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,167$//$7,21 ,16758&7,216 352'8&7 /,7(5$785( /LWKR 86$ . LHA088 (7-1/2 TON) HEAT PUMP UNITS 503,735M 1/98 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIMENSIONS .................................... 1 CONDENSATE DRAINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .......................... 2 FACTORY--INSTALLED OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SHIPPING AND PACKING LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 COOLING START--UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 HEATING START--UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 UNIT SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BLOWER OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . 9 DUCT CONNECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 RIGGING UNIT FOR LIFTING 4 PARTS ARRANGEMENT ...................... 5(7$,1 7+(6( ,16758&7,216 )25 )8785( 5()(5(1&( LHA088 DIMENSIONS 237,21$/ 287'225 $,5 287'225 &2,/ +22' )DFWRU\ ,17$.( $,5 287'225 2U )LHOG ,QVWDOOHG &2,/ )$1   $$     287'225 $,5 %/2:(5   %%   %27720 6833/< $,5 23(1,1* (( &2,/ ,17$.( ,1'225 &2,/       %27720 5(7851 &(17(5 2) $,5 23(1,1* *5$9,7< %27720 32:(5 (175< ))  [  LQFKHV  [  PP '' $&&808/$725 %/2:(5 287'225 &2,/ 02725 &2035(6625  &2,/6 ,17$.( $,5 723 9,(:  %DVH 6HFWLRQ 723 9,(: 237,21$/  92/7 287/(7 )DFWRU\ ,QVWDOOHG 287'225 &2,/ 287'225 &2,/ ,QVLGH 8QLW &&   287'225 (;+$867 $,5 (;+$867 $,5     237,21$/ ',6&211(&7 )DFWRU\ ,QVWDOOHG &21752/ %2; 287'225 %/2:(5 %/2:(5 &2,/ )$1 287'225 &2,/ ,17$.( $,5             )25./,)7 6/276 $&&808/$725 &2035(6625 )URQW DQG %DFN 237,21$/ (/(&75,&$/ +($7 )DFWRU\ RU )LHOG ,QVWDOOHG +25,=217$/  6833/< $,5  /,)7,1* +2/(6  +25,=217$/  5(7851 $,5 23(1,1* )RU 5LJJLQJ )URQW DQG %DFN 23(1,1* %$&. 9,(: )5217 9,(: 237,21$/     ),/7(56 287'225 $,5 +22'  )XUQLVKHG ZLWK (FRQRPL]HU RU ,1'225   )DFWRU\ RU )LHOG ,QVWDOOHG  ),/7(56 ,1'225 2XWGRRU $LU 'DPSHU &2,/ &2,/ &21752/ ),/7(5 ),/7(5   287'225 $,5   237,21$/ %2; 287'225 $,5 237,21$/ *5$9,7< &21'(1 (;+$867 '$03(56 6$7( )DFWRU\ RU )LHOG ,QVWDOOHG '5$,1 (;+$867 287'225 $,5 +22' )DFWRU\ RU )LHOG 237,21$/ 32:(5 ,QVWDOOHG (;+$867 )$16 $,5 )DFWRU\ RU )LHOG ,QVWDOOHG 237,21$/   287'225 $,5 '$03(56 0DQXDO RU $XWRPDWLF )DFWRU\ RU )LHOG ,QVWDOOHG 'RZQIORZ $SSOLFDWLRQV 2QO\   237,21$/ (&2120,=(5 '$03(56 /()7 6,'( )DFWRU\ RU )LHOG ,QVWDOOHG 2XWGRRU $LU 'DPSHUV /()7 6,'(   5HWXUQ $LU 6HFWLRQ 127(  )LHOG ,QVWDOOHG LQ 5HWXUQ $LU 'XFW IRU +RUL]RQWDO $SSOLFDWLRQV Page 1 /+$ 3$576 $55$1*(0(17 ,1'225 &2,/ ),/7(56 )285    ;  ; l 287'225 )$1 (&2120,=(5 237,21$/ %/2:(5 %/2:(5 %/2:(5 02725 %/2:(5 02725 287'225 &2,/ &21'(16$7( '5$,1 (/(&75,& +($7 237,21$/ &2035(6625 6+,33,1* $1' 3$&.,1* /,67 6(59,&( &/($5$1&(6 723 &/($5$1&( 812%6758&7(' Package 1 of 1 contains: 1- Assembled unit 36 Check unit for shipping damage. Receiving party should contact last carrier immediately if shipping damage is found. (914) *(1(5$/ These instructions are intended as a general guide and do not supersede local codes in any way. Authorities having jurisdiction should be consulted before installation. 5(48,5(0(176 36 36 (914) (914) Minimum 36 clearance to (914) combustible material. NOTE-- ENTIRE PERIMETER OF UNIT BASE REQUIRES SUPPORT WHEN ELEVATED ABOVE MOUNTING SURFACE. The LHA unit is ETL certified for outdoor installations only at the clearances to combustible materials listed on unit nameplate and in figure 1. Installation of LHA heat pumps must conform with standards in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) ”Standard for Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems NFPA No. 90A,” ”Standard for Installation of Residence Type Warm Air Heating and Air conditioning Systems NFPA No. 90B,” local municipal building codes and manufacturer’s installation instructions. ),*85(  The National Electric Code (ANSI/NFPA No. 70-1984) is available from: Page 2 National Fire Protection Association 470 Atlantic Avenue Boston, MA 02210 The LHA unit is Canadian Gas Association (C.G.A.) certified as a heat pump with cooling and with or without auxiliary electric heat for non-residential use only at the clearances to combustible materials as listed on the unit nameplate and in figure 1. Installation of C.G.A. certified units must conform with current standard C273.5 ”Installation Requirements for Heat Pumps” and applicable local codes. Authorities having jurisdiction should be consulted before installation. NOTE - These units must not be used as a ”construction heater” at any time during any phase of construction. Very low return air temperatures, harmful vapors, and misplacement of the filters will damage the unit and its efficiency. :$51,1* Installer’s Roof Mounting Frame Many types of roof frames can be used to install the LHA unit, depending upon different roof structures. Items to keep in mind when using the building frame or supports are: 1- The LHA base is fully enclosed and insulated, so an enclosed frame is not required. 2- The frames or supports must be constructed with non-combustible materials and should be square and level to 1/16” per linear foot (5mm per linear meter) in any direction. 3- Frame or supports must be high enough to prevent any form of moisture from entering unit. Recommended minimum frame height is 14” (356mm). 3URGXFW FRQWDLQV ILEHUJODVV ZRRO 'LVWXUELQJ WKH LQVXODWLRQ LQ WKLV SURGXFW GXULQJ LQVWDOODWLRQ PDLQWHQDQFH RU UHSDLU ZLOO H[SRVH \RX WR ILEHUJODVV ZRRO %UHDWKLQJ WKLV PD\ FDXVH OXQJ FDQFHU )LEHUJODVV ZRRO LV NQRZQ WR WKH 4- Duct must be attached to the roof mounting frame and not to the LHA unit. Supply and return plenums must be installed before setting the unit. 6WDWH RI &DOLIRUQLD WR FDXVH FDQFHU )LEHUJODVV ZRRO PD\ DOVR FDXVH UHVSLUDWRU\ VNLQ DQG H\H LUULWDWLRQ 7R UHGXFH H[SRVXUH WR WKLV VXEVWDQFH RU IRU IXU WKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQVXOW PDWHULDO VDIHW\ GDWD 5- Units require support along all four sides of unit base. Supports must be constructed of steel or suitably treated wood materials. VKHHWV DYDLODEOH IURP DGGUHVV VKRZQ RQ XQLW QDPHSODWH RU FRQWDFW \RXU VXSHUYLVRU  ,03257$17 NOTE-When installing an LHA unit on a combustible surface for downflow discharge applications, the LARMF08/10 roof mounting frame is required. 7KH &OHDQ $LU $FW RI  EDQV WKH LQWHQWLRQDO YHQWLQJ RI UHIULJHUDQW &)& V DQG +&)& V DV RI -XO\   $SSURYHG PHWKRGV RI UHFRYHU\ UHF\FOLQJ RU UHFODLPLQJ PXVW EH IROORZHG )LQHV DQGRU LQFDUFHUDWLRQ PD\ EH OHYLHG IRU B-Horizontal Discharge Applications QRQ FRPSOLDQFH 81,7 6833257 1- Units installed in horizontal airflow applications must use a horizontal conversion kit (17L25). NOTE - Securely fasten roof frame to roof per local codes. A-Downflow Discharge Application Roof Mounting with LARMF08/10 1- The LARMF roof mounting frame must be installed, flashed and sealed in accordance with the instructions provided with the frame. 2- The LARMF roof mounting frame should be square and level to 1/16” per linear foot (5mm per linear meter) in any direction. 3- Duct must be attached to the roof mounting frame and not to the LHA unit; supply and return plenums must be installed before setting the unit. 2- Specified installation clearances must be maintained when installing LHA units. Refer to figure 1. 3- Top of support slab should be at least 4” (102mm) above the finished grade and located so no run-off water from higher ground can collect around the unit. 4- Units require support along all four sides of unit base. Supports must be constructed of steel or suitably treated wood materials. Page 3 '8&7 &211(&7,21 &21'(16$7( '5$,16 All exterior ducts, joints, and openings in roof or building walls must be insulated and weatherproofed with flashing and sealing compounds in accordance with applicable codes. Any duct passing through an unconditioned space must be insulated.  &$87,21 ,Q GRZQIORZ DSSOLFDWLRQV GR QRW GULOO RU SXQFK KROHV LQ EDVH RI XQLW /HDNLQJ LQ URRI PD\ RFFXU LI Make drain connection to the 1 N.P.T. drain nipple provided on unit. A trap must be installed between drain connection and an open vent for proper condensate removal. See figure 3. It is sometimes acceptable to drain condensate onto the roof or grade; however, a tee should be fitted to the trap to direct condensate downward. The condensate line must be vented. Check local codes concerning condensate disposal. Refer to pages 1 and 2 for condensate drain location. XQLW EDVH LV SXQFWXUHG &21'(16$7( '5$,1 &211(&7,21 5,**,1* 81,7 )25 /,)7,1* 1- Detach wooden base protection before rigging. 2- Connect rigging to the unit base using both holes in each corner. See figure 2. /+$ 3LWFK 81,7  P RI OLQH 4- Place field-provided H-style pick in place just above top edge of unit. Frame must be of adequate strength and length. (H-style pick prevents damage to top of unit.) 81,7 0LQLPXP l  PP SHU  3- All panels must be in place for rigging. 23(1 9(17 :(,*+7 /%6  .*  1RWH   /LIWLQJ IUDPH LV QRW UH TXLUHG LI IRXU KRLVWLQJ FDEOHV DUH DW OHDVW  IHHW P ORQJ HDFK 0D[LPXP ZHLJKW ZLWK DOO DYDLODEOH IDFWRU\ LQVWDOOHG DFFHVVRULHV /LIWLQJ 3RLQW 6KRXOG %H 'LUHFWO\ $ERYH &HQWHU 2I *UDYLW\ 6WLF 02817,1* )5$0( NHU &$87,21 '2 127 ),*85(  :$/. 21 81,7 ),*85(  Page 4 )$&725< ,167$//(' 237,216 A-Economizer The A56 EM1 economizer board controls economizer operation and provides potentiometers to control minimum damper position and enthalpy control adjustments. The A56 EM1 economizer board is positioned on the A55 M1 main control board in the unit control box. See the Integrated Modular Control Guide provided with this unit for economizer operation and adjustments. 3- Align two holes on intake hood side panel with two holes on bottom (longer) filter bracket. See figure 5. Secure both sides of bottom filter bracket to hood sides with sheet metal screws. 4- Secure intake hood sides to unit. 5- Slide two filters into bottom filter bracket. Position filler piece between filters with one end in bottom filter bracket. 6- Install top filter bracket as shown in figure 5. Secure with screws provided. B-Intake Hood The intake hood top panel is secured to the unit. The intake hood sides, filters, and three support brackets are shipped unassembled in the blower compartment. Assemble hoods and install as follows: 1- Remove screws securing side flanges of top hood to unit. See figure 4. +22' 6,'( 9,(: +22' 723 6($/ +22' 723 2- Pivot top hood open and secure sides of intake hood to top of hood using three sheet metal screws on each side. See figure 4. INTAKE HOOD TOP SEAL  ),/7(56 :,7+ ),/7(5 63$&(5 %(7:((1 [[l NOTE: CAULK EACH SIDE OF 723 ),/7(5 %5$&.(7 TOP SEAL (FIELD PROVIDED) HOOD TOP $/,*1 9(57,&$/ +2/(6 21 %5$&.(7 :,7+ 9(57,&$/ +2/(6 21 6,'( 2) +22' UNIT %27720 ),/7(5 %5$&.(7 ),*85(  HOOD TOP HOOD SIDE FIGURE 4 Page 5 (/(&75,&$/ &211(&7,216 POWER SUPPLY Do not apply power or close disconnect switch until installation is complete. Refer to start-up directions. Refer closely to unit wiring diagram. Figure 7 shows a typical wiring diagram. Refer to unit nameplate for minimum circuit ampacity and maximum fuse size. 1- 230,460,575 volt units are factory wired. For 208V supply, disconnect the orange wire (230V) at control power transformer(s). Reconnect the red wire (208V). Tape the exposed end of the 230V orange wire. 2- Install thermostat assembly in accordance with instructions provided with thermostat. See figure 6 for field wiring electronic and electro-mechanical thermostats. If using other temperature control devices or energy management systems see instructions and wiring diagram provided by manufacturer. IMPORTANT-Terminal connections at the wall plate or subbase must be made securely. Loose control wire connections may allow unit to operate but not with proper response to room demand.  92/7 ),(/' :,5,1* :,7+ (/(&7521,& $1' (/(&752 0(&+$1,&$/ 7+(50267$76 -803(5 7(50,1$/6   :+(1 7+(50267$7 +$6 12 1,*+7 6(7%$&. 7(50,1$/6 2- Route power through the bottom power entry area and connect to TB13 or TB2. If unit contains an optional factory-installed circuit breaker or disconnect switch, connect line voltage to CB10 or S48. See unit wiring diagram. 7%                 3- Units With 120v GFCI OutletConnect separate 120v wiring to GFCI outlet pigtails in handy box. CONTROL WIRING $ A-Thermostat Location Room thermostat mounts vertically on a standard 2” X 4” handy box or on any non-conductive flat surface. Locate thermostat approximately 5 feet (1524 mm) above the floor in an area with good air circulation at average temperature. Avoid locating the room thermostat where it might be affected by: -drafts or dead spots behind doors and in corners -hot or cold air from ducts 127 $// 7(50,1$/6 -radiant heat from sun or appliances $5( )281' 21 $// 7+(50267$76 -concealed pipes and chimneys $ &2 ,$4 1RWH   2Q HOHFWUR PHFKDQLFDO WKHU B-Control Wiring 6(1625 VWDWV VHW DQWLFLSDWRU DW  DPSV PR 1- Route thermostat cable or wires from subbase through knockout provided in unit. Use18 AWG wire for all applications using remotely installed electro-mechanical and electronic thermostats. Page 6 237,21$/   ),*85(      7<3,&$/ /+$ 81,7 :,5,1* 6&+(0$7,& ),*85(  Page 7 &22/,1* 67$57 83 IMPORTANT-Crankcase heaters must be energized for 24 hours before attempting to start compressor. Set thermostat so there is no demand to prevent compressors from cycling. Apply power to unit. NOTE - These units must not be used as a ”construction heater” at any time during any phase of construction. Very low return air temperatures, harmful vapors, and misplacement of the filters will damage the unit and its efficiency. Additionally, a unit which will be subject to cold temperatures when not in operation must have a vapor barrier installed to seal the duct connections. Failure to protect the unit from moisture laden air or harmful vapors (generated from the construction process and temporary combustion heating equipment) will cause corrosive condensation within the unit. Failure to properly protect the unit in this situation will cause electrical and electronic component failure and could affect the unit warranty status. A-Preliminary Checks 1- Make sure that unit is installed in accordance with the installation instructions and applicable codes. 2- Inspect all electrical wiring, both field and factory installed, for loose connections. Tighten as required. 3- Check to ensure that refrigerant lines do not rub against the cabinet or against other refrigerant lines. This unit is factory charged and should require no further adjustment. If the system requires charge, reclaim the charge, evacuate the system, and add required nameplate charge. NOTE - System charging is not recommended below 60EF (15EC). In temperatures below 60EF (15EC) , the charge must be weighed into the system. If weighing facilities are not available, or to check the charge, use the following procedure: 1- Attach gauge manifolds and operate unit in cooling mode until system stabilizes (approximately five minutes). 2- Check each system separately with all stages operating. 3- Use a thermometer to accurately measure the outdoor ambient temperature. 4- Apply the outdoor temperature to table 1 to determine normal operating pressures. 5- Compare the normal operating pressures to the pressures obtained from the gauges. Minor variations in these pressures may be expected due to differences in installations. Significant differences could mean that the system is not properly charged or that a problem exists with some component in the system. Correct any system problems before proceeding. TABLE 1 4- Check voltage at disconnect switch. Voltage must be within range listed on nameplate. If not, consult power company and have voltage condition corrected before starting unit. LHA088 NORMAL OPERATING PRESSURES Outdoor Coil Entering Air Temp. Discharge + 10 psig Suction + 5 psig 5- Make sure filters are in place before start-up. 65EF 172 68 B-Start-Up 75EF 198 70 85EF 228 72 95EF 261 73 105EF 297 74 115EF 336 77 1- Set thermostat or temperature control device fan switch to AUTO or ON. Set thermostat or temperature control device to initiate a first-stage cooling demand. A Y1 cooling demand will energize compressor. Units With Optional Economizer The optional economizer will start on a first stage (Y1) cooling demand when outdoor air enthalpy is suitable. An increased cooling demand (Y2) will energize compressor. 2- Refrigerant circuits are factory charged with HCFC-22 refrigerant. See unit rating plate for correct amount of charge. C-Refrigerant Charge and Check WARNING-Do not exceed nameplate charge under any condition. 6- If discharge pressure is high, remove refrigerant from the system. If discharge pressure is low, add refrigerant to the system. - Add or remove charge in increments. - Allow the system to stabilize each time refrigerant is added or removed. 7- Use the following approach method along with the normal operating pressures to confirm readings. D-Charge Verification - Approach Method 8- Using the same thermometer, compare liquid temperature to outdoor ambient temperature. Page 8 Approach Temperature = Liquid temperature minus ambient temperature. 9- Approach temperature should be 15EF + 1 (8EC + 0.5). An approach temperature greater than that value indicates an undercharge. An approach temperature less than that value indicates an overcharge. 10-Do not use the approach method if system pressures do not match pressures in table 1. The approach method is not valid for grossly over or undercharged systems. E-Compressor Controls 9--Discharge Temperature Switch (S5) 1- High Pressure Switch (S4) Compressor is protected by a high pressure switch which cuts out at 410 psig + 10 psig (2825 kPa + 70 kPa). 2- Low Pressure Switch (S87) The compressor is protected by loss of charge switches. Switches cut out at 25 psig (172 kPa) and automatically reset at 55 psig (379 kPa). 3- Crankcase Heater (HR1) The compressor contains a belly band compressor oil heater which must be on 24 hours before running compressor. Energize by setting thermostat so that there is no cooling demand, to prevent compressor from cycling, and apply power to unit. 4- Low Ambient Pressure Switch (S11) Switch maintains adequate discharge pressure during low ambient conditions by de-energizing outdoor fan when liquid pressure falls below 150 psig. The A55 controller cycles outdoor fan 1 via S11 pressure switch and K10 outdoor fan relay. 5- Low Ambient Relay (K58) During heating operation, relay prevents S11 fan cycling. 6- Freezestat (S49) Switch de-energizes compressor when indoor coil temperature falls below 29EF (-2EC) to prevent coil freeze-up. Switch resets when indoor coil temperature reaches 58EF (15EC). 7- Defrost Switch (S6) Defrost switch closes to initiate defrost when outdoor coil suction temperature falls to 35E F (1.7EC). 8- Defrost Termination Switch (S46) Defrost pressure switch opens to terminate defrost when suction (discharge pressure during cooling and defrost) pressure reaches 275 psig (1096 kPa). Page 9 The discharge temperature switch is wired in series with the S4 high pressure switch. S5 is a normally closed switch which opens on temperature rise. The switch will open at 221qF + 9qF (105q C + 5q C) and close at 171qF + 13qF (72q C + 7.2q C). B-Blower Access +($7,1* 67$57 83 1- Set thermostat or temperature control device to initiate a first-stage heating demand. A first-stage heating demand (W1) will energize compressor. Outdoor fan is energized with a W1 demand. LHA Units With Optional Electric Heat An increased heating demand (W2) will energize electric heat. The blower assembly is secured to a sliding base which allows the entire assembly to be pulled out of the unit. See figure 8. 1- Disconnect any optional component jack/plugs located on blower sliding assembly base. 2- Remove screws on front of sliding base. Pull base toward outside of unit. C-Determining Unit CFM 1- The following measurements must be made with a dry indoor coil and with air filters in place. Run blower without a cooling demand. 2- With all access panels in place, measure static pressure external to unit (from supply to return). %/2:(5 23(5$7,21 $1' $'-8670(176 A-Blower Operation 3- Measure the indoor blower shaft RPM. 1- Set thermostat or temperature control device fan switch to AUTO or ON. With fan switch in ON position, blower will operate continuously. With fan switch in AUTO position, the blower will cycle with demand. 2- Blower and entire unit will be off when thermostat or temperature control device system switch is in OFF position. 4- Referring to table 2, use static pressure and RPM readings to determine unit CFM. Use table 3 when installing units with any of the optional accessories listed. 5- The blower RPM can be adjusted at the motor pulley. Loosen Allen screw and turn adjustable pulley clockwise to increase CFM. Turn counterclockwise to decrease CFM. See figure 8. Page 10 D-Blower Belt Adjustment increases the distance between the blower motor and the blower housing. Maximum life and wear can be obtained from belts only if proper pulley alignment and belt tension are maintained. Tension new belts after a 24-48 hour period of operation. This will allow belt to stretch and seat grooves. 1- Loosen four bolts securing motor base to mounting frame. See figure 8. To loosen belt tension Turn the adjusting bolt to the left, or counterclockwise to loosen belt tension. 3- Tighten two bolts on motor pulley side. IMPORTANT - Align top edges of blower motor base and mounting frame base parallel before tightening two bolts on the other side of base. Motor shaft and blower shaft must be parallel. 2- To increase belt tension Turn adjusting bolt to the right, or clockwise, to move 4- Tighten two bolts on other side of base. the motor outward and tighten the belt. This TO INCREASE BELT TENSION BLOWER ASSEMBLY 1--Loosen four bolts securing motor base to mounting frame. 2--Turn adjusting bolt to the right, or clockwise, to move the motor outward and tighten the belt. 3--Tighten two bolts on motor pulley side. ALIGN TOP EDGES PARALLEL BEFORE TIGHTENING MOTOR IN PLACE IMPORTANT -- Align top edges of blower motor BLOWER MOTOR MOUNTING FRAME base and mounting frame base parallel before BLOWER tightening two bolts on the other side of base. MOTOR BASE Motor shaft and blower shaft must be parallel. 4--Tighten two bolts on other side of base. MOTOR BASE ADJUSTMENT BOLTS -2 EACH SIDE BELT TENSION ADJUSTING BOLT -- TURN CLOCKWISE TO TIGHTEN BELT TO INCREASE CFM LOOSEN ALLEN SCREW & TURN PULLEY CLOCKWISE TO DECREASE CFM TURN PULLEY COUNTERCLOCKWISE REMOVE SCREWS BEFORE SLIDING BLOWER ASSEMBLY OUT OF UNIT FIGURE 8 Page 11 E-Check Belt Tension Overtensioning belts shortens belt and bearing life. Check belt tension as follows: 0($685( %(/7 7(16,21 1- Measure span length X. See figure 9. 2- Apply perpendicular force to center of span (X) with enough pressure to deflect belt 1/64” for every inch of span length or 1.5mm per 100mm of span length. Example: Deflection distance of a 40” span would be 40/64” or 5/8”. Example: Deflection distance of a 400mm span would be 6mm. 3- Measure belt deflection force. For a used belt, the deflection force should be 5 lbs. (35kPa) . A new belt deflection force should be 7 lbs. (48kPa). A force below these values indicates and undertensioned belt. A force above these values indicates an overtensioned belt. F-Field-Furnished Blower Drives For field-furnished blower drives, use tables 2 and 3 to determine BHP and RPM required. Reference table 4 to determine the drive number and table 5 to determine the manufacturer’s model number. Page 12 )25&( '()/(&7,21 l 3(5 ,1&+ 2) 63$1 25 PP 3(5 PP 2) 63$1 ),*85(  TABLE 2 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE - Inches Water Gauge (Pa) Air Volume cfm (L/s) 0.2 (50) 0.4 (100) 0.6 (150) 0.8 (200) 1.00 (250) 1.20 (300) 1.40 (350) 1.60 (400) 1.80 (450) RPM BHP (kW) RPM BHP (kW) RPM BHP (kW) RPM BHP (kW) RPM BHP (kW) RPM BHP (kW) RPM BHP (kW) RPM BHP (kW) RPM BHP (kW) RPM BHP (kW) 2000 (946) 625 0.4 (.30) 725 0.55 (0.41) 820 0.70 (0.52) 905 0.90 (0.67) 990 1.10 (0.82) 1065 1.30 (0.97) 1140 1.55 (1.16) 1215 1.85 (1.38) 1285 2.20 (1.64) 1350 2.50 (1.87) 2200 (1040) 670 0.50 (.37) 760 0.65 (0.48) 850 0.80 (0.60) 930 1.00 (0.75) 1010 1.20 (0.90) 1085 1.45 (1.08) 1155 1.70 (1.27) 1225 1.95 (1.45) 1290 2.25 (1.68) 1355 2.60 (1.94) 2400 (1135) 715 0.65 (.48) 800 0.80 (0.60) 880 0.95 (0.71) 960 1.15 (0.86) 1030 1.35 (1.01) 1105 1.60 (1.19) 1170 1.80 (1.34) 1240 2.10 (1.57) 1305 2.40 (1.79) 1365 2.70 (2.01) 2600 (1229) 760 0.80 (.60) 840 0.95 915 1.10 (0.71) (0.82) 990 1.30 (0.97) 1060 1.50 (1.12) 1125 1.75 (1.31) 1195 2.00 (1.49) 1255 2.25 (1.68) 1320 2.55 (1.90) 1380 2.85 (2.13) 2800 (1323) 805 1.00 (.75) 880 1.15 (0.86) 955 1.30 (0.97) 1020 1.50 (1.12) 1090 1.70 (1.27) 1155 1.95 (1.45) 1215 2.20 (1.64) 1280 2.45 (1.83) 1335 2.70 (2.01) 1395 3.05 (2.28) 3000 (1418) 855 1.20 (.90) 925 1.35 990 1.50 (1.01) (1.12) 1055 1.70 (1.27) 1120 1.95 (1.45) 1185 2.15 (1.60) 1245 2.40 (1.79) 1300 2.65 (1.98) 1360 2.95 (2.20) 1415 3.25 (2.42) 3200 (1512) 900 1.40 (1.04) 965 1.60 (1.19) 1030 1.75 (1.31) 1095 2.00 (1.49) 1155 2.20 (1.64) 1215 2.45 (1.83) 1270 2.65 (1.98) 1330 2.95 (2.20) 1385 3.25 (2.42) 1435 3.50 (2.61) 3400 (1606) 950 1.70 (1.27) 1010 1.85 (1.38) 1075 2.05. (1.53) 1130 2.25 (1.68) 1190 2.50 (1.87) 1245 2.70 (2.01) 1300 2.95 (2.20) 1355 3.25 (2.42) 1410 3.50 (2.61) 1460 3.80 (2.83) 3600 (1701) 995 1.95 (1.45) 1055 2.15 (1.60) 1115 2.35 (1.75) 1170 2.55 (1.90) 1225 2.80 (2.09) 1280 3.05 (2.28) 1335 3.30 (2.46) 1385 3.55 (2.65) 1440 3.85 (2.87) 1490 4.15 (3.10) 3800 (1795) 1045 2.30 (1.72) 1100 2.45 (1.83) 1160 2.70 (2.01) 1210 2.90 (2.16) 1265 3.15 (2.35) 1320 3.40 (2.54) 1370 3.65 (2.72) 1420 3.95 (2.95) 1470 4.25 (3.17) 1515 4.50 (3.36) 4000 (1890) 1095 2.65 (1.98) 1150 2.85 (2.13) 1200 3.05 (2.28) 1255 3.30 (2.46) 1305 3.55 (2.65) 1355 3.80 (2.83) 1405 4.05 (3.02) 1450 4.30 (3.21) 1500 4.60 (3.43) 1545 4.90 (3.66) All data is measured external to unit with dry 7.5 ton coil and air guard filters in place. See separate tables for Accessory Air Resistance data. 1-No shading indicates 2 hp motor operating range. 2- Shading indicates 3 hp motor required. 3- Shading indicates field supplied. 2.00 (495) TABLE 3 FACTORY INSTALLED OPTIONS/FIELD INSTALLED ACCESSORY AIR RESISTANCE Air Volume Total Resistance - inches water gauge (Pa) Wet Indoor Coil Gas Heat Exchanger Elec. Heat LCA/LHA Econo. All M Models d l 0.08 0.13 0.03 0.10 0.14 0.04 0.08 0.13 0.15 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.13 0.15 0.04 1135 0.09 0.10 0.16 0.16 0.05 2500 1182 0.09 0.11 0.19 0.16 0.05 2600 1229 0.10 0.14 0.23 0.17 0.05 2700 1276 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.18 0.06 2800 1323 0.11 0.15 0.25 0.18 0.06 2900 1371 0.12 0.17 0.28 0.19 0.06 3000 1418 0.12 0.19 0.32 0.20 0.06 3100 1465 0.13 0.21 0.35 0.22 0.07 3200 1512 0.14 0.23 0.39 0.24 0.07 3300 1559 0.15 0.23 0.39 0.24 0.08 3400 1606 0.15 0.26 0.43 0.26 0.08 3500 1654 0.16 0.28 0.47 0.28 0.09 3600 1701 0.17 0.30 0.50 0.30 0.09 3700 1748 0.17 0.32 0.53 0.33 0.10 3800 1795 0.18 0.32 0.53 0.33 0.10 3900 1842 0.19 0.34 0.57 0.34 0.11 4000 1890 0.19 0.36 0.60 0.35 0.11 CFM L/s All Models Low Fire High Fire 2000 946 0.06 0.05 2100 993 0.06 0.06 2200 1038 0.07 2300 1087 2400 TABLE 4 FACTORY INSTALLED DRIVE KIT SPECIFICATIONS Motor Rpm Range hp kW Drive 1 Drive 2 Drive 3 Drive 4 2 1.5 845/1130 ---- 1015/1300 ---- 2 Hi Eff 1.5 845/1130 ---- 1015/1300 ---- 3 2.2 845/1130 ---- 1015/1300 ---- 3 Hi Eff 2.2 ---- 845/1130 ---- 1015/1300 TABLE 5 MANUFACTURER’S NUMBERS Components Drive Adjustable Fixed Belt Browning No. OEM Part No. Browning No. OEM Part No. Browning No. OEM Part No. 1 1VL44x7/8 P-8-1488 AK64x1 12L2501 AX44 12L2601 2 1VP44x1-1/8 36C0701 AK64x1 12L2501 AX44 12L2601 3 1VM50x7/8 P-8-1490 AK64x1 12L2501 AX44 12L2601 4 1VP50x1-1/8 P-8-1977 AK64x1 12L2501 AX46 31K7101 3DJH  6(59,&( E-Supply Air Blower Wheel The unit should be inspected once a year by a qualified service technician.  &$87,21 Annually inspect supply air blower wheel for accumulated dirt or dust. Turn off power before attempting to remove access panel or to clean blower wheel. Danger of sharp metallic edges. Can cause injury. Take care when servicing unit to avoid accidental contact with sharp edges. 5(029( ),/7(56 A-Lubrication All motors are lubricated at the factory. No further lubrication is required. B-Filters Units are equipped with four 18 X 20 X 2” filters. Filters should be checked and replaced when necessary with filters of like kind and size. Take note of air flow direction marking on filter frame when reinstalling filters. See figure 10. 38// 72 NOTE-Filters must be U.L.C. certified or equivalent for use in Canada. 5(029( ),/7(56 C-Indoor Coil Inspect and clean coil at beginning of each cooling and heating season. Clean using mild detergent or commercial coil cleanser. Remove filters and cover return air opening. Flush coil with water from air leaving side; take care not to get insulation wet. Flush condensate drain pan with water. D-Outdoor Coil Clean outdoor coil annually with detergent or commercial coil cleaner and inspect monthly during the cooling season. Pressure clean coil from the from the air leaving side. An access panel is provided on front of outdoor coil section. Page 15 ),*85(