ACOPY2 User’s Guide
Second Edition (July 1998)
DIVA is a trademark of Eicon Technology Corporation. Microsoft, Windows 95, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated into new editions of the publication. Eicon Technology may make improvements and/or changes in the products and/or programs described in this publication at any time. A Product Comment Form is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, address your comments to: Eicon Technology Corporation Attention: Corporate Publications 9800 Cavendish Blvd. Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4M 2V9 Telephone: (514) 745-5500 Fax: (514) 745-5588 e-mail:
[email protected] Eicon Technology may use or distribute whatever information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligations to you. Copyright©1998 Eicon Technology Corporation. All rights reserved, including those to reproduce this publication or parts thereof in any form without permission in writing from Eicon Technology Corporation
Contents 1 - Introduction ...................................................................................4 ACOPY/ACOPY2 ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2 - About this manual ..........................................................................6 How to use this online guide ................................................................................................................ 6 Structure of the online manual ............................................................................................................ 6 Syntax of the Guide .................................................................................................................................. 7
3 - Standard Applications ...................................................................8 ACOPY2 server ........................................................................................................................................... 8 ACOPY2 requester ..................................................................................................................................10
4 - Extended Functionality ...............................................................13 Configuring Password Protection .....................................................................................................13 ACOPY2 server in the background ...................................................................................................14
5 - Application Examples ..................................................................16 6 - Solving ACOPY2 Connection Problems ......................................19 7 - Appendix ......................................................................................20 Changing the ISDN Service .................................................................................................................20
8 - Customer Services ........................................................................21
1 - Introduction ACOPY2 is a file transfer program by Eicon Technology working that uses CAPI 1.1 or 2.0 (Common ISDN Application Programming Interface). ACOPY2 is installed automatically during the installation of the Eicon Technology drivers that you need for your Eicon Technology ISDN adapter. ACOPY2 offers a save option for simple and quick data transfer of large files at a high speed (about 60 kbps or 7.5 KBps). Eicon Technology provides ISDN drivers for DOS, OS/2, Windows 3.x, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95/98, and Windows NT. You can use ACOPY2 with all these operating systems. ACOPY2 is a command-line program. To use ACOPY2 with Windows 3.x, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95/98, or Windows NT you have to open a DOS box (see figure below). For OS/2 ACOPY2 is available in an OS/2 windows.
Start ACOPY2 from the directory in which your Eicon Technology drivers are installed. As ACOPY2 uses its own connection protocol, both sides of the connection have to use ACOPY2 for file transfer. One side has to be configured as server and the other as requester (see figure below). The ACOPY2 requester can then access the server either in Command-line mode on page 10 or in Online Mode on page 11.
ACOPY Server
ACOPY Requester
acopy|acopy2 /serve
acopy|acopy2 /dir #05145551212:
ACOPY2 User’s Guide ◆ Page 4
With the command line mode, the connection is established each time a command is issued. After execution of the command, the connection is closed automatically. With the online mode, the ISDN connection is established and stays open until it is closed with another command. Thus, you can send commands directly to the ACOPY2 server. A timer closes the connection automatically two minutes after the last operation if you haven’t closed it before with the corresponding command. The ACOPY2 Server and ACOPY2 Requester offer following features:
Copy files to, or from, the remote server via a command line
Remote control of PCs with the commands dir, md, rd, and del that are available at the remote PC.
ACOPY/ACOPY2 There are two versions of the ACOPY2 tool which offer identical features:
ACOPY which is based on CAPI 1.1 (only DOS and OS/2)
ACOPY2 which is based on CAPI 2.0 (Windows 3.x, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95/98, and Windows NT)
To use ACOPY/ACOPY2 ensure that either CAPI 1.1 or CAPI 2.0 is available after installation of the Eicon Technology drivers. The commands and features of ACOPY and ACOPY2 are identical. The only difference is in the naming of the program. Thus, start all commands for ACOPY with acopy and for ACOPY2 with acopy2. For clarity, this guide refers only to ACOPY2. With a few noted exceptions, ACOPY can be used simply by entering acopy instead of acopy2.
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2 - About this manual How to use this online guide •
To view a section, click the corresponding bookmark located on the left.
To view a topic that contains further information, click on the corresponding blue underlined phrase.
You may wish to print out the pages describing the ACOPY2 commands.
Structure of the online manual In this guide, you will find information on the use of the file transfer program ACOPY/ACOPY2. This guide is structured as follows: Chapter
Information on the general functionality of ACOPY2.
Standard Applications
Commonly-used applications for ACOPY2.
Extended Functionality
The extended functionality of ACOPY2 refers to the password functionality of the ACOPY2 server and to the ACOPY2 server in the background that is offered in combination with some active ISDN adapters for DOS.
Application Examples
Application examples to help you use ACOPY2.
Solving ACOPY2 Connection Problems
Information on ACOPY2 error messages.
Here you will find the information you need to change the type of ISDN service when using ACOPY2.
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About this manual
Syntax of the Guide The following syntax is used for the description and execution of ACOPY2 commands: Syntax
All ACOPY2 commands are in this typeface.
All commands or indications that must be entered exactly as written are in bold.
Variables that must be included with a command are written in angled brackets “< >”. These are alphanumeric. Variables are explained separately in the guide.
Options are written in “[ ]“. These might be variables (such as MSN) or chains of signs.
Alternative options or variables are represented with a vertical line between them.
The DOS command to copy files would be represented like this: copy [] [][] NOTE: When entering the commands be sure to enter spaces, slashes “/” and backslashes “\” exactly as indicated. NOTE: Some commands in the manual are split onto two lines for space reasons. You should enter all commands on one line, without pressing return until the end of the command.
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3 - Standard Applications ACOPY2 server The PC that will function as the ACOPY2 server must be equipped with an ISDN adapter and protocol software. It must have installed either CAPI 1.1 (for ACOPY) or CAPI 2.0 (for ACOPY2). To set up an ACOPY2 server, enter the following command: acopy|acopy2 /serve A description of the options is given below: Option
This parameter specifies the ISDN number (OAD, or Origination ADdress — see the example below) of the ACOPY2 server. The number may have up to 20 digits. or Enter the MSN (Multiple Subscriber Number when using the Euro ISDN protocol) with which the ACOPY2 server can be reached. If you do not enter the MSN, all incoming calls are accepted regardless of the dialed MSN or /o* subaddress. If both sides support subaddressing, you can also indicate the subaddress separated by an “*”.
This parameter specifies the controller number of the adapter which will run ACOPY2. The controller only needs to be specified if you have installed an Eicon Technology Quadro adapter or several ISDN adapters in the same PC. For CAPI 1.1, the first controller loaded is controller 0. For CAPI 2.0, the first controller loaded is controller 1.
This parameter specifies the packet size. The default packet size is 128 Byte. Only needed in special cases.
This parameter is used to set the data transfer rate to 56 kbps. Some switches in the USA are still using 56 kbps instead of 64 kbps. Use this option if you need to connect at 56 kbps.
This parameter specifies the file in which user names and passwords are stored for restricted access to the ACOPY server (see Configuring Password Protection on page 13).
This parameter enables you to stop the ACOPY2 server operation of the PC. (q=quit).
Example: c:\isdn\acopy2 /serve[/o] When the ACOPY2 server is set up correctly, the following message appears: OAD = Waiting for request from remote station Enter ’q’ to terminate server operation The PC is now a dedicated ACOPY2 server. ACOPY2 User’s Guide ◆ Page 8
Standard Applications
ACOPY2 server with DOS With DOS, the ACOPY2 server as standard application that functions only in the foreground. That means, as long as the PC is set up as ACOPY2 server, it is only ACOPY2 server and nothing else. Only when you stop ACOPY2 server operation with q, can it be used for other applications again.
ACOPY2 server with OS/2 With OS/2, you can have an ACOPY2 server running in the background. Open an OS/2 command-line window, and start the ACOPY2 server with the command: Detach ACOPY2 /serve Or you can start the ACOPY2 server as above in an OS/2 command-line window and put this window into the background.
ACOPY2 server with Windows 95/98 or Windows NT With Windows 95/98 or Windows NT, you can start the ACOPY2 server in a DOS window and thus have it running in the background automatically.
ACOPY2 server with Windows 3.x With Windows 3.x, you can start the ACOPY2 server in a DOS window and thus have the ACOPY2 server running in the background. To do this, the following additional configuration steps are required: 1
Under Windows 3.x, the DOS utility SHARE.EXE must be loaded in AUTOEXEC.BAT. Under Windows for Workgroups 3.11, VSHARE.386 must be loaded as a device in SYSTEM.INI.
The virtual CAPI driver for Windows VCAPID.386 must be loaded in the SYSTEM.INI under Windows (refer to the Online manual describing the DOS driver installation).
The DOS box must be set up for background operation. Use the Windows PIF editor to open DOSPRMPT.PIF and select “Background.” Consult your Windows documentation for further information on using the PIF editor.
Now you can start the ACOPY2 server in a DOS window and put the window into the background.
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Standard Applications
ACOPY2 requester With the ACOPY2 requester, any PC with an installed ISDN adapter can access a PC set up as ACOPY2 server. Either CAPI 1.1 (for ACOPY) or CAPI 2.0 (for ACOPY2) must be installed. The ACOPY2 requester can be used in Command-line mode on page 10 or in Online Mode on page 11.
Command-line mode To issue a command-line mode instruction, use following syntax: acopy2 [Options] NOTE: When you are using CAPI 1.1, enter acopy instead of acopy2! Following instructions are available in command-line mode: Instruction
acopy2 /?
Display on-line help
acopy2 /num #
Indicates local ISDN number
acopy2 #:[:\][\]
Send file/s
acopy2 #:[:\][\]
Copy file/s to local directory
acopy2 /dir #:[:\][\][]
Display directory on the server
acopy2 /md #:[:\][\]
Create directory on the server
acopy2 /rd #:[:\][\]
Delete directory on the server
acopy2 /del #:[:\][\][]
Delete file/s on the server
NOTE: Some commands in the manual are split onto two lines for space reasons. You should enter all commands on one line, without pressing return until the end of the command. A description of the options is given below: Options
With this parameter you indicate the ISDN number (OAD=Origination ADdress) of the ACOPY2 requester. The number may have up to 20 digits. or Enter the MSN (Multiple Subscriber Number when using the Euro ISDN /o* protocol) of the ACOPY2 requester. If you do not enter the MSN no MSN will be transferred. This could cause problems when being connected to a PBX which needs the indication of MSNs. If both sides support subaddressing, you can also indicate the subaddress separated by an “*”. /o
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Standard Applications
The controller number of the adapter which will run the ACOPY2 requester. The controller only needs to be specified if you have installed an Eicon Technology Quadro adapter or several ISDN adapters in the same PC. For CAPI 1.1, the first controller loaded is controller 0. For CAPI 2.0, the first controller loaded is controller 1.
The default packet size is 128 Byte. With the /p parameter you can change the size (only needed in special cases).
/s (ACOPY)
With this parameter you can change the ISDN service. Refer to theAppendix on page 20 for reasonable values for the SI (Service Indicator) when using ACOPY or the CIP value when using ACOPY2.
or /s (ACOPY2)
Note: This option may be useful for test purposes of a connection if no server is available or if ISDN services have to be found out. Thus, a telephone can be called in order to simulate the establishment of a connection (see Application Examples on page 16).
The variables [:\][\][ or ] or [:\] are to be used in the same way as the corresponding DOS commands dir, md, rd and del.
Online Mode The ACOPY2 requester can also be used in online mode. For the online mode, an ISDN connection is established and maintained until it is cancelled with the off command. Thus, you can send commands directly to the ACOPY2 server. A timer will cancel the connection two minutes after the last operation, if the connections is not cancelled by means of the off command. To initiate the online mode, enter the following: ACOPY2 [options] /on # For the online mode, you can use the same options as for the command-line mode. Following instructions are available in online mode: Instruction
copy #:
Send file/s
copy #:
Copy file/s
dir #:[:\][\]
Display directory on server
md #:[:\]
Create directory on server
rd #:[:\]
Delete directory on server
del #:[:\][\]
Delete file/s on server
Disconnection of connection to ACOPY2 server
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Standard Applications
NOTE: If you use the command acopy /on to choose a subdirectory of the ACOPY2 server, you cannot display or access a higher-level directory. For example, if a requester dials into the directory C:\public\, he cannot switch to the directory C:\.
Online-Mode using a command file ACOPY2 commands can be executed from a DOS text file. This command file can contain any command that can be issued at the command-line. The command use the command file is: ACOPY2 /on #: < In the command file, you specify all the commands you want to be executed on the server. The command file is a ASCII text file, and has the form of the following example: copy *.* copy *.* copy #:isdnapi.exe c:\isdn\update\*.* off With the above command file, several files from the ACOPY2 server are copied to the local PC.
Send messages to the ACOPY2 server You can send messages directly to the screen of the ACOPY server. For example: ACOPY2 hello.txt #:con The above command sends a local ASCII text file with the name hello.txt directly to the screen of the ACOPY2 server. You can also send messages by typing the text directly. To do so, enter the following command: ACOPY2 con #:con Then, type the text you want to send to the ACOPY2 server. You can send the entry by typing [ctrl]+[Z] twice followed by [Return]. The text is displayed on the screen of the ACOPY2 server. These commands can only be applied by connection to an ACOPY2 server in the foreground.
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4 - Extended Functionality Configuring Password Protection Access to individual directories on the ACOPY2 server can be restricted by the use of user names and passwords. To do so, user names and passwords have to be listed in a configuration file on the ACOPY2 server (see Server Configuration File on page 13). The ACOPY2 requester must enter the user name and password as part of the request command (see Requester password indication on page 14).
Server Configuration File Create the configuration file with the MS-DOS editor or a comparable editor. Each line must have the following structure: :\\
Special characters are not allowed.
The configuration file may have up to 99 lines.
The password may have up to 8 characters.
When the user gains access a restricted directory, he can also access all higher-level directories. He only has to know the name of the directories, as he cannot display them with the command /dir. NOTE: If the first entry has a backslash as user name, the requestor can have read-only access to the directory indicated in the path without specifying a user name or password: acopy2 /dir #:*.* But if the requestor needs read and write access to the directory, the request command must include the user name and password: acopy2 /dir #:\c:\public\*.* change NOTE: Files that are marked as “Read only” under DOS cannot be modified even with write-access. This is an example of a configuration file: \
When setting up the ACOPY2 server, use the /u command to specify the name of the configuration file (see /u on page 8).
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Extended Functionality
Requester password indication Following commands are available when accessing protected directories in command-line mode: Instruction
ACOPY2 #: \[:\][\]
Send file/s
ACOPY2 #:\[:\] [\]
Copy file/s to local directory
ACOPY2 /dir #:\[:\] [\]
Display directory on the server
ACOPY2 /md #:\[:\]
Create directory on the server
ACOPY2 /rd #:\[:\]
Delete directory on the server
ACOPY2 /del #:\[:\] [\]
Delete file/s on the server
You can use the same options as for standard applications. NOTE: Some commands in the manual are split onto two lines for space reasons. You should enter all commands on one line, without pressing return until the end of the command.
ACOPY2 server in the background ACOPY2 can offer the functionality of a background server under DOS. It requires an active Eicon ISDN adapter with sufficient memory space (not DIVA Server or DIVA adapter). The ACOPY2 background server runs completely on the ISDN adapter. To have this functionality available, an additional driver must be installed during installation of the DOS drivers. Furthermore, a task must be loaded in the memory of the ISDN adapter. This task functions without CAPI, as it is controlled completely by the processor of the ISDN adapter. The PC keeps its normal DOS functionality. To be able to load this task, you must use Eicon Technology DOS driver version 5.02 (refer also to the online manual of DOS drivers for server cards).
Setting up the ACOPY2 background server The following drivers must be loaded in the AUTOEXEC.BAT to activate the ACOPY2 background server: Command SHARE.EXE
Description The program SHARE.EXE is included with MS-DOS version 5.0 and up. The program allows parallel access to data for different applications.
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Extended Functionality
The supplied DOS background driver, ISDNIO.EXE, organizes the access to the file system of the PC in the background. By installing SHARE.EXE, this driver operates independently of file operations in the foreground.
When starting the ACOPY2 background server the supplied file ASERVE.X is loaded on the adapter with the task command. The task organizes the access to different directories of the PC.
Load the protocol drivers on the adapter with the load command. For example: c:\isdn\load te_ c:\dos\share.exe c:\isdn\isdnio.exe [-a] c:\isdn\task [] aserve.x ASERVE [/c=] [/l=] [/o=] [/r=] A description of the options is given below: Option
Description The memory address of the adapter
/c= The name of the configuration file. In the configuration file, user name and passwords are entered with the corresponding directories. /l=
With this parameter, you can define a log file in which all protocol calls are recorded.
With this parameter, you define your own ISDN number (OAD=Origination ADdress) for the ACOPY2 background server. If no number is defined, all incoming calls are accepted.
The default packet size is 128 bytes. With the /p parameter you can change the size (only needed in special cases).
This parameter is used to set the data transfer rate to 56 kbps. Some switches in the USA are still using 56 kbps instead of 64 kbps so that you might need to transfer data at 56 kbps with these switches.
Below is an example of what has to be edited in the AUTOEXEC.BAT in order to set up an ACOPY2 background server: c:\dos\share.exe c:\isdn\load 7 10 te_etsi c:\isdn\isdnio -a7 c:\isdn\task 7 aserve.x ASERVE /c=\isdn\aserve.cfg /l=\isdn\aserve_1.log /o=4 c:\isdn\task 7 aserve.x ASERVE /c=\isdn\aserve.cfg /l=\isdn\aserve_2.log /o=4
NOTE: This example sets up two ACOPY2 background servers so that server operation can be run in parallel on both B channels.
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5 - Application Examples Starting an ACOPY2 server Your site has the ISDN numbers: 33444-22, -23 and -24. The server is meant to be called at -24. acopy2 /serve /o24 When the server was started successfully you will get the following message: OAD = 24 Waiting for request from remote station Enter ’q’ to terminate server operation You can stop server operation by pressing q.
Display the own ISDN number The example that follows shows you how to call an ACOPY2 server to confirm or display your own ISDN number. Suppose your ISDN site has the numbers: 22516-22, -23 and -24. You call an ACOPY2 server with the OAD (Origination ADdress) 22: acopy2 #: /num /o22 You get the following message: OAD = 22 ... calling station: 2251622 If you do not know the exact number of your own site, you can try from 0 to 9 for the last digit to find the range of ISDN numbers your connection is configured for. In most cases ISDN numbers are differentiated by the last digit. Your exact number is especially important if your PC is run behind a PBX and if this PBX has allocated the different ISDN services to special OADs. If you are using the Euro-ISDN D channel protocol you should enter the complete OAD (ISDN number + MSN or subaddress without dialling code) if you are directly connected to a BRI and only the MSN or subaddress if you are connected to a PBX.
Display the directories of an ACOPY2 server To call an ACOPY2 server and have the root directory displayed, enter the following: c:\isdn\acopy /dir #:*.*
Get, send or delete file/s (Standard Applications) The example that follows describes how to perform several common file-manipulation tasks. Suppose that on an ACOPY2 server the file image.txt is stored in directory c:\test\draft\.
First, check if the file exists (1).
Then, get the file (2). ACOPY2 User’s Guide ◆ Page 16
Application Examples
Then, after the file has been changed, store it with the name image.doc in another directory called c:\doc\ (3).
If you want to remove the draft of the document, delete the file image.txt (4) and then delete the directory \draft (5).
(1) acopy2 /dir #:c:\test\draft\*.* (2) acopy2 #:c:\test\draft\image.txt *.* (3) acopy2 image.doc #:c:\doc\*.* (4) acopy2 /del #:c:\test\draft\image.txt (5) acopy2 /rd #:c:\test\draft
Get, send or delete files on a protected ACOPY2 server (extended functionality) The example that follows describes how to perform several common file-manipulation tasks using password protection. Suppose that on an ACOPY2 server, there is a file called image.txt which is stored in the directory c:\user\office\draft\. As the whole directory structure is not to be known by individual users, and each user only may access his path, everything is protected with user names and passwords.
First, check if the file exists (1).
Then, get the file (2).
Then, after the file has been changed, store it with the name image.doc in another directory called c:\user\office\doc\ (3).
If you want to remove the draft of the document, delete the file image.txt (4) and then delete the directory \draft (5).
(1) acopy2 /dir #:joe\draft\*.* loreena (2) acopy2 #:joe\draft\image.txt *.* loreena (3) acopy2 image.doc #:joe\doc\*.* loreena (4) acopy2 /del #:joe\draft\image.txt loreena (5) acopy2 /rd #:joe\draft loreena Below is the contents of the configuration file of the ACOPY2 server: joe c:\user\office loreena mickey c:\user\software\ minnie ... The user has the user name joe.
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Application Examples
Connection test without server as remote contact It is possible to test the functionality of an installed ISDN adapter (and the CAPI interface) even if no ACOPY2 server is available. This method uses the ISDN telephone. By modifying the ISDN service to telephony service and using the number of this telephone, the establishment of a connection can be simulated. This way, the functioning of the ISDN switch, the adapter, and CAPI can be tested. (ACOPY2 will generate an error message during. Ignore it.) Use the following commands: acopy /dir /s1,1 #:*.* Or: acopy2 /dir /s1 #:*.* If the telephone rings, answer the call quickly and put the receiver down again. The test was successful. If the telephone does not ring, there is a problem with the connection.
Using ACOPY2 on more than one Controller When using ACOPY2 with several installed ISDN adapters, or an Eicon Technology Quadro adapter with 4 ISDN controllers, you may need to choose the controller that is connected to the ISDN BRI. This selection is also necessary if only one BRI interface is available but all controllers have to be tested one after the other for functionality. NOTE: For this, you need to know that, under CAPI 2.0, the controllers are numbered from 1-4 and, under CAPI 1.1, they are numbered from 0-3. When using several ISDN adapters (up to 4), the adapter that has been loaded first is counted as first controller. The following is an example for a Quadro adapter which is to be tested at an ISDN connection. The lowest ISDN interface (the first controller) is used first. After each ACOPY2 request, plug the cable into the next interface. In this example, ACOPY2 is used, and the controllers are numbered from 1-4. acopy2 /dir /c1 #:*.* acopy2 /dir /c2 #:*.* acopy2 /dir /c3 #:*.* acopy2 /dir /c4 #:*.*
ACOPY2 User’s Guide ◆ Page 18
6 - Solving ACOPY2 Connection Problems Calls to an ACOPY2 server may fail with an error such as the following: Layer 1 Error/check cable/NT This is a general error message that means that the outgoing call is not cannot be completed. Check the following:
Is your ISDN adapter connected correctly?
Is your ISDN connection enabled by your ISDN service provider?
There might be multiple causes for error messages. When you get any other message, check also the following:
Is data service available at your site?
If you are connected to a PBX check the following:
Is data service available at your site?
Are you permitted to make calls outside a closed user group?
Do outgoing calls at your site require prefix routing codes?
Do you need to indicate your own OAD (Origination ADdress)?
Ask the technician responsible for your PBX. To check the initialization of a connection, generate a trace with one of the following tools: DITRACE, XLOG and/or DILOG.You can thus check the protocol signals of your ISDN connection. Refer also to the online manuals of the different software solutions.
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7 - Appendix Changing the ISDN Service If you want to change the ISDN service while working with ACOPY|ACOPY2, you have to specify for ACOPY2 the corresponding Service Indicator and for ACOPY2 the corresponding CIP-Value. To do so, us the parameter /s or /s as described under ACOPY2 requester on page 10.
Service Indicator (ACOPY) Refer to the following table to see which service indicator offers which ISDN service (Service Indicator - Bearer Capability) for ACOPY: SI
Telephony 3,1 kHz
Telephony analog
Dataservice 64 kbps
CIP-Values (ACOPY2) Refer to the following table to see which CIP value offers which ISDN service for ACOPY2: CIPValue
BC BC (Europe) (Japan, USA)
80 90 a3
80 90 a2
unrestricted digital information
88 90
88 90
3,1 kHz Audio
90 90 a3
90 90 a2
7 kHz Audio
91 90
91 90
unrestricted digital information with tones
90 a5
90 a5
Telephony (according to CIP1)
80 90 a3
80 90 a2
91 81
Facsimile Group 2/3 (according to CIP4)
90 90 a3
90 90 a2
91 84
Facsimile Group 4 Class 1 (according to CIP2)
88 90
88 90
91 a1
Facsimile Group 4 Classes II and III (according to CIP2)
88 90
88 90
91 a4
7 kHz Telephony (according to CIP9)
90 a5
90 a5
91 81
ACOPY2 User’s Guide ◆ Page 20
8 - Customer Services To obtain technical support for Eicon products, contact either Eicon Technology or your Eicon Technology supplier as indicated below. Please note that in some regions you can save time and long-distance charges by sending a description of your situation by fax. Customer Services personnel will then call you to provide a solution or to request additional information. In the United States, Central and South America, Western Canada (Manitoba westward), and the Atlantic Provinces (New Brunswick eastward), call our Dallas office at 972-417-5515 or send a fax marked “Attn.: Customer Services” to 972-417-5610. In Eastern Canada (Ontario and Quebec), call our Montreal office at 514-745-5577 and ask for Customer Services, or send a fax marked “Attn.: Customer Services” to 514-745-5502. In Europe, Russia, Iceland, Africa, and the Middle East, contact your Eicon Technology supplier. In these Asian and Pacific countries, call our Sydney office at +61-2-9919-7200 and ask for Customer Services, or send a fax marked “Attn.: Customer Services” to +61-2-9929-6300: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. In any other region, contact the office or supplier closest to your location.
World Wide Web Information about Eicon Technology products and services—including documentation and software updates—is available from our web site at You can also visit our ISDN site, where you can pick up plenty of information concerning ISDN.
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