ne plus ultra? птн ALL THE recent excitement over CD we should not lose sight ο"… factthat the analogue turntable will remain dominantfor most enthusiasts for several yearsto come. Readerswho have been committedto audio for some years WtII have invested in a valuable
hypercritical and it is essential to try and retain a sensible perspective
пп equipment performance and its relationship to a musical result. This introduction brings us to a reviewofone отче most widely
discussed high quality analogue players on the market today. it is
collection or records; furthermore, a considerable proportion ofthe
astonishing tcl note that an early sample was reviewed in НРА/ЛН
material ю be released overthe next fewvsars (rock & classical) will not be economicto reproduce in the CD medium. lt would be madness
some7years ago by Frank Jonestom. '76).An up-todate evaluation is obviously overdue, and I must reject any mutterings on the part or
fura music lover to (σωρο… listening pleasureto be derived from
certain members οί"… industry [and public, see ’Views'i Edi who feel Linn already hastoo much exposure in HFN’RR.
good analogue LPs simply because CD can be shown to offer an
all analogue systems. Rather, the presence ofcompetition trum
Having letthe name ο"… manufacturer out ofthe bag, the actual components to be reviewedthis month comprise their Η… turntable and LV || tonearm. (with reference to theersak mac pickup cartridge). They are often partnered with othercornponents as they have distinct
Compact Disoswill stir the analogue industry out ο"… complacency,
personalities oftheir own, but atthe same time they also exhi it a
thistrue oi both the record production and replay equipment sectors. Continuing small improvements in analogue reproduction are still to
synergistic, almost symbiotic relationship wilh each other, and as a
be expected, and whilethese are unlikely to bring it up to the standard ение bestdigital, good analogue reproduction will continue to
In an industry obsessed with yearly model changes, it comes as
something of a Surprise to learn такте Linn Sondek has been almost
provide listening satislaction. In any case. it is important to bear in
a decade in production, in tact, although major improvements have been undenaken,as regards its appearance and physical essentials
improvement in reproduction on optimal program. Analogue replay has reached a satisfactorily high subjective standard and the introduction at CD should not automatically devalue
mind that it is the quality ofthe music itself (the composition and the performance) which really matters, far more than superficial technical considerations.
How much one is disturbed by defects in the reproduction is often an act of will, as even the finest systems can be shown to be audibly
ίπ1µει'|εαΑΠΗΘ other extreme, a musically sympathetic listener may well derivegreat enjoyment from every inexpensiveand audibly imperfectsystem. There is alwaysthe dangerotbecoming
result, we have decided to гниет/[Нет as a pair,
the deck has remained unaltered.
lts exactorigins are somewhat confused, partly duetoadisputed business agreement with the original Ariston company, whose first turntable the Linn resembled. In turn, that model owed much tothe legendary Thorens TD150AB ofthe late 19605, and indeed the
Thorens itself harked back το"… earlier and pioneering AR turntable
produced by EdgarVillchur ofAcclustic Research. The vital common
featuresharsd by all these designs is a heavy two—piece, cast planer,
surface, this in marked contrast to many other models which
irequemlv leave belt fitting apertures In the platter. The Μ…, assembly constructed cin a light subchassis. This is isolated from the although απών"… mat. are in fact audible as the stylus r)asses over them, resulting in a cyclic change … soundquaiiinne Linn platter main chassis‘plinth bythree compliant coil springs. weighs a substantial 4. 1 kg and establishesthe inertial mass reierence There is some evidenceto showthat while Linn Products initially applied their engineering skill at considerable expense lu make a high ror the entire suspended assembly. belt-driven rrom a slow speed synchronous motor, the moving
quality, well rinished product which auditioned arid measured well by
The cornparatively Нэт kite or lozeneecshaped πω…… is
contemporary standards, they were then as yet unaware ως…
located wtthln thc plinth and suspended on three inverted coll springs,
ultimate potential prthe basic design However, asthe years progressed. their engineers developed a fine understanding ofthe … 2, extending to the most minute details or its construction and their relationshipto audible efrects. Early on they learnt that the turntable could have a decisive influence on sound quality, a concept
these interfaced by special rubber washers, top and bottom, The latter perform a locating and centering iunction, as well as helping to damp secondary harmonic resonances in the springs Spring tension is και…" by nuts belowihe plinth , an inconvenient operation best oeriormed by a dealer using a special jig,
quiteroreign to the industry as а whole, who greeted the idea at the
time with derision. Forlhose yet unfamiliar With the product. the LP12 is an analogue
The motion or thisthreespring …κι…" ls extremely Cflmplex,
and even now I do not believe that anyone has succeeded in thematically analysing its behaviour prcperlv. w, Indeed, €8!3Ό"5…"9
in deiining a motorunitprlced a little underCAlwintne UK. ltoflerstewtaciiities, those parameters which can be oiparamountrmportance in tact, one could even be forgiven ror saying it has none. Asingle ззы; good sonic perrormance Elements aliudgment ano skill, and a dose rpm speed is oifered, with one onion push button swrtch. lt presentsa
orblack magic, would seem essential here. Asthe suhcnassscan
ciassicconservative appearance and is built oftraditionai materials.
move on its suspension in many axes — lateral in both planes. vertical, rotational, rocking, yaw _ combinations ol these, their lrequencies
and amplitudes oimovemcnt, as well astheirduration in responseto
Uutwardlythe LP‘lZ looks simple enough, but in και… interaction and audible elfects ol its Various parts is extremely complex The final
a given excitation andthe prelerred mode, are all cruClal lactors The objective is ω provide the platter, together wilh lts associated
ensemble is opento manyrorms oiinterpretation oranalysis; Llnrl
subchassis, arm and cartridgewith a high degree or stability and an
may cayil at the description that tollows, but in any case they seem to
absolute minimum cl external energy breakthrough, the latter
makethelr own rules irt this department
constituting rumble, noise and culuratiorlrlnducmg leedback The
One could arguethattheiouhdation ofthisturntable isthe main
bearing,the piatterspindie a substantial deepcomponentof
total suspended chassis mass, in coniuhction With the assembly
springs,works asa mechanical lilterto produce the desired result The
lilter resonance needsto be well belcwthe audible range, since Its О hardened tool steel. with the end ground to a cone with a small radiused pointThIS sarcalled ‘smgle pomt' bears on a hardened thrust lactoris Considerable and ltwould otherwise peak in the audio range,
plate, With two close littmg sleeves ot PTFE employed at the bearing
appearing as an aberration in the frequency response orthe cartridge
housing exlremities; the assembly is oll›fi|led to exclude moisture and Some deSIgners have opted for a very low resonance frequency,
to Iubricatethe bearing surfaces continuously. The point contact
around 2—3Hz, as surne ofthe suspension modes In certain destgns
ensuresa high rigidity.vlrtuaily noiseless coupiing otthe plattertothe reach high enough in rreouencyto tipsetthe arm cartridge resonance. subchassis vlathe bearing huusing,tl'ie otherprincipie beingthe very To achievethe ipwireouency.they often use suspension points spaced outside the platter perimeter , which will give a high Chassis low mutual velocity at the surfaces due to the small diameter oi the rotational rrequency ln contrast, Linn land certain othersl locate the contact point. Pressures are correspondingiy high and to achieve a springs well Withinthe platterdiameter, maintaining a lower long iilethe material quality is obviously yital The slightly resilient sleeves playa secondary role in stabilising the assembly; here the surlace Velocity is higher butthe PTFE is Inherently selfcdarnplrlo and ofvery low Μαιου. lt also cushions any residual rocking, thus
rotational mode frequency Which allows use oi stutter springs arid a suspensiuh frequency Oi5TBHZ, rather htgherthah average. Various centres Di resonance have been proposed, at the μια!!!"
contributing to low residual noise levels or rumble.
spindle, iar example, The location oithe Linn springs dues not
lrthe main bearing isthe ioundation, the platteris undoubtedlythe
producea superficially eleganl symmetrical resulti гашение
heart. Relative tothe otheriinked components, iteasily represenisthe appropriate node or movement minimum occurs in the playing area dominant part. particularly iiiis rotational inertia Istaken into
ofthe recordtraversed bythe cartridge, which coniers two particular
consideration. A precision machined and balanced component. it comprises olan innerdrum on which the belt runs, and a closeiiiting outer ring. This Μαρ… construction adds to the cost, but has the advantage ol reducing seit-resonance, and provides a uniiorm upper
benefits. Firstly. the asymmetry helps mutuallvm damn the various vibrational modes, and secondlyand perhaps more importantly, it minimises the spurious excitation at the cartridge position, thus improving ltstracklng and hence its stereo image stability Damping
"Πενν… degradesthe isolation at higherfreouencies instead, Linn
treated With derision). Амотаукгаідс prevalls, and lithe arm is
rely on coupled damping which does not reduce the upper band isolation, and have long disavowedfoam sprlng liners
poorlyterminated in a mechanlcoacousric sense, reflected energy
A high suspension stilfriess and resonantfrequencyalso have other
benefits Forexample, a ‘quick’ suspension With a given level of damping will ceaseto OSCIllate iaslerlhan one With a slow, low
Can worsenthe elfectofarm vibration and increase coloration levels
The LP‘l 2 board and li ing hasthewelcome property olpossessing someabsorptive termination forthefitted tonearm, a point particularly relevant in the case oftne lttok
frequency rate Typically,lhe Linn chassis appears more stable, is less easily excited, and stops moving more rapidiythan most. The
synchronous drive motor presents a serious problem, producing
relationshin of the drive to the platter must also be consrdered The
coplousfran’ie vibrations as well as being unavoidably sited in close
stylus exertsa varying drag on the platterandwhile short drag peaks imposesa significant power load. The motor runs atconstant speed.
proximrtytothe playing area. The και…" subchassis system is, or course, the key isolator iposstbiythe main reason for its usei, but other aspects are also relevant. Forexample, any reduction in motor
synchronously locked to the mains supply frequency. feeding the powerlo the bell,The powerdemand consists Με continuous long
energy is worthwhile. The LPlZ's stalnless steel toprplate, and lls method oftlxing, lsan important factor, and likewise, the soft, lossv,
term component making up (οι bearing losses and average drag, plus
hardboard bottom cover is saidto dissipate motorvlbratlon present in
the momentary drag excesses dueto high modulation. The latter are also a source ol vibration excitation of the platter
the plinth itself, the iattera substantial component fabricated from
are lar'gely absorbed bythe plattertnertla, a sustained crescendo
reiativetothe motor pulley, which tsflxedtothe plinth Howtne suspension reacts here is vital, since it is potentially capable oi continuous oSCIllation under muslcdrive, Furthermore. the bell
represents anothersprlng withtwo modes, one additional tothe chassis and one wheretne motor pulley may be regarded as locked, the platter capable ofoscillating in a rotational mode againstthe belt compliance The latter effect is not uncommon in the case of turntables using softorthln belts, or rubber cords, and may be shown
ConSidering sources of unwanted energy, the malnsirequencvi
solid seasoned hardwood
The power inpuifrorn the motorshouid be minimised, consistent with suiiicient locking torque and smooth powerdelivery. Here Linn has made a maior improvementas regardsthe latest model ι.… 2, the provocatively named 'Valhalla’ kit. it comprises a beautifully constructedouartzcontrolied, synthesised powerosciliator, neatly installed within the player and capable oi reriotit in the case ot older players The synchronous motor performs well on clean, stable spike and ιι;ιι…ο…ο4ωε mains power, and the newelectronios could
to produceaudibieand measureable wow during musicaltransients Prolonged chassis movement also increases wow, whether excited by
beviewed as a high quallty mains filter, producmg pure 50Ηι, properly
drag fluctuations or external vibration Such movement modulates
benefits include better, quieter drive, as well as reduced frame
the eftective belt length, resulting in belt velocity variation, a direct
Vibration. All this results in both obieclive and subiecllve improvements, as can be seen iromthe lab and listenlng test results However, a word oiwarmng 'secllorls of this new board are at mains potential and rather hazardous, under no circumstances should the bottom cover beomitted and the mains plug must always
cause otwow orspeed variation on the platter lt is no accident,
therefore,thatthe LPtz provides an exceptional wow performance, both as regards …επι… and subiective assessments Thls leads to the matter ot pitch stability, since these slow wow effects are often perceived more as a vague and disturbing instability ofpitch. The lowerfreouency sounds in theaudio range can lose some
"όπως", often in the form otvlscouscoupllng Νώε… wtthinthe springs, In που"… represents a shunt path acrossthe suspension
In terms oftonearrn performance,the armboard chassis area isalso important. Astrong arm with bearings ofgood integrity wllltransmita considerable proportion ofthe cartridge vibrational energyto its mounting, andtothe arm board (again, a Με……" concept first
andcontroi oisubcnassis movement is important, arid some designs have resortedto mechanical resistive damping between the plinth
phased and stableas regards both frequencyand level. The motor
oflheir identity and become less 'tunelul' Careful comparative
listening is often required to expose this subtle but nonetheless important efieci. The LPlZ employs one οι… stiftest belts in the industry, run at a comparatively low stretch This provides significant frictional
damping of belt platter resonance, and also oisome subchassls modes. In fact, bell lenSion ls critical and is controlled by the plattentormotbr spacing Too much slack and the drive slips, too tight
and mechanicaldampingisimpaired ιηενιιπυ|γ,ιο|ει…εεε…κι… suspension bolts and springs prevent accurate spacing control and thishasto beachieved bycareful alignment on installation,whi|e the molor itself is mounted on slotted holes to allow tuning of the belt
tension, Returning ro thero the subchassis, this isa lightflanged steel component. with a spotswelded transverse reinforcing 'u' channel runnlng beneath the maln bearing. its main function isto linkthe platter bearing securely tothe arrn board, the wholefldatlng assembly said to comprised closed loop vlathe arm lothe cartridge, ln theory,
such a closed loop will allow onlythe intended motion ofthe stylus relative to the groove, in other words only the music groove modulation Io Induce an electrical output signal from the cartridge, lf
thisioopwere perfectiie,the arm and all intermediate components were completelyrlgid),then loop closure would imply complete rejection of external interlerence and an isolating suspension would not be required at alll The Mission and Rega turntables partlallylulllll
% be disconnected beiore removing the cover for realignment etc. The LF'lŻ has acquired a notorious reputation concerning certain alignment problems, a reputation which is probablyiustified. Nor only is ita rathercriticai operation, requiring skilled spring rate adiustment andcentering, butaisothe dressing ofthearm leadoutwrres is vital All the previously discussed aspects ofchassis behaviour, belt tension, and indeed total isolatlorl, may be slgnlilcanlly impaired by
entire audio range, it must in consequence sufier breakup resonances, storing energy and releasing it as coloration in the audible range,
inappropriatearm cabling and llsarrangement beneath the deck; side entry cablesare preferablefprthe arm,togetherwith ttic use ofa reasonably compliantgrade oicable. Linn suppliedtwo platter mats with the LPlZas standard forsome
Having accepted the need for an Isolated chassis, a key element is the
years, a radially ribbed rubber one and a thin black tell one. The latter
goal oflow suspended mass (excluding the piattercontributionl The
has been favoured over others, especially for use with the … 2, lot although leltdoes not providethe highest absorption oienergyin the vinyl disc, ircan be shown to suppress secondary resonances overthe whole irequency range. Many composition mats possessan uneven, and hence colored, absorption charactenstic with frequency. The
this criterion. However, since the loop cannot be made rigid over the
heavy platter should dominate, and the Subchassis plus arm board assembly should be as light as possible consistent with reasonable
rigidity. Energy storage is thus minimised in these parts, In the LP1 Z the arm board does flex somewhat, both in itself and
with respectio its visuallyiraii,three-screwflxmg. The board material andthe nature oi ltsflxlng are both crucial here; itwasdiscovered
tonal balance ofthefelt matalso sultsthe overall Linn balance Theturntable is filled with small fairly soft rubberieetto provide
some time ago that flexure in the 1007200Hz range was preferable Ifthe assembly is sltffened, as occurs with some other models, the resonance is not ellmlrlated but now appears in the AOD-BDOHZ region,
affected to some degree bythe vibration present in the shelfon which
producing greater audible coloration in the midband, However, if lower lnfrequency, the bass beginsto lacktlghtness and definition
it ls mounted. Heavy wall units will store acoustic energy fur longer periods and affect a subchassls turntable more severely than Will a
Eventhe most rigid castchassis models iailto maintain rigidityabove
lightweight, ouickty damped support, such asafraii cofleetabieor
"(ΗΣ or so, and thus the closed loop theory would appear to be
other Similar structure, There is a custom table now available which
something ora red herrlng,
exemplifies this principle by using loin. board for its supponsurface
…… ι…
some additional isolalion from the environment. it is notvtbratiun immune, however, and incommon With many otherturntables, is still
LPIZ motor unit
!… lzisirtraarnain,7 ο.….…μ…π …επι… …"… Μ… … ~na ε…… ε………… sa.-amin τ…… *… ……" ε……………………
υ……………… ….…………ι ξ… …… …… …… Rumble
………………… ν…… Μ…… siotkitosmita … Ρ…… …… Manitoulin
Theyital aspectorthe LVll, obvious as soon asone picks ltup, is its Μ…… nett drivesvnchrnnuusmntel п...… ….……α …… …… ………………… ν… …… ……» nnp ………… >… … …… …;… ь… …… …… ..……γ,»…α…ν ваш…”… τ………………… .… Μ…"… …. :… …… …… … 33 „… ats-. miiaiaiaausit.iatkm a …. Μ…… …… …… ι… ‹… …. …,"… on trans.-„is c nat-. ow pk …… |; z …,…»
remarkable strength. The mass has not been added as an afterthought, as spare flesh‘, rather, lt has been distributed ln such a
way asto maximisethe rigidity as seen hythe cartridge. The avowed objective is for the lonearm to provide a geometrically stable platform
which allows ittotravarsethe record with negligible restraint. The arm movemenl musloffervery low ως"… Unfortunately, low
friction bearings are difficult ю execute, and this is even more Irue when it Is deemed necessarytu make them free of play ог slackness, a
crucial factor in a good quality model. Experience has shown reduced detail and impaired stereo focus when tonearms with slack bearings are employed. Arm rigidity plays an important part in the πω…… clarity and
… .… ο… .… s …… … … W
stability ota stereo image. Remembering that the pickup cartridge is a
stratapinawicisetspctuuinaiisivsisi …,9…………………… … 9… Με…… "…… Good ΜΜ……"α……………… ……γ………………………… Ρ…… φ… LiniiProductSltd 215 Μ…… …. ε…. … ο…… nasssz Tel ом ε……
sensilive vibraiion sensor and that it alsotransmits Vibration to its support, spurious movements or resonances In the tonearm appearat
the generator relative το… groove, and emerge asunwantetl signals in the cartridge output. Complex modulation oi stereo signals can
occur, blurring and colouring the sound. In this instance the location ofthe first bending ortorsional mode is all Important. Typical detachable head arms exhibit serious flexure at the headshell socket in the 2007300Hz area, and softened bass detinition plus defocused stereo Images are often the result. The higherthe flrst breakup
frequency, the more rigid the arm and the better the results. particularly ifthe breakups are well terminated or damped when they
Linn mak LVII (опевгт
…; ε…… …… Μ…… вас…… µε… 6 η …… Μ…… εως…… π…… н…… aehciheeiind Eneotassemhly s satasiinant ммм……“ …… …ты… „…… plan. ε…….………… ε…; …… …… ia ή… με… .… ……………;ι υ……ι…………… …… … t no … : cg ο…… …"… πο…… … „…… it ο…… …… …… ‚№…… Α…Ωππψ…ρ επ…………… р…
ο…… πω…… …… heaosneii :…… …………… …… …… …… …η… .… …… … cartridge, balanced |… за… : … в… т…… herr-„im a πα…… прими… lwa point reraiiactingena. alignment …… overhang, lateral angle no …… iii-position Beth excellent coin very good
occur. The Ittok is remarkable in that the first resonance Is 2 octaves higherthan the norm, at “(Н: ln the latest version, and throughout the
major bass and mid ireguency ranges the arm represents an ideal, rigid platform. ln particular,th aspects ofits design helpto control resonance when it occurs, theflrst being the heavy solid counterweight. This offers a tight fit via a resilient insert on the rear beam exlenSlon, this
interface helpingtoterminatethe main beam mode, Secondly,the arm board can also playa significant part,withthe LP12 providing extra absorption atthe pillar. The mainarm beam comprises a massivealloytube, hardanodised
ζωα…" ( mawia; πα………………ι,…Ψ … Μα…"… …… …………>
and laquered. The cast magnesium headshell ls securely bonded to the beam by three large bolts and it incorporates an effective but
nonresonanttaperedfmgerliftAlsrge, ilat surtacearoa is presented to the cartridge top, with the slotted screw apertures recessed to trap thefixing nuts and allowtightlixing ofthe cartridge using the
suntan ω …… "ως… … i as γραψω… … …… Ν… tcnpr {ZSZlKZElElazklinishl
recommended steel socket—head bolis. The lttokplllarhas recently been increased ln slze, and cumpr'lsesa massive affair lucked rigidly at three paints, The baseplate hole has a
cutaway arc and, in coniunclion with the apposite socketrhead bolt, this secures the pillar at the desired height. Three large socket-head bolts iasten the baseplatetothe arm board: such lsthe general
Thereare somefrustrating elementsinthe Linn design, despiteali the attention that has been paid to detail. For example, the easily
scratched plastic lid has undamped hinges and rubber stops which keep falling oli unless glued on by the user. The felt mat periodically sticks to the record due tn static and must then be peeled off and put
back on the platter. Finally, Linn having goneto the expense or syntheslsing a ouartzcontrolled, divided-down power supply, l ani surprised that the usual second speed t45rpml was not added with the Valhalla, although ln Llnn's defence,they did point outlhat compatibility with earlier versions was a prlrne consideration.
Μακ LVIItonearm This arrn has been in production for almostthree years now, and at its introduction set such an enviable standard that it acted as a catalyst
forthe industry, increasing the pace and scale oftonearm innovations, lt seemed extraordinarily costly at its launch price of around [230, when othertypical quality arms were at the ESO-Cl 30 level, and large sales appeared unlikely. However, its immediate acceptance paved
theway foreven more costly models, with the growing attention paid to higheranaloguediscreplay standards makingthese designs creditable. although their sound duality and engineering had to be commensurate with the prices asked. At а tlmewhen most arms had followed the low mass path to reach some sort dfcompatibllity with the mainstream high-compliance cartridges then Widely available, Linn for some years stuck doggedly
lDthe use ot lower compliance movingrcoll models, such as the Supex SOUE, claiming certain sonic virtues which have since become more
widely appreciated, In their eyes there was clearly a need for a strong fixed head tonearm σ' mechanical properties suited to exploiting the
more Με…"ω……µ……εωιι.
The basic concept behind the LVII was largely formulated by Linn in
Scotland, while the manulacture was undertaken ΜΜΜ… ίπ Japan. it possesses an effective mass ofaruund13.59m , uselully lower lhan
the competing detachable headsheli models in the ia-zsgm range, HI.F|NEWS& RECORD REVIEW
acceptance ofthe lttok's overall design that its geometry and hxing are becoming standardforcertain sectors ofthe industry, as illustrated by slmilarelements ofthe Alphason and Zeta tonearms A valuable feature offered by the lttok lsthe direct calibralian of downforce and bias or skating compensation, Smoothractlng clearly
labelled dialscoverazem to 2.59m range, a leature particular
appreciated by reviewers. However, the lttck system does present a minorweakness in thatsprings are usedto generate the forces, a hairspring employed fortrscking forcearida linearcpil for bias, Both ofthese showatendency to ring and can be heard as a faintclanging sound when the arm is tapped. Some mild coloratlori must result. Engineering and finish are both exemplary το"… model and while any precision instrument such as this must be handled wlth care, in my experience the state oi bearing adjustment has proved quite
tolerant of even heavy use with many cartridge changeovers. Με LVIl appears moretolerantrhan most.i Linn themselves advisethe removal ofthe arm forcar‘tridge fixing so astu minimise possible lever
orshock damage to the bearings when applying the necessary high torquetothe cartridge mounting screws. Whilethis was certainlya consideration with slotted-head screws, the new socket head bolts
when used with a cranked hexagon wrench allowtightritting without imposing undue stress on the arm, provided cars ls taken.
Sound quality
Auditioned as a combination the close interrelationship between motorand arm made it difficultto extract some information concerning the individual performance oieach component. Thatdata has in fact been gleaned from recenttrlals using a LP‘lZand LVIl in conjunction with a variety oiother comparable components iAlphasonietatonearms,‘ Gyrodek, Dias, Pink Triangle motorunitsi, An obvious cartridge choice was Linn's own Asak виток (reviewed HFN/RHSept, Ή». The Koetsu Black and Shure v15 Vwere also tried, with amplification including the ΑΜ SAZDD and Mission poweramps, plus the Audio Research SPS and Sony sel 67
παπι…" REVIEW
but somewhat higherthan the low mass models at 5409771.
helped consldelably tn acnlevtng a balanced cornparauye perspectlve.
The ι… sound appeared coherenr and rntegrateo, tntnat nenher motor unn or arm oerrayed themselves unduly as separate components The bass was hrghly rared, showlng substanttal extensron, good arhculahon, clarnyand tunetulness, whnerhe rnrd regrsterwas dry and sllgmlylorward, projecting vocal llnes well The treble register posrttvelv sparkled, "Μ…… a ltvelv and open πω…, wntle stereo lmagmg was excepnonal tor rts stabrlny, locus and clarny tnrougnouttne frequency range
… *… …' -* Η… штык Meals: αννα
l l
*. *
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. * …. … .
* ….
ΜΜΜ)… ………;εςξς» n *… ,…*Α…τ …-ω…ι ως μ,…
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ν… {E “счет;: ……
*Π** „
stow» LlNN ΝΒΑ…
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* * te№№… ** to … ** numeru
However, we olo leel ο… tne tonal balance was not perfectly neutral, oarelul cross cneoklng showed an excess olwelgnt \г\ the upper bass, a degree ollmckenrng and lorwardness m rhe тыщ plus a rraee απ…»… and nngrng rn the upper mld,lhls ellect pamally ειπα)…" to theronearrn The upper range was perhaps a tnlle brrghl, almost 'πω… andyettnegraln and slzzle noted wrth manyolher
armswasthanktully absent, These aberratlons, however, were mlld and the player commued m
sahsly … 5υΌ|εα*νε(ΕΠπΞ* oltenng gobo dlffelerltlallon ofccmplex lnstrumental llnes Ρ…… slabrlny ls atrrokyarea. dependent on program, downlorce, and carrrrdoe, bur asourresrs proceeded,lhe „ LP12 becamernore convmclng rn tlns area, and rt became hard not lo
*… :… …' µου…… πω…… or lMF’.L‘eL
* тп zl ln … η *] ~l ια ап `пп *** *"… … …… …… >…" …… *… Μπιν:
…η **
I Μεν"… pllch lnslablhty presentwttn so many onne …… s . compotltors * lool *… ls n *… factor rn the comparatively 'secure'
leehng ottered by the ***… tllse player All thecartndges we "*… Hacked well lrl the LVH and sounded secure
As a system, lt dernonslrated very goodfeedback tmrnuntty and rt
could be run al pretty nlgh sound levels betore detenoralron began to set ln Ahotherdetall holed when relumlng to other players wasthe
* ш sly *… π
*… . .
,… ,… ΑΒκοπΡτ*/ε … πµ PO πω…… (;Γ*Μ=υ,;; ….
*…**… *… ……… … * *… ? ……* .|,. * *.
…. …"… з\п tur—trumna
\..\._„_А an ta. ω… won aw πω… πω…… μα……
lll * гит/Атии,
Lmrl'sabllltvło resolvelranslems and the sllenceswhlch (()”ch can
Top/en *… ιΡ*Ζεεοι|ΞΙ*ε*:ο/εΙ*οπ ως"… №……" vsolarlanl/owerf а 5mm lady verncaldrvrsrarr τρωω… **…*ιΡ*2νε…**……… lrnechanrcal electncalarnarencel …… …… Νο……-…ρεω "*…**;………:…ε*……Μ……" aorrcrnlah *…Μυ………;…………, elscrncallupperl, nrecnanrcalrlewerl, rods verrrcaldrvrsrorr
*… bethe этапы ι.… πω…… lange'7 We certarnly observed a smeared, compresslvetranslemquahly with a number ο…… subchassls modelslhe companson showrng the Linn to advanrage Broken down mto subjecllve elements no oartroulararea appears lo bethalexceplronal Forexarnple,rtrspossrbletolrndrnodelsrhatheal the …… on ulllmate speed stabrllty„ortonal neulrallty and mto colorahon, erbass extensron and linearuy,or even record support coloralron, However, every one otthese other models appearsto possessassocretediarlrngs ollargreater seventy. The ι… seems to lack speclllcllaws and succeeds by vrnue olnsceherenl and subleclrvelyoptirnrsed balance. \мтте Asakon board ll performed very well wnh the Sams, and also sounded well on |… Quads, pamcularly when tne latter were oplrrnally elevated and angled. The Коши and Shuresurted the Celesuon and Spender models rather better lt would seem lhatrhe …… chain represenlsa developed opllmlsanon tor LP replay, whrch may explaln the company's repured "σε… oldlgltal πω…. Perhaps Ν…… should produce an rnpultacrlnyon lhelrpreamp marked το *… balance'wnere a rmlo 'plnklng' hlter could be rntroduced to slmulate a …… player and canrrdge tonal balance Llnn system "υ…"… could then ledge coon rts rnents and …,… relvonlunal balance dlllerencesto produce a premature oplmon IIlHMWxA шиншил]…
wall lam
preamplmers, used wttnavanetv ollbudspeakers ThelatestLrnn Sarasweretohand,plustheSpendorBCl,Celeshon SL600andauad ESL~63. As regardslonal balance Με… andESLeeacould beelassed asessenhally neulral,wrththe5araaroucntorwardtosun …ν…ςωι*……αςε balances,especlallvtnatoltneAsak„wnlletne SL600veerssllghrlytothenoher,moredrstanteftect,possessrnoa gentlydownrrltedaxralresponse Each speakerthus brought out dl'verentdualrtres,andhelpedtoelucidatevanousareasonheLrnn playerperformance *…εαα*ι*…*,…*……ςω…ρ*…σ……… lonearmanoturntableproleellustortortotneonsetoltnlsrevlew
higherthanthis. Conversely, Fourierspectral analysis oltheimpulse
Thetwo components were subjected to an exhaustive test program,
wilh specilic data tabulated and presented in graphical form. A
forme felt and a composltion mat showed an interesting difference. Over a 2.5kH1 linear bandwidth, with RIAA bass boostequallsatlon,
vibration shakertable was used, whose surface acceleration was
the absorptive mat was more even from 2.5kHz, but was distinctly
assessed via a constant bandwith spectrometer; led shaped random
worse belowSOOHz, 840dl3 dlflerence exlstlng between lDDHl and
noise, a uniform analysed respanse was the calibration objective. The turntable was then placed on the vibration table and the feedback or
2.5kHz. Με… mat showed a higherenergy level lleading edge
breakthrough olvibration measured via the pickup cartridge placed on a static record. Acoustic breakthrough was assessed by subjecting the deck lo a high intensity, equalised pink noise soundlield and recordingthe breakthroughtothe cartridge. που…… coverthe critical ΜΗ… 5ου… range llineartreouency scalingl. (In the majority oldesigns, breakthrough above soon: is very small.] The chassis platter damping and the disc supportwere analysed via the Moncriefl impulse method, whereby a 45° angled mechanical step isappliedtothedisc edgeTheimpulse response isrecorded viathe pickup cartridge, its stylus placed on the opposite side οι… disc
analysed only) but a more even overall trend, *22άΒ, 50Hzto 2.5ΚΗ1, After 20m: following the transient, there was little difference between
felt and composition mats as regards impulse decay. Speed accuracy was very good, running a negligible 0. l 5% slow with no long term drift in the accepted sense ο"… word. Under load,
the LP12 was particularly good fora beltrdrivetype. With -ο.Ζο% speed loss defined as the arbitrary audiblethreshold, the Linn comfortably betteredthls at —D.13"/o. Othercomputlng models have been measured in the 0.3% to 0.5% speed loss range, and audibly
show mild program ordynamic wow. Weighted waw and flutter was excellent at 0.063% wltn a fine 0.09% peakwow (0.2% is not uncommon) and a negligible 0,05% peak llutter IDDBto 0.3% usual with othermodelsl. Run-up "Με… complete audible stability took Б seconds, the motor
running up in a more stable mannerWiththe newsupplythan withthe old. Electrical hum levels were low, while the weighted rumble was Linn's ως… date at an indicated *ΒΟάΒ. Separate spectral analysis
rascuencv …… και…… "ο
ol electric and mechanical components is shown in the osciliograms,
and thelr mathematical subtraction reveaisthst in the new LP12, Linn have all but eliminated mains frequencyrrelaled mechanical hum. The slight 100Hz breakthrough of earlier models Is now entirely absent, dueto smoother motor running. Shock resistance was classed as
it at m … … it a. it Ill ш it it mut-r it at Martin solidnie гашиша Με штык МетаКтсшсшр cartridge rarer/twain September «µε: ΕµιΜι΄ιΜγι…Μωψιό:…" than, ш.,-ритм Iroquancyrllpansd/ ""…η…" штаты-«вишни, IhlAillr/illvk/Sandlkcombination bemoan optimisaddiscplayirio system Wa undarsiarrd ma: a "Μ…… maybe on the wavlaier mn mr
tothe inpul pulse. το… comparisonthe impulse responseloran absorptive matwas also performed,andthefrequencytransform taken for bothto comparethetonal balancerhe dynamic behaviour orthe subchassis wasalso examined, this including itsresonant modesand its shock immunity. internal components were examined iorenginaeringtolerance andflnish, while noise levels were analysed, both with regardto induced electric components lhum andthe likel as well as mechanicalcomponentslmotorvibration and main bearing rumblel. The Thorenscouplerwas employed here,allowing ’rumble' measurement to below αν", отв weighted, while absolute speed was relerencedto a laboratorvlacquercutwith ouartzprecision. This also providedthewowandlluttertestsignal,the data assessed tor wow and llutter separately noted unweighted, as well as a combined Dleeightedtigure, usingthe slatisticallyrefined s z interval. Speed driit overone hourrunning was observed, and thetorque available on the platterexamined via the speed change underbothtrarisientand a continuous 2gmiriciional drag. Othertesls included startruplimeto slabllisatioh, plusimmunityto mains supplyvariations
rhetonearm was measured foreffectlve mass,thisligure inclusive or necessary mounting screws and calculated lrom the subsonic lateral resonance plotted using a cartridge possessing a calibrated compliance. bearing integrity was examined underconditions of considerabletoroue excess, while sensitivity in termsolstaticand dynamic function in both moving axes were explored via a low mass piano spring gauge, Bias compensation was assessed, overthe whole worklng range and angles, with the lorce generated noted at the 1.59m dial setting. Downlorce calibration accuracywas checked at 1 and 2pm settings,while geometric accuracy was observed using mirrors and the accepted two-point tracking protractor.
Employing a reference, medium compliance cartridge which hasa cast metal body,the lateral acceleration atthe canridgewas
measuredlrom ZUH: to шин:, astne stylus traversed a sweeotone on atest recordAlthough the canridgeitseltpossesses an intrinsic acceleration signature, thestructural resonances inthetonearm appearsuperimposed onthe generaltrend and maythus be identified andouantiried. Data were availablelorthe Lvll ontwo types oi turntable, which illustratedthe value ottonearm pillartermination. Otherdetails assessed comprised cue operation, drift and rates, arm cable capacitance and ease of use. Linn &"… ци: Analysingthe results rorthe LP12 "…,… intrinsic planer resonances were considered to be well controlled, while the impulse response, read atthe disc rim, demonstrated a rapid posttransient decay with minimal longerterm ringing. However,the initial impulse was not well damped and was transmitted in lull measureto the cartridge stylus. Absorbent vacuum platter systems can provide initial loss lar latrinewstiittacortbitbvm
pretty good, though a direct plinth impact would ultimately dislodge the stylus, Assessed on a comparative basis the acoustic breakthrough was considered to be very good, as was vibration isolation, butthese particular results have been battered by one ortwu models from other
Linn mdk LVII The LVlltonearm proved to be well adjusted and aligned wrth zero bearing play and negligibletriction, Bias compensationwas very close to the required level and the dial will probably need setting slightly highforoptimum results; lorexample,ior a 1 9pm downlorce the bias should actually be set to read 2.1. Downforce calibration was finewith an ειναι Με…"… Ines than Ft (1% while. the. Cue operated well, with sensible ratesand negligibledrirt, Therolleron thelinger bar helpedto avoidiogging the motorsuspension unduly,while cable capacitancewa moderate at l00pF,tne more recentcable showing increasedriexib ty,therebyaidingisolation, εως…; inthe very good categorythe arm resonanceshoweda high rigidity upto mtz. and at higher frequencies it demonstrated very good control by comparison with other products. it was iascinating to observethe behaviour worsen on a rigid heavy metal arm block dueto reflected energy lLux Рвзоо subchassisl. The energytransrer is proven bythe acceleration at the arm board measured besides the pillariorthetwo mounting conditions. The Sondek board clearly moves, a mechanism whereby energy is absorbed. As an experiment, a loose foamrmounted counterweightwas substituted tor the correct one,and its deleterious iniluence isapparentinthe worsened resonance characteristics lgraphtaken fora teal version oithelttokl.
With a matching cariridgethe current Linn playercosts around που _ a not inconsiderable sum ol money, I feel that, even assuming compatible ancillary equipment, on grounds ol sound ouallty alone, it does not represent good value it compared with the εωοι500 required fora good CD player. Conversely, που is putaside as an alternative medium dicurrently limited scope, then the Linn player appears in a different light. When compared with cheaper analogue syslems, the Linn quickly shows up their shortcomings, while many more expensive systems sound no better, and in some cases even worse-, one can aasrly spend £2,000 on a disc playerwith canridgethese days ittop price components are chosen. lf a stable, balanced and musically ΜΜΑ… analogue performance istne criterion, then the Linn player must be rated as
one of the best regardless of price; in this rarilied audiophile atmosphere, it can even be said to represent value for money! ironically. a pan ofLinn's success must be out down to the inadequacy οι"… opposition. This comment should not be understood as a devaluation οι"… completeness ol the Linn system
design, where the motor unit,tonearm and cartridge are all selected, compatible, matched components. This is a rare occurence in the turntable lield. 69
Lab results
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