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DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Contents Scanning and Capture............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Filing, Indexing & OCR..............................................................................................................................................................................................7 Retrieving, Managing & Sharing.......................................................................................................................................................................10 Compliance, Security & Auditing.................................................................................................................................................................... 13 STREAMLINE SEARCHING FOR DOCUMENTS WITH A DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM For most organisations, searching for documents is a time sapping activity. Think about the number of times a day that you have to refer to paper invoices, statements, contracts, delivery notes and more. Although necessary, it is time consuming. What’s more, your colleagues are doing the same thing too. How much time does that add up to? A Document Management System allows you to capture digital and paper documents, file, retrieve and securely manage them, all whilst complying with document retention statute. •• •• •• •• Help you find documents in seconds Access documents on any device, from anywhere: desktop PC, mobile, tablet •• Help you share documents, effortlessly and securely Free up valuable office space by removing filing cabinets Protect your documents from prying eyes •• •• Track who viewed and accessed documents Improve disaster recovery from fire or flood FIND YOUR DOCUMENTS IN SECONDS Version 1.1 SCANNING AND CAPTURE Getting documents into your system is quick and easy Capturing, it sounds like a scary term, but all it means is getting your paper or digital documents into your document management system. If it’s easier, think of it as your in-tray and what you would usually do when preparing to file your documents e.g. separating documents, making sure they’re the right way around, or if not needed then taking them out. Capturing Paper Documents The most efficient way to capture paper documents is to scan them either by using a multifunctional photocopier or a dedicated desktop scanner. Which one is more suitable depends on a few factors, including the size of the documents and whether you are bulk scanning. It may be the case that a mixture of both is perfect for you. Multifunctional Photocopiers Your modern office photocopier is far more capable that those of the past, with virtually all of them now providing printing, faxing and scanning capabilities. With both A3 and A4 scanning as default and reasonable scanning speeds, they can handle day-today scanning into a document management system with ease. Depending upon the model the scanner specification can go up to 500 sheet capacity and benefit from speedy one-pass duplex scanning. Professional Desktop Scanners Professional desktop scanners are the ideal choice for dedicated scan stations, where large volumes of scanning is taking place that would otherwise cause bottlenecks for multifunctional photocopier users. They can scan at much higher speeds than their multifunctional cousins and have a far higher suggested maximum number of daily scans, helping to make them comparatively more reliable and suitable for archiving. Capturing Electronic Documents Automatically or manually add emails, PDFs and more As well as paper documents, companies receive a wide variety of electronic documents through email, web services and fax. These documents are already digital, so there is no need to print and scan them. Email accounts and folders can be monitored for files, which can be captured on arrival for inclusion in your document management system. Of course, you might not want every document to be captured, so rules in filing & indexing can determine which documents you wish to store and which you do not. ATTACHMENT CAPTURE RULES Emails to: customerservice@ accounts@ recruitment@ john@ Automatically capture electronic documents Scanning Multiple Documents Save yourself time by bulk scanning documents Scanning paper documents one by one is pretty straightforward, but can be time consuming if you have a large batch. By using ‘separator sheets’ between your documents when they are scanned they are saved as separate documents. Separator sheets can also provide additional instructions using barcodes or patch codes. These codes can tell the software about the document type, for example, whether a document is single or double sided, or landscape or portrait. Barcode sheets are incredibly easy to setup and use. DOUBLE SIDED / COLOUR Capture documents even quicker with barcodes Cleaning Things Up Make documents tidy before you store them Most documents that you receive will be suitable for scanning straight into your document management system, but sometimes a bit of TLC is required to ensure they are stored correctly and are easy to read. BEFORE Rotation Straightening Colour adjustment Etiam rhoncus libero nec accumsan blandit. Curabitur eget tristique elit, nec ullamcorper risus. Aliquam accumsan vel enim id egestas. Donec lacinia mauris vel sem ultricies lacinia.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam dolor vitae lacususcipit , nec malesuada ipsum fringilla. Fusce venenatis ut nulla vel rhoncus. Integer volutpat id nibh sed euismod. Aliquam vitae pretium mauris, at pretium orci. Etiam rhoncus libero nec accumsan blandit. Curabitur eget tristique elit. Scanned documents can be automatically or manually cleaned up, helping to correct a variety of common issues. For example a skewed, upside down, speckled document can be de-skewed, rotated and despeckled. Black hole punches can be turned back to white and stapled or folded corners can be cropped. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam dolor vitae lacus suscipit, nec malesuada ipsum fringilla. Fusce venenatis ut nulla vel rhoncus. Integer volutpat id nibh sed euismod. Aliquam vitae pretium mauris, at pretium orci. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam dolor vitae lacus suscipit, nec malesuada ipsum fringilla. Fusce venenatis ut nulla vel rhoncus. Integer volutpat id nibh sed euismod. Aliquam vitae pretium mauris, at pretium orci. AFTER Etiam rhoncus libero nec accumsan blandit. Curabitur eget tristique elit, nec ullamcorper risus. Aliquam accumsan vel enim id egestas. Donec lacinia mauris vel sem ultricies lacinia.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquam dolor vitae lacususcipit, nec malesuada ipsum fringilla. Fusce venenatis ut nulla vel rhoncus. Integer volutpat id nibh sed euismod. Aliquam vitae pretium mauris, at pretium orci. Etiam rhoncus libero nec accumsan blandit. Curabitur eget tristique elit. Aligning Cropping Despeckling Black hole-punch removal Automatically enhance your documents for storage Getting Things in Order Organising your documents is easy with drag and drop Imagine you have scanned your documents and automatically cleaned them up but you notice there’s a page missing, the other pages are in the wrong order, and an unrelated page has been scanned. Do you start again? No, there’s no need to. With easy to use drag and drop, you can simply insert, delete and rearrange your scanned document’s pages so that they’re in the correct order and ready for the next step. This is particularly useful where multiple users are scanning documents for a central operator to index and file. 1 2 3 5 6 8 7 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT IS A KEY PAIN POINT AND PRIORITY. NEARLY TWO THIRDS OF IT EXECUTIVES ARE INVESTING IN DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT INITIATIVES.* * Source: Forbes, 2014 Dragging and dropping pages is a breeze 4 FILING INDEXING & OCR Never lose a document ever again with indexing and OCRing You’ve scanned in your documents and now you’re ready to file them. Unlike a filing cabinet, a document management system can not only file your documents in a ‘traditional filing structure’ but can also add additional information known as ‘metadata’ to help you retrieve them without knowing their filing location. What’s more, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology can convert printed and handwritten text into readable text that you can search for using keywords, just like a search engine. Virtual Filing Cabinets Like your existing filing cabinets but better As you probably know, there are many ways to organise a traditional filing system, for example, you could file invoices by month received or by customer name. These are called classification schemes and they are the traditional way to group documents that are alike together. The problem is the traditional way of filing is very good at making it easy to find documents by browsing but it’s not great for searching. We usually have to leaf through a folder’s contents to find the document we need, which takes time and requires the user to know where to look in the first place. All document management systems can mimic your existing filing structure as ‘virtual filing cabinets,’ providing familiarity and peace of mind for your traditionalists, but document management systems have the power to help your users find documents quicker and more easily using indexing and metadata. Perform basic filing without the floorspace Indexing & Metadata Pinpoint your documents, in seconds! Indexing & Metadata, ‘what is that’ I hear you cry. Don’t worry, these concepts are simple to understand and use and will transform how your company searches for documents. Metadata is information you add about the document you are going to store. It has been cleverly described as ‘data about data.’ Put simply, metadata describes the attributes of a document that you would naturally search for when trying to find it. For example: if searching for an email, you might search for: date sent, sender name, recipient name or subject. Or if searching for an invoice: invoice number, date or supplier name. These would be ideal metadata fields to use for these documents. ADD META DATA Date Received: 12/1 Suplier Name: Smith and Co Doc’ Type: Invoice Invoice #: 23123 STORE Make finding documents easier with metadata Creating an index using metadata improves searches and provides better ways to organise your documents compared with the rigid classifications of traditional filing systems, helping you to find the documents you need more quickly and easily. Rapid Indexing Autocomplete index fields by linking to your other databases to save time and improve accuracy The majority of filed documents are related to transactions, such as invoices, whose data may already be recorded by your accounts software, CRM or purchasing database. Instead of having to re-key the same information that has been entered into your accounting system it is possible to link your document management system and perform rapid indexing. Rapid indexing autocompletes additional fields when populating a key field, such as invoice number. These could include fields such as the invoice date, supplier name and account number. Rapid indexing is not only quicker, but also potentially more accurate compared to manual indexing. ADD META DATA Account #: 00238 Invoice #: 23123 RAPID INDEX RETRIEVE Supplier Name: Smith and Co Nominal Code: 0030 STORE Link your databases to easily add related information Automatic Indexing Index and file using OCR For some, the Holy Grail of document management is fully automated indexing. This is possible with a technology called Zonal Optical Character Recognition that uses a pre-defined template to read specific areas of a document that contains the information that needs to be indexed. Zonal OCR works brilliantly for companies who have a high volume of documents but with a very low level of variation, for example, a company with a handful of suppliers. Difficulties with Zonal OCR arise when a document’s format changes, this is because the words or numbers that need indexing may have moved position and therefore an error would occur. If your documents are highly structured (e.g. invoices) and low in variation (e.g. internal documents) then Zonal OCR Indexing is the perfect solution for your document management needs. If not, then semi-automatic indexing is probably more suitable. SUB TOTAL ZONE VAT ZONE TOTAL ZONE Pre-define zones where index data sits Semi-Automatic Indexing Speedy and accurate indexing Organisations typically receive a large variety of documents that need indexing and filing. Even though filing in a document management system is already quicker than manually filing paper, any way to increase speed and accuracy is always desirable. INVOICE NUMBER = 23432 STORE Rubber Band OCR Indexing: “Rubber Band” refers to the method of being able to drag a box around the text you wish to identify as the desired metadata. Although this might sound like a laborious process, in practise it is one of the quickest and most intuitive methods of indexing currently available. The text is automatically recognised using OCR for the operator to verify visually. OCR Indexing: This method of indexing uses OCR recognition to make the text on the page readable by the document management system. The user simply selects the text or numbers required for the pre-determined metadata fields with one click, which are automatically entered into the index. Quickly select text to index using Rubber Band OCR RETRIEVING MANAGING & SHARING Find and share your documents quickly from anywhere to boost your productivity You have captured and indexed your documents and safely and securely filed them. Now it’s time to retrieve them. Retrieving documents from a document management system literally takes seconds. How does this compare to how you currently retrieve documents? •• Finding your documents takes seconds rather than minutes or hours •• Related documents can be suggested, helping to speed up your tasks •• Checking in, check out and track all document revisions and changes •• Securely access your documents from your desktop, mobile or tablet •• Securely share single files to complete cabinets with remote workers, customers or suppliers Retrieving Documents Searching for Documents using Metadata Finding your documents takes seconds rather than minutes or hours Having already indexed your documents using metadata, finding them is quick and simple. Because your metadata relates to attributes about your document, you can search using a single attribute or refine your search with multiple attributes. For example, search by company name and refine by document type and date created. 56781 Invoice Number Nominal Code PO Number Date Sent Date Received Account Manager Type Code Nominal Code Find the exact document you need using metadata Searching for Documents by Keyword Helping you find the needle in the haystack “INVOICE” + “FLIGHT” + “PARIS” When your documents were indexed and filed, they were also made readable by Optical Character Recognition. Because your documents are now readable, this means that you can find the document you are looking for by searching for keywords within the document, just like using Google. Your results are listed with a preview of the text within the document, helping you rapidly scan through and find the document you need for your task in hand. FOUND 1 RESULT “Flight A3212 to Paris Invoice from British Airways....” GO TO DOCUMENT Search keywords to find your documents Browsing for Documents by Filing Structure ADMINISTRATION A familiar way to find ACCOUNTS Sometimes, particularly for the most traditional user, there’s no substitute for browsing through folders. Just like manually flicking through paper files, this can be a good place to start if you cannot remember a keyword or index field, and is still far quicker than searching physical filing cabinets. SALES CONTRACTS ORDERS QUOTES Files organised like a traditional filing system Managing and Sharing Documents Access via Desktop, Web and Mobile Lifting the barriers to your files to make you more productive Whether you are in the office, on the road, or with a client, you can view your documents from any device via a web browser. You do not need to install any additional software, simply login and authenticate from your PC, smart phone or tablet to be able to search and view your entire document management system library. Of course, only authorised users with permission can gain access. Access your documents, wherever you are Related Documents Intelligently linking documents to save you time and effort Lots of the documents you deal with each day are related to each other. A good example is purchase orders and invoices. These documents are highly related but are typically stored in separate filing cabinets, requiring some leg work to match them up. i With a document management system, you can link related documents, dramatically reducing the time needed for searching. The system can also intelligently suggest a list of possible related document to choose from and link together. Collaboration Checking In, Checking Out and Version Management While many of the documents you file will be concluded and only needed for viewing (e.g. invoices), other documents may be live and being worked on by more than one authorised person. Collaboration features allow multiple users to view, modify and markup (e.g. annotate or redact) a document all at the same time. To manage all the different version of the same document, version management tracks which person made a change and when Take the pain of finding related documents away V1 V2 CHECK OUT CHECK IN Simplify collaboration and revision tracking they made it and allocates a revision number to their document. You have a bird’s eye view of all revisions and can go back at any time to reference a previous copy. Revisions can be compared, restored, and with some types of files, merged. Document Sharing Secure, productive and trackable When others need to see a document, you are often stuck between lending them the original and making multiple copies for distribution. One risks losing the document and the other is expensive, particularly when you take into account distribution costs and revisions. With a document management system, you can effortlessly email a document link to as many people as you need to. This way you know everyone is viewing the correct document, revisions can be just as easily shared, and it is all done quickly and cheaply. @ Securely share documents and improve productivity 60% OF EMPLOYEE TIME IS SPENT WORKING WITH DOCUMENTS* 85% OF BUSINESS DOCUMENTS ARE IN PAPER FORM* SALESFORECAST FORECAST SALES SALES FORECAST SALES FORECAST SALES FORECAST 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 4000 4000 J 4000 J F 4000 J F M 4000 J F M A J F M A M F M A M J M A M J J A M J J A M J J A S J J A J A S A S O S O N O N D S O N D O N D N D D * Source: The Paperless Project, 2015 THE AVERAGE DOCUMENT IS PRINTED 5X* COMPLIANCE SECURITY & AUDITING Control who can see your documents, track usage and comply You’ve captured your documents, indexed them and are now successfully retrieving and sharing them amongst your colleagues and customers. But what about security? How can you make sure only the correct recipient sees your documents? Making use of user permissions, reporting and audit trails you can control, view and track your documents at all stages, including when they are finally no longer needed. Security & User permissions You control who can access, change and share documents With quick and easy access to all your documents, the question of security is no doubt on your mind. Sensitive information such as personnel records, salary details and contracts, are just a few examples of data that only certain people or departments should be able to access. Unlike a traditional filing room, where the most basic access control is with a key, a document management system allows you to grant access to individuals and departments. In fact, permissions for access, editing and sharing can be allocated down to specific filing cabinets, draws, folders, documents and index fields. You have full control. Reporting & Audit Trails View user and group activity history Information is one of your organisations most valuable assets and certainly one of the most regulated. As you move your paper and electronic documents to a more productive document management system, it’s important to understand any data associated risks by tracking how your documents are being accessed. Control access by job position Document: ABC Tender ACTION TIME ID USER 09:35 Read 1 John 3 Sarah Modify 13:32 29 Sheila Share 20:43 11:32 49 Simon Read Monitor and track document access and actions Document Management Systems have the ability to monitor, record and report on a user’s interaction with every document they access. This is a significant benefit for companies wanting to ensure compliance, or otherwise check who has accessed the company’s documentation . Document & Data Retention Compliance Easily comply with regulations and adhere to your retention policy You are probably already aware of your organisation’s Document Retention Policy, which describes how employees are expected to treat data from creation through destruction. This is to comply with a myriad of complex laws, regulations and standards dictating how different types of data must be stored (e.g. Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 and Data Protection Act 1988 to name just two). To help your business in meeting today’s document compliance regulations, document management systems can enforce your retention policy by allowing documents to be deleted or old versions to be automatically purged after a specific period of time. Retention Rule 49: Credit Card Data 1 IF SALE = YES THEN DELETE CREDIT CARD DETAILS 2 IF SALE = NO THEN RETAIN FOR 2 DAYS THEN DELETE Use rules to determine when dated is purged 68% OF ORGANISATIONS HAVE 5 OR MORE STORAGE REPOSITORIES* * Source: The Paperless Project, 2015 TAKE THE NEXT STEP Arrange your free demonstration today Call 0800 279 0300 or 01634 299 117 Systems Technology (S.E.) Ltd Head Office London Office 41 Riverside II Sir Thomas Longley Road Rochester, Kent ME2 4DP 73 Watling St London EC4M 9BJ Contact Freephone: Tel: Fax: Email: Web: Twitter: 0800 279 0300 01634 291124 01634 291125 [email protected] @systemstechltd