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A October 1987 Octobre 1987 F




SYSTEM OF NATIONAL ACCOUNTS October 1987 SYSTÈME DE COMPTABILITE NATIONALE Octobre 1987 F STAT WIICS AT5TQ*J CANADA CANADA JAN 27 1960 LIRARV - 3LTHEQ A Data in Many Forms... Des données sous plusieurs formes... Statistics Canada disseminates data in a variety of forms. In addition to publications, both standard and special tabulations are offered on computer print-outs, microfiche and microfilm, and magnetic tapes. Maps and other geographic reference materials are available for some types of data. Direct access to aggregated information is possible through CANSIM, Statistics Canada's machine-readable data base and retrieval system. Statistique Canada diffuse les donnees sous formes diverses. Outre lea publications, des totalisations habituelles et speciales sont offertes sur imprimés d'ordinateur, sur microfiches Pt microfilms et sur bandes magnétiques. Des cartes et d'autro documents de reference geographiques sont disponibles pour certaines sortes de donnees. L'acces direct a des données agrégées est possible par le truchement de CANSIM, Ia base de données ordinolingue et le système d'extraction de Statistique Canada. How to Obtain More Information Comment obtenir d'autres renseignements Inquiries about this publication and related statistics or services should be directed to: Toutes demandes de renseignements au sujet de cette publication ou de statistiques et services connezes doivent étre adressees a: Monthly Measures Section, Industry Measures and Analysis Division, Section des mesures mensuelles, Division des mesures de l'analyse des industries, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Kl A 0T6 (Telephone: 951-9145) or to the Statistics Canada reference centre in: Statistique Canada, Ottawa, K1A 0T6 (téléphone: 951.9145) ou au centre de consultation de Statistique Canada a: St. John's (772-4073) Winnipeg Halifax (426-5331) Regina Montreal (283-5725) Edmonton Ottawa (951-8116) Calgary Toronto (973-6586) Vancouver Sturgeon Falls (753-4888) (983-4020) (780-5405) (420-3027) (292-6717) (666-3691) St. John's (772-4073) Winnipeg Halifax (426-5331) Regina Montréal (283-5725) Edmonton Ottawa (951-8116) Calgary Toronto (973-6586) Vancouver Sturgeon Falls (753-4888) (983-4020) (780-5405) (420-3027) (292-6717) (666-3691) Toll-free access is provided in all provinces and territories, for users who reside outside the local dialing area of any of the regional reference centres. 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On peut se procurer cette publication et lea aut.res publications de Statistique Canada auprès des agents autorisés et des autres librairies locales, par l'entremise des bureaux locaux de Statistique Canada, ou en écrivant a Ia Section des ventes des publications, Statistique Canada, Ottawa, K1A 0T6. 1(613)951-7216 1(613)951-7276 Toronto Toronto Carte de credit seulement(973-80 18 Credit card only (973-8018) Statistics Canada Statistique Canada Industry Measures and Analysis Division Monthly Measures Section Division des mesures et de 'analyse des industries Section des mesures mensuelles System of National Accounts Système de comptabilitè nationale Gross domestic Produit intérieur product by brut par industrie industry (1981 = 100) (1981 = 100) October 1987 Octobre 1987 Purihshed under the authority ot the Minister of Supply and Services Canada Publication autorisee oIr le ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada C Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1988 C Extracts from this publication may be reproduced for individual use without permission provided the source is fully acknowledged. However, reproduction of this publication in whole or in part for purposes of resale or redistribubon requires written permission from the Publishing Services Group, Permissions Officer, Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0S9. Le lecteur pout reproduire sans autorisatuon des exiraits de cette publication a des fins d'utilisation personnelle a condition d'indiquer Ia source en entier. Toutefois, Ia reproduction do cette publication en tout ou en partle a des fins commerciales ou do redistribution nécessute I'obtention au préalable d'une autorisation écrute des Services d'édition, Agent de droit d'auteur, Centre d'édition du gouvernement du Canada, Ottawa, Canada K 1 A 0S9. January 1988 Janvier 1988 Price: Canada, $11.50, $115.00 a year Other Countries, $12.50, $125.00 a year Prix: Canada, $1 1.50, $115.00 par année Autres pays, $12.50, $125.00 par année Payment to be made in Canadian funds or equivalent Paiement en dollars canaduens ou l'équivalent Catalogue 15-001, Vol. 1, No. 10 Catalogue 15-001, vol. 1, n ° 10 ISSN 0711-852X ISSN 0711-852X Ottawa Ottawa is Ministre des Approvisionnements et Services Canada 1988 Symbols Signes conventionnels The following standard symbols are used in Statistics Canada publications: Les signes conventionnels suivants sont employes uniformAment dana lea publications de Statistique Canada: figures not available. -. nombres indisponibles. - nilor zero. - - - amount too small to be expressed. - - nombre infimes. Note Nota Annual averages of seasonally adjusted data are identical to annual levels except for minor variations which are due to rounding. La moyenne annuelle desaisonnalisée est identique au niveau annuel sauf pour des differences mineurs dues l'arrondissement. Codes Codes SNA Industry Code: a System of National Accounts industry code appearing in the tables should be interpreted as follows: Codes des industries du SCN: le code des industries du Système de la comptabilite nationale fgurant aux tableaux doit être interpreté ainsi: An S code corresponds more or less to a division code from the Standard Industrial Classification, broken down between the business and non-business sectors of the economy. For the business sector, the industry code goes from SOt to S13 and, for the non-business sector, it goes from S 17 to S25. Un code S correspond plus ou inoins au code dune dv is on de Ia classification type des industries, ventilée entre le secteur des entreprises et le secteur non commercial. Pour le secteur des entreprises, le code des industries va de SOl A S13 et, pour le secteur non commercial, il va de S17 a S25. An M code corresponds to a major group within a division. nAantouzAro. a Un code M correspond au grand groupe division. a I l'intérieur d'une An L code corresponds to the lowest level at which estimates of GDP for an industry or a group of industries can be linked across various industrial classifications. Un code L correspond au niveau le plus has auquel lea estimations du PIB pour une industrie ou un groupe d'industries peuvent être raccordées A travers diverses classifications d'industries. Finally a W code corresponds to the most detailed level at which estimates of GDP by industry are prepared using a given SIC. Enfin, un code W represente le niveau le plus détaillé auquel lea estimations du PIB par industrie sont preparees en utilisant une CT! donnée. A Note on CANSIM Note au sujet de CANSIM All tabular data appearing in this publication, as well as many other data series, are available to the public from CANSIM via terminal, on computer printouts, or in machine readable form. Toutes les données présentées dana cette publication et beaucoup d'autres données contenues dana le CANSIM peuvent We extraites par l'intermédiaire d'un terminal, sous forme d'imprimés d'ordinateur ou sous une forme lisible par Ia machine. For further information write to CANSIM, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, K1A 0T6, orcall (613)951-8200. Pour plus de renseignement, écrivez a CANSIM, Statistique Canada, Ottawa, K1A 0T6, ou teléphonez A 613951-8200, 4 Revisions Revisions Avec cette Iivraison, Ic produit intérieur brut With this issue, Real Gross Domestic Product reel au cofat des facteurs par industrie a été révisé at factor cost by industry has been revised back rétrospectivementjusqu'enjuillet 1987. to July 1987. . This publication was prepared under the direction of: Cette publication a été redigee sous Ia direction de: • D.W. Rhoades, Director, Industry Measures and Analysis Division • D.W. Rhoades, directeur, Division des mesures et de l'analyse des industries • Richard Martel, Chief, Monthly Measures • Richard Martel, chef, Section des mesures mensuelles I 'Fable of Contents 'Fable des matléres Page Highlights vi Faits saillants Page vi The System of National Accounts ix Le système de comptabilité nationale ix Chart Graphique 1. Gross Domestic Product: Total Economy, Industrial Production, Goods Producing Industries, and Services Producing Industries at 1981 prices by Month x 1. Estimations mensuelles du produit intérieur brut: ensemble, la production industrielle, les industries de biens et les industries de services aux prix de 1981 Table Tableau 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates 2. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars 0 1. Produit intérieur brut au coüt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par mois 3 désaisonnalisé aux taux annuels 2. Produit intérieur brut au coCit des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par trimestre désaisonnalisé aux taux 19 annuels et données annuelles en millions de dollars x 3 19 HIGHLIGHTS FAITS SAILLANTS Real Gross Domestic Iroductat Factor Cost by Industry l'roduit iritérieur brut reel au coüt des facteurs par industrie (seasonally adjusted data) (données désaisonnalisées) October 1987 Octobre 1987 Monthly Overview Revue mensuelle Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost in 1981 prices increased 0.5% in October, following increases of 0.7% and 0.8% in September and August respectively. The gain in October was the ninth consecutive monthly increase, and left output 5.1% above its level of January 1987. Forty percent of the October gain resulted from the exceptional increase in the volume of activity on stock exchanges associated with the stock market crash. Brokerages and exchanges paradoxically earned more commissions with the crash, as the volume of activity rose dramatically. In November and early December, activity on stock exchanges returned to lower levels. Output of services producing industries increased 0.8%, while goods producing industries advanced 0.2%. Le produit intérieur brut au coCit des facteurs aux prix de 1981 progresse de 0.5% après des gains de 0.7% en septembre et de 0.8% en aofit. L'économie est en hausse pour un neuvième mois consécutif et se retrouve a un niveau de 5.1% plus élevé que celui de janvier 1987. 40% de l'augmentation en octobre résulte d'une hausse exceptionnelle du volume d'activité sur les marches boursiers qui coincide avec Ia chute des prix boursiers. Les courtiers et les bourses paradoxalement gagnent plus de revenus de commission avec le krach parce que le volume d'activité s'élève dramatiquement. En novembre et au debut de décembre, le niveau d'activité sur les marches boursiers revient a des niveaux plus bas. La production des industries productrices de services monte de 0.8%, tandis que celle des industries productrices de biens n'y va que de 0.2%. Services Producing Industries Industries productrices de services The 0.8% gain in services producing industries was the largest monthly increase since last April. About 70% of this gain stemmed from growth within the finance, insurance and real estate industry, where stock exchanges and security brokers and dealers were the main sources of growth. The volume of shares traded on Canadian stock exchanges advanced sharply in October, especially following the market crash of October 19. Elsewhere, following a substantial decrease in September, real estate activity picked up in October as the resale housing market improved. L'augmentation de 0.8% de la production des industries productrices de services est Ia plus forte depuis avril dernier. Environ 70% de ce gain provient des progrès dans la finance, les assurances et les affaires immobilières, plus particulièrement et essentiellement les marches boursiers de même que les courtiers et négociants en valeurs mobilières. Le volume des actions echangees sur les marches boursiers canadiens s'élève vigoureusement en octobre, surtout après a le krach du marché du 19 octobre. On retrouve de plus une reprise du marché immobilier en octobre suite a la baisse marquee en septembre, grace a une amelioration du marché de Ia revente domiciliaire. Retail trade advanced 1.0% in October compared to a 0.5% gain in September. Most of the October growth was due to increases among motor vehicle dealers and department and clothing stores. Other industries reporting substantial gains were accommodation and food services, storage, and railway transport. Le commerce de detail progresse de 1.0% en octobre suite a une augmentation de 0.5% en septembre, grace surtout a des gains chez les concessionnaires d'automobiles, les grands magasins et les magasins de vêtements. Parmi les industries rappportant des gains importants, on retrouve egalement l'hébergement et Ia restauration, l'entreposage et Ic transport ferroviaire. VI I Major declines during the month occurred in the communication industry due to a two week l)tal strike, and in wholesale trade. On retrouve de fortes baisses de production dans l'industrie des communications, a cause d'une gréve de deux semaines dans les services postaux, et dans le commerce de gros. Goods Producing Industries Industries productrices de biens Output of goods producing industries slowed to 0.2% in October, compared to gains of 1.2% in August, and 0.7% in September. During October, output increases were reported in the mining, logging and forestry, and agriculture industries. Increased production of crude petroleum, natural gas and gold mines accounted for almost all of the growth in mining. La production des industries productrices de biens progresse de 0.2% en octobre, suite a des hausses de 1.2% en aoCit et de 0.7% en septembre. Au cours du mois, on retrouve des augmentations de production dans l'industrie minière, l'exploitation forestière et dans l'agriculture. Des augmentations de production de pétrole brut, de gaz naturel et d'or rendent compte de presque toute la hausse dans l'industrie minière. Manufacturing output was virtually unchanged from the September level, while construction activity fell 0.5%. Within manufacturing substantial increases by motor vehicle manufacturers, by chemical products industries and by machinery industries were offset by significant output decreases in office and store machinery, pulp and paper, and sawmills. Le niveau de Ia fabrication vane a peine par rapport a celui de septembre, tandis que celui de Ia construction diminue de 0.5%. Dans l'industrie manufacturière, on retrouve des gains de production chez les fabricants de véhicules automobiles, dans l'industrie chimique et dans celle de la machinerie et des pertes compensatoires chez les fabricants de machines de bureau, de pates et papiers et dans les scieries. . vii 4 'I'IIE SYS'I'EM OF NATIONAL ACCOUNTS LE SYSTÈME DE COMPTABILITE NATIONALE In Canada. the National Accounts have been developed since the close of the Second World War in a series of publications relating to their constituent parts. These have now reached a stage of evolution where they can be termed a "System of National Accounts". For purposes of identification, all publications (containing tables of statistics, descriptions of conceptual frameworks and descriptions of sources and methods) which make up this System carry the term "System of National Accounts" as a general title. Au Canada, les comptes natLonaux ont fair. [objet deputs la fin de Ia Seconde Guerre mondiale de toute une série de publications portant sur leurs elements constitutifs. us ont connu une telle evolution qu'on peut maintenant Ies qualifier de "Système de comptabilite nationale". Aux fins d'identification, toutes les publications qui font partie du système (elles contiennent des tableaux statistiques, Ia description du cadre theorique et l'explication des sources et des méthodes) portent le titre general de "Système de corn ptabilite nationale". The System of National Accounts in Canada consists of several parts. The annual and quarterly Income and Expenditure Accounts (included with Catalogue Nos. carrying the prefix 13) were, historically speaking, the first set of statistics to be referred to with the title "National Accounts" (National Accounts, Income and Expenditure). The Balance of International Payments data (Catalogue Nos. with prefix 67), are also part of the System of National Accounts and they, in fact, predate the Income and Expenditure Accounts. Le système de comptabilité nationale du Canada se divise en plusieurs categories de comptes. Lea comptes annuels et trimestriels des revenus et des depenses (paraissant dans les publications dont le numéro de catalogue commence par 13) ont constitué le premier ensemble de statistiques a être connu sous le titre de "Comptes nationaux" (Comptes nationaux, revenus et depenses). Les donnees sur Ia balance canadienne des paiements internationaux (numéro de catalogue commencant par 67) font egalement partie du système de comptabilité nationale; elles ont même existé avant les comptes des revenus etdepenses. Greatly expanded structural detail on industries and on goods and services is portrayed in the Input-Output Tables of the System (Catalogue Nos. with prefix 15). The Catalogue Nos. carrying the prefix 15 also provide measures of the contribution of each industry to total Gross Domestic Product at factor Cost as well as Productivity Measures. Line nomenclature beaucoup plus détaillée d'industries et de biens et services figure dans les tableaux d'entrees-sorties du sys. tème (numéro de catalogue commencant par 15). Les publications dont le numéro de catalogue commence par 15 comprennent aussi les mesures de l'apport de chaque branche d'activité au total du produit intPrleur brut au coOt des tcteurs ainsi ((UC lee inesures de prod uctivite. Roth the Input-Out put Tables and the istiivales if Gross I)omestic Product by Industry use the establishment as the primary unit of industrial production. Measures of financial transactions are provided by the Financial Flow Accounts (Catalogue Nos. with prefix 13). Types of lenders and financial instruments are the primary detail in these statistics and the legal entity is the main unit of classification of transactors. Balance sheets of outstanding assets and liabilities are published annually. L'etaljlissemeut est ('unite pri noire de production industrielle tant dans les tableaux d'entrees-sorties que dans les estimations du produit intérieur brut par activité economique. Lea comptes de flux financiers (publications clont le numéro de catalogue commence par 13) mesurent les operations financieres. Les categories de prêteurs et d'instruments financiers forment les éléments de base de ces statistiques et Is personne morale est le point de depart du classement des agents écononiiques. Lea comptes du bilan des actifs et passifs en circulatjon sont disponibles annuellement. The System of National Accounts provides an overall conceptually integrated framework in which the various parts can be considered as interrelated sub-systems. At present, direct comparisons amongst those parts which use the establishment as the basic unit and those which use the legal entity can be carried out only at highly aggregated levels of data. However, Statistics Canada is continuing research on enterprise-company-establishment relationships; it may eventually be feasible to reclassify the data which are on one basis (say the establishment basis) to correspond to the units employed on another (the company or the enterprise basis). Le système de comptabilité nationale constitue un ensemble conceptuellement intégrE dans lequel lea diverses categories de comptes peuvent étre considérées comme des sous-systèmes étroitement lies entre eux. Au stade actuel de developpement, on ne peut faire de comparaison directe entre les élétnents bases sur l'établissement et ceux qui Sont bases sur l'entité juridique que lorsque les donnees sont groupees dans des categories trés génerales. Toutefois, Statistique Canada poursuit ses recherches sur les relations entre l'entreprise, Ia société et l'etablissement. II sera peut-être possible un jour de reclasser les données établies sur une certaine base (l'établissement par exemple) de manière a les faire correspondre aux données établies sur une autre base (societe ou entreprise). In its broad outline, the Canadian System of National Accounts bears a close relationship to the international standard as described in the United Nations publication: A Systern of National Accounts (Studies in Methods. Series F, \o. 2 Rev. 3, Statistical Office, Department of Economic and SICtal Affairs, l.Jnited Nations, New York, 1968). Dans ses grandes lignes, le système de comptab ilité nationale du Canada suit de trés pres Ia norme internationale exposee dana Ia publication des Nations Unies intitulée Système de corn pteibilrte nationale (Etudes Methodologiques, Série F, NO 2, Rev. 3, Bureau de statistique, Département des affaires économiqucs et sociales .N ations Cnn's. New York, 1970. ii S Gross Domestic Product: Total Economy, Industrial Production, Goods Producing Industries and Services Producing Industries at 1981 Prices by Month Estimation mensuelles du produit intérieure brut: ensemble, Ia production industrielle, les industries de biens et les industries de services aux prix de 1981 (BIllIons of dollars seasonally adjusted at annual rates) (Ulillard de dollars désalsonnailsés aux taux annuels) 400 400 390 - Ratio scale 380 Echelie semi-logarithmique 390 370 360 370 380 360 Total economy 350 350 340 340 330 330 320 320 310 310 11111111111 11111111 I _______ 300 110 110 110 110 105 105 100 Industrial production Production industriel 100 95 95 90 90 85 85 80 80 75 75 I 240 230 230 220 220 210 Services producing industries_ 210 ndustriesdeservices 200 200 190 190 IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII 180 155 180 155 150 150 145 145 140 135 Goods producing industries ___lndustries d biens 140 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 115 115 110 110 J J J J 1982 1981 1983 J J J D 1985 1986 1987 1984 r S1TA'iIS'I'ICAL 'I'ABLES TABLEAUX STATISTIQUES 0 3 TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates in Mi I ions of Dollars TABLEAU 1. Produit intérieur brut au coüt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par mois désaisonalisé aux taux annuels an millions de dollars I I anuary February March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jarrvier Fevrier Mars Avril Mai Juin Juill. A06t Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 625 Total economy 626 Ensemble 1986.. 362459.5 363691.9 359710.2 366976.4 364140.3 363871.4 365189.7 364543.2 366012.0 364129.0 364899.8368657.6 1987.. 368062.2 371756.8 373704.2 375577.4 376041.5 378608.0 379325.3 382370.6 384945.5 386995.0 SOl Agricultural & related services md. SOl md. agricoles & de 1986.. 12139.4 12132.2 12157.4 12261.6 12309.5 12349.1 12384.0 12294.0 12242.4 12101.1 12135.8 12223.3 1987.. 11814.0 11684.4 11697.6 11695.2 11722.8 11724.0 11690.4 11862.0 11776.8 11862.0 S02 Fishing & trapping industries SO2 md. de Ia pCche et du piCgeage 1986.. 635.2 646.0 601.6 744.4 721.6 559.5 613.6 614.8 695.2 713.2 707.2 821.3 1987.. 835.2 568.4 704.4 607.2 456.0 739.2 667.2 691.2 729.6 656.4 S03 Logging & forestry industries S03 Exploitation for.stiCre 1986.. 2633.5 2509.9 2369.5 2383.9 2537.5 2403.1 2542.3 2513.5 2471.5 2333.5 2339.5 2377.9 1987.. 2324.4 2797.2 2653.6 2613.6 2450.4 2464.8 2515.2 2509.2 2415.6 2540.4 SO4 Mining, quarrying 8 oil well md. SO4 Mines. csrrièr.s I puits de pCtrole 1986.. 21762.2 22006.4 20772.5 21845.8 20991.2 20597.6 20329.5 21047.0 20848.2 20759.7 20685.3 21222.5 987. 21003.6 20836.8 20956.8 20888.4 21133.2 21562.8 22000.8 22755.6 22806.0 23025.6 fl SO4M04 Mining industries 504M04 Industries des mines 7361.47278.8 7235.5 7722.7 7361.6 7190.5 7207.8 7305.0 7621.1 7671.3 7756.8 8004.5 '987.. 7833.6 7850.4 7897.2 7603.2 7885.2 8173.2 8208.0 8228.4 8586.0 8562.0 504M04L004 Gold mines 504M04L004 Mines dor 1966.. 1068.6 1113.0 1056.6 1157.4 1171.8 1169.4 1157.4 1053.0 1175.4 1145.4 1173.0 1230.7 1987.. 1185.6 1130.4 1218.0 1202.4 1137.6 1219.2 1285.2 1327.2 1316.4 1497.6 SO4M04L005 Other metal mines SO4MO4LOO5 Autres mines de métaux 1986.. 3654.1 3678.2 3662.6 4046.0 3739.6 3491.5 3714.3 3804.7 4022.7 4038.3 4054.0 4178.0 1987., 4189.2 4162.8 4166.4 4143.6 4204.8 4315.2 4147.2 4194.0 4382.4 4272.0 SO4M04L006 Iron mires 504M04L006 Mines de fer 1986.. 555,5 517.3 530.4 547.1 538.8 535.2 643.9 455.1 474.2 505.3 505.3 531.6 1987.. 550.8 544.8 523.2 256.8 444.0 558.0 550.8 576.0 558.0 542.4 SO4M04L007 Asbestos mines SO4M04L007 Mines damiante 1986.. 176.3 179.9 185.9 185.9 153.5 160.7 141.5 111.5 148.7 148.7 172.7 169.1 1987.. 204.0 148.8 121.2 159.6 166.8 151.2 189.6 170.4 171.6 162.0 SO4M04L008 Non-metal mines cxc coal & asbestos 504M04L008 Mines non metal. cx charbon amiante 1986.. 742.3 744.9 731.7 748.5 760.6 796.7 607.5 806.4 773.9 713.6 730.5 720.9 1987.. 661.2 757.2 776.4 775.2 836.4 832.8 794.4 841.2 805.2 800.4 SO4M04L009 Salt mines SO4M04L009 Mines de sd . 11I8.. 138.4 101.1 84.2 110.7 116.7 116.7 127.5 121.5 127.5 122.7 103.5 109.5 198/.. 92.4 115.2 120.0 103.2 112.8 117.6 116.4 120.0 112.8 108.0 TABLE 1. Gross Oomestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates in Millions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 1. Produit January Janvier February Février intCrieur brut au coat des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par mois désaisonalisé aux taux annuals en millions de dollars - Suite March Mars April Avril May Mai June Juin July . Juill. Aug. AoOt Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. Nov. Dec. SO4M04LOI0 Coal mines SO4MO4LO1O Mines de charbon 1986.. 1987.. 1026.2 950.4 944.4 991.2 984.1 972.0 926.3 962.4 880.6 982.8 920.3 979.2 815.7 1124.4 952.8 999.6 1017.8 1064.7 898.7 1239.6 997.3 1179.6 11803.3 12457.2 11791.3 12717.6 401.2 462.0 396.4 478.8 371.1 403.6 1022.6 1300.8 900.7 1267.2 1070.3 1288.9 70225.4 74787.6 70677.8 76336.8 70875.6 76321.2 70721.2 72187.2 6689.3 6625.2 6841.4 6680.4 6710.8 6608.4 6797.0 6888.' 1050.8 1060.8 1044.8 1046.4 1028.0 1057.2 1017.2 1037.6 260.4 291.6 259.2 303.6 264.0 290.4 268.8 273.6 897.3 769.2 966.6 754.8 928.3 696.0 980.9 977.3 632.1 636.0 650.0 645.6 659.6 652.8 645.2 642.8 841.3 802.8 838.9 804.0 818.6 805.8 822.2 831.7 357.3 370.8 354.5 362.4 'jSöT1 SO4M05 Crude petroleum & natural gas SO4M05 Pétrole brut 8 gaz nature I 1985.. 1987.. 11720.3 11737.2 11630.2 11738.4 11030.2 11883.6 11157.7 12112.8 11651.8 11991.6 11818.9 11925.6 11896.1 12259.2 11777.8 12865.2 11487.1 11525.6 SO4MOB Quarry & sand pit industries S041,106 Carrières & sabliéres 1986.. 1987.. 361.5 411.6 395.2 444.0 397.6 421.2 397.6 457.2 401.2 436.8 407.3 445.4 395.2 447.6 396.4 445.2 SO4M07 Servicerelated to mineral extract SO4M07 Industries des services miniers 1986.. 1987.. 2319.0 1021.2 2702.2 804.0 2109.2 754.8 2567.8 715.2 1576.6 819.6 1180.9 1017.6 830.4 1086.0 1567.8 1216.8 $05 Manufacturing industries SOS Industries manufacturières 1986.. 1987.. 71118.1 71881.2 71235.5 72940.8 70562.9 73420.8 72198.1 73398.0 71245,9 73659.2 70577.2 74350.8 71840.7 73740.0 Food industries S05M08 505M08 Industries des aliments 1986.. 1987.. 6933.7 6876.0 6860.9 6840.0 6791.0 6871.2 6784.0 6828.0 6853.4 6832.8 6698.8 6729.6 6814.0 6728.4 S05M08L014 Meat & meat products (exc. poultry) S05M08L014 Viande Isauf volai I lel 1986.. 1987.. 1103.6 1036.8 1082.0 1045.2 1067.6 1045.2 1080.8 1039.2 1084.4 1032.0 1077.2 1046.4 1083.2 1045.2 S05M081015 Poultry products industry SOSMO8I015 Industrie de Ia volai I le 1986.. 1987.. 260.4 274.8 262.8 271.2 258.0 280.8 262.8 284.4 261.6 286.8 264.0 284.4 264.0 291.6 S05M08L016 Fish products industry S05M08L016 Transformation du Poisson 1986.. 1987.. 953.4 928.8 942.7 903.6 933.1 924.0 916.4 924.0 946.3 970.8 891.3 810.0 900.9 834.0 505M08L017 Fruit and vegetable industries S05M08L017 Industries des fruits & legumes 1986.. 1987.. 677.5 669.6 638.1 691.2 678.7 655.2 630.9 674.4 648.8 536.0 650.0 684.0 673.9 658.8 505M08L018 Dairy products industries S051,11081-018 Industr,es laitières 1986.. 1987.. 806.6 843.6 822.2 849.6 836.5 824.4 850.8 818.4 861.6 826.8 856.8 795.8 859.2 813.6 505M08L019 Feed industry 505M08L019 Jndustr is des al iments pour animau>' 1986.. 1987.. 342.9 352.8 346.5 350.4 335.7 358.8 335.7 361.2 340.5 351.6 339.3 358.8 345.3 356.0 350.1 366.0 353.7 I 5 TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonal iy Adjusted at Annual Rates in Millions of Dot tars - Cont inued TABLEAU I. Produit intérieur brut au coOt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par mois désaisonal se aux taux annuels an millions de dot lars Suite - January February March ADr I May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jarivier Févr ier Mars Avr il Mi Ju in Ju ill. AoOt Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. S05M08L022 Bread & other bakery products md. S05MO8L022 Pain 8 autre5 prod. de boulangerie 1986.. 1987.. 580.1 579.6 589.7 562.8 580.1 562.8 584.9 570.5 570.0 584,4 570.5 592.8 556.1 578.4 574.1 572.4 565.7 562.8 565.7 564.5 1805.9 1798.8 1840.7 1854.0 1769.9 1868.4 1805.9 1852.7 1618.0 1636.8 1627.6 1653.6 1608.4 1662.0 1617.9 1670.7 620.6 661.2 611.0 649.2 617.0 662.6 264.3 271.5 558.5 570.0 S05M08L024 Misc, food products industries SO5M08L024 Produits alimentaires divers 1986.. 1987.. 1889.8 1857.6 1850.3 1844.4 1775.9 1887.6 1790.3 1857.6 1802.3 1838.4 1747.1 1840.8 1818.0 1833.6 Beverage industries SOSM09 S05M09 Industries des boissons 1986.. 1987.. 1637.2 1651.2 1626.3 1651.2 1601.1 1674.0 1694.9 1648.8 1645.6 1645.2 1743.0 1664.4 1650.5 1648.8 S05M09L025 Soft drink industry S05N09L025 Industrie des boissons gazeuses 1986.. 1987.. 603.8 661.2 618.2 655.2 601.4 640.8 607.4 652.8 623.0 610.8 630.2 637.2 614.6 650.4 611.0 654.0 S05M09L026 Distillery products industry S05M09L026 md. des produits de distillation 1986.. '987.. 270.3 275.1 267.9 293.1 267.9 266.7 252.3 255.9 255.9 248.7 252.0 249.6 250.8 2484 248.4 258.0 249.6 262.8 247.2 262.8 679. ~ - 682. 3 666.J 680.4 683.5 678.0 669.0 689.5 364.9 369.6 356.5 360.0 357.7 349.3 1002.4 1048.8 1010.8 1032.0 1024.0 1002.4 1306.0 1413.6 1318.0 1434.0 1344.4 1358.8 532.9 496.8 514.9 517.2 522.1 490.8 526.9 552.1 375.9 330.0 357.9 352.8 361.5 334.8 362.7 374.7 1832.7 2010.0 1796.9 1995.6 1816.0 1806.4 S05141091-027 Brewery products industry S05M09L027 Industrie de Ia bière . 986.. 987.. 697.9 680.4 678.7 686.4 671.4 724.8 723.2 694.8 685.9 715.2 774.9 702.0 702.7 684.0 SO5M1O Tobacco products industries SO5M1O Industries du tabac 1986.. 1987.. 384.2 346.8 409.5 352.8 350.5 363.6 352.9 349.2 316.7 356.4 357.7 349.2 369.7 349.2 366.1 342.0 SO5M11 Rubber products industries S05M11 md. des produ its en caoutchouc 1986.. 1987.. 1036.0 1035.6 1068.5 1040.4 1001.2 1094.4 1027.6 1072.8 1027.6 1000.8 1000.0 961.2 989.2 1059.6 991.6 1080.0 S05M12 Plastic products industries SO5M1Z Produits an matiCre plastique 1986.. 1987.. 1266.4 1362.0 1283.2 1332.0 1262.8 1370.4 1294.0 1372.8 1295.2 1399.2 1272.4 1396.8 1340.8 1398.0 1300.0 1429.2 S0510113 Leather 8 allied products ind. S05M13 md. du cuir & produits connexes 1986.. 1987.. 519.7 531.6 553.2 529.2 529.3 475.2 552.1 508.8 501.7 501.6 546.1 504.0 528.1 476.4 S05M13L033 Footwear industry S05M13L033 Industrie de Ia chaussure 1986.. 1987.. 381.9 364.8 397.4 357.6 374.7 308.4 353.1 336.0 386.7 343.2 360.3 310.8 S05M14 Primary textile 8 textile prod. md. SOSM14 Inch textiles & produits textiles • 1854.2 1873.2 390.3 342.0 1865.1 1927.2 1863.8 1946.4 1881.9 1942.8 1853.2 2001.6 1847.0 1918.8 1879.4 1971.6 1826.6 1963.2 TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonal I y Adjusted at Annual Rates in Mi I ions of Dollars - Cont inued TABLEAU 1. Produit intérieur brut au coUt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par mois dCsaisonal sC aux taux annuels on millions de dol lars - Suite January Janvier February FCvr er March Mars April Avri I May Mai June Juirr July Jui II. Aug. Aoüt Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. S05M14L035 Man-made fibre yarn & woven cloth S05M14L035 Fibres chimiques & tissus tissCs 721.9 738.0 742.3 766.8 729.1 787.2 720.7 790.8 735.1 824.4 741.0 760.8 759.0 776.4 732.6 790.8 736.3 808.8 671.7 783.6 717.2 684.8 168.2 163.2 177.8 169.2 171.8 177.8 559.5 595.2 572.7 586.8 563.1 563.1 183.0 228.0 184.2 246.0 179.4 195.0 S05M14L036 Wool yarn & woven cloth industry S05M14L036 Fi lature 8 tissage de la lame 997 • 182.5 183.6 167.0 177.6 187.3 182.4 180.2 188.4 155.1 178.8 165.8 169.2 171.8 183.6 175.4 159.6 S05M14L038 Misc, textile products industries S0510114L038 md. des produ its textiles divers 565.5 562.8 571.5 588.0 577.5 573.6 602.7 555.8 593.1 594.0 576.3 570.0 570.3 591.6 555.9 606.0 S05141141-040 Carpet, mat & rug industry S05M14L040 Tapis. cerpettes & moquettes StE 199.8 196.8 199.8 198.0 189.0 202.8 193.8 210.0 187.8 201.6 183.0 224.4 190.2 224.4 179.4 205.2 S05M15 Clothing industries S05M15 Industries de I habi I lement 986.. 98. . 2068.0 2043.6 2065.7 2164.8 2035.4 2185.2 2098.1 2157.6 2147.4 2152.8 2053.5 2205.6 2088.5 2253.5 2100.6 2227.2 2219.7 2061.1 2062.1 2053.1 2165.0 2145.6 S05M15L041 Clothing industries exc. hosier', SO5M1SLO41 md. de I 'habi I lement sauf bas 1986.. 1587.. 1961.8 1939.2 1947.4 2062.8 1931.6 2082.0 1994.3 2055.6 2052.0 2047.2 1947.3 2097.6 1987.1 2148.0 1998.0 2117.1 2122.8 2064.0 1957.3 2047.2 1961.9 19134.' S05M15L042 Hosiery industry S05M15L042 Jndustrie des has & chaussettes 1986.. '987.. 106.2 104.4 118.3 102.0 103.8 103.2 103.8 102.0 95.4 105.6 106.2 108.0 101.4 105.6 102.6 104.4 102.6 102.0 103.8 98.4 100.2 99.0 3417.9 4345.2 3448.1 4468.8 3444.6 4366.8 3490.2 3733.7 1895.2 2583.5 1849.6 2494.8 1883.2 2034.2 250.4 424.8 274.5 433.2 282.9 329.8 852.8 955.2 866.0 943.2 881.6 880.4 S05M16 Wood industries S05M16 Industries du bois 1996.. 3784.1 158. . 3837.6 3757.7 3918.0 3669.0 3972.0 3892.0 3930.0 3808.0 3985.2 3732.5 4057.2 3798.6 4226.4 S05M16L043 Sawrni I Is. planing & shingle mills S05M16L043 Scieries. rabotage & bardeaux 1986.. - 2151.3 1987.. 2095.2 2122.9 2150.4 2045.0 2181.6 2227.2 2132.4 2185.2 2172.0 2096.5 2245.2 2104.9 2349.6 1911.9 2448.0 S05M16L044 Veneer and plywood industries S05M16L044 md. des placages & contreplaaués 1995.. 1987.. 345.5 350.4 347.9 367.2 358.7 357.6 356.3 348.0 345.5 354.0 335.9 346.8 373.2 402.0 234.7 409.2 S05M16L045 Sash, door & other ml I Iwork md. S05M16L045 Portes, chassis, autres bois ouvrés 801.2 910.8 827.6 906.0 788.0 934.8 833.6 955.2 804.8 962.4 818.0 968.4 838.4 966.0 826.4 955.2 S05101161-047 Other wood industries S05M16L047 Autres industries du bo 393 7 387.4 379.0 398.2 394.6 393.4 405.4 391.0 'St.. 400.8 404.4 411.6 414.0 417.6 417.6 428.4 I TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates in Nil ions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 1. Produit intérleur brut au coUt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par mois désaisonalisé aux taux annuals an millions de dollars - Suite January February March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov Dec. Dec. Janvier Fèvr ier Mars Avr ii Mei Juin Jui II. AoSt Sept. Oct. Nov S05M17 Furniture & fixture industries $05M17 Meubles & articles d'ameublement 1986.. 3987.. 1253.6 1285.2 1232.0 1280.4 1250.0 1288.8 1272.8 1275.8 3232.0 1280.4 1234.4 1294.8 1266.8 1299.6 1263.2 1323.6 1296.8 1353.6 1252.4 1375.2 1265.6 1313.6 541.9 573.6 497.5 582.0 540.7 555.1 302.2 339.6 310.6 349.2 317.8 338.2 6481.8 6949.2 6623.3 6824.4 6516.5 6736.2 5268.0 5640.0 5394.0 5496.0 5268.0 5446.9 S05M17L048 Household furniture industries 505M17L048 Industrie des meubles de maison 1986.. 1987.. 545.5 538.8 519.1 556.8 540.7 534.0 557.5 530.4 519.1 530.4 537.1 531.6 544.3 531.6 537.1 547.2 S05M17L049 Office furniture industries S05M17L049 Industrie des meubles de bureau 1986.. 1987.. 297.4 316.8 291.4 310.8 298.6 319.2 278.2 326.4 299.8 324.0 303.4 332.4 304.6 338.4 308.2 332.4 SO5M18 Paper & allied products industries SOSM18 md. du papier & produits connexes 1986.. 1987.. 6387.2 6688.8 6425.6 6760.8 6351.2 6873.6 6754.4 6751.2 6525.3 6712.8 6546.8 6828.0 6698.0 6728.4 6581.5 76 67 .4 S0510118051 Pulp & paper industries S051V1181-051 Industries des pates et papier 1986.. 1957.. 5169.6 5438.4 5224.8 5482.8 5172.0 5601.6 5481.7 5491.2 5304.0 5474.4 5332.8 5544.0 5466.3 5454.0 5354.4 5467.2 S05M18L053 Paper box S bag industr ies 505M181-053 Boites an carton et sacs an papier ilib. 577.6 564.4 554.8 603.9 571.6 556.0 557.2 545.2 538.0 546.4 544.0 571.6 987.. 549.6 555.6 558.0 554.4 560.4 568.8 570.0 610.8 588.0 596.4 S05M18L054 Other converted paper products md. S05M18L054 Au-t. produits en papier transforme 1986.. 503.4 499.8 484.2 532.2 523.8 525.0 528.6 532.2 515.4 515.4 538.2 551.4 1987.. 532.8 564.0 556.8 560.4 526.8 558.0 547.2 537.6 555.6 552.0 S05M19 Printing, publishing & allied md. S05M19 Imprimerie. edition & ind. connexes 3838.7 3861.5 3903.5 3937.1 3949.1 3951.5 3995.9 3994.7 3975.5 3974.3 3933.5 3946.7 1986.. 1987.. 3991.2 3978.0 3988.8 4032.0 3984.0 4059.6 4076.4 4107.6 4154.4 4182.0 S05M19L055 Printing & publishing md. S05M19L055 Imprimerie S edition 1986.. 3441.4 3479.8 3508.6 3531.4 3539.8 3538.6 3579.4 3578.2 3553.0 3541.0 3507.4 3520.6 1987. 3570.0 3552.0 3555.6 3615.6 3561.6 3637.2 3654.0 3674.4 3710.4 3715.2 S05M19L05& Platemaking. typesetting & bindery 505M19L055 Clichage. composition S reliure 1986.. 1987.. 397.3 383.7 394.9 405.7 409.3 412.9 416.5 416.5 422.5 433.3 425.1 426.1 421.2 426.0 433.2 416.4 422.4 422.4 422.4 433.2 444.0 466.8 50510120 Primary metal industries SOSM2O Premiere transformation des métaux 1986. 1987.. S: 5712.3 5604.3 5521.1 5587.3 5570.4 5009.5 5383.2 5312.2 5459.6 5659.5 5803.2 5822.3 5758.8 5864.4 5817.6 5756.4 5844.0 5974.8 5720.4 6085.2 6273.6 6249.6 S05M201-057 Primary steel industries S05101201-057 Industries sidérurgiques 2257.7 2182.2 2191.8 2183.4 2166.6 2073.2 2110.3 2117.5 2134.3 2181.0 2294.9 2310.4 2269.2 2301.6 2251.2 2257.2 2278.8 2344.8 2370.0 2452.8 2454.0 2473.2 TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates in Millions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 1. Produit intCrieur brut au coQt des facteurs par industrie eux prix de 1981 par moos désaisonal se aux taux annuels en millions de dollars - Suite January Janv I er February Fey r i er March Mars Apr I Avr I May Ma i June Ju n July . Ju II . Aug. AoSt Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. S05M201_058 Steel pipe & tube industry S05M201-068 md. des tubes 8 tuyaux d'acier 1986.. 1987.. 381.5 276.0 313.9 303.6 346.5 295.2 306.7 309.6 303.0 319.2 293.4 303.6 311.5 356.4 253.5 387.6 245.1 405.6 253.5 396.0 270.4 271.7 394.1 412.8 394.1 448.8 392.9 483.6 419.3 436.8 421.6 433.6 2063.9 2256.0 2184.7 2236.6 2171.4 2154.5 4874.8 5397.6 4870.8 5419.2 4855.0 4917.9 1012.4 1007.5 1049.0 1267.2 1249.2 1207.2 1039.2 1079.3 S05M201-059 Ironfoundries S05M201-059 Fonder ies de fer 1986.. 1987.. 367.7 406.8 367.7 428.4 364.2 428.4 395.3 406.8 379.7 412.8 385.7 441.6 S05M20L060 Non-ferrous smelting & refining md. SOSM2OL060 Fonte 8 affinege métaux non ferreux 1986.. 1987.. 1986.. 1987.. 2085.6 2188.8 4788.3 5004.0 2045.7 2199.6 2088.0 2197.2 4857.1 5059.2 1 2062.7 2170.8 2094.1 2193.6 1647.0 2239.2 1937.0 1930.8 1934.6 2145.6 S05M21 Fabr icated metal product ndustr e SOSM21 Fabrication des produits err metal 4825.9 4977.6 4908.6 5136.0 4892.4 5283.6 4909.1 5280.0 5021.4 5358.0 4858.1 5490.0 1 S05M21L064 Power boiler & struct. metal md. S05M21L064 Chaudières & al iments de charpente 1986.. 1987.. 946.2 1093.2 973.0 1090.8 1011.3 1060.8 1004.2 1131.6 964.0 1248.0 1024.9 1249.2 1061.9 1261.2 S05M21L065 Ornamental & arch. metal prod. nd. S05M21L065 Produits darchitecture en metal 1986.. 1987.. 418.1 432.0 410.9 428.4 419.3 442.8 430.1 423.6 400.1 453.6 394.1 466.8 407.3 458.4 400.1 471.6 477.6 415.7 425.5 418.1 474.0 505M21L066 Stamped, pressed & coated metals S05M21L066 Emboutissage & matricage des métaux 1986.. 1987.. 1253.3 1270.8 1235.3 1316.4 1197.0 1250-4 1229.3 1335.6 1309.6 1285.2 1337.2 1276.8 1276.0 1248.0 1214.9 1294.8 1188.6 1308.0 1206.4 1231.7 507.5 578.4 507.5 559.2 506.3 512.3 623.8 584.4 615.4 628.8 593.8 590.3 96.0 111.6 92.4 112.8 97.2 97.2 460.9 464.5 528.0 523.2 459.7 537.6 451.3 462.1 1248.5 1327.2 SOSM21LO67 Wire and wire products industries S05M21L067 Fi I metal I ique 8 ses produits 1986.. 1987.. 508.7 522.0 526.7 512.4 535.1 518.4 543.4 531.6 515.9 548.4 484.8 543.6 553.0 548.4 499.1 546.0 S05M21L068 Hardware, tool 8 cutlery industries S05M21L068 Articles de quincaillerie 1986.. 1987.. 607.0 609.6 619.0 637.2 603.4 620.4 616.6 614.4 628.6 615.6 619.0 624.0 633.4 615.6 613.0 642.0 S05M211-069 Heating equipment industry S05M21L069 Industrie du materiel de chauffege 1986.. 1987.. 109.2 92.4 104.4 96.0 91.2 102.0 100.8 100.8 99.6 91.2 100.8 102.0 98.4 116.4 96.0 115.2 S05M21L070 Machine shops industry 505M21L070 Atel em dusinage 1986.. 1987.. 429.7 447.6 451.3 447.6 440.5 452.4 453.7 445.2 445.3 472.8 452.5 442.8 460.9 528.0 S05M211-071 Other metal fabricating industr S05M21L071 Autres ind. de produits en méta 1986.. 1987.. 516.1 536.4 536.5 530.4 528.1 530.4 530.5 553.2 529.3 568.8 495.8 574.8 530.5 582.0 528.1 592.8 k2.5 4.5 578.4 55.6 53. 2E.9 I C TABLE 1. Gros Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates in Mi lions of Dollars - Cont inued TABLEAU 1. Produit intArieur brut au coat des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par mois désaisonalisé aux taux annuels an millions do dollars - Suite January Janvier ~ F;bruar, évr icr March Mars Apr I Avr ii May Mai June Juin July Jui II. Aug. AoOt Sept. Sept. ct. t. Foc Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. S05M22 Machinery industries S05M22 Industries de la machinerie 1986.. 1987.. 2830.3 2942.4 2899.9 2962.8 2874.7 2929.2 3075.1 2942.4 2997.1 2886.0 2995.9 2964.0 2993.5 2977.2 3041.5 2947.2 2965.9 3063.6 2830.3 3157.2 2961.1 2841.1 248.7 247.2 240.3 249.6 243.9 241.6 183.4 195.6 165.4 200.4 176.2 177.4 2533.8 2620.8 2424.6 2707.2 2541.0 2422.2 8977.6 9268.8 9187.6 9498.0 8788.7 9166.5 1197.8 1213.2 1172.6 1220.4 1179.8 1215.8 1874.3 1734.0 1954.0 1897.2 1836.9 1916.6 305.2 332.4 279.1 349.2 294.5 300.5 4776.7 5140.8 4984.5 5174.4 4657.5 4918.3 382.8 404.4 397.3 405.6 390.0 396.1 302.2 298.8 285.4 298.8 291.4 292.6 131.4 136.2 130.2 - 150.6 144.6 144.6 124.2 144.6 138.6 987.. 118.8 111.6 120.0 108.0 108.0 154.8 151.2 159.6 145.2 152.4 S05M22L072 Agriculture implement industry S05M22L072 Industrie des instruments aratoires 1986.. 1987.. 243.9 243.6 242.7 244.8 246.3 246.0 260.7 248.4 261.9 247.2 265.5 248.4 275.1 247.2 267.9 248.4 S05M22L073 Commercial refrigeration equipment S05M22L073 Equip, commercial de refrigeration 1986.. 1987.. 156.6 202.8 173.8 193.2 191.8 193.2 172.6 171.6 169.0 186.0 161.8 225.8 170.2 192.0 178.6 175.2 S05M22L074 Other machinery & equipment md. S05M22L074 Autre machinerie A Cauipement 1986.. 1987.. 2419.8 2496.0 2483.4 2524.8 2436.6 2490.0 2641.8 2522.4 2566.2 2452.8 2568.6 2488.8 2548.2 2538.0 2595.0 2523.6 S05M23 Transportation equipment industries S05M23 Industries du materiel de transport 1986.. 199 7 9501.6 8852.4 9437.8 9052.8 9641.6 9020.4 9698.6 8677.2 9268.5 8712.0 9269.6 8871.6 9131.8 8209.2 8871.0 8786.4 S05101231-075 Aircraft A aircraft parts industry S05M23L075 md. daéronefs & pièces d'aCronefs 966.. 997., 1156.9 1202.4 1161.8 1214.4 1158.2 1216.8 1189.4 1237.2 1188.2 1243.2 1207.4 1218.0 1208.6 1113.6 1197.8 1132.8 S05M231-076 Motorvehicle industry 505M23L076 Industrie des vChicules automobiles 1986.. 1987.. 2062.7 1753.2 2176.2 98.0]._ 2059.1 1810.8 2140.0 1548.0 2045.8 1581.6 2036.1 1620.0 1919.0 1446.0 1781.3 1645.2 S05M23L077 Truck, bus body & trailer industry S05M231-077 Carrosseries de camions & remorques 1986.. 1987.. 301.7 319.2 288.6 319.2 285.0 326.4 312.3 309.5 287.4 292.8 288.6 321.6 300.5 336.0 329.0 326.4 505M23L078 Motor vehicle parts A accessories 505M23L078 Pièces A accesnoires pour vChicules 1986.. 1987.. 5130.3 4766.4 5064.0 4903.2 5156.7 4965.6 5181.8 4772.4 4889.9 4784.4 4868.3 4852.8 4868.1 4459.2 4716.5 4819.2 S05M23L079 Rail road rolling stock industry S05M23L079 md. du materiel ferroviaire roulant 1986.. 1987.. 1986.. 1987.. 355.1 397.2 364.6 295.2 347.9 399.6 380.2 294.0 359.9 402.0 1 362.4 404.4 363.6 403.2 386.4 403.2 387.6 404.4 385.2 405.6 505M23L080 Shipbuilding and repair industry 505M23L08O Construction, reparation de navire 375.4 291.6 362.2 297.6 349.0 298.8 338.2 301.2 323.8 298.8 316.6 297.6 S05101231-081 Misc. transportion equipment nd. S05M23L081 jrrd. diverses du materiel transport 126.6 10 TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonal iy Adjusted at Annual Rates in Millions of Dollars - Coot nued TABLEAU 1. Produit intCrieur brut au coOt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par moos dCsaisonalisC aux taux annuels an millions de dollars - Suite January Janv icr February Févr er March Mars April Avr i I May Ma i June Ju in July Jul11 . Aug. AoOt Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dóc. S05M24 Electrical & electronic products 505M24 Prod. électriques A électroniciues 1986.. 1987.. 7243.3 7605.6 7230.4 7803.6 7106.5 8037.6 7271.5 8373.6 7263.5 8542.8 7211.3 8649.6 7421.4 8533.2 7230.9 8641.2 7389.5 9117.6 7587.9 8804.4 7612.0 7846.4 269.5 244.8 259.9 273.6 277.9 252.7 257.2 262.8 264.3 307.2 282.3 278.7 2897 228.0 300.5 235.2 289.7 314.8 2110.2 2294.4 2107.1 2204.4 2124.8 2080.5 2693.0 4209.6 2837.6 3843.6 2825.5 3168. 352.8 380.4 349.2 408.0 364.0 363.6 120.2 136.8 149.6 151.2 120.2 119.0 1296.9 1360.8 1319.7 1381.2 1337.6 1268.2 2198-91 2433.6 2245.6 2470.8 2244.4 2335.3 S05M24L082 Small electrical appi lance industry S05M24LO82 Petits appareils électriques 1986.. 1987.. 251.5 250.8 251.6 252.0 250.3 226.8 247.9 264.0 264.7 259.2 252.7 272.4 270.7 290.4 268.3 259.2 S05M241_083 Major appliances (dec & non-dec. S05M241-083 Gros appareils (électriques ou non) 1986.. 1987.. 287.1 289.2 288.2 284.4 291.8 297.6 272.7 301.2 260.7 279.6 263.1 278.4 257.2 302.4 266.7 277.2 S05M24L084 Record players, radio & tv receiver S05M24L084 Phonographes, récepteurs radio & tv 1986.. 1987.. 250.4 294.0 212.2 326.4 240.9 289.2 251.6 280.8 263.5 296.4 299.3 242.4 351.7 252.0 308.8 235.2 S05M24L085 Electronic equipment industries S05M24L085 Industr ie du mat6riel Alectronique 1986.. 1987.. 2220.9 1974.0 2177.9 2199.6 2231.6 2167.2 2209.9 2307.6 2254.7 2287.2 2203.7 2160.0 2293.6 2289.6 2233.7 2263.2 S05M24L086 Office, store & business machines S05M241_086 Ordinateurs & autre mach. de bureau 1986.. 1987.. 2448.4 3007.2 2485.7 3025.2 2325.5 3283.2 2480.9 3432.0 2446.0 3600.0 2392.9 3852.0 2438.7 3532.8 2411.0 3692.4 S05M241087 Communications, energy wire & cable S05M241087 Fl Is & cables. élect./communication 1986.. 1987.. 370.8 332.4 355.2 343.2 360.4 350.4 357.6 352.8 351.6 368.4 339.6 373.2 364.8 399.6 343.2 402.0 S05M241088 Battery industry S05M241088 Industrie des accumulateurs 1986.. 1987.. 143.7 135.6 150.8 132.0 175,5 120.0 169.6 127.2 167.3 108.0 130.8 123.6 111.9 126.0 114.3 126.0 S05M241_089 Other elect. & electronic products S05M24L089 Autres prod. elect. & électroniques 1986.. 1987.. 1270.5 1322.4 1308.9 1240.8 1240.6 1303.2 1281.3 1308.0 1255.0 1344.0 1329.2 1347.6 1332.8 1340.4 1284.9 1386.0 S05M25 Non-metallic mineral products md. S05M25 Produits mmnAraux non metal I iques 1986.. 1987.. 2170.2 2455.2 2269.5 2391.6 2195.5 2406.0 2237.4 2402.4 2225.3 2353.2 2162.9 2370.0 2243.4 2421.6 2183.3 2445.6 S05M25L091 Cement industry S05M25L091 Industrie du ciment 1986.. 1987.. 277.9 325.6 262.4 267.1 286.2 288.6 263.6 285.0 282.6 302.9 300.5 341.1 392.4 338.4 351.6 339.6 339.6 328.8 337.2 330.0 326.4 337.2 S05M25L092 Concrete products industries S05M25L092 Industries des produits an bCto 1986.. 1987.. 35.3 407.1 378.5 370.1 398.9 408.5 408.5 392.91 422.8 366.51 355.7 375. 424.8 422.4 390.0 396.0 390.0 405.6 399.6 405.Sj 410.4 391.2 Ill TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonal I y Adj usted at Annual Rates in Mill ions of Dollars Conk nued TABLEAU 1. Produit intCrieur brut au coüt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par mois dCsai sonal I sC aux taux annuels on ci I lions de dol lars - Su te January Janvier February FCvr iCr March Mars April Avr ii May Nai June Juin Jul) Jui II. Aug. Ao9t Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. 0cc. Dec. S05M25L093 Ready-mix concrete industry S05M25L093 Industr ie du béton prAparé 1986 1987 345.1 450.0 352.3 432.0 353.5 448.8 379.9 444.0 354.7 445.2 334.3 436.8 363.1 439.2 365.5 422.4 365.5 436.8 379.9 445.2 391.9 405.0 505.2 561.6 510.0 564.0 511.2 510.0 558.3 610.8 569.1 638.4 554.7 564.3 893.4 886.8 836.9 897.6 769.6 818.9 5143.0 5178.0 5128.8 5331.6 5050.4 5112.4 1612.1 1603.2 1593.0 1695.6 1594.2 1636.0 357.7 333.6 354.1 351.6 357.7 358.9 764.3 762.0 742.7 777.6 745.1 761.9 351.9 400.8 342.3 422.4 339.9 338.7 406.2 344.4 408.6 360.0 417.0 417.0 287.6 297.6 294.8 298.8 292.4 293.6 1363.2 1436.4 1393.3 1425.6 1304.1 1306.3 S05M25L094 Class A glass products industries S05M25L094 Verre & articles en verre 1966 1987 529.2 506.4 564.0 535.2 525.6 549.6 542.4 520.8 538.8 507.6 517.2 513.6 549.6 529.2 531.6 578.4 S05M25L095 Misc. non-metal ic mineral products S05M25L095 Divers prod. minéraux non metal. 1986 1987 539.1 578.4 561.9 562.8 558.3 554.4 537.9 592.8 536.7 583.2 535.5 602.4 540.3 618.0 537.9 612.0 S05M26 Refined petroleum & coal products S05M26 Prods raffinAs de pet role & charbon 1986 1987 827.3 862.8 835.7 860.4 766.0 903.6 782.8 889.2 818.9 854.4 869.4 896.4 861.0 878.4 868.2 850.8 S05M27 Chemical A chemical products md. S05M27 Industries chimiques 1986 1987 5122.7 5076.0 5128.9 5274.0 5132.1 5260.8 5132.3 5440.8 5107.5 5463.6 5208.1 5454.0 5390.9 5463.6 5219.7 5230.8 505M27L097 Industrial chemicals industries nec S05N27L097 Prods chimiques d'usage indust. nca 986.. 987.. 1615.7 1683.6 1602.6 1740.0 1624.0 1742.4 1620.5 1816.8 1568.0 1768.8 1641.9 1777.2 1788.7 1778.4 1682.5 1710.0 S05M27L098 Plastic 8 synthetic resin industry S05M27L098 Mat. plant ique 8 rCsine synthCtique 1986.. 1987.. 340.9 356.4 332.5 340.8 324.1 362.4 328.9 378.0 331.3 372.0 340.9 367.2 340.9 348.0 372.1 349.2 S05M27L099 Pharmaceutical8 medicine industry S05M27L099 Prod. pharmeceutiques & médicaments 1986.. 1987.. 711.5 738.0 705.4 784.8 764.3 782.4 739.1 793.2 736.7 795.6 730.7 787.2 723.5 792.0 747.5 771.6 S05M27L100 Paint and varnish industry S05M27L100 Industrie des peintures & vernis 1986.. 1987.. 371.0 351.6 329.1 361.2 335.1 369.6 325.5 372.0 332.7 378.0 314.8 367.2 332.7 381.6 324.3 378.0 S05M27L101 Soap 8 cleaning compounds industry S05M27L101 Savons & composes de nettoyage 1986.. 1987.. 424.2 397.2 431.4 402.0 403.8 418.8 401.4 370.8 390.6 398.4 385.8 372.0 397.8 391.2 390.6 363.6 S05M271_102 Toilet preparations industry S05M27L102 Industrie des produits de toilatte 1986.. 1987.. 280.4 292.8 290.0 289.2 287.6 276.0 285.2 302.4 279.2 308.4 302.0 306.0 291.2 314.4 280.4 315.6 SOSM27L1O3 Chemical & chemical products nec SOSMZ7L1O3 Industries chimigues nca :1 1379.0 1256.4 1437.9 1356.0 1393.2 1309.2 1431.7 1407.6 1469.0 1442.4 1492.0 1477.2 1516.1 1458.0 1422.3 1342.8 12 TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates in Millions of Dollars - Continued par mos TABLEAU 1. Produit intérieur brut su coüt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 désaisonal ise aux taux annuels en millions de dollars - Suite January Janvier February Févr icr March Mars April Avr ii May Mai Ju.,e Juin July . Jul11. Aug. Ao2t Sept. Sept. Nov. Jec. Nov. Dec. Oct. Oct. S05M28 Other manufacturing industr ies 505M28 Autres industries manufacturiEres 1986.. 1987.. 1959.1 1801.2 1962.7 1897.2 1890.7 1964.4 1952.7 1909.2 1947.1 1876.8 1957.7 1921.2 1974.6 1962.0 1885.0 1905.3 171.8 171.6 165.8 168.2 188.4 163.5 297.4 295.2 297.4 331.2 317.8 316.6 226.5 244.8 233.7 252.0 228.9 236.1 47.9 50.4 46.7 54.0 47.9 53.9 1119.7 1170.0 1105.4 1190.4 1122.2 25121.0 27523.2 25303.8 27374.4 25541.2 7326.8 8799.6 7597.4 8536.8 16104.7 17196.0 15951.2 17343.6 16247.8 16628.6 14303.1 14960.4 14112.8 15010.8 14150.6 14470.4 1958.1 1957.2 1863.3 1932.0 1849.0 2016.0 S05M28L104 Jewellery A precious metal nd. S05M28L104 Si j outerie & orfèvrerie 1985.. 1987.. 176.6 156.0 179.0 171.6 170.6 175.2 174.2 180.0 170.6 183.6 189.7 188.4 179,0 181.2 174.2 205.2 S05M281-105 Sporting goods & toy industries S05M28L105 md. des articles de sport S jouets 1986.. 1987.. 323.8 264.0 331.0 302.4 317.8 292.8 338.2 289.2 339.4 273.6 310.6 312.0 339.4 321.6 328.6 297.6 505M281-106 Sign and display industry 505M281-106 Industrie des enseignes & Ctalages 1986.. 1987.. 238.5 261.6 239.7 238.8 233.7 238.8 236.1 237.6 238.5 244.8 237.3 236.4 231.3 250.8 232.5 259.2 505M28L107 Floor tile. linoleum, coated fabric S05M28L107 Dal les. I inoléum & tissus enduits 1986.. 1987.. 45.5 54.0 53.9 50.4 44.3 52.8 45.5 42.0 41.9 50.4 46.7 48.0 46.7 50.4 50.3 50.4 505M281-108 Other manufacturing industries nec 505M28L108 Aut, industries manufacturières nca 1986.. 1987.. 1174.7 1065.6 1159.1 1134.0 1124.3 1204.8 1168.7 1160.4 1156.7 1124.4 1173.4 1136.4 1161.7 1153.2 1189.0 1149.6 1'3 S06 Construction industries SOB Industries de Ia construction 1986.. 1987.. 25597.8 26256.0 25743.2 26398.8 25348.1 26841.6 25413.3 27349.2 25168.5 27584.4 25129.4 27840.0 24945.1 27692.4 25172.6 27622.8 25941.8 SO6M29L1 10 Resi dential construct ion 506M291-110 Construction domiciliaire 1986.. 1987.. 7454.9 7712.4 7521.9 8018.4 7466.9 8325.6 7525.5 8419.2 7458.5 8740.8 7486.0 8964.0 7356.8 9108.0 7251.4 9032.4 7718.3 7823.6 507 Transportation & storage industries 507 md. du transport at entreposage 1986.. 1987.. 16306.1 16459.2 16559.4 1 6 5- 98.4 16197.3 16425.6 16529.9 16645.2 16272.5 16748.4 16323.8 16652.4 16166.0 16704.0 16190.7 16502.4 S07M30 Transportation industries S07M30 Industries du transport 1986.. 1987.. 14390.3 14276.4 14466.3 14356.8 14257.7 14234.4 14639.1 14268.0 14364.7 14336.4 14405.5 14533.2 14281.2 14610.0 14299.4 14304.0 S07M30L118 Air transport & services incidental S07M3OL118 Transp. aérien & services relatits 1986.. 1987.. 2325.1 2510.4 2514.0 2493.6 2518.9 2618.7 2692.2 2462.3 2550.1 2536.9 2419.0 2365.0 2324.4 2316.0 2280.0 2276.4 2286.0 2335.2 2335.2 2341.2 24156 7412.0 S07M301-119 Railway transport & rd. services S07M30L119 Transp. ferroviaire & services re 1986.. 1987.. .B, 2827.2 2834.4 2880.01 2901.6 2778.0 2806.8 2779.2 2713.2 2798.4 2791.2 2742.0 2712.0 2731.2 2823.6 2778.0 2473.2 2940.0 1 2995.2 1 I p 13 TABLE 1. Gross Doniestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonal iy Adjusted at Annual Rates in Millions of Dollars - Continued TIBLEAU 1. Produit intérieur brut au coOt des f.cteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par mois désaisonal se aux taux annuels en millions de dollars - Suite January February March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Janvier Fevrier Mars Avril Mai Juin Juill. AoOt Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec. S07M30L120 Water transport & rel . services S07M30L120 Transp. par eau & services rel. 1986.. 1987.. 1417.2 1484.8 1373.3 1278.4 1272.5 1303.3 1183.5 1297.4 1291.5 1318.7 1355 1371.6 1383.6 1334.4 1376.4 1374.0 1407.6 1462.8 1412.4 1396.8 1407.6 S07M30L121 Truck transport industries SO?M30L121 Industries du camionnage 1986.. 1987.. 5161.85159.4 5043.1 5417.3 5159.4 5038.3 5272.1 5164.2 5163.0 5123.4 5172 5251.2 5348.4 5322.0 5397.6 5440.8 5404.8 5472.0 5520.0 5636.4 5650.8 S07M30L122 Urban transit system industry S07M30L122 md. du transport en commun urbain 1986. 1987.. 827.6 820.4 815.6 852.8 851.6 863.6 862.4 876.8 861.2 845.6 831 813.6 805.2 837.6 783.6 775.2 824.4 824.4 817.2 822.0 800.4 S07M30L123 Interurban 8 rural transit systems S07M30L123 Transp. an commun interurbain/rural 1986. 1987. 117.5 115.1 110.3 110.3 113.9 113.9 112.7 111.5 107.9 109.1 1O 106.8 104.4 106.8 106.8 110.4 116.4 ¶14.0 114.0 122.4 112.8 5071431 Pipeline transport industries S07M31 md. du transport par pipelines 1986.. 987. 1440.1 1557.8 1434.1 1452.1 1490.5 1464.1 1442.5 1476.1 1482.1 1464.1 1477.3 1506.1 1575.6 1634.4 1642.8 1752.0 1687.2 1610.4 1648.8 1701.6 1718.4 1726.8 S07M32 Storage & warehousing industries S07M32 md. dentreposage & demmagasinage 997 • 475.7 535.3 505.5 438.7 417.3 454.2 442.3 423.2 319.5 374.3 619.9 652.1 607.2 607.2 548.4 625.2 724.8 508.8 445.2 496.8 517.2 606.0 Coewnunication industries S08 S08 Industries des communications 1986.. 1987.. 9858.4 9949.6 10009.6 10151.2 10169.2 10237.6 10342.0 10243.6 10478.8 10366.0 10450.0 10435.6 10491.6 10626.0 10714.8 10795.2 10916.4 10993.2 11086.8 11323.2 11355.6 11312.4 S08M33L129 Telecommunication broadcasting md. 50814331129 md. de Ia diffusion des télécom. 1986.. 1987.. 1194.41246.0 1259.2 1262.8 1255.6 1290.4 1291.6 1264.0 1279.6 1277.2 1318.0 1252.0 1270.8 1287.6 1286.4 1310.4 1316.4 1328.4 1329.6 1321.2 1334.4 1339.2 S08M33L130 Telecommunication carriers 8 other S08M33L130 TClécommunications transmission/eat. 1986. 1987.. 7428.6 7481.4 7528.2 7662.6 7697.4 7749.0 7774.2 7752.6 7876.2 7817.4 7907.4 7903.8 8016.0 8113.2 8194.8 8278.8 8376.0 8502.0 8580.0 8692.8 8792.4 8918.4 Other utility industries 509 509 Aut. industries de services publics 1986. 1987.. 11005.0 10894.4 1 10655.4 10798.3 10500.4 10573.7 10779.1 10720.3 10719.1 10747.9 10934.1 10782.8 10926.0 11156.4 11130.0 11392.8 11312.4 11536.8 11649.6 11487.6 11253.6 1317. 2 S091434L132 Electric power systems industry S09M34L132 Industrie de lénergie Clectrigue 1986.. 1987.. S 9309.3 9440.2 9138.7 9224.0 9399.4 9376.6 9393.4 9415.0 9570.0 9467.9 9576.9 9618.0 9658.8 9884.4 9848.4 10065.6 10042.8 10226.4 10309.2 10177.2 9981.6 10034.4 S09M34L133 Gas distribution systems industry S09M341-133 Industr ie de Ia distr ibution de gaz 8L. 87. 1107.4 1120.6 1123.0 1112.2 1142.2 1107.4 1088.2 1094.2 1125.4 1077.4 1091.8 1041.3 1028.4 1030.8 1039.2 1086.0 1026.0 1068.0 1096.8 1069.2 1028.4 1038.0 14 TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonal I y Adj usted at Annual Rates in Mill ions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 1. Preduit intórieur brut cu coüt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par moos désaisonal se aux taux annuals en millions de dollars - Suite January Janvier February Févr,er March Mars April Avril May Hal June Juin July . Jul11. Aug. AoUt Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. Nov. Dec. S09M34L134 Other utility industr es nec S09M34L134 Autres md. de services publics nca 1986.. 1987.. 238.7 238.8 237.5 241.2 238.7 242.4 237.5 241.2 237.5 243.6 236.3 242.4 237.5 243.6 238.7 241.2 238.7 243.6 237.5 244.8 236.3 235.1 19163.4 21415.2 18811.9 21314.4 18987.1 19437.0 24387.0 25701.6 24016.5 25958.4 23962.5 24041.7 52127.8 54552.0 51753.3 55882-8 51765.3 51815.6 S1O Wholesale trade industries Sb Industriss du coesuerce de gros 1986.. 1987.. 18438.8 19344.0 18371.7 19938.0 17965.0 19867.2 18973.9 20263.2 18678.8 20161.2 18650.0 20490.0 18997.9 20614.8 18885.1 20661.6 Si 1 Retail trade industries 511 Industries du commerce de detail 1986.. 1987.. 23310.2 23791.2 23491.3 24432.0 23421.7 24555.6 23743.1 25038.0 23625.6 24932.4 23580.0 25477.2 23968.5 25280.4 24117.2 25572.0 512 Finance insurance & real eat. md. $12 Finances, ass. & aff. iimaobiliEres 1986.. 1987.. 50620.4 52357.2 50695.9 52831.2 50395.9 53542.8 51890.2 53767.2 51357.2 53580.0 52111.0 53336.4 51791.7 53970.0 51812.2 54793.2 S12M37 Finance 8 real estate industries S12M37 md. financières et immobi I ières 1986.. 1987.. 22003.0 22029.4 21845.8 23161.3 22424.3 23079.7 22636.8 22528.8 22815.7 22534.8 22443.6 22479.6 22818.0 23180.4 23571.6 23542.8 23394.0 23011.2 23454.0 23958.0 23728.824559.6 S12M37L137 Banks, credit union & 0th. dep inst. S12M37L137 Banques, caisses d'épargne aut inst 1986.. 1987.. 4030.4 4053.2 4144.4 4104.8 4038.8 4038.8 4022.0 4005.2 4012.4 2976.4 3 9 b.2 3974.( 3992.4 4009.2 3993.6 4092.0 4124.4 4160.4 4182.0 4158.0 4188.0 4225.2 S12M37L138 Trust, other finance & real estate S12M37L138 Soc. fiducie aut. agents fin. immob. 1986.. 1987.. 17972.6 18825.6 17976.2 19171.2 17701.4 19578.0 19056.5 19450.8 18385.5 19269.6 19040.9 18850.8 18614.8 19272.0 18523.6 19800.0 18803.3 19540.8 18558.4 20474.4 18480.4 18505.6 1876.2 1918.8 1847.4 1916.4 1872.6 1869.0 5972.1 6394.8 5832.9 6684.0 5834.1 5756.1 21463.8 22509.6 21538.2 22582.8 21615.0 21710.9 38316.7 38643.5 37881.8 38781.4 37641.8 37898.7 S12M38 Insurance industries 5121438 Industr lea des assurances 1986.. 1987.. 1781.4 1915.2 1799.4 1930.8 1809.0 1939.2 1846.2 1929.6 1849.8 1914.0 1858.2 1917.6 1882.2 1910.4 1876.2 1911.6 5121439 Govt. royalties on flat, resources S12M39 Redevances gouv. sur ressources nat. 1986.. 1987.. 6015.4 5812.8 5970.9 5833.2 5770.5 6068.4 5814.9 6232.8 5921.7 6154.8 5954.1 6170.4 5960.1 6268.8 6040.6 6513.6 S12M40 Owner occupied dwellings S12M40 Immeubles occupés par propriétaire 1986.. 1987.. 20820.6 21811.2 20896.2 21886.8 20970.6 21963.6 21067.8 22062.0 21161.4 22117.2 21219.0 22237.2 21312.6 22336.8 21366.6 22410.0 $13 Community, business, person. serv. 513 Serv. socio-cult. cosuner. & pers. 1986.. 1987.. 37384.6 37728.6 37388.3 38006.8 37251.2 38039.0 38044.4 38174.6 37934.7 38315.9 38173.9 38362.4 38121.0 38605.9 38257.6 38613.8 S13M41 Business service industries S13M41 md. des services aux entreprises 1986.. 1987.. 12468.4 12622.8 12526.0 12721.2 12386.8 12831.6 12832.2 12812.4 12607.7 12805.2 12563.3 12790.8 12558.5 12882.0 12544.1 12856.8 12656.6 252.9 105t6.5 12836.4 12864.4 I 15 TABLE 1. Cross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonally Adj usted at Annual Rates in Millions of Dollars - Conk i nued TABLEAU I. Produit intArieur brut au coüt dcc facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par mois désa i sonal i sé aux taux annuel s on mill ions de dol lar s - Suite • January Janv i er February Févr i c r March Mars April Avr 1 May Ma July Ju ill . June Ju in Aug. A06t Sept. Sept. Nov. Nov. Oct. Oct. Dec. Dec. S13M41L143 Professional business services S13U41L143 Serv. professionnels aux entrepris. 1986.. 1987.. 6077.6 6278,4 6123.2 6345.6 5987.6 6454.8 6382.5 6432.0 6210.8 5405.6 6202.4 6378.0 6234.8 6466.8 6207.2 6453.6 6275.6 6440.4 6270.8 6298.4 6440.4 765.2 764.4 756.8 765.6 759.2 759.2 6288.8 5131042 Educational service industries Sl3M42 md. des services denseignement 1986.. 1987.. 748.4 759.6 752.0 758.4 756.8 759.6 765.2 765.6 765.2 766.8 770.0 764.4 766.4 763.2 766.4 762.0 S13M43 Health services industry S13M43 md. des services de coins de sante 1986.. 1987.. 6419.1 6569.4 6438.3 6578.8 6447.8 6567.8 6475.1 5593.0 6549.9 5596.3 6607.9 6602.0 6579.1 6635.3 6573.0 6613.4 6603.3 6633.5 6563.5 6643.0 6616.3 6649.9 117.6 115.7 117.5 115.4 117.8 115.1 117.6 115.0 117.6 117.5 8300.2 8404.8 8095.9 8503.2 8004.5 8089.9 2362.1 2361.6 2371.7 2364.0 2145.1 2257.8 2968.1 2989.2 2935.7 2996.4 2940.5 2942.9 690.0 693.6 684.0 699.6 684.0 684.0 4646.5 4639.2 4660.9 4653.6 4585.3 4654.8 4579.3 4578.1 23.1 50.4 43.8 52.8 34.1 57.6 42.6 45.0 57.6 60.0 54.7 60.0 52.8 62.4 53.8 56 7. 228.1 243.6 230.5 246.0 237.7 237.7 S13M431-146 Hospitals S13M43L145 HApitaux 1986.. 1987.. 117.2 117.0 117.2 116.8 117.1 116.6 116.8 116.5 117.2 116.3 117.5 116.0 5131444 Accommodation 8 food service ind. S13M44 Hébergement & restauration 1986.. 8073.1 8066.4 8052.8 8169.6 8007.0 8096.4 8136.7 8169.6 8257.0 8236.8 8296.7 8281.2 8297.8 8331.6 8368.6 8322.0 S13M45 Amusement & recreational services 5131445 Serv. dedivertissementset loisirs , 1986.. 1987.. 2184.7 17 2 8.0 2179.9 2228.4 2199.1 2211.6 2278.2 2206.8 2207.5 2266.8 2335.8 2259.6 2307.0 2353.2 2396.9 2432.4 5131446 Personal & household service nd. 5131446 md. des serv. personnels & domest. 1986.. 1987.. 2844.4 2944.8 2830.0 2948.4 2836.0 2958.0 2878.1 2982.0 2888.9 2984.4 2910.5 2998.8 2940.5 3001.2 2962.1 2988.0 513M46L151 Laundries & cleaners S13M46L151 Blanchissage et nettoyage 8 sec 1986.. 1987.. 675.6 680.4 670.8 681.6 668.4 587.6 579.2 694.8 676.8 693.6 668.4 694.8 679.2 694.8 685.2 696.0 S13M47 Other service industries 5131447 Autres industries des servces 1986.. 1987.. 4646.5 4587.6 4609.3 4602.0 4617.7 4614.0 4678.9 4545.2 4658.5 4659.6 4689.7 4665.6 4671.7 4640.4 Si? Mining industries Si? Industries des mines 1986.. 1987.. 42.6 38.4 38.9 40.8 41.4 34.8 40.2 37.2 51.1 31.2 49.9 39.6 59.6 48.0 SiB Manufacturing industries SiB Industries manufacturiCres 1986.. 1987.. 59.5 56.4 57.6 60.0 57.6 63.6 58.6 60.0 58.6 60.5 58.8 58.8 63.4 60.0 S19 Forestry services industry S19 Industrie des services forest iers , 1886.. 1887.. 231.7 241.2 231.7 240.0 234.1 240.0 231.7 237.6 235.3 240.0 241.3 241.2 231.7 242.4 229.3 242.4 16 TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates in Mill ions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 1. Produit intérieur brut au coOt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de désa i sonal I se aux taux annuel s en mi II ions de dol lar s - Suite Januar, Janvier February FAvr ier March Mars April Avr I May Mai June Juiri Jy Aug. AoOt Sept. Sept. 1981 par main Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec FJU ?111 1S20 Transportation industries 520 Industries du transport 1986,. 1987.. 1433.7 1456.8 1444.5 1470.0 1431.3 1449.6 1404.9 1447.2 1406.1 1458.0 1415.7 1468.8 1406.1 1471.2 1409.7 1471.2 1404.9 1473.6 1408.5 1471.2 1422.9 1431.3 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 48.0 527.5 546.0 527.5 547.2 526.3 531.1 358.6 375.6 358.6 376.8 362.2 363.4 23352.3 23364.3 23454.3 23689.2 23696.4 23406.3 S21 Communication industries S21 Industries des commun i cations 1986.. 1987.. 54.0 46.8 62.8 45.6 51.6 45.6 52.8 45.6 51.6 44.4 50.4 46.8 50.4 46.8 51.6 46.8 S22 Water systems industry $22 Industrie de Ia distribution d'eau 1986.. 1987.. 527.5 536.4 532.3 540.0 531.1 544.8 529.9 542.4 527.5 544.8 525.1 543.6 522.7 542.4 525.1 543.6 S23 Insurance & other finance industry S23 Assurance & aut. agents financiers 1986.. 1987.. 334.6 369.6 338.2 373.2 341.8 376.8 345.4 373.2 349.0 372.0 351.4 373.2 357.4 372.0 357.4 374.4 S24 Government service industries S24 Ind. des services gouvernementaux 1986.. 1987.. 23345.1 23440.8 23420.7 23478.0 23370.3 23556.0 23493.9 23535.6 23432.7 23618.4 23414.7 23636.4 23369.1 23620.8, 23387.1 23667.6, S24M59L171 Defence services S24M59L171 Services de défese 1986.. 1987.. 2906.4 2940.0 2908.8 2944.8 2908.8 2948.4 2905.2 2944.8 2902.8 2948.4 2905.2 2937.6 2905.2 2910.0 2947.2 2947.2 2919.6 2528.0 2938.8 2938.8 2929.2 2932.8 7276.0 7201.2 7264.0 7215.8 7270.0 7265.2 7501.2 7731.6 7507.21 7588.8 7707.6 7544.4 5655.5 5817.6 5665.1 5833.2 5666.3 5663.9 36425.5 36751.2 36454.3 36799.2 36562.3 36611.5 284.3 286.7 292.8 294.0 287.9 289.1 S24M59L172 Other federal government services S24M59L172 Aut. services de I admin. fedérale 1986.. 1987.. 7336.0 7261.2 7340.8 7262.4 7307.2 7287.6 7369.6 7257.6 7313.2 7264.8 7278.4 7242.0 7271.2 7245.6 7280.8 7232.4 S24M59L173 Provincial government services S24M591-173 Services des admin. provinciales 1986.. 1987.. 7536.0 7576.8 7549.2 7598.4 7509.6 7641.6 7572.0 7692.4 7564.8 7658.4 7560.0 7672.8 7524.0 7644.0 7546.8 7674.0 S20591-174 Local government services S20591-174 Services des admin. locales 1986.. 1987.. 5566.7 5662.8 5621.9 5672.4 5644.7 5678.4 5647.1 5680.8 5651.9 5746.8 5671.1 5784.0 5668.7 5784.0 5649.5 5814.0 S25 Community & personal services S25 Serv. socio-culturels a personnels 1986.. 1987- 35970.7 36663.6 36047.5 36594.0 36097.9 36643.2 36065.5 36670.8 36237.1 36691.2 36349.9 36669.6 36367.9 36703.2 36372.7 36732.0 S25M58 Business service industries S25M58 Ind. des services aux entreprises 1986.. 1987.. 285.5 289.2 284.3 291.6 277.1 295.2 287.9 292.8 281.9 291.6 280.7 290.4 280.7 294.0 280.7 294.0 S25M60 Educational service industries S25M60 md. des services denseignemen 1986.. 1987.. 18937.3 19146.0 18975.7 19094.4 19018.9 19136.4 19021.3 19155.6 19021.3 19162.8 19056.1 19125.6 19058.5 19142.4 19032.1 1302.i, '3059.3 19167.6 19210.8 19186.81 '31'J.7J'9i3?.7 I 17 TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates in Millions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 1. Produit intérieur brut au coüt des facteurs par induatrie aux prix de 1981 par mois désaisonal se aux taux annuels an millions de dollars - Suite January February March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec. Janvier FCvrier Mars Avril Mai Juin Juill. Aot Sept. Oct. Nov. I S25M61 Health 8 social service industries S25M61 Serv. de soins de sante & sociaux 13330.6 13355.8 13369.0 13345.0 13510.6 13577.8 13593.4 13595.8 13640.2 13655.8 13725.4 13739.8 1H'.. 13758.0 13717.2 13718.4 13726.8 13735.2 13740.0 13758.0 13759.2 13759.2 13782.0 S25M61L176 Hospitals S25M61L176 IlApitaux llbL. 9189.1 9203.5 9216.7 9203.5 9281.5 9313.9 9336.7 9351.1 9393.1 9403.9 9426.7 9430.3 9434.4 9436.8 9445.2 9465.6 9468.0 9460.8 9470.4 9460.8 9450.0 9464.4 S25M62 Amusement & other service md. S25M62 Divertissements & autres services 947.0 947.0 957.8 961.4 972.2 981.8 989.0 1002.2 990.2 979.4 968.6 977.0 996.0 1002.0 999.6 999.6 1005.6 1014.0 1010.4 1014.0 1012.8 1014.0 S25M63 Personal, household & other serv. S25M63 Serv. person.. domestiQues & autres '99i. 2470.3 2484.7 2475.1 2449.9 2451.1 2453.5 2446.3 2461.9 2458.3 2463.1 2466.7 2467.9 947., 2474.4 2488.8 2493.6 2496.0 2496.0 2499.6 2498.4 2497.2 2499.6 2498.4 627 Business sector industr ies 627 Secteur des entreprises 986. 300460.1 301527.7 297553.1 304753.5 301791.3 301412.5 302761.4 302129.6 303568.6 301650.4 302189 77 305925.7 987.. 305212.2 308915.2 310749.8 312627.8 312982.7 315530.0 316218.5 319182.2 321705.5 323690.2 628 Business sector - goods 628 Secteur des entreprises - biens i.. 144541.6 145071.5 142312.4 145420.8 143753.3 142336.2 143374.3 142615.2 142990.2 142869.7 143135.2 145668.5 47.. 145040.4 146482.8 147604.8 147944.4 148328.4 150218.4 149955.6 151716.0 152841.6 153097.2 629 Business sector - services 629 Secteur des entreprises - services 1986.. 155918.5 156456.2 155240.7 159332.7 158038.0 159076.3 159387.1 159514.4 160578.4 158780.7 159054.5 160257.2 1987.. 160171.8 162432.4 163145.0 164683.4 164654.3 165311.6 166262.9 167466.2 168863.9 170593.0 630 Non-business sector industries 630 Secteur non conerercial 0. 62731.9 1986.. 61999.4 62164.2 62157.1 62222.9 62349.0 62458.9 62428.3 62413.6 62443.4 62478.6 62711 8 63188.4 63240.0 63304.8 1987.. 62850.0 62841.6 62954.4 62949.6 63058.8 63078.0 63106. Non-business sector - goods 631 631 Secteur non commercial - biens 1986.. 629.6 628,8 630.1 628.7 637.2 635.5 645.7 605.8 626.0 614.4 622.7 633.7 1987.. 631.2 640.8 643.2 639.6 634.8 642.0 650.4 654.0 658.8 667.2 632 Non-business Sector - services 632 Secteur non commercial - services 1986.. 61369.8 61535.4 61527.0 61594.2 61711.8 61823.4 61782.6 61807.8 61817.4 61864.2 62087.4 62098.2 1987.. 62218.8 62200.8 62311.2 62310.0 62424.0 62436.0 62456.4 62534.4 62581.2 62637.6 633 Goods producing industries 633 Industries productr ices de biens 1986.. 145171.2 145700.3 142942.5 146049.5 144390.5 142971.7 144020.0 143221.0 143616.2 143484.1 143757.9 146302.2 148963.2 150860.4 150606.0 152370.0 153500.4 153764.4 148584.0 1987.. 145671.6 147123.6 148248.0 . 634 Services producing industries 634 Industries productrices de services 1288.3 217991.6 216767.7 220926.9 219745.8 220899.7 221169.7 221322.2 222395.8 220644.9 221141.9 222355.4 22390.6 224633.2 225456.2 226993.4 227078.3 227747.6 228719.3 230000.6 231445.1 233230.6 18 TABLE 1. Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Month Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates in Millions of Dollars - Concluded TABLEAU 1. Produit intérieur brut su coüt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par moos désa i sonal I se aux taux annuels an ml I lions de dol lars - f n February Février January Janvier March Mars April Avri I May Mai June Juin July . Jul11. Aug. AoOt Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. 635 Industrial production 635 Production industr el le 1986.. 1987.. 1986.. 1987.. 104669.0 105574.8 104165.3 104442.0 31875.3 32338.8 1 102465.9 106150.8 105246.3 106318.8 103653.4 106749.6 102530.6 108092.4 103535.0 108040.8 102626.1 109684.8 103085.1 111055.2 103032.5 111331.2 103034.2 104937.9 32203.3 33027.6 31947.9 32964.0 31816.0 32305.1 38474.5 43309.2 38927.7 43357.2 38905.2 39882.1 636 Non-durable manufacturing md. 636 Manufacturiers - biens non durables 31984.1 32710.8 31587.9 33007.2 32292.1 32994.0 32041.6 32905.2 32094.3 32967.6 32605.0 33032.4 32089.2 32766.0 637 Durable manufacturing industries 637 Manufacturiers - biens durables 1986.. 1987.. 3924278 39542.4 39251.4 40230.0 38975.0 40413.6 39906.0 40404.0 39204.3 40764.0 38482,9 41383,2 39234.7 40707.6 38136.2 42021.6 I 4 'C TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product or Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars TABLEAU 2. Produit inter Our brut au coOt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par trimestre désaisonalisC aux taux annuals at donnies annuelles an millions do dollars I II IV III Annual-annuel G26 Total economy G26 Ensemble 361953.9 371174.4 364996.0 376742.3 365248.3 382213.8 365895.5 364522.4 SOl Agricultural & related services md. SOl md. agricoles & do 1886.. 12143.0 11732.0 12306.7 11714.0 12306.8 11776.4 12153.4 12227.5 S02 Fishing 8 trapping industries S02 Irid, do Ia pCche at du piCgeage 1586.. 1987. 627.6 735.0 675.2 600.8 641.2 696.0 747,2 672.8 2350.3 2451.3 S03 logging & forestry industries S03 Exploitation for.stiire, '986. '387.. 2504.3 2658.4 2441.5 2509.6 2509.1 2480.0 SO4 Mining, quarrying & oil well md. SO4 Mines carrières A puits do petrol. 386. 887. 21513.7 21144.9 20741.5 20889.2 21071.5 20932.4 21194.8 22520.8 SO4M04 Mining industries 504M04 Industries des mines 7291.9 7424.9 7378.0 7810.9 7476.4 138 7 .. 7860.4 7887.2 8340.8 SO4M04L004 Gold mines SO4M04L004 Mines d'or 986. 98/ 1079.4 1166.2 1128.6 1183.0 1139.3 1178.0 1186.4 1309.6 SO4M04L005 Other metal mines SO4M04L005 Autres mines de mCtaux 1986.. 1587.. 3665.0 3759.3 3847.2 4172.8 4221.2 4241.2 4090.1 3840.4 SO4UO4LOO6 Iron mines SO4M04L006 Mines de fer 386. 387.. 534.4 539.6 540.4 419.6 524.4 561.6 514.1 528.3 163.5 161.2 504M04L007 Asbestos mines SO4M04L007 Mines d'amiante 1986 . 180.7 158.0 166.7 159.2 133.9 177.2 SO4M04L008 Non-metal mines exe coal & asbestos SO4M04L008 Mines non metal. e> charbon amiante 1886.. _T 7 739.6 768.6 729.3 721.7 731.6 814.8 813.6 739.8 SO4M04L009 Salt mines SO4M04L009 Mines de sd 138b.. 1987.. 107.9 114.7 125.5 111.9 115.0 109.2 111.2 116.4 20 TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product Cr Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonal I y Adj usted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars - Cont sued se TABLEAU 2. Produit intérieur brut au coOt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par sux taux annuel s at données annual es an ci I I ions de dol tars - Suite t r i mast re désa i sonal I II I III IV Annual-annue S0414041-010 Coal mines SO4MO41-010 Mines de charbon 1986.. 1987.. 984.9 971.2 909.1 974.8 889.1 1121.2 1026.6 952.4 11601.3 11606.7 390.4 393.7 SO4M05 Crude petroleum & natural gas SO4MOS Pétrole brut & gaz naturel 1986.. 1987.. 11460.2 11786.4 11542.8 12010.0 11825.7 12527.2 504M06 Quarry & sand pit industr ies SO4M06 Carriéres & sablières 1986.. 1987.. 384.8 425.6 402.0 446.8 397.6 451.6 S041407 Service related to mineral extract SO4M07 Industries des services miniers 1986.. 1987.. 2376.8 860.0 1775.1 850.8 1140.3 1201.2 1086.6 1594.7 71261.3 71122.0 S05 Manufacturing industries S05 Industries manufacturières 1986.. 1987.. 70972.2 72747.6 71340.4 73806.0 70914.6 74954.8 SOSM08 Food industries S05M08 Industries des ailments 1986.. 1987.. 6861.9 6778.7 6781.6 6B62.4 6796.8 6678.0 S051408L014 Meat & meat products )exc. poultry) S05MO8LO14 Viande (sauf volal I Ic) 1986.. 1987.. 1084.4 1042.4 1080.8 1039.2 1059.6 1050.8 1027.6 1063.1 268-8 263.3 962.2 936.2 649.2 652.3 824.2 837.2 S05M081015 Poultry products industry S05M081015 Industrie de lavolaille 1986.. 1987.. 260.4 275.6 262.8 285.2 261.2 295.6 S05M081-016 Fish products industry S05M081-016 Transformation du Poisson 1986.. 1987.. 943.1 918.8 918.0 901.6 921.6 786.0 S05MO8LO17 Fruit and vegetable industr ies S05MO81.017 Industries des fruits & legumes 1986.. 1987.. 664.8 672.0 643.2 664.8 652.0 646.8 S05M081-018 Dairy products industries S05M08L018 Industries laitières 1986.. 1987.. 821.8 839.2 856.4 814.0 846.5 806.8 S05MOBL019 Feed industry S05MO8LO19 Industrie des aIlments pour animaux 1986.. 1987.. 341.7 354.0 338.5 357.2 350.9 367.6 352.9 346.0 is S 21 TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product or Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit intérieur brut Cu coüt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par tr imestre dôsai sonal i sé aux taux annuals at dorinóes annuel las an ci II ions de dol lars - su te I II III IV Annual-annuel S05M081-022 Bread & other bakery products md. S05M08L022 Pain & autres prod. de boulangerie 1986.. 1987.. 583.3 568.4 575.3 582.4 565.3 571.7 1809.5 1812.4 1632.3 1645.1 562.9 573.6 S05M08L024 Misc. food products industries S05M081-024 Produits alimentaires divers 1986.. 1987.. 1838.7 1863.2 1779.9 1845.6 1821.5 1828.8 S05M09 Beverage industr es S05M09 Industr es des boissons 1986.. 1987.. 1621.5 1658.8 1694.5 1652.8 1532.0 1646.4 S05M091-025 Soft drink industry 505M091-025 Industrie des boissons gazeuses 1986.. 1987.. 607.8 652.4 620.2 633.6 618.4 630.2 615.4 655.2 S05M09L026 Distillery products industry S05M09L026 md. des produ its de distillation 1985.. 1987.. 271.1 250.8 275.9 251.6 261.5 265.8 580.7 694.9 354.5 361.3 1012.4 1015.1 254.7 253.2 S05M091.027 Brewery products industry S05M09L027 Industrie de la bière 981.. 682.7 697.2 728.0 704.0 688.3 676.8 S05M1O Tobacco products industries S05M1O Industries du tebac 1986.. 1987.. 381.4 354.4 342.4 351.6 366.9 353.6 SO5M11 Rubber products industries S05M11 2nd. des produ its an caoutchouc 1986.. 1987.. 1035.2 1056.8 1018.4 1011.6 994.4 1062.8 S05M12 Plastic products industries S05M12 ProduitsenmatiBre plastique 1986.. 1987.. 1270.8 1354.8 1287.2 1389.6 1315.5 1413.6 i 1340.4 I 1303.5 S05M13 Leather & allied products md. S0510113 md. du cuir & produits connexes 1986.. 1987.. 534.1 512.0 533.3 504.8 525.3 496.8 T 533.7 531.6 366.3 373.1 S05141131-033 Footwear industry S05M13L033 Industrie de Ia chaussure 1986.. 1987.. 384.7 343.6 376.7 340.4 364.7 331.2 S05M14 Primary textile & textile prod. md. S05M14 md. textiles & produits textiles 1986.. 1987.. 1861.0 1915.6 1860.7 1954.4 1846.2 1981.6 1806.4 1843.6 22 TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product Sr Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonal ly Adj usted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars - Corrt I nued TABLEAU 2. Produit intèrieur brut ac coüt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par tr imestre désaisonal isé aux taux annuals at données annuel es en ml I I ions de dollars - suite I II III -7 IV Annual-annuel S05M14L035 Man-made fibre yarn & woven cloth S05M14L035 Fibres chimiques & tissu5 tissés 1986.. 1987.. 731.1 764.0 732.3 792.0 742.6 792.0 691.2 724.3 S05M14L036 Wool yarn & woven cloth industry S05M14L036 Fl lature & tissage de Is lame 1986.. 1987.. 178.9 181.2 167.0 178.8 171.8 168.8 175.8 173.4 S05MI41_038 Misc. textile products industr es S05M141_038 md. des produits textiles divers 1986.. 1987.. 571.5 574.8 590.7 573.6 561.9 597.6 566.3 572.6 186.2 188.7 2062.1 2088.6 S05M14L040 Carpet, mat & rug industry S0514141-040 Tapis. carpettes & moguettes 1986.. 1987.. 196.2 199.2 188.2 212.0 184.2 219.2 1 S05M15 Clothing industries S05M15 Industries de I hebi I lament 1986.. 1987.. 2056.4 2131.2 2099.7 2172.0 2136.3 2215.6 S05M15L041 Clothing industries exc. hosiery S05M15L041 md. de I habi I lement sauf box 1986.. 1987.. 1946.9 2028.0 1997.9 2066.8 2034.1 2111.6 1985.0 1961.1 a S05M151_042 Hosiery industry S05M151_042 Industrie des baa & chaussettes 1986.. 1987.. 109.4 103.2 101.8 105.2 102.2 104.0 101.0 103.6 3556.2 3664.7 S05M16 Wood industries SO5M1S Industries du bois 1986.. 1987.. 3736.9 3909.2 3810.8 3990.8 3554.9 4346.8 S05M16L043 Sawmills, planing & shingle mills S05M16L043 Scieries, rabotage 8 bardeaux 1986.. 1987.. 2109.7 2142.4 2169.6 2183.2 1970.7 2460.4 S05M16L044 Veneer and plywood industr ian S05M16L044 md. des placages 8 contreplaues 1986.. 1987.. 350.7 358.4 345.9 349.6 286.1 412.0 2043.1 1922.3 295.7 __7 319.6 S05M16L045 Sash, door & other ml I Iwork ind. S05M16L045 Portes. chassis, autres bois ouvrés 1986.. 1987.. 805.6 917.2 818.8 962.0 839.2 958.8 876.0 834.9 379.0 385.9 S051,11161-047 Other wood industries S05M16L047 Autres industr lea du bois 1986.. 1987.. 388.2 405.6 397.8 416.4 378.6 433.2 a 23 TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product ar Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars - Cont inued TABLEAU 2. Produit intérieur brut au coüt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par tr imestre désa i sonal I sé aux taux annuel a et données annual las an mill ions de del lars - suite I II IV III Annual-annuel S05M17 Furniture 8 fixture industries S05M17 Meubles & articles dameublement 1985.. 1987.. 1245.2 1284.8 1246.4 1284.0 1275.6 1325.6 1277.2 1261.1 S05M17L048 Household furniture industries S05M17L048 Industrie des meubles de maison 1986.. 1987.. 535.1 543.2 537.9 530.8 541.1 550.8 531.1 536.3 322.2 304.2 S05N171-049 Office furniture industries S05M17L049 Industrie des meubles de bureau 1986.. 1987.. 295.8 315.6 293.8 327.6 305.0 336.8 505M18 Paper & allied products industries S05M18 md. dii papier S produits connexes 1986.. 1987.. 6388.0 6774.4 5608.8 6754.0 6587.1 6818.0 6625.3 6552.3 5369.6 5323.5 S05M18LO51 Pulp & paper industries SO5M181-051 Industries des pates et papier 1986.. 1987.. 5188.8 5507.6 5362.8 5520.4 S05M181-053 Paper box & bag industries S05M18L053 Boites err carton at sacs an papier • 1986.. 1987.. 5372.8 5503.2 565.6 5544 577.2 561.2 546.8 589.6 554.0 560.9 S05M18L054 Other converted paper products nd. S05M18L054 Aut. produits en papier transformA 1986.. 1987.. 495.8 551.2 527.0 548.4 525.4 546.8 535.0 520.8 5051419 Printing, publishing & allied md. S05M19 Imprimerie, Adition & ind. connexes 1986.. 1987.. 3867.9 3986.0 3945.9 4025.2 3988.7 4112.8 3951.5 3938.5 3523.0 3526.6 S05M19LO55 Printing 8 publishing ind. S05M19L055 Imprimerie & edit ion 1986.. 1987.. 3476.6 3559.2 3536.6 3604.8 3570.2 3679.6 S05M19L056 Platemaking. typesetting & bindery S051419L056 Clichage. composition & reliure 1986.. 1987.. 391.3 426.8 409.3 420.4 418.5 433.2 428.5 411.9 S05M20 Primary metal industries S05M20 Premiere transformation des métaux 1986.. 1987.. 5612.6 5813.6 5389.1 5858.4 5385.0 6026.4 5761.7 5537.1 2262.1 2183.6 S05M201-057 Primary steel industries 505M20L057 Industries sidérurgiques 1986.. 1987.. 2210.6 2274.0 2141.1 2293.6 2120.7 2425.6 24 TABLE 2. Gross Doaiestic Product ar Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit intérieur brut cu coüt des factsurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par trimestre dCsaisonal sC aux taux annuals at données annual es en millions de dollars - sute II I IV III Arinual-annuel S05M20L058 Steel pipe & tube industry S0514201-058 md. den tubes a tuyaux d'acier 1986.. 1987.. 347.3 291.6 301.0 310.8 270,0 383.2 265.2 295.9 424.8 393.0 S05M20L059 Iron foundr ies S05M20L059 Fonderies de far 1986.. 1987.. 366.5 421.2 386.9 420.4 393.7 448.4 S05M20L060 Non-ferrous smelting & refining md. S05M20L060 Fonte & affinage métaux non ferreux 1986.. 1987.. 2073.1 2195.2 1934.6 2201.2 2170.2 1978.5 2110.8 2039.1 S051421 Fabricated metal product industries S051421 Fabrication des produits en metal 1986.. 1987.. 4823.8 5013.6 4903.4 5233.2 4918.1 5415.2 4881.2 4881.6 505M21L064 Power boiler & struct. metal ind. S05M21L064 ChaudiCres & aliments de charpente 1986.. 1987.. 976.8 1081.6 997.7 1209.6 1027.3 1259.2 1055.8 1014.4 S05M21L065 Ornamental & arch, metal prod. ind. S05M21L065 Produits d'architecture an metal 1986.. 1987., 416.1 434.4 408.1 448.0 420.1 408.5 469.2 413.2 S05M21L066 Stamped, pressed & coated metals S0514211-066 Emboutissage & matriçage des méteux 1986.. 1987.. 1228.5 1279.2 1292.0 1299.2 1246.5 1290.0 1208.6 1243.9 S0514211.067 Wire and wire products industries S05M21L067 Fi I metal I ique & ses produits 1986.. 1987.. 523.5 517.6 514.7 541.2 519.9 557.6 508.7 516.7 S05M21L068 Hardware, tool & cutlery industries S05M21L068 Articles de quincaillerie 1986.. 1987.. 609.8 622.4 621.4 618.0 623.4 614.0 599.8 613.6 S05M21L069 Heating equipment industry S05M21L069 Industr ie du mater el dechauffage 1986.. 1987.. 101.6 96.8 100.4 98.0 96.8 114.4 95.6 98.6 457.7 452.7 S05M21L070 Machine shops industry S05M21L070 Atel iers d'usinage 1986.. 1987.. 440.5 449.2 450.5 453.6 462.1 526.4 _T S05M21L071 Other metal fabricating industries SOSM21LO71 Autres md. de produits en metal 1986.. 1987.. 526.9 532.4 518.5 565.6 533.7 584.4 534.9 528.5 I . 25 TABLE 2. lross Domestic Product ar Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit intérleur brut au coüt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par trimestre désaisonalise aux taux annuels at données annuelles an millions de dollars - suite Annual -annue I S05M22 Machinery industries S051Y122 Industries de Ia machinerie 1986.. 1987.. 2868.3 2944.8 3022.7 2930.8 3000.3 2996.0 2877.5 2942.2 S05M22L072 Agriculture implement industry S05M22L072 Industr ie des instruments aratoires 1986.. 1987.. 244.3 244.8 262.7 248.0 241.9 263.9 247.6 253.2 S05M22L073 Commercial refrigeration equipment S05M22L073 Equip. commercial de refrigeration 1986.. 1987.. 177.4 196.4 177.4 187.6 167.8 194.8 173.0 173.9 S05M22L074 Other machinery & equipment ind. S05M221.074 Autre machinerie & èquipement 1986.. 1987.. 2446.6 2503.6 2592.2 2488.0 2559.0 2560.8 2462.6 2515.1 S05M23 Transportation equipment industries S05M23 Industries du materiel de transport 1986.. 1987.. 9527.0 8975.2 9412.2 8753.6 8993.5 8754.8 9047.6 9245.1 S05M23L075 Aircraft 8 aircraft parts industry S05M23L075 md. daCronefs & pièces d'oéronefs T- 1 1158.6 1195.0 1201.4 1189.4 1186.1 1211.2 1232.8 1153.2 S05M23LO76 Motor vehicle industry S05M23L076 Industr ie des vAhicules automobiles 1986.. 2099.3 2074.0 1858.2 1902.5 1983.5 1987.. 1754.0 1583.2 1608.4 1 S05M231-077 Truck, bus body & trailer industry S05M231-077 Carrosseries de camions 8 remorques 1986.. 1987.. 291.8 321.6 296.1 308.0 311.6 331.6 291.4 1 297.7 S05M231-078 Motor vehicle parts & accessories S05M23L078 Pièces & accessoires pour vChicules 1986.. 1987.. 5117.0 4878.4 4980.0 4803.2 4787.1 4806.4 4853.4 S05M231-079 Railroad rolling stock industry S05M23L079 md. du materiel fmrroviaire roulent 1986-1987.. 354.3 399.6 370.8 403.6 385.2 404.8 394.5 4934.4 T- 376.2 S05M23L080 Shipbui Iding and repair industry S05M23L080 Construction, reparation de navire 1986.. 1987.. 373.4 293.6 349.8 299.2 314.2 298.4 289.8 331.8 S05M23L081 Misc. transoortion equipment md. S05M23L081 md. diverses du materiel transport 986.. 987.. 132.6 116.8 146.6 123.6 135.8 152.0 126.6 135.4 26 TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product ar Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit intérieur brut au coOt des facteurs per industrie aux prix de 1981 par tr imestre désaisonal isé aux taux annuals at données annual lea an mi I I ions de dollars - su II I III IV Annual-annuel S05M24 Electrical & electronic products S05M24 Prod. électriques & électroniQues 1986.. 1987.. 7193.4 7815.6 7248.8 8522.0 7347.3 8764.0 7682.1 7367.9 S05M24L082 Smal I electrical appliance industry S05M24L082 Petits appareils électriaues 1986.. 1987.. 251.1 243.2 55.1 265.2 269.5 264.8 263.5 259.8 S05M24L083 Major appl lances lelec & non-elec. I S05M24L083 Gros apparei Is (électriques ou non) 1986.. 1987.. 289.0 290.4 265.5 286.4 260.4 280.8 275.1 272.5 S05101241.084 Record players, radio & tv receiver S05M24L084 Phonographes, récepteurs radio 8 tv 1986.. 1987.. 234.5 303.2 271.5 273.2 316.7 238.4 301.7 281.1 S05M24L085 Electronic eQuipment industries S05M24L085 Industrie du matérial électroniue 1986.. 1987.. 2210.1 2113.6 2222.8 2251.6 2212.5 2282.4 2104.1 2187.4 S05M241-086 Office, store 8 business machines S05M24L086 Ordinateurs & autre mach. de bureau 1986.. 1987.. 2419.9 3105.2 2439.9 3628.0 2514.2 3811.6 2944.0 2579.5 S05M241087 Communications, energy wire & cable S05M241087 Fils & cables. élect./communication 1986.. 1987.. 358.8 342.0 349.6 364.8 353.6 394.0 355.6 354.4 129.6 139.4 S05M241088 Battery industry S05M241088 Industrie des accumulateurs 1986.. 1987.. 156.7 129.2 155.9 119.5 115.5 129.6 S05M24L089 Other elect. & electronic products S05M24L089 Autres prod. elect. & électroniaues 1986.. 1987.. 1273.3 1288.8 1288.5 1333.2 1304.9 1362.4 1308.5 1293.8 S05M25 Non-metallic mineral products md. S05M25 Produ its minéraux non metal I igues 1986.. 1987.. 2211.7 2417.6 2208.5 2375.2 2208.5 2433.6 2275.1 2226.0 314.8 290.3 S05101251_091 Cement industry S05M25L091 Industrie du cimerrt 1986.. 1987.. 288.6 360.8 280.6 336.0 277.1 331.2 S05M25L092 Concrete products industries S05M251-092 Industries des produits en béton 1986.. 1987.. 382.5 412.4 403.3 391.7 397.2 405.2 390.5 392.0 I Wl TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product ar Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Mill ions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit intèrieur brut au coüt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par trimestre dOsaisonalisé aux taux annuels at données annuelles an millions de dollars - suite II III IV Annual-annuel S05M251.093 Reedy-mix concrete industry S05M25L093 Industrie du bCton préparé 360.3 443.6 986.. 987.. 356.3 442.0 364.7 432.8 392.3 365.9 S05M25L094 Glass 8 glass products industries S05M25L094 Verre 8 articles an verre 986..l 987.. 1 539.6 530.4 532.8 514.0 528.8 510.4 527.9 566.4 S06M25L095 Misc, non-metal iC mineral products S05M26L095 Divers prod. minéraux non metal. 1986.. 553.1 536.7 545.5 552.7 549.5 565.2 592.8 613.6 S05M26 Refined petroleum & coal products S05M26 Prods raffinés de pétrole & charbon '986. 809.7 8237 874.2 808.5 828.8 '987.. 875.6 880.0 872.0 S05M27 Chemical 8 chemical products md. S05N27 Industries chimiques 15. . 5127.9 5203.6 5149.3 5452.8 S05N27L097 S05M27L097 '1167.. 1614.1 1722.0 1610.1 1787.6 5251.2 5290.8 5097.2 5156.4 Industrial chemicals industries nec Prods chimiques dusage indust. nca 1694.4 1697.2 1607.7 1631.6 S05M27L098 Plastic & synthetic resin industry S05H27L098 Mat. plastique 8 résine synthétique 1986.. 332.5 333.7 356.9 356.9 345.0 1987.. 353.2 372.4 343.6 S0SM27L099 Pharmaceutical 8 medicine industry S05M27L099 Prod. pharmaceutiques & médicaments li 727.1 735.5 745.1 749.9 739.4 1987.. 768.4 792.0 775.2 S05M27L100 Paint and varnish industry SOSM27L100 Industrie des peintures & vernis 585.. 345.1 324.3 336.3 340.3 336.5 360.8 372.4 386.8 S05M27L101 Soap 8 cleaning compounds industry S05M27L101 Savons 8 composes de nettoyage llIl'L. . 419.8 406.0 S05M271-102 Toilet preparations industry S05M271.102 Industrie des produits de toilette 955 . 286.0 288.8 286.4 293.6 288.7 28610 305.6 309.2 987.. S05M27L103 Chemical & chemical products nec S05M27L103 Industries chimigues nca 1986.. 1987.. 1403.4 1464.2 1433.9 13346 1409.0 442.4 1412.4 1307.2 28 TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product ar Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dot tars - Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit intèrieur brut au coOt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par trimestre désaisonalisé aux taux annuels et données annueHes an millions de dollars - sure I II III IV Annual-anee S05M28 Other manufacturing industries S05M28 Autres industries manufacturléres 1986.. 1987.. 1937.5 1887.6 1955.8 1902.4 1932.0 1950.4 1879.8 1926.3 S05M281-104 Jewel lery & precous metal md. S05M281-104 Bijouterie & orfèvrerie 1986.. 1987.. 175.4 167.6 178.2 184.0 175.0 186.0 165.8 173.6 S051101281-105 Sporting goods & toy industries S05M28L105 md. des articles de sport & jouets 1986.. 1987.. 324.2 286.4 329.4 291.6 321.8 304.8 310.6 321.5 S05M281-106 Sign and display industry S05M281-106 Industrie des enseignes 8 étalages 1986.. 1987.. 237.3 246.4 237.3 239.6 230.1 251.6 232.9 234.4 505M281.107 Floor tile, linoleum, coated fabric S05M281.107 Del es, I inoléum & tissus endu its 1986.. 1987.. 47.9 52.4 44.7 46.8 48.3 50.4 49.5 47.6 S05M28L108 Other manufacturing industries ne S05M28L108 Aut. industries manufacturieres nca 1986.. 1987.. 1152.7 1134.8 1166.3 1140.4 1156.8 1157.6 112C'9 S06 Construction industries S06 Industries de Ia construction 1986.. 1987.. 25563.0 26498.8 25237.1 27591.2 25079.6 27612.8 25595.6 25368.8 7713.1 7499.0 506M291-1 10 Residential construction S06M291-110 Construction domicil laire 1986.. 1987.. 7481.2 8018.8 7490.0 8708.0 7311.7 8980.0 S07 Transportation & storage industries S07 md. du transport et entreposage 1986.. 1987.. 16354.3 16494.4 16375.4 16682.0 16156.5 16800.8 16275.9 16290.5 14244.6 14345.1 S07M30 Transportation industr es S07M30 Industries du transport 1986.. 1987.. 14371.4 14289.2 14469.8 14379.2 14294.6 14624.8 S07M30L118 Air transport & services incidental S07M30L118 Transp. aérien 8 services relatifs 1986.. 1987.. 2506.0 2306.8 2609.9 2299.2 2516.4 2364.0 2370.0 2500.6 S07M30L119 Railway transport & ret, services S07M301-119 Transp. ierroviaire & services ret. 1986.. 1987.. 2847.2 2777.2 2828.8 2755.6 2746.4 2730.4 2759.2 2795 I • • 29 TABLE 2. Gross.Douiestic Product or Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit intérieur brut au coüt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par trimestre désaisonal se aux taux annuels at donnCes annuelles an millions de dollars - suite I Ii III IV Annual-annuel S07101301-120 Water transport & rel. services S07M30L120 Transp. par eau & servce5 rd. 1986.. 1987.. 1425.1 1363.2 1284-7 1386.0 1257.5 1424.0 1388.3 1338.9 5189.4 5178.9 S07M301.121 Truck transport industries S07M301.121 Industries du camionnage 1986.. 1987.. 5121.4 5307.2 5205.0 5414.4 5199.8 5542.8 S07M301.122 Urban transit system industry S07M301-122 md. du transport en comrnun urbain 1986.. 1987.. 821.2 818.8 856.0 794.4 831.2 866.8 821.2 843.8 S07M30L123 Interurban & rural transit systems S07M301.123 Transp. an commun interurbain/rural 1986.. 1987.. 114.3 106.0 1 12.7 111.2 105.5 110.8 1482.5 1473.9 110.7 116.8 S07M31 Pipeline transport industries $071431 md. du transport par pipelines 1986.. 1987.. 1477.3 1617.6 1468.9 1683.2 1466.9 1689.6 7 S0714132 Storage & warehousing industries S0710132 md. dentreposage & d'emmagasinage 1987.. 505.5 587.6 436.7 619.6 SOB SOB 1986.. 1987.. 9939.2 10610.8 10186.0 10901.6 395.0 486.4 548.8 471.5 10417.2 10224.3 Conmiunication industries Industries des cxnmunications 10354.8 11255.2 S0814331.129 Telecommunication broadcasting ind. S08M331-129 md. de In diffusion des tClCcom. 1986.. 1987.. 1233.2 1281.6 1269.6 1318.4 1278.4 1328.4 1282.4 1265.9 S08U331-130 TeIecomuniction carriers & other S08M33L130 Télécommunications transmission/nut. 1986.. 1987.. 7479.4 8108.0 7703.0 8385.6 7801.0 8688.4 7876.2 7714.9 $09 Other utility industries SOS Aut. industries de services publics 1986.. 1987.. 10651.4 11070.8 10691.0 11414.0 10800.4 11463.6 10894.1 10759.2 S09M34L132 Electric power systems industry S09M34L132 Industrie de l'Cnergie electrigue 1986.. 1987.. 9296.1 9797.2 9333.3 10111.6 9459.5 10156.0 9587.6 9419.1 $0914341133 Gas distribution systems industry S09M34L133 Industrie de Ia distribution de gaz 1986.. 1987.. 1117.0 1032.8 1120.6 1060.0 1102.6 10643 1070.2 1102.6 30 TABLE 2. Gross Dowestic Product ar Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit intérleur brut au coUt des factaurs par industrie auc prix de 1981 par tr imestre désai sonal se aux taux annuel a et donnCes annual las en mu I ions de dol lars - su I II III IV Annual-annuel S09M341-134 Other uti I ity industries sec S09M341-134 Autres ind. de services publics nca 1986.. 1987.. 238.3 240.8 237.1 242.4 238.3 242.8 236.3 SlO Wholesale trade industries SlO Industries du coawnerce de gros 19813.. l98 .. 18258.5 19716.4 18767.6 20304.8 19015.5 20897.2 19078.7 237.5 -T 18780.1 Sli Retail trade industries Sil Industries du coewnerce de detail 1996.. 23407.7 23649.6 24157.6 1587.. 24259.6 25149.2 25518.0 23805.4 S12 Finance insurance 8 real est. ind. S12 Finances, ass. & aff. inweobi I iCres 1986.. 50570.7 9137.. 52910.4 51786.1 93561.2 51910.6 54438.4 51778.1 51511.3 S12M37 Finance & real estate industries S12M37 md. f inancières at immobi I iCres 11386.. 21959.4 1S8.. 23190.0 22888.4 23316.0 22660.4 23713.6 22486.0 22498.5 Banks, credit union & oth. dep inst. M M37L137 M37L137 Banques, caisses dépargne aut inst 1986.. 4076.0 1E8.. 3998.4 4060.8 4125.6 4013.2 4176.0 3971.2 433C.3 S12M37L138 Trust, other finance & real estate S12M37L138 Soc. fiducie aut. agents fin. immob. 1986.1 17883.4 198.. 19191.6 18827.6 19190.4 18647.2 19537.6 18514.8 18468.2 1863.0 1847.3 S12M38 Insurance industries S12M38 Industries des assurances 986.. 1796.6 1928.4 1851.4 1920.4 S12M39 S12M39 986.. 1987.. 5918.9 5904.8 5896.9 6186.0 S12M40 S12M40 1986.. 1987.. 20899.8 21887.2 21149.4 22138.8 513 1 S 3 1986.. 1987.. 37341.4 37924.8 38051.0 38284.3 1878.2 1913.6 Govt. royalties on nat. resources Redevances gouv. sur ressources oat. 5990.9 5807.7 6392.4 5903.6 Owner occupied dwellings Immeubles occupes par propriétaire 21381.0 21621.4 22418.8 21261.9 Coewnunity, business, person. serv. Serv. socio-cult. coewner. & pers. 38231.8 37807.4 38621.4 - S13M41 S13M41 1986.. 1987.. 12460.4 12725.2 12667.7 12802.8 T 37857.9 Business service industries md. des services aux entreprises 12586,5 12596.9 12858.4 12577.9 31 TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product or Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonal 1y Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars - Continued TABLEAU 2. Produit intérleur brut au coQt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par trimastre désaisonalisé aux taux annuels at données annuelles an millions de dollars - suite II I IV III Annual-annuel S13M411_143 Professional business services S13M411_143 Serv. professionnels aux entrepris. 1986.. 1987.. 6062.8 6359.6 6243.6 6453.6 6265.2 6405.2 6281.6 6213.3 S13M42 Educational service industries 513M42 md. des services denseignement 1986.. 1987.. 752.4 759.2 766.8 765.6 765.0 763.2 758.4 760.9 S13M43 Health services industry S13M43 md. des services de soins de sante 1986.. 1987.. 6435.1 6572.0 6544.3 6597.1 6585.1 6627.4 6509.9 6543.6 117.6 115.4 117.6 117.4 S13M43L146 Hospitals S13M431.146 Hôpitaux 1986.. 1987.. 117.2 116.8 117.2 116.3 S13M44 Accommodation & food service md. S13M44 Hebergement 8 restaurat ion 1986.. 1987.. 8044.3 8110.8 8322.2 8352.8 8063.4 8165.0 S13M45 Amusement & recreational services S13M45 Serv. de divertissements et loisirs S 11187.. 8230.1 8229.2 2187.9 2206.0 2273.8 2244.4 2355.3 2382.4 2258.2 2268.8 5131445 Personal & household service nd. 5131445 md. des serv. personnels & domest. 1986.. 1987.. 2836.8 2950.4 2892.5 2988.4 2956.9 2992.8 S13M46L151 Laundries & cleaners S131446L151 Blanchissage at nettoyage T 6.. 7.. 671.6 683.2 674.8 694.4 2939.7 2906.5 a sec 684.B 694.8 684.0 678.8 4580.9 4635.2 40.6 42.7 54.7 57.7 S13M47 Other service industries $131447 Autres industries des services 1986.. 1987.. 4624.5 4601.2 4675.7 4656.8 4659.7 4644.4 Si? Mining industries SI? Industries des mines 1986.. 1987.. 41.0 38.0 47.1 36.0 SiB SiB 1986.. 1987.. 58.2 60.0 59.2 59.2 42.2 50.4 Manufacturing industries Industries manufacturiCres 58.6 60.0 5 $19 Forestry services industry 519 Industrie des services 986.. 987.. 232.5 240.4 236.1 239.6 229,7 242.8 235.3 233.4 32 TABLE 2. Gross Domestic Product ar Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by quarter Seasonal iy Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Mill ions of Dollars - Cont rILed TABLEAU 2. Produit intérieur brut au coot des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par tr imest re dCsai sonal i sC aux taux annuel s et données annuel I es an ml I I ions de do I a r s II I III IV Annual-arrnu-- 520 Transportation industries $20 Industries du transport 1986.. 1987.. 1436.5 1458.8 1408.9 1458.0 1406.9 1472.0 1420.9 1418.3 48.0 50.6 S21 Communication industries S21 Industries des co,msunications 1986.. 1987.. 52.8 46.0 51.6 45.6 50.0 47.2 S22 Water systems industry 522 Industrie de Is distribution d'eau 1986.. 1987.. 530.3 540.4 527.5 543.6 525.1 544.0 528.3 527.8 $23 Insurance & other finance industry S23 Assurance & aut. agents financiers 1986.. 1987.. 338.2 373.2 348.6 372.8 357.8 374.0 361.4 351.5 $24 Government service industries 524 md. des services gouvernesnentaux 1986.. 1987.. 23378.7 23491.6 23447.1 23596.8 23369.5 23659.2 23408.3 23400.9 S24M59L171 Defence services S24M59L171 Services de defense 1986.. 1987.. 2908.0 2944.4 2904.4 2943.6 I 2911.6 2944.4 S24M59L172 Other federal government services S24M59L172 Aut. services de I 'admin. fédérale 1986.. 1987.. 7328.0 7270.4 7320.4 7254.8 7276.0 7226.4 7266.4 7297.7 S24M59L173 Provincial government services S24M591-173 Services des admin. provinciales 1986.. 1987.. 7531.6 7605.6 7565.6 7661.2 7524.0 7683.2 7546.8 7542.0 5665.1 5647.7 S2410591-174 Local government services S20591-174 Services des edmin. locales 1986.. 1987.. 5611.1 5671.2 5656.7 5737.2 5657.9 5805.2 S25 Community & personal services $25 Serv. socio-culturels & personnels 1986.. 1987.. 36038.7 36633.6 36217.5 36677.2 36388.7 36728.8 36542.7 36296.9 S25M58 Business service industr ies S25M58 md. des services aux ers-treprises 1986.. 1987.. 282.3 292.0 283.5 291.6 281.9 293.6 287.9 283.9 S25M60 Educational service industries S2510160 md. des services d'enseignement 1986.. 1987.. 18977.3 19125.6 19032.9 19148.0 19047.7 19165.6 19106.9 19041.2 I 33 Gross Domestic Product ar Factor Coat by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adj usted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Millions of Dollars - Continued TABLE 2. TABLEAU 2. Produit intérieur brut au coat des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par tr imestre désai sonal i sé aux taux annuals at données annual les an mi I lions de dollars - suite Annual -annue I S25M61 Health a social service industries S2510161 Serv. de soins de sante & sociaux 1986.. 1987.. 13351.8 13731.2 13477.8 13734.0 13609.8 13758.8 13707.0 13536.6 9420.3 9312.5 S25M61L176 Hospitals S25N61L176 HApitaux 1986.. 1987.. 9203.1 9438.8 9360.3 9460.4 9266.3 9464.8 S25M62 Amusement & other service ind. S25M62 Divertissemeots & autres services 950.6 999.2 1986.. 1987.. 971.8 1006.4 1 975.0 993.8 1012.4 972.8 S25M63 PersonaL household & other sery. S25M63 Serv. person.. domestiaues 6 autres 1986.. 1987.. 2476.7 2485.6 2451.5 2497.2 027 027 1986.. 1987.. 299B47.0 308292.4 628 628 S 98.. 1t87.. 302652.4 313713.5 143975.2 146376.0 143836.8 148830.4 629 629 1986.. 1987.. 155871.8 161916.4 158815.7 164883.1 630 630 1986.. 1987.. 62106.9 62882.0 62343.6 63028.8 631 631 1986.. 1987.. 629.5 638.4 633.8 638.8 632 632 1986.. 1987.. 61477.4 62243.6 61709.8 62390.0 633 633 1986.. 1987.. 5 986.. 1987.. 144604.7 147014.4 144470.6 149469.2 634 634 217349.2 224160.0 220525.5 227273.1 2465.9 2462.4 303255.3 302142.6 2455.5 2498.4 Business sector industries Secteur des entreprises 302819.9 319035.4 Business sector - goods Secteur des entreprises - biens 142993.2 151504.4 143891.1 143673.1 Business sector - services Secteur des entreprises - services 159826.6 167531.0 159364.1 158469.5 Non-business sector industries Secteur non commercial 62428.4 63178.4 62640.2 62379.8 Non-business sector - goods Secteur non commercial - biens 625.8 554.4 623.6 628.2 Non-business sector - services Secteur non commercial - services 61802.6 62524.0 62016.6 61751.6 Goods producing industr ies Industries productr ices de biens 143619.1 152158.8 144514.7 144301.3 Services producing industries Industries productrices de services 221629.2 230055.0 221380.7 220221.1 34 TABLE 2. Gross Doniestic Product ar Factor Cost by Industry at 1981 Prices by Quarter Seasonally Adjusted at Annual Rates and Annual Data in Mill ions of Dollars - Concluded TABLEAU 2. Produit inter taut brut au coOt des facteurs par industrie aux prix de 1981 par trimestre dCsaisonal ise aux taux annuals at données annuelles an millions de dol tars I II III IV Annual-annuel 635 Industrial production 635 Production industrielle 1986.. 1987.. 103766.7 105389.2 103810.1 107053.6 103082.4 109593.6 103668.2 103580.9 636 Non-durable manufacturing md. 636 Manufacturiers - biens non durables 1986.. 1987.. 31815.8 32685.6 32142.7 32955.6 32299.5 32942.0 32023.0 32070.0 637 Durable manufacturing industries 637 Manufacturiers - biens durables 1986.. 1987.. 39156.4 40052.0 39197.7 40850.4 38615.1 42012.8 39238.3 in 39052.0 rr flpr ST'1STh( 'DA UBRARY CANADA 1010536299