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P I C T UR E S WITH THE ANSCO cAmE A...." Would you like some Free Manuals? Also visit for more Free Manuals Also Visit my website for 7 FREE Download Manuals starting with this one. "The ABC's of Carburetion" Click Here Now file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Tim/Desktop/carburetor-manual-welcome/index.htm[4/25/2009 11:42:20 AM] ANSCOFLEX CAMERA *..111111f{F tahes12 picturesthis si:e (21 x 2l incbes ) ort Ansco 620 filnt The designers and engineers of Ansco's Camera Plant and Ray'mond Loewy Associates have combincd their skills to bring you this ntodern, convenient, color-styled, reflex-type camera, Its modern design incorporates many fine fcatures not usually found in incxpensive reflex camerxs. You need not be an expert photographer to tahe good pict u r e s w i r h y o t r r A n s c o f l s a- j g is simple to use. You can take pictures as close ls five feet. Howc v c r , r c r d r h r o r . r g ht h c s ei n s t r u c tions crrefuUl'rnd pmctice opcrating it rvithout film before t.'rk.ingthc first pictures. THE CAMERA FRONT The aluminum front of the camera is not only a protection for the camera lens, but opens to form the iight shield for the viewing lens. Care should be used to always open and close the camera by carefully pushing. on the extension piece at the bottom of the cover Plale. Make certain that the cover plate is raised all the way to the top so it does not obscure the viewing lens, THE CAMERA BACK To open the camera back, the front plate must first be raised ro form the light shield around the viewing lens. Then, press the red button just behind the vien'ing lens. This releases the locking catch and the hinged back can be easily swung open. It is closed by merely pressing the back into position until a "click" indicates it is locked. 2 TAKING THE PICTURE COMPOSE THE PICTURE - Take time to compose your picture in the viewfinder on the top of the camera. The difference berween just an ordinary snapshot and a photograph is r little time and thought given to how the subject looks in the viewfinder. Just check, are you cuttinS people's heads ofi in the viewfinder; is there a tele"growing out of your subiect's phone pole or tree head"; is there a line of clothesor other distracting object in the background? Try to -make.yourpictures teli a story, yet k;ep them simple and- uncluttered' \7hat you sie in ybur viewfinder will make your final print. One of the best rules of lighting for the average picture is to locateyour subjectso the sun is coming brr., yo.,, shoulder.'Thiswiil give a good front lighting for even distribution of light. However, with a litile practice, interesting and pleasing pictures can be trken which are backlightedor side-lighted. MAKE THE EXPOSURE An exposureis made by depressingthe red shutter releasebutton on the side of the camera.This button wiil remain depressedafter the exPosureuntil the first turn of the winding knob in the processof winding the film to the next number. This locking action preventsthe userfrom making double exposuresin error. Be sure the camera is held steadv and level when making an exposure. Depress-the shutter with a firm, slow motion to avoid movement of the camera. Make sure that the shutter release is pushed in ALL THE \rAy. NThen you press rhe shutter release button, more rhan one distinct "click" will be heard. You have not taken a oicrure unril the button is depressedALL THE SAy. Practice this a few times ind it won'r give yorr any trouble. WIND THE FILM After each exposurethe film is wound to rhe nexi numberin the red window on the back of the camera. Turn the winding knob one-quarrerrurn (as far as :].reaction of the knob allows) and rerurn to original :osirion (bar horizontalto bottom of camera).Re'peat ::is action until the nexr number appears. Now that you have pracricedopening and closing - e camera, gomposingancl taking the picture, and : r d i n st h e 6 l m - LET'S LOAD THE CAMERA Open the back of the cameraand make sure ao empty spool is in the upper chamber. Put a sPool in bY pressingthe spool againstthe spring on the left and fitting the slot of the spool over the stud on the sPring. Then lower the spool and fit the slot on the right end over the key. Turn the winding knob a quarter turn to be sure the sPool and keY are properly engaged. To simplify loading,this camerahasbeen desisnedso the'film retaineris built into the back so the film is loaded in an easily accessiblespot. Spreading either spring, fit the roll of film into the holder so that both ends of the spool are held in place. The roll shouldbe in position so that the film unrolls with the printed side of the protectivepaper uPPermost. Break the sealingband and bring the end of the paper up over the back of the cameraopening and thread the pointed end into the wide slot in the take-up spool. Be very careful ro seerhat the film travels straight acrossrhe opening and do not attempt to thread the film under the roller at the edge of the opening. Turn the winding knob a few turns so the film is securely fastened to the spool. Close the back of the camera and continue winding the film to 6gure 1 by turning the winding knob back and forth through its full range of action. A pointing hand and a seriesof dots will appear in the red window on the back before rhe figure i. This winding action 'rveragesbetween45 and 50forward rwists of the winding knob. The film is now in position for the first plctufe. UNLOADING THE CAMERA Vhen the last (12th) picture has been taken, continue winding the film until the backing paper disappears from view in the red window on the back and the film is entirely wound on the take-uP sPool' Open back of camera and press back the spring at the left of the chamber. This will release the film so it can be easily removed from the camera. Hold the film firmly so that it will not unroll before it can be secured with the sealing tape. Remove the empty spool from the lower film chamber and put it in place in the upper chamber so that it will be in position when you next use the camera. I I ll t I I t TRIPOD SOCKET A tripod socket is conveniently located on the bortom of the camera. Not only is it designed to screw onto a tripod, but the Anscoflex carrying case is secured to the camera using this socket' CAMERA I I CARE The design of the Anscoflex tends to protect it from dust. However, the taking lens, viewing lens and viewfinder should be wiped off regularly with a clean, lindess cloth, It is also well to make a Practice of blowing out the inside of your camera each time vou load it. CARRYING CASE As an added protection for your camera, put it in an Anscoflex Eveready Carrying Case. It will protect the camera from scratches,rain and dust. Its grey finish blends well with the cameraand is an afiractive accessory.The front piece unsnaps so it is out of the way for easyhandling. LENS ACCESSORIES A Portrait Lens 1* and aY45 Yellow Filter (size 27) will aid you in getting specialeffectswith your Anscoflex. The portrait lens will allow you to make closeups from2r/z to 3Vz feet from your subject.The Y45 yellow filter gives better cloud and sky rendition when used in bright sunlight for landscapepictures. Theseaccessories are availablefrom your Ansco dealer. t0 TAKING PICTURES WITH FLASH "around-theTo make pictures clock," complete the versatility of your Anscoflex with the Anscoflash Type IV unit. It is finished in the same attractive grey as the camera' TO ASSEMBLE THE FLASH UNIT INSERT BATTERIES ljnscrew the coin-slotted screw at the bottom of the battery case. Pull the cover down and slightly outward to remove. Insert two Size C batteries in the casetips up. A battery capacitor c^rtridge can be used if desired. Put the cover back in place and tighten up the screw, ATTACH REFLECTOR Line up the two protruding pins on the outer edge of the flashlamp socket with the slots on the ring of the reflector (making certain the decal will be on top when the reflector is in place). Pull upward on the locking spring, oush the reflector on and turn the reflector clockwise so it is firmly engaged in the slots. ATTACH THE FLASH UNIT Fit the screw and lower prong on the side of the flash unit into the two 12 holes on the side of the camera. Then turn thc tightening screw toward the back of the camerauntil it is tight and the unit is held firmly in place. ,t:f.. i".f TO USE THE UNIT INSERT THE FLASH LAMP Line up the two protruding pins in the base of the lamp with the slots in the socket of the flash unit. Push the lamp into the socket, without turning, until it clicks into place. Flash pictures are taken in just the same manner as reguiar picturcs. Just compose your picture in the viewfinder and depress the shutter releasebutton. Remember that the Anscoflex is a pre-set camera and you should stay at least t feet from your subject (unless a Portrait Lens 1f is used over the lens). I3 Use the foilowing table as a guide to determine the camera-to-subject distance for the particular film being used: Distance in Feet +. SF or M2 All-NTeather Pan and Supreme SuperpanPress 1') 6 -r 5 8- i7 r0 -22 < 8-20 With Ansco Portrait Lens 1* and suitablediffuser,flash pictures can be made as closeu, )r/2 rc 31/2feet. See the instruction booklet packed with the Anscoflash Type IV for directions about multiple flash. SM, SF lamps can be used with standardbatteriesonly. EJECT THE LAMP \(hen the exposurehas been made and the film advanced,remove the flashlamp by pressing the flashlamp ejector button on the back of the unit. It will throw the lamp out, making it unnecessaryto touch the hot lamp. t4 TO REMOVE THE FLASH UNIT Remove the flash unit bY turning the tightening screw counterclockwise until the unit is relcased from thc carnera. This flash unit was specificallY ,lesigned with a removable reflector :o facilitate storing in gadget bags. lo remove the reflector, Pull uP-:rd on the holding spring and :rr-n the reflector counterclockwise -:ril it is disengaged. \\-hen not in use, it is best to rer-e the batteries from the case to '-. prevent corrosion. t5 A FEW HINTS FOR BETTER PICTURES o Load and unload in subduedlight o Always stay at least 5 feet away from your subject (unless using a portrait attachment) . Kiep your fingers from in front of the lens o Don't let the sun strike the lens r Hold the camerasteadyand level r Make every picture tell a story o \7atch your background o Don't try to include too much in your picture - keeP it simPle! o Pressthe shutterreleasegentiy o \7ind film immediatelyafter each exposure o Ask for Ansco All-\Teather Pan Filnr - size620 CHOOSING THE RIGHT FILM FOR YOUR CAMERA ALL-WEATHER PAN - A f a s t p a n c h r o m a t i cf i l m f o r more pleasingpictures of people and places- in sunshine, shadeor with flash. Available in single rolls and the 3-Roll EconomyPak. SUPREME - A fine-grain fast panchromatic film piized by the pictorialist for all around picture taking. SUPERPAN PRESS A high-speed panchromatic film f.or.use under poor light condrtrons. MAOE IN U. S. A. C-10553-2 25 PRINTED IN U. S. A. lf you would like more detailed information about picture taking, get a copy of "Better P h o t o g r a p h yM a d e Easy," available through your photographic dealer. If you need additional help, write to CustomerServiceDepartment, Ansco, Binghamton, New York. 17