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3 P S Produit Intérieur




P S Catalogue 61-005 Monthly C , 3 Catalogue 61-005 Mensuel System of National Accounts Système de comptabilité nationale Gross domestic product by industry Produit intérieur brut par industrie December 1983 Décembre 1983 . S Statistics Canada Statistique Canada Data in Many Forms... Statistics Canada disseminates data in a variety of forms. In addition to publications, both standard and special tabulations are offered on computer print-outs, microfiche and microfilm, and magnetic tapes. Maps and other geographic reference materials are available for some types of data. Direct access to aggregated information is possible through CANSIM, Statistics Canada's machine-readable data base and retrieval system. Des données sous plusieurs formes.. Statistique Canada diffuse les donncc\ smis hmues d iverses. Outre les publications, des totalisations habituelles et spéciales sont offertes sur imprimés d'ordinateur, sur microfiches ci microfilms et sur bandes niagnétiques. 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I Statistics Canada . Industry Product Division Monthly Measures Section System of National Accounts Statistique Canada Division du produit industriel Section des mesures mensuelles Système de comptabilité nationale Gross domestic Produit intérieur brut par product by industrie industry (1971 = 100) (1971 = 100) December 1983 Décembre 1983 Published under the authority of the Minister of Supply and Services Canada Publication autorisee par le ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada Statistics Canada should be credited when reproducing or quoting any part of this document Reproduction ou citation autorisée sous reserve d'indication de Ia source: Statistique Canada © Minister of Supply © Ministre des Approvisionnernents and Services Canada 1984 et Services Canada 1984 March 1984 3-1300-502 Mars 1984 3-1300-502 Price: Canada, $3.85, $38.50 a year Other Countries, $4.60, $46.00 a year Prix: Canada, $3.85, $38.50 par annèe Autres pays, $4.60, $46.00 par annèe Catalogue 61-005, Vol. 23, No. 12 Catalogue 61 -005. vol. 23, n 12 ISSN 0711 -852X ISSN 0711 -852X Ottawa Ottawa . Symbols Signes conventionnels The following standard symbols are used in Statistics Canada publications: Les signes conventionnels suivants sont employés uniformément dans les publications de Statistique Canada: • . figures not available. nombres indisponibles. - nil or zero. -- néant ou zero. - - amount too small to be expressed. - - nombre infImes. Note Nota Due to rounding, sub-annual detail may not average annual level. En raison de l'arrondissement des chiffres, il se peut que Ia moyenne des donnöes mensuelles et trimestrielles néquivaille pas au niveau annuel. Codes Codes SIC code: The Standard Industrial Classification code appearing in the tables should be interpreted as follows: Code CAE: le code de Ia classification des activités èconomiques figurant aux tableaux doit être interprèté comme suite: An SIC Division is indicated by one of the integers 1 to 11. Une branche de Ia CAE, est indiquèe par un des nombres entiers de 1 a An SIC Major group within the Division is indicated by two digits following the Division code and separated from it by a colon. Un groupe de Ia CAE, Iintérieur d'une branche, est indiqué par deux chiffres qui suivent le code de Ia branche et sont séparés de celui-ci par deux points(:). A three- or Jour-digit industry class is indicated by three or four digits respectively. Une classe d'industrie a trois ou quatre chiffres est indiquèe par trois ou quatre chiffres respectivement. A Note on CANSIMR Note au sujet de CANSIM Data in this publication were retrieved from CANSIM (Canadian Socio-Economic Information Management System) and were manipulated and processed to create a photo-ready copy. All tabular data appearing in this publication, as well as many other data series, are available to the public from CANSIM via terminal, on computer printouts, or in machine readable form. Les données figurant dans cette publication ont ètè extraites CANSIM (Système canadien d'information sociode economique). Elles ont èté traitécs de façon a produ ire une copie destinée a Ia photocomposition. Toutes les donnees présentées dans cette publication et beaucoup d'autres données contenues dans le CANSIM peuvent ètre extraites par I'intermèdiaire dun terminal, sous forme d'imprimès dordinateur ou sous une forme lisible par Ia machine. The pages 54 to 71 contain a list of Databank Numbers which can be used to access the series in CANSIM. For example, to retrieve Gross Domestic Product, monthly, without seasonal adjustment, you must use 144336". Les pages 54 a 71 renferment une liste des numéros Databank qul peuvent être utilisés pour avoir accès aux series du CANSIM. Ainsi, pour extraire le produit intèrieur brut mensuel avant désaisonnalisation, il suff it d'utiliser "D 144336". For further information write to CANSIM, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, K1A 0Z8, or call (613) 995-7406. Pour plus de renseignements, écrivez a CANSIM, Statistique Canada, Ottawa, K1 A 0Z8, ou téléphones a (613) 995-7406. ii. a I 4 S Table of Contents Table des matléres Page The System of National Accounts v Le système de comptabilitè nationale Page v Note Re: Historical Continuity vii Remarques sur Ia continuité chronologique vii Concepts, Sources and Methods viii Concepts, sources et méthodes viii Review of Results ix Revue des résuttats ix Graphique Chart 1. Comparison of Gross Domestic Product with Industrial Production, 1971-1983 1. Comparaison du produit intérleur brut avec Ia production industrielle, 1971-1983 2. Comparison of Goods-producing Industries with Service-producing Industries, 19711983 2. Comparaison des industries de biens avec los industries de services, 1971-1983 1 Tableau Table 2 1. Produit intérieur brut au coOt des facteurs en prix constants de 1971 2 2. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost in Constant (1971) Prices by Industry 3 2. Produit intérieur brut au coOt des tacteurs en prix constants de 1971 par industrie 3 3. Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Quarter 9 3. Produit intérieur brut en prix constants de 1971, par trimestre 9 4. Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Industry, by Quarter 11 4. Produit intèrieur brut en prix constants de 1971. par industrie et par trimestre 11 5. Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Month 20 5. Produit intérieur brut en prix constants de 1971, par mois 20 6. Indexes of Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Industry, by Month 24 6. Indices du produit intérieur brut en prix constants de 1971 par industrie, par mois 24 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost in Constant (1971) Prices I Revisions Revisions Avec cette livraison. les estimations du produit intérleur brut With this issue, the estimates of Gross Domestic Product by Industry are revised from January 1983. par industrie font l'objet dune revision depuis janvier 1983. This publication was prepared under the direction of: Cette publication a été redigee sous Ia direction de: - P.N. Triandafillou, Director, Industry Product Division - P.N.Triandafillou, directeur, Division du produit industriel - Richard W. Collins, Assistant-director, Industry Product Division - Richard W. Collins, directeur adjoint, Division du produit industriel - Richard Martel, Chief, Monthly Measures - Richard Martel, chef, Section des mesures mensuelles I I THE SYSTEM OF NATIONAL ACCOUNTS S 0 LE SYSTÈME DE COMPTABILITE NATIONALE In Canada, the National Accounts have been developed since the close of the Second World War in a series of publications relating to their constituent parts. These have now reached a stage of evolution where they can be termed a System of National Accounts'. For purposes of identification, all publications (containing tables of statistics, descriptions of conceptual frameworks and descriptions of sources and methods) which make up this System will now carry the term System of National Accounts' as a general title. Au Canada, los comptes nationaux ont fait l'objet depuis Ia fin de Ia Seconde Guerre mondiale do toute une série de publications portant sur leurs èlèments constitutifs. Ils ont connu une telle evolution qu'on peut maintenant les qualifier de "Système de comptabilité nationale". Aux fins d'identilication, toutes los publications qui font partie du système (elles contiennent des tableaux statistiques, Ia description du cadre théorique et I'explication des sources et des méthodes) porteront désormais le titre general do "Système do comptabilité nationale". The System of National Accounts in Canada consists of several parts. The annual and quarterly Income and Expenditure Accounts (included with Catalogue Nos. carrying the prefix 13) were, historically speaking, the first set of statistics to be referred to with the title "National Accounts" (National Accounts, Income and Expenditure). The Balance of International Payments data (Catalogue Nos. with prefix 67), in their more summary form, are also part of the System of National Accounts and they, in fact, pre-date the Income and Expenditure Accounts. Le système de comptabilitè nationale du Canada se divise en plusieurs categories de comptes. Les comptes annuels et trimestriels des revenus et des dépenses (paraissant dans les publications dont le numéro do catalogue commence par 13) ont constitué le premier ensemble do statistiques a etre connu sous le titre do 'Comptes nationaux" (Comples nationaux, revenus et dépenses). Los donnèes sur Ia balance canadienne des paiements internationaux (numéro de catalogue commençant par 67) font egalement partie, sous leur forme sornmaire, du système do comptabilité nationale; elles ont méme existé avant les comptes des revenus et dos depenses. Greatly expanded structural detail on industries and on goods and on services is portrayed in the Input-Output Tables of the System (Catalogue Nos. with prefix 15). The Catalogue Nos. carrying the prefix 61 provide 'constant dollar" measures of the contribution of each industry to Gross Domestic Product at factor cost. Inputs and outputs are related in Productivity Studies (Catalogue Nos. with prefix 14). Une nomenclature beaucoup plus détaillèe d'industries et do biens et services figure dons les tableaux d'entrèes-sorties du système (numéro de catalogue commencant par 15). Lea publications dont les numèros de catalogue commencent par 61 comprennent les mesures, en dollars constants, l'apport do chaque branche d'activité au produit intérieur brut au cout des facteurs. Un rapport est ètabli entre los entrées et sorties dons lea etudes do productivité (publications clont le numéro do catalogue commence par 14). Both the Input-Output Tables and estimates of Gross Domestic Product by Industry use the establishment as the primary unit of industrial production. Measures of financial transactions are provided by the Financial Flow Accounts (Catalogue Nos. with prefix 13). Types of lenders and financial instruments are the primary detail in these statistics and the legal entity is the main unit of classification of transactors. Levels of outstanding financial assets and liabilities are published annually as a major contribution towards a complete national balance sheet. L'Otablissement est l'unitè primaire de production industrielle tant dans les tableaux dentrèes-sorties que dans les estimations du produit intérieur brut. Les comptes de flux financiers (publications dent los numéros do catalogue commence par 13) mesurent lea operations financières. Les categories do préteurs et d'instruments financiers forment los èlèments do base do ces statistiquos et Ia personne morale est le point de depart du classement des agents èconomiques. Les niveaux des actifs et passifs financiers an circulation sont disponibles annuellement; ils constituent un élément important dun bilan national exhaustif. The System of National Accounts provides an overall conceptually integrated framework in which the various parts can be considered as interrelated sub-systems. At present, direct comparisons amongst those parts which use the establishment as the basic unit and those which use the legal entity can be carried out only at highly aggregated levels of data. However. Statistics Canada is continuing research on enterprisecompany-establishment relationships; it may eventually be feasible to reclassify the data which are on one basis (say the establishment basis) to correspond to the units employed on another (the company or the enterprise basis). Le système do comptabilité nationale constitue un ensemble conceptuellement intégré dans lequel les diverses categories de comptes peuvent Otre considèrées comme des sous-systémes ètroitement lies entre eux. Au stade actuel de développement, on ne pout faire de comparaison directe entre les èlèments bases sur l'établissement ceux qui sont bases sur l'entité juridique que lorsque les donnOes sont groupees dans des categories trés générales. Toutefois, Statistique Canada poursuit sos recherches sur les relations entre l'entreprise. Ia socièté et l'établissement. II sera peut-etre possible un jour de reclasser les données établies sur une certaine base (l'établissement par exemple) do manière a los faire correspondre aux données établies sur une autre base (sociétè ou entreprise). In its broad outline, the Canadian System of National Accounts bears a close relationship to the international standard as described in the United Nations publication: A System of National Accounts (Studies in Methods. Series F, No. 2 Rev. 3, Statistical Office, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, New York, 1968). Dans sos grandes lignes, le système do comptabililè nationale du Canada suit de très près Ia norme internationale exposee dans Ia publication des Nations Unies intitulèe Système dé comptabilite nationale (Etudes rnethodologiques, série F, no 2, rev. 3 Bureau do statistique, Département des affaires economiques et sociales, Nations Unies, New York, 1970). I NOTE RE: HISTORICAL CONTINUITY REMARQUES SUR LA CONTINUITE CHRONOLO GIQUES On the 1971 base, a continuous record from 1971 of Gross Domestic Product and its components may be obtained from the following Statistics Canada publications: Les publications de Statistique Canada sous mentionnees peuvent servir a établir une continuite du produit interieur brut et de ses composantes sur Ia base 1971 = 100 a partir de 1971: Catalogue 61-213. Gross Domestic Product by Industry. 1982 issue, for the 1971-1982 period. NO 61-213 au catalogue. Produit intérieur brut par iridustrie, publication de 1982 consacrèe a Ia periode 1971-1982. Catalogue 61-005. Gross Domestic Product by Industry, the June 1983 issue and current issues for the reference period beginning January 1983. NO 61-005 au catalogue. Produit intérieur brut par iridustrie, l'édition de juin 1983 et les publications courantes présentent des donnèes pour Ia pèriode de rêférence commençant en janvier 1983. The same data are available in the following CANSIM matrices: On peut obtenir les mêmes donnèes des matrices suivantes de CANSIM: Matrix numbers Gross Domestic Product: Monthly Quarterly Annual . 1131 1130 1125-1129 Numéros de matrice Produit intérieur brut: Mensuel Trimestriel Annuel 1131 1130 1125-1129 For the period prior to 1971, selected annual data are available on a 1971 reference base. The data are available in CANSIM matrix 389 or can be made available upon request by contacting Mrs. M. Galea (613995-0581), Industry Product Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, K1A 9Z9. En ce qui concerne les annèes antèrieures a 1971 certaines donnèes par annèe sont disponibles sur Ia base 1971 = 100. On pout obtenir les données de Ia matrice 389 de CANSIM ou on pout se procurer ces données en s'adressant a Mme M. Galea (613-995-0581), Division du produit industriel, Statistique Canada, Ottawa, K1A 9Z9. To obtain a continuous record on a 1971 base, the indexes on a 1961 base must be mechanically rebased to 1971 by multiplying by 100.0 and dividing by the 1971 index value on a 1961 base. For 1971 and earlier years, Gross Domestic Product and the component indexes required for linkage to the 1971 based series may be obtained from the following Statistics Canada publications: Pour obtenir une continuité des données de ces années, les indices sur Ia base 1961 = 100 doivent Otre convertis arithmètiquement a l'année de référence 1971 en les multipliant par 100.0 et en divisant le produit obtenu par Ia valeur de lindice de 1971 sur Ia base de 1961 = 100. Dans le cas de 1971 et des années antérieures, le produit intérieur brut et les composantes nécessaires au raccordement avec les series dont l'année de rétérence est 1971 peuvent étre tires des publications suivantes: Indexes of Real Domestic Product by Industry - (1961 Base) Catalogue 61-506, for Real Domestic Product for Indexes of Real Domestic Product by Industry - (1961 Base) no the period from 1935-1960 and for the Index of Industrial Production for the period from 191 9-1960. 61-506 au catalogue, produit intérieur reel pour Ia période 1935-1960 et indice de Ia production industrielle pour Ia période 191 9-1960. Real Domestic Product by Industry, 1961-1971, 1961 = 100, Catalogue 61-516, for the period from 61-516 au catalogue. Ia période 1961-1971. Produit intérieur reel par industrie, 1961-1971, 1961 = 100, no 1961-1971. Data for linking purposes can also be obtained for 1971 and the period prior to 1971 from the following CANSIM matrices: Des données de raccordement peuvent étre obtenues pour 1971 et les années antérieures des matrices suivantes de CANSIM: Matrix numbers Real Domestic Product: Annual Quarterly Monthly Index of Industrial Production: Annual Monthly 383 15 1421 384 16 Numéros de matrice Produit intèrieur rêe Annuel Trimestriel Mensuel Indice de Ia production industrielle: Annuel Mensuel 383 15 1421 384 16 CONCEPTS, SOURCES AND METHODS CONCEPTS, SOURCES ET METHODES a Catalogue 61-502. See this publication for description of concepts, sources and methods for the Index of Industrial Production. NO 61-502 au catalogue. Se reporter cette publication, qui présente Ia description des concepts, sources et methodes d'établissement de l'indice de Ia production industrielle. Catalogue 61-505. See this publication for description of concepts, sources and methods for Real Domestic Product by Industry of Origin. NO 61-505 au catalogue. Se reporter cette publication, qui présente Ia description des concepts, sources et mèthodes d'établissement du produit intérieur reel par industrie dorigine. Catalogue 61-506. See this publication for technical note concerning major changes in concepts, sources and methods in Real Domestic Product (including the Index of Industrial Production) resulting from the introduction of the 1960 Standard Industrial Classification and the adoption of the 1961 weight and reference base. NO 61-506 au catalogue. Se reporter cette publication, qui présente les remarques techniques concernant los changements importants survenus au niveau des concepts, sources et méthodes d'établissement du produit intérieur reel (y compris I'indice de Ia production industrielle) qu'ont entrainé l'application de Ia Classification type des industries de 1960 et l'adoption de l'année 1961 comme base de pondération et de référence. Catalogue 61-510. See this publication for technical note concerning major changes in concepts, sources and methods in Real Domestic Product (including the Index of Industrial Production) resulting from the introduction of the "total activity" concept. NO 61-510F au catalogue. Se reporter cette publication, qui contient los remarques techniques concernant les changements importants survenus au niveau des concepts, sources et méthodes d'établissement du produit intérieur reel (y compris lindice de Ia production industrielle) qu'a entrainé lintroduction du concept "d'activité totale". Catalogue 61-516. See this publication for technical note concerning the introduction of annual estimates of Real Domestic Product by industry expressed in constant dollars, the incorporation of the results of the 1971 census of merchandising and services for a large number of the service-producing industries, the introduction of annual estimates of gross output, intermediate input, and value added in current and constant (1961) prices and the corresponding implicit price indexes, for selected manufacturing industries and the adoption of the final 1961 weighting system. cette publication qui NO 61-516 au catalogue. Se rapporter contient les remarques techniques concernant I'introduction d'estimations annuelles du produit intérieur reel par industrie exprimées en dollars constants, l'incorporation des résultats du recensement du commerce et de services de 1971 pour plusieurs industries de services, I'introduction de données annuelles pour certaines industries manufacturiéres concernant Ia production brute, nette et Ia consommation intermédiaire aux prix cou rants et constants (de 1961) et les indices implicites de prix correspondants et ladoption du régime de pondération finale de 1961. Catalogue 61-213. See the 1971-1974 issue for the technical note concerning the implementation of a 1971 weight and reference base and the adoption of the 1970 Standard Industrial Classification. See the 1980 issue concerning revisions to the 1971 (base year) Gross Domestic Product distribution and the introduction of annual estimates of gross output, intermediate inputs and value added in current year prices and in constant (1971) prices for all industries. See Appendix 1 for 1) a complete distribution of Gross Domestic Product. 2) the types of indicators used and 3) a quality assessment for both published and unpublished industry estimates. See Appendix 2 for the content of the 'Industry Groupings" and Appendix 3 for the content of the "Groupings of Industries by Demand Category". NO 61 -213 au catalogue. Se rapporter Ia note technique de Ia Iivraison de 1971-1974 concernant l'introduction des bases de référence et de ponderation de 1971 et l'adoption de Ia Classification des Activités Economiques do 1970. Se rapporter Ia livraison de 1980 concernant les revisions Ia distribution du produit intérieur brut de 1971 (année do référence) et l'introduction des estimations de Ia production brute, Ia consommation intermédiaire et Ia valour ajoutée en prix de lannée courante et en prix constants de 1971 pour toutes les industries. Se rapporter l'appendice 1 pour 1) une distribution détaillée du produit intérieur brut, 2) los types de projecteurs et 3) une evaluation qualitative-concernant los estimations publiées et non publiees par industrie. Se rapporter I'appendice 2 pour les listes d'industries comprises dans chaque agregat d'activités économil'appendice 3, pour celles comprises dans chaque ques et, groupe d'activités économiques par type de demande. Catalogue 61-202. See this publication for estimates and methodological summaries of annual current and constant (197 1 ) price provincial Gross Domestic Product for selected industries. NO 61-202 au catalogue. Se rapporter cette publication, qui contient les sommaires des méthodes et les estimations (annuellos) provinciales du produit intérieur brut en prix courants et en prix constants de 1971 pour certaines industries. a a a a a a a a a a a a vIu . REVIEW OF RESULTS REVUE DES RESULTATS December 1983 Décembre 1983 Seasonally Adjusted Data Données désaisonnalisées - Information anticipee Gross Domestic Product, in constant 1971 prices, increased 0.3% to 146.0 in December from the upward revised level of 145.5 in November. The December gain was the tenth consecutive monthly increase for GDP. Industrial production increased by 1 .0% in December. Le produit intèrieur brut en prix constants de 1971 augmente de 0.3% en décembre pour s'inscrire a 146.0; le niveau révisé a Ia hausse pour novembre est de 145.5. La progression de décembre est Ia dixième augmentation mensuelle consecutive du PIB. La production industrielle augmente de 1.0% en décembre. The December growth in GDP originated mostly in manufacturing, and to a lesser extent some gains were recorded in community. business and personal services, public administration, utilities and trade. There was some weakness in transportation and finance services. La progression de décembre du PIB est imputable principalement au secteur de Ia fabrication, et dans une moindre mesure, a des progressions relevèes dans le cas des services socioculturels, commerciaux et personnels, de ladministration publique, des services publics et du commerce. Les transports et los services financiers font ressortir une certaine faiblesse. Fourth Quarter 1983 Quatrléme trimestre de 1983 In the fourth quarter of 1983, preliminary estimates indicate that GDP increased by 0.9% to $121.1 billion in the fourth quarter from $120.1 billion in the third quarter. The current quarter's growth rate of 0.9% follows three quarters of increases averaging 1.9%. Within the three months of the quarter, there was a slowing in economic activity. Total output was unchanged in October, increased by 0.49/6 in November and by 0.3% in December. By the end of 1983, GOP stood 7.2% above the level of a year ago, when the recession hit bottom and 1.0 0/6 below the pre-recession peak set in June 1981. D'après les estimations pro'iisoires, le PIB au quatrième trimestre de 1983 enregistre une augmentation de 0.9%, passant de $120.1 milliards au troisième trimestre a $121.1 milliards au quatrième. L'augmentation du quatrieme trimestre de 0.9% fait suite a trois trimestres de progressions moyennes de 1.9%. Pour ce qui est du trimestre étudié, on relève un ralentissement de l'activitè economique. La production totale demeure inchangee en octobre, augmente de 0.4% en novembre et de 0.3% en décembre. A Ia fin de 1983, le PIB dépassait de 7.2 0/6 son niveau dun an plus tot, lorsque Ia recession était a son maximum, et de 1.0% son sommet d'avant Ia recession, ètabli en juin 1981. The fourth quarter growth in manufacturing was led by substantial increases among manufacturers of motor vehicles and parts. Motor vehicle output improved signif icantly during the closing months of 1983. Increased production of passenger cars was the underlying factor in reversing the poor second and third quarter performance in the industry. Auto exports climbed about 10% in the three-month period ending in December 1983. Retail sales of passenger cars and trucks also increased significantly following a drop in the third quarter. Output of motor vehicle parts and accessories showed continuing strength in the quarter. Some of the manufacturers which are suppliers to the automotive industry also enjoyed production gains in the quarter: these included manufacturers of rubber and plastics, and various metal fabricated products. La croissance du quatrième trimestre dans le secteur de Ia fabrication est dominèe par de fortes progressions des tabricants de véhicules et pièces automobiles. La production de vOhicules automobiles augmente sensiblement au cours des trois derniers mois de 1983. L'accroissement de Ia production de voitures est le facteur fondamental du renversement des mauvais résultats des deuxième et troisième trimestres de l'annèe pour cette branche d'activité. Les exportations d'automobiles augmentent d'environ 1 0% au cours des trois mois se terminant en décembre 1983. Los ventes au detail de voitures et do camions progressent egalement sensiblement, après avoir baissé au troisième trimestre. La production de pièces et accessoires automobiles continue de faire preuve de fermeté au quatrième trimestre. Certains fabricants fournisseurs du secteur automobile enregistrent ogalement une progression de Ia production au quatrième trimestre, dont les fabricants de caoutchouc et de matières plastiques et de produits en métaux divers. Iron and steel mills continued to exhibit strong growth for the fourth consecutive quarter. Demand for steel products remained high as producers' shipments to major steel users, especially to manufacturers of motor vehicles and parts, continued to grow during the quarter. Steel shipments to the automotive industry were up by about 200 La sidérurgie continue d'enregistrer une forte croissance pour le quatrième trimestre consécutif. La demande de produits en acier demeure èlevée, alors que les livraisons des fabricants aux principaux consommateurs d'acier, en particulier les fabricants de véhicules et pièces automobiles, continuent daugmenter au cours du trimestre. Les Jivraisons d'acier a l'industrie automobile aLlqmentent denviron 20° ix On the negative side, offsetting declines were recorded in sawmills and pulp and paper mills. These were the first quarterly declines for both industries this year and were the main contributors to the slower pace in manufacturing in the fourth quarter. Par contre, on enregistre des diminutions dans le cas des scieries et des usines de pates et papiers. II s'agit des premieres baisses trimestrielles pour ces deux branches d'activitè en 1983, et constituent Ia cause principale du ralentissement du rythme de l'activité dans le secteur de Ia fabrication au quatrièrnc trimestre. The growth in mining in the fourth quarter was primarily due to increased copper, nickel, zinc and coal production. La croissance des mines au quatrième trimestre est imputable principalement a une augmentation de Ia production de cuivre, de nickel, de zinc et de charbon. The largest negative impact on the fourth quarter output level was the substantial decline in the construction industry. The second quarter burst in housing did not last and residential construction activity declined in the third and fell sharply in the fourth quarter. Coupled with continued weakness in non-residential construction, the construction industry tumbled to the lowest level in more than a decade. C'est le secteur de Ia construction qul devait avoir au quatrieme trimestre l'impact negatif le plus fort sur le niveau de Ia production. La poussée du deuxième trimestre dans le secteur du logement ne s'est pas maintenue et I'activité dans le secteur de Ia construction résidentielle a baissé au troisième trimestre et a diminué fortement au quatrième. Compte tenu dune faiblesse persistante dans le secteur de Ia construction non résidentiolle, le secteur de Ia construction dans son ensemble devait tomber a son niveau le plus bas en plus de dix ans. A sharp cutback in forestry operations accounted for the second largest decline in the goods-producing industries. Une forte reduction de l'activité dans le secteur des forêts explique Ia deuxième baisse en importance des branches productrices de biens. Similar to the fourth quarter performance of the goods-producing industries, there was a slowing in the forward pace of the service-producing industries. The current quarterly growth of 0.5% was narrowly based, with the only bright spot being transportation services, where air, rail and truck transport showed increases. Tout comme dans le cas des branches d'activité productrices de biens au quatrième trimestre, on relève un ralentissement dans le secteur des services. La croissance actuelle au cours du trimestre de 0.5% est fragile, le seul compartiment positif étant les services de transport, pour lesquels on reléve une progression dans le cas des services adriens, ferroviaires et par camions. Gross Domestic Product by Industry. 1983. Produit intérieur brut par industrie, 1983 The Canadian economy grew in each of the four quarters of 1983, following six consecutive quarterly declines. By the end of the year, real GDP had increased 7.2% from the low point of the recession in December 1982. This surge of growth in 1983 has pushed the economy up to a level 2.7% above the average for 1982. L'économie canadienne a progressé au cours de chacun des quatre trimestres de 1983, après six trimestres consécutifs de repli. A Ia fin de l'année, le PIB reel avait augmentO de 7.2% par rapport au creux de Ia recession, en décembre 1982. Cette poussée de Ia croissance en 1983 devait potler l'économie a un niveau dépassant 2.7% Ia moyenne de 1982. After recording a 10.7% decline in 1982, industrial production rose 5.9% during 1983, and stood at a level still 5.4% lower than in 1981. In comparison, industrial production in the United States declined 8.2% in 1982 and posted a 6.5% increase in 1983. By October 1983, U.S. industrial production had surpassed its prerecession peak level of July 1981. Après avoir accuse un repli do 10.7% en 1982, Ia production industrielle augmente de 5.9% en 1983 pour s'inscrire a un niveau néanmoins inférieur de 5.4% a celui de 1981. Par contre, Ia production industrielle aux Etats-Unis avait baissé de 8.2% en 1982 et augmente de 6.5% en 1983, et en octobre 1983, Ia production industrielle aux Etats-Unis avait dépasse son sommet d'avant Ia recession, en juillet 1981. The switch from recession to recovery in 1983 and the 2.7% growth in GOP was also reflected in gains in some other measures of economic activity. According to the Labour Force Survey, employment in December 1983 was at a seasonally adjusted level of 10,713,000 persons, an increase of 392,000 from December 1982. The unemployment rate in December 1983 was 11.1% down from 12.8% a year earlier. Exports for the year were up approximately 9.0% compared to almost no growth in 1982. Manufacturers' shipments rebounded 5.8% following a 9.8% decline in the previous year. Le passage de Ia recession a Ia reprise en 1983 et Ia croissance de 2.7% du PIB se retrouvent également dans les progressions que Ion reléve pour d'autres mesures de lactivité économique. Selon I'enquète sur Ia population active, l'emploi en décembre 1983 atleignait le niveau (désaisonnalisé) de 10,713,000 personnes, en augmentation de 392,000 par rapport a décembre 1982. Le taux de chOmage en décembre 1983 s'établissait a 11.1%, contre 12.8% un an plus tét. Les exportations pour lannée ont augmente d'environ 9%, alors qu'elles étaient restés pratiquement inchangees en 1982. Les livraisons des fabricants se redressent de 5.8%, aprés avoir baissé do 9.8% I'année précédente. I I I I . The upward trend in Canada's economy throughout 1983 was evident in the movements of most areas of the economy. Industries producing consumer goods and services, and producers of intermediate inputs both posted increases in each of the four quarters of 1983. One major area which contracted further in 1983 was industries producing goods and services for capital formation. La tendance a Ia hausse de l'économie canadienne en 1983 s'observe dans les mouvements de Ia plupart des secteurs de l'économie. Los branches productrices de biens et do services de consommation ainsi que les fabricants de produits intermédiaires ont tous enregistré une augmentation au cours do chacun des quatre trimestres do l'annèe. Un soul secteur s'est replié do nouveau en 1983, celui des branches productrices do biens et services pour Ia formation de capital. Output of industries producing consumer goods and services advanced 2.3% in 1983, following a 1.6% decline in 1982. The growth for 1983 raised total output of this grouping of industries 0.6% above the prorecession level in 1981. Most of the growth underlying consumer goods and services occured in consumer durable goods. La production des branches produisant des biens et services de consommation augmente de 2.3% en 1983, après avoir baissé de 1.6% en 1982. La croissance en 1983 devait ramener Ia production totale do ce secteur a un niveau do 0.6% plus haut que celui avant Ia recession do 1981. La plus grande partie do Ia croissance dans le cas des biens et services do consommation a touché los biens do consommation durables. The industries related to the production and sale of motor vehicles were among the most significant in the recovery of this group of industries. Following two consecutive years of decline, sales by motor vehicle dealers increased substantially in 1983. Motor vehicle dealers sold about 27% more North American units than in 1982, while sales of vehicles manufactured outside North America declined by about 20/6. As a result, market share for North American built vehicles increased from the previous year. Los branches d'activité reliées a Ia production et a Ia vente do véhicules automobiles font partie do celles qui ont le plus progressé au cours do Ia reprise pour ce secteur. Après deux annèes consécutives do diminution, les ventes do concessionnaires progrossent sensiblement en 1983. Los concessionnaires automobiles ont vendu pres do 27% do plus do modéles nordaméricains qu'en 1982, tandis quo les ventes de véhicules fabriqués a Iextérieur de l'Amériquo du Nord baissaient d'environ 2%. Pour cette raison, Ia part du marché des véhicules constru its en Amerique du Nord a pogressè en 1983. Approximately 1.5 million cars and trucks were assembled by Canadian manufacturers in 1983. This amounted to almost a quarter of a million more vehicles than in 1982. In fact, the 1983 production level was the highest in the last four years. Truck production also increased during the year. Les fabricants canadiens ont produit environ 1.5 million de voitures et do camions en 1983. Ce chiffre represente une augmentation do presque 250,000 véhicules par rapport a 1982. En fait, lo niveau do Ia production en 1983 a été le plus élevé des quatre dernières annèes. La production do camions a également augmenté. Also important in the recovery of consumer durable industries was a strong upturn in both the production and retail sales of household furnishings in 1983. Temporary government stimulus programs were partly responsible for the sizeable sales increases. Under the federal budget, which was introduced to the House of Commons on April 19, 1983, funds from Registered Home ownership Savings Plans could be used for purchases of appliances and home furnishings until February 29, 1984. The removal of the retail sales tax in Ontario on furniture and appliances between May 11 and August 9 also contributed to the increase in purchasing activity. Other contributing factors included a strong surge in residential construction activity in the first half of the year, which was mainly the result of the extension of the Canadian Home Ownership Stimulation Plan until May and a reduction in interest rates. In addition, sales of existing residential dwellings also increased in 1983. As a result, production of household furniture rose by 25% and major appliance manufacturing increased by a sharp 33%, while ratail sales of household furnishings posted a similar strong .idva nce Lo fort redressement do Ia production ot des ventes au detail d'articles dameublement en 1983 a joué ègalement un role important dans Ia reprise des branches d'activité productrices do biens de consommation durables. Los fortes augmentations dos vontes s'expliquent en partie par des programmes gouvernementaux de stimulation temporaires. En vortu du budget fédéral, déposé a Ia Chambre des communes le 19 avril 1983, les sommes placees dans lee regimes enrogistrés d'epargnelogement pouvaient servir a I'achat de meubles et d'articles ménagers jusqu'au 29 février 1984. La suppression do Ia taxe do vente au detail do l'Ontario pour los meubles et articles ménagers du 11 mai au 9 aoUt a également contribué a Ia progression des achats. Parmi los autres raisons qui ont contribué a cette progression figure Ia forte pousseo do l'activité dans lo sectour de Ia construction résidentielle au premier semestre do l'année, qui s'explique principalement par Ia prolongation du programme dencouragement a l'accession a Ia propriétê jusqu'en mai et par Ia reduction des taux d'intérOt. Do plus, los ventes do logornents résidentiels ont augmenté en 1983, et pour cette raison, Ia production do meubles ménagers s'est accrue de 25%, tandis que cello de gros articles Olectro-mènagers augmentait fortoment 33%) et que los ventes au detail d'articles d'amoublement accroissaient egalement forlement. Arnonq the u>irer ncnduiuhlus iflhlListrieS. the food producing industry, which was one of the areas least affected by the recession, showed a slight increase in the year. Food and beverage manufacturing was up slightly 0 8%). while food wholesalers and grocery stores reported similar qarns Increased consumer spendinq on Du cOté des branches do bions do consommation non durables, Ia branche des aliments, qui a été I'un des secteurs Ies moms touches par Ia recession, fait rossortir une forte progression en 1983. La fabrication daliments et do boissons progresse tegérement (+ 0,8%), tandis que les grossistes alimentaires et les epiceries pioqresscmnt do Ia mOme taçon L'auqmentution des XI apparel, health and personal care items was reflected in sales gains among department, clothing, shoe and drug stores. Significant production increases were reported by clothing manufacturers (up 6.1%), shoe factories (up 7.5%), and manufacturers of pharmaceuticals (up 4.1%), soaps (up 12.7%) and toilet preparations (up 6.2%). dépenses des consommateurs en vétements et articles de santo et de soins personnels se retrouve dans Ia progression des ventes des grands magasins, des magasins de vétements, des magasins de chaussures et des pharmacies. Les fabricants de vétements (±6.1%), de chaussures (+7.5%), de produits pharmaceutiques ( ± 4.1%), de savons ( + 12.7%) et de prépara tions de toilette (+ 6.2%) signalent ègalement de fortes progressions de Ia production. Industries producing intermediate inputs grew 52 0% in 1963 following a 7.1% decline in 1982. Almost one third of the increase originated in the forestry, wood products, wood consuming and distribution industries. Increased demand from the wood products industries was partially responsible for the 22.4% gain in forestry operations. Most of the growth in forestry was due to increased sawlog production. Demand for wood products was strong during the first three quarters of 1983 due to a resurgence in housing starts in both Canada and the United States. During the year improved US and domestic lumber markets spurred output of sawmills by 28.4%, veneer and plywood mills by 22.3%, and output of other wood products by 20.9%. Triggered by lower interest rates and increased housing starts, lumber exports reached a level about 18% higher than in 1982. Wholesalers of lumber and building material showed about a 10% increase in sales during 1983. Les branches productrices de produits intermèdiaires progressent de 5.2% en 1983, après s'être replies de 7.1% en 1982. Presque un tiers de cette progression est imputable aux secteurs des foréts, des produits du bois, et de consommation et de distribution de bois. Laugmentation de Ia demande des branches productrices de produ its du bois explique en partie Ia progression de 22.4% de l'activité dans le secteur des forOts. La plus grande partie de Ia croissance dans ce dernier secteur s'explique par une augmentation de Ia production de sciages. La demande de produits du bois est demeurée forte pendant les trois premiers trimestres de 1983 en raison dune reprise des mises en chantier de logements au Canada et aux Etats-Unis. En 1983, l'amélioraon des marches du bois de construction au Canada et aux Etats-Unis devait accroitre Ia production des scieries de 28.4%, des fabriques de placages et de contre-plaqués, de 22.3%, et Ia production des autres produits de bois, de 20.9%. Grace a Ia diminution des taux d'intérêt et a l'augmentation des mises en chantier de logements, les exportations de bois de construction ont atteint un niveau dépassant de 18.5% celui de 1982. Les grossistes de bois et de matériaux de construction signalent une augmentation d'environ 10% des ventes en 1983. Production of paper and allied products increased by 9.8% this year, following a substantial 8.8% decline in 1982. The operating capacity rate for newsprint mills was 85% compared to 820/6 in the previous year. Newsprint output was up 4.6% for 1983 while newsprint exports to the United States increased 7.5% but exports to other world markets declined 5.8%. Shipments within Canada rose 4.40/6. Year-end newsprint stocks held by consumers in the United States declined to 43 days supply from 47 days supply a year earlier; US newsprint consumption increased 4.7% above the 1982 level. Woodpulp production posted a sharp 13% increase in 1983, mainly due to strong demand from the export market as woodpulp exports to the United States increased 11.7%. Operating capacity for woodpulp mills was 85% this year, up significantly from 76% in 1982. La production d'acier et produits connexes augmmente do 9.8% en 1983, après une diminution appreciable de 8.8% en 1982. Le taux d'utilisation de Ia capacité des usines a papier journal a été de 85%, comparativement a 820/6 en 1982. La production de papier journal augmente de 4.6% en 1983, tandis que les exportations de papier journal vers les Etats-Unis s'accroissent de 7.5% et que celles vers les autres pays diminuent de 5.8%. Au Canada méme, les livraisons sont en hausse de 4.4%. Les stocks de fi fln d'année de papier journal détenus par les consommateurs aux Etats-Unis tombent a 43 jours d'approvisionnement, comparativement a 47 jours un an plus tot; Ia consommation de papier journal aux Etats-Unis augmente de 4.7% par rapport a son niveau de 1982. La production de pâte de bois augmente fortement (+ 13%) en 1983, principalement a cause de Ia forte demande sur les marches d'exportation, puisque les exportations vers les Etats-Unis s'accroissent de 11.7%. Le taux d'utilisation de Ia capacité des usines de pâte de bois est de 85% en 1983, en hausse appreciable par rapport a 1982 (76%). The largest single output advance among the intermediate input producing industries occured in motor vehicle parts and accessories manufacturing. Both foreign and domestic demand were strong, as exports rose approximately 45% and domestic sales by manufacturers, wholesalers and retailer of auto parts all advanced as well. La plus forte progression de Ia production des branches d'activité productrices de produits intermèdiaires s'observe dans Ia branche des pieces et accessoires automobiles. La demande au pays et a l'ètranger est forte puisque les exportations saccroissent d'à peu près 45%, tandis que les ventes au Canada des fabricants, des grossistes et des détaillants de pieces automobiles progressent egalement. The healthy performance of the automotive industry was reflected in the output growth of several related supplying industries. Production in iron and steel mills was propitiously affected as steel shipments to the auto industry increased by about 50%. Production levels La performance vigoureuse du secteur automobile se retrouve dans Ia croissance de Ia production de plusieurs branches d'approvisionnement connexes. La production sidérurgique a bénéficié de l'augmentation d'environ 50% des livraisons d'acier du secteur automobile. La production des fabricants de caout- xii I S S among rubber and plastic manufacturers were up significantly as well. chouc et de matières plastiques augmente Ogalement sensiblement. The mining, smelting and refining of primary metals was affected by both the recession and labour disputes in 1982. Production and smelting of both copper and nickel in 1983 was up significantly from the reduced levels of 1982. A similar recovery was recorded in the export shipments of refined copper and nickel during the year. L'extraction, Ia fonte et l'affinage des produits de Ia premiere transformation des métaux ont été touchées par Ia recession et des cant lits du travail en 1982. La production et laffinage du cuivre et du nickel en 1983 progressent sensiblement par rapport au niveau réduit de 1982. On relève une reprise semblable dans le cas des livraisons a l'exportation de cuivre et de nickel affinés en 1983. Some intermediate input producing industries which otter services mainly to business, including rail and truck transport, telephone systems, and security brokers and dealers, all showed gains in 1983. Certaines branches productrices de produits intermediaires, qui offrent des services principalement aux entreprises, dont le transport ferroviaire et par camions, les systèmes telephoniques et les courtiers et agents de valeurs mobilières, enregistrent toutes des progressions en 1983. Increased railway carloadings of grain, coal, wood, woodpulp, steel, automotive, newsprint, and chemical products, contributed to the growth in railway freight traffic. The volume of shares traded on Canadian stock exchanges was up about 80% over the 1982 level. L'augmentation des chargements ferroviaires de céréales. de charbon, de bois, de pâte de bois, d'acier, d'automobiles, de papier journal et de produits chimiques a contribué a Ia croissance du traffic ferroviaire de marchandises. Le volume des actions échangees sur les bourses canadiennes augmente d'environ 800/6 par rapport a 1982. Capital formation, comprising the construction and the machinery and equipment industries, posted a 2.1% decline in 1983. The construction industry fell to its lowest level since 1974. An upsurge in residential construction activity was offset by a sharp drop in nonresidential building construction activity. One of the clearest ways to illustrate the weakness in the construction industry is in terms of employed workers. According to the Labour Force Survey total employment in the construction industry declined further by 5.2% in 1983, following a 13.3% drop in 1982. La formation de capital, qui comprend es branches de Ia construction et des machines et du materiel, se replie de 2.1% en 1983. Le secteur de Ia construction tombe a son niveau le plus bas depuis 1974. Une poussée de l'activité dans le secteur de Ia construction résidentielle se trouve compensée par une forte chute de celle dans le secteur de Ia construction non résidentielle. Une des meilleures façons d'illustrer cette faiblesse est d'examiner le nombre de travailleurs occupés. Selon l'enquete sur Ia population active, le total de l'emploi dans le secteur de Ia construction a baissé une nouvelle fois (-5.2%) en 1983, aprés s'étre replié de 13.3% en 1982. For an eight month period from November 1982 until June 1983, residential construction increased steadily, but turned downward in July and continued to decline for the remainder of 1983. Even though the residential construction industry posted a 32.9% net gain from the severely depressed 1982 level, the year 1983 still ranked as the third lowest since 1971. Au cours de Ia periode de huit mois allant de novembre 1982 juin 1983, Ia construction résidentielle a progressé de façon continue mais s'est repliée en juillet et a continue de baisser pendant le reste de l'année. Méme si Ia construction résidentielle a enregistré une progression nette de 32.9% par rapport au niveau très bas de 1982, I'année 1983 se classe nOanmoins comme Ia troisiéme plus faible depuis 1971. In the machinery and equipment component of capital formation there was an upturn in the second quarter of 1983. Although increases were posted in each of the subsequent quarters up to the end of the year, the overall growth for that part of the year was not enough to push the industry's 1983 level above the 1982 average. Du cOté des machines et du materiel, on relève un redressement aux deuxième trimestre de 1983. Méme si des progressions ont ete enregistrées au cours des trimestres suivants jusqu'à Ia fin de I'année, Ia croissance globale pour cette partie de I'année n'a pas été suffisante pour porter le niveau de Ia branche d'activité en 1983 au dessus de Ia moyenne de 1982. Users should note that Gross Domestic Product by industry has been revised back to January 1983 to incorporate revisions. Les utilisateurs sont priés de prendre note que les données font I'objet d'une revision depuis janvier 1983 af in d'incroporer diverses revisions aux données mensuelles préliminaires. Growth and Business Cycles in the Economy during the 70's and 80's Cycles de croissance et cycles économiques 1971-1983 Since 1970, the economy has experienced three recessions of differing severity with troughs in March 1975, June 1980 and December 1982 and a number of cycles in rates of growth. The rate of recovery following the trough of each cycle has been similar for the first four Depuis 1970, l'économie a connu trois recessions d'intensité différente avec des creux aux mois de mars 1975, juin 1980 et décembre 1982, ainsi que plusieurs cycles du taux de croissance. Le taux de reprise suivant le creux de chaque cycle a été semblable pour les quatre premiers mois en depit des differences a xlii months of all three cycles in spite of the differences in the length of the period of downturn and the percentage drop in output. There have been other similarities among the recoveries as well as some differences. Motor vehicle manufacturers were important in all three periods of recovery, althogh more so in the current period. Residential construction was also significant in all three periods of recovery but in the current period it began to falter after eight months. Motor vehicle parts manufacturers, iron and steel mills and other metal mines were important contributors to growth in the most recent recovery but were less significant during at least one of the two earlier periods of recovery. dans Ia gravité de Ia baisse et Ia durée de chacune des récessions. II y a eu d'autres similarités entre les reprises ainsi que certaines differences. Les fabricants de véhicules automobiles ont joue un rOle important lors des trois périodes de reprise, quoique plus important au cours de Ia plus récente remontee. La construction résidentielle a également contribué de façon sign if icative aux trois périodes de reprise. Toutefois, au cours de Ia période courante, Ia production de cette branche s'est repliée après huit mois de croissance. Les fabricants de pièces et accessoires d'automobiles, Ia siderurgie et les autres mines métalliques sont parmi ceux qui ont le plus contribué a Ia reprise en cours, mais leur apport a Ia croissance a ete moms important lors d'au moms l'une ou I'autre des reprises précédentes. During the January 1971 to December 1983 period as shown in Chart 1, GDP has experienced a number of cycles in growth rates with an average peak to peak duration of about 2 112 years. The trend underlying the cyclical movements has been downward over the period and had declined to no growth by the end of the period. Each succesive peak in growth rates, except the most recent, has been below the previous one. Entre janvier 1971 et décembre 1963 (voir graphique 1), le PIB a connu un certain nombre de cycles du taux de croissance d'une durèe moyenne de 2 1/2 années. La tendance sousjacente aux mouvement cyclique est a Ia baisse au cours de cette période et a atteint une croissance nulle a Ia fin de Ia période. Chacun des sommets dans les cycle de taux de croissance, a l'exception du plus recent, a été plus bas que le precedent. Chart 2 gives percentage differences of GDP in comparison to its' trough value by the number of months before or after the trough date. The most severe of the downturns was the most recent, followed in severity by the 1974-1975 cycle. For GDP the chart illustrates that the rate of recovery has been similar for at least the first 4 months of each recovery. After 4 months, the current recovery increased above the two previous cycles. Sur le graphique 2, on a trace les differences en pourcentage du PIB par rapport a son creux cyclique au cours des mois qui ont suivi et précédé ce creux. La plus récente recession est Ia plus grave, suivie de celle de 1974-1975. Sur ce graphique on remarque que le taux de reprise du PIB pour les quatre premiers mois de chaque reprise a étè semblable. Après cette période, Ia reprise en cours a atteint un niveau plus élevé que les precedentes. In the current recovery motor vehicle manufacturing, motor vehicle parts manufacturing, iron and steel mills, and other metal mines (mainly copper-nickel mines) have been the four most important contributors. Residential construction was also very important in the early part of the recovery. The rates of recovery in the current and previous cycles for these industries can be compared using Charts 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Les fabricants de véhicules automobiles, les fabricants de pièces et accessoires d'automobiles, Ia siderurgie et les autres mines metalliques (surtout les mines de cuivre et de nickel) ont le plus contribué a la reprise en cours. La construction résidentielle a également joué un role important lors des premiers mois de Ia remontée cyclique. Les taux de reprise des trois derniers cycles economiques pour ces branches d'activité peuvent ètre compares a l'aide des graphiques 3, 4, 5, 6 et 7. The particularly rapid and early recovery in residential construction in 1982 and 1983 was probably due in large measure to programs by all three levels of government to encourage residential construction, supported also by decreases in mortgage interest rates. Residential construction began to recover in October 1982, two month prior to GDP, and by June 1983 had increased by 90% (see Chart 3). It fell from July to the end of the 1983. La hausse particulièrement rapide et hätive de Ia construction résidentielle en 1982 et 1983 est probablement due en grande partie aux divers programmes d'encouragement a l'accession a Ia propriété des trois paliers d'administration publique. La baisse des taux d'intérét hypothecaire a également joue un rOle important lors de cette remontée de l'activité. La plus récente reprise de Ia construction résidentielle a devancé de 2 mois celle du PIB. Entre octobre 1982 et juin 1983, Ia production dans ce secteur a progresse de 90% (voir graphique 3) pour ensuite baisser jusqu'à Ia fin de l'année. Residential construction was also a major contributing factor in the two previous recoveries, particularly that of 1975. Recovery began two months later than GDP and in the early months of the 1975 recovery, growth was less rapid than in 1983. However, the recovery was more extended, increasing for 14 consecutive months from April 1975 to June 1976. Le redressement de Ia construction résidentielle a ègalement eu un impact important lors des reprises précOdentes et plus particuliOrement lors de celle de 1975. La reprise dans cette branche d'activité a alors suivi de 2 mois celle du PIB et bien que le rythme de croissance ait été moms rapide au cours des premiers mois que lors de Ia prèsente reprise, Ia progression de Ia production a été soutenue comme en témoignent les 14 hausses mensuelles consécutives d'avril 1975 a juin 1976. Motor vehicle production also contributed significantly to all three recoveries but especially to the current one (see Chart 4). Automobile and truck production grew 90% to January 1983 from the low point of November Le redressement de Ia production de véhicules automobiles a aussi contribué de facon significative aux trois dernières remontees cycliques et Ce, surlout lors de Ia remontee en cours (voir graphique 4). La production d'automobiles et de camions a xiv I I 1982 - which was affected by a strike. A number of augmenté d'environ 90% du mois de novembre 1982 (qui a étè • factors were important in the strong performance of partiellement affectêe par une grève) au mois de janvier 1983. motor vehicle manufacturing including the lower interest Parmi los facteurs qui expliquent cette forte performance de rite and the popularity in the U.S. of car models pro- l'industrie automobile ii y a Ia baisse des taux d'intérèt et Ia popularité aux Etats-Unis des modèles fabriqués au Canada. ruced in Canada. . Both the current recovery and the 1975 recovery for motor vehicle manufacturers preceded that of the total economy. Growth in the 1975 upturn was slower than the current one but still exceeded GOP growth by a wide margin. The starting point for the 1981 recovery was coincident with GDP and it was much the weakest of the three upturns. Los reprises do 1975 et 1983 dans Ia fabrication d'automobiles ont devancé celle de lactivité totale. La croissance en 1975 a été moms rapide pendant les premiers mois que lors de Ia reprise en cours mais a tout de memo dépassé celle de l'activité totale par une forte marge. Lors de Ia remontée do 1980-1981 le point de depart du redressement de Ia production dans cetle branche d'activité a coincide avec celui de PIB et cette reprise fut Ia plus faible des trois. Production of motor vehicle parts and accessories manufacturers reached its' low point in the most recent downturn in October 1982 (see Chart 5). By December 1983. production had reached a level 83% higher than a year earlier. In contrast to most other industries, this industry showed a very strong increase during the first few months of the 1980 cyclical recovery - after dropping more than 50% during the downturn. The 1975 upturn in the industry preceded the total economy by one month but the production increases were much smaller than in the other two periods of recovery. The industry peaked in July 1973, 10 months prior to the total economy, and did not recover to its' pre-recession peak until November 1978 and in fact did not recover to a comparable level in relation to motor vehicle manufacturers until the most riivrrt re{crvrF y La production de pièces et accessoires d'automobiles a atteint son creux cyclique au cours de Ia plus récente recession au mois d'octobre 1982 (voir graphique 5). Au mois de décembre 1983, Ia production a atteint un niveau de 83% supèrieur a celui de dècembre 1982. Contrairement a plusieurs autres branches d'activité, Ia reprise dans cette branche a ètè vigoureuse lors des premiers mois de Ia remontée cyclique do 1980, apres avoir été durement touchèe par Ia recession (baisse de plus do 50 0/6 do Ia production). En 1975 Ia reprise dans ce secteur a devancé d'un mois celle de l'activité totale et les hausses do production ont èté plus modestes que lors des deux autres périodos do reprises. Cette branche a atteint son sommet cyclique au mois de juillet 1973 devançant ainsi do 10 mois celui do ensemble de l'èconomie. Elle n'a retrouvé son niveau do production du sommet d'avant Ia recession de 1974-1975 qu'en novembre 1978 et, en fait, n'a méme pas affeint un niveau de production comparable par rapport a celui des fabricants d'automobiles avant Ia reprise de 1983. Iron and steel mills advanced 67% during the 12 nionths following the GDP trough in December 1982. This contrasts sharply with 1975 when there was little sign of improvement in the 12 months after the GOP trough. In the current downturn users of iron and steel were among the most severely affected by the recession, however, this was not true in 1974-75. Demand for iron and steel from automobile manufacturers, metal fabricators, and energy related industries remained strong in the second half of 1974. The low point in iron and steel mills was 5 months after the GDP trough. The 1980 recovery began about one month after the total economy and was relatively weak in comparison to that of the current period. La production dans le secteur do Ia sidérurgie a progressé de près de 67% au cours des 12 mois qui ont suivi le creux de l'èconomie de décembre 1982 (voir graphique 6). Ceci contraste fortement avec le retournement cyclique do 1975 alors qu'il n'y a eu aucun signe de reprise dans ce secteur. Bien que Ia sidérurgie et les principaux utilisateurs des produits de ter et d'acier aient été parmi les branches d'activitê los plus durement touchèes par Ia dornière recession, cola n'avait pas étO 10 cas en 1974-1975. La demancle do fer et d'acier de l'industrie automobile, dos fabricants de produits en metal ainsi que des branches reliees a l'énergie, est demeurèe forte dans Ia seconde moitiè do 1974. Le creux cyclique dans cette branche a eu lieu cinq mois après celui du PIB. La reprise dans ce secteur en 1980 a suivi d'un mois cello de l'activité totale et a èté relativement plus faiblo quo cello actuellement en cours. Other metal mines, spurred by increased demand for copper and nickel, was the fastest growing of the industries producing raw materials since the December 1982 low point in the economy (see Chart 7). From December 1982 to October 1983, this industry grew by 75%, attaining its highest levels of production since November 1980. Output fell slightly in November and December. Increased exports of copper, nickel, and zinc metals and ores explain the increase. Oepuis le creux cyclique do l'èconomie en décembre 1982. La branche des autres mines metalliques affiche Ia croissance Ia plus rapide de toutes los branches d'activité productrice de matières premieres grace a une demande accrue pour le cuivre et le nickel (voir graphique 7). La production totalo do ce secteur d'activité a progressé do 75% entre le mois do décembre 1982 et le mois d'octobre 1983 et s'est repliée legérement en novembre et en décembre. La croissance des exportations des minerals et des mètaux do cuivre, de nickel et do zinc explique pour une bonne part ces bons résultats. In 1975, while the rest of the economy increased, a strike caused output of other metal mines to continue to decline. Even in 1976, the industry grew very little due to weak demand for copper and nickel. Malgré Ia reprise do l'économie en 1975, une grève a entrainé une baisse do Ia production des autres mines métalliquos. Méme en 1976, Ia production a très peu augmente dO a une faible demande pour lo cuivre et 10 nickel. xv Chart - 1 Graphique - 1 Percentage Change In Output for Gross Domestic Product Variation en pourcentage du produit intérieur brut % 2- I II III 1- II!I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I % III I% I it : 1 I II I ii i II Ij II I I I Iii Ii I I II ii) - •.:' • '.1 x it I o 0- I, II iI ca > I -1- -2- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 The lighter dashed line represents the month to month percentage changes in the series. The solid line is a five term moving average of the percentage changes. A regular cyclical curve has been imposed on the graph to assist in comparing the amplitude and duration of cycles. Le trait pointillé et pale représerite les variations en pourcentage. On a superpose sur le graphique une courbe cyclique réguliére pour faciliter Ia comparaison de Ia durée et de Vamplitude des cycles de croissance. Chart - 2 Graphlque - 2 . Output During Recent Business Cycles for Gross Domestic Product Produit intérieur brut pendant les récents cycles economiques % 9 8 x a) o(a 6 0. 0Q Cc °ca4 0. a)0 c3 ö2 1 0 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of months from the GDP trough - Nombre de mois par rapport au creux du PIB . Chart - 3 Graphique - 3 Output During Recent Business Cycles for Residential Construction Production de Ia construction résidentielle pendant les récents cycles economlques % 90 Me 70 0 0) )C 0a) 60 p ft50 CL .'- C a, 30 20 10 18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of months from the GDP trough - Nombre de mois par rapport au creux du P18 xvii Chart - 4 Output During Recent Business Cycles for Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Graphique - 4 I Production des fabricants d'automoblles pendant les récents cycles economiques % 90W] 80 Legend— Legende x C., 70 2 2 C000 60 ) 0 March 1975 - Mars 1975 --June 1980— Juin 1980 X cc I & Dec. 1982— Dec. 1982 I. '. 50 (5 0 a, 40 a,0 oe5 30 V S _P P Pp P " P I. S S . S - % P 20 10 '(I $\, / / 0 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of months from the GDP trough - Nombre de mois par rapport au creux du PIB Chart - 5 Graphique - 5 Output During Recent Business Cycles for Motor Vehicle and Parts and Accessories Manufacturers Production de I'lndustrie des pièces et accessoires d'automoblles pendant les récents cycles économiques % I 125-i 100 a, I Legend— Légende March 1975 - Mars 1975 D --June 1980—Juin 1980 - - Dec. 1982 - Dec. 1982 p co I \... 2: Number of months from the GDP trough - Nombre de mois par rapport au creux du PIB xviii I S Graphique - 6 Chart —6 Output During Recent Business Cycles for Iron and Steel Mills Production de I'lndustrle de Ia siderurgie pendant les récents cycles economiques % 150 125 x D )< 100 o( Co 0. 20. 75 CL '-C 50 25 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of months from the GOP trough - Nombre de mois par rapport au creux du PIB Graphique - 7 Chart - 7 Output During Recent Business Cycies for Other Metal Mines Production des autres mines metaiiiques pendant les récents cycies économiques % l25- x 100' 0 o )< Legend - Légende ----March 1975 - Mars 1975 - —June1980 - Juin 1980 —Dec. 1982—Dec. 1982 50 - 25 • 0 - S_ -. •___ •--- 11% ---.5-, ,'.-.--- ' . -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Number of months from the GDP trough - Nombre de mois par rapport au creux du PIB xix Graphique - 1 Chart - • Comparison of Gross Domestic Product with Industrial Production, 1971-1983 Comparaison du produit intérieur brut avec Ia production industrielle, 1971-1 983 (Seasonally Adlusled Indexes. 1971=100) - (Indices désaisonnalises, 1971=100) 160 150 e 160 Ratio scale 150 Echelle semi-Iogarithmique 140 130 120 110 Gross domestic product 40 Produil inlérieur brut i 130 Industrial production Production industr elle 120 10 _ _ 100 100 95 95 ------------------____ -- J J J J J J J J J J J J J D 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Chart - 2 Graphique - 2 Comparison of Goods-producing Industries with Service-producing Industries, 1971-1983 Comparalson des industries de biens avec les industries de services, 1971-1983 (Seasonally Adjusted Indexes, 1971=100) - (Indices désaisonnalisés, 1971=100) 170 170 160 - Ratio scale 160 cheIIe semi-Iogarithmique 150 Industries de 140 150 Service-producing industries serv, >,,... fJ._f' - 140 130 130 Goods-producing industries Industries de biens 120 120 110 110 10(1 99 100 1 IIII1IIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIII1III1IIIIIIIIIIII 95 J J J J J J J J J J J J J D 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 -2- I TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost in Constant (1971) Prices TABLEAU 1. Produit intérieur brut au coUt des facteurs an prix Constants de 1971 Industry SIC 1970 lfldustrie 1979 1980 1981 1 1982 1983 millions of dollars - millions de dollars 1-11 Gross domestic product 1 Agriculture - 2 Forestry Foréts 3 Fishing and trapping 4 Mines (including milling), quarries and oil wells Mines (y compris broyage), carrilires at pulls de petrole 5 Manufacturing industries 6 ConstructIon industry 7 - Prodult lntrieur brut - Agriculture Chasse at pEche - 116,2959 117,746.6 121,160.7 115,530.0 118,684.8 2.7028 2.921.3 3.158.5 3,250.2 3.366.0 8000 8267 7590 621.8 761.5 182.8 172.5 188 1 183.2 182.2 - 3,347.9 3,465.4 3,290.8 2.8891 3,058.9 26,587.7 25.8309 28.235.8 23,066.7 24,521.6 7,1086 7.042,0 7.4775 8,640.6 6.481 1 TransportatIon, coiTenunscation and other utilities Transports, communications at wIres services publics 15,905.1 16,419.9 16,882.1 16,377.1 16,733.5 8 Trade 14,9982 15,011.8 15.1364 14,1217 14,546.6 9 Finance, insuranc,e and real estate rances at affaires immobhères 14,768.5 15,331.7 16,019.4 16,108.4 16,337.4 10 Community, business and personal service industries Services socio-culturels, commerciaux at personnels 22,007.6 22,744.4 23,876.1 23.866.3 24,176.1 11 Public adeilnistration and delence publique at defense 7,8867 7.9800 6,137.0 8,404.9 - Industries manulacturières - Batiment at bassos publics - CoiTwnerce Industry groupings(1) conomlques(1): - I 44,4224 - - 44,091.2 45,010.2 40,557.9 42,422.7 Industries productrices IndustrIes coirwrierciales Noncommercial industries Industrial production Administration lrxlustnes productrices - Service-producing industries de services - - Finances, assu- Agregats des .cllvltés - Goods-pro&icing industries de bans Commercial industries - Industries non commercuales Production induslruelle 71,873,5 73,655.4 76,150.5 74,972.1 76,252.1 96,311.6 99,590.5 102,6956 96,675.0 99,586.0 17,9843 18,156.1 18,465.1 18,855.0 19,098.8 33,6282 33,128.7 33,427.1 29,862 ¶ 31,631.9 Groupings at industries by demand category(2) Agragats des activites liconoiniques per type de detnande(2): Consumer goods and services consoernalion - Biens at services de 39,612.4 40,037.8 41,148.8 40,486.8 41,412.8 Non-durable goods - Biens non diirables Durable goods - Biens durables Services - Services 12,554.5 6,377.8 20,6801 12,569.0 5,861.2 21,607.6 12,7896 5,843.4 22.515.8 12,466.1 5,276.2 22.744.5 12,7173 5,911.6 22,783.9 Capital formation 14,246.3 14,695.7 15,391.1 13,337.8 13,050.9 8,469.0 5,177.3 8,664.4 6,031.3 9,183.9 6,207.2 8,154.7 5,183.1 8,051.2 4,999.7 44,743.1 45,643.4 - Formation de capital Construction - Bátiment at Iravaus publics Machinery and equipment - Machines at materiel Intermediate inputs Consonanalion intermtidiaire 45.354.2 46,658.5 43,367.7 Raw materials - Matieres premieres Construction-oriented industries - Industries relities a Is construction Energy - Enerpe Other goods - Autres bans Other services - Autres services 5,380.0 5,708.8 5,842.9 5,477.0 5,888.5 3.7298 6,420.4 12.694.0 16,5189 3.6107 6,487.9 12,276.2 17.2706 3,614.7 6.402.2 12,442.5 16,3562 3,007.0 6.300.6 10,849.6 17.733.5 3,3098 6,455.7 11.759.6 18.2298 Government 17,494 1 17.6589 17.9823 18.3377 IS,'.' - - Gouvernement (I) See appendix I for contents. (1) VoIr l'appendice I pour le code. (2) See appendis 2 for contents. (2) VoIr I'appendice 2 pour le COntere, I -3- TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost in Constant (1971) Prices by industry TABLEAU 2. Produit interleur brut au coUt des tacteurs en prix constants de 1971 par industrie Industry SIC 4970 CAE 1979 millions of dollars 1-11 GrOSS domestic product 1 Agriculture Prodoil witOrierz tsut - Agricultise - 2 Forestry 3 Fuslsng and tragping 4 Mines (mckong tTsIllng). tpjwnes and oil welts Mines (y conçrls broyage), carn6res of pulls do petrote 4:01 Metal mees 051 052 Placer gold arid gold quartz metes series do quartz audtere - Forets - - Chasw of peche PM,e. melaillques Mines do for Iron riwles 4:02 Mineral fuels 061 Coal rr4nee 064 Crude petroleum and natural gas industry pOtrote brut at do gaz natural 4 Non-metal mines (except coal series) - Mines non metalliques (saut mines do charbon) - - Aulres mines metaitiques C04T*ustlbtes ninjraux - Mines do charbon - - Services Incidental to mining Services miners - 5:01 Food and beverage industries at boissons 101 Meat and poultry products industries vuande at do la volaille 103 Fruit and vegetable processing industry cIa fruits 04 legumes 104 Dairy products industry - - - - Battery products industries (tabrucatroil) '08 Miscellaneous food industries ctiversee I - - - - - DistillerIes :'er products industries - - 3.1585 3,2502 3,3660 826 7 7590 621.8 7615 1828 1725 1881 1832 482.2 3.347.9 3,465.4 3.2908 2.8891 3.0589 1040.9 1,130.8 1,104.7 8387 948.9 31.4 31.0 31.6 42.9 55.2 2487 205.8 209.5 1398 136.8 7908 894.0 063.6 656.0 7569 1.5720 1,5506 1.4513 1,445.4 1,493.4 1500 1650 173.2 182.8 186.7 1.4220 1.3856 1,278.1 1,262.6 1,306.7 3474 337.7 317.3 246.4 284.2 97.9 88.9 75.4 52.9 54.2 2898 351.5 322.8 2667 258.1 26,587.7 25,830.9 26,235.8 23,066.7 24,521.6 3,1581 3.201.2 3,253.3 3,206.3 3,232.5 4793 514.9 529.8 533.3 543.9 2134 2117 204.1 197.2 190.0 363.0 3645 365.3 373.0 366.8 660 66.0 659 63.5 60.9 142.5 1574 151.0 159.6 152.7 2604 2563 249.9 244 6 2404 609.5 6212 652.3 640.1 676.1 408.2 4270 450,5 4367 462.5 844.7 835.7 8517 817.2 8305 Trallement do Industrie do tabac Rubber and plastics products industries - Incfustrle do caoutchouC at des prodolts an matr6re plastique ,,n,tChrviC 2.921 3 8000 Industries alimentairea Breweries Brassenes I 2,702.6 8oulangerie at p6lisserie Fabricarits cIa bolasona Tobacco products induslrles 118.6848 Meunerie kudustrie des boissons Soft dunk manufactt.wers gazeusaa Distilleries 0R3 - Miscellaneous loud procesaors, produita &lmenlawes cOvers, n.c.a. Beverage industry 'RI - Fabrication d'atiments pour lea animaux 10.' 115,5300 Preparation industrie laitiOse - nhilbons de dollars 121,160.7 Industries do Is - - 117 7466 Industries des aliments Flour and breakfast cereal products Industry at labrication do clirliales do table Feed industry Oldostree do Industries rnanutacturiOres Manufacturing industries - - Mines d'anianle 5 RI 1983 116.2959 Placers dot et Other metal rrwieo Asbestos mines . - 057.059 0' 1982 - 058 . 1981 1980 lndustrie Induslrie des prodoits on 199.2 1947 200.8 2016 211.7 273.1 271.3 262.5 233,11 2261 346.3 340.0 358.6 352.5 362.6 201.6 201.8 2067 2059 1937 924.4 11319 878.1 757.7 849.1 4396 372 5 3904 3292 354 1 -4- I TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost in Constant (1971) Prices by Industry - Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit intOrleur brut au cout des facteurs an prix constants de 1971 par industrie - suite Industry SIC 1970 lnójstrie 1979 1980 millions of dollars 1981 - 1982 t 1983 millions de dollars 165 Plastic tabricaling industry. n es - Fabrication d'arlicles on matière plaslique. n.c.a. 484.8 461.4 487,7 428.5 495.0 5.04 Leather industries 195.1 183.6 192.9 1631 175.2 174 Shoe factories 1179 1093 117.1 98.8 106.2 910,1 860.0 898.9 7138 779.4 101.3 971 1046 80.5 97.8 Man-made fibre, yarn and cloth indIa - Fabrication de fibres, tiles at tussus artif,ciels at synthètiques 338.6 316.8 332.4 246.1 306.1 5:06 KnItting mills 200.6 2080 2073 1892 2078 5:07 Clothing industries 8068 7463 746.2 640.7 679.9 243 Men's clothing industries pour hornmes 318.1 2968 2867 234.5 250.7 357.1 3225 331.7 295.6 3133 Industrie du cuir - Fabrigues dx chaussures - 5.05 Textile industries 181 Cotton yarn and cloth mills coton 163 - - Iridustrie textile Filature at tissage du - Bonnetenie Industrie de rhabittement - Industrie des vétements - 244 Women's clothing industries pour dames 245 Chd&en's clothing industry pour entartts 5:08 Wood industries 251 lndustrie des vétements - - Industrie des vétements 52.5 50,6 48.6 43.2 470 1,289.5 1,252.3 1223.8 1,062.4 1,3344 Sawmills. planing mills and shingte mills - Sciefles. ateli&s de rabotage at usines de bardeaux 760.4 749.2 703.8 659.8 8470 252 Veneer and plywood mills contre-plaqutis 1452 1384 122.3 992 121 4 254 Sash, door and other nlillwork plants - Industries des portes, chassis at autres bois ouvrtis 2626 244,4 2695 1928 253.1 5:09 Furniture and fixture Industries - Industrie cIa meuble at des articles d'ameublemenl 456.0 449.9 491.5 370.8 424.7 261 Household furniture manufacturers meubles de maison 2579 2489 257.3 192.3 240.6 1,970.6 2,004 1 1,985.4 1,810.1 1,988,1 1,421.6 1.4360 1,413,5 1,296.2 1,436.1 313.0 326.6 3278 294.0 311.8 204.9 211 2 216.1 192.9 206.2 1,438.3 1,5671 1.5942 1,468.1 1,494.0 Commercial printing: platemairing, typesetting and trade bIndery Industry - lrrnmene cominerciale. industrie du clichage, de Is composition at dx Ia rehure cornmerciale 6592 7278 7579 699.7 720.8 288289 Publishing only, publishing and printing seulement, edition at inression 7791 839.3 836.3 768.4 773.2 5:12 Primary metal industries m4laux 2,0150 2,0093 2,011,1 1,614.2 1,769.9 291 Iron and steel mills 1.0888 1,012.8 9949 784.8 8357 292 Steel pipe and tube mills d'acier 94.8 945 112.3 70.3 604 5:10 - Industrie de bois Fabnques de placages 61 de - Paper and allied industries activittis annexes - Pulp and paper mills 273 Paper box and bag manufacturers en carton at de sacs an papier 274 Miscellaneous paper converters deerses do papier 5.11 286287 Industrie des Industrie dx papier at 271 - - Usines de pales at papiers - - Fabricants de boites Transformations Printing, publishing and allied industries edition at activilés annexes - 294 Iron foundries 295 Smelting and relining - - - lfllprimerie. Edition Premiere transformation des - Siderurgie - Fabriques de tubes at luyaux Fonderies de lxx - I Fonte at affinage 131.8 110.3 107.3 94.4 1043 450.0 568.1 567.8 483.7 542 1 I -5- TABLE 2 Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost in Constant (1971) Prices by Industry - Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit inttirleur brut au cout dos facteurs en prix constants do 1971 par industrle Industry SIC 1970 CAE 1979 - suite millions of dollars 5 13 1981 1980 1982 1983 Industrle Metal tabncating wdrstnes (except machinery and hanspoilatiofl ecrapment irOisbiee) - Fabrication do proits an metal (SarA machines it Oquçernenl . do transports) - flilliOns do dollars 2.1563 2.1251 2.1396 1.763.4 1.740,5 303 Ornamental and architectural metal industry - Industrie des prodods rnetalliquaa d'archllecturo of d'ocnement 231 6 252.6 2431 202.7 180.3 304 Metal slamputg, pressing and coating industry Industrie do l'emboutissage, do rnatrigage of do revèteinet'it des flltitBUX 4931 4714 4854 416.6 4188 305 Wire and wire products manufacturers rnOtalllque of do sea prodoits 261.1 2395 2326 201.3 227.1 306 tTabflcants Hardware, tool and cutlery manufacturers do quaiceillerie. d'outillage it do coutellerie 269.2 257.8 249.8 1867 207.6 309 Miscellaneous metal fabricating Industries do proó.its metallsques doers 2874 296.0 2735 2173 212.4 5:14 Machinery tijstries (except electrical machinery) Fabrication do machines (saul electnques) 1,596.2 1,692.5 1,731.0 1.4003 1,211.6 315 Miscellaneous machinery and equipment manufacturers Fabricants do machines at d'Oquipernent doers 1,030.5 1,0668 1,053.4 7736 657,5 3,771.0 3,081.8 3.1098 2,810.0 3,255.6 374 1 485.6 4980 397.7 364.2 1,877.2 1,425.4 1,3769 1,291.7 1,563.4 9761 6747 7428 7169 982.2 126.0 130.4 116.9 85.7 72.6 1626 168.4 165.1 164.0 118,3 1,7526 1,7493 1,876.6 1,652.4 1,695.3 191.8 185.3 1703 1198 159.5 855 106.8 1275 116.0 139,2 567.9 607.8 662.7 641.0 669.4 401.8 375.3 4001 327.7 287.5 168.8 145.5 1697 127.8 122.2 191 6 1593 206.0 195.0 189.0 1.0033 914.8 8941 710.7 781,2 1587 125.4 125.3 100.0 96.7 1509 131.1 133.5 97.7 107,9 1318 125.9 131.8 103.5 1067 P, '." - lndustrie do lit - - Transportation equipmenl Industries d'equlpement do transport - Fabflcstio - - - Fabrication Aircrafl and aircraft parts manufacturers taitonels of do pièces Fabricants - . Motor vehicle manufacturers automobiles 325 Motor vehicle ports and accessories manufacturers Falxtcants do pieces at accessoiraa d'aulomobiles 326 Railroad rolling stock Industry materiel terrovierre roulanl 327 ShIpbuilding and repair do navires 5:16 Electrical products industries etectnques 332 Manufacturers of maor appliances (electric and nonelectric) - Fabricants do wos appareils (elactriques ou non) 334 - Fabricants do - Construction it reparation - Fabrication do produits Manufacturers of household radio and television receivers - Fabucants do radioreceptetirs it do tèleviseurs rn&ianers Fabricants 335 Comnuicstions equment manufacturers d'equlpemenl do tétticornmurècetion 336 Manufacturers 01 electrical industrial equipment Fabricants d'èquement etectrique Industriel 338 Manufacturers 01 electric wire and cable do hIs it do cables etectriquea 339 Manufacturers of n'iscellanoous electrical prodiicts Fabricants do prodiits Olectriquos divers 517 Non-metalllc mrneral products lrxlustrles do prodiits ninèraux non met.altiquea Cement manufacturers '4 . Ficants do vètticules - - - - - - Fabricants - Fabrication Fabncants do cimenl Concrete products manufacturers en bOton Ready-flux concrete manufacturers prepare - Fabricanis do produits - Fabricants do bèton I TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost in Constant (1971) Prices by Industry Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit intèrieur brut au coOt dies facteurs on pus constants de 1971 par industrie 1 ind ustry SIC 1970 Industrie 1979 - suite 1980 millions of dollars Fabrication do 5:18 Petroleum and coal products indusines produils do patrols at do Charbon 5:19 Chemical and ctieqnical products industries chinaque 374 Manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and medicines Fabricants do produits phasmaceuliques at de medicaments - - 1981 - 1982 I 1963 millions do dollars 256.5 256.2 270.0 235.1 227.7 1,752.9 1,7569 1.7970 1,635.9 1,806.7 336.4 327.6 344.8 361.9 376.8 Industrie - Fabricants do 375 Paint and varnish manufacturers peintures at vernia 126.7 1240 120.8 109.1 131.2 376 Manufacturers of soap and cleaning corTpounds Fabricants do savon at do produits do nettoyage 184.8 1785 1956 183.9 207.2 378 Manufacturers of industrial chemicals produits chirniques industrials 498.4 499.3 491.2 411.4 470.7 272.6 3002 300.5 272.3 294.8 732.6 7368 728.3 656.6 673.8 379 - MicellaneOus chemical éidijstries tiroduds chim.ques divers Fabncants do - Fabricants do - 5:20 MiscellaneOus manufacturing industries manufactLwierea clivarses 391 Scientific and professional equlement industries Fabrication do matérial scientifique at prolessionnel 6 Construction industry 7 Transportation, communication and other utilities Transports, oommuracatioris et autres services publics - Industries BAtiment at travaus publics - 7:01 Transportation 501 Air transport 503 Railway transport 508 Bus transport, interurban and rural Transports interurbains at ruraux par autocar 509 Urban transit systems 515 Pipeline transport 7:02 Storage 703 Communication 544 Telephone sysierris 7.04 Electric power. gas and water utilities electrique, gaz et eau - Transports aOriens - Transports ferroviacres - Rflseaus do transports urbains Transports par pipe'tine - Communications - 572 Electric power Gas dotribution 8 Trade 8.01 Wholesale trade - Rtiseaux do teteØ'tonie - - Distribution do gaz Commerce - Retail trade Food stores - - 337.6 323.1 2943 7.042 0 7.477,5 6.6406 279.5 15,9051 16,419.9 16,882.1 16,377.1 16.733 S 7,487.7 7,559.7 7,582.3 6,955.9 7.0509 1,4888 1.575.2 1,610.9 1.516,4 1,5025 2,005.0 2.0082 1,962.9 1,701.7 1,796.6 6.481 1 75.2 79.9 75.0 75.8 74.2 262.2 274.1 284.8 291.0 290.8 5391 499.2 485.6 4725 477.3 2261 229.2 245.6 246.2 257.4 44957 4.7986 5,153.7 5,268.7 5,373.8 3,1683 3.4184 3,736.0 3,792.7 3,871.2 3,692.6 3,832.4 3.9005 3,906.3 4,051.4 2.9774 3,099.3 3.1580 3.1445 3,303.3 445.9 456.8 4588 482.0 473.3 14,998.2 15,011,8 15136.4 14,121,7 14,548.6 6.3594 6.385.5 6,433.1 5.7008 5,857.8 Commerce do gros Grossislea 6,026.9 6,038.1 6,076.7 5,374.2 5,545.8 Commerce do detail 8,638.8 8,6263 8,703.3 8420.9 8,689.0 Magasin d'ahmentalion 1269.0 1,262.0 1,272.5 1,307.6 1,296.4 1,7332 1,715,6 1,713.9 16289 1,675.8 1,219.5 1,2154 1.2209 1,1463 1.1854 513.7 500.2 4930 482.6 4404 683.7 680.3 676,4 667.7 441 1 - General merchandiae store divorses Department stores - - Magasins do marchanctises Grands magaslns Other general merchandise stores marchandises diverses Service stations and garages garages I Energie Energie electrique - Wholesale merchants 802 - Entreposage 574 - Transports - 306.6 7,108.6 - - Autres magasins ne Stations service at I -7- - TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost in Constant (1971) Prices by Industry - Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit intèrieur brut au coOt des facteurs en prix constants de 1971 par industrie suite Industry SIC 1970 CAE Industrie -- Motor vehicle dealers automobiles - 1979 Clothing stores - - -- - --- ---- - 1,0903 8872 1,005.3 2236 221.8 228.7 228.2 252,4 518.0 522.5 549.6 5429 559.3 979 101.7 328.9 330.0 337.1 304.5 370.0 Liquor, wine and beer stores Magasins do vente do spirituous, do yin 01 do bière 300.5 311.5 321.6 3178 305.2 Drug stores 451.7 471.1 499.3 559.2 573.5 1.118.9 1,1636 1,2002 1,158.0 1,179.1 14,7685 15.331.7 16.0194 16,1064 16,337.4 3,3248 3,462 9 3,6201 3,513.8 3,525.0 2.432.9 25111 2.684 7 2,646.5 2.569.6 Pharmacies Détaillants dIvers Finances, assurance 9.01 Finances industries 701 Banks and other deposit accepting eslablishments Banques 01 autres etablissemonts do depOts Institutions tinancières Security brokers and dealers (including exchanges) Agents do changes 01 courtiers an valour mobilières (comprend Is Bourse) Insurance carriers Assureurs Loyec irriputh Inputed rent on owner-occupied dweltings sur los logements trabiles par leur proprietaire to Community. business and personal service induslries Services socio-culturels. con'wnerciaux at personnels loot Educalion and related services services annexes 1002 Health and well are services socaus Services 10 business managerrlenl enlreprises 10:06 Personal services 10,07 Accommodation and food services reslsuralion Public administration and defence publique 01 defense 909 Other federal administration lédéraux II 02 Provincial adi'ninislration Local aclnanistration 5,0827 5,325.2 5,4840 5.472,3 5,652.9 4,578.8 4,7597 4,9211 5,048.1 5,108.1 22,007.6 22,744.4 23,876.1 23,866.3 24.1761 5,628.3 5,855.2 5,8904 5,906.4 5,942.3 5,764.7 5,956.5 6,184.3 6,414.5 6,650.8 921.8 9533 9471 975.1 960.7 4.131,8 4.539,0 5,3065 5,277.1 5,392.6 905.9 928.9 940.2 942.1 9486 3,102.9 3,137.7 3.124.1 2,871.9 2,803.2 7.6867 7,980.0 8.137.0 6,404.9 8,519.9 3,679.8 3,660.9 3,775.1 3,871.7 3,942.7 1,117.6 1,118.6 1,121.8 1,131.7 1,1493 2,562.2 2,542.1 2,653.3 2,740.0 2.793 4 2,362.8 2,424.8 2,458.2 2.5440 2,569.5 1,844.1 1,894.3 1,903.7 1,969.2 2,007.7 113,5931 114,825.3 118,002.2 112,279.8 115,318,8 Hébergement of Administration Defense nationale Autres services Administration provinciale Administration locale (iross domestic product less a1cutture(1) nt&ieur brul sans l'apriculture(l) appendix 1 for conlenls. Voir l'appendice I pour 10 cOntenu. 267.5 1,525.6 Services lournis aux Administration fOdOrale Defence services 199.6 1,594.6 Divertissements 01 Services peraonnels Federal administration 258.1 1,484.8 Services rriOdicaux 01 10:05 11:01 311.7 1,242.3 Enseignement et Amusement and recreation services loisirs 902 250.9 1,215.9 Agerices Insurance agencies and real eslato industry d'assurailces et aflaires inwnot)iliOres is 1,161.7 97.7 9 11 millions do dollars 100.4 Finance insurance and real estate 01 aitlaires in,mobèères 10.04 1983 101.3 Quiricailleries Miscellaneous retail stores ft 1982 1,225.0 Détaillants Magasins do vètements - 1981 Furniture, television, radio and appksnces slores Magasins do ineubles, do tèlèviseurs, do radios et d'appareils rnOnagers Hardware stores • - millions of dollars Dètslllants en vOhicules Automotive parts and accessories stores do pièces of accessoires d'automobiles 1980 Produit -8- I TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost in Constant (1971) Prices by Industry - Concluded TABLEAU 2. Produit interieur brut au coüt des facteurs an prix constants de 1971 par industrie - fin Industry SIC 1970 Industrie CAE 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 millions of dollars - millions do dollars Industrial production(1) 33,628.2 33128.7 33427.1 29,862.1 31,631.9 44,422.4 44091.2 45010.2 40557.9 42,422.7 71,673.5 73,655.4 76150.5 74,972.1 76,262.1 98311.6 99,590.5 102,695.6 96,675.0 99,586.0 95,608.8 96669.2 99,537.1 93,424.8 96,220.0 17,984.3 18,156.1 18,465.1 18,855.0 19,098.8 14,0399 13275.0 13477.5 11,384.2 12,213.7 Non-durable manufacturing industries(1) - Industries manutacturières de biens non durables(1) 12.5478 12,555.9 12,755.3 11,682.5 12.307,9 Finance, insurance, real estate less royalties and imputed rent(1) - Finances, assurances of atfaires ummobilitires sans lea redevances em 16 layer mput6(l) 9,623.4 10,0304 10,588.9 10,5807 10.7037 Food manutacturems(1) 2,313.4 2,3655 2,401.6 2,389.1 2,4020 3,031.8 2.2524 2,263.0 2,105.9 2.6440 - Production induslrietle(1) Goods-producing industries(1) de biens(1) Service-producing industries(1) trices do services(1) Commercial ndustries(1) - Industries productrices - - Industries produc- Industries commecciales(1) Commercial industries less agriculture(1) commnercialos sans l'agricullure( 1), Non-commercial industries(1) ciales(1) - Industries Industries non comber- Durable manufacturing industries(1) facturières do biens ctijrables(l) - - - Industries manu- Fabricanls d'aliments(l) Automotive products manutacturers(1) produits do rautomobile(1) (1) See appendix 1 for contents. Ill Voir rappendice 1 pour le contenu - Fabricanls do I 4 -9- TABLE 3. Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) PrIces by Quarter TABLEAU 3. Produit Intórl.ur but on prix constants do 1971 per trlmostre Non d65aisoraIsM DeSaOSOS aux tauX &wiuelS AmOe Industrie SIC 1970 CAE Without seasonal austmant Seasonally austed at ielnual rates Year I II III It IV III IV miaions of dollars - millions do dollars dom.c product - Oduft IntSrieur 1982 116,102.2 118,065.5 114,490.6 113,439.7 28,3.0 29,297.5 29,872.8 28,011.0 1983 115,366.0 117,731.7 120100.9 121,129.0 27,068.9 29,775.5 31,198.7 30,042.5 brut 1.11 Gross Industry groupingsi - *grgste des sctivttè$ oconomlquse(1): Gross domestic product lees agriculture Produit aithrieur brut sans t'aicufture 1982 1983 114.8683 112,0700 112.8755 114,5004 111,211 8 116,850.7 110,157.3 117,848.3 28.1262 27.4045 28,661.3 29,135.4 27,639.2 29,003.0 27,846.6 29,776.6 Industrial production - Production industrielle 1982 1983 31.2032 29.994 3 30,203 2 30,914.2 29,4561 32,2678 26,519.0 33,322.9 7996.4 7668.8 7.7397 7,9673 6,952,3 7,611.1 7,1765 8,384.9 Goods-pro,.lca1g Industries - Industries productrices do brons 1982 1983 42,3854 40,669.2 40,9402 41.8324 39,848.2 43,064.5 39.0409 43,676.9 9.931 8 9 504 8 10.2200 10.4926 11.2223 11.9676 9,181 9 10,458 I Service-producing industries - Industries productricas do services 1062 1983 75,716.6 74,698.8 75,125.2 75.899 3 74,642.4 77,036.4 74,398.8 77,450.1 18.4112 18.1641 19.0775 19,2829 18,6506 19,231 1 8,8291 9,5844 Commercial industries - Industries coip.nterdales 1982 1983 99,365.7 06.4136 97,236.6 98.583 1 95,613.8 100,961.0 94 .48 1. 1 101.965,2 23,628.4 22.902.6 24,507.1 24.9045 25.3137 26.5765 23.224.4 25,203.2 1982 1983 18.7366 18.9524 18.8289 19.1486 18.8768 19,133.9 18,958.6 19,163.8 4714.6 4.7663 4.7904 4.8709 4.5591 4,622.2 4.766 6 4,839.3 Consumer goods and services - Biens et services do consommallon 1982 40.6614 1983 40.8630 40,683.7 41,095.8 40.5800 41,554.4 40,007.2 42,129.5 9,703.6 9,739.3 10,381.2 10.4988 10,2105 10.4358 10.1924 10,7420 non durables 1982 12,5.46.3 1983 12,601.0 12,469.2 12,655.2 12,461.1 12,768.9 12,388.3 12,642.9 2,874.2 2.0677 3.137 1 3.181 6 3,1450 3,216.8 3,309.8 3,431,2 industries - Industries non comrnerciales Grouping of Industries by demand cat.gory(2) - Agrégats des activites economlques par type do demande(2) Nun-durable goods (4005 lppendlx I for contents lapoendica 1 pour le contenu. tppendrx 2 for contents I .ippi'rrdu 0 2 pour IC 'orlIc'Ou 10 - TABLE 3. Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices by Quarter - Concluded TABLEAU 3. Produit Intérleur brut en prix constants de 1971 par trimestre - fin Year Initistry Annee Inctistrie S,C 1970 CAE Seasonally adjusted at annual rates Without seasonal adjustment Désaisonnatisés aux taux aiYueIs Non désaisonnaSsOs I II Ill IV I II Ill IV millions of dollars - millions do dollars Durable goods Biens durables 1982 1983 5,267.3 5,708.9 5,381.1 5,714.2 5,363.9 5,842.6 5082.8 6,345.8 1.222,5 1,311.5 1,493.1 1,599.0 1,259.5 1,369.8 1,301.8 1,631.3 1982 1983 22.8478 22.5530 22,833.3 22728.5 22,755.0 22.9429 22,536.0 22,940.8 5.606 9 5.5401 5.751 0 5.715.2 5.805 9 5.849,2 5,580.8 5,679.5 1982 1983 14,3142 12,7361 13.4477 13,1389 12,809.6 13,2851 12,929.2 12.9852 3,292.4 2,924.2 3,401.5 3,325.2 3,3909 3.5263 3,2486 3,2755 1982 1983 8654.5 7,961.1 8,188,7 8,316,1 7.831.1 8,185.8 8,074.6 7.693,9 1,893.0 1,726.5 2,041.6 2,082.8 2.2007 2,304.2 2.0145 1,9358 1982 1983 5.6597 4,774.9 5.259.0 4,6228 4,978.6 5,099.4 4.854.6 5,2914 1,3994 1,195,7 1.359 8 1,242.4 1.1902 1.2221 1982 1983 44,9008 43,334.6 43,6225 44,8690 42,7448 46,6488 42,065.0 47,372.5 10,760.1 10,3692 10,8538 11,213.6 11.8425 12,7448 9,913.4 11,316.2 1982 1983 5,817.5 5,531.9 5,512.2 5,7179 5,159.1 5,967.7 5,361.2 5,964.3 841.1 798.2 1,225.9 1.2741 2,712.0 2,859.5 697.5 956.8 Contruction-onented industries - Industries retOes ti Ia construction 1982 1983 3,135.2 3,128.8 3,045.0 3.2690 2,946.8 3,474.0 2.9325 3,358.3 730.6 7304 8026 8746 7403 8757 734.2 8292 Energy 1982 1983 6,492.2 6,1640 6,274.2 6.375,5 6,250.8 6,575.0 6,1485 6,678.5 1,8546 1,749.4 1,4437 1.465 8 1.3809 1.467 1 1,6224 1,773.3 1982 1983 11,3880 10,8957 10,957.0 11,4771 10,722.6 12,1439 10.289,9 12,542.7 2,906.9 2,775.3 2,865.8 3,032.3 2,534.3 2,870.7 2,544.0 3.0813 1982 1983 18,068.0 17,614.3 17,834.3 18,029.6 17,665.3 18,4882 17,332.7 18,828,7 4,426.9 4,315.9 4,515.7 4,5668 4,475.0 4,671.7 4,315.2 4,675.6 1982 1983 18,225.8 18,432.3 18,311.5 18,627.9 18,3563 18,612.5 18,4384 18.6418 4,5869 4,6362 4,661.1 4,740.8 4.4289 4.4918 4.656 4,7089 Services - - Services CetEta1 formation Construction - - Formation do capital Bálimenl at travaux publics Machinery and equipment materiel Intermediate inputs niédeire Raw materials - - - - Machines at Consonanalion inter- MatiOres premièies Energie Other goods - Other services Government - Autres biens - Autres services Gouvernement 234 1 13396 ' - 11 - TABLE 4. Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices by Industry, by Quarter TABLEAU 4. Prodult interleur brut an prix constants de 1971 par Industrie at par trimestre Year AnnOe Industrie SIC 1970 CAE I Without seasonal adjustment Osaisonnalisès isis faux annuals Non dèaaisonnallaOs II III I IV ______________ millions of dollars - II Ill IV millions do dollars 1912 1983 118,102.2 115,366.0 118,065.5 117,131.7 114,490.6 120,100.9 113,439.7 121,129.0 28,343.0 27668.9 29,297.5 29,175.5 29,612.6 31,196.7 28,011.0 30,042.5 1982 1983 3,233.9 3,2959 3.1891 3,2311 3,278.8 3,250.1 3,2825 3.2807 2168 2644 6362 6400 2.2336 2,195.7 164.4 266.0 1982 1983 707.0 690.5 615.7 740.9 543.6 8697 611.0 754.7 192.4 190.4 1272 1494 127.9 2085 174.5 213.2 Chasse at pêche 1982 1983 145.4 2169 1671 208.6 189.7 1689 205.7 1464 16.9 20.5 41.3 593 82.8 750 40.7 4 Mines (eickióng nil9ng) quarries and oil welts - Mines (y conxe troyage) carr,eres at pulls do patrols 1982 1983 3,225.2 2,7564 2,940.7 2.9429 2,614.0 3,200.7 2.757 1 3.3422 822.2 712.3 7449 7428 618.6 7490 703.5 855.1 40 Metal mines 1982 1983 1,127.2 742.2 975.0 8910 5910 1.0494 659.8 1,127.4 284,3 196.5 271.0 254.4 125.2 221.5 158.0 276.5 Placer gold and gold quartz mines Placers d'or at mines do quartz aurilate 1982 1983 370 564 42.9 56.0 47.7 56.0 43.4 50,7 8.9 13.5 10 4 13.6 12.1 148 11.5 134 058 IrOn mines 1982 1983 1926 1168 181.7 130.5 85.3 1537 102.8 1434 40.3 25.4 52.4 407 202 332 271 374 057.059 Other metal nines 1982 1983 897.5 568.9 750.4 704.5 458.0 639.7 513.6 933.3 235.1 157.6 2063 200.1 929 173 5 1194 225 7 4:02 Mineral fuels 1962 1983 1,4449 1,4333 1,403.4 1.4354 1,4650 1,5357 1,4569 1,562.0 374.6 370.8 3413 3438 3508 3729 3791 4060 061 Coal mines 1982 1983 1967 1721 194.5 171.9 174.8 184.5 162.8 217.5 480 422 536 473 41 1 42.8 40.0 54.4 064 Crude petroleum and natural gas industry Industrie du patrols brul at do gez natural 1982 1983 1,246.2 1.2612 1.2089 1.2636 1.2902 1,351.2 1,294.1 1.3445 326.6 328.6 2877 2965 3097 330.1 339.1 351.6 4:03 Non-metal mines (except coal mines) - Mines non metalliques (554 nines do charbori) 1982 1983 271 7 2304 2204 283 1 231.1 2514 2576 291 4 703 597 552 709 52.5 559 68.5 779 071 Asbestos mines 1982 1983 620 551 491 560 46.3 423 54.1 507 15.0 139 11.9 137 12.1 108 140 12.9 405 Services incidental to mining tremors Services 1982 1983 2878 2574 251 1 239.0 2370 2692 288.6 267.2 79.4 71.7 523 475 618 69.1 73.1 69.8 5 Mwlufactunng industries tacttsières livitries nWtu- 1982 1983 23,940.3 23,382.6 23,350.0 23,918.4 23,001.8 24,959.5 21,953.5 25,811.1 5,970.3 5,816.3 6,110.3 6,304.3 5,522.2 5,9872 5,466.2 6,413.7 lfldustne 1962 1983 3.1967 3,246.4 3,2047 3,216.5 3,239.8 3,227.4 3,1776 3,245.9 741 7 7552 8238 825.0 851.2 8441 790.1 808.2 Meat and poultry products industries Inclustrie do Is viaride at do Is vOlailts 1982 1983 539.2 544.3 525.5 539.0 542.8 553.5 526.3 539.5 134.3 135.7 132.0 135.1 1349 137.7 132.3 135.3 iii Gross domestIc product brul 1 Agriculture 2 Forestry 3 Fishing and trapping - - - Prodult Intlrleur qiculture For8ts - Mines inotaisqusa - . . I Seasonally adjusted at aiyival rates Mines de for - Autree nines ITletalliques Contushbles nineraux - - - Mines do cha'bon - Mines d'am.anle - Food and beverage irdisbies des aliments at boiaaona I::: - - 27.4 - 12 - TABLE 4. Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices by Industry, by Quarter - Continued TABLEAU 4. Produit intérleur brut on prix constants de 1971 par industrie et par trimestre - suite Year Industry Anntie Industrie SIC 1970 CAE Seasonally adjusted at annual rates Without seasonal adjustment Dtisasonnabses aus taus annuals Non dOsiesoraralisés I II Ill Pt millions of dollars 103 Fruit and vegetable processing industries Preparation de fruits at legumes - - I II Ill IV millions do dollars 1982 1983 198.3 186,8 205.1 1988 200.2 182.5 184.2 197.6 42.6 40.4 44.9 438 65.0 582 44.7 1982 1983 374.0 373.8 366.9 361.4 374.3 362.9 378.1 369.8 86.6 872 100.0 977 100.0 964 88.3 85.4 47.8 104 Dairy products industry 105 Flour and breakfast cereal products InduStry - Meunerie et tabrication do certiales do table 1982 1983 64.9 60.1 62.6 59.7 62.3 66.5 643 57.3 16.4 15.0 155 148 15.4 16.4 16.3 14.8 106 Feed industry los anlmaux 1982 1983 159.0 157.9 165.5 151.1 157.0 1497 156.1 152,0 39.8 394 43.3 396 37.5 35.6 39.1 381 107 Bakery products industries pâlisserie (fabrication) Boulangerie 91 1982 1983 252.0 2442 245.0 2399 241.7 2393 239.9 238.9 59.7 579 62.9 61 7 61.9 61.0 60.3 59.8 108 Miscellaneous lood industries alirrientaires dwecses Industries 1982 1983 618.2 672.3 639.6 6635 643.7 6608 553.8 6993 155.1 168.3 1594 1649 150.7 154.9 1748 1880 1089 Miscellaneous food processors n.e,a, - Traitemerit do produits alimentaires avers, n.c.a. 1982 1983 425.3 445.5 441.3 451.2 440.6 457.2 4366 486.1 108.5 113.5 112.6 115.1 1025 106.3 113 1 1275 109 Beverage industries 1982 1983 821.5 8156 816.6 616.6 832.5 861.8 796.2 8305 178.9 1774 221,0 219.1 219.2 229.5 1985 2045 1091 SoIl drink manufacturers boissons gazeuses 1982 1983 201.3 2083 204.0 205 0 202.2 215.3 198.3 220.5 40.4 42.1 54.9 54.3 58.8 62.9 47.5 52.4 1092 DIStIlleries - Distilleries 1982 1983 2408 222.1 2263 231.3 2426 238.2 223.1 216.3 59.3 54.7 58.7 60.0 52.7 51.6 62.5 59.8 1093 Breweries - Brassenes 1982 1983 3493 355,8 355.4 351.2 3574 377.2 3458 364.8 73.6 75.2 1000 97.4 99.9 107.3 79.2 82.6 5.02 Tobacco products industries tabac 1982 1983 207.3 209.8 2072 192 1 2025 181 1 206.4 . 1924 56.5 57.3 55.8 51.5 405 35.7 63.1 49.3 5:03 Rubber and plastics products indeslrues Industrie du caoutchouc et des produits en matirire plastique 1982 1983 783.9 7830 7495 821.7 7626 865.6 7391 9247 200.0 201.0 198.1 216.1 176.2 203.0 183.2 229.0 162 Rubber products industries produits en caoutchouc 1982 1983 339.7 331,3 329.1 3324 343.6 353.3 308.8 401.2 905 894 870 88.6 74.7 78.5 76.8 99.5 165 Plastics fabricating industry. n.e.s Fabrication darticles en matiitre plastique. nc.a 1982 1983 444.2 451.7 420.5 489.3 419.0 512.3 430.3 523.4 1096 111.5 Itt I 129.5 101.5 124.5 1064 129.5 5:04 Leather industries 1982 1983 170.7 1600 160.2 1688 166.6 1833 155.0 187.4 41.3 38.9 38.6 407 45.1 49.9 38.3 45.7 174 Shoe tactories 1982 1983 101.8 96.0 96.3 102.4 103.7 109.4 915 115.6 24.5 23.5 22.7 24.1 29.2 31.2 224 275 505 Textile industries 1982 1983 752.0 771.1 702.7 788.9 6827 7792 7171 780.0 1928 198.6 178.3 202.2 159,2 179.6 1835 199 1 - - lnduslrie laititire - Fabrication d'aliments pour - - - - Industrie des boissons - Fabricants do - - lndustrie dx Induslrues des Industrie du cuir Fabriques do chaussures - Industrie textile -4 - 13 - TABLE 4 Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices by Industry by Quarter - Continued TABLEAU 4. Produit interieur brut an prix constants de 1971 par industrie at per trimestre - suite Year Industry Annaq Indostrie SIC 1970 CAE Seasonally, aiusted at annual rates Without seasonal austmenl DOsaisonnatsés aux taux armuels Non désaisonnatsOs I Ii U IV mittens 01 dollars . IiA rniihons de dollars 789 97.2 67.5 105.8 82.1 999 92.7 89.7 21.1 25.8 171 26.6 168 204 25.7 25.0 1982 1983 269.7 285.6 241.6 308.3 219.3 309.4 253.8 3191 11.7 766 61.9 807 47.5 673 65.1 81.6 1982 1983 185.9 206.1 1854 2057 191 5 2018 1925 211.5 46.3 51.2 46.0 51.1 492 521 47.8 53.3 rni- 1982 1983 6685 6675 622.9 6800 6271 6824 6471 6890 1740 1746 1458 158.7 167.5 182.2 153.5 164.5 Mans clothing industries - Indostrie doe vétoments pour horIwnes 1982 1983 247.1 2413 2298 2609 2251 2491 237,2 2513 643 634 54.4 61.7 57.7 63.7 577 61.9 1982 1983 3061 3166 2905 3093 2909 3098 2963 318.1 81 8 84.9 67.7 71.9 79.2 84.3 67.0 72.2 1982 1983 435 453 396 45.7 44.3 50.3 459 46.9 11.1 11.6 8.7 9.9 13.4 153 10.0 10.3 1982 1983 1030.1 1.2014 1,057.7 1,287.6 1,084.9 1.452 4 1,090.9 1.397 6 266.7 3131 282.4 344.1 250.5 345.4 262.7 332.4 Cotton yarn and cloth mills tissage do colon 183 Man-made tie, yarn and cloth nails Fabrication do foa, tiles at tlsaus artiticiels at siith8tijee 5:06 Kiatting nails 5:07 Clothing industries lament 243 - - - Bonnetene - Indoatne de Indostrie dos 44 Women's clothing industries v8tements pour dames 15 ChEefl'S clothing Industry - Industrie dee v8tements pour enlanta Wood industries - - Industrue du bois 251 Sawmills, planing mills and shingle mills Sciories, ateliers do rabotage at usinea de bardeaus 1982 1983 6135 755.4 662.9 8035 7004 930.3 6740 8989 167.9 2072 174.1 211.1 1539 2149 1639 213.8 252 Veneer and plywood mills - Fabriques do placages at do contre-plaquOs 1982 1983 102.9 1145 94.9 1205 95.7 138.2 103.4 1179 28,1 316 25.5 320 199 283 25.7 29.5 254 Sash, door and other mill work plants Industrie des portes, chassis of autres bois ouvrès 1982 1983 203.8 223.9 1892 2540 177.0 267.3 203.7 2610 44.2 48.3 51.9 70.5 487 727 47.8 61.6 5.09 Furniture and fixture industrieS - tndustrie do meuble at dos articles d'ameubloment 1982 1983 385.9 403.1 368.5 405,5 352.0 434.6 3755 456.2 965 100.6 97.0 106.4 830 1022 94.2 115.6 261 HousehOld furniture manufacturers tile des meubles do maison Indos- 1982 1983 185.1 230.3 186.8 230.7 186.6 245.7 2098 255.4 465 57.7 49.2 60.4 42.8 56.2 53.8 66.4 5:10 Paper and sited lristrles - lodostrie do papier of activites annexes 1982 1983 1,885.8 1,8382 1,803.4 1.9220 1,788.8 2,1082 1,762.4 2.0734 485.6 4757 468.6 501.6 423.8 498.3 432.7 512.6 280 Pull and paper naIls pepiers 1982 1983 1.3591 1.3207 1.289 1 1,3744 1.2786 1,534.6 1,260.8 1.501,5 348.7 340.9 334.8 3588 302.8 362.3 3107 374.2 273 Paper box and bag manufacturers - F'icants do boltes on carton at do sacs an papier 1982 1983 304 1 284.9 293.5 304.7 290.7 329.0 2863 329.2 77.8 72.9 76.2 79.3 69.5 78.9 70.4 80.8 1982 1983 2011 1928 1928 2058 1896 2141 187.0 214.1 52.9 50.7 50.4 53.8 43.5 49.3 48.0 52.5 1982 1953 1,5147 1.4475 1.4842 1.468 2 1.4428 1.5176 1,434.3 1,539.2 3865 350.0 382.3 378.3 3438 360.4 3757 405.3 1 . - 1982 1983 Filature at 181 1)8 I I I I I I - - Usines des pales at Miscellaneous paper converters matiOns diversea dii per - Transfor- Printing. pubashing and sited indostnes tTplmerle. &ttiOn at sctivltós annexes - 14 - I TABLE 4. Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices by Industry, by Quarter - Continued TABLEAU 4. Produft Intérleur but on prix constants de 1971 par industne at per trimestre - suite Year I- NOe tncaijstrie SIC 1970 CAE Seasonally ausled at arstual rates Without seasonal austment DèsiesoaJsies sos taux annuels Non désasionnaSsOs I II III IV I II IV millions of dolIwis - nallions do dollars 266- Commercial printing, platemaIring. typesetting 1982 7184 707.8 693.0 6808 180.3 177.9 287 and trade bindery industry - Imprimerie 1983 6790 7047 750,3 7472 170.2 1771 commerclale, induslrie du clichage (Ia Is composition at (Ia Is reliure commerciale 162.7 176.6 1790 196.8 181.1 163.8 196.7 208.5 1982 1,778.2 1,630.9 1,5623 1,460.7 468.8 427,8 1983 1,541,0 t,859 6 I .041,4 1.751.9 403.2 464.8 358.5 427.8 359.5 474.1 1982 854 1 784.9 7841 702.2 225.4 206.7 1983 7127 834.5 923.4 8803 1864 224.2 181.9 2041 171.1 221.0 1982 61 1 47.1 27.1 189 98.8 73.9 1983 51.6 590 631 14.2 152 69.6 13.4 13.9 10.9 17.6 1982 103.3 1000 1014 71.3 27.3 26.9 1983 105 2 240 90.9 1085 113.0 28.4 22.6 245 177 274 1982 534.8 488 8 4403 483.6 139.1 125.6 1983 482.4 5309 5759 5850 124.7 136.0 100.5 1320 118 7 1496 Metal fabricating industries (except machinery 1,6890 1,601 6 45,49 1982 1.976,7 1.782,1 4974 and transportation equipment industries) 1983 1662.9 1,774,1 1694.6 1,8368 437.1 4203 Fabrication do produits en metal (saul machines at equipement do transport) 4159 434 6 3951 448,6 Ornamental and architectural metal industry 1982 225.0 205.7 200.3 183,2 50 0 52.9 Industrie des produits metalliques d'archi1983 173.5 178.3 189.5 1809 382 46.2 lecture at d'ornement 52.0 49.1 47.9 46.7 1982 460.7 410.7 405.0 114.7 391.6 102.9 396,7 1983 409.9 420.6 4485 996 103.1 103.6 110.6 953 105.6 288- Publishing only and publishing and prinling 1982 796.3 776.4 749.8 753,5 1862 204.5 1983 289 Edition seulement et Irdition 01 impression 7684 7674 7635 7920 179.8 201.2 5:12 291 Primary metal industries - Premiere Irans- lormatiori des metaux Iron and steel mitts - SidOrt,gie Steel pçe and lube natta - Fabriques do tubes at tuyaux dacier 294 Iron toundres Fondenes do fec 295 292 5 13 Smelling and refining Fonle et altinaqe 303 304 305 Wire and wire products rnanufaclurers - lndus1982 213.6 1987 207.4 1835 570 540 trie do hI metalliqua 01 do sea prOdi.iils 1983 199.5 218.3 2401 255.7 537 59.8 48.4 56.1 42 0 575 306 1982 186,4 Hardware, toot and cutlery manulacturars 170.0 169.7 57,4 484 217.3 Fabricants do quincaillerie. doulillage 2031 211.3 1983 2000 2183 535 51 5 at do coutetlerie 39,1 48.9 41 8 537 309 Miscellaneous metal falxicating induslry 1982 254.9 2204 206.1 185.0 66.4 57.5 Fabrication do produits melalliques divers 1983 1044 2168 227.5 2121 508 55,2 48.2 511 45.1 55,4 1982 1.579 7 1.4586 1.3147 1.2410 404,15 3827 1983 1.1371 11346 1,1982 1.3455 289.2 2996 296.5 272.5 316.5 350.2 910.8 777.6 7163 Miscellaneous machinery and equipment manu1982 682.4 235.7 202.5 599.1 6772 731.0 153,4 tacturers - Fabricants (Ia machines at 1983 6213 162.9 d'Bquipesnant divers 160.3 151.4 1752 1898 1982 3,024.0 2.4130 Transporlation equipment industries - Fabri 2.807.2 2.988.7 712.3 855.7 cation dequipernerit do Iransport 1983 3,106.5 3.201,5 3,645.7 774.2 901 2 3,0680 662.8 698.3 5796 8820 1982 437.5 406.5 384,0 362.2 111.1 101.6 1983 359.5 371.2 367.1 359.0 91.2 92.8 94,5 90.5 90 Ii 89 8 5.14 315 5:15 321 Metal stamping, pressing and coating industry - Induxtrie do rernboutissage, do matriçage at du rev8temenl des metaux Machinery irduslries (except electrical machinery) - Fabricanls do machines (saut electnques) Aircraft and aircraft parts manulaclurers Fabricants daeronetS at do pieces I I - 15 - TABLE 4. Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices by Industry, by Quarter - Continued TABLEAU 4. Prodult inttirlour brut on prix constants do 1971 par Industrie at par trimestre - suite Year Annèe idjslris SeaaonaJly a4usled at aralual rates Without seasonal a4uslment OMaisormalisés laux aiviuels Non dtisaisonnalistia 0.15 SIC 1970 CAE 1 I II Ill IV I millions of dollars - I I II I Ill I IV nuihoris do dollars 323 Motor vellicle manufacturers vtiullcules automobiles FabriCants do 1982 1983 1.282 5 1,5837 1,376.0 1,477.0 1,445.0 1,4692 1,062.8 1,722.3 320.7 385.6 424.2 469.2 291.8 288,2 255.3 420.4 325 Motor vehicle parts and accessories marsilecturers - Fabflcwta do piócea at escessokee d.jtomobUea 1982 1983 860.3 821.6 784,0 8874 784.0 1.0275 632.9 1.1925 173.5 212.6 219.1 2506 116.2 2373 148.3 281.5 326 Ralioed rolkig stock flajslry - Fablcants do matliriel terrovlalre roulant 1982 1983 92.6 59.1 88.9 67.2 89.3 77.1 72.0 87.1 23.9 15.1 222 16.9 21.9 19.0 179 21.7 327 Sflbjikllng and repalr rtipuration do navIes 1982 1983 187.7 132.5 178.5 115.6 1679 105.5 1402 111.2 43.3 34.1 454 29.4 420 26.4 334 26,4 516 Electrical products industries do produits electriquea Fabrication 1962 1983 1,701.4 1,847.7 1.683.2 1,655.4 1,670.1 1.7271 1,562.3 1,751.3 418.0 4021 4260 4214 4005 4148 408.3 457.0 332 Manufacturers of maoq apphances (eleCtric and non-electric) - Fathcants do gros açipareils (lilectnquea on non) 1982 1983 106.3 162.5 113.9 1393 125.3 161,0 130.8 1756 26.3 398 32.4 401 28.8 365 32.3 431 .Manufacturers of household raclo and totevision receivers - Fabncant do radiorticepteurs at do telkviseurs mitnagers 1982 1983 108 6 1289 124.8 1379 118.1 142.1 111.9 1446 26 4 31 I 31.7 355 29.4 354 28.6 373 1982 1983 6460 6301 649.6 6369 662.3 6985 609.7 7129 160.0 156.0 163.1 160.0 1653 174.0 153.6 179.5 S - - Construction at - 335 Convmjnlcabons equipment manufacturers Fafricants d'equipement do ttilOconinunication 336 Manufacturers of electrical Industrial equipment - Fabricants d'equipement Olectrique induslriel 1982 1983 387.3 296.3 3391 296.9 314.2 291.6 297.3 272.1 90.7 73.2 87.8 77.8 69.5 63.3 799 732 338 Manufacturers of electric wire and cable Fabricanls do (ifs at do c6bles Ofectriques 1982 1983 155.9 112.9 135.8 1255 1126 1257 1070 123,6 398 28.8 35.8 33.4 24.5 27.9 27.1 32.1 339 Manufacturers of miscellaneous electrical products - Fabricanta do produits Olectnques divers 1982 1983 187.0 1853 194.5 1843 220.1 1885 179.1 1982 42.6 40.4 43.2 40.0 55.2 48.4 540 60.2 5 17 Non-metallic rrwieral products industries Fabrication do prodults nisnOraux non 1982 1983 7267 7398 7278 791 1 7036 8170 6872 7798 146.5 149.7 193.7 212.6 1909 219.2 1795 199.7 352 Cement manufacturers 1982 1983 1066 877 101.0 1048 101.9 997 90.4 929 13.4 109 26.6 304 33.6 316 24.4 23.7 354 Concrete products manufacturers do prodiuits on baton 1982 1983 106.9 111.4 101.3 113.9 949 1090 890 96.7 17.9 18.3 282 320 267 33.0 22.8 24.5 355 Reedy-nix concrete meriulacturars coils do baton prkparB Fabri- 1982 1983 113.0 111.8 1035 1073 959 1060 11013 1042 176 16.3 28.7 297 30.9 337 26.4 271 Potroleriii and coal products industries FabicatlOn do prodults do pétrole 04 do chaibon 1982 1983 237.8 2234 237.6 211 4 237.1 2339 227.5 2404 60.3 56.2 55 1 493 61.4 62.1 58.4 60.1 1982 1983 1,876.5 1.7249 1,636.2 1.784.1 1,622.2 1,8523 1,603.1 1,8684 430.7 443.8 428.5 470.4 3846 4373 392.1 455.1 8 - - - Fabricanls do ciment Fabncants - - Chemical and chemical products industries lncijstJle ctwTsqje - TABLE 4. Gross Domestic Product In Constant (1971) Prices by Industry, by Quarter - Continued I TABLEAU 4. Produit Interleur brul on prix constants do 1971 par industrie at par trimestre - Suite Year Seasonally adjusted at annual rates Without seasonal adjustment Desaisonnalises aux laus annuals Non desaisonnalisés odustry AnnOe ildustrie sic I II Ill IV millions 01 dollars - I II lv nsihons do dollars Manufacturers of pilarmacouticals and mediones - Fabncanls do Ixoduts plwmaceutlies 61 de rnedicamonts 1982 1983 352.4 389.9 387.7 372.6 358.6 380.3 368.2 384.3 89.7 942 948 964 83.3 878 94.1 984 375 Paint and varnish manufacturers de peiotures of semis 1982 1983 1081 120.1 112.9 125.8 110.3 140.1 103.3 137.6 26.0 28.8 33-9 381 28.3 380 20.9 263 36 Manufacturers of soap and cleaning cornpotmde - Fabricants do S650ri Of do produits do neftoyage 1982 1983 178.1 1997 185.1 208.2 191.3 222.7 181.3 199.3 46.9 524 47.6 515 44.2 51.6 45.2 497 378 Manufacturers of industrial chemicals Fa.b,ncantS do produits cI'sm.ques industrials 1982 1983 445.2 445.3 411.3 457.5 3985 470.8 390.0 5108 116.9 117.6 1017 115.5 93.8 109.1 99.1 126.4 3'9 Miscellaneous chemical industries - FabricantO do produits chimiques divers 1982 1983 286.5 2818 271,11 2930 261.7 301.4 268.9 302.5 75.7 74.8 74.6 80.8 60.8 707 61.2 685 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries Industries manufacturiitres diverses 1982 1983 674.6 6652 658.5 670.3 637.3 662.1 659.1 698.6 163.9 161.5 169.3 172.2 161 1 1679 1623 1722 1982 1983 302.6 281.9 296.5 271 4 284.2 279.1 295.7 267.8 76.5 71.3 76.9 70.0 683 67 1 729 71 1 1982 1983 7,095.9 6,471.6 6,764.3 6,736.5 6.379.9 6,508.0 6.422.7 6,174.1 1,509.2 1,3606 1675.5 1,676.5 1,825.5 1,877.3 1,625.8 1.5667 '0 20 - Fabricants - 35' 2 cientilic S Construction industry publics 7 Transportation, communication and other utilities - Transports, communications et sutres services publics 1982 1983 16,789.8 16,124.0 16.477,0 16,579.7 16.2555 16,920.4 15,934.5 17,313.1 4.3088 4.1292 4.081,2 4,111.2 3,980.3 4,136.4 4,007.0 4,356.7 701 Transportation 1982 1983 7,210.9 6,725.6 7,016.4 6,909.9 6909.6 7.131 7 6,659.1 7.463,8 1,735.4 1,619.7 1,805.8 1,780,6 1,788.5 1.836,5 1,626.4 1,813.9 501 Air transport 1982 1983 1,580.4 1,421.7 1,527.7 1,493.8 1.5343 1,466.8 1,407.0 1,661.9 3678 329.9 3883 3811 459.3 438.0 300.8 353.5 503 Railway transport 1982 1983 1,782.7 1.6596 1,756.1 1.7357 1,646.0 1,8666 1,615.3 1.9323 449.1 416.9 462.1 4574 395.4 450.2 395.4 472.1 508 Bus transport, interurban and rural - transports interurbains of ruraus par aulocar 1982 1983 804 75.5 76.5 76.3 737 73.9 736 71.1 17.6 16.8 18.5 18.6 22.0 21.7 17.6 17.1 Loban transit systems ports urbains 1982 1983 301,2 289.7 2872 288.7 286.7 294.6 287.1 290.4 79.6 77.0 71.1 71.5 66.4 67.7 73.9 74.7 1982 1983 499.6 4607 469.5 457.1 471.4 488.3 450.5 499.5 136.6 125.7 110.5 107.2 106.2 111.7 119.3 132.6 1982 1983 243.4 247,9 247.0 2556 248.3 2637 242.7 2596 50.9 51.8 65.0 67.2 66.7 70.8 63.6 677 1982 1983 5,297.6 5295.3 5,3012 5361.3 5,257.3 5,417.3 5,224.3 5.4201 1,318.6 1.317,5 1,325.8 1,343.2 1,313.4 1,354.2 1,3103 1.3590 1982 3,8224 3.7970 'iso:, 3 7673 3785 1 9432 9552 9555 9383 .HSICO 547: 2.- and prolessionsl equipment industries - Fabrication do materiel scientifique 01 protessionnel - Transports - Transports atiriens c,eline Iransport pipe-line 1' Olorage - - - Transports Ierroviaires - Rèseaux do trans- Transports par Entreposage -'.cmmunication 504 Bátimenl 01 travaux - - Conicatstns Telephone systems - Reseauv de leléphOnrc 27'. I S S - 17 - TABLE 4 Gross Domestic Product in Constant 1971) Prices by Industry, by Quarter - Continued TABLEAU 4. Prodult intOrleur brut on prix constants de 1971 par Industrie et par trimestre - suite Year Indestry Seasonally ausIed at annual rates Without seasonal adluatmant Desaisomaiisèa errs taxis annuals Non d6saisonna8aès Amee krduslne SIC 1970 CAE I II Ill IV I II Ill IV millions 01 dollars - millions do dollars Electric power, gas and waler ulilities Enargie O4ectrije, gaz et esu Electric power - Energie ètectzique Gas dotribulion - Distribution do gas 704 572 574 8 801 Trade - Commerce 1982 4.0377 3,9125 3.8403 3.8083 1,2040 684.6 811.6 1,006.8 874.9 1,116.1 4,052.9 4,107.7 4,189.8 1,140.1 920.2 1983 3,855.3 1982 3,245.5 3,142.5 3,089.0 3,078.9 932.5 716.4 682.6 613.8 751.3 744.5 3.3569 3,4076 908.0 1983 3.1374 3.2945 899.5 1982 511.6 4894 470.3 4529 203.2 97.6 56.5 124.6 174.3 100.4 139.3 1983 444.8 485.7 475.2 484.6 593 3.760,7 1982 14.4955 14,1949 13,866.6 13,949.4 3,263.8 3,652.4 3,445.6 14.3754 14,7655 14,961.5 3.1556 3,713.4 4.0060 1983 14062.8 3,669.8 Wholesale trade - Comrrrerce do gros Wholesale merchants - Grosiestes 6,031 1982 1983 5 569 5 1 1.3983 5 744 7 1,4291 1,493.2 1.3809 5.5031 5,556.2 1.5081 5,767 1 5.998.0 8,111.7 1,318.5 1,506.9 1.5241 1.2997 1,318 0 1982 5,691 4 5,413.8 5,181.1 5,242.4 1,350.5 1,406.8 1.4259 1.4280 1,4430 5,460.6 5,682.6 5.7930 1.2489 1983 5.2624 1982 8,464.0 8,450.2 8.363.4 8.3932 1.8347 2.1592 2.054.7 2,3624 1983 8,493.7 8,767.5 8.849.8 1,837.1 2,206.5 2.161.7 2,483.9 8,608.3 Retel trade - Commerce do dtitiel Food stores - Magasins d'alimentation General rnerchwd,e Stores - Magasins do rnarclwxtisea &rersea Department stores - Grands magasins 1,296.3 1,281.9 323.1 333.0 320.2 330.5 1982 1,348.8 1.3045 1983 1,294.4 1,290.1 1,307.1 1,302.3 310.4 329.2 323.2 335.7 1982 1,623.6 1,626.1 318.5 388.8 386.5 535.2 1.8259 1.633.3 1.6735 I .658 7 1983 1,693.8 1,675.1 327.5 395.2 403.0 550.1 1,143.7 1,142.4 1,150.3 218.6 269.3 268.7 1982 1,142.2 3900 1,183,1 1,192.7 1983 1,168.8 1,192.0 2261 275.1 280.2 404.0 1982 483.7 Other general merchanse stores - Autres 4896 481,2 477,8 100.0 1195 1176 145.2 1201 1983 4904 489,9 501.1 4830 101 5 1228 1461 rnagaions do marchanctises )verses Service stations and garages - Stations service at garages Motor vehicle dealers - Dètaillenls on véhicules aitomobilee Automotive parts and accessories Dittarllanls do pièces at accessoires dautomobiles Clothing stores - Magaains do vétements Hardware stores - Quincadleries 1982 675 4 660.7 646.9 1589 171.5 173.9 163.5 6906 630.6 642.7 639.6 851.7 144.5 164.3 168.0 184.5 1983 1982 9107 866.2 8728 2064 262 5 2167 201.6 8936 9931 1,0877 252.7 1983 931 2 1.0067 213.0 295.3 244.4 1982 223.3 2242 226.0 2388 39.2 65.8 57.1 66.2 1983 239.2 244.8 255.9 283.3 42.1 70.8 65.0 74.5 1982 5383 55.2.7 538.8 541 6 1066 136.1 1280 172.4 1983 5510 550.7 570.4 1092 138.2 130.4 181.6 5578 1982 97,7 98.4 97.5 98.4 17.4 28.0 25.9 26.7 972 105.0 1046 174 28.1 985 27.9 28.3 1983 Furniture, television, rero and appliance 1982 3004 296.0 298.4 324.5 87.3 73.8 76.5 87.4 401 3 1983 3357 3535 3833 754 884 1030 1032 stores - MagasVis do meubtes, do tèlèviseurs. do rie)Os 04 d'pareiIs rnbnagers Lljor, wine and beer stores - Magasins do yenta do splritueux, do yin 01 dO b.ère 1982 313.9 323.2 322.2 311.8 60.3 77.7 825 97.3 315.3 281 3 74.4 1983 319.8 309.6 61.2 811 87.9 - 18 - I TABLE 4. Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices by Industry, by Quarter - Continued TABLEAU 4. Produit intèrieur brut en pr ix constants do 1971 par industrie et par trimestre - Suite Year Seasonally adjusted at annual rates Industry Without seasonal adjustirieril Désaisonnalisés aux taux annuels Année Industrie SIC 1970 CAE I II Non desaisonnalisOs III IV rrallions 01 dollars Drug stores - Pharmacies Miscellaneous retail stores divers Detailtants - - I II UI Iv millions de dollars 1982 1983 533.5 5651 5537 5750 572.9 577.9 574,2 576.8 128.7 136.4 1364 142.3 137.4 138.9 1565 155.9 1982 1983 1,180.0 1,152.5 1,147.2 1149.9 1,134.0 1188.2 1.1688 1,215.3 264.3 258.9 292.2 289.9 281.1 294.0 3206 336.3 9 Finance, insurance and real estate Finances, assurances et affaires immobihléres 1982 1983 16,152.1 16,153.4 16,008.0 16,333 1 16,095.8 16,5133 16,190.8 16,3491 4,024.5 4023.1 4,016.5 4,096.9 4,0285 4,125.4 4,038.2 4,092.2 901 Finance industries 1982 1983 3,608.6 3.5245 15093 3,5560 3,494.2 3,5454 3,4385 3,4855 899.0 8756 876.2 8853 869.9 8805 869.0 8816 701 Banks and olher deposit accepting establishments - Banques at suItes titablissemonts de dOpôts 1982 1983 2,731.4 2,572.4 2,668.7 2,594.0 2,6165 2,574.1 2,574.0 2,535.9 6808 642.3 6655 646.2 6550 6437 6460 637.4 705 Security troliers and dealers (including exchanges) - Agents do change at courtiers on velours motilieces (C0nrend Ia Bourse) 1982 1983 189.4 278.7 167.4 2761 2179 275.0 2159 2534 46.5 64.9 43.0 68.6 497 627 603 902 Insurance carriers 1982 1983 1,583.2 1,550.5 1,610.1 1,532.1 1,603.2 1,523.2 1,573.0 1,4973 3958 3874 401.5 382.0 401.4 381.3 3940 375 1 903 Insurance agencies and real estate flOsstry - Agences d'assurances et attaires iflynObiliéres 1982 1983 5,454.5 5,506.2 5,379.5 5,652.3 5,461.5 5,759.2 5,616.2 5.6809 1.3466 1,3599 1,370.5 1,441 2 1,378.4 1,448 8 1,375.7 1,403.2 1982 1983 5,017.4 5.076.8 5,043.3 5,0898 5,0660 5,116.9 5,072.5 5,145.9 1,253.8 1,268.7 1,260.8 1,272.4 1,266.5 1,279.7 1,269.2 1,287,3 - - Institutions hinancieres Assureurs lrrçutad rent on owner-occupied dwellings Loyer impute sur los logernents habités par leur propriélaire - 10 Community, business and personal services industriea - Services socio-culturets, corwrierciaus at persorinels 1982 1983 23,985.4 23,706.1 23,958.5 24,126.3 23.8362 24.4279 23,671.0 24,486.0 5,985.6 5,921.8 6,093.4 6,128.9 5,829.9 5,971.0 5,953.3 6,154.5 10- 01 EducatiOn and related services - Enselgoemant at services annexes 1982 1983 5,9217 5,8340 5,8872 5,9778 5,883.7 5,9884 5,9192 5,9831 1,578.3 1.555,7 1,533.5 1,556.1 1,2202 1,242.0 1.571.7 1,588.5 10.02 Neslth and weflare services inOdicaux at soaaux 1982 1983 6,319.6 6,571.2 6,3962 6,637.8 6,444.8 6,668.2 6,492.0 6,723.7 1,571.8 1,634.5 1,602.0 1,663.3 1.620 3 1,676.4 1,618.5 1,6767 10:04 Amusement and recreation services Diveulissements at loisirs 1982 1983 972.3 966.1 978.4 971.0 986.8 968.1 960.3 984.7 223.7 222.1 250.0 243.2 270.6 258.8 230.6 236.5 10:05 Services to business management tournis aux entreprises 1982 1983 5,388.9 5,221.1 5.3441 5,343.2 5.231.3 5.4731 5,151.1 5,532.0 1,345.1 1,304.7 1,333.1 1,333.9 1,311.9 1,372.2 1,287.8 1.381.8 10:06 Personal services 1982 1983 939.9 948.7 9424 953.4 942.8 861.5 942.3 941.6 234.9 237.0 236.2 238.9 2350 237.2 235.7 235.6 10:07 Accommodation and tood services gernent at rOstauration 1982 1983 2.9383 2,714.0 2,920.9 2.7601 2,866.7 2,882.7 2,761.6 2,8208 662.3 611,1 766.2 727.3 797.0 805.9 9466 6590 11 Public a&ninistration and deterico nisiration publique at defense 1982 1983 8,331.7 8,505.7 8,399.3 8,537.7 8,428.7 8,517.0 8.4615 8,510.0 2,032.5 2,074.6 2,118.6 2,152.8 2.177 8 2,203.3 2.0768 2,089 1101 Federal aditilnistration l6d&ale 1982 1983 3,8215 3,920.4 3,864.8 3,956.6 3,888.4 3.941.6 3.9103 3,9497 945.3 968.9 976.8 9998 989.2 1,003.6 9607 9704 - - Services - - Services Services personnels - - - Héber- AnnE- Athenistration I TABLE 4. Gross Domestic Product in Constant 1971) Prices by Industry, by Ouarter - Concluded TABLEAU 4. Produit intOrieur brut an prix constants de 1971 par industrie et par trimestre - fin Year lnó.Jstry A.nnrie Industrie SIC 1970 CAE 1 Seasonally austed at annual rates Without seasonal adiustrnent DOsaisonrialises awi taos annuels Non d4saisonnalus6s II III IV Ill IV - millions de dollars 1982 1983 1,131.5 1,135.2 1,133.6 1149.6 1131.5 1,155.7 1,130.2 1,154.9 2814 282.4 2839 2881 285.7 2920 2806 2868 Autres 1962 1983 2,692.0 2,785.2 27312 2,807.0 2,7569 2,7851 2,7800 2,7948 6638 6865 6929 711.7 7035 7116 6801 6836 Administration 1982 1983 2503.5 2.5676 2,5486 2.5708 2,558.1 2.5788 2,5639 2.5528 601 8 6166 6436 648.9 675.8 6827 623.1 621.2 1982 1983 2.0047 2.0178 1,986.0 2,0103 1.9822 1,996.7 1,9874 2,007.5 4854 4891 498.1 504.1 5129 517.1 4930 497.4 Durable manufacturing industries - Industries manufacfuriaies do bierls duralales 1982 1983 11,965.8 11,439.6 11,827.6 11,788.6 11,4007 12,464.6 10,432.4 13,154.4 3.0108 2,852.3 3,120.3 3,187.3 2,658.5 2,914,8 2595.4 3,259.5 Non-durable manufacturing industries - Industries manufaclurièces do 54005 non durables 1982 1983 11.9545 11,943.0 11,652.4 12,129.9 11,801.1 12,4949 11,521.1 12,656.6 2,959.5 2,964.1 2.990 1 3,117.0 2.8637 3.0724 2.8708 3.154 3 Finance, insurance, real estate less royalties and imputed rent - Finances, assurances at affaires inrmobilièces sans les redevances of le foyer impute 1982 1983 10,646.3 10,581.3 10.4988 10.7404 10,558.8 10,8273 10,6277 10,6837 2,641 4 2,6228 2.6481 2.7085 2,6497 2,7106 2,638.7 2,661.8 Fabncants d'alinionts 1982 1983 2,375.3 2,4308 2,388.1 2397.8 2,407.3 2,365.6 2,381.4 2,415.3 562.8 577.8 6028 6060 6320 6146 591.7 603.7 Automotive products manufacturers - Fabricents do produits do l'automobile 1982 1983 2,053.1 2,489.9 2.2609 2,455.1 2,320.6 2.6020 1,781.4 3,028 4 521.5 619.4 672.1 745.9 489.0 5499 423.8 7289 Defense nationale 902 Defence services 909 Other federal administration services fèdéraux 11.03 II _ millions 01 dollars 1 02 I - Provincial administration provinciale Local administration locale - - - Administration Induetry groupinga(1) - Agregats des activités economlquas1): Food manutacturers - Ii) See appeniix 1 for conlenls. (i) Voir l'appendice 1 pOur to contenu. 0 - 20 S TABLE 5. Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Month Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates No. 1 I Industry 1970 SIC Year Jan Feb Mar. Apr May Annèe Jariv. Fey. Mars Avr. Ma ,kuln June millions of dollars - millions do dollars I 1-11 I Gross domestIc product 1982 1983 118,664.9 115,798.7 118,152.0 114,630.3 117,489.8 115,668.0 116,558.9 116,325.7 116,280.9 117,438.4 115,356.6 119,431.0 2 1 Agliculture 1982 1983 3313.0 3,375.0 3,207.9 3,315.7 3,180.9 3,197.1 3,162.1 3,229.4 3,207.9 3,213.3 3,199.8 3,251.0 3 2 Forestry 1982 1983 717.7 725.7 727.7 642.1 675.5 703.6 635.4 707.0 621.3 736.5 590.5 779.3 4 3 Fishing and trapping 1982 1983 1001 237.6 125.2 217.8 210.9 195,3 173.4 195.6 127.5 214.2 200.5 218.9 5 4 Mines (Inctul8ng milling), quarries and oil wells 1982 1983 3,269.1 2,738.6 3,237.9 2,731.0 3,1686 2,799.6 3,022.2 2,828.3 3,0446 2,907.7 2,755.4 3,092.8 6 5 Manufacturing industries 1982 1983 24,128.9 23,397.8 23,951.6 23,340.4 23,740.4 23,409.7 23,302.3 23,675.3 23,514.5 23.8544 23,233.2 24,225.5 7 6 Construction industry 1982 1983 7,112.8 6,627.5 7,106.7 6.377 0 7,068.3 6.4102 7,175.4 6,409.1 6,519.5 6.728,6 6.5979 7,071 8 7 Transportation. cornmumcation and other utilities 1982 1983 16.6604 16,090.4 16,818.5 16,029.5 16.6906 16,2522 16,579.6 16,347.9 16,4845 16,5478 16,366.9 16.8434 9 8 Trade 1982 1963 14,649.5 14,083.0 14,537.4 13,899.4 14,299.7 14,205.9 14,156.2 14,024.1 14,3506 14,226.6 14,077.8 14.875,5 10 9 Finance, insurance and real estate 1982 1983 16,197.1 16,262.1 16.1622 16,102.4 16,096.9 16,095.7 15,980.2 16,319.6 15,988.4 16,320.2 16,055.3 16,359.5 11 10 CommunIty, business and personal service industries 1982 1963 24,009.8 23,780.6 23,964.8 23.4604 23,981.6 23,677.4 23,978.4 24,048.5 24,009.1 24,130.7 23,8881 24,199.6 12 11 Public administration and defence 1982 1983 8,306.6 8,481.4 8,312.1 8,514.6 8,376.5 8.521.2 8,393.8 6.5409 8,412.9 8,588.1 8.391.1 8,514.0 Industry goupings(1): 13 lrj5trial production 1982 31,5467 31,208.0 30,854.9 30.3150 30,471.9 29,948.7 30,481.3 30783.0 30,108.9 1983 29,925.2 29,822.7 31.518.4 14 Goods-producing iria*rIes 41,461.2 40,9481 42.7902 42,375.5 41,990.6 1982 41,675.8 40982.3 40,9145 40.477 8 40615.2 1983 40.411.4 42,839.1 15 Service-prOducing Industries 75,874.7 75,499.2 75.097 7 75.332 8 1982 75,776.5 75,343.3 75,762.6 74,152.5 75,052.8 1983 74.8851 74,945.2 76.591,9 16 Coiranerclaf industries 1982 99.938 9 99,462.9 98,695.2 97,732.5 97,449.3 97,166.4 98256.8 1983 96,807.5 95,896.1 96,537.2 96,527.9 100.3260 17 Non-commercIal industries 1982 16,726.1 18,689.1 18,794.7 16.8264 18,831.7 19,181.6 19,1308 19,159.3 16,992.2 18,734.2 1983 18,828 1 19.1050 (1) See appendix I for contents. 5 - TABLEAU 5. Pr oduit intérleur brut an prix c instants de 19 1, par mois Desaisonnalisös aux taux annuE Is July Aug. Juill. AoUt Oct Nov Dec. Industrie Ariorie lillions ol dollars . I Year Sept. CA miSons do dollar 113,851.6 119,626.3 115,110.1 120,045.2 114,510.1 120,631.1 113,370.5 120,685.1 113,567.8 121,172.5 113,360.8 121,529.4 1982 1983 Produit intCrleur brut 3,242.9 3,278.0 3,294.1 32106 3,299.5 3,261 8 3,307.6 3.267.2 3,269.9 3,280.7 3,269.9 3.294,1 1982 1983 Agriculture 2 5610 855.0 4800 850.9 5698 903.2 613.3 816.1 623.3 745.8 596.5 702.3 1982 1983 Forèts 3 180.5 1822 1841 1620 204.5 162.5 171.0 140.3 200.2 157.1 2460 141.9 1982 1983 Cllasso el p6che 2,602.1 3.0603 2,607.7 3.140.8 2,632,3 3.401 0 2,676.8 3,404,8 2,794.6 3.335.1 2,800.0 3.2867 1982 1983 Mines (y compris broyage). carrieres pulls do pelrole 22,570.6 24.5191 23.637 5 25,024.6 22.797 3 25.3347 22,026.2 25,452.8 21,954.1 25,850.7 21.8802 26,129.7 1982 1983 6,505.0 6,817.2 6,315.4 6,462.0 6,319.2 6.2447 6.3564 6,189.7 6.3274 6,159.4 6,5843 6,173.2 16,101.1 16.6600 16,290.4 17,001 1 16,374.9 17,100.1 15,926.2 171793 16,015.1 17,404.9 13.8249 14,909.3 13,872,7 14. 709.3 13.902.1 14,6779 13,9735 14,958.6 15,980.2 16,517.2 16,165.9 16,530.2 16,141.3 16.4925 23,862.8 24,349.1 23.848,1 24,428.9 8,420.5 8,479.2 8.4143 8,524.9 NE 3 4 4 5 Industries n'ianulacturières 5 6 1982 1983 BaIlment et travaux publics 6 7 15,862.2 17,355.2 1982 1963 Transports, communications el autres services pubrcs 7 13,9625 14,933.9 13,9122 14,991.9 1982 1983 Commerce 8 16,1636 16.3746 16,352.9 16,392.9 16,055.9 16,279.9 1982 I Finances, assurances 1983 biliéres 23,797.8 24,505.8 23.694.7 24,373.6 23,6445 24,463.6 23,673,8 24,620.9 1982 1983 8,451.3 8,547 0 8,461.2 8 528 2 6,443.4 8,448.2 8,480.0 8.553.5 1982 1983 Cl CI allaires immo- 9 10 Services soclo-culturets, commerciaux et personnels to 11 A&ninistration publique et drilense ii 12 Agregats des activites economiques(1) 28,903.2 31.670.0 30,124.4 32.264.0 29,3408 32.8695 28,489.4 32,964.7 28,6152 33.337 4 28,452.3 33,666.6 1962 1963 Production industrielle 13 39,392.6 42,802.3 40.3980 42.949,4 39.753,9 43,441.7 38,937.7 4.3,378.0 39,036.0 43.680,4 39,1469 43,978.2 1962 1983 Industries productrices do bans 14 74,459.0 76,8240 74.712 1 77,0958 74,7562 77,1894 74,432.6 77,307.1 74,551.8 77.492.0 74,211.9 77,551.2 1982 1983 lririuslries productrices do services 15 95,005.1 100,545.0 96,2493 100,8953 95,5870 101,460.6 94.411,4 101,508.6 94,680.3 102.091.0 94,351.6 102,296.1 1982 1983 lnc9jstries corrs'nerciales 16 18,846.5 19,0813 18,860.8 19.1499 18,9231 19,170.5 18,959.1 19,176.5 18,907.5 19,081.5 19,0092 19,233.3 1982 1983 Industries non commerciales 17 Vair l'appende 1 pour le cooler U. - 22 - TABLE 5. Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Month - Concluded Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates Year Jan. Feb. AnnOe Janv. Fey. Mar. Apr May June Avr. Mai Juin Industry No 1970 SIC Mars millions of dollars - millions cle dollars Groupings of industries by demand category(2): 18 Consumer goods and services 1982 1983 40,748.7 40.981,3 40,662.3 40,763.7 40,573.3 40,843.9 40,542.6 40798.3 40,922,9 41 .025.0 40,585.5 41,464.2 19 Non-durable goods 1982 1983 12.687,5 12,486.7 12,519.2 12.5750 12,432.1 12.741 3 12,377.1 12,507.4 12,545.6 12,544.6 12,484.9 12,913.5 20 Durable goods 1982 1983 5,210.9 5,923.5 5,2914 5,650.7 5.2997 5,552.5 5,330.4 5,596.7 5,489.3 5,739.7 5,323.7 5,806.1 21 Services 1982 1983 22,850.3 22,571.0 22,851.7 22,537.9 22,841.5 22,5502 22,835.1 22,694.3 22,887.9 22.7407 22.776.9 22,744.6 22 Capital lormation 1982 1963 14,538.1 13,021.4 14,401.8 12,552.1 14,002.7 12,634.7 13,982.8 12,716.1 13,218.3 13,122.5 13,142.1 13,578.1 23 Conslruct,on 1982 1983 8,706.0 8,170.2 8,6934 7,821,2 8,562.1 7,892.0 8,631.2 7,927.5 7,900.6 8,300.3 8,0344 8.7205 24 Machinery and equipment 1982 1983 5,830.2 4,851.2 5.7084 4,730.8 5,4406 4,742.6 5,351.6 4,788.6 5.3177 4,822.2 5.1077 4,8576 25 Intermediate Inputs 1982 1983 45,161.5 43,324.7 4.4,909.7 43,100.4 44,631.3 43,576.8 43.7208 44,172.5 43,826.8 44,629.9 43,320.0 45,804.7 26 Raw materials 1982 1983 5.8864 5,6228 5,798.4 5,477.5 5,767.6 5,495.3 5,657.1 5,5809 5,586.2 5,678.8 5,293.2 5.8942 27 Construction-oriented industries 1982 1983 3,177.6 3,1549 3,122.9 3,107.6 3,105.0 3,123.9 3,042.1 3,198.7 3,059.7 3,201.0 3,033.2 3,407.3 28 Energy 1982 1983 6,619.9 6,142.5 6,479.0 6,138.4 6,377.6 6,211.1 6,251.8 6,213.5 6,291.7 6,336.0 6,279.0 6,576.9 29 Other goods 1982 1983 11,4431 10,707.6 11,396.0 10,854.7 11,322.9 11,124.8 10,940.7 11,279.1 11,012.1 11,407.9 10,918.1 11,744.3 30 Other services 1982 1983 18,034.5 17,697.0 18,111.3 17.5222 18,058.2 17,623.6 17,829.2 17,900,2 17,877.1 16,006.5 17,796.5 18,182.0 31 Government 1982 1983 18,216.6 18,472.3 18,178.3 18,214.1 18,262.5 18,610.6 16,312.7 18,638.8 18,312.9 18,661.0 18,309.0 18,584.0 I (2) See appendis 2 for contents. I - 23 - TABLEAU 5. Produit interieur brut en prix constants de 1971. par mois - fin Desaisonnahses aux taux annuels July Aug Year Sept Juill Oct Nov. Dec. Industrie AflflOe Aoiil millions of dollars - CAt 1970 No rtallions do dollars Agrégats des activItes economIques par type de darnande(2): consoinniation 40,393.4 41.497.4 40,908.6 41,5331 40.4381 41,6328 39,9824 41,8228 39,9410 42,201.6 40,092.1 42.3640 1982 1983 Biens at services de 12.473,4 12,783.2 12,483.3 12.778,9 12,4267 12.7447 12.3181 12.7368 12,441 1 12.6558 12,406.8 12,936.0 1982 1983 Biens non durabies 19 5,134.2 5,816.6 5,665.8 5.664,7 5,291.6 5,846.5 5,1201 6.2313 4,9374 6,3848 5,190.9 6.4212 1982 1963 Biens durables 20 22,785.8 22,897.5 22,759.4 22,689.5 22,719.8 23,041.6 22.544,2 22,854.8 22.5885 22,961.0 22,495.4 23,006.7 1982 1983 Services 21 12,0022 13,510.4 12,953.6 13,306.2 12,773.0 13,036.7 12,785.2 13,0503 12,960.4 12,9558 13,042.1 12,949.6 1982 1963 Foqntahon 1 1 7,781 I 8,220.0 7,831 1 7,874.4 7,900.2 7,757.2 6,0738 7,689.8 8.2498 7,634.8 1982 1983 B4tpment el travaux publics 23 5,072.6 5,088.3 4,942.0 5,162.4 4,885.0 5,293.1 4,8866 5.2660 4,792.3 5,315.0 1982 1983 Machines 24 .)47.5 42.3301 46,058.4 43,0079 48,575.4 42.896.3 47,312.6 42.184 3 47.1572 42.2932 47,4555 41.7374 47,5047 1982 1983 Consonvnation 5,162.9 5,920.0 5,053.1 5.8406 5,261.3 6,142.4 5,314.1 6,072.6 5,375.8 5.9606 5,393.8 5,859 6 1982 1983 MatiOres premieres 2,096.3 3,480.0 3.0014 3.4721 2,940.3 3,489.9 2936.3 3,365.6 2,885.6 3,345.5 2,975.7 3,3638 1982 1983 ln(6JStTies reliees 6,107.4 6,4956 6,337.6 6531.7 6,307.5 6,597.8 6,119.9 6,674.9 6,254.3 6,6403 6,071.4 6.7204 1982 1983 Energie 28 10,550.5 11.9101 10,909.8 12.140.9 10,707.5 12,380.5 10,378.3 12,330.4 10,393.9 12,568.5 10,0975 12,729.1 1982 1983 Autres biens 29 17,6110 18.2527 17,705.3 16,590.0 17.6797 18,621 9 17.4157 18713.7 17,3836 18,9407 17,1989 18,831 8 1982 1983 Aulmes services 30 18,326.0 16,5601 18,340.1 16,6285 18,402.7 18.6489 18,4387 18.6547 18,387.2 18,559.6 18,489,3 18.7111 1982 1983 Gouvernemenl 31 '.9 1 2) you l'appenice 2 pour to contenu do capital el materiel wllertnediare a 18 22 25 26 Ia construction 27 - 24 - TABLE 6. Indexes of Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Industry, by Month Indexes: 1971 = 100 Year Seasonally adjusted Annee Dèsaisoalisès Industry I I I I Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Na- 1970 SK 1 1-11 Gross domestic product Janv. Fey. Macs Avr. Mai Sept Oct Nov. Juin Jul11 AoUt I Dec 1982 1983 142.5 139.1 141.9 137.7 141.1 138.9 140.0 139.7 139.7 141.0 138.5 143.4 136.7 143.7 138.3 144.2 137.5 144.9 136.2 144.9 136.4 145.5 146.0 136.2 2 1 Aiculture 1982 1983 1229 1252 1190 1230 118.0 118.6 1173 1198 1190 1192 1187 1206 120.3 121.6 122.2 119.1 122.4 1210 1227 1212 1213 1217 1213 1222 3 2 Forestry 1982 1983 107.2 1084 108.7 95.9 100.9 105.1 94.9 1056 92.8 1100 88.2 116.4 83.8 1277 71.7 1271 881 1349 91.6 121 9 93.1 111.4 891 104.9 4 3 Fishing and trapping 1982 1983 679 161.2 85.0 147.8 143.1 132.5 1176 1327 86.5 145,3 136.1 148.5 122.4 123.6 124.9 109.9 1388 1103 116.0 95.2 135.8 106.6 166.9 96.3 5 4 Mines (Incluc.hng rnil8ng). quarries and oil wells 1982 1983 1039 870 102.9 86.8 1007 89.0 961 89.9 968 92.4 87.6 98.3 827 97.3 82.9 99.8 83.7 1081 85.1 1082 88.8 106.0 89.0 104.5 6 4:01 Metal mines 1982 1983 87.4 53.3 85.1 58.3 84.2 57.5 83.6 606 80.2 65.9 58.3 76.6 47.7 74.5 42.5 76.1 44.5 88.6 468 886 51.3 86.7 523 81 6 7 051052 Placer gold and gold quartz mines 1982 1983 64.8 1159 71.7 103.1 74.8 103.5 754 996 825 1098 87.5 110.8 986 1040 89.5 1034 843 1123 811 929 83.9 95.4 83 1 1016 8 058 Iron mines 1982 1983 781 39.4 69.3 48.1 69.9 44.3 661 49.3 692 47.6 696 50.3 378 46.2 212 48.4 372 78.8 400 60.7 390 51.4 369 49.6 9 057. 059 Other metal mines 1982 1983 91.1 53.7 90,11 58.7 88.6 58.7 88.8 61.5 83.0 68.4 53.8 81.8 47.6 80.5 45.7 82.0 44.3 899 46.8 958 52.8 95.7 54.8 89.1 10 402 Mineral tuels 1982 1983 113.9 1136 113.0 111.5 112.1 1112 102.7 1109 111.8 111.4 114.9 1145 112.5 1159 115.9 1182 115.3 1263 113.6 1248 115.8 121.5 112.4 120.3 11 061 Coal mines 1982 1983 217.9 232.4 2207 182.2 221.6 162.8 2207 180.5 217.5 191.9 2144 204.2 1937 166.8 1922 206.8 2007 245.4 1661 265.3 190.9 244.0 189.2 220.7 12 064 Crude petroleum and natural gas industry 1982 1983 106.1 104.7 1049 1062 1039 1073 93.8 1057 103.8 105.3 107.4 1078 1064 1121 1102 1115 1089 1173 109,7 1142 110.2 112.3 106.6 1127 13 4 03 Non-metal nines (except coal mines) 1982 1983 95.0 734 93.2 631 85.1 953 82.3 960 75.5 96.7 64.0 921 70,0 81.9 81,0 79.4 81.6 91.6 89.2 943 87.7 96.5 82.3 102.4 14 071 Asbestos mines 1982 1983 47.3 36.4 45.6 38.6 39.9 410 37.8 38.5 33.3 47.5 34.0 341) 27.2 23.2 35.4 32.4 36.6 34.9 46.1 36.3 35.3 34.6 34.5 37.6 15 405 Services incidental to mining 1982 1983 168.7 162.0 1792 1528 166.9 145.6 161.5 138.8 1455 1398 1423 148.9 142.2 151.3 140.9 178.8 140.8 151.6 145.6 157.9 170.4 155.6 200.2 164.8 16 5 Manutacluring industries 1982 1983 126.7 122.9 125.8 1226 1247 1229 122.4 1241 123.5 1253 122.0 1272 118.5 1288 124.1 131.4 119.7 133.1 115.7 133.7 115.3 135.8 114.9 137.2 17 5:01 Food and beverage industries 1982 1983 120.2 1250 121.6 1231 121.5 1208 118.4 1223 123.0 1198 122.8 1234 122.1 122.5 123.2 122.1 122.9 122.1 118.9 1216 121.9 1227 :03 1982 1983 135.4 147.3 1379 135.9 136.7 130.7 129.5 137.7 136.0 133.8 1341 1384 136.4 145.5 137.5 138.6 138.9 136.8 136.6 138.3 1355 1380 1.0 - 18 101 Meat and poultry products industrieS 240 Li4 - 25 - TABLEAU 6. IndIces du produit intérI.ur brut on prlx constants de 1971, per Induatrle, par mols Indices. 1971-100 AenOe Non Gesaonna5sOs I InGestrie Jan. Feb. Mar Apr May June July Aug. Janv F4v. Mars Avr Mal Sept. Oct Nov. Dec. kiln Juill Aot CAE 970 131.5 1281 138.4 134.1 138.6 136.6 140.8 140.3 141.4 143.0 140.2 145.8 130.1 136.4 135.3 141.3 165.2 171.9 135.6 145.3 136.6 146.4 131.3 141.3 1982 1983 Produil lntóri.ur bi'ut 346 421 347 421 27. 2 33.5 142.5 144 6 1300 1274 10.7 129 458 61 0 85.2 86.7 863.3 829,7 194 265 198 393 340 52.6 1982 1983 Agiculture 92.7 95.0 127.4 1137 124.8 1326 87.3 964 60.7 700 80.0 101.4 698 998 65.0 123.7 94,5 150.2 107.6 145.1 114.3 134.5 909 102.5 1982 1983 Foéts 2 3 27.5 48,5 39.8 56.2 70.6 62.6 59.9 85.6 104.6 187.7 172.0 229.4 2225 2172 296.3 245.6 156.7 1480 129.8 60.1 84.7 66.7 117.1 76.0 1962 1983 Chasse at peche 3 4 100.8 85.8 108.3 92.9 104.4 93.0 96.6 68.4 96.5 92,5 909 102.4 759 850 79.5 95.0 806 105.7 65.6 110.4 929 111.5 89.9 104.2 1982 1983 ies (y cornpcis broyage), carrieres 61 pulls Ge pOlrole 4 5 801 502 90.0 650 890 639 95.5 69.7 875 77.5 641 84.7 380 525 35,0 656 41.1 838 45.8 690 49.8 87.8 48.4 752 1982 1983 nee MbWhqm 401 6 69.9 1004 73.2 102.6 74.3 97.7 780 103.6 85.5 108.7 977 1163 95.8 111.2 82.9 1108 67.6 999 89.6 102.1 852 1035 1982 1983 Placem dor at muies Ge quartz aurilOre 051 052 7 578 284 624 45.5 61.6 40.7 72.6 57.0 832 64,8 80.2 61.8 352 32.8 20.9 44.2 349 72.9 42.8 71,5 44.5 55.2 348 42,2 1982 1983 Mines Ge for 058 8 67.1 53.1 98.4 68.3 97.2 680 102.6 71.6 891 79.5 58.6 89.6 35.6 544 35.8 68.9 40.6 85.3 444 931 49.2 95.8 500 82.5 1962 1983 Autres mines melalliques 057 059 9 118.4 1174 119.2 118 4 1140 112.2 98.7 103.9 1067 104.2 114.9 114.6 1078 1119 113.3 115.4 108.2 122.7 1101 1235 122.9 128,8 1229 1287 1982 1983 Combustibles rnir*raus 4.02 10 201,8 2166 209,2 178.5 232. 7 170.9 239.2 192.2 2508 2209 229.9 222.4 179.5 1491 180.7 1602 191.9 244.9 1467 2531 199.1 258.1 1915 2196 1982 1983 Mines do charbon 061 11 112.1 1099 112.4 113.9 105.1 1078 881 97.3 959 954 106.3 106.5 1024 1091 108.2 110.5 101.9 1135 1073 1138 117.2 119.1 117.7 121.9 1862 1983 Industrie 064 12 92.5 70.7 990 665 91.3 193.2 827 97 5 73.6 95.0 85.7 92.6 548 60.7 75.5 71.8 80.9 923 1001 1076 97.2 108.0 78.2 97.7 1982 1983 Mines non métalkques (saul mines do charbon) 403 13 38.8 29.6 46,5 40.1 43.0 49.0 34.0 36.3 30.8 45.2 37.2 36.0 244 184 39.0 34.8 40.1 38.9 506 41 6 41.7 39.4 27.4 29.5 1982 1983 Mines danianle oil 14 168.7 167.0 2081 1788 191.2 167.3 '200 101 1 115.9 98.0 138.6 141.1 1459 1540 149.2 187.5 147.3 152.9 152.2 1620 177.2 164.8 193.4 172.5 1982 1983 Seives inelsers 405 15 114.4 110.3 1301 1286 131.7 129.7 1259 128.2 126.9 1297 132.2 139.4 1033 1120 117.3 124.1 127.4 141.2 1205 1394 120.7 141 4 1033 123.4 1982 1983 Industries rrianulacturieres 1043 1142 1166 118.6 1181 115.0 118.1 124 4 121.4 135.0 135.6 117.3 118.2 131 1 128.9 138.4 136.6 123.5 124.0 126.8 129.2 108.8 1141 1862 1983 Industrie des aliments at boissons 1388 137.5 137.9 132.2 128.4 138.3 1365 134.1 136.6 140.6 1296 1 38 5 136.3 138.0 144.4 142.4 141 4 1418 142.2 145.3 116.8 122.5 1982 1983 Industries S S Year Without seasonal a4ustment WH 111 2 Ge pébole bnit at Ge 982 049,04 Ge Is riande at 16 Ge Is volaille 501 17 101 18 - 26 - TABLE 6. Indexes of Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) PrIces, by InduStry, by Month - Continued Indexes: 1971 = 100 Year Auntie Seasonally austed Dtisaisonriatistis Industry I _____________ Jan. Feb. Mar Apr May June July Aug 1970 103 104 105 106 107 108 1089 109 1091 1092 1093 5 02 5:03 162 165 5:04 174 5:05 Janv. Feb. Mars Avr. Mai Juin Jul11. Fruit and vegetable processing industries Dairy products industry Miscellaneous tood processors. n e s 1982 127.0 134.4 134,5 131.5 139.0 139.0 1358 1370 139.3 133.1 142.3 1983 142.0 146.8 141.7 139.1 1372 148.5 1365 1428 143.8 142.3 148.3 1982 131.0 146.0 148.2 141.5 150.6 1491 1438 145.1 151.6 135.5 148.7 1983 145.6 1526 147.2 146.9 145.6 1586 146.7 1539 156.4 155.2 161.0 1982 1288 124,8 124.5 119.1 128.1 1286 128.9 129.0 125.2 119.9 125 1 1983 125.8 124.1 125.5 127.0 125.4 1244 1351 129.8 131.7 128.9 126.4 1982 122.2 121.3 127.0 120.4 128.8 126.2 128.3 126.1 1178 118.6 127 0 1983 126.0 130.8 126.6 129.5 125.3 122.6 137.1 125.4 133.8 1423 1350 1982 1280 109.7 111.4 96.5 116.3 115.3 115.5 119.8 1164 111 7 108.0 1983 108.1 105.9 108.0 1109 112.8 1116 119.7 117.9 107.8 1023 102.0 1982 132.8 138.7 130.8 133.2 134.9 139.1 1377 1369 135.0 125.2 135.8 1983 138.0 132.7 1370 136.8 132.4 133.3 1445 140.8 147.0 140.7 139.2 Distilleries Breweries Soft &ink manufacturers 1982 1090 1091 109.3 108.7 102.9 104,0 107.5 101.7 104.8 109.1 1023 1983 104.7 99.1 99.0 998 984 1028 101.3 119.1 114.9 97.3 992 1982 87.5 88.8 854 84,9 85.8 83.6 80.8 85.9 84.2 84.4 84.0 1983 85.1 84.0 84.4 83.9 80.9 84.3 806 826 85.2 81.0 83.2 Miscellaneous tood industries Beverages lrs8iea 1982 110.7 1106 1187 115.2 119.7 116.6 113.2 1153 114.7 108.0 1011 1983 1150 1046 1007 116.3 107.0 117.6 103.5 1113 114.3 980 109.9 1982 117.0 121.1 121.1 123.8 127.0 123.1 115.6 118.9 120.1 1171 118.3 1983 117.1 122.7 116.9 1157 111.9 113.7 112.0 113.0 113.1 112.7 114.5 Bakery products industries AoUt 1982 1110 1118 111.5 109.5 108.7 1098 110.3 1122 112.1 108.8 1147 1983 1138 1108 1096 106.2 108.1 1068 107.4 108.2 108.8 109.3 110.4 Flow and breeldast cereal products mdustry Feed industry [-Sept Oct Nov. Dec. Tobacco products industries Rubber and plastics products industries Rubber products industries 1982 115,5 113.9 115.6 113.8 113.8 117.1 106.4 111.1 119.5 114.0 114.8 1983 125.1 121.1 102.9 110.2 1064 103.1 96.5 101.2 103.6 1034 106 8 Plastics fabricating industry n.e.s. Leather industries Shoe ftictories Textile industries 1982 147.1 1465 142.4 139.0 138.0 139.8 138.5 146.9 138.7 136,7 1404 1983 1374 145.7 152.3 151.6 148.2 157.3 157.7 1623 161.5 166.5 1726 1982 107.1 106.2 104.8 103.8 101.8 102.6 105.1 115.4 101.4 1004 102.2 1983 102.0 101.9 106.5 107.1 102.7 101.6 1086 115.6 1067 123.5 127.1 1982 205.6 205.3 197.3 1904 191.0 194.3 187.2 193.1 1934 1899 1964 1983 189.3 209.8 219.3 2167 214.7 238.6 2295 241.5 230.5 229.4 239.0 1982 102.3 96.0 95,3 92.4 95.7 87.4 95,8 95.8 95.0 89.0 89.3 1983 82.1 97.6 95,4 95.0 93.9 101.5 106.5 101.8 107.0 106.9 103.1 1982 1074 97.8 989 94.5 101.5 91.6 105.0 1036 101.4 93.0 94.0 1983 82.9 1048 991 101.4 96.1 1084 110.0 102.3 114.7 116.6 110.6 1982 118.2 113.5 112.3 106.5 104.8 1101 102 3 102.2 107.8 108.4 108.4 1983 115.3 118.8 118.5 122.7 117.5 120.6 118.9 117.5 120.0 116.0 118.1 - 27 - TABLEAU 6. Indices du produil intérleur brut on prix constants de 1971, par industria, par moia - suite Indices: 1971 - 100 Without seasonal austmont Jan Feb. I Year Aonee Non dnnaises kxkmvm Mar. Apr MayJune July Aug Sept. Oct Nov DOc. Jaw Fey. Mars Avr. M Juin Jul11 AoiI CAE 83.3 1030 105.7 96.6 1049 106.6 1009 150.6 1941 1196 102.4 847 1982 Preparation do fiats 01 legumes 107.6 145.0 128.4 110.6 905 1983 970 89.7 970 95.4 922 1616 90.3 103 19 96.9 1042 108.5 111.5 117.4 128.8 118.1 1193 1201 102.5 1031 102 8 1982 lndostr.e Iailièce 107.7 1159 124.8 1156 1149 1143 103.0 101.9 1005 1983 991 1050 1088 104 20 Meunerie at fabrication do c6r6ales 101.6 1179 110.4 106.4 949 111.6 97,9 97,5 114.4 116.8 107.9 104.4 1982 89.2 110.3 92.4 113.7 125.4 104.1 104.6 1983 do table 97 7 1058 99.9 98.8 66.5 105 21 1135 124.1 121 6 130.3 1362 125.0 107.0 1119 119.5 116.4 121.5 115.2 1982 Fabrication dalenents pour lea a,wnaux 1154 103.7 105.9 112.2 117.7 114.3 1983 1134 125.4 117.1 122.1 120.2 112.5 106 22 107 23 108 24 1089 25 109 26 1091 27 87.0 1181 135.1 508 118.0 137.1 1429 136.3 83.0 1982 Distilleries 1197 110.3 115.0 1114 100.0 116.0 131.7 549 117.0 127.2 123.9 128.5 94.7 1983 100.4 105.4 1092 26 1650 101.0 1090 1274 129.9 150,9 177.5 162.0 130.8 111.4 127.2 124.5 1982 Brasserlea 167.6 1787 1673 145.6 123 3 129,6 1059 1336 133.9 1448 1266 1983 105.1 logo 29 1228 1236 129.8 1214 1229 126.9 402 100.6 128.9 1267 137.3 89.5 1982 Industrie do tatss 317 112.2 111.9 1153 127.5 1983 1340 115.3 116.2 114.4 91.8 85.3 131,8 502 30 130.6 1623 152.1 145 1 143.3 1522 115.7 127.7 1486 143.2 145.5 119.0 1982 lndus*rle do caoutthouc at dee prodiita an 153.3 169.1 131.9 145.8 1738 175.3 153.7 122.0 161 3 163.9 158.5 180.5 1983 mali6re plaaticpe 503 31 162 32 165 33 504 34 174 35 505 36 77 5 869 833 84.3 873 895 79.6 86.0 91.4 87 3 868 76.1 1982 Boulangarie at patisserie (ticaDon) 90.1 827 924 86.0 78.9 1983 75.8 822 83.4 825 78.2 833 82.2 136.1 150.0 140.6 132.7 133.8 141.8 112.2 120.4 153.3 150.0 162.6 135.2 1982 Inilistries akmentaies ctiverses 1476 1378 131 8 1528 1105 1250 152.4 176,0 1533 1983 1613 150.7 161.4 143.5 151 9 154.8 1204 1274 162.2 144.1 1643 143.9 1982 Trailernenl do poduils alimentaires 146.2 1471 167.0 1195 1356 170.0 154.1 188.8 167.0 1983 divers. nc.a. 159.3 161 2 1171 110.4 034 1089 113.7 1357 157.3 1239 1466 133.0 122.2 1327 1982 1dosthe des boissons 135.1 1083 1182 121.0 132.3 150.0 147.0 140.5 127.0 133.1 116.4 1983 100.0 898 106.8 101.0 118.3 132 4 153.6 1468 1567 129.2 1048 1263 118.4 1982 Fattncanta do bOissons gazeuxes 116,1111 1010 126.3 1296 143.7 1648 1525 145.8 1299 134.4 121.5 1983 923 985 1251 115.3 111.5 102.8 111.7 83.1 903 106.5 102.9 1040 81.0 1982 lndustrie des proctifts an casutchouc 102.2 132.1 112.3 94.4 121.2 119.5 115.2 107.2 85.0 96.2 112.8 128.4 1983 117.4 2166 206.0 1944 202.5 211.4 183.2 1825 2102 2021 206.2 174.5 1982 Fabricatida,1icIes an matiére 228.7 221 7 2183 243.9 251.2 214.3 162.2 2199 228.0 259.6 200.6 263.0 1983 ptasbqua, n,c.a. 865 101.7 95.6 82.5 91.4 91.5 78.5 111 1 120.6 991 962 67.9 1982 lndiistrie do ouir 67.7 1047 106.1 68.1 1184 1368 118.1 1103 1983 95.5 839 902 860 9' , 0 02 ''.3 100.3 1033 97.9 798 94,7 96.2 88.7 127.1 1336 980 69.9 1982 Fabriques do chausaurea 89,3 1135 126.5 1250 1141 89.1 1128 84.9 93.5 152.4 1983 98.0 1192 119.7 109.2 105.5 111.5 85.2 94.0 112.2 114.8 113.8 107.1 1982 lnckislrie textile 127.0 117.8 1251 106.8 126.3 122.7 118.9 1983 125.0 126.1 95.5 122.5 - 28 - TABLE 6. Indexes 01 Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Industry, by Month - I Continued Indexes: 1971 = 100 Year Seasonally ausled Annèe Industry DOsaisonnalisOs I I Jan. Feb Mar. Ap May June July Aug 1970 181 183 244 245 251 1982 116.6 110.5 104.7 102.0 105.2 101.9 103.9 106.2 101.2 104.9 107.3 1983 1053 1108 1161 115.2 116.2 105.3 1139 1146 110.3 111.1 113.7 261 271 Mans clothing industries Wood industries 274 511 1982 104.2 100.5 105.4 121 7 92.6 95.8 93.6 984 95.8 98.3 969 111.2 105.7 1188 1983 105.8 108.1 98.8 116.6 129.1 112.9 1093 125.6 1982 124.2 125.0 122.6 1236 129.0 129.2 126.4 1331 134.0 124.5 1300 1983 143.3 144.9 148.7 151.8 164.2 173.2 173.7 145.5 177.3 1667 1682 Furniture and tixture industries Paper and allied industrIes 105.0 1040 1026 101.3 1982 111.3 1118 1080 1073 107.9 982 102.1 114.4 1983 116.6 111.9 117.5 114.0 119.5 120.5 1260 126.5 125.9 132.5 1982 96.2 99.8 97.1 101.0 98.6 96.2 93.7 1001 101.6 103.5 111.3 1983 122.4 118.0 124.2 121.7 1193 124.3 1280 1303 130.7 130.0 137.8 1982 124.7 122.0 I 118.1 115.7 115.5 114.8 114.3 116.1 112.8 112.9 113.3 1983 116.2 118.3 1200 119.1 122.1 127.7 134.1 138.6 133.3 129.1 139.2 Miscellaneous paper converters 1982 133.4 131.3 128.7 1266 122.1 116.6 1174 1152 109.2 125.0 129.1 1983 143.4 143.9 144.9 153.3 163.3 173.8 170.5 1752 170.2 1678 170.7 1982 122.0 121.2 118.0 115.3 115.1 115.0 114 4 115.4 112.8 112.6 113.3 1983 115.8 117.8 1184 119.8 122.3 126.0 134.7 133.0 136.1 130.6 128.7 Paper box and bag manufacturers 1982 128.5 130.2 130.0 131,4 143.2 145.4 145.1 150.1 1446 149.5 1309 1983 158.0 159.8 1608 1649 165.3 178.9 1906 197.0 189.1 1880 2011,11 1982 91.2 82.1 81.3 81.4 77.8 75.5 774 81 3 78.0 83.4 87.4 1983 93.3 96.4 93.4 68.2 95.4 114.4 1159 120.1 105.8 945 97.6 Household furniture manufacturers Pulp and paper mills Sash, door and other nallworti plants 1982 1355 126.6 117.4 1163 1239 120.0 120.7 122.4 117.5 121.6 1235 1983 1284 128.0 136.1 1335 120.8 129.4 1262 1291 128.5 12718 1330 Veneer and plywood mills 273 1982 1045 99.1 945 95 6 93.2 88.4 92.4 911 880 92.1 96.9 1983 87.1 100.4 103.6 107.1 112.5 95.1 101.2 1053 94.0 980 97.5 Sawmills, planing mills and shingle mills 5.10 Chilen's clothing industry 5:09 Clothing industries Women's clothing industries 254 1962 141.8 1291 130.4 1104 1181 131.0 99.1 99.5 127.8 122.7 1266 140,8 1983 144.1 140 1 1504 149.0 1492 159.2 151.7 159.0 1587 1568 252 1982 101.2 103.0 108.9 1031 104.2 104.9 100.6 113.9 1080 1077 1138 114.2 1983 115.8 115.2 116.1 1245 107,7 111.3 115.1 113.6 1157 1228 5:08 Sept. Oct. Nov Dec Mai Juin Jul11. AOUt 1982 79.0 79.0 72.2 74.4 548 677 877 84.8 77.7 77.1 891 91.7 1983 994 1039 033 101.6 94.6 844 92.6 103.9 93.2 848 Man-made Mxe, yarn and cloth mills Avr. Knitting mills 5:06 243 Cotton yarn and cloth naIls 5:07 Janv. Fey. Mars Printing publishing and allied industries 120.8 1982 116.4 122.9 116.5 115.2 115.8 118.3 114.1 111.7 112.4 114.8 1983 111.7 111.4 114.3 117,0 121.8 1231 136.8 129.6 128.9 121,9 131.3 1982 115.2 1151 112.9 109.9 1099 106.2 108.8 108.5 106.1 1092 106.9 111.8 1983 112.4 104.9 117.9 118.3 114.9 118.3 118.4 128.7 114.2 120.3 1628 1982 167.5 164.2 1635 161 6 158.6 1572 155.2 154.1 1594 1565 1983 156.7 1568 1620 1654 1687 1590 1582 1603 1609 1680 1635 - 29 - TABLEAU 6. IndIces du prodult Intérleur brut on pdx constants de 1971, per industrie, per mols - suite Indices 1971 - 100 Without seaSonal adluatment Non dèsalsonnaès Year AnnOO Kd.jstrie Jan Fe8Mar Apr. May June July Aug Jans Fey Mars Avr. Mai Juin JuiH. AoUt Sept Ccl Nov DCC 96.4 879 72.6 46.6 66.0 83.1 107.4 958 1982 Filatuqe at tlssage 80 colon 77.9 488 769 81,5 1022 931 970 1983 1112 110.2 91 5 108.2 62.6 75.8 99.9 1008 888 121.5 128.4 1265 137.6 1982 FabicatrOn do hbes. triOs et tissue 1457 1462 1177 72,0 78.2 132.6 1349 122.0 157.1 1983 arliliciels et synthOtiques 164.9 105.0 1291 166.4 165 1 161.2 154.0 163.5 138.4 162.4 155.0 CAE 181 37 183 38 95.5 107.4 1091 97.8 9.4,4 117.4 90.1 119.9 121.7 121.2 121.8 79.1 1982 Bonnetone 120.6 1273 127.9 129.8 131 5 98.0 1983 1171 119.5 1042 95.8 108.4 1192 5:06 39 1100 126.0 1096 93.1 89.3 1070 93.8 117.0 121.8 116.9 111.6 76.3 1982 IndListrie do Ihabillemeni 1105 103.1 126.0 132.7 124.2 1179 84.5 1983 126.6 1203 105.3 99.2 999 507 40 71.9 81.9 91.2 75.1 949 108.3 104.0 1026 1982 WrdLrstrIe dos vOlemonts lxxi, homines 985 109.3 1046 89.2 $4.1 976 115.2 110.7 1038 1983 1101 1135 1006 82.7 1095 925 995 152.9 123.2 108.7 104.4 122.8 113.3 1404 139.0 132.6 1240 756 1982 Ir.jstrie des sOlements pour dames 1331 84,9 1551 123,7 121.3 144 7 151.9 139.9 1983 124.0 1087 142.2 1493 112.9 1141 1042 66.1 67.7 1140 110.0 85 5 85.8 1982 Induslrie des velernents pour enfants 121.5 1983 120.0 131.4 159.0 1443 125.7 1096 57.9 126.7 104.3 85.6 75.4 243 41 244 42 245 43 1148 133.9 1363 133.5 135.8 1384 104.2 1248 132.6 137.6 1279 113.8 1982 lndustne 80 boss 164.2 160.6 171.4 1639 1445 1983 159,6 178.0 153.8 157.6 1605 159.2 1337 508 Sc,eries, ateliers do rabotage at usines 149.8 149,1 i 143.2 148.1 149.9 108.4 133.8 147.7 151.3 136.9 127.1 1982 1265 1875 169.1 173.2 1803 169.0 1983 de berdeaux 182.7 178.0 189.6 202.3 192.5 1574 195.0 251 927 91.8 932 91.4 85.7 75,5 59.5 652 71.7 88.0 884 78.3 1982 Fabriques do placagex at do contra 961 100.3 991 92.1 1983 1083 1133 88.2 95.6 973 1088 1084 97.3 ln80strles doe potos. chassis at autres 983 115.5 1273 128.9 132.1 140.0 115.8 134.2 1264 133.8 1308 1048 1982 1987 176.6 173 7 1983 boss ouvrès 2101 168.7 1943 125.7 1265 1408 155.1 178,9 105.4 ln80strie 80 rneubto at dos articles 93.9 119.6 1178 112.3 1073 1135 73.9 980 112.9 109.3 1173 969 1982 1298 120.9 140.8 132.2 145.2 119.3 1983 dameubloment 981 119.1 1283 120.3 115.2 88.9 800 108.8 1057 105.8 1021 1039 64.7 93.4 112.9 113.0 1235 1042 1982 Industrie doe meubles do ma,son 123.4 11551 1983 1352 127.8 121.5 133.0 86.9 145.3 138.4 126.8 102 8 127.2 44 45 252 46 254 47 5.09 48 261 49 117.2 128.3 126,5 118.4 1188 121.8 101.5 111.7 111.4 115.0 1165 99.9 1982 Industrie cxi paper at activites annexes 119,1 128.9 1338 133.6 132.7 1264 1983 1276 126,7 135.3 1112 125.6 129.2 5 10 1205 128.6 1253 119.1 120,9 1194 103.6 114.2 107.3 114.6 1167 102.1 1982 Usnee de pates 01 p8940,5 1284 1354 125.4 132 2 131.4 135.6 1332 132.7 1983 121.4 1126 125.7 1277 271 979 114.5 1297 101.4 105,9 121.7 115.6 119.9 1982 Fabricanls do boltos on carton at do sacs 1099 129.0 116.6 129,6 141,2 113.2 121.7 1369 1268 132.1 1373 1983 an 1049 1173 1231 116.7 105.5 273 52 50 51 114.4 109.6 1198 113.4 110.3 1120 91.8 1982 Trwxstosmalions cliverses cxi pepser 124.4 1269 85.3 983 1070 1187 949 1346 119.2 1262 113.0 1983 1207 1176 1225 1257 274 53 164,5 168,6 169 7 165.5 1640 137.5 1468 1646 167.1 1703 1532 1982 flximeno, oabon at actMteS annexes 138.2 154.5 177,9 177.2 183.5 168.5 1983 163.1 1639 164.5 I 165.7 158.5 511 54 WE I TABLE 6. Indexes of Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Industry, by Month - Continued Indexes: 1971=100 Year Seasonally adjusted Industry Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov Dec. Jariv Fey. Mars As, Mis Juin Juill AoUt 1970 Co,Twnercial printing: platemalting, type286 setlin9 and trade bindery industry 287 153.9 156.3 158.7 1558 159.6 156.0 152.9 166.1 159.0 163.6 162.6 160.2 1982 169.4 161.5 171.9 175.0 167.9 171.0 1983 154.5 151.4 156.0 156.9 161.0 1635 Publishing Only: publishing and pnnling 288- 289 1982 1688 166.4 164.7 1644 162.9 160.1 161.2 155.0 154.5 155.2 158.9 158.9 159.4 166.5 1983 1588 161.8 161.8 159,4 159.6 160.3 160.7 159.4 161.6 171.3 5:12 291 Pnmary metal industries 292 294 295 5:13 304 104.5 99.2 83.1 92.5 73.2 60.6 61.5 69.7 1982 148.8 15.2.8 101.2 97,7 94.3 71.1 756 78.6 86.4 80.7 81.9 94.4 88.7 100.6 1983 69.0 70.2 1982 91.6 97.1 87.1 862 699 90.8 91.7 92.8 86.0 72.9 734 44 95.1 1039 106.4 99 () 77.4 83.1 92.9 99.9 90.5 96.3 1983 82.1 88.0 Smelting and reMng Iron tounies 108.4 101.2 996 97.7 68.4 100.1 97.9 87.1 1982 112.0 111.1 100.1 990 118.4 108.1 107.1 110.7 115.3 116.7 114.3 98.4 101.4 106.3 1983 83.8 87.5 Steel pipe and tube nails 303 Iron and sleis mills 1982 110.1 110.4 101.5 998 100.2 95.2 883 98.5 96.0 945 93.1 76.9 111.3 1158 116.4 118.5 116.5 1983 91.7 97.7 101.1 105.9 110.2 109.6 69.6 90,: 887 92.7 102.7 97.8 88.7 881 837 107.4 104.9 104.1 1982 90.8 1160 970 1048 112.3 113.3 113.1 114.3 114,6 114.7 1983 93.2 96.5 95 7 1075 107.2 100.6 107.4 100.8 98.5 98.8 95.6 1982 1214 118.6 121.4 111.1 Metal fabricating industries (except machinery 110.7 1113 1138 110.7 102.1 100.7 102.1 1025 105.3 104.5 1092 1983 101.3 and transportation equipment industries) Ornamental and architectural metal industry Metal stamping, pressing and coating mdus 306 306 1-lardware, tool and cutlery manufacturers 309 Miscellaneous metal fabricating industry 5:14 315 321 Wire and wire products manufacturers 5:15 Machinery industries (except electrical machinery) Miscellaneous machinery and equipment manufacturers Transportation equipment industries Aircraft and aircraft parts manufacturers Motor vehicle manufacturers 323 I 1982 1564 163.1 157.6 154.0 1367 1455 139.4 149.9 135 3 127.1 133.1 128.2 142.1 1330 1233 118.8 119.3 121.3 1249 131.9 129.9 1298 1273 1983 129,7 1088 109.2 113.7 1982 126.7 124.9 114.8 1124 1092 106.0 109.9 104.8 125.7 121.1 1230 119.7 109.2 110.8 1126 112.3 110.1 113.3 124.6 1983 106.2 109.5 1982 107.7 105.9 103.5 984 968 99.8 99.0 106.1 102.8 98.9 95.3 78.2 121.7 107.4 111.6 1132 1183 124.9 126.1 1983 98.7 102.1 105.0 131.7 95.3 126.3 97.1 130.2 1135 117.6 1158 106.9 1982 144.1 136.9 154.7 126.1 121.4 144.7 134.7 142.6 149.5 145.6 129.0 1246 1361 1403 144.3 1983 147.2 131.0 1982 111.2 103.8 110.3 946 92.4 94.3 90.5 87.9 84.5 82.0 76.8 77.4 92.4 87.1 93.2 101.5 99.3 1983 80.3 82.5 85.3 88.3 89.9 96.3 89.5 163.7 176.3 1982 197.1 191.0 178.8 1633 158.9 162.4 152.4 1402 148 1 1570 144.6 1494 1597 158.3 164.8 137.7 1404 135.9 1963 1354 135 0 131.2 135,5 1962 152.8 146.8 138.7 132.2 126,0 116.0 1136 117.5 113.6 105.6 108.6 114.2 111.8 111.6 118.2 1130 120.6 940 97.4 98.1 104.7 102.5 1983 961 962 1982 122.0 124.3 128.4 132.0 1344 132.4 132.5 145.0 126.1 110.2 101.6 110.3 1864 1392 1346 137.0 143.5 146 8 156.6 163.5 1983 144.5 137.5 132.5 135.6 1982 190.7 166.3 179.3 1746 173.0 169.4 167.4 163.8 157.2 155.2 153.5 151 0 15(1 4 159.6 156.0 154.8 156.0 154.7 1514 1983 153.5 149.0 154.7 157.3 155.1 1982 140.0 141.9 147.3 151.2 154.5 1548 150.2 186.0 147.4 129.3 104.3 I?? 164.3 188.8 191.6 1950 1693 159.3 159.0 168.4 1983 196.2 173.6 158.2 165.7 I S - 31 - TABLEAU 6. IndIces du produit lnterieur brut on prix constants do 1971, per Industrie, par mols - suite Indices: 1971 - 100 Without seasonal arusfment Year Annóe Non d6sa,sOrwsa8ses -Indistne Jan Feb. Mar, Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec. CAC 1970 Jays Fey. Mars Avr. Mai July Jul11 Ao1,t 149 0 1375 1668 1591 174.9 1666 167 3 161 1 159 1 1605 1576 1604 1299 1364 149 1 160.8 1636 183.4 166.7 183.2 166.6 1850 153.8 167.3 1982 1983 lmprimerie cot erciale: iridustrie dii clichage, de Ia compositIon 81 de Is rebuts corrirnorciale 286 287 55 142,4 133.6 1624 1580 162.7 159.9 1720 1664 171 4 1881 1700 1706 144 6 1398 144.6 148,7 1856 1729 167.4 171.7 1718 182.1 152.7 169,7 1982 1983 Edition seulemeni, edition 81 it3X8SSIOO 288 289 56 106.4 865 1198 986 111.3 1069 106 7 1080 104.3 112.1 989 1165 75.4 91.4 884 100,9 958 1175 95.2 119.8 948 1225 70.3 101.1 1982 1983 Premiere transformation dos métaux 5:12 57 1220 94.6 1101 108.2 1036 106,2 105.2 114.9 1040 118.3 78.4 91 2 95.9 100.2 101.0 1175 100.6 120.4 996 1226 58.8 91.5 1982 1983 Sid&urgie 291 58 1091 79,3 1564 748 173.9 799 110.8 771 1037 782 104.0 79.2 1042 908 66.5 644 80.9 71.6 708 908 56.4 93.4 592 1082 62.3 846 1982 1983 Fqjes do tubes 01 tuyaux dacior 292 59 135.4 76,2 1094 87.6 96.3 92.0 92,5 942 93.0 96.4 102.0 1127 70.6 69.7 78.6 81.0 91.6 1106 77.1 101.5 74.6 1078 37.1 834 1982 1983 Fonderies do let 294 60 08 3 931 1081 99,3 112.7 102.6 112.7 1054 103.4 108.3 841 '080 73.3 95.5 77.7 103.5 867 113.3 91.7 116.3 963 1194 92.8 118.2 1982 1983 Foote 81 altinage 295 61 1066 91 0 1232 1054 132,0 1110 1121 1039 106.6 101.3 114,9 1146 907 93.1 101.7 104.8 1118 120.0 99,3 112.8 1017 1180 88.0 973 1982 1983 Fabrication do produits an metal (saul machines el equipement do transport) 5 13 62 124.5 103.3 152.5 1101 147.2 1108 1523 121 0 140.0 1290 188.2 1422 132.1 1225 155.7 1475 152.9 1467 142.2 1422 1475 1473 118.4 106.9 1982 1983 lndustne des produits rnetalliques darchitocture at dornement 303 1066 89.1 131 5 114.6 1376 122.4 1095 105.2 1058 107.7 120.7 124.9 106.2 105.9 113.8 116.7 1205 1396 106.2 119.8 1033 129.5 103.8 99.6 1982 1983 kirbjstne do l'entioulissago, diJ mstflçage 01 dii revetemeot des métaux 304 64 1053 98.2 114.2 102.2 118.8 118.5 102.9 1095 103.1 115.1 1143 1306 81.1 91.5 98.8 107.2 107.5 1341 93.5 129.6 9219 1205 62.8 91.4 1982 1983 bdiiatrie dii lii mefallique at do see proc8Als 305 85 1380 1405 152.9 148.2 169.7 140.8 1360 129.2 119.1 131.8 1334 152.3 82.8 126.7 110.8 129.4 120.1 135.9 119.7 1480 1181 1540 97.2 131.5 1982 1983 Fabncants do quincellerie, doutillage 01 do coutolfoiie 306 66 1097 794 111.3 88.3 1181 91 5 98.2 91.4 924 921 102.7 984 78.9 74.0 79.7 87.7 89.4 98.9 834 909 792 1050 67.8 86.6 1982 1983 Fabrication do prockista meta5qjee divers 309 67 173.8 1188 2091 146.6 197.8 1496 191.4 135.1 185.8 1462 172.1 148.7 130 9 1126 136.6 1237 158.1 154.8 140.8 171.0 1600 1690 153.5 162.7 1982 1983 Fabncants do mactines (saul èfeclriquos) S 14 68 129.7 81 5 164.3 103.2 159.7 110.6 140.0 98.8 129.8 98.3 119.9 116.4 95,3 821 97.9 958 115.3 113.8 105.9 1233 119.2 1221 112.1 119.9 1982 1983 Fabncants do machines 01 d'equipement divers 315 69 1102 125.8 126.9 140.1 1432 1473 148,8 156.2 1508 162.1 1572 162.8 1043 111.8 121 0 1140 126.5 147.0 1117 159.3 106.4 168.0 91.3 143.6 1982 1983 Fabrication d'equipemenl do transport 5 15 70 94 I 56 I 189.6 151.4 181,2 1562 174.6 157.6 170.2 1569 172.0 157.6 1642 153.5 161.5 153.1 155.0 153.8 1547 1542 153.1 151.1 152.9 151.3 1982 1983 Fabricants d'aèroriefs 81 08 pièces 321 71 12.8 1558 143.6 1777 1 72 9 162 7 181.6 2041 188.7 2166 197.5 207.4 101 1 1167 1434 110.1 148.1 159,0 1278 187 9 115.9 202.5 980 1724 1862 1983 Fabjicants do vOhicules automobiles 323 72 - 32 - TABLE 6. Indexes of Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Industry, by Month - Continued Indexes. 1971 = 100 Year AnnOe Seasonally austed Désaisonnalisés Industry Jan. Feb Mar. Apr. May June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov Dec Jans. FOv. Mats Avr. Mai Juin Jul11. AoUt 1970 325 326 327 5:16 332 334 335 336 338 339 352 354 355 5 IS 374 127.6 124.6 124.7 128.4 124.7 119.0 129.7 126.1 118.1 117.1 1982 129.7 132.9 1983 124.4 121.7 123.8 123.4 121.1 127.1 126.0 128.7 130.9 132.2 Manufacturers of household radio and television receivers Manufacturers of electrical industrial eqtapment Manufacturers of electric wire and cable Non-metallic mineral products lfldustnes 147.4 1539 1562 156.8 155.1 160.7 160.2 1490 146.8 1982 156.2 160.7 146.0 1547 1540 146.8 1694 1725 171.0 1983 152.2 157.0 162.7 168.5 1982 1438 120.0 1369 124.4 129.9 115.6 95.7 130.4 1167 1059 1109 1983 115.5 101.5 109.0 108.6 102.9 112.8 1027 999 106,3 1062 102.4 1141 126.5 129.1 134.5 147.9 149.8 1154 1982 122.9 122.0 1223 126,2 120.7 121.9 120.4 120.6 120.8 124.7 124.6 1245 133.8 1983 121.3 1209 940 940 1982 94.9 996 97.1 961 90.3 988 932 98.9 985 109.6 109.0 1057 103.7 1983 101 2 102.6 106.5 110.1 110.1 99.9 96.5 1982 106.6 105.1 93.4 99.3 95.6 94.2 933 961 102.2 91 6 833 1174 874 1983 76.7 78 1 845 935 962 982 985 934 933 Petroleum and coal products industries Chemical and chemical products industries Manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and medicines Pa:ril and varnish marrulacturors 1982 110.6 115.5 119.7 125,1 129.4 114.2 122.5 117.3 110.9 111.0 99.3 1264 129.5 130.5 1376 133.6 142.2 139.0 143.2 143.9 146.3 140.7 1983 1982 111.5 106.6 97.9 93.9 92.5 88.9 811,111 75.6 709 699 70,8 74.5 87.8 1983 75.8 73.0 941 82.9 768 95.0 80.0 80.3 90.0 Ready-mis concrete manufacturers 1982 74.4 75.3 73.4 79.0 799 75.8 80.7 87.6 89.9 100.4 86.0 1983 124.3 108.6 101.9 80.1 1106 110.0 112.7 108.9 96.3 1179 119.9 Manufacturers of miscellaneous electrical products Concrete products manufacturers S 18 1982 1230 123.3 126.1 133.8 1331 129.4 126.7 128.2 118.0 117.7 103.1 1983 102.4 97.7 94.2 90.2 85.3 81.2 75.2 76.3 82.8 80.6 85.7 Manufacturers of maor appliances (electric and non-electric) Cement manufacturers 97.1 112.8 115.0 116.3 109.6 1982 879 104.8 121.9 112.6 83.5 93.4 1127 1983 1205 127.4 125.7 132.5 142.8 151.1 157.1 160.3 178.0 1313 1982 1127 106.6 103.8 101.5 105.1 104.5 103.1 103.8 1036 930 846 70,5 1983 67.8 67.8 74.0 75,2 B5.4 81.0 89.3 98.6 101.3 102.5 Electrical products Industries Conmcalions equnent manufacturers s17 Railroad rolling stock industry Shipbuitc9ng and repair Motor vetscle parts and accessories manufacturers 667 607 1982 71.5 76.1 76.7 72.3 692 670 636 676 690 73.7 73.1 73.6 71 6 631 1983 81.6 76.3 85.6 78.0 735 795 1982 103.9 105.8 97.3 95.6 94.4 91.3 83.5 88.8 88.2 91.2 89.3 102.1 978 1983 104.3 99.4 100.2 93,7 95.0 95 1 93.2 93.2 95.8 1982 91.7 899 902 87.7 89.0 949 89.8 91.0 902 86.9 88.1 89.7 1983 63.1 76.0 95.3 98.0 86.3 85.9 80.2 854 85.5 86.5 1982 147.6 146.5 150.5 139.2 145.6 149.1 137.9 144.1 148.3 143.0 140.8 159.1 1664 166.5 1983 149.2 153.4 1548 157.7 1983 180.2 1646 165.3 1982 171.4 165.3 1642 167.3 178.0 11772 166.6 1668 1762 1777 171.7 1764 1771 1794 1677 1983 171.8 1793 1745 178.4 174.7 1795 183.9 1155 109 I 1122 148 1109 13? 107 3 1029 1083 1069 936 1 26 8 1379 1 1" 1 122 7 130 0 '51 :i 1188 '18 7 120 5 1 ,18 6 1982 1983 - 33 - is TABLEAU 6. IndIces du produit interieur brut on prix constants de 1971, par industrie, par mois - suite Indices: 1971 = 100 Year Without seasonal austmonl I I I I I I Non dèselsonnalisSs Jan Feb Mar Ax May Juno Janv. Fey. Mars Avr July Aug. Mel Juin Juill. Aout Sept Oct I ArinOe Industrie Nov Dec. CAE Fabncants de p6co8 et accessoees 876 102.3 1147 125.5 122.4 136.8 97.8 94,4 117.2 911 96.8 72.5 1982 167.6 171 0 180.7 1425 1983 d'autornotsles 142.7 1584 1195 1404 140.9 1296 1089 124.3 325 73 1027 1086 999 988 1024 104.1 906 81.8 77.0 1982 Fabrucants do mal&ieI torrovuawe roulant 1164 108.9 107.6 104,5 1983 782 76.7 99.4 99.1 68.4 75.7 81.3 889 988 69.7 721 326 74 132.7 125.9 127.4 119.5 115.4 95.6 85.5 1982 i Construction 01 reparation do naviros 1196 129.3 135.3 1352 135.3 74.6 84.0 79.1 79.1 75.9 1983 101 0 91.3 83.2 76.0 102.2 869 998 327 75 1151 133.3 126.8 125.2 1265 130.8 1061 119.2 134.3 1277 123.3 115.6 1982 Fabrication do produits tiloctriques 142.4 141.7 1399 128.6 1983 1199 135.3 108.4 121.6 124,9 123 I 1106 125.3 5:18 76 Fabrucants do gros appareds (Otec. 582 77.7 61.1 82.8 91 7 92.2 52.9 71.6 112.7 113.9 63.5 69.1 1982 104.0 71.7 136.7 134.8 1165 1983 triquos on non) 111.1 84.9 1113 134.0 92.8 1039 112.9 332 77 1092 114.0 1208 118.7 1401 81.3 134.0 136.7 1306 1168 95.6 1982 Fabrucants do radiorOcoptoits at do 123.2 1983 tOttivusours monagors 94.7 161.4 168.0 182.7 1407 127.8 140.9 128.9 156.0 1256 334 78 161.5 145.8 1504 158.5 159.9 153.9 159.2 162.1 150.6 148.1 142.8 1982 Fabncants dequipemont do tOtécorTwnu 174.4 1724 169.2 1983 rcaUon 149,1 1806 161.4 171.5 153.2 150.2 1671 153.4 335 79 336 80 338 81 339 82 657 84.2 85.9 947 1034 113.7 90.6 107.1 109.5 110.4 104.3 74.2 1982 Fabrication do produuta msnaux non 114,0 84.0 1983 87.4 112.5 131.1 107.4 119.2 1261 1232 709 98.5 82.6 5 17 63 422 51.5 59.7 92.2 115.1 120.3 116.0 1281 140.3 119.9 960 639 1982 Fabricants do ciment 128.2 122.2 96.1 52.9 1983 149.3 121 7 1122 61.9 78.1 121 2 260 37.1 352 84 375 502 61.4 667 73.2 95.0 77.6 83.2 78.0 81.3 674 41.0 1982 Fabicwuts do proots on baton 48.0 696 1983 92.8 1077 992 89.9 86.5 43.3 48.6 82.4 65.8 85.3 354 85 51 7 69.4 89.9 79.0 107.7 125.1 984 1185 119.4 1229 100.4 63.2 1982 Fabricants do baton prepare 67.1 1983 128.1 112.2 125.9 127.8 125.5 102.2 106.0 564 67.7 88.8 52 8 355 86 Fabrication do produits do pOtrole 01 do 934 92.4 89.9 76.9 80 4 94,5 95.7 97,8 87,3 83.0 943 89.5 1982 91.4 1983 charbon 99.7 940 89.2 81.6 70 3 88.9 90.8 93,3 87.7 87.8 66.0 5 18 87 519 88 Fabrucants do prodiAts pharrruacoutiquos 01 1828 177.3 1988 129.8 1548 1689 184.4 1901 159.4 1982 1792 165.2 1983 199.2 138.8 169.7 1906 188.6 2088 163.9 do meducamonts 172.7 174.8 173.8 195.7 374 89 109.0 125.3 134.1 125.2 147.6 113.4 112.0 114.6 94.5 80.8 74.9 1982 Fabricants do pounturos 01 verruua 1544 119.5 1193 100.7 1983 141 3 145.6 131.4 1385 151.8 164.5 1176 375 90 :90 14 1 Fabrucants dtiquipornorul titoclriquo 1040 107 5 117.9 118.7 111.9 1982 1162 1383 139.3 134.7 127.7 1208 91.6 100.5 1983 istnat 1174 1148 81.7 90.8 103.8 111.7 107.1 1072 116.5 108.0 951 898 121.2 111.9 95.8 920 102.5 57.4 640 77.4 77.4 75.3 72.1 1982 FSIXICSnIS do fits at do c8bfos Otectnques 103.2 84.3 1983 103.5 651 826 93.0 81.2 91.8 87.0 80.0 58.3 60.8 114.6 104.1 120.7 121 1 132 8 179.3 142.2 138.4 143.3 1982 Fabricants do prodots eloclriques doors 1200 114.2 100.5 151.7 1983 109.3 153.3 145.8 175.3 991 114.0 117.5 111.7 107.3 1009 98.4 138.4 156.7 161.8 144.7 151.2 158.6 121.6 133.9 152.4 142.9 142.8 130.3 1982 Induatrue chtitsque 1706 164.0 1983 168.6 1297 1674 151,3 166.8 165.5 165.0 1536 139.6 1642 -34- TABLE 6. Indexes of Gross Domestic Product In Constant (1971) Prices, by Industry, by Month - Continued 100 indexes: 1971 = Year Annbe 1 Industry 1970 91 376 92 378 93 379 94 520 95 391 96 6 97 7 jlacturers of soap and cleaning mpounds itacturers of ridustrial cheqTricale ellaneous chemical industries 98 701 99 501 100 503 101 508 102 509 103 515 105 7:03 106 544 tportaflon 'ansporl ne transport 1982 157.6 156.7 151.1 1443 147.5 14.8.6 130.0 145.6 149 5 1489 145.1 1983 152.3 146.4 159.1 1599 1639 1521 169.2 156.2 164,2 1603 1680 1982 125.1 121.7 1250 1206 123.0 119.2 117.4 117.9 1159 119.4 120.3 1983 123.2 123.6 119.7 124.0 120.9 124.5 1156 126.6 125.4 1227 1304 1982 171.5 163.4 166.7 1639 168.9 158.7 1571 159.8 1541 161.6 164.5 1983 162.7 162.0 142.5 153.1 144.9 151.9 1428 1673 152.5 160.2 154.4 1982 167.2 166.7 165.5 164.4 163.4 162.3 159.6 161.5 162.4 157.9 158.8 1983 159.5 158.9 161.1 162.1 1641 1670 1652 1686 169.5 170.3 172.6 1982 1281 137.4 1168 1224 121.6 122.9 1185 115.5 119.0 117.4 116.6 1983 121.4 119.7 120.6 124.6 120.6 1205 119.8 117.5 116.8 115.4 113.1 127.4 1982 1267 125.2 1164 118.6 121.5 117.1 123.0 1178 111 6 116.7 1983 1174 112.8 119.6 1161 111.4 119.6 123.3 123.5 124.0 125.8 126.5 1982 1179 134.1 1308 119.9 133.6 1349 1275 130.1 132.7 126.0 125.6 1983 130.5 122.3 137.0 131.9 135.9 1341 1352 1438 135.7 138.7 138.5 1982 212.0 212.2 211.2 212.2 211.8 211.9 210.3 211.0 209.3 208.8 209 2 1983 210.9 211.7 212.5 212.5 214.4 2162 215.8 217.9 216.1 216.2 215.6 1982 236.4 236.1 233.7 233.9 231.7 232.2 233.3 2341 235.3 235.5 233.7 1983 234.4 235.3 237.2 236.9 238.9 240.0 239.1 241.8 240.0 2407 239.3 rrc power, gas and water utrlitres sc power 1982 130.5 128.6 132.7 116.1 120.0 125.8 111.5 115.9 123.3 1141 115.3 1278 1983 130.0 134.1 133.4 1357 133.5 136.2 136.4 141 7 153.0 1480 1982 126.2 129.0 125.0 122.5 121.9 118.1 117.6 113.6 130.7 120.3 120.6 1983 1230 121.3 121 3 121 7 119.4 123.3 121.8 123.2 126.9 123.0 123.7 hone Systems 1982 160.3 155.6 1647 161.8 162.3 175.3 168.7 176.2 171.3 162.6 1642 1983 1743 187.9 176.5 187.6 188.5 185.4 194.7 206.0 1879 1706 200.0 1982 110.3 115.2 116.4 1139 112.5 110.4 106.6 104.4 104.7 1029 1026 1983 107,2 104.6 108.5 110.2 114.2 1063 111.3 122.1 124.6 1253 1226 wunucalion Sept. Oct. Nov.Dec. JuilL Aojt 1982 295.4 294.7 293.0 287.5 284.1 2820 283.4 278,7 295.2 266.9 260.5 1983 263.5 271.7 259.2 276.7 286.9 271.1 269.4 264.0 286.2 334.0 2936 rr transit systems Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug Janv Fey. Mars Avr. Ma, Juifl 1982 138.1 139.1 138.7 135.6 135.0 1341 132.0 132.4 134.2 128.4 128.4 1983 1299 1278 130.3 132.8 131.6 134.2 133.0 138.0 140.4 142.3 1461 transport, interurban and rural ige ray transport I DOsasonnabsès 1982 121.7 120.9 121.6 122.7 111.5 112.9 111.3 1080 1081 108.7 106.2 1983 113.4 109.1 109.6 109.6 1151 121.0 116.6 1105 106.8 105.9 1054 tportation, communication and Other 107 7:04 108 572 truCtiOn urd.JsIry 104 7.02 rtific and protess,onal eJipment kjsbies aflanaous manufacturing industries Seasonally adjusted 1982 189.1 183,2 179.9 181.9 178.4 174.8 170.0 176.8 178.3 172.6 176.2 1983 1738 175.7 177.8 1795 1833 191.5 1865 186.8 188.4 187.2 189.2 1982 1989 1907 1870 1894 1865 182.4 1770 184.0 1878 181.7 1840 1983 183.7 188.2 188,6 185.5 192.9 203.8 1976 198.7 2001 1995 200 7 S 5 - 35 - TABLEAU 6. IndIces du produll Intérleur brut on prix const.nts de 1971, per Industri., per mois - auhe Indices: 1971 -100 Without seasonal ajs*menI I Year Non dèasosM I Jan. Feb. Ma,. A4. May June July Jwv. Aug. Fey Mars Avr. Mel Jue, Jijil. Aoôl Se Oct Nov. I AmOo lfldustrie Dec. 163.5 176.6 1626 1959 180.4 193.1 1623 189 5 160.5 185.5 190.6 202.8 1460 169.8 159.6 187.9 171.3 199.6 168.6 194.7 113.6 1798 148.0 161 3 1982 1983 Fabocants do savon at do prodists do ne6oyage 376 91 129.7 127.0 1389 1409 142.9 146.1 120.7 1396 1118.1 34. 9 119.3 1322 104.9 1231 110.2 127.6 115.1 1335 11121 49. 5 1173 149.2 119.3 153.4 1982 1983 Fabricants do prodtits cheirsques Hxktswmh 378 92 141.3 138.3 1728 161 1 177.5 186.9 1659 189 7 156.4 17 1.4 160.2 163.8 119.7 1394 128.3 157.9 147.3 161.8 142.1 152.9 133.5 1532 121.9 138.8 1982 1983 Fabricants do produits ctlimiques divers 319 93 106.2 104.0 1227 124,7 133.3 127.4 1203 123.8 121.2 118.4 131,6 137.4 106.6 104.7 115.5 124.3 1329 141.0 131.6 1384 123.2 133.4 103.0 107.9 1982 1983 Indusines ,nanulactur,ères diverses 520 94 153 3 146.6 169.8 169.6 184,2 156.4 1621 150.5 171.5 145.6 176 4 168.3 141.1 127.7 145.3 1524 166.7 164.9 175.1 173.7 166.7 156.1 141.5 141.3 1982 1983 Fabncalion do ri tenet sclentitique 81 prolessionwiel 391 95 101 5 937 106.6 93.5 102.7 921 110.8 98.1 110.5 1128 122.6 133.2 124.9 1329 124.6 128.4 125.3 124.1 123.4 120.2 1115 108.2 988 931 1962 1983 BaIlment at travaux publics 6 96 1689 60 3 173.5 165.1 170.3 1659 164.2 1622 160.0 1808 181.4 1861 154.8 156.4 158.4 165.2 160.5 168.6 151.4 169.3 181.4 174.7 157.9 174.3 1982 1963 Transports. communIcatIons at elAtes 7 1256 1180 1351 124.0 139.8 131.8 1364 132 8 1372 134.7 143.1 143.4 1360 135.4 1381 142.4 1387 1460 129.7 143.8 1267 1428 118.9 132.0 1982 1983 Transports 263.2 233.0 2679 232.5 291.0 271.9 2792 2723 277.0 279.4 3117 3001 353.4 330.9 361.2 3421 312.0 305.9 238.9 263.6 204.5 262.2 228.8 264.2 1982 1983 Transports aIlnens 501 99 101.7 984 1189 101 5 123.9 113.9 1199 114.8 118.1 115.4 1165 120.7 101.6 105.8 984 115.0 103.3 124.6 106.5 129.3 105.6 124.9 92.2 108.0 1982 1983 Transports terroslairas 503 100 104.4 1001 122.3 1071 111.1 1143 118.5 1169 111.1 1155 125.9 123.9 143.9 143.6 150.5 1466 128.1 1260 110.2 1093 964 934 129.9 124.2 1982 1983 Transports mterurt,airls at ruraux per suloca, 508 to' 1249 1221 141.4 1349 1353 1318 123.1 121.4 119.3 114.7 116.3 124.6 103.5 105.2 100.7 104.7 131.1 131.6 121.8 123.9 125.2 129.3 126.0 123.8 1982 1983 R4Seaux dv transports urbains 509 102 1428 1314 139.5 124.3 1326 126.2 115.7 115.0 106.9 1008 Ill I 109.9 1037 112.7 109.8 110.6 108.9 1159 110.2 124.1 124.0 135.5 128.0 143.1 1982 1983 Transports pa: pipe-line 515 103 99.9 106.0 107.1 98.7 112.9 1186 113.6 124.1 142.4 145.7 1528 1526 147.2 152.9 123.5 141.5 1490 150.9 138.1 151.3 133.7 145.6 1279 129.1 1962 1983 Entrepoeage 7.02 104 207.3 206.0 2133 2128 2120 2133 2105 2108 211.1 214.1 214.6 2196 206.5 211.4 211.5 2195 212.2 2188 209.7 218.6 212.3 219.1 206.6 216.1 1982 1983 CoflcaUons 7:03 105 230.6 228.6 233.7 2327 234 3 2363 233.4 234,9 234.3 239.6 239.8 2471 231.9 238.3 238.5 2480 237.3 244.7 234.2 241.6 2349 2408 225.9 234.8 1982 1983 Reseaux do tetephonie 233 7 2128 224.9 213.9 2000 196.9 181.9 179.7 157.2 1635 144. 7 160.2 1402 152.8 1492 1595 154.5 166.3 165.0 177.3 1883 202.2 197.4 231.0 1982 1983 Enere electruque, gaz at eau 704 107 358 223.9 175 217.6 2030 2041 186.2 185.6 167.3 173.2 155.6 175.1 153.1 168.8 1636 177.2 168.4 1831 177.0 192.8 197.1 213.9 2041 238.6 1982 1983 Energie Otectrique 572 108 1 97 701 98 544 106 - 36 - TABLE 6. Indexes of Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Industry, by Month - Continued Indexes: 1971 = 100 Year AnnOe Seasonally austed Jan. Feb Mar. Apr May June 1970 109 574 110 8 ill 8.01 112 113 802 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 123 124 125 126 Wholesale trade 1982 148.9 148.1 143.9 139.1 143.3 137.6 133.5 133.6 135,3 1383 135.2 1983 138.7 133.9 134.6 1392 144 0 1490 138.5 144.1 1455 149,3 1489 Wholesale merchants 1982 150.7 149.9 145.5 1407 144.7 138.9 134.7 1349 1366 1399 136.7 1983 140.4 135.6 136.5 141.3 140.7 146.1 151,3 146,3 147.8 151.7 151.3 1982 149.7 148.3 147.2 148.1 148.5 147.8 146.3 1472 146.5 145.5 147.6 1983 147.1 147.4 152.2 145.7 157.3 149.8 154.2 154.3 152.7 154.9 154.8 1982 136.2 1188 118.1 120.5 120.5 119.8 120 5 1187 1195 119.0 117.9 1983 116.9 1176 123.5 118.8 115.8 122.3 120.4 120.6 120.5 120.0 120.8 Food stores General merchandise stores Department Stores 1982 137.0 1401 137.9 139.0 139.3 138.6 1374 1385 138.5 137.5 138.5 1983 138.9 140.3 147.9 1296 141 I 152.7 144.3 142.8 143.8 142.1 145.3 1982 151.7 1570 154.6 155.0 1548 154.1 153.4 154.6 155.4 154.1 1555 1983 155.2 157 5 167.2 144.0 1681 1720 162.7 160.8 162.7 160.0 1603 Other general merchandise stores Motor vehicle dealers 122 1982 149.4 148.3 145.8 144.4 146.3 143.6 141.0 141.5 141.8 142.4 142.5 1983 1436 141.7 144.9 143.0 145.1 151.7 1520 1500 149.7 152.5 152.3 Service stations and garages Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. ' 171.8 1680 169.8 153.3 1464 1982 169.1 159.8 157.2 163.6 150.9 159.8 159.0 162.7 1983 1436 148.4 1504 161.4 159.6 154.6 158.5 183.6 161 5 Retail trade July Aug. Janv. Feb. Mars Avr. Mai Juin Juill. Aojt I Gas distribution Trade I Desaisonna8sM Industry 1982 137.9 134.1 133.4 132.1 132.5 131.9 130.1 130.4 127.4 126.9 127.6 1983 1232 1227 124.3 1235 126.8 127.0 125.7 128.2 123.9 125.9 125.5 1982 123.1 135.5 133.2 1322 134.0 133.0 120.6 129.9 129.3 119.4 131.0 132.9 1983 133.1 142.2 141.8 150.3 149.2 149.5 148.5 139.3 154.2 159.8 Automotive paris and accessories stores Clothing stores 1982 124.6 115.1 113.9 1163 121.6 118.1 1182 1166 1180 1171 121.3 1983 1163 117.5 117.9 1129 111.9 131.7 126.8 127.0 128.2 127.5 1273 Lkjor, wine and beer stores 1982 167.0 168.3 172.1 1707 1638 165.5 163.8 168.7 171,5 1807 1782 1983 192.5 188.7 185 1 200.6 211.4 234.1 211 0 185.9 232.9 2153 214.7 1982 155.3 154.6 153.3 159.6 1588 158.6 168.9 152.1 1544 1526 154.0 1983 153,5 153.4 165.0 1488 149.4 158.7 1580 1566 152.7 141.6 130.5 217 1 1982 2242 2104 216.7 2170 229.4 221.9 230.2 230.3 231.1 231.9 232.1 1983 226,7 231 3 2294 2301 234.6 230.6 233.3 2338 2352 2322 Miscellaneous retail stores 1982 213.4 230.1 209.4 215.9 220.5 219.3 221.8 219.9 219.2 221.8 234.3 1983 231 I 2331 235.2 221,0 2369 257.8 244.9 251.1 250.0 253.4 256.1 1982 151.9 1535 155.9 151.4 152.0 151.6 145.5 148.9 149.5 151,3 145.6 151 4 152.3 155.6 1532 1504 1983 161.5 153.7 151.6 157.0 158.6 1538 Furniture, television. racSo and eppliance stores Drug stores Hardware stores 1982 112.1 111.5 109.4 112.0 1129 12.2 110.3 111.2 109.8 109.4 109.6 111.3 111.0 1983 115.3 106.1 112.4 119.8 115.6 116.3 113.1 111.7 1118 1982 188.6 169.3 171.8 166.3 166.9 162.4 161.9 164.5 1636 1646 1690 1983 1683 165 8 1638 1623 172.4 163.6 170.5 168.9 1720 1750 173 1 - 37 - TABLEAU 6. Indices du produit interieur brut en prix constants de 1971, par induatrie, par mole - cuite dices. 1971 = 100 Year Without seasonal atuStm0flt I I Annae Non désalsonnahsés Jan Feb Mar Apr. May June Industrie July Aug. Soot Oct Nov Dec. CAE 1970 Janv Fey. Mars Avr. Ma Juèn JuiIl Aoit 2919 2493 227.6 203.3 1903 ¶799 112 1 1 28 0 854 914 67.0 72.9 72.9 71.8 850 91,3 116.2 117.7 175.1 183.2 2046 2535 1982 1983 Distribution de 982 135.2 128 5 137.8 136.4 143.3 ¶41 7 1521 152.0 151.6 160.7 136.7 146.8 139.3 148.5 1457 1537 145.2 157.0 151.9 161.0 1631 1725 1982 1963 Commerce 144.5 1300 144.4 134.9 139,8 1393 ¶498 ¶48.2 147 1 153.3 127.4 1 41 4 132.9 1453 143.6 154 5 145.6 1607 142.1 153.0 121.3 132.1 1982 1983 Commerce do gros 148.5 132.1 146.2 137.0 141.4 141.3 151.2 150.4 148.5 1554 128.5 14.3.4 134.1 147.5 144.9 156.8 147.0 163.1 143.6 '55.3 122.7 134.1 1982 1983 Grossistee 128.6 1274 133.0 1374 145.8 1435 153.7 ¶54.8 154.8 1660 143.4 150.7 143.8 150.9 147.2 ¶53.2 144.8 154.3 159.1 186.8 193.2 201.6 1982 1983 Commerce de detail 1161 1152 113.2 118.3 119.7 117.7 1242 119.4 124.5 127 1 119.7 119 9 116.3 116.1 118.3 1196 118.1 11 W 0 117.2 120.4 130.4 1320 1982 1983 Magasins dalimentatlon 114 1077 1080 115.4 123.2 129.8 121,0 '34.4 135,0 1330 147.5 1209 128.3 131.4 1372 142.3 1460 139.4 145.8 173.4 178.1 233.6 237.8 1982 1983 Magasins do marchan&so chvorses 115 115.8 1163 1270 138.7 1443 134.2 1468 148.8 146.1 163.4 133.0 141.7 143.0 148.6 159.9 164.3 153.1 1623 197.3 202.9 282.3 2903 1982 1983 Grands magaaans 116 93.9 93.8 95.7 1003 104.7 98.7 113.6 ¶11.6 ¶10.9 120.5 1004 105.4 111.6 117.8 112,4 115.1 1161 117.9 ¶329 135.9 151,0 ¶48.6 ¶982 1983 Autree magasins do marchancse tiverses 117 126.5 114.8 1230 1146 128.8 1193 135.2 ¶31.0 1387 135.6 139.0 134.7 139 0 131.5 '30.3 128.4 129.6 128.6 1309 127.6 123.5 130.1 1982 1983 Stations-serv,ce at garagea 118 125.5 120,9 1436 1538 151.7 162,8 154.3 177.4 154.4 177.5 124.7 1488 1249 139.5 1304 1403 122.4 157.7 1297 '59.7 101.4 125.7 1982 1983 Detaillants on vel'iicutos aulomebles 119 144.1 1582 157.5 1160 222.4 2283 279,13 2845 2676 3155 246.9 275.8 208.6 238.5 2119 246.1 226.7 253.9 2697 3001 277.4 316.7 1982 1983 DOtaillanls do pièces 81 accossolres dautomotates 120 1100 1104 1181 1272 1433 143,5 1540 150,1 156.4 1874 135.3 1375 138.9 138.0 152.6 159.2 152.8 161,0 171.7 1821 2506 262.6 1982 1983 Magasins do vêtements 121 81.4 833 851 887 108.7 105.1 147.3 135.5 148.6 166.2 133.0 142.6 1208 131.5 121.3 1298 113.6 123.3 123.5 1298 149.5 157,2 1982 1983 Quincaillorres 122 150.2 168.9 1536 1652 159.6 171.8 164.8 202.0 174.6 223.3 167.5 2391 168.6 2362 160.8 2207 186.5 223.0 1932 2284 211.0 1982 1983 Magasins do meubtos, do téltivisours, do rartloa at daraIa ménagers 123 246.0 124.5 123.3 1256 1338 147.5 135.8 1533 ¶41.9 157.8 161.7 1821 1708 1582 1643 146.4 147.1 144.8 131.0 153.0 1286 278.6 259.1 1982 1983 Magasins tie vanla do spirituous, do sin at do biOre 124 15A 24.9 2071 221 1 2162 224.2 2127 224.3 2297 238.6 2173 217.4 2204 . 2238 226.0 229.6 226.4 231 7 2323 2322 296.8 288.8 1982 1983 51 4 1489 1585 150.9 1629 1583 ¶71.0 183.8 171 0 1790 1598 165.5 1621 171.2 163.9 171 5 162.7 173.6 182 7 ¶876 208.6 219.8 1982 1983 .1 514 109 8 110 801 Ill 112 802 113 125 Detaillants livers 126 - 38 - TABLE 6. Indexes of Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Industry, by Month - Continued Indexes: 1971=100 Year Seasonally adjusted Annee I Avr. I I I Désaisonnalises Industry Jan Feb Mar. Apr. May June July Aug 1970 127 9 Janv Fey, Mars Mar Juin Sept Oct. .D1c. NT Jell. AoCil Finance, insurance and real estate 1982 1983 188.9 169.6 168.6 167.9 1679 167.9 166.1 170.2 166.7 170.2 167,4 1706 1667 172.3 1686 172.4 168.3 172.0 168.6 170.6 170.5 171.0 Finance industries 1982 1983 190.8 189.8 1986 185.4 189.9 193.8 185.2 189.6 1853 185.9 183.2 185.5 182.5 189.6 185.3 186.5 183.5 183.3 182.7 1822 1831 1844 Banks and other deposit accepting estabIistwrients 1982 1983 215.7 203.7 214.5 202.6 213.7 2001 211.7 2050 209.3 204.6 2081 201.9 206.7 203.9 205.8 202.0 204.3 200.9 202.4 198.7 2027 2010 Security brokers and dealers )lnckuling exchanges) 1982 1983 105.5 185.8 93.1 149.3 112.6 122.8 81.0 168.7 103.3 133.2 90.8 153.0 96.3 168.8 133.4 153.2 128.3 129.8 138.0 131.6 1350 135.9 Insurance Carriers 1982 1983 205.1 203.8 206.5 201.6 207 5 2009 2094 200.3 209.8 199.3 210.4 199.5 210.7 2000 209.4 1982 206.8 1974 205.6 1956 205.5 195.0 Insurance agencies and real estate industry 1982 1983 170.6 171.5 169.8 169.3 167.4 171 9 166.9 173.8 165.7 176.2 1682 176.3 166.6 1776 1705 1794 171.4 179.2 172.3 177.1 177.6 1774 Imputed rent on Owner-occupied dwellings 1982 1983 154.5 198.5 154.9 156.7 155.0 1567 155.3 156.8 155.6 157.0 155.9 1573 1561 1576 156.3 1 57 9 156.5 158.3 158.5 158.6 156.5 158.7 Community business and personal service industrieS 1982 1983 149.3 147.9 149.0 145.9 149.1 1485 149.1 149.5 149.3 150.1 1485 150.5 148.4 151.4 148.3 151.9 148.0 152.4 147.3 151.6 1470 152.1 Education and related services 1982 1983 111.3 111.4 111.4 105.3 111.0 112.0 110.9 1122 110.3 1124 110.5 1122 110.3 112.4 110.5 112.6 110.7 112.4 111.1 112.6 110.8 112.1 1982 1983 142.8 147.6 142.5 148.6 143.5 149.6 144.2 1498 144.7 150.4 145.0 150.0 145.3 150.3 145.7 150.7 148.1 151.3 146.7 151.8 1463 151 8 137 10:04 Amusement and recreation services 1982 1983 191.4 185.4 198.3 187.0 168.0 189.5 189.7 190.0 166.6 187.6 190.8 187.3 1903 187.4 190.0 1875 193.7 1663 186.8 188.3 166.2 193.0 138 10:05 Services to business management 1982 1983 271.6 263.7 271.0 262.6 2709 262.0 2702 267.2 269.4 268.5 267.2 270.9 2652 273.8 263.7 2763 260.9 2759 260.6 274.7 259.2 279.0 139 1006 Personal services 1982 1983 113.6 114.4 113.5 113.6 113.3 1156 113.4 1151 114.0 115.1 113.9 115.1 113.8 114.8 1140 114.9 1137 114.8 1138 114.1 113.7 1135 140 10:07 Accommodation and tood services 1982 1983 136.9 127.1 137.1 126.3 1368 126.1 135.9 127.9 138.1 129.5 133.5 131.3 134.9 133.8 1336 1329 132.3 136.4 128.6 130.5 129.4 130.2 Public athitnistration and deltence 1982 1983 135.0 137.9 135.1 138.4 136.2 138.5 136.4 138.8 136.7 139.1 1364 138.4 136.9 137.8 136.8 138.8 137.4 138.9 137.5 138.6 137.2 137.3 Federal administration 1982 1983 120.8 123.8 120.8 124.0 121.2 124.2 121.7 124.9 122.3 125.5 122.8 125.1 122.8 124.4 123.0 124.9 123.3 124.8 123.8 125.0 123.5 124.8 Defence services 1982 1983 91.7 91.7 91.6 92.0 91.8 92.3 91.8 92.4 91.9 93.4 91.9 93.7 91.8 93.9 91.5 93.6 91.8 93.5 91.5 93.4 91.5 93,5 Other tederai arThnistration 1982 1983 139.5 1444 139.5 144.5 140.1 144.7 140.9 145.7 141.7 146.1 142,6 145.2 142.6 143.9 143.2 145.0 143.4 144.8 144.5 145.2 144.0 144.8 128 9:01 129 701 130 705 131 902 132 903 133 134 10 135 10:0 1 136 10:02 Health and weltare services 141 11 142 11 01 14.3 902 144 909 - 39 - TABLEAU 6. kdicss du produit Intériour brut on prix constants do 1971, par industrio, per mols - suite Year Without siescoal 5CU5tflhUflt Aee Non d6sa8sés Inójstne Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Janv, F6v. Mars Avr. Mai Juin Jul11. AoCtt Sept Oct Nov Dec CAE 165.8 1659 1884 167.7 169.5 169.8 186.6 1700 167.3 1709 168.7 171.6 1668 171 3 168.3 172.3 1692 1727 168.2 170 2 1708 172.4 166.3 169.4 1982 1983 Fuiences, assurances el aliases immo bslières 188.8 186.1 1880 185 2 190.5 1 81 3 1828 1864 1858 186.7 1843 185 6 1807 166.5 183.1 1 84. 9 1851 1843 1821 1 80 3 186.5 1885 179.8 1888 1982 1983 Instilutions fwrancvtires 216.8 205.4 212.8 201.2 212.6 199.1 2102 203,6 208.2 203.6 209,1 202.1 207.1 203.9 206.0 202.0 2045 2011 203.2 198.7 201.5 200.6 2044 201.7 1982 1983 Banques at autrea étabtaaements do d4p6ts 74.7 131 4 102.1 158.9 126.5 136.5 692 1461 118.0 1505 95.4 1522 74,4 1364 108.6 137.3 143.8 138.4 123.9 1126 183.6 181.3 890 174.1 1982 1983 Agents do cflange at couitiers an velours rnobuli4ros (comprend Is Bourse) 205.5 i 206.7 201.6 2011.0 206.9 200.3 207,8 196.7 209.0 198.5 211.2 2003 211.6 200.8 209.6 1984 206,6 197.2 2061 1960 205 9 195.6 204.2 195.1 1982 1983 Assureurs 168.5 1677 1709 1763 1694 1763 1693 1800 171.7 1804 168.5 177.6 171.8 181.0 173.1 181.0 171.0 1760 174.7 177.4 166.6 169.2 1982 1983 Agences dassurances 01 alfaires ,nwno bihCres 154.7 156.5 1550 156,7 155.3 158.8 155.6 1570 155.9 157.3 156.1 1576 1563 1579 158.5 158.3 1565 158.6 1587 158.9 158.7 159.1 1982 1983 Loyar umpule sur los IogefllenlS hebitOs par leur propnetaire 467 1456 149.6 148.5 1503 1499 150.8 151.4 1520 152.5 151.9 1534 1434 148.0 142.1 145.4 149.6 154.2 150.4 154.7 149,2 1543 144.6 150.3 1982 1983 Services eocio-cvjlturels coinmercisux of porsonnets 1162 1166 119.3 112.6 1202 . 121.4 119.2 120.7 116.0 117.9 110.4 112.1 846 86.3 80.0 81.6 110.4 112.0 118.6 120.2 120.2 121 5 115.4 116.3 1982 1983 Enseigiornont of services Ww1ol(88 142.1 146 9 141.7 1477 142.7 1489 1437 149.5 144.9 1507 1461 151 1 146.7 151.8 1467 151 6 148.3 151.4 148.4 151.4 145.9 151.5 146.9 1521 1982 1983 Services mericaux 01 soclaux 1761 1707 172.3 173.0 1721 1732 178.8 179.2 194.5 1119,8 208,4 1987 218.1 2003 2162 2096 1956 192.4 186.5 1879 1793 185 8 170.9 178.7 1982 1983 Divertissements 01 loisirs 269.7 262.2 271.3 2631 271 4 2621 269.0 2661 288.3 267.3 2678 272.2 266.5 275.2 2643 277.2 261 4 2763 2621 275.9 2598 2796 255.7 278.9 1982 1983 Services IolNrls ails entreprises 1140 1146 113.3 113.5 1129 1152 113.2 114.9 114.2 115.3 1146 115.8 113.6 114.6 1136 1146 113,3 1144 114.0 114.4 1136 113.4 113.8 113.5 1982 1983 Services porsonnets 1136 1044 128.0 116.5 1289 1190 133.2 126.7 144 2 134.1 151 1 1470 149.8 149.8 1529 152.1 143,2 1488 131.2 133.3 124.0 124.5 1085 1108 1982 1983 llti6orgement 01 restauratiOfl 131.0 1338 131.7 134.8 1337 1361 133.4 135.8 138.0 140.2 141.8 143.9 144.2 145.2 1423 1445 1384 1400 136.1 137.2 1348 1349 1341 1353 1962 1983 Aininsstration pt4lsque of defense 1182 1212 119.2 122.3 121 4 124.3 121.4 1246 123.5 1288 1259 128.2 128.4 128.1 126.0 128.0 1231 124.8 121.9 1231 121.5 122.7 121.3 1226 1982 1983 Acilsisetratlon 14dtlrale 909 909 91.2 91.6 91,6 921 91 5 921 92.0 93.7 92.6 944 932 95,4 928 95.0 91 8 93,6 91 I 931 91 0 92.9 908 929 1982 1983 Defense natlonale 357 1406 137.2 141.9 1405 145 0 140.8 145.4 143.7 148.0 147.2 149.8 147.7 1491 1472 149.2 1432 144.8 1411 142.3 141.0 141.8 1409 141.6 1982 1983 Autires services lederaux S 9 127 901 128 701 129 705 130 902 131 9. 03 132 133 to 134 1001 135 1002 136 1004 137 1005 136 1008 139 1007 140 11 141 1101 142 902 143 909 144 - 40 - TABLE 6. Indexes of Gross Domestic Product In Constant (1971) Prices, by Industry, by Month - Continued 4 Indexes: 1971 = 100 Year Seasonally a4usted AnnOe Ditisalsonnalistis Industry Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1970 No SIC Janv. FBv. Mars Avr. Mel Juin Juill. AciUt 145 11:02 Provincial a&riin,gtratlOn 1982 1983 157.4 161.4 156.5 161.9 158.7 161.4 159.7 1617 160.3 1617 161.1 161.9 161.0 1606 1602 1622 161.7 1640 1614 1625 1608 1569 161.8 1625 146 11:03 Local administration 1982 1983 141.6 142.8 1431 1442 1442 144.7 143.2 1443 142.7 144.1 139.0 141.7 141.3 1423 1412 1425 141.6 142.4 141.4 1423 141.5 1434 142.3 1438 Industry oupings(1): 147 Gross donlestic product less agriculture 1982 1983 143.2 139.5 1427 1382 141.9 139.6 140.8 140.4 140.4 141.8 1392 144.2 1373 144.4 1388 145.0 138.0 145.7 136.6 145.7 136.9 146.3 136.6 146.8 148 Industrial produclion 1982 1983 1294 1228 1280 1227 126.6 123.5 124.3 124.9 125.0 1263 1223 1293 118.5 1299 123.6 132.3 120.3 134.6 116.9 135.2 117.4 1367 116.7 138.1 149 Goods-producing industries 1982 1983 126.8 121 3 125.6 120.0 124.5 120.4 122.9 121.5 121.4 123.5 119.8 127.0 116.8 126.9 119.7 127.3 117.8 128.8 115.4 128.6 1157 129.5 1 160 103 150 Service-producing industries 1982 1983 153.2 151.2 153.0 149.7 152.5 151.6 151 7 1521 152.1 153.0 151.3 154.7 150.4 155.1 150.9 1557 151.0 1559 150.3 156.1 1505 156.5 1431 1566 151 Commercial industries 1982 1983 1470 1424 146.3 141.0 145.1 1420 1437 142.9 143.3 144.5 141.9 147.5 1397 147.8 141 5 148.4 1406 149.2 138.8 149.3 139.2 150.1 1387 150.4 152 Non-commercial industries 1982 1983 122.8 124.5 122.5 122.8 123.2 1254 123.4 125.6 123.4 125.7 1234 125.2 1235 1251 123.6 1255 1240 1257 124.3 125.7 123.9 125.1 1246 1261 153 Durable manufacturing industries 1982 1983 125.2 119.7 124.7 117.6 122.9 1185 122.3 119.7 122.4 122.4 1192 124.6 114.9 1259 123.9 129.8 115.9 1320 109.6 134.5 107.4 137.2 107.4 137.5 154 Non-durable manutacturing industries 1982 1983 128.3 126.1 126.9 1277 126.5 127.5 122.5 129.1 124.7 1283 1249 1299 122.3 1317 124.4 1331 123.7 134.1 121.9 132.8 123.4 134.3 122.6 137.0 155 Finance, insurance, real estate less royalties and irrxited rent 1962 1983 181.6 1816 180.6 1787 179.9 178.5 178.3 1824 177.8 182.3 178.6 1823 177.5 184.4 180.3 184.1 179.9 182.9 180.0 181.2 1830 1819 1782 180.0 156 Food manufacturers 1982 1983 1174 124.8 1206 1228 120.5 119.2 118.1 120.8 1213 1180 120.8 123.0 119.8 118,4 121.2 1196 1221 1189 118.6 119.3 120.8 121.5 1199 1237 157 Aulomotive products manufacturers 1982 1983 1162 1553 120.8 1458 126.8 1402 132.0 1435 134.1 1480 134.6 143.6 1343 147.6 1497 154,9 1272 1586 1074 171,2 977 180.4 110.6 185.1 Groupings of Industries by demand category(2): 158 Consumer goods and services 1982 1510 150.7 1503 150,2 151.6 150.4 1497 1516 1498 1482 1480 1486 1983 151.9 151.0 151 3 151.2 152.0 153.6 153.8 1539 1543 1550 156.4 157.0 159 Non-durable goods 1982 136.2 1344 1335 1329 1347 1340 1339 1340 1334 1322 1336 133:' 1983 1340 1350 1368 1343 1347 1386 1372 1372 1368 1367 1380 1383 1) See appendix 1 for Contents (2,' Sen lppendiv 2 101 COnICCIS - 41 - TABLEAU 6. Indices du produit intérleur brut an prix constants de 1971, par Industrie, par mols - suite Indices: 1971 - 100 year Without seasonal adiusunam Jan Feb Mar I Ansèe Non deaaaonnahs8s Indusirie Apr May June July Aug SepI Oct Nov. Dec. CAE 1970 Janv. Fey. Mars Avr Mar Juin Jul11 AOul 1 149.6 1504 154.2 153.6 55 1 156.9 1533 1554 162.9 163.9 189.8 170.7 1 74 7 174,2 170.5 173.9 1651 167.4 158.3 160.5 1560 152.4 155.2 156.2 1982 1983 Athwiisl,alion provinciale 1102 145 138.6 1385 1383 139.7 1399 1390 1380 1388 142.3 143.7 1460 148.9 149 5 1508 147.0 148.4 1424 1433 141.8 142.7 141.0 142.7 1391 140.3 1982 1983 ASTwsslratlon locale 1103 146 Agrg.ts del activltIs economlquss(1): 134.7 141.9 142.3 130.9 137.2 140.1 140.5 140.2 141.6 143.5 144.6 150.3 132.9 139.0 1370 143.2 1418 149.9 139.7 149.2 140.5 150.0 1346 144.3 1982 1983 Produit inl&ieur brul sans Ia'icultiwe 147 123.4 135.8 134.3 116.3 130.1 131.0 1272 1277 125.7 128.0 128.0 136.5 103.1 112.2 1153 123.6 123.8 1389 120.0 139.1 123.2 143.0 1100 1306 1962 1983 Production ,djstrielle 148 5 1219 119.6 124.5 123.0 122.1 124.4 116.9 125.7 102.2 1119 114.3 122.0 182 7 191.8 112.4 126.7 112.5 128.2 101 7 1171 1982 1983 Industries productrices do biens 149 151.4 150.5 151.6 152.1 15.4.6 155.7 1561 159.5 1491 153.2 149.6 154.5 1532 158.3 151.8 158.0 152.9 158.8 151.5 1579 1982 1983 Industries productrices de services 150 141 8 141.6 133.5 1289 136.5 138.7 144.2 143.3 1449 146.3 143 4 149.8 132.7 1402 139.7 146.6 174.3 182.1 138.0 149.2 138.9 150.7 1329 144.9 1982 1983 bidusthes oommeraallo 151 124.7 127.0 126.0 128.2 128.1 128 0 1162 119.7 115.8 117.7 1246 126.2 126.3 127.8 26 1127.2 .1 124 1 1256 1982 1983 Ir,thjsInea non coemlaroalee 152 1122 13011 1323 105.9 121 9 I 127.1 128,9 127.1 1283 130.2 131.0 139.3 97.4 107.2 111.6 117.1 121.7 138.4 113.6 140.4 1127 142.5 967 1226 1982 1983 Indusines manutactunOres do biens durables 153 1 1 6 7 130.1 131.1 1147 131.51 132.3 1229 129.3 1256 129.2 133.4 139.5 1094 117.0 123.0 131.4 133.3 144.0 127.7 138.3 128.9 140.3 110.1 124.2 1982 1983 Industries nwjlactui*es de biens non durables 154 1 1797 181.9 178 7 182.5 179.8 184.6 1809 1847 178,1 1635 1803 1845 161.3 1842 179 2 180.0 1826 163.4 175.8 178.9 1982 1983 Finances, assurances at alfasrea inynobiherea sans eas redevances at le Ioyer wnpule 155 1159 119.1 119.3 118.1 120.7 117.8 1277 1308 115.2 112.7 126.0 122.9 140.2 135.3 1239 123.0 124.9 128.0 106.3 113.3 1982 1983 Fabricants datinients 156 117.1 11 123.8 145.7 149.5 159.4 154.1 170.7 155 8 178.2 166.5 179.8 979 115.0 1189 116.5 129.8 158.3 1094 174.7 104.8 1669 86.1 155.0 1982 1983 Fiesicants do produits do Isolomobile 157 11 10'8 1161 116.2 • 141 1497 1433 146.4 I I 1 1 1 1 125.0 1225 123.4 124.3 123.4 127.2 1 1777 181.0 1 Arogats des ectivitIs Scononilques per type do deinlndl(2): 1389 1392 145.3 1458 147.2 148.1 1497 154.2 1576 1447 152.5 154.8 150.0 151.8 151.4 1982 1507 154.7 161.3 150,4 1545 1592 157.1 1606 1600 1963 Beans at services do consonynalion 158 118.4 116.0 125.4 126.6 126.4 129.5 128.6 134.6 140.9 125.8 136.1 143.2 136.0 1422 148.1 1982 1296 1341 145.9 1267 139.2 1465 140.3 147.7 154.0 1983 Biens non durables 159 Voir I'apporrdrco I pour I, conlenu Von I apperrdrce 2 pOur 16 cuflIeflu - 42 - TABLE 6. Indexes 01 Gross Domestic Product in Constant (1971) Prices, by Industry, by Month - Concluded indexes: 1971 100 Year Seasonally wusted Anntie Dtisaisonnahsès kjstry No 1970 SIC Jan Feb. Mw. Apc May June July Aug Jariv Fey Mars Avr Mai Juin Jul11 AoUt Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 160 Durable goods 1982 1983 1389 1578 141.0 150.6 141.2 148.0 142.0 149.1 146.3 152.9 141.9 154.7 136.8 155.0 151.0 156.3 141.0 155.8 136.4 168.0 1316 170.1 138.3 171.1 161 Services 1982 1983 164.2 1622 164.2 161.9 164.1 162.0 164.1 163.0 164.4 1634 163.6 163.4 163.7 164.5 163.5 164.5 1632 165.5 162.0 1641 1621 165.0 161.6 1653 162 Capital lormation 1982 1983 148.5 133.0 147.1 128.2 143.0 129.1 142.8 1299 135.0 134.0 134.2 1387 130.8 138.0 131.3 135.9 130.5 1332 130.6 133.3 1324 1323 133.2 1323 163 Construction 1982 1983 134.2 1259 134.0 120.5 132.0 121.6 133.0 1222 121.8 1279 123.8 1344 121.5 130.4 119.9 126.7 1207 121.4 121.8 119.6 124.4 118.5 127,1 117.7 164 Maclunery and equuprnenl 1982 1983 1766 1469 1729 143.3 164,8 143.6 162,1 145.0 161 1 146.0 154.7 147.1 149.0 152.9 1536 154.1 149.7 156.3 1479 1603 1480 1595 145.1 161.0 165 Intermectiate inputs 1982 1983 142.5 1367 141.7 136.0 140.9 137.5 138.0 139.4 138.3 140.9 136.7 144.6 133.6 145.4 135.7 147.0 135.4 149.3 133.1 1488 133.5 1498 131 149 166 Raw materials 1982 1983 1092 1044 107.6 101.7 107.0 102.0 105.0 103.6 103.7 1054 98.2 109.4 95.6 1099 93.8 1084 976 114.0 986 1127 998 1106 100 I 1081 167 Cceonlented ifl.jst.ries 1982 1983 1185 1177 116.5 115.9 115.8 116.5 1135 1193 114.1 119.4 113.1 127.1 106.1 129.8 112.0 129.5 1097 1294 109.5 125.5 1076 1248 1110 1254 168 Energy 1982 1983 1485 1378 145.4 137.7 143.1 139.3 1403 1394 141.1 1421 140.9 147.5 137.0 145.7 1422 148.5 141.5 1503 137.3 1497 140.3 1490 1362 1508 169 Other goods 1982 1983 1237 115.7 123.2 117.3 1224 120.2 1182 1219 119.0 123.3 118.0 126.9 114.0 128.7 117,9 1312 1157 1338 112.2 133.3 112.3 135.8 109.1 137.6 170 Other services 1982 1983 1821 178.7 182.9 176.9 182.3 177,9 180.0 1807 180.5 181.8 179.7 183.6 177,8 184.3 1788 187.7 1785 188.0 175.9 1890 175.5 191.2 173.7 190.1 171 Governmenl 1982 1983 123.1 1248 122.8 123.1 123.5 125.8 123.7 1259 123.7 1261 123.7 125.6 123.8 125.4 1239 1259 124.3 1260 124.6 1261 124.2 125.4 124.9 126.4 I n -43- TABLEAU 6. IndIces du prodult Intérleur brut on prix constants de 1971 par Industrie, par mole - fin Indices: 1971 - 100 Year Without seasonal adjustment Awièe Non d6aaieoa8sé. - --- Industrie - Jan Feb. Mar, Apr, May June July Aug. Jaw Fey Mars Avr. Ma, Juin JAIL AoOt Sept. Oct Nov. Dec CA 1970 No 1134 1277 133.3 141.3 1442 1504 153.5 161.4 1619 1712 162.0 178.7 121 I 136.5 140.4 1452 1580 1392 1714 1414 1806 1357 1696 1982 1983 Biens durables 160 1388 159.6 157.8 161 8 159.9 1620 1600 162.8 161.9 1653 1641 187.7 166.8 1676 1680 167.8 168.5 1651 167.8 1623 164.4 1609 163.8 1579 161 4 1982 1983 Services 161 1268 1141 1393 1207 1374 123.6 137.0 124.0 1362 133.8 143.7 150.0 1345 1419 137.7 1441 143.4 1462 141.0 145.1 135.3 135.3 1219 121 1 1962 1983 Formaflon 09 capItal 162 1120 104.2 1200 106.7 1181 1088 122.3 1120 121.8 126.3 133.7 146.9 1342 1446 1357 143.7 137.1 1378 1349 1324 1261 1213 111.6 1043 1982 1983 Bátiment 91 travarjx publics 163 1559 1335 1773 148.3 1754 152.6 165.9 147.6 1650 1478 163.3 158,1 1350 136.5 141.8 144.9 155.7 162.7 152.9 170.2 153.4 1626 1421 1541 1982 1983 MachInes 91 matOnel 164 306 245 139.2 133.2 1371 1350 141.2 142.5 139.2 1426 130.7 139.6 1200 1301 129.0 140.3 199,5 211.7 126.4 143.2 128.7 1465 120.3 1389 1982 1983 Consommation intermèdiai,e 165 582 550 68.4 61.2 627 616 117.4 1148 1085 1098 47.1 59.2 56.8 726 775 93.0 4697 471.2 507 69.8 51.4 73.0 532 70,4 1982 1983 Mabiees premieres 166 969 961 1123 1121 1178 1187 114.1 121.7 1189 1265 126.2 143.1 984 120.4 1117 1295 121.2 142.0 1190 1364 115.2 1292 94.4 105.4 1982 1983 Industries relièes 8 Is constructIon 167 1741 1601 170.9 161.3 1542 1496 137.7 136.2 128.8 127.7 124.1 1307 119.0 126.3 1266 1313 126.2 137.4 1318 143.8 150.0 159.0 155.0 174.6 1982 1983 Eriergie 168 1167 108.6 129.9 123.1 1304 128.2 123.3 127.1 1212 1301 125.2 136.1 1009 112.6 1093 122.1 118.4 137.6 1152 136.8 1155 1395 992 123.3 1982 1983 Autres biens 169 1124 1890 180.5 174.8 1814 179.2 179.7 1804 181.9 1633 1856 1896 1766 183.9 181,0 189.9 182.5 192.2 1777 190.7 1772 1921 1680 183.7 1982 1983 Autres services 170 1228 124.6 123.8 123.7 1254 1276 125.1 127.4 1264 1286 126.5 128.4 118.3 119.8 115.9 1178 124.9 1266 1267 1282 1284 127.6 1244 1260 1982 1983 Gouvernernenl 171 I I . 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