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Models 3O58O-OXXX 30580.1xxx = SELF.PRIMING PUMPS o o FEATURES (rl PumpType: Body: 316 StainlessSleel lmpeller: ShaliSeal: Mehanical;Carbon'on-Ceramic x x @ or TungslenCarbide;Nilfile 2" AC|',4E Thfeadswith BevelSeat Shalt: Weight: 316 SlalnlessSlesl 3 1 . 0l b 1 1 4 , 1k g )A p p r o x . x I (Jr a 0 x x x APPLICATIONS DAIRY: Transt€rand pfoc€ssing ot raw milk,cr€am,milkwhoy, butl€.milk, cond€nsed mik. FOODs I Pfocassing ol 69gs,srigarliquors, brin€s, calsup, chocotal€, VARIATIONS AVAILABLE glaz€,gelarin, jams,j€llies,mayofnaise, hon€y, motasses, musrard, picklofellsh,vinsgar,waler,yeaslstufitos,syrups, tiquidscontahlng MOOEL DESCFIPTION solidslnsLrsponsion suchaschoppsdlomalo€s, nuts,p€anutbutt€r, BEVEFAGE:Clrculaling andtraisleiiingalcohols, beers,br6w6ry 30580-0005 Slandard Pressurc, Noopr€ne lmp€11€r, slop,cider,distillgry won,€xtracts, ttavofs,juics,mash,sofidrink Carbon S€al,ACMEPorls PHARMACEUTICAL: pfocess 1,,4 ovlngm€dicines, cosmetics, cheml cals,lolions,prepararions, Jllteingsoturtons, usedas a tittingtin€ supplypurnp. 30580-0015HighPressurs, N€opr€n6 lmpeller, WAFNINGjDo not pump solvents,thinners,or ga3otineas exploBion mayresultcausingpropertydamage, severeperson6l ihluryor dealh. 30580-0105SlandardPressure, Nsoprenelmp6ll€r, Tungst€nCabideSsal,ACMEPorts OPEBATINGINSTRUCTIONS - Pumpmaybe mounled 1. INSTALLATION in anyposition. The rotalion ollhe pumpshaltdel€rmines th€localion o{thepump's intakeanddischarge ports.Refertodim€nsionaldrawing. Pumpis normally assombl€d arfasrory for clockwise rotadon lookingal endcov6r.ll count€fclockwise rolation is desir€d, lollowsl€ps1 and2 ol disassembly andslepI ol assembly inslruclions lo chang€dk€clion ol impellsr bladedellection 2. DFIVE- Beltor directwlh I exibl€coupling. B€llDrive:Overlight beltoadwillr6ducepumpbea ng tils. DifectD ve:Clearance shouldbe leJtbetween dfiveshaftand pumpshaflwh6ninsta ns coupling.Awaysmounrandatisn pumpanddrlveshaftbeloretighlening th€coupting selscrew. lf pulleyorcouplngmLrst be pressed on slraft,femoveendcover andimpelle.tosupport shaftiromimpslter enddLjingpress op€ralion.Donothammer pulleyor ouplingon shaft;thismay damagebearing ors€al. ThreePhasecapacitor startmotor:s requksdtoovercome srarting WARNING: Exposedpull€yandbeltscancaus€injury,inslall shieldaroundpulleysandbelts. Carbon Seal,ACMEPods 30580-0115HighPressure, Neoprenelmpeller, TungstenCarbideSeal,ACMEPods 30580-1005SlandardPfessurc,Neoprcnelmp6ll€r. Cabon S6al,ClampPorls 30580-1015HighPressure, Neoprenelmpsller, CarbonSeal,ClampPoris 30580-1105SiandardPressure, Neopr€ne lmpeller, Tungsren Carl5id6 Seal,ClampPons 30580-1115HlghPressure, Neoprene lmpellef, TungsienCarbidoS6al,ClampPons 3. SPEEDS- 100 RPMtoths maximumshowninlhe performanc€ 9. TEMPERATURES- The operating temperaturptirnils01the curves. For longerpumpl te, opeml6at towesrposaiblespeeds. pumpdependson th€ impellercompound.The fottowing Loworsp€edsarc requked for vts@ustiquids,consutrrheiaclory rdg€s apply: N€opr€ne- 45" ro 1500F (7" 1065. C). ro, properspe€dsand ho,sepower'equiromenL. 10. CLEANING-Belorelsing pumpirshoutdbe djsass€mbtedand - Pr.nes ar.ow or highsoeeds. For v€ dry 4. SELE-PRIMTNC creanedto removeany dustand did resutringtromslorageor s u c l o n f l o l 1 0 f e e t ,a T 1 : m u mo r 8 0 0R p l t s , e a u i r e d p. u m o shipping.Washpaftsin slandardcteaningsotulionsapprov€d wl orodLcssLclion itr up ro 22 teerw"6i wer. ior handlingstainlesssr€el.Thofoughtyrinsebetorereasssmbty. BE SURESUCTIONLINESAqE AIF|IIG'IT OR PUIVIP WI-DO NOTUSE ODINEBASEDSAN|T|ZERSaslhe iodineanacis NOT SELF-PRIME. th€ elaslomermaterialsus6din he impett€r. 5. DISCHABGE- Wh€ntranste-ingtiquiostudherrhe 25. use All partshavebeenexperuymachinedand polish€d.HANDLE on€ size largsrdischags linerhandischarg6porrsize. WITHCARE, DO NOT DROPOR I\,IISHANDLE. 6. FIJNN,NGDFY- dopendson tiqud punoedror tubricalion. 1 1 . I M P E L L E R T O R O U E - T h € l o r c u e r e q u i r e d t o i n i t i a t e r c l a t i o n o f DO NOT RUN DqY tor mor€fia.30 seconds.La.,(ot quid a new impell€rin a dry pumpbodyis: will damagetho impettsr. slandafd Pressu16lmpeller(89s4,SERtEs): FoMard = 20.8poundslo.ce - is€t 7. PUMPAGECOl,lPAT|BiL|TY- ConsLrlt the ChemicatFesislancs Reverss= 37.4poundsiorce-l€et Guidein th€ JABSCOIndusrfiatpumpcatatog(avaitabt€ !pon HighPressurclmpellef(8600-SERtES): r€quesllrolr lTTJabsco)or taclorytor properbodymaleriatsand FoMard= 27.5poundsforcs- tssl rmpstte'compounds.ttco"osivofluiosar6 handed.oumotifewitl Fev€rs€= 49.0poundslorce-f6€l bs prolongedit pumpisltushedwilh a neurralizinq sollrionalter Th€sevalu6smayvaryslightlydu€ ro impe €r compounding, 6achuse o. alt€reacnworkday. ATungslonCaibidsSeal bladsset,and bodymaleiatot consrrucrion.Consutttadory tor variatonis availabtefor pumoingtiquds rharco-tain abrasivssor mor€inlormation. are nrgnrycorroslv€, 12. SPAFEPARTS-To avoidcosrlyshurdowns, - ConsuttPertofmanceCurvestor maximum 8. PRESSIJRES keepa spare JABSCOimpeller,soal and O-rjngs€t on hand. r€commended pressurastor pumpin pressurssexcosdlhos6 shown,consultths lactory. SERVICEINSTRUCTIONS DISASSEMBLY 1. Removeih6 fout endcovelscr€ws,Remove€ndcov€randO-rind. 2. Bomov€,lh€ tourscrcws,holdingrh€bodyto ihe bearinghoL:sngiiange.sridebody,comproro wrthrmp€I€randwearplar€, p€daslalandshaJlass€mblv. a ins€;instwo screwdrivsrs berindseatcotiar, ands€nrtyteverco ar ands€atass€mbty l:T-"j"-T"-?l"j'::l :" roMardon shan us€ ext'€me car6.or to mafshaftsurrac€ Fl6nov6s€arsearand rubb€rcuprrcf r6c€ss.^ w€;rpat6 4 Fromth€d ve €ndol th€ boaringhousng, pry outbeafingsoalby insedinga screwdv6r btad6belwosnoD ot th€ s€atand nousr^g.H€movsrotaininging. v€ry car€lulywithdrawsnai andbaalngassembty. -5, r(6mov6 Inior b€an^gssatandr€tainrng ring. ".i:-t_".:u: uomshallan arborPf€ssis foquifed.Itan arborpr€ssis not availablelh6n a bearing€rlracrormaybo Y,lnq",nn€r us€o supponrng raceof boaring,applya sleadypressuroon shattuntitbearingslideslree. Repeitthisproceaure lo removesocondbeafing, ASSEMBLY t.I:'",01?:" -:hall Supponba[ b€a ng on its innerraceandtocar€shatloniob6aing. Apprya sleadypressur€ ro ?::',"n rheshanuntit bearing tocatss aga:nstshould€ron shaft,R€peatlor s€condbearing. ^ z. rrr rerarnrng nngandbearng s€atinioimpellersndot bearinghousing.Sping on bea ng seallojaceoulwards. 3 Applybearinggreasearoundandb€tweenbsarings, lillingcavitybetweenbeiringstwotilrds lutt- Smeafgreaseon shalt wh€rebearingseallocates.pushshattandbearingassemttyintoUearing housiig._ 4. Replac€relaining ng andouterboaringsealwilhspringlacingoutwards.5. Replac€mechanical sealby slidingspacerontoshaltuplo locatingshoulder, thensmearshaftwilhtighttubicatingojt. push on s€algenllyunlilitengageswiihspacer.Fitrubbercupandseatseatifitowearplate. 6. Insedimpell€rin pLmpbooy,tit O ringin eachsndot rh€pumpmdv. Firwearolaie to boov. 7. Slide andbodyassembly ov€rshalt,posironweaplatei; housing Fitbodyto p€destatwith screws.Tofquescrews _wealplate lo 10tt. lbs. Note:A gapshouidbe majntained b€tweenbearinghousingandbody. DO NOTovertighten screws. 8. Fil endcovefand€ndcov€rscrews,ToGUescrswslo 10 ft. lbs. S.ChangingPumpRotation(lookingal€nd cove4l Clockwis€ Rotation:Insenimpelt€rintopumpbodywithbtadesb€ndjnscounterctockwjse Counterclockwise Roialion:Insedimp€ er intopumpbodywhhbladeslendingctockws€. PARTSLIST KEY 2 DESCRIPTION OTY. REO. BearingHousing 1 Eody: 1 PABTNO. 18753-0186 1A753-0372 18753,0373 2-4. ClampPorts 2'B. ACMEPorts EndCover 5 Shatl 6 lmpeller: - N€oprene StandardPressure HighPfessure- Neoprcn€ 1 1A753-0374 1 18753-0202 1 19753,0208 8984-0005 8600-0005 7 Spacer 18753-0230 8 SealSeal: Carbon- Nit le Tungsien Cabide - Nitdle 187s3-0368 18753-0369 I SealMech.: Cabon- Nitrlle - Nikile Tungsl€n Caicid€ 18753-0975 18753-0376 10 B6aringSeal 2 18753-0260 11 O-RingiNitril6 2 18753-0267 RetainingRing 2 18753-0272 19753-0276 18753-0285 13 Bsadng '14 ScrcwKit: ol Consists Screw,HexHd.Mgr 20mm (4) Screw, PanHd,MO)( 14mm (4) (4) Washer, FlalM8 EXPLODED VIEW lff#cW86ffi3 @ DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS Li*i PERFORMANCE CURVES dSF STANDAFD PBESSURE IMPELLER E:T H I G HP R E S S U BIE MPELLEB I E s t 3 fr ars? t !.0 E r " . 0| I \ s ::r \ ?" \ \ i\ s oE 3 6 8." ^ .,I I NOTE:Curvesshowapproximat€ h€adtlowfornewpumpswithn€opr€ne impellerpumpirgwater. PUMPSPEEDSELECTION ACCORDING TO PRODUCT VISCOSITY Vlscosily s.s.u- PumpSpeed (Mar. RPM) Viscosily PumpSpeed (Max.RPM) 50 100 2AO 300 400 s00 600 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 171s 700 800 900 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 1680 1645 1610 1575 1s40 1505 1450 s.s.u. Vlscoslly s.s.u. PumpSpeed (Max-RPLr) 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 THEPBODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREINARESUBJECTTO THEJAASCOONE YEARLIMITEDWARRANTY, WHICHIS AVAILABLEFORYOUBINSPECTION UPONREOUEST. @Copy ght 1991,ITTCoryoration 1400 1312 1225 1138 1050 962 875 Viscosity s.s.u. PumpSpeed (Max.BPM) 15,000' 747 20,000' 700 30,000' 612 40.000' 525 50,000' 437 75,000' 298 100,000' 175 ' LlseHighPfessurelmpeller III.rmsco A Unitot ITTCorporation 1485OaleWay,P.O.Bor 2158,CostaMesa,CA 92628-2158, Telephone:(714) s45 8251 BingleyRoad,Hoddesdon, Hertfodshire EN11OBUEngland, Tolephone:+44-992'467191 Fonn:4300G0555 10/91