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Acclaim 17 New Features - Epicor Customer Web Site




ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES Summary of New Features Feature Detail This manual contains reference information about software products from Activant Solutions Inc. The software described in this manual and the manual itself are furnished under the terms and conditions of a license agreement. The software consists of software options that are separately licensed. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium, or to enable any software options, except as specifically permitted under the license agreement. In addition, no part of this manual may be copied or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Activant Solutions Inc. From time to time, Activant makes changes to its software products. Therefore, information in this manual is subject to change, and the illustrations and screens that appear in the manual may differ somewhat from the version of the software provided to you. Created by: Yardley Technical Communication ©2007, Activant Solutions Inc. All rights reserved. Activant and the Activant logo are registered trademarks and Activant Prophet 21 is a trademark of Activant Solutions Inc. All other company or product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Activant Solutions Inc. 7683 Southfront Road Livermore, CA 94551 Version 17.0 Publication Date: 1.25.2007 DOCUMENTATION CONVENTIONS ♦ The eyeglass symbol () indicates a field on which you can browse. ♦ The star () indicates the system default for a field. ♦ To allow for the widest possible parameters when printing a report or performing a function, accept the defaults for all of the parameter fields. To accept the defaults, either escape through all the fields, or press [Enter] without specifying any values. Generally, samples in the documentation are shown using the default values. ♦ Start and End parameters define the limits to a range of information you will print on a report. If information does not appear on a report, it may be because the information was excluded from the Start, End range. ♦ For a detailed explanation on how maintenance screens function, refer to the Tour Guide manual. ♦ Use the find tool in Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher to find a specific feature within the New Features document. ii Table of Contents SUMMARY OF NEW FEATURES _________________________________________9 System-Wide Changes _________________________________________________9 Data Entry___________________________________________________________9 Auxiliary Tables _____________________________________________________9 Company _________________________________________________________10 Customer _________________________________________________________10 Item _____________________________________________________________10 Item Change ______________________________________________________10 Item List __________________________________________________________10 Item Lookup _______________________________________________________11 Sales Pricing ______________________________________________________11 Sales Tax_________________________________________________________11 Order Processing ____________________________________________________11 Order ____________________________________________________________11 Front Counter______________________________________________________12 Expedite Order_____________________________________________________12 Ship Edit _________________________________________________________12 Invoice ___________________________________________________________13 Pricing & Availability ________________________________________________13 Sales History ______________________________________________________13 Inventory ___________________________________________________________13 Purchase _________________________________________________________13 Expedite Purchase__________________________________________________13 PO Print __________________________________________________________14 Material __________________________________________________________14 Vendor Return _____________________________________________________14 Inventory History ___________________________________________________14 Inventory Movement ________________________________________________14 Inventory Value ____________________________________________________15 Accounting _________________________________________________________15 Ledger ___________________________________________________________15 Payables _________________________________________________________15 System Administration ________________________________________________16 iii User Base ________________________________________________________16 Workflow _________________________________________________________16 P21-Update _______________________________________________________16 Security __________________________________________________________16 Optional Packages ___________________________________________________17 EDI Document _____________________________________________________17 Service and Maintenance ____________________________________________17 Third Party Packages _________________________________________________17 VSI-FAX __________________________________________________________17 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES __________________________________________18 Storage of User ID, Date, and Time for Resets and Data Deletion ______________18 System Administration _______________________________________________19 Credit Card Enhancements ____________________________________________21 Credit Card _______________________________________________________21 Shipping Instructions Added to All Order-Based Workflow Events_______________24 Workflow _________________________________________________________24 Minimum Percentage Change and New Tokens on the Quantity Adjustments Workflow Event______________________________________________________26 Workflow _________________________________________________________26 LPU Workflow to Optionally Include LPU, DS, or Both Order Types _____________28 Workflow _________________________________________________________28 Enhancements to the SpoolQ Browse ____________________________________30 SpoolQ ___________________________________________________________30 2 DATA ENTRY _____________________________________________________31 Enhanced Item Lookup________________________________________________31 Background _______________________________________________________31 Item and Catalog Maintenance Screens _________________________________32 ITEM-LOOKUP Module ______________________________________________34 Category Maintenance_______________________________________________34 How To Create a New Top-Level Category_______________________________35 How To Create a New Sub-Category ___________________________________36 How to Associate Items With a Category ________________________________39 How Categories Are Used ____________________________________________42 Rapid List Maintenance ______________________________________________42 Category List ______________________________________________________44 iv Item List __________________________________________________________46 COMPANY________________________________________________________48 Data Layout _______________________________________________________50 New Items show Current Date for Last Sale and Last Purchase Dates ___________52 Company _________________________________________________________52 Item _____________________________________________________________53 Item Change Performance Enhancements_________________________________55 Lib-Update ________________________________________________________55 Item Change ______________________________________________________55 Freight Threshold for Free Shipping ______________________________________56 Customer _________________________________________________________56 Order, Front Counter ________________________________________________57 Cost Edit Variance Report to Report by Cost Edit Type _______________________58 Item List / Inventory Value Reports _____________________________________58 Customer Profitability Based on Gross Profit Dollars and Activity-Based Costs ____60 Overview _________________________________________________________60 Auxiliary Tables ____________________________________________________61 LEDGER _________________________________________________________63 CUSTOMER ______________________________________________________63 Sales History ______________________________________________________66 Sample Calculations ________________________________________________68 Customer Credit____________________________________________________70 LIB-UPDATE ______________________________________________________70 Overview _________________________________________________________71 Sales Tax_________________________________________________________72 Customer, Order ___________________________________________________74 Front Counter, Invoice, Point of Sale Entry _______________________________75 Company _________________________________________________________76 UPC Displayed on Customer Item Selling Price List _________________________77 Sales Pricing ______________________________________________________77 Sales Pricing Common Override Table Report in Common Customer Sequence ___78 Sales Pricing ______________________________________________________78 3 ORDER PROCESSING______________________________________________79 New P&A PowrDrills for Catalog Items____________________________________79 Pricing and Availability_______________________________________________79 Enter Incoming Freight Charges During Order Item Entry _____________________81 v Order, Front Counter ________________________________________________81 Expedite Order_____________________________________________________82 Ship _____________________________________________________________82 Ship Edit _________________________________________________________83 Edit Sales Tax Settings in Review Mode __________________________________84 Order, Front Counter, Service Order ____________________________________84 Catalog Items Display Package Size During Order Entry______________________85 Order, Front Counter ________________________________________________85 Editing Ship Quantities on Direct Ship Shipments ___________________________87 Ship Edit _________________________________________________________87 Deposits List can now Display Uninvoiced Payments ________________________88 Front Counter______________________________________________________88 Confirmed Shipments List Includes Price, Cost, and Profit Percentage___________90 Ship Edit _________________________________________________________90 Invoice Error Log ____________________________________________________92 COMPANY________________________________________________________92 Invoice ___________________________________________________________94 Fax / E-Mail _______________________________________________________95 GMROI Column Added to Turn and Earn Report ____________________________96 Overview _________________________________________________________96 Sales History ______________________________________________________96 4 INVENTORY ______________________________________________________98 Edit PO Ship-To Address in Purchase Order Entry __________________________98 Purchase _________________________________________________________98 Lib-Update ________________________________________________________99 Line-Item Required Date on Purchase Orders _____________________________100 Company ________________________________________________________100 PO Print _________________________________________________________101 Print Change POs Immediately After Editing a Purchase Order _______________102 Purchase ________________________________________________________102 Expedite Purchase_________________________________________________102 Warning Message when Receiving at a Location Different from the PO Location __103 Material _________________________________________________________103 Display Package Unit Size when Receiving Items __________________________104 vi Material _________________________________________________________104 Exchange & Duty Factor Integrated with Payables & Inventory Movement _______105 Overview ________________________________________________________105 Material _________________________________________________________105 Payables ________________________________________________________105 Capture Transfer History for Inventory History _____________________________107 Inventory History __________________________________________________107 Enhancements for Vendor Returns _____________________________________120 Vendor Return ____________________________________________________120 5 ACCOUNTING ___________________________________________________127 Stock and Nonstock Breakdown on Payables Reports; Nonstock Accounts on Autobatches _______________________________________________________127 Payables ________________________________________________________127 CSLD Autobatch Now Displays Credit and Debit Accounts for Labor ___________131 Invoice __________________________________________________________131 Ledger __________________________________________________________132 Edit the Release Status for a Range of Payables___________________________133 Payables ________________________________________________________133 Credit Card Type Payables for Vendor Returns ____________________________139 Payables ________________________________________________________139 Print Zero Checks without Using Valid Check Numbers______________________143 Payables ________________________________________________________143 6 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ________________________________________151 New System Messages for Progress Hidden Options _______________________151 P21-Update ______________________________________________________151 New Security to Prevent Entering Payments during Order Entry _______________153 User Base _______________________________________________________153 Order ___________________________________________________________154 Expedite Order____________________________________________________155 Front Counter_____________________________________________________156 7 OPTIONAL PACKAGES____________________________________________157 One Order Made from Multiple Line-Items on the 850 _______________________157 vii EDI-Document, EDI-Setup___________________________________________157 8 THIRD PARTY PACKAGES _________________________________________159 The Fax Log Includes Bill-To Phone Number______________________________159 VSI-FAX _________________________________________________________159 viii SUMMARY OF NEW FEATURES This list is organized by system area and module. Each feature that is included in the standard version 17 release is marked with the checkmark symbol ( ). Each feature that is an enhancement to one of our optional packages is marked with “opkg!” Some of these options are mentioned more than once because they affect more than one area of the system. SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES Storage of User ID, Date, and Time for Resets and Data Deletion. (Page 18) The system now stores the user ID, date, and time that various period-to-date and year-to-date resets occurred and that data was deleted or cleared. Credit Card Enhancements. (Page 18) There have been several enhancements made to credit card transaction functionality: [1] Authorization reversal attempts are made when credit card orders are cancelled or cards are deleted from orders; [2] Additional AVS/CV codes are displayed when performing credit card transactions; [3] The ability to utilize a separate merchant ID for e-commerce orders is available. Enhancements to the SpoolQ Browse. (Page 30) The SpoolQ browse by printer has been modified to display the date so that certain spooled information can be found more easily by searching on date. In addition, after drilling down to view the details of a job, you now exit to return to the job you were in before viewing its details. DATA ENTRY AUXILIARY TABLES Customer Profitability Based on Gross Profit Dollars and Activity-Based Costs. (Page 60) You can now calculate your customers profitability based on gross profit dollars and activity-based costs. A new Expense Class field has been added to the Auxiliary Tables, Customer and Ledger modules. A new Rank Class field is located in the Auxiliary Table and Customer modules, and a new Customer Profit and Loss Report is now found in Sales History. 9 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES SUMMARY OF NEW FEATURES COMPANY New Items Show Current Date for Last Sale and Last Purchase Dates. (Page 52) When an item is created, the Last Sale Date and Last Purchase Date default to the current date if the new Inventory Control company option, Last Sale/Purchase Dates, is set. This way, the date an item is first entered is recorded. This also prevents newly entered items from showing on aged inventory reports and dead stock reports. CUSTOMER Customer Profitability Based on Gross Profit Dollars and Activity-Based Costs. (Page 60) You can now calculate your customers profitability based on gross profit dollars and activity-based costs. A new Expense Class field has been added to the Auxiliary Tables, Customer and Ledger modules. A new Rank Class field is located in the Auxiliary Table and Customer modules, and a new Customer Profit and Loss Report is now found in Sales History. Freight Threshold for Free Shipping. (Page 56) An Order Threshold field has been added to the Customer Maintenance Screen under Ship Options. You can now set up customer accounts in a way to provide free shipping if orders exceed a certain dollar amount. ITEM New Items Show Current Date for Last Sale and Last Purchase Dates. (Page 52) When an item is created, the Last Sale Date and Last Purchase Date default to the current date if the new company option is set. This way, the date an item is first entered is recorded. This also prevents newly entered items from showing on aged inventory reports and dead stock reports. ITEM CHANGE Item Change Performance Enhancements. (Page 55) We have enhanced the Item Change process so that item code changes can be processed faster. ITEM LIST Cost Edit Variance Report to Report by Cost Edit Type. (Page 58) The Cost Edit Variance Report now reports by and summarizes by edit type. You will be able to easily identify why cost changes were made on an item by grouping cost edit types. 10 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES SUMMARY OF NEW FEATURES ITEM LOOKUP Item Lookup Modifications. (Page 31) Key changes have been made to the Item Lookup module: [1] Removal of the category list number fields from the Item and Catalog maintenance screens because items are now tied to categories; [2] File structure modified completely that makes for easier data maintenance and report writing; [3] Each individual item or category can be listed under multiple categories, instead of just one. SALES PRICING UPC Displayed on Customer Item Selling Price List. (Page 77) You can now view the Universal Product Code (UPC) of an item on the Customer Item Selling Price List in the Sales Pricing module. Sales Pricing Common Override Table Report in Common Customer Sequence. (Page 78) You can now print the Sales Pricing Common Override Table Report by either customer or common customer code. You will be able to easily identify customers assigned to a specific common customer. SALES TAX Total Sales and Tax by Jurisdiction. (Page 71) The Streamlined Sales Tax Project requires that you charge sales tax based on the point of delivery, and report sales tax down to the jurisdiction level. The states that are enrolled in the Streamlined Sales Tax Project provide customers with a list of jurisdiction codes and the corresponding tax rate. You can now define sale tax jurisdictions in the Sales Tax module. These tax jurisdictions will maintain their own sales and tax information for reporting purposes. ORDER PROCESSING ORDER Enter Incoming Freight Charges During Order Item Entry. (Page 81) You can now enter incoming freight amounts on items during order entry, giving you the ability to add charges to customers that are not set to prepaid freight. Freight Threshold for Free Shipping. (Page 56) An Order Threshold field has been added to the Customer Maintenance Screen under Ship Options. At order entry time, if a customer places an order for an amount greater than their threshold, a freight code of B, X, or C will be changed to P after acceptance. Edit Sales Tax Settings in Review Mode. (Page 84) During order entry, you are now able to edit the sales tax settings of an order when editing shipping information while in Review mode. You can now change or correct mistakes on which items are taxable and which tax schedules are used. Catalog Items Display Package Size in Order Entry. (Page 85) Catalog items now display their packages size when they are entered in either Order or Front Counter entry. 11 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES SUMMARY OF NEW FEATURES FRONT COUNTER Enter Incoming Freight Charges During Order Item Entry. (Page 81) You can now enter incoming freight amounts on items during front counter order entry, giving you the ability to add charges to customers that are not set to prepaid freight. Freight Threshold for Free Shipping. (Page 56) An Order Threshold field has been added to the Customer Maintenance Screen under Ship Options. At Front Counter order entry time, if a customer places an order for an amount greater than their threshold, a freight code of B, X, or C will be changed to P after acceptance. Deposits List can now Display Uninvoiced Payments. (Page 88) Prior to Acclaim 17, you could only view open deposits on the Deposits List in the Front Counter module. A parameter has now been added for you to optionally view open payments. Edit Sales Tax Settings in Review Mode. (Page 84) During Front Counter order entry, you are now able to edit the sales tax settings of an order when editing shipping information while in Review mode. You can now change or correct mistakes on which items are taxable and which tax schedules are used. Catalog Items Display Package Size in Order Entry. (Page 85) Catalog items now display their packages size when they are entered in either Order or Front Counter entry. EXPEDITE ORDER Enter Incoming Freight Charges During Order Item Entry. (Page 81) You can now enter incoming freight amounts on items during order entry, as well as enter this information on an order item in Expedite Order, giving you the ability to add charges to customers that are not set to prepaid freight. SHIP EDIT Confirmed Shipments List Includes Price, Cost, and Profit Percentage. (Page 90) The Confirmed Shipments List now displays price, cost, and profit percentage for order items, and sales value, sales cost, and profit percentage for the order. If an order appears as unpriced/uncosted, you can easily find it to correct the problem item(s). Editing Ship Quantities on Direct Ship Shipments. (Page 87) You can now edit ship quantities of items on direct ship shipments. You will find that invoicing will be an easier process if you can correct this kind of shipment before it is invoiced. 12 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES SUMMARY OF NEW FEATURES INVOICE Invoice Error Log. (Page 92) The new Invoice Error Log records and displays many of the invoicing and/or printing errors of your orders. The log reports the date and time of the invoice generation attempt, and the order number and the reason why the order did not print.. CSLD Autobatch Now Displays Credit and Debit Accounts for Labor. (Page 131) The CSLD autobatch defaults now include debit and credit accounts for labor so that you can divide labor costs into separate ledger accounts. The Invoice Register has been modified so that it can post to the indicated labor accounts. PRICING & AVAILABILITY New P&A PowrDrills for Catalog Items. (Page 79) Acclaim 17 offers new PowrDrills for catalog items in the Pricing & Availability module. This will help to easily track pricing information and activity for catalog items. SALES HISTORY GMROI Column Added to Turn and Earn Report. (Page 96) You can now view a Gross Margin Return On Investment (GMROI) column on Sales History’s Turn and Earn Report. This value will immediately inform you on how well your sales-purchasing cycle is performing. INVENTORY PURCHASE Edit PO Ship-To Address in Purchase Order Entry. (Page 98) You can now change the default ship-to address information of a purchase order in purchase order entry. Print Change POs Immediately After Editing a Purchase Order. (Page 102) You can now print change purchase orders immediately after revising an existing purchase order. You no longer have to print change POs by branch, making it easier to print an edited purchase order. EXPEDITE PURCHASE Print Change POs Immediately After Editing a Purchase Order. (Page 102) You can now print change purchase orders immediately after revising an existing purchase order. You are prompted to print change POs when you exit the purchase orders screens after editing item quantities. 13 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES SUMMARY OF NEW FEATURES PO PRINT Line-Item Required Date on Purchase Orders. (Page 98) You can now optionally print the line-item’s required date on purchase orders, thereby giving your vendors more information on when items are due to your customers. MATERIAL Warning Message when Receiving at a Location Different from the PO Location. (Page 103) You will now see a warning message if you try to receive an item at a location that is not the original purchase order location. Display Package Unit Size when Receiving Items. (Page 104) When you receive a stock or catalog item, you now view the package unit size displayed on the item detail screen. This will help prevent adjustment of quantities due to unit of measure errors when receiving. VENDOR RETURN Enhancements for Vendor Returns. (Page 120) The following enhancements have been made for vendor returns: [1] buyer numbers can be entered on vendor returns for tracking purposes; [2] vendor returns can be created from the crediting of a stock item, and [3] the order number for which a vendor return is now stored in the Vendor Return record. INVENTORY HISTORY Capture Transfer History for Inventory History. (Page 107) You can now view history on transfer processing. INVENTORY MOVEMENT Exchange & Duty Factor Integrated with Payables & Inventory Movement. (Page 105) The direct catalog feature, Exchange and Duty Factor, has been integrated with Payables and Inventory Movement in the standard Acclaim system. 14 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES SUMMARY OF NEW FEATURES INVENTORY VALUE Cost Edit Variance Report to Report by Cost Edit Type. (Page 58) The Cost Edit Variance Report now reports by and summarizes by edit type. You will be able to easily identify why cost changes were made on an item by grouping cost edit types. ACCOUNTING LEDGER Stock and Nonstock Breakdown on Payables Reports; Nonstock Accounts on Autobatches. (Page 127) This Acclaim feature provides two changes that improve your use of Inventory Movement: [1] The Payables Discrepancy Journal and the Unreconciled Receivings List have been modified to show stock and nonstock breakdowns, and [2] Autobatching of these stock and nonstock values can now be autobatched with the POCD and UMAC autobatches. CSLD Autobatch Now Displays Credit and Debit Accounts for Labor. (Page 131) The CSLD autobatch defaults now include debit and credit accounts for labor so that you can divide labor costs into separate ledger accounts. The Invoice Register has been modified so that it can post to the indicated labor accounts. PAYABLES Edit the Release Status for a Range of Payables. (Page 133) You can now edit the release status of a range of payables. This feature aids in entering payables right now to be paid by credit card at a later date. Credit Card Type Payables for Vendor Returns. (Page 139) You can now credit your credit cards for any material that you return to your vendors by entering credit card type invoices for vendor returns. Stock and Nonstock Breakdown on Payables Reports; Nonstock Accounts on Autobatches. (Page 127) This Acclaim feature provides two changes that improve your use of Inventory Movement: [1] The Payables Discrepancy Journal and the Unreconciled Receivings List have been modified to show stock and nonstock breakdowns, and [2] Autobatching of these stock and nonstock values can now be autobatched with the POCD and UMAC autobatches. Exchange & Duty Factor Integrated with Payables & Inventory Movement. (Page 105) The direct catalog feature, Exchange and Duty Factor, has been integrated with Payables and Inventory Movement in the standard Acclaim system. Print Zero Checks without Using Valid Check Numbers. (Page 143) You can now print zero checks without using your company’s valid check numbers. You can apply credits to debits and print checks with negative check numbers to close out your vendor invoices. 15 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES SUMMARY OF NEW FEATURES SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION USER BASE New Security to Prevent Entering Payments during Order Entry. (Page 153) You can now access User Base security to prevent certain users from entering payments during order entry. WORKFLOW Shipping Instructions Added to All Order-Based Workflow Events. (Page 24) Shipping Instructions 1 and 2 tokens have been added to all order-based workflow events. Minimum Percentage Change and New Tokens on the Quantity Adjustments Workflow Event. (Page 26) A Minimum Percentage Change parameter has been added to the Quantity Adjustments workflow event. In addition, two tokens to display old and new ship quantities have been added as well. This new functionality will help notify sales reps if the quantity of their shipments were adjusted by a percentage in Ship Edit. LPU Workflow to Optionally Include LPU, DS, or Both Order Types. (Page 28) The LPU workflow event has been changed to optionally include LPU, DS, or both kinds of orders. P21-UPDATE New System Messages for Progress Hidden Options. (Page 151) In P21-Update, you now view system messages for hidden options that run in the Progress software. These messages will help you and your support staff know what current stage of the update process is being performed. SECURITY New Security to Prevent Entering Payments during Order Entry. (Page 153) You can now access User Base security to prevent certain users from entering payments during order entry. 16 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES SUMMARY OF NEW FEATURES OPTIONAL PACKAGES EDI DOCUMENT Opkg! One Order Made from Multiple Line-Items on the 850. (Page 157) You will now see that all line-items from the same 850 document that have the same ship-to address and customer code are now placed on the same order instead of previously being split up into separate orders per line-item. SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Opkg! Edit Sales Tax Settings in Review Mode. (Page 84) During service order entry, you are now able to edit the sales tax settings of an order when editing shipping information while in Review mode. You can now change or correct mistakes on which items are taxable and which tax schedules are used. THIRD PARTY PACKAGES VSI-FAX Opkg! The Fax Log Includes the Bill-To Phone Number. (Page 159) The Fax Log and Email Log, as well as the e-mail notification from a failed fax, now include the customer’s bill-to phone number. This will help you to immediately contact the customer to find out if the faxing trouble is with the customer or with you. 17 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES STORAGE OF USER ID, DATE, AND TIME FOR RESETS AND DATA DELETION There is now a system-wide audit trail of data builds, resets, clears, and deletions. The following features will be included: ♦ Customer - Update MTD ♦ Customer - Update YTD ♦ Customer Credit - Reset Month ♦ Customer Credit - Reset Year ♦ Inventory Balance Report Update ♦ Inventory History - Purchase History Purge ♦ Inventory History - Transfer History Purge ♦ Inventory History - Vendor Return History Purge ♦ Invoice Recall Purge ♦ Item Ledger Delete ♦ Item Update - item usage ♦ Item Update - reset PTD service level ♦ Item Update - source cost for year-end ♦ Item Update - year end data ♦ PO Recall Purge ♦ Payables - Delete Payable ♦ Payables - Delete Recurring Invoices ♦ Payables - Purge Check History ♦ Payables - Purge Entry IDs ♦ Payables - Purge Payables History 18 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES ♦ Purchase - Active items purchase reset ♦ Purchase - Remove Completed POs ♦ Purchase Control - Product Month-end Reset ♦ Purchase Control - Vendor Month-end Reset ♦ Receivables - Customer Payment Delete ♦ Receivables - Delete Receivable ♦ Receivables - Purge Cash Collection Calls ♦ Receivables - Purge Entry IDs ♦ Receivables - Purge Invoice History ♦ Receivables - Purge Order History ♦ Receivables - Purge Payment History ♦ Sales Category - Clear Monthly ♦ Sales Category - Clear Yearly ♦ Sales Comparison Update ♦ Sales History - Purge Order History ♦ Sales History - Purge Orders ♦ Sales History - Purge WBW ♦ Sales History - Year-End Reset ♦ Sales Tax - Audit Report Reset ♦ Sales Tax - Report Reset ♦ Salesman Commission Report Reset ♦ Vendor Returns - Recall Purge ♦ Vendor Returns - Remove Completed Returns ♦ Vendor Update YTD Info SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION A new menu option will be added to the System Administration menu titled Audit Trail: Audit Trail Options View Purge 19 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES The View option displays a browse of various areas of the system that get cleared and/or reset. You can PowrDrill from this browse to the actual audit trail records for each option: Audit Trail Action Browse ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Customer - Update MTD Customer - Update YTD Customer Credit - Reset Month . . . Vendor Returns - Recall Purge Vendor Returns - Remove Completed Returns Vendor Update YTD Info When you select an area to view its information in detail, a screen similar to the following is shown: +----------------------------- Audits for Action -----------------------------+ | Item Update - source cost for year-end | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------- Action Audits Browse ----------------------------+ |Date Time P21 User Note | |-------- -------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------| |10/05/06 10:56 AM PJO STD | |10/05/06 10:56 AM PJO BASE | |10/05/06 11:03 AM SCOTT STD | |10/07/06 12:04 AM PJO BASE | |10/12/06 2:12 PM DEBORAH AVRG | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Notes will be added for certain types of data: ♦ Payables Delete will include the invoice number, PO number, and Final Bill information. ♦ The Remove Completed POs option will include the unreconciled POS parameter response. For more information on the new Audit Trail options, refer to the System Administration manual. 20 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES CREDIT CARD ENHANCEMENTS There have been several enhancements made to credit card transaction functionality: ♦ Authorization reversal attempts are made when credit card orders are cancelled or cards are deleted from orders. ♦ Additional AVS/CV codes are displayed when performing credit card transactions. ♦ The ability to utilize a separate merchant ID for e-commerce orders is available. CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION REVERSALS Authorization reversals restore a previously authorized amount to the cardholder’s available credit. Existing functionality during invoicing makes a reversal for unused authorization amounts when posting to a prior authorization. Order entry has been changed to perform authorization reversals when an order is cancelled or a card is deleted from an order. The Expedite Order module now performs authorization reversals when an order is cancelled. When you view the order and choose to cancel it, a prompt appears for you to reverse the credit card authorization: Customer Code: ACME Bill to: Sales Loc: ACME PRODUCTS 281 KING BLVD. 3RD FLOOR NEWARK NJ 07102 1-800-776-7438 X2006 Inv Batch 31 Order # 1153415 Rte 31 Tax ID 1 Ord-Date 10/26/06 Customer PO 10/26/06 19:29:23 Job: 1 CANCEL ORD Frt B Req-Date 10/26/06 1 Ship to: YARDLEY LOCATION ACME SHIPPING 281 KING BLVD. NEWARK NJ 07102 Shipping Instructions Slm 105 Tkr 105 Pack #Lines PART 1 External PO# Exp: 01/01/00 (ORD or ITEM) FIELD: POST TO LOST SALES JOURNAL? (Y N):N Processing credit card authorization reversal(s)... 21 Open Shpmts Unconf Invcs 1 0 0 0 Order Value: Open Total: Open Paym/Dep: Balance Due: 31.00 32.55 32.55 0.00 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES ADDITIONAL AVS/CV CODES Additional AVS/CV codes are now recognized by the system when processing credit card orders. New AVS Codes: B: Street address match, postal code in wrong format (international issuer)' C: Street address and postal code in wrong formats D: Street address and postal code match (international issuer) G: Card issued by a non-U.S. issuer that does not participate in the AVS system I: Address information not verified by international user M: Street address and postal code match (international issuer) O: No response sent P: Postal codes match, street address not verified due to incompatible formats New CV Codes: D: Transaction determined suspicious by issuing bank I: Failed processor\'s data validation check' X: Verification is not supported by the card association' For codes that are not defined within Acclaim, the code will display with the message: Undefined code, contact your credit card processor CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION ========================= Order#: 1151659 Credit card ************4242 authorization in progress, please wait... Response -------Message: VITAL4; ZIP MATCH AVS code: Z - 5-digit ZIP matches - Address (street) does not Card validation code: M - Exact match Result -----APPROVED Press any key to continue... 22 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES SEPARATE MERCHANT ID FOR E-COMMERCE ORDERS In Acclaim’s ProtoBase integration, ProtoBase merchant IDs are tied to Acclaim locations. The order’s sales location determines which merchant ID will be used. However, some processors require that credit card orders entered through the Internet use a separate merchant ID. To accommodate this, Location 9999 has been designated as the e-commerce location. You can request a new merchant ID for use with e-commerce orders. Once you have received your new merchant ID, you can use the install_protobase script to update your ProtoBase installation to associate the new merchant ID with Location 9999. Then, you can enable the new CRED-CARD option to begin using the new merchant ID for e-commerce orders. Orders imported through the ELEC-COM order upload that contain a credit card number will be processed using the Location 9999 merchant ID. If the order did not originate from ELEC-COM, the system will continue to use the merchant ID associated with the sales location. Credit card payments entered in Receivables will never use the e-commerce merchant ID. SEPARATE MERCHANT ID FOR E-COMMERCE ORDERS -----------------------------------------Some processors require that credit card orders entered via the internet use a separate merchant ID. To accomplish this, you should request the new merchant ID from Activant. It must be added to your ProtoBase configuration under dummy location 9999. Then, enable this option. Subsequent e-commerce transactions will be submitted using location 9999's merchant ID. **E-COMMERCE CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS WILL FAIL IF THIS OPTION IS ENABLED AND THERE IS NO MERCHANT ID ASSOCIATED WITH LOCATION 9999. Y - Use separate merchant ID for e-commerce orders N - Process e-commerce orders under sales location 1 Separate merchant ID for e-commerce orders N (Y N) FIELD: Important! If the new CRED-CARD option is enabled prior to setting up the location 9999 merchant ID, all credit card transactions associated with e-commerce orders will fail. For more information on the installation and functions of Protobase and the Credit Card module, refer to the Credit Card Integration manual. 23 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS ADDED TO ALL ORDERBASED WORKFLOW EVENTS Shipping Instructions 1 and 2 tokens have been added to all order-based workflow events. WORKFLOW The tokens for Shipping Instructions 1 and 2 are now available for all order-based workflows. To access the new tokens, press [F3] on the Text field of any of the order-based workflow event screens: Press [F3] to browse the Token list when the cursor is placed on the text fields. 24 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES An Available Tokens screen, similar to the following appears: The Shipping Instruction tokens have been added. Note: You may have to scroll down the screen to view all the tokens. Those workflows that now display these tokens are: ♦ E-Comm Order Acceptance Notification ♦ Edit of Order Required or Expedite Date ♦ LPU Orders ♦ Open Orders Past Required Date ♦ Orders Based on Profit Percentage ♦ Protected Stock Quantity Allocated ♦ Quantity Adjustments (Ship-Edit) ♦ Suspended Orders ♦ Unvalidated Orders ♦ Validated Orders These workflow events will send the shipping instructions from the order. For more information on creating workflow events, refer to the “Workflow” chapter in the System Utilities manual. 25 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES MINIMUM PERCENTAGE CHANGE AND NEW TOKENS ON THE QUANTITY ADJUSTMENTS WORKFLOW EVENT A Minimum Percentage Change parameter has been added to the Quantity Adjustments workflow event. In addition, two tokens to display old and new ship quantities have been added as well. This new functionality will help notify sales reps if the quantity of their shipments were adjusted by a percentage in Ship Edit. WORKFLOW A Min % Change parameter is now available for the Quantity Adjustments workflow event. If the quantity percentage change is greater than the Min % Change parameter, a message is sent. This will apply whether the new quantity is greater than or less than the old quantity. No message will be sent if the change is less than the Min % Change parameter. Note: If messages should be sent for all changes, this value should be set to 0.00. 26 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES On the New Payable screen (accessed by selecting System Administration > Workflow Management) and then scrolling to select the workflow Quantity Adjustments (Ship Edit), a screen similar to the following appears: A new Minimum Percentage Change field has been added. In addition, two new tokens have been added to report on the old shipped quantity and the new shipped quantity. To view these tokens, press [F6] when the cursor is placed on any of the Text fields: New tokens for Old and New Ship Qty have been added. For more information on creating and editing workflow events, refer to the “Workflow” chapter of the System Administration manual. 27 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES LPU WORKFLOW TO OPTIONALLY INCLUDE LPU, DS, OR BOTH ORDER TYPES The LPU workflow event has been changed to optionally include LPU, DS, or both kinds of orders. Prior to Acclaim 17, there was no functionality in Workflow for an expedited drop-ship order. To greatly improve efficiency in shipping these orders in a timely fashion, the LPU workflow event has been modified to scan for these order types. WORKFLOW The LPU Orders workflow event has been renamed to the LPU and DS Orders event. Br: 1 Reg: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0004 NORTHEAST REGION Date: 07/12/06 Mode: Q wf +----- Automated Workflow Management -----+ |LPU and DS Orders |Moving Average Cost Change by Percentage |Material Receipt |New Customer at Order Entry |Open Orders Past Required Date |Open POs Past Expected Date |E-Comm Order Acceptance Notification +-----------------------------------------+ +--------------------------- Events for LPU Orders ----------------------------+ |Act Type Object Trans# Subject To | |--- ---- ---------------- -------- ---------------------- --------------------| |No ALL 0 LPU Orders ws | |Yes ALL 0 TESTING CAJ | |No VEND 141414 0 LPU - CUST [email protected] | |No VEND SMITH 0 LPU - VEND ws | |No ITEM *RANGE* 0 LPU - ITEM ws | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 28 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES When this event is selected, there are now two new parameters: Include LPU and Include DS. ♦ If the Include LPU parameter is set to yes, the workflow will be sent for LPU orders. ♦ If the Include DS parameter is set to yes, the workflow will be sent for DS orders. ♦ If both are set to yes, the workflow will be sent for either DS or LPU orders. Br: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0004 Reg: 1 NORTHEAST REGION Date: 07/12/06 Mode: Q WF +----------------------------- LPU and DS Orders ------------------------------+ | Active: No Minimum Amt: 0.00 | | Object Type: Vendor Maximum Amt: 0.00 | | Start Code: 141414 Min Branch: 1 | | End Code: 141414 Max Branch: 99 | | Start Class: 0 Include LPU: Yes | | End Class: 99 Include DS: No | | Sales Rep: 0 | | | | To: [email protected] | | Subject: LPU - CUST | | | | Text: LPU order has been entered. | | The following items are LPU: | | Item was ordered for for vendor | | . | | | | whatever. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 915 Should message be sent for this event? For more information on setting up workflow events, refer to the System Utilities manual. 29 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 1 SYSTEM-WIDE CHANGES ENHANCEMENTS TO THE SPOOLQ BROWSE The SpoolQ browse by printer has been modified to display the date so that certain spooled information can be found more easily by searching on date. In addition, after drilling down to view the details of a job, you now exit to return to the job you were in before viewing its details. SPOOLQ DATE COLUMN ADDED TO SPOOL QUEUE BROWSE A date column has been added to the SpoolQ browse screen. To view the browse, select the Spool Queue option from the SpoolQ menu. A screen similar to the following displays: A Date column appears between the Spool ID number and the print job’s description. RETAIN BROWSE POSITION AFTER VIEWING JOB DETAILS Prior to Acclaim 17, if you viewed the SpoolQ and scrolled down several screens to select a spooled job to view its detail, you would be returned to the very beginning of the browse after you pressed the [Escape] key to return to the browse screen. If you wanted to view the job again, you would have to scroll down the menu to get back to the specific spooled job. With Acclaim 17, you are returned to the specific SpoolQ entry whose details you were just viewing, so that you are at the same position in the browse before you viewed the details. For more information on the SpoolQ module and how to view SpoolQ entries, refer to the System Utilities manual. 30 2 DATA ENTRY ENHANCED ITEM LOOKUP Item Lookup has been enhanced to gain several advantages. Key changes that have been made: 1) Removal of the category list number fields from the Item and Catalog maintenance screens. These category numbers will no longer need to be maintained, as the item itself will be tied to a category. 2) Data structure has been modified completely, allowing easier data maintenance and report writing. 3) Each individual item or category can be listed under multiple categories, instead of just one. BACKGROUND The goal of using categories is to organize items into different groupings. This allows you to easily narrow down item browses to include only those items in a category. Therefore, you can have a category called HARDWARE. It can hold items such as HAMMER, NAIL, SCREWDRIVER, and SCREW. It could be further categorized so that HARDWARE has two sub-categories: TOOLS and FASTENERS. • TOOLS would contain HAMMER and SCREWDRIVER. • FASTENERS would contain NAIL and SCREW. The HARDWARE category is not part of any other. Such categories are called Top-Level Categories. Starting with Acclaim 17, Item Lookup Categories now have these benefits: ♦ One item may appear under several categories (not just one category sharing its category reference numbers with others). A category can be one of two “list” types. ♦ Rapid editing allows categorizing many items at once 31 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY CATEGORIES • CATEGORY means it can have a list of sub-categories belonging to it. In the above example, that would be HARDWARE. • DETAIL means that it can have a list of stock or catalog items belonging to it. In the above example, that would be TOOLS and FASTENERS. A category has both a name and a full name. The name of the TOOLS category is, of course, “TOOLS.” The full name is “/HARDWARE/TOOLS” due to its relation with HARDWARE. ITEM AND CATALOG MAINTENANCE SCREENS Since the category reference number is now obsolete, it has been removed from all corresponding screens (Figure 1 through Figure 4). ┌───────────────────────────────Item Maintenance───────────────────────────────┐ │Item: ALPO Nav:1.3│ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ General Information Desc 1: TASTES LIKE REAL MEAT │ Unit weight: 50.00 Desc 2: BEEF FOR DOGS │ Subgroup: 22 Desc 3: │ Vendor subgrp: 0 Desc 4: │ Cost pool: 0 Sub ref: 5 │ Direct sub ref: Vendor: USA Item #: 4550 │ Track serial#: no Prod group: 99 Prod sort: 51800 │ Track lot#: no Vendor sort: 517 │ Exemption #: 0 SP-type: 31 D-length: 5.0000 │ Catg list #: 0 Short code: ALP │ Price ticket: N MFG code: 375 │ Header ticket: N UPC: USA 02590 │ Excise tax: no TPCx: no │ Volume: 600.00 Dead Item: no │ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox Item Browse By Item Code (F3 for browse) Figure 1: Catg list # removed from Item Maint. 32 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY COMMON ITEM DATA EDIT 1 ITEM CODE ALPO 2 DESCRIPTION 1 TASTES LIKE REAL MEAT 3 DESCRIPTION 2 BEEF FOR DOGS 4 DESCRIPTION 3 5 DESCRIPTION 4 6 SUBSTITUTE REF 5 11 VENDOR SORT CODE 7 VENDOR USA (USA ) 12 SP-TYPE 31 8 ITEM # 4550 13 SHORT CODE ALP 9 PRODUCT GROUP 99 14 MFG CODE 375 10 PROD GRP SORT CODE 51800 15 UPC USA 02590 SALES INFORMATION 16 UNIT NAME KQ 25 LAST SALE DATE 07/11/01 (MM/DD/YY) 17 UNIT SIZE 321.0000 26 ITEM SUB-GROUP 22 18 COST-PRICE 0.0000 27 ITEM EXEMPTION # 0 19 COL1-PRICE 0.0000 28 TRACK SERIAL#`S N (Y N) 20 COL2-PRICE 0.0000 29 TRACK LOT#`S N (Y N) 21 COL3-PRICE 0.0000 30 ITEM CATG LIST # 0 22 DISCOUNT GROUP 0 23 SALES CLASS 0 24 BROKEN BOX PREMIUM 0 31 "D" -LENGTH 5.0000 FIELD: "A" for Alternate Unit Screen 517 Figure 2: Item Catg List # removed from XL item screen ┌───────────────────────────Catalog Item Maintenance───────────────────────────┐ │Item: CATALOG Nav:1.2│ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ General Information Desc 1: │ Unit weight: 0.00 Desc 2: │ Subgroup: 0 Desc 3: │ Ven subgroup: 0 Desc 4: │ Cost pool: 0 Sub ref: │ Direct sub ref: Vendor: P21 Item #: 00010 │ Exemption #: 0 Prod group: 4 Prod sort: 900000000050│ Catg list #: 0 Vendor sort: 900000000000 │ SP-type: 0 │ Short code: │ MFG code: │ Page #: 0 │ Last change: 02/21/03 │ UPC: P21 00010 │ TPCx: no │ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox Catalog Browse By Item Code (F3 for browse) Figure 3: Catg list # removed from Catalog Maint. 33 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY CATALOG DATA EDIT 1 ITEM CODE CATALOG 2 DESCRIPTION 1 3 DESCRIPTION 2 4 DESCRIPTION 3 5 DESCRIPTION 4 6 SUBSTITUTE REF 7 VENDOR P21 (P21 ) 8 ITEM # 00010 9 PRODUCT GROUP 4 10 PROD GRP SORT CODE 900000000050 11 VENDOR SORT CODE 900000000000 12 SP-TYPE 0 SALES INFORMATION 18 UNIT NAME EA 25 19 UNIT SIZE 1.0000 26 20 COST-PRICE 0.0000 27 21 COL1-PRICE 0.0000 28 22 COL2-PRICE 0.0000 23 COL3-PRICE 0.0000 24 DISCOUNT GROUP 0 FIELD: 13 14 15 16 17 CATALOG PAGE # LAST CHANGE DATE SHORT CODE MFG CODE UPC P21 BROKEN BOX PREMIUM ITEM SUB-GROUP ITEM EXEMPTION # ITEM CATG LIST # 0 02/21/03 (MM/DD/YY) 00010 0 0 0 0 "A" for Alternate Unit Screen Figure 4: Item Catg List # removed from XL catalog screen ITEM-LOOKUP MODULE The main menu now has the following options: Br: 1 Loc: 1 PROPHET 21, ACCLAIM YARDLEY, PA User: PJO/pjo Date: 03/10/03 ┌──── Item Lookup ─────┐ │Category Maintenance │ │Category List │ │Item List │ └──────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Item lookup categories Figure 5: ITEM-LOOKUP menu CATEGORY MAINTENANCE Choosing Category Maintenance will take the user to the following screen: 34 Port: 0010 ITEM-LOOKU ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY ┌──────────────────── Detail Category Browse By Name ─────────────────────┐ │Name Desc │ │──────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────│ │AAA │ *│FFA cat catg 2 │ *│FFA cat catg 3 │ │FOOBAR Foo Bar, Baz │ │HARDWARE Hardware materials │ │KS CTLG CATEGORY 1 │ │PRICING TEST TEST DESCRIPTION │ │TVS │ │YOYO │ │ZOZO │ │ZZZ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox TAB=Reindex Enter data or press F4 to end. Figure 6: Top-Level Category Browse This is a browse showing the top-level categories. Those with asterisks are of DETAIL list type. The rest are CATEGORY type. HOW TO CREATE A NEW TOP-LEVEL CATEGORY From the Category browse (Figure 6), select [Insert]. The Category Screen will appear (Figure 7). It has the following fields: • Parent is the category to which this one belongs. For top-level categories, this is blank. • Category is the name of the category. • List determines either CATEGORY (default) or DETAIL type. • Desc is a description of the category. 35 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY The “Category Browse” section is a list of categories (Figure 7) if the type is CATEGORY. If the type is DETAIL, then it’s a list of items (Figure 8). ┌───────────────────────────────────Category───────────────────────────────────┐ │ Parent: Edit:1.1│ │Category: HARDWARE List: CATEGORY │ │ Desc: Hardware materials │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌──────────────────────────── Category Browse ────────────────────────────┐ │Name Desc │ │──────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────│ │FASTENERS Fasteners │ │TOOLS Tools │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Description of the category Figure 7: Category Screen for type CATEGORY ┌───────────────────────────────────Category───────────────────────────────────┐ │ Parent: /HARDWARE Edit:1.1│ │Category: FASTENERS List: DETAIL │ │ Desc: Fasteners │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌────────────────────── Category Browse ───────────────────────┐ │Item Code Description Vendor#│ │────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────── ───────│ │NAILS NAILS DIANEV │ │NAILS AND THINGS LOTS OF HEAVY NAILS 665567 │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Description of the category Figure 8: Category Screen For Type DETAIL HOW TO CREATE A NEW SUB-CATEGORY To create a sub-category, go to the Category Browse screen. Navigate to the target category. The cursor must be on a CATEGORY type (i.e., there should not be an asterisk on the left). Pressing [Enter] will bring up the Sub-Categories for Category browse (Figure 9). 36 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY Figure 9 shows the parent category HARDWARE. The two sub-categories are FASTENERS and TOOLS. To create a third, hit [Insert]. That will bring up a Category screen with Parent set to /HARDWARE (Figure 10). We’ll call the new one SAFETY. Note that the default value of List is CATEGORY by default. The Sub-Categories for Category browse now has SAFETY (Figure 11). It has no asterisk on the left because it’s a CATEGORY type. We want to associate items with this category, so the Type needs to be changed to DETAIL. With the cursor on SAFETY, hit [CTRL-E] to edit. Change Type from CATEGORY to DETAIL. As soon as you do that, the Category Browse changes to an empty list of items. That empty list of items is actually a browse embedded in the screen. So, as with similar screens in Acclaim, it’s read-only. You can’t add items here (see “How to Associate Items With a Category” on page 39). Hit [F2] so save the Type change. You return to the Sub-Category browse, but now SAFETY has an asterisk since it’s now DETAIL type (Figure 12). ┌───────────────── Sub-Categories for Category ──────────────────┐ │/HARDWARE │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌──────────────────────── Detail Category Browse ─────────────────────────┐ │Name Desc │ │──────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────│ *│FASTENERS Fasteners │ *│TOOLS Tools │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox Enter data or press F4 to end. Figure 9: Sub-Categories for Category browse for HARDWARE 37 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY ┌───────────────────────────────────Category───────────────────────────────────┐ │ Parent: /HARDWARE Add:1.1│ │Category: SAFETY List: CATEGORY │ │ Desc: Safety equipment │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌──────────────────────────── Category Browse ────────────────────────────┐ │Name Desc │ │──────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Name of the category Figure 10: Category Screen For New Sub-Category SAFETY Under HARDWARE ┌───────────────── Sub-Categories for Category ──────────────────┐ │/HARDWARE │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌──────────────────────── Detail Category Browse ─────────────────────────┐ │Name Desc │ │──────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────│ *│FASTENERS Fasteners │ │SAFETY Safety equipment │ *│TOOLS Tools │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox Enter data or press F4 to end. Figure 11: Sub-Categories for Category HARDWARE With new SAFETY category 38 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY ┌───────────────── Sub-Categories for Category ──────────────────┐ │/HARDWARE │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌──────────────────────── Detail Category Browse ─────────────────────────┐ │Name Desc │ │──────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────│ *│FASTENERS Fasteners │ *│SAFETY Safety equipment │ *│TOOLS Tools │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox Enter data or press F4 to end. Figure 12: Sub-Categories for Category HARDWARE After SAFETY is made DETAIL type HOW TO ASSOCIATE ITEMS WITH A CATEGORY Items are associated with DETAIL categories. Therefore, you must make sure the List field is not CATEGORY. From the Sub-Categories for Category Browse (Figure 9), press [F6] on the category and choose Items. The Items for Category browse will appear. For a new category, this will be an empty list of items (Figure 13). Press the [Insert] key to get to the Category Detail Entry screen. It contains these fields: • Parent shows the full name of this category’s parent. • Category shows which category to which this item will/does belong. • Item is the code of the stock or catalog item. • Type is either ITEM or CATALOG. It is set according to the item chosen. From the Item field, either enter its code or choose it from a browse. So, adding item HELMET to category SAFETY would modify its Items for Category browse (Figure 15). 39 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY ┌────────────────────── Items for Category ──────────────────────┐ │/HARDWARE/SAFETY │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌────────────────────── Category Browse ───────────────────────┐ │Item Code Description Vendor#│ │────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────── ───────│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox Enter data or press F4 to end. Figure 13: Items for Category browse for new SAFETY category ┌────────────────────────────Category Detail Entry─────────────────────────────┐ │ Parent: /HARDWARE Add:1.1│ │Category: SAFETY │ │ Item: HELMET Type: ITEM │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Item Code (F3 for browse) Figure 14: Category Detail Entry Screen 40 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY ┌────────────────────── Items for Category ──────────────────────┐ │/HARDWARE/SAFETY │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌────────────────────── Category Browse ───────────────────────┐ │Item Code Description Vendor#│ │────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────── ───────│ │HELMET To protect your skull TEST │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox Enter data or press F4 to end. Figure 15: Items for SAFETY Category After Adding Item HELMET 41 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY HOW CATEGORIES ARE USED The PowrDrill for Item and Catalog browses each have a “Lookup…” choice (Figure 16). That will invoke a browse of the top-level categories (Figure 6 on page 35). The user can navigate them until the target category is found. Pressing [Enter] will then bring up an Items for Category browse (Figure 15). If use user navigated from the Item browse, then the list contains stock items for that category. If from the Catalog browse, then the catalog items will be shown. The item can then be chosen from the list of items. ┌──────────────────────── Item Browse By Item Code ─────────────────────────┐ │Item Code Description Company Loc 1 │ │────────────────────────── ────┌─── Index ───┐──────── ──────── ──────── │ │ 9872 1AC xx │Item Code │ 6 3 │ │ 1011006 │Description │ 0 0 │ │ HASSPACE THIS│Prod Group# │ 558 0 │ │ SUB REF 34 │Prod Group...│ 112 0 │ │ TEST DISABLED n │Vendor# │ 7 0 │ │#1 TEST 3326│Vendor... │ 28 0 │ │******** │Reference... │ 0 0 │ │*AAAAA 123 │Short Code │ 4342 0 │ │*AMZ 346 │Short Code...│ 724 0 │ │*ANBD d │Vendor#/Sort │ 35 0 │ │*ANCBD │UPC │ 35 0 │ │*AND │Alt Item Code│ 414 0 │ └───────────────────────────────│Lookup... │─────────────────────────────┘ ┌───────────────────────────────│Keyword │──────────────────────────────┐ │xx │Settings │ │ │ASDFASD │- Alternate -│ │ │ │Catalog... │ │ └───────────────────────────────└─────────────┘──────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox TAB=Reindex Select sort index (Lookup Category Browse) Figure 16: "Lookup..." PowrDrill Option on Item Browse RAPID LIST MAINTENANCE In order to quickly categorize a group of items, Acclaim provides Rapid List Maintenance. It lets you specify a range of stock and/or catalog items, then assign/remove them to/from a category. To access it, choose Rapid List Maintenance via any detail category’s PowrDrill. The parameters (Figure 17) are: ♦ Parent is the category to which this one belongs. For top-level categories, this is blank. This field is read-only. ♦ Category is the name of the category. Under the General parameters: ♦ Type can be “Stock”, “Catalog”, or “Both”. e.g., if “Stock” then only stock items will be found in the range. ♦ Mode can be one of: 42 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY ♦ o Add Only will add matching items to the category. Existing items there remain. o Remove Only will remove matching items from the category. Items not in the range will remain. o Rebuild will first remove all items from the category, then add those in your range. Ranges allow you to specify a start and end range for several item fields. After pressing [F2], you may preview (Figure 18) the items that match your range. The preview (Figure 19) will list a section for the stock items, and other for the catalogs. The resulting items depend on the Mode and these rules: ♦ Add only will only report those items not currently in the category ♦ Remove only will only report those items that are in the category ♦ Rebuild will report all items in the range. After exiting the preview window, you are asked for confirmation. If you decide to continue with the update, a “Done” message will appear when complete. ┌──────────────────────────Fast Item Category Update───────────────────────────┐ │ Parent: /HARDWARE Add*1.1│ │Category: FASTENERS │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ General │Ranges Type: Catalog │ Start Vendor#: 4M Mode: Add only │ End Vendor#: 4M Start Item#: ? End Item#: ? Start Vendor Sort Code: ? End Vendor Sort Code: ? Start Item Code: ? End Item Code: ? Start Product Group: ? End Product Group: ? Start PG Sort Code: ? End PG Sort Code: ? F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Start Item# Figure 17: Rapid List Maintenance Parameters 43 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY ┌──────────────────────────Fast Item Category Update───────────────────────────┐ │ Parent: /HARDWARE Add*1.1│ │Category: FASTENERS │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ General │Ranges Type: Catalog │ Start Vendor#: 4M Mode: Add only ┌────────────────── Preview ──────────────────┐ │ Before applying the changes, you can view │ │ the items that fall within the range. │ │ │ │ View items? │ │ ─────────────────────────────────────────── │ │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────┘ End Product Group: ? Start PG Sort Code: ? End PG Sort Code: ? F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Start Item# Figure 18: Prompt For Update Preview ┌──────────────────────────Fast Item Category Update───────────────────────────┐ │ Parent: /HARDWARE Add*1.1│ --------------------------------- File Viewer ---------------------------------Stock Item Code Description -------------------------- --------------------------FOO NS TEST JUNK 1" JUNK2 FINISHED ITEM NEW a,b"c NEWITEM PJOTEST4 WOW Catalog Item Code -------------------------CATALOG-ONLY JUNKOLD PJOCAT F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit Description --------------------------NOT IN ITEMD! CATALOG DESC CATALOG ITEM F7=Toolbox 8888 Arrow Keys Scroll. CTRL-X or F4 Exit. Insert Figure 19: Update Preview CATEGORY LIST The “Category List” will show categories and their items. Due to the relationships among categories, this will not look like a regular report (hence, the reason for calling it a “list”). Indentation is used heavily to denote the relations. A sub-category is indented to the right of the parent’s column. Similarly, the item lists are indented. The items have two columns – Item Code and Description. 44 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY The parameters (Figure 20) for the listing are: ♦ Top Category specifies from which category to start. The default is blank – indicating all categories will be shown. ♦ Max Sub Cat Levels defines how many levels of categories to report. For example, 3 would show no more than 3 levels below the top category. The default value is the maximum calculated according to 132 available columns. ♦ If Show Items is No, then only categories will be reported – no items. ┌─────────────── Category Relationship List Parameters───────────────┐ │ │ │ Top Category: /HARDWARE │ │ Max Sub Cat Levels: 3 │ │ Show Items: yes │ │ │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 8888 Figure 20: Category List Parameters The output is shown in Figure 21 on page 46. The “Category:” heading is the full name to the first category on that page. That way, if a category so many items that they take up more than one page, you still know what category owns them. Figure 22 shows the same list, but with Show Items set to No. 45 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY Category Relationship List 03/28/03 15:54 PAGE 1 PAGE 1 Category: /HARDWARE HARDWARE FASTENERS Items -------------------------NAILS NAILS AND THINGS T SHIRT Description --------------------------NAILS LOTS OF HEAVY NAILS SAFETY HANDS Items Description -------------------------- --------------------------01538-1 23 *GOULD A50QS300-4 HEAD Items -------------------------HATS AND THINGS HEADACHE TOOLS Items -------------------------HAMMER SCREWDRIVER Description --------------------------NYMAN'S ITEM 1 Description --------------------------M.C. HAMMER Left-handed screwdriver Figure 21: Category List Output (Show Items: Yes) Category Relationship List 03/28/03 15:54 Category: /HARDWARE HARDWARE FASTENERS SAFETY HANDS HEAD TOOLS Figure 22: Category List Output (Show Items: No) ITEM LIST The “Item List” takes a range of items, and reports the categories to which they belong. 46 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY Choose a range of items (Figure 23) and specify an output destination (Figure 24). The report will find items in that range, and report their categories (Figure 25) +--------------- Categories for Items List Parameters----------------+ | | | Starting Item: HAMMER | | Ending Item: HAMMERZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 8888 Starting Item Figure 23: Item list report parameters +--------------- Categories for Items List Parameters----------------+ | | | Starting Item: HAMMER | | Ending Item: HAMMERZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ | +------------------------- Printer Options --------------------------+ | | | Print To: Viewer | | | | | | | | | | | | Page Length: 88 (Number of Lines, 0 for Continuous) | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 8888 Select destination for output. (F3 for browse) Figure 24: Choosing output for Item List report 47 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY --------------------------------- File Viewer ---------------------------------Categories for Items List Item Code Category -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------HAMMER /Hardware/Steel /Hardware/Roofing HAMMER COVER /Hardware/Steel F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox 8888 Arrow Keys Scroll. CTRL-X or F4 Exit. Insert Figure 25: Item List Report COMPANY If you have never enabled Item Lookup, then the following screen will still show and will enable the new Progress version of the Item Lookup feature. ITEM/CATALOG LOOK-UP OPTION --------------------------This option determines the availability of item and catalog look-up scans during all forms of order and quote entry, and P&A. Y - ENABLE ITEM/CATALOG LOOK-UP N - DO NOT ENABLE ITEM/CATALOG LOOK-UP 1 ITEM/CATALOG LOOK-UP Y (Y N) FIELD: 48 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY If you already had Item Lookup enabled, you will see an additional page display when selecting this option. (To access this option, choose Company > Options > Company Options > Item/Catalog Look-Up option, in the Inventory Company Options. The following screen sample is the second screen under the Item/Catalog Look-Up option.) Important! Note that if you have a B2BSeller website lower than Version 5, you should not enable this feature. If you have third party software that accesses Item Lookup data, then you should first contact your vendor with the new data structure. 49 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY DATA LAYOUT This section will be of interest to you if you have a custom website that accesses item/catalog lookup data. Before enabling Enhanced Item Lookup, the application code will need to be modified to accommodate the new data layout. The data for both the categories, and the items within them, are stored in one table. The table name via ODBC is “lu_category”. The fields are summarized in this table: Field Description Data Type Notes lu_ikey Lookup identification key. It uniquely identifies a record. Integer Min 0 Max 2147483647 parent lu_ikey of parent record Integer Min 0 Max 2147483647 type Type of record Integer [1] name Depending on type, name of category, or name (item code) of item. String Category max is 40 chars. Item max is 26 chars. fullname Full path of category. Unused for detail type. String Mimic directory [2] description Description of category. Unused for detail type. String Max 64 chars. [2] detail True for detail records. Boolean [3] Notes [1] Indicates the usage for the record. The values are summarized in this table: Value Implication 1 Record is a category 202 Record refers to a stock item 203 Record refers to a catalog item. 50 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY [2] New field for enhanced item lookup. No correspondence in XL item lookup. [3] The detail field is used only for categories (type ==1). It’s unused for other types. The values are summarized in this table: DETAIL Implication TRUE Children of this category must be items. That is, type 202 or 203. FALSE Children of this category must be subcategories. That is, type 1. For more information on the Item Lookup module, refer to the “Item Lookup” chapter in the Item Reporting manual. 51 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY NEW ITEMS SHOW CURRENT DATE FOR LAST SALE AND LAST PURCHASE DATES When an item is created, the Last Sale Date and Last Purchase Date default to the current date if the new company option is set. This way, the date an item is first entered is recorded. COMPANY The new Inventory Control Company Option of Last Sale/Purchase Dates determines whether a new item’s last sale/purchase date will default to the current date or the system start date. Prior to Acclaim 17, both dates defaulted to the system start date. When an item is created via Item Maintenance, Pricing Service, Order Entry, etc, the last sale/purchase date now defaults to the setting specified by this company option. LAST SALE/PURCHASE DATES --------------------------------This feature allows the user to set the last sale and last purchase dates for new items to the current date or the system start date. CURR - Last sale and purchase dates will default to current date START - Last sale and purchase dates will default to system start date 1 Last Sale/Purchase Dates CURR FIELD: 52 (CURR START) ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY ITEM In Item Maintenance, the Last Sale date defaults to the value directed by the company option: ─-──────────────────────────────Item Maintenance───────────────────────────────┐ │Item: NEWITEM Nav:2.2│ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Prices (Company Default) │Costs (Company Default) Unit name: EA │ Unit name: EA Unit size: 1.0000 │ Unit size: 1.0000 Cost price: 0.0000 │ Package size: 1 Col1 price: 0.0000 │ List price: 0.0000 Col2 price: 0.0000 │ Standard cost: 0.0000 Col3 price: 0.0000 │ Year end cost: 0.0000 Sales disc group: 0 │ Base cost: 0.0000 Broken box premium: 0 │ Last cost: 0.0000 Moving avg cost: 0.0000 Purchase disc group: 0 Cost Change Code: NA Loc/Comp Wide Sales class: 0 Last Sale: 11/15/06 Avg lead time: 0 Purchase class: 0 Safety stock: 0 F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox Mail Item Browse By Item Code (F3 for browse) In Item Location Maintenance, both the Last PO Date and the Last Sale dates of the location and company records reflect the value set by the company option: ┌──────────────────────────Item Location Maintenance───────────────────────────┐ │Item: NEWITEM Nav:1.1│ │ Location: 1 │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Location Specific │General Location Company Stock flag: yes │Sales class 0 0 Bin number: │Last Sale 11/15/06 11/15/06 Price/Cost loc: 0 │Avg lead time 0 0 Replen loc: 1 │Purchase class 0 0 Transfer size: 0 │Safety stock 0 0 Avg monthly usg: 0.00 │Stock Status Location Company Protected qty: 0 │Qty free 0.00 0.00 Method: UPTO │Qty allocated 0.00 0.00 Order point: 0 │Qty on PO 0.00 0.00 Order Qty: 0 │Qty backordered 0.00 0.00 Mnths season: 0 │Qty transit 0.00 0.00 Usage lock: 0 │PTD # sales 0 0 Last PO date: 11/15/06 │YTD # sales 0 0 YTD qty inv 0.00 0.00 F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Mail Item Code 53 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY The XL Item screen displays the Last Sale Date according to the setting of the inventory control company option: COMMON ITEM DATA EDIT 1 ITEM CODE NEWITEM 2 DESCRIPTION 1 3 DESCRIPTION 2 4 DESCRIPTION 3 5 DESCRIPTION 4 6 SUBSTITUTE REF 11 VENDOR SORT CODE 900000000180 7 VENDOR KS1 (KS ) 12 SP-TYPE 0 8 ITEM # ZZZZS 13 SHORT CODE 9 PRODUCT GROUP 10 14 MFG CODE 10 PROD GRP SORT CODE 900000000240 15 UPC KS1 ZZZZS SALES INFORMATION 16 UNIT NAME EA 25 LAST SALE DATE 11/15/06 (MM/DD/YY) 17 UNIT SIZE 1.0000 26 ITEM SUB-GROUP 0 18 COST-PRICE 0.0000 27 TAX CLASS 0 19 COL1-PRICE 0.0000 28 TRACK SERIAL#`S N (Y N) 20 COL2-PRICE 0.0000 29 TRACK LOT#`S N (Y N) 21 COL3-PRICE 0.0000 30 PRICING SRVC CODE 0 22 DISCOUNT GROUP 0 31 ITEM CATG LIST # 0 23 SALES CLASS 0 32 MANUFACTURER CLASS 24 BROKEN BOX PREMIUM 0 33 PREVENT DIRECT SHIPS N (Y N) FIELD: "A" for Alternate Unit Screen The Item Location Maintenance screen displays the Last PO Date according to the company option value: NEWITEM LOCATION ITEM DATA 1 LOCATION # 1 YARDLEY LOCATION 2 STOCK FLAG Y (Y N) 3 BIN NUMBER 4 PRICE/COST LOC 0 5 REPLENISHMENT LOC 1 YARDLEY LOCATION 6 TRANSFER SIZE 0 7 SALES CLASS 0 8 LAST SALE DATE 01/01/50 (MM/DD/YY) 9 AVG LEAD TIME 0 10 PURCHASE CLASS 0 11 AVG MONTHLY USG 0.00 12 SAFETY STOCK 0 13 PROTECTED QTY 0 14 METHOD UPTO (EOQ UPTO OPOQ MNMX) 15 ORDER POINT 0 16 ORDER QTY 0 17 MNTHS SEASON 0 18 USAGE LOCK 0 19 LAST PO DATE 11/15/06 (MM/DD/YY) FIELD: Note: When Acclaim 17 is installed, the company option is initially set to the “N” value. For more information on the other fields in Item Maintenance, refer to the Item Information manual. Company option information is found in the Company Set Up manual. 54 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY ITEM CHANGE PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS We have enhanced the Item Change process so that item code changes can be processed faster. LIB-UPDATE A new temporary cross-reference file to file PCOVRD, which holds the price/cost override table information, has been created to index entries to the data file PCOVRD for item basis overrides only. The new file, TPCOIX, will be filled when the item code change is performed and will be cleared when the code change is completed. For more information on the job Lib-Update, refer to the System Administration manual. ITEM CHANGE System performance is increased for the item code change process because of the creation of the index file TPCOIX. This new file will be initially populated when the item code change process is started, and used when each item is processed. This method will provide a substantial performance increase, since prior to Acclaim 17, the entire override table information was scanned. Before Acclaim 17, all override types were searched - not just item basis override information - for each item being processed. With this feature, now only item basis override tables for the item being processed will be examined and changed. For more information on the Item Change process, see the Item Information manual. 55 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY FREIGHT THRESHOLD FOR FREE SHIPPING An Order Threshold field has been added to the Customer Maintenance Screen under Ship Options. You can now set up customer accounts in a way to provide free shipping if orders exceed a certain dollar amount. CUSTOMER The Order Threshold field holds an order threshold amount for each of your customers. The field is found in the Ship Options frame of the Ship-To Information screen of Customer Maintenance: +------------------------------Customer Maintenance----------------------------+ |Customer code: Nav:2.4| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ship to Information |Ship Options Name: | State exempt #: Addr 1: | Other exempt #: Addr 2: | State tax: Other tax: City: | State tax schd: Other schd: State: | Shipping route: Zip: | Freight code: Tel #: | Shipping sort: Fax #: | Basis: Contact: | Price shipments: Title: | Invoice batch #: Inst 1: | Barcode: Inst 2: | Order Threshold: A-B APR: | Fr Addr: | F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox Customer Bill-To Browse By Customer Code (F3 for browse) 56 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY This field is also available on the Customer Alternate Ship-To Maintenance screen: +------------------------Customer Alt-Ship Maintenance-------------------------+ |Customer code: Ship to: Nav:1.1| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ship to Information |Ship Options Name: | State exempt #: Addr 1: | Other exempt #: Addr 2: | State tax: Default: Addr 3: | Other tax: Default: City: | State tax schd: Other schd: State: | Shipping route: Zip: | Freight code: Country: | Shipping sort: Basis: Tel #: | Price shipments: Fax #: | Price ack's: Price Quotes: E-mail: | Invoice batch #: Contact: | Track shipping: Title: | Days Early: Days late: Inst 1: |Ship transit days: Inst 2: | Barcode: Alt-rep: NA | Order Threshold: F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox Customer Ship-To Browse By Customer Code (F3 for browse) More information on the fields in Customer Maintenance is found in the Customer Information manual. ORDER, FRONT COUNTER At order entry time, if a customer places an order for an amount greater than their threshold, a freight code of B, X, or C will be changed to P after acceptance, indicating that freight charges are prepaid for that particular order. Note: This feature is not applicable for customer returns at this time. More information on entering orders is found in the Order and Front Counter manuals. Note: If the value of the order is edited through Expedite Order or Ship Edit via a price edit or quantity change, the freight code field will not automatically be reset. 57 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY COST EDIT VARIANCE REPORT TO REPORT BY COST EDIT TYPE The Cost Edit Variance Report now reports by and summarizes by edit type. You will be able to easily identify why cost changes were made on an item by grouping cost edit types. ITEM LIST / INVENTORY VALUE REPORTS The Invoiced Cost Variance Report has the new sort sequence of Edit Type. If this sequence is chosen, the report is sorted and grouped by the type of cost edit placed on an invoiced item. There will be a subtotal of the variance by each type of cost edit. Grand totals print at the end of the report showing the total quantity, edited unit cost, stock unit cost, extended cost, and total variance. When the Sequence parameter is set to Type, the start and end parameters are removed since they are not necessary. To generate the Invoiced Cost Variance Report, select Item List > Inventory > Invoiced: Br: 1 Loc: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH YARDLEY LOCATION User: KS/ks Date: 06/21/06 Mode: Q Port: 0013 ITEM-LIST ┌─ Item List ──┐ │Inventor┌──── Inventory ────┐ │Gas ... │Master ┌ Inventory value ┐ │Ranking │Inventor│Value │ │Update │Price li│Value summary │ │Balance │Selling │Aging │ └────────│Stock st│Location │ │Exceptio│Invoiced │ │Stock bo│Extension │ │Code boo│Value Maintenance│ │Return s└─────────────────┘ │Inactive │ │Purchase method │ │Profit │ │Zero value │ │Service level │ │Large sales │ └───────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Print an invoiced cost edit variance report The Invoiced Cost Edit Variance Report parameter screen is displayed. On the Sequence field, you can select the new value of Type: INVOICED COST EDIT VARIANCE REPORT 1 SEQ TYPE (LOC SLM TYPE) FIELD: 58 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY When you select the sequence of Type and generate the report, a report similar to the following is displayed: PROPHET 21, INC. (COMP) INVOICE# LINE# CUST ITEM 19000003 KS SPOT SUB# 1 INVOICED COST EDIT VARIANCE REPORT SHIP# 1 INV-DATE SLM TKR UT-SIZE UT-NAME SOURCE COST TYPE 06/06/06 EA 100 100 1 COST EDIT 06/21/06 PAGE 1 QUANTITY EDITED UT-COST STOCK UT-COST EXTENDED COST VARIANCE 10.00 10.0000 0.0000 100.00 100.00 =========== VARIANCE: 100.00 ROB HAPPY 1149506 ROB HAPPY 1149507 FUN BALL 1 FUN BALL 1 1 1 EA 02/15/06 EA 02/15/06 KS MOTE 1151488 1 - 1 EA 06/19/06 4 C-AVG 105 C-AVG 114 0 105 100 C-AVG 100 COST OVERRIDE 1 1.00 COST OVERRIDE 1 10.00 80.0000 100.0000 80.00 12.0000 15.9637 120.00 1.0000 0.7400 1.00 ASSEMBLY RECORD COST 1 1.00 -20.00 -39.64 =========== VARIANCE: -59.64 0.26 =========== VARIANC 0.26 TOTAL ITEMS =========== GRAND TOTAL QUANTITY =========== 4 EDITED UT-COST =========== 22 STOCK UT-COST =========== 103.00 EXTENDED COST VARIANCE =========== 116.7037 =========== 301.00 40.62 PROPHET 21, INC. (COMP) INVOICED COST EDIT VARIANCE REPORT BRANCH TOTALS 07/14/06 BRANCH 1 10 PAGE 3 # OF ITEMS 3 1 VARIANCE 30.62 10.00 TOTAL VARIANCE =========== 40.62 For more information on the Invoiced Cost Edit Variance Report, refer to the FIFO Inventory Costing manual and the Item Reporting manuals. 59 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY CUSTOMER PROFITABILITY BASED ON GROSS PROFIT DOLLARS AND ACTIVITY-BASED COSTS You can now calculate your customers profitability based on gross profit dollars and activity-based costs. A new Expense Class field has been added to the Auxiliary Tables, Customer and Ledger modules. A new Rank Class field is located in the Auxiliary Table and Customer modules, and a new Customer Profit and Loss Report is now found in Sales History. OVERVIEW This feature provides the ability to measure true profitability of customers based on gross profit dollars and activity based costs. Customer gross profit dollars are calculated from sales history information for a specified period. Expenses are defined into expense classes and these expense classes are assigned to customers. Each customer may incur different expenses and will be defined differently. A percentage of transactions that fall under these expense classes can also be specified for each expense class within a customer. Some examples of expense classes are as follows: ♦ Sales Activity – sales payroll and commissions ♦ Sales Support – inside sales payroll, purchasing payroll, marketing payroll ♦ Office Activity – IT payroll, clerical payroll, office equipment and supplies ♦ Storage Activity – warehouse expenses (rent, taxes, etc) ♦ Handling Activity – shipping and receiving expenses, warehouse personnel payroll ♦ Delivery Activity – common carrier delivery expenses, truck upkeep and expenses, driver payroll General Ledger expense accounts will be assigned a specific expense class. More than one ledger account can be assigned to the same expense class. The actual dollar amounts will be pulled from ledger postings for these expense accounts and will be prorated down to the customer level based on customer sales activity and expense classes defined. A net profitability is then calculated for each customer based on profit minus expenses. 60 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY AUXILIARY TABLES EXPENSE CLASSES You now view a new Expense Classes option under Auxiliary Tables for customer profit and loss calculations. +- Auxiliary Tables --+ |Address ... | |Customer ... | |Item/Catalog ... | |Sales Reps/Takers ...| |Notepad Classes ... | |Sales Categories ... | |Vendor Classes ... | |Expense Classes... | +---------------------+ +---------------------------Expense Class Maintenance--------------------------+ | Class: 10 Desc: Office Activity Nav:1.1 | Basis: LOB | Fixed: No +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------Expense Class Maintenance--------------------------+ | Class: 10 Desc: Customer Returns Nav:1.1 | Basis: LOB | Fixed: Yes Amount: 50.00 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ When an expense class is defined, a description and basis can be specified. The basis field indicates how the expense amount from the corresponding ledger accounts is prorated for each customer. The options are as follows: GP – gross profit dollars COGS – cost of goods sold LOB – lines of billing ORD – number of orders DAYS – average days late (only used with the Fixed field = Yes) RTRN – number of customer returns (only used with the Fixed field = Yes) 61 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY RLOB – lines of billing for customer returns (only used with the Fixed field = Yes) The Fixed field indicates whether the amount to be charged is a fixed amount or not. When the Fixed field is set to No, these expense classes are assigned to ledger accounts and the posted amounts in these ledger accounts are used to calculate the expense for the customer based on the specified basis. An expense class can be assigned to multiple ledger accounts with the total from all ledger accounts with the same expense class being used in calculations. You may want your delivery activity expense to be dispersed across your customers based on lines of billing [customer expense = (LOB for customer) / (total LOB) * (total delivery expense) * (customer expense percent)] but you want your sales activity expense to be dispersed across your customers based on gross profit [customer expense = (GP for customer) / (total GP) * (total sales activity expense) * (customer expense percent)]. When the Fixed field is set to Yes, the program will not look to the ledger accounts but instead will charge the specified fixed amount based on the basis field and the percentage of the customer expense class. The fixed field must be set to Yes for basis RTRN, RLOB, and DAYS. CUSTOMER RANK CLASSES The new Rank Classes option defines customer class ranks. These will be used to hold the customer’s net profitability rank. Br: 1 Loc: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH YARDLEY LOCATION User: DAG/dag Date: 09/20/06 Port: 0005 AUX-TABLE +- Auxiliary Tables --+ |Address +----- Customer -----+ |Customer|Account Groups ... | |Item/Cat|Classes ... | |Sales Re|Control Classes ... | |Notepad |Invoice Batches ... | |Sales Ca|Shipping Routes ... | |Vendor C|SIC Codes ... | +--------|Shipping Methods ...| |Rank Classes. . . | +--------------------+ +-----------------------Customer Rank Class Maintenance------------------------+ |Class: 1 Desc: Class A – high profit Nav:1.1 |Min Net Profitability: 50,000 |Max Net Profitability: 99,999,999 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 62 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY LEDGER The new Expense Class field on the ledger account associates an expense class to the ledger account. +------------------------------- ACCOUNT EDIT --------------------------------+ | Account #: 01-01-570-000 Account Type: Expense | | Name: Office Payroll Account Subtype: | | Reference: Active?: No | | Master?: No Posting Type: Debit | | Source Summary?: No Confidential?: No | | Expense class: 10 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ When accumulating expenses for a specified expense class, each ledger account, with their expense class defined, will be added together for a total expense amount. This field will be available only when the Account type is Expense. The expense class will be available on all entry, edit, and view screens, in Fast-Edit screens, and on Account Registers. CUSTOMER Expense classes can now be assigned to customers in the Customer module. + Customer Information + |Customer maintenance |Ship-to maintenance |Ranking ... |Update ... |Fast edit ... |Customer Copy |Alternate ship-to ... |Registers ... |Lists and reports ... |Master accounts ... |Template ... |Report |Expense class options … +----------------------+ Expense Class options include a maintenance screen and a report. You can select either a customer or a customer/class from the browse. 63 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY To add a new expense class to a customer, select that customer in the browse and press [ Enter]. F1=Help F2=Go +--- Expense Classes for Customer ----+ |CGCUST MARY SMITH LONGER NAME ITS LON| | 10 PINE STREET | | BILL TO ADDR2 | | SPRINGDALE TX 75572 | +-------------------------------------+ +----------- Expense Class Browse -----------+ |Class Name Percent| |----- ------------------------------ -------| | 30 Delivery 100| | 50 Sales Support 50| | 100 Office Activity 40| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------------------------------------+ F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox Enter data or press F4 to end. The Expense Class Maintenance screen allows you to specify which expenses a particular customer incurs. The percentage field indicates the percentage that this expense applies to the customer. 64 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY The maintenance screen will only show one expense at a time (the one selected). The browse will display all expense classes assigned to a customer. +----------------------Customer Expense Class Maintenance----------------------+ |Customer code: 007 NAME FOR 007 Edit:1.1| |Class: 15 CLASS 15 Percent: 60 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Expense Class (F3 for browse) A report on the customers and expense classes is also available. This report can be run in Customer or Expense Class sequence. +----------- Customer Expense Class Parameters ------------+ | | | Report Sequence: Customer | | +-----------------+ | | Start Customer:|> Customer | | | End Customer:| Expense Class | | | Start Expense Class:+-----------------+ | | End Expense Class: 9999 | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 8888 Arrow keys & Return selects. F4 cancels. CUSTOMER EXPENSE CLASS REPORT PAGE 10/13/06 17:13 1 CUST NAME CGCUS1 TEST FOR BAL FORWARD IKEY CGCUST MARY SMITH LONGER NAME ITS LON CLASS DESCRIPTION PERCENT 50 CLASS 50 75% 30 50 100 CLASS 30 CLASS 50 class 100 30% 50% 40% 65 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY The new Rank Class field in the Customer Maintenance screen holds the customer class rank value. +-----------------------------Customer Maintenance-----------------------------+ |Customer code: Nav:1.5| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Bill to Information |Bill to Misc Name: | SIC: Addr 1: | Class: Addr 2: | Group: Addr 3: | Cons loc: City: |Cons Post: State: |Rank Class: Zip: |Rep Commission Country: |Rep 1: % Tel #: |Rep 2: NA % Fax #: |Rep 3: NA % E-mail: |Rep 4: NA % Web Site: |Rep 5: NA % Contact: |Rep 6: NA % Title: | Rep: | Entry Date: | SALES HISTORY You can access a new Customer P&L Report in the Sales History module. This report will show a customer’s profitability with expenses included in the net profitability calculation. The report can be printed in customer, salesman, or rank sequence. If rank is specified, the program ranks the customers based on net profitability and displays the customers highest to lowest. PTD and LPTD time periods will be dependent upon the invoice date parameters. The Start/End invoice date range will be considered PTD, and LPTD will be calculated based on the same range but in the previous year. You need to have Q-Mode enabled to access these fields. A new Progress database table (dyn1.customer_pl) has been created to store this data. 66 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY The parameter to “Update rank class” will actually update the customers rank class field on the customer record based on the parameters defined in the customer rank class table. This field will only be available when Q-Mode is enabled. PAGE CUSTOMER P&L REPORT 1 CUST NAME NET PROFIT CGCUST MARY SMITH LONGER NAME ITS LON 2,800.00 COL FRANK LOVES WAWA! 2,900.00 10/13/06 17:16 SALES COST PROFIT ORD LOB RTRN RLOB EXPENSE 12,000.00 8,500.00 3,500.00 11 50 3 10 700.00 9,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 2 10 0 0 100.00 If the Display Expense Classes parameter is set to Y, the expense classes and individual expense amount for each customer displays under the customer’s name. CUSTOMER P&L REPORT CUST NAME NET PROFIT CGCUST MARY SMITH LONGER NAME ITS LON 2,800.00 1 Sales Activity 2 Sales Support 5 Storage Activity 10 Office Activity COL FRANK LOVES WAWA! 2,900.00 5 Storage Activity 09/11/06 11:40 PAGE 1 SALES COST PROFIT ORD LOB RTRN RLOB EXPENSE 12,000.00 8,500.00 3,500.00 11 50 3 10 700.00 100.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 9,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 2 10 0 0 100.00 100.00 The sales, cost, profit, and lines of billing columns are all taken from the sales history data for the specified period. The expense column is calculated as follows: The total lines of billing, gross profit, etc (based on the expense class basis) are calculated for all customers in the invoice date range. The total expense for each expense class is calculated by accumulating the debits and credits for each expense ledger account within the date range that is assigned the particular expense class. For each customer, the expense is then calculated by dividing the number of lines of billing, gross profit, etc. for the customer by the company-wide number of lines of billing, gross profit, etc. This provides the customer’s percentage of that expense. That value is then multiplied by the total expense for that class, which in turn is multiplied by the percentage that class applies to the customer (from the Customer Expense Class settings). For example, you may want your delivery activity expense to be dispersed across your customers based on lines of billing: Customer Expense = (LOB for customer) / (total LOB) * (total delivery expense (class 15)) * (customer expense percent) You may want your sales activity expense to be dispersed across your customers based on gross profit: Customer Expense = (GP for customer) / (total GP) * (total sales activity expense) * (customer expense percent) If the expense is fixed, the expense can be assigned a dollar amount per basis. 67 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY That basis can be multiplied by the specified dollar amount and the customer expense percent and added to the expense value. For example, customer returns can be assigned a dollar amount per returned line of billing or order. Customer expense = (Returns for customer) * (fixed amount for return ($10)) * (customer expense percent) Late payers can be assigned an expense as well by specifying a dollar amount per day late based on the average days late for the customer. This is also accomplished by creating a Fixed Expense class in the auxiliary table. The Net Profitability column is then calculated by subtracting the expense amount from the profit amount. SAMPLE CALCULATIONS Gross Profit for August = 500,000 Lines of Billing for August = 20,000 Sales Support Expense for August = 50,000 Delivery Expense for August = 10,000 Returned LOB expense = 40 per line Average Days late expense = 10 per day Customer ABC is set for Sales Support Expense (100%), Delivery Expense (50%,) Customer Returns Expense (100%), and Average Days Late Expense (100%) Customer XYZ is set for Sales Support Expense (75%), Customer Returns Expense (100%), and Average Days Late Expense (100%) No other customers are tracked Sales Support Expense is based on GP$ Delivery Expense is based on LOB Customer Returns Expense is set as Fixed Average Days Late expense is set as Fixed Customer ABC Gross Profit = 150,000 Lines of Billing = 5,000 Returned LOB = 100 68 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY Average Days Late = 0 Sales Support Expense = (150,000 / 500,000) * 50,000 * 100% = 15,000 Delivery Expense = (5,000 / 20,000) * 10,000 * 50% = 1,250 Returned Expense = 4,000 Late Pay Expense = 0 Net Profit = 150,000 - 15,000 - 1,250 - 4,000 = 129,750 Customer XYZ Gross Profit = 50,000 Lines of Billing = 2,000 Returned LOB = 500 Average Days Late = 100 Sales Support Expense = (50,000 / 500,000) * 50,000 * 75% = 3,750 Delivery Expense = 0 Returned Expense = 20,000 Late Pay Expense = 1,000 Net Profit = 50,000 – 3,750 – 20,000 – 1,000 = 25,250 69 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY CUSTOMER CREDIT In the Customer Credit (CUST-CRED) module, a new Customer P&L Information screen displays to show profit and loss values for your customers. It is the second screen in the Customer Credit Maintenance area of the system. (You can see this screen by choosing CUST-CREDIT > Credit Maintenance.) More information on the Customer Credit module is found in the Receivables manual. LIB-UPDATE The job LIB-UPDATE will initialize the new rank_class field on the Customer record when Acclaim 17 is installed. For more information on the Lib-Update job, refer to the System Administration manual. 70 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY TOTAL SALES AND TAX BY JURISDICTION OVERVIEW The Streamlined Sales Tax Project requires that you charge sales tax based on the point of delivery, and report sales tax down to the jurisdiction level. The states that are enrolled in the Streamlined Sales Tax Project provide customers with a list of jurisdiction codes and the corresponding tax rate. This rate is a compilation of state, county, city, and potentially development tax rates. You need to charge the cumulative tax rate and send the state the total sales and tax information for each jurisdiction. The state will be responsible for breaking the tax down by development, city, county, and state. For example, the Trails Development in Kansas City, Missouri receives a State, County, City, and Development sales tax. The cumulative rate is 7.10 %. To accomplish the reporting of total sales and tax, you would set up sales tax schedules for each state with the different percentages in each state. For example, you may have 50 schedules for Missouri ranging from 4.5% to 7.6%. You could name the schedules Missouri 4.5%, Missouri 4.9%, Missouri 6.2%, etc. Once you have defined the tax rate schedules, you would then set up jurisdictions. A new tax jurisdiction maintenance screen has been added to define these tax jurisdictions. A new jurisdiction field has been added to the customer ship-to record and order record. The tax routines throughout the system remain unchanged since the tax percentages are still coming from the tax schedule, but all forms of invoicing have been modified to capture sales, taxable sales, taxable freight, and tax charged at the jurisdiction level, as well as at the tax schedule level. Reporting by jurisdiction has been added. If you have the Sales Tax By Zip Code company option enabled, the matrix screen has been modified to include a jurisdiction field. You can assign multiple jurisdictions to the same zip code and one jurisdiction can be assigned to multiple zip codes. When editing the zip code field on the customer record or order record, the tax schedule and jurisdiction fields will automatically be reset based on the zip code/jurisdiction matrix. If there is more than one jurisdiction assigned to the zip code, the program will automatically pop up the jurisdictions for that zip code and you must select a jurisdiction. 71 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY SALES TAX You can define sale tax jurisdictions in the Sales Tax module. These tax jurisdictions will maintain their own sales and tax information for reporting purposes. +- Sales Tax Information -----+ |Sales tax maintenance | |Copy tax schedules | |Jurisdiction maintenance | |Zip/Jurisdiction matrix | |Reports ... | |Set date | |Exemption matrices ... | +-----------------------------+ +-----------------------Tax Jurisdiction Maintenance---------------------------+ |Jurisdiction: 38000 095 0445 Nav:1.1| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Name: Kansas City/Jackson/Trails Development (7.1) Total Sales Taxable Sales Taxable Freight Tax Charged Period-to-Date $398.29 $5.49 $0.00 $0.00 Year-to-Date $398.29 $5.49 $0.00 $0.00 If you have the Sales Tax By Zip Code company option enabled, the matrix screen has been modified to include a jurisdiction field. You can assign multiple jurisdictions to the same zip code and the same jurisdiction can be assigned to multiple zip codes. When editing the zip code field on the customer record or order record, the tax schedule and jurisdiction fields will automatically be reset based on the zip code/jurisdiction matrix. If there is more than one jurisdiction assigned to the zip code, the system automatically displays the jurisdictions for that zip code and the user must select a jurisdiction. +-----------------------Zip code/Jurisdiction Matrix Maintenance---------------+ | Zip code: 64101 Kansas City Nav 1.1| |Jurisdiction: 38000 095 0445 Kansas City/Jackson/Trails Dev (7.1) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Sales Tax Schedule: 4007 Missouri 7.1% 72 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY Provide a new Sales Tax Jurisdiction Report that shows PTD and YTD information for the specified range of jurisdictions. The reset parameter allows the user to reset the data periodically. Br: 1 Loc: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH YARDLEY LOCATION User: KS/ks Date: 11/09/06 Port: 0017 SALES-TAX Mode: Q ┌── Sales Tax Information ───┐ │Sales ta┌────────── Reports ──────────┐ │Enter │Master sales tax list │ │Edit │Invoiced sales tax report │ │Copy │Sales tax audit report │ │Jurisdic│Sales tax summary │ │Delete │Sales tax jurisdiction report│ │Zip/Juri└─────────────────────────────┘ │Reports ... │ │Set date │ │Exemption matrices ... │ └────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Mail Message Print a sales tax schedule list SALES TAX JURISDICTION REPORT 1 START JURISDICTION 2 END JURISDICTION ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 3 RESET SALES TAX INFO NO (PTD YTD NO) INVOICED SALES TAX JURISDICTION REPORT JURISDICTION TAX-CHRG TAX-CHRG 10/10/06 PAGE PTD TOTAL SALES PTD TAX-SALES PTD TAX-FRGT PTD YTD TOTAL SALES YTD TAX-SALES YTD TAX-FRGT YTD 38000 095 0445 Kansas City/Jackson/Trails Dev (7.1) 50.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 38000 095 0446 Kansas City/Jackson/39 Stree (7.6) 267.80 267.80 201.00 201.00 For more information on sales tax system features, refer to the Sales Tax manual. 73 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 8.00 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY CUSTOMER, ORDER A new tax jurisdiction field has been created for the Customer and Order records. +-----------------------------Customer Maintenance-----------------------------+ |Customer code: DAM DAM INDUSTRIES Nav:2.5| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ship to Information | State exempt #: XYZ Name: | Other exempt #: 1234 Addr 1: | State tax: SOME Default: yes Addr 2: | Other tax: SOME Default: yes Addr 3: | State tax schd: 1 Other schd: 2 City: | Shipping route: 44 State: | Freight code: B Zip: | Shipping sort: LOC Basis: PART Country: | Price shipments: TOT Tel #: | Price ack's: TOT Price Quotes: TOT Fax #: | Invoice batch #: 0 E-mail: | Track shipping: yes Contact: | Days Early: NA Days late: 8 Title: |Ship transit days: 5 Inst 1: WAREHOUSE #27 | Barcode: no Inst 2: BACK ENTRANCE | A-B APR: no Tax Jur: 38000 095 0445 | Dun's #: │ Print Pedigree: no ┌────────────────────────Customer Alt-Ship Maintenance─────────────────────────┐ │Customer code: DAM Ship to: 1 Find:1.2│ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Ship to Information │Ship Options Name: │ State exempt #: Addr 1: │ Other exempt #: Addr 2: │ State tax: ALL Addr 3: │ Other tax: NONE City: │ State tax schd: 0 Other schd: 0 State: Zip: │ Shipping route: 1 Country: │ Freight code: P Tel #: │ Shipping sort: SEQ Basis: PART Fax #: │ Price shipments: NO E-mail: │ Price ack's: YES Price Quotes: TOT Contact: │ Invoice batch #: 0 Title: │ Barcode: no Inst 1: │ A-B APR: no Inst 2: │ Dun's #: Alt-rep: 0 Tax Jur: 123 JFKJFLKDSA │ Order Threshold: 0 Fr Addr: 0 │ Print Pedigree: no F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Mail Message Customer alternate ship-to number (F3 for browse) 74 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY CUSTOMER: DAM DAM INDUSTRIES 1 NAME 2 ADDRESS 1 3 ADDRESS 2 4 ADDRESS 3 5 CITY 6 STATE 7 ZIP 8 COUNTRY 9 STATE EXMP # 10 OTHER EXMP # 11 STATE TAX 12 OTHER TAX 13 STATE TAX SCHD 14 OTHER TAX SCHD 15 EXTERNAL P.O. # 16 INVOICE BATCH # 17 SHIPPING SORT 18 PACKING BASIS 19 PRICE SHIPMENTS 20 PRICE INVOICES 21 PRICE ACK'S FIELD: SHIP INFO DAM INDUSTRIES 27 MAIN STREET YARDLEY PA 19067 XYZ 1234 SOME SOME 9 2 0 LOC PART TOT Y TOT 22 23 24 25 FREIGHT AMT PHONE CHARGE MISC CHARGE TAX JUR 38000 095 0.00 0.00 0.00 044 (SOME NONE ALL) (SOME NONE ALL) (LOC SEQ) (PART IT-P ORD HOLD IT-C P-ORD) (Y N COD TOT CTOT) (Y TOT) (Y N TOT) If you have the Sales Tax By Zip Code feature enabled and are editing the Zip Code field on the Customer or Order record, the Tax Schedule and Jurisdiction fields are automatically reset based on the zip code/jurisdiction matrix. If there is more than one jurisdiction assigned to the zip code, the system automatically displays the jurisdictions for that zip code and you must choose one. For more information on the Customer record, refer to the Customer Information manual. Order shipping information fields are discussed in the Order manual. FRONT COUNTER, INVOICE, POINT OF SALE ENTRY Invoicing functionality has been modified to capture the PTD and YTD information at the jurisdiction level for the following information: ♦ Total sales ♦ Taxable sales ♦ Taxable freight ♦ Tax charged More information on invoicing methods is found in the Shipping and Invoice Processing manual. 75 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY COMPANY You can access a new Order Processing Company Option to enable Sales Tax by Jurisdiction. ┌──── Company Options ────┐ │ORD Order Processing │ └─────────────────────────┘ ┌────────────────────────── Company Options Browse ──────────────────────────┐ │Description Current Value │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────│ │Sales comparison year FISC │ │Sales history FISC │ │Sales product group summary Y │ │Sales tax by jurisdiction Y │ │Sales tax by ship-to zip code Y │ │Sales tax exemption Y │ │Schedule comparison N │ │Search option A │ │Ship edit freight default N │ │Ship papers in stop number sequence N │ │Ship print cycle 1M │ │Ship product group summary Y │ │Ship-edit confirm customer code Y │ │Ship/invoice message 1 Check out our web site! │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox TAB=Reindex Mail Message Enter data or press F4 to end. SALES TAX BY JURISDICTION ------------------------This field determines whether sales tax is tracked by jurisdiction in addition to sales tax schedule number. Y - Enable sales tax by jurisdicition N - Do not enable sales tax by jurisdicition 1 SALES TAX BY JURISDICTION Y (Y N) FIELD: For more information on Order Processing Company Options, refer to the Company Set-Up manual. 76 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY UPC DISPLAYED ON CUSTOMER ITEM SELLING PRICE LIST You now view the Universal Product Code (UPC) of an item on the Customer Item Selling Price List in the Sales Pricing module. SALES PRICING The UPC of the item is displayed on the Customer Selling Price List. To access this report, select Sales Pricing > Selling Price List > Item. After the report parameters are complete, press [F2] to generate a report similar to the following: KS KATHRYN SOUDERS CUSTOMER ITEM SELLING PRICE LIST 06/22/06 PAGE 390 ITEM GEN PRICE SOURCE GEN COST SOURCE DESCRIPTION SPEC PRICE SOURCE SPEC COST SOURCE PART # UPC CONTRACT # UT UT-SIZE BREAK PRICE COST PROF % DEBASSM SCHEDULE # ITEM RECORD DEB'S ASSEMBLY ITEM LIST PRICE MOVING AVERAGE COST EA 12345678901234567890 1 1 0.0705 0.0376 46.66 0 DEBCMP SCHEDULE # ITEM RECORD MY NEW CAT LIST PRICE MOVING AVERAGE COST EA 98765432109876543210 1 1 8.0000 65589.6500 9770.63 0 EA ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST 1 1 100.0000 3.0069 96.99 FLUKE OVERRIDE TABLE ITEM RECORD PRICE MOVING AVERAGE COST For more information on the Customer Item Selling Price List, refer to the Pricing Schedules and Override Tables manual. 77 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 2 DATA ENTRY SALES PRICING COMMON OVERRIDE TABLE REPORT IN COMMON CUSTOMER SEQUENCE You can now print the Sales Pricing Common Override Table Report by either customer or common customer code. You will be able to easily identify all customers defined with a single common customer. SALES PRICING The Sales Pricing Common Override Table Report now has a new sequence parameter to print the report by either customer or common customer code. Prior to Acclaim 17, the report only printed in customer code sequence. The new parameter defaults to printing in customer code sequence. COMMON OVERRIDE TABLE INFORMATION REPORT 1 SEQ COMMON (CUSTOMER COMMON) CUSTOMERS 2 START 3 END ZZZZZZ FIELD: When SEQ is set to COMMON, the report lists the common customer codes and all customers associated with the specific common customer. SAMPLE: COMMON OVERRIDE TABLE REPORT BY COMMON CUSTOMER SEQUENCE COMMON OVERRIDE TABLE REPORT 06/22/06 COMMON CUSTOMER CUSTOMER ACME NEL ZIGGY CGCUS1 COUNT KS ROADRUNNER DEMOLITIONMAN COMPA NELLY COUNT MR. ZIGGY'S NOVELTY SUPPLY CO. PAGE 1 TEST FOR BAL FORWARD IKEY KATHRYN SOUDERS For more information on printing the Common Override Table Report and setting up common customers, refer to the Pricing and Override Tables manual. 78 3 ORDER PROCESSING NEW P&A POWRDRILLS FOR CATALOG ITEMS Acclaim 17 offers new PowrDrills for catalog items in the Pricing & Availability module. This will help to easily track pricing information and activity for catalog items. PRICING AND AVAILABILITY In Pricing and Availability, PowrDrills for accessing purchase orders/transfers, purchase pricing override tables, and vendor returns are shown for catalog items, if applicable. To access the new PowrDrills, enter a customer code and a catalog item into the first fields of the Pricing and Availability screen. Then press [F6] to display the PowrDrill menu. If purchase orders or transfers, and purchase pricing override tables, and vendor returns exist that apply to this catalog item, the PowrDrills appear on the menu, similar to the following: PowrDrills for POs/Transfers, Purchase Pricing Overrides, and Vendor Returns now appear for a catalog item, if this is applicable to the catalog item. 79 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING Notes: The Purchase Pricing Override PowrDrill only appears in Pricing and Availability if the User Base option, Display Purchase Pricing Schedules, is set to Yes. To view the Display Purchase Pricing Schedules option, select Options from the Company menu, and then choose Company Options from the Options menu. Browse the User-ID Based options to access this specific option to change its setting. For more information on the following topics, refer to their applicable manual: ♦ More information on transfers can be found in the Material Processing manual ♦ Purchase Pricing Override Tables are discussed in the Pricing Schedules and Override Tables manual ♦ The Vendor Returns manual holds information on creating, adding to, editing and deleting vendor returns ♦ The Purchasing manual explains the creation, modification and deletion of purchase orders 80 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING ENTER INCOMING FREIGHT CHARGES DURING ORDER ITEM ENTRY You can now enter incoming freight amounts on items during order entry, giving you the ability to add charges to customers that are not set to prepaid freight. ORDER, FRONT COUNTER The Incoming Freight field is applied to the first shipment (partial or complete) generated through the Ship module for that order and item. No other shipments of this order line-item will bear an incoming freight charge. The Incoming Freight (In-Frgt) field is accessible in the line-item detail mode of regular, post, and front counter order entry and quote entry. If a quote is converted to an order, the incoming freight is carried over from the quote. CUST: KS PO#: 06/22/06 11:12:04 1 ITEM SPOT 2 DESC 1 KS KITTY KAT 3 DESC 2 KS DESC 2 4 DESC 3 KS DESC 3 5 DESC 4 KS DESC 4 6 SUB-REF 1234567890123456 7 UT-NAME EA 8 UT-SIZE 2 9 Q-AVL 102355EA 10 SOURCE 1 YARDLEY 11 SHIP-LOC 1 YARDLEY 12 Q-ORD 1EA 13 Q-ALLO 1EA 14 DISP (B C H D 15 VENDOR KS1 ID: KS 16 UT-COST 12.0000 17 UT-PRICE 13.0000 18 PRICE-MULT 1.0000 FIELD: ORD#: 1151527 ITEM: 19 20 21 22 PK-SIZE: 1 REQ. DATE EXP. DATE IN-FRGT SP-TYPE 30 06/22/06 06/22/06 2.50 2 LOCATION LOCATION L P E T) Prof % 7.69 "H"elp Net-Price 13.0000 Ext-Price 6.50 More information on entering orders is found in both the Order and Front Counter manuals. 81 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING EXPEDITE ORDER The incoming freight charge entered during order entry can be edited through the Expedite Order module until the first shipment for the item has been generated. It can also be edited for quotes in Expedite Quote. ORDER #: 1151527 FREIGHT: C CUSTOMER: KS LITTLE RED HEN PO#: 06/22/06 11:12:04 1 LINE 1 ITEM SPOT 2 DESC 1 KS KITTY KAT 3 DESC 2 KS DESC 2 4 DESC 3 KS DESC 3 5 DESC 4 KS DESC 4 6 UT-NAME EA 7 UT-SIZE 2.0000 8 UT-PRICE 13.0000 9 PRICE-MULT 1.0000 10 UT-COST 12.0000 11 PRODUCT GRP 6000 12 DISC-GRP 0 13 WEIGHT 3.00 14 STATE-TAX Y 15 OTHER-TAX Y 16 REQ DATE 06/22/06 17 EXP DATE 06/22/06 FIELD: PROF 7.69% 18 IN-FRGT 19 COST CENTER "N" for Next 2.50 "X" for Next (comp/desc) For more information on editing line-items before the order ships, refer to the Expedite Order manual. SHIP The total incoming freight amount applied to the shipment is shown in the Freight Total area on priced shipping papers. The following screen shows this area on a sample shipping paper: **SHIP ORDER****SHIP ORDER**** 0620061402 0622061053 0622061053 0 DATE REQ:06/20/06 *** ORDER COMPLETED *** SUBTOTAL MISC TELE CHARGE FREIGHT FED/OTHER TAX STATE TAX PAYMENT REC’D 26.25 2.50 3.88 3.26 -31.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 4.89^L You can learn more about the shipping process from the Shipping and Invoice Processing manual. 82 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING SHIP EDIT After the first shipping paper has been generated, the incoming freight charge can only be edited through Ship Edit. To access the incoming freight amount in the Ship Edit module, select the Edit Item option and enter the line number. The IN-FRGT option will appear. EDIT ITEM 1 ITEM SEQ ITEM CODE DESC 1 DESC 2 CURR-QTY 2 NEW QTY MESSAGE 3 ALLO QTY 4 PICK QTY 5 DISP 6 IN-FRGT FIELD: "N" for Next 1 SPOT KS KITTY KAT KS DESC 2 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 (B C L P S) 2.50 "-" for Prev "P" for Notepad For more information on editing line-items in the Ship Edit module, refer to the Shipping and Invoice Processing manual. 83 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING EDIT SALES TAX SETTINGS IN REVIEW MODE During order entry, you are now able to edit the sales tax settings of an order when editing shipping information while in Review mode. You can now change or correct mistakes on which items are taxable and which tax schedules are used. ORDER, FRONT COUNTER, SERVICE ORDER The Ship Info screen accessed from the Order Header screen has been changed so that the State Tax, Other Tax, State Tax Schd, and Other Tax Schd settings are editable in Review mode. CUSTOMER: ACME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ACME ROADRUNNER DEMOLITION NAME ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 2 CITY STATE ZIP STATE EXMP # OTHER EXMP # STATE TAX OTHER TAX STATE TAX SCHD OTHER TAX SCHD EXTERNAL P.O. # INVOICE BATCH # SHIPPING SORT PACKING BASIS PRICE SHIPMENTS PRICE INVOICES PRICE ACK'S SHIP INFO ACME ROADRUNNER DEMOLITION 281 KING BLVD. NEWARK NJ 07102 003131 1234 SOME NONE 1000 0 31 SEQ PART TOT Y TOT 20 FREIGHT AMT 21 PHONE CHARGE 22 MISC CHARGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 (SOME NONE ALL) (SOME NONE ALL) (LOC SEQ) (PART IT-P ORD HOLD IT-C P-ORD TAG) (Y N COD TOT CTOT) (Y TOT) (Y N TOT) FIELD: If the State Tax and/or Other Tax settings are changed to ALL, each item on the order is set to tax Y. If the State Tax and./or Other Tax settings are changed to NONE, each item on the order is set to tax N. If set to SOME, each item will default to Y unless tax exempt, and you can edit each item. Note that the QT-ENTRY module does not prevent you from editing tax settings. However, it does not adjust the item tax flags or the taxable amounts. This can lead to conflicts between the order header and the order item tax flags. For more information on editing the tax fields in Order Review, refer to the “Edit Shipping Information” in the Order manual. More information on entering sales tax schedules is found in the Sales Tax manual. 84 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING CATALOG ITEMS DISPLAY PACKAGE SIZE DURING ORDER ENTRY Catalog items display their package size during order entry. ORDER, FRONT COUNTER The Order Line-Item entry screen displays the package size for catalog items. When a catalog item is entered on an order, a screen similar to the following is shown: In Easy Line-Item Mode: The package size of the catalog item is displayed. 85 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING In Detail Line-Item Mode: The package size is also shown in line-item detail mode. How to set the package size field is explained in the Item Information manual. For more information on catalog items, refer to the Catalog Item Information manual. The Order manual displays the line-item easy and detail modes. 86 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING EDITING SHIP QUANTITIES ON DIRECT SHIP SHIPMENTS You can now edit ship quantities of items on direct ship shipments. You will find that invoicing will be an easier process if you can correct this kind of shipment before it is invoiced. SHIP EDIT You can now edit direct ship items on shipments in the Ship Edit Confirmation screen. Important! You must first unconfirm the order before you can edit a direct ship item. Prior to Acclaim 17, the Edit Items option could not be edited for regular direct ship items. (The one exception is that the system currently does allow front counter direct shipped items to be edited if the Edit Confirmed FC Shipments option is set to Y. The editing of ship quantities will update the customer order and the shipment, but will not impact the Direct Ship Confirmation Register or Purchase History. This option will simply allow you to correct quantities prior to invoicing. The correct payable amount should be entered during Payables entry. If a payable has already been entered for the confirmed shipment, the payable can always be edited. There will be no Item Ledger or Item Adjustment Register entries when editing direct ship quantities since there is no change in physical stock. For more information on the Ship Edit processes, refer to the Shipping and Invoice Processing manual. 87 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING DEPOSITS LIST CAN NOW DISPLAY UNINVOICED PAYMENTS Prior to Acclaim 17, you could only view open deposits on the Deposits List in the Front Counter module. A parameter has now been added for you to optionally view open payments. The Payment/Deposit List now provides one place to track the liability of open payments and deposits. FRONT COUNTER On the Payment/Deposit Listing screen (accessed by selecting Front Counter > Payments/Deposits > List), you can choose to show payments, deposits, or both via the new parameter named Show Paym/Dep. Show Paym/Dep  . . . determines whether only payments, only deposits, or both payments and deposits are shown on the listing. PAYM – Only uninvoiced payments are shown on the report. DEP – Only deposits are displayed. BOTH – Both payments and deposits are shown. This is the default value. To generate the Open Payment/Deposit Listing, complete the fields and press [F2]. After a printer option is selected, a report similar to the following is displayed. 88 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING SAMPLE: OPEN PAYMENT/DEPOSIT LISTING SHOWING BOTH PAYMENTS AND DEPOSITS Payments and deposits are printed in separate sections on the report. Subtotals are shown by branch or by customer, depending on the report sequence that you chose. For more information on the Open Payment and Deposit Listing, refer to the “List Deposits” section of the Front Counter manual. 89 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING CONFIRMED SHIPMENTS LIST INCLUDES PRICE, COST, AND PROFIT PERCENTAGE The Confirmed Shipments List now displays price, cost, and profit percentage for order items, and sales value, sales cost, and profit percentage for the order. If an order appears as unpriced/uncosted, you can easily find it to correct the problem item(s). SHIP EDIT On the Confirmed Shipments List parameter screen (accessed by selecting Ship Edit > Con firmed Shipments List), you can use a new parameter, Show Price/Cost/Prof to view this information for orders and their items. Show Price/Cost/Prof . . . determines whether information on prices, costs, and profit percentages are displayed on the report. Price – The extended price fields are displayed on the report. All – Both the extended price, cost and profit percentage fields are shown. None – The extended price, cost, and profit percentage information do not appear. This is the default setting. 90 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING SAMPLE: CONFIRMED SHIPMENTS LIST DISPLAYING EXTENDED PRICE, COST, AND PROFIT PERCENTAGE Sales, cost and profit % can now be displayed. Note: Grand totals are included after a page break. More information on generating the Confirmed Shipments List is found in the Shipping and Invoice Processing manual. 91 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING INVOICE ERROR LOG The new Invoice Error Log records and displays many of the invoicing and/or printing errors of your orders. The log reports the date and time of the invoice generation attempt, and the order number and the reason why the order did not print. Missing e-mail addresses or fax numbers (if the invoice was printed to either e-mail or fax) and invalid sales tax schedule numbers are some of the reasons listed on the log. COMPANY When enabled, the Invoice Error Log option tracks the error messages encountered during invoice printing, and directs them to print to an error log file. These messages are saved to the Invoice Error Log, and an Invoice Error Log option appears on the Invoice menu. When this menu option is chosen, the system prompts for a printer device and prints the error log, with an option to “CL”EAR the error log at the end of the report. To enable the option, select Invoice Error Log from the Company Options Browse by Description screen: 92 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING The Invoice Error Log parameter screen appears: Invoice Error Log . . . determines whether an Invoice Error Log is created. Y – The Invoice Error Log is enabled; messages for why orders cannot invoice or cannot print are recorded. N – The Invoice Error Log is not used. Errors that are found when printing invoices to actual invoice forms are printed directly onto a hard copy invoice, and errors that are found when printing invoices to either fax or e-mail are directed to appear on the screen, where they can easily roll off and be lost. For more information on all company options, refer to the Company Set Up manual. Information on the Invoice Error Log is found in the Shipping and Invoice Processing manual. 93 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING INVOICE To view the Invoice Error Log for any errors after you have generated invoices, select the Invoice Error Log option on the main menu of the Invoice module: Important! Q-Mode must be enabled for you to access this option. A report similar to the following appears on the screen if you have chosen the screen for printer output: Note: Messages for missing e-mail addresses and fax numbers and for using invalid sales tax schedules are displayed. You should still use the Confirmed Shipments List for unpriced or uncosted items that did not invoice. Two types of errors are listed on the Invoice Error Log: invoicing errors and printing errors. 94 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING INVOICING ERRORS An example of an invoicing error is when an order has an invalid sales tax schedule number. Following the reasons and guidance in the Shipping and Invoice Processing manual, you can correct the sales tax schedule problem and print the invoice again. Another invoicing error occurs when unpriced/uncosted items are found on the order. You can use other reports, such as the Confirmed Shipments List (Ship Edit) or the Unpriced/Uncosted Report (Expedite Order) to correct the unpriced/uncosted items on orders. PRINTING ERRORS An order that has a missing e-mail address or fax number that has successfully invoiced but cannot be printed to fax or e-mail because of a missing/invalid fax number or e-mail address in the Customer record, is an example of a printing error. For errors of this sort, you need to enter a valid fax number or e-mail address in the Customer record and the invoice must be reprinted. At the end of the error log, a “CL”ear prompt appears. If you wish, enter CL to erase the report information, otherwise press [Enter] to exit from the screen. For more information on printing and reprinting invoices, and on why orders do not invoice, refer to the Shipping and Invoice Processing manual. FAX / E-MAIL When you print invoices to fax or e-mail from the Invoice module, you can view the orders with missing fax numbers or e-mail addresses on the Invoice Error Log that can be generated at the end of the invoice batch. The missing information is displayed when the following conditions are met: ♦ Faxing with interactivity “D” ♦ Faxing with interactivity “E” and Automatic Addressing set to “Yes” ♦ E-Mailing with Automatic Addressing set to “Yes” For more information on faxing forms, refer to The Forms Package manual. Information on printing to e-mail is found in the “Printer Options” chapter of the System Utilities manual. 95 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING GMROI COLUMN ADDED TO TURN AND EARN REPORT You can now view a Gross Margin Return On Investment (GMROI) column on Sales History’s Turn and Earn Report. This value will immediately inform you on how well your sales-purchasing cycle is performing. OVERVIEW There are numerous measurements of how well a distributor’s inventory performs. Some of the most meaningful are the Gross Margin Return On Investment (GMROI) and the Turn & Earn. These measurements take into account the turns and gross margin and by combining these two measurements, present an overall return on the investment that a company is getting from its inventory. One of the age-old arguments in the distribution world is between sales and purchasing. Sales is constantly complaining that there is not enough inventory, and purchasing is equally adamant that the company has enough inventory, and that the real problem are those sales reps that won’t go out and sell what the company stocks. The GMROI and Turn & Earn measurements are some of the best tools distribution management has for refereeing this battle. Both measurements combine the company’s inventory and the sales margin that the inventory is generating to display an overall return on investment. SALES HISTORY The Turn and Earn Report (accessed by selecting Sales History > Reporting > Turn & Earn) now displays a Gross Margin Return on Investment column. The following components are used to calculate an accurate value amount: GMROI – GMROI is the acronym for Gross Margin Return on Investment and is defined as: Gross Margin / Average Inventory The formula’s components are defined in the following paragraphs. Gross Margin is gross margin on stock sales. That means excluding direct ship items and nonstock items. Gross Margin is year-to-date stock sales minus year-to-date stock cost. Average Inventory is an annual number and should be the average inventory on-hand over the course of a year. All of the components of GMROI should be annual numbers and this number itself should be thought of as an annual number. The GMROI number is expressed in relation to the number one. Anything under one (1) and that line did not pay for itself, anything with a GMROI over one (1) and the line paid for itself. GMROI can also be calculated as: YTD Gross Margin % * Annual Turns = GMROI 96 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 3 ORDER PROCESSING The components of this GMORI formula are: Annual Turns are calculated by dividing the cost of material sold by the average inventory value. Since this is a measurement of inventory investment, nonstock items should always be excluded. YTD Margin % On Cost is margin on COST. You usually see margin expressed as a percentage on sales. In this case, the interest is in the percentage on cost. This GMROI number now represents the number of dollars that our investment returned for every 100 dollars. Based on the figures that currently display on the Turn & Earn Report, the GMROI is calculated as: Turns * Gross-Prof / (Sales – Gross-Prof) SAMPLE: TURN AND EARN REPORT DISPLAYING THE GMROI COLUMN For more information on the Turn and Earn Report, refer to the Sales History manual. 97 4 INVENTORY EDIT PO SHIP-TO ADDRESS IN PURCHASE ORDER ENTRY You can now change the default ship-to address information of a purchase order in purchase order entry. PURCHASE When entering a purchase order, you will be able to edit the ship-to address information. You can access the ship-to address information by selecting the Ship Info option on the Purchasing screen: PURCHASING 1 Vendor: KS1 ID: KS 2 Alt Ven: KATHRYN L SOUDERSXXXXXXXXXXXXX 19 W COLLEGE AVE 19 W COLLEGE AVE 2 YARDLEY PA 19067 1800PROPHET -------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 PO date 06/26/06 4 Req date 06/26/06 5 Ext PO# 16 Buyer # 5151 6 Instr 1 1 ST 17 Save EDI/TPCx info N (Y N) 7 Instr 2 2 ND 18 Scheduled PO N (Y N) 8 Contact CONTACT ME 19 Contract Customer 9 Print prices Y (Y N) 20 Ship Info 10 Purchase size conversion N (Y N) 11 Examine NS Y (Y N) 12 Vendor sub-group 0 13 Buy ahead N (Y N) 14 Alt send-to 15 Exclude lead time N (Y N) FIELD: "N" for Notepad 98 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY The Ship-To Address screen appears where you can edit the address fields: VENDOR KS 1 2 3 4 5 6 PO LOCATION: NAME ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 2 CITY STATE ZIP CODE 1 YARDLEY LOCATION YARDLEY LOCATION Location 1 Address MORRISVILLE PA 19067 FIELD: For more information on entering purchase orders, refer to the Purchasing manual. LIB-UPDATE During the LIB-UPDATE section of the Acclaim 17 installation, the file TCMPOD that is populated during report purchasing will be re-sized to 345 to hold the new ship info fields. The new fields will also be accessible via ODBC and CORVU. P21. temp_po_hdr ADDRESS_ADDR1 character x(26) ADDRESS_ADDR2 character x(26) ADDRESS_CITY character x(14) ADDRESS_NAME character x(30) ADDRESS_STATE character x(3) ADDRESS_ZIP character x(10) More information on the Lib-Update job is found in the System Administration manual. 99 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY LINE-ITEM REQUIRED DATE ON PURCHASE ORDERS You can now optionally print the line-item’s required date on purchase orders, thereby giving your vendors more information on when items are due to your customers. COMPANY The new Print Required Date option is displayed in the Forms Layout Options for purchase orders. This option is accessed by selecting Company > Forms Layout > Purchase Order. PURCHASE ORDER FORMAT A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Print company header....................... N (BB BS L N) Print vendor surcharge..................... TOT(Y N TOT) Print confidential information............. N (Y N) Print item code and desc 1 on same line.... N (Y N) Print UPC.................................. N (Y N) Suppress vendor-item#...................... Y (Y N) Suppress description 2 (stock items only).. Y (Y N) Suppress description 3 & 4 (stock items)... Y (Y N) Left margin starting column................ 2 (1 2) Print address line 3 ...................... N (Y N) Print country ............................. N (Y N) Print contact ............................. N (Y N) Print reference code....................... N (Y N) Print contract number...................... N (Y N) Print short code........................... N (Y N) Print customized part number............... N (Y N) Print required date……………………………………………………………..Y (Y N) FIELD: Print Required Date . . . specifies whether a purchase order’s line-item’s required date is printed. Y – The required date is printed on the purchase order. N – The required date is not printed. For more information on the purchase order form layout options, refer to the Company Set Up manual. 100 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY PO PRINT Once the Print Required Date option is set to Y, and purchase orders are printed (accessed by selecting POPrint > Print POs > Select), a line-item’s required date is printed on the purchase order. 1062472 09/07/06 JAKE 1 444555 JAKE'S ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 101 MAIN ST ADD2 ROEBLING NJ 08554 YARDLEY LOCATION Location 1 Address MORRISVILLE PA 19067 609-499-2222 1062472 BUYER #: 1 1 0 09/07/06 REF: TEST REF 100 DESC2 DESC2 DESC III..................... DESC IV REQ’D DATE: 09/07/06 5.7000 RL 5.70 The item’s required date is printed directly below the item description lines. For more information on printing purchase orders, refer to the Purchasing manual. 101 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY PRINT CHANGE POS IMMEDIATELY AFTER EDITING A PURCHASE ORDER You can now print change purchase orders immediately after revising an existing purchase order. You no longer have to print change POs by branch, making it easier to print an edited purchase order. PURCHASE Prior to Acclaim 17, you would print change purchase orders by branch and could not print just a single change purchase order. With Acclaim 17, the Add to Purchase Order or Requisition option in the Purchase module has been modified to provide the ability to print a change PO after a PO or requisition has been edited. If at least one item has been added to the purchase order or requisition, you are prompted to print change POs after pressing [Enter] at the Item prompt. PURCHASING VENDOR JAKE ITEM DATA: PROPHET 21, INC. (COMP) JAKE'S ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES PO # 1062332-0006 1 ITEM Stock "C"ard Print Change PO? (Y N): N EXPEDITE PURCHASE You are prompted to print change POs when you exit the purchase orders screens after editing item quantities. Since you can edit the quantities from a number of points, the system will display a new screen for printing the change purchase order. When editing has been completed, you are prompted to print the change PO from this screen. PO: 1062332 PO has been edited. PO Location: 1 YARDLEY LOCATION Print Change PO? (Y N): N For more information on editing purchase orders and printing change POs, refer to the Purchasing manual. 102 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY WARNING MESSAGE WHEN RECEIVING AT A LOCATION DIFFERENT FROM THE PO LOCATION You will now see a warning message if you try to receive an item at a location that is not the original purchase order location. Although you may proceed with the receiving, this alert may help you if you normally receive items at the location doing the purchasing. MATERIAL When you receive a purchase order item while set to a receiving location that is different than the purchase order location, you now see a warning message on the Material Receipts screen. You then decide whether to proceed with the receiving. The message appears on the Material Receipt screen (accessed by selecting Material > Material Receiving > POs) after you enter a vendor and purchase order number: Receiving location different from purchase location. Proceed? . . . warning message alerting you to the location discrepancy. Y – You continue to the next screen to receive the item(s). N – The system returns to the Vendor or PO# prompt for you to enter another vendor code or purchase order number. For more information on setting the location and receiving items, refer to the Material Processing manual. 103 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY DISPLAY PACKAGE UNIT SIZE WHEN RECEIVING ITEMS When you receive a stock or catalog item, you now view the package unit size displayed on the item detail screen. This will help prevent adjustment of quantities due to unit of measure errors when receiving. MATERIAL The package unit size field (PK Size) now appears on the Item Detail screen following the Unit Size field during material receiving: VENDOR: KS PAY-TO: KATHRYN L SOUDERSXXXXXXXXXXXXX PO#: 1062161 =============================================================================== Ref# Line# Item Ord-qty Opn-qty Rcv-qty -> 1 1 DEL 6093 10.00 9.00 1.00 <- =============================================================================== ITEM DEL 6093 VEN#-ITEM# DEL-06093 DESC 1 DELTA BATH FAUCET PURC UT: EA DESC 2 CHROME SPOUT/HANDLE UT SIZE: 1 ORD-QTY 10.00 (SKU) 10 (EA) PK SIZE: 1 OPN-QTY 9.00 (SKU) 9 (EA) 1 RCV-QTY 1.0000(SKU) 1 (EA) (UNDERSHIPMENT!!!) 2 CONSIDER COMPLETE? N (Y N) FIELD: "Q" to Quit For more information on receiving items, refer to the Material Processing manual. 104 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY EXCHANGE & DUTY FACTOR INTEGRATED WITH PAYABLES & INVENTORY MOVEMENT The direct catalog feature, Exchange and Duty Factor, has been integrated with Payables and Inventory Movement in the standard Acclaim system. OVERVIEW The following is a brief description on how the Exchange and Duty Factor direct catalog feature works: 1. When this software is enabled, two extra fields appear in Item Maintenance: Excise Tax (Y/N) and Duty Factor (numerical multiplier). 2. A specific duty factor is set up for each item. For example, 1.50 would apply a 50% duty factor to the cost of an item when it is received. 3. The item has a purchase order cost of $1.00. When it is received, the system automatically multiplies this cost by the duty factor of 1.5. The resulting value ($1.50) is the new Received Value used in the updating of Moving Average Cost for this material receipt. MATERIAL The Material Received Register displays a total Duty Cost per branch value: A duty cost total value is calculated. The amount should be manually posted to the ledger as a credit to an Exchange and Duty accrual account and a debit to the Inventory account. This posting should be reversed each month. For more information on the Material Received Register, refer to the Material Processing manual. PAYABLES PAYABLES DISCREPANCY JOURNAL When a payable is entered and the material is reconciled, the purchase order cost is displayed (without the duty cost) as the value to be invoiced. The duty amount is not included at this time since it does not get paid to the material vendor. When the material is reconciled, the system automatically applies the duty factor to the reconciled item cost to update the moving average and last cost. Both values include the duty cost. 105 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY For stock items, a Cost Change Register entry will be created that includes the duty value when the cost has changed. For nonstock items, the Order Cost and Nonstock Cost Change Register will be updated to include the cost plus duty. This already occurs if the cost has changed during Material Receiving. If there has been a cost change on the vendor’s invoice, the Payables Discrepancy Journal will show a duty cost per line item (when applicable). In addition, there will be totals for Duty Estimated Amount (received cost) and Duty Invoiced Amount (invoiced cost). The Variance Amount will include the duty costs. The Duty Est Amt total on the journal should be posted to 'back out' inventory value that was previously manually posted via the Material Received Register that was then reconciled at item level. This would credit inventory and debit the accrued duty account. The Duty Invt Amt total on the journal should then be posted to account for the duty value assigned to the correct value of the item. This would debit inventory and credit accrued duty. Important! These are manual postings. When entering the invoice for the duty amount in payables (for the duty broker), it would debit the accrued duty account and credit accounts payable. For direct ship purchase orders, the system applies the duty value to the invoiced order cost. The duty amount will not update the order cost (as seen in Expedite Order). This is in case of partial confirmations. When the direct ship confirmation is performed, the unit cost is pulled from the customer order line (not the purchase order line), so if you partially confirmed an order line, and the order cost was updated, when you return to the order to confirm the rest of the line, the order cost would already include the duty factor. The company option Cost DS Items via PO must be enabled for this to occur. More information on the Payables Discrepancy Journal is found in the Payables manual. DIRECT SHIP CONFIRMATION REGISTER Duty values are also displayed on the Direct Ship Confirmation Register for each item and accumulated in the report totals. You should manually post these values as well, similar to the postings from the Material Received Register. You would credit an Exchange and Duty accrual account and debit the Inventory account. For more information on the Direct Ship Confirmation Register, refer to the Payables manual. More information on the adjusting of purchase order costs due to duty amounts and exchange factors in currency can be found in the Exchange and Duty Factor optional package manual. 106 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY CAPTURE TRANSFER HISTORY FOR INVENTORY HISTORY You can now view history on transfer processing. INVENTORY HISTORY When a transfer is received, the transfer and receipt is now captured to new history files. The Inventory History module has a new option for What-Was-Transferred and a new option for What-Was-Received (Xfer). WHAT-WAS-TRANSFERRED To access information in the What-Was-Transferred history of the system, select the What-Was-Transferred Options: The submenu for the What-Was-Transferred Options appears: 107 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY Item History View When Item History View is selected, you view a browse of What-Was-Transferred by Item: When an item is selected, a browse of historic transfers appears, similar to the following screen: 108 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY When a specific transfer is selected or if [F6] is pressed, a PowrDrill is available to display transfer information or the material receipt. If the Transfer option from the PowrDrill menu is selected, the Transfer Information screen appears, similar to the following: 109 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY If the Material Receipt option is selected from the PowrDrill menu, or if [F6] is pressed on the What-WasTransferred screen, the Material Receipt View screen displays similar to the following: Transfer History View The Transfer History View option accesses transfer transaction information. To start accessing this information, select the Transfer History View option on the What-Was-Transferred Options menu: 110 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY The Transfer Browse appears, displaying what-was-transferred information by transfer number: You can also re-index this browse by source location or destination location. When a specific transfer is selected, a PowrDrill similar to the one from Item History View is available to display transfer information or the material receipt. 111 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY WHAT-WAS-RECEIVED When the What-Was-Received (Xfer) option is selected, the sub-menu for Item History View and Transfer History View displays. Item History View The Item History View option directs you to a browse of What-Was-Received (Xfer) by Item. 112 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY When an item is selected, a browse of transfer receipts displays, similar to the following. When a specific transfer is selected, a PowrDrill is available to display transfer information or the material receipt, just as in the What-Was-Transferred browse. 113 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY Transfer History View The Transfer History View option, when selected from the What-Was-Received (Xfer) Options menu, displays a What-Was-Received Receipts Browse by transfer number: You can also re-index this browse by source location or destination location. The following sample shows the Index window that appears when you press the [Tab] key. You can sequence the sort by any of these fields: 114 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY REPORTING Two new reports are available on the Reporting menu – the What-Was-Transferred Report and the What-WasReceived (Xfer) Report. What-Was-Transferred Report For a full detailed report of the items placed on a transfer, select the What-Was-Transferred Report from the Reporting menu: The What-Was-Transferred Report parameters are displayed: The What-Was-Transferred Report prints in Item, Source Location, or Destination Location sequence. In Item sequence, the report displays the Item and Item Description 1 from the transfer. Description 2 is shown if the parameter “Show Item Desc” is set to Yes. For Source or Destination sequence, Descriptions 1 and 2 will only display if the parameter “Show Item Desc” is set to Yes. 115 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY The report also shows the transfer number and line number, the source and destination locations, the transfer date, the transfer unit and unit size, the net cost on the transfer (in the Ut-Cost column), the transfer quantity, and the extended cost of the item on the transfer. The report displays item quantity totals and item extended cost totals. A grand total of extended costs will be included at the end of the report. Sample: What-Was-Transferred Report COMPANY: PROPHET 21, INC. (COMP) What-Was-Transferred Report 09/12/06 14:33 PAGE 1 ITEM XFER# - LINE# SRC 1 DEST WRENCH 2 UT-COST QUANTITY EXT-COST 07/27/04 EA 1.00 0.00 3.00 ------------3.00 45.00 ------------45.00 1 C T 89 09/12/06 EA 1.00 6.00 100.00 ------------100.00 600.00 ------------600.00 1 1 1 1 CHRISTINE 2 2 2 89 05/11/04 07/14/04 07/23/04 09/07/06 EA EA EA EA 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 1.00 10.00 100.00 ------------121.00 20.01 2.01 20.10 1,247.26 ------------1,289.38 1 1 1 KS KITTY KAT 2 07/14/04 EA 2 07/14/04 EA 2 07/14/04 EA 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 10.00 1.00 ------------111.00 1,067.60 106.76 10.68 ------------1,185.04 002 1011645-0001 TOTALS FOR ITEM 1011879-0001 UT-SIZE C ITEM CGITEM 1011587-0001 1011628-0001 1011638-0001 1011878-0001 TOTALS FOR ITEM UT 002 C ITEM TOTALS FOR ITEM DATE CGITEM ... SPOT 1011627-0002 1011627-0004 1011627-0005 TOTALS FOR ITEM SPOT ------------37,399.44 GRAND TOTALS For the report by Source Location or Destination Location sequence, the item quantity totals are not shown. Only the extended cost totals for the location appear. COMPANY: PROPHET 21, INC. (COMP) What-Was-Transferred Report DESTINATION LOCATION ITEM XFER# - LINE# SRC DATE UT UT-SIZE 09/18/06 15:52 PAGE 2 UT-COST QUANTITY EXT-COST 3 CHICAGO DT1 DT1 DT1 DT1 DT1 1011578-0003 1011579-0001 1011580-0001 1011581-0001 1011582-0001 TOTALS FOR LOCATION 3 1 1 1 1 1 04/29/04 04/29/04 04/29/04 04/29/04 04/29/04 PK PK PK PK PK 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 7.00 245.74 10.00 245.74 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 708.53 32,409.76 245.74 50.00 122.87 ------------33,536.90 1 1 09/07/06 EA 09/12/06 EA 1.00 1.00 0.00 6.00 100.00 100.00 1,247.26 600.00 ------------1,847.26 89 SAN DIEGO CGITEM C ITEM TOTALS FOR LOCATION 1011878-0001 1011879-0001 89 ------------37,399.44 GRAND TOTALS 116 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY What-Was-Received (Xfer) Report For a full detailed report of the items received from a transfer, select the What-Was-Received (Xfer) Report from the Reporting menu: The What-Was-Received Report has the same parameters as the What-Was-Transferred Report. The What-Was-Received Report displays the Item and Item Description 1 from the transfer. Description 2 will display if the parameter “Show Item Desc” is set to Yes. The report also shows the transfer number and line number, the source and destination locations, the transfer date, the transfer unit and unit size, the net cost on the transfer (in the Ut-Cost column), the transfer quantity, and the extended cost of the item on the transfer. The report also displays item quantity totals and item extended cost totals. A grand total of extended costs is included at the end of the report. Sample: What-Was-Received (Xfer) Report COMPANY: PROPHET 21, INC. (COMP) What-Was-Received (Xfer) Report 09/12/06 14:39 PAGE 1 ITEM XFER# - LINE# 100 1011600-0003 1011601-0001 1011607-0003 1011607-0004 1011607-0005 TOTALS FOR ITEM DATE UT UT-SIZE UT-COST QUANTITY EXT-COST 09/05/06 09/05/06 09/05/06 09/05/06 09/05/06 EA EA EA EA EA 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ------------5.00 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 ----------26.00 09/05/06 09/05/06 09/05/06 09/05/06 09/05/06 09/05/06 09/05/06 EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 50.00 ------------62.00 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 57.75 412.50 ---------511.50 100 DAG 1011598-0001 1011598-0002 1011599-0001 1011600-0001 1011600-0002 1011623-0001 1011635-0001 TOTALS FOR ITEM SRC DEST DESC2 DESC2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 DESC 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 DAG … ------------978.69 GRAND TOTALS 117 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY For the report by Source Location or Destination Location sequence, the item quantity totals are not displayed. Only the extended cost totals for the location are shown. DESTINATION LOCATION ITEM XFER# - LINE# SRC DATE UT UT-SIZE UT-COST DT1 DT1 DT1 DT1 DT1 1011578-0003 1011579-0001 1011580-0001 1011580-0001 1011580-0001 TOTALS FOR LOCATION 3 QUANTITY EXT-COST 1 1 1 1 1 09/07/06 09/07/06 09/07/06 09/08/06 09/12/06 PK PK PK PK PK 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 245.74 1.00 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 122.87 ------------123.04 1 1 1 1 09/07/06 09/08/06 09/12/06 09/12/06 EA EA EA EA 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 15.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 24.00 ------------114.00 3 CHICAGO 89 SAN DIEGO CGITEM CGITEM C ITEM C ITEM TOTALS FOR LOCATION 1011878-0001 1011878-0001 1011879-0001 1011879-0001 89 ------------978.69 GRAND TOTALS PURGE TRANSFER HISTORY A new Transfer History Purge option is available on the Inventory History menu. Q-Mode is required to access the purge options. Note: The Purchase Order History purge and the Vendor Return History purge are similar to the purge options available in the Payables module. 118 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY When the Transfer History purge option is selected, a parameter screen is shown: The system purges transfer history for those transfers within the range of parameters. Material receipts for transfers are also purged when the transfer is purged. For more information on creating and printing transfers, refer to the Material Processing manual. More information on what-was-transferred and what-was-received can be found in the Inventory History manual. 119 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY ENHANCEMENTS FOR VENDOR RETURNS Some enhancements have been made for vendor returns: ♦ Buyer numbers can be specified on vendor returns that will track who created the vendor return and why it was created. ♦ A vendor return can be created from the credit of a stock item so that credit can be obtained for an item that is defective or unnecessary. ♦ The order number for which a vendor return was generated will be stored on the Vendor Return record, so that the return can be traced back to its original order. VENDOR RETURN BUYER NUMBER ON VENDOR RETURNS The buyer number indicates who entered the vendor return. When generating a vendor return, the buyer number defaults to the buyer number found in the employee’s User-Base Logon Information screen: The Purchase Buyer# field appears. 120 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY When generating a vendor return from Order, Front Counter, Expedite Order, Ship Edit, and Material Receiving, the system will use the default buyer number from User Base on the vendor return. The Buyer # appears on the Vendor Return header screen. The buyer number also displays in Expedite Return: The Buyer Number also appears on the first screen in Expedite Return. For more information on generating/editing/cancelling a vendor return, refer to the Vendor Returns manual. 121 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY GENERATE VENDOR RETURNS FOR STOCK ITEMS When entering a credit memo for a stock item that is not being returned to stock at the item level or on the order level, you are prompted to create a vendor return. When the return is generated in Order or Front Counter, the free stock is updated with the order quantity, and then it is removed at the time the vendor return is created. The quantity then becomes allocated to the vendor return. Customer Return Options CREDIT MEMO 1 RETURN TO STOCK N (Y N ITEM CONF) 2 CREDIT FOR DS N (Y N) 3 NON-STOCK ITEMS ITEM (ITEM RET CONF STK) Field: Customer Return Options CREDIT MEMO 1 RETURN TO STOCK ITEM (Y N ITEM CONF) 2 CREDIT FOR DS N 3 NON-STOCK ITEMS ITEM (ITEM RET CONF STK) (Y N) Field: 122 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY CUST: KS PO#: 06/27/06 10:54:22 =============================================================================== Line# Item Qty Q-Rt Qty-Gas Unit-Price Ext-Price ============================ **AVAILABLE ON TPCx** ===============*CREDIT MEMO* Line# 1 1 ITEM STOCKITEM 2 DESC 3 VENDOR KS1 ID: KS 4 SOURCE 1 YARDLEY LOCATION 5 Q-ORD 11EA 6 DISP (B C H D L P S E T) 7 UT-PRICE 0.0000 8 MULT 1.0000 Create? (V N): V = Vendor Return N = None Examples in Item-Ledger A credit memo is generated for the prior item for a quantity of 11. The 11 is put into free stock, removed from free stock, and allocated to the vendor return. The following is an example of the Item Ledger for a vendor returned created from order entry: ┌────────────────────── Type Item │Date Time User Type │──────── ──────── ─────── ────── │10/13/06 09:46:13 KS VR.VRT │10/13/06 09:46:11 KS RT.ORD Ledger Browse By Date ──────────────────────┐ Transaction # Free Stock New Balance│ ────────────────── ──────────── ────────────│ 1003185-0033 -11.00 7093.00│ 1511300-0001 11.00 7104.00│ ┌────────────────────── Type Item │Date Time User Type │──────── ──────── ─────── ────── │10/13/06 09:46:13 KS VR.VRT │10/13/06 09:46:11 KS RT.ORD Ledger Browse By Date ──────────────────────┐ Transaction # Allocated New Balance│ ────────────────── ──────────── ────────────│ 1003185-0033 11.00 6757419.00│ 1511300-0001 0.00 6757408.00│ If a vendor return was generated during the initial entry of the credit memo, but then the entire credit memo was canceled, the item will be removed from the vendor return. The following is an example of the Item Ledger for this type of transaction: ┌────────────────────── Type Item │Date Time User Type │──────── ──────── ─────── ────── │10/13/06 09:56:53 KS VR.CAN │10/13/06 09:56:47 KS VR.VRT │10/13/06 09:56:46 KS RT.ORD Ledger Browse By Date ──────────────────────┐ Transaction # Free Stock New Balance│ ────────────────── ──────────── ────────────│ 1003185-0035 0.00 7093.00│ 1003185-0035 -11.00 7093.00│ 1511302-0001 11.00 7104.00│ 123 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY ┌────────────────────── Type Item │Date Time User Type │──────── ──────── ─────── ────── │10/13/06 09:56:53 KS VR.CAN │10/13/06 09:56:47 KS VR.VRT │10/13/06 09:56:46 KS RT.ORD Ledger Browse By Date ──────────────────────┐ Transaction # Allocated New Balance│ ────────────────── ──────────── ────────────│ 1003185-0035 -11.00 6757430.00│ 1003185-0035 11.00 6757441.00│ 1511302-0001 0.00 6757430.00│ The following is an example of the Item Ledger for a vendor return created at confirmation time: └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌────────────────────── Type Item Ledger Browse By Date ──────────────────────┐ │Date Time User Type Transaction # Free Stock New Balance│ │──────── ──────── ─────── ────── ────────────────── ──────────── ────────────│ │10/13/06 09:54:16 KS VR.VRT 1003185-0034 -11.00 7093.00│ │10/13/06 09:54:16 KS RT.EDT 1511301-0001 11.00 7104.00│ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ┌────────────────────── Type Item Ledger Browse By Date ──────────────────────┐ │Date Time User Type Transaction # Allocated New Balance│ │──────── ──────── ─────── ────── ────────────────── ──────────── ────────────│ │10/13/06 09:54:16 KS VR.VRT 1003185-0034 11.00 6757430.00│ │10/13/06 09:54:16 KS RT.EDT 1511301-0001 0.00 6757419.00│ The Item-Adjust Register will be updated with the order quantity generated for the vendor return. BR# 1 YARDLEY BRANCH ADJT # 1015665 DATE TIME 10/13/06 10:08 SEQ ITEM ORDER # 1 SPOT 1511302 STOCK ADJUSTMENTS REGISTER DESC USER ID CREDIT RETURN KS 10/13/06 LOCN ENTRY CODE 1 INCR. 4 PAGE ITEMS 1 DESCRIPTION NEW-QTY QTY-CHG KS KITTY KAT 7093.00 11.00 124 1 STD-COST-CHG LAST-COST-CHG AVRG-COST-CHG 55.00 -7.08 54.91 STD-COST-CHG LAST-COST-CHG AVRG-COST-CHG 55.00 -7.08 54.91 BRANCH TOTALS 55.00 -7.08 54.91 GRAND 55.00 -7.08 54.91 TOTALS ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY The Vendor Return Daily and Monthly Registers will also be updated: BRANCH 1 YARDLEY BRANCH RETURN # 1003184 1003185 1003185 1003186 1003188 1003189 1003190 VENDOR NAME RET-DATE REQ-DATE KS KS KS KS KS1 KS1 KS1 KS1 KS1 KS1 KS1 10/11/06 10/11/06 10/11/06 10/12/06 09/19/08 10/12/06 10/13/06 10/11/06 10/11/06 10/11/06 10/12/06 09/19/08 10/12/06 10/13/06 KS BRANCH TOTALS BRANCH DAILY VENDOR RETURN REGISTER NUMBER OF VENDOR RETURNS 1 YARDLEY BRANCH RETURN # 1003182 1003183 1003184 1003185 1003186 1003188 1003189 1003190 VENDOR NAME KS KS KS KS KS KS1 KS1 KS1 KS1 KS1 KS1 KS1 KS1 KS 331 ITEMS 10/13/06 COST 0 2 32 0 1 1 1 0.00 9.97 12,796.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.10 312 20,731.01 MONTHLY VENDOR RETURN REGISTER 10/11/06 10/11/06 10/12/06 9/19/08 10/12/06 10/13/06 RET-DATE REQ-DATE 10/11/06 10/11/06 10/11/06 10/11/06 10/12/06 09/19/08 10/12/06 10/13/06 0 10/11/06 0 10/11/06 0 1 1 1 ITEMS COST 0 10 EXTERNAL # WEIGHT 0.00 3.00 243.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.50 10/13/06 0.00 PAGE PAGE 8 EXTERNAL # 0.00 0.00 32 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.10 WEIGHT 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,796.68 243.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.50 When an item is confirmed via Ship-Edit and you are not returning the items to stock, a prompt will follow to create a vendor return. If you select to be prompted to return to stock at confirmation time during the initial credit memo, the following screens appear: RETURN TO STOCK? (Y N "I"tem): N Create a Vendor Return? (Y N): Y Vendor Ret # 1003185-0031 If you select to be prompted on an item basis on the initial credit memo, and select to be prompted at confirmation time on the item level, the following screen appears: Order # 1511299 Line # 1 Item: SPOT Desc 1: KS KITTY KAT Desc 2: KS DESC 2 Return Qty: 1.00 RETURN TO STOCK? (Y N): N Create a Vendor Return? (Y N): Y 125 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 4 INVENTORY Store Order Number on Vendor Return When a vendor return is generated from a customer order, the order number is stored on the Vendor Return record. The order number is viewable in Expedite Return. Vendor returns can be generated in Order, FrontCounter, Expedite Order, Ship Edit, and Material Receiving. For more information on creating and printing vendor returns, refer to the Vendor Returns manual. Information on confirming a vendor return is found in the Material Receiving manual. 126 5 ACCOUNTING STOCK AND NONSTOCK BREAKDOWN ON PAYABLES REPORTS; NONSTOCK ACCOUNTS ON AUTOBATCHES This Acclaim feature covers two modifications that help provide a greater level of detail for anyone using Inventory Movement: ♦ The Payables Discrepancy Journal and the Unreconciled Receivings List have been modified to show stock and nonstock breakdowns ♦ Autobatching of these stock and nonstock values can now be autobatched with the POCD and UMAC autobatches PAYABLES Stock and nonstock item values are now displayed on the Payables Discrepancy Journal and the Unreconciled Receivings List. This modification will also aid in autobatching by stock and nonstock values. For the Payables Discrepancy Journal (accessed by selecting Payables > Management Reporting > Discrepancy Journal), the Branch Summary now shows Stock Variance and Nonstock Variance columns: The system will post the stock variance amount to the Inventory account, the nonstock variance amount to the Nonstock account, and any invoice level variances to the Invoice Level Variance account in the PO Cost Discrepancies (POCD) autobatch. For receipt level variances, the variance will be prorated to the receipt items based on the reconciled cost. The following calculation is used to prorate the receipt level variance (for each received item): 127 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING Receipt variance * item invoiced amount / receipt estimated amount. SAMPLE: PAYABLES DISCREPANCY JOURNAL SHOWING THE STOCK AND NONSTOCK AMOUNTS For the Unreconciled Receivings List (accessed by selecting Payables > Management Reporting > Receivings List-Unreconciled), an Inventory Summary is now displayed under the Unreconciled Material Receipts Summary. The Inventory Summary will show the branch, the number of unreconciled stock lines, the number of unreconciled nonstock lines, the unreconciled stock cost, and the unreconciled nonstock cost. The system will post the unreconciled stock cost to the stock accounts, and the unreconciled nonstock cost to the nonstock accounts in the Uninvoiced Material Accrual (UMAC) autobatch. For more information on the Payables Discrepancy Report and the Unreconciled Receivings List, refer to the Payables manual. LEDGER You can now access nonstock accounts on the POCD and UMAC autobatch defaults. In addition, an invoicelevel variance account is now available for the POCD autobatch defaults. 128 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING POCD Autobatch Previously to Acclaim 17, the POCD autobatch used the Inventory and Discrepancy accounts as defined in the Branch, Group, or Company defaults. The system never used the accounts set up in the POCD Autobatch Defaults if there was no account defined in the Payables defaults. Now, the POCD autobatch uses the Inventory, Nonstock, and Discrepancy accounts as defined in the Branch, Group, or Company defaults, with the stock variance value posting to the Inventory account and the nonstock variance value posting to the Nonstock account. Since the accounts from the Autobatch Defaults screen were not used, they have been removed from this screen. There is now an Invoice Level Variance account for discrepancies that are reconciled on the invoice level, since these will not generate a stock or nonstock value. This is the only account that is displayed on the POCD Autobatch Defaults and should be set up as an inventory account. Sample: PO Cost Discrepancies Autobatch Defaults Screen showing Invoice-Level Variance Account Field Note: The system checks the POCD Autobatch Defaults to see if there is an Invoice Level Variance account. If the Invoice Level Variance account is not defined in the POCD Autobatch Defaults, the system checks the Branch, Group, and Company defaults for the Stock Inventory account. UMAC Autobatch A Nonstock account will now be available for the UMAC autobatch defaults. The UMAC autobatch uses the Stock Inventory, Stock Accrual, Nonstock Inventory, and Nonstock Accrual accounts as defined in the UMAC Autobatch defaults. 129 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING The unreconciled stock amount will post to the stock accounts, and the unreconciled nonstock amount will post to the nonstock accounts. If the nonstock accounts are not defined in the UMAC autobatch defaults, the unreconciled nonstock amount will post to the stock accounts as defined in the UMAC autobatch defaults. Sample: The Uninvoiced Material Accrual autobatch displaying the Nonstock Inventory and Accrual Account Fields For more information on the POCD and UMAC autobatches, refer to the Ledger manual. 130 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING CSLD AUTOBATCH NOW DISPLAYS CREDIT AND DEBIT ACCOUNTS FOR LABOR The CSLD autobatch defaults now include debit and credit accounts for labor so that you can divide labor costs into separate ledger accounts. The Invoice Register has been modified so that it can post to the indicated labor accounts. Important! The Assemblies and Job Costing optional packages must be enabled for this feature to work. INVOICE OVERVIEW Labor costs for labor items (catalog items with SP-Type 41) are broken out and posted to their own labor accounts in the Cost of Goods Sold autobatch. HOW IT WORKS When printing and clearing the Invoice Register, labor costs are now available to batch to separate accounts for the Cost of Goods Sold (CSLD) autobatch. These separate accounts are only used if the direct catalog feature Registers by Sales Location is enabled or the Ship Product Group Summary is not enabled. If the Registers by Sales Location software is not enabled and the product group summary is enabled, a separate product group should be set up for labor and the labor costs should be autobatched by that product group. If Autobatch while Invoicing, an accounting company option, is enabled, the system will use the ledger accounts if the Ship Product Group Summary is not enabled. If the Ship Product Group Summary, an Order Processing Company Option, is enabled, the labor costs will be batched based on the product group. Note: If the direct catalog feature Interbranch Shipments is enabled, the Sales Product Group Summary option is required to be enabled to batch the CSLD autobatch. Since the product group summary information is required, you will not be able to use the default Labor accounts if you have the Interbranch Shipments software enabled. For more information on the CSLD autobatch, refer to the Ledger and Inventory Movement manuals. More information on the various company options is found in the Company Set Up manual. 131 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING LEDGER You can now access new debit and credit accounts for labor charges in the Cost of Goods Sold autobatch. When you view the Cost of Goods Sold Autobatch Defaults screen (accessed by selecting Ledger > Ledger Company Options > Autobatch Default Options > Enter/Edit Autobatch Defaults and then choose the CSLD autobatch), a screen similar to the following appears: Debit and credit labor accounts now appear on the CSLD autobatch. These separate accounts will only be used if the Ship Product Group Summary Order Processing Company Option is not enabled or the direct catalog feature Registers by Sales Location is enabled. If no labor accounts are defined, the labor costs will be posted to the nonstock accounts. If no nonstock accounts are defined, the labor and nonstock costs will be posted to the stock accounts. If the Registers by Sales Location software is not enabled and the Ship Product Group Summary option is enabled, a separate product group should be set up for labor, and the labor costs should be autobatched by that product group. Note: If the direct catalog feature Interbranch Shipments is enabled, the Sales Product Group Summary is required to batch CSLD. Since the Product Group Summary information is required, you are not able to use the default Labor accounts if you have Interbranch Shipments enabled. If Interbranch Shipments is enabled, a product group should be set up for labor items to batch them via the ISHIP autobatch to specific labor accounts. For more information on the Interbranch Shipments and Registers by Sales Location direct catalog software packages, refer to their respective manuals of the same name. 132 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING EDIT THE RELEASE STATUS FOR A RANGE OF PAYABLES You can now edit the release status of a range of payables. This feature aids in entering payables right now to be paid by credit card at a later date. PAYABLES You can change the release status for a range of payables by using the new Payables option, Update Release Status. To access the new option, select Invoice Processing on the Payables main menu. Then choose the Update Release Status option: 133 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING The Update Release Status screen is displayed: Vendor Start/End  . . . range of vendor codes to be searched for the list of payables to be generated. Vend-Invoice# Start/End  . . . range of vendor invoice numbers to be searched. PO Start/End . . . range of purchase orders to be reviewed. Entry ID Start/End  . . . range of payables entry ID codes to be searched for the list of payables to be generated. Invoice Date Start/End . . . range of vendor invoice dates to be searched. Comment Start/End . . . range of payable comment numbers to be reviewed that generate the list of payables. Unrec Comment Start/End  . . . range of unreconciled comment numbers to be searched. Press [F3] to browse existing vendor codes. 134 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING Original Status  . . . defines the current release status of the payables to be searched. In choosing a status for the Original Status field, you will only update payables with this specific release status. When you press [F3] on this field, the following key is displayed: All – Choose this status to select payables with all original status values. This is the system default value. All Hold – Selects payables that have all statuses, except for Ready. PO Pend – Select all payables where the purchase order is pending; they will not expense nor release. Hold Exp – Select payables that are on hold and will not expense nor release. Hold Rel – Select payables that are on hold, and will expense, but will not release. Auto-Hold – Select payables that are not to be auto-released. Ready – Select payables that are ready to be expensed and/or released. Once the parameters are complete, press [F2] to generate the list of payables that meet the specified parameters. A list similar to the following appears: 135 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING From this screen, you have several options on what action you want to perform. One option is to select an individual invoice to update. After an invoice is selected, you can press [F3] to display a list of statuses. You can update the invoice with one of these statuses. Note: A payable can only be changed to PO Pend if the purchase order already equals 0, the payable has not been expensed, and the payable has not been released. You can mark multiple invoices to update by highlighting the invoice and then by pressing [Ctrl][T]. The invoice displays an arrowhead, or “greater than” sign in front of it, and a “less than” sign at the end of the line. 136 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING A PowrDrill menu is also available by pressing [F6]: Payable . . . update individual selected payables This option acts as if you just pressed [Enter]. Marked . . . update the marked payables. This option updates all marked payables to the status that is selected. If there are no marked payables to update, a “No marked invoices to update” message appears. All . . . update every payable. This option updates all payables to the status that is selected. Edit/Delete . . . modify or erase a payable. These options allow you to either edit or delete the payable. Once the option is selected, you see either a Edit Payable or Delete Payable screen. You will see an appropriate warning message if the payable cannot be modified or removed. View . . . toggles the viewing sequence of the payables. When you select this option to toggle the information, payables are viewed by either vendor invoice number sequence or vendor code sequence. Unmark . . . unmarks all payables that have been marked. All marks are erased that appear on this screen. 137 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING When you update a payable, the list is then regenerated so that updated statuses are displayed. To save your changes, press [F2] to return to the Payables Invoice Processing menu. To prevent any changes you made from being accepted by the system, press [F4]. However, if you chose to edit a payable using the Edit Payables screen, changes made and accepted in that screen will not be undone. For more information on the options in the Accounts Payable module, refer to the Payables manual. 138 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING CREDIT CARD TYPE PAYABLES FOR VENDOR RETURNS You can now credit your credit cards for any material that you return to your vendors by entering credit card type invoices for vendor returns. PAYABLES ENTERING PAYABLES Before Acclaim 17, the processing for regular Credit Card type payables had been that when you entered a credit card type payable and accepted it, the payable was considered “paid” (the paid amount was set to the gross amount of the payable). This would prevent the payable from displaying during payable release. When the Expense Journal was committed, the credit card vendor’s balance would be updated to reflect the new transactions. With Acclaim 17, when you enter a credit card type payable and accept it, the payable will not be considered “paid.” The payable is still prevented from displaying during payable release, however it will now be available on the Aged report. Once the Expense Journal is committed, the credit card vendor’s balance is still updated. At this time, the payable will be marked as paid. This gives you the advantage that you can set the Payables to “Hold Exp” if you want to wait to actually pay for the vendor invoice, but you will still see the payable on the Aged report to know that it is still open. 139 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING On the New Payable screen (accessed by selecting Payables > Invoice Processing > New Payable), you can enter credit card type invoices for vendor returns via the new Payable Type called CC Return for credit card returns. When this type is selected, the payable will be processed as regular credit card type payables are processed. You are prompted to either enter your credit card number, or select one if there is more than one set up in the system. You then would enter a return number, as if processing a standard credit invoice. Once the system knows which credit card is being used, the appropriate credit card account (by vendor) will be used instead of the accounts payable account. The payable will be available for editing until the Expense Journal is committed, at which time it will no longer be available for modification. The payable will not be available for payable release. After the Expense Journal is committed, the payable is closed. Once the Expense Journal is committed, the vendor’s credit card balance amount is updated. This value reflects the amount in the credit card account set up for the credit card vendor, unless it has been edited. The Credit Card Balance and the Credit Card Detail reports also reflect any credit card transactions for vendor returns. 140 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING In addition, these credit card return payables will be available on the Aged Report until they are committed on the Expense Journal. There is a new parameter for the Aged Report, entitled Include Credit Cards, that allows you to include credit card type payables, exclude credit card type payables, or report only on credit card type payables. Include Credit Cards . . . determines whether credit card type payables are displayed on the report. Yes – Credit card type payables are included with other payables meeting the parameters for the report. No – Credit card type payables are not displayed. Only – Credit card type payables are the only payables displayed on the report. VIEWING PAYABLES In View Payables (accessed by selecting Payables > View Options > Payables),, the credit card type payables show as Open until they are committed on the Expense Journal. 141 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING When viewing the invoice details, the Credit Card Payments screen now shows an Effective Date. This is the date that the payable was committed on the Expense Journal. This date will remain blank while the payable is open. A date appears in the Effective Date column when the payable is marked as Complete. For more information on entering and viewing payables, refer to the Payables manual. Information on credit card transactions and reports is found in the Credit Card Integration manual. 142 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING PRINT ZERO CHECKS WITHOUT USING VALID CHECK NUMBERS You can now print zero checks without using your company’s valid check numbers. You can apply credits to debits and print checks with negative check numbers to close out your vendor invoices. PAYABLES You can now use the Print Zero Dollar Checks option to print zero dollar checks and not use up your next valid check numbers. To access the new option, select Payables > Check Processing > Print Zero Dollar Checks. 143 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING The following parameter screen appears, similar to the Print Checks parameter screen: Br: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0011 Grp: 1 GROUP 1 Date: 07/20/06 PAYABLES +---------------------------- Print Zero Checks -----------------------------+ | | | | | Start Date: 01/01/50 | | End Date: 07/20/06 | | Cash Account: 01-00-000-000 | | Start Check #: -0000001 | | Start Vendor: | | End Vendor: ZZZZZZ | | | | Print Description: No | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 915 Specify a starting release check date The check numbers for zero checks are negative numbers. By doing this, valid check numbers are still available for regular non-zero checks, but the system effectively prints the check so the payables can be closed. In most cases, you will want to print the zero checks to some destination other than the printed forms. You should select the desired destination from the print options. In regular check printing, if you choose not to Suppress Zero $ Checks (a parameter on the Print Payable Checks screen), the zero checks will print as normal, using valid check numbers. The recommended process would be to print regular checks, selecting the option to Suppress Zero $Checks, then print the zero dollar checks. Zero checks are not available for reprinting, although they are available for voiding. These zero checks can also be sent via EDI if the vendor is set up to accept them. These checks are available on the Check Register and other places where disbursements are currently available, such as the Unreconciled Check List and Detail Check Report. 144 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING A new parameter has been added to the Check Register to Include Zero$ Checks. Valid settings for this field are Yes, No, and Only. It will default to Yes. Zero dollar checks should be committed at month-end with the other non-zero checks. Br: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0011 Grp: 1 GROUP 1 Date: 07/20/06 PAYABLES +------------------------------ Check Register ------------------------------+ | | | Start Vendor: | | End Vendor: ZZZZZZ | | Start Check Date: 01/01/50 | | End Check Date: 07/20/06 | | Start Cash Acct#: 00-00-000-000 | | End Cash Acct#: ZZ-ZZ-ZZZ-ZZZ | | Report Type: Current | | Include Payables: No | | Include Zero$ Checks: Only | | | | Commit: No | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 915 Specify a starting vendor code You will be allowed to reconcile these checks when the parameters are changed to include the negative check numbers. By default, the start check number will still begin at 00000001. Br: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0011 Grp: 1 GROUP 1 Date: 07/20/06 PAYABLES +--------------------------- Check Reconciliation ---------------------------+ | | | | | Cash Account: 01-00-000-000 | | | | Start Check Number: -99999999 | | End Check Number: 99999999 | | | | End Statement Date: 07/20/06 | | | | | | Session Total: 0.00 | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 915 Specify the cash account to be reconciled 145 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING The Check Reconciliation List shows the first non-negative check number at the top of the browse. If the negative check numbers (for zero checks) were included in the parameters, you can arrow up or page up to see the negative checks. Br: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0005 Grp: 1 GROUP 1 Date: 09/04/06 Mode: Q PAY +---------------------------- Check Reconciliation ----------------------------+ | Account #: 01-00-000-000 | | Account Name: CASH-CHECKING | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| | Check # Date Vendor Vendor Name Check Amount Rec|| |--------- -------- ------ ------------------------------ ---------------- ---|| | 572 05/02/02 CONCOO 152.00 No || | 573 05/02/02 DHT3 JRH TEST VENDOR 1 480,140.00 No || | 575 05/02/02 DISVEN DIANES VENDOR FULL WIDTH NAME 54.00 No || | 576 05/02/02 DISVEN DIANES VENDOR FULL WIDTH NAME 10.00 No || | 606 05/02/02 SMMT2K SUMMIT 2K 10.00 No || | 607 05/02/02 SMMT2K SUMMIT 2K 40.00 No || | 608 05/02/02 SMMT2K SUMMIT 2K 1.00 No || | 617 05/02/02 TIME TIME TO GO HOME 485.00 No || | 620 05/02/02 TIME TIME TO GO HOME 19.40 No || +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| | Total: 0.00 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 8888 Return will toggle the reconciliation of a check Br: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0005 Grp: 1 GROUP 1 Date: 09/04/06 Mode: Q PAY +---------------------------- Check Reconciliation ----------------------------+ | Account #: 01-00-000-000 | | Account Name: CASH-CHECKING | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| | Check # Date Vendor Vendor Name Check Amount Rec|| |--------- -------- ------ ------------------------------ ---------------- ---|| | -57 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00 No || | 572 05/02/02 CONCOO 152.00 No || | 573 05/02/02 DHT3 JRH TEST VENDOR 1 480,140.00 No || | 575 05/02/02 DISVEN DIANES VENDOR FULL WIDTH NAME 54.00 No || | 576 05/02/02 DISVEN DIANES VENDOR FULL WIDTH NAME 10.00 No || | 606 05/02/02 SMMT2K SUMMIT 2K 10.00 No || | 607 05/02/02 SMMT2K SUMMIT 2K 40.00 No || | 608 05/02/02 SMMT2K SUMMIT 2K 1.00 No || | 617 05/02/02 TIME TIME TO GO HOME 485.00 No || +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| | Total: 0.00 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 8888 Return will toggle the reconciliation of a check You can also cancel the reconciliation of zero dollar checks. 146 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING Checks will be available to unreconcile when the parameters are changed to include the negative check numbers. By default, the start check number still begins at 00000001. Br: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0005 Grp: 1 GROUP 1 Date: 09/04/06 Mode: Q PAY +-------------------------- Cancel Reconciliation ---------------------------+ | | | | | Cash Account: 01-00-000-000 | | | | Start Vendor: | | End Vendor: ZZZZZZ | | | | Start Check Number: -00000100 | | End Check Number: 99999999 | | | | Start Check Date: 01/01/50 | | End Check Date: 09/04/06 | | | | | | Session Total: 0.00 | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 8888 Specify the cash account to be reconciled The Cancel Reconciliation List displays the first non-negative check number at the top of the browse. If the negative check numbers (for zero checks) were included in the parameters, you can arrow up or page up to see the negative checks. These checks will also display on the Cancelled Reconciliation Register when included in the Start/End Check parameters. Br: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0005 Grp: 1 GROUP 1 Date: 09/04/06 Mode: Q PAY +--------------------------- Cancel Reconciliation ----------------------------+ | Account #: 01-00-000-000 | | Account Name: CASH-CHECKING | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| | Check # Date Vendor Vendor Name Check Amount Rec|| |--------- -------- ------ ------------------------------ ---------------- ---|| | -5 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00 Yes|| | -4 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00 Yes|| | -3 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00 Yes|| | -2 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00 Yes|| | -1 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00 Yes|| | 103 04/30/02 SMITH SMITH VENDOR HGFEDCBA987654321 0.00 Yes|| | 104 04/30/02 SMITH SMITH VENDOR HGFEDCBA987654321 0.00 Yes|| | 123 04/22/02 TIME TIME TO GO HOME 0.00 Yes|| | 240 04/30/02 SMITH SMITH VENDOR HGFEDCBA987654321 0.00 Yes|| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| | Total: 0.00 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 8888 Return will toggle the reconciliation of a check Checks will be available to Void, and will display on the Voided Check Register if the checks were voided after they were committed on the Check Register. The Void Checks List shows the first non-negative check number at the top of the browse. If the negative check numbers (for zero checks) were included in the parameters, you can arrow up or page up to see the negative checks. 147 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING Br: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0005 Grp: 1 GROUP 1 Date: 09/04/06 Mode: Q PAY +-------------------------------- Void Checks ---------------------------------+ | Cash Account: 01-00-000-000 | | Account Name: CASH-CHECKING | |+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| || Check # Date Vendor Vendor Name Check Amount|| ||--------- -------- ------ ------------------------------ -------------------|| || 572 05/02/02 CONCOO 152.00|| || 573 05/02/02 DHT3 JRH TEST VENDOR 1 480,140.00|| || 575 05/02/02 DISVEN DIANES VENDOR FULL WIDTH NAME 54.00|| || 576 05/02/02 DISVEN DIANES VENDOR FULL WIDTH NAME 10.00|| || 606 05/02/02 SMMT2K SUMMIT 2K 10.00|| || 607 05/02/02 SMMT2K SUMMIT 2K 40.00|| || 608 05/02/02 SMMT2K SUMMIT 2K 1.00|| || 617 05/02/02 TIME TIME TO GO HOME 485.00|| || 620 05/02/02 TIME TIME TO GO HOME 19.40|| || 621 05/02/02 TIME TIME TO GO HOME 0.12|| || 624 05/02/02 TIME TIME TO GO HOME 107.67|| |+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 8888 148 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING Br: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0005 Grp: 1 GROUP 1 Date: 09/04/06 Mode: Q PAY +-------------------------------- Void Checks ---------------------------------+ | Cash Account: 01-00-000-000 | | Account Name: CASH-CHECKING | |+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| || Check # Date Vendor Vendor Name Check Amount|| ||--------- -------- ------ ------------------------------ -------------------|| || -57 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00|| || 572 05/02/02 CONCOO 152.00|| || 573 05/02/02 DHT3 JRH TEST VENDOR 1 480,140.00|| || 575 05/02/02 DISVEN DIANES VENDOR FULL WIDTH NAME 54.00|| || 576 05/02/02 DISVEN DIANES VENDOR FULL WIDTH NAME 10.00|| || 606 05/02/02 SMMT2K SUMMIT 2K 10.00|| || 607 05/02/02 SMMT2K SUMMIT 2K 40.00|| || 608 05/02/02 SMMT2K SUMMIT 2K 1.00|| || 617 05/02/02 TIME TIME TO GO HOME 485.00|| || 620 05/02/02 TIME TIME TO GO HOME 19.40|| || 621 05/02/02 TIME TIME TO GO HOME 0.12|| |+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 8888 When selecting the View Disbursements options, the list will show the first non-negative check number at the top of the browse. If the negative check numbers (for zero checks) exist, you can arrow up or page up to see the negative checks. Br: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0005 Grp: 1 GROUP 1 Date: 09/04/06 Mode: Q PAY +------------------------------- View Checks --------------------------------+ | Cash Account: 01-00-000-000 | | Name: CASH-CHECKING | | | |+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+| || Check # Date Vendor Vendor Name Net Amount Vd|| ||--------- -------- ------ ------------------------------ -------------- --|| || -6 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00 * || || -5 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00 * || || -4 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00 * || || -3 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00 * || || -2 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00 * || || -1 09/01/06 141414 SEND TO NAME 0.00 * || || 103 04/30/02 SMITH SMITH VENDOR HGFEDCBA987654321 0.00 * || || 104 04/30/02 SMITH SMITH VENDOR HGFEDCBA987654321 0.00 * || || 123 04/22/02 TIME TIME TO GO HOME 0.00 * || |+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+| | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 8888 Choose a check to view the details 149 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 5 ACCOUNTING The View Disbursements screen displays the appropriate information: +-------------------------------- View Check --------------------------------+ | Acct#: 01-00-000-000 CASH-CHECKING | | | | ID: !MILLS Check Date: 12/31/03 | | Pay to: GENERAL MILLS | | Addr: 123 77.60 | | | | PA | | Memo: | | Check #: -820 | | +--------------------------- Check Details ----------------------------+ | | |Vendor Invoice # Seq# Release Amount Discount Amount Net Amount| | | |------------------ ----- -------------- --------------- --------------| | | |11/17/03 11:56:40 1 -70.00 -2.10 -67.90| | | |11/17/03 11:57:05 1 70.00 2.10 67.90| | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 915 The View Payables screen will also show the appropriate information: Br: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH User: CAG/cag Port: 0011 Grp: 1 GROUP 1 Date: 07/20/06 PAYABLES +------------------------ Vendor Invoice Information ------------------------+ | | | Vendor: 141414 SEND TO NAME | | PO#: 1054003 Ext PO#: Entry ID: 1 | | | | Invoice#: 01/15/03 14:18:42 Seq#: 1 Release: Hold Rel | | Unrec Comment#: 0 Comment#: 3 | | Invoice: 100.00 Invoice Date: 01/15/03 Posting Date: 01/15/03 | | Prepaid: 0.00 Discount Date: 01/10/03 History?: Yes | | Released: 100.00 Due Date: 01/10/03 Complete?: Yes | | Discount: 2.00 Hold for Reconciliation?: No | | Desc: Reconciled?: Yes | | +------------------ Payments -------------------+ | | | Check# Date Release Amt Net Amount| | | |-------- -------- -------------- --------------| | | |-0000059 02/14/03 100.00 98.00| | | | | | | | | | +-------------+-----------------------------------------------+--------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox 915 For more information on voiding checks and viewing payables and disbursements, refer to the Payables manual. 150 6 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION NEW SYSTEM MESSAGES FOR PROGRESS HIDDEN OPTIONS In P21-Update, you now view system messages for hidden options that run in the Progress software. These messages will help you and your support staff know what current stage of the update process is being performed. P21-UPDATE During an Acclaim update, hidden options are run in both the XL and Progress sections. For XL, messages have always been displayed to denote what tasks are running, however, the Progress code was not programmed to display information during the update. Messages generated during the Progress section of the update will aid the Acclaim administrator in knowing what data is currently being processed. When the job P21-UPDATE is begun, there is now a centered window that identifies what part of the Progress update is being performed. Messages are shown during the running of the Progress hidden options. The window is similar to the one displayed when CISAM is rebuilt: 151 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 6 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION The system updates the message when the next hidden option is run: The system displays messages in appropriate locations in the Progress portion of the Acclaim update. For more information on the P21-UPDATE job, refer to the System Administration manual. 152 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 6 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION NEW SECURITY TO PREVENT ENTERING PAYMENTS DURING ORDER ENTRY You can now access User Base security to prevent certain users from entering payments during order entry. USER BASE You can use a new Enter Payments setting on the Additional Security Settings screen in the User Base module (accessed by selecting User Base > Additional): ADDITIONAL SECURITY SETTINGS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 JOB/MODULE FUNCTION SECURITY ---------------------------------------------------------FRONT COUNTER "V" to validate 9999 EXP-PURCHASE "E" to edit 9999 EXP-PURCHASE "C" to cancel 9999 EXP-ORDER "V" to validate 9999 EXP-ORDER "E" to edit 0 EXP-ORDER "C" to cancel 0 EXP-TRANSFER "E" to edit 0 EXP-TRANSFER "C" to cancel 0 CUST-ITEM Edit from View by Item Code 9999 SERVICE-ORDER Service Work Order Cancellation 9999 ORDER/FC/MATERIAL Temporary Item Creation 9999 EXP-ORDER Edit Sales Rep 9000 EXP-ORDER Edit Taker 9000 ORDER/FRONT-COUNTER Edit Sales Rep 0 ORDER/FRONT-COUNTER Edit Taker 150 ORDER/FRONT-COUNTER Enter Payments 1234 FIELD: For more information on the security settings in the User Base module, refer to the System Administration manual. 153 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 6 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ORDER SUMMARY On the Order Summary screen, if the current user does not have sufficient “Enter Payments” security settings to allow payment entry, then he will not be able to choose: ♦ “Enter Credit Card Information” in Order Entry ♦ “Enter Payments” in Front Counter Entry ORDER#: Items 1 1151931 Ext-Price 30.00 CUST PO#: 07/11/06 13:52:06 Tax 2.10 Total 32.10 Credit OK CUST: PJO Deposit Profit% Tot-Weight -3.3333 0.00 EDITING OPTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. OPTION: Add additional order-items Review order Cancel order Accept order Suspend order Edit profit % Edit order header Edit charges/ship info Edit order sales amount Enter overage information Enter credit card information B ACCESS DENIED The “access denied” message also appears in Front Counter’s Order Summary screen when the Enter Payments option is chosen by the same user: ORDER#: Items 1 1151932 Ext-Price 30.00 CUST PO#: 07/11/06 14:06:32 Tax 2.10 Total 32.10 Payments 0.00 CUST: PJO Balance 32.10 *FRONT COUNTER* Credit OK Prof % -3.3333 EDITING OPTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. C. OPTION: Enter payments Add additional order-items Review order Cancel order Accept order Suspend order Edit profit % Edit order header Edit charges/ship info Edit order sales amount Enter overage information Print picking ticket 1 ACCESS DENIED More information on entering payments is found in the Order and Front Counter manuals. 154 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 6 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION EXPEDITE ORDER To have access to the Payment/Deposit PowrDrills, the user will need appropriate security for both the new User Base “Enter Payments” setting and Front Counter > Payments/Deposits > Maintenance. If the user is secured out of either, then the following will not appear as choices: ♦ “Pa"Y"ment/Dep maintenance” on the XL Expedite Order screen’s “H”elp popup. ♦ “Payment/Deposit Maintenance” on the Acclaim Expedite Order PowrDrill. This is the Expedite Order View help screen (XL) if the user is given a security setting to enter payments: Customer Code: KS Bill to: Sales Loc: KATHRYN SOUDERS 19 W. STREET RD. 1ST FLOOR BENSALEM PA 215-555-1212 1 YARDLEY LOCATION Ship to: LITTLE RED HEN 123 CLUCKA WAY ADD 2 +------- Option Help -------+ PA 19067 |"N"ext order | | Next "O"pen order | Inv Batch Rte Tax ID Fr| Note"P"ad | 0 1 9 B|"E"dit | |"C"ancel | |"PA"yment/Deposit history | Order # Ord-Date Req-Da| Pa"Y"ment/Dep maintenance |Open Shpmts Unconf Invcs 1151251 06/01/06 06/01/| to view line-items | 1 0 0 0 | Starting line-item # | Customer PO Extern+---------------------------+Order Value: 2.00 06/01/06 07:56:20 Open Total: 2.38 Open Paym/Dep: 0.00 Balance Due: 2.38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Option: "H"elp toggle This is the Expedite Order View PowrDrill (Acclaim) if the user is given a security setting to enter payments: +----------------------------------Order View----------------------------------+ |Order #: 1151251 Customer: KS LITTLE RED HEN Nav:1.4| | Ship-To: 0 Cust PO#: 06/01/06 07:56:20 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------- Order Line-Items Browse By Line # ---------------------+ |Line # Item Code Description Open Value| |-------- --------------------------- --------------------------- ------------| |1 *4NSOI +-------- PowrDrill --------+ 2.00| | |Cancel | | | |Edit | | | |Notes | | | |Order History | | | |Payment/Deposit Maintenance| | +-------------------------+---------------------------+-----------------------+ +------------------------- Line-Item Info -------------------------+ | Qty Ord Qty Allo Qty Ship Qty Inv Disp Last Ship| | 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------Order Totals---------------------------------Order Value Open Total Prof% Balance Due Items Open Ship Unconf Inv 2.00 2.38 -150.00 2.38 1 1 0 0 0 F1=Help F2=Go F3=Browse F4=Quit F6=PowrDrill F7=Toolbox Select PowrDrill (Cancel Order) 155 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 6 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION More information on Expedite Order view screens is found in the Expedite Order manual. PowrDrill information is found in the Browse manual. FRONT COUNTER In addition to the normal menu security checks, the Front Counter Maintenance option for Payments/Deposits will not appear if the user does not have adequate security for the new additional User Base security. Br: 1 Loc: 1 YARDLEY BRANCH YARDLEY LOCATION User: PJO/pjo Date: 10/03/06 Port: 0014 FC +--- Front Counter ----+ |New + Payments/Deposits + |QWIKcoun|Maintenance | |Returns |List | |QWIKcoun+-------------------+ |Pricing & Availability| |Pricing & Availability| |View/Edit order | |Resume | |Pick-Up orders | |Edit/Invoice shipments| |Payments/Deposits ... | |Cash drawer summary | |Rental order ... | |Defaults | +----------------------+ F1=Help F2=Go F4=Quit F7=Toolbox Enter/Edit/Delete payments/deposits For information on entering payments and deposits in the Front Counter module, refer to the Front Counter and Credit Card Integration manuals. 156 7 OPTIONAL PACKAGES ONE ORDER MADE FROM MULTIPLE LINE-ITEMS ON THE 850 You will now see that all line-items from the same 850 document that have the same ship-to address and customer code are now placed on the same order instead of previously being split up into separate orders per line-item. EDI-DOCUMENT, EDI-SETUP From an 850 document, you can now keep all items that share the same customer code and ship-to address on one order. A new line-item level ship-to name map, #1131, has been created. This map allows for each line item with the same ship-to address to be saved to the same order header. Existing maps, 1140, 1150, 1160, 1170, and 1180 can be used for the ship-to address 1, address 2, city, state, and zip code fields, respectively. If any of the ship-to address fields or the customer code on a particular line-item differs, that line-item is split off into a separate order. As long as the ship-to address and customer code are the same for the entire order, all line-items will be included on the same order. Note: The 855 PO Acknowledgement is available to be sent for each order that is created. If all items have the same address and are included on the same order, they will be included on the same outbound 855. HOW IT WORKS If a customer order has the following line-items and ship-to addresses: Item A has a customer code of ABCINC and a ship-to address of: Bob Smith, 101 Main Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19116. Item B has a customer code of ABCINC and the same ship-to address as item A. 157 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 7 OPTIONAL PACKAGES Item C has a customer code of ABCINC and a ship-to address of: Bob Smith, 101 Main Street, Trenton, NJ 08619. Item D has a customer code of ABCINC and the same ship-to address as item A. Two orders will be available to be generated in EDI-Order for customer ABCINC. The first order will have items A, B, and D. The second order will have item C. Two 855 documents will be available to be built and sent. The first 855 document will have items A, B, and D; the second 855 will have item C. Important! Each trading partner you wish to use this functionality must use the new map #1131 in the lineitem ship-to name field. For more information on building EDI documents, such as the 855 document, refer to the EDI Documents manual. More information on creating trading partner records is found in the EDI Setup manual. 158 8 THIRD PARTY PACKAGES THE FAX LOG INCLUDES BILL-TO PHONE NUMBER The e-mail notification from a failed fax now includes the customer’s or vendor’s bill-to phone number. This will help you to immediately contact the customer to find out if the faxing trouble is with the customer or with you. VSI-FAX INCLUDE CONTACT PHONE NUMBER IN FAX LOG When faxes fail, you need to contact either the customer or vendor to repair the problem. Prior to Acclaim 17, you would have had to print the fax log for failed faxes, and then individually search for the contact phone number for each customer or vendor that appears in the fax log. With Acclaim 17, you can quickly view the phone number now displayed on the fax log. The Fax Log has been modified to include the contact telephone number of the customer’s or vendor’s bill-to address, as shown in the following sample: The contact phone numbers are now displayed. 159 ACCLAIM 17 NEW FEATURES 8 THIRD PARTY PACKAGES The contact number is now passed to VSI-FAX, making it available in the notification e-mail. The same information can be generated by using the vfx command: You can find more information on the fax log in the VSI-FAX manual. 160