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Ak-cc25 E-spec




AK-CC25 Oct, 2015 Product Spec Sheet SSD/HDD CADDY CASE AK-CC25 ■ Specifications Ratings ・USB port Connector: Format: USB 3.0 Micro B type USB 3.0 SUPER SPEED Other ・Dimensions 78 x 21 x 130.3 mm (width × height × depth, including handle) ・Weight 106 g 0030a -1- TEAC CORPORATION AK-CC25 ■ Dimensional drawings _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※TASCAM is trademark of TEAC CORPORATION, registered in the U.S. and other countries. ※Other company names, product names and logos are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners. ※Specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice. ※All information included in this document is as of Oct, 2015. 0030a -2- TEAC CORPORATION