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An Analysis Of Jamming Effects On Non-coherent Digital Receivers. Joo, Hae-yeon




Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Theses and Dissertations Thesis Collection 1984 An analysis of jamming effects on non-coherent digital receivers. Joo, Hae-Yeon Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School F DUDLEY KbOX LIBFARY NAVAL MONTE;. [3 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS AM ANALYSIS OF JAMMING EFFECTS ON NONCOHERENT DIGITAL RECEIVERS by Hae Yeon Joo December 1984 Thesis Advisor: Daniel Bukofzer Approved for public release, distribution unlimited T22218 . SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Data Entered) READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1. REPORT NUMBER TITLE (and 4. 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. Subtitle) TYPE OF REPORT 5. Master An Analysis of Jamming Effects ' s & PERIOD COVEREO Thesis December 1984 on Noncoherent Digital Receivers AUTHORS.) 7. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 3. 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERS Hae Yeon Joo PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 9. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA 4 WORK UNIT NUMBERS 10. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS 14 MONITORING AGENCY NAME 4 ADOR ESS(I/ REPORT OATE 12. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 December 1984 NUMBER OF PAGES 13. 77 different from Controlling Office) SECURITY CLASS, 15. (of thta report) Unclassified 15«. 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT DECLASSIFI CATION/ DOWN GRADING SCHEDULE (of thle Report) Approved for public release, distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19 KEY WORDS (ol the abetract entered In (Continue on reverie aide It Block 20, II different hom Report) neceetary and Identify by block number) Jamming Effects on Noncoherent Receivers 20 ABSTRACT (Continue on r«v«rit aide If necm i *»ry snd identity by block number) The effects of various jamming waveforms on conventional binary incoherent digital receivers was analyzed in terms of resulting receiver performance (i.e., receiver probability of error Probability density functions associated with the test statistic generated by incoherent receivers under the influence of noise and jamming have obtained. ) DD i JAN 73 1473 EDITION OF S I NOV 65 IS N 0102- LF- 014- 6601 OBSOLETE 1 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGe (Whan Data Entered) SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (T»h«n Dta Enfftt) Due to the complexity of the mathematical expressions specifying receiver probability of error in closed form, no attempt has been made to obtain absolute optimum jamming waveforms operating against binary incoherent receiver. Therefore near optimum jammer signals were proposed, studied, and evaluated. The effect of a varying threshold on receiver performance was investigated and a jamming strategy involving use of an FM jammer was considered, and its effect evaluated. Graphical results are presented that highlight the mathematical results obtained. S< N 0102- LF- 014- 6601 o UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(T»Th«n Dmta Enlarad) Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited An Analysis Of Jamming Effects on Noncoherent Digital Receivers by Joo, Hae-Yeon Lieutenant^ Republic of Korea Navy B.S., Republic of Korea Naval Academy, 1979 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL December 1984 . DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY P ' MO- ABSTRACT jamming waveforms on conventional The effect of various binary incoherent digital receivers was analyzed in terms of resulting receiver performance (i.e., receiver probability of error) functions associated with Probability density the test statistic generated by incoherent receivers under the influence of noise and jamming have been obtained. Due to the complexity mathematical expressions of the specifying receiver probability of error in closed form, attempt has been made waveforms operating Therefore near to obtain absolute optimum against binary optimum jammer incoherent were signals no jamming receivers. proposed, studied, and evaluated. The effect of a ance was investigated varying threshold on receiver perform- and a jamming strategy of an FM jammer was considered, involving use and its effect evaluated. Graphical results are presented that highlight the mathematical results obtained. -, TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION A. COHERENT CORRELATION RECEIVER 9 B. JAMMING OF COHERENT RECEIVERS 11 C. II. III. IV. 9 1. General 11 2. Jammer Optimization 12 3. Optimum Jammer Waveforms for PSK, FSK and ASK 15 INCOHERENT RECEIVERS 1. General 2. ASK (On 3. FSK 17 - Off keying) 18 19 ANALYSIS OF JAMMING ON ASK 21 A. GENERAL 21 B. ANALYSIS WITH NEAR OPTIMUM JAMMER 21 C. VARIABLE THRESHOLDING EFFECT 30 ANALYSIS OF JAMMING ON FSK 32 A. GENERAL 32 B. ANALYSIS WITH NEAR OPTIMUM JAMMER 33 C. FREQUENCY MODULATION SWEEP JAMMING 44 ANALYSIS OF FSK IN THE PRESENCE OF JAMMING AND FADING V. 17 51 A. GENERAL 51 B. ANALYSIS WITH NEAR OPTIMUM JAMMER 51 DESCRIPTION OF GRAPHICAL RESULTS A. GENERAL B. ASK (ON 55 55 - OFF KEYING) 55 VI. C. FSK WITH TONE JAMMER 56 D. FSK WITH FM JAMMER 58 CONCLUSIONS APPENDIX A: 60 DIGITAL COMPUTER IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MARCUM Q- FUNCTION 72 LIST OF REFERENCES 76 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 77 LIST OF FIGURES 6.1 6.2 Correlation Receiver for Binary Signals Quadrature Receiver for ASK 6.4 Alternate Form of Quadrature Receiver Incoherent Matched Filter Receiver 6.5 Incoherent Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) 6.3 61 .62 62 63 Receiver 63 6.6 Modified Incoherent FSK Receiver 64 6.7 Near Optimum Jammer for ASK Modulation 65 6.8 Variable Threshold Effect on ASK Modulation 6.9 Near Optimum Jammer for FSK Modulation 67 6.10 Single Channel Jamming for FSK Modulation 68 6.11 Variable Threshold Effect on Single Channel .... Jamming for FSK 6 . 12 = 1) 70 Frequency Modulated Jammer for FSK Modulation (K A. 1 69 Frequency Modulated Jammer for FSK Modulation (K 6.13 66 = 2) Rician Density Function 71 73 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to gratefully Professor Daniel Bukofzer, acknowledge my thesis advisor, who provided help and assistance in the completion of this thesis. I also would Stephen Jauregui like to express my , Jr. gratitude to Professor for his support. INTRODUCT ION I. A. COHERENT CORRELATION RECEIVER The optimum receiver which will detect the presence of a signal or discriminate between two different signals in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise, is the well-known coherent correlator receiver structure which has two equivashown in Figure 6.1 [Ref. 2]. binary communication problem is lent forms, The as hypothesis testing theoretic principles in signals, or (t) S, (t), is using which one of two received in the time interval the presence of the Due to [0,T]. S modeled noise, the observable signal r(t) takes on one of the two following forms H,: r(t) S,(t) = + O^t ^T n(t) or HB : r(t) = S (t) + n(t) 0£t -0)E/U y0 3d " , d >0 , d = , d <0 = <0 and 9Pe 2 3d - J±Jk S^ (d + /2tT for all values of d. it - exp is apparent Since Pe that making d «$h a is. as ] > o monotonic function of d, large as possible in magni- tude results in the largest possible increase in Pe limit as |d|-->co , is it However, from the Cauchy - easily seen Schwarz 13 that Pe inequality . In the --> 1/2. ) (1.4) (n ;> s l with equality if n.(t) = /|2 where |n. | I , | j | d | —> » ' is J proportional to S^ ( Defining t jammer ener gy the is P^. the term j I; when < co Since possible to have infinite jammer energy, one must implies that P n oo S > oo - - . | | Sj | | •J it is not constrain n.(t) such that Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, From finite. is P,,. the Equation 1.4 can be made into an equality if n.(t) k.S d (t) = where K is a constant of proportionality. If | |n.| -J I K must be set to the value 7 P^. / 1 | Sj | ) . Thus |d| /P M j is maxim| = . , ized by setting (1.5) J /^Ts and from the above n Ct) = d (t)/ ||S, discussion, results in this maximized also. Substituting Equation 1.5 into ability of error expression (Equation 1.3) yields ISrf Pe = Pe being the prob- (1.6) dx -co = -Jsnr(Ji-P t v^jsr) CO r 7 /27C e - x*/2 (1.7) -x*/2 L. <2 dx +//2^T dx Analysis of Equation 1.7 indicates the fact that for a value beyond > so-called 'break point', that is JSR (l~P)/2, an increasing SNR causes Pe to become worse, i.e., it increases of JSR 3. O ptimum a Jammer Wavef orm s for P SK , FSK and ASK deterministic jammer waveform on various modulation techniques will now be presented for PSK modulation, where The effectiveness of S,(t) = A sinW c t ; a (t) S = with the constraint that WcT A sin(W c t n = j\_ K) + O^t^T n an integer \ results for FSK modulation will be shown, where S,(t) = A sin W,t ; S (t) = A sin W 15 t O^t ±T Also , with the constraint that m7L 1 *, S ; (t) where we assume that A - W )T = 1 71 (W, \ + W )T = and m integers. Finally for ASK modulation S,(t)=A,S(t) > (W, |S| | < | co and for convenience, that A be obtained using performances can ( waveforms and resulting receiver The optimum jammer . O^t^T A S(t) = Equations 1.5 and 1.7. Thus the optimum jammer for PSK is given by 2 nAt)-JPn Since p cos W c t l-^r -1 for PSK, = ^t £ T we have r -/Sir (i + J~^) z P = - x /2 — 'TlL dx + dx J -co 2SNR (1 V-JSR) For FSK modulation, the optimum jammer is given n (t) j = /p tij J= V -WJtcosi aan^CW, (W, + W„ )t 1 Using the assumptions on W Thus Equation 1.7 becomes and W the value of , -,/§NR ^«R (1 + 1 2 - x "/? O 7C y^ ^jsr is zero. /2JSR ) -x*/2 dx (i - /0 ( + /y2 7U fc- dx -°° ) Finally, for ASK modulation, the optimum jammer is given by S(t) n.(t) = /P, and the probability of error becomes 16 s f Jim - TC dx (v^ a -x V2JSR) + /2 dx -co S"R (/^-/2JSR) where now 2A,A P- At + At and (A, a-The = Af 'break point' - A + Ao fl ) for ASK occurs at JSR 'break point' in terms of 1, a -p i occuring at JSR C. with in efficiency lowest is ^ < FSK is next highest 1. occuring at in efficiency with a 'break point' ASK Since 0^/2. efficiency, PSK is highest with 'break point' occuring at a JSR of and = a JSR of 1/2, 'break point' a 1/2. < INCOHERENT RECEIVERS 1. General In the coherent systems considered, bearing signals were assumed to In noncoherent systems, be known the information exactly at the receiver available at the receiver so signals is not is treated as [0,27C]. incoherent As phase of the a random variable uniformly such, system we to may expect be degraded the carrier that the phase distributed over the performance in comparison of an to the performance of the corresponding coherent system. However, because of their simplicity, incoherent systems are widely used in many applications. 17 ASK (On 2. Off keying) - incoherent ASK (On case of In the - keying), Off the receiver in the presence of signals at the front-end of the noise only can be mathematicaly modeled by either H, : r(t) = A sin (W Q) (1-8) / / O^t^T n (t) + or H O^t ^T the frequency Wc and the The amplitude A, are assumed to be known except time of arrival that the phase (B modeled is as a random variable having an a priori density function 0^6 27c %> (8) =1 £27^ 0. otherwise The additive noise is again assumed to be zero mean, Gaussian, with power spectral density level N / 2 white watts/Hz. waveform n.(t), the optimum receiver for decoding the binary information (which is transmitted via the use of either a sinusoid that is incoherently received, or no signal at all) in each interval absence of In the of duration T sec, jamming a the well-known is Its structure is shown in Figure 6.2 There is an alternate receiver obtained by replacing quadrature receiver. [Ref. form of 2]. the the correlators with matched filters having an impulse response given by h(t) - t) and h(t) outputs at t cos Wc(T = = T - t), (Figure 6.3) quadrature < [Ref. t < T, 18 sin Wc(T and sampling the 2]. Still another important alternate rature receiver is an incoherent = form of the quad- matched filter followed by an envelope [Ref. detector and sampler a Figure 6.4 shown in as 2]. FSK 3. binary For received signals keying shift only can the (FSK), the receiver front end of at the of noise presence frequency in the mathematically modeled be by either H, : r (t) = A sin (W,t r(t) = A sin (W +0) + n(t) + n(t) O^t^T or H : with Gaussian, ) ^t power spectral Usually the frequencies W watts/Hz. ^T noise is again assumed to where the additive white t + Cj) be zero mean, density level N /2 differ substan- and W ( The phases tially. random variables, and are statistically independent (h uniformly distributed over the interval [0,27H]. amplitudes is concerned, Insofar as the signal cases are distinguished. bearing treated as are known the information second case, the and equal. independent random variables that propagation. For this second used : r(t) = A sin (W,t H : r(t) = B sin (W t + + the are Rayleigh following hypothesis testing theoretic H, In bearing signal amplitudes are distributed due to multipath case, the information In the first case, signal amplitudes two 0) n(t) + ^t ^T and ) 19 + n(t) O^t^T model is . we assume where that remain random, the signal amplitudes constant over a . T - second even though interval. The noise is modeled as in the previous analysis, and the signal amplitudes have (a priori) probability density functions given by a exp (- = fA (a) -J5j 2. 75) 3. > and b f (b) B where A 2 =^iexp(= , ,* E{A 2 = E{B 2 results The receivers } can be } associated applied incoherent FSK receiver. The resulting toward be essentially ASK obtaining incoherent the shown in Figure filters shown in Figure replaced with tuned bandpass center frequencies t with optimum This is worked out in Reference receiver structure is Individual channel matched frequencies W b>0 -fjz) 20 . 6.5 can filters having corresponding to the "mark" and Wo. 6.5 2. and "space" ANALYSIS OF JAMMING ON ASK II. A. GENERAL the effect of a In this chapter, waveform on the performance of deterministic jammer an incoherent ASK receiver will be investigated. The signal at the front-end of Equation with 1.8 hypothesis, a the receiver is given by modification the jamming waveform n (t) that under either is present during the ; time interval [0,T]. For constrained Equation 1.5 ASK receiver, coherent the jammer . waveform the optimum obtained could be by energy using However, the complexity of the mathematical expression for probability of error in the noncoherent case makes difficult if not impossible to derive the it very optimum energy constrained jammer waveform in closed form as will be seen in the sequel. reasonable postulation A is that the optimum jamming waveform for the coherent ASK receiver can act as a good jammer for the incoherent ASK receiver also. Thus, such near optimum jammer signals are studied and evaluated in the performance of the noncoherent terms of their effect on ASK receiver. B. ANALYSIS WITH NEAR OPTIMUM JAMMER Analysis of the incoherent mathematical model of the receiver starts from receiver front-end input waveform r(t) given by either H, : r(t) = A sin (Wc t + the Q ) + n(t) + n.(t) j or 21 £t IT . H r(t) : n(t) = + O^t^T n.(t) j where n.(t) the jammer is waveform present during the time interval [0,T] In the absence problem is well-known. binary ASK the statistical documented in [Ref. the optimum of n.(t), receiver for the Its derivation detection theory is well literature The receiver structure is shown in Figure 6.2 2]. In this section, the effect of n.(t) on this receiver is analyzed by evaluating the resulting Pe , under the assump- tion that n.(t) is a deterministic jammer waveform, however sJ unknown receiver the to Receiver itself. requires determination of the statistics where G 2 is of either G 2 quadrature detector output of the the performance or G, and is given by X 1 G = X 3- Y + where X = Jc Y r(t) sin W c t dt T r(t) cos W c t dt = Z (r,S) = (r,C) ( Provided that the random variable 9 , X and Y are conditional E{X|H, ,8] = £p A m >|9 and ,C) fixed to some value Gaussian random variables with (AS a ,S) + (n.,S) {y|h,,0}= (AS e is + (n ; ,C) 22 I m y(e where used in place of is Se sin(Wc + t Q It ). can also be seen that a Var {x|H E {(n,S) = ( } ,QJ sin 2W C T N.T 2Wt_T = Var {x|H a J and similarly ~l sin 2ty.T = Var >WC T = n 7C {y|h } we assume WcT For convenience Thus the sine terms above = var{Y t-{, , ^ = } N T/4 | = |-|. , 2 . term is additional sine where n is an integer. vanish resulting in var{X } If this assumption is not (J an additional term results. made, the | , However, if may be small and 7C /Wc << T, neglected. Furthermore the covariance 1 X - E {>'IH.,0} {y|h.,0 Y • H;.0 E |(n,S) (n,C)j N T 1 - cos 2W C T 4 = i = 0,1 2W t T _ provided the assumptions on Wc any given value of , both Gaussian random variables and pendent. phase The is This implies that for hold. X and Y are uncorrelated therefore statistically inde- density function of G 2 conditioned on the noncentral Chi-Squared distributed, and is given by 23 ) ^c«|H„e,.^.^-ii£!^E) The variance otherwise. and zero 2 (J , g>0 is defined above and becomes (2.1) S = m*ie [(AS»,S) 2 Z m*„ + + {x|H,,9} E = S f AT = \ \^2~) + (n = r AT [(n.,S) cos + ,sf + (n {y|H,,g} f(AS e ,C) + (n^C)"]* (nj,S)f+ Due to our assumption WcT + E r\7t 9 , we obtain -i + (n. ,C) sin ,cf Similarly, if r(t) consists of noise and jammer only, then X and Y are also independent Gaussian random variables with E { X|H | (n.,S) = 4 m. = and e|y|H = | (n.,C) = mY The density function of G 2 assuming no signal is sent is V (,|H.,. _L ^ { .^ )l M and zero otherwise, where S '~< +m r = Cn., S f + ( n .,cf 24 (2.2) The resulting average probability of error is given by P* pp-P(HJ+ PM P(H.) = P(Ho) V / ( 8l Ho x dg ) |fy + P(H.) ( g H| | ) di -00 is the threshold with which G is compared in order to decide which is the true hypothesis. Observe that where Tj fjzCglH.) f^ |e = of false (probability f 9 (0) dQ the above expression integral in The first 0) (g|H,, alarm) It . can be for Pe is expressed Br as follows oo g + 2o x exp C- s o 2 2 -) I ( ^=- dg ) n exp (- V liil) i ( a 'v) dV /7 ?/(J Q a', ( n/o ) where .CD Q a ( , 6 ) V = exp (- Q V t 2 # is a well-known Q- function. Pe is PM function tabulated called the Marcum The second integral in the above expression for (probability of miss). It can be expressed as follows tv-~ r * V H, ,8) G *| Q (g| f g (8) 25 d9 dg (2.3) r rco r^J- ^f (8) f (g|H, ,6) G the second equality where in de J, * L- -co dg 8 | the integration the order of The inner integral of Equation 2.3 can be has been changed. expressed in term of the Marcum Q- function as "^i £_l_i) exp (- a; 2 (% = - 1 where q( = JS//T written as V exp (- Q a ( (€L) I dg a 2 + a n / a , ) l fl aV) dV ( ) Therefore the probability of error can be . 7 P P(H = e ) /s (— Q ', (2.4) n/o ) f2 7T * + P(H.) 1 2 y^ (~ Q n /o , di ) TT so dependence on Q is imbedded in the term / S and for the jammer absent case the threshold Tj is obtained as the solution to the equation where the - A T/2N Q I (,2An/N = ) R R 5 ~ PCH ) P(H, ) which can be equivalently put in the form - A T/2M e The I ( • ) conjunction hA T/N- ( n / function used here with the a ) R and also previously development 26 = of Pe is the used in modified Bessel function of the first kind. of the threshold is an important well as noncoherent receivers. The appropriate setting issue for both coherent as could use the threshold One setting that would be derived from the analysis of receivers operating only. strated additive white in This approach can be in Reference obtain Pe as a Gaussian interference quite unsatisfactory as demon- would be better approach A 1. noise function of the threshold, to and then search for the threshold that minimizes Pe. While this approach is intuitively appealing, mathematically intrac- table. is often it threshold issue is not While the addressed in this discussed in more detail in the sequel and simulation results will be presented. definition of average signal energy previously If the particular section, it will be introduced is used, we have E A 2 T/4- which = transmission case, bearing signal(s) do to the binary signal half in comparison fact that the information due to the is reduced in not have equal energy. the coherent receiver In order to afford comparisons with we will implicitely case, value of signal amplitude A, to obtain E = boost the A T/2 in order to 2 have agreement with previous cases insofar as signal energies is concerned. Thus the threshold determination equation now becomes -SNR e (2.5) P(H„) [\/2SNR ( If we assume P(H.) - L »J n = /a )] P(H.) = = R R = F(H, then 1/2, iri u and the threshold setting equation becomes -SNR Q f I [/2SNF (1 /„ ) = )J 27 l /a ) If we are jammer waveform the optimum to find to so as maximize Pe, an attempt must be made to solve — = and Unfortunately as the , = resultant equations readily solvable for n.(t). involved and do not appear seems however mathematically are that a 'good' jammer waveform can It be postu- lated based on the results obtained for coherent ASK. It was found for that case that the optimum n.(t) a tone at is the o carrier frequency. Thus the following jammer waveform can be used as a potential near optimum jammer, namely . / p Observe that with ability of error threshold setting f this choice, ||n.|| 2 P*. = J Pe can now equation (Eqn. derived expressions for S and S'. . 2 6 ") The prob- J determined be and 2.5) using the the previously The effect of the near waveform on the receiver (i.e., incoherent receiver performance) can be analyzed by evaluating Pe as a function of n.(t) using Equation 2.6 Note that in Equation 2.6 the jammer energy is P^. It can be shown that optimum jammer . . (n.,C) =f r /n~/X sin W r t cos VLt dt = Then from Equations 2.1 and 2.2, the probability of error Pe given by Equation 2.4 can be expressed in terms of SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) and JSR (j ammer- to- signal ratio) using the fact that 28 S ~qJ= "tS; = / o 2 SNR (1 + 2 SNR- JSR and the fact that Tj equally For 2 /JSR cos9+ JSR) be obtained from Equation 2.5. can /^- likely hypotheses, the probability of receiver error (Equation 2.4) can be expressed by (2.7) i-Fl /2SNRJSR ( ^/(J ) 2 v/JSl?cos9+ JSR , +J3 __L.(^( /2SMR (1 + ,"7/^- (a ,3 Q (2.8) Q (a',6 di ) where /2SNR # ^2 SNR JSR Since the = cause the pi = J ' 2 , = 7? / 1 , x Equation 2.12 can be rewritten as (2.13) 4 yj = a' - 2SIIR 2 From Equation 2 + j2f»2TT 2 . 13 , j^a' J?rK2SNR) it + USMR + fa R be recognized that when SNR is can variation of the value of R does not significantly affect the threshold value qC because taking the logarithm of R reduces the effect of R further. Thus the large value large, ' variation of the term J2n R on ^' This limited variable thresholding effect on the receiver which is under significant jamming is analyzed in graphical form in Chapter 5 for various values of R. of SNR suppresses the effect of . 31 III. ANALYS IS OF JAMMING ON FSK A. GENERAL incoherent FSK with For binary a jammer present, the received signals under the two hypotheses are either H, : r(t) A sin (W,t = + *t ^T ~ n(t) + n.(t) + ) j or W : r(t) = A sin (W t + By separating the frequencies W, form signals that It iT n(t) + n.(t) + (f)) sufficiently, we can and W have equal are orthogonal, energy, and have the same advantage of ease of generation. The modified FSK receiver structure varying the output followed by a which is capable of of the each envelope detector (which is multiplier) is diagramed in Figure 6.6 . The optimum receiver for the case where no jammer is present can be derived from statistical decision Figure 6.5 . theory and is shown in This receiver can be obtained by setting 1/2 in the modified FSK receiver shown in Figure 6.6 FSK is widely used incoherent In practice, its simple receiver structure, c( = . because of its small performance penalty due to lack of phase coherence and its more efficient use of signal energies in comparison to tion, we are not faced with the threshold that must change incoherent ASK. Thus, a incoherent ASK. In addi- difficulty imposed with SNR the case as is receiver which is known by a with to be optimum for incoherent FSK transmission, has been modified by including some channel weighting. This has been done in order to be able to determine whether or not such channel weighting can reduce the effect of the jammer. 32 This chapter is devoted to investigating the performance of the modified incoherent FSK receiver in the presence of jamming and additive white Gaussian noise. can as 1/2 we a byproduct conventional incoherent obtain the By letting performance of FSK receiver of Figure 6.5 = pC the in the presence of jamming and additive white Gaussian noise. ANALYSIS WITH NEAR OPTIMUM JAMMER B. modified receiver The introducing a hypothesis and analysis of performance can hypothesis (no null by following incoherent signal) the same as the in by dummy a reasoning as presented ASK be obtained in the previous chapter. The receiver function is to compare the envelopes at the T seconds each channel once every output of decide in and favor of the larger of the two envelopes (Figure 6.6). the purpose of analysis, let us signal has been transmitted, assumed to be true. An error is is the hypothesis H, is An error is committed if V is V| exceeds larger than Wq assumed to be true [Ref. Let Pe, Under the sent, the probability denote first type of the the assumption output q that a of one of 'mark' signal the envelope where = r(t) sin W,t dt ; Y, = 33 / > of V ( | has been detectors is f given by X, when a 3]. error described above, which is expressed as Prob.(V H.). V| signal has been transmitted, that is, the hypothesis 'space' H first assume that a 'mark' that is, also committed if For r(t) cos W,t dt Observe that X and ( conditioned on the Y, phase and either of the two hypotheses are Gaussian random variables with T E |x,|H,,0}= T + f / A sin (W,t + n.(t) sin W,t dt sin W,t dt ) (S,,S), = (n.,S), + and E H,,0}= {'Y,| + where I /A sin (W,t n.(t) cos W,t dt = cos W,t dt ) + (n.,C), (S, ,C), represents the function A sin (W S| sents the function sin W,t. Q + W| t ( is 6 ), S repre- n7L, n an integer, = ( n(t) + and C represents the function cos Likewise, assuming again that W T and that t white Gaussian noise zero mean with PSD level N^/2 watts/Hz, we obtain Var [x,|H,,eJ = Var [yJh^G} ^ = Furthermore, it can be shown that e [x, - e {x,|h, ,e}][y, - | the conditional r.v.'s so that and therefore independent. ables X, and Y,, eJy.Ih.^Ih^oJ and X, Y| = are uncorrelated sum involving random vari- The and producing q*, will result in a non- central Chi-Squared distribution so that f 0> fq,|H,,6) ^lexp(- = ^)I„<^> 2 o where S„ = E^XjH,,©] (S, ,S), + + E*{y |H,,0] 1 (n.,S),[ + 34 [(S, ,C), + Cn.,C),] q, >o and 2 N T/4. - (j Using standard random variable transforma- tion techniques, it is not difficult to show that Wi,iH.,e> =^«xp(-lL!!)i o fij^L) q>2i0 so that fO, (cl. H I > - W = -/a (3.1) % O) (qjH.,6) d0 o where the dependence on 6 is imbedded in the term S M now need to obtain the statistics of the output of We . fv (^i ** detector. (See density function From standard transforma- needs to be derived. ) I the probability That is, Figure 6.6). envelope the upper following multiplier the I tion theory, using the relation V, = 2(1 - (/. )q , it can be ( shown that f (v,|H,) = 2(1- a) 47t(1 . a fQl ( — ° the other detector when H | is -} 2 a de ' 2- hand, (3.2) a '{ iii^V 5 On ) ) jhill^1 ) a- |H, 2(1- a the ) output of assumed to be the given by 35 the lower envelope true hypothesis, is , q„ = X Y + where r(t) sin W t dt X, Y- ; r(t) cos W„t dt = similiar procedure Following a as used above, can be it shown that |y |H ( , e| /A sin = + (W, t n .(t) I 6) + cos W t cos W D t dt dt (S = , ,C) (n. ,C) + Jo and e|Xo)H, ,ej A sin = (W, t + sin W 6) dt t Jo + Here, S and except that nj(t) sin W . It dt = (S, ,S) + (n. ,S), the same meaning previously defined "0" outside the subscript the inner products C have implies that we should Wct t interpret as sin W S t and C as cos can also be demonstrated that Var ( X e |H,,e}= Var N T |y o |H,,G} and also that e{ [ so that the hence X - E [xjH.,0}] Y conditional r.v.'s X independent. expression becomes [ for the Thus - E D similiar conditional 36 {Y |H„eJ]|H,,e}= and Y are uncorrelated Equation 3.1, the density function of q to > f (qJH. Q z a I °» s < 2 exp (- V Thus the average error probability is is made if V i . averaging the conditional error found by probability given by f = P(V.) (V |H,,V,) dV A/. over all Vi r e, . That is Prob, v , >v, H,] (3.4) I 37 - JTf - Jo L f„ H, (V, dV, ) (V,|H, fu V, ) dV, v, Substituting for the density functions in Equation 3.4, from Equations 3.2 and 3.3, we obtain roo 271, r<° oa 7ZJ 2 ( - ^2a dV de] f (_2aVf^) the order | b« (3.5) \ ' ( ) dV, been changed for In the above equation the inner- expressed can be integral (V,|H V( integration has of the computational convenience. most + / [_J I where exp terms of in Marcum the Q-function as follows — ^~ exp (- ; So * ' I.( bo 2a V )^V a ' 2a V, = q ^K < a V, ) /aa ' Then, Equation 3.5 for Pe rt ZTT o L -^0 *q ( L 2 (V,|H,) f 2aa dV, (3.6) V( ^Z , il£L x ) di / IT ^7C I L 2tt ' -'O 3 J becomes V. vS«i 1 ei ) x exp ( «* Of}, J 38 ! .( x S de dx where in equality the the second V variable x change of has been made , 2(l-a)a From the orthogonality property of the signal pair used (which is obtained by assuming sufficient separation between two frequencies and that Wl as well as W we large), are have f sin (W.t + ) sin W„t dt term that the so 9 S | = independent is of Q Therefore . Equation 3.6 can be rewritten in the following form P x exp = 2 e, Ja (- + I —— 2 ) \ > • L Jo v 3,i I. (x where X t ) order the dx d9 integration of been has changed. using the following formula involving an inte- Furthermore, gral of a Marcum Q-function [Ref. A] Jn 1 - <£**? Q ( Jn— Vo*+ a; 2. o? * grp^' Va,^-o- 'Vo^?i the inner integral in Equation 3.7 can be simplified in such a way that Pe, becomes (3.8) p = (1- a) (ITaf i +a : _ 2tt Q u 39 V(l- af+a a , a \/ H | takes the form ) (3.9) '±n a - 1 n-l (1- af+a* Q 7¥J (1- oO+a a (1- a) (1- a) 1 1-a 7+ a 1 v/5,, (f j (,_^)> +i< a (1-a L \/s^ / V(l-a 7+a*- ,"5-/(1- ( S O-oO' / \/ / o where only the term < ,a /)V v)d? dependent on is ,» a ^ ( Pe - P , ) €e assuming that the two hypotheses are equally likely. special case q( the performance of the 1/2, optimum receiver in the presence of jamming is given by For the v4»-i /T" 2tt JL ( ^ a ,/7 v ^'T,vf'^\ ^ 2tt ^ f q ( J. 40 a + JiX 4- f(S ,S), + (n S)J + [CS + ,C) ( 4- 41 (n.,C)J the unmodified error of probability of Thus the can be expressed in (Equation 3.10) receiver terms of SNR and JSR only (defined by Equations 2.10 and 2.11) as follows V f x -n ^jH Q ( Q ( /f,/f> -q c/p^jd. (3.12) 1 - ,\T7 2 /¥>}** Q where q(ix - SNR (2 oLo- SNR $m= p.o + 2 J 2 JSR cos (2-2 7 = 2JSR cos 9 <|> +JSP) + JSR) snr JSR Receiver performance can now be evaluated as a function of SNR for fixed values of JSR. To provide further insight into the performance of the modified incoherent receiver, the effect of varying q/^ can be analyzed via computation of the probability of error Pe from Equations 3.8 and 3.9. In terms of SNR and JSR, becomes = = • PCH.) Pe , + P(H p(h.) c,[ i - ) .gL- ?Qo (3.13) q (/cz^r^r,) dej At7l\^°^ ^P^V^O d0] ] d«p] and if the second choice is used, we obtain Pe P(H,) C = x " [ P(H,) C 2 + P(HJ C + P(H C, e ) -±^ - 1 ^Co -^rl Q { fcfwcip,', Jc*fi* JCit,. -j^jQ (Jc^] ) threshold oC ) ^9 dcp_ on receiver perform- jammer waveform of Equation ance for the de d6 JCifio', gTfjQ (/^.^ ,/c777) The effect of varying the ) 3 . discussed 14 is in Chapter 5. C. FREQUENCY MODULATION SWEEP JAMMING In certain situations, rather than frequency band a the need to discrete set of jam certain frequencies a Therefore an FM sweep jammer using tone jammers may arise. will be proposed, analyzed, and its effect on the incoherent FSK receiver investigated as a function of the number of times the jammer sweeps the signal band during the signaling interval [0,T]. The mathematical model used for an FM sweep jammer is n.(t) = \fi-*i* J ^t + K^ fa cos W.t dt] [ After earring out the integration we obtain n.(t) j = %Ph We t sin i + sin W.t A £ 44 + 0^t£T p where = and K_ptf./Wj phase angl e is a deterministic g The instantaneous jammer frequency is Wx (t) ^W- - Ws , where 27Lk, o W + r cos w#t J J instantaneous jammer frequency covers so that the (W s Ws = 1 Assume that W 5 T = 2 7C 1 and W. T = £ Wj ) and k are integers. In order to determine + . receiver performance in the presence parameters S; K (i,k J> S) * = which are 0,1) = of such a jammer, the function of n.(t), a o Before so doing, we evaluate must be determined. (n the band JjX^J^-sin ( W st + ^sin W.t) sin W k t dt K = , (3.16) 1 where since the fixed phase & represents a time delay only, Equation 3.16 can it is set to zero for computational ease. be rewritten as follows (3.17) T COS (n.,S) K (Wc, - w K )t + VLt P sin j - By using cos f(Ws + W K )t + dt p sin W.t_ the well-known Bessel function coefficient expan- sion for each cosine term in Equation 3.17, the following is obtained Si^^-^-f-rnalT (n.,s) K Z.1 (u^-u/kj T — stJO^+wQ-hiw.It ^s + w j t n vu 45 + niu. *J (3.18) Since the FSK signal 4/t/T + W, , covers approximately (assuming W 47C/T) > t W the band (Wo it is reasonable to ), set =j(W, Ws + w (3.19) ) so that the instantaneous jammer frequency band \i Q W« + ws - QW . , completely covers the signal band provided that ) £W. - (W5 = w - -£t£ ws j + (5W. = 4-7C W This means that =-!-( p. - w„) w, must be satisfied. + 4£ FSK signaling we have assumed Since for that where - W, ( 1 w ) T = 17C (W, and m are integers, w D) T + and W*T = m7TL 27Ck, it is apparent that (8= -gfc-[i. Note now that + 1/2] the integer k determines the the jamming waveform Thus from interval. number of times will sweep the signal band Equation 3.18 and Equation in one bit 3.19, have r (n.,S), srnf^Cu;.-u; )+tiu;.jT ( J 2"(3^ + which becomes 46 U)+ 7)U/. J we pI T Z^ (n.,S), Z. ( (3 (3.20) Tl-.-oO Sin 7c(^K-Mn-fi/£) and ^_ £ (n.,S) Sin[T(^-^ )+WjT )(" Jfl( p J which becomes Bui £j,(p (n.,S). g. j -« = -> (3.21) If 1 then Equation 3.20 is an even integer, and Equation 3.21 at most contain two terms respectively. These terms can all SINC functions if the argument of exist only Therefore Equation 3.20 and Equation is zero. 3.21 can be simplified to yield (npS), where n, -~l^r- = (n.,S) l/4k, n^ : In view = - (m - J* a + < 1/2) (3)] / 2k and a ( j where n P [Jt,,( l/4k, n^ - of practical (m 1/2) - / 2k. communication system constraints, the integer m will typically be much larger than and 1 represent frequencies the sum respectively. and difference In 47 of the particular we 1 because m signaling see that JK (^)<< J-n ( 1 for << ^ Hence the k. terms J^ ( B ) and can be neglected so that 6> ) (n.,S), JW Cn.,S) =/M (3.22) J-n, < (» ) and Jl|j( p (3.23) ) The other parameters to be considered are (n.,C) K = where = Kr A I / Jl^.p=rsin (W 6 t W- + sin W.t) cos W K t dt (3 Using again the Bessel function coef- . appropriate trigonometric identities, ficient expansion and we obtain (3.24) (n.,C) -f -f(2nK-Je/2) and " CO (n. J , C) 2 sin '-g-(2nk + 1/2) (2nk + 1/2) = ti = -cp sin*-^(2nk + m -1/2) (2nk + m -1/2) 48 (3.25) We note that all Equation the terms in 3.25 take on the form of 3 . and Equation 24 SINC function times a a sine func- We can readily show that for even values of m and 1, tion. Cn.,C), = Cn.,C) (3.26) = fl o Using the mathematical forms given the performance and 3.26, by Equations 3.22, receiver with of the 3.23 FM sweep jamming is obtained via the use of Equations 3.8 and 3.9 and evaluated from the expression (3.27) p4 =pch.) + pch.) c.ti.^JQcy^ c2 + p(Ho) Ci [-^JTc/cT^ [-he $ { J yzr^)de] JZZ ) d e] J^~° ./gZT) V where dr oL= (&,= 2 2 SNR [ 1 + 2/jSRj^ SNR (3,. = [ 2 1 + 2 7jSR SNR JSR ( J^C £ ) p ) J^(fi) 49 cos9 + coscp + JSR j- JSR j^ ( p ( ^ } ] j C 4 and Cg, have been defined in Equation 3.13. this equation SNR and JSR are As before, in defined by Equations 2.10 and 2.11 respectively. The performance results of SNR, JSR, signal band. to be presented are a function and the number of times the jammer sweeps the This is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 5. 50 . IV. A. ANAL YSIS OF FSK IN THE PRESENCE OF JAMMI NG AND FADING GENERAL In certain propagation media, the received signal trans- mitted via a free space channel a is often subject to fading, phenomenon caused by multipath propagation and the equiva- lent addition of random phasors. envelope which have an The vector sum signal will changes with time resulting in an effect known as fading. signal model often The fading nonselective, fading, slow amplitude where it is utilized is that of the distributed signal the amplitude, while Rayleigh assumed that Thus random, remains constant over the time interval [0,T]. the received envelope is now random with probability density function f A (a) The E E where £ = E{A amplitude a> _±£-exp(- Jl.) = A 2 } denotes the mean squared value of the signal optimum (minimum probability structure in the presence of additive white (however with no jamming present) nonfading FSK noncoherent given by the receiver of Figure B. Gaussian noise the same is structure is and its receiver of error) as that for therefore 5. ANALYSIS WITH NEAR OPTIMUM JAMMER We shall incoherent jammer in Thus, the analyze the FSK receiver addition to signals at effect of operating in the additive the front either 51 Rayleigh fading the presence white Gaussian end of on an of a noise. the receiver are H, r(t) : A sin = +0) (W, t ^t ^T n(t) + n.(t) + J or H B sin = >(t) (VJ t +Cf>) amplitudes A where the + n(t) O^t^T n.(t) + are independent and B identically distributed random variables having density functions f f A B with E{A} (a) -^bexpC- = (b) _b_ -fcexpC--^) = E{B} = a 2 A, =/ b>:0 and E{A 2 -g A Note that FSK with fading is ously analyzed signal >0 (FSK without = } E(B 2 = } the same as what was previ- fading) except random varibles. amplitudes are 2A; that now the Therefore for a fixed value of A, the error probability when a "mark" signal has been transmitted is the same (nonfading) FSK case. as that of the noncoherent we can use the results of That is, the preceding chapter and in particular make use of Equation 3.7, to obtain (for the special case of 1/2) = 2 (& P. (A) ^ l = _ Q( £L , xp(^ ,x) x exp x + (^) a \ / ) 2i\ f I. (x where the dependence on S 1 1 S„ ') dx de A is due to the fact defined previously depends on A. P = p e (A) Then, Pg that the term becomes P(A) dA (4.1) faCi 1 2tt ,x)x exp(- Q( >0 52 ) S.. I* (x dx ) dA 4sexp(- T^l) £.A d ^ i_i IX - t Q(^S,x) L o x exp(--|) Jo ( ~°^)-A exp 2 ~K Io A ( x Zp dA i dx] d8 equality has been obtained where the last by interchanging the order of integration. This equation does not appear to be readily simplif iable If we take a closer . innermost integral in Equation 4.1, evaluated using I v exp(-p 2 t 2 (a t) ) look at the that integral might be dt v -a 2p where Iv kind of ,F, 1 ) the special exp( P r(vU) order ,F, IS. Tl *p"l F fJi=H +1 ( l 2 v+1 , the modified Bessel function is (•) (X,,X 2 ;X 3 function u v, Gamma the is (•) » Up 2) of the first function, and the Confluent Hypergeometric function. is case of X =0, , (O.X^jX^) = 1 the In Confluent Hypergoemetric . that the integral in question so can be simplified in this case. However, since the term Sn includes the integration factor A, we may be able to calculate and express Equation 4 . 1 in a simpler form using the formula above for the case in which the variable A could be separated out in the term /Sn for a given jammer waveform. The same arguments apply to obtaining the probability of error under the hypotheses H . Thus Pe can be shown to be given by 'co q( ^° 2 . l|i°,x)x exp (--j- ) (4.2) O z ? A Z (S^fs7o)-A 4 , Az exp . Q I 53 (x -^2-) dA dx d* Using Equations 4.1 and 4.2, we can evaluate the performance of receiver in a Rayleigh fading environment from P e = -T (P + el P eo) assuming that the two signals are equally likely to be sent. 54 DESCRIPTION OF GRAPHICAL RESULTS V. A. GENERAL In this chapter, the analytical results of the previous chapters are now presented via graphical means based on the derived mathematical expressions for receiver probability of error The plots presented display the receiver probability of error (Pe) as a function of SNR for the various jammer waveforms previously considered for a set of JSR values. In each order to plot, JSR the case provide the basis for = has been included in comparisons of the jammer receiver performamce as it additive white Gaussian noise only interference. relates to effectiveness on the B. ASK (ON - OFF KEYING) The graphical the incoherent results for performamce are presented first. numerical evaluations of likely hypothesis, ASK receiver These plots correspond to Equations 2.5 and 2.7 that is, P(H,) and P(H ) for equally are equal to 1/2. The plot of Pe for ASK modulation is shown in Figure 6.7 as a function of SNR for fixed values of JSR, as specified in Equation 2.6 . increasing SNR. (0.25 in this , db of Thus, if JSR increases beyond a figure), Pe a Pe of io~ 5 In comparison, at a JSR value of 0.0. SNR to jammer increases with From this figure, one can observe that 16.0 db of SNR is required to obtain i.e. a Figure 6.7 clearly shows the 'break point' phenomenon in which certain value using obtain the same Pe for a without jammer, it takes 23.5 JSR value of 0.1. in the presence of a jammer with a JSR value below the 55 . we need a larger break point, same performance JSR value operating without a However, in a jamming environment, a level of jammer interference. above receiver a break the of SNR that can produce Pe of For the case of a value of JSR occurs at produces point increases with increasing SNR. point. obtain the SNR in order to which Pe there is no value In fact, 10~ a for a JSR above the break ; ASK modulation, the which is approximately break point 0.25, as obtained from Equations 2.8 and 2.9. Figure 6.8 shows the variable thresholding effect on the jamming situation with JSR = 0.3 beyond the break point = Instead of using the 0.25). Equation fixed threshold as given by variation of the 2.5, the receiver threshold obtained from Equation 2.5 by changing the value of R reduce the jamming effect values as shown. the variation of (JSR restricted range over a , can of SNR since as shown in Equation 2.13 However, not significantly affect the value R does variation over a wide range of values of R does not result in a significant change in Pe the threshold C. value, the FSK WITH TONE JAMMER This section presents graphical results pertaining to with a single tone jammer acting against one of the two channels and a jammer consisting of two different tones acting against both chan- jamming effects on FSK modulation nels simultaneously. Figure 6.9 corresponds to the performance of the optimum FSK receiver in which pt 3.12 is used 1/2. Equation 3.10 or Equation to evaluate performance with jammer specified in can be - thought of Figure 6.9 shows Equation 3.11 as a . This and 'space' 'mark' the near optimum jammer waveform channel jamming. similar result to that found case except that the breakpoint occurs 56 in the ASK at a higher value of JSR than that found for ASK. JSR somewhere between 0.5 This breakpoint and 1.0 as occurs at a shown in this plot. From this figure it can be noted that 13.5 db of SNR is need to obtain a Pe of ]_0~ f° r a JSR value of 0.0, but the same Pe is obtained by increasing the SNR to 16.5 db for a JSR of 5 This demonstrates 0.1. require significant a relatively that SNR to maintain order boost in values low JSR a certain desired Pe value. As shown in Figures 6.7 and comparison of ASK and 6.9, FSK modulation reveals that FSK is to jamming. remembered However it must be somewhat less vulnerable that the jammer waveform n.(t) used in each case is different. The effect of the single tone jammer on the optimum FSK receiver is presented in Figure 6.10 which corresponds to j. evaluation of the Equation 3.15 jamming on either the 'mark' or same effect insofar as is jamming is a Pe of iq -5 as 19.5 db of SNR compared to an SNR of with Pe 6.9 for a JSR value of 0.3 24.5 db in Figure concerned. channel jamming only is eval- Note that in Figure 6.10, required to obtain channel channel has the 'space' single tone Therefore the effect of 'mark' uated and plotted. the single The . = iq~ 5 also Figures As expected, single channel than simultaneous jamming is less effective jamming of 'space' j and 10 demonstrate the fact that 9 channels with and 'mark' a near optimum ammer The effect considered of a by changing variable 1/2, value of the receiver shown in Figure 6.6 threshold . q£ on FSK in the For a value of the simultaneous jamming of 'mark' qC will be modified other than and 'space' channel results in a compensation of the other channel such that the jamming effect remains the same as in In other words, it is difficult jamming effect by means of a the case of qC = 1/2. to reduce the near optimum varying the threshold. 57 . when On the other hand, to the receiver, jamming effect the the threshold adjusting one channel jamming is applied can with increasing be reduced by shown in SNR as Figure 6.11, part icularily for JSR of 1.0 and various values that the 'mark' of #( A moment's reflection will reveal . channel jammer increases the output power level of the upper so that when the envelope detector (see Figure 6.6) the error increases. signal is sent, for this under the assumption that the 'space' signal type of error, has been transmitted, level of the output priate value of D. Therefore, 'space' reduced by can be Pe of the multiplier lowering the by using an appro- £>( FSK WITH FM JAMMER This section presents FM sweep jammer the effect of an using sinusodal modulation on noncoherent FSK signaling. The several times during the signal jammer effectiveness was number sweep the bandwidth was designed to FM jammer of times a bit interval. investigated as the jammer sweeps occupied by a Thus the function over the of the band of the signal during one bit-time interval. Figure 6.12 shows the result for one sweep of the jammer per interval. bit increasing Figure the sweeping 6.13 to two shows sweeps result the per bit of interval. These plots show that the FM sweep jammer can be more effective by increasing the number of times of jammer sweeping during a bit interval. This can be expected from the results obtained in Equation obtain of 0.3, a Pe of io~ 5 but , 3.27 . In Figure 6.12, 16.0 db of SNR is required for JSR value in Figure 6.13 which corresponds jammer sweeping, in order to the same Pe to twice the can be obtained by increasing the SNR value to 19.5 db for the same JSR value of 0.3. comparison to the previous case of FSK with In tone jamming, for the same jamming environment (i.e., Figures 6.9 and are required 10" 6.10 show that 24.5 respectively in value of 0.3) JSR db and 19.5 db order to get the same of SNR Pe of 5 . These different requirements of SNR value for various jammer waveforms show that the FM sweep jammer can be effecas effective as the near optimum tive but in general is not jammer. Note that from a practical point of view, the added complexity of candidate FM jammer for a waveform may replacement of the make it an unlikely near optimum jammer. However, one advantage the FM sweep jammer has over the near optimum jammer is that the former a large bandwidth easily than the latter in the case can spread its power over and therefore is more effective of lack of exact information or knowledge about the signal carrier frequency. 59 VI. CONCLUSIONS The familiar model in which not adequate interference is has analyzed when jamming or interference the transmission environment. signals are present in thesis Gaussian noise is the total effect the This deterministic of various probability of error on binary jammer waveforms in terms of incoherent receivers operating in the presence of noise. From the jammer point of view, the goal is to cause the maximum possible error to the various receivers while making efficient its available use of jammer power). waveform carry the with fixed it was proved that made of is signal proportional to the difference used to (i.e., For coherent receivers, optimum jammer the power a deterministic of the binary signals digital information. This thesis has demonstrated that those optimum jammers derived for coherent receivers perform their function as near optimum jammers satisfactorily against incoherent receivers. these nea-r optimum Therefore, to be jamming jammers can be concluded most attractive candidates one of the of binary incoherent for efficient communication systems. An optimum jammer has not been derived or analyzed because the complexity of the expression for Pe makes it very difficult if not impossible closed form. jamming to derive the optimum jammer waveform in Other jamming waveforms such as single channel and FM sweep jamming comparison to near optimum jammer ciency can be reduced by showed its inferiority in waveforms and their effi- means of appropriate variations of the receiver threshold. 60 . s d (t) C = Y = Figure 6.1 = bias S s = In R (t) t 2 Sn(t) S^Ct)] dt R ; Correlation Receiver for Binary Signal gnais 61 coswc t -A T/2N I Figure 6.2 ;(t) ) = R Quadrature Receiver for ASK sin WC (T - = (2An/N Q t) H> 0^ t £T r(t) h(t) r cos W C (T - t) 0£ t£T Figure' 6.3 Alternate Form of Quadrature Recei ver 62 . "(t) sin = Kt), o< t t-' c (T - t) Envelope *t Figure 6.4 Detector V) Incoherent Matched Filter Receiver. h,(t)=sinW,(T-t) Envelope Detector -* ^ £u t ^T + Rr rtt) tyt) = sinW#(T-t) H >< o Envelope ^ Pe terror Figure 6.5' Incoherent Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Receiver, 63 hl(t) = sinW,(T-t) ^ t LT Envelope Detector 2(i-a) m h (t) = sinWjT-t) £: t £T Envelope Detector zoc Figure 6.6 Modified Incoherent FSK Receiver 64 i r , o •— in CJ CO vn OOo Qd o o o O CO in w" X 0i X X a OS K "K Wco m en in 00 CO _; II i-4 •-» II II II —) —i —> -j II II en en *-» -» II — c: o o < + X o > •H J_> «J f-i a •a o CO <; o V) (U -i E E •H X-l a o u 55 1-1 3 •H 65 r 1 c o •H iJ cd rH a o O © < o to o o o qO c o d — — —« <: c O •• o" ^o II II •u II O QoQ So o o o 0J rjiJ -4 _! -) M-l M-( wx X £: .-JC/3 W C/3 •CD 03 K c£ K a K ft 15 H D o < o M + o d H XJ a) •H J-i o > d +-r I 3d 66 i—l o d — u 3 »-or CO •H > o •^ CO fid o o 2 ii 11 II irt i oOO o _^ <0 m II II II ii k£ft UK a:a wen en CO en en en CO J-* — — D o < m— - X — —i c o > •H iH D T3 O u in U* u o V4 E= E S £ •H 4J O t-i u 3 00 67 o CO II II poo coo ^ C o \ 01 u 3 aO •H 69 ' o ~m CO in oo O ao = LEGEND ii II II II II n > II a: JSR C/l t/j — c o K/)(/)(/3lC0i •H D U O » X > cd rH 3 T3 O £ M CO o 6 Pn u m o tH —» — i D o < »-» it , II (71 — c o •H + X o > JJ CJ rH a O T. U O <3J n T3 ° en Q X cd 3 TJ 2: en O ^ CJ C <" 1 3 cr that UL, is, /$ > oC J 3 60, Marcum Q- function can be computed from Q( a , 6 ) = 1 - — •UL x exp 'LL 74 ( — - a) f(x) dx the On the other hand if the lower limit LL is negative for some value of q£ the case of , then there are two cases to be considered. ^ < that is, UL, & < the Marcum / 360, o( + In Q- function can be substituted with th^ value given by QC a , B ) = 1 - — 46 exp x a Finally in the case of oLB > UL, B that is, ^ (/. + the value of Marcum Q-function can be computed from Q( a , 3 ) = 1 /X a (— - - .2 a) f(x) dx a Here it has been assumed that e I Q (X) does not the function f(X) impose the limitation of the digital computer and that defined by computation on the library functions for the computation of e Ij(X) and its integration accuracy are available to the user. 75 with desired . LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Bukofzer, D. Performance of Optimum and Subopt imum Incoherent Di gital Communication Receivers in the Presence of Noise and Jamming, Final ReporT for Research Contract No ~~5156- 5 160° February 1984. , . 2. 3. A. Whalen, D. Academic Press, 1971. , Srinath, M. Introduction Applications 4. 5. and Rajasekaran, P. K., An Statistical Signal Processing WiTTh John Wiley and Sons, 1979 D. , 1968. Ziemer, R. , to Van Trees, C. Modulation Theory, Sons, in Noise Detection of Signals E. of Communications Detection. L., Part 1"; PT~ 395 Estimation and John Wiley and , , and Tranter, H. Principles W. Houghton Mifflin Company 1976 , , , 76 . INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST No . Copies Naval Academy Library Chin Hae Republic or Korea 1 2. Library, Code 0142 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 2 3. Professor D. Bukofzer, Code 62Bh Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 5 4. Professor S. Jauregui, Code 62Ja Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 2 5. LT Joo, Hae-Yeon 976-31 13 Tong 3 Ban Dae-Lim 1 Dong, Yeong-Deung-Po Ku Seoul, Republic of Korea 2 6. Defense Technical Information Center Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22314 2 1. , 77 13 3 7 211331 Thesis JT52 c.l Joo An analysis of jamming effects on noncoherent digital receivers.^-"-