User U M Manual 31885
PO OWE ER BA ANK K 220 00m mAH H
I. Introducti I on Th his productt is a lightw weight, env vironmenta ally friendly y, high capa acity stylis h mobile po ower for po ortable devvices anywhere, anytiime, which h will keep you away from troub ble. Th his productt contains a high-perfformance llithium-ion batteries, lightweighht, safety, en nvironmenttal protectio on. Via the e attached cable (Mic cro USB ca able), not oonly can po ower the po ortable devvice directly, but also o can charg ge the builtt-in batteryy. It provides p adequate back-up ene ergy for the e wild expe edition, tra aveling, Advventure, an nd travel ho ome. II. Applies fo or n the markket. 1. Be suitablle for mobile phone in 2. Be suitablle for hand dheld video o games PS SP, NDSI, NDSL. ance III.. Performa 1. Exquisite, fashion de esign, to charge han dheld deviice at any time t forr business people, fa ashion icon n, outdoor h hiker and etc. e 2. Easily usin ng, no nee ed variety of o settings,, simply se elect the ppropriate cconnector to change. ap 3. Plug & pla ay, auto-sle eep mode function, w when no cu urrent outp put, will sleep automaticallyy. c prottection, ove er discharg ge 4. Short-circuit protectiion, over charge pro otection, in ntelligent protection p of o lithium, h high conve ersion efficiency, lea akage prottection. IV V. Outside view draw wing
Battery indicator Micro US SB Input Interface
USB B Output In nterface
V. Technical parameters ITEM
High-energy green Li-on battery cells
Input Voltage
DC 4.75 ~ 5.25V
Adaptive intelligent charge management system voltage
Input Current
Intelligent current input management system
Rated Output Voltage
DC 5.0V±0.25V
Adaptive voltage output, intelligent low-voltage alarm
Output Current
Intelligent load detect and steady current output management system
Charging time
High charging efficiency
Cycle life
≥ 300 times
(300 cycles)
Net Weight
Product net weight (without accessories)
VI. How to use it 1. Charger for power bank The applicable standard cable plug in the computer USB or USB charger, connect to the Micro USB of mobile power, automatic wake-up charge. During charging, the battery indicator light cycling; full power indicator light indicates charging completed. (See Figure 1, Figure 2) 2. Charger for digital products Using the cable and adapter of the digital products, the electronic switch will be on automatically, output 5V voltage for use. (See Figure 3)
Co onnection n diagram Fig gure 1: Adapter Charging Fig gure 2: US SB Chargin ng Fig gure 3: Ch harging for Mobile pho one
VII. Notice En nsure the p product's safe operattion please e read the manual m carefully befoore using that: t A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Atten ntion matte ers Mobile e power ha as built-in lithium-ion l battery, do not use metal m objeects to sho ort-circuit products, p in n order to a avoid equip pment failu ure and security riskks. Shall not be placced in hot and humid d environm ment. molish or mobile m pow wer transforrmation. Shall not be dem equipment shall meett the speciffications re equired to use DC poower, The e the usse of otherr power sup pply may ccause fire or o malfunction. The h heavy impa act may cause fire or explosion. Terms of use For th he first time e or no usin ng for a lon ng time, th he mobile power p need 8 to 10 hours to fully y charge. Mobile e power fo or temperatture -10°C to 45°C degree temperature raange. For be est chargin ng results, please use e the mobiile power in suittable temp perature co onditions. When n charging and using, this produ uct will be a slight fev ver, which h is normal, not malfu unction. If the products hold h for a lo ong time, yyou need to charge at a least e months to t maintain n its charge e propertie es. once every three Mobile e power le eft unused for f a long ttime will be e loss of po ower, which h's normal self-discha s arge pheno omenon, if ready to use, u please e charge again. a Keep the mobile e power cle eaning, ple ease clean it with dry y cloth e using if th he port is dirty. d before