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_______________________ t G Turbines crea controversjf o o d m o r n in ING — Today:-Perio ;rio d 5 ------ High 57. Lx)h Page LOOK (IH.GFQRA!-- f dial. At first. ,slie eciulm iienf .thley ey aa- scarcely m ade suiv ed w'liether she would (iiiestioned visii)le lie n e a th1 it. It. th em — not so A jiau se to lowi ;)wer a litter, con- I’c toohaniUe h: iiotionally :ls technically, vey c h arts a n d1 uuntangle tubes, m uch criioti lie Ihave the skills to do and tlien th eJ niiew arrival Is Would she .•.under the Wal- th e joh? whisked inside. i illmes," she siiys, "I’ll go e r proclaim ing •Jwrnellm ter Heed b an n ei lurIba'ak room a nd tiiKe CJire" an d back to our "We provide wvarrlor ar o n to a tr ia g e r ooom oi . :• coi'P'i-' deep ba-aths. ru think, iuiytliing else 1 a m posIs there iuiy T hat p a u s eI Is 1< all M ichael siWydo? Wagner neecLstotosay. "Welcome liiie*s there Is not. No Sonietliiii hom e." O ver th the past 2 1/2 xllclne she u m orTer. n o . years, th e ch ieff oo:f th e hospltiU's «J\ore medic ler than a rcposilloned yA ssistim ceCen- . r^ iu f other Mc*dlciil 1-ainllyA V ppatient Nichols will la th ehsisgreeted piUow A, ter estimate's thal rget, a soldier fmm the h u n d a 'd s o f natit atients, as well as urces assisting d ie Unltthousiinds o f family fan members. i 111 Ihe fighting, \vrithcil Ills first w eeks, h strugded to J. he one nlglit. 1le spoke no vords "’nilsn u v 's for hoursi on find d ie r id it woi l^ B lish aand n d would look at her m issing a (eg. vWlr n d o ^ t o a'hendlngly. " 'n ie a ' vwis Until he >Hicompa-hi him?" h e w o nidered. dt could reassure him." she understood: "'Ilii n i c y t e n ... I w , was just o n e of those diey're n o t . aair m . . T h e y , . l «u sal down a n d held his hu m an beings." lit helpless." ■, , hand. I felt li • • lalances th a l m em ory | |(.t p;ircnLs Ikh m om ents w hen patlenls ton slate w ony, ir beginning steps on a press h er for cfet; T u TWO EXTRA DAYS THIS stliesis o r retunic*d with I •h e I R S i s g i v i n g y o)U on the w-ard?" hIniT m ,n h f r « ill ,, J i | „ and big h ug after dis_____________ THE 1 5 t hI fAi.LS f, ON A S a t u r d a y . say, vaguely enouj om e conipllaited "Weve got soni nunies keep a hoiind guys on th e flo« lo o r rlglil now." i„ o k ILstlne :lng all die ]iatients on Clarlsa N ichols from D ecem ber 2(X);j, ,r , does not elahoratt I slower shift, diey'll get ' . She is 2