April 18? 1967
Filed NOV. 4, 1964
mv/f WL fao/fsfy BY
A ?orngyg
United States Patent 0 M
3,314,146 Patented Apr. 18, 1967
3 314 146
FIG. 5 is an enlarged, fragmental view showing the means for operatively connecting the ?exible drive shafts
Frank W. Cooksey, 508 Baker Drive, Birmingham, Ala. 35213 Filed Nov. 4, 1964, Ser. No. 408,961 1 Claim. (Cl. 30—43.6)
This invention relates to a mot-or driven shaver and more particularly to a dry shaver having rotary cutter
elements individually mounted on the user’s ?ngers. An object of my invention is to provide a motor driven shaver which shall embody an electric power unit opera tively connected to a plurality of rotary cutter elements which in turn are detachably connected to the ?ngers of a user.
to the individual cutter elements; and, . ‘ FIG. 6 is a fragmental sectional view showing the manner in which the ?exible drive shafts are connected to the power unit.
Referring now to the drawing for a better understand ing of my invention, 1 show an electric motor indicated generally at 10‘ having an outwardly projecting motor 10 shaft 11, as shown in FIG. 2. Power is supplied to the motor 10 by suitable means, such as an electrical cord
indicated generally at 12. However, it will be apparent that power to the motor 10 may be supplied by a battery . or the like.
Extending downwardly and inwardly from the motor 10
Another object of my invention is to provide a motor are a pair of oppositely disposed adjustable spring clamp driven shaver of the character designated which will not members 13 which are adapted to partially encircle the irritate the skin of the user and at the same time will hand of a user indicated generally at H. Preferably, the provide close shaves due to the fact that the cutter ele clamp members 13 are formed of a ?exible or bendable ments move with the tips of the ?ngers of a user. 20 material whereby the motor unit may bereasily and adjust~ Another object of my invention is to provide a motor ably mounted on the back of the hand H, as shown in
‘driven shaver of the character designated which shall be particularly adapted for reaching hard to shave places,
FIG. 1, there-by accommodating the shaver for use with ?ngers of various lengths. That is, the clamp members
such as along convexly curved or concavely curved sur 13 are adjustable relative to the motor housing. faces since the, individual cutter elements are adapted to 25 The motor shaft 11 is sup-ported by suitable bearings 14 move relative to each other as the ?ngers of the user carried by the housing for the motor 10, as shown in FIG. pass over the area being shaved. 2. Mounted on the motor shaft 11 intermediate the Another object of my invention is to provide a motor bearings 14 is a gear 16 which meshes with gears 17 and driven shaver of the character designated which shall be 18 mounted at opposite sides thereof. The gears 17 and detachab'ly connected to the hand of the user thereby re 30 18 are mounted on stub shafts 19 and 21, respectively, ducing the chances of the shaver being dropped. which in turn are mounted in suitable bearings 2-2. The ‘I Another-object of my invention is to provide a motor
driven shaver which shall produce a cooler shave due to the fact that the power unit remains a substantial distance
from.the surface being shaved. A further object of my invention is to provide a motor
driven shaver of the character designated which shall have ?nger-tip control and one in which the user has a natural
feeling of position due to the fact thatthe rotary cutter elements are carried by and moved with the ?nger-tips of a user.
A still further object of my invention is to provide a
gear 18 also meshes with a gear 23 mounted on a stub
shaft 24 which in turn is also mounted in bearings 22. As shown in FIG. 2, the bearings 22 are also carried by
35 the housing for the motor 10.
The outer ends of the shafts 11, 19, 21 and 24 are pro vided with an axially extending recess 26 adjacent the outer ends thereof for receiving one end of a ?exible drive shaft 27, as shown in FIG. 6. The ?exible drive shafts 27 are each surrounded by tube-like housings 28 which are formed of a suitable ?exible material to permit
free movement thereof. The tube-like housing 28 is pro motor driven shaver of the character designated which vided with an enlarged diameter portion 29 which tele shall be simple of construction, economical of manufac scopes over an outwardly projecting sleeve 31 carried by ture and one which produces a massage action as the 45 the motor housing, as shown in FIG. 6, whereby the tube rotary cutter elements are moved over the surface being like housing is attached ?rmly to the motor housing. shaved. As shown in FIG. 5, the end of each ?exible shaft Heretofore in the art to which my invention relates, 27 opposite the end thereof operatively connected to many types of electric shavers have been proposed. How~ the motor extends inwardly of a housing 32 of a cutter ever, with such shavers, it is dif?cult to reach some places 50 head indicated generally at 35 having a rotary cutter on the human face and body comfortably due to the fact element indicated generally at 33. The housing 32 is that the cutter head surfaces are relatively large and do preferably circular, as shown in FIGS. 1 and 3, and is not follow the contour of the face or body. In accord provided with a removable plate 30 having a plurality ance with my invention, I provide a plurality of individu of radially extending openings 34 therein for receiving ally actuated cutter elements which are carried by the 55 hair whereby it is shaved by the rotary cutter elements ?nger-tips of a user whereby the cutter elements may 33. That is, the rotary cutter elements 33 rotate relative reach any surface to be shaved with a minimum of effort to the elongated slots or openings 34 formed in the hous by merely moving or stroking the ?nger-tips over the ing 32 whereby the hair is severed as the rotary cutter surface to be shaved. elements 33 revole relative to the openings 34 and the
Apparatus embodying features of my invention is illus trated in the accompanying drawing, forming a part of this application, in which: FIG. 1 is a side elevational view showing my improved
in turn is mounted for free rotation on a stub shaft
shaver attached to the hand of a user;
37. That is, bearings 38 are interposed between the bevel
portion of the housing 32 de?ning the opeings 34, as shown in FIG. 5. The rotary cutter elements 33 are car ried by a rotary member, such as a beveled gear 36, which
gear 36 and the shaft 37. The shaft 37 is secured to the housing 32, as shown. Mounted on the ?exible shaft 27 inwardly of the hous ?exible drive shafts to the motor; ing 32 is a bevel gear 39 which meshes with the bevel FIG. 3 is an enlarged, fragmental view looking at the gear 36 to thereby impart rotary motion to the rotary face of one of the rotary cutter elements; 70 cutter elements 33. The removable plate 30 is provided FIG. 4 is a sectional view taken generally along the with resilient snap members 40 which engage the housing line 4—-4 of FIG. 3;
FIG. 2 is a top plan view, partly broken away and in
section, showing the means for operatively connecting the
32 to hold the same in place.
4 Secured to and projecting outwardly from each hous ing 32 is a loop-like or clamp-type member 41 which is adapted to receive various size ?nger-tips of the hand H,
from the hand, together with means for cleaning the in dividual rotary cutter units, the shaver may be employed
as shown in FIG. 1.
While I have shown my invention in but one form, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that it is not so limited but is susceptible of various changes and
with a minimum of effort.
The loop-like members 41 are
preferably formed of separate sections, as shown, whereby the size thereof may be varied to ?t ?ngers of various
modi?cations without departing from the spirit thereof, and I desire, therefore, that only such limitations shall
sizes. That is, the two sections form separate spring clamps which may be bent to various sizes and shapes. ‘From the foregoing description, the operation of my
improved electric shaver will be‘rea‘dily understood. The
?nger-tips'viiareiinsertédiihvvardlythe‘ clamps of the
be placed thereupon as are speci?cally set forth in the 10
appended claim. What I claim is:
loop-like members 41 wherebly the openings 34 extend
An electric shaver comprising:
inwardly of the ?nger-tips, as shown. The motor unit 10 is attached to the hand H by ?exing the spring clamps
cutter units carried by theyhousings 32 may be attached
(a) an electric motor and housing therefor, (b) means carried by the motor housing for detachably attaching said motor to a hand, (c) a plurality of cutter heads, each having a rotary cutter, (d) means carried by each cutter head for detachably
to all four ?ngers of the hand H or may be connected to one or more ?nger-tips, as desired. The rotary cutter 20
(e) a plurality of ?exible drive shafts, each being
units not in operation may be ‘detached. -With the motor_unit 10- and the clamp or loop-like
(f) a rotary drive member carried by each rotary
members 41 attached to the hand of the user, current is supplied to the motor whereby rotary motion is im parted to the rotary cutter elements 31 through the in dividual ?exible drive shafts 27. The ?nger-tips are
(g) other rotary drive members carried by the other ends of said ?exible drive shafts and operatively
13 away from each other and then positioning the clamps around the hand, whereby the motor unit 10 is carried by the back of a hand, as shown in FIG. 1. The rotary
moved or stroked over the face or body in a natural manner whereby the individual cutter units follow the
contour of the surface to be shaved. To clean the shaver, the motor unit 10 and the loops 41 are removed from 30 the hand of the user and the removable plate 30 of each housing 32 is removed whereby the interior of the housings 32 and the rotary cutter elements 33 may be thoroughly cleaned in a manner well understood in the art. From the foregoing, it will be seen that I have devised
an improved electric shaver.
By providing individual
cutter elements which move with the ?ngers-tips of the
attaching said cutter head to a ?nger,
operatively connected at one end to said motor, cutter,
connected to the ?rst mentioned drive members car
ried by the rotary cutters. References Cited by the Examiner UNITED STATES PATENTS 524,120
Speare __________ __ 128—24.5
2,720,696 2,781,760 2,811,969 3,210,847
10/1955 2/1957 11/1957 10/1965
________ __
Wadsworth ______ __ 30—43.6 X Baer ____________ __ 128—303 Shubert __________ __ 128-303 Prufer _____________ __ 32—-27
user, the cutter elements move in a natural manner over
the surface to be shaved to thereby assure a smooth and
Schwidetzky: German printed application Sch. 13,043,
continuous shave, leaving palms and ?ngers free and un 40 October 1955.
encumbered. Also, by providing individual rotary cutter
units, one or more cutter units may be employed at a
WILLIAM FELDMAN, Primary Examiner.
time. Furthermore, by providing simple means for at taching the device to the hand and removing the device
MYRON C. KRUSE, Examiner.