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Ad1475a Duoquad Multiplexer Installation And Operating Instructions




Model ADl475A DuoQuad Multiplexer Installation and Operating Instructions The 1475A DuoQuad Multiplexer combines a high-performancequad multiplexer, a multi-function video switcher, a quad playback expander, and a programmable microprocessor conmi unit in one single rack-height enclosure. Tbc sequential switcher inserts the video input number and an 8-character, user-entered camera identification on each video input. It provides user-programmable displays of these camera inputs on both a Quad and Call output and manual or automatic alarm callup to the Call output. An aptional add-on, 1475ADTC adds the datdtime to the on-screen displays and provides RS-232remote control. On-screen menus are provided for setup of all user-programmable functions. The softwardilrmware furnished with this equipment is confldential to and is copyrighted by AMERICAN DYNAMICS. It is not to be copied or disclosed in any manner without the express written consent of AMERICAN DYNAMICS. The softwardfirmware is furnished to th purchaser under a license for use on a single system. Inlormation hvnlshed by AMERICAN DYNAMICS k believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by AMERICAN DYNAMICS for its use; nor for any infringements of other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license & gnnted by implications or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of AMERICAN DYNAMICS. AMERICAN DYNAMICS The installation of this product should be made by qualified service personnel and should conform to all local codes. CAUTION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons. ! CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVERS (OR BACK) . NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL WARNING To reduce the risk of fire or shock hazard, do not expose this product to rain or moisture. This product generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this product does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the product off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: )- Reorient the product. )- Relocate the product with respect to the receiver. )- Move the product away from the receiver. )- Plug the product into a different outlet so that the ) product and receiver are on different branch circuits. ! The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product. UNPACKING AND INSPECTION Unpack carefully. This is an electronic product and should be handled as such. Compare the items received with the packing list with your order. Be sure to save: 1. The shipping cartons and insert pieces. They are the safest material in which to make future shipments of the product. 2. The IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS sheet. 3. These Installation and Operating Instructions. ) MAINTENANCE User maintenance of this unit is limited to external cleaning and inspection. For specific recommendations refer to the IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS sheet packaged with this product. INSTALLATION AND SERVICE If you require information during installation of this product or if service seems necessary, contact the American Dynamics Repair and Service Department at (800) 442-2225. You must obtain a Return Authorization Number and shipping instructions before returning any If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an product for service. experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. The user may find the following bookket Do not attempt to service this product yourself. Opening or prepared by the Federal Communications Commission removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltages or helpful: "How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified personnel. Interference Problems." This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC QA303C 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4. Table of Contents page System Description ........................................ 1 Installation...................................................... 2 Operation........................................................6 Setup............................................................... 8 Remote Control .............................................. 11 1475A System Description SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Alarm features established at setup include: The 1475A DuoQuad Multiplexer can be configured in several ways. Hookup instructions for four of the most common configurations are detailed in the Installation Section. Setup and operating procedures follow and are common to all configurations. Alarm inputs are individually defined at setup as NormallyOpen, Normally-Closed,or Disabled. Alarm Clearance is defined as: Instant: Clears each alarm when its alarm input is deactivated. Delay: Holds each alarm for 20 seconds after the alarm input is deactivated. Acknowledge: Holds each alarm until acknowledged. 1475A FEATURES A password-protected setup program with on-screen menus is used to enter all user setups. The password can be disabled. Sequencing of the Quad display with the full-screen displays of alarmed cameras. Quad and Call outputs. Automatic Freeze of a Quad picture at the instant of the first alarm and display of this frozen Quad while the alarm is active. On-screen displays including camera number and user-entered titles of eight alphanumerics. Terminated or looping video inputs. Vertical lock to Camera 1 or the AC line. User setup of full-screen camera sequences on the Call Monitor. The Quad display m y be included and dwell times defined. Optional 1475ADTC adds: Manual Freeze instantly Ereezes the Quad display. On-screen DateKie display with US or European date format and 24-hour time format. The Daterme display m y be disabled. Manual Call-up of cameras full screen or the Quad display to the Call output. RS-232 remote control. Video Loss Detection - On video loss, the words "VIDEO L O S S blink adjacent to lost camera number. Automatic Alarm Call-up of full-screen display of alarmed cameras to the Call output when the corresponding alarm inputs are activated. Multiple alanns are sequenced. UL Listed (uL1409 Low Voltage Video Products). 1 1475A Installation MOUNTING Tabletop and rack-mount models are available and may be mounted in a convenient location near associated monitors. Tabletop models are 1.88” high and 1’l”wide. Rack-mount models are denoted with the suffix R and are designed for use in standard EIA 19” racks and are 1.75” high and 1 9 wide. Avoid heat sources or poorly ventilated racks. Operating temperatures must be held within a reasonable range to ensure proper operation. Consult factory for further details. LEFT (75) - Connects the video from the lower- numbered BNC to the higher-numbered BNC for display in both Quads A and B. This input is terminated. The higher-numbered BNC is not usable. RIGHT (HZ)- Same as LEFT but not terminated. The highernumbered BNC must be looped to properly terminated external video devices. Video Outputs All connections are made on the rear panel. Two Video Out BNCs, CALL and QUAD, are used for video inputs to monitors, VCRs, etc. Each must be terminated at the end of the cable run. Video Cabling Alarm Inputs connectiom Use a good grade of 75-0hm coaxial cable such as Belden 8241 Inputs (“closures” or “opens” to ground) to ALARMS or equivalent with BNC connectors. Video Inputs connections 1 thru 8 from user-supplied alarm devices call the corresponding Video Input. “Closures”must have a resistance of 500 ohms or less; “opens” a resistance of 100,ooO ohms or more. Twisted pair may be used for wiring from the alarm devices. Four pairs of BNC connectors (1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8) are used for Alarm Output video inputs. The camera connected to a BNC is automatically Two RLY connections access a relay which closes during alarms assigned tbe corresponding on-screen camera number. for activation of a VCR or other device. Relay contacts are for low-level control circuitry only. Video Inputs 1 thru 4 are displayed in Quad A. Video Inputs 5 thru 8 are displayed in Quad B. Power &Position Slide Switch A 3-position slide switch located under each video-input pair configures the pair in one of three ways. Each pair of BNC connectors is associated with one quadrant and each slide switch is associated only with the pair of connectors directly above the switch. CENTER (75-75) - Terminates each input in 75 ohms and makes them independent video inputs. The Model Number and operating voltage are shown on the rear panel. Connect the appended 3-wire cord to the required power source. 1475A and 1475- models require 120V, 60 Hz. 1475AX and 1475ARX models require 220/240V, 50 Hz. 120V, 50 Hz and 24OV, 60 Hz combinations are possible by alternate internaljumper positions. Consult factory for details. 1475A Video and Alarm Connections VIDEO AND ALARM CONNECTIONS 8-Camera Configuration &Camera Configuration Cameras 1 thru 4 are displayed in Quad A. Cameras 1 thru 4 are displayed in Quad A. Cameras 5 thru 8 are displayed in Quad B. Quad Monitor Quad Monitor Call Monitor I Quad A Call Monitor I ! DuoQuad Sequence of Quad A and Quad B Connections Connections 1. Connect up to 4 video sources to BNC inputs 1,2,3 and 4. 1. Connect up to 8 video sources to BNC inputs 1 thru 8. 2. Set the slide switches to the left position if the signals are terminated at the DuoQuad and to the right if the signal is looped to another video device (which must be terminated). 2. Set all slide switches to the center position. This terminates all eight inputs at the DuoQuad. 3. If only one monitor is being used, it should be connected to the Call output and terminated at the monitor. If two monitors are used, connect one to the Call output, which can be used as a sequence monitor, and one to the Quad output, which always presents the Quad fonnat. Both video outputs must be terminated at the monitors. 3. If only one monitor is being used, it should be connected to the CaU output and terminated at the monitor. If two monitors are used, connect one to the Call output, which can be used as a sequence monitor, and one to the Quad output, which always presents the Quad format. Both video outputs must be terminated at the monitors. 4. Using the factory-supplied cable, connect Alarm Ground Closures to Alarm Inputs 1, 2, 3, and 4. The contact returns 4. Using the factory-supplied cable, connect Alarm Ground Closures to Alarm Inputs 1 thru 8. The contact returns should should all return to the ground pin (pin 9) of the Alarm Connector. Connect alarming devices to the normally-open Form A relay contacts labeled Relay Contacts 1 and 2. all return to the ground pin (pin 9) of the Alarm Connector. Connect alarming devices to the noxmally-open Form A relay contacts labeled Relav Contacts I and 2. 3 1475A Video and Alarm Connections 5- to 7-Camera Configuration If less than 8 video sources are used and you do not wish to have a blank screen in one of the Quads, or you wish to see one or more high-priority cameras continuously, the following configuration can be used. Quad Monitor Call Montior 1. Connect 4 video sources to BNC 1 thru 4 and the remaining sources to any of the other video inputs. 2. Where there are two video inputs associated with a pair, set the slide switch to the center. Where there is one video input associated with a pair, set the slide switch to the left. The video inputs with the slide switch in the left position will appear on both Quads A and B and will not sequence. 3. If only one monitor is being used, it should be connected to the Call output and terminated at the monitor. If two monitors are used, connect one to the Cail output, which can be used as a sequence monitor, and one to the Quad output, which always presents the Quad format. Both video outputs must be terminated at the monitors. Camera #1 in Both Quad A and Quad B 4. Using the factory-supplied cable, connect Alarm Ground Closures to Alarm Inputs for each video input. The contact returns should all return to the ground pin (pin 9)of the Alann Connector. Connect alarming devices to the nomall y-open Form A relay contacts labeled Relay Contacts 1 and 2. Sequences two cameras in any quadrant of a Quad display while displaying cameras continuously in the remaining quadrants. Connections Four pairs of BNC C O M ~ C ~ O ~(1-5,243-7,4-8) S are used for video inputs. The camera connected to a BNC is automatically assigned the corresponding on-screen camera number. Each pair of BNC connectors is associated with one quadrant and each slide switch is associated only with the pair of connectors directly above the switch. 4 1475A Internal Setups INTERNAL SETUPS Due to the presence of non-insulated components with hazardous voltages, the following internal adjustments are to be performed by qualified service personnel only. J33 reduces the color subcarrier interference from Video Inputs Color Filters 2,6,4,8. 1, 5,3,7. J32 reduces the color sub-carrier interference from Video Inputs See jumper locations in layout drawing below. Do not move any other jumpers as serious damage could result. Jumpers J32,33 The 1475A system does not pass color signals on the Quad output. In order to use signals from color cameras as the input to the DuoQuad, it may be necessary to reduce the color sub-carrier Vertical Lock interference. Internal filters are provided and may be activated by Jumper J55 moving internal jumpers. These filters do not affect color signals on a full-men Call output. The factory setting of these jumpers The video output of the DuoQuad can be vertically locked to is for black and white cameras. either the AC line or to Video Input 1. As shipped, it is locked to the AC line. It can be locked to Video Input I by moving the SYNC jumper (J55) located on the PCB. See layout below. n 0 0 I17 CI n n U U L ) Sll Sl@ 311 n PI 113 O 31L 0 n U SlS n U Sle c1 U 114 0 0 - L ~ W E WCK LINE 5 on ro CAMERA 1 1475A General Operation GENERAL OPERATION Front Panel All optrator controls for the DuoQuad are located on the front panel and operate as follows: RUN Pushbutton: Alternate action that starts the RUN sequence on the Call Monitor or holds the currently-displayed camera on the Call Monitor. The pushbutton is lit while sequencing. Holding the RUN pushbutton for 3 seconds calls the Program Menu. When a sequence is running, an R is displayed in the second line of the camera titles. When not running, an H is displayed to signify that the sequence is on hold. . ONIOFF Rocker Switch push 1 for ON, red marker will appear on the top of the switch. Push 0 for off. SELECT PUSHBUTTONS 1-5, 2-6, 3-7,4-8: Each of these pusbbuttons calls a fullscreen display of the corresponding cameras to the Call Monitor. A L A R M S Pushbutton: Alternate action that enables or disables alarm action. Alarm action can be disabled only when no alarms are present. The pushbutton is lit when alarms are enabled. During alarm action, the Alarm pushbutton serves as an Acknowledge pushbutton. The button does not function when the unit is in VCR Expand mode. Ressed once will call the lower number camera. Pressed twice quickly will call the higher number camera. - Quad A/B: Calls, depending on setup, either: QUAD OPERATION 4 Cameras If Quad Display was defined as “Manual”in the Quad setup menu, an operator selection of: The system may be used with one or two monitors. If only one monitor is used. it should be the Call Monitor. The Call Monitor will display either Quad A when pushed once Quad B when pushed twice quickly DuoQuad wben held for 2 seconds. A sequence, defined at setup, of full-screen camera pictures with or without the defined Quad display. An operator-selected full-screen picture of any camem or the If Quad A only, or Quad B only, was selected in the Quad setup menu, only that Quad can be called. defmed Quad display. The Quad Monitor always shows the Quad display. FUNCTION PUSHBUTTONS - EXPAND Pushbutton: Alternate action that switches the DuoQuad in or out of the VCR Play-back mode. The pushbutton is lit when in the Expaad mode. No titles, text, or numerics are displayed when in the Expand mode. DUOQUAD OPERATION 8 Cameras Operation is identical to the Quad except: The Quad display is defined at setup as a DuoQuad sequence of Quad A and Quad B. FREEZE Pushbutton: Alternate action freezes the currently displayed Quad picture on both the Call and Quad Monitors or restores the real-time Quad display. The pushbutton is lit and an on-screen “FREEZE” alerts the operator that the Quad display is frozen. Cameras 1 thru 4 are displayed in Quad A. Cameras 5 thru 8 are displayed in Quad B. 6 1475A General Operation VIDEO LOSS DETECTIONS VCR PLAYBACK Loss of video to any input is detected. A blinking "VIDEO In playback operation, the DuoQuad is used with a Video LOSS" message is displayed in the appropriate quadrant of the Cassette Recorder and one or two monitors. The video input from Quad display and the corresponding quadfaat displays a blanked screen. The last picture received before the loss of video is stored in memory and may be retrieved by pressing the "FREEZE"pushbutton. a VCR Quad recording is first displayed on the monitor connected to the Call out-put. This monitor can also display any selected quadrant of the VCR recording expanded to full screen. The monitor connected to the Quad output always displays the selected quadrant expanded to full screen. ALARM ACTION VIDEO CONNECTIONS While alarm action is enabled, the Alarms push-button is lit and the '*' character appears in the bottom center of both the Call and Quad displays. When one ur more cameras are alarmed: VCR Input Connect a video cable from the VCR video output to the BNC connector VCR EXPAND. Tbe Alarms pushbutton will blink, whether or not alann action Video Outputs is enabled Connect video cables from the BNC connectors CALL and QUAD to the video inputs of the Call and Quad Monitors. These outputs must be terminated. The system may be used with one or 'Ibe Quad Monitor will display either the programmed Quad two monitors. If only one monitor is used, it should be the Call display or a Quad frozen at the fmt alann (the frozen Quad is Monitor to allow the flexibility of displaying either the VCR output or the expanded quadrant. identified on screen with "FREEZE'. The cameras are identified on screen by "A". The Call Monitor will display a full-screen picture of the alarmed camera or a sequence of multiple alarmed cameras. To Review a VCR Quad Recording: Alarm dwell time is fmed at 2 seconds. The programmed Quad display or frozen Quad m a y be set up to sequence with these 1. Turn the DuoQuad ON. full-screen pictures of alarmed cameras. 2. Push the DuoQuad EXPAND pushbutton to put the DuoQuad in VCR Playback mode. The pushbutton will light. Alarm clearance will be set up as: 3. Start the VCR and play the recording. Instmt: Clears when the alann input clears. The Call Monitor will display the VCR recording. The Quad Monitor will always display a quadrant of the VCR recording expanded to full screen. Delay: Holds alarm 20 seconds after alarm input clears. The Acknowledge button does not override or shorten the 20sccond delay. Ackaowledge: Holds alarms until acknowledged by pressing the Alarms pushbutton. If more than one alarm is present, or the Quad display is included in the alarm sequence, the Alarms 4. The SELECT pushbuttons, 1-5. 2-63-7,4-8,will now, when pressed momentarily, select the corresponding quadrants of button must be pressed while the alarmed camera to be cleared the VCR recording expanded to full screen for display. is being displayed on the Call Monitor in the alarm sequence. TEii allows the selective clearance of individual alarms as they 5. The QUAD A/B pushbutton will select the full-screen VCR arc being examined. recording or the expanded quadrant on the Call Monitor, leaving the selected expanded quadrant on the Quad Monitor. When alarms are cleared, the system returns to the operating mock prior to the alarm. 6. Push the EXPAND pushbutton momentarily to EXIT the VCR Playback Mode. The Alarms pushbutton flashes to indicate the presence of an alarm whether or not alarms are enabled. 7 t475A Setup INITIAL SETUP AND PROGRAMMING SECURITY OPTIONS As shipped, the 147519 is set to behave identically to the indushy The Security Options menu permits four steps. standard 1474, with the exception that it can accommodate eight inputs and has numeric camera ID and automatic sequencing. Front Panel - This enables/disables lockout of front panel The sequence rate is set at one second and alarm clearance is set pushbuttons. (+/-) toggles On or OFF. for DELAY with alarm contacts normally open. These factoryON = Front panel keys are enabled. set parameters and other features may be changed using a Setup OFF = Front panel keys are disabled, except the Mode with on-screen selection menus displayed on the Call RUN pushbutton can always re-enter password/ Monitor. The pushbuttons used with each menu are lit and programming and the ALARMS pushbutton can the pushbutton functions are shown on the bottom line of always acknowledge an alarm. each menu in the same order as the lit pushbuttons. Unit ID - Unit ID is applicable only when the 1475ADTC option is installed. SETUP MODE To enter the Setup Mode,exit EXPAND, if enabled, and press the RUN pushbutton until the SECURITY menu appears or the Establishes the address of each 1475A unit for RS-232 remote PASSWORD menu, if enabled. To exit the programming mode control purposes. Numbers 0 thru 9 may be assigned to address at any time, either step through the menus with the NEXT any unit. (Alarms)button, or press and hold NEXT for 2 seconds. Using the arrow pushbuttons, position the cursor at the Unit ID number and use the + and - pushbuttons to increment or decrement the number. - Password Enableddisables password protection. (+/-) toggles ON or OFF ON = Password enabled OFF = Password disabled New Password - To set a new password 1. Position the cursor at NEW PASSWORD. Pushbuttons 1 thru 8 entet Password numbers. 2. Press the plus (+) pushbutton. Enter four Password numbers by pressing the four appropriate pushbuttons. As shipped, this Password number is 8888. After the m e c t Password is entered, the SECURlTY OPTIONS menu 3. Enter four new numbers using the l i t pushbuttons corresponding to the numbers 1 thru 8. appears: 4. 5. Reenter the same four numbers using the lit push-buttons corresponding to the numbers 1 thru 8. The menu will indicate that the password bas been changed SECURITY OPTIONS FRONT PANEL O f T UNIT ID PASSWOAD N E W PASSWOAO - * + The word verify will appear on the menu. Select NEXT when all entries are displayed as desired to store the displayed entries, and advance to the CALL SEQUENCE menu. - NEXT 8 21 INCLUDE WM-YES t+++ 8 + - NEXT 1475A Setup CALL SEQUENCE The Call Sequence menu permits setting of the sequence, including dwell time, for cameras to be included on the Call Monitor. DweU - Sets the dwell time of the Quad display, if included in the Call Sequence, and the dwell time of each Quad display if in the A and B mode. Dwell times for this menu can be between 1 and 99. A dwell time of 0 is not available. Select NEXT when all entries are displayed as desired to store the displayed entries, and advance to the TITLES menu. To Change an Entry: TITLES 1. Move the cursor to the entry to be changed using the Left, Up, Down or Right arrow pushbuttons. 2. Numbers 1 thru 8: Entries made with the (+/-) buttons following these camera numbers set the dwell time for the corresponding Video Inputs for the RUN sequence on the Call Monitor. To enter on-screen titles for Video Inputs 1 thru 8, select the Titles menu using the arrow pushbuttons to position the cursor at Titles and press the Select pushbutton. I.. 1 thru 99: Adds the Video Input to the sequence with the corresponding dwell in seconds. 0: Skips the Video Input. CAMERA INPUT z........ 3........ 4........ 7........ a........ s........ a........ Include Quad: Adds or deletes the Quad display from the sequence on the Call Monitor. Use the (+/-I pushbutton to include or exclude the Quad display in the sequence. Select NEXT when all entries ike dis-piayed as desired to store the Using the arrow pushbuttons, position the cursor at the character to be changed and use the + and - pushbuttons to increment or displayed entries, and advance to the Quad Display menu. decrement the character. Available alphanumericsare: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZO 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 :(? ! ' )+-*/=I&, . Select NEXT when all entries are displayed as desired to store the displayed entries, and advance to the ALARMS menu. ALARMS ALARMS QUAD DISPLAY --- AUAWIN m m 7 e M/WC 00000000 CLEAR D FREEZE OUT Mode - Selects the Quad display as follows: SEO W A O OUT A ONLY: Selects Quad A only. +*$+ + - NEXT B ONLY: SelectsQuad B only. A AND B: Sequences Quad A and Quad B for the selected NO/NC: Displays the normal status of the alarm devices dwell time. connected to the Alarm Input for the alarm numbers 1-8 shown MANUAL: Allows the operator to manually select Quad A or above. Quad B or the DuoQuad using the Quad A/B pushbutton on * O = NodlyOpen the fmnt panel. Quad A is selected when the button is pushed C = Normally Closed once and Quad B is selected when pushed twice quickly. The X = Disabled - Alanns from this input ignored. Duo-Quad is selected when the pushbutton is held for 2 seconds. 9 1475A Setup Using the m w pushbuttons, position the cursor at the character TIME & DATE to be changed and use the + and - pushbuttons to increment or When the 1475ADTC option is installed, the time and date may decrement the character. be installed on the video monitors. To enter the time and date. select the TIME AND DATE menu using the arrow pushbuttons Clear: Defines the type of alarm clearance. to position the cursor at TIME & DATE and press the SELECT pushbutton I: Clears alarms when the alaxm input clears. D Holds alarms 20 seconds after the input clears. I A Holds alarms until acknowledged. Using the arrow pushbuttons, position the cursor at the CLEAR character and use the + and - pushbuttons to increment or decrement the charactex. TIUE 6 DATE DATE FORMAT US DATE UM-OD-YY T I M Hn: WFI: ss DISPLAY ON -- + - NEXT Freeze: Establishes whether a Quad display is or is not to be frozen at the moment of first alarm. IN = Frozen. OUT = Not Frozen DATE FORMAT: Defines U.S. (MM-DD-YY) or European (DD-MM-YY)date format. Using the arrow pushbuttons, position the cursor at the FREEZE character and use the + and - pushbuttons to increment or decnment the character. Establishes whether the Quad display, as programmed on the Sequences menu, is or is not sequenced with alanned cameras. Seq Quad: IN = Sequenced. OUT = Not Sequenced. Using the arrow pushbuttons, position the cursor at the SEQ QUAD character and use the + and - pushbuttons to increment or decrement the character. Select NEXT when all entries are displayed as desired to store the displayed entries, and advance to the TIME & DATE Menu. US = U.S. Format. EURO = European Format. Using the arrow pushbuttons, position the cursor at the DATE FORMAT characters and use the + and - pushbuttons to increment or decrement the format. DATE AND TIME: Using the arrow pushbuttons. position the cursor at the date or time character to be changed and use the + or - pushbuttons to increment or decrement the character. DISPLAY: The Datefliime display may be enabled or disabled by using the (+/-) pushbunon. Select NEXT when all entries are displayed as desired to store the displayed entries, and exit the Setup Mode. ON = Display On. OFF = Display Off. 10 1475A Remote Control This ID number, when transmitted following the connect code, directs control signals to the specified DuoQuad until a One or more DuoQuad, with the optional 1475ADTC add-on, disconnect code is received. may be controlled via RS-232 lines from a terminal or computer Remote control of a single DuoQuad requires only the using standard ASCII codes. transmission of "LO" followed by the K commands. The DuoQuad is software driven in real time at a baud rate of 1200. Table II ASCII Remote Control Codes Only the ASCII codes listed in Table I1 are honored (Spacesshown in ASCII Codes are only for clarity) REMOTE CONTROL - INSTALLATION RS-232 connections are made to the RS-232 8-pin modular phone jack on the rear panel. Pinouts are shown below in Table I. - Table I RS-232Connector Pinouts EinFunctionEioFunction 1 2 3 4 NC GND NC XMIT 5 6 7 8 Function c ~ ~ ~ t ~ u e w d Muitiple Du&uads Disconnect ASCIlCode LO LID# LA CALL: camera 1 Camera 2 Camera 3 camera4 RCD NC GND NC camera 5 Camera 6 Camera 7 Camera 8 Quad A+ Quad B As viewed from the rear of the DuoQuad, pin 1 is the rightmost coMection phone jack pin. The DuoQuad is DTE equipment, Direct RS-232 interconnections can be made over distances of RUN K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 KA KB HOLD KR KH FREEZE UNFREEZE KF KU See SETUP PROGRAMMING, OFTIONS menu. ENABLE ALARMS DISABLE ALARMS BAUD RATE ACKNOWLEDGE ALARMS KL KD KC The baud rate is fmed at 1200. EXPAND lo00 feet (330 m) or less. Beyond that distance, phone links and modems must be used SETUP EXITEXPAND KX KE UNIT IDENTIFICATION (ID) Remote control of multiple DuoQuads requires that each DuoQuad be identifted at setup with an ID number from 0 to 9 (0 to 8 when used with the 1475RT Remote Control Unit). As delivered, the DuoQuad is set to 0 which is the global response mode. The global response mode allows the DuoQuad to respond to commaods sent to any unit. * Or the Programmed Quad Display 11 . 1475A Remote Control PROGRAMMING NOTES FOR RS-232INTERFACE The command set far the machine is as noted in the manual. The commands should all be in upper case. The commands should be ASCII, PRELIMINARY REQUIREMENTS The communication parameters for the DuoQuad are %bit data word, no parity, 1 stop bit, 1200 Baud. There is no hardware or software handshaking. You only need a two-wire serial connection. ’IEe trausmit wire of your RS-232source should be connected to pin 5 of the DuoQuad modular jack, and pin 7 (ground) of your RS-232 s o u ~ c eshould be connected to pin 2 of the DuoQuad modular jack. The DuoQuad does not transmit any informationback to the con-trolling machine. Each command sent to the DuoQuad is a 2-character pair. For example, the command to switch to camera 3 is “K3”and the command to enter Expand mode is “W. LOGINMETEODG There are two login methods provided. In the unit login, you must fvst set your machine’s “Unit ID” using the Options menu in the Setup program. (The Unit ID as shipped is 0.) For this example, assume that the Unit ID has been set to 4. To begin controlling this DuoQuad, your program would send an ASCII “L” immediately followed by an ASCII “4”.At this point, your program can begin sending any “R’commands desired. When you want to stop sending commands to the machine. log out of the machine by sending ”LA”. The alternate login method is broadcast login. This method allows your program to control one DuoQuad without knowing its Unit ID, or to communicate to the RS-232lime. The broadcast login is an ASCII ”LO” immediately followed by tbe first “K” command. For example, to send a broadcast message for all Quads to switch to Camera 1, the ASCII character sequence would be ”LOK1”. When you want to stop sending commands in the broadcast mode,the logout is the same as in Unit ID addressing: log out of the machine by sending “LA. 12 - SPECIFICATIONS Sh: Dcsktog- 1.88"Hx 1O.FDx 1T'W (48 x 268 x 431 moll R r k M o ~ n t 1.75" H x 105" D x 19" W (45 x 268 x482 mm) - W W I : 10 Ibs (4.5 kg. rpplox.) An American Dynamics Product Designed and built by Sensormatic Video Systems Division One Blue Hill Plaza Pearl River, New York, 10965 Business: (845) 624-7600 Technical Support Center: 1-800-442-2225 FAX: (845) 624-7685 8000-0856-01,Revision A Juoe 1992