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ббк 81.2 англ:36.99я723 щ612 щербакова н. и. щ612




У ДК 802.0:642.5(075.32) Б Б К 81.2 Англ:36.99я723 Щ 612 Рецензенты: зав. кафедрой иностранных языков Московского государственного университета сервиса Л.А. Свердлов: преподаватель английского языка Московского технологического колледжа питания РГТЭУ Э.С.Дмитриева Щ 612 Щербакова Н. И. А нглийский я зы к для специалистов сф еры общ ественн о­ го п итани я = English for C ooking and Catering: Учеб. пособие для студ. сред. п роф . учеб. заведений / Н. И. Щ ербакова, Н. С.Звенигородская. — М.: И здательский центр «Академия», 2005. - 320 с. ISB N 5-7695-1549-Х Учебное пособие содержит профессионально ориентированные тек­ сты, диалоги, лексические и грамматические упражнения, направлен­ ные на развитие навыков устной речи, чтения и понимания специаль­ ной литературы, а также тематический словарь, грамматический спра­ вочник, сборник кулинарных рецептов. Для студентов средних профессиональных учебных заведений, гото­ вящих специалистов в сфере общественного питания и сервиса. Может быть рекомендовано студентам высших учебных заведений в качестве д о­ полнительного материала к основному курсу. У Д К 802.0:642.5(075.32) Б Б К 81.2 Англ:36.99я723 Оригинал-макет данного издания является собственностью Издательского центра «Академия», и его воспроизведение любым способом без согласия правообладателя запрещается ISBN 5-7695-1549-Х © Щербакова Н. И. , Звенигородская Н.С., 2005 © Издательский центр «Академия», 2005 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ П особие предназначено для изучения английского язы ка в сред­ них п р о ф ессион альн ы х учебны х заведениях, готовящ их сп ец и а­ листов в сф ере общ ественн ого питания и сервиса. О сновной акцент сделан на расш ирение и систематизацию л е к ­ сического м атериала по указан н ой тем атике, а такж е повторение грамматики. П особие состоит из 8 уроков, рассчитанн ы х приблизительно на 100 часов аудиторны х зан яти й , поурочного тем атического сло­ варя, грам м атического сп равоч н и ка с закреп ляю щ и м и упраж н е­ ниям и , сб о р н и ка кулинарны х рецептов и ан гло-русского словаря по общ ественном у питанию . К аж ды й урок п о свящ ен отдельной тем е («П окупки», «В ресто­ ране», «Русская кухня» и т.д .) и вклю чает н есколько текстов для чтения и перевода, сн абж енн ы х словарем и зад ан и ям и , диалоги, лексические и грам м атические упраж нения, тесты и доп ол н и тел ь­ ный материал для ч тен и я (M iscellanea), содерж ащ ий интересную и полезную и н ф орм ац и ю по теме урока, стихи, ш утки, п ослови ­ цы и поговорки, ори гин альны е тексты из зарубеж ны х п ери оди ­ ческих изданий. Этот раздел мож ет такж е и спользоваться к ак о с­ нова для игровы х ситуаций и дискуссий. Т екст А каж дого ур ока содерж ит осн овн ую и н ф о р м ац и ю по теме урока и п р ед н азн ачен д ля изучаю щ его чтен ия. Т ексты В, С, D, Е п реи м у щ ествен н о заи м ствован ы из зарубеж ны х и сто ч н и ­ ков и частично адаптированы . О ни содерж ат дополнительную и н ­ ф орм аци ю и н ап р авл ен ы н а р асш и р ен и е п р о ф есси о н ал ь н о й эру­ д и ц и и студентов. П ри отборе текстов учиты вались их п р о ф есси о ­ н альн ая о р и ен ти р о ван н ость, и н ф орм ати вн ость и к о м м у н и кати в ­ ная направленность. П реподаватель может выбрать лю бой вид р а­ боты с ними: изучаю щ ее, просмотровое, поисковое чтение и т.д. К ом м ун и кати вны е упраж н ен и я (диалоги) вклю чаю т работу по моделям и различны е творчески е задания: чтение д иалогов по ролям , составление д иалогов на заданную тему, краткое и зл ож е­ ние текстов и др. П р и вед ен ны е диалоги д и н ам и ч н ы и отраж аю т особенности соврем ен ной разговорн ой речи. Л екси чески е у п раж н ен и я служат для разви тия н авы ков р ас­ кры тия зн ачен ий и зап о м и н ан и я новы х слов, вы явлени я их форм и сочетаемости с другим и словами. 3 П еред вы п олн ен ием грам м атических уп раж н ен и й следует и зу­ чить соответствующ ий материал грамматического справочника. Д ля облегчения п он и м ан и я он дается н а русском язы ке, а в уп раж н е­ ниях используется н еслож н ая лексика. Т ем атический словарь содерж ит п роф ессион альн ую лексику, систем атизированную в соответствии с тем ам и уроков и с н аб ­ ж енную тран скрип ц ией. С б орн и к кулинарны х рец еп тов составлен из рец еп тов п ри го­ товления блю д разны х стран. П ри отборе материала предпочтение отдавалось оригинальны м блюдам, отвечаю щ им соврем енны м тре­ бованиям технологической обработки продуктов. А нгло-русский словарь по общ ественном у п итанию содерж ит всю основную лексику курса. М ногие терм и н ы снабж ены к о м ­ м ентариям и, а такж е пом етам и, указы ваю щ им и, для какого ва­ рианта ан глий ского язы ка они характерны . Авторы не предлагаю т строгих м етодических реком ендаций по использованию пособия. К онкретн ы е м етодические прием ы зав и ­ сят от уровня подготовки учащ ихся и целей обучения. Разделы могут изучаться в лю бой п оследовательности, как в полном объе­ ме, так и вы борочно. Текст А At the Supermarket T here are m any kinds o f shops catering for needs o f the population. You can go shopping to small food stores: the grocery store, liquor store, store o f dairy products, b u tch er’s, bakery, greengrocer’s, fish­ m onger’s, confectionery, candy store. But I prefer to shop in large stores — superm arkets. S uperm arkets sell m ore th an ju st food. M any sell item s for the car, household goods, cosm etics and cigarettes. Som e even sell books, m edicines and flow­ ers. A large m odern superm arket has been opened recently not far from my block o f flats and m ost often I go shopping there. I am its regular custom er now. W hen you com e into the superm arket, you have to take a food bas­ ket or a shopping cart to put all the products you buy. All the necessary foodstuffs can be bought here: m eat, fish, milk, grocery, baked item s, sweets, cooked sausages, sm oked foods, vegeta­ bles and fruit. 5 Shopping cart In the m eat aisle the custom ers can buy beef, pork, m utton, veal, poultry and game. T here is always a rich choice o f fish there: live carp, pike, bream and sh ea t fish. T here is m uch fresh-frozen fish: perch, cod, plaice and some o th e r like pike-perch and sturgeon.T here is herring, kipper and m uch tin n e d fish too. In the grocery aisle you can see all kinds o f cereals: oatm eal, sem ­ olina, rice, buckw heat, m illet, pearl barley. You can buy cooking soda, spices, flour, pea, p otato flour, salt, oil, m acaroni, verm icelli, noo­ dles and som e o th er products. Everything is sold in ready packets. You go to the dairy co u n ter to buy m ilk products. There is always a wide choice o f them : milk in bottles and packets, cream , kefir, sour cream , cheese, curds, cottage cheese, cream cheese, m any kinds of yogurt, m ayonnaise, m argarine and butter. M ost often eggs are sold in the dairy d epartm ent too. At the bread co u n ter you take loaves o f brown (rye) o r white (wheat) bread, rusks, rolls and buns. T here is a big choice o f items in the confectionery: sugar, granulated sugar, caram el, sweets, chocolates, bars o f chocolate, biscuits, pastry, jam puffs, fancy cakes, tarts, fruit cakes, wafers, m arm alade and also tea, coffee, cocoa. Next to it is the delicatessen co u n ter (deli) which offers you all kinds o f sausages: boiled, half-sm oked and sm oked, liver paste, ham , lean boiled pork with spices (buzhenina), tinned b eef and pork. The green grocery and fruit aisles look very attracting. H ere you can buy fresh, tinned and dried vegetables, fruit and greens. Juicy pears, apples, p lu m s, grapes, oranges, tan g erin es, b an an as, lem ons and pineapples are sold in every season. In spring and sum m er the shop has a great variety o f berries: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, black and red currants, gooseberries. In autum n and w inter — red bilberries and cranberries and all year round you can have fruit and berry jam s. After buying all the necessary products, you com e up to the cash­ ier’s desk to pay the m oney. Som etim es there are a lot o f customer!? in the shop and you have to get in line, but m ost often it d o esn ’t tk^e m uch time. \ If you are a sm art shopper, you com pare prices, pick out foodstuffs,' always look at the date on the labels o f perishable foods, check the change and look for bargains. As the English say, “A penny saved is a penny earn ed .” Словарь к тексту to cater I'keits] for grocery store ['graussri ,sto:] liquor store [Ъкэ ,sto:] снабж ать б а к а л е й н о -га с т р о н о м и ч е с к и й м агазин вин н ы й магазин dairy ['de(a)ri] products b u tch er’s ['butjaz] bakery ['beikari] greengrocer’s ['gri:n,grausaz] fishm onger’s ['fijimijgaz] confectionery [kan'fekjan(a)ri] candy store ['ksendi ,sto:] item ['aitam] household ['haushauld] goods custom er ['kAstama] food basket [Tu:d ,ba:skit] shopping cart ['Jbpirj ,ka:t] foodstuffs ['fu:dsUfs] sm oked [smaukt] aisle [ail] b eef [bi:f] pork [рэ:к] m utton I'nutn] veal [vi:l] poultry ['paultri] gam e [geim] choice [tjbis] carp [ka:p] pike [paik] bream [bri:m] sheat fish ['fi:t ,fij] perch [p3:tf] cod [kr>d] plaice [pleis] pike-perch ['paikp3:tf] sturgeon [‘st3:d3(3)n] herring ['herir)] kipper ['kipa] tinned ['txnd] cereal ['si(a)rial] oatm eal ['autmi:l] sem olina [.sema'liina] buckw heat ['bAkwi:tj m illet ['milit] pearl barley [,рз:1 'barlij flour ['Яаиэ] m acaroni [,тгекэ'гзип 1] vermicelli [,v3:mi'seli, -'t/elij noodle ['nu:dl] co u n ter ['kaunta] sour cream [,saua 'kri:m] м олочны е продукты м ясн ой м агазин булочная овощ н ой м агазин ры бн ы й м агазин кондитерская кон дитерская изделие, предмет, товар хозяй ственн ы е товары покупатель корзи н а для продуктов тележ ка для п окуп ок продукты п итани я копчены й ряд (в универсаме) говядина сви ни н а баранина телятина птица дичь выбор карп щука лещ сом окунь треска камбала судак осетр сельдь коп чен ая ры ба (особ, сельдь) кон серви рован ны й крупа овсяны е хлопья м анн ая крупа гречневая крупа просо, пш ено перловая круца мука м акароны вермиш ель лапш а прилавок сметана c u r d (s ) [k3:d(z)] m ayonnaise [meia'neiz] m argarine [,ma:d33'ri:n, ,та:дэ-] rye [rai] w h e a t [wi:t] rusk [msk] roll [raul] bun [Ьлп] biscuit ['biskit] pastry ['peistrij puff [pAf] fancy [Tsensi] cake wafer ['weifa] m arm alade ['mamaleid] liver paste ['liva ,peist] ham [hasm] lean [li:n] to look attracting [a'trsektir)] juicy ['d3u:si] pear [реэ] tangerine [,t£end39'ri:n] variety [va'raiati] strawberry ['stro:b(9)ri] raspberry |'ra:zb(a)rij currant fkArant] gooseberry ['guzb(a)ri, 'gu:z-, 'gu:s-J bilberry ['bilb(3)ri] cranberry ['kr£enb(9)ri] cashier’s [kae^isz] desk to get in line sm art shopper ['sm at Jbpa] to pick out label l'leib(9)l] perishable ['репГэЬ(э)1] change [tjemd 3 j to look for bargains ['ba:ginz] to save [seiv] to earn [3 :11] творог м айонез м аргарин рж аной п ш ен и чн ы й сухарь булочка булочка (особ, сладкая) печенье вы печка слойка п ирож ное вафля ц итрусовы й джем паш тет ветчина п остны й (о мясе) выглядеть привлекательно сочны й груша м андари н разн ообрази е клубника м алина см ородина кры ж овн и к черн ика клю ква касса вставать в очередь разборчивы й покупатель вы бирать этикетка ск оропортящ и йся сдача следить за скидкам и н а цены экон ом и ть зарабаты вать Задания к тексту 1. Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям: shops catering for needs o f the population, regular custom er, to put all the products you buy, tinned fish, all kinds o f cereals, ready packets, a big choice o f item s, all year round, it doesn’t take m uch tim e, to com pare prices. 9 2. Переведите на английский язык, используя слова и выражения из текста: 1. В супермаркетах продают не только продукты питания. 2. Боль­ ш ой соврем енны й суперм аркет недавно откры ли н едалеко от м о­ его дома. 3. Здесь вы мож ете купить все необходим ы е продукты питания. 4. Там всегда больш ой вы бор ры бы . 5. Все продается в готовых упаковках. 6 . Я й ц а часто такж е продаю т в м олочном отде­ ле. 7. Дальш е — прилавок с деликатесами. 8 . Торговый ряд с овощ а­ ми и фруктам и вы глядит очень привлекательно. 9. С делав п окуп ­ ки, вы подходите к кассе, чтобы заплатить деньги. 10. И н огда в магазине много покупателей и вы вы нуж дены стоять в очереди. 3. Расскажите о том, как вы делаете покупки, используя следующие вопросы: 1. W hich is preferable for you — to buy food in a big superm arket or in small shops? Why? 2. Is the shop where you prefer to buy food close to your block o f flats o r far from it? 3. W hat is your favourite superm arket? 4. Are the foodstuffs expensive or cheap there? 5. Do you pay attention to the price o f the foodstuffs? 6 . How do you make choice w hen buying food? 7. D o you pay attention to the brand nam e w hen you buy food? 8 . D o you buy at once o r look around for lower prices? 9. How often do you go shopping? 10. Do you often buy expensive products? 11. W hat kind o f products are those? 12. W hen does it happen? 13. How do you pay — in cash, by checks or by credit card? Текст В At the Oriental M arket Today we are going to the oriental m arket for shopping. It will be a w onderful trip.Y ou’ll taste cheese, hom e-baked bread and sm oked pork. Everything is cooked fresh, daily, and the quality o f the produce is superb. There is a huge variety o f foods such as figs, beans, b itter herbs, olives, dates, almonds and other nuts. Just look at the tom atoes ripened and so full o f flavour, the crates full o f peppers, aubergines and avocados. Y ou’ll find fresh herbs, such as parsley and leaf coriander, as well as som e m ore exotic vegetables — okra, fresh black-eyed beans and purple leafy artichokes, oranges, grapefruit and lem ons, strawberries and black cherries, plum s, apricots, peaches and nectarines, w aterm el­ 10 ons and m elons, sweet seedless grapes and pinkish grapes. D o n ’t miss t he delicious green and purple figs. A lot o f slithering silver fish make an attractive sight in the m arket — red m ullet, sea bream , sea bass and the delicious swordfish. You will also find octopus, squid and cuttlefish. M oving on to the m eat stalls, you’ll see plenty o f red carcasses. After all, w hat self-respecting cook would accept m eat w rapped in poly­ ethylene? M eat is eaten very fresh, and you m ay well notice the difference in flavour. Lam b and b ee f are lean and tasty and have excellent quality. G oat has a pleasant, slightly gam y flavour; it’s very lean and well w orth trying. The delicatessen stall sells honey and a range o f different olives and tubs o f cheeses m ade from goats’, ew es’ or cow s’ milk. Sausage varies in flavour, depending on where it is m ade. T he meat content is very high and usually crushed coriander, hot peppers and other spices are added. Before being sm oked, the sausages are soaked in red wine. L ook at the sacks o f pulses stacked in front o f you to discover a wide range o f beans and dried peas as well as nuts o f every description. But perhaps it’s tim e to leave the m arket? N o, not quite. L et’s stop at one o f the m obile baking stands on o u r way out. T here is fresh, seedcoated bread, buns full o f black olives, m int and onion sesam e paste, tasty pastries and sausage rolls in these stands. Last look out for delicious alm ond-filled pastries or lady fingers, honey soaked doughnuts in syrup. You are always w elcom e at the oriental market! Словарь к тексту oriental [,o:ri'entl] superb [sju(:)'p3.b] fig [fig] bitter herbs [.bits 'h3:bz] date [deit] alm ond ['crmand] ripened ['raipand] crate [kreit] aubergine [ЪиЬэзкп] avocado [,aev9'ka:d9u] (pi -dos/-does) parsley ['pa;sli] leaf co rian d er [,li:f kori'aends] okra ['эикгэ] восточны й , ази атски й превосходны й и нж ир, фига п рян ы е, аром ати чески е травы финик м индаль сп елы й, зрелы й корзи н а, ящ и к баклаж ан авокадо петруш ка ки н за бам ия, окра (травянистое рас­ тение; незрелые плоды упот реб­ ляют в пищу, из семян изготов­ ляют суррогат кофе) 11 black-eyed bean [blaekaid 'bi:n] purple [ рз:р(э) 1] artichoke ['cutitjauk] seedless ['si:dlis] pinkish ['pioki/j delicious [di'lifss] slithering ['slidarig] mullet ['nulit] sea bream ['si: bri:m] sea bass ['si: bass] swordfish [so:dfiJ] octopus ['Dktapss] squid [skwid] cuttlefish ['kAtl.fiJJ stall [sto:l] carcass ['ka:k9s] self-respecting [.selfri'spektiq] to wrap [rasp] flavour ['fleiva] lamb [1геш] goat [gautj gam y ['geimij tub [tAb] ewe [ju:] crushed [krAjt] to soak [s9uk] sack [saek] pulse(s) [pAls(iz)] stacked [staekt] description [di'skripj(3 )n] m int [mint] sesame ['sessmij sausage roll [,SDSid3 'raul] lady fingers ['leidi .fiijgaz] doughnut ['daunAtj syrup ['sirap] корови й горох, вигна пурпурны й арти ш ок б ескосточковы й розоваты й вкусны й, восхитительны й скользки й кеф аль м орской карась м орской окунь м еч-ры ба осьм и н ог, спрут кальмар каракати ц а (промысловый м ол­ лю ск) л арек, ки оск, палатка туш а (ж ивотного) уваж аю щ ий себя заворачивать, упаковы вать аром ат, запах, вкус молодая б аран и на козлятин а с душ ком чан овца изм ельченн ы й, молоты й вы м ачивать м еш ок, куль зерн а бобовы х растений слож енны й ш табелями вид, род мята кунжут, сезам булочка с сосиской печенье «дамские пальчики» п ончи к сироп Задания к тексту 1. Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим предложениям: 1. Это будет зам ечательное путеш ествие. 2. К ачество продукто превосходное. 3. Т олько взгляните н а пом идоры , зрелы е и такие аром атны е. 4. Вы всегда купите там свежую зелень, такую , как петрушка и кинза. 5. Обилие отливающ ей серебром скользкой рыбы 12 при дает ры нку п ривлекательны й вид. 6 . Не пропустите вкусны й зеленый и пурпурны й инж ир. 7. Вы найдете там осьм иногов, каль­ м аров, каракатиц. 8. Н ап равляясь к м ясн ы м рядам , вы увидите о гр о м н о е количество красн ы х туш. 9. Вы можете легко зам етить разницу в аромате. 10. П еред коп чен ием колбасы вы м ачиваю т в к расн ом вине. 11. П ора покидать ры нок. 12. Д авайте перед уходом с ры нка останови м ся около одной из тележ ек с вы печкой. 2. Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям: hom e-baked bread, sm oked pork, a huge variety o f food, fresh black­ e y ed beans, a lot o f slithering silver fish, self-respecting cook, slightly gamy flavour, depending on where it is m ade, before being sm oked, one o f the m obile baking stands, honey soaked doughnuts in syrup. 3. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. W hat will you taste at the oriental m arket? Is everything cooked fresh daily? T he quality o f the produce is superb, isn’t it? W hy should you look at the tom atoes? W hat is there in the crates? W hat can you see m oving on to the m eat stalls? W here can you buy honey and different olives? Does sausage vary in flavour? W hat does its flavour depend on? W ould you like to visit the oriental m arket? W hat would you taste and buy there? Диалоги 1. Прочитайте по ролям и переведите: M oth er’s H elper Mother'. T here is little flour left. Will you go to the grocer’s and buy a bag o f flour and som e sugar, please? Daughter'. Shall I also buy a packet o f tea? M other: C ould you buy two and a packet o f buckw heat? Daughter: W hat about salt? Mother'. T here is a lot. But we haven’t got any rice. Daughter: All right, M um . I am off. M other: D o n ’t forget the m oney and the shopping bag. Going Shopping Elder sister: Look, Kate. We haven’t got any milk. G o to the dairy shop and buy a packet o f milk. 13 Younger sister : Anything else? Elder sister : G et half a kilo o f hard cheese and a kilo o f curds. Younger sister : D o we need bread? Elder sister: Sure. On your way back drop in to the bakery and buy a loaf o f brown bread and a long loaf o f white. Younger sister: How about buns? Elder sister: Yes. Buy buns and biscuits for tea. At the G reengrocer’s Greengrocer: G ood m orning, m adam . W hat can I do for you? A n n : I w ant a large cabbage, please, and a kilo o f carrots. Greengrocer: Yes, m adam . Anything else? Ann: How m uch are those oranges? I d o n ’t see a price tick et there. Greengrocer: They are 30 roubles a kilo. Ann : Well, two kilos and a kilo o f those apples. Greengrocer: The peaches are very good today. A n n : The peaches do look good. W hat do they cost? Greengrocer: Forty roubles a kilo. A n n : T h a t’s a real bargain. I ’ll take a kilo. Greengrocer: Okay. Now, w hat else? Ann: N othing else, thank you. T h a t’s all for today. How m uch do I owe you? Greengrocer: T h a t’s 120 roubles. H e re’s your change from your five h u ndred note — 380 roubles. A n n : Thank you. Goodbye. Greengrocer: Goodbye. T hank you. Have a nice day. At the Supermarket Nick: I have to go to the shop. My m o th er’s m ade a shopping list for me. Bob: L et’s go together. I ’ll buy som ething for dinner, too. Nick: I have to buy som e m eat. Look, th e y ’ve got ex cellen t c h o ­ ice today. I need som e b eef an d a chicken. T he b ee f is o f superior quality. Bob: Maybe. But I d o n ’t care for meat. I am a vegetarian, you know. N ic k : And I c a n ’t do w ithout meat. I ’ll take this bit o f shoulder and a boiling chicken. Bob: W hat’s next on your shopping list? N ic k : Two packets o f m ilk and half a kilo o f cheese. Bob: I’ll buy som e cartons o f yogurt and cream there. I’m fond o f dairy products. 14 Lemon Ahhles Bananas Watermelons Oranges Melons Strawberries Tomatoes Aubergines Brussels sprouts Carrots Cabbage Courgettes Lettuce Peppers Spinach Mushrooms Cucumbers Potatoes A t the G reengrocer’s 15 2. Составьте диалоги между продавцом и покупателем в различных п дуктовых магазинах или отделах супермаркета, используя следующие фразы: Shop assistant'. Customer: — W hat can I do for you? — W hat can I get for you? — C an I help you? — W e’ve got ... today. — I advise you to buy .... — A nything else? — Is that all? — Will this do? (Это подойдет?) — C om e here, please. — C om e at the cashier’s desk, please. — H ere is your check. — H ere is your change. — T h a t’s ... pounds ... pence. — T h a t’s ... roubles ... kopecks. — T hank you. Have a nice day. — Have you any...? — Is there any...? — A re/Is there a n y ... on sale? — I w ant .... — I ’ll take .... — C ould I have ...? — I ’ll also have .... — W hat does/do ... cost? — T h a t’s all for the m om ent. — Please, weigh [wei] ... for me. — W hat do I owe you? — W hat do I have to pay? — How m uch is the bill? — H ow m uch does it com e to? — Shall I pay you o r at the cashdesk? — T hat will be all. 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык и составьте с ними корот­ кие диалоги: 1. H ow m u ch are th e oranges? 2. H ow m u ch is a bag o f p o tatoes? 3. H ow m any kilos are th ere in the bag? 4. F o u r kilos o f p o tato es at 10 roubles a kilo. 5. Two packets o f milk at 15 roubles a packet. 6 . The total bill is 85 roubles. 7. W hat is the price o f it? 8 . How m uch does it cost? 9. W here is the price list? 4. Выучите следующие выражения: It is (not) expensive. It is (not) cheap. It is a fair/reasonable price. T h at’s a bargain. I t’s w orth all it costs. It costs nothing. I c a n ’t afford it. Это (не) дорого. Это (не) деш ево. Это разум ная цена. Это очень деш ево. Это стоит того. Это ничего не стоит. Я не могу себе этого позволить. 5. Переведите на английский язык диалог: — Что я могу сделать для вас, мадам? — М не, пож алуйста, 300 г сливочного м асла и бутылку расти ­ тельного. — Хорош о. Ч то-нибудь еще? — Да. С колько стоит ветчина? 16 — 150 рублей килограмм . — Взвесьте мне 200 г, пожалуйста. — П ожалуйста. — А эта коп чен ая колбаса очень ж и рн ая? — Бою сь, что да. — Тогда это все. С колько с меня? — Вот чек. О платите в кассе, пож алуйста. Лексические упражнения — 4U&V-/ J 1. Разделите слова на четыре группы: а) M eat, Fish, Fruit, Vegetable Beef, carp, apple, m arrow , b an an a, plum , plaice, o n io n , veal, cod, lem on, m ushroom , m ango, pike, radish, pear, ruff, pork, bream , m utton, bean, carrot, date, raisin, m ullet, potato, grape, lam b, sprat, cucum ber, tro u t, tom ato, pea, fig. б) Bakery, Dairy, Berry, Cereal Cherry, cheese, jam , bun, barley, puff, bilberry, milk, sem olina, bread, cow berry, dum pling, cream , biscuit, butter, gooseberry, cook­ ie, m illet, strawberry, curd, jam puff, oatm eal, cranberry, pot cheese, roll, ham burger. Vl b К Л г 2. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки: a tube of, a packet of, a loaf of, baker’s, a box of, a b ar of, grocer’s, chocolate M um : Kate, will you go to t h e ________ (1)? Kate. O K , M um . W hat should I buy? J p ' M um : I think, we n e e d __________ (2) bread and two buns. * ‘ > Kate: And I w a n t ___________(3) chocolate. j Mum: All right, you can buy s o m e ___________(4) and drop in to t h e _______ (5) and g e t ________ ( 6 ) o f f l o u r ,_________ (7) sugar and ______ ( 8 ) m ustard. Kate: Very well. I ’m ready. 3. Напишите, в каком магазине (или отделе) можно купить следующие продукты: baker’s, fishm onger’s, grocer’s, greengrocer’s, b u tch er’s, fruiter’s, confectioner’s, dairy shop 1 . fish, crab_____________________________ 2 . pork, veal_____________________________ 3. potatoes, cabbage_____________________________ 4. butter, cheese_____________________________ 5. a loaf o f bread, cakes. 6 . apples, bananas_____ 7. rice, buckw heat_____ 8 . chocolate, caram el__ Грамматические упражнения 1. Вставьте артикли a (an), the, где необходимо: 1. Do you want ... cup o f coffee? 2. I ’m ... student. 3. She has g o t ... car. 4. It’s ... pencil. ... pencil is red. 5. My cousin is ... nurse. 6 . There are ... children in ... yard. 7. I see ... girl in ... street. ... girl is nice. 8 . T here i s ... bottle o f m ilk in ... refrigerator. 9. Do you like ... cheese? 10. My d aughter likes ... chocolate. I ’ll give h er ... bar o f chocolate. 11. Close ... door and open ... window, please. 12. Are there any books on ... table? 13. I usually have ... breakfast before I go to ... school. 14. W here is your ... m other? — She is at ... work. 15. W here do you usually have ... dinner? 16. Does she speak ... English well? 17. Bring me ... glass o f water, please. 18. Buy ... loaf o f ... white bread, please. 19. W hen does he go to ... bed? 20. H er sons are ... pupils. 2. Поставьте существительные во множественное число, обращая вни­ мание на согласование артикля или местоимения: the plane, a picture, the m an, this w om an, that girl, a dress, the life, the m ouse, that city, a box, the sheep, this child, the tooth, a foot, this shelf, the bus, a bench, a baby. 3. Напишите предложения во множественном числе: this is — these are th at is — those are it is — they are 1. This is a girl. 2. That is not a mouse. 3. Is he an officer? 4. That is not a goose. 5. Is that a sofa? 6 . This is not a bus. 7. That is a bookshelf. 8 . Is this w om an a teacher? 9. Is the window closed? 10. This is not a child. 11. Is this a businessm an? 12. It isn’t a deer. 13. It is a bad egg. 14. Is this tooth good? 15. That child is a pupil. 16. He is a doctor. 17. This fish is big. 18. It is an ox. 19. T hat is a box. 20. It is an Englishman. 4. Поставьте существительные в притяжательный падеж или исполь­ зуйте конструкцию с of. Образец: the nam e/the man — the m a n ’s name the room/the door — the door o f the room 1. the tail/th e cat 18 6 . the n am e/y o u r sister 2 . the 3 . the 4 . the 5 . the cam era/m y friend son/A nn new spaper/today toys/the children 7. the car/h is parents 8 . the birthday/m y m other 9 . the e n d /th e story 10 . the streets/the town 5. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на предлоги: 1. We eat soup with a spoon. 2. I usually wait for my friend at the bus stop. 3- H e spoke to o u r teacher yesterday. 4. This house was built by my father. 5. He asked his friends for help. 6 . I ’ll try to explain the situation to you. 7. My m other likes to listen to m usic. 8 . I am looking for my umbrella. 9. She is interested in literature. 10. You can be proud o f your work. 11. I invited him to my tom orrow ’s party. 12. D o you know the beginning o f the story? 6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple: 1. Не (to drink) coffee in the morning. 2. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. 3. They (to like) dairy products. 4. We (not to like) m eat dishes. 5. My mother (to go) shopping on Sundays. 6 . She (not to do) her homework. 7. Mike usually (to have lunch) at 12 o ’clock. 8 . You (to cook) well? 9. We always (to eat) healthy food? 10. She (to do) shopping every day? 7. Напишите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме: 1. I like to cook. 2. We go to the restaurant at 9 o ’clock. 3. My sister makes good coffee. 4. Pete has dinner with his friends. 5. They work every day. 6 . She washes up after supper. 8. Задайте к предложениям общие вопросы и дайте краткие ответы: Образец: Jane finishes her work at 6 о ’clock. Does Jane finish her work at 6 о ’clock? — Yes, she does. They d o n ’t work every day. Do they work every day ? — No, they d o n ’t. 1 .1 usually have breakfast at 8 o ’clock. 2. She doesn’t like to cook. 3. Ann studies at college. 4. Pete gets up early in the morning. 5. Bob has supper at the restaurant. 6 . T hey usually have dinner at hom e. 7. M other makes breakfast for all the family. 8 . They d o n ’t go to work early in the morning. 9. Задайте к каждому предложению вопросы пяти видов: 1• M other cooks chicken soup for dinner. 2. I like vegetables. 3. They go shopping in the afternoon. 4. He buys a new car. 5. The children eat ice cream for dessert. 10. Измените предложения, употребив конструкцию to have gor. а) Образец: We have a large fam ily. — W e’ve got a large fam ily. He has a sister. — H e ’s got a sister. 1 .1 have a lot o f relatives. 2. They have m eat for d inner today. 3. Sh has two brothers. 4. We have a guest today. 5. He has a family o f four. 6 . She has a new dress. 7. I have a lot o f English books. 8 . He has a dog. б) Образец: Have you an apple? — Have you got an apple? 1. Has he a car? 2. Have they a house? 3. Has she children? 4. Have you brothers? 5. Has he a new job? 6 . Has she a lot o f friends? 7. Have they a cam era? 8 . Have you fish soup for dinner today? в) Образец: He has no sister. — He h a s n ’t got a sister. She has no brothers. — She h a s n ’t got any brothers. I. I have no family. 2. She has no children. 3. H e has no car. 4. They have no house. 5. You have no French books. 6 . I have no brother. 7. My friend has no relatives in M oscow. 8 . She has no friends. II. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple: 1. 1 ... a student. 2. ... you a vegetarian? — N o, I ... not. 3. W here ... he? — He ... at work. 4. T hey ... at hom e. 5. ... this your bag? — Yes, it .... 6 . T he stu d en ts ... at college. 7. She ... not a teac h er, she ... a do ctor. 8 . W here ... the books? — T hey ... on the table. 9. ... your sister at hom e? — N o , she ... at school. 10. We ... not happy. We h av e n ’t passed th e exam . 12. Напишите предложения: а) во множественном числе: Образец: There is a book in my bag. — There are (some) books in my bag. б) в вопросительной форме в единственном и множественном числе: Образец: There is a book in т у bag. — Is there a book in m y bag? Are there (any) books in m y bag? 1. There is a plate on the table. 2. There is an apple on the plate. 3. There is an arm chair in the room . 4. There is an interesting film on TV tonight. 5. T here is a m an in the restaurant hall. 6 . T here is a pie for lunch. 13. Задайте разделительные вопросы: Образец: It is your friend, is n ’t it? It isn ’t your friend, is it? He cooks well, d o e in ’t he ? He doesn’t cook well, does he ? 20 There are a lot o f people here, a ren ’t there ? There a r e n ’t m any people here, are there? 1. Bill is a good cook. 2. The forks are on the table. 3. Y our m other c o o k s well. 4. Tom d o esn ’t go to work every day. 5. There are so many p e o p le in the shop. 6 . These students speak English well. 7. She has a large family- 8 . The restaurant is small. 9. We have lunch at 12. 10. He doesn’t eat much. 11. They d o n ’t buy products at this superm arket. 12. She is not b orin g. 13. Those pancakes are tasty. 14. There are no shops in this street. 15 . You have got a car. 16. Your parents like to eat out. 17. T here is no teach er in the classroom. 18. She always does her homework well. 19. They d o n ’t work together. 14. Напишите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме: Образец: There are some students in the classroom. — Are there any students in the classroom? There are some students in the classroom. — There are no students in the classroom. / There aren't any students in the classroom. 1. T here is som e bread on the plate. 2. I can see som e people in the park. 3. T here are som e new buildings in o u r street. 4. I want some milk in my coffee. 5. I have got som e free tim e today. 6 . They have got some questions. 7. She buys som e products in this shop. 8 . M other gives the children som e bread and butter. 15. Задайте к предложениям общие вопросы. Напишите предложения в отрицательной форме: Образец: There is somebody in the house. — Is there anybody in the house? There is somebody in the house. — There is nobody in the house. / There isn ’t anybody in the house. 1. He can tell you som ething interesting. 2. Som ebody knows this information. 3. There is som ething tasty for dinner. 4. 1 want to go som e­ where on Sunday. 5. She has som ething to eat. 6 . I can see som ebody behind the tree. 7. We have som ething to tell you. 16. Переведите на русский язык: 1. То know everything is to know nothing. 2. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 3. C an you see anything? — N othing at all. 4. She never gives anything to anybody. 5. Somewhere som eone is crying. 6 . She has nowhere to live. 7. I c a n ’t rem em ber anything. 8 . N othing new under the sun. 9. N ever put o ff till tom orrow w hat you can do today. 10. It is never too late to learn. 11. They m ust be som ew here near hear. 12. She hasn’t got anybody to talk to. 13. They never go anywhere in the evening. '4. He never reads anything exept newspapers. 15. C an you smell anything? — Yes, som ething burning. 21 Тест 1 Подберите подписи к рисункам из словосочетаний, данных в рамке: a b ar of, a bottle of, a tin of, a packet of, a lo af of, a jo in t of, a dozen of, a j a r of, half a pound of, a tube of, a box o f 9 Тест 10 11 2 Заполните пропуски словами из рамки (используйте каждое слово один раз): bargains, buy, ones, prices, are, offer, m oney, line, there, superm arkets, spend, different Shopping in the USA A m ericans love to shop. If they shop for small items like coffee and tea or b ig ___ ( 1) like furniture, th e y ___ _ ( 2 ) a lot o f tim e a n d ___ ( 3 ) in different stores. M any o f them are sm art shoppers, they com pare ___ (4), check the sales and look f o r ____ (5). As they say, “a penny saved is a penny earn ed .” 22 In the USA you can do shopping at m a n y ___ ( 6 ) places. pood is m ore expensive at the convenience stores, they are open 24 hours a day and you can shop there quickly. Usually you m ake your p u r c h a s e w ithout having to wait in ___ ( 7 ) . M any people do their weekly shopping at the la r g e ___ ( 8 ) near th eir hom e. S u p erm ark ets___ (9) a wide variety o f goods and services. You can get food, flowers, cosm etics, autosupplies, household item s and even s ta m p s ___ ( 10). The oriental m arkets contain foodstuffs and delicacies th at are u n a­ v a ila b le at the superm arkets. Some people buy m ost o f the groceries at the oriental m arkets. You can get V ietnam ese, K orean and o th er specialties there. Some Americans often _ _ (11) fruit at the farmers markets. Farmers bring their fresh fruit and vegetables to this open-air markets several times a week. The p rice s___ (12) fairly reasonable and the produce is fresh. Miscellanea IT IS INTERESTING TO KNOW What Is Sold Where U ntil a few years ago the English used to shop at their local green­ grocer’s, b u tch er’s, b aker’s and so on. N ow these small shops have all but capitulated as th eir custom ers pile into th eir cars and get everything they need at huge o u t-o f-to w n -cen tre hangars filled with all their hearts desire. The only shops to have survived the m arch o f the superm arkets in any n u m b ers are th e c o rn e r shops, know n in som e q u arters as P atelleries since so m any o f th em are run by U g an d an A sian im m igrant families. T hese co rn e r shops are often superm arkets in m in iatu re and sell an y th in g from sw eets to sw eat b an d s, from n ap k in s to new spapers. M any o f them are also open all day and h a lf the night. The English say th a t th ere is only one golden rule. You can get anything you need in very sm all o r very big shops a n d n o th in g in m edium -sized ones. Reading Food Labels Over the past 4 0 years, the range o f foods available in packets, jars and cans has increased dram atically. Legislative bodies recognized that consum ers required m ore inform ation in order to make the best choices •or health, which resulted in im proved product labels. Food m anufac­ turers in the European C om m unity and N o rth A m erica are required by 23 law to provide the following inform ation on product labels: total weight or volum e, a list o f the ingredients and o f the additives in o rd er o J weight, the nam e and address o f the m anufacturers and the country о origin. M anufacturers should also list caloric value per 100 g, suggested numbe of servings the packaged food provides and the date after which the product cannot be sold or should not be eaten. This date is usually stampe on the lid or the base o f products. M any labels also provide a nutritiona analysis o f food, such as total fat, carbohydrate and protein content. U SE FU L ADVICE Shopping in Britain 1. Y ou are w elcom e to the stores and shops, but the m anagers ask you to abide by the norm al British rules and regulations. 2. Shopping is no t necessarily the sam e as in your native country and, your hom e tow n — if you have any doubt, ask the sales staff to assist you. 3. W here baskets are provided, please, use them , do no t p u t any item in your bag or pocket until you have paid for it. 4. D o not m ishandle any o f the goods on display, do not handle perishable goods (fruit, etc.) o r fragile item s, unless you have perm is­ sion to do so. 5. N o alcoholic drink m ay be bought anyw here by persons u n d er the age o f 18. 6 . Always keep the receipt that you receive. 7. Do not congregate in groups in such a way th at you restrict the free passage o f other shoppers, or interfere in any way with the sales staff. 8 . Security staff work in m ost o f the stores and shops in England. They will be w atching for any irregularity, and they have the pow er by law to detain you. JOKE A B icycle or a Cow? A salesm an at the village store was trying to persuade 1 a farm er to buy a bicycle. “ I ’d rather spend my m oney on a cow ,” the farm er said. “ But th in k ,” insisted the salesm an. “W hat a fool you’d look riding about on a cow .” “ N ot half such a fool as I ’d look trying to milk a bicycle,” answered the farm er. 1 Ipa'sweid) — уговаривать А РО ЕМ ТО ENJOY At the Grocery Store Excuse m e, please, I ’m looking for tea. I t’s on the top shelf, Aisle nu m b er three! W hat else do I need? C o m and beans, C arrots, apples and tangerines; A gallon o f milk, two pounds o f steak, A loaf o f bread and a chocolate cake; Som e peanut b u tter and cherry jam . Ready to check out? Yes, I am! PROVERBS AND SAYINGS TO M EM O RIZE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D o n ’t p u t all your eggs in one basket. To buy a pig in a poke. Take care o f the pence and the pounds will take care o f themselves. A p en n y saved is a penny earned. H ope is the p o o r m a n ’s bread. GIVE IT A NAM E 1. It is a vegetable th at grows u n d er the ground. It can be boiled, baked o r fried.It can also be m ade into ch ip s o r crisps. 2. It is the m eat from a bull o r a cow. 3. It is a vegetable. W e eat the dark red part that grows u n d er the ground. 4. It is a shopkeeper who sells fruit and vegetables. 5. It is a large shop w hich sells all kinds o f food and things for the house. 6 . It is a plant w hich has seeds called grains. 7. It is a vegetable. It looks like a large ball o f leaves. The leaves can be green, w hite o r purple. Текст для д о п о л н и т е л ь н о г о чтения Fruits Avocados, once a rare treat, have becom e som ething o f a com m onPlace, if th at is the word to use for anything so good. Today m angoes 25 and guavas, lychees and pawpaws are appearing in superm arkets and small greengrocer’s shops alike and we have a lot o f pleasure in trying them out. It is the developm ent o f new growing m ethods, swift chilled transport and u p -to -d a te packing m ethods that have m ade possible this revolution in our eating habits, and there has never been such a variety o f fruit on sale as there is now. Take citrus fruits. T here were once lemons and grapefruit, oranges and tangerines. Now there is an enorm ous variety o f orange and tangerine crosses, there are ugly fruits and pink grapefruit. T here are all kinds o f m elon, there are fresh dates and figs. A fruit salad today presents a bewildering choice. We can have a m ixture o f the fam iliar and the unusual in one salad, and we can use canned fruit as well. The fruit should not be chopped too small, it looks best arranged in layers preferably in a deep glass dish. You can m ake m arm alade using all those bits o f peel that are usually throw n away. You store orange, lem on and grapefruit skins in the freezer and boil them up with a can o f concentrated citrus fruit pulp. It makes a very econom ical m arm alade. AT THE RESTAURANT (В РЕСТОРАНЕ) Текст A Eating out in M oscow Som e years ago it was ra th e r difficult to find a place for eating in Moscow. T here were few canteens, cafes and restaurants w here people could have lu nch, d in n er o r a snack. But M oscow has changed. N o w ­ adays th ere are a lot o f d ifferen t places here w here we can eat decen t food at reasonable price and take som eone for lunch on business. If you w ant to eat on th e run, you should go to a fast-food restaurant: M cD o n ald s, “ R ussian B istro” o r Pizza H ut. T hey are very p o p u lar now. T he first R u ssian -C an ad ian restau ran t M cD o n ald s was op en ed in 1990. N ow adays th ere are a lot o f them in o u r city and everyone has exp erien ced th e dishes th ere. T he service is quick: you en ter th e re sta u ran t, com e up to the c o u n te r, m ake y o u r ch o ice, Pay th e m oney, take th e tray w ith your dishes and occupy any vacant table. T h e m en u ca rd offers you single o r d o u b le h am b u rg e rs, cheeseburgers, fillet o f fish, fried crisp po tato es. F o r a d rin k , you can o rd e r cooling beverages — “ C o c a -C o la ” , “ F a n ta ” , “ S p rite ” , tea o r coffee. 27 If you are in a hurry, you can have a snack in a bar. T here are m any kinds o f bars in M oscow: snack bars, express bars, m ilk bars, beer bars. Besides, if you are hungry but have too little tim e for eating, you can take a quick bite in a cafe “ Russian B istro” o r “ Russian Bliny” . But if you seek the gastronom ical experience o f your life, you should go som ew here else. T here are hundreds o f restaurants in M oscow to satisfy everyone’s taste — from traditional Russian food to the finest o f French wines and delicacies o f the F ar East. The Russian people have always been gourm ets. M oscow fam ous restaurants were reborn in o u r tim e. O ne can again visit “Y ar” or “ M etropol” . M any new restaurants keep the old traditions o f the Russian cuisine and hospitality. Each restaurant has its specialties o f the house. In E uropean, A m erican and oriental restaurants o f M oscow you can order international dishes although each restaurant as a rule specializes in one o f the national cuisines. The F rench cuisine has had the leading role in M oscow hom es and restaurants since P eter the G re a t’s times. In to d ay ’s M oscow you can find a classical choice o f F rench dishes at the art restaurant “N ostalgie”.] The restaurant has a vast wine list and a som m elier to help you m ake the right choice. Italian cuisine in Moscow is one o f the m ost popular. Speaking about Italian cuisine, it is im possible not to m ention the beloved pasta and the; internationally popular pizza. Best M oscow restaurants, “ Pizza Express” ! for exam ple, offer you a great choice o f pasta with different sauces as ' well as m any pizzas — Neapolitana, 4 Seasons, Margarita, which becam e M uscovites’ favourites. N orth A m erica cuisine is also very popular in Moscow. The m ain food for m odern A m ericans and C anadians is vegetables and fruit salads . 1 Steak-house restaurants are proud o f m eat dishes. T he leading dish here is A m erican steak. If you are interested in the culinary arts o f Indochina, you have to ! visit popular C hinese, Japanese or K orean restaurants. The people o f ' Indochina eat practically every kind o f food, but in the culinary art they ] d o n ’t use European dairy products. They alm ost never use salt but they ] use soya sauce, rice wine, sesame oil and starch diluted in w ater as dressings. It is im possible to describe all the variety o f delicious dishes o f dif- j ferent countries. O ur advice is to visit these restaurants and taste | everything yourself. Словарь к тексту canteen [kasn'ti:n] snack [snaek] decent ['di:s(3)nt] reasonable ['п:г(э)пэЬ(э)1] 28 столовая л егкая закуска приличны й разум ны й, ум еренны й to experience [ik'spi(a)ri3ns] tray [tre |l to occupy [nkjupai] v a c a n t [Veikant] fillet [Tilit] cooling beverage ['ku:lir) ,bev(3)rid 3] to satisfy ['saetisfai] delicacy I'delikasi] gourmet ['guamei] to be reborn [,ri:'bo:n] cuisine [kwi'zi:n] hospitality [.hDspi'tseliti] specialty ['spej(a)lti] (o f the house) sommelier [ssme'lje] to m ention [’menf(a)n] pasta ['psesta] pizza ['pi:tsa] steak [steik] culinary ['кл1т (э )п ] starch [statf] to dilute [dai'lu:t] dressing ['dresir)] пробовать поднос зан и м ать свободны й филе прохладительны й н ап иток удовлетворять д еликатес гурман возрождаться кухня (блюда) гостеприим ство ф и рм ен н ое блюдо сом елье упом инать паста (макаронные изделия) п ицца стейк кулинарны й крахмал разбавлять п рип рава, соус Задания к тексту 1. Запомните следующие выражения и письменно составьте с ними предложения: to eat decent food at reasonable price — п рили чн о поесть по р а ­ зумной цене to take som eone for lunch on business — пригласить кого-либо на б изнес-ланч to eat on the run — поесть на бегу to experience the dishes — попробовать блю да to be in a hurry — спеш ить to have a snack — перекусить to take a quick bite — перекусить to satisfy o n e ’s taste — удовлетворить ч ей -л и б о вкус to keep the old traditions — хранить стары е традиции 2. Переведите на английский язык, используя лексику текста: 1- Я знаю хорош ий ресторан недалеко от наш его оф и са, куда ты мож еш ь пригласить своего гостя на бизнес-ланч. 2. В этом кафе вы можете прилично поесть по разум ной цене. 3. У м еня никогда Нет времени на обед, я всегда ем на бегу. 4. Если вы спеш ите, то м°жете пообедать в ресторане быстрого питания. 5. Если вы хотите Пополнить свой гастроном ический опы т, то долж ны пообедать в 29 ресторане русской кухни. 6 . В М оскве сейчас м ного ресторанов, которы е хранят тради ци и русской кухни. 7. В каждом ресторан е есть свое ф ирм енное блюдо. 8 . В М оскве есть также много рестора­ нов, которы е сп ец и ал и зи рую тся на к а к о й -л и б о н ац и о н ал ь н о й кухне. 9. Народы И ндокитая использую т вместо соли соевы й соус, 10 . Н евозм ож но оп исать все м ногообразие нац ион альн ы х блюд разны х стран. 3. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. W hat was the situation with eating out in M oscow som e years ago? 2. How has it changed lately? 3. W here can you eat on the run in M oscow? 4. W hen was the first M cD onalds opened in M oscow? 5. Why are the restaurants o f quick service so popular nowadays? 6 . W hat does the m enu card offer to the custom ers o f M cD onalds? 7. W hat kinds o f bars can you find in M oscow? 8 . W hat restaurants with traditional Russian cuisine are there in M oscow? 9. W here can people try national dishes o f different countries? 10. W here can you find a classical choice o f F rench dishes? 11. W hat is the nam e o f the person who helps people m ake the right choice o f wines? 12. W hat are the m ost popular Italian dishes with M uscovites? 13. W hat is the leading m eat dish in A m erican restaurants? 14. W hat is typical o f the oriental cuisine? 15. Do you often go to eat out? 16. W hat cuisine do you prefer? 17. Have you ever tried dishes o f C hinese cuisine? Did you like them ? Текст В At the College Canteen I spend a lot o f time at the college, that is why it’s necessary to have a snack time there. During the break I go to have lunch to our college canteen. It’s always full o f people at this time. I go to the service counter and line up. There is self-service at our canteen. Sometimes it takes quite a lot o f time to stand in the line and I have to gulp my lunch in five minutes. T he choice o f dishes in our canteen is rather rich, the quality o f food is good and the prices are reasonable. To begin with, I usually have som e salad — tom ato and cucum ber salad or mixed salad. For the first course I have soup — fresh cabbage 30 I ch?e>solyanka, pea soup o r m aybe som e fish soup for a change. F or sl e niain course I have m eat or chicken dishes, for exam ple steak, 1^atb alls o r roast chicken with spaghetti o r potatoes (m ashed or fried), f prefer m eat to fish but I eat fish from tim e to tim e too. F or dessert I «ually have fruit juice o r a cup o f tea w ith a bun or a slice o f cake. I take tiiem from the counter, put on my tray and go to the cashier’s desk to ay the m oney. T hen I take a seat at any vacant table. ^ Besides the kitchen staff and the cashier two or three students on juty help to clear the plates and cups off the tables and to keep order in the canteen. Словарь к тексту to line up self-service [,self's3:vis] to gulp [дл1р] first course [ko:s] main course meatballs ['mi:tbD:lz] roast [roust] spaghetti [spa'geti] mashed potatoes [,msejt pa'teitauz] dessert [di'z3:t] slice [slais] staff [sta:f] становиться в очередь сам ообслуж ивание глотать п оспеш но первое (блюдо) второе (блюдо) теф тели ж арен ы й (без масла) спагетти картоф ельное пюре десерт л ом ти к, кусочек сотрудники, работники Задание к тексту Назовите 2-ю форму следующих глаголов и перескажите текст в Past Simple: spend, go, be, take, have, eat, prefer, put, pay, help, keep, clear. Диалоги 1- Прочитайте по ролям и переведите: Eating out Апп\ Hello! John: Hi! How are you? Ann : Ok! T hank you. And you? John: N o t bad, thanks. Ann: I’ve had a long day and I’m too tired to cook. Jo h n : M e too! L et’s go out. 31 A n n : How about C hinese food? I know a nice restai our place. John'. Well, but I d o n ’t really like C hinese food. Ann\ I know! L et’s go to M axim ’s. John : I t ’s too expensive. W hat about pizza? Ann: That sounds good, but M cD onalds is closer. John: Y ou’re right. It’s cheaper too. A t th e S e lf-s e rv ic e C afe — Do we help ourselves? — Sure, it’s self-service here. — W hat would you recom m end? — Have you ever tried ... ? I t ’s particularly good here. — All right. I ’ll try that. A Q u ic k S n a c k — W e’ve done a good job. L et’s have a break. — I w ouldn’t say “ n o ” to that. Besides, it’s lunchtim e and I am awfully hungry. — L et’s go to a snack bar to have a quick snack. — L et’s. W hat can we have there? — Sandwiches, hot dogs, ham burgers, cooling beverages, tea and coffee. R e fre sh m e n t a t th e O ffice — W ould you care for a cup o f coffee, sir? — I’d rather have a cup o f tea. — How do you like it? — Strong with two spoonfuls o f sugar, please. — A nother cup o f tea? — T hank you, I think I ’ll trouble you for a second. A t th e R e s ta u ra n t — C an we take this nice table for two? — N o, I ’m sorry, you c a n ’t. I t’s reserved. C om e over here, please. Y ou’ll be very com fortable at this table. H ere is the m enu card. — T hank you very m uch. Give us som e tim e to look it through. — O f course, (in some minutes) Have you m ade the choice? — I ’ll start with soup and have a beef steak to follow. — Do you prefer the beef steak underdone or well-done? — I like it tender. 32 — As for m e, I had m eat for m y m ain course yesterday, so I’ll have fish for a change. — Will you have any dessert? W hat w ould you like? — F riut salad and ice cream for me. — I ’ll have the same. And I’ll take a cup o f coffee. W o n ’t you have 0ne also? — Yes. M ake it two. T h a t’ll be all, I suppose. — W hat do we have to pay, waiter? — 69 euros and 20 cents, sir. — H ere you are. (Gives a G100 note). — H ere is your change — 30 euros and 80 cents. — Forget 80 cents. — T hank you. Goodbye. 2. Запомните следующие выражения и используйте их при составлении диалогов: I’ll have I’d like som e W h at’s the It’s chicken soup fish salad pizza cheese sandw ich straw berry ice cream cake m ineral w ater fruit bread milk m ain course o f the day? special today? soup o f the day? cereal today? salad today? dessert today? roast beef lamb stew m ushroom soup porridge cu cum ber salad apricot m ousse 3. Прочитайте вопросы официанта в левой колонке и подберите к ним ответы посетителя из колонки справа: Questions: W hat would you like to drink? Is everything OK? C an I bring you anything else? Axe you ready to order? 111сРбакопа Answers: a. Six. b. O ne check would be fine. c. N o, thank you. d. Nonsmoking. 33 5. Smoking or nonsm oking? 6 . Do you w ant separate checks? 7. How m any are you? 8 . Do you w ant a table near the window? e. At the window, please. f. Everything is all right. g. M ineral w ater an d juice, pleasej h. Just a m inute, please. 4. Заполните пропуски: Waitress: How ...? Guest: T here are ... o f us. Waitress'. W ould you ... sm oking o r nonsm oking? Guest: ... will be fine. Waitress'. Are you ... to order? Guesf. .... 5. Составьте диалоги, соответствующие следующим ситуациям: 1. Вы реш или пообедать с другом в столовой колледжа. О бсуди­ те м еню и выберите блюда. 2. Вас пригласили в каф е, в котором вы никогда не были. Спро-| сите, какая там кухня. 3. Вы с друзьями заказы ваете уж ин в ресторане. П опросите о ф и ц и ан та дать вам реком ен д ац и и при выборе блюд. Лексические упражнения 1. Разделите слова на две группы: Food и Drinks: water, m eat, potato, cabbage, ham , juice, grape, beer, duck, carp, bacon, cocktail, porridge, veal, coffee, bean, cherry, candy, tea, cake, wine, rice, biscuit, cocoa, bread, prawn. 2. Найдите в каждой группе слов название блюда или напитка, не от­ носящееся к ней: 1. baked fish, beef steak, boiled pike-perch, fish steak, fried cod, steam ed salm on 2 . clear soup, beef tea, broth, cheese sandw ich, chicken consom ­ m e1, milk soup 3. pork chop, pot roast, fried salmon, hotpot, rum p steak, entrecote 4. stewed cabbage, roast beef, carrot cutlets, Russian salad, baked m ushroom s, vegetable soup 5. rum , verm outh, sherry, M uscat, gin, entree2, cham pagne. 3. Выберите правильный ответ: 1. C ream o f chicken is a kind o f ... 1 [kan'sDmei, 'kDnsameij — к о н со м е 2 I'nntrei] — горяч ее (блюдо) a ) dessert; b) salad; с) soup. 2 . [ce cream is ... a) a side dish; b) a m ain course; c) a dessert. 3 . H am , lettuce and to m ato is a kind o f ... a) soup; b) appetizer; c) beverage. 4 . C o ca-C ola is usually served as ... a) dessert; b) beverage; c) appetizer. 5 . Apple pie is ... a) a sandw ich; b) an appetizer; c) a dessert. 4. Напишите по три примера к следующим разделам меню: а) G rape w in e :____________ , ____________ ,____________ Sweet dessert w in e :_____________ , ____________ , ____________ Strong / hard d rin k s :____________ , ____________ , ____________ Poultry d ish e s:____________ ,____________ , ____________ M eat d is h e s :___________, ____________ , ____________ Fish d is h e s :____________ , ____________ , ____________ V egetarian d is h e s :____________ , ____________ , ____________ б ) Appetizers: ____________ , _____________ , ____________ S o u p s :____________ , _____________ , _____________ M ain fish c o u r s e :_____________ , ____________ , ____________ M ain m eat c o u rs e :____________ , ____________ , ____________ Side d is h e s :_____________ , _____________ , _____________ D e sse rts:_____________ , ____________ , _____________ S a la d s:_____________ , _____________ ,_____________ 5. Составьте меню кафе, используя следующие названия продуктов и блюд: Breakfast: rice cereal, fried eggs, orange juice, boiled eggs, sem oli­ na, coffee, tea, porridge, bread and butter, apple juice, cornflakes, ham sandwich, cheese sandwich. L unch: vegetable cream soup, apple pie, boiled fish, sausages and stewed cabbage, boiled new potatoes, fried m ushroom s, m ashed p o ta­ toes, cheese, cold boiled m eat, roast chicken. Dinner: beef tea, chicken noodle soup, beef steak, crab salad, mixed green salad, rissoles, fried potatoes, m ineral water, juices, fruit salad, yeal chop, cucum ber salad, boiled salm on. Supper: scallop, cabbage salad, boiled m eat, assorted fish, m elon, ■ce cream , m utton chop, coffee, w aterm elon, grapes, pears, roast chicken> tea, roast goose, assorted m eat, fish salad. 6 - Изучите меню кафе и сделайте заказ: 1- Две порции селедки с луком , луковы й суп, два антрекота. z: Гороховый суп, баранья отбивн ая, виш невое м орож еное. • Ры бное ассорти, туш ены е овощ и , м и н еральная вода, яб ^ ЛЯ се®я и CBOe^ подруги (друга): крабовы й салат, утка с л °кам и , коф е, морож еное. 35 5. Ч еты ре порции бульона с пирож кам и, четы ре запеченнь карпа с грибам и, две п орци и м орож еного, д ва мусса. Menu Card Starters H erring with onion Assorted fish Assorted m eat (ЯR) ч ^ \у (Яft) Salads C ucum ber and tom ato salad C rab salad Fish salad Soups M ushroom soup O nion soup Pea soup Beef tea and patties i? M ain courses Lam b chop Entrecote 1 Roast beef Boiled sturgeon Fried salm on ,^o ['tmtrakaotj — антрекот 36 Side dishes Fried potatoes M ashed potatoes Boiled rice cn Stewed vegetables Specialties Roast duck and apples Baked carp with m ushroom s ^ ) „ o ,p o , (Rft) (° < b? /Q^' J (О ni19 Desserts Ice cream Mousse 'o Щ | Ц Ц |; ^ M ij Ц с Beverages M ineral water C oca-C ola J Грамматические упражнения 1. Образуйте Participle II (причастия прошедшего времени) отданных переведите их на русский язык: глаголов, to wash, to dry, to salt, to cook, to fry, to boil, to roast, to stew, to tin, to bake, to sm oke, to serve. 2. Переведите на английский язык словосочетания: п р и го то в л ен н ы й зав тр ак , к о п ч ен ая ко л б аса, ж ар ен о е м ясо, ки п яч ен ое м о л о к о , о тв ар н ая го в яд и н а, суш ен ы е ф рукты , п о ­ д ан ная еда, и сп е ч е н н ы й п и р о г, к о п ч е н а я о се тр и н а, со л ен ая рыба. 3. Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple: 1. 1 work at the restaurant. 2. My m other seldom cooks dinner. 3. They help th eir friends. 4. I o ften fry fish. 5. M y g ra n d m o th e r dries apples in summer. 6 . He does shopping on Monday. 7. We have lunch at 12. 8 . She tins m eat herself. 9. I bake delicious apple pies. 10. They usually take a table by the window. 11 .We order fish and chips in this snackbar. 12.He eats too m uch. 13. I d rin k a glass o f ju ice every m orning. 14. W e buy dairy products every day. 15. This w aiter serves this table. 16. I am in a hurry. 4. Задайте к предложениям общие вопросы и дайте краткие ответы: Образец: The girl drank a glass o f juice. Did the girl drink a glass o f juice? — Yes, she did. / No, she d id n ’t. 1. Ann loved her cat very m uch. 2. They often went to the cinem a together. 3. M other bought a cake for tea. 4 . 1 had dinner with my family yesterday. 5. We cam e hom e late last night. 6 . A fter d in n er they were very thirsty. 7. He drank two cups o f tea. 8 . M other m ade a wonderful dinner yesterday. 9. Granny liked to cook very much. 10. She recommended this restaurant to me. 11. My parents had a nice car three years ago. 12.1 ate °n the run in a fast-food restaurant yesterday. 5- Задайте к каждому предложению вопросы пяти типов: 1■ Не went shopping every Saturday. 2. They had a snack in a bar. 3. She Paid for d in n er herself. 4. I ate too m uch at breakfast. 5. Strawberry cost 00 expensive last sum m er. 6. Переведите на английский язык: 1- П ередайте мне сахар, пожалуйста. 2 . Н е курите, пож алуйста, етолом. 3. Не опазды вайте на урок. 4. Выпейте чаш ечку чая, поалуйста. 5. Возьмите мой зонт. Сейчас пойдет дождь. 6 . Пойдемте в Фе. 7 . Пусть она идет домой. О на плохо себя чувствует. 8 . Давайте 37 пообедаем где-нибудь. 9. Не разреш ай ему курить. 10. Д ай мне, по> ж алуйста, твою ручку. 11. П о зв о л ь м н е уй ти п о р ан ьш е сего д н я 12 . П ри н еси те мне что-нибудь поесть, пож алуйста. 13. Позвольт< мне сделать это сам ой. 14. Н е приходите завтра так рано. 15. Н< еш ьте так м ного хлеба. 16. Д авайте сделаем это сейчас! 7. Вставьте местоимение much (a lot of) или many (a lot of): 1. T here are ... plates on the table. 2. Please d o n ’t put ... pepper or the m eat. 3 . 1 never e a t ... bread with soup. 4. D o n ’t eat so ... ice cream You can catch a cold. 5. ... o f these students can speak English well. 6 . Dc you drink ... coffee? 7. How ... m oney have you got? 8 . He hasn’t g o t . J friends. 9. Do you w atch TV ... ? — N o, not .... 10. T here is ... food in the fridge. 11. They haven’t got ... m oney, but they have got ... friends 12. T here was ... food at the party, but I d id n ’t eat .... 8. Вставьте местоимения little, a little, few, a few: 1. H e is very thin because he e a t s .... 2. It was dark and there were people in the park. 3. We have ... bread, so you n e e d n ’t go to the shop. 4. I’m not happy here, I ’ve got ... friends. 5. They have ... m oney. They are poor. 6 . G ranny brought us ... nice toys and we were happy. 7. I have ... m oney, so we can go to the cinem a. 8 . H er w ardrobe is not very rich, but she has got ... nice dresses. 9. Вставьте модальный глагол may или can: 1. Do you think you ... do that? 2. ... we com e and see you tomorrow? 3. ... I use your pen? 4. ... I help you? 5. You ... take this book: I have already read it. 6 . ... you tell me how to get to the superm arket? 7. ... 1 take the apple? 8 . He ... swim well. 10. Вставьте модальный глагол may, must или need: 1. ... we do it all today? — N o, you ... not, you ... do it tom orrow . 2. You ... com e and see me any tim e you like. 3. ... we go hom e now, we have done everything? — Yes, you .... 4. ... you go right now? — N o, I ... not. 5. ... I have the m enu card? 6 . They ... be at hom e in the evening. They have guests tonight. 7. You ... not go to the shop. We have a lot of food. 8 . It is late. The children ... go to bed. 11. Замените глагол should на ought to: 1. Bill should drive carefully. He is too tired. 2. You should stop smoking. 3. It’s a very good film. You should see it. 4. He shouldn’t eat so m uch chocolate. 5. She shouldn’t work so hard. She looks tired. 6 . I think we should do som ething to help her. 7. You should order this dish. It is veiy tasty. 8 . They should have a rest after such a busy week. 9. You look ill. You should go to the doctor. 10. They sh ouldn’t eat ju n k food. 11. He should go to bed earlier. 12. You shouldn’t speak in a loud voice. The child is sleeping. fee т 1 Подберите к каждому слову рисунок и укажите его номер: cheese vegetables bread bananas 9 wine fish spaghetti lem on 10 a cup o f tea sausages ice cream toasts 11 12 Тест 2 Заполните пропуски словами из рамки (используйте каждое слово один Раз): does, alcohol, traffic, quickly, the, for, attention, drinking, slower, poor Alcohol Alcohol is p e r h a p s ___ ( 1) most widely used drug in our society. ^ nlike food, a lc o h o l___ (2) not have to be digested. It affects a person e r y ----- (3). It slows the brain and affects m em ory, self-control and -— (4). Body m ovem ents b e c o m e ___ (5) and m uscle coordination is ( 6 ). 39 The widespread use o f ___ (7) has caused special problem s n o | o n l y ___ ( 8 ) people who use it, but for society as well. A bout h alf ofl all the people killed i n ___ (9) accidents each year die because some one was driving a f t e r ___ ( 10 ) too m uch. Miscellanea IT IS INTERESTING TO KNOW Do You N eed Three M eals a Day? How m any meals you have each day depends on your activity level and personal preference. Som e people feel and work best on four or fiv small meals. It is thought that eating a big breakfast, less lunch and a very small] supper will aid digestion1. In o th er words, you should breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper2. This allows the digestive system to break down food during the active part o f the day and give! you a steady supply o f nutrients. If you eat a heavy m eal during thej evening, it m ay not be digested properly and m ay cause indigestion. Chewing Gum People think that chewing gum is a m odern Am erican invention. But! it isn’t quite true. F or thousand o f years people have chew ed 3 gum 4! resin 3 m ade from a juice collected from trees. M exican Indians have chew ed chicle6, the gum resin from the sapodilla tree7. An A m erican inventor, T hom as Adam s, bought a large am ount о chicle to m ake som ething to chew from it. In 1871 he m ade and sold the first gumballs. People liked them very m uch. Г The chewing gum , as we know it today, was m ade by W illiam Wri^ gley in the 1890s. He m ade gum s into flat sticks and added special flavours. Nowadays, W rigley’s Spearm int gums and Juicy Fruit gumd are the m ost popular chewing gum s all over the world. Chewing gum was brought to Europe by Am erican soldiers. They werq given chewing gum each day because it kept people from getting thirst' 1 [di'd3est/(3)n] — пищеварение 2 Гро:рэ) — нищий 3 chew [tfu] — жевать \ [длт] — каучуковый 5 [’rezin] — смола l'tjik(o)l) — чикл, натуральный каучук Саподилла (сапотовое дерево, из млечного сока которого получают вещество близкое к гуттаперче) 40 The soldiers gave gum to the people they m et and soon it becam e very popular everywhere. U SEFU L ADVICE When Having M eals at a Restaurant 1. Choosing a meal can be a problem som etim es because dishes are 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. called unknow n foreign nam es. D o no t guess, ask the w aiter to help you. Do not let the num ber o f knives, forks and spoons confuse you. It is sim ple — use them in the order in w hich they are laid. W hen eating, take as m uch as you w ant, but eat as m uch as you take. Do not eat too fast o r too slowly, cut as you eat. T here is no rule about eating everything on your plate, to indi­ cate that you have had enough place knife and fork together, not criss-cross. Do n o t leave the spoon in your cup w hen drinking tea or coffee. Do not em pty your glass too quickly — it will be refilled. N orm ally a m eal in a restaurant takes tim e. Usually you tell the w aiter w hat you w ant for the first two courses; he will take your order for dessert and coffee later. W hen paying the bill, it is custom ary to tip waiters, however in m ost restaurants a service charge is nowadays added to avoid individual tipping. But if the w aiter has been very helpful, some people like to give a small tip. FROM THE HISTORY OF W ORDS H ot D ogs These sausages were first sold in the U nited States in the 1860s. Americans called them “d ac h sh u n d 1 sausages” , because they had the form o f dachshunds — long and thick. They were sold at baseball games. The sellers put the hot sausages on buns and shouted: “ G et your hot dachshund sausages!” One day in 1906 a new spaper cartoonist w ent to a baseball gam e and saw People with the dachshund sausages. Soon a funny cartoon appeared ln a newspaper: a bun with a dachshund inside. U nder the drawing the cartoonist wrote: “ G et your hot dogs!” , because he d id n ’t know the celling o f the word dachshund. After that they becam e very popular -U n p eople began to nam e the sausages in buns “hot dogs” . 1'daekshund, -s(a)nd| — такса 41 JOKES Husband (angrily): What! N o supper ready? I ’m taurant! Wife: W ait just five minutes! Husband: Will it be ready then? Wife: N o, but then I ’ll be ready to go with you. *** W hile serving the soup the w aiter looked out o f the window anc rem arked: “ It looks like rain, sir.” The m an tasted the soup and saic “ It tasted like rain to o .” A farm er com es to a tow n for the first tim e. He stops at a hotel an< asks the clerk about hours for meals. “ Breakfast is from 7 to 12 o ’clock, lunch is from 12 to 3, dinner i from 5 to 7 and supper is from 7 to 9 ,” answered the clerk. “ O, my goodness,” cried the farm er. “You eat here the whole day d o n ’t you? But I want to see the town. I d o n ’t want to stay at your hotel I w ant to go to an o th er o n e .” A DIALOGUE TO ENJOY W hat W ould You L ike to E at? Waiter: Hello, please have a seat. W hat would you like to eat? Je a n : I think I ’ll have a steak And then for dessert som e cake. Waiter: W ould you like it on a bun? M edium ? Rare? Perhaps w ell-done? With som e string beans or some peas? Potatoes? Some salad? Some cheese? Jean: I ’d like m y steak w ell-done, Served on a toasted bun. I ’d like som e ketchup too. Waiter: I’ll fix it just right for you. Jean: W ith a baked potato, please, Lots o f string beans, lots o f cheese, And a salad would be nice, And bring me som e w ater with ice. PROVERBS AND SAYINGS TO M EM ORIZE 1. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 2. It m akes o n e ’s m outh water. 42 3 One m a n ’s m eat is an o th er m an ’s poison. 4 Appetite com es with eating. 5 A hungry m an is an angry m an. GIVE IT A NAME 1 It is som ething you can drink from. It is m ade o f glass and does n0t have a handle. 2 . It is the liquid th at com es from fruit w hen you squeeze it. 3 . It is a very cold sw eet-tasting cream y food. 4 . It is used to flavour food. It is found in the earth and in the sea water. 5 . It is som ething you can drink from. It is m ade o f china or clay and has a handle. 6 . It is food th at people eat, usually at fixed times during the day. 7 . It is food th at is ju st enough for one person. Текст для дополнительного чтения The Joys of Juice Fresh fruit and vegetable juice drinking has becom e m uch m ore widespread in recent years. M any people start each day w ith a glass o f freshly squeezed orange ju ice, while others harvest their own crops o f fruits and vegetables to press them selves, o r follow diet regimes that are based on juices. The Health Benefits. M ost fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent sources o f the antioxidant vitam ins, beta carotene and vitam ins С and E. These nutrients, research suggests, help to neutralize the harm ful effects of the body’s free radicals, w hich have been linked to aging, heart disease and cancer. Juices can also make you feel healthier because they contain plant enzymes that aid digestion. It is even claim ed that juices are able to alleviate m any com m on com plaints such as sore throats and insom nia. “ Ut fruit juices such as apple and citrus juices naturally contain about Per cent sugar and, if consum ed frequently throughout the day, WlU cause tooth decay. M aking Your Own. A lthough juices do not pack as m uch o f a punch utritionally as the raw, fibrous fruit or vegetable, they are often tastier. arrot juice is a notable example. Juices are also a good way to boost your vitam in intake. In most es a glass o f fresh juice provides several tim es the recom m ended 43 levels o f vitam ins and m inerals, and because they are w ater-based, thl body will excrete any excess. Freshly squeezed juices are better than the shop-bought variety b e l cause vitam in С dim inishes w ith tim e and w ith exposure to air. T h e J are also m ore likely to be free o f any additives. Citrus fruits can be» squeezed by hand, but with a juicing m achine you can m ake a variety o l cocktails. T horoughly wash all vegetables and fruits you use to remove! traces o f insecticides and fertilizers. MEALS IN THE USA AND GREAT BRITAIN (КАК И ЧТО ЕДЯТ В США И ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИИ) Ready-made Juices. M any m anufacturers add preservatives o r addi-J tives to packaged or bottled juices. O ften, however, these are naturally! occurring plant by-products and not necessarily harm ful. By far the] m ost com m on added ingredient in juice is refined sugar. If you buy ready-m ade juices or the frozen concentrates, read the label to m ake sure that they have no added sugar or colourings, e sp e J d aily if you are giving them to children. F or younger children, even] pure fruit juices should always be diluted; m any juices are quite acidic! and can dam age young teeth o r cause diarrhea if children drink them at] full strength. Текст А How D o the Americans Eat? There are various ethnic food, health food, fast food and traditional hom e-cooked food in the USA. M exican food is the favourite o f m any A m ericans, but they love spaghetti, pizza and o th er types o f Italian food. C hinese food has been Popular with them for years. N ow they often prefer fast food like hamburgers, hot dogs and F rench fries. Many years the A m erican people liked traditional big breakfast and diet o f m eat and potatoes. Usually they eat three tim es a day. For breakfast they have first juice, particularly orange one, then different kinds o f cereal: cornflakes, oatm eal, cream o f w heat and o th ­ ers or eggs (fried or hard-boiled), tea or coffee. Lunch is a quick meal for the m ost Am ericans. F or lunch they have Jfst food: pizza, p otato chips, M cD o n ald s’s food, sandw iches, hot °§s, hot corn, any kind o f sweet gas water, fruit and salads. There are m any fast-food restaurants all over the country where People can have lunch during their short lunch break. W hen the A m erican people talk about lunch, they usually say: “ L et’s grab a sandwich! How about a bite to eat?” At lunchtim e most Americans eat on the run, so fast food is very popular. F or d in n er they always have salad with different kinds o f vegetables mixed w ith croutons and dressing. After salad they like to eat fried chicken, steaks, ribs, beef, fish, baked, fried and m ashed potatoes. 1 Maybe the A m ericans have m ore tim e for dinner, but they d o n ’t often have enough tim e for grocery shopping, cooking and washing dishes. Often instead o f asking, “W h at’s for d in n er?” they ask: “W here are we going for d in n er?” The A m ericans have never eaten herring and seldom soup. But if they want any soup, they eat puree or cream soup. D uring any meal they drink different kinds o f gas w ater or C oca-C ola. Lettuce is the main ingredient o f salads. The Am erican people like ice cream , cookies, cakes, candies very m uch, they also use 8— 10 glasses o f w ater a day. In com m on the A m ericans eat m uch, particularly at weekends. They go outside and very popular food is barbecue and food in cans. They also eat hot dogs, hot corn and less bread. 60 p er cent o f the A m ericans (children and adults) are overweight. And nowadays the A m erican people begin to think seriously about their physical wellbeing. So health food becom es m ore popular. It d oesn’t contain chem icals and preservatives. H ealth food is fresh and natural. A m erican doctors recom m end to eat a w ell-balanced diet daily. Словарь к тексту F rench fries [,frentf'fraiz] Am. diet ['daist] cornflakes ['ko:nfleiks] cream o f w heat [,kri:m sv 'wi:t] gas w ater ['gses ,wo:t3] to grab [greeb] bite [bait] crouton ['kru:tr>n] ribs [nbz] Am. puree ['pju(9)rei] soup / cream soup lettuce f'letis] cookie [ kuki] barbecue [babikju:] can [kaen] overweight [ouva'weit] preservative [pri'z3:v3tiv] wellbeing [.welbmr)] 46 картоф ель, ж арен н ы й во ф р и ­ тюре п итани е, п и щ а, рац и он , диета кукурузны е хлопья каш а из м елкодроблены х зерен п ш еницы гази рован н ая вода поесть наспех, «перехватить» легкая закуска гренок телятина (спинная часть) суп-пю ре салат, латук печенье барбекю (мясо, зажаренное на открытом огне) кон сервн ая банка и м ею щ ий избы точны й вес консервант здоровье Задания к тексту 1 Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям: v a rio u s ethnic food, traditional hom e-cooked food, different kinds -if c e r e a l , w heat cream , with croutons and dressing, m ashed potatoes, °|ie main ingredient, food in cans, cream soup, less bread, physical wellbeing, a w ell-balanced diet. 2 . Переведите на английский язык, используя слова и выражения из текста: 1 М ексиканская п ищ а — самая лю бимая для многих ам ери кан ­ цев. 2. М ногие годы ам ериканцы лю били традиционны й обильны й з а в т р а к и рац и он из м яса и картоф еля. 3. П о всей стране много р е с т о р а н о в бы строго питани я. 4. На обед он и всегда едят салат из различных овощ ей, см еш анны х с гренкам и и заправкой. 5. А мери­ канцы не едят селедку и редко едят суп. 6 . В общ ем , ам ери кан ц ы едят много, особенно в выходные дни. 7. Здоровая пищ а не содер­ жит химических продуктов и консервантов. 3. Отметьте верные утверждения словом right, неверные — словом wrong: 1. M ost Am ericans prefer having hom e-cooked lunch. 2. Chinese food is not popular with the Am ericans. 3. The A m ericans often prefer fast food: ham burgers, hot dogs, French fries. 4. The A m ericans never have salad for dinner. 5. A m erican w om en like cooking and washing dishes. 6 . The A m ericans like to have herring and soup for dinner. 7. They drink different kinds o f gas w ater during any meal. 8 . W hen the A m ericans go for a picnic, they often bake potatoes in the op en -air fire. 4. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ю. *h '2. '3. '4. How m any tim es a day do the A m ericans usually eat? W hat do they have for breakfast? Do m ost A m ericans eat lunch on the run or at the restaurant? W here can the A m erican people have lunch quickly? W hat do they say ab out lunch? Do the Am ericans have m ore tim e for dinner? W hat do the A m ericans always have for dinner? The Am ericans like to have dinner at hom e, d o n ’t they? W hat do the A m ericans drink during any m eal? L ettuce is the m ain ingredient o f salad, isn ’t it? How m any glasses o f w ater do the A m ericans drink a day? W hat kind o f food becom es m ore popular now? Is health food fresh and natural? W hat do A m erican doctors recom m end to eat? What Do the English Eat? Ann lives in London. She is a form er college teacher, now on pension We asked her to tell us how and where the ordinary English have thei meals. Here is her story. W hat do the English eat? O n e’s daily diet depends (probably a( everywhere) on taste, incom e and pattern o f everyday life. F or breakfast; som eone dashing off to work will grab a cup o f tea o r coffee and a piecd o f toast and m arm alade, o r not even th a t, and buy a coffee andj croissant en route! But at weekends, when there is more time, they might] on Saturday o r Sunday have the “ G reat British B reakfast” (which is| now m arketed everywhere in cafes as “all day breakfast” — very popular] with tourists). This consists o f fried bacon, eggs, tom atoes, m ushroom s^ sausage, baked beans and fried bread. This food is ironically known a “ h eart-attack specials” — but if one goes away to stay in a bed-and-! breakfast place or hotel, you have it all the same! A nyone healths conscious m ay have cereal, e. g. muesli, fruit juice and perhaps a piece off toast and m arm alade. At weekends, I may have scram bled eggs on toas-. with grilled bacon, coffee. L unch for m e would be a sandw ich with brow n, w holem eal bread, a banana, occasionally soup a n d /o r fruit juice — m ost people eat their m ain meal in the evenings, because о work, and for preference. Again m ain dinners — anything! Traditional English food is fish and chips with peas, steakand kidney pie, sausage and m ashed potatoes, but people also eat Indian o r C hinese food, pasta with a m eat or vegetable sauce, with the usual M editerranean herbs, such as basil, oregano, plus olives, Pesto sauce, sprinkled with Parm esan cheese. As for eating out — incom e determ ines this. As I am 48 0n pension, it is usually Indian or C hinese, and there is a cheap Polish restaurant near m y place — this would be once a m onth, and I m ay also „et in a takeaway (you phone the restaurant and they deliver — usually In d i a n ) once o r twice a m onth. H ow ever if you are young on a high incom e, you may eat out several times a week, and get frequent takeaways: you may have to pay £100— 150 for two in the m odern E uropean, M editerranean o r even som e up-m arket Indian restaurants (com pare the ones we go to — £30 — 40 for two). Словарь к тексту incom e ['щклш, 'in-] pattern l'pset(3 )n] to dash [daej] off croissant ['krwa:sDo] en route [,on 'ru:t] to market ['ma:kit] bacon ['beikan] baked beans [.beikt 'bi:nz] bed-and-breakfast [,bed and 'brekfast] health-conscious ['hel0 ,ktmjas] muesli ]'mju:zli] wholemeal ['haulmi:l] preference ['pref(a)rans] steak and kidney ]'steikand,kidni] pie M editerranean [.medita'reinian] basil ['baez(a)l] oregano [,o:riga:nau] Pesto sauce to sprinkle ['sprmk(a)l] Parmesan cheese [,pa:mizaen 'tjl:z] takeaway ['teikawei] to deliver [di'liva] uP~market [,Ap'ma:kit] доход образ (жизни) бежать, мчаться круасан, рогали к по пути зд. рекламировать бекон консервированная белая фасоль в том атном соусе гости н ичн ое обслуж ивание, в цену которого входят разм ещ е­ н ие и завтрак заб отящ и й ся о своем здоровье мю сли ц ельнозерновой предпочтение п и рог с м ясом и почкам и среди зем ном орски й б ази лик ореган (растение из семейства мяты) песто (итальянский соус из ба­ зилика и чеснока) посы пать сы р пармезан еда н а в ы н о с (в рест оранах быстрого питания) доставлять эли тарн ы й, дорогой Задания к тексту 1- Переведите на английский язык: ]■ Е ж едневны й рац и он ан гли ч ан и н а зави си т от его предпочтеи >Дохода и образа ж изни. 2. «Больш ой ан глий ский завтрак» со49 стоит из б ек о н а, я и ц , п о м и д о р о в , гри бов, к о н се р в и р о в ан н о й фасоли в том атном соусе и тостов. 3. Те, кто заботится о своем здоровье, предпочитаю т на завтрак м ю сли, ф руктовы й сок, то с­ ты с апельсиновы м дж ем ом . 4. Т р ад и ц и он н ая ан глий ская еда — ры ба с картоф елем во ф ритю ре, зелены й горош ек, слоены й п и ­ рог с мясом и п очкам и, колбаса, картоф ельное пюре. 5. У жин в современном дорогом ресторане с европейской, средизем ном орс­ кой или индийской кухней обойдется в 100— 150 ф унтов на двоих. 2. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. W hat does the daily diet o f the English depend on? 2. W hat does the breakfast o f people who work consist of? 3. W hat is the “ G reat British Breakfast”? 4. How is this food ironically called? 5. W hat do health-conscious people have in the m orning? 6 . W hat does Ann have for lunch? 7. W hen do m ost people have their m ain m eal? 8 . W hat is traditional English food? 9. W hat do you think o f the English food? C hinese food? 10. How m uch do you have to pay for a meal in the m odern E urope­ an restaurant o f London? Текст С British Cuisine T here is no cuisine in the world about which there are as m any jokes as there are about British cooking. Particularly the F rench are great in m aking jokes about British cuisine. F or exam ple, according to one F rench com ic, hell is a place where the cooks are British. O r do you know why the British serve m int sauce with lam b? A c­ cording to F rench food critics, m int m ust be the only plant not eaten by sheep. O f course, these all are exaggerations. T he British bear them with th eir superior sense o f hum our. British cuisine cannot present so m any internationally renow ned dishes as F rench cuisine does. But British cuisine has contributed a lot to the w orld’s steak culture, and there are a num ber o f inventions in British cuisine which are even adopted by the F rench — as for example the creation o f sandwiches. As for steaks, th at has in the past been so British that British elite troops were called Beefeaters. And the term porterhouse for a special large kind o f steak cuts has nothing to do with porters or luggage carriers but originates from British pubs where a special brand o f dark beer, 50 pnrterbeer, was served, and where a snack consisted o f a steak som e 900 fn n is by weight — a single portion for a single man. ^ It’s a ch aracter trait o f the British not to be proud o f their cuisine 0o m uch. In case o f th eir foods and drinks, the British learnt a lot from t|ie colonies conquered by the beefeaters all around the world. From gaSt Asia (C hina) they adopted tea (and reexported the habit to India), and from India they adopted curry-style spicing. However, they d id n ’t just copy these food and drink habits but co m ­ bined them with th eir ow n foodstuffs: tea w ith milk and curry with pastry (to m ake curried pies). Словарь к тексту hell [hel] exaggeration [ig,zsed39lreif(9)n] renowned [ri'naund] adopt [a'dnpt] creation [kri'ei/(3)n] elite [ei'li:t, i-] troop [tru:p] Beefeaters f'bi:f,i:t3zj porterhouse ['po:tshaus] cut [k\t] pub [рлЬ] brand [brsend] porter ['pD:t3 ] trait [trei(t)] conquered f'knijkad] habit |'ha;bit] curry ['клп] ад преувеличение известны й перен и м ать, заим ствовать создание эли тн ы й войско биф итеры , «мясоеды» (прозвище дворцовой стражи или страж ­ ников лондонского Тауэра) сте й к из говяд и н ы в ы сокого качества вы резка, филе п и вн ая, трактир, таверн а сорт крепкое тем ное горькое пиво черта (характ ера) завоеван н ы й , захваченны й привы чка карри (острая индийская при­ права из куркумы и др. пряно­ стей)', блю до, п ри п равл ен н ое карри Задания к тексту !• Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и словосоЧетаниям: шутить; единственное растение; превосходное чувство ю мора; л *ода, п ризн ан н ы е во всем мире; изобретение; элитны е войска; ®ес°м 900 граммов; характерная черта; он и заим ствовали чай; не ° л ько переняли эти привы чки. 51 2. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. W hat did one F rench com ic say about British cuisine? 2. W hy do you think the British serve m int sauce with lamb? 3. T here are a lot o f jokes about British cuisine. How do they bear them ? 4. Do you know inventions o f British cuisine? 5. British cuisine has contributed a lot to the world steak culture, h asn’t it? 6 . C an you translate the word beefeater? 7. Are the British proud o f th eir cuisine? 8 . W hat did the British adopt from East Asia (C hina)? 9. W here did the British adopt curry-style spicing from? 10. The British d id n ’t just copy food and drink habits from other countries, did they? 3. Расскажите, что вы знаете об английской кухне, используя в каче­ стве плана следующие вопросы: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. How m any meals a day do the English generally have? How m any courses do these meals consist of? Do the English eat out a lot? W ho can afford it? W hat are your views on English food? C an you describe a typical English breakfast? W hat are the m ost fam ous dishes in G reat Britain? W hich English dishes would you like to try and why? Are English dishes well know n in our country? W hich Russian dishes would you recom m end to an English visitor? Диалоги 1. Прочитайте по ролям и переведите: What Tania Likes Mary: Do you miss your hom e cooking or are you getting used to our English food, Tania? Tania: T here are som e dishes I miss very m uch indeed. You see, our food is different from yours. M aty: Yes, I know. But w hat English dishes do you like? O r d o n ’t you like any o f them ? Tania : W ell, first o f all I’m fond o f your fish and chips. Fish is always fresh and tasty. Mary: Have you eaten our national dishes: roast beef, Yorkshire pudding? Tania : Oh yes, I like the way you cook them . Y our steak is so tender and delicious. 52 Mary: It’s very nice o f you to say so. And how do you find my apple pie? Tania: O h, it’s my favourite English dish now. Mary: I ’m glad you like it. English Breakfast Sergey: Tania, have you had breakfast yet? T ania: Oh yes. M ary cooks an English breakfast every m orning. Sergey: W hat has she done for breakfast today? T ania: We have had boiled eggs, toasts, bread and butter, m arm alade and tea. Everything was delicious. I think there is nothing like an English breakfast. Sergey: My breakfast at the hotel is always rolls and coffee. Tania: Do you like English coffee? Sergey: Oh no! English people c a n ’t m ake good coffee. Tania: Yes, I enjoy English breakfast but their coffee is bad. Sergey: Did you get used to English tea w ith milk? Tania: Yes, and I prefer it to coffee. Going to the Pub Mary: Jo h n is going to take you out tonight. Sergey : W here are we going to? Mary : W ould you like to go to a pub? Sergey: To a pub? W h at’s that? Mary: Oh, you d o n ’t know w hat English pubs are? Pubs have been part o f the British way o f life for years. We go to a pub to m eet friends and have a chat. Sergey: Is it like a cafe? M ary: N o , the cafe is a place where people go for a m eal or a quick cup o f tea. But when you w ant to relax after a day’s work and have your usual drink, you go to the pub. Sergey: Do they buy food? Mary: Yes, you can also buy food in som e pubs: they serve hot sausages, pork pie, sandw iches o r a ploughm an’s 1 lunch, consisting of bread, cheese and pickles2. Sergey: T h a t’s very interesting. L et’s go to a pub. 2. Задайте друг другу следующие вопросы и ответьте на них: 1■W hat do Russian people usually have for breakfast? W hat do you usually have for breakfast? Do you drink black or white coffee? Do you uke tea with milk? C an you afford to have freshly squeezed out oranges j^ h e m orning? W hat do you think is the healthiest breakfast? ^ Гр1аитэп| — пахарь l'pik(3)lz] — соленые или маринованные огурцы и пр. 2. The English usually have for lunch (the m idday meal) som e light food. And w hat about you? W hen do you usually have your m idday meal? How do we call it? W hat do you usually have for dinner? 3. T he m ain m eal o f the English is in the evening and it is called dinner. W hen do you have dinner? W hen do you usually have supper? W hat do you usually have for supper? 4. W ho cooks meals in your family? W hat is the everybody’s favourite dish in your family? W ho m akes it? D o you like cooking? D o you often cook at hom e? 5. Some people c a n ’t stand eating alone. W hat about you? D o n ’t you m ind eating alone? Do you always invite your classm ates when you go to have a snack to the students’ canteen? Лексические упражнения 1. Выберите прилагательные, описывающие качества блюд. Составьте с ними предложения. Образец: The meal can be cheap. The steak can be delicious. cheap, expensive, delicious, nice, tasty, dangerous, high, h a n d ­ som e, young, right, dry, good, new , rare, u n d erd o n e, appetizing, awful, horrible, tender, salty, healthy, hearty, short. 2. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на многозначность слов smell, taste: а) smell, v 1) нюхать; 2 ) пахнуть smell, п запах 1. Smell these apples! A ren’t they sweet! 2. She sm elt the fish to find out w hether it was fresh. 3. C an you smell som ething burning? 4. The dish smells w onderful, d oesn’t it? 5. The coffee smells good. 6 . I d o n ’t like the smell o f these flowers. б) taste, v 1) пробовать на вкус; 2 ) иметь вкус taste, п вкус 1. Taste this cake! Isn’t it delicious? 2. He tasted the soup to find out w hether he had put enough salt in it. 3. This m ilk tastes sour. 4. W hat does this soup taste of? 5. This cucum ber is bitter to the taste. 6 . The dish left a bad taste in the m outh. 7. His wife dresses in good taste. 3. Дополните каждую из идиом словом или словосочетанием из рамки и подберите соответствующие русские эквиваленты: a pancake, a berry, two peas in a pod, m ustard, chalk and cheese, a cucum ber, a toast, a bee 54 1 As 2 . As 3 As 4 As brown as .. keen as .... cool as .... flat as .... Грамматические 5. As different as 6 . As w arm as ... 7. As like as .... 8 . As busy as .... упражнения 1 . Напишите предложения в Future Simple, внося необходимые изме­ нения и дополняя их словами tomorrow, next Sunday, next month и т.п.: 1. H enry invites m any guests to his parties. 2. They travel in sum m er. 3 I take my dog for a walk two times a day. 4. M other cooks nice dinners. 5 . We often discuss our plans. 6 . She buys a new dress every m onth. 7. He goes shopping on Sunday. 8 . I drink coffee. 9. In o th er cities we always visit interesting places. 10. M y parents get up early. 2. Напишите предложения в отрицательной форме: 1. I’ll get up early tomorrow. 2. W e’ll go shopping next weekend. 3. H e’ll come to work in time. 4. Mary will be late for the film. 5. I’ll stay at hom e on Saturday. 6 . T hey’ll w atch a new com edy on TV. 7. I ’ll buy provisions for my birthday party. 8 . My m other will make a holiday dinner. 9. They will go to the restaurant tom orrow . 10. Ann will m arry Bill in July. 3. Задайте к каждому предложению вопросы пяти типов: 1. Kate will go to London next summer. 2. They will eat out tomorrow. 3. We would prefer English tea with milk to coffee. 4. John will go to the pub to meet his friends and have a chat. 5. Mary will cook several national dishes. 4. Напишите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме: Образец: Nick is going to phone Liz. Is N ick going to phone Liz? — No, N ick is not going to phone Liz. 1. M y sister is going to have dinner out. 2. T hey are going to visit the Tretyakov Gallery. 3. I ’m going to spend m y sum m er holidays abroad. 4. We are going to discuss our plans tom orrow . 5. M other is going to make breakfast at 8 . 5. Переведите на английский язык, используя конструкцию to be going ,0 do smth: 1- Завтра мы собираемся пообедать в ресторане. 2. Что ты собира­ ешься делать в следую щие выходные? 3. Я не собираю сь покупать НовУю маш ину. 4. Я не хочу ехать дом ой на автобусе. Я собираю сь Вздть такси. 5. Он собирается пригласить гостей на свой день рожде­ ния. 6 . М ама собирается приготовить ж ареное мясо к обеду. 7. Я соиРаюсь надеть свое новое платье на вечеринку. 8 . Я так голодна, сейчас съем этот бутерброд. 9. Мы нам ерены продать наш дом и 55 купить квартиру в центре города. 10. Я не собираю сь готовить ужи J сегодня. 6. Задайте друг другу вопросы о планах на ближайшие выходные. Образец: What are you going to watch on TV? W hat book are you going to read? Where are you going to spend your weekend? 7. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на многозначност|| глаголов shall, would, will: 1. W e shall phone him tom orrow . 2. I t’s warm in the room . Sha open the window? 3. I'm going to the theatre tonight. W hat shall I wear? 4. I ’ve got so m any problem s. W hat shall I do? 5. Will you open the! window, please? 6 . My father will leave for England next m onth. 7. Will you give me a pencil? 8 . If you could come, 1 would be happy. 9. W ould уош like to have dinner with m e on Saturday? — Yes, I ’d love to. 10. W ould you like a chocolate? — Yes, please. 11. M other said she w ould comej earlier tom orrow . 12. I’d like to ask a question. 13. W ould you rather] have d in n er at hom e or in the restaurant? 14. W ould you prefer meat] or fish? 15. Shall we go out tonight? — W ell, I ’d rath er stay at hom e 16. You shall help him. 17. I ’m thirsty. I ’d like a drink. 8. Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных: а) Образец: a cold day — a colder day — the coldest day a long nose, a clever child, an old m an, a big shop, funny stories, a hot pie, w arm dishes. б) Образец: a beautiful girl — a more beautiful girl — the most beautiful girl a handsom e boy, an interesting book, wonderful days, an expensive! restaurant, an intelligent w om an, a difficult question. в) Образец: a good student — a better student — the best student bad food, good friends, a bad nut, a good day. 9. Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в нужную форму: 1. The 22nd o f D ecem ber is the (short) day o f the year. 2. Ann is t (good) student at our faculty. 3. My m other is (young) than my father. 4. The days in sum m er are (long) than in winter. 5. It is the (bad) day] in my life. 6 . She is a very (beautiful) girl. 7. The Ostankino Tow er is the! (high) tow er in Europe. 8 . It is (high) than Eiffel Tower. 9. Y our car isl (expensive) th an m ine. 10. This is the (clever) m an I ’ve ever k n o w n ! 11. She is the (beautiful) w om an I ’ve ever seen. 12. The situation is even] (bad) than I expected. 56 Подберите к каждому слову рисунок и укажите его номер: sausage carp sweets pizza pike soup herring pepper eel ham burger radish cauliflower Тест 2 Заполните пропуски словами из рамки (используйте каждое слово один Раз): cook, of, and, also, drink, is, m ade, place, the, eat, are, wins, soup Irish Food Ire la n d ___ ( 1) on the edge o f Europe, with the A tlantic O cean to jts west. In the so u th w e st___ (2) the island, the clim ate is influenced y the G u lf Stream . 57 D ublin is the hom e o f Guinness and a very c o o l ___ (3) for a short break. It has one o f ___ (4) youngest population in Europe and one that is well-travelled so the culinary in flu e n c e s___ (5) international. You c a n ___ ( 6 ) excellent cheese, Japanese and M editerranean cuisines. There are plenty o f oysters, lo b ste rs___ (7) scallops from the West C oast, world-class beef and som e o f the sweetest lam b you’ve ever eaten. Irish farm house cheese re g u la rly ___ ( 8 ) awards internationally. Bread is tasty. Soda bread (flour, salt, bread soda and butterm ilk) is ___ (9) daily in m any households. W heaten bread — another nam e for brown soda bread — i s ___ ( 10) favourite. The Irish people m ake ___ (11) with garden vegetables or wild foods. They also like t o ___ (12). Irish stew (based on neck o f lam b) or a beef casserole1, a hearty m ain course, served with potatoes. There are hundreds o f places to eat and t o ___ (13) a bottle o f excellent wine and a cup o f good coffee in the city o f D ublin. Miscellanea IT IS INTERESTING TO KNOW Saffron Little com pares to the pungent 2 arom a and honey-like taste o f saf­ fron. And it is very expensive. Just I g retails 3 at about £2 (£2 million per ton), m aking it m ore expensive than silver. Why Is Saffron So Expensive? Saffron is the dried stigmas 4 o f the crocus5. The flowers are picked by hand in the early m orning, left to dry in the sun, then in the evening three stigmas from each flower are removed by hand. To produce 1 kg о saffron, it takes about 140,000 crocuses, a lot o f tim e and a huge am ount o f intense, back-breaking labour. Saffron is m ost fam ously used in three classic dishes: the French soup bouillabaisse6, the Spanish paella 7 and the Italian risotto a la M ila­ nese. It is also used in traditional C ornish saffron cakes and buns m ade with yeast. 1 ['k£es(3)raul| — горшочек 2 l'pAnd33nt) — острый, резкий 3 I'rirteilzJ — продается в розницу stigma ['stigma] — рыльце (пестика) 5 ['kraukssj — шафран 6 [.buys'besj — буйабес, густой рыбный суп 7 [pai'eb] — рис с кусочками мяса, рыбы и овощей 58 U SEFU L ADVICE ( TABLE MANNERS) English Dinner E nglish dinners are not so different from those anyw here else but there are a few things w orth m entioning. The English often w arm the plates. Be careful not to burn yourself when you to u ch them . The food is often served up onto the individual plates by the hostess. If you are given more food than you can manage, you must tell your hostess about it. She will take some o f it away before you have touched it. This is what you can say: “ Oh, it looks delicious, but I’m afraid it (really) is too much for me! I d o n ’t think I can manage all o f it. I’m sorry.” W hen leaving the table, you d o n ’t use the words “thank y o u ” but you thank your hostess for food by saying, for instance: “ I did enjoy that” or “T hat was delicious. I really enjoyed it.” Drinks Is it a m yth or is it true th at the English drink tea all the tim e? The English very seldom drink milk with their meals as in m any other co u n ­ tries. Some Englishmen drink water or squash1, others may drink beer or wine on special occasions. Some families have tea with their dinner. If you are not given anything to drink and you find it difficult to have a meal w ithout a drink, you can get yourself a glass o f w ater from the jar. You just say: “ M ay I get m yself a glass o f w ater, please?” JOKES Tea or Coffee They say that English people c a n ’t make good coffee. T here is a story about the m an who was having breakfast in an English hotel. He took a drink from his cup and then said to the waiter, “W aiter, is this tea o r coffee?” The w aiter said, “ C a n ’t you tell the difference, sir, by the taste?” “ N o ,” the m an said, “ I c a n ’t . ” “W ell,” answered the waiter, “ if you c a n ’t tell the difference, what d°es it m atter which it is?” A Mushroom A F renchm an was travelling in England. H e co u ld n ’t speak English at all. He knew only a few English words and it was difficult for him to IskwnJ] _ фруктовый сок (обыкн. с газированной водой) 59 make him self understood. O ne day he cam e to a country inn. He felji hungry and decided to have lunch there. He w anted to order s o rn ! m ushroom s w hich he liked very m uch. So he called the w aiter ancfi spoke to him in F rench. T he w aiter could no t u nderstand a sin g jJ word. W hat was the F renchm an to do? At last he had a good idea. “ If I show him a picture o f a m ushroom , h j will understand what I w a n t,” he said to himself. So he took a piece o f pap er and a pencil and drew a picture o f a m ushroom . The w aiter looked at it and ran out o f the room . A few m inutes later the w aiter returned with an um brella, for this was how he had understood the picture. дlag'- All right. ja c k : All right. дla g : L et’s have him settle the fight. PROVERBS AND SAYINGS TO M EM O RIZE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H ope is a good breakfast but a bad supper. B etter an egg today th an a hen tom orrow . As slippery as an eel. All sugar and honey. H unger breaks stone walls. A P olite Q uestion GIVE IT A NAME The m anager o f a very fashionable restaurant was m uch pained w henj a guest tied his napkin round his neck. So he called a boy w aiter to m ake! the gentlem an understand, as tactfully as he could, that such th i n g ! were not done. The boy approached the guest and asked seriously: “ Shave or hair-1 cut, sir?” A PO EM TO ENJOY You Are Drinking M y Strawberry Shake You can sing this dialogue on the melody o f the English song "Myi Bonny is over the Ocean ”. Jack: Excuse me, I’m sorry to tell you, But you took my drink by mistake. Excuse me, I ’m sorry to tell you, You are drinking m y strawberry shake. Mag\ I ’m not. Jack: You are. Mag: D o n ’t get upset. D o n ’t raise your voice. Jack: I ’m not. Mag\ You are. Jack: Please, d o n ’t raise your voice to me. Mag'. And w hat makes you think it’s your m ilk shake? I think you m ust be colour-blind. And w hat makes you think it’s your milk shake? I think you are out o f your mind. Jack: I ’m not. Mag\ You are. Jack: L et’s let the m anager say w ho’s right. 60 1. Two slices o f bread with food between them . 2. It is a drink. It is m ade by pouring boiling w ater o nto the dried leaves o f a plant with the sam e nam e. 3. It is a small plant. It has a short thick stem with a round top. It looks like a tiny um brella. 4. It is a sea creature that has a hard shell, two large claws and eight legs. 5. It is a food th at is m ade by cooking fruit with a lot o f sugar. 6 . It is a food m ade from milk. It can be hard or soft. Som e sorts o f it have a strong flavour. 7. W hen you do it, you put food in y o u r m outh, chew it and swallow it. Тексты для дополнительного чтения What M eans to Be W ell-M annered for an English and for an American The w ell-m annered Englishm an at table holds and keeps his knife in his right hand, his fork in his left, cuts his m eat and presses his vegeta­ bles onto his fork. The w ell-m annered A m erican first cuts up all his m eat, th en places his knife down on the right o f his plate, takes his fork in his right hand and with his fork lifts the food to his m outh. He will have coffee (generally with cream ) half-way through his dinner before the pudding (which he calls “ desserts” ). The Englishm an drinks his coffee (black usually) after dinner. And o f course, Am ericans are coffee-drinkers rather th an tea-drinkers. T he English for which tea-m aking is alm ost a religious cerem ony would be shocked at the 61 A m erican’s idea o f how tea should be m ade. The popular m ethod is to take a cup o f hot (n o t necessarily boiling) w ater and drop into it a cotton bag with tea leaves in it. F o r a change they will som etim es put a pan o f w ater o n the electric stove and, just as the w ater gets w arrnl throw in a few teaspoonfuls o f tea. T hen they pour the m ixture into a tea pot (cold, o f course), pour it from there into a cup (or glass) and then drink it w ithout turning a hair1. What is Tea for the British? Tea is the national drink o f the British. Britain im ports about 20 % o f all the w orld’s tea. It was introduced to Britain in 1657 by C atherine o f Braganza, King C harles FI’s wife and becam e so popular that special ships (“clippers” ) were designed to bringing it quickly from C hina. The English custom o f afternoon tea goes back to the late 18th cen­ tury, when A nne, wife o f the 7th Duke o f Bedford, decided that she needed tea and cakes to bring back her strength around 5 p. m. The British drink m ore tea than any o ther nation — about 4 kilos a head, o r 1,650 cups o f tea a year. M ost people in Britain drink tea with black leaves, but now herbal teas, which do not contain caffeine, are becom ing m ore popular. The British way o f m aking tea is special. There are som e strict rules how th eir tea is made: • The teapot m ust be warm ed before the tea is pu t in. • The w ater m ust be boiling properly. • The right quantity o f tea — “one spoon for each person and one for the p o t” — m ust be used. • Tea m ust be brewed for three m inutes. The drinking o f tea is the opportunity for the British to rest for a few minutes. “ If you are cold, tea will warm you, if you are heated, it will cool you, if you are depressed, it will cheer you, if you are excited, it will calm y o u .” Eggs Cooks love eggs and the wise cook is never w ithout a good supply.! Eggs are versatile, easy to use, easy to digest, and most people like them . They are always obtainable and their price rem ains reasonable. | Store them in a cool place, larder 2 o r refrigerator, and there is alw ays■ ; 1 without turning a hair — не моргнув глазом 2 I'laida] — шкаф для продуктов 62 e b asis o f a quick, inexpensive meal ready to hand. If you keep them ! ji-je refrigerator, take them out and let them reach kitchen tem perature ulfore using. Beaten when w arm rather than cold, the whites produce , r greater volum e for m eringues 1 o r souffles2. M ost people are now ftiniliar with the grading system , from G rade 1 for the largest down to grades 5 o r 6 for the smallest. Brown \ eggs or white? T he answ er is that it does not m atter, the difference is only in the eye o f the beholder. In A m erica they pay extra j-or pure white ones, the British do the same for dark brown. They are all g o o d . Boil them , scram ble them , fry them with bacon, m ake an 0 rnelet, m ake m ayonnaise or meringues. The egg is th e basis o f m ost cakes and m any sauces. It takes kindly to c h eese and to vegetables o f all kinds, and it can help you to achieve sp ecta cu la r success with m any sim ple dishes. Take the souffle, for in ­ stance. A good souffle, golden and well risen, puffing up in its dish as you take it out o f the oven, does a lot for your reputation as a cook. C ontrary to p opular belief, there is no mystery about souffles and it is truthfully said th at if you can m ake a w hite sauce, you can m ake a sou ffle. T he im portant thing is th at it should be eaten straight out o f the oven. T here should not be too m uch trouble over this! 2 m erin g u e [шэ'ггеп) — м е р е н г а , безе so u ffle l'su:flei] — с у ф л е RUSSIAN CUISINE (РУССКАЯ КУХНЯ) Урок 4 Текст А Russian Cuisine Russian cuisine is rich and varied. T here is a big choice o f appetizers, soups, hot and dessert dishes. Soup makes an im portant part o f a Russian meal. The traditional Russian soups are shchee (fresh cabbage meat shchee, sauerkraut shchee, shchee Petrovsskie cooked from pike-perch and fresh cabbage), borshch, rassolnik (kidney and salted cucum ber soup), m eat and fish solyanka, ukha, m ushroom soup and soup in season — okroshka and cold beetroot soup.N o two recipes are the same for borshch and shchee. M any ways o f cutting and cooking m eat cam e from France, th at is why they have French terms: antrekot, eskalop, file. Roast suckling pig is a classic festive dish on the Russian table. The traditional m ethod was to roast the pig on a baking tray in the oven. It was cooked with the head left on, basted frequently w ith oil or butter and served with buckw heat and som etim es with a hot sauce. A lexander Grigoryevich S troganoq gave his nam e at the end o f the 19th century to a dish—b eef Stroganoflf Stroganoff lived in Odessa and had a very good cook who was eithe 64 p rench o r F ren ch-trained. B eef S troganoff is a dish m ade o f m eat cut jnto strips and cooked in sour-cream sauce. Pelmeni is an o th er specialty o f Russian cookery, which has its his­ tory. U n d er the M ongol yoke pelm eni becam e established in Siberia and the Urals and gradually spread on all the territory o f Russia. Nowadays there is ag reat num ber o f recipes and varieties o f them . Traditional m uxture o f beef, pork and elk is used to m ake m inced m eat. It is inter­ esting th at the whole cerem ony o f m aking pelm eni exists in the villages of Siberia. T here is a local tradition there that the families gather at the table once o r twice a m o n th in w inter and spend the whole affernoon to make a vast batch o f pelm eni. T he w om en m ake the dough and chop the m eat, the m en do the folding. The traditional form is ear-shaped, but they com e in all shapes from square to triangles. T hen the pelm eni are deep frozen and kept in sacks, bags o r buckets in cold pantries. Russian cooking m akes greater and m ore varied use o f m ushroom s than any o th er cuisine in the world. They are eaten raw, dressed with herbs, cooked into soups and pies, baked with cream . A popular w inter delicacy is pickled o r salted m ushroom s, w hich are eaten as hors d ’oeuvres. The great Russian fish are freshw ater fish, headed by the celebrated sterlet from the river Volga. They include several varieties o f sturgeon and over a dozen different salm on. O f the extensive salm on family fera(trout) — sig — is still know n to som e people as “the T sar’s fish” . They are served h o t and cold, sm oked, in aspic o r stuffed, fried, m arinated and the like. And, o f course, soft, pressed and red caviar is the hit o f every festive table. The English word “p o rridge” is no good for translating kasha, which covers alm ost all ways o f cooking all grains in water, milk, stock and cream. T here is a large variety o f consistencies from dry (like rice) to a thick puree. T he sim plest and traditional way to serve Russian kasha is with plenty o f good butter. As the saying goes: “You c a n ’t spoil kasha with b u tte r” . There is a large variety o f poultry and gam e dishes in Russian cuisine: roast chicken, roast duck and goose stuffed with apples and sauerkraut, roast partridge, hazel grouse, w oodcock, black cock, pheasant and quail. They are juicy and ten d er dishes. A large variety o f milk products are used in Russian cooking: a sort of dry, granulated cream cheese called tvorog, thick sour cream called smetana and several types o f sour-m ilk products o f the yoghourt type. Smetana can be used with alm ost anything: we can dress soups, m eat dishes, strawberries and apples sliced up w ith it. It is also used on Pancakes and drunk by th e glassful with o r w ithout sugar. Sm etana is also an alm ost universal flavouring sauce. Sm etana is m ade from cream ar>d contains 2,5 % o f protein, 20 — 40 % o f fat, lactic acid. Kefir is a dietary beverage m ade from cow ’s milk, yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Ryazhenka is a sour milk product m ade from baked milk. ^ Щербакова Russian cuisine is fam ous for its pies w hich were baked in Russia in good old tim es and are very p opular nowadays. They are rasstegai (opentopped pirozhki with m eat o f fish stuffing), kulebiaka (a pie with m eat, cabbage o r fish filling), vatrushki (yeast dough rolls with hollows filled with curds o r jam ), krendeli (knot-shaped bread), boubliki (thick ringshaped rolls), baranki (ring-shaped rolls), sooshki (small ring-shaped crackers), koolich (R ussian Easter cake). As for drinks, Russian cuisine offers you its orignal beverages: kvas and zbiten, and a lot o f different fruit and berry beverages. K vas is a beverage m ade from rye bread and w ater ferm ented by yeast. T here is a lot o f sorts o f kvas: m ushroom kvas, kvas with m int, beetroot kvas, kvas with horseradish and a lot o f others. Zbiten is an old Russian beverage m ade from kvas, cognac o r vodka, honey, tea and spices. Russian people are very hospitable and generous at the table. They invite everyone who enters th eir house to eat w ith them . Bread and salt are the sym bolic offering at w elcom e and also a sign o f respect from host to guest. The guest is welcom e to share the food even if the house has no m ore to offer than bread and salt. H ospitality is a typical trait o f charac­ ter o f a Russian. Словарь к тексту varied ]'ve(9)rid] a p p e tiz e r ['sepitaiza] sa u e rk ra u t ['sauakraut] b e e tro o t ['bi:tru:t] recip e ['resipij suckling pig ['sAklirj pig] oven ['лу( э) п ) b ak in g tray ['beikirj trei] festive ['festiv] to baste [beist] co o k ery ['кик(э)п] yoke [jsuk] elk [elk] m in ced [m inst] m eat b atch [baetj] d o u g h [dau] to c h o p [tjbp] to fold [fauld] trian g le ['traigg(9)l] b u ck et [Ълкп] p a n try [ paentri] raw [ro:] to dress [dres] 66 р а зн о о б р а зн ы й за к у с к а к в а ш е н а я /к и с л а я к ап у ста св ек л а рецепт м олочны й поросенок п еч ь, д у х о в к а противень п р а зд н и ч н ы й п о л и в ать ж и р о м (во время ж а­ рения) кулинария иго лось м я с н о й ф ар ш п ар ти я (количество) тесто рубить зав о р ач и в ать , св о р а ч и в ать т р е у го л ь н и к ведро, бадья клад овая сы р о й п р и п р ав л я т ь p ick led [ pik(3)ld] Jiors d ’oeuvre [.o.'dsiv] (pi hors d ’oeuvres [,o:'d3:v]) j-reShw ater [TrefwDits] celebrated ['selibreitid] fera(trout) ['fera(traut)] aspic ['aespik] stuffed [stAft] caviar ['ksevia:] soft caviar pressed caviar stock [stok] consistency [kan'sist(3)nsi] thick [0 ik] to spoil [spoil] partridge l'pa:trid3] hazel grouse [,heiz(a)l 'graus] woodcock ['wudkr>k] black cock ['blsek knk] pheasant ['fez(3)nt] quail [kweil] tender ['tends] flavouring ['fleiv(3)riij] lactic acid [.laektik 'tesid] dietary ['dai3t(3)ri] yeast [ji:st] baked [beikt] filling ]'filir>] hollow [ЪЫэи] knot [nDt] Easter [’i:st3] to ferm ent [f3:'ment] horseradish ['hos.raedij] cognac [’kunjaek] hospitable ['hDspitab(9)l] generous ['d3en(3)ras] s'gn [sam] м аринованны й за к у с к а пресноводны й зн ам ен и ты й сиг ж еле ф арш ированны й икра зе р н и с т а я и к р а паю сная икра к р е п к и й м я с н о й б ульон кон систен ция густой портить к у р о п а тк а рябчик вальдш неп тетер ев ф а за н п ер еп ел неж ны й з а п р а в к а , п р и п р ав а м олочн ая кислота диети ческий дрож ж и топлены й начинка у гл у б л ен и е, я м к а у зел , п е р е п л е т е н и е П асха б р о д и т ь ; в ы зы в а т ь б р о ж е н и е ; скваш ивать х р ен коньяк гостеп рии м н ы й щ ед р ы й зн ак, п ри зн ак Задания к тексту 1- Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям: m any ways o f cutting, with the head left on, was either F rench or en ch -trained, cut into strips, to m ake m inced m eat, in aspic, thick Ur cream , yeast dough rolls, filled with curds, knot-shaped bread, ter ferm ented by yeast, a sign o f respect, a typical trait o f character. 2 . Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя слова ц выражения из текста: 1. Суп — это часть обеда в р усской кухне. 2. Щ и — это тради ц и о н н ы й русский суп, приготовленный из мяса и капусты. 3. П ет­ р о в ск и е щ и го то в ятся из судака и свеж ей капусты . 4. В русской кухне нет двух о д и н ак о в ы х р ец еп то в щ ей и борщ а. 5. М ногие сп особ ы н ар езк и и п р и го то в л ен и я м яса заи м с тв о в ан ы из ф ран ц узской кухни. 6. Ж ар ен ы й м ол оч н ы й п о р о с е н о к — тр ад и ц и о н ное п р азд н и ч н о е блю до р у сск о й кухни. 7. В д ер ев н ях С иб и ри сущ ествует целая ц ер ем о н и я п р и го то в л ен и я п ел ьм ен ей . 8 . Ж ен щ и н ы делаю т тесто и рубят мясо, мужчины леп ят пельмени. 9. Рус ск о е сл ово «каш а» о б о зн а ч а ет п очти все сп о со б ы п ри готовл е н и я круп. 10. К ак го в о р и тся в п о сл о в и ц е, «каш у м аслом не ис портиш ь». 11. С м етан а — это у н и в ер сал ьн ая п р и п р ав а в русской кухне. 12. Русская кухня знаменита различны ми пирожками. 13. Рус ск и е лю ди о ч ен ь го сте п р и и м н ы ; он и п р и гл аш аю т к столу каж дого, кто входи т в дом . 14. Г о степ р и и м ств о — ти п и ч н а я черта русского характера. 15. С би тен ь — это стар и н н ы й русски й нап и ток, которы й готовят из кваса, к о н ь я к а или водк и , меда, чая и сп ец и й . 3. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. W hat is the nam e o f the popular Russian dish m ade o f m eat cut into strips and cooked in sour-cream sauce? 2. W hat is the nam e o f the highly seasoned soup m ade o f beetroot and cabbage and served w ith sour cream ? 3. W hat is the nam e o f the Russian ferm ented beverage m ade of rye? 4. W hat are the nam es o f the m ost popular Russian yoghourt-typej beverages o f ferm ented cow ’s milk? 5. W hat is the nam e o f the Russian national dish m ade o f cooked grain? 6 . W hat is the nam e o f the classic chicken dish invented in Russia in the Soviet period? 7. W hat is the nam e o f a m any-layed R ussian pie? 8 . W hat is the nam e o f the Russian Easter cake? 9. W hat is the Russian counterpart (двойн и к) o f Italian ravioli? 1 10. W hat is the nam e o f the urn the Russians use to boil w ater for tea ■ and which literally m eans “ self-boiler” ? 11. W hat is the nam e o f the Russian cottage cheese? 12. W hat C aucasian nam e do the Russians use in reference to what the A m ericans know as “shish kebab”? 13. W hat are the F rench term s for some Russian m eat dishes? 14. W hat is the nam e o f open-topped pies with curd stuffing? 15. W hat is the m ost typical trait o f the R ussian character? ^екст В Specialties of Russian Cuisine A cco rd in g to R ussian tra d itio n , a m eal begins w ith th e ap p etizers, exam ple a variety o f salted , fe rm e n te d an d pick led c u c u m b e rs, c a b ­ b age an d m u sh ro o m s, also soaked apples a n d co w b erry to be follow ed bv c o ld dishes. A lso p o p u la r are soaked c ra n b e rry an d m a rin a te d garlic. for The routine feature o f any Russian feast is the Olivier salad. It c o n ­ o f potatoes, green peas and cold veal or chicken and dressed with mayonnaise. More than a century ago a F renchm an by the nam e o f Olivier kept the H erm itage R estaurant in Moscow. He was the author o f this salad. Vinaigrette, an o th er R ussian-style salad, is based on boiled beetroot diced. To this are added boiled carrots and potatoes, salted cucum bers, finely chopped onions and sauerkraut. The salad is dressed with m ayon­ naise o r sunflow er oil. sists Jellied Dishes. Jellied dishes are very popular in Russia. Boiled fish, meat or poultry is covered with aspic and decorative pieces o f vegeta­ bles, fruits, m ushroom s, and spices are added to m ake the dish more attractive and flavoury. M any R ussian-cuisine restaurants offer jellied sturgeon, jellied c a lfs tongue and a jellied assortm ent o f turkey, ham and ox tongue. H orseradish is a routine dressing for jellied dishes. Studens. Studen is the nam e o f a Russian dish m ade o f veal, b eef or pork boiled to a soft and ten d er state. The resulting thick broth is mixed with finely chopped m eat and cooled until it jellies. The dish is eaten with horseradish. Pancakes. Pancakes ( bliny) is a popular hot dish in Russia. They are made o f w heat, buckw heat or millet and served with black and red caviar, cream butter, lightly-salted fish and sour cream . Pancakes com e not only as appetizers but also as desserts with straw berries, jam s or honey. Traditional Russian Desserts. M any Russian desserts are prepared w'th fruits and berries, for exam ple, baked apples with vanilla and vodka sauce or apples baked with honey. Also popular are forest berries w>th whipped cream ; hom em ade curds with berries, fruits, honey and whipped cream ; cranberry kissel with ice cream and raspberry liqueur. The old recipes include the Guryevskaya kasha, a dish based on Semolina. Boiling milk and cream are poured over sem olina and the mixture is left to stand for 15 m inutes. Then the sem olina is sliced, milk lr>s are sandw iched in betw een the layers. The whole is then covered "'•th jam or honey and sprinkled with nuts, candied fruits and spices, and pieces o f fresh fruit are put on top. The m ore layers and ingredients, 69 the m ore delicious is the dish. This dessert dish was m ade in h o nour o| the victory over N apoleon in the war o f 1812. Словарь к тексту garlic ['ga:lik] ro u tin e [ru:'ti:n] feast [fi:st] v in aig rette [.vmi'gret, ,vineidiced [daist] jellied ['d 3elid] flavoury ['fleiv(3)ri] to n g u e [Ur)] b ro th [Ьш0] cream y ['kri:mi] w h ip p ed c re a m ['wipt 'kri:m] h o m e m a d e [.haum 'm eid] liqueur [li'kjua] p o u r [ро:] milk skin ['milk skin] candied f'kEendid] чесн ок характерны й; обы чны й за с т о л ь е , п р а зд н и ч н ы й сто л 1 ви н егр ет н а р е за н н ы й к у б и к а м и за л и в н о й ар о м а т н ы й язы к м я с н о й б у л ьо н м ягкий взб и т ы е с л и в к и д о м аш н и й , дом аш н его п ри го­ товлен ия ликер лить, наливать м о л о ч н а я п л е н к а /п е н к а зас а х а р е н н ы й Задания к тексту 1. Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям: солены е, кваш ены е и м арин ован ны е огурцы; м очены е яблоки ; характерная черта; приправленны й майонезом ; мелко порезанны й лук; сделать блюдо более красивы м и аром атны м ; неж ны й вкус; чем больш е слоев и ингредиентов, тем вкуснее блюдо; в честь победы над Н аполеоном . 2. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. W hat does a m eal begin with according to Russian tradition? 2. W ho was the au th o r o f the Olivier salad? 3. Do you know ingredients o f the Olivier salad? 4. W hat does vinaigrette (Russian salad) consist of? 5. Jellied dishes are very popular in Russia, are n ’t they? 6. W here can we taste jellied dishes? 7. W hat dishes are eaten with horseradish? 8 . W hat are pancakes ( bliny ) m ade of? 9. C an we eat pancakes as appetizers or as desserts? 10. W hat Russian desserts do you know? 11. W hat is the nam e o f the Russian dessert m ade in honour o f t h e ; victory over N apoleon? 70 диалоги 1. Прочитайте по ролям и переведите: Jim '. Hello! N ice to see you. Helen : G o o d afternoon! G lad to m eet you too. J im : W hat a nice day today! W here will we go? Helen: W ould you like to go to the restaurant “ M oscow ” and to try s0rne dishes o f the Russian cuisine? I'm rather hungry. Jim: OK! I want to taste Russian shchee o r borshch. Helen: And I can recom m end you Russian bliny and blinchiki with m ushroom s, caviar o r m inced meat. They are so tasty. Jim: Well! L et’s go! It seems to me I ’m hungry now too. *** Jane: It is a hot day today, isn’t it? M ary: Sure. And I ’m very thirsty. Jane: L et’s drop into this Russian cafe. M ary : Well, w hat w ould you like to have? Jane: I’d like to eat okroshka or cold beetroot soup. M ary: And I prefer only kvas now. *** Waiter: G ood m orning! N ice to see you in o u r cafe. Mrs Deans: G ood m orning! G lad to m eet you too. Waiter: W hat can I do for you? Mrs Deans: Breakfast for m e, please. Waiter: H ere is a m enu card. Mrs Deans: T hank you, but I ’m on a diet. W hat can you recom m end? Waiter: We have a large variety o f m ilk products: tvorog, smetana, ryazhenka and kefir, diferent kinds o f kasha. Mrs D ean s: C an you tell me some words about tvorog and ryazhenka ? I d o n ’t know what they are. Waiter: Tvorog is a sort o f dry granulated cream cheese and ryazhenka is a sour-m ilk product m ade from baked milk. Mrs Deans: OK! I d o n ’t like kasha, so will you bring me tvorog and ryazhenka! Waiter: Anything else? W ould you like to taste Russian krendeli, ooubliki or sooshki? Mrs Deans: Sooshki ? W hat is it? Waiter: Sooshki are small ring-shaped crackers. They are rather good *°r tea. Mrs Deans: T hen a cup o f fresh-m ade tea with lem on and sooshki. Waiter: I’ll do it in no tim e... Here is your breakfast. G ood appetite! Mrs Deans: T hank you. How m uch is it? Waiter: 85 roubles. Mrs Deans: H ere is the m oney, keep the change. Waiter: T hank you. C om e to our cafe again. 71 *** W aiter : G ood afternoon, sir! G lad to see you. C an I help you? M r C am pbell : G ood afternoon! N ice to see you too. I w ould like to have a birthday party in your restaurant. Waiter'. W hen do you w ant to com e? A nd how m any o f you? M r Campbell'. T om orrow at seven o ’clock in the evening. A table for four, please. We would like to taste national Russian cuisine. W aiter : OK! Here is a m enu card. We have a big choice o f appetizers, salads, pelm eni, m eat and fish dishes. M r Campbell: Well, I would like to have red caviar, herring, pickled cucum bers and salted m ushroom s. Waiter: I advise you to order traditional Russian m eat dish kholodets. It is an aspic dish m ade with pig’s trotters o r ox cheek. A nd w hat main courses do you prefer? M eat or fish dishes? M r Campbell: We w ant to taste Russian pelm eni. C an you tell me some words about them ? W aiter: They are m eat dum plings, dough is rolled thin, cut into small pieces and then filled. Pelm eni are cooked in boiling water. We have pelm eni with different kinds o f filling: m eat, fish, m ushroom s. ■ M r Campbell: OK! I’ll take pelm eni with m eat filling. W hat can you recom m end for dessert? W aiter: We have fruit and berry kissels. M r C am pbell: W hat are they? W aiter: Kissels are m ade from fruit or berry juice and potato flour. They are tasty. And o f course, you should order G uryevskaya kasha for dessert. It’s a m any-layered cooked sem olina with layers o f jam and baked milk skin. I t’s delicious. M r Campbell: T hank you. I ’ll order kissel and Guryevskaya kasha for dessert. And what about zbiten for drink? T hey say it’s an old Russian beverage m ade from kvas, cognac o r vodka, honey, tea and spices, isn’t it? W aiter: O h yes! We have it. M r Campbell: Well! How m uch is my bill? W aiter: Just a m inute, please. I w o n ’t be long... H ere is your bill. M r Campbell: Thanks a lot. I t ’s no t very expensive. W e’ll be at seven tom orrow . W aiter: You are always welcom e. See you tom orrow . M r Campbell: Goodbye! Have a nice day! 2. Составьте диалог, используя следующие реплики: W aiter: — H ere is the m enu. — W hat can I do for you? — T w o h u n d re d fo rty seven roubles. 72 Guest: — Well, I’ll take pelm eni and shchee. — I want to taste Russian dinnef — W hat can you recom m end? I can recom m end you fresh c a b b a g e s h c h e e , p e lm e n i, herring and Russian salad. T hank you. C om e again. You are always welcome. A nything for dessert? W hat about drinks? — How m uch is my bill? — Special beverage. — Here is the money. N o change. — G uryevskaya kasha. 3. Изучите меню ресторана “Russian S tyle”: Menu Card 'I? (C] M ain course a cJ R oast beef Stroganoff A ppetizers Lightly salted salm on Soaked apples Jellied calf’s tongue ~ чР ^ ^ (Я R u) S ala d s Russian salad Salad “ Olivier” Vegetable salad „ ^ ^ D esserts Guryevskaya kasha Bliny w ith strawberries C ranberry kissel w ith ice cream Baked apples b? -V (Я R> & Soups B everages K vas Zbiten Sauerkrout shchee M ushroom soup Fish soup (ukha) ± w ith m acaroni P ike-perch rolls C arp baked with m ushroom s M eat, m ushroom s, fish pelm eni Ccj Зак аж ите: 1. М очены е яб л оки , щи из кислой капусты , пельм ени с гри ­ бами, квас. 2. С лабосоленого лосося; овощ н ой салат; уху; карпа, зап еч ен ­ ного с грибам и, для себя и своей подруги. 3. Д ля себя и трех своих друзей салат «Оливье», беф строганов, запечены е яблоки. 4. Грибной суп, пельм ени с ры бой, сбитень, гурьевскую кашу. 5. Зали вн ой телячи й язы к, квас, клю квен н ы й кисель с м оро­ женым. 4. Изучите меню кафе “Russian Bliny”: Menu Card A ppetizers Bliny with Bliny with Bliny with Bliny with Bliny with sourcream black caviar red caviar lightly-salted fish herring M ain courses Blinchiki stuffed with m eat| Blinchiki stuffed with m ushroom s Blinchiki stuffed with cabbage Blinchiki stuffed with potatoes D esserts Bliny with Bliny with Bliny with Bliny with strawberries raspberries cranberry jam honey (t & 'I ? Tea Strong black tea with milk Strong black tea with lem on Strong black tea with honey Beverages Kvas Zbiten Cranberry mors & Закаж ите: 1. Б ли ны со см етан ой , чай с л и м оном . 2. Д ля семьи из трех человек блины с красной и крой , блины с иалиной, сбитень. 3. Д ля себя и двух своих друзей б ли н чи ки с грибам и, квас. 4. Б ли нчи ки с м ясом , блины с медом, чай с молоком . Лексические упражнения 1. Выберите правильный ответ: 1. Sour cream is to m ost Russian soups, a) added; b) baked; c) cooked. 2. Pelmeni are cooked in slightly boiling water, a) w hipped; b) salted; c) cooled. 3. Fillings are m ade o f beef, m utton o r pork, a) m inced; b) mixed; c) broiled. 4. Kasha o r porridge in the Russian brick stove has a special flavour, a) broiled; b) baked; c) cooked. 5. Beef steaks and schnitzels are on frying pans, a) com bined; b) boiled; c) fried. 6 . Russian-style m ushroom s are real forest m ushroom s, a) salted; b) drained; c) cut. 7. The typical Russian m eat dish is a suckling pig whole, a) stewed; b) stuffed; c) baked. 8. B eef fillet is w ith m ushroom s. a) roasted; b) m ashed; c) m inced. 9. salm on dishes are very delicious, a) G rated; b) Cut; c) Fried. 10. T hen the sem olina is . a) tossed; b) sliced; c) whisked. 2. Назовите следующие блюда: 1. 2. 34. 5 This soup is served cold and has dark red colour. It’s a sort o f dry granulated cream cheese. They are small ring-shaped crackers. This soup is served cold, its base is kvas. This sour-m ilk product is m ade from baked milk. They are m ade from dough and different kinds o f filling and are c°oked in boiling water. ,7- It’s a m any-layered cooked sem olina with layers o f jam and baked^ 'Ik sk in . 8- This kind o f salad is called “ Russian salad” all over the world, but le Russians call it w ith a F rench nam e. 9- You c a n ’t spoil it w ith butter. Грамматические упражнения 1. Напишите Past Simple и Past Participle следующих глаголов: tell, show, ask, answer, send, give, help, forget, invite, call, serve. 2. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple и Past Simple Passive: он рассказал я показал мы спросили она послала они ответили я дал вы помогли ты забыл мы п ригласили они позвали мы обслужили ему рассказали м не показали нас спросили ее послали им ответили мне дали вам помогли тебя забы ли нас пригласили их позвали нас обслуж или 3. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past и Future Simple: ему рассказы ваю т мне п оказы ваю т нас спраш иваю т ее посы лаю т им отвечаю т мне даю т вам пом огаю т тебя забы ваю т нас приглаш аю т их зовут нас обслуж иваю т ему рассказали м не показали нас спросили ее послали им ответили м не дали вам помогли тебя забы ли нас пригласили их позвали нас обслужили ему расскаж ут мне покаж ут нас сп росят ее пош лю т им ответят мне дадут вам помогут тебя забудут нас пригласят их позовут нас обслужат 4. Переведите на русский язык шуточный мини-рассказ: Не Не He He He He was was was was was was talked about. sent for. waited for. looked at. listened to. laughed at. 5. Переведите на русский язык: 1. I was asked to bake a cherry pie. 2. The guests were offered lam b chops, beef stew and fried chicken as a m ain course. 3. The w aiter was told to serve all the guests. 4. S a m ovar was used to boil w ater for tea76 5 Kefir is m ade o f ferm ented cow ’s milk. 6 . C ustom ers were inform ed of the new prices. 7. O kroshka will be served in hot weather. 8. The dishes ^ еге washed by my m other. 9. Cheese is cut with a special knife. 10. This soup is prepared o f kidneys and salted cucum bers. 6 . Переведите на английский язык: 1. Это блюдо готовят из м яса и овощ ей. 2. М ою маму попросили яблочны й пирог. 3. Л и м он реж ется тон ки м и лом ти кам и (in thin slices). 4. К этому блю ду подаю т ж арен ы й картоф ель. 5. Стол был н акры т до прихода гостей. 6. Обед был заказан вчера. 7. Чай был подан в красивы х чаш ках. 8. Обед будет приготовлен лучш им и п о в а р а м и . 9. Н ачи нка из яб л о к будет использоваться для этого п и ­ р о г а . 10. М ы были п риглаш ены на вечеринку н аш им и друзьями. исп е чь 7. Объедините два предложения, используя оборот eith e r...o r или neither... пог. Образец: I can drink tea. I can drink coffee. — I can drink either tea or coffee. He d o e sn ’t take money. H e d o esn ’t take a bag. — He takes neither money nor a bag. 1. She can put on a dress. She can put on a suit. 2. He hasn’t got any pens. He hasn’t got any pencils. 3. A nn has no sons. A nn has no daughters. 4. I would like some chocolate ice cream. I would like some vanilla ice cream. 5. We can order fish salad. We can order vegetable salad. 6. You d o n ’t want any m ushroom soup. You d o n ’t want any noodle soup. 7. They went to the cafe. They went to the bar. 8. He is not a cook. H e is not a waiter. 8 . Вставьте предлоги at, in или to, где необходимо: 1. W hat tim e do you go ... bed? 2. 1 like reading ... bed. 3. W here is Jack? — H e is ... work. 4. W here does he work? — H e works ... the restaurant. 5. I m et a lot o f people ... the party. 6. D o you go ... college today? 7. W here is Ann? — She is ... the kitchen m aking som e coffee. 8. John didn’t go ... work yesterday, he was ... home. 9. Tomorrow w e’ll go ••• the country. 10. My m other c o m e s ... hom e at 5 o ’clock. 11. I am not 8°ing ... college today, I am staying ... hom e. 12. A fter classes I usually 8° ... hom e, but som etim es I stay ... college to w ork ... the library. 9. Вставьте предлоги at, on или in, где необходимо: 1• I usually get up ... 6 o ’clock. 2. My father’s birthday is ... September. 3. We have exams ... the end o f January. 4. My brother is starting his new J°b ... the 3rd o f June. 5. I am going to London ... this summer. 6. He can’t s'eeP ... night. 7. C hildren did their hom ework ... the evening. 8. We usually go to the country ... the weekend. 9. 1 don’t go to college ... Sunday. *0. W hat are you doing ... Saturday evening? 11. Wait for me, please. I’ll come back ... 5 minutes. 12. ... last week I visited my G ranny. 13. Are you ree - the m om ent? 14. We are leaving ... next M onday. 15. She worked at h o sp ita l... that time. 16. Pushkin was bom ... 1799. 17. The last lesson is over ... half past three. 18. The forest is lovely ... winter. Тест 1 Подберите к каждому слову рисунок и укажите его номер: pear cherries cabbage orange 9 Тест plum s pineapple peas peach 10 potatoes onion apple cucum ber 11 12 2 Заполните пропуски словами из рамки (используйте каждое слово один раз): boiled, dish, dough, also, is, baked, are, m arinated, filled, in, fish, served 78 Fish Dishes The best-know n and probably the m ost popular fish dish served (I) a Russian restaurant is m onastery-style sturgeon. Pieces of ^ r g e o n a r e ___ (2) w ith m ush ro o m s an d sour cream . A n o th er appetizing ____ (3) is sturgeon Tzar-style shashlik w ith tarta r sauce, olives and green lem on. Before frying the sturgeon pieces a r e ___ (4) ;n white wine with onions and lemon. This makes t h e ___ (5) particularly tender. B eyond all p r a is e ___ (6) pike-perch rolls. Pieces o f the fillet are first coated with salm on m ousse and th en w rapped in ___ (7) and The rolls a r e ___ ( 8 ) with potatoes and cauliflower. A nother way to prepare p ik e -p e rc h ___ (9) to fry the pieces in beer dough. The fish dishes also include _ _ (10) sturgeon and horseradish in kvas, t r o u t ___ ( 11) with m ushroom s and cheese and carp baked with mushrooms. Fried or steam ed salm on dishes a r e ___ (12) delicious. bak ed . Miscellanea IT IS INTERESTING TO KNOW In 1860 was published the classic recipe bookby Elena M olokhovetz “Gift to Young H ousew ives” . It was over 1,000 pages long and is still considered a kitchen Bible by R ussia’s hom e cooks. M rs M olokhovetz was full o f respect for R ussian traditions and the dictates1 o f the C hurch calendar, but F rench in the techniques and refinem ent she brought to the ordinary table. * * * Salting and soaking are the oldest m ethods o f preserving products for long and cold Russian winters. Foods treated in these two ways were favourites with both peasants and royalty. Empress Catherine the G reat liked best of all a Russian dish o f salted cucum ber with a piece o f boiled beef. * * * Russian cuisine has borrowed many products and preparation methods from other national cuisines. Trade with Byzantium brought Russia spices, seasonings, rice and buckw heat. Bulgaria shared its peppers, eggplants2 and m arrow squashes3. W estern neighbours influenced Russian cuisine to o and now we nave beef steaks and schnitzels from G e rm a n -D u tc h cuisine and m any Sauces, dishes o f poultry, gam e, fish and vegetables from France. 2 I'djkteitsJ — предписания, требования 3 eggplant Am. = aubergine marrow squash [,таегэи 'skwnjl — кабачок FROM THE HISTORY OF W ORDS Tomato The tom ato was brought to Europe from M exico in the 16th century. The Italian botanist M attioli called it porno d ’oro, or golden apple, because o f the colour the tom ato has during its ripening. So Italians call the fruit pom odoro (the plural is pom odori), the F rench, English, Spanish and G erm an continue to use the nam e the Indians o f M exico gave it: tom ato or tomate. JOKES Cake M oth er: Y esterday I left two pieces o f cake in the cupboad. Now there is only one piece left. C an you explain it? Pete: W ell, I think, it was so dark th at I d id n ’t notice the other. ■ Good Manners N ick invited his new friend T om m y to din n er at his house. T o m ’s m other was very anxious about her little so n ’s table m anners. “Tom m y, d o n ’t eat off the knife. And if your food is too hot, d o n ’t blow on it. And d o n ’t talk with your m outh full,” she told him. W hen T om m y returned, he said: “ I rem em bered w hat you told me, M um , and I did only one thing w rong.” “W hat did you do, T om m y?” “ O h, w hen I w anted to cut m y m eat, it fell off the plate on the floor.” “ O h, my dear, what did you do th e n ? ” “ I said, th a t’s always the way with to u g h 1 m eat, and picked it up from the floor.” A PO EM TO M EM O RIZE There Are Days When Everything Goes Wrong T he bread was stale2 It was three days old T he m ilk was sour 1 [ufj — жесткий 2 [steil] — черствый 80 I The coffee was cold The b u tter was ra n cid 1 The steak was tough The service was dreadful2 The w aiter was rough3 My bill was huge His tip 4 was small I’m sorry I w ent to th at place at all. PROVERBS AND SAYINGS TO M EM O RIZE 1. A tree is known by its fruit. 2. Every cook praises his own broth. 3. Too m any cooks spoil the broth. 4. To eat the calf in the cow ’s belly. 5. To cook a hare before catching him. GIVE IT A NAME 1. It is the first m eal o f th e day. 2. It is yellow fat w hich is m ade from cream . You can spread it on bread. 3. An oval object laid by female birds, has a hard shell and contains a baby bird. 4. It is a white or brown powder made by grinding grains such as wheat. 5. It is a sweet sticky liquid that is m ade by bees. Текст для дополнительного чтения The Potato The potato originated in the Andes M ountains and was dom esticated by the native people who were ad ep t5 at growing crops at high altitudes, building terraces and using irrigation as p art o f the diets o f the peoples ° f Peru and Chile. One o f the species o f p o tato — the sweet p o tato — was discovered and taken back to Europe by C hristopher Colum bus. The regular potato 1 I’raensidJ — прогорклый I'dredful] — ужасный ITAfJ — ГрубЫЙ [tip] — чаевые 1'aedept, s'dept] — умелый, искусный 81 cam e to the attention o f the C onquistadores in Peru and was taken them to M exico. It was later transported to N o rth A m erica to what becam e the colony and State o f Virginia. In the second half o f the 16th century, potatoes were shipped to Europe. The potato resolved severe dietary problem s in m any countries but it also provoked a substantial increase in the population, w hich led m any to rem ark th at the tu b e r1 m ust be a powerful aphrodisiac. The plant arrived in Italy around 1560 but appeared to have been appreciated only as an ornam ental plant. Italians called it a truffle and, at the sam e tim e, fed it to hogs2. T he Italian w ord tartufoli was the source o f the G erm an nam e for the potato Kartoffel. The French revolution established the potato as an im portant ele­ m ent o f the daily diet. La Cuisiniere Republicaine published in Paris in 1795 contained a recipe Pom m es de terre a I ’economique, with parsley and onion. In 1801 the Italian m onk V incenzo C orrado w rote a “T reatise3 on P o ta to ” w hich contained a substantial list o f preparations including p o ­ tato m ash, cream ed potatoes and potatoes in balls, fritters4, roasted and stuffed with butter. The docum ent also contained the prototype recipe o f potato gnocchv. “ Bake the potatoes in the oven and scoop ou t the pulp, w hich should be pounded5 (in the m ortar6) along with a fourth o f its bulk o f hardboiled egg yolks and with as m uch veal fat and ricotta cheese. Add several beaten eggs to bind7 the m ixture. Season with spices and divide h alf a finger long and as thick. D redge8 the pieces in flour and boil over high heat for a short tim e. Sprinkle cheese over the dish and serve with m eat sauce.” The national cuisine o f each country adopted the potato after its own fashion, creating a lot o f different recipes. з l'tju:boJ — клубень hog [1юд] — свинья l'tri:tis) — трактат I'fritaz] — оладьи [paund] измельчать ['m3:taj — ступка [baind] — делать вязким, густым |dred3] — посыпать, обваливать COOKING (ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЕ ПИЩ И) Текст А Preparing for the Party A m other an d her daughter are cooking dishes fo r the party. I need your help badly, Mary. T here is so m uch to do for to n ig h t’s party — a salad to be prepared, various pies and cakes to be baked, a goose to be roasted, and a lot o f o ther things to be cooked. Please take the m incing m achine and m ince this bit o f m eat while I am scraping and slicing the carrots. Will you peel these potatoes and onions? I ’ll m ake som e potato c,iips and you set up the rest o f the potatoes to boil. W hen they are soft, m ash them with b utter and milk. You know that m ilk m ust be hot, don’t you? So, w e’ll have m ashed potatoes and vegetables with the Weat. Please clear the peeling off the table. Now, wash and cut the potatoes and cucum bers, put them on the dish but d o n ’t dress with the m ayonnaise, w e’ll do it later. I think that it’s tim e to get out the goose from the oven. O h, w hat a Perfect smell! I’ve never yet had such a beautiful golden crust. It makes ° ne ’s m o u th w ater ju st to look at it. 83 W on’t you please get me the baking pan? W e’ll bake a layer cake and a pie with jam filling. I’ll beat the eggs for the dough. Look, the rice is boiling over, turn the gas dow n a little, will you? Now, be a good girl and whip the whites o f these eggs. H ere is sorne pow dered sugar to mix with the whites w hen you are through... T h a t’s about all, I think. T hank you, dear, you’ve been a great help to me. O nly put the fish jelly into the refrigerator, and then you may be free till evening. Now will you help me in laying the table? The guests will com e in an hour. W e’ll be twelve altogether, so lay twelve places. Take the dishes for refreshm ents from the sideboard and put them on the table. Now fetch the wine glasses — one for each cover. We sh an ’t uncork the bottles. T h a t’s a m a n ’s jo b , o f course, but get the corkscrew ready. N ow , while I ’m busy in the kitchen reheating som e dishes, you open these tins. H ere is the tin opener for you. Словарь к тексту m incing m achine ['minsir) majnn] to m ince [mins] to scrape [skreip] to slice [slais] to peel [pi:l] crust [krASt] baking pan ['beikiq paen] layer cake ['leis keik] to beat [bi:t] to whip [wip] white [wait] to be through [Gru:] cover ['клуз] to uncork [лп'кэ:к] corkscrew ['ko:kskru:] to reheat [ri'hi:t] tin op ener ['tin ,эир(э)пэ] мясорубка пропускать через мясорубку чистить, скоблить резать лом ти кам и чистить (овощи, фрукты) корочка ф орм а для пирога слоены й торт взбивать взбивать б елок (яйца) заканчивать прибор откры вать (бут ылку) ш топор подогревать консервны й нож Задания к тексту I. Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям: нуж но так м ного приготовить для сегодняш него обеда; осталь-; ной картоф ель; картоф ельное пюре; очистки; заправить м ай он е­ зом; п рекрасн ая золотистая корочка; слю н ки текут; н ач и н ка из варенья; белки яи ц ; сахарная пудра; это п ока все; зали вн ая рыба; пом очь накры ть н а стол; муж ская работа; приготовь ш топор. 84 2. О тветьте на вопросы: 1. W hat is to be prepared to the party? 2. W hat is th e d au g h ter doing w hile h er m o th e r is slicing the carrots? 3. W hat are they going to do with the potatoes? 4 . How do they usually prepare m ashed potatoes? 5. W hat salad is the d aughter preparing? 6 . W hat was in the oven? 7. W hat is the m o th er going to bake? 8. W hat kind o f filling has she prepared? 9 . W ho will beat the eggs for the dough? 10. W hat m ust be put into the refrigerator? 11. W ho is laying the table? 12. How m any guests are com ing? 13. Is the m o th er going to uncork the bottles? 14. W ho will do it? 15. W hat is the daughter doing while the m other is reheating some dishes? 16. W hat does she need to open the tins? 17. Do you help your m other to cook dishes for the party? 18. Do you help in laying the table? 19. W hat do you like to cook? 20. W ho washes the dishes after the dinner? 3. У вас сегодня вечером гости. Расскажите, какие блюда вы обычно подаете, как их готовите, чем решили угостить своих друзей сегодня. И с­ пользуйте лексику текста. Текст В What Is a Fondue? Have you ever eaten a fo n d u e? I f not, we can help you. We are going to make a fon du e together now. S o m eth in g from th e h istory o f the nam e o f th is dish. F ondue is a French word for “ m elted ” because the principle o f its preparing is based on cheese o r fat m elting. First o f all we advise you to choose wine and cheese for preparing a tasty dish. A Swiss cheese fondue is norm ally m ade from the Swiss cheese E m m entaler and G ruyere, but any hard cheese can be used. Y«u could take cheddar, for example. You need alcohol in a fondue, not just for flavour, but to lower the ^oiling point and stop the protein in the cheese from curdling. Use dry Swiss white wine if you can, o r a Riesling. 85 D o n ’t forget about the fondue set, it consists o f a cast-iron set, 3 tablem at stand and special forks. T hen take 1 large garlic clove, peeled and cut in half, 400 ml dry white wine, 1 teaspoon fresh lem on juice, 350 g grated cheese Gruyere and 350 g grated cheese E m m entaler, 1 tablespoon corn flour, 2 table­ spoons kirsch and a large pinch o f ground nutm eg. F or serving you should have 1 — 2 F rench sticks a n d /o r a bowl o f freshly boiled small new potatoes and green salad. (P er serving for six 499 calories, protein 34 g, carbohydrate 3 g, fat 35 g, saturated fat 22 g, fibre trace, added sugar none, salt 1.34 g.) 1. Rub the sides and base o f the fondue pot with the cut garlic. Pour in the wine and lem on juice and heat on the p o in t o f sim mering. 2. T urn the heat down low and add the cheese, a handful at tim e, stirring well with a large w ooden fork or spoon. Stir slowly and co n tin ­ uously over a low heat so the m ixture just bubbles gently. T he cheese will take a good few m inutes to m elt into the w ine, but be p atien t and yo u ’ll end up with a lovely sm ooth sauce. 3. W hen all the cheese has been added, blend the corn flour and kirsch in a small bowl, then mix into the pot. Stir until the m ixture is sm ooth. Season with pepper and nutm eg. Transfer to the fondue burner at the table and serve with the chunks o f bread a n d /o r potatoes for dipping, and a big green salad to eat after the fondue is finished. This recipe is good enough as a m a in course (4 — 6 servings) or an ap p e tiz er (12 servings). It takes you 10 m in u tes for p re p ara tio n and 15 m inutes for cooking. F ond ue etiq u e tte . D uring the m eal stir the fondue from tim e to tim e in a figure eight. Keeping it on the move will stop it becom ing lumpy and sticking to the bottom . If the m ixture gets too thick, add a little w arm ed wine and stir well, but d o n ’t ever let the fondue boil. W hen the fondue is nearly finished, there will be a crusty layer of cheese on the bottom . Scrape this ou t and divide it betw een the guests,:! it’s delicious. You can serve the bread lightly baked or toasted, but day-old bread is best for dipping. D o n ’t ever drink w ater with a fondue as this causes violent indiges­ tion. The water coagulates the cheese into a solid mass giving you terrible stom ach pains. Do as the Swiss do — drink white wine or hot tea. С ловарь к т ек ст у fondue ['fbndju:] фондю ( блюдо из кусочков мяса, рыбы, сыра или фруктов, готовится в кипящем масле или вине на от­ крытом огне непосредственно на столе в специальном приборе) cheese fondue t0 melt [melt] gnlm entaler ['emantcda] Gruyere [’grurjes] boiling point ['bDilirj point] protein ['prautein] to curdle ['k3:dl] Riesling ['ri:zlir)] ф ондю из сы ра плавиться эмменталь ( сорт светло-желто­ го твердого неострого швейцар­ ского сыра с крупными дырками) грю ер ( сорт твердого ш вейцар­ ского сыра с запахом орехов) тем пература ки п ен и я белок сворачиваться ри сли нг ( сладкое или сухое белое вино с легки м цветочным в к у ­ сом) fondue set cast-iron [.kast'aian] set tablemat ['teib(3)lmeet] stand clove [klauv] grated ['greitid] kirsch [kiaj] pinch [pint]] ground [graund] nutmeg ['nAtmeg] French stick [,frentf'stik] набор для п риготовлен и я ф о н ­ дю чугунны й котелок с горелкой п одставка ( для котелка) долька терты й виш невая наливка щ епотка м олоты й, терты й м ускатны й орех багет ( ф ранцузский длинный ба­ тон хлеба) calorie ['kaebri] carbohydrate [,ka:b9u'haidreit] saturated ['saetjbreitid] fibre ['faiba] trace [treis] to rub [глЬ] simmering ['simerirj] handful ['haendful] to stir [st3:] to bubble [ЪлЬ(э)1] smooth [smu:9] burner ['Ьз:пэ] chunk [tJXijk] to dip [dip] lumpy ['L\mpi] to stick [stik] crusty [’krASti] vioIent ['vaiabnt] indigestion [,indi'd3est/(3)n] to coagulate [kau'aegjuleit] калория углевод н асы щ енн ы й клетчатка след тереть зак и п ан и е горсть меш ать, перем еш ивать кипеть однородны й горелка кусок, лом оть макать ком коваты й прилипать хрустящ ий сильны й несварение, наруш ение п и щ е­ варения сверты вать, коагулировать 87 Задания к тексту 1. Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетания»* и выражениям: лю бой тверды й сы р; не только д ля аром ата; чтобы понизить точку ки п ен и я; не забудьте о наборе для п риготовления фондюочищ енны й и разрезанны й пополам; для подачи вам следует иметь 1 — 2 багета; этот рец еп т хорош (годится) для второго блю да или! для закуски; вам потребуется 10 минут для подготовки и 15 минут для приготовления; меш айте ф ондю время от времени в виде ц и ф ­ ры восемь; если см есь становится очень густой; не позволяйте ф ондю кипеть; хрустящ ий слой сы ра н а дне; это вы зы вает силь­ ное несварение; вода коагулирует сы р в твердую массу; сильные желудочны е боли. 2. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. 2. 3. 4. W hat kind o f cheese is norm ally fondue m ade of? Do you need alcohol in a fondue? W hich wine is better for a Swiss fondue? W hat does a fondue set consist of? 5. How m any ingredients should you have for a fondue? 6. C ould you nam e all o f these ingredients? 7. How long does it take you for preparation and for cooking? 8. W hy should you stir the fondue from tim e to tim e? 9. W hat should we do if the m ixture (fondue) gets too thick? 10. D ay-old bread is best for dipping, isn ’t it? 11. W hich is better, to drink w ater, white wine o r hot tea w ith a fondue? 12. W ould you like to taste this Swiss fondue? 13. Do you w ant to becom e a good cook o f Swiss fondue? Диалоги 1. Прочитайте по ролям и переведите: Making Cabbage R olls J a n e : M ost o f all I like cooking salads. W hat about you? O lga : As for m e, 1 prefer m aking m eat dishes. J a n e : W hat did you cook last? O lga : I m ade cabbage rolls last Sunday for my sister’s birthday party. J It’s her favourite dish. J a n e : C an it be called golubtsy ? 88 Olga : Yes. B oth o f these nam es are for the sam e dish. Jane: I like it too. D o you boil cabbage leaves? Olga : I place whole head in a large kettle with boiling w ater and boil jt 2 — 3 m inutes. Jane: And how do you prepare the filling? Olga: I sau te1 m eat with onion, add rice, eggs, salt and pepper, place three tablespoons o f this mixture on each cabbage leaf and wrap it. Jane: And w hat kind o f m ixture do you p o u r over the cabbage rolls? Olga: I mix tom atoes, bouillon, sugar, salt and pepper. Jane: Do you cook them in oven? Olga: Yes, about o ne hour, turning occasionally. At Table Hostess: W o n ’t you have an o th er helping o f salad? Guest: T hank you, I ’ve had a good helping o f it. Hostess: You haven’t eaten any meat. Guest: N o , thanks. I d o n ’t eat m eat. I’m vegetarian. Hostess: You are a p o o r eater. C an I help you to anything else? Guest: N o, th ank you, I’ve had quite enough. I m ustn’t overeat, I don’t w ant to p u t on weight. Hostess: W hat will you have, tea o r coffee? Guest: I ’ll take a cup o f tea, if you please. Hostess: Have som e jam , please. We have strawberry jam and rasp­ berry jam . W hich do you prefer? Guest: T hank you. I like both. Hostess: W o n ’t you help yourself to som e cake? Guest: Just a tiny piece. Hostess: Take som e m ore pie. It w on’t do you any harm , I ’m sure. Guest: You are very kind. I really think I’ll take a little more. I’m very fond o f pies. Hostess: M ay I offer you an o th er cup o f tea? Guest: T hank you, I think I ’ll trouble you for a second cup. Hostess: N o trouble at all. Is there anything else you’d like? Guest: Will you please pass the sugar? T hank you. 2. Составьте диалоги, используя следующие сюжеты: 1. Х озяйка угощ ает гостя. 2. Д ве подруги (два друга) делятся секретам и приготовления лю бимы х блюд. 3. Ваш друг (подруга) сп раш ивает о п риготовлении какоголибо блю да, и вы даете реком ен дац ии . 1 L'sauteiJ — to cook quickly in a little hot oil or fat Лексические упражнения 1. Подберите к словам из левой колонки их значения из правой: 1. to chop 2 . ingredients 3. recipe 4. seasoning 5. to brown 6 . to sim m er a. b. c. d. e. to cut up w ith a knife to cook o n low heat to cook until brown som ething you add to m ake food taste better list o f ingredients and directions to m ake a dish f. item s you com bine to m ake a certain kind o f food 2 . Пронумеруйте в правильном порядке этапы приготовления жареного цыпленка: H eat the oil in a frying pan. Brown on one side. T urn chicken w ith a spatula. C ook the onions in oil until soft. Add chicken. C ut the chicken into pieces. C hop the onion. Brown on the o ther side. 3. Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим терминам: parboil poach p o t-ro a st sift simmer skim sliver stew toss whip to boil until partially cooked (cooking is generally com pleted by an o th er m ethod) to cook in sim m ering liquid to cover, retaining original shape o f food to cook less ten d er cuts o f m eat in a little liquid, w ith or w ithout brow ning first to pass through a sieve to cook in liquid at a tem perature ju st below boiling to rem ove film th at forms to cut o r shred into long, th in pieces to cook covered in a small am o u n t o f sim m ering o r boiling w ater for a long tim e to lightly mix ingredients w ithout m ashing to beat rapidly to increase volume by the incorporation o f air 4. Ознакомьтесь с преимуществами и недостатками основных методов приготовления пищи: M e th o d s o f C ook in g Cooking Methods Benefits Disadvantages Deep-frying b a ste blanch blend b raise d eep -fry d issolve dredge dripping flake frost garnish g ib lets knead m ash m elt p an-broil p an-fry 90 to spoon liquid o r fat over food while it cooks, to add flavour and prevent drying o f the surface to im m erse in boiling water, then draining and rinsing with j cold water, generally in order to loosen skin or set colour to thoroughly mix tw o o r m ore ingredients to brown food in a small am ount o f hot fat, then cooking . tightly covered either in the oven or on top o f the stove, ] in a small am ount o f liquid to cook food in a deep layer o f hot fat to mix a dry substance with liquid until it is in a solution | to coat with flour fat and juice resulting from cooking m eat o r poultry to break lightly into small pieces with a fork to cover with icing to decorate food for eye and taste appeal using contrasting I colours o f food the liver, heart and gizzard o f poultry to w ork dough with a pressing m otion, accom panied by 1 folding and stretching to reduce to a soft pulpy state to liquefy by applying heat to cook m eat on a ho t dry surface, pouring off grease as it accum ulates to cook in a small am ount o f fat in a frying pan Quick cooking in boiling fat Retains som e vitamins Increases the fat content o f foods N o fat added. G ood retention o f vitam ins and minerals O nly suitable for foods containing som e natural fat Crisp look and taste. Little fat is needed. M inim al vitam in loss H igh in salt if too m uch soya sauce is used M inim al vitam in loss U n even cooking w ith “c o ld ” and “hot” spots in food Im proves flavour and texture o f tough cuts o f meat Vitam ins leach into liquid but retention in stewing is better than in roasting Dry-frying Fat-free frying Stir-frying Quick cook in g over high heat Microwaving Cooking in a m icrowave oven Braising and stewing Slow cook in g in liquid over several hours 91 Окончание Cooking Methods Benefits Disadvantages Grilling ' ' Q uick cooking with dry heat N o fat added. Vitam in and mineral loss to pan sedim ents Charcoal or openflam e grilling o f m eats 1 may induce the form ation o f carcinogens Im proves texture o f tough vegetables S o m e vitam in loss to liquid N o added fat S o m e vitam in loss Preserves most nutrients and flavour N e e d to w atch cooking 1 tim e carefully to prevent overcooking Succulent meat; vegetables retain som e vitamins Vitam in loss. Fat added to m eat with the basting N o added fat S om e vitam in loss M ost vitam ins and m inerals preserved T im ing difficult to control, w hich may cause overcooking Boiling C ooking in large am ounts o f water Poaching Sim m ering in a little liquid Steaming C ooking over steam that is converted from a little water Roasting C ooking with intense, dry heat Pot-roasting S low baking in a covered dish Pressure cooking Q uick cooking at high tem perature, m inim al water Ответьте на вопросы: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 5. ниями: W hat m ethods o f cooking would a person prefer on a slimming diet? W hat m ethods are the healthiest in your opinion? W hat does deep-frying m ean? W hat are the benefits o f microwaving? W hat are its disadvantages? W hat does poaching m ean? W hat are the benefits and disadvantages o f pressure cooking? Составьте предложения или мини-диалоги со следующими выраже­ Образец: to baste the m eat — While/Before serving I recommend to baste the meat■ 92 t0 baste the m eat t0 bring to boil t0 boil in plenty o f w ater to to to to to to boil potatoes in jackets chop the m eat finely clear the m eat from the bone cover uncover cut o ff the stalk from a beetroot (carrot) to cut a p otato into quarters to form the m eat into balls to fry the fish in oil (butter, drippings) to grate a p o ta to / to rub a potato through a grater to m ince the m eat to peel potatoes (onions, carrots) to pepper to pick out all the bones from the fish to put in a little m ilk (water, broth) to to to to salt season skim it clean slice a p o tato thinly (thickly) to scrape new potatoes to thicken (som ething) with flour to trim a cabbage to turn over quickly to wash vegetables from dirt and dust Let it boil till the froth rises. Let them boil for ten m inutes. поливать м ясо подливкой доводить до ки п ен ия варить в больш ом количестве воды варить картоф ель в мундире мелко рубить мясо отделять м ясо от кости закры вать кры ш кой сним ать кры ш ку отрезать стебель у свеклы (м оркови) разрезать картоф елину на 4 ча­ сти делать ф ри кад ел ьки /теф тели из мяса ж арить ры бу на растительном масле (сли вочн ом масле, жире) тереть картоф ель н а терке делать м ясн ой ф арш очищ ать картоф ель (лук, м о р ­ ковь) перчить удалять из ры бы все кости добавлять нем ного м олока (воды, бульона) солить приправлять снять всю пену н ар езать к а р то ф ел ь то н к и м и (толсты м и) л ом ти кам и ск о б л и ть/о ч и щ ать от кож уры молодой картоф ель делать гуще, добавляя муку очищать кочан капусты от внеш ­ них листьев бы стро переворачивать смывать с овощ ей грязь и пыль П усть вари тся до п о яв л ен и я пены. Пусть варятся в течение 10 м и ­ нут. 93 D o n ’t let it overboil! The milk has boiled over. Have you peppered and salted the m eat? Грамматические H e переварите! М олоко убежало. Вы п о п е р ч и л и и п о с о л и л и мясо? упражнения 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuous: ! 1. M other (to cook) very tasty soups. 2. Look! C hildren (to play) in the yard. 3. N ick (to m ake) breakfast every m orning. 4. I c a n ’t speak to you now as I (to do) my hom ew ork. 5. They (not to w atch) TV at the m om ent, they (to read) newspapers. 6 . I usually (to have) dinner after work. 7. My parents (to have) d in n er now. 8. You (to cook) every day? 9. You (to cook) meal now? 10. My brother (not to play) com puter gam es now, he (to w atch) TV. 11. I (not to drink) coffee now. I ( t o . write) a com position. 12. Look! The baby (to sleep). He always (to sleep) after dinner. I 2. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя Past Continuous: Образец: / was having breakfast a t 7 о ’clock yesterday. W hat were you doing • at 10 o ’clock yesterday? • when m o th er cam e hom e? • when I p honed you? • when father worked in the garden? • w hen G ranny cam e into the room ? • w hen friends arrived? • at 8 o ’clock in the evening? 3. Задайте вопросы к предложениям: Образец: I was reading a book when m y sister cam e into the room. — What were you doing when yo u r sister cam e into the room ? 1. My sister was washing up when I cam e into the kitchen. 2. W hen 1 m o th er cam e hom e, I was w atching TV. 3. We were having d in n er at \ 5 o ’clock. 4. He was sleeping at 7 o ’clock. 5. W hen m other phoned, her i daughter was washing up. 6. I was reading a m agazine when the doorbell rang. 7. She was crying w hen I saw her yesterday. 4. Опровергните утверждения упражнения 3. Образец: M y sister w a sn ’t washing up when I came into the kitchen. She was ] reading. 94 5 . Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous: 1. W hen I (to see) him yesterday, he (to speak) to his teacher. 2. W hen ay sister (to wash up) yesterday, she (to break) a cup. 3. M other (to ll3ve) breakfast at 8 o ’clock yesterday. 4. 1 (to have) dinner at the feStaurant last Sunday. 5. W hen I (to prepare) breakfast in the m orning, I (to cut) my finger. 6 . W hen you (to ring up) my sister yesterday, she ,t0 sleep). 7. I (to cook) m eat soup last M onday. 8 . W hen my grandparents (to com e) to visit m e last M onday, 1 (to cook) m eat soup. 9. W hen I (to o p en ) the door, my friends (to sit) at table and (to have) dinner. [0. When N ick entered the bar, the barm an (to stand) behind the counter and (to make) cocktails. 11. ... you (to work) at 3 o ’clock yesterday? — ]sjo. I (to have) a rest. 12. M y friend (to phone) me yesterday from L ondon. 13. W hen he (to p h o n e) m e, I (to have) tea w ith my friends. 14. I (to prepare) dishes for the evening party the whole yesterday’s afternoon. 15. M y bro th er (to translate) an article from a new spaper the whole S aturday’s evening. 6 . Напишите предложения в отрицательной форме и переведите их на русский язык: 1. I will be having d in n er at the restaurant at th at tim e. 2. W hen you come, I will be laying th e table. 3. He will be translating the article at II o ’clock tom orrow . 4. M y friends will be waiting for me at 7 o ’clock tomorrow. 5. W hen I com e hom e tom orrow , m y family will be having dinner. 6 . I will be working at my report from 5 till 8 tom orrow . 7. Задайте специальные вопросы к предложениям упражнения 6 . Образец: I will be reading a book a t 7 о ’clock tomorrow. — What will you be doing at 7 о ’clock tomorrow? 8 . Переведите на английский язык: 1. К огда я завтра приду д ом ой , моя сестра будет готовить ужин. 2. Завтра в 10 утра я буду см отреть новы й ф ильм по телевизору. 3. Я Думаю, когда ты п озвон и ш ь, они будут обедать. 4. Завтра в 7 утра мы будем завтракать. 5. К огда гости придут, ты будешь встречать и*. 6. Я буду работать в саду с 2 до 4 часов. 7. Он будет делать уроки в это время. 8 . Что ты будеш ь делать, когда я к тебе приду? 9. О ни ®УДут ждать тебя завтра с 10 до 11 часов утра. 10. К огда мои друзья пРидут, я буду н акры вать н а стол. 9. Образуйте Participle I и Participle II от следующих глаголов: to cook — готовить, ... — готовящ ий, ... — приготовленны й to boil — ки п яти ть (ки п еть), ... — ки п ящ и й , ... — п р о к и п я ч ен ­ ный to fry — ж арить, ... — ж арящ и й , ... — заж арен н ы й to read — читать, ... — читаю щ ий, ... — прочи тан н ы й 95 to order — заказы вать, ... — заказы ваю щ и й , ... — зак азан н ь^ to add — добавлять, ... — добавл яю щ и й , ... — добавленн ы й | to use — и спользовать, ... — исп ользую щ и й , ... — использо, ванны й to recom m end — реком ен довать, ... — реком ен дую щ ий , ... ^ реком ен дованн ы й 10. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Participle J и Participle И: 1. Я увидел н а кухне сестру, готовящ ую обед. 2. Суп, приготов­ л ен н ы й сестрой утром, бы л холодны й. 3. П олож ите очищ енны е овощ и в ки п ящ ую воду. 4. Д евуш ка, зак азы ваю щ ая обед, п опро­ сила принести жареную осетрину. 5. Я предпочитаю отварное мясо. 6 . Готовя это блю до, я и спользовал говядину. 7. О ф и ц иант, обслу­ ж и ваю щ ий наш их гостей, очень вежлив. 8. Он сидел у окн а и гля­ дел на играю щ их детей. 9. Д рузья обедали, обсуж дая новости дня. 10. В комнате они увидели накры ты й стол. 11. Продукты, купленные ж еной, он полож ил в холодильник. 12. Д елая покупки, она никогда не забывала о сладостях для детей. 13. Чтобы приготовить этот салат, вам понадобятся солены е огурцы и отварны е овощ и. 14. В нашей семье все лю бят ж арены й картофель. 15. К опченую и вареную кол­ басу я обы чн о покупаю в сп ец и ал и зи рован н ом магазине. 11. Вставьте местоимения each, every, all, everything, everybody/ everyone. 1. Wash ... potato carefully. 2. We go o u t ... Sunday’s night. 3. ... looks tired today. 4. He does ... to help me. 5. ... m y friends study at college. 6 . She k n o w s ... in h er block o f flats. 7. I spent ... the m oney yesterday. 8. ... student o f our group takes part in this concert. 9. ... w om an wants to have a family and children. 10. ... o f the cups has a different design. 11. ... tim e I see h er she has a different dress on. 12. ... likes m usic. 1 12. Вставьте местоимение other или another-. 1. C an I have ... cup o f tea? 2. W here are the ... students? 3. We can do t h a t ... tim e. 4. You have got two sons. O ne is here, where is the ...? 5. Give m e ... apple. They are so juicy. 6 . He has got two cars, one is red and the ... is white. 13. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на значение местоимения one (ones): 1. То cross the street, one m ust wait for a green light. 2. W hat app will you take? — The red ones. 3. This salad is better than the one we had yesterday. 4. D o n ’t buy those potatoes. Buy the other ones. 5. I need one o f these streets. 6 . I t’s one o f the best shops in our town. 7. These spoons are dirty. C an we have som e clean ones? 8 . These chocolates are nice. W ould you like one? 9. This boy is one o f her brothers. 10. One should always com e to classes in tim e. 11. O ne can do it easily. 96 f e ст 1 Подберите к каждому слову рисунок и укажите его номер: pouring frying barbecueing grilling peeling boiling chopping m incing roasting draining grating dicing sprinkling dipping spreading slicing Заполните пропуски словами из рамки (используйте каждое слово одцц раз): there, are, table, is, m easurem ents, groceries, m easured, a, gallon, sweets, weighs, pears Weights and Measures English weights and measures are very difficult to _ _ (1) foreigner. For general use the sm allest weight is 1 ounce (w ritten oz ), and t h e r e ___ (2) 16 ounces in a pound (w ritten lb). T he English buy _ (3), tobacco and som etim es cigarettes by the ounce while m ost _ (4) o r fruit, such as apples, ___ (5), straw berries, by the pound, half-pound or quarter-pound. F ourteen p o u n d s ___ (6) 1 stone. The English always give people’s w eight in stones and pounds. F or exam ple, a m a n ___ (7) 11 stones 9 lbs (not 163 lbs). 112 lbs m ake up 1 hundredw eight (w ritten cwt) and ___ (8) are 20 hundredw eights in a ton. Liquids a r e ___ (9) in pints, quarts and gallons. T here are 2 pints in a quart and 4 quarts in a ___ (10). Finally, for length the p rin c ip a l___ (11) are inches, feet, yards and miles. The easiest way to rem em ber them , perhaps, is a little ___ (12) like this: 12 inches 3 feet 1.760 yards 1 foot (ft) 1 yard (yd) 1 mile Miscellanea IT IS INTERESTING TO KNOW Fusion1 Cooking F usion cooking is cooking w hich com bines one or m ore elem ents from different cooking traditions, either techniques o r ingredients. It is also called cross-cultural cooking, o r cooking w ithout barriers. Fusion ingredients usually com e from Asia, C entral A m erica or South America1 1'0и:з(э)п] — слияние, соедин ен ие, сплав p o o d is changing. N ow adays people w ant food th at has m ore flavour, 'j-here are o th er reasons for the spreading o f fusion cooking. T hey are the com m u n icatio n revolution (a c h e f can fax a recipe in seconds) as vVell as th e im proved quality and speed o f overseas food transportation. FROM THE HISTORY OF W ORDS Cacao The cacao is a tropical plant that originated in C entral and South America. It grows to a height o f 5 to 8 m. The fruits are pods that are oblong and oval in shape and 15 to 20 cm long. T he pods weigh 500 — 600 g. Each pod contains about 40 to 50 beans arranged in five rows. The natives, especially the M ayas and Aztecs, used the cacao beans as a source o f food and beverages and also as a m eans o f exchange, buying with it necessities in the m arkets throughout the region. The Aztecs consum ed cacao as a beverage, after having pounded the roasted beans in h o t water. T hey som etim es sw eetened the drink with honey and thickened it w ith cornflour. C ayenne pepper was also often used to make it piquant. The beverage was called chocolate — a com bination of choco, th e A ztec nam e for cacao, and latl, th eir word for water. In M exico, cacao beans form ed the basis o f a com plex system o f exchange too. F o r exam ple, the city o f Tabasco paid the E m peror M ontezum a an annual tax o f 24,000 cacao beans. T hat assured the m o n ­ arch his daily ration o f 30 cups o f chocolate and 2,000 m ore for his courtiers1. Chocolate is a useful source o f energy. A cup o f this precious beverage would put a m an in condition to m ake a whole day’s m arch w ithout the need for o th er food. A PO EM TO ENJOY Company’s Coming C om p an y ’s com ing, what shall I serve? An entree, dessert and perhaps an hors d ’oeuvre. Will it be perfect? How will it taste? If nobody eats, it will all go to waste. I always get scared w hen I cook for a guest. It’s alm ost as bad as taking a test. C an I be sure it will all work out fine? Will they all say that my cooking’s divine? 1 courtier [’kxtis] — придворный 99 First o f all I will m ake up a list. So that nothing’s forgotten and nothing is missed. I ’ll plan the whole m enu and do things ahead. I’ll m ake it look easy, not som ething to dread. LIMERICKS There was an old M an o f Berlin W hose form was uncom m only thin. Till he once by mistake Was mixed up in a cake. So they baked th at old M an o f Berlin. T here was an old M an o f C olum bia W ho was thirsty and called out for som e beer. But they brought it quite hot In a small copper pot W hich disgusted that M an o f Colum bia. T here was an old M an o f the East W ho gave all his children a feast. But they all ate so m uch And their conduct was such T hat it killed th at old M an o f the East. PROVERBS AND SAYINGS TO M EM O RIZE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. He who would eat the nut m ust first crack the shell. N eith er fish nor flesh. To fall off the frying pan into the fire. You cannot eat your cake and have it. A w atched pot never boils. G IV E IT A NAM E 1. It is m eat from a pig. The m eat is salted and som etim es smoked. 2. The thick part o f the milk that you can whip to put on cakes. 1 3. It is m eat from a pig. 4. It is a kind o f food w hich is used to sweeten o ther food and drinks. 5. It is sliced bread m ade brow n and crisp by heating. 6 . It is a finely cut m eat m ixture pu t into a skin. 7. It is a floury m ixture th at can be cooked to m ake pastry or bread. 100 Тексты для дополнительного чтения Chicken — Everybody’s M eat C hickens are on m ost tables today. M odern m ethods o f rearing and j-efrigeration have m ade birds o f uniform quality available everywhere a n d we eat them probably m ore than any o ther m eat. Most people now buy frozen ones which are inexpensive and ready to cook. You can buy whole birds o r chicken pieces. F o r a family a w hole bird is a saving as it will provide m ore than one m eal and it is so adaptable th at there is never any problem with leftovers. C hicken pieces are good for a quick rneal. The m ost econom ical jo in ts are the drum sticks and thighs — there is a lot o f m eat on them . F rozen oven-ready chickens are nearly always young birds th at should never be overcooked, bu t you may occasionally come across a boiling fow l1, w hich is good value for m oney as there is plenty o f m eat on it and the flavour is good. These are old laying2 birds and are best slowly casseroled3. T he rather bland4 taste o f frozen chick­ en lends itself to the addition o f o th er flavours. M ost keen cooks like to make th eir own stuffings or at least add to the bought packet variety. For a change, flavour th e bird with herb b u tte r o r bacon tu ck ed 5 under the skin o f the breast before roasting — it is m uch sim pler than making an elaborate stuffing. O r roast it the F rench way with the addi­ tion o f a little stock in the tin. M ake a little chicken go a long way by stirfrying. Two chicken breasts cut into fine strips and cooked this way, served with plenty o f crispy vegetables, can be enough for six people. Marjoram6 A gentle, calming herb, m aijoram was called “joy o f the m ountains” by the ancient Greeks. They say it was a favourite herb o f Aphrodite, the goddess o f love. Greek brides and grooms had crowns made from maijoram. M arjoram is a p erennial7 m em ber o f the m int family. T he tw o m ost Popular varieties are sweet m arjoram 8 and wild m arjoram 9 (m ore co m ­ monly known as oregano). ' [faulj — птица несущ иеся to casserole ['kaessraulj — готовить в кастрюле из керамики или жаропрочного стекла 4 5 пресны й, безвкусный tuck — начинять Гта:с1з(э)гэт] — майоран, душ ица 8 Ips'renial] — многолетний (о растении) 9 sweet marjoram — садовый майоран wild marjoram — дикий майоран 101 It is very popular in F rench cooking. M arjoram enhances the flavomr o f m any foods, including poultry, lam b, sausage, green vegetables carrots, cauliflowers, cucum bers, potatoes, parsnips1, m ushroom s, egg^ and tom atoes. It also goes well with soups, cheese, spreads, stuffing, and salad dressings. You can put a fresh sprig2 o f m arjoram in salads, F or preparing savoury seasoning you should com bine 1 tablespoon dried m arjoram , 1 tablespoon dried basil, 2 teaspoons garlic pow der 2 teaspoons dried thym e3, 1 teaspoon dried crushed rosemary and 3/4 teaspoon dried oregano and store it in a covered container. Before grilling steaks, lamb, poultry o r sausage rub over them with this seasoning. One tablespoon o f fresh m aijoram equals 1 teaspoon dried maijoram. T h a t’s the basic rule for m ost herbs. F or a beautiful sum m er table setting, tie small bunches o f fresh m arjoram into bouquets. 1 пастернак 2 веточка 3 [taim| — тимьян, чабрец SERVICE (ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЕ) У рок 6 Текст А Menu Planning T he m en u is a listing o f the item s the food service establishm ent has for sale. T he m enu is an im p o rtan t c o m p o n e n t o f food service operations. W ith o u t a m en u the custom ers will no t know w hat th eir choice is for dishes to o rder. T he m enu creates an im age o f the establishm ent. It should be in harm o n y w ith th e type o f the food service e sta b lis h m e n t. F o r ex a m p le , fa s t-fo o d o r q u ic k -se rv ic e restaurants offer a lim ited n u m b er o f m enu item s but they sell these 'terns in large quantities. T h eir custom ers are served at a sales counter, that is why sep arate m en u s are n o t needed. C ustom ers are fam iliar with th e stan d ard ized m en u and do n o t n eed its d escrip tio n . F astf°od restau ran ts sim ply p o st nam es and prices o f th e ir p ro d u cts near the sales cou n ters. On the o th er hand, a big restaurant would have an altogether differ­ ent m enu. First, the num ber o f m enu item s w ould be m uch greater. The traditional table-service restaurant might have a m enu as large as a book W|th detailed descriptions o f its wide range o f dishes.To draw attention 103 to daily specials som e restaurants find it useful to box these item s on the m enu o r to write them on a chalkboard near the entrance. The m enu planning is organized on the basis o f the available foo^ products and kitchen staff. T he service transfers the m enu item s fror^ the kitchen staff to the custom ers. In order to properly serve custom ers the servers should be ready to answ er their questions. They shonM know what item s are on the m enu, the portion sizes offered, how the items are prepared. Service should also know the m eaning o f all terms used on the m enu so they can explain them to any custom ers. The m enu is generally designed by the ch e f (head cook) o f the restaurant. The structure o f the m enu is usually based on following courses; • Starters • Soups • Entrees • M ain courses • Desserts W hen a ch ef designs a m enu, he (she) usually starts with the main course and then plans the o th er courses. T here are four basic types o f m enus: 1. A la carte menu allows the custom er to choose dishes w hich are cooked to order and served to the guests. 2. Table d’hote menu offers a lim ited choice o f dishes. The guests have to take the whole meal consisting o f three o r four dishes and pay a fixed price. 3. C arte du jour m eans “ card o f the day” and the dishes o f this m enu are served on this day only. 4. Cycle menu is a num ber o f m enus, which are repeated in a certain period o f tim e. It is usually used in hospitals, student and school can­ teens. Словарь к тексту listing ['listirj] item ['aitamj food service establishm ent [I'stEebliJmant] sales counter to post [paust] to box available [3'veil3b(3)l] properly ['pmpali] server ['s3:va] to design [di'zain] entree I'Dntrei] c h e f [fefj 104 п еречень зд. блюдо п редприятие о б щ ествен н ого! п итани я п рилавок, стойка вы веш ивать пом ещ ать в рам ку и м ею щ и й ся (в распоряж ен и и) д олж ны м образом обслуж иваю щ ий персонал разрабаты вать 1. горячая закуска; 2. Ат горячее блюдо ш еф -п овар g la carte [,эе 1э 'kcut, ,a la-] table d ’hote [,tct:b(3)l 'dsut] а-л я карт (выбор блюд по меню) табльдот (комплексный обед, уж ин) carte du jo u r [,ka:t du: 'зиэ] cycle m enu м еню н а д ан н ы й день ц икли ческое меню Задания к тексту 1. Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям: п редпри яти я общ ественного п итани я, важ ны й ком п он ен т об ­ служ ивания, создает представление (им идж ), ресторан быстрого обслуж ивания, о гран и чен н ое количество блю д в меню , трад и ц и ­ онны й ресторан с обслуж иванием столов, детальное оп исан ие, привлечь вни м ани е, блю до д ня, им ею щ иеся в распоряж ен и и про­ дукты п и тан и я, раб отн и ки кухни, чтобы надлеж ащ им образом обслужить гостей, ш еф -п овар разрабаты вает меню , обслуж иваю ­ щий персонал. 2. Переведите на английский язык, используя слова и выражения из текста: 1. М ен ю — это п ер еч ен ь н аи м е н о в а н и й блю д, п ред лагаем ы х п р ед п р и яти ем о б щ ес тв е н н о го п и та н и я . 2. Р есторан ы бы строго п и тан и я п редлагаю т о гр ан и ч ен н о е к о л и чество блю д. 3. Гости не нуж даю тся в о п и с а н и и блю д, так к а к о н и хорош о зн а к о м ы с меню . 4. Ч тобы п р и в л еч ь в н и м а н и е гостей к ф и р м е н н ы м б л ю ­ дам, н ек о то р ы е р ес то р ан ы п иш ут их н а зв а н и я н а д о ск е окол о входа. 5. М ен ю п лан и р уется на базе и м ею щ и хся в н ал и чи и п р о ­ дуктов и п ер со н ал а кухни. 6 . О ф и ц и а н ты д о л ж н ы ум еть о б ъ я с ­ нить гостям состав каждого блюда. 7. М еню разрабаты вается ш еф п оваром р есто р ан а. 8 . Ш е ф -п о в а р о б ы ч н о н ач и н ает п л а н и р о в а ­ ние м ен ю с о сн о в н о го блю да. 3. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. W hat is a m enu? 2. W hat kind o f m enu can we see in fast-food restaurants? 3. W hat kind o f m enu m ight the traditional table service restaurant have? 4. W hat do som e restaurants do to draw attention to th eir daily specials? 5. W hat should the restaurant servers know about the m enu? 6 . W ho usually designs the m enu o f the restaurant? 7. W hat is the usual structure o f the m enu? 8. W hat does a c h e f start with w hen designing a m enu? 9. W hat types o f m enu do you know? 105 Текст В Setting the Table Setting a table m ust begin with good preparation and organization. C heck carefully for the perfect cleanliness o f the dinnerw are (table­ ware), silverware (cutlery) and stem w are (glassware). A ppetizers, soups and salads are set in place on top o f a service plate th at rem ains until it is replaced by the m ain entree d in n er plate. N ap­ kins are never placed on the service plate, but are traditionally placed to the left. The service plate determ ines the position o f the utensils. They are arranged from the inside out. The d in n er (service) knife is on the right side with the edge to the inside, then goes the fish knife. T he soup spoon is placed to the outside o f the fish knife on the right. T he d in n e r (service) fork is usually on th e left. It is often recom m ended that the salad fork is placed to the left o f the d in n er fork. However, in this form al setting the dinner fork is placed to be used before the salad fork because it is suggested that the guest awaits the m ain meal before helping him self (herself) to the salad. The general rule with utensils is to start from the outside o f your place setting, and work your way toward the service plate (the main meal plate): soup spoon first, then fish knife and fork, then service knife and fork. ; The bread plate w ith the butter knife (spreader) w ith the edge to the outside is placed to the left o f the service plate above the forks. ; T he dessert spoon and cake fork are above the plate. T he fork handle should point to the left, the spoon handle to the right. 0 з 8 9 10 106 11 12 13 1. service plate 2. soup bowl 3 . napkin 4. bread and b u tter plate with b u tter knife 5 . w ater glass 6. white wine glass 7 . red wine glass 8. fish fork 9. d in n er fork 10. salad fork 11. service knife 12. fish knife 13. s o u p s p o o n 14. dessert spoon and cake fork The stem w are is positioned after everything else. Position the glasses so th a t th e gu est will be able to reach ea ch w ith o u t having to m anoeuvre aro u n d any o f the o th e r glasses at his place. P ut no m ore than four glasses next to each setting. You m ay need som e ad d itio n al glasses. If two different w hite wine selections are offered, two different glasses are req u ired . T he guest should be able to enjoy each w ine separately. Which glasses go with what drinks. E ach type o f wine needs a partic­ ular type o f glass to bring ou t the special bouquet. 4. tall cham pagne glass (tulip flute) 5. low cham pagne glass (saucer) 6 . m artini glass 1. brandy glass 2. red wine glass 3. white wine glass Словарь к тексту dinnerw are ['dinawea], tablew are ['teibl(3)we9] silverware ['silvawea] Am, cutlery ['kAtlari] Am stemware ['stemwea] Am, glassware ['glcrswes] Am service plate ['s3:vis pleit] entree ['rmtrei] Am посуда, приборы для серви ров­ ки стола нож и, лож ки , вилки стакан ы , бокалы , рю м ки подстановочная тарелка горячее (блюдо) napkin ['naepkm] utensils |ju:'tens(9)lz] to arrange [э'гетйз] edge [ed3] spreader ['spreda] handle ['haendl] bowl [baul] bouquet [bau'kei, bu:-] to m anoeuvre [ma'nuiva] tulip flute ['tju:lip flu:t] салф етка п риборы , п ринадлеж ности располагать режущ ая кром ка, лезвие ( ножа) нож для м асла ручка, рукоятка миска, глубокая тарелка, чашка букет (вина) м аневрировать ф лю т(т)е (высокий бокал для шампанского в форме флейты) | saucer fsoisa] широкий бокал для ш ампанского, б окал-блю дце м артини m artini [ma:'ti:ni] Задания к тексту 1. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. How m ust setting а table begin? W here are napkins placed? How are the utensils arranged? W here is the d in n er knife put? How is it put? W here is the fish fork’s place? W here is the soup spoon placed? W here is usually the salad fork placed? W here is the bread plate? W here are the dessert spoon and cake fork? W hen is the glassware positioned? How m any glasses can be put on the table? 2. Расскажите, как вы сервируете стол для обычного обеда (ужина). 3. Расскажите, как вы накрываете праздничный стол, используя сле­ дующие слова и словосочетания: to take out nice dishes from the cupboard, to put sm art napkins and tablecloth on the table, to decorate w ith ..., silverware, fine china, beautiful glassware, candles, guest cards, vases with flowers. Текст С Choosing the Right Wine Y our choice o f wines will depend on the type o f d in n er you organ ize (form al, casual, etc.) and the tastes o f your guests (if you know them ). 108 рог exam ple, you can choose to serve only cham pagne if you wish to be very cerem onial o r very rom antic. But if you organize a casual barbecue party, you can choose the option o f serving the sam e fresh light red wine or rose during the whole time. Basic overall rules to choose your wine E ntree : generally accom panied with dry w hite wine o r rose. M ain cou rse: . red wine for red m eat, light red wine for white meats; . dry white wine for fish or seafood; . on a general base, fresh and light red wine goes with everything; . rose is not considered as top wine but it is good and fresh for casual m eals when it is hot. Cheese: red wine, preferably full-bodied with powerful cheese flavours. Dessert: sweet white wine. Словарь к тексту formal [Тэ:т(э)1] casual ['кэезиэ1] option ['npj(a)n] fresh wine ['frej wain] rose ['rauzei] full-bodied [.ful'bndid] wine оф и ц и ал ьн ы й обы чн ы й , каж додневны й возм ож ность свеж ее вино легкое розовое вино полное вино Задания к тексту 1. Закончите предложения, выбрав подходящие варианты: 1. T he choice o f wines depends on ... a) the w eather; b) the type o f dinner; c) the season; d) the tastes o f your guests. 2. You can serve the sam e fresh light red wine or rose during the whole tim e ... a) if you wish to be very cerem onial; b) if you give a big party; c) if you organize a casual barbecue; d) if you serve a fish dish. 3. Entrees are generally accom panied with ... a) cham pagne; b) red wine; c) dry white wine; d) rose. 4. Dry white wine is good for ... a) red m eat; b) fish; c) seafood; d) cheese. 2. Переведите на английский язык: оф и ц и ал ьн ы й обед, зави си т от вкусов ваш их гостей, подавать только ш ам п ан ское, к ры бе и м орепродуктам подаю т сухое белое вино, розовое вино не считается сам ы м лучш им , свеж ее легкое Красное вино подходит ко всему. 109 Текст D Serving Wines at a Restaurant W ine is an integral part o f fine dining experience in a restaurant. 1^ m any restaurants the wine service will be m ore relaxed th an the form at service described below but the basics are still the same. S om m elier o r w aiter. Y ou can m ore likely find a so m m elier in a very fine re sta u ra n t an d esp ecially in E u ro p e . A so m m elie r, in sim plified term s, is a wine w aiter. H e /sh e has extra know ledge about w ines, wine service and the selections available at the restau ran t. I f a restaurant has a som m elier, th at person will w ork w ith you specifically w ith regard to th e wines. A so m m elie r’s a ttire is usually different th an the o th e r w ait staff m em b ers’. It is co m m o n for a so m m elier to have a “ tastev in ” hanging from a sash aro u n d his neck. A tastevin is a sh allow m etal ta stin g cu p th a t is a to o l o f th e tra d e fo r m ost som m eliers. In re stau ran ts w ith o u t a som m elier, th e w aiter serves b oth the food and w ine ordering. S electing wine. If you are having ju st one w ine w ith your m eal, it is a good idea to m atch it w ith the m ain course o f those at your table. If you w an t to have m ore th a n one m ain course, you should o rd e r w hite w ine to p air w ith th e lig h ter m ain course a n d fuller w ine (presum ably red) to m atch the o th e r m ain course. H ave the first w ine p o u re d lightly fo r everyone to start th e m eal. If you are not co n fid en t o r com fortable selecting the w ines, ask th e so m m elier or w aiter for suggestion. It is helpful to give them an idea o f w ines or w ine types th a t you have enjoyed in the past as well as a rough price range you w ant to spend. It is also co m m o n for a host to d efer the | w in e s e le c tio n to a n o th e r m e m b e r o f th e p a r ty w ho is m ore ex p erienced. Задания к тексту 1. Переведите текст на русский язык с помощью словаря. 2. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. In w hat restaurants can you m ore likely find a som m elier? 2. W hat is a som m elier in sim plified term s? 3. W hat kind o f knowledge m ust h e/sh e have? 4. Is a som m elier’s attire different th an the o th er wait staff m e m -Я bers’? 5. W hat is the som m elier’s tool o f trade? 6 . Have you ever eaten or worked in a restaurant w ith the som m el- | ier? 7. If you have one wine w ith your m eal, w hich course will you .. m atch it with? 110 диалоги J. Прочитайте по ролям, заменяя подчеркнутые слова другими: Family Dinner Joan : I ’m so hungry. Have you set the table yet? M other-in-law . Yes, I have. Joan\ Is d in n er ready? M other-in-law . Yes, it’s ready. Look at the table. Joan'. The table looks perfectly and the smell is wonderful. M other-in-law . Will you have som e soup? Joan: Yes, thank you. M other-in-law . W e have roast beef for the m ain course. Joan : I like the way you m ake it. M other-in-law : I know. H ere are som e boiled potatoes for you. J oan : Will you pass me the pep p er, please? M other-in-law: Here you are. Let me give you a little m ore roast beef. Joan : Yes, th ank you. It is really very good. M other-in-law : Will you have a cup o f coffee? Joan : Yes, thank you. W ith great pleasure. M other-in-law : Shall I pu t milk and sugar in it? Joan : N o , th ank you, I d o n ’t like coffee with milk and sugar. 2. Прочитайте по ролям и переведите: Sam ’s Breakfast Mother: Help yourself to the porridge, Sam. Sam: I’d better have a couple o f ham burgers, M um . M other: You m ust have a proper m eal, dear, otherw ise y o u ’ll have problems with your health. Sam : Is there any cheese left, M um ? M ake me a cheese sandwich. M other : Will you have a cup o f tea? Sam: N o, th an k you. I have had a bottle o f C oca-C ola already. Mother: N ext tim e you w o n ’t have any C o ca-C o la or o th er artificial Products for breakfast. Sam: W h at’s w rong with it, M um ? Mother: You know, this kind o f food is not good for our stom ach. Sam: Why? Mother: Because it’s full o f different additives: artificial colourings, flavourings and so on. 3. Составьте диалоги: а) между оф и ци ан том и гостем ресторан а, ж елаю щ им заказать Диетические и вегетарианские блюда; 111 б) между гостями ресторан а, вы би раю щ и м и детские и ф ир, м енны е блю да н а обед; в) между двум я гостям и ресторана, вы би раю щ и м и десерт. 4. Запомните следующие выражения и составьте с ними мини-диалогц* Wine a n d Toasts Вино и тосты I drink to you, Kate. L et’s have a drink! W hat about drink? He drinks hard. He is fond o f the bottle. H ere’s to o u r host/hostess! H ere’s to you!/C heerio!/Y our health!/T o you! I ’m sober as a judge. I never to u ch /tak e wine. M any happy returns o f the day! Take a glass o f this. З а ваш е здоровье, Кэт. Д авайте выпьем! М ож ет быть, выпьем? О н м ного пьет. Он лю би т выпить. З а здоровье хозяи н а/хозяй ки ! За ваш е здоровье. Лексические Я абсолю тно трезв. Я вин а в рот не беру. Д олгих лет жизни! В ы пейте стакан ч и к этого. упражнения 1. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки: salt shaker, fork, bowl, pepper shaker, knife, spoon, glass, napkin, plate, cup 1. Drink coffee from a .... 2. Drink water from a .... 3. Eat soup from a 4. Eat vegetables and m eat from a .... 5. Put a ... on your lap. 6. Cut m eat with a .... 7. Eat soup with a .... 8. Eat vegetables with a .... 9. Shake salt from a .... 10. Shake pepper from a .... 2. Подберите к словам из левой колонки их значения из правой: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. utensils ingredients recipe seasoning kitchen saucer tray 112 a. list o f ingredients and directions to m ake a food b. som ething you add to m ake food taste better c. kitchen item s you use to cook with d. item s you com bine to make a certain kind o f food e. you pu t the tea cup on it f. you put plates with food on it g. room w here you cook food and wash the dishes 3. Прочитайте и переведите меню, используя словарь учебника: Trafalgar Square Restaurant STARTERS PASTA S IC IL IA £2.35 Tender pasta shells served in a rich, spicy tom ato and herb sauce combining strips of pepperoni, red, green and yellow peppers. Served with a slice of garlic bread. K IN G PRAW N SE A FO O D SALAD £2.45 A delicious salad of mackerel and crab stick chunks on bed of crisp iceberg lettuce crowned with 3 king prawns. Served with seafood sauce and brown bread and butter. SO U P O F T H E DAY £1.35 Ask us w hat’s on the m enu today. PRAWN C O C K T A IL D E E P F R IE D M U S H R O O M S £2.29 £2.15 C O U N T R Y РАТЁ T R O P IC A L M E L O N F R U IT HARVEST £2.10 SEVEN S P IC E PRAW NS £2.55 £1.95 Succulent prawns coated with seven hot Cajun spices and bread­ crumbs, deep fried until golden brown. Served with brown bread and butter and your choice o f dip. D E E P F R IE D PO TATO SK IN S £2.45 Six potato skin wedges deep fried until golden brown and topped with either spicy vegetable chili or creamy cheese and bacon sauce. PO R K SATAY £2.29 A traditional Indonesian-style appetizer. Sticks of spicy grilled pork m eat served with either a cooling sour cream and chives dip or a spicy peanut dressing. G R E E K D IP M E D L E Y £1.99 A light Greek-style starter of traditional Taramasalata and Tzatziki dips, served with fresh vegetable crudites and pitta bread. T H E 2446 £4.39 Ideal for two to share or for one if you’re really hungry! 2 deep fried chicken wings, 4 crispy potato skin wedges, 4 breaded scampi and 6 deep fried mushrooms. Accompanied by both ranch dressing and barbecue sauce. 113 M A IN CO U RSES C h efs Specials R U M P STEAK W IT H C H IN E S E C H IC K E N £9.15 A 5 oz rump steak with a chicken breast m arinated oriental style. Served with mushrooms and a sour cream and chives dip. SA LM O N F IL L E T A N D O R IE N T A L K IN G PRAW N KEBAB £8.99 A real treat for fish lovers. 4 oz salmon fillet with a kebab o f 5 king prawns lightly dusted with oriental spices. Accompanied with a sour cream and chives dip. C H A R SU I PO R K F IL L E T £8.85 A tender pork fillet in a tasty char sui marinade, served with a rich dark sauce containing mange tout and carrot julienne. Garnished with mushrooms. TEXAS C O M B O £8.25 We marinate a half baby rack of pork ribs in our special barbecue marinade and top them with smokey barbecue sauce. Served with 4 spicy double chicken wings, a salad garnish and either jacket potato or French fries. VEGETARIAN V EG E TA B LE T IK K A MASALA Vegetables combined in spicy Indian sauce. Served with savoury rice, a poppadom and mango chutney. B R O C C O L I A N D M U S H R O O M BAKE Broccoli florets and chopped mushrooms in a creamy Parmesan and cream sauce. Topped with a golden crispy crumb and served with salad and garlic bread. £6.75 £6.75 All main courses are served with a mixed vegetable selection o f baton carrots, green beans and sliced baby sweet corn and a choice o f ja ck et potato or French fries. Alternatively you may choose either a mixed or continental salad. The price also includes a roll or crispbread and an ice-cream * dessert. M A IN CO U RSES FRO M THE GRILL All our steaks are prime quality. You tel! us how you want yours grilled, and th a t’s the way we ’II do it. All weights approximate before cooking. R U M P STEAK Two sizes, both full of flavour. * Our ice cream contains non-m ilk fat. 114 8 oz £8.99 12 oz £11.95 PEPPERED STEAK £ 9 .9 9 A n 8 o z rump steak dusted w ith crushed peppercorns and served w ith our cream y peppercorn sauce. SIR L O IN STEAK Lean and tender, whichever you choose. f-B O N E STEAK pIL L E T STEAK B E E FE A T ER M IX E D G R IL L 6 oz £8.35 8 oz £9.99 14 oz £12.75 8 oz £12.25 £9.45 Rum p steak, lamb cu tlet, gam m on steak and sausage — a real feast! G A M M O N STEAK 8 oz £7.35 A tasty steak topped with a pineapple ring. M IN T E D LAMB STEAK £8.89 A succulent mint m arinated loin steak, grilled and served with a tangy red wine and rosemary sauce. C H IC K E N M A R IN A T E D C H IC K E N C H IC K E N OSCAR™ £7.89 £9.25 C H IC K E N T IK K A MASALA £7.99 Pieces o f chicken in a spicy Indian sauce. Served with whole grain rice, a poppadom and mango chutney. FISH F IL L E T O F H A D D O C K £6.85 £7.85 D E E P F R IE D SCA M PI SA LM O N F IL L E T A succulent salmon fillet grilled and served with a hollandaise and parsley sauce. £8.99 )at of creamy LIGHTER SE LE C TIO N The dishes below are served with your choice o f jacket potato, French fries or garlic bread; or alternatively you may choose a continental or n\ixed salad. H O T F IL L E T SALAD Strips of lightly marinated grilled fillet steakcombined with musl rooms, served on a bed o f seasonal salad with sweet corn anc kidney beans in a light mayonnaise dressing. H O T C H IC K E N SALAD Grilled chicken fillet, tender and tasty, served on a bed of seasonal salad with sweet corn and kidney beans in a light mayonnaise dressing. K IN G PRA W N SALAD ROYALE £6.15 A delicious salad o f prawns, mackerel, crabstick and tuna on a bed o f seasonal salad with sweet corn and kidney beans in a light mayonnaise sauce. Crowned with 5 king prawns and served with our special seafood sauce. £ 5.95 O C EA N BAKE Succulent pieces o f fillet o f white fish in a light sauce, topped with potato and a sprinkling of cheese. SE A FO O D T A G L IA T E L L E £5.99 Ribbons of pasta in a creamy white wine sauce with prawns, scallop and salmon. C H IC K E N PASTA S U P R E M E £5.99 Pasta twists com bined with chunks o f chicken breast and smoked bacon in a cheese sauce. Delicious! H A LF RACK O F RIB S £5.75 We marinate a half baby rack of succulent pork ribs in our special barbecue marinade and top them with smoky barbecue sauce. The dishes below are all served with a mixed vegetable selection comprising of baby carrots, green beans, sliced baby sweet corn and a choice o f jacket potato or French fries. Alternatively you m ay choose a continental or mixed salad. C H A M P A G N E SO LE £5.95 Fillet oT sole stuffed with scallops and crab meat, served in a creamy champagne sauce. (Contains more than 2% alcohol by volume.) D E E P F R IE D SC A M PI (a half-portion) D O U B L E C H IC K E N BREAST STEAK A N D K ID N E Y P IE R U M P STEAK £4.99 £5.95 £4.99 5 oz £6.45 Prime steak, grilled as you like it and served with mushrooms. Younger Guests For our younger guests, this special menu is o f the same quality as our main menu but in slightly smaller portions. The price includes a roll and butter or crispbread and a soft vanilla ice cream topped with raspberry, butterscotch or chocolate sauce with nuts. All the dishes below are served with a mixed vegetable selection o f baby carrots, green beans and sliced baby sweet corn and a choice o f ja ck et potato or French fries. Alternatively you may choose a continental or mixed salad. R U M P STEAK D E E P F R IE D SCA M PI (a half-portion) B A R B EC U E C H IC K E N 116 5 oz £6.45 £4.99 £5.75 pLj R G E R IN A B U N £4.59 ylR. M EN M EALS £2.25 fo r the very young, Mr Men meals are served at lunchtime until 7.30 in the eVening to children who are accompanied by adult taking a main meal in the reStaurant. Please, no more than 3 children fo r each adult restaurant diner unless prior arrangement has been agreed with the manager. Mr. Men meals are completely free from artificial colours and flavourings. SID E ORDERS M U SH R O O M S £1.10 D EEP F R IE D O N IO N R IN G S £0.99 V EGETABLE M O R N AY C O U R G E T T E PR O V E N C A L E £1.19 £1.19 A delicious provincial-style mix of courgettes, tom atoes and onions, flavoured with garlic and herbs. G A R LIC B REA D C O N T IN E N T A L SALAD M IX ED SALAD £1.50 £1.25 £1.45 Our salads are served with a choice o f dressing: French, Thousand Island, Blue Cheese, Green Goddess, Ranch or Honey and Tomato. D ESSERTS & COFFEES C h efs Specials BANANA S PL IT £2.15 Our banana split leaves the others in the shade! Two halves of banana on a base of delicious ice cream topped with whipped cream, pieces o f kiwi fruit and strawberries, raspberry sauce and crunch nuts. PA R A D ISE CA K E £199 You’ll fall in love with tropical dessert! A moist nutty cake com ­ bining pineapple, coconut and walnuts, finished with a rich cream cheese icing and an orange and passionfruit sauce. FR E SH F R U IT SALAD £1.99 A refreshing salad comprising apples, orange segments, pineapple, grapes, strawberry pieces and kiwi fruit in a light syrup. D O U B L E C H O C O L A T E M O U SSE £1.99 Double delicious! Served with cream or ice cream. P R O F IT E R O L E S U R P R IS E £1.99 117 H O R N O F P LEN TY A sumptuous combination of mixed fruits topped with ice cream, more mixed fruits, whipped cream and raspberry sauce. B RA N D Y SN A P C O R R U P T IO N A P P L E A N D BLA C K B ERR Y PIE C H O C O L A T E F U D G E D R EA M F R E S H F R U IT PAVLOVA SY R U P P U D D IN G STRA W B ER RIES A N D CREA M C H E E S E A N D B ISC U ITS £1.99 £1.89 £1.99 £1.89 £1.99 £1.89 £1.89 COFFEE AN D TEA We serve only freshly ground filtre coffee. BY T H E C U P Regular or decaffeinated. FL O A TER A large glass of coffee with cream. P O T O F TEA £0.70 £0.75 £0.70 LIQUEUR COFFEES For the perfect end to your meal. IR IS H With smooth Irish whisky. R IV IE R A With Cointreau, a subtle bittersweet blend of orange. H IG H L A N D With a blended Scotch whisky. CALYPSO With Tia Maria to give you a taste of the tropics. P A R IS IE N N E With French brandy for a continental touch. MONKS With Benedictine, a blend of brandy and aromatic herbs. JA M A ICA N With dark rum for a Caribbean kick. B E EFEA TER With Kahlua, the liquor from Mexico. £1.65 £1.65 £1.65 £1.65 £1.65 £1.65 £1.65 £1.65 _J 4. Изучив меню, сделайте заказ: 1. Ф и р м ен н ая закуска и второе блюдо. 2. Г орячий кури н ы й салат, кам бала в ш ам п ан ском соусе, стейк 03 баран и ны с мятой. 3. Д ве п о р ц и и б р о ккол и , зап еч ен н ой с грибами. 4. Т ри салата из королевских креветок, две п орц и и ры бы , за ­ меченной с картоф елем и сы ром , одна п орц и я ц ы п л ен ка под м а­ ринадом. 5. П раздн и чн ы й уж ин н а четверы х н а сумму около 300 фунтов. Грамматические упражнения 1. Дайте положительные и отрицательные ответы на вопросы: Образец: Have you ever been to London ? — Yes, I have been to London this year. No, I have never been to London. 1. H ave you ever b een to Paris? 2. H ave you ever seen th e tiger? 3. Have you ever eaten the oysters? 4. Have you ever drunk the F rench cham pagne? 5. Have you ever cooked the polenta? 6. Have you ever tasted the lobster? 7. Have you ever m ade the charlotte? 8. Have you ever tried the d o n er kebab? 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Present Perfect: 1. I already (to cook) the dinner. 2. I (to cook) it an h o u r ago. 3. He (not to eat) today. 4. He (not to eat) yesterday. 5. W e (to see) this film recently. 6 . She (to see) this film last year. 7. I ju st (to com e). 8. My m other (to com e) h alf an h o u r ago. 9. Look at the cake! I (to m ake) it myself. 10. Last Sunday I (to m ake) an apple pie. 11. They (to finish) the work a m om ent ago. 12. I already (to finish) my work too. 13. M other (to prepare) a w onderful d in n er last Sunday. 14. I ju st (to have lunch) with my friends. ... 15. ... you ever (to eat) salted watermelons? 16. We (to have dinner) at the F rench restaurant yesterday. 17. ... you ever (to be) to London? 18. Look! I (to buy) so m uch food. 3. Ответьте на вопросы: Образец: H ave you fin ish ed the work y e t? — N o, I h a v e n ’t fin ish ed it yet. Yes, I have already fin ish ed it. 1. Have you eaten at the new F rench restaurant yet? 2. Have you bought th e foodstuff for the din n er yet? 3. Have you washed the dishes Vet? 4. Have you w arm ed up the soup yet? 5. H as he cooked the m eat Vet? 6. Has she served the guests yet? 7. Have they laid the table yet? Have you had d in n er yet? 119 4. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя Future Perfect: О бразец: H ave you done yo u r hom ew ork? — N ot yet. But I sh all have done it k, 3 о ’d o c k . y 1. Have you boiled the vegetables? (by 2 o ’clock) 2. H ave you laj^ the table? (by the tim e the guests com e) 3. Have you translated the text? (by 5 o ’clock tom orrow ) 4. Has he finished to read my book? (by tom orrow ) 5. Дополните предложения, употребляя Past Perfect: Образец: Kate h ad la id the table before the guests came. 1. ... before it began to rain. 2 . . . . before her m other cam e hom e. 3.. 1 by 5 o ’clock. 4. I d id n ’t want to go to the cinem a because.... 6 . Переведите на английский язык: 1. Ты когда-нибудь был в Н ью -Й орке? 2. Я только что пришел. 3. Он никогда не ел устриц. 4. Вы уже сделали дом аш нее задание? — Нет, ещ е не сделали. 5. М ой друг купил м аш ину в этом году. 6 . Мы н ак р ы л и на стол до того, к а к п р и ш ли гости. 7. Я сделаю эту работу завтра к 5 часам . 8 . К огда я п р и ш л а д о м о й , м ам а уже уш ла н а работу. 9. Ты уже пом ы ла посуду? — Н ет еще. 10. Они никогда не бы ли в и тальян ском ресторане. 11. Билл уже п ригото­ вил обед, когда родители вернулись домой. 7. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на многозначность глагола to have: 1. Не has blue eyes. 2. I ’ve got a headache. 3. We have to go shoppin today. 4. They have been to L ondon this year. 5. I haven’t got a camera. 6 . Do you have to go to work today? 7. My friend has bought a car lately. 8 . T here was no bus, so I had to walk hom e. 9. In our country m en have to do military service. 10. How long have you lived in Moscow? 11. When I cam e hom e, m other had already cooked dinner. 12. Did he have to go to work last M onday? 13. Have you had dinner yet? 14. I ’d like to have a snack. 8. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на многозначность глагола to be: 1. My brother is not married. 2. I’m 18. 3. There are twenty students i o u r group. 4. W hat are you going to do tonight? 5. I was working when she cam e. 6. This house was built 100 years ago. 7. I am never invited to parties. 8. There was a good film on TV yesterday evening. 9. We w on’t be at hom e tom orrow. 10. Your task is to set the tables by 3 o ’clock. 11. They were to arrive at 4 o ’clock. 12. W here have you been in the m orning? 13. T here were a lot o f people in the room . 14. I prom ise you I ’ll be in tim e for the lesson tom orrow . 120 Тест 1 Подберите к каждому слову рисунок и укажите его номер: casserole m incer corkscrew saucepan Тест frying pan glass rolling pin bowl plate rack cruet set grater 2 Заполните пропуски словами из рамки (используйте каждое слово один раз): put, soup spoons, tablecloth, dessert, in, cooks, cutlery, ready, forks, plates 121 Receiving G uests W hen we have visitors ___ (1) o u r house, I usually lay the table and m o th e r ___ (2) dinner. First, I spread t h e ____ (3). I take out of the cupboard all t h e ___ (4) — knives, forks and spoons. I put the knives and the ___ (5) on the right-hand side and the ___ (6) on the left, except the spoons and the forks f o r ___ (7) which I put across the top. Before each guest I ___ (8) the service plate. On the left o f each guest I put wine glasses. T hen I put the napkins to the left o f the service ___ (9) and I a m ____ (10) for the guests to com e in. Miscellanea U S E F U L ADVICE Removing Inedible Items from Your Mouth 1. Olive p its : drop delicately into your palm before putting them onto your plate. 2. Chicken bone : use your fork to return it to the plate. 3. Fish bones', rem ove with your fingers. 4. Bigger pieces', bigger bones o r food you do not appreciate you should surreptitiously spit into your serviette (napkin), so that you can keep it out o f sight. Foods You Can Get by Hand 1. Bread', break slices o f bread, rolls and m uffins in half or into small pieces by hand before buttering. 2. Bacon', if th e re ’s fat on it, with a knife and fork; if it is crisp, crum ble it with a fork and eat with your fingers. 3. Finger meals', follow the cue o f your host; if finger meals are offered on a platter, place them on your plate before putting them into your m outh. 4. Foods m eant to be eaten by hand : corn on the cob, spareribs, lobster, clam s and oysters on the half shell, chicken wings and bones (in inform al situations), sandwiches, certain fruits, olives, dry cakes and cookies. JO K E S Diner'. W aiter, I want chicken — and the younger the better. W aiter : In th at case, sir, order eggs. 122 He Understood! Two A m ericans were travelling in Spain. O ne m orning they entered a little restaurant for lunch. They did not know Spanish, however, and t|l£ w aiter did not know English. So they tried to make him understand that they w anted som e m ilk and sandwiches. At first they p ro nounced the word “ m ilk” m any tim es. T hen they spelled it. But the w aiter still could not understand. At last one o f them took a piece o f paper and began to draw a cow. He was just finishing his drawing, when the w aiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant. “You see,” said the traveller w ho had draw n the cow, “w hat a pencil can do for a m an who has difficulties in a foreign co u n try .” After som e tim e the w aiter was back, but he brought no milk. He put down in front o f the two m en two tickets for a bullfight! PROVERBS AND SAYINGS TO MEMORIZE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. After d in n er sit/sleep a while, after supper walk a mile. Old friends and old wines are best. T o be born with a silver spoon in o n e’s m outh. H oney is sweet, but the bee stings. He who would catch fish m ust not m ind getting wet. LIMERICKS There was a young m an o f C alcutta W ho spoke with a terrible stutter. He said, “ If you please, Will you pass me the cheese And the b -b -b -b -b -b u tte r.” T here was a young lady o f N iger1 W ho sm iled as she rode a tiger. They returned from the ride W ith the lady inside, And a smile on the face o f the tiger. T here was an old m an o f K hartoum 2 W ho kept two black sheep in his room . “They rem ind m e,” he said, “ O f two friends who are d ea d ,” But he never would tell us o f whom. 1 l'naiga| — Нигер (государство) [ka:'tu:m] — Хартум (город) 123 G IV E IT A NA M E 1. It is a kind o f sweet th at you chew but do no t swallow. 2. It is a small fruit with a thin dark red o r yellow skin. It has a large stone it the m iddle. й 3. W hen you do it, you put som ething into a liquid and leave it there 4. It is a food m ade with flour and baked in an oven. 5. W hen people do it, they cook food in a pan with hot fat o r oil. 6. W hen you do it, you mix a liquid inside a container with some­ thing like a spoon. Текст для дополнительного чтения Corn (M aize) C orn o r m aize was dom esticated and cultivated by the native people o f the New W orld when C hristopher C olum bus first reached its shores. The cultivation o f corn was o f prim ary im portance to the daily diet o f the Indians, who used it in m aking a sort o f bread, the tortilla. C olum bus took the seeds back to Spain in 1493, but the cultivation o f corn began in Europe only around 1520. It was regarded prim arily as a garden plant, but in the 16th century it becam e a culinary fixture and was used to m ake white and sweet bread — polenta. It was cooked in a mass, then cut with a wire into large, thin slices and arranged on a platter with cheese or with butter. C orn was extensively consum ed by p o o r people because they were prim arily concerned with filling their em pty bellies. In the U nited States, the cereal is alm ost always called corn, while in Britain it is called maize. M aize, variously spelled, is the cereal’s proper nam e in all European languages. The word is derived from the Spanish m aize, taken in turn from the Indian maize. Polenta eventually replaced all o f the other cereals and provided nourishm ent for m any generations o f poor working people in the countries o f the M editerranean Basin, the Balkans, Africa and Asia. Nowadays there are a lot o f different kinds o f polenta and other dishes m ade with corn in recipe books. Урок 7 Текст MY PROFESSION IS A COOK (МОЯ ПРОФЕССИЯ - ПОВАР) A My Profession Is a Cook I study at the C ooking D epartm ent o f the M oscow College o f T ech ­ nologies and Design, so I will be a cooking and catering professional: a cook o r a technologist. Every school year we do practice work for 2—3 m onths. This year our group have done their practice at the G olden Palace restaurant. This is a large restaurant, which is open 24 hours a day since it is the restaurant by the casino with the sam e nam e. T here are three departm ents within the m ain shop there — a cold shop, a hot shop and a pastry-cook’s shop. Salads, snacks, sandw iches, cuts o f cold m eat and fish and desserts are m ade in the cold shop. Soups, h o t m eat and fish dishes and sauces are prepared in the hot shop. In the pastry-cook’s shop they m ake tarts, patties, fancy cakes, etc. T he kitchen staff begin th eir work at 7 o ’clock. We, student cooks had to com e to the restaurant at 10 o ’clock. Each o f us was told to go to one o f the shops. There we got a program m e for the working day. Usually 125 we prepared sandw iches, fruit salads and canapes for breakfast. We cm bread, ham , sausage and vegetables to put on canapes. We also d e c o ra te them with herbs and little figures m ade o f carrots, cucum bers, tom a, toes, etc. Breakfast was served from 8 till 12. At 11 o ’clock we began to help the cooks by preparing dishes for lunch. Student cooks were usually trusted to cut vegetables and m ake sauces for desserts: strudels, jCe cream , tarts and puddings. All day we had to carry out cooks’ instructions. T he kitchen staff are very experienced there. The c h e f is a very skilled cook too. He has w orked m any years as a cook in this and o th er restaurants. The main part o f his job is to plan the m enu for the day and m anage the staff jn the kitchen. At the end o f the practice tim e we had to take an exam ination. We had to prepare three courses: soup, a m ain course and dessert. I made M oscow borshch as soup, beef with sour cream and m ushroom s as a m ain course and chocolate souffle as dessert. M ost o f all I like to cook desserts. 1 m ade these in the shape o f stars. T hen I pu t three stars of different sizes and colours on the plate and added som e kiwi sauce near them on the plate. It was very nice and tasty. This practice certainly gave us m uch inform ation, and m ore im por­ tantly, valuable experience in preparing new dishes. I realized happily th at I had m ade the right choice o f profession. С ловарь к тексту to do practice cold shop hot shop pastry -cook’s shop to trust [trAStJ to carry out o n e ’s instructions experienced [ik'spi(3)risnst] skilled [skild] to m anage ['maemd3] to realize to m ake the right choice проходить п рактику холодны й цех горячий цех кондитерский цех доверять, поручать вы п олн ять ч ьи -ли бо инструк­ ции опы тны й умелы й, оп ы тн ы й руководить поним ать сделать п равильн ы й выбор Задания к тексту 1. Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям: работники кухни, украш ать зеленью , поручить приготовить соус для десерта, очень оп ы тны й повар, планировать меню , в ф орме звездочек, ц ен н ы й опыт. 126 2. О тветьте на вопросы: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. W hat is your future profession? Have you done practice this year? W here have you done your practice? In w hat shop did you work? W hat dishes did you prepare? W hen did you begin your work? How m any hours a day did you have to work? W hen did the kitchen staff begin their work? W hat kind o f work did you do? Was the kitchen staff experienced there? W as the ch ef a skilled cook? W hat were the duties o f the chef? Was he a good m anager? W ho organized your work? Did you have to take an exam ination at the end o f the practice? W hat did you have to cook? Do you think you m ade the right choice o f profession? W here would you like to work after graduating from college? D o you like your future profession? Why? How do you think to develop your career? Текст В Food Safety The personnel o f catering industry — chefs, kitchen supervisors and restaurant m anagers — are doing their best to fight the w ar on foodborne illness. U nfortunately, m any people are still poisoned by food and most worry about becom ing sick, while m any restaurant em ployees recom ­ mend not eating where they work. O ne way to prevent custom ers from becom ing ill due to food h an ­ dling in your restaurant is to adopt a food safety plan that is based on a broader understanding o f how food is contam inated. How can food safety norm s be violated? • Som etim es cooks have no tim e to take breaks and they have to eat at th eir w orkstation, which is a violation o f sanitation rules. • O ften, cooks are too tired to clean and sanitize properly. • R estaurants depend on cooks to be at work. C onsequently, cooks com e to work sick, often with their sym ptom s m asked by heavy doses o f cold and flu m edicine but with virus or bacterium still present. • Time and tem perature norms of keeping foodstuffs are not served properly. • Management sometimes pressures cooks to produce large quamties of tasty and attractive food in shorter time. 1 Food Safety Statistics. According to the centres for disease con tr0i between 1998 and 2001, overall rate of food-borne illness droppeJ from 51.2 cases per 1 million people to 46.9. Many people, however still contract food poisoning: r • 76 million Americans suffer from food poisoning yearly, • 325,000 are hospitalized, • 5,000 die, • odds are that 1 in 4 people will suffer food poisoning and 1 jn 840 will be hospitalized. According to some survey: • 4 in 100 people say they worry about contracting food poisoning • 32 per cent say they have experienced food illness, • 10 per cent know o f someone else who has been sickened bv food. To prevent the danger o f food poisoning all the cooks have to be familiar with time and tem perature control, good employee hygiene, safe food handling procedures, cleaning and sanitizing techniques, f (From The National Culinary Review, official magazine of the American Culinary Federation, September 2000) Словарь к тексту employee [irh'pbii:, .empbi'i:] kitchen supervisor ['sjupavaiza] food-borne illness ['fu:dbo:n ,ilnis] to poison ['pDiz(a)n] safety ['seifti] to prevent [pri'vent] handling ['hEendlnj] to contaminate [kan'tsemineit] to violate ['vaialeit] workstation ['w3.k,stei/(9)n] sanitation [,sa£ni'teif(3 )n] to sanitize ['saenitaiz] to observe [ab'z3:v] to pressure ['рге/э] overall [,3uv3r'o:i] to contract [kan'traskt] odds (odz] 128 служащий, работник санитарный инспектор заболевание, вызванное пище­ вым отравлением отравлять безопасность, сохранность предотвращать обращение заражать, загрязнять нарушать рабочее место санитария подвергать санобработке, де­ зинфицировать соблюдать заставлять общий подхватывать (болезнь) вероятность t0 suffer ['sAfa] survey ['s3:vei] t0 e x p er ie n c e [ik'spi(3)ri3ns] t0 sick en ['sikan] w g ie n e ['haid 3 i:nj p rocedure [pra'si:d39] tech n iq u e [tek'ni:k] переносить (болезнь), страдать исследование испытывать заболевать гигиена метод, порядок метод Задания к тексту 1. Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям: вести борьбу с заболеваниям и, связанны м и с отравлением пищей; отравиться пищей; уберечь клиентов от заболеваний, свя­ занных с пищевыми отравлениями; план безопасного питания; быть нарушенным; рабочее место; нарушение санитарных норм; симптомы, скрытые высокими дозами медицинских препаратов против простуды и гриппа; правила хранения продуктов; принуж­ дать поваров; подхватить пищевое отравление; страдать от пищ е­ вого отравления; испытать пищевое отравление; чтобы предот­ вратить опасность пищевого отравления; должны быть ознакомле­ ны; гигиена служащих; техника уборки и санитарной обработки. 2. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What is the way to prevent customers from becoming ill due to food handling? 2. How can food safety norms be violated? 3. How many Americans suffer from food poisoning yearly? 4. How many of them are hospitalized? 5. How many Americans die from food poisoning yearly? 6 . What do all the cooks have to know to prevent the danger of food poisoning? Текст С How I Got into Cooking Short stories about five famous American cooks, participants in culinary competitions. David is the third generation of a family o f bakers. He spent the first eight years of his life playing with flour and helping his father in their small bakery. Then his father and oldest brother built a large bakery, ^here David worked until graduating from high school. 129 He studied at the Culinary Institute of America, worked as an as sistant pastry chef at three restaurants before becoming pastry chef at 3 restaurant in New York. *** “ My m other was the worst cook ever,” says Nick. “Zero cooking T hat’s how I got into food. From necessity.” He was a musician and taught music to high schools. A trip to Parjs inspired him to be a chef, and on his return he took a job in a French restaurant. When the position of chef was available, he asked to give it a try. Now he is a very good cook and conducts master class in the New York area. *** j “ My father was one of the best chefs I ever m et,” says P hilippe “but he wouldn’t teach me the profession. He felt the job was so hard for him, he didn’t want his son to follow.” So, at age 14, Philippe began his apprenticeship at a famous restaurant, then continued his studies under well-known masters. Today he is an instructor at the Culinary Art Institute o f Washington. *** J While living the college-age artist’s life, Mary applied for a job as a waitress. “Then one day a cook didn’t come to work. They threw the apron at me. Terrified at first, Mary very quickly (“two seconds,” she says) grew to love cooking. “ I loved the colour, the life of the produce, the flavours, the textures. I ’d had plans to be an artist, and then this bolt of lightning hit m e.” Now she is a head chef and co-owner of a fine restaurant in Chicago. *** Judy took her first job in a restaurant only as a mean to buy a car, but soon she liked it very much. She graduated from the Culinary Institute of America and worked for a time as a line cook in Florida, then was offered the head chef position at the Country Club. “ I’m happy because I love what I d o ,” she says. Словарь к тексту to inspire [in'spaia] apprenticeship [a'prentisjip] instructor [in'strAkta] to apply [a'plaij (for a job) apron ['eipran] bolt of lightning [,bault av 'laitnio] co-ow ner ['кэи,эипэ] line cook 130 вдохновлять обучение, стажировка преподаватель подавать заявление (о приеме на работу) фартук удар молнии совладелец рядовой повар Задания к тексту j Подберите для каждого действующего лица из левой колонки соотинформацию из правой: ет с т в у ю ш у ю 1 David a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 2 Nick 3 philippe 4 M ao' 5 Judy His m other couldn’t cook. His father didn’t want him to be a cook. She had plans to be an artist. His father was a baker. She says she’s happy because she loves what she does. H e’s a pastry chef at a restaurant. She is a head chef at the Country Club. She is a co-ow ner of a restaurant. He is an instructor of the culinary art. He was a music teacher. 2. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. When did you decide to become a cook? Who is the best cook in your family? Is it his/her profession? Are there cooks among your relatives? Do your parents approve of your choice? Have you ever taken part in a culinary competition? What kind of competition was it? Where would you like to work after graduating from college? Would you like to continue your studies? Where? What do you like in your profession? Текст D Working His Way Up Nick Minelli has been a bus boy at Blake’s Steak House for six months. Working as a bus boy was a good beginning for Nick. By doing his job Well, he knew he could get a promotion. He has done his job well and has shown that he is dependable and trustworthy. Recently Nick’s supervisor suggested that he started training as a waiter. That was great news because Nick suddenly felt closer to his real goal — becoming head chef. Through a combination of hard work, patience and determination Nick planned to work his way up the Ladder of success. Waiting o f tables gave Nick the opportunity to make more money. **e made his best tips on Friday and Saturday evenings. Making salads and baking bread will be N ick’s responsibilities if he gets promoted to assistant chef. Becoming head chef would be like a dream come true for Nick. He elieves that hard work and determination will pay off. Словарь к тексту bus boy ['bAS boi] пом ощ ник оф ицианта, убираюцц, й грязную посуду со стола p rom otion [ргэ'тэиДэ)п] продвижение по службе dependable [di'pend3b(9)l] надежный trustworthy ['trASt,w3:6i] заслуживающий доверия supervisor ['sjupsvaizs] инспектор patience ['pei/(3)ns] терпение determination [di,t3:mi'neij(3)n] решительность ladder flaeda] лестница opportunity [.npa'tjuniti] (благоприятная) возможность responsibility [ri.sponsi'biliti] обязанность to pay off окупаться Задания к тексту 1. Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям: хорошо выполнять свою работу; получить повышение по служ­ бе; начать учиться на официанта; упорный труд, терпение и ре­ шительность; вверх по лестнице успеха; получать самые большие чаевые; получить должность помощ ника шеф-повара. 2. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. How long has Nick been a bus boy? How has he shown that he is dependable and trustworthy? W hat did N ick’s supervisor suggest? What was N ick’s real goal? What did waiting o f tables give Nick? When did he make his best tips? What are the responsibilities o f the assistant chef? Do you think N ick’s dream will come true? Текст E You Are Looking for a Job Some people have part-tim e jobs, and others have full-time jobs. Some people even have several jobs. What is a day’s work? A day’s work means many different things to different people. For a cook, day’s work may be 12 — 14 hours. For a waiter the day may begin at 7.00 a.m . and end at 4.00 p.m ., or begin at 6.00 p.m . and end at 11.00 p.m . For a manager in a restaurant the day’s work may begin at 5.00 p.m . and finish at 1.00 a.m. 132 \Vhen you come to the personnel manager, he/she offers to fill in , application form or to present your resume. l'lCHere are ^ie samPles ° f a resume and an application form. Resume Surnam e (in BLOCK CAPITALS)____________________________ first nam e______________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ T elep h on e num ber_________________________________________________ Age __________ Sex (tick as appropriate) M F Date o f birth___________________________________________________ N ationality__________________ Marital status (married/single’) O ccupation (job)_______________________________________________ Interests (hobby)_______________________________________________ Signature ________________ Date____________________________ Application Form 1. Application date: 2. Nam e, middle name, surname: 3. Year, date, m onth and place of birth: 4. Marital status and your children’s age: 5. Your home address and telephone: Nearest metro station: 6 . Com m and of foreign languages, how long did you study them: 7. Desired position: 8 . Can you work in shifts (from 6 or 7 a.m . or till midnight)? 9. Your present job, since when: 10. Your previous job: 11. Your education and training: 12. What do you expect from working? 13. When could you start working? 133 14. Your present salary: 15. Desired salary at our restaurant: 16. Your hobby: Словарь к тексту part-tim e job full-time job personnel [,p3:s3'nel] manager application [,aepli'keif(3)n] form resume ['rezjumei, 'rei-] работа с частичной занятостью работа с полной занятостью менеджер по персоналу бланк заявления резюме Задание к тексту Заполните приведенные выше формы резюме и заявления о приеме на работу. Диалоги 1. Прочитайте по ролям и переведите, обращая внимание на подчерк­ нутые фразы: It’s M y Way Jack: Hey, Nick, are you still working at the steak house? Nick: I sure am. Just got promoted too. Jack: Promoted to what? President? Nick: D on’t give me a hard time. Jack. I just got promoted to waiter. Jack : Maybe you should try another line of work. Nick — something that pays real money. N ick: Listen, my pay is getting better, slowly but surelv. And I don’t mind working hard. At least it’s honest work. Jack: Nick, my friend, I ’ll never understand you. Nick: But I ’m sure it’s mv wav. 2. Прочитайте по ролям и переведите диалог между менеджером рес­ торана по персоналу и кандидатом на должность повара. Составьте резю­ ме кандидата. At the Personnel Department Candidate: How do you do? Manager: How do you do? What can I do for you? Candidate: I ’m looking for a job. Manager- May I ask you a few questions? Candidate-. Sure. M anager: W hat’s your name? C a n d id a te : My name is .... M a n a g er : How old are you? C a n d id a te : I’m 21. I was born in 1982. M a n a g er : What are you? C a n d id a te : I’m a cook. M a n a g e r : Are you married? C a n d id a te : I’m single. M a n a g e r : What city are you from? C a n d id a te : I ’m from Moscow. M a n a g er : What languages do you speak? Candidate: I can speak Russian and English a little. Manager: What are your previous jobs? Candidate: I worked at the Silver Palace restaurant as a cook. Manager: Why did you quit? And why do you want to join our Vegetarian restaurant? Candidate: I left my job because I ’d like to raise money. Manager: How much would you like to get? Candidate: I’d like to get not less than 100 dollars a week. Manager: How much does it take you to get to us? Candidate: Forty minutes only. Manager: All right and now fill in resume in block capitals, please, here it is. Candidate: Thank you. Manager: W e’ll let you know by phone whether you are employed or passed by. Candidate: OK. Goodbye. Manager: Goodbye. Грамматиче с кие упражне ния 1. Переведите на русский язык, выделяя инфинитив: 1. She helped me to lay the table for the party. 2. To live is to work and to study. 3. The text to be read at home is not difficult. 4. To read is t° know a lot. 5. M other told him not to go out that day. 6 . He went to London to learn English. 7. We stopped for a minute to rest. 8 . She is the °nly woman to understand me. 9. This dish is easy to cook. 10. There’s ^othing to do. 11. You have a lot of work to do. 12. The tea is too hot to r'nk. 13. He is clever enough to understand the situation. 14. Children need friends to play with. 15. He entered the Culinary school to become a catering specialist. 135 2. Переведите на английский язык. 1. Чтобы приготовить это блюдо, тебе нужны овощи и растц тельное масло. 2. Наш долг — приходить на работу вовремя. 3. На^' ти хорошую работу — моя цель в данный момент. 4. Я надеюсь, цт' найду партнера для этого дела. 5. Для того чтобы пользоваться этим прибором (device), вы долж ны вним ательно прочесть ин­ струкцию . 6 . Он единственны й человек, который меня понима­ ет. 7. У меня есть работа, которую я должен сделать сегодня. 8 . Вы слишком молоды, чтобы понять меня. 9. М енеджер попросил на­ крыть стол на 8 персон. 10. Слайсер — это устройство для резки! овощей. 3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на способы перево­ да герундия: 1. My sister enjoys being alone. 2. Kate likes cooking, but she hate washing up. 3. I hate getting up early. 4. He doesn’t mind working on Sunday. 5. It started raining. 6 . The soup was very hot and I was afraid of burning my tongue. 7. The vegetables need washing and peeling. 8 . This knife is only for cutting bread. 9. I translated the text without using the dictionary' 10. Nick is very good at cooking. 11. I’m hungry. I ’m looking forward to having lunch. 12. Ann didn’t succeed in passing the exams. 13. The guests thanked the waiter for serving them so quickly. 14. I insist on your coming to my party. 15. They gave up the idea of finding a job in this town. 16. Instead of eating at home we went to a restaurant. 17. Bill left without finishing his dinner. 18. Speaking English is easier than reading it. 19. It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 20. Forgive my interrupting you. 4. Дополните предложения словосочетаниями из рамки, заменяя глаго­ лы герундием: to wait for my friend, to smoke here, to go to theatres, to cook meat dishes, to fry food, to make cakes, to open the window, to have coffee, to eat more vegetables, to travel, to learn foreign languages 1. I enjoy .... 2. They finished .... 3. She started .... 4. They need ...J 5. I don’t mind .... 6 . Go on ...! 7. He didn’t stop .... 8 . Do you mind ...? 9. My m other likes .... 10. I avoid .... 11. My sister h a te s .... Тест 1 Подберите к каждому слову рисунок и укажите его номер: hot dog carrot chicken 136 lemon coffee nuts mushrooms cray fish egg aubergine sandwich 9 Тест 10 11 2 Заполните пропуски словами из рамки (используйте каждое слово один раз): some, fat, ingredients, taste, contains, low, heart, butter, blended, milk, contain What’s the Difference Between Margarine and Butter? Margarine is a solid emulsion of water in a single oil, o r ___ (1) °ils, usually of vegetable origin, it also m a y ___ (2) a percentage of milk. It has a _ _ (3) content o f not less than 80 and not more than 90 per cent. Butter is made fro m ___ (4) and contains about the same amount o f fat. Spreads contain less fat and more water — some are specifically marketed a s ___ (5)-fat, while others are made from specific -----(6), such as Olivio made from olive oil, or Utterly Butterly made from “pure butterm ilk”. 137 The main advantage o f ___ (7) is that it is essentially natural. The main disadvantage is that i t ___ (8) a high proportion of saturated fat that can c a u s e ___ (9) disease. Many butters also h a v e ___ (10) salt. But if you like t h e ____ ( i n pf butter, there is no need to feel guilty. Miscellanea IT IS INTERESTING TO KNOW Savouring the Flavour French children learn how to use their sense of taste in school. Part o f their curriculum 1 involves the identifying and describing the tastes of saltiness, bitterness, sweetness and sourness, followed by exercises in which food textures are explored. Finally, children learn how to describe blends of flavours and textures in specific foods. Refined Taste The French believe that, like a fine painting or a piece of classical music, the artistry of a cook and the quality of a meal may be appreciat­ ed2 fully only when the eater’s sense of taste has been educated. How Do We Taste a Food? As human being, we have about 10,000 taste buds3 in our mouths, located in papillae4, which are grouped according to receptivity to salty, sour, sweet and bitter. Inside each bud are some fifty taste cells relaying5 information to neurons, which report to the brain. We primarily taste sweet things at the tip of the tongue, sour substances at the sides, salty all over the surface (but mainly toward the front), and bitter at the back. But every taste is the result of a combination of the four primary tastes. We can only taste a food when it begins to dissolve6; it is through saliva7 that the taste buds are stimulated. People’s taste in food differs and changes over time. Taste buds themselves only last about a week; the body replaces them. As we get 1 [ks'rikjulsml — учебная программа 2 [a'priijleitj — оценивать 3 taste bud — вкусовая почка 4 p t от papilla [рэ'ртЬ] — сосочек 5 relay ['ri:leij — передавать 6 [di'znlv] — растворяться 7 [sa'laiva] — слюна 138 jefi however, they are not replaced as quickly, so it takes more °ntense flavour to create the same sensation in the mouth. JOKE People’s Peculiarities1 д man who stuttered2 was asked why he did so. “ It’s my p-p-peculiarity,” he answered. “ Everybody has some p-ppeculiarity.” “ I don’t have any,” said the questioner. “ D on’t you stir your coffee with your right hand?” “Yes, o f course.” “T hat’s your p-p-peculiarity. Most p-p-people use a s-s-spoon.” PROVERBS AND SAYINGS TO MEMORIZE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. They must hunger in winter, that will not To weep over an onion. Hunger finds no fault with cookery. A fool and his money are soon parted. No sweet without some sweat. GIVE IT A NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. It It It It It It It is a small curved plate to put a cup on. is a part of a cooker. It is like a metal box with a door. / is flesh taken from an animal that has been killed for eating. is a room that is used for cooking and washing up. is a brown sweet or drink made from cocoa. is a liquid food. It is made by boiling meat or vegetables. is an oven with gas or electric rings on top. Текст для д о п о л н и т е л ь н о г о чтения Gelatin Gelatin is a healthy natural foodstuff that consists essentially of val­ uable proteins. It provides a unique combination of multi-functional Properties. It is practically invisible and neutral in taste. We can use 1 peculiarity [pi,kju:li'senti] — осо б ен н о сть stutter ['stAtaJ — заи каться 139 gelatin as gelling agents, stabilizers, binding1 agents, emulsifiers, film 9 and foam-formers or whipping agents. Confectionery products like marshmallows2 or gummy bears3 their typical characteristic from the specific properties of gelatin. The texture of yogurt can be set from firm to creamy with gelatin. The typical character of aspics or spreadable sausages depends on the unique properties of gelatin to form clear elastic gels and te n d e r textures. The special gelatin type is used in foods and snacks for sports peo­ ple, in fitness bars and in numerous other dietetic “ light” products where it contributes a health-prom oting added value. The beneficial ef­ fect of gelatin on skin, hair and nails has been scientifically proven. Thin, brittle4, glossless5 and split6 hair is strengthened and structured when gelatin is taken. Brittle fingernails7 and toenails8 are also strength­ ened when gelatin is used. 1 I'baindir)! — связующий 2 marshmallow [.тш /тгеЬ и] — маршмеллоу, зефир 3 жевательные конфеты в форме мишек 4 ['britl| — ломкий 5 ['glDSIisJ — тусклый 6 секущийся 7 ['firjganeil] — ноготь пальца руки 8 ['tsuneilj — ноготь пальца ноги HEALTHY FOOD (ЗДОРОВОЕ ПИТАНИЕ) Текст А Eating for Good Health More and more people today are choosing to take greater responsi­ bility for their own health. We now recognize that we can influence our health by making an improvement in lifestyle — a better diet, more exercise and reduced stress. Your health and general wellbeing is very much determ ined by what you eat and how even a m inor change in your diet can help to strengthen your resistance to many illnesses. It seems almost absurd to state that you need food to live. The body has a built-in alarm signal — hunger — to tell you when your supply of food, the “ fuel for the body” , is low. T hat’s why you are never in serious danger of forgetting to eat. This alarm signal is also choosy and at times asks for specific supplies, for example, sweet things when Уоиг body sugar is low or water when you are thirsty. What many people fail to recognize is that their bodies have more {han just one signal. Tiredness, aches and pains, stress, even chronic disease — all these can be indications of a diet that is lacking nutrition. 141 But we can’t see the results of a bad diet immediately (often the effec^ take years to develop), few people realize just how closely bodily health is linked to what they eat and how often they eat. You are what you eat, and the food you eat effects the way you fee| and the way you look all through your life. Scientists now know that food and its affects are as complex as оцг own bodies. Of the thousands o f chemicals, minerals and vitamins founn in a single food, many are potential life-savers or hazards to health depending on how m uch is consumed over time. The link between food and health is an every day but complex issue. So, you should learn how to balance your food intake. Small but well-informed changes to your diet will make a great difference to your wellbeing. By matching your diet to your lifestyle and developing better eating habits both at home and when you eat out, you can keep yourself in the best of health. And also, you have to understand the proper balanc­ ing of the social pleasures and o f the body. The foods you eat possess powerful capabilities to help and to harm. Словарь к тексту responsibility [ri.sprmsi'biliti] to recognize ['rekagnaiz] to influence ['influans] improvement [im'pruvmant] to reduce [ri‘dju:s] wellbeing [,wel'bi:ii]] to determine [di't3:min] to strengthen ['streQ0(9)n] to state [steit] supply [sa'plai] fuel ['fju:al] tiredness ['taiadnis] to lack [lsek] nutrition [nju:'trif(3)n] to link [link] to affect [a'fekt] potential [p3'tenf(9)l] hazard ['haezad] issue 1'iju:, 'isju:] intake ['inteik] to match [msetj] to possess [ps'zes] capabilities [.keipa'bihtiz] to harm [ha:m] 142 ответственность узнавать, признавать влиять улучшение уменьшать, сокращать самочувствие определять усиливать(ся) утверждать запас топливо, горючее усталость испытывать недостаток питание, пища связывать воздействовать возможный риск, опасность результат, процесс потребление согласовывать, приводить в со ответствие обладать возможности наносить вред Задания к тексту 1 Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям „ выражениям: брать на себя большую ответственность, влиять на наше здорое, улучшение образа жизни, в большой степени определяется, увеличить сопротивление многим болезням, сигнал тревоги, ис­ п ы т ы в а т ь недостаток в питательных веществах, плохое питание, с о с т о я н и е организма, тесно связанный, регулировать прием пищи, приспосабливать свой режим питания к образу жизни. 2. Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим английским словосо­ четаниям и выражениям: reduced stress, general wellbeing, a m inor change, built-in alarm signal, “fuel for the body” , choosy, body sugar, people fail to recognize, bodily health, eating habits, social pleasures. 1 3. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. How can we influence our health? 2. Do you agree that our health and general wellbeing are determined by what we eat? \ 3. Why are we never in serious danger of forgetting to eat? 4. What alarm signals do our bodies have to indicat^ that our diet is4 lacking nutrition? 1 5. Can we see the results of a bad diet immediately? 6. How does the food we eat affect our life? 7. Why should everyone learn how to balance our food intake? 8. How can we keep ourselves in the best o f h ealth ?\ 9. What capabilities does the food we eat possess? 10. And what about your eating habits? Do you always eat healthy food? Do you often overeat? How many times a day do you usually eat? Can you balance your food intake? Текст В Vegetarianism While a meatless diet is growing more and more popular, particularly with the young, researchers discover the health benefits of meat-free eating. What is a vegetarian? By definition, vegetarianism prohibits the consumption of meat or fish, but some diets are more restrictive than other. • Dem i- or semi-vegetarians eat fish and sometimes chicken, but n°t red meat. 143 • Ovo-lacto-vegetarians include milk and eggs in their diet but meat or fish. )( • Lacto-vegetarians have milk and yogurt, as well as cheese mad. with vegetarian rennet, but no meat, fish or eggs. e • Vegans do not eat any animal products at all, banning meat, fisu milk and eggs from their diets. • Fruitarians exclude pulses and cereals from the diet as well as ац foods of animal origin. Fruitarians eat only fruit, honey, nuts and nut oiis . Macrobiotic followers have a diet consisting o f ten different levels which become progressively more restrictive. At first, animal foods are excluded, then fruit and vegetables as well. At the final “purist” level only brown rice is eaten. The Health Benefits • On the whole, vegetarians follow current healthy eating guidelines. Because they don’t eat meat, a prime source of saturated fat, vegetarians take in less total fat, as well as more fibre, in the form of fresh fruits, vegetables and wholegrain cereals. These foods are also good sources of beta carotene, vitamin С and vitamin E, which are antioxidant nutrients and may protect the body from disease. • A research team at Oxford University has collected information on the health and mortality of more than 6,000 vegetarians and a control group of more than 5,000 meat-eating individuals. The study revealed significant differences between the two groups. For example, in contrast to meat-eaters, vegetarians have a 39 percent lower risk of dying from cancer. The study’s research team also found that the risk of heart disease was 24 per cent lower in vegetarians and 57 per cent lower in vegans than in regular meat-eaters. Словарь к тексту to discover [dis'kwa] benefit ['benifit] definition [defi'nif(a)n] to prohibit [pra'hibitj consumption [k3n'sAmpJ(3)n] restrictive [n'striktiv] to include [m'klu:d] rennet ['renit] vegan ['vi:gan] to ban [baen] to exclude [ik'sklu:d] current [W ant] 144 обнаруживать польза, преимущество определение запрещать потребление ограничительный, ограничива­ ющий включать фермент растительного проис­ хождения, свертывающий мо­ локо строгий вегетарианец запрещать, исключать исключать распространенный follow er ['1Ыэиэ] сторонник, приверженец принципы принимать питательное вещество смертность показывать рак Guidelines [’gaidlainz] take in n u t r i e n t ['njwtriantj mortality [mo:'tseliti] t0 reveal [ri'vi:l] cancer ['kaensa] f0 Задания к тексту 1. Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим английским словосо­ и выражениям: четани ям a m eatless^ iet, health benefits, m eat-free eating, by definition, consumptjon of meat or fish, ovo-lacto-vegetarians, lacto-vegetarians, exclude pulses and\ereals, healthy eating guidelines, wholegrain cereals, good source^ of beta carotene, antioxidant nutrients, the risk of heart disease, regular meat-eaters. 2. Переведите на английский язык, используя слова и выражения из текста: \ 1. Диета, исключающая мясо, становится все более популяр­ ной, особетГносредКмолодежи. 2. Ученые-исследователи обнару­ ж и вает преимущества диеты, исключающей мясо. 3. Вегетариан­ ство исключает употребление мяса в пищу. 4. Полувегетарианцы иногда едят курицу. 5. Приверженцы строгой вегетарианской дие­ ты вообще не едят продукты животного происхождения. 6. П ри­ верженцы м акробио/ики придерживаются диеты, состоящей из десяти уровней. 7. Щ последнем, «чистом» уровне они едят только коричневьш^рисЖ В целом вегетарианцы придерживаются правил здорового питания. 9. Они употребляют в пищу меньше жира и больше клетчатки. 10. Вегетарианцы подвержены на 39 % меньше­ му риску умереть от рака. 3. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What is a vegetarian? What can semi-vegetarians eat? What do ovo-lacto-vegetarians include in their diet? What do lacto-vegetarians exclude from their diet? What can vegans eat? W hat do fruitarians eat? What is the macrobiotic diet? What foods are rich of beta carotene, vitamin С and vitamin E? What has the research team from Oxford University revealed? Are you a vegetarian or a meat-eater? Are there vegetarians in your family? Is it difficult to cook dishes for a vegetarian? 145 Текст С How Much Sugar Do We Eat? Sugar is found in many different products such as soup, cereals salad dressing, ketchup, peanut butter and baby foods. You will not always see the word “sugar” when you read food labels. You might see the names sucrose, maltose, fructose or corn syrup instead. All o f these add up to the same ingredient — sugar! Sugar gives you quick energy. However, this energy lasts only a short time. Soon you begin to feel tired and sluggish. The next time you want sugar, take a piece of fruit instead. You’ll get the energy you need without any letdown afterwards. Словарь к тексту sucrose ['su:krauz, 'sju:-] maltose ['moiltauz] fructose ['frAktauzj sluggish ['slAgiJ] letdown j'letdaun] сахароза мальтоза, солодовый сахар фруктоза вялый, медлительный слабость, вялость Задания к тексту 1. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In what products can sugar be found? What are the other forms of sugar? Does quick energy last a long time? What can replace sugar? Why is it better to take fruit instead of sugar? 2. Закончите предложения, выбрав правильный вариант: 1. The energy you get from sugar lasts ... a) a long time; b) a short time; c) all day. 2. Another word for sugar is ... a) generic; b) sucrose; c) cereal. 3. A healthful substitute for sugar is ... a) corn syrup; b) cake; c) fruit. Текст D How to Stay Healthy Anyone who wants to have an active life must stay healthy and strong. It is never too late to start being healthy. 146 There are a few things you should do to stay healthy: . F o llo w a h ealth y b a la n ced diet. . L im it th e a m o u n t o f sugar, salt and fat y o u eat. . G e t su ffic ien t ex ercise to k eep a stron g b o d y that w orks w ell. . G e t en o u g h rest so that th e b od y m ay c o n tin u e d o in g its w ork w ell. . Plan regular visits to you r d o c to r and d en tist. T here are certain th in gs that are n ot g o o d for y o u r health: . . . . a poor diet, no exercises, little rest, no visits to your doctor and dentist, . sm o k in g , . using drugs improperly, . drinking alcohol. Задание к тексту Прочитайте и ответьте на вопрос: What do they do good or not good fo r their health ? 1. Bill jogs or swims every day for at least half an hour. 2. Ann is usually rushed at lunch, so she just eats a candy bar and drinks a soft drink. 3. Simon works at night. He often gets only five hours of sleep a day. 4. Mike doesn’t like to cook. He often drinks beer when he is hungry. Диалоги Прочитайте по ролям и переведите: How to Lose Weight Jane: Where are you going? Lucy: I’m going to the Weight Losers club now. Jane: What are you doing there? Lucy: I’m trying to lose weight. Jane: But you are not fat! Lucy: I have already lost two kilos and I’m very pleased with myself. Jane: How did you do it? Lucy : I try to eat the right food. Jane: What does it mean? Lucy: I sto p p ed eatin g cak es, p ies an d ic e cream . Jane: What are you allowed to eat? Lucy: A lot of vegetables and fruit, a little boiled meat or fish, no fried potatoes, no chocolate and very little salt. 147 Caffeine Is Harmful for the Heart Olga: My m other-in-law drinks such strong tea. Nina: Why shouldn’t she? Olga: Because she has heart problems. Caffeine is not recommended for people with heart problems. N ina: Does tea contain m uch caffeine? Olga : Yes, it does. A cup of strong tea contains more than 100 mg 0f caffeine. N ina: I think that it is healthier for everybody to drink juices. In a Restauraut Alex: What will you have? Joan : I’m on a diet. Alex: Come on! I’ll pay. Joan: What did you say? Alex: D on’t be shy, I ’ll pay. Joan : Thanks! Great. Then I ’ll have dry wine, a steak, fried potatoes, grapes, ice cream and a cake. Alex: Okay. Waiter! Лексические упражнения 1. Вычеркните лишнее слово: а) selenium, fluoride, carcinogen, iron, calcium, potassium; б) thickener, cholesterol, preservative, colouring, stabilizer, emulsifier; в) vitamin, mineral, fibre, fat, copper, carbohydrate. 2. Прочитайте и переведите таблицу о содержании питательных ве ществ в основных продуктах и влиянии их на организм человека: Nutrient What foods have this nutrient? What does the nutrient do for you? Minerals Iron Calcium Carbo­ hydrates Protein Meat, eggs, beans, green vegetables M ilk, cheese, peas, beans, green vegetables Helps red blood cells get oxygen. Helps build strong bones and teeth Cereal, rice, potatoes, sugar, spaghetti, corn, peas, fruits Helps the body cells get energy Meat, fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, milk, cheese, peanut butter, beans Helps build muscles, bones and teeth. Helps the body make new cells Окончание ^ '" 'N u tr ie n t fats What foods have this nutrient? Butter, margarine, mayonnaise, peanut butter, oils, fatty meat, whole milk, cheese What does the nutrient do for you? Keeps the body warm, gives the body energy Дополните предложения, используя таблицу: (. If you live in a very cold climate and need to keep your body warm and have energy, you should eat ..., such as .... 2. If you are going to run a race in the morning and want your cells to have a lot of energy, you should eat ..., such as .... 3. If you want to make sure you have strong bones and teeth, you should take in .... It is found in .... 4. If you have a growing child, he/she needs ... so that his/her body will make new cells and build muscles. He/she should eat foods such as .... 3. Напишите по пять названий, относящихся к данным группам слов: M inerals: ________, ________ , ________ , ________ , ________ A dditives: ________, ________ , ________ , ________ , ________ Essential n u trien ts:_______, _______, _______ , _______, _______ Names of d ie t:_______, _______, _______, _______, _______ 4. Разделите слова на две группы: Minerals и Additives: colouring, thickener, chrom ium , preservatives, zinc, emulsifier, iodine, sodium, stabilizer, magnesium, copper, manganese. 5. Прочитайте текст: Calories Calories are used to measure the am ount of energy in food. If you take in more calories than your body uses, the extra calories are stored in the form of fat. One pound of body fat is equal to about 3,500 calories. As extra calories are stored over a period, weight is gained. This is important to remember if you are trying to control your weight. This table will help you do it. Meat Group Egg, boiled, 1 large Fish, fried, 4 oz Porkchops, fried, 8 oz Turkey, light meat, without skin, roasted, 3 oz Calories Milk Group Calories 82 250 475 150 Cheese, cheddar, 1 oz Milk, skimmed, 1 cup Milk, whole, 3.3% fat, 1 cup M ilkshake, 8 oz Yogurt, fruit varieties, 1 cup Yogurt, plain, low-fat, 1 cup 113 86 150 300 225 138 149 Apple, with peel, 1 medium Banana, 1 medium Cucumber, pared, 1/2 small Green beans, cooked, 1/2 cup Potato baked in skin, 1 small Potato chips, 1 oz Potato French fries, 15pcs., or 3 o z Calo­ ries 80 101 10 17 144 150 200 Others Butter, 1 tbsp. Doughnut, glazed, 1 Fried chicken with French fries 15 pcs., or 3 oz Hamburger with French fries and ketchup, 1 tbsp. Ice-cream cone, 1 scoop Spaghetti with meatballs, 1 cup i <~> / LЛ О / Fruit and Vegetable Group loo 250 650 525 200 350 Ответьте на вопросы: 1. How are extra calories stored? 2. How many calories equal a pound of fat? 3. What will happen over time if you eat more calories than your body uses? 4. Jesse ate a hamburger with French fries and a milk shake for lunch. How many calories did he take in? 5. Alicia ate 3 ounces of turkey, one small baked potato and an apple for lunch. How many calories did she take in? 6. Запомните следующие выражения и составьте с ними предложе­ ния: a) fat: vegetable fat to fry smth in deep fat to live on one’s own fat to be inclined to fat to run to fat fat larder fat purse растительный жир жарить что-либо в кипящем ж ире жить на свои средства быть склонным к полноте полнеть, толстеть полная кладовая туго набитый кошелек 6) calorie: low calorie food calorie mechanic to watch one’s calories низкокалорийный продукт (шутливо) повар соблюдать диету, не переедать 7. Прочитайте текст: Any food eaten between meals we name a snack. Snacks may be healthful or not healthful. Doctors recom m end that we eat a w ellbalanced diet daily. You should also eat in m oderation and w atch your weight. They say that fruit, vegetables, juices, nuts, sometimes biscuits or crackers, mineral water are healthful food. 150 gut doctors don’t recom mend cookies, cakes, sweets, beer, chips, jwiches, hamburgers, chocolates and soft drinks as a snack. Snacks are mostly sugar or fat do not help you have a balanced diet. разделите названия продуктов питания на две группы: Healthful и Not flea lthful: cake dill yogurt cookie sweets apple pie boiled egg soft drink pear peanuts mineral water potato chips cabbage orange banana celery sliced meat cheese sandwich tom ato juice beer cucumber chocolate bar doughnut carrot popcorn cornflakes Напишите названия продуктов, которые вы обычно едите, отметьте их Н (healthful) или NH (not healthful). бук вам и Грамматические упражнения 1. Составьте предложения со сложным дополнением: Образец: I want (чтобы ты пришла завтра). — / want you to come tomorrow. 1 .1 expect (чтобы ты купил эту машину). 2 . 1 would like (чтобы она приготовила обед). 3. Не wants (чтобы вы помогли нам). 4. We expect (что они придут вовремя). 5. I don’t find (что твой дом очень боль­ шой). 6. I don’t expect (что учитель поставит мне «пять»). 7. I believe (что ты поймешь мою проблему). 8. She wants (чтобы он прочитал эту статью). 9. I would like (чтобы мой сын выучил французский язык). 10. We didn’t expect (что ты принесешь так много еды). 11.1 don’t want (чтобы он забыл о нашей встрече). 12. I expect (что дети будут играть во дворе). 13. I find (что твоя подруга очень красивая). 2. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на значения причастия и инфинитива: 1. M other watched her children playing near the house. 2. I saw her come in and take the book off the table. 3. We heard him playing the Piano in the living room. 4. He saw his sister enter the room and close lhe door. 5. We heard them laughing in the next room. 6. I saw him Crossing the street. 7. I saw him cross the street and enter the shop. 8. I heard him open the entrance door. 9. I heard him opening the entrance d°or. 10. He watched his wife cooking dinner. 11. I heard them talking about examinations. 12. He noticed me pick up the letter from the floor. 151 3. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя сложное дополнещ, 1. Я видел, как дети играли во дворе. 2. Мы слышали, как 0(, открыла дверь и вошла в дом. 3. Я хочу, чтобы ты сделал это сегод3 ня. 4. Учитель рассчитывал, что они придут вовремя. 5. Я не xo4v чтобы она пришла на вечеринку. 6. Я не рассчитывал, что он по может мне. 7. Анна хотела бы, чтобы ее дочь изучала английский язык. 8. Мама заставила меня съесть немного сыра с хлебом. 9. ц е разрешайте ей возвращаться домой так поздно. 10. Не заставляй меня носить этот свитер. 4. Переведите на русский язык: 1. I want to have my watch repaired. 2. I must have my coat cleaned 3. She wants to have a new dress made for her friend’s wedding. 4. j would like to have my hair cut by this hairdresser. 5. This man wants to have his shirt pressed. 5. Задайте вопросы When? Why? Where? к предложениям предыдущего упражнения. Образец: When do you want to have your watch repaired? Why do you want to have your watch repaired? Where do you want to have your watch repaired? 6. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки (используйте каждое слово один раз): what, that, who, which, because, th at’s why, when, where, whether, though 1. I met the girl ... worked in our restaurant. 2. He can ’t go to work today ... he is ill. 3. She says ... her m other cooks very well. 4. My sister always does ... she wants. 5. I d o n ’t know ... she works in the shop or at the restaurant. 6. He doesn’t say ... the train arrives. 7. It was the town ... we had lived before. 8. They decided to continue to work ... it was nearly m idnight. 9. We decided to congratulate you on your birthday personally ... we came. 10. Have you seen the book ... was on the table? 7. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму (Present Simple или Future Simple): 1. I’ll give this book to you when I (to finish) reading it. 2. We d o n ’t know when she (to come). 3. If I don’t feel well tomorrow, I (to stay) at home. 4. W e’ll go to the party if they (to invite) us. 5. Do you mind if I (to close) the window? 6. I (to make) dinner myself tomorrow if I come home late. 7. If you (to get up) earlier, please make coffee for me8. They (to understand) if you can’t come to the party. 152 А Вставьте who, that или which: 1 The woman ... phoned didn’t say her name. 2. W hat’s the name of e restaurant ... is next to our house? 3. I don’t like people ... come to у house without invitation. 4. The waiter ... served us yesterday wasn’t nl, rv friendly. 5. You always ask me questions ... are difficult to answer. T Everybody ... comes to our cafe enjoys our meals very much. 7. Have you seen the bag ... was on this chair? f e ст 1 Заполните пропуски словами из рамки (используйте каждое слово один раз): __________________ _____________ our, as, fruit, minerals, heart, is, food, chips, too, vitamins, for, o f ____________ Good Food What ___ (1) good food? Is it food that is g o o d ___ (2) you or food that tastes good? Nutritionists say we e a t ___ (3) with too much salt, too much sugar a n d ___ (4) much oil. They also say that many of _ (5) serious health problems, such as cancer, diabetes a n d ___ (6) diseases, are directly affected by diet. Most problem food contains large quantities___ (7) salt, sugar and oil and very few ____(8) or minerals. That includes food su ch ___ (9) potato ____(10), doughnuts and cookies. Instead of this “junk” food, nutritionists suggest that we eat more fresh ___ (11) and vegetables, which are naturally low in sodium and oil and contain lots o f vitamins a n d ___ (12). Тест 2 Из слов, данных в левой и правой колонках, составьте названия про­ дуктов питания или кухонной утвари: 1. tin 2. cork 3. spring 4. frying 5. sour 6. apple 7. hot 8. cream 9. dry a. b. c. d. e. f. gh. i. dog pan pie opener box form pepper cheese radish 153 10. cookery 11.sponge 12.cayenne 13. horse 14. pepper j. screw k. book 1. cream m .cake n. wine Miscellanea IT IS INTERESTING TO KNOW M eat Fat and Fish Oils Pork and beef both have a reputation as fatty meats. But while some pork products such as chopped ham are indeed high in fat, lean ham, at 5 per cent fat, contains less fat than lean beef. Rump steak, for example, is 7 per cent fat. Certain fish oils are particularly beneficial. They contain a class of essential fatty acids known as om ega-3 fatty acids, w hich are polyunsaturates that have been shown to lower cholesterol and reduce the blood’s ability to clot and clog up the arteries. Cold water ocean fish, such as mackerel, herring, tuna, sardines and salmon are all rich in this type of oil. Experts recommend that you eat these fish twice a week. Do You Need to Lose Weight? One simple indicator o f excess body fat is the waist—hip ratio, which shows the presence of fat on the abdomen. For women, a ratio higher than 0.8 indicates that there is excessive abdominal fat. For men, the crucial maximum is 0.95. If your ratio is higher than this, you may be well advised to lose weight. In a society obsessed with slim figures, an individual may feel pressured to lose weight even when he or she is well within the range considered healthy for his or her age and size. 1.To measure your waist—hip ratio, use a tape measure to find out the circumference of your waist, including any protruding stomach. 2. Repeat the above process to measure the circumference of your hips. 3. Divide the measurement o f the waist by the hip measurement.The result is your waist—hip ratio. Kellogg’s The American and English people like to eat cereals for breakfast. Nowadays they became popular with the Russians too. There are a lot of 154 rts of cereals, mixed cereals, mixed cereals with dry fruits and nuts, tb js is the story about the invention of this healthy food. W ill and Dr John Kellogg were trying to produce a health food. They ,d trie d various ways of preparing wheat food after boiling kernels and then rolling them into flat sheets. One day in 1894, the brothers were trying to flatten another portion 0f boiled wheat. Someone interrupted them. W hen they returned a few days later, they put the wheat through the rollers. To their surprise, eaCh kernel flattened into a separate flake. Moisture had penetrated into the kernels and it made them flat. Toasted and served with milk, the wheat flakes made a hit with p atien ts. They ate flakes for breakfast. The Kellogg’s packaged their cereal for sale — and started a new industry. Now Kellogg’s is an American company, the best-know n m aker o f breakfast cereals, especially cornflakes, in the US and Britain. Dietary Guidelines . . . . • • • Eat a variety of foods. M aintain healthy weight. Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. Choose a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and grain products. Use sugars only in moderation. Use salt and sodium only in moderation. If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation. USE FU L ADVICE Quick Tips for Less Cholesterol Here are a few ideas to help you reduce the amount of cholesterol in your diet. • Top a baked potato with low-fat cottage cheese and chives. • Instead of sauteing mushrooms in butter cook them in a little Worcestershire sauce. • Experiment with interesting continental and whole-grain breads, for example, rye bread with caraway seeds; they are so rich in flavour that they do not need to be spread with butter or mayonnaise. • Instead o f covering baked vegetable dishes with grated cheese, top with fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs seasoned with herbs and drizzle a thimbleful of olive oil over the crumbs. Brown for a few minutes under the grill to form a light, crispy topping. • Puree cooked pulses to make a thick-texture soup without using cream or a roux1-based sauce. 1 Iru:] — мука, обжаренная в жире 155 • Thicken sauce with vegetable purees, or use the puree as a saucJ • When making burgers, make with half-minced beef and half-minceti turkey. 11 PROVERBS AND SAYINGS TO M EM O RIZE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Half a loaf is better than no bread. A little pot is soon hot. A storm in a teacup. Hungry bellies have no ears. GIVE IT A NAME 1. It is the extra flesh that people and animals have under their skin. It is used to store energy and help them keep warm. It is also a solid or liquid that is used in cooking. 2. It is a large metal cupboard. It is kept cool so that the food in it stays fresh longer. 3. It is a small quick meal. 4. It is a soft red fruit. It can be cooked or eaten raw. 5. It is the white liquid that female mammals make in their bodies to feed their young. 6. It is the opening that you put food into when you eat. Тексты для дополнительного чтения Sea Vegetables Sea vegetables are one o f the most exciting discoveries in vegetarian cuisine. They may be used as vegetables and also as “new” herbs with the ability to give the taste of seafood to vegetarian cuisine. They have unique and delicious flavours and also great texture and colour. There are over 250 different types of edible sea vegetables used in national cuisine all over the world. Traditionally they are highly nutritious and low calorie. Underwater vegetables have been recently eaten only by people living near the sea. But now, thanks to the Asian fusion cuisine, the popularity of the sushi bar and the search for a new and clean food supply, more of these sea-dwelling1 delicacies are coming to market. 1 dwell I dwe I) — обитать 156 Agar д ёаг or agar-agar is a sea vegetable-derived gelatin. We can have it sticks, flakes and powder. It is used to make gelatin dishes, to Sicken puddings and pie fillings and as a thickener in savoury P r e s e n t a t i o n s 1. p The flakes or sticks are simmered to dissolve. They are best for dessert. The stronger flavoured powder is used in savoury presentations. Vitamins The vitamins are named by letters of the alphabet. A. Vitamin A is needed by the eyes. There is vitamin A in milk, butter and green vegetables. It can be stored by the body. B. Vitamin В cannot be stored. It must be supplied all the time by some of the food we eat. The skins of grain of all sorts have vitamin В in them. C. Vitamin С is very im portant to the body. W ithout it m en’s teeth become loose and their arms and legs weak. Lemons, oranges and tomatoes have vitamin С in them. D. Vitamin D is the sun vitamin. We get it in milk and eggs and from sunlight on our skin. There are other vitamins, but these, А, В, С and D, are the most important. 1 savoury presentations — остры е/пряны е закуски ТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЙ СЛОВАРЬ Тема 1 Food Shops (Продуктовые магазины) baker’s ['beikaz] (shop), bakery f'beikari] butcher’s ['butfaz] candy ['ksendij shop/store, confectioner’s [kan'fekjanaz], confectionery [kan'fekfan(a)ri] dairy ['de(a)ri] shop/store delicatessen [,delika'tes(a)n] (shop/store), deli fishmonger’s ['fijimggaz], fish shop/store fruiterer ['fru:tara], fruiterer’s, fruit shop/store greengrocer’s ['gri:n,grausaz], greengrocery grocer’s ['grausaz], grocery shop/store meat shop/store liquor I'lika] shop/store specialty ['spej(a)lti], speciality [.spejl'celiti] shop булочная мясной магазин кондитерский магазин молочный магазин гастрономический магазин; 1 кулинария рыбный магазин фруктовый магазин овощной магазин sweet [swi:t] shop/store бакалейный магазин, бакалей­ но-гастрономический магазин мясной магазин винный магазин специальный ассортимент; специализированный / фир- | менный магазин кондитерский магазин aisle [ail] cashier’s [kas^z] desk client ['klaiant] counter ['kaunta] customer ['kastama] food basket ['fu:d ,ba:skit] foodstuffs ['fuidsUfs] purse [p3:s] shop assistant № р a,sist(a)nt] shopper [Jripa] shopping bag shopping cart № piq ,kat] ряд (в универсаме) касса покупатель прилавок покупатель корзина для продуктов продукты питания кошелек продавец покупатель сумка, пакет для покупок тележка для покупок 158 j M eat and Poultry (М ясо и птица) говядина мясо молодого барашка / ягненка баранина свинина телятина beef Lbi:fl , Lib [l*ml b u tto n [‘niAtn] p o rk tP f veal [vi:l] домаш няя птица цыпленок, курица, курятина утка гусь индейка „oultry ['paultri] chicken I'tjikin] duck [dAk] goose [gu:s] turkey l't3:ki] Fish and Seafood (Рыба и морепродукты) bass [bass] bream [bri:m] burbot L'b3:bat] carp [ka:p] cod [kod] crucian carp ['kru:J(a)n 'ka:p] eel [i:l] flatfish I'flset.fiJ], flounder ['flaunda] haddock ['heedakj halibut ['haelibst] herring ['herir)] kipper I'kipa] mackerel ['тзек(э)гз1] minnow ['т т э и ] mullet [W lit] perch [pз:tf] Pike [paik] Pike-perch [‘paikp3:tj] Plaice [pleis] ruff [rAf] salmon ['sasman] humpback [ЪлтрЬаек] salmon sardine ['sa:din] sheatfish ['Ji:tfiJl smelt [smelt] s°le [saul] окунь лещ налим карп, сазан треска карась угорь камбала пикша, треска палтус сельдь копченая рыба (обыкн. сельдь) скумбрия, макрель гольян кефаль окунь щука судак камбала ерш лосось, кета, семга горбуша сардина сом корюшка морской язы к 159 sprat [sprat] sturgeon ['st3:d3(a)n] trout [traut] tuna ['tju:na] шпрот осетрина, севрюга форель тунец calamar ['kaslsma], calamari ['kfebmari] crab [кгжЬ] crawfish ['krafij], crayfish [‘krei.fij] lamprey ['leempri] lobster fbbsts] mollusc ['mnlask] Br, r oyster ['oista] prawn [pro:n] shrimp [Crimp] squid [skwid] кальмар краб рак Ат минога омар моллюск устрица креветка мелкая креветка кальмар Vegetables (Овощи) aubergine ['эиЬэзкп] Вг bean [bi:n] beetroot ['bi:tru:t] black radish ['Ыжк 'raedij] cabbage ['k£ebrd3 ] carrot [’kasrat] cauliflower ['kttli.flaua] corn [ko:n] cucumber ['kjukambaj eggplant f'egplcunt] Am green peas ['gri:n 'pi:z] horseradish ['ho.s.raedij] lettuce ['letis] maize [meiz] Br marrow ['таггэи] mushroom ['тл /гот, -ru:m] onion [4nj9n] paprika ['рагрпкэ] pea [pi:] potato [pa'teitau] pumpkin ['р л тр к т] radish ['radij] spring onion ['spriq Чгуэп] squash [skwnJJ 160 баклажан боб, фасоль свекла черная редька (белокачанная) капуста морковь цветная капуста кукуруза огурец баклажан зеленый горошек хрен салат кукуруза кабачок гриб лук паприка, стручковый перец горох картофель тыква редис зеленый лук тыква, кабачок помидор репа Fruits and Berries (Фрукты и ягоды) date [deit] fig [fig] grape [greip] grapefruit ['greipfru:t] lemon I'leman] mandarin ['msendarin] mango ['тгепдэи] melon ['melan] orange ['Drind3] peach [pi:tf] pear [реэ] persimmon [ps'simsn] pineapple ['ратавр(д)1] plum [р1лт] pomegranate ['pmnigraemt] raisin ['reiz(3)nj tangerine [,taend39'ri:n] watermelon ['woita.melan] яблоко абрикос банан ф иник инжир виноград грейпфрут лимон мандарин манго дыня апельсин персик груша хурма ананас слива ф ан ат изюм танжерин (сорт мандарина) арбуз bilberry ['bilb(3)ri] blackberry ['blaekb(3)ri] black currant ['blask 'клг(э)т] blueberry ['blu:b(a)ri] cherry ['tjeri] cherry plum ['tjeri 'pL\m] cowberry ['каиЬ(э)п] cranberry ['кгагпЬ(э)п] gooseberry ['guzb(a)ri] juniper berry ['d3u:nipa Ъ(э)п] mountain ['mauntin] cranberry raspberry ['ra;zb(3)rij red billbery ['red 'bilb(3)ri] red currant ['red 'L\r(9)nt] strawberry ['stro:b(3)ri] sweet cherry ['swi:t 'tjerij ^'ld strawberry ['waild 'stro:b(3)rij черника ежевика черная смородина голубика, черника вишня мирабель, алыча брусника клюква крыжовник можжевельник (ягода) брусника малина брусника красная смородина клубника черешня лесная земляника apple [’®р(э)1] apricot ['eiprikat] banana [Ьэ'папэ] Щербак 161 Groceries (Бакалейные товары) backing powder ['beikiq 'pauda] bay leaf ['bei li:f] buckwheat ['b\kwi:t] cereal ['si(a)rial] cooking soda ['kukig 'sauda] cornflakes ['ko:nfleiks] pi cornflour ['ko:nflaua] Br, cornstarch ['ko:nsta:tJJ Am flour ['flaua] granulated sugar ['grsenjuleitid Juga] macaroni [тагка'гэит] match [msetj] millet ['milit] mustard [W stad] noodles ['nuidlz] pi oatmeal ['autmil] oil [oil] pasta I'presta] (pearl) barley |('рз:1) ’ba:li] peas [pi:z] pi potato flour [pa'teitau 'flaua] rice [rais] salt [sa:lt] semolina [,sema'li:na] spaghetti [spa'geti] sugar ['Juga] vermicelli [,v3:mi'seli, -tfeli] vinegar ['viniga] yeast [jirstj разрыхлитель лавровый лист гречневая крупа крупа; каша пищевая сода кукурузные хлопья кукурузный крахмал мука сахарный песок макароны спичка пшено горчица лапша овсянка растительное масло макаронные изделия перловая крупа горох картофельный крахмал рис соль манная крупа спагетти сахар вермишель уксус дрожжи, закваска Bakery Products (Выпечка) biscuit ['biskit] Br bread [bredj brown sugar ['braun 'Juga] bun [Ьлп] cake [keik] caster sugar, castor sugar ['ka:sta Juga] charlotte [Ja;lat] 162 сухое печенье; галета хлеб коричневый (мягкий) i булочка пирожное; кекс; торт сахарная пудра шарлотка 0okie f'kuki] Am /cream) cracker [('kri:m) 'кгэекэ] ju m p in g t'dAmplir)] gaSter cake ['i:sta 'keik] fancy cake ['fensi 'keik] gem [d3em] hamburger [ЪагтЬз:дэ] hot dog bun ['hot 'dDg Ълп] jam puff ['d3sem 'рлП puff tPAfj roll [raul] s a n d w i c h ['s£enwid3] tart [ta:t] сухое печенье; галета сухое печенье, крекер 1. фрукт, запеченный в тесте; 2. pi пельмени;клецки кулич пирожное пресная сдобная булочка гамбургер булочка с сосиской слойка с повидлом слойка, слоеный пирожок булочка, рогалик сандвич, бутерброд торт, пирог Dairy Products (Молочные продукты) butter f'bAts] buttermilk ['bAtamilk] cheese [tjl:z] cottage cheese [,kotid3 'tji:z] cream [kri:m] cream cheese [tkri:m 'tfi:z] curd(s) [k3:d(z)] egg [eg] kefir ['kefa] margarine [,ma:d3a'ri:n, ,ma:ga-], marge [ma:ch;] mayonnaise [,meia'neiz] milk [milk] pot cheese [pot 'tji:z] processed cheese [prausest 'tjl:z] sour cream [,saua 'kri:mj yoghurt, yogurt, yoghourt [jogat] сливочное масло пахта сыр домаш ний сыр, творог 1. сливки; 2. крем сливочный сыр творог яйцо кефир маргарин майонез молоко брынза плавленый сыр сметана йогурт Sweets (С л ад о сти ) candy ['kaendij csramel ['kaeramel, -т(э)1] chocolate ['tjbklit] chocolates ['tfuklits] p! леденец карамель шоколад шоколадные конфеты 163 jam [с!зэет] marmalade ['mamaleid] marshmallow [mai/maelau] meringue [тэ'ггеп] paste [peist] sweet [swi:t] wafer f'weifa], waffle ['wDf(a)l] варенье, джем мармелад, джем (из цитрусовых) зефир безе пастила, халва леденец, конфета вафля Quantities of Food (Количества продуктов) a bag [Ьагд] a bag of sugar, flour a bar [ba:] a bar of chocolate a bottle ['bntl] a bottle of lemonade a bowl [baul] a bowl o f soup a box |boksJ a box of matches a can/a tin [k£en]/[tm] a can of beans a carton ['ka:tnj a carton of milk a dozen [Улг(э)п] a dozen o f eggs a ja r №30:] a jar of jam , honey a joint [d3oint] a joint of meat a kilo ['ki:lau] a kilo of meat a loaf [lauf] a loaf of bread a lump [Ump] a lump of sugar a packet ['psekit] a packet o f tea, biscuits a pound [paund] a pound of bacon a segment ['segmant] a segment of orange 164 пакет; мешок пакет муки, сахара брикет, кусок плитка шоколада бутылка бутылка лимонада миска, глубокая тарелка миска супа ящ ик; коробка коробка спичек консервная (металлическая) I банка банка фасоли картонная коробка; пакет пакет молока дюжина дюжина яиц банка; кувшин банка джема, меда кусок (часть рубленой туши) | мясо, приготовленное куском килограмм килограмм мяса каравай, буханка буханка хлеба, булка кусок, кусочек кусочек сахара пачка; упаковка; пакет пачка чая, печенья фунт фунт бекона часть, сегмент, доля долька апельсина s l i c e / a piece [slais]/[pi:s] 3 a slice of cake a tube [tju:b] a tu b e o f mustard ломтик, кусок кусок торта тюбик тюбик горчицы ма 2 Meals (Прием пищи) 1. прием пищи; 2. блюда (первый) завтрак завтракать второй (дневной) завтрак, обед завтракать (днем), обедать meal [mi:l] breakfast ['brekfast] to have breakfast lunch [Until to have lunch, to take lunch dinner ['dins] to have dinner, to take dinner, to dine to give a dinner dinner party ['dina ,pa:ti] supper ['sApa] to have supper supper party ['sApa paiti] at supper to supper for supper after supper устраивать званый обед (ужин) званый обед (ужин) ужин ужинать званый ужин за ужином к ужину на ужин после ужина helping I'helpiq] порция dessert [di'z3:t] десерт, сладкое (блюдо) Appetizers appetizer ['sepitaiza] c°ld meat dishes cold roast chicken (duck, goose) Закуски закуска холодные мясные закуски холодный жареный цыпленок (утка, гусь) 1 .горячая закуска, 2. Ат горячее (блюдо) рыбная закуска закуска entree ['ontreij fjsh snack ^ors d ’oeuvre [,o:'d3:v], snack [snaek], starter ['sta:ta] обед, ранний ужин обедать, ужинать 165 Main Courses Вторые блюда main course ['mein 'ko:s] a la carte [,зе 1э 'ka:t, ,a la:-] table d ’hote [,ta:b(a)l 'daut] dietary dish [daiat(a)ri 'dif] vegetarian dish [ved3 i'tearian 'dij] второе блю до п ор ц и о н н о е блю до ком плексны й о бед ди ети ч еск ое блю до вегетарианское блю до Main Fish Courses baked fish ['beikt 'fij] baked carp with mushrooms boiled fish ['boild 'fif] boiled pike-perch Polish style boiled sturgeon a fish steak ['fif 'steik] fried fish ['fraid 'fij] fried bream (cod, pike-perch, salmon) steamed fish ['sti:md 'fij] steamed salmon steamed sturgeon Main M eat Courses (beef) steak [('bi:f) 'steik] ch o p [tjbp] lamb (m utton) chop pork chop veal chop cutlet ['kAtlit] entrecote ['ontrakaut] fillet ['filit] goulash ['gu:laej] hotpot ['hDtpDt] languette [lsg'gw et] meatball ['mi:tbD.i] pot roast ['pnt ,raust] rissole ['risaul] steamed rissole roast beef [,raust 'bi:f] rump steak [,глтр 'steik] scallop ['sknlap] schnitzel ['Jnits(a)l] Poultry Dishes roast chicken roast duck and apples 166 Рыбные блюда зап ечен н ая ры ба карп, запеченны й с грибами отварная ры ба отварной судак по-польск и ; отварная осетри н а / севрюга ры бны й стейк ж ареная рыба ж арены й лещ (треска, судак, лосось) паровая рыба паровой л осось паровая осетрина Мясные блюда биф ш текс отбивная котлета баранья отбивная свиная отбивная телячья отбивная котлета антрекот ф иле(й ) гуляш туш ен ое м ясо с картофелем и другим и овощ ам и в горшочке лангет биточек, фрикаделька, т е ф т е л я туш ен ое м ясо с картофелем и другими овощ ам и в горшочке котлета паровая котлета ростби ф (жареная говядина) ром ш текс эскалоп ш ницель Блюда из домашней итицЫ ж ареная курица ж ареная утка с яблоками aSt duck and sauerkraut ['sauskraut] ^ s t turkey and m ixed vegetables жареный гусь с кислом капустой ж ареная индейка с овощ ам и Salads Салаты salad ['salad] салат салат из крабов ры бны й салат винегрет овощ н ой салат гарнир crab salad fish salad Russian salad v eg etab le salad side dish Soups Супы broth chicken broth beef tea chicken con som m e puree l'pjo(3)rei] soup [su:p] clear soup cream soup fat soup haricot soup lean (n on -fat) soup milk soup m ushroom soup onion soup pea soup set soup thick soup thin soup vegetable soup м ясной бульон, похлебка курины й бульон крепкий бульон курины й бульон суп -п ю р е суп бульон протерты й суп , суп -п ю р е ж ирны й суп ф асолевы й суп постны й (неж ирны й) суп м олочны й суп грибной суп луковый суп гороховы й суп заправочны й суп густой суп ж идкий суп овощ н ой суп Soft Drinks Безалкогольные напитки cocktail ['kokteil] cocoa ['кэикзи] coffee ['kofi] black coffee white coffee b ic e [ju:s] temonade [lema'neid] orangeade ['r>rind3eid] Scluash [skwD/J orange squash коктейль какао кофе черны й кофе к оф е с м олоком сок ли м он ад оранж ад фруктовы й напиток апельсиновы й напиток чай черный чай свеж езаваренны й чай зелены й чай tea [ti:j black tea fresh tea §reen tea 167 strong tea water ['woita] mineral water ['minaral ,wD:t9] soda water ['sauda ,wo:ta] крепкий чай вода м инеральная вода содовая вода Strong/Hard Drinks Крепкие напитки alcoh olic [,aelka'hr>lik] drinks brandy ['braendi] cogn ac ['kaunjsek] gin [d3 in] liqueur [li'kjua] liquor ['liks] rum [глт] алкогольны е напитки бр ен ди , коньяк коньяк дж и н ликер (крепкий) алкогольный напиток ром водка виски vodka[Vodka] whisky ['wiski] Br, w hiskey Am Grape Wines Виноградные вина w ine list карта вин Madeira [madi(a)ra] port [pot] sherry ['JeriJ strong grape w ine verm outh ['v3:ma9] мадера портвейн херес к реплен ое ви н оградное вино [ вермут Sweet Dessert Wines Сладкие десертные вина cham pagne [[asm'pem] dry [drai] cham pagne s e m i-/d e m i-/h a lf- SWeet cham pagne s e m i-/h a lf- dry cham pagne sparkling ['spaklirj] cham pagne sw eet cham pagne muscat ['rmskat], muscatel [mAska'tel] Tokay [tau'kei] ш ам панское сухое ш ам панское полусладкое ш ам панское полусухое ш ам панское игристое ш ам панское сладкое ш ам панское мускат, мускатель токай Table Dry Wines Столовые сухие вина dry red wine dry white wine half-sw eet wine сухое красное вино сухое бел ое вино п олусладкое вино Aperitif Wines Аперитивы C inzano [tfm'zcmau] Martini [ma'ti:ni] чинзано мартини Weak Alcoholic Drinks Слабые алкогольные напитки beer [bis] dark [dak] beer light [lait] beer пиво тем н ое пиво светлое пиво 168 rj e м a 3 Egg Dishes (Блюда из яиц) яичница с б ек он ом bacon ['beikan] and eggs ом лет с сы ром cheese om elet(te) ['tfl:z 'mnlit] салат и з яиц egg salad ['eg 'sselad] eggs stuffed caviar(e) ['egz 'suft 'kaevia] яйца, ф арш ированны е икрой яичница-глазунья eggs up ['egz лр] яичница fried eggs ['fraid 'egz] яичница с ветчиной ham and eggs ['haem and 'egz] яйцо вкрутую hard-boiled egg ['herd 'boild 'eg] ом лет с луком onion om elet(te) [Vnjan 'nmlit] яичница с к олбасой sausage and eggs ['sDsid3 and 'egz] scrambled eggs ['skrsembld 'egz] яичница-болтунья яйцо всмятку soft-boiled egg ['suft 'boild 'eg] яичница-глазунья sun-like eggs ['saii laik 'egz] tomato om elet(te) [ta'ma:tau W lit ] ом лет с пом и дорам и яйцо «в м еш очек» w ell-boiled egg ['wel 'boild 'eg] Различия в кулинарной терминологии британского и американского вариантов английского языка Russian British American aubergine bap ( scottish ) barman be cashed up beetroot bill biscuit (sweet) biscuit (unsweetened) баклажан eggplant булка с котлетой hamburger bun bartender барм ен have m on ey on hand иметь при себ е деньги свекла beet счет (в ресторане) check печенье (сладкое) cook ie печен ье, крекер (не­ cracker black coffee bridge roll candy floss canteen carrier bag chicory chips clingfilm cooker cookery book coffee w ithout milk h ot-d o g bun cotton candy snack bar shopping bag endive French fries plastic wrap stove cookbook сладкие) коф е б ез м олока булка с со си ск ой воздуш ная сахарная вата закусочная, буф ет сумка (хозяйственная) цикорий ж арены й картофель кулинарная пленка плита, печь поваренная книга 169 corn cornflour cream cracker crisps wheat cornstarch soda cracker potato chips зер н о, злак кукурузный крахмал печен ье, крекер ж арены й картофель coriander D anish pastry cilantro sweet roll кориандр выпечка из дрож ж евого сл оен ого теста сытый ры бны е палочки лопатка для перевора- ] чивания ф асоль фруктовы й магазин соусн и к магазин «Овощ и и фрукты» п ерец (стручковый) (хрустящий) fed up fish fingers fish slice French beans fruiterer gravy dish greengrocer’s green pepper grill iced lolly icing sugar jelly jug kipper larder liver sausage maize marrow m ince m ince meat m incer minerals o ff-licen ce pip porridge pub saltcellar sem olina serviette spring onion stone stores 170 full fish sticks pancake turner, slotted spatula string beans fruit store gravy boat fruit and vegetable store bell pepper, sweet pepper broil hopsicle pow dered sugar, confectioner’s sugar jello , gelatin dessert pitcher sm oked herring pantry liverwurst corn squash hamburger meat ground b eef m eat grinder soda, pop retail liquor store, package store seed (boiled) oatm eal bar salt shaker cream o f wheat napkin green onion pit groceries жарить (на решетке) фруктовы й лед сахарная (кондитерская) пудра ф руктовое ж еле кувшин копченая сельдь кладовая (кухни) ливерная колбаса кукуруза кабачок фарш фарш мясорубка газированная вода магазин спиртны х напитков зерны ш ко (плода) овсяная каша бар солонка манная крупа салфетка зелены й лук косточка (фруктовая) запасы продуктов п и - | тания (домашние) sllgar basin sultana cvveet sweet sw eetshop, confectioner’s Swiss roll tea towel tin tin opener water ice sugar bowl raisin dessert candy candy store сахарница изю м киш миш сладкое (бл ю до), десерт конф ета к ондитер ский магазин selly roll dish tow el can can opener sherbet рулет с дж ем ом п ол отен ц е (кухонное) консервная банка консервны й нож щ ербет (фруктовое мороженое) white coffee treacle underdone b e e f steak (wash) basin wash (one’s hands) wash up zest Тема coffee with milk m olasses rare b e e f steak w ashbow l, sink wash up do the dishes peel к оф е с м олоком патока би ф ш тек с с кровью умывальник мыть (руки) мыть посуду цедра 4 Professional Verbs (Профессиональные глаголы) add [sed] adjust [o'd^st] bake [beik] baste [beist] beat [bi:t] добавлять добавлять по вкусу печь, выпекать поливать ж иром ( в духовке) 1. отбивать (котлету)', 2. взбивать (тесто, яйца)', 3. толочь (в по­ рошок) blend [blend] boil [boil] bone [baun] broil [broil] brown [braun] brush [Ьгл/] (with) butter ['ЬлЮ] carve [ka:v] chill [tjil] chop [t/op] coat [kaut] (w ith) мешать, смеш ивать кипятить; варить удалять кости жарить на открытом огне зажаривать, подрумянивать смазывать смазывать м аслом , намазывать масло резать, вырезать охлаждать рубить покрывать; глазировать; п осы ­ пать 171 com bine [kam'bain] cook [kuk] cool [kul] cream [kri:m] crum ble ['кглтЬ(э)1] crush [кгл|] cube [kju:b] cut [kAt] dam pen ['dasmpan] decorate ['dekareit] deseed [di'si:d] dice [dais] dilute [,dai'lu:t] discard [dis'ka:d] dip [dip] drain [drein] draw out ['dro: 'aut] (fat) drizzle ['driz(a)l] dry [drai] dust [dASt] en close [m'klauz] (filling) fasten ['fa:s(a)n] (with) fill [fil] filter ['filts] flake [fleik] flavour ['fleiva] fold [fauld] смеш ивать готовить охлаждать растирать в пасту 1. крошить; 2. толочь, растирадавить, раздавливать резать кубиками резать увлажнять, смачивать украшать удалять сем ен а резать кубиками разбавлять выбрасывать макать 1. стекать; 2. удалять жидкость, высушивать удалять (жир) сбрызгивать суш ить посыпать (сахарной пудрой, мукой) класть внутрь ( начинку) скреплять наполнять, заполнять фильтровать делать хлопья приправлять, придавать вкус 1. складывать, сгибать; 2. завора­ чивать; 3. осторож но перемеш и­ вать, соединять (напр., белки с те­ стом) fry [frai] garnish ['ga:nij] grate [greit] grease [gri:z] grill [gril] h alf [ha:f] (p.p. halved) heat [hi:t] knead [ni:d] layer ['leia] m arinade ['maerineid], m arinate ['masrineit] m ash [mgej] m elt [melt] жарить на ск овороде 1. гарнировать; 2. украшать натирать на терке смазывать ж иром жарить на откры том огне делить пополам , поровну нагревать 1. зам еш ивать / м есить тесто; 2. смеш ивать в общ ую м ассу укладывать слоям и мариновать мять, давить 1. плавить(ся), растапливать; 2. растворять(ся) : jflince [mins] mix imiks] nl0isten [mois(a)n] nl0und [maund] pat IP3* ] peel [pi:l] pipe [paip] крошить, рубить на мелкие кус­ ки; резать; п роп уск ать ч ер ез мясорубку меш ать, смеш ивать смачивать насыпать / накладывать горкой бить, взбивать (тесто) снимать кожуру, очищать от к о­ журы выдавливать (кондитерским шприцем) pit [pit] pound [paund] pour [pa:] pour o ff pour over puree ['pju(a)rei] refrigerate [ri'frid3areit] rinse [rins] roast [raust] roll out ['raul 'aut] rub rub in ['глЬ 'in] salt [solt] saute [sau'tei] (p.p. -teed or -ted [-'teid]) scatter ['skaeta] (with) scrape [skreip] scrub [skrAb] seal [si:l] season ['si:z(a)n] secure [si'kjua] (with) serve [s3:v] shape [feip] shred [fred] sieve [si:v] sift [sift] sinnner ['sima] skewer ['skjua] skin [skin] shce [slais] s°ak [sauk] удалять косточки измельчать, толочь вливать, наливать сливать поливать протирать ч ерез си т о , делать пю ре охлаждать (в холодильнике) смывать, промывать, полоскать жарить раскатывать (тесто) натирать (солью), тереть, п р о­ тирать (сквозь сито) растирать (напр., масло) солить бы стро обжаривать в н ебол ь­ шом количестве горячего масла посыпать скоблить, чистить очищ ать (щеткой) 1. запечатывать, скреплять; 2. закатывать (банки) приправлять скреплять подавать (блюдо)', обслуживать лепить (из теста) резать узким и полоскам и; и з­ мельчать; ш инковать просеивать фильтровать варить при небольш ом нагреве насаживать на вертел удалять ш куру / кожу резать ломтиками замачивать, мочить 173 soften [st>f(o)n] spit [spit] trim [trim] размягчать насаживать на вертел; п р о к а л д вать; нанизы вать (на шампурШ 1. делить на части; 2. разделывай выкладывать лож кой 1. мазать, намазывать; 2. раскла* дывать 1. сбрызгивать; 2. посыпать отж имать, выжимать готовить на пару туш ить, варить мешать, размеш ивать процеж ивать, фильтровать | ф арш ировать, начинять п робовать на вкус размораживать сгущ ать(ся), загущать выкладывать подрумянивать на огне, поджа­ ривать; суш ить 1. подбрасы вать (напр., блин)-, 2 . перемеш ивать разбирать на листья / соцветия trim down warm [wo:m] w hip [wip] whisk [wisk] wrap [raep] обрезать (тесто) разогревать, подогревать взбивать взбивать заворачивать split [split] spoon [spun] spread [spred] sprinkle ['sprirjk(9)l] squeeze [skwi:z] steam [sti:m] stew [stju:] stir [st3:] strain [strein] stu ff [sUf] taste [teist] thaw [Go:] thicken ['Gikan] tip [tipj toast [toust] toss [tt>s] (салат, цветную капусту) Delicatessen (Мясная и рыбная продукция) bacon ['beikan] black pudding ['blcek'pudnj] carbonade ['kabaneid] chain sausage ['tjein 'st>sid3 ] cold pork ['kauld 'po:kJ frankfurter [Traeokf3:t3] ham [haemj jellied tongue ['d3ehd 'uq] liver paste ['liva 'peist] sausage ['sDsid3 ] boiled sausage 174 бек он , копченая свинина, гру­ динка кровяная колбаса карбонад ( свинина) сарделька буж ен и н а ( отварная свинина) сосиск а ветчина заливной язы к паш тет и з печени колбаса, соси ск а вареная колбаса half-sm oked sausage h a rd -s m o k e d sausage полукопченая колбаса сы рокопченая колбаса ( твердо­ копченая) .nioked bone ham f'smaukt Ъ эип'haem] tinned (canned) b eef and pork caviar(e) [ksevia:] black caviar fresh caviar pressed caviar red caviar soft caviar jellied fish [ ^ e lid 'fij] kipper [kips] smoked fish ['smaukt 'fij] cold-sm oked fish hot-sm oked fish stuffed pike-perch ['stvft 'paikp3:tJJ корейка консервированная говядина и свинина икра черная икра зернистая икра паю сная икра красная икра зернистая икра заливная рыба копченая сельдь копченая рыба рыба х ол одн ого копчения рыба горячего копчения ф арш ированная щука Taste and Quality of Food (Вкусы и качества блюд) beastly ['bi:s(t)li] bitter ['bits] bitterish ['bitarij] delectable [di'lektab(3)l], delicious [di'li/ss] disgusting [dis'gAStio] dreadful I'dredful] edible ['edib(3)l] fresh [freJl overdone l.auva'dAn] Pickled [’pik(3)ld] rancid ['rsensid] rare [геэ] raw | ro:] salt [sD:lt] salted ['so:ltid] sour [saua] sourish ['sauarij] s°ur-sw eet ['saua 'swi:t] stale [steil] отвратительный, неприятны й, противный горький горьковатый восхитительный, очень вкусный отвратительный ужасны й съедобны й свеж ий переж аренны й маринованны й; кваш еный прогорклы й; протухш ий н едож ар ен н ы й , п ол усы рой , с кровью сы рой, недоваренны й солены й солены й кислый кисловатый кисло-сладкий несвеж ий; с душ ком; черствый 175 sweet [swi:t] tasteless ['teistlis] tasty ['teisti] tender ['tends] tough [tAf] underdone [.Ands'dAn] water,' ['wo:t(9)ri] Тема сладкий безвкусны й вкусный н еж ны й, мягкий ж есткий 1. н едож арен н ы й , слегка под, ж аренны й (о мясе)-, 2. недопе­ ченны й (о пироге) водянисты й 5 Types of Dough and Baking Items (Виды теста и изделия из него) batter ['baeta] cake [keik] ch eese cake fish cake sponge cake ['spt>nd3 'keik] dough [dau] direct [di'rekt] dough elastic [ 1'laestik] dough ferm ented [f3:'mentid] dough frozen [Тгэиг(з)п] dough honey ['h\ni] dough killed dough lam inated ['lsemineitid] dough lean [li:n] dough nonferm ented dough nonyeasted [,m>n'ji:stid] dough ready dough rye dough sour dough sponge dough sweet dough tight dough tin (bread) dough tough dough doughboy ['dauboi] 176 1. бездрож ж евое тесто; жидкое тесто; 2. жидкая панировка, кляр торт, кекс, сладкий пирог, пи­ р ож н ое 1. пирог с сы ром; 2. сырник, творож ник 1. пирог с рыбой; 2. рыбная кот-! лета бисквит тесто безоп ар н ое тесто эласти чн ое тесто др ож ж евое тесто зам ор ож ен н ое тесто тесто на м еду плотное тесто сл оен ое тесто н есд о б н о е тесто п р есн ое тесто бездр ож ж ев ое тесто созревш ее тесто рж аное тесто закваска оп арн ое тесто, опара сд о б н о е тесто крутое тесто тесто для ф орм ового хлеба крутое тесто 1. пончик; 2. клецка d o u g h n u t ['d a u iu t] pastry ['peistri] bro w n ie ['b rau n i] Am chiffon [Jifon] c re am o f ta r t a r c ru m b [кглш] cru st [krASt] cu stard [ V s ta d ] filling ['filir)] m e rin g u e [тэ'га ео ] m u ffin ['mAfin] patty ['paeti] pie [pai] apple pie fish pie pancake pie potato pie pudding pie shepherd’s pie ['Jepadz 'pai] п ончик, пышка 1. сдобное тесто; 2. кондитерские изделия ( пирожные, торты) ш ок ол адное п и р ож н ое с о р е­ хами взбиты й, воздуш ны й винный камень, кислый ви н н о­ кислый калий крошка; крупица; мякиш хлеба корж заварной крем начинка м еренга, б езе 1. горячая круглая булочка; 2. Ат маленькая сладкая булочка с наполнителем п ирож ок , лепеш ечка 1. пирог, пирожок; 2. торт, слад­ кий пирог яблочны й пирог пирог с ры бой блинчаты й пирог картофельный пирог, запеканка м ясн ой пудинг пастушья запеканка (с мясным фаршем и луком, запеченными в картофеле) W ashington pie pudding ['pudirj] hasty ['heisti] pudding Yorkshire ['jo:kJl3] pudding shell [fel] topping ['tt>piQ] слоены й пирог пудинг, запеканка заварной пудинг из муки пирог и з взбитого теста с к ус­ ком ж ареного мяса корж для торта, пирога верх, верхний слой Nuts (Орехи) alm ond ['amand] cashew (nut) [kse'Ju:, 'каг|и:] cedar nut ['si:da 'nAt] coconut [’kaukanAt] hazelnut ['heiz(a)lnAt] nutm eg [’nAtmeg] Peanut ['pi:nAt] миндаль кешью кедровы й орех кокосовы й орех л есн ой орех, ф ундук мускатный орех арахис 177 pecan ['pi:kan, pi'kaen] pine nut ['pain 'iut] walnut ['wo:lnAtj пекан кедровый орех грецкий орех Greens, Spices, Seasonings, Herbs, Sauces (Специи и соусы) allspice ['o:lspais] anchovy ['aentjavi] sauce anise ['asnis] pepper aphrodisiac [.aefrs'dizisek] basil ['baez(a)l] bay leaf ['bei 'li:fj capers ['keipaz] caper sauce caraway ['kasrawei] cardamom ['kadamam], cardamon [‘ka:daman] catsup ['kaetsap] Am cayenne pepper [keien 'рерэ] celeriac [sa'le(a)riajk] celery ['selari] Chinese parsley cinnam on ['sinaman] clove [klauv] coriander [.kuri'senda] cumin ['к л т т ] curly parsley ['кз:Н 'pasli] curry powder ['клп 'pauda] dill [dil] garlic ['да:lik] a clove of garlic (garlic bub let) ginger ['d3 ind3a] ground pepper ['graund ’pepa] horseradish ['hD:s,raediJJ Jamaica pepper ketchup ['ketfap] mace [meis] marjoram ['ma:d5(a)ram] mayonnaise [,meia'neiz] mint [mint] 178 душистый перец анчоусный соус перечник (душистый японски перец для рыбных блюд) приправа, усиливающая половое чувство базилик лавровый лист каперсы (острая приправа) соус из каперсов тмин кардамон кетчуп кайенский (жгучий) перец, красный перец корневой сельдерей салатный сельдерей кориандр, китайская петрушка корица гвоздика кориандр, китайская петрушка тмин кудрявая петрушка сухая смесь пряностей укроп чеснок головка чеснока имбирь молотый перец хрен душистый ямайский перец кетчуп сушеная шелуха мускатного ореха майоран, душица майонез мята jfliistard ['rmstad] oregano [.ап'дапэи] parsley ['pasli] parsnip [’pasnip] pimento [pi'mentau] rosemary ['rauzm(a)ri] saffron ['saefran] sage [seid3] sauce [so.s] sesame seed ['sesami 'si:d] (strand) fennel [('straend) 'fenlj tarragon ['taeragan] thyme Itaim] vinegar ['viniga] горчица душица, ореган, реган петрушка пастернак душистый ямайский перец розмарин шафран шалфей соус кунжутное семя фенхель эстрагон чабрец, тимьян уксус Weight Measures (Меры веса) 1 pound (lb) фунт 1 ounce (oz) унция 16 ounces = 453.59 gram(mes) 28.35 gram(mes) 1 gallon (gal) галлон Br 4.546 litres US 0.833 British gallon = 3.785 litres Br 1.14 litres US 0.833 British quart = 0.946 litres Br 0.57 litre US 0.47 litre Br 28.4 millilitres US 29.57 millilitres 1 quart (qt) кварта 1 pint (pt) пинта 1 fluid ounce (fl oz) жидкая унция 1 tablespoon столовая ложка 1 teaspoon чайная ложка 3 teaspoons = 'A fluid ounce = 14.2 millilitres 4.4 millilitres Соотношение температурных шкал Фаренгейта и Цельсия Ш кала Ф аренгейта (F) 446° 365° 347° 320° 284° 212 ° 194° 176° Ш кала Ц ельсия (С) 230° 180° 175° 160° 140° 100 ° 90° 80° 179 Тема 6 sUgar basin ['Juga ’beis(a)n], sugar bowl [Juga Ъэи1] Personnel o f Catering Enterprises (Персонал предприятий общественного питания) staff [sta:f] serving staff barman [Ъа:тэп] cashier [ksejis] chef [fef] chief [ cook [kuk] cookee [ku'ki:] Am director [d(a)i'rekta] executive [ig'zekjutiv] director financial [fai'nasnf(3 )l] director managing ['maemd3ig] director manager ['maenid3 a] waiter ['weita] head waiter ['hed ’weita] waitress ['weitris] штат, персонал обслуживающий персонал бармен; буфетчик кассир ш еф-повар, главный повар | глава, руководитель; лидер; на­ ч альник, ш еф; заведую щ ий; директор повар, кухарка, кок (на судне) помощ ник повара директор, руководитель, на- ] чальник I исполнительный директор финансовый директор генеральный директор управляющий, менеджер, адми­ нистратор официант старший (главный) официант официантка T ablew are (П осуда) bowl [Ьэи1] cover ['клуэ] cruet (set) ['kru:it ('set)] cup [клр] dish [dij] fork [fo:k] knife [naif] pepper box ['рерэ 'bnks] plate [pleit] saltcellar [‘so:lt,sel3 ] Br, salt shaker ['soiltjeika] Am saucer ['so:ss] spoon [spu:n] 180 чашка, миска, глубокая тарел­ ка, салатник столовый прибор прибор для специй чашка блюдо вилка нож перечница тарелка солонка 1. чайное блюдце; поддонник; 2 . соусник ложка сахарница Французские заимствования Значение в английском во французском язы ке языке С лово bisque раковый суп blancm ange blanquette blanc — белый, manger — есть blanc — белый bouillon bouillabaisse bouiller — кипеть рыбный суп brioche сдобная булочка canape небольшой бутерброд carte cocotte карта чугунная кастрюля крепкий бульон consomme creme brnlee crepe, crepe creme — сливки, brfllee — подго­ релый блин croissant croquette рожок croquer — хрус­ теть, грызть crouton горбушка, корка Значение в русском языке биск, густой суп, обычно из мо­ репродуктов, птицы, кролика или овощей бланманже, непрозрачное, не фруктовое желе бланкет, рагу из телятины, яг­ н яти н ы , кури ц ы , п р и го то в ­ ленное под густым белым со­ усом бульон буйабес, французский рыбный суп бриошь, легкая нежная булоч­ ка к ан ап е, м ал ен ьки е л о м ти к и хлеба или сухое печенье, гар­ н и р о в а н н ы е и крой , сы ром , паштетом и т. д. меню кокотница консоме: 1. бульон; 2 . суппюре крем-брю ле густой с хрустя­ щей корочкой карамелизован­ ного сахара креп, очень тонкий блин, обыч­ но скрученный в трубочку, с начинкой круассан, рогалик крокет, ш арик из мясного или рыбного фарша, риса или кар­ тофеля, обвалянный в яйце и хлебных крошках гренок, маленький кубик под­ жаренного хлеба 181 digestif entrecote filet mignon средство, спо­ собствующее пищеварению между ребрами fondu mignon — маленький foie — печень, gras — жирный расплавленный fricassee жарить, тушить galantine студень galette gratin галета корочка hors d ’oeuvre liaison закуска связь mousse parfait пена пломбир (.мороженое) pate пирог; паштет pate maison maison — дом petit four petit — малень­ кий, four — печь профитроль foie gras profiterole 182 послеобеденный напиток, кер или коктейль, способств' юший пищеварению антрекот, жареная говяжья гру| динка м иньон, м аленький круглы*. кусок филе фуа гра, паш тет из гусин ой печени фондю, блюдо, приготовленное из плавленого сыра с белым ви­ ном фрикасе, кусочки белого мяса цыпленка, приготовленного в крепком бульоне, подаваемые с белым соусом галантин, мясо или рыба без костей, свернутые в рулет и фаршированные плоское печенье; оладья гратин, блюдо, запеченное под сыром закуска льезон, смесь из яичных желт-i | ков и сливок или муки и масла, используемая для придания гус-1 тоты супам и соусам мусс, легкое пенистое блюдо 1 парфе: 1 . сливочный заморо - 1 ж енны й пудинг; 2 . слоены й ; десерт из фруктов и мороже - 1 ного; 3. паштет из мяса со слив­ ками паштет, паста из смеси различ- | ных сортов мяса и рыбы с пря - 1 ностями пате мезон, паштет, приготов- ; ленный в домашних условиях, ! по собственному рецепту по - 1 вара птифур, маленькое фигурное пирожное профитроль, пирожное из за - 1 варного теста в виде ш ари- j ка с кремом и облитое шоко- s ладом рагу, острая приправа королевский шербет (напиток), фруктовое мороженое воздушный rag°ut ГОУа* sorbet souffle Х е ма рагу, тушеное блюдо из мяса или овощей королевский сорбе, шербет 1. суфле; 2 . воздушный (напр., пирог) 7 Applying for a Job (Устройство на работу) applicant ['eepliksnt] application ['3eplikeif(3)n] resume ['rezjumei, 'rei-] questionnare [kwestjb'nea] marital status [,mseritl 'steitas] apply [s'plai] for a job get a job find a job look for a job, hunt for a job employ [im'pbi] hire [haia] employee [empbi'i:] employer [lm'pbia] be employed be passed by salary ['ssebri] wages [\ve1d31z] earn ['з:п] raise money Previous I'priiviss] Join the company work for/with the company Work overtime Work in shifts Work experience [ik'spi(3 )rbns] 4uit [kwit], leave one’s job податель заявления, кандидат, претендент заявление резюме анкета семейное положение подавать заявление о приеме на работу получать работу находить работу искать работу нанимать, брать на работу 1. Вг нанимать на короткий срок; 2 . Ат нанимать, брать на работу служащий работодатель быть принятым быть непринятым зарплата, жалованье, оклад (слу­ жащих) зарплата (рабочих) зарабатывать зарабатывать много денег предыдущий поступать на работу в компанию работать в компании работать сверхурочно работать по сменам опыт работы, стаж увольняться 183 Тема 8 Essential Nutrients (Необходимые питательные вещества) essential nutrients [i'senf(a)l 'nju:triants] необходимые питательные ве­ щества carbohydrate [,kct:bau'haidreit] углевод fat [faet] жир fibre [’faiba] клетчатка mineral ['тт(э )гэ 1] минерал vitamin ['v(a)itamin] витамин cholesterol [ka'lestarol] холестерин Minerals (Минералы) calcium ['kaslsiam] chromium ['kraumiam] copper ['ктэрэ] fluoride ['flu(a)raid] iodine ['aiadi:n] iron ['aian] magnesium [maeg'ni:ziam] manganese ['тагддэпкг] phosphorus ['ft)sf(a)ras] potassium [pa'taesiam] selenium [si'liiniam] sodium ['saudiem] zink [zigk] кальции хром медь фторид йод железо магний марганец фосфор калий селен натрий цинк Additives (Добавки) colouring ['кл1эпг)] emulsifier [iWlsifaia] flavour enhancer ['fleiva in'hansa] preservative [pri'z3:vativ] stabilizer ['steibilaiza] thickener ['0 ik(a)na] 184 красящее вещество эмульгатор усилитель аромата консервант стабилизатор сгуститель, загуститель Diet (Рацион) 1. питание, стол, еда; 2. диета, пищевой режим; 3. держать на диете, сажать на диету скудное питание frugal [Тги:д(э)1] diet хорошая диета, правильное пи­ good diet тание healthy balanced ['helGi 'bsebnst] хорошо сбалансированная дие­ та diet тяжелая пища heavy ['hevi] diet жидкая пища liquid ['hkwid] diet мясная диета meat diet плохая диета, неправильное пи­ poor diet тание строгая диета rigid diet, strict diet хорошо сбалансированная дие­ well-balanced diet та соблюдать диету, сидеть на to keep a diet, to take a diet, диете, находиться на диете to be on a diet держать кого-либо на диете, to put smb. to/on a diet посадить кого-либо на диету 1. диета; 2. книга о правильном dietary [dai9t(9)ri] питании; 3. диетический диетический хлеб dietary bread диетические продукты dietary food полный, толстый fat [fet] худой, стройный slender ['slenda] терять в весе, худеть slenderize ['slendaraiz] 1. тонкий, стройный; 2. худеть, slim [slim] стараться похудеть полный stout [staut] полнеть become stouter Она очень полная. She is too stout, thin [Bin] худой худеть get thin, grow thin Ты очень худая. You are too thin. She got as thin as a thread (rake). Она стала худой как щепка, взвешиваться, весить Weigh [wei] Какой у вас вес? How m uch do you weigh? вес Weight [weit] следить за весом to control one’s weight худеть to lose [lu:z] weight to put on weight поправляться следить за весом to watch one’s weight diet [’daiat] 185 ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЙ СПРАВОЧНИК Английский алфавит Аа Bb [ei] Cc [si:] [bi:] Ее Ff т Hh [d3i:] [ai] LI [kei] [d3ei] Nn [em] Pp [эи] [kju:] Tt [a:] [es] Vv [ti:] Ww [vi:] Liu:] [pi:] Ss Rr Uu [el] Oo [en] Qq [eitj] Kk Jj Mm [di:] Gg [efl и —— Dd Xx [dAb(a)lju:] [eks] Zz Yy [wai] [zed] Чтение гласных букв под ударением I тип открытый слог (оканчивается на гласную букву) Гласные II ТИП закрытый слог (оканчивается на согласную букву) III ТИП гласная IV тип +г гласная + а [ei] пате [ж] cat [а:] саг [еэ] hare 0 [эи] nose [d ] not [э:] fork [о:] store e [i:] т е [е] p en [з:] Bert [ia] here u [ju] m u sic [a] run [з:[ fur [jus] pure i [ai] lik e type [i] pin m yth [з:] Sir [аю] fire У Чтение ударных сочетаний гласных букв Буквосочетания Чтение Примеры ai [ei] m ain , S p ain ay [ei] say, day ea M m eat, tea ch er ее [i:] se e , green re Окончание ^— Буквосочетан ия Чтение ew oi оу оо+к Liu:] 00 [u:] [аи] [аи] [еэ] 0U 0W ai+r ее+г ou+r оо+г Примеры few, new point, joint boy, toy book, took food, pool out, stout brown, crown fair, chair engineer, deer our, flour door, floor [oi] [oi] [и] [is] [аиэ] [э:] Чтение сочетаний согласных букв Согласные ch sh ck th wh qu ng Положение Любое Любое После кратких гласных 1. В начале знаменательных слов и в конце слов. 2. В начале местоимений, слу­ жебных слов и между гласными 1. В начале слов перед всеми гласными, кроме о. 2. Перед о Перед гласными В конце слов М ш [к] [в] Примеры match, champion shelf, cash stick, chicken thick, myth [5] that, bathe М what, which [h] [kw] who, whose question, quickly strong, long Чтение [ol Согласные, имеющие два варианта произношения П оложение Согласные с 1. Перед e, i, y. 2. Перед a, o, u 1. Перед e, i, y. g 2. Перед а, о, u, всеми согласными и в конце слов 1. В начале слов, перед глухими s согласными, в конце слов после глухих согласных. 2. М ежду гласными, в конце слов __ после гласных и звонких согласных X 1. Перед согласными и в конце слов. 2. Перед ударными гласными Чтение Примеры [s] [к] cent, pencil, ic y 7 cap, com e, c u p / page, gin, gypsy good, green, pig [Ф>] [д] [S] sit, student, lists [z] please, lies, pens text, six exam [ks] [gz] 187 Урок 1 § 1. The Article (Артикль) Артикль является одним из определителей существительного ц на русский язы к не переводится. Неопределенный артикль а {ап — перед словами, начинающи­ мися с гласной) происходит от числительного one и означает один из многих, какой-то, любой. Употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе. Перед существительными во множественном числе опускается (вместо него можно употреблять местоимение some): I have an English book. I have (some) English books. I see a child in the yard. 1 see (some) children in the yard. He употребляется перед неисчисляемыми существительными water, air, rice, salt, sugar, oil, milk, money, tennis и др. (они не имеют множественного числа): I’ve got (some) money. There isn’t much money with me. Money isn’t everything. Определенный артикль the употребляется: • при повторном упоминании предмета или лица: This is an apple. The apple is red.. • если речь идет о конкретном предмете: Put the plate on the table. • если упоминаемый предмет является единственным в своем роде: The sun is shining, the sky is blue. • in in to in в некоторых устойчивых словосочетаниях: morning, in the evening, in the afternoon middle, in the corner right, to the left country, to the country и т.п. the the the the Артикль не употребляется в следующих случаях: • если перед существительным стоит притяжательное или ука­ зательное местоимение, другое существительное в притяжатель­ ном падеже, числительное или отрицание по: my bag т у father’s саг our school A nn’s sister this boy two cups those students no plates 188 . перед неисчисляемыми существительными: There is (some) coffee in the cup. j like meat. \Ve have (some) cheese. . если существительное во множественном числе упоминаетя впервые: These are cups and plates. There are (some) apples on the plate. [ have nice glasses. • . в некоторых устойчивых словосочетаниях: at school, at home, at work, at night to go/com e/get home, to go to bed after breakfast/lunch/tea/dinner/supper for breakfast/lunch/tea/dinner/supper to have/cook/m ake/prepare breakfast/lunch/tea/dinner/supper . перед названиями учебных предметов и языков: We study Chemistry. Не speaks English. § 2. Множественное число существительных Множественное число существительных образуется путем при­ бавления окончания -s или -es к форме единственного числа. Произношение окончания -S м boojk 1апф books lamps 1. После звонких согласных. spoon girl pie pea boy menu potato photo life knife shelf spoohs girls pies peas boys menus potatoes photos lives knives shelves bus glass box bench city baby buses glasses boxes benches cities babies 2. После гласных. 3. Если существительное оканчивается на о. 4. Если существительное оканчивается на f, fe (переходят в v). Но: roof — roofs -es 1. Если существительное оканчивается -ies на -s, -ss, -х, -sh, -ch, -tch. [iz] ,__ При)леры После глухих согласных и -S / 2. Если существительное оканчивается на согласную + у (у переходит в i) 189 Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных Примеры ед. ч. мн. ч. a man men an Englishman Englishmen a woman women [’wimm] a tooth teeth Добавляется a child children окончание -геп/еп ап ох oxen Одна форма для ед. a sheep sheep и мн. ч. a deer deer a fish fish a means means Формы ед. и мн. ч. datum data заимствованы из лат. и греч. basis bases языков bacterium bacteria Особенность образования Изменяется корневая гласная Перевод мужчина (-ы) англичанин (-не) 1 женщина (-ы) ; зуб (-ы) ребенок (дети) бык (-и) овца (-ы) "1 олень (-и) рыба (-ы) средство (-а) данная величина J (данные) базис (-ы) бактерия (-и) Существительные , употребляемые только в единственном числе (неисчисляемые) I advice — совет, советы business — дело fruit — фрукт, ф рукты furniture — мебель hair — волосы inform ation — и нф орм ац ия knowledge — зн ан и я love — лю бовь luggage — багаж news — новость, н овости 1 m ilk — м олоко m oney — деньги oil — масло peace — мир progress — прогресс rice — рис sugar — сахар w ater — вода Но: businesses — разли чн ы е виды деятельности fruits — разли чн ы е виды фруктов Существительные, употребляемые только во множественном числе clothes — одежда glasses — очки goods — товары jeans — дж и нсы looks — внеш н ий вид 190 riches — богатства scissors — н ож ницы shorts — ш орты thanks — благодарность trousers — брю ки § 3. П адеж существительных 13 ан глий ском язы ке два падежа: общ и й и п ритяж ательны й. Общий падеж не им еет специальны х окончаний: an exam ple (пример), drawings (чертежи), data (данные) С у щ ест в и т ел ь н о е в общем падеже мож ет переводиться на рус­ с к и й язы к р азн ы м и падеж ам и в зави си м ости от его ф ун кц и й в п р едл ож ен и и . Ф у н кц и я сущ ествительного определяется: . его м естом в п редлож ении; . наличием перед н им предлогов of, to, by, with, about. П одлежащ ее, вы раж ен н ое одним словом (или группой слов) без предлога, стоит перед сказуем ы м и соответствует в русском я з ы к е сущ ествительном у в и м енительном падеже (кто? что?): The lecturer sees the students. Л ектор видит студентов. П рямое д о п о л н ен и е, вы раж енное сущ ествительны м без п ред­ лога, стоит после сказуем ого и соответствует в русском язы ке су­ щ ествительному в вин и тельном падеже (кого? что?): The students see the lecturer. С туденты видят лектора. Сравнение падежных отношений в русском и английском языках Падежные формы Падеж в русском (язы^е И. кк>? чго? друг Р. д. J А в английском языке П редлог отсутствует. С ущ ествительное стоит перед сказуемым. M y friend has a book. т. — друга of T h e book o f my friend is interesting. of — из one o f them — оди н из них is m ade o f glass — сделан из стекла кому? чему? to I often write to my friend. to — к, на, в (указывает направление) to the plant — на завод to M oscow — в М оскву ког;о? \ чего? другу в. Другие значения, выражаемые предлогами кого? что? П редлог отсутствует. С ущ ествительное стоит друга после сказуемого. I see my friend. кем? чем? другом by The w ork is done by my friend. — by — у, к, посредством by the window — у окна by sum m er — к лету by radio — посредством (по) радио 191 <)к,,нчан. — «е Падежные формы Падеж П. в русском языке о ком? о чем? о друге в английском языке Другие значения, ■:= выражаемые предлогами 1 with (с неодуш евлен­ ными предметами) I write with а реп. with — с with my friend — с моим другом about, o f — о I often think ab out/of my friend. about — около, приблизительно About 45 students are present at the lecture. — 1 Около 45 студентов присутствуют на лекции. , Притяжательный падеж обозначает п рин адлеж н ость предмета или л и ц а и отвечает н а вопрос whose [hu:z]? (чей?). Сущ ествитель­ ное в п ритяж ательном падеже явл яется оп ределен и ем к другому сущ ествительном у и всегда стоит перед ним . И м еет окончание: 1 • - ’s (апостроф + s) в ед и нственн ом числе: o ur te a c h e r’s lectures — л ек ц и и наш его преподавателя; • ’ (только ап остроф ) во м нож ествен ном числе: the students’ books — кн и ги студентов. Примечание. Если существительное во множественном числе не имеет окончания -s, к нему прибавляется - ’s: the children’s pictures — рисунки этих детей Притяжательный падеж в основном употребляется с одушевленны­ ми существительными, а также с некоторыми неодушевленными: the sun’s rays — солнечные лучи/лучи солнца the country’s economy — экономика страны § 4. The Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense Настоящее простое (неопределенное) время Present Simple (Indefinite) употребляется для вы раж ения обы ч­ ного, регулярно повторяю щ егося дей ствия в настоящ ем : I study at college. Я учусь в колледже. W e live in Russia. М ы ж ивем в России. С Present Simple часто употребляются следующие наречия и сло­ восочетания: usually — обы чно never — никогда seldom — редко every day — каж ды й день every m onth — каж ды й м есяц 192 always — всегда often — часто som etim es — и ногда every week — каждую неделю every year — каж ды й год ■ « а к п равило, н аречи я usually, always, never, often, seldom стоят переД см ы словы м глаголом: I usually have breakfast at 7 o ’clock. \Ve often go to the cafe on Sundays. He d o esn ’t always have d in n er at hom e. 1 never eat ice cream in winter. Образование Present Simple Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма I work. You w ork. Не w orks. She w ork s. It w orks. I do not/don’t work. You do not/don’t work. He does not/doesn’t work. She does not/doesn’t work. It does not/doesn’t work. Do I work? Do you work? Does he work? Does she work? Does it work? W e w ork. You w ork. They w ork. We do not/don’t work. You do not/don’t work. They do not/don’t work. Do we work? Do you work? Do they work? Чтение окончания -s/-es [iz] [s] M после глухих согласных после гласных в глаголах, оканчивающихся в закрытом и открытом слоге и звонких согласных на s, se, ss, sh, ch, tch, x to work — w orks to like — likes to put — puts to write — w rites to chop — chops to scrape — scrapes to to to to to to learn — learns read — reads play — plays cry — cries' go — goes [gsuz] do — does [ckz] to to to to to to grease — greases dress — dresses wash — washes teach — teaches w atch — w atches m ix — mixes Вопросительные слова when what where who whom __ когда? что? какой? где? куда? кто? кого? кому? кого? When do you usually get up? What do you see in the picture? What music does she like? Where does he study? Where do you go? Who is that woman? Who do you love? Whom do you give your books? Whom do you meet every day? 1 В глаголах, оканчивающихся на -у с предшествующей согласной, у меняется На j. ^ Щербакова 193 В оп р осы к п р едл ож ен и я м с глаголом to be Окончание whose which чей? который? какой? W hose bag is this? W hich dress do you w ant to buy? (при выборе) how как? how many сколько? (с исчисл. H ow do you get to the college? H ow m any students are there in the существител ьными) classroom? how much сколько? (с неисчисл. How m uch bread is there on the plate? | существительными) why? почему? W hy do you always com e late? V/e are at w ork on M onday, j W ho is at work on M onday? ? Are we at work on M onday? 3 W here are we on M onday? W hen are we at work? Why are we at w ork on M onday? 4 . Are we at work on M onday o r on Tuesday? 5 . We are at work on M onday, are n ’t we? 6. He is at work on M onday too, isn’t he? Типы вопросов Глагол to have в Present Simple They come home late. У твердительная 1. В опрос к подлеж ащ ему: W ho com es hom e late? 2. О бщ ий вопрос: D o they com e hom e late? 3. С пеци альн ы й вопрос: W hen do they com e hom e? W hy do they com e hom e late? 4. А льтернативны й вопрос: They com e hom e late, d o n ’t they? К раткие ответы: Do you study at college? — Yes, I do. / N o, I d o n ’t. Does he work every day? — Yes, he does. / N o, he doesn’t. Глагол to be в Present Simple Отрицательная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма I have You have He has She has It has I have n o t/h av en ’t You have n o t/h av en ’t H e has n o t/h asn ’t She has n o t/h asn ’t It has n o t/h asn ’t H ave I ...? H ave you ...? Has he ...? Has she ...? Has i t ...? We have You have They have W e have n o t/h av en ’t You have n o t/h av en ’t T hey have n o t/h av en ’t Have we ...? Have you ...? Have they ...? Глагол to have в разговорн ой речи часто зам ен яется кон струк­ цией to have got: I have got a car. / I’ve got a car. У м еня есть м аш ина. D o they com e hom e early o r late? 5. Разделительны й вопрос: Утвердительная форма форма Вопросительная форма I have not / hav en ’t got a car. = I have no car. Have you got a car? Yes, I have. — Да. Yes, I ’ve got it. — Д а, у м еня о н а есть. N o, I h aven’t. — Нет. N o, I haven’t got it. — Нет, у меня ее нет. Has he got a car? Yes, he has. — Да. Yes, he has got it. — Д а, у него она есть. N o , he has not. — Нет. N o , he h asn ’t got it. — Нет, у него ее нет. I am You are He is She is It is I am n o t/I ’m not You are n o t/a re n ’t He is n o t/isn ’t She is n o t/isn ’t It is n o t/isn ’t A m i ...? A re you ...? Is he ...? Is she ...? Is i t...? В сочетании с некоторы м и сущ ествительны м и глагол to have Утрачивает свое осн о вн о е зн ач ен и е и приобретает новое: to have breakfast — завтракать to have a snack — перекусить to have dinner — обедать to have a rest — отдыхать have supper — уж инать to have tea/coffee — пить ч ай /к о ф е We are You are They are We are n o t/a re n ’t You are n o t/a re n ’t T hey are n o t/a ren ’t Are we ...? A re you ...? A re they ...? О трицательная и вопросительная ф орм ы в этом зн ачен ии о б ­ разуются при пом ощ и вспом огательного глагола do: Do you have lunch at hom e? — I d o n ’t have lunch at hom e. 194 195 § 5. Конструкция there is/there are Конструкция there is/there are указывает на наличие (отсутствие^ предмета или лиц а в определенном месте и переводится словам,! есть, имеется, находится, лежит, стоит и т. п. или не переводится: П ри переводе на первое место ставится обстоятельство места: + There is a plate on the table. T here are plates on the table. Н а столе стоит тарелка. Н а столе стоят тарелки. — T here is no plate on the table. T here are no plates on the table. There isn’t a plate on the table. There aren ’t (any) plates on the table. Н а столе Н а столе Н а столе На столе тарелок. ? Is there a plate on the table? Are there (any) plates on the table? На столе есть тарелка? Н а столе есть (какие-нибудь) тарелки? нет нет нет нет тарелки. тарелок. тарелки. (никаких) П ри нали чи и нескольких однородны х подлеж ащ их глагол to be обы чно согласуется в числе с первы м подлеж ащ им: T here is a napkin, plates and cups on the table. T here are plates, cups and a napkin on the table. Если после конструкции there is/there are стоит неисчисляемое сущ ествительное или сущ ествительное во м н ож ествен ном числе, вместо опущ енного неопределен н ого арти кля часто употребляет­ ся слово some: There are som e new spapers on the table. There is som e tea in the cup. § 6. The Pronoun (Местоимение) Личные, притяжательные и возвратные местоимения Личные Именительный Объектный падеж падеж Притяжа­ тельные Возвратные I я те мне, меня ту you ты you тебе your твой yourself себя, сам he он him ему, его his его him self себя, сам she она her ей, ее her ее herself себя, сама it {неодуш.) it ему, его, ей its его, ее itself себя, сам(а) we мы us нам, нас our наш ourselves себя, сами you вы you вам, вас your ваш yourselves себя, сами j their их themselves себя, с а м и ^ they они 196 them им, их мой m yself себя, сам У к азател ьн ы е м естои м ен и я Единственное число М ножественное число этот, эта, это — тот, та, то th e se — эти th o se — те Многозначность слова that "" функции в предложении Указательное местоимение Примеры Перевод That is my pen. — Это моя ручка. That boy is my classm ate.— Тот то, тот, та; это, этот, эта м альчик — мой одноклассник. Заменяет существительное во избеж ание его повтора То же сушествительное или не перево­ дится M y pencil is longer than that o f my friend. — М ой карандаш дл и н н ее, чем карандаш моего друга. Относительное местоимение, со ­ единяю щ ее при­ даточное оп ред е­ лительное предло­ жение с главным который, которая, которое T he book (that) you gave me yesterday is very interesting.— К нига, которую ты дал мне вчера, очень интересная. Союз что (может быть опущено) I know that he w orks as a cook now. — Я знаю , что он работает сейчас поваром. Неопределенные местоимения Неопределенные местоимения Тип предложения + 9 some som ething некоторый, какой-то, несколько что-то somebody, som eone som ew here где-то кто-то по nothing nobody никакой ничего никто нигде any anything anybody, anyone anyw here I’ve got som e English books. " I haven’t got any English books. I have no English books. nowhere У м еня есть несколько ан гл и й ­ ских книг. У м еня нет (н и каких) ан гл и й ­ ских книг. У м еня нет ан глийских книг. ? Have you got any English books? У тебя есть каки е-н и буд ь ацг л и й ски е книги? Some мож ет употребляться в вопросительны х предложения* если вопрос является приглаш ен ием или просьбой: W ould you like som e tea? H e ж елаете л и чая? M ay I have som e caviar? М ож но заказать икру? Any в утвердительном предлож ении имеет зн ач ен и е любой : 1 can answ er any question. I am ready to go anyw here. Я могу ответить на лю бой вопрос Я готов ехать куда угодно. + Give me something for a sweet. I can see somebody there. They usually go somewhere for the weekend. Д айте м не что-нибудь на десерт. Я вижу там кого-то. О ни обы чно ездят куда-нибудь на выходные. — T here is nothing for a sweet. T here is nobody there. They go nowhere for the weekend. ? W ould you like anything for a sweet? C an you see anybody there? Will you go anywhere for the weekend? Н а д есерт ничего нет. Там н икого нет. О ни никуда не ездят на выходные. He ж елаете чего-н ибудь н а десерт? Вы там видите кого-нибудь? Вы поедете куда-нибудь н а выходные? В английском предлож ении может быть только одно отрицание: They never go anywhere. О ни н икогда никуда не ходят. J She never knows anything. О на н икогда ничего не знает. У рок 2 § 1. Past Participle (Причастие прошедшего времени) Образование Past Participle П ри части я прош едш его врем ени правильных глаголов образу­ ю тся от и н ф и н и ти в а глагола путем прибавлен и я к основе суф' ф и кса -ed: open — opened С уф ф и кс -ed п роизносится: [d] — если осн ова глагола оканчи вается на гласную или з в о Н ' кую согласную : play — played, live — lived 198 __ после глухих согласных: ask — asked [id] ■" после t и d: w ant — wanted, add — added П ричастия п рош едш его врем ени неправильных глаголов обрау1отся не по правилам (см. таблицу неправильны х глаголов, с. 225, 3-я ф орм з глагола V3): see — seen, give — given Функции P a st Participle в предложении P ast Participle мож ет вы полнять две осн овны е ф ункции: . определение: переводится причастием в страдательном залоге или п рилага­ т е л ь н ы м , оканчиваю щ им ся на -нный, -емый, -имый, -тый, - шийся: to cook — cooked — п риготовлен н ы й to boil — boiled — ки п ячен ы й to roast — roasted — ж арен ы й в печи, духовке to wash — washed — вы м ы ты й to grate — grated — терты й (на терке) to stuff — stuffed — ф арш и рован н ы й to sm oke — sm oked — коп чен ы й to fry — fried — ж арены й to stew — stewed — туш ены й to dress — dressed — зап равлен н ы й to spit — spitted — ж арен н ы й на вертеле to whip — w hipped — взбиты й to do — w ell-done — хорош о п риготовлен н ы й Past Participle в д ан н о й ф ун кц ии мож ет стоять перед оп ределя­ емым словом или после него: The juices produced by o u r enterPrise are o f improved quality. С оки, выпускаемые наш им предприятием, улучшенного качества. • и м ен н ая часть составного сказуем ого и сказуем ое во врем е­ нах группы Perfect: This dish is made by o u r best cook. M other has already cooked dinner. I had finished the work before he cam e. § 2. The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense (Прошедшее простое (неопределенное) время) Past Simple (Indefinite) выражает действие, сверш ивш ееся в про­ шлом, и часто употребляется с таким и обстоятельствам и времеНи> как: 199 yesterday/the day before yesterday — вчера/п озавч ера 5 m inutes/tw o days ago — 5 м инут н азад /д ва д н я назад last w eek /m o n th /y ea r — н а п рош лой н ед ел е/в прош лом меся> ц е /в п рош лом году last m orning — п рош лы м утром in 1998 — в 1998 году She worked there in 1995. Past Sim ple мож ет обозначать ряд последовательны х действий в прош лом: Н е entered and took off his coat. Образование Past Simple У твердительная ф орм а правильны х глаголов для всех л и ц обра­ зуется путем п рибавлен и я суф ф и к са -ed к основе глагола (т. е. так же, как образуется Past Participle). Past Simple неправильны х глаголов образуется не по правилам (см. 2-ю ф орм у глаголов — У2 в табл. на с. 225). to to to to to to to to to V, v2 v3 Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle be buy cut do drink eat have go take w as, w ere b ou gh t cut did drank ate had w ent took Утвердительная форма been b ou gh t cut done drunk e a ten had gone tak en Отрицательная форма Перевод бы ть пок уп ать резать дел ать им еть есть пить и дти брать Вопросительная форма I went. You went. Н е went. She went. It went. I did n o t/d id n ’t go. You did n o t/d id n ’t go. He did n o t/d id n ’t go. She did n o t/d id n ’t go. It did n o t/d id n ’t go. D id D id D id D id D id We went. You went. They went. We did n o t/d id n ’t go. You did n o t/d id n ’t go. They did n o t/d id n ’t go. D id we go? D id you go? D id they go? Типы вопросов She went shopping last morning. 1. W ho w ent shopping last m orning? 200 I go? you go? he go? she go? it go? 2. Did she go shopping last m orning? 3. W hen did she go shopping last m orning? 4 . Did she go shopping last m orning o r last M onday? 5. She w ent shopping last m orning, d id n ’t she? К раткие ответы: Did he cook d in n er yesterday? — Yes, he did. / N o , he d id n ’t. § 3 . Глагол to be в P a st Sim ple Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма I was You were Не was She was It was I was not/wasn’t You were not/weren’t He was not/wasn’t She was not/wasn’t It was not/wasn’t Was I ...? Were you ...? Was he ...? Was she ...? Was it...? We were You were They were We were not/weren’t You were not/weren’t They were not/weren’t Were we ...? Were you ...? Were they ...? Вопросы к предложениям с глаголом to be They were in the park on Sunday. 1. W ho was in the park on Sunday? 2. W ere they in the park on Sunday? 3. W here were they on Sunday? W hen were they in the park? 4. W ere they in th e park on Sunday o r on Saturday? 5. T hey were in th e park on Sunday, w eren’t they? К раткие ответы: Were you at the restaurant yesterday? — Yes, I was. / N o, I w asn’t. § 4 . Глагол to have в P a st Sim ple Глагол to have в Past Sim ple имеет одну ф орм у had: + They had breakfast at 8 o ’clock. n They did n o t/d id n ’t have breakfast at 7 o ’clock. • Did they have breakfast at 8? — Yes, they did. / N o, they did n o t/ didn’t. Глагол to have в зн ачен ии иметь, обладать в Past Simple обы чно Не употребляется с got: She has got long hair. — W hen she was a child, she had long hair. В отрицательных и вопросительны х предлож ениях глагол to have в этом зн ач ен и и употребляется с did/didn’t: 201 Did you have a car last year? H e didn’t have m oney, so he co u ld n ’t buy it. § 5 . М одал ьны е глаголы М одальны е глаголы не вы раж аю т дей ствия, а л и ш ь указывают на отн ош ен и е говорящ его к действию , которое вы раж ено следу, ю щ им за ним глаголом, уп отребляю щ и м ся, как п равило, без to. В опросительная и отри цательная ф орм ы м одальны х глаголов образую тся без вспом огательного глагола. Сап Глагол сап вы раж ает ф и зи ческую возм ож ность, ум ение, спо­ собность: This w om an can cook well. This w om an c a n n o t/c a n ’t cook well. C an this w om an cook well? В соврем ен ном разговорн ом язы ке сап употребляется такж е в вопросительны х п редлож ениях, вы раж аю щ их предлож ение пом о­ щ и или просьбу: C an I help you? C an I have the m enu card? М огу я вам помочь? М ож но м не меню ? M ay Глагол may вы раж ает разреш ение: M ay I com e in? — Yes, you may. M ay 1 take the cake? — You certainly may. / You c a n ’t take it. М ож но войти? — Да. М о ж н о в зя т ь п и р о ж н о е ? — К онечно м ож но. / Н ельзя. (Ты не мож еш ь взять его.) Must Глагол m ust выраж ает необходимость, обязанность: You m ust work m uch. Вы долж ны м ного работать, О трицательная ф орм а must not/m ustn’t вы раж ает категорическое запрещ ение: You m u stn ’t eat fat food. Вам нельзя есть ж ирную пищуI m ust help him. Я долж ен пом очь ему. M ust I help him? — Д олж ен ли я пом очь ему? — ' Yes, you must. Д а, долж ен. N o , you n ee d n ’t. Нет, не обязательно. N o , you m ust n o t/m u stn ’t. Нет ( запрещение). 202 М одальный глагол need употребляется только в отрицательной форме и имеет значение отсутствия необходимости что-либо д е­ лать: j needn’t go to the shop today. М не не нуж но идти сегодня в Tliere is m uch food in the house. магазин. В доме много еды. you n eed n ’t worry. H e нуж но беспокоиться. С м ы словой глагол need им еет зн ач ен и е нуждаться : She needs this book. She doesn’t need this book. Does she need this book? What does she need? Ей нуж на эта книга. Ей не нуж на эта книга. Ей нуж на эта книга? Ч то ей нужно? Should, ought to Глаголы should, ought to вы раж аю т совет и переводятся сл ова­ ми следует (не следует), нужно (не нужно): You should [fud] have this dish. Вам следует взять это блю до. It’s tasty. О но вкусное. You ought [r>t] to have this dish. Вам н уж н о/сл ед ует взять это блюдо. You sh o u ld n ’t have this dish. Вам не следует брать это блю ­ It isn’t tasty. до. О но невкусное. You o u g h tn ’t to have this dish. Вам не н ад о /н е следует брать это блюдо. § 6. П овели тел ьн ое наклонение П овелительное наклон ен и е образуется от н еопределенной ф о р ­ мы глагола без частицы to: Have a cup o f coffee, please. Pass me the salt, please. Выпейте, пожалуйста, чаш ечку кофе. П ередайте м не соль, пожалуйста. В отрицательной ф орм е употребляется вспом огательны й гла­ гол do с отрицательной частицей not (do not = don’t): D on’t sm oke here! D on’t be late for dinner. He курите здесь. H e опазды вайте к обеду. Ф орм а п овелительного н акл он ен и я для 1-го и 3-го л и ц а ед и нственного и м нож ественного числа образуется при пом ощ и глаго­ ла let (разрешать): Let me cook dinner. Let u s /L e t’s go to the restaurant. П озвольте приготовить обед. П ойдемте в ресторан, Let Ann do it herself. Let them go hom e. L et’s dine out! П усть А ня сам а это сделает. Пусть он и идут дом ой. Д ав ай те п ообедаем гд е-н и б уд ь („е дома). D o n ’t let them com e late! H e разреш айте им приходить поздно § 7. М естои м ен и я many, much, a lot of, few, a few, little, a little М естоим ен ия many, a lot of, few, a few употребляю тся с исчис­ ляем ы м и сущ ествительны м и и отвечаю т на вопрос how many? много many, a lot of T here are m any/a lot o f apples in the garden. В саду много яблок. мало (недостаточно) немного (достаточно) few a few There are few apples on T here are a few apples in the plate. the fridge. Н а тарелке мало яблок. В холодильнике есть нем ного яблок. М естоим ения much, a lot of, little, a little уп отребляю тся с не­ исчисляемы ми сущ ествительны ми и отвечают на вопрос how much? много мало (недостаточно) much, a lot of little Н е has a lot o f free tim e. T here is little m ilk in the У него много bottle. свободного времени. В бутылке мало м олока. немного (достаточно) a little T here is a little jam on the plate. Н а тарелке есть нем ного варенья. М естоим ения much и many употребляю тся, как правило, в воп­ росительны х и отрицательны х предлож ениях, а такж е если явл я­ ю тся определением к подлеж ащ ем у или им ею т перед собой слова very, so (так), too ( слишком) и др.: I haven’t many cookery books. T here are so many cookery books in that book store! Ср.: T here are a lot of cookery books in our library. Н аряду с м естои м ен и ям и much и many в зн ач ен и и много упот­ ребляю тся следую щ ие сочетани я слов: much = a lot of, a good deal of, a great deal of, a great quantity of, a large quantity of, plenty o f many = a lot of, lots of, a great num ber of, a large num ber of, a great m any, a good m any, plenty o f 204 урок 3 § 1. T he Future S im ple (In d efin ite) T en se (Б у д у щ ее п р о стое (н еоп р ед ел ен н ое) время) Future Simple (Indefinite) вы раж ает действия, которы е п рои зой ­ в будущем: Не will begin this work tom orrow . Он начнет эту работу завтра. дут С F uture Simple часто употребляю тся следую щ ие наречия: tom orrow — завтра the day after tom orrow — послезавтра one o f these days — на днях next week — на следую щ ей неделе next m onth — в следую щ ем месяце next year — на будущ ий год in a m inute — через минуту in half an h o u r — через полчаса in no tim e — тотчас Образование Future Simple Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма I will o p e n /I’ll open. You will o p en /y o u ’ll open. He will o p e n /h e ’ll open. She will o p en /sh e’ll open. It will o p e n /it’ll open. I will not/w o n ’t open. You will not/w o n ’t open. H e will n o t/w o n ’t open. She will not/w o n ’t open. It will not/w o n ’t open. Will W ill W ill Will W ill I open? you open? he open? she open? it open? We will o p en /w e’ll open. You will o p en /y o u ’ll open. They will o p en /th ey ’ll open. We will not/w o n ’t open. You will not/w o n ’t open. T hey will not/w o n ’t open. W ill we open? W ill you open?' W ill they open? В 1-м ли ц е еди нственн ого и м нож ественного числа употребля­ й с я такж е вспом огательны й глагол shall: I shall o p e n /I’ll open. We shall o p en /W e’ll open. I shall not o p e n /I sh an ’t Lfccnt] open. We shall not o pen/W e sh an ’t open. Типы вопросов They will have lunch at 12. 1. W ho will have lunch at 12? 205 2. Will they have lunch at 12? 3. W hen will they have lunch? W here will they have lunch? W ho will they have lunch with? 4. Will they have lunch at 12 or at 1? 5. They will have lunch at 12, w o n ’t they? — Yes, they will. / K[0 they w o n ’t. § 2. К онструкция to be going to do smth К онструкция to be going to употребляется д ля вы раж ения за­ план ирован н ого д ей ствия, которое долж но соверш иться в бл и ­ ж айш ем будущем: I decided to do it. I ’m going to do it. Я реш ил это сделать. Я это сделаю. I ’m going to sell m y car. Я со б и р аю сь продать свою маш ину. Sarah is not going to have supper tonight. C apa не будет уж инать She is on a diet. сегодня. О на н а диете. , § 3. С тепени сравнения прилагательны х Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная Односложные прилагательные cold warm nice big hot cheap colder w arm er nicer bigger hotter cheaper the coldest the w arm est the nicest the biggest the hottest the cheapest Некоторые двусложные прилагательные narrow clever narrow er cleverer the narrow est the cleverest Многосложные прилагательные interesting beautiful expensive more interesting more beautiful more expensive the m ost interesting the most beautiful the most expensive Исключения good bad little far old (старший в семье) better worse less farther elder the best the worst the least the farthest the eldest § 4 . М н огозн ачн ость глагола shall Глагол shall употребляется: . в качестве вспом огательного глагола в F uture Sim ple с мест0цм ениям и I и we: Я сделаю это завтра, j shall do it tom orrow . . в вопросах shall I? shall we?, когда необходимо получить разреш ение, совет: О ткры ть окно? П ом очь ему? К огда нам прийти? When shall we com e? У м еня нет денег. Ч то мне I’ve got no money. W hat shall I do? делать? . во 2-м и 3-м ли ц е для вы раж ения долж ен ствован ия, п р и к а­ зания и п рои зн оси тся с ударением: Shall 1 open the window? Shall I help him? You shall do this work. Вы вы п олн ите эту работу. § 5. М н огозн ачн ость глагола will Глагол will: • употребляется в качестве вспом огательного глагола в Future Simple: She will go to the theatre tonight. О на п ойдет в театр сегодня ве­ чером. • вы раж ает вежливую просьбу: Will you shut the floor,\ please? Закрой , пож алуйста, дверь. Will you give me a'pen? Д айте м не, пож алуйста, ручку. § 6. М н огозн ачн ость глагола would Глагол would употребляется: • в качестве вспомогательного глагола в придаточном предло­ жении, если глагхш в главном предлож ении стоит в прош едш ем времени (F u tu re-in -th e Past). Ср.: Не says Ann will com e. — He said Ann would com e. • в главном предлож ении после придаточного условного с со ­ юзом if, вы раж аю щ его нереальное действие: ^ you stopped sm oking, Если бы ты бросил курить, ты ^ u ’d /y o u would feel healthier. чувствовал бы себя лучш е, f^e w ouldn’t com e to the party Он не приш ел бы на вечеринУои invited him . ку, если бы ты его попросил. • для вы раж ен и я предлож ен ия или п ри гл аш ен и я в обовг» Would you like?: L W ould you like a cup o f coffee? Ч аш ку кофе? W ould you like to com e П ойдем с нам и в кино? to the cinem a w ith us? • для вы раж ения предлож ения или ж елан и я в веж ливой ф 0р^ ме в оборотах: Окончание """ Утвердительная форма "уУсГаге given. You are given. They are given. М ож но мне воды? Я хотел бы задать несколько вопросов. б) would prefer (to do): W ould you prefer tea o r coffee? — Coffee, please. Shall we have d in n er at hom e? — Well, I ’d /I would prefer to go to the restaurant. в) would rather (do) = would prefer to do: W ould you rather have tea o r coffee? — Coffee, please. Shall we have din n er at hom e? — W ell, I w ould rather go to the restaurant. 4 § 1. P a ssiv e V oice (П асси в н ы й (стр адател ьн ы й ) зал ог) В ан глий ском язы ке, к ак и в русском , сущ ествует два залога. • Активный (действительны й) залог характеризуется тем, что лицо или предмет, вы раж енны е подлеж ащ им, сами соверш аю т действие. • П асси в н ы й (ст р адат ел ь н ы й ) залог показы вает, что ли ц о или предмет, вы раж енны е подлеж ащ им , подвергаю тся действию со стороны другого л и ц а или предмета. to be + V3 Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма Present Simple I am given. You are given. H e is given. She is given. It is given. 208 We are not given. You are not given. T hey are not given. Are we given? Are you given? Are they given? Past Simple I ’d like som e w ater, please. I’d like to ask som e questions. Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Present Simple а) I ’d like/I would like: У рок Отрицательная форма I am not given. You are not given. H e is not given. She is not given. It is not given. Am I given? A re you given? Is he given? Is she given? Is it given? I was given. You were given. He was given. She was given. It was given. I was not given. You w ere not given. H e was not given. She was not given. It was not given. W as I given? W ere you given? W as he given? W as she given? W as it given? We w ere given. You were given. They w ere given. We w ere not given. Y ou were not given. They were not given. W ere we given? W ere you given? W ere they given? Future Simple I shall be given. You will be given. He will be given. She will be given. It will be given. We shall be given. You will be given. They will be given. I shall not be given. You will not be given. H e will not be given. She will n ot be given. It will not be given. We shall not be given. You will not be given. T hey will not be given. Shall I be given? W ill you be given? W ill he be given? W ill she be given? W ill it be given? Shall we be given? W ill you be given? W ill they be given? / \ Глаголы в Passive Voice переводят на ру сски й я зы к глаголами в страдательном залоге, возвратн ы м и глаголами или н еоп ределен ­ но-личн ы м предлож ением: С алат заправляется майонезом . Salad is dressed with m ayonnaise. О н был п риглаш ен на обед. He was invited to dinner. М не подарили коробку ш о к о ­ I was given a box o f chocolates ладных конфет на день рождения. for my birthday. Обед будет скоро подан. D inner will be served soon. В английском язы ке Passive Voice употребляется гораздо чаще, чем в русском. Предложения с непереходными глаголами могут пред­ ставлять определенные затруднения при переводе на русский язык: I was asked to buy som e bread. М еня попросили купить хлеба. Не is always helped Е му в сегд а п о м о гаю т д ел ать 'with hom ew ork. дом аш нее задание. They will be given nice presents. И м дадут хорош ие подарки. Н епереходны е глаголы могут употребляться с предлогами: The story was m uch spoken about. Об этой истории много гово­ рили. The w aiter was sent for. I shall not be waited for. За оф и ц и ан том послали. М еня не будут ждать. П осле глаголов в Passive Voice часто следует д оп ол н ен и е следую щ ими предлогами: by (указы вает на л и ц о, соверш аю щ ее действия): The soup was m ade by my m other. Суп был приготовлен мамой. • with (указы вает на орудие действия): C heese is cut with a special knife. Сыр режут специальным ножом of (указы вает на материал, из которого сделан предмет): The knife is m ade of stainless steel. Э тот нож сделан из нерж авею ­ щ ей стали. from (указы вает на состав): This bread is baked from wheat Этот хлеб приготовлен из пш е­ flour. н ичн ой муки. П осле модальны х глаголов употребляется Passive Infinitive: T he table m ust be laid by 5 o ’clock. С тол д о л ж ен б ы ть н ак р ы т к 5 часам. T he soup can be cooked either Суп м ож ет бы ть приготовлен from pork or from beef. или из сви н и н ы , или из говя­ дины . The dish should be garnished Блюдо следует украсить лом ти­ w ith sliced lem on. ками лим она. § 2. С ою зы either ... or, neither ... nor С ою з either ... or — (или ... или ) употребляется в утвердитель­ ных предлож ениях для соеди н ен ия однородны х членов предлож е­ н ия, вы ступаю щ их в лю бой ф ун кц и и (подлеж ащ его, сказуемого, д о п о л н ен и я, обстоятельства, определения): Either my son or his friend has done it. W e’ll go either to the restaurant or to the bar. W e’ll go there either by car or by bus. Л и бо мой сы н, либо его друг сделал это. М ы пойдем или в ресторан, или в бар. Мы поедем туда или на м аш и ­ не, или на автобусе. С оюз neither ... nor (ни ... ни) является отрицательным союзом, соеди н яю щ и м однородны е члены предлож ения: Neither my husband nor I like eating out. His wife could neither cook nor keep the house in order. I like neither pork nor beef. 210 Н и мой муж, ни я не лю бим есть вне дома. Его ж ена не умела ни готовить, ни содерж ать дом в порядке. Я не лю блю ни сви ни н у, ни го­ вядину. § 3 . С ущ естви тельн ое в функции определения В ан гл и й ско м язы ке сущ ествительны е в ф ун кц ии оп ределен и я употребляю тся в им ен и тельн ом падеже. С труктура «сущ е­ ствительное + сущ ествительное» вы зы вает трудности при перево­ д е Следует пом нить, что главны м словом в такой группе является п о с л е д н е е сущ ествительное, а сущ ествительное (или сущ ествит е л ь н ы е ) , стоящ ее перед ним , является определением к нему и п е р е в о д и т с я прилагательны м или сущ ествительны м в косвенны х ч а с т о падеж ах: a table lam p — настольная лам п а a lam p table — столи к для лам пы food dep artm ent — продовольственны й отдел railway line — ж елезнодорож ная лин и я cane sugar — тростн и ковы й сахар products price decrease — сн и ж ен и е цен на продукты chicken soup — суп из курицы § 4 . М н огозн ачн ость слов М н огозначн ость слов часто вы зы вает больш ие трудности при переводе с ан глий ского на русский язы к. Н априм ер, слово right переводится су щ естви тел ьн ы м право, п ри л агател ьн ы м прямой, правый. П одобрать нужное зн ачение слова мож но только исходя из контекста. Например: light 1 п свет, освещ ен ие; огонь light 2 adj светлы й; бледны й light 3 adj — 1. легки й ; 2. незн ачительн ы й ; 3. кул. воздуш ны й (о тесте) light 4 v освещ ать; заж игать Урок 5 § 1. P articip le I (П р и ч асти е настоящ его времени) Образование Participle I Participle I образуется п рибавлен и ем суф ф и кса -ing к основе 'л аго л а и переводится н а русский я зы к причастием настоящ его Или прош едш его времени: cook — cooking — готовящ и й , готовивш ий 211 О собенности орф ограф и и : • Если глагол в и н ф и н и ти в е оканч и вается н а немое е, то прц прибавлении ок о н ч ан и я -ing е опускается: to take — taking • Если од нослож ны й глагол в и н ф и н и ти ве оканчи вается на одну согласную с предш ествую щ им кратки м гласны м звуком, то при прибавлении окон чан ия -ing конечная согласная удваиваетсяto put — putting • Если м н огослож н ы й глагол оканчи вается на одну соглас­ ную с предш ествую щ им кратки м гласны м звуком , то конечная согласная удваивается, если ударение падает на последний слог: to begin — beginning, но: to open — opening • Если глагол в и н ф и н и ти ве оканчи вается на у, то причастие образуется путем п риб авлен и я к и н ф и н и ти ву о ко н ч ан и я -ing: to play — playing The Present Continuous Tense (Настоящее продолженное время) Обозначает д ействие, происходящ ее в м ом ент речи (now, at the fo m en t). У тв ерди тельн ая ф орм а I am doing my hom ew ork now. He is cooking d in n er at the m om ent. They are working in th e garden now. О три ц ател ьн ая ф орм а I am not doing my hom ew ork now. He is not cooking d in n er at the m om ent. They are not w orking in the garden now. Функции Participle I в предложении В о п р оси тел ь н ая ф орм а Participle I мож ет вы п олн ять три осн овн ы е ф ункции: • определение: а) п ереводится п ричастием д ей стви тел ьн ого залога и стоит перед определяем ы м словом: T he singing girl is my friend. П ою щ ая девочка — моя подруга. б) переводится п ричастны м оборотом , им еет зависим ы е слова и стоит после оп ределяем ого слова: The girl singing in the next Д евочка, пою щ ая в соседней комroom is my friend. нате, — м оя подруга. • обстоятельство: переводится деепричастием, может иметь предлоги when или while: W hen cooking this dish you Готовя это блю до, вы долж ны исhave to use olive oil. пользовать оливковое масло. • часть сказуем ого во врем енах группы C ontinuous: переводится глаголом в л и ч н о й форме: We are having lunch now. М ы сейчас обедаем. Am I doing my hom ew ork now? Is he cooking d in n er at the m om ent? Are they working in the garden now? J ------The Past Continuous Tense (Прошедшее продолженное время) О бозначает действие, п роисходивш ее в оп ределен н ы й м ом ент в прош лом: at 5 o ’clock yesterday; w hen som ething happened; the whole day was/were + V-ing Утвердительная форма I was m aking breakfast at 7 o ’clock yesterday. W hen I cam e into the kitchen, my m o th er was washing up. W hen he cam e hom e, his parents were having dinner. § 2. Continuous Tenses Отрицательная форма I was n o t/w asn ’t m aking breakfast at 7 o ’clock yesterday. W hen I came into the kitchen, my m other was not/w asn’t washing up. W hen he cam e hom e, his parents were n o t/w ere n ’t having dinner. (П р одол ж ен н ы е врем ена) Группа продолженных времен употребляется для о б о з н а ч е н и я действия, происходящего в определенный момент времени в насто­ ящ ем, прош едш ем или будущем, которое представлено как процесс и образуется при помощ и вспомогательного глагола to be в соответ­ ствующем времени и Participle I (V-ing) смыслового глагола. Вопросительная форма Was I m aking breakfast at 7 o ’clock yesterday? Was my m o th er washing up when I cam e into the kitchen? W ere his parents having d in n er when he cam e hom e? 213 212 i . The Future Continuous Tense (Будущее продолженное время) О бозначает действие, которое будет п роисходить в определен ны й м омент в будущем: at 5 о ’ clock tom orrow ; w hen som ething happens will be + V-ing Утвердительная форма I will be sleeping at 8 o ’clock tom orrow . W hen I com e hom e, m y sister will be w atching TV. W hen m other com es after work, children will be cleaning the room. Отрицательная форма I will not be sleeping at 8 o ’clock tom orrow . W hen I com e hom e, my sister will not be w atching TV. W hen m other com es after work, children will not be cleaning the room . Вопросительная форма Will I be sleeping at 8 o ’clock tom orrow ? Will my sister be w atching TV w hen I com e hom e? Will children be cleaning the room w hen m other com es? § 3 . М естои м ен и я every и each, other и another М естоим ение every означает каждый. У потребляется перед су­ щ ествительны м и исклю чает употребление артикля: Every student should learn К аж д ом у студенту н еобходим о foreign language. изучать и ностран ны й язы к. П рои зводн ы е от м естои м ен и я every: everything — всё everybody — все, каж ды й everywhere — везде, повсю ду You can get everything in this shop. Ты мож еш ь купить всё в этом магазине. Everybody is present today. С егодня все присутствуют. You can buy it everywhere. Ты мож еш ь купить это везде. М естоим ение each вы деляет объект из массы , в то время как every указы вает на индивидуальны й объект как часть массы: Every teapot has a cover. У каждого чайника есть крышка. Each teapot had a cover У каждого чайника была крыш in a different colour. ка своего цвета. М естоим ен ия other и another им ею т зн ачен ие другой: 214 Дайте мне несколько других бу­ лочек. Д айте м не ещ е одну чаш ку чая. £jve me a few o th er buns, ^ive me an o th er cup o f tea. § 4 . М есто и м ен и е one {ones) М естоим ение one им еет несколько ф ункций: . озн ачает один: ц is one o f the best shops Это один из лучш их м агазинов jn our town. в наш ем городе. . употребляется для обозначени я н еоп ределен н ого л иц а, вы ­ раженного н еоп ред елен н о-ли ч н ы м подлеж ащ им: One m ust know table m anners. • К аж ды й долж ен знать правила поведения за столом. зам ен яет сущ ествительное во избеж ание его повторения: I do n ’t like this cake, give m e that one. These apples d o n ’t look fresh, give me those ones. Урок М не не нравится это пирож ное, дайте м не то. Эти яблоки вы глядят несвеж ими, дайте м не те. 6 § 1. T he P resen t P erfect T en se (Н а ст о я щ ее соверш енн ое время) О бозначает действие, соверш ивш ееся в п рош лом , но и м ею ­ щее тесную связь с н астоящ и м в виде результата: — Have you washed the dishes yet? — Yes, I have already washed the dishes. — Ты уже пом ы ла посуду? — Д а, я уже пом ы ла посуду, О бы чно употребляется с наречиями: today — сегодня this year — в этом году ever — когда-нибудь just — только что already — уже this week — н а этой неделе tonight — сегодня вечером never — никогда lately, recently — недавно yet — ещ е (н е), уже to have (в Present Sim ple) + V 3 215 Утвердительная форма I have bought. You have bought. He has bought. She has bought. It has bought. We have bought. You have bought. They have bought. Отрицательная форма I have not bought. You have not bought. He has not bought. She has not bought. It has not bought. We have not bought. You have not bought. They have not bought. Вопросительная форк, Have I bought? Have you bought? Has he bought? Has she bought? Has it bought? Have we bought? Have you bought? Have they bought? + Не w ill/h e’ll have finished the work by 2 o ’clock. He will no t have finished the work by 2 o ’clock. 9 Will he have finished the w ork by 2 o ’clock? § 4 . М н огозн ачн ость глагола to be Глагол to be м н огозн ачен и мож ет им еть в предлож ении следу­ ющ ие ф ункции: . глагол, указы ваю щ ий на м естонахож дение предмета: The table is in the m iddle of the room . Типы вопросов . глагол-связка: I have never eaten artichokes. The soup is hot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . м одальны й глагол. То be + и н ф и н и ти в выраж ает необходи­ мость соверш ить действие согласно предварительной до го во р ен ­ ности, по плану: D inner is to be cooked Обед долж ен быть приготовby 7 o ’clock. лен к 7 часам. W ho has never eaten artichokes? Have you ever eaten artichokes? W hat food have you never eaten? Have you ever eaten artichokes or cauliflower? You have never eaten artichokes, have you? § 2. The P a st P erfect T en se (П р ош ед ш ее совер ш ен н ое время) О бозначает действие, заверш ен н ое к определенном у моменту в прош лом: by 5 o ’clock before som ething happened к 5 часам до того, как что-либо случилось + Магу had laid the table before h er m other cam e hom e. — M ary had not laid the table before her m other cam e hom e. ? Had M ary laid the table before her m other cam e hom e? § 3 . T he Future P erfect T en se (Б удущ ее совер ш енн ое время) О бозн ачает дей ствие, которое заверш и тся к определенном у м ом енту в будущем. shall/will + have + V3 Суп горячий. . вспом огательны й глагол: а) для образован ия времен группы C ontinuous: Look! They are playing in the yard! б) для образован ия страдательного залога: Cheese is made from milk. § 5. М н огозн ачн ость глагола to have Глагол to have м н огозн ачен. В предлож ении он • had + V3 означает иметь, обладать: I have a sister. У м еня есть сестра. То have got такж е озн ачает обладать: Не has got a lot o f books. У него м ного книг. • имеет модальное значение, если после глагола to have следу­ ет инфинитив. В этом случае он выражает долженствование, а именно необходимость соверш ить действие в силу определенных причин: You have to go shopping. Не had to do the work as soon as possible. Тебе придется сходить за п о­ купками. О н долж ен был закон ч и ть работу к а к м ож но раньш е. • используется как вспом огательны й глагол группы времен Perfect: ^Ve have finished the work. 216 Стол находится посередине ком наты . М ы закончи ли работу. 217 4 § 6 . P rep o sitio n s (П р едл оги ) Основные предлоги места at at work, at the lesson, at college, at the party на работе, на уроке, в колледже, на вечеринке above above my head над головой before before the classes in front of in front o f the cinema перед занятиями перед кинотеатром behind behind the building за зданием/позади здания by in by the window у окна in the city, in London, in bed в городе, в Лондоне, в nocrejm on on the shelves на полках over over the table, over the river, over the whole country над столом, через реку/по ту сторону реки, по всей стране under under the chair под стулом between between two tables между двумя столами among among the students среди студентов around around the comer за углом along along the street вдоль по улице Основные предлоги направления to to work, to the meeting, to the restaurant, to Moscow на работу, на собрание, в ресторан, в Москву into into the suitcase, into the bag в портфель, в сумку from from the college, from his work из колледжа, с работы out of out o f the box из коробки up up the river вверх по реке down down the street (вниз) по улице to go hom e — идти дом ой to co m e/to get hom e — п рийти дом ой to go to work — идти на работу to go to school — идти в ш колу to go to college/to university — идти в колледж /в университет to go to bed — идти спать in town — в городе to tow n — в город in the country — за городом to the country — за город on foot — пеш ком by car, by bus, by train — на м аш и не, на автобусе, на поезде 218 О сн овн ы е предлоги врем ени in the morning in the afternoon in the evening утром "I днем I вечером J in May in March in September в мае I в марте I в сентябре J с названиями месяцев in winter in spring in summer in autumn зимой ] весной . летом ' осенью J с названиями времен года in 1985 in 2002 в 1985 1 в 2002 J с годами in three days in two weeks через три дня через две недели on Sunday on Monday в воскресенье 1 в понедельник J on a cold day on a hot day в холодный день в жаркий день on the 1st of May on the 8th of March 1 мая 1 8 мая } on Monday morning on Friday evening в понедельник утром 1 в пятницу вечером } at at 5 o’clock at 10 minutes past 6 at the weekend at that time at the end at night at noon at the moment в 5 часов в 6.10 на выходные в то время в конце ночью в полдень в данный момент about at about 8 o’clock примерно в 8 часов after after the classes после уроков before before breakfast, before 1 o’clock до завтрака, до часа by by 2 o’clock, by June до 2 часов, к июню for for three hours в течение трех часов in on с временем дня с названиями дней недели с датами с временем суток to work from 8 to/till 5 работать с 8 до 5 часов from...till "'ithin within ten months в течение 10 месяцев 219 Словосочетания, в которых артикль опускается after b re a k fa st/lu n ch /tea/d in n er/su p p e r — после зав тр ак а/о б ед а/ч а я/у ж и н а before b reak fa st/lu n ch /tea/d in n er/su p p e r — перед зав тр ак о м /о б ед о м /ч аем /у ж и н о м at b reak fa st/lu n ch /tea/d in n er/su p p e r — за зав тр ак о м /о б ед о м /ч аем /у ж и н о м for b reak fa st/lu n ch /tea/d in n er/su p p e r — на зав тр ак /о б е д /к ч а ю /н а ужин to have (cook, m ade, prepare) b re ak fa st/lu n ch /tea/d in n er/su p p e r — готовить зав тр ак /о б е д /ч ай /у ж и н Словосочетания, в которых предлоги не употребляются this m orning/w eek/year/etc. last O cto b er/w eek/year/S unday/etc. every d ay /w eek /m o n th /etc. next M onday/w eek/year/etc. Другие распространенные предлоги of — служит для вы раж ения принадлеж ности и т .п . without — без Урок for — для with — с 7 § 1. T he Infinitive (И н ф ин итив) И н ф и н и ти в — неопределенная ф орм а глагола, отвечает на воп­ рос что делать? (что сделать!). Функции инфинитива в предложении Функции 1. П одлеж ащ ее То read the text is our hom ework. Способы перевода на русский язык : Существительным Чтение текста — наш е дом аш нее задание. Инфинитивом Читать текст — наш е дом аш нее задание 220 Окончание Способы перевода на русский язык Функции ^ Ч а с т ь составного глагольного сказуемого You must do the w ork today. Инфинитивом Вы долж ны сделать эту работу сегодня. И менная часть сказуемого после подлежащего, выраженного словами aim {цель), duty (долг), task (задача) и т. п. Our task is to fulfil our w ork in tim e. Инфинитивом Н аш а задача — выполнить работу в срок. 4 . Д ополнение We hope to get a good job. Инфинитивом М ы надеемся получить хорош ую работу. 5. О бстоятельство цели (может вводиться сою зом in order to — для того чтобы) То speak English w ell you have to work hard. A lot of devices were developed in order to make easier the w ork o f the cook. Инфинитивом с союзами чтобы, для того чтобы Чтобы хорош о говорить поангли йски, вы долж ны много заниматься. 6. Сказуемым определительного придаточного предложения Термометр — это прибор, который показывает температуру. 3 О пределение A therm om eter is an instrum ent to show the tem perature. The vegetables to be used for this dish are to be soft. Придаточным предложением Н аш а задача заклю чается в том, чтобы выполнить работу в срок. Существительным с предлогом для Разработано много п ри сп особле­ ний для облегчения труда повара. Причастием Термометр — это прибор, показывающий температуру. Определительным придаточным предложением, сказуемое которого выражает долженствование, возможность О вощ и, которые будут (могут, должны) использоваться дл я этого блюда, долж ны быть м ягкими. § 2. Gerund (Г ерун дий ) Герундий — н ели чн ая ф орм а глагола, сочетаю щ ая свойства гЯагола и сущ ествительного. В русском язы ке такая ф орм а отсутствует. О бразуется при пом ощ и суф ф и кса -ing от и н ф и н и ти ва глагола. 221 Функции герундия в предложении Функции Способы перевода на русский язык ' 1. П одлеж ащ ее Smoking is harmful. Существительным Курение вредно. Инфинитивом Курить вредно. 2. П рям ое дополнен ие 1 like reading. Существительным Я лю блю чтение. Инфинитивом Я лю блю читать. 3. Часть слож ного сказуемого Не stopped smoking. Существительным Он прекратил курение. Инфинитивом Он прекратил курить. 4. О бстоятельство On coming hom e he had dinner with his family. After finishing the work they w ent to the bar. She left without saying goodbye. Деепричастным оборотом Придя домой, он пообедал с семьей. Закончив работу, они пош ли в бар. Она уш ла, не сказав «до свидания». 5. О пределение I do n ’t like his m anner of singing. Существительным, инфинитивом М не не нравится его манера пения/петь. . П редлож ное дополнение I knew o f his studying at college. Существительным Я знал о его учебе в колледже. Придаточным предложением Я знал, что он учится в колледже. * 6 ' Глаголы, требующие употребления герундия to to to to to to to avoid — избегать deny — отрицать enjoy — наслаж даться exuse — и зви н ять finish — закан чи вать give up — прекращ ать, бросать go on — продолж ать to to to to to to to hate — ненавидеть like — нравиться m ind — возражать need — нуждаться start — начинать stop — прекращ ать suggest — предлагать и др- Глаголы и выражения, требующие употребления герундия с определенными предлогами to agree to — соглаш аться (с чем -л.) to be afraid o f — бояться (чего-л.) to be good at — бы ть способны м (к чему-л.) 22 2 to be good for — бы ть хорош и м /п одход ящ и м (для чего-л.) to depend on — зависеть (от чего-л.) to give up the idea o f — оставить мы сль (о чем -л.) to insist on — н астаивать (на чем -л.) to look forward to — ож идать (чего-л.) с удовольствием, н етер­ пением to prevent from — препятствовать (чему-л.) to succeed in — преуспевать (в чем -л.) to th ank for — благодарить (за что-л.) instead o f — вместо (чего-л.) После глаголов to begin, to start, to continue мож ет употреб­ ляться как герундий, так и инф инитив: Pie began to translate/translating Он начал переводить текст вчеthe text yesterday. pa. They co ntinued to work/working О ни п родолж али работать до till 9 o ’clock. 9 часов. После глагола need употребляется и н ф и н и ти в, если вы раж ает­ ся необходимость ком у-либ о сделать что-либо: Не needs to work harder. Ему нуж но больш е работать. После глагола need в пассивн ом зн ач ен и и употребляется ге­ рундий: The tablecloth is dirty. It needs С катерть грязная. Ее нужно nowashing. стирать. Урок 8 § 1. T he C om plex O bject (С л о ж н о е д оп ол н ен и е) С лож ное д оп олн ен и е — это си н такси ч ески й ком плекс, состо­ я щ и й из и м ен н о й части (сущ ествительного или м естои м ен и я) и глагольной части (и н ф и н и ти ва, герундия или причастия). С лож ное д о п о л н ен и е мож ет состоять из прям ого доп ол н ен и я и Инфинитива: • с частицей to после глаголов to want, to believe, to expect, to find, would like и др.: [ Want you to tell the truth. ! believe her to be a good cook. j expect him to com e in tim e. 1 find your cake to be very tasty. Я хочу, чтобы ты говорил правду. Я считаю , что она хорош ий повар, Я надеюсь, что он придет вовремя. Я нахожу, что твой п ирог очень вкусный. 223 I would like them to m ake Я бы хотела, чтобы он и при i o tq dessert. вили десерт. • без частицы to после глаголов to let, to make: M other does not let them w atch TV after 10 o ’clock. O ur ch e f m ade us w ork 12 hours a day. М ама не разреш ает им смотреТь телевизор п осле 10 часов. Ш еф -п овар заставлял нас Pa_ ботать по 12 часов в сутки. • с и н ф и н и тивом без частицы to или с Participle I после глаго­ лов восприятия to see, to hear, to watch, to notice, to feel и т.д. С равните зн ач ен и я при переводе: Инфинитив — однократное действие saw her come into the house. Я видел, что она вош ла в дом. 1 I d idn’t hear him play the piano. Participle I — процесс I saw her coming into the house. Я видел, к ак о н а входила в дом. Я не слы ш ал, чтобы он играл на ф ортепьяно. I d id n ’t hear him playing the piano. Я не слы ш ал, к ак он играл н а . ф ортепьяно. She felt som ebody touch her hand. О на почувствовала, что кто-то при коснулся к ее руке. She felt everybody touching her hand. О на чувствовала, к ак все при касаю тся к ее руке. § 2. С л ож н оп одчи н ен н ое п р едлож ен и е С л о ж н о п о д ч и н ен н о е п ред лож ен ие, к а к и в русском язы ке, состоит из главного и придаточного п редлож ения. П ридаточное предлож ение обы чно вводится отн оси тельны м и местоим ениям и или сою зами. Типы придаточных предложений • Придаточное дополнительное предлож ение вводится слова­ ми that (что), what (что), when (когда), why (почему), where (где), if, whether (ли): Ты п р ек р а сн о зн аеш ь, что я прав. Я знаю , что он а лю бит. Я ж ил там , когда был молодЯ не знаю , почему она опаздЫ ' вает. I d o n ’t know where he is. Я не знаю , где он. Я не зн аю , придет ли он а се­ 1 d o n ’t know if/whether she will com e today. годня. • Придаточное определительное предлож ение вводится с л о в а ми who, that, which (который). You know quite well that I am right. I know what she likes. I lived there when I was young. I d o n ’t know why she is late. 224 Who употребляется, когда речь идет о людях: I know a w om an who works at this restaurant. The people who work in this shop are very friendly. That и which употребляю тся, когда речь идет о н еодуш евлен ­ ных предметах: M y friend works in a cafe th at/w h ich is next to my house. A coffee m aker is a m achine w h ich /th at m akes coffee. . Придаточное условное п ред лож ен и е вводи тся сою зам и if (в случае), unless (если только не). (если), in case В придаточны х врем ени и условны х глагол-сказуем ое никогда не употребляется в будущ ем времени. Д ля вы раж ен и я дей ствия в будущем служ ит Present Sim ple, а не F uture Simple: When he cooks dinner, he will invite you to table. I shall be at hom e w hen you come back. If he com es, w e ’ll do th is w ork together. We’ll be late if we don’t hurry. К огда он п риготовит обед, он п ригласит вас к столу. Я буду дом а, когда ты верн еш ься. Если он придет, мы сделаем эту работу вместе. М ы оп оздаем , если не п о сп е­ ш им. I’ll finish the work to night unless Я закон ч у работу сегодня вечеI ’m too tired. ром , если только не сли ш ком устану. I ’ll m ake su p p er in case I come Я п риготовлю уж ин, в случае earlier th an you. если приеду раньш е тебя. Т аблица неправильны х глаголов Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Перевод to be was, were to beat beat beaten отбивать, взбивать, толочь to becom e becam e becom e становиться to begin began begun начинать(ся) to break broke broken лом ать(ся) to bring brought brought приносить, приводить been быть, находиться to buy bought bought покупать to catch caught caught ловить, схватывать to choose chose chosen выбирать to com e cam e com e приходить, приезж ать to cost cost cost стоить to do did done делать to drink drank drunk пить о Щербакова 225 Продолжение Infinitive Past Simple Перевод Past Participle drove driven водить (автомобиль) to eat ate [et] eaten есть, при н и м ать пищ у to feed fed fed корм ить(ся) to find found found находить to freeze froze frozen замерзать, замораж ивать to get got got получать to give gave given давать to go went gone идти, ехать to drive to grow grew grown расти to have had had иметь to hear heard heard слы ш ать to hold held held держ ать to keep kept kept держ ать, хранить to know knew know n знать to lay laid laid класть to leave left left оставлять, уезжать to let let let позволять to lie lay lain леж ать to lose lost lost терять to make made made делать to m ean m eant m eant значить, подразумевать to m eet met met встречать to pay paid paid платить to put put put класть to read read [red] read [red] читать to run ran run бежать to say said said говорить to see saw seen видеть to sell sold sold продавать to send sent sent посы лать to shake shook shaken трясти to show showed shown показывать to shut shut shut закрывать to sing sang sung петь to sit sat sat сидеть to sleep slept slept спать 226 ---■— Л jj Окончание 7Tspeak Past Simple spoke 7 o sp end to spread spent Past Participle spoken говорить spent тратить spread spread мазать, намазывать to stand stood stood стоять swim swam swum плавать took taken брать ['"'""Infinitive t0 to take Перевод to teach taught taught учить to tear tore torn рвать to tell told told рассказы вать to think thought thought думать to throw threw throw n бросать to toss tossed tost бросать, подбрасывать, обваливать to understand understood understood поним ать to wear wore w orn носить (одежду) to win won won выигрывать to write wrote w ritten писать ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫ Е СВЕДЕНИЯ ПО ГРАММАТИКЕ Числительные Ч и сли тельны е обозначаю т количество или п о ряд ок предметов и делятся н а коли чествен ны е и порядковы е. Количественные числительны е обозначаю т количество и отве­ чаю т на вопрос how many? (сколько?): one — один , five — пять и т.д. Порядковые числительны е обозначаю т п орядок предметов и отвечаю т на вопрос which? (которы й?): the first — первы й, the fifth — пяты й и т.д . Следует обратить вни м ани е н а н ап и сан и е следую щ их числи­ тельных: thirteen fifteen twenty thirty forty fifty Числительные Порядковые Количественные 1 -1 2 1 3 -1 9 (суф ф икс -teen) 2 0 -9 0 (суф ф икс -ty) 1 — the first 30 — thirty 2 — the second 15 — fifteen 40 — forty 3 — the third 4 — four 16 — sixteen 50 - fifty 4 — the fourth 5 — five 17 — seventeen 60 — sixty 5 — the fifth — six 18 — eighteen 70 — seventy 13 — the thirteenth 7 — seven 19 — nineteen 80 — eighty 15 — the fifteenth 90 — ninety 20 — the tw entieth 21 — the twenty-first -Ь 1 — one 13 — thirteen 20 2 — two 14 — fourteen 3 — three 6 8 — eight 9 — nine — twenty 10 — ten 30 — the thirtieth 11 — eleven 40 — the fortieth 12 — twelve 100 228 — the hundredth - Ч тен и е числительны х свы ш е 100 j (jo — a/one hundred jQl — a/one hundred and one 125 — one hundred and twenty-five 200 — two hundred 300 — three hundred 1000 — a/one thousand 1005 — one thousand and five 1235 — one thousand two hundred and thirty-five 2000 — two thousand 5345 — five thousand three hundred and forty-five 1,000,000 — a/one million 1,000,000,000 — a/one milliard ( Br); one billion ( US) В отличие от русского язы к а числительны е hundred, thousand, million не имею т окон чан ия множ ественного числа (-s), когда перед ними стоит коли чествен ное числительное, являю щ ееся его оп ре­ делением: three hundred students, five thousand houses, ten million books С лова hundred, thousand и million могут бы ть и сущ ествитель­ ными, когда после них употребляется сущ ествительное с предло­ гом of. В этом случае о н и им ею т окон ч ан и е -s: hundreds o f people — сотни лю дей thousands o f houses — ты сячи домов Ч тен и е др обны х числительны х Простые дроби '/2 — a/one half Y3 — a/one third 2/ 3 — two thirds 3/ 4 — three quaters или three fourths 1Y3 — one and a third 25/ 6 — two and five sixths Десятичные дроби 0.1 — nought [no:t] point one или point one 0.01 — nought point nought one или point nought one 2.35 — two point three five 32.305 — three two/thirty-two point three nought five • Целое число отделяется от дроби точкой (а не запятой, как в русском языке). • Каждая цифра читается отдельно. Точка, отделяющая целое число от дроби, читается point; ноль читается nought {Br) или zero (US). Если целое число равно нулю, то оно часто не читается i*Po центы обозначаются знаком % или словами per cent • Числитель выражается количест­ венным числительным, а знаменатель — порядковым. * Когда числитель больше едини­ цы, числительное-знаменатель имеет окончание -s 229 Х ронологи ческие даты Годы, в отличие от русского язы ка, обозначаю тся количествен ны м и числи тельн ы м и , причем слово год отсутствует: ты сяча д евяти соты й год 1900 — nineteen hundred in 1905 — in nineteen о [эи] five в ты сяча девятьсот пятом году 1986 — nineteen eighty six ты сяч а девятьсот восемьдесят ш естой год две ты сячи второй год 2002 — two thousand and two Д аты обозначаю тся коли чествен ны м и или п орядковы м и чис­ лительны м и. April 12,1981 April 12th 1981 12th April, 1981 A p ril th e tw e lfth (A p ril tw elve) nineteen eighty-one или the twelfth o f April, nineteen eighty-one Время a clock a watch an hour часы ( настольные, настенные) часы ( наручные, карманные) час M y w atch is wrong. Y our w atch is right. This clock is slow. It is 10 m inutes slow. T hat w atch is fast. It is 5 m inutes fast. It is ten o ’clock sharp. W hat tim e is it? W hat is the tim e? Tell me the tim e, please. М ои часы идут неправильно. Твои часы идут правильно. Эти часы отстают. О ни отстаю т на 10 минут. Те часы спеш ат. О ни сп еш ат на 5 минут. С ей час ровно 10 часов. К оторы й час? К оторы й час? С каж ите, пож алуйста, которы й час? Morning: from 1 o ’clock in the m orning till 12 o ’clock in the morning ( 1.00 - 12.00) Afternoon: from 12 o ’clock in the m orning till 5 o ’clock in the afternoon (12.00— 17.00) Evening: from 5 o ’clock in the afternoon till 9 o ’clock in the evening (1 7 .0 0 -2 1 .0 0 ) Night: from 9 o ’clock in the evening till 1 o ’clock in the morning ( 21.00- 1.00) 9.05 9.15 9.30 9.35 9.40 9.45 230 It It It It It It is is is is is is 5 (m inutes) past nine 15 (m inutes) past nine = It is a quarter past nine h alf past nine 25 (m inutes) to ten 20 (m inutes) to ten 15 (m inutes) to ten = It is a quater to ten am = an te pm = post 8.20 am = 8.20 pm = m eridiem (лат.) = in the m orning m eridiem (лат.) = in the afternoon o r evening tw enty m inutes past eight in the m orning tw enty m inutes past eight in the evening Упражнения 1. Совместите время с его обозначением: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8.30 9.15 14.10 18.40 21.10 6.05 19.35 3.50 а. It is ten m inutes past nine. Ь. It is half past eight. с. It is ten m inutes to four. d. It is five m inutes past six. е. It is twenty five m inutes to eight. f. It is tw enty m inutes to seven. g. It is a quarter past nine. h. It is ten m inutes past two. 2. Переведите на английский язык: 1. Ваши часы идут правильн о. 2. У рок продолж ается 45 минут. 3. Его часы отстаю т. 4. К оторы й час? — С ей час п олови н а второго. 5. Я провел там два часа. 6. Я обедаю обы чно в 2 часа. 7. Твои часы идут н еп р ави л ьн о . О ни спеш ат. 8. Во ск о лько ты встаеш ь утром? 9. Я обы чно встаю в 7 утра. 10. В половине восьмого я выхожу из дома. С л о в о о б р а з о в а н и е (табл. на с. 232 — 234) Упражнения 1. Найдите суффикс в следующих словах. Определите, к какой части Речи они относятся, переведите на русский язык: tactless, harm ful, writer, form al, changeable, dangerous, childhood, softness. 2. Переведите на русский язык глаголы, образованные от данных су­ ществительных без изменения формы слова: Образец: finish — финиш, окончание; to finish — заканчивать lift — л и ф т light — свет stop — остановка w ater — вода hand — рука taste — вкус test — проба, испы тание cost — стоим ость crash — авария cook — повар 231 П реф иксы Префикс 11П- Основное значение не-, без-, бес-, раз-, рас- От какого слова Перевод образовано О сновные префиксы Образованное слово Перевод kind добры й unkind недобры й lim ited ограниченны й unlim ited безграничны й to pack упаковывать to unpack распаковывать accuracy точность inaccuracy неточность im- possible возможны й im possible невозмож ный il- legal легальны й illegal нелегальны й in- н е-, без- ir- responsible ответственный irresponsible безответственный non- не- fulfilm ent вы полнение nonfulfilm ent н евы полнение dis- рас-, р аз-, бес-, без-, н е­ to close закрывать to disclosc раскрывать to organize организовывать to disorganize дезорганизовы вать pleased довольны й displeased недовольны й неверно to understand понимать to m isunderstand неверно понимать re - снова, ещ е раз П реф иксы с другими значениями write писать rew rite use использовать reuse переписы вать super- пере-, сверх- to heat нагревать to superheat перегревать over- свсрх-, п ере-, над- to load нагружать to overload перегружать p re^en- до, заранее to heat large нагревать больш ой to p reh eat предварительно нагревать увеличивать m is- 1е х 1extra- служит для образования \глагола бывш ий экстра-, сверх- cham pion ordinary повторно использовать to enlarge чем пион обы чны й ex-cham pion extraordinary \ бы вш ий чем пион | н еобы чн ы й С уф ф иксы Суффикс Основное значение образованных слов От какого слова образовано Перевод Образованное слово Перевод Наречия - 1у образ действия useful полезны й usefully полезно Сущ ествительные -е г /-о г Ю LO действую щ ее л и ц о , м еханизм, инструмент to work работать w orker рабочий to visit посещ ать visitor посетитель to open открывать o p en er консервны й нож -ing процесс, д ей ствие, состояни е to read читать reading чтение -m ent действие, состоян и е, качество to develop развивать developm ent развитие -dom free свободны й freedom свобода -hood child дитя childhood детство -ness happy счастливый happiness счастье -ship friend друг friendship дружба -ty -ancy equal равный equality равенство constant постоянны й constancy постоянство -ence to differ отличаться difference отличие -ency to depend зависеть dependency зависимость -th strong сильны й strength сила \ \ сз = 5 о >=; 3 о о о с о •е со с о Ы РЗЭ -а О о. ю ср fc: О о 03 тз н о S н о о о Э с* °5 о О А о н СЗ с а, £ о «=* н С З н -Q ^ э £ О .у 4= § 1 § 5, « ! cl «3 „н (U £ = *£ О п О. О с о. •е•& >> и й>D сW З О £ч S * * ё* £ 3 * 2 = Ю Э £ О С О С о S о° СЗ СО ь о СЗ ъс ^ -Q 5 сЗ -*-» сл 1 0с1 £ о н о 3. Образуйте от следующих глаголов существительные при помощи суффикса -е г и переведите их на русский язык: Образец: to read— reader— читатель to burn— burner— горелка to play, to build, to listen, to cut, to sing, to dust, to heat, to boil, to dry, to adjust, to tune ( настраивать ). 4. Образуйте от следующих прилагательных существительные с суф ­ фиксом -ness и переведите их на русский язык: happy, clean, kind, fresh, white, dark, soft, yellow, rich. 5. Переведите на русский язык глаголы с префиксом ил- (раз-, р ас-), образованные от следующих глаголов: to to to to pack — паковать tie — завязы вать fix — закреп лять cork — закупори вать to to to to close — закры вать bend — сгибать load — грузить fasten — завязы вать 6 . Образуйте от следующих прилагательных глаголы при помощи суф ­ фикса - еп: Образец: cheap — дешевый, to cheapen — дешеветь black, quiet, ripe, white, deep, fresh, dark, wide, hard, soft, thick, fat, short. 7. Образуйте от следующих глаголов существительные при помощи суффикса -ing и переведите их на русский язык: to heat, to feed, to clean, to can, to freeze, to cover, to check, to open, to m eet, to begin, to eat, to cook. 8 . Определите, какими частями речи являются выделенные слова: 1. The air in the room is not fresh. 2. Air the room , please. 3. My parents work as teachers. 4. He goes to work early in the m orning. 5. The water in the saucepan is hot. 6. I water flowers in my garden every day. 7. T he air was cool and fresh. 8. I usually cool th e dish before serving. 9. Let the mix cool, then dress it with oil. 10. M ix the ingredients and put them on the plate. 9. Образуйте от следующих существительных прилагательные с суф ­ фиксом -less и переведите их на русский язык: Образец: pain — боль, painless — безболезненный саге — забота to o th — зуб sun — солнце heart — сердце end — кон ец expression — вы раж ение 235 colour — цвет use — польза taste — вкус hom e — дом child — р еб ен ок hat — ш ляпа 10. Образуйте от следующих глаголов и существительных прилагатель­ ные при помощи суффикса -/и / и переведите их на русский язык: play, w atch, pain, peace, beauty, forget, harm . 11. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания и опреде­ лите используемые средства словообразования: drinkable water, useless things, a late riser, a sleepless night, tealeaves pickers, a h o m e-m ade cake, a beautifully dressed dish. 12. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся следующие слова, и переведите их на русский язык: p roduction, coldness, entran ce, drunk, w ell-educated, producer, changeable, brotherhood, preparation, carefully, harm ful, departure, smoking. 13. Образуйте от следующих прилагательных наречия при помощи суф­ фикса -1у и переведите их на русский язык: load, quick, useful, sim ple, norm al, usual, com plete, large, near, great, high, hard. SPEECH ETIQUETTE (РЕЧЕВОЙ ЭТИКЕТ) Формы обращения Forms of Address L ad ies and G entlem en Д амы и господа D ear Sir У важ аемый господин Dear friend Д орогой друг jy[r Brown Господин Браун ”jvfiss W hite М исс У айт (к незамужней женщине) Mrs Jones Госпожа Д ж оунс (к замужней женщине) M adam , 1 am at your service. М адам, я к ваш им услугам. П риветствия G reetings How do you do? Здравствуйте. Hi. Привет. Hello. Здравствуйте. Good morning. Д оброе утро. Good afternoon. Д обры й день. Good evening. Д обры й вечер. How are you? К ак дела? Fine, thanks. С пасибо, хорош о. What about you? А у вас? Very w ell, thankyou. О чень хорош о, спасибо. OK, thankyou. Х орош о, спасибо. R equests П росьбы Could you tell me ... please? Скажите м н е... пожалуйста. May I com e in? М ож но мне войти? Can you help me, please? Не могли бы вы мне помочь? May I trouble you for a m om ent? М огу я побеспокоить вас на минутку? Please, w ait for me. П одож дите м еня, пожалуйста. Invitations Приглашение Let’s have a lunch. Д авай позавтракаем. _J^d like to take you to the restaurant. Хочу пригласить тебя в ресторан. I’d like to invite you to our party on Sunday. D o you w ant to com e? Я хотел бы пригласить вас на встречу в воскресенье. П ридете? Come over for dinner tonight. П риходи сегодня вечером ко мне на обед. ___ 237 Г1родолмсвнце Forms of Address H ow about having dinner at the restaurant together? Формы обращения К а к насчет того, чтобы вместе пообедать в ресторане? A greem ent С огласие ~~ I ’d love to. Thanks. С удовольствием. Спасибо. I ’d be glad (to com e). T hankyou. O K /A ll right. С пасибо, с удовольствием (приду), | ~~ ' Л адно. T hat sounds good/great. Хорош о. I ’d like to very much. С удовольствием. T h at’s a good idea. Это хорош ая м ы с л ь . T hat w ould be fine. Это бы ло бы прекрасно. W ith pleasure. С удовольствием. D isagreem ent. Refusal --- -—- Н есогласие. О тказ I d on’t agree with you. Я не согласен (не согласна) с вами (с тобой). N ot at all. О тню дь нет. I ’m afraid not. Бою сь, что нет. N o, you are wrong. Нет, ты не прав(а). I do n ’t think so. Думаю , что нет. Hardly. Вряд ли. O n the contrary. Н аоборот. I ’m awfully sorry, but I ca n ’t do w hat you ask. М не уж асно ж аль, но я не могу сделать то, о чем вы просите (ты просиш ь). It’s a pity, but I ’m too busy. Ж аль, но я очень занят(а). C ertainly not. К он ечн о нет. By no means. Н и кои м образом. G ratitude Б лагодарность T hankyou for... your help your advice your attention your invitation your hospitality Благодарю вас за... вашу помощ ь ваш совет ваш е вним ание ваш е приглаш ение ваш е гостеприимство T hankyou so much. T hankyou ever so much. T hanks a lot. Больш ое спасибо. T hat was very kind o f you. Бы ло очень лю безн о с ваш ей стороны. I am very m uch obliged to you. Я очень обязан вам. 238 __— Окончание Forms of Address That's all right. Формы обращения Все в порядке. You are welcom e. Всегда рад помочь. Apologies Извинения Sorry! Извините! Sorry to keep you waiting. И звините, что заставил вас ждать. Sorry, th a t’s my fault. П ростите, это моя вина. I'm sorry but I m ust refuse. К сож алению , я долж ен отказаться. Excuse me! I beg your pardon. Извините! What a pity! К ак жаль! Never mind! Н е обращ айте вним ания. T hat’s all right. Все в порядке. Please d o n’t w orry, it wasn't your fault. П ож алуйста, не волнуйтесь, это бы ла не ваш а вина. It doesn’t m atter. Это не им еет значен ия. Forget it. Забудьте об этом. You are not to blam e. Вы не виноваты. Saying Goodbye Прощ ание Goodbye! Д о свидания! Bye-bye! Д о свидания! So long! Пока! Cheerio! Всего хорошего! Goodbye, see you tomorrow. Д о свидан ия, увидимся завтра. So long, see you soon/later. П ока, до скорой встречи. Good luck (to you)! Ж елаю (вам) удачи! Have a nice day! Счастливо! Have fun! Ж елаю хорош о повеселиться! Have a good time! Ж елаю хорош о провести время! COOKERY BOOK (СБОРНИК КУЛИНАРНЫХ РЕЦЕПТОВ) STARTERS G O A T’S C H E E S E P A T E W IT H R ED O N IO N M ARM ALADE A little beetroot and a slow simmer in red wine bring out both the sweetness and the deep ruby colour o f red onions. This “m arm alade” offsets the pale, salty creaminess o f peppered g o a t’s cheese laced with green herbs. Wonderful as a starter or on a buffet table. Serves 6 Ingredients 500 g goat’s cheese 150 ml whipping cream 1 sachet gelatine 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 tsp cracked black pepper 2 tbsp chopped parsley 2 tbsp chopped chives 2 tbsp chopped basil Red onion marmalade: 2 medium-sized red onions, finely chopped 1 tbsp light olive oil 1 medium-sized beetroot, grated 'A bottle red wine 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 'A tbsp honey 1 tsp salt Garnish: Chive and parsley sprigs 3 tbsp chopped walnut kernels 6 tbsp walnut oil D irections 1. Break up the g oat’s cheese, peeling if necessary, and leave it to stand in a warm place.Bring the w hipping cream to the boil, s p r in k le on the gelatine and lem on juice, and whisk for at least 1 min until the gelatine has fully dissolved. Add to the g o at’s cheese, to g e th e r with the cracked black pepper and chopped herbs, and mix thoroughly240 Lay out a sheet o f clingfilm , then spread the cheese m ixture along it and shape into a log. Roll up the clingfilm to hold the shape and refrigerate for 4 hours. 3 T o make the m arm alade, cook the red onions in the oil in a stainlessste e l pan over a gentle heat for 10 m in, stirring regularly. Add the rem aining ingredients. Bring to the boil and cook slowly until the red wine has reduced and has been alm ost com pletely absorbed. This will ta k e about 30 to 40 m in. Tip the m ixture into a bowl and leave to c o o l. Season to taste, if necessary. 4 . To serve, remove clingfilm from the pate and cut into 1 cm slices. Arrange two slices in the centre o f each plate and surround with spoonfuls o f the red onion m arm alade. G arnish with herbs and chopped w alnuts, then drizzle with the w alnut oil. Serve with fresh crusty bread. 7 TURKEY AND C U C U M B E R P U F F S Serves 8 Ingredients Choux puffs: 50 g block m argarine 150 ml w ater 1 0 0 g w holem eal bread flour 4 (size 3) eggs, beaten Salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 tbsp ch opped m ixed nuts Filling: 200 g pack o f Plum rose T urkey Slice, chopped 5 cm piece o f cucum ber, diced finely 3 tbsp sour cream 1 tbsp cream ed horseradish Garnish: C herry to m atoes W atercress sprigs Freezing: possible (unfilled choux puffs) D irections 1. Preheat the oven to 220 °C (gas m ark 6). 2. To m ake the choux puffs, cut the m argarine into small pieces and heat with the w ater in a saucepan until the m argarine has m elted. 3. Bring to a rolling boil, then rem ove from the heat and add all the flour. Beat with a w ooden spoon until the m ixture forms a soft ball and leaves the sides o f the pan clean. 4. Beat in the eggs a little at a tim e, th en add the seasoning. 241 5. Spoon into a large piping bag fitted with a 1 cm plain nozzle an