ir whar,,#i:ir"*":'fiJ,Xil;:ffi: .;;#"#l:fril,HflHT::tf {Conr 1{ ' LxL\ s't't ('J3od vBI { (:'az) 6z-INrr - II Jds o '01 l€ofl esnol{ '6 {.$sun0J, CIJllpl},\N slueuodY! '8'L ,{-qsnpul urslrnotr;o '9 ,1ttt oJn l3npord u4niuqrelrt{g {"rkrd orust{j, "E 'Z aBetFaH .ft 1e61uopu3^ut13*l?;#$ 'sleloH '1 e$tuJ ( ue,re5 '{'uu re'rrsuv) J - uollras 9 sldocuoc eql ssntslG ,. 'slelsog I$noAJo ssl-tcslc '€lpul uI ruslJnol cruqlg sBoD elelax 'ssncslo ''{r}uno3 u/(O 'l- V '{'llmPurwsuno} ut ,Qtlelrdsoq Jo oou€Uodrul snotlc€J$€ l€Jn1€uJo eql euILu€xA lusunolul 33u€uo9*t tqt ssncslG eq1 snlcodso"rd i-ir tl'i,suno"L ocg 3o (oAeI, '{uu 'ro'rnsu16) zx It { 'T' "Ipul Ssassy 't - uo$ras tzl IVs (2yr) &rBA (DDCE) Spr- r _TTM-26 2A14 ' Full Marks Iime : _ 100 As in the progromme figures in the right hand margin indieote marks Ans*-er questions as per instruction therein. Tlte Section-A (Answer any FIVE) I j [tr2x5 Explain the origin of the hotel industry. The invention of the wheetr is seen as one of the greatest events in the progress of the hotel industry. Discuss. 3. In the past only selected segments of the population used to travel. Describe the various fypes of accommodation that were available for their use. 4" Define caterinig establishments. And expiain various types of eatering estabiishments. 5. Explain why the hotel indusrry is considered to be the fastest growing sector in India. 6. List various operational departments of a hotel, Explain why the food and beverage ICont. )v o2a t3E otr ()rAC) -4-q L/3u) (! qr Cd (1 EdgE = -;\ \) -GarXpct l'.r = = J rn iJ irr U A' l+{ ;x H I E l ei: bE ; E g,f; I3 =E 3 € -E oni:1'X.t/n vua c|/)', b H S {i t O\# !_ .i: rr_ _5 _=.E E -i: A C0 FFI EFd-e;.iE; 4 ;_ rr = E a=y = (rx tX P = = s fF c.l ca s .* rn c..l tn I F- (n (-) (\l sfi c: E E€ $# .F EF € g E$ qE ;a€€g x E' aiEh'u *urH €sFz,€ giflEnEE€t ;E$;s ''uE SFaEEIEE'EE ;aEuE EE tr= i\