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bc Configuring LiveCycle® Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere® 5.1 Adobe® LiveCycle® June 2007 Version 7.2 © 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe® LiveCycle® 7.2 Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere® 5.1 for Microsoft® Windows®, Linux®, and UNIX® Edition 2.0, June 2007 If this guide is distributed with software that includes an end user agreement, this guide, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Except as permitted by any such license, no part of this guide may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Please note that the content in this guide is protected under copyright law even if it is not distributed with software that includes an end user license agreement. The content of this guide is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the informational content contained in this guide. Please remember that existing artwork or images that you may want to include in your project may be protected under copyright law. The unauthorized incorporation of such material into your new work could be a violation of the rights of the copyright owner. Please be sure to obtain any permission required from the copyright owner. Any references to company names and company logos in sample material or in the sample forms included in this software are for demonstration purposes only and are not intended to refer to any actual organization. Adobe, the Adobe logo, LiveCycle, and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. IBM, AIX, DB2, and WebSphere are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. Oracle is a trademark of Oracle Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. SUSE is a trademark of Novell, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Sun, Java, and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the US and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, California 95110, USA. Notice to U.S. Government End Users. The Software and Documentation are “Commercial Items,” as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. §2.101, consisting of “Commercial Computer Software” and “Commercial Computer Software Documentation,” as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or 48 C.F.R. §227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or 48 C.F.R. §§227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U.S. Government end users (a) only as Commercial Items and (b) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Unpublished-rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704, USA. For U.S. Government End Users, Adobe agrees to comply with all applicable equal opportunity laws including, if appropriate, the provisions of Executive Order 11246, as amended, Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 (38 USC 4212), and Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the regulations at 41 CFR Parts 60-1 through 60-60, 60-250, and 60-741. The affirmative action clause and regulations contained in the preceding sentence shall be incorporated by reference. Contents Preface .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Who should read this guide? ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Versions.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Conventions used in this guide................................................................................................................................................. 6 Related documentation ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 Updated LiveCycle product information ............................................................................................................................... 8 1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 9 About clustering application servers ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Failover ......................................................................................................................................................................................10 Load balancing .......................................................................................................................................................................10 Web server load balancing .................................................................................................................................................10 Scalability..................................................................................................................................................................................10 WebSphere and distributed sessions....................................................................................................................................11 Terminology ...................................................................................................................................................................................11 Clustering LiveCycle products .................................................................................................................................................11 Supported topologies.................................................................................................................................................................12 Combining the web, application, and database servers .........................................................................................12 Combining the web and application servers...............................................................................................................12 Combining the application and database servers .....................................................................................................13 Separate web, application, and database servers......................................................................................................13 Adding additional web servers .........................................................................................................................................13 Adding additional application servers ...........................................................................................................................13 Multiple JVMs ..........................................................................................................................................................................14 Messaging topologies ..........................................................................................................................................................14 Embedded JMS.................................................................................................................................................................14 Using WebSphere MQ....................................................................................................................................................15 Unsupported topologies ...........................................................................................................................................................16 2 Configuring the Application Servers ....................................................................................... 17 Preparing to configure ...............................................................................................................................................................17 Installing the Deployment Manager .....................................................................................................................................17 Installing WebSphere Application Server............................................................................................................................17 Installing the WebSphere FixPacks..................................................................................................................................19 Creating an endorsed directory........................................................................................................................................19 Configuring the shared libraries.......................................................................................................................................19 Increasing the SOAP time-out .................................................................................................................................................21 Preparing WebSphere MQ ........................................................................................................................................................21 Installing the required software .......................................................................................................................................22 Configuring WebSphere MQ .............................................................................................................................................25 Setting the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT.......................................................................................................................................27 3 Configuring the Web Servers.................................................................................................... 28 Preparing for installation...........................................................................................................................................................28 Installing the web server ...........................................................................................................................................................28 Generating and updating the IBM HTTP Server plug-in ................................................................................................29 3 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere 4 Contents 4 Configuring WebSphere Clusters............................................................................................. 30 Federating all nodes....................................................................................................................................................................30 Creating clusters by using the Deployment Manager....................................................................................................30 Setting up clusters .......................................................................................................................................................................31 Configuring cluster members..................................................................................................................................................32 Starting clusters ............................................................................................................................................................................32 5 Maintaining a WebSphere Cluster ........................................................................................... 33 Shutting down and restarting nodes and clusters...........................................................................................................33 Adding and removing nodes ...................................................................................................................................................33 Adding nodes ..........................................................................................................................................................................33 Removing nodes ....................................................................................................................................................................34 6 Configuring the Database......................................................................................................... 36 Installing database drivers ........................................................................................................................................................36 Configuring the databases .......................................................................................................................................................37 Configuring Oracle databases...........................................................................................................................................37 Configuring DB2 databases................................................................................................................................................37 Configuring a DB2 database for concurrent usage ...................................................................................................39 Configuring SQL Server databases ..................................................................................................................................39 Installing JTA stored procedures................................................................................................................................40 Enabling XA transactions for Windows Server 2003...........................................................................................41 Configuring datasources ...........................................................................................................................................................41 Configuring the Oracle data source ................................................................................................................................42 Configuring the DB2 data source.....................................................................................................................................43 Configuring the SQL Server data source .......................................................................................................................45 7 Configuring Security for LiveCycle Policy Server.................................................................... 48 8 Configuring Messaging and Security....................................................................................... 50 Configuring JMS resources for LiveCycle Policy Server..................................................................................................50 Configuring JMS resources with embedded messaging.........................................................................................50 Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ .........................................................................................................52 Configuring messaging for other LiveCycle products ....................................................................................................55 Configuring JMS resources with embedded messaging.........................................................................................55 Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ .........................................................................................................60 Configuring JMS resources ..........................................................................................................................................60 Creating WebSphere MQ queue destinations ......................................................................................................60 Creating WebSphere MQ topic destinations.........................................................................................................62 Creating a queue connection factory.......................................................................................................................63 Creating topic connection factories .........................................................................................................................64 Configuring the listener ports.....................................................................................................................................66 Configuring WebSphere MQ JMS provider for Watched Folder ....................................................................68 Checking your WebSphere MQ configuration ............................................................................................................68 9 Configuration Requirements.................................................................................................... 69 Large document handling ........................................................................................................................................................69 Common elements between LiveCycle products ............................................................................................................69 Configuring LiveCycle Workflow properties ......................................................................................................................69 Scheduler property definition and values that can be added...............................................................................69 Cache configuration properties........................................................................................................................................71 Adding property definitions ..............................................................................................................................................72 Email receiver configuration..............................................................................................................................................73 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere 9 Contents 5 Configuration Requirements (Continued) LiveCycle Policy Server caching configuration setup .....................................................................................................73 Configuring caching properties for User Management .................................................................................................73 Configuring JVM properties .....................................................................................................................................................74 10 Deploying LiveCycle Products .................................................................................................. 75 Assembling LiveCycle.ear for LiveCycle PDF Generator in a cluster..........................................................................75 About deploying LiveCycle products to a cluster ............................................................................................................75 Summary of deployable components ..................................................................................................................................75 Deploying LiveCycle products.................................................................................................................................................76 Starting the application .............................................................................................................................................................80 Verifying the LiveCycle Forms deployment........................................................................................................................80 Bootstrapping LiveCycle products.........................................................................................................................................81 Viewing log files............................................................................................................................................................................82 11 Issues with Clustering ............................................................................................................... 83 Failed to acquire job exception in WebSphere .................................................................................................................83 ORB threadpool for LiveCycle Policy Server and LiveCycle Document Security...................................................83 LiveCycle Forms preferences do not get propagated ....................................................................................................83 LiveCycle Reader Extensions UI is not supported in a cluster......................................................................................84 Preface This document explains how to deploy an Adobe® LiveCycle® server product in a IBM® WebSphere® Application Server 5.1 clustered environment. Who should read this guide? This guide provides information for administrators or developers responsible for installing, configuring, administering, or deploying LiveCycle products. The information provided is based on the assumption that anyone reading this guide is familiar with WebSphere Application Server, RedHat Linux®, SUSE™ Linux, Microsoft® Windows®, AIX®, or Sun™ Solaris™ operating systems, MySQL, Oracle®, DB2®, or SQL Server database servers, and web environments. Versions This document describes clustering for LiveCycle 7.2.x. Conventions used in this guide This guide uses the following naming conventions for common file paths. Name Default value Description [LiveCycle root] Windows: C:\Adobe\LiveCycle\ The installation directory that is used for all LiveCycle products. The installation directory contains subdirectories for Adobe Configuration Manager, product SDKs, and each LiveCycle product installed (along with the product documentation). Linux and UNIX®: /opt/adobe/livecycle/ [appserver root] Windows: C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer Linux and UNIX: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer [dbserver root] Depends on the database type and your specification during installation. The home directory of the application server that runs the LiveCycle products. The location where the LiveCycle database server is installed. 6 Adobe LiveCycle Preface Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Related documentation Name Default value Description [product root] Windows: C:\Adobe\LiveCycle\Assembler C:\Adobe\LiveCycle\pdfgenerator C:\Adobe\LiveCycle\Workflow C:\Adobe\LiveCycle\Forms C:\Adobe\LiveCycle\Print C:\Adobe\LiveCycle\Formmanager The directories where product-specific directories and files (such as documentation, uninstall files, samples, and license information) are located. Linux, UNIX: /opt/adobe/livecycle/assembler /opt/adobe/livecycle/pdfgenerator /opt/adobe/livecycle/workflow /opt/adobe/livecycle/forms /opt/adobe/livecycle/print /opt/adobe/livecycle/formmanager Most of the information about directory locations in this guide is cross-platform (all file names and paths are case-sensitive on Linux). Any platform-specific information is indicated as required. Related documentation This document should be used in conjunction with the Installing and Configuring LiveCycle guide or the Installing and Configuring LiveCycle Security Products guide for your application server. Throughout this document, specific sections in these installing and configuring guides are listed when more detailed information is available. The Installing and Configuring LiveCycle 7.2.x guides apply to the following products: ● Adobe LiveCycle Assembler 7.2.1 ● Adobe LiveCycle Forms 7.2 ● Adobe LiveCycle Form Manager 7.2.2 ● Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator 7.2 and 7.2.2 ● Adobe LiveCycle Print 7.2 ● Adobe LiveCycle Workflow 7.2.2 ● Adobe LiveCycle Workflow Designer 7.2.2 ● Watched Folder 1.2 The Installing and Configuring LiveCycle Security Products guides apply to the following products: ● Adobe LiveCycle Document Security 7.2 and 7.2.2 ● Adobe LiveCycle Reader® Extensions 7.2 ● Adobe LiveCycle Policy Server7.2 7 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Preface Updated LiveCycle product information Updated LiveCycle product information Adobe Systems has posted a Knowledge Center article to communicate any updated LiveCycle product information with customers. You can access the article at: 8 1 Overview This section describes the benefits and issues associated with setting up clusters. About clustering application servers A cluster is a group of application server instances running simultaneously, which act like a single system enabling load distribution, load balancing, scalability, high availability, and failover. Within a cluster, multiple server instances can run on the same computer (known as a vertical cluster) or be located on different computers (known as a horizontal cluster), or they can form a combination of both horizontal and vertical clusters. With clustering, client work can be distributed across several nodes instead of being handled by a single application server. In a clustered configuration, application server instances are server members of the cluster, all of which must have identical application components deployed on them. However, other than the configured applications, cluster members do not have to share any other configuration parameters. For example, you can cluster multiple server instances on one computer, with a single instance on another computer, provided they are all running WebSphere 5.1. By clustering, you can achieve one or more of the following benefits. How you implement clustering determines which benefits are achieved: ● Failover ● Load balancing ● Load distribution ● Scalability 9 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Overview Failover 10 Failover Failover allows one application server instance to act as a backup to a failed application server instance and resume processing the task, thereby enabling one application server to carry on processing. Some products, such as LiveCycle Workflow, can recover process states at the step and process levels. Load balancing Load balancing is a technique used to distribute processing and communications activity evenly across a number of systems so that no single device is overwhelmed. If one server starts to get congested or overloaded, requests are forwarded to another server with more capacity. Application server load balancing is useful for managing the load between application server tiers. Application servers can be configured to use a weighted round-robin routing policy that ensures routing distribution based on the set of server weights that have been assigned to the members of a cluster. Configuring all servers in the cluster to have the same weight produces a load distribution in which all servers receive the same number of requests and this configuration is recommended when all nodes in the cluster have similar hardware configurations. Weighting some servers more heavily sends more requests to these servers than the lower weight value servers. Preferred routing configurations can also be configured to ensure, for example, that only cluster members on that node are selected (using the round-robin weight method) and cluster members on remote nodes are selected only if a local server is not available. Application server load balancing is best used when balancing is needed between tiers. Web server load balancing Web server load balancing is useful for queuing and throttling requests. For IBM HTTP Server, the two most commonly used methods for load balancing and single-system imaging are Round-Robin DNS and the IBM eNetwork Dispatcher. Round-Robin DNS is a relatively simple method of load balancing, where a DNS (Domain Name System) server provides a name to address resolution and is always involved when a host name is included in a URL. A Round-Robin DNS server has the capability of resolving one single host name into multiple IP addresses, such that requests for a single URL (containing a host name) actually reference different web servers. The client requests a name resolution for the host name, but in fact receives different IP addresses, thus spreading the load among the web servers. In a simple configuration, the Round-Robin DNS server cycles through the list of available servers. The IBM eNetwork Dispatcher provides load balancing services by routing TCP/IP session requests to different servers in a cluster, using advisor services to query and evaluate the load of each of the servers in the cluster. The manager service routes clients' requests to a web server based on the current load information received from these advisor services. The web servers process the requests and respond directly to the clients. Scalability Scalability in a cluster is the capability of an administrator to increase the capacity of the application dynamically to meet the demand without interrupting or negatively impacting service. WebSphere clusters allow administrators to remove nodes from a cluster in order to upgrade components, such as memory, or to add nodes to the cluster without bringing down the cluster itself. Adobe LiveCycle Overview Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere WebSphere and distributed sessions 11 WebSphere and distributed sessions The HTTP protocol is a stateless protocol. However, an HTTP session provides the ability to track a series of requests and associate those requests with a specific user, thereby allowing applications to appear stateful. Furthermore, applications store user information and other information, which means that they need to track sessions in some way, such as through cookies or URL rewriting. In the cluster environment where multiple nodes can serve user requests, it is very important that user Hot Standby Cluster information is available during all requests by ensuring that up-to-date session data is available at all of the nodes. Several different scenarios are used to achieve this requirement: Persistence to database: In this scenario, all of the session data is stored in a database. If one server node fails, other servers can retrieve session data from the database and continue processing client requests. In this scenario, session data survives the crash of a server. Memory to memory: In this scenario, all of the session data is stored in memory at each node, and some kind of replication service replicates the session data among nodes. Most application servers provide peer-to peer-replication. WebSphere provides three models of memory-to-memory replication: ● Buddy system of single replica ● Dedicated replication server ● Peer-to-peer replication The WebSphere Distributed Replication Service is used to replicate data among distributed processes in a cell; however, session replication is only scalable when used with relatively small data sized objects or small numbers of objects. Terminology WebSphere uses specific terminology, which is defined here to avoid confusion: Server: Represents an instance of a Java™ virtual machine (JVM). Node: Represents a physical system running one or more WebSphere servers. Cell: Represents a logical grouping of multiple nodes for administrative purposes. Cluster: Represents a logical grouping of multiple application servers within a cell for administration, application deployment, load balancing, and failover purposes. Federation: The process of joining a stand-alone WebSphere node to a WebSphere cell. Clustering LiveCycle products If you install a LiveCycle product on an application server cluster, here are a few things you must know: ● (All LiveCycle products except LiveCycle PDF Generator Professional and LiveCycle PDF Generator Elements) You are required to install the product on only one system, not necessarily a server. After configuring the LiveCycle product, you can deploy it to the cluster. ● (LiveCycle PDF Generator Professional and LiveCycle PDF Generator Elements) You must install the product on each node of the cluster. ● LiveCycle must be clustered by using a homogeneous topology (all nodes in the cluster must be configured identically) on each application server it is deployed to. You can ensure that all modules are configured identically by configuring run-time properties in the single-installation staging area. Adobe LiveCycle Overview Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Supported topologies 12 ● The configuration is deployed using the single entity approach; all nodes in a cluster are deployed as if deploying to a single node. ● Server clustering is supported by WebSphere Application Server ND and WebSphere Application Server Enterprise. Clustering is not supported by WebSphere Base or WebSphere Application Server Express. For more information, see the appropriate chapter in this guide for the LiveCycle product you are clustering. Caution: LiveCycle requires that all nodes in the cluster run the same operating system. Clustering LiveCycle products involves the following tasks: 1. Installing the web servers 2. Installing instances of WebSphere Application Server 3. Installing the Deployment Manager 4. Creating the cluster ● Starting the Deployment Manager ● Federating nodes into the cell ● Creating the cluster using Deployment Manager ● Setting up the cluster ● Configuring the cluster members ● Starting the cluster 5. Deploying applications 6. Generating the WebSphere HTTP plug-in 7. Starting the HTTP server Supported topologies The following sections discuss various topologies, both clustered and non-clustered, that can be employed. Combining the web, application, and database servers This topology consists of a web server, an application server, and a database server on the same node. This topology is the simplest one and must be used for development only. Combining the web and application servers This topology can be considered for production in cases where the load on the user interface (including the web tier) is minimal, with a small number of users. Combining the web and application servers means that all Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) look-ups are local, and therefore reduces the overhead of doing a remote look-up. Also, it reduces network overhead of a round trip between the web tier and the application tier. Adobe LiveCycle Overview Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Combining the application and database servers 13 However, with both servers on the same node, if the web tier is compromised, both tiers are compromised, and if the web tier experiences a heavy load, the application server processing is affected and vice versa. User response time is usually affected in situations when users need to wait a significant amount of time to get a page back due to all server resources (that is, CPU and/or memory) being consumed by the application server. If the web tier has a large session size, the application could be deprived of the memory required to process messages off the Java Message Service (JMS) layer. Combining the application and database servers The simplest topology that should be considered for a production environment is a web server and combined application server with database server. Use this topology only if you are sure that your database load will be minimal. In this scenario, the web server is providing a redirection to the application server. The advantages of this topology are low cost, low complexity, and no need for load balancing. The disadvantages of this topology are little redundancy, low scalability, inability to perform updates and upgrades, and possible low performance due to too many CPU processes. Separate web, application, and database servers This topology is the most common in production systems because it allows allocation of separate resources to each of the tiers. In this case, the web server acts as a proxy to the web tier on the application server that hosts the web components. This level of indirection provides additional security by securing the application server even if the web server is compromised. Adding additional web servers You can add additional web servers for scalability and failover. When using multiple web servers, the WebSphere HTTP plug-in configuration file must be applied to each web server. Failure to do so after introducing a new application will likely cause a 404 File Not Found error to occur when a user tries to access the web application. Adding additional application servers This topology is used in most large-scale production systems where the application servers are clustered to provide high availability and, based on the application server capabilities, failover and load balancing. Clustering application servers has these benefits: ● Allows you to use cheaper hardware configurations and still achieve higher performance ● Allows you to upgrade software on servers without downtime ● Provides higher availability (that is, if one server fails, the other nodes in the cluster pick up the processing) ● Provides the ability to leverage load balancing algorithms on the web server (by using load balancers) as well as on the EJB tier for processing requests ● Can provide faster average scalability and throughput LiveCycle products are typically CPU-bound and, as a result, performance gains are better achieved by adding more application servers than by adding more memory or disk space to an existing server. Adobe LiveCycle Overview Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Multiple JVMs 14 Multiple JVMs Vertical scaling of multiple JVMs offers the following advantages: Better utilization of CPU resources: An instance of an application server runs in a single JVM process. However, the inherent concurrency limitations of a JVM process prevent it from fully utilizing the processing power of a machine. Creating additional JVM processes provides multiple thread pools, each corresponding to the JVM process associated with each application server process. This correspondence avoids concurrency limitations and lets the application server use the full processing power of the machine. Load balancing: Vertical scaling topologies can use the WebSphere Application Server workload management facility. Process failover: A vertical scaling topology also provides failover support among application server cluster members. If one application server instance goes offline, the other instances on the machine continue to process client requests. For more information on vertical clustering, go to the IBM website at fo/ae/ae/ctop_vertscale.html Messaging topologies The following sections discuss various messaging topologies that can be employed. Embedded JMS Embedded JMS is not recommended for WebSphere Application Server clusters. Although embedded JMS can function in a cluster, data cannot be effectively shared between embedded JMS nodes in a cluster. Also, because nodes are not handled as a single entity, deployment is unsatisfactory and failover is not supported. Finally, embedded JMS is not scalable. In a production environment, WebSphere MQ messaging is required. You can configure embedded JMS in various messaging topologies: ● Single WebSphere Application Server, with a single embedded JMS server ● Multiple WebSphere Application Servers, with a single embedded JMS server ● Multiple WebSphere Application Servers, each with their own embedded JMS server A single JMS server in a single or multiserver environment is simple to configure and does not require JMS Server Management. Because the data store (where messages are stored) is not available for tuning and/or management, the single JMS server cannot be tuned as it is started, nor can it be managed by the WebSphere Application Server. Using a JMS server for each WebSphere Application Server is the preferred configuration for clustering WebSphere Application Servers, even though the JMS servers are not clustered. It provides redundancy with minimal additional configuration. However, all messages are node-locked; that is, if one JMS server on a WebSphere Application Server fails, its messages remain on the node and cannot be recovered unless the server recovers. Also, you cannot load balance because each JMS server is local to the WebSphere Application Server. Adobe LiveCycle Overview Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Messaging topologies 15 Depending on which topology is selected, the configuration of connection factories and topics will be configured differently. JMS server implementation Topic configuration Single WebSphere Application Server and a single JMS server Because this configuration has one embedded JMS server, the topics can be defined at the cell level. Multiple WebSphere Application Servers and a single JMS server With only one embedded JMS server, the topics need to be at the node level on a server within the cluster running the JMS server and both topic connection factories pointing to that JMS server. Some LiveCycle products, such as LiveCycle Forms and LiveCycle Form Manager do not support this topology. Multiple WebSphere Application Servers, each with their own JMS In this configuration, the connection factories and topics need to be defined at the node level to leverage the individual JMS servers. Using WebSphere MQ In various topologies, you can configure these components: ● Multiple WebSphere MQ managers ● One WebSphere MQ manager per WebSphere Application Server cluster; WebSphere MQ in parent-child mode It is recommended that the WebSphere MQ is installed on a separate server from any of the cluster nodes. The WebSphere MQ client and JMS are installed on each WebSphere Application Server node in the cluster. Multiple WebSphere MQ managers You can configure the WebSphere Application Server to connect to another WebSphere MQ server if the queue manager fails. To implement this configuration, all WebSphere MQ queue managers need to be configured. There will be more processes to manage because each WebSphere MQ needs the queue manager, queue broker, and message listener configured. Although multiple WebSphere MQ servers may be running, this configuration does not support failover because a message delivered to one queue manager from one WebSphere Application Server can only be processed by that WebSphere MQ queue manager. One WebSphere MQ manager per WebSphere Application Server cluster; WebSphere MQ in parent-child mode When installing a WebSphere MQ manager per WebSphere Application Server cluster in parent-child mode, there is effectively one WebSphere MQ manager per cluster of WebSphere Application Servers. Therefore, the topics need to be defined at the node level, and the topic connection factory needs to be configured with Clone Support enabled and a specific Client ID set for the connection factory. If the parent queue manager fails, the child queue manager processes future messages without having to reconfigure the WebSphere Application Servers. However, there is additional configuration overhead of setting up broker communication and broker topology. Adobe LiveCycle Overview Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Unsupported topologies 16 Depending on which topology you select, the configuration of connection factories and topics will be configured differently. WebSphere MQ Topic configuration One WebSphere MQ per WebSphere Application Server In this configuration, the topics need to be defined at the node level. Because there is a single WebSphere MQ manager per server, the connection factories need to be defined at the node level to leverage both WebSphere MQ queue managers. One WebSphere MQ per WebSphere Application Server cluster; WebSphere MQ in parent-child mode In this configuration, there is effectively one WebSphere MQ manager per cluster of WebSphere Application Servers, so the topics need to be defined at the node level, and the topic connection factory needs to be configured with Clone Support enabled and a Client ID needs to be set for the connection factory. For details about the topology setup, see Chapter 2 of the Pub-Sub User guide at Unsupported topologies The following topologies are not supported for LiveCycle. Splitting the web container / EJB container Splitting LiveCycle servers into presentation/business logic tiers and running them on distributed computers is not supported. Geographically distributed configuration Many applications locate their systems geographically to help distribute the load and provide an added level of redundancy. LiveCycle does not support this configuration because LiveCycle components cannot be pulled apart to run on different hosts; LiveCycle is deployed as a monolithic application. 2 Configuring the Application Servers You can install the WebSphere Application Server Base on each node in the cluster. The Deployment Manager is to be installed on a separate system but not on one of the clustered nodes. Preparing to configure Before installing WebSphere, the following configuration tasks must be performed: Disk space: Ensure that the partition that will hold the application server has 10 GB of free disk space. Note: IBM AIX maintenance-level packages are extracted to /usr/sys/ist.images and can be up to 1 GB. IP address settings: All of the computers must have a fixed IP address and must be in the same DNS. AIX port setting: If you are using AIX, the WebSphere default port 9090 conflicts with the AIX service called wsmserver. In this case, a transport_BindException is generated and the product does not deploy effectively. You must change the wsmserver port to a number other than 9090. To do so, edit the /etc/services file by searching for the following line and changing 9090 to another port number, such as 9091: wsmserver 9090/tcp Swap Space: You must increase the amount of swap space configured on your OS to 2 GB of swap space for each 8 MB of RAM installed on the computer. You must make this change to each computer in the cluster. Installing the Deployment Manager You must install the Deployment Manager (WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment) on an administrative system. For information on installing the Deployment Manager see: c/info/welcome_nd.html Installing WebSphere Application Server You must install WebSphere Application Server version for running LiveCycle products. The administrator user account that is being used to perform the WebSphere installation must have a user name up to 12 characters in length. The WebSphere embedded messaging server is supported for use in development environments where server workloads are expected to be low. However, in production environments you must install WebSphere MQ. The embedded messaging server option is not required when WebSphere MQ is installed. The following steps detail how to install WebSphere Application Server. It is assumed that you have downloaded and unzipped the installation file to an installation directory, and have opened a system terminal and navigated to that directory. Then, for each WebSphere Application Server node, perform the following procedure. 17 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Application Servers Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Installing WebSphere Application Server 18 ➤ To install WebSphere Application Server 5.1: 1. Run the installation program (install.exe,, or from the appropriate directory for your operating system. 2. Select Install the product. 3. Accept the License Agreement. 4. If you are installing WebSphere under AIX, errors may appear about missing filesets, such as X11.fnt.ucs.ttf*, which are AIX Windows Unicode TrueType fonts. You can ignore these error messages. 5. Select the Custom installation, and then select only the following features: ● Application Server ● Administration ● ● ● Scripted Administration ● Administrative Console Ant and Deployment Tools ● Deploy Tool ● Ant Utilities Web Server Plug-ins ● ● Plug-in for IBM HTTP Server v2.0 Performance and Analysis Tools ● Tivoli Performance Viewer ● Dynamic Cache Monitor ● Performance Servlet ● Log Analyzer Note: Be sure to deselect IBM HTTP Server version 1.3.28 and Plug-In for IBM HTTP Server 1.3.28, which are enabled by default, and select Plug-In for IBM HTTP Server v2.0. 6. Specify the directory where WebSphere will be installed. On some operating systems, you may have to specify the location of your HTTP server. 7. In the Node Name box, specify the name of the server and, in the Host Name or IP Address box, specify the fully qualified host name or the IP address of the server. The Install Wizard confirms the packages to be installed. 8. Click Next. 9. After the installation is complete, select whether to register the product. 10. Click Next, and then click Finish. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Application Servers Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Installing the WebSphere FixPacks 19 Installing the WebSphere FixPacks Installing Fix Pack 1 upgrades your installation of WebSphere Application Server 5.1 to version 5.1.1. You can obtain the Fix Pack from IBM at this location: Installing Cumulative Fix 5 upgrades version 5.1.1 to version You can obtain Cumulative Fix 5 from IBM at this location: Creating an endorsed directory If you have not installed LiveCycle, you must do so now before continuing. You must create an endorsed directory in the WebSphere directory. The endorsed directory must be placed in the same location, within the WebSphere directory, on each node that will be in the cluster and on the Deployment Manager. ➤ To create an endorsed directory: 1. Navigate to the [appserver root]/java/jre/lib directory and create a directory called endorsed. 2. Copy the following files from the [LiveCycle root]/components/um/endorsed directory to the endorsed directory you just created: ● dom3-xercesImpl-2.4.0.jar ● dom3-xml-apis-2.4.0.jar ● xalan-2.4.1.jar 3. (Solaris) Move the [appserver root]/java/jre/lib/xml.jar file to the /java/jre/lib directory. Note: For more information, see the Adobe Knowledge Center article c4863, LiveCycle Forms issues with WebSphere. Configuring the shared libraries You must copy the DocumentServicesLibrary.jar file to the WebSphere directory on each base node in the cluster, and then configure WebSphere shared libraries. You also need to configure a new classloader that uses the shared library. Note: All of tasks in this section must be performed for each node in the cluster. You must also copy the Document Services Library file and configure the shared library files on the Deployment Manager. Please ensure that you use the same directory path for all servers. ➤ (All products except LiveCycle Policy Server) To configure the DocumentServicesLibrary file: 1. Copy the DocumentServicesLibrary.jar file from the [LiveCycle root]/components/csa/websphere /lib/adobe directory to the [appserver root]/optionalLibraries directory. 2. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Environment > Shared Libraries and click New. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Application Servers Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring the shared libraries 3. On the Configuration page, specify the following information: ● Under Scope, select all nodes and servers and change the scope to Cell. ● In the Name box, type DocumentServicesLibrary. ● In the Classpath box, type [appserver root]/optionalLibraries/DocumentServicesLibrary.jar. Then click Apply. 4. Click OK, and then save your changes to the Master Configuration. ➤ (LiveCycle Policy Server only) To configure the shared library files: 1. For each node in the cluster, copy the edc-server-spi.jar file from [LiveCycle root]/policyserver/sdk/spi-lib/edc-server-spi.jar to the [appserver_root]/optionalLibraries directory. 2. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Environment > Shared Libraries. 3. Click Browse Servers, select the server you are using for LiveCycle Policy Server, and then click OK. 4. Click Apply, and then click New. 5. On the Configuration page, type the following information: ● Under Scope, select all nodes and servers and change the scope to Cell. ● In the Name box, type EDCApplication ● In the Classpath box, type [appserver_root]/optionalLibraries/edc-server-spi.jar then click Apply. 6. Click OK, and then click Save. 7. Save changes to the Master Configuration. ➤ To configure the classloader: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Servers > Application Servers. 2. Click the server instance that you are configuring (for example, server1). 3. In the Configuration tab under Additional Properties, click Classloader. 4. Click New. In the Class loader mode list, keep the default value Parent_First, and click OK. 5. On the page that appears, click the Classloader Id link of the newly created classloader instance. 6. On the page that appears, under Additional Properties, click Libraries and click Add. 7. In the Library Name list, select DocumentServicesLibrary and click OK. 8. (LiveCycle Policy Server only) In the Library Name list, select EDCApplication and click OK. 9. Save your changes to the Master Configuration. 10. Repeat steps 1 - 9 for each server in the cluster. 20 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Application Servers Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Increasing the SOAP time-out 21 ➤ (LiveCycle PDF Generator) To set the JVM properties: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Servers > Application Servers. 2. Click the server instance that you are configuring (for example, server1). 3. Click Process Definition and under Additional Properties, select Java Virtual Machine. 4. Under Additional properties, select Custom Properties and click New. 5. In the Name box, type, and in the Value box, type a shared directory location that is accessible to all servers in the cluster, and click OK. 6. Click New and in the Name box, type 7. (LiveCycle PDF Generator for PostScript) In the Value box, type pdfg-ps-all#adobe-PsToPdfEjb.jar#PsToPdfDequeue=1,3:*=40,100 8. (LiveCycle PDF Generator Professional or LiveCycle PDF Generator Elements) In the Value box, type pdfg-all#aaes-ejb.jar#Dequeue=1,1:pdfg-all#adobe-PsToPdfEjb.jar#PsToPdfDeq ueue=1,3:*=40,100 9. Click OK. ➤ (LiveCycle Policy Server only) To update the qname.jar file 1. Copy the jax-qname.jar from the [LiveCycle root]/PolicyServer/sdk/lib/WebSphere directory to the [appserver root]/lib directory. 2. Delete the qname.jar file from the [appserver root]/lib directory. You must stop the application server to do this step. Increasing the SOAP time-out For each node in the cluster and on the Deployment Manager, you must increase the default SOAP time-out by editing the soap.client.props file. Edit the soap.client.props file. You can find the file under this location: [appserver root]/AppServer/properties (for stand-alone server) [appserver root]/DeploymentManager/properties (for managed servers) The default value for the property is 180 seconds. You must change the value to 1800, and then restart the server or the Deployment Manager and all of the nodes. Preparing WebSphere MQ This section applies only to LiveCycle Form Manager, LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle PDF Generator, and Watched Folder (for use with LiveCycle Workflow and LiveCycle Assembler). If you are using WebSphere as your application server, you must install WebSphere MQ in production environments and in development environments where server workloads are expected to be high. In development environments where you expect low server workloads, you can use the WebSphere embedded messaging server. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Application Servers Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Installing the required software 22 This section describes how to configure WebSphere MQ in a non-clustered environment. In this guide, [MQ_root] indicates the location at which WebSphere MQ is installed. The default installation location varies depending on the operating system you are using: ● (Windows) c:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere MQ ● (Solaris, Linux) /opt/mqm ● (AIX) /usr/mqm Installing the required software You must install all of the required software according to the following procedure before proceeding with the rest of the instructions in this section. Note: WebSphere MQ and WebSphere Application Server do not need to be installed on the same computer. ➤ To install the required software: 1. Ensure that the patch levels are correct for the operating system. Computers running AIX require version 51-007 or later. 2. If you are installing WebSphere MQ on a computer that is running WebSphere Application Server, stop the application server before the installation. 3. If you are installing WebSphere MQ on a computer that has WebSphere Application Server installed, go to the [appserver root]\bin directory and run the setupCmdLine script to ensure that the environment variables are set correctly. 4. If you are installing WebSphere MQ on a computer that does not have WebSphere Application Server installed, install WebSphere MQ Client and Java Messaging on the machine where WebSphere Application Server is installed. 5. Proceed to “To install WebSphere MQ on Windows:” on page 22 or “To install WebSphere MQ on UNIX:” on page 23. ➤ To install WebSphere MQ on Windows: 1. Start the WebSphere MQ installer. 2. If you are installing WebSphere MQ on a computer that does not have WebSphere Application Server or Embedded Messaging installed, proceed to step 4. If you are installing WebSphere MQ on a computer that has WebSphere Application Server installed with Embedded Messaging, you are prompted to either modify or remove it. Select Remove, click Next and, when prompted to either keep or remove existing queues, select Keep. 3. After the removal of the Embedded Messaging server is complete, start the installer again and select a Custom installation. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Application Servers Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Installing the required software 23 4. On the Features panel of the installer, ensure that Server, Client, Java Messaging, and Development Toolkit are all selected for installation and proceed with the installation. Note: If you have installed WebSphere MQ on a computer that does not have WebSphere Application Server installed, you must also install WebSphere MQ Client and Java Messaging on the computer running WebSphere Application Server. Note: For computers with both WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere MQ, the MQ client and Java Messaging must be installed on all nodes in the cluster and the Deployment Manager. They must be installed in the same location on each server, and the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT must be set at the node level for each node in the cluster as well as the Deployment Manager. 5. When the installation is complete, the Prepare WebSphere MQ Wizard appears. Use the wizard to configure MQ for your environment. 6. Proceed to “To complete the post-installation tasks:” on page 23. ➤ To install WebSphere MQ on UNIX: 1. Read and follow the WebSphere MQ Quick Beginnings document for the operating system on which you plan to install WebSphere MQ. 2. When given the option, install Server, Client, and Java Messaging. 3. If you have installed WebSphere MQ on a computer that does not have WebSphere Application Server installed, install WebSphere MQ Client and Java Messaging on the computer running WebSphere Application Server. 4. Proceed to “To complete the post-installation tasks:” on page 23. ➤ To complete the post-installation tasks: 1. (Windows) Stop WebSphere MQ and use Task Manager to stop any tasks that begin with “amq”. 2. From a command prompt, install Fix Pack 10 (formerly CSD10). Fix Pack 10 is required for the installation of the Java Messaging support, which is required by LiveCycle products. You can obtain the Fix Pack from IBM at this location: D10&uid=swg24009688&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en 3. Define a local user and add the user to the mqm group, which was created during the WebSphere MQ install. The user name must be less than 12 characters long. You will later select this user when configuring the JMS connection factories in WebSphere Application Server. On Windows, the WebSphere MQ install creates both the mqm group and a user named MUSR_MQADMIN. Do not alter this user, because WebSphere MQ uses it to run some services. If you have altered this user, run the following command from the [MQ_root]\bin folder to reset it: amqmsrvn -regserver Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Application Servers Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Installing the required software 24 4. (UNIX) Log on using the mqm user account you created and update the CLASSPATH, MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH, MQ_JAVA_DATA_PATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH, as required, from a command prompt. For example, under Solaris, the paths could look like this: ● export CLASSPATH=/opt/mqm/java/lib/ ms.jar:/opt/mqm/java/lib/connector.jar:/opt/mqm/java/lib/jms.jar:/opt/mq m/java/lib/jndi.jar:/opt/mqm/java/lib/jta.jar:/opt/mqm/java ● export MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH=/opt/mqm/java ● export MQ_JAVA_DATA_PATH=/var/mqm ● export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mqm/java/lib 5. Copy the following scripts from the [LiveCycle root]/configurationManager/scripts/mq_server directory to the [MQ_root]/bin directory: ● configure_MQ ● LC_Queues.mqsc ● setMqClasspath ● start_MQ Note: (UNIX) Copy the scripts using the mqm user account you created when you installed WebSphere MQ. 6. Copy the LC_JmsDefs.scp script from the [LiveCycle root]/configurationManager/scripts/mq_server directory to the [MQ_root]/Java/bin directory. Note: (UNIX) Copy the scripts using the mqm user account you created when you installed WebSphere MQ. 7. From a command prompt, run the following script: ● (Windows) From the directory containing the configure_MQ.bat file, enter the following command: configure_MQ.bat queue_manager_name where queue_manager_name is an appropriate queue manager name for the node. ● (UNIX) From the directory containing the file, enter the following command: queue_manager_name MQ_root MQ_Java_data_path where queue_manager_name is an appropriate queue manager name for the node, MQ_root is the location at which WebSphere MQ is installed (by default, /usr/mqm), and MQ_Java_data_path is the data install path (by default, /var/mqm). Note: If you close or lose this prompt for any reason, you must run the setMqClasspath script by entering the following command in any subsequent command windows that you use to administer WebSphere MQ: ● (Windows) setMqClasspath.bat ● (UNIX) MQ_root MQ_Java_data_path Note: (UNIX) Run the script using the mqm user account you created when you installed WebSphere MQ. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Application Servers Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring WebSphere MQ 25 Configuring WebSphere MQ After you install WebSphere MQ, you must configure it so that the application server can access it. ➤ To configure WebSphere MQ: 1. Create the cfstore directory. The location of the directory will differ depending on your operating system: ● (Windows) C:\cfstore ● (UNIX) /opt/cfstore 2. (UNIX) Under the /opt/cfstore directory create two additional directories named jms and topic. 3. Modify the JMSAdmin.config file, located in the [MQ_root]\Java\bin directory: ● Uncomment the INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY=com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory setting, and comment out the rest of the INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY settings. This is the setting to use a filestore. If you want to use LDAP or WebSphere JNDI, see the appropriate IBM documentation. ● Set the PROVIDER_URL property and create the corresponding directory on your computer: ● (Windows) PROVIDER_URL=file:/C:/cfstore ● (UNIX) PROVIDER_URL=file:/opt/cfstore Note: If you are running on Windows, ensure that the path does not contain backslash characters (\). Replace any backslash characters with forward slash characters (/). 4. Create JMS definitions by opening a command prompt and navigating to the [MQ_root]\java\bin directory, and then run the following script: JMSAdmin < LC_JmsDefs.scp Note: This step should be performed for the first queue manager only. Note: (UNIX) Run the script using the mqm user account you created when you installed WebSphere MQ. 5. Start the MQ services or daemons by navigating to the [MQ_root]/bin directory and entering the following command: ● (Windows) start_MQ.bat queue_manager_name ● (UNIX) queue_manager_name port Note: (UNIX) Run the script using the mqm user account you created when you installed WebSphere MQ. The port number you provide will be required when configuring WebSphere Application Server queues and topics, so be sure to select an available port. The default port number for WebSphere MQ is 1414. If you receive a message that the queue manager is already running, ignore this message. If you need to restart MQ services or daemons, run the start_MQ script again. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Application Servers Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring WebSphere MQ 26 6. (Windows) Start the message listener service: ● Select Start > All Programs > IBM WebSphere MQ > WebSphere MQ Services. ● Expand WebSphere MQ Services and right-click the queue manager you created in “To complete the post-installation tasks:” on page 23. ● Select New > Listener. ● On the Parameters tab, set Protocol to TCP, set Port to an available port number, set Local Address to the address of the computer where MQ is installed, and then click OK. ● To start the listener, in the right pane, right-click the listener you just created and select All Tasks > Start. 7. (Windows) Add a custom service in MQ Services by selecting Start > All Programs > IBM Websphere MQ > Websphere MQ Services. 8. (Windows) Click Websphere MQ Services > [your queue manager], right-click Custom Services, and select New > Custom Service. 9. (Windows) Specify the following values for the properties in the dialog box: ● Service Name: queue_manager_name Broker ● Start Command: strmqbrk -m queue_manager_name ● End Command: endmqbrk -m queue_manager_name ● Execution: COMMAND ● Startup: AFTER 10. (Windows) Right-click your queue manager, and then select All Tasks > Stop. 11. (Windows) Right-click your queue manager, and then select All Tasks > Start. Note: To properly start MQ, use the MQ Services Console to ensure that both the listener and the broker are started. 12. For each queue manager, perform steps 13 to 15. 13. Highlight the queue manager. Notice that it is set to start Manually. 14. Right-click the queue manager and select Properties. 15. In the Startup Type box, select Automatic. 16. (UNIX) Start the broker by running the following command from the [MQ root]/bin directory: strmqbrk -m queue_manager_name Note: (UNIX) Run the script using the mqm user account you created when you installed WebSphere MQ. 17. (Optional) Verify the publish-subscribe setup by navigating to the [MQ_root]\java\bin directory and running the PSIVTRun.bat (Windows) or the file (UNIX) by entering the following command: PSIVTRun –nojndi –m queue_manager_name -t Note: (UNIX) Run the script using the mqm user account you created when you installed WebSphere MQ. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Application Servers Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Setting the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT 27 18. Verify that the administration channel exists on WebSphere MQ for the Queue manager by navigating to the [MQ_root]/bin directory and performing the following steps: ● Run the runmqsc queue_manager_name command. ● Ensure that the SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN channel exists by entering the following command: dis chl (SYSTEM.ADMIN*) all ● If the channel does not exist, create it by entering the following command: define channel(SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN) chltype(SVRCONN) ● Ensure that security is disabled by entering the following command: alter channel(SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN) chltype(SVRCONN) mcauser('mqm') ● Refresh the security cache by entering the following command: refresh security(*) ● Exit by entering the command end Note: (UNIX) Run the script using the mqm user account you created when you installed WebSphere MQ. 19. If all of the preceding steps were successful, restart WebSphere Application Server. Setting the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT The following procedure must be performed after the cluster has been created. You must now set the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT to the location of the MQ installation for the Deployment Manager and each node in the cluster. ➤ To set the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT environment variable: 1. Log in to WebSphere Administrative Console (by default, http://server_name:9090/admin) 2. Click Browse Nodes, select a member of the cluster and, in the navigation tree, select Environment > Manage WebSphere Variables. 3. In the right pane, select MQ_INSTALL_ROOT, set the Value property to the location where you installed WebSphere MQ, and click OK. 4. Save your changes to the master configuration. 3 Configuring the Web Servers It is recommended that you use IBM HTTP server that ships with the WebSphere Application Server. Preparing for installation Before you install the web server, the following configuration tasks must be performed: Server domain: If you are using a domain architecture, ensure that the server is not a member of any domain other than the same domain as the LDAP server. Java JRE: IBM HTTP Server installation is a GUI-based Java application that requires the installation of the IBM Java Runtime Environment. After it is installed, define a system environment variable called JAVA_HOME that points to the installation of the JRE. Create local user: In Microsoft Windows, if you plan to run the HTTP server as a service, you can create a local account and make this account a part of the local administrators group. Installing the web server The following steps detail how to install IBM HTTP 2.0 server. For information on installing and configuring other IBM supported web servers such as Apache, Microsoft IIS and Sun Java System Web Server, see info/aes/ae/tins_manualWebServer.html It is assumed that you have downloaded and unzipped the installation file to an installation directory, and have opened a system terminal and navigated to that directory. Note: This procedure can be used to upgrade the current version of IBM HTTP Server by replacing the existing installation. ➤ To install the web server: 1. From the command prompt, type java –jar setup.jar. 2. Specify the language used for the installation (for example, type English). 3. Accept the terms of the license agreement. 4. Select the directory where the server will be installed, and then select Custom installation. 5. Select the following products: ● ● HTTP Server Base ● Application Files ● Documentation Base Extensions ● Security 6. Select the languages you want your web server to support. 28 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Web Servers Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Generating and updating the IBM HTTP Server plug-in 29 7. If your operating system allows you to run the server as a service, in the User ID box, enter the user account to run the service under and, in the password and password verification boxes, type the user account password. 8. On the Summary screen, click Next. 9. Click Finish. If you are running Windows, when the installation is complete, reboot the server. IBM HTTP Server should now be running. By default, IBM HTTP Server runs on port 80. If you already have another web server running on the computer and listening on port 80, you need to shut down the other server and then navigate to http://[localhost]/, where you will see the server Welcome page. Generating and updating the IBM HTTP Server plug-in After deploying all of your applications, the IBM HTTP Server plug-in (plugin-cfg.xml) file must be regenerated and then deployed to all of the web servers. ➤ To regenerate the IBM HTTP Server plug-in: 1. In a web browser, type the URL to the Deployment Manager; for example, type: http://:9090/admin 2. In the left frame, select Environment, and then click the Update Web Server Plugin link. 3. Click OK. ➤ To deploy the WebSphere HTTP Server plug-in to all web servers: 1. From the application server, copy the plugin-cfg.xml file (this file is created in the [Appserver]\DeploymentManager\config\cells directory) to the appropriate directory on the web server. The last line in the web server's configuration file named httpd.conf points to where the plug-in expects to find the configuration file, as in the following example: WebSpherePluginConfig "C:\WASV5\DeploymentManager/config/cells/plugin-cfg.xml". 2. From the application server, copy the mod_was_ap20_http.dll file located in the [Appserver]\bin directory to the modules directory of all web servers. For example, in Windows the directory would be C:\Program Files\IBMHTTPServer\modules. 3. Edit the httpd.conf file on all web servers, adding references to the mod_was_ap20_http.dll and plugin-cfg.xml files; for example, type the following lines: LoadModule_was_ap_20_module "[webserver root]\bin\mod_was_ap20_http.dll" WebSpherePluginConfig "[webserver root]\conf\plugin-cfg.xml" where [webserver root] specifies the directory where the IBM HTTP server is installed. 4. Restart the IBM HTTP Server service. Note: If you have another IIS API plug-in, it may conflict with the IBM HTTP plug-in. 4 Configuring WebSphere Clusters Creating WebSphere clusters involves the following tasks: ● Federating the nodes ● Creating clusters using the Deployment Manager ● Setting up the clusters ● Adding ports to the host alias list Federating all nodes After a node is federated to a WebSphere Deployment Manager, the WebSphere Administrative Console is removed and a node agent is installed. The Deployment Manager communicates with individual servers on nodes by using the node agent. (See In order to federate the nodes, stop the servers on each node and ensure that the Deployment Manager is running. Check to ensure that you can ping the Deployment Manager from each node by name, not simply by IP address. It is also important to ensure that the server system clocks are synchronized to within 5 minutes of each other. From a command prompt, navigate to the bin directory under the installation root of a node where the WebSphere Application Server base is installed. Run the addNode script (addNode.bat for Windows, for Linux/UNIX) and use the computer name as a parameter; for example, type: addNode.bat [DeploymentManagerMachineName] [DeploymentManagerPort] In addition to federating the node to the cell, addNode also starts the node agent process. After the node is federated to a cell, the node agent is started with the startNode command, which is also located in the application server bin directory. During this process, the node being federated communicates to the Deployment Manager using port 8879, by default. The node agent pings all of the application servers on a node. When the node agent detects that the application server is not available, it tries to stop and restart the application server. It is a good idea to add the node agent as an operating system daemon process in UNIX. You can add the node agent as a service in Windows by using WASService, available in the bin directory of the base application server installation. Creating clusters by using the Deployment Manager Log in to the Administrative Console of the Deployment Manager computer. By default, the Administrative Console web application listens on port 9090. ➤ To create a cluster using the Deployment Manager: 1. In a web browser, type the URL of the Deployment Manager; for example, type http://:9090/admin. 2. In the left frame, expand the Servers menu and click the Clusters link. 30 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring WebSphere Clusters Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Setting up clusters 31 3. Click the New button and click Next. 4. In the Step 1: Enter Basic Cluster Information window, type the name of the cluster; for example, type myCluster. 5. Select the following options, and then click Next: ● Prefer local enabled ● Create Replication Domain for this cluster ● Do not include an existing server in this cluster 6. In the Step 2: Create New Clustered Servers window, enter a unique name for the server to be added to the cluster. 7. In the Select Node list, select the node that will contain the new cluster member. 8. In the Weight box, type the server weight. Servers with a higher value receive a larger share of the cluster’s workload. 9. Select Generate Unique Http Ports, select Create Replication Entry in this Server, and then select Default application server template. 10. In the list, select a template, and then click Apply. 11. Repeat steps 6 to 10 for each additional server in the cluster, and then click Next. 12. In the Step 3: Summary window, click Finish. A warning appears stating that changes have been made to the local configuration. 13. Click Save. 14. In the Save to Master Configuration window, select Synchronize changes with Nodes and click Save. Setting up clusters For newly created servers, add the port numbers to the default host alias list. ➤ To add the port numbers to the default host alias list: 1. In the navigation tree, select Servers > Application Servers and select the primary server. 2. Select Web Container > HTTP Transports, and then verify that the port is in use. 3. Navigate back to Application Servers and repeat the previous step for each additional server. 4. Select Environment > Virtual Hosts. 5. Click Default Host in the Work-Area panel. 6. Scroll down and select Host Aliases, and then click New. 7. In the New window, enter the host name and port number for the primary server in the areas specified and then click OK. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring WebSphere Clusters Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring cluster members 8. Repeat step 7 for each additional server. Note: Ensure that each virtual host port number is unique for each server in the cluster. 9. Save your changes. Configuring cluster members Each cluster member must be configured for the new cluster. ➤ To configure a cluster member: 1. In the navigation frame, select Servers > Application Servers. 2. Select the server you are clustering, select Web Container. Under General Properties, select Enable Servlet Caching, and then click OK. 3. Select Web Container > Session Management. 4. Under Additional Properties, click Distributed Environment Settings, then select Memory to Memory Replication and also click the link. 5. Select Select replicator from the following domain and select your cluster. 6. In the second list, select the name of the replicator. When configuring server1, the replicator will be server2 and, when configuring server2, the replicator will be server1. 7. Ensure that Runtime Mode is set to Both client and server. 8. Select Custom Tuning Parameters. Select the Very High option to optimize the tuning level for performance. 9. Click OK. 10. Save your changes. 11. Repeat steps 1 to 9 for all cluster members. Starting clusters Now that the cluster has been created, it must be started manually. ➤ To start the cluster: 1. In a web browser, type the URL to Deployment Manager; for example, type: http://:9090/admin 2. In the left frame, select Servers, and then click the Clusters link. 3. Select the cluster and click Start. The servers start in parallel. Alternatively, you can click Ripplestart, which starts the servers in sequence. 32 5 Maintaining a WebSphere Cluster This section describes typical tasks that are required for maintaining WebSphere clusters. Shutting down and restarting nodes and clusters The procedures below detail how to shut down and restart servers in a cluster. ➤ To shut down a cluster: 1. In a web browser, type the URL to the Deployment Manager; for example, type: http://:9090/admin 2. In the left frame, select Servers and click the Clusters link. 3. Select the cluster and click Stop. ➤ To shut down a node: 1. In a web browser, type the URL to the Deployment Manager; for example, type: http://:9090/admin 2. In the left frame, select System Administration and click Nodes. 3. Select the node and click Stop. ➤ To restart the nodes and the cluster: 1. Navigate to the bin directory of the application server on each node and run the startNode command: ● (Windows) startNode.bat ● (Linux, UNIX) 2. In a web browser, type the URL to the Deployment Manager; for example, type: http://:9090/admin 3. In the Deployment Manager console, start the cluster by navigating to Servers > Clusters. Select the cluster and click Start. Adding and removing nodes The procedures below detail how to add a node to or remove a node from an existing WebSphere cell (with multiple nodes). Adding nodes In order to federate a node, start the servers on the new node and ensure that the Deployment Manager is running. Check to ensure that you can ping the Deployment Manager from the new node by name, not 33 Adobe LiveCycle Maintaining a WebSphere Cluster Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Removing nodes 34 simply by IP address. It is also important to ensure that the server system clocks are synchronized so that they are within 5 minutes of each other. ➤ To add a node to an existing cluster: 1. In a web browser, type the URL to the Deployment Manager; for example, type http://:9090/admin 2. Expand the Servers menu in the left frame and click the Clusters link. 3. To view the members, click the cluster. 4. Click New and, in the Member name box, type the name of the application server. 5. In the Select Node list, select the node that will contain the new cluster member. 6. In the Weight box, type the server weight. Servers with higher values receive a larger share of the cluster’s workload. 7. Select Generate Unique Http Ports, and then click Apply. 8. Click Next, and then click Finish. A warning appears stating that changes have been made to the local configuration. 9. Click Save. 10. In the Save to Master Configuration window, select Synchronize changes with Nodes and click Save. 11. Start the newly added server. 12. Stop all servers in the cluster. (See “Shutting down and restarting nodes and clusters” on page 33.) 13. Start all servers in the cluster. (See “Shutting down and restarting nodes and clusters” on page 33.) 14. In the Deployment Manager, list all of the Enterprise Applications. Select Applications > Enterprise Applications. All deployed applications should now be started. Removing nodes Nodes can be removed using script files on each of the nodes. ➤ To remove a node from a cluster: 1. Verify that the Deployment Manager is running. 2. On each node, navigate to the bin directory of the application server and run the appropriate removeNode and cleanup scripts: ● (Windows) removeNode.bat ● (Linux, UNIX) ● (Windows) cleanupNode.bat ● (Linux, UNIX) Adobe LiveCycle Maintaining a WebSphere Cluster Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere 3. In a web browser, type the URL to the Deployment Manager; for example, type: http://:9090/admin 4. In the left frame, select System Administration and click the Nodes link. 5. Verify that the node has been removed. Removing nodes 35 6 Configuring the Database Before installing some LiveCycle products to the cluster, the database must be configured. See the installing and configuring guide for the LiveCycle product you are clustering. To configure the database, you must have a database server installed and a database created. For more information on creating and installing databases for LiveCycle products, see the installing and configuring guide for the LiveCycle product you are clustering. Installing database drivers If you are installing an Oracle or DB2 database, you must install database drivers to the installation directories of the application server. Drivers are required to enable Configuration Manager and the application server to connect to the LiveCycle database. You need to install the drivers for the type of database that you use for the LiveCycle database. These drivers have to be installed on the same [appserver root] location for all nodes. Caution: For LiveCycle Policy Server, the WebSphere embedded drivers are not supported for the MS SQL Server 2000 SP 3 database. You can only use the Microsoft database drivers. These drivers are available from the Microsoft website. For other LiveCycle products, you can use either the embedded drivers or the Microsoft drivers. Configuration Manager does not support the Microsoft drivers, so configuration can only be done manually. The data source creation will fail when Configuration Manager is used. ➤ To install the Oracle driver: 1. Download the Oracle 10g ( driver from 2. In the [appserver root] directory, create a directory named db_driver. 3. Copy the ojdbc14.jar file that you downloaded to the [appserver root]/db_driver directory. ➤ To install the DB2 driver: 1. In the [appserver root] directory, create a directory named db_driver 2. Copy the db2jcc_license_cu.jar and db2jcc.jar files from the [dbserver root]/java directory, for example [dbserver root]/ibm/Sqllib/java (Windows) or [dbserver root]/java (Linux, UNIX), to the [appserver root]/db_driver directory. ➤ To install the Microsoft drivers: 1. Download the MS SQL Server 2000 SP 3 database drivers from isplaylang=en. 2. In the [appserver root] directory, create a directory named db_driver. 3. Copy the msbase.jar, mssqlserver.jar, and msutil.jar files that you downloaded to the [appserver root]/db_driver directory. 36 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring the Database Configuring the databases 37 Configuring the databases This section describes how to set up the database that stores LiveCycle configuration information and run-time data. The procedures described in this section apply to all LiveCycle products that use User Management. If you previously configured the database for deploying other LiveCycle products, you do not need to perform the tasks again. Note: User Management is an optional feature for LiveCycle Forms. If this is the first installation of a LiveCycle product, you must create an empty database. All of the tables required to support LiveCycle products will be created by Configuration Manager when you initialize the database. Before creating the database, you must ensure that you have read the pre-installation requirements and have the required software installed. Also note that if you are installing LiveCycle Policy Server along with other LiveCycle products, two databases and two data sources are required. Configuring Oracle databases If you prefer not to use the default database that was created when you installed Oracle 9i or 10g, create a new database using the Database Configuration Assistant tool. You must create a database that uses the UTF-8 character set if the LiveCycle user records database authenticates against an LDAP directory that uses UTF-8 characters. You must also create a new user on the database. For deployments on Linux and UNIX, the user name must not exceed 8 characters and, on Windows, it must not exceed 12 characters. This user name and password will be used again when you create the data source. For both Oracle 9i and Oracle 10g, the user account must be assigned both the CONNECT and RESOURCE roles. For Oracle 9i, the user account must be granted the ACCESS_ANY_WORKSPACE, CREATE VIEW, and UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privileges. For Oracle 10g, the user account must be granted the ACCESS_ANY_WORKSPACE, CREATE SESSION, CREATE SYNONYM, CREATE VIEW, and UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privileges. For information about using Oracle9i or 10g, see the Oracle 9i or 10g user documentation. Configuring DB2 databases Create a DB2 database by running the script provided in this section. The script is tuned for a system that will use 1 GB of memory for the database. If your system has a different amount of memory dedicated for the database, see the DB2 documentation for details on configuring your system settings. You must also create a user with SYSADM and DBADM privileges that can be used when configuring the data source on the application server. For information about creating a user, see the DB2 documentation. For deployments on Linux and UNIX, the user name must not exceed 8 characters and, on Windows, it must not exceed 12 characters. The user name and password of the new user you create on the database are used again when you create the data source. After you create the database, you must configure it to enable concurrent usage. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Database Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring DB2 databases 38 ➤ To create a DB2 database: 1. On the computer that hosts DB2, create a new text file that includes the following DB2 script: create database dbname using codeset utf-8 territory default; connect to dbname; CREATE BUFFERPOOL "BP8K" SIZE 50000 PAGESIZE 8192 NOT EXTENDED STORAGE; connect reset; connect to dbname; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE DBNAME_TEMP_8K IN DATABASE PARTITION GROUP IBMTEMPGROUP PAGESIZE 8192 MANAGED BY SYSTEM USING ('DB2_root\DBNAME_TEMP') EXTENTSIZE 32 PREFETCHSIZE 16 BUFFERPOOL BP8K; CREATE REGULAR TABLESPACE DBNAME_DATA_8K IN DATABASE PARTITION GROUP IBMDEFAULTGROUP PAGESIZE 8192 MANAGED BY DATABASE USING (FILE'DB2_root\DBNAME_DATA'9000) EXTENTSIZE 16 PREFETCHSIZE 16 BUFFERPOOL BP8K; commit work; connect reset; connect to dbname; alter bufferpool ibmdefaultbp immediate size 96000; alter bufferpool bp8k immediate size 32000; commit work; connect reset; update db cfg for dbname using dbheap 4000; update db cfg for dbname using logbufsz 2048; update db cfg for dbname using locklist 2000; update db cfg for dbname using chngpgs_thresh 40; update db cfg for dbname using logfilsiz 4000; deactivate database dbname; activate database dbname; 2. Make the following changes to the script: ● Replace the instances of dbname and DBNAME with the name that you want for the LiveCycle database. ● Replace DB2_root with the path to the root directory where DB2 is installed. ● Ensure that no commands include line breaks and each command is terminated by a semicolon (“;”). ● Change 9000 in the following line based on your database size: (FILE'DB2_root\DBNAME_DATA'9000) This number specifies the minimum number of pages required to initialize the database. You can also change this number using the DB2 administration tools after initializing the database. 3. Save the text file in a location that DB2 Command Line Processor can access. 4. Open a command prompt. 5. (Windows) Enter the following command to open DB2 Command Line Processor: db2cmd 6. Enter the following command to run the script: db2 -tf / Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Database Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring a DB2 database for concurrent usage 39 Configuring a DB2 database for concurrent usage If you are using a DB2 database, you must configure it for multiple-user scenarios. ➤ To configure the DB2 database for concurrent usage: 1. Start DB2 Control Center: ● (Windows) Select Start > Programs > IBM DB2 > General Administration Tools > Control Center. ● (Linux and UNIX) From a command prompt, enter the command db2jcc 2. In the DB2 Control Center object tree, click All Databases. 3. Right-click the database you created for LiveCycle products and click Configuration Advisor. 4. Follow the steps in the Configuration Advisor wizard and ensure that the properties in the following table are set. DB2 property Required value Workload type Mixed Average number of SQL transactions Fewer than 10 per unit of work Database Administration Priority Faster transaction performance Populated Database Set according to the current state of the database. The database is not populated if the database has not yet been initialized using Configuration Manager. Isolation Level Cursor Stability Configuring SQL Server databases You can create a SQL Server database that LiveCycle products use to store run-time and configuration data. For information on creating a SQL Server database, refer to the SQL Server documentation. LiveCycle products support SQL Server 2000 SP3a and SP4. Create a SQL Server database and create a user with DB_OWNER privileges that can be used when configuring the data source on the application server. For information about creating the database and user, see the SQL Server documentation. The SQL Server database can be configured with the Windows or SQL Server authentication types. You must also install JTA stored procedures on SQL Server. The embedded Connect JDBC driver is shipped with WebSphere Application Server in two parts. The JAR files are included in the main product installation and are updated automatically when the application server is updated. However, the stored procedures for JTA are found on a CD that is separate from the main installation. Because the stored procedures for JTA must reside on your machines running SQL Server, which might be separate from your machines that run WebSphere Application Server, you must install the stored procedures manually. (See “Installing JTA stored procedures” on page 40.) If SQL Server runs on Windows 2003, you need to enable XA transactions at the operating system level. (See “Enabling XA transactions for Windows Server 2003” on page 41.) Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Database Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring SQL Server databases 40 Installing JTA stored procedures LiveCycle products deployed on WebSphere use a database driver to connect to the SQL Server database. This driver requires stored procedures for JTA on the SQL Server computer. You need to obtain and install updated SQL Server install files for JTA stored procedures. ➤ To install JTA stored procedures: 1. Download the file from the website. This file applies to SQL Server 2000 when connecting from WebSphere version 5.1 and later. 2. Extract the file to a directory on the SQL Server computer. 3. Obtain and install the SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC SP3 from: 03A&displaylang=en 4. Copy the sqljdbc.dll file from the [extracted location]\SQLServer JTA\32-bit directory to the [install directory]\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn directory, where [install directory] is the location where SQL Server is installed. Note: If the SQL Server computer uses a 64-bit architecture, copy the sqljdbc.dll file from the [extracted location]\SQLServer JTA\64-bit directory. 5. Log in to SQL Server 2000 Query Analyzer using a user account that is a member of the sysadmin group. The default member is sa. 6. In the menu of available databases, ensure that master is selected. 7. Open the instjdbc.sql file from the [extracted location]\SQLServer JTA\32-bit directory, and then execute it. Note: If the SQL Server computer uses a 64-bit architecture, execute the instjdbc.sql file from the [extracted location]\SQLServer JTA\64-bit directory If you are running this query for the first time, you will see several messages that indicate “xp_xxx” cannot be dropped. These messages are warnings and do not indicate that the installation failed. The last message should read “instxa.sql completed successfully.” The instjdbc.sql script generates many messages. In general, these messages can be ignored; however, the system administrator should scan the output for any messages that may indicate an execution error. The last message should indicate that instjdbc.sql ran successfully. The script fails when there is insufficient space available in the master database to store the JDBC XA procedures or to log changes to existing procedures. 8. Ensure that MS DTC is started for SQL Server 2000: ● Start SQL Server Service Manager. ● In the Services list, select Distributed Transaction Coordinator. ● Click Start/Continue. ● If you want MS DTC to start automatically when the computer starts, select Auto-start service when OS starts. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Database Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring datasources 41 Enabling XA transactions for Windows Server 2003 If you are running SQL Server 2000 on the Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition operating system, XA transactions must be enabled at the operating system level. Before you perform the tasks in this section, you must verify whether XA transactions are already enabled for Windows Server 2003. To enable XA transactions on the operating system, you need to perform the following tasks: ● Enable XA transactions for the MS DTC. ● Create a registry entry for the sqljdbc.dll database drivers file that you are using. ➤ To enable XA transactions for MS DTC: 1. Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Component Services. 2. Select Component Services > Computers. 3. Right-click the computer name that you want to support for XA transactions and click Properties. 4. Click the MSDTC tab and click Security Configuration. 5. Under Security Settings, select Enable XA Transactions. ➤ To create registry entries for the driver file: 1. Use a registry editor (such as regedit) to navigate to the registry key named HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSDTC\XADLL. 2. Create a new String Value registry named value that has the following properties: Name: sqljdbc.dll Type: String (REG_SZ) Value: The full path name (including the file name) of the DLL file: [install directory]\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn\sqljdbc.dll 3. Restart the computer so that the changes to the registry take effect. Configuring datasources WebSphere can be configured to run with an Oracle, DB2, or SQL Server database. The configuration differs slightly for each database. If you are installing LiveCycle Policy Server and any other LiveCycle application that requires a datasource, you are required to create two datasources as detailed in the following procedures. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Database Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring the Oracle data source 42 Configuring the Oracle data source Before performing the following procedure, you must have already created an Oracle database and a user on the database. To enable WebSphere and your LiveCycle deployment to connect to the Oracle database, you must complete the following tasks: ● Configure JDBC information. ● Configure J2C authentication information. ● Create a data source on WebSphere. ➤ To create a data source on WebSphere: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Environment > Manage WebSphere Variables. 2. To set the variable scope, select Cell and click Apply. 3. Click New. In Name box, type ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH and, in the Value box, type: ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/db_driver This directory was created when you prepared the WebSphere environment. (See “Installing database drivers” on page 36.) 4. Click Apply, and then save your changes to the Master Configuration. 5. In the navigation tree, select Resources > JDBC Providers. 6. For Scope, select Cell and click Apply. 7. Click New, select Oracle JDBC Driver in the list, click Apply, and then click Apply again. 8. Under Additional Properties, select Data Sources. 9. Click New and, in the Name box, type a name for the data source (for example, LiveCycleDS). 10. (All Products except LiveCycle Policy Server) In the JNDI Name field, type IDP_DS and click Apply. 11. (LiveCycle Policy Server) In the JNDI Name field, type EDC_DS and click Apply. 12. Under Related Items, select J2C Authentication Data Entries. 13. Click New and, in the Alias box, type a name (for example, MyAlias). 14. Type the user ID and password that corresponds with the user you created on the database, click Apply, click OK, and then save your changes to the Master Configuration. 15. Navigate back to Resources > JDBC Providers > Oracle JDBC Driver > Data Sources > LiveCycleDS. 16. Under General Properties, set both Component-managed Authentication Alias and Container-managed Authentication Alias to [computer_name]/MyAlias. 17. Under Additional Properties, click Custom Properties and select URL. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Database Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring the DB2 data source 43 18. In the Value box, type the following value: jdbc:oracle:thin:@[server name]:[port]:[service name] where [server name] is your Oracle 9i or Oracle 10g server name, [port] is the port for the Oracle installation and [service name] is your database. 19. (LiveCycle PDF Generator) Navigate back to JDBC Providers > Oracle JDBP Driver > Data Sources > LiveCycleDS. 20. (LiveCycle PDF Generator) Under Additional Properties, select Connection Pool and in the Max Connections box, type 30. 21. (LiveCycle PDF Generator)Click Apply, click OK, and then click Save. 22. Click Apply, and then save your changes to the Master Configuration. 23. To test the data source connection, navigate to Resources > JDBC Providers > Oracle JDBC Driver > Data Sources. 24. Select the check box next to the data source you created and click Test Connection. A message is displayed describing the test results. Configuring the DB2 data source Before performing the following procedure, you must have already created a DB2 database and a user on the database. To enable WebSphere and your LiveCycle deployment to connect to the DB2 database, you must complete the following tasks: ● Configure JDBC information. ● Configure J2C authentication information. ● Create a data source on WebSphere. ➤ To set up a data source on WebSphere: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Environment > Manage WebSphere Variables. 2. To set the variable scope, select Cell and click Apply. The scope needs to be the same as the scope of the JDBC provider that you configure later in this task. 3. Click New. In Name box, type DB2_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH and, in the Value box, type: ${WAS_INSTALL_ROOT}/db_driver This directory was created when you prepared the WebSphere environment. (See “Installing database drivers” on page 36.) 4. Click OK, and then save your changes to the Master Configuration. 5. In the navigation tree, select Resources > JDBC Providers. 6. For Scope, select Cell and in the right panel, click New, select DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider in the list, click Apply, and then click Apply again. 7. Under Additional Properties, select Data Sources. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Database Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring the DB2 data source 44 8. Click New and type a name for the data source (for example, LiveCycleDS). 9. (All Products except LiveCycle Policy Server) In the JNDI Name field, type IDP_DS and click Apply. 10. (LiveCycle Policy Server) In the JNDI Name field, type EDC_DS and click Apply. 11. Under Related Items, select J2C Authentication Data Entries. 12. Click New and, in the Alias box, type a name (for example, MyAlias). 13. Type the user ID and password that correspond with the user credentials that can access the database and click Apply. 14. Save your changes to the Master Configuration. 15. Navigate back to Resources > JDBC Providers > DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider > Data Sources and select the name for the data source (for example, LiveCycleDS). 16. Under General Properties, set both Component-managed Authentication Alias and Container-Managed Authentication Alias to [computer_name]/MyAlias. 17. From Mapping-Configuration Alias, select DefaultPrincipalMapping and click Apply. 18. Under Additional Properties, click Custom Properties and specify values for the following properties: databaseName: The database name of the DB2 database in which the LiveCycle database resides. serverName: The name or IP address of the DB2 server to which you are connecting. portNumber: The port of the DB2 server to which you are connecting. The default value is 50000. resultSetHoldability: Specifies whether cursors remain open after a commit operation. Set to 1. driverType: Determines which driver to use for connections. Set to 4. 19. (LiveCycle PDF Generator) Navigate back to JDBC Providers > DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider > Data Sources > LiveCycleDS. 20. (LiveCycle PDF Generator) Under Additional Properties, select Connection Pool and, in the Max Connections box, type 30. 21. (LiveCycle PDF Generator) Click Apply, click OK, and then click Save. 22. Save your changes to the Master Configuration. 23. Restart the application server so that it picks up the db2jdbc jar files. 24. To test the data source connection, navigate to Resources > JDBC Providers > DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider > Data Sources. 25. Select the check box next to the data source you created and click Test Connection. A message is displayed describing the test results. If the test connection fails and you are using WebSphere variables for the path to the db2jdbc jar files, try providing the full file system path to the files. 26. If you already had a data source configured and created a new one, stop and restart the application server. Note: If the test results indicate failure, please restart the nodes and the servers, and then test the connection again. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Database Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring the SQL Server data source 45 Configuring the SQL Server data source Before performing the following procedure, you must have already created a SQL Server database and a user on the database. To enable WebSphere and your LiveCycle deployment to connect to the SQL Server database, you must complete the following tasks: ● Configure JDBC information. ● Configure J2C authentication information. ● Create a data source on WebSphere. ➤ (All Products except LiveCycle Policy Server) To configure JDBC information: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Resources > JDBC Providers. 2. For Scope, select Cell and click Apply. 3. Click New. From the JDBC Providers menu, select WebSphere embedded ConnectJDBC driver for MS SQL Server and click Apply. 4. In the Name box, type: SQL Server JDBC Provider 5. In the Implementation Classname box, type: ➤ (LiveCycle Policy Server only) To configure JDBC information: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Resources > JDBC Providers. 2. For Scope, select Cell and click Apply. 3. Click New. From the JDBC Providers menu, select User-defined JDBC Provider and click Apply. 4. In the Name box, type: SQL Server JDBC Provider 5. In the Classpath box, type the following paths: [appserver root]\db_driver\msbase.jar [appserver root]\db_driver\mssqlserver.jar [appserver root]\db_driver\msutil.jar 6. In the Implementation Classname box, type: ➤ (All products) To configure J2C authentication information: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Security > JAAS Configuration > J2C Authentication Data. 2. Click New and, in the Alias box, enter a name for the alias (for example, SQLServer). Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Database Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring the SQL Server data source 46 3. In the User ID box, enter the user name of the user account you created on the database and, in the Password box, enter the corresponding password. 4. Click Apply, click OK, and then save to the Master Configuration. ➤ (All products except LiveCycle Policy Server) To configure a SQL Server data source: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Resources > JDBC Providers. 2. Click SQL Server JDBC Provider and, under Additional Properties, select Data Sources. 3. Click New. 4. In the Name box, enter a name for the data source (for example, LiveCycleDS). 5. In the JNDI Name field, type IDP_DS and click Apply. 6. In the Datasource Helper Classname box, type: Note: This box may be auto populated when the new data source page is opened. 7. In the Component-managed Authentication Alias and Container-managed Authentication Alias menus, select the SQL Server alias that you created in step 2 of “(All products) To configure J2C authentication information:” on page 45. 8. In the Mapping-Configuration Alias menu, select DefaultPrincipalMapping and click Apply. 9. Under Additional Properties, click Connection Pool, change the value of Max Connections to 30. 10. In the Connection Timeout box, type 1800, and then click OK. 11. Navigate to JDBC Providers > WebSphere embedded ConnectJDBC driver for MS SQL Server > Data Sources > Additional Properties. 12. Click Custom Properties, click serverName and, in the Value box, type the name of the server where your SQL Server database resides, and then click OK. 13. In Custom Properties, click databaseName and, in the Value box, enter the name of your SQL Server database, and then click OK. 14. In Custom Properties, click Select Method and, in the Value box, type cursor, and then click OK. 15. In Custom Properties, click enable2Phase. 16. In the value box, type true and click OK. 17. In Custom Properties, ensure that preTestSQLString is set to an appropriate value. For example, type: SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL 18. In Custom Properties, click SendStringParameterAsUnicode. 19. In the Value box, type true and click OK. 20. Save your changes to the Master Configuration. 21. Test your connection by navigating to Resources > JDBC Providers > SQL Server JDBC Provider > Data Sources and clicking Test Connection. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring the Database Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring the SQL Server data source 47 ➤ (LiveCycle Policy Server only) To configure an SQL Server data source: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Security > JAAS Configuration > J2C Authentication Data. 2. Click SQL Server JDBC Provider and, under Additional Properties, select Data Sources. 3. Click New, and in the Alias box, enter a name for the data source (for example, EDC_SQL_Server). 4. In the JNDI Name field, type EDC_DS. 5. In the Statement Cache Size box, type 100. 6. In the Datasource Helper Classname box, type: 7. In the Component-managed Authentication Alias and Container-managed Authentication Alias menus, select the SQL Server alias that you created in step 3. 8. In the Mapping-Configuration Alias menu, select DefaultPrincipalMapping and click Apply. 9. Under Additional Properties, click Connection Pool, change the value of Max Connections to 30, and then click OK. 10. Under Additional Properties, click Custom Properties, click serverName and, in the Value box, type the name of the server where your SQL Server database resides, and then click OK. 11. In Custom Properties, click databaseName and, in the Value box, enter the name of your SQL Server database, and then click OK. 12. In Custom Properties, click portNumber and type the SQL Server database port number, and then click OK. 13. In Custom Properties, click Select Method and, in the Value box, type cursor, and then click OK. 14. In Custom Properties, click enable2Phase. 15. In the value box, type true and click OK. 16. In Custom Properties, ensure that preTestSQLString is set to an appropriate value. For example, type: SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL 17. In the Value box, type true and click OK. 18. Save your changes to the Master Configuration. 19. Test your connection by navigating to Resources > JDBC Providers > SQL Server JDBC Provider > Data Sources and clicking Test Connection. 7 Configuring Security for LiveCycle Policy Server Administrators and users must be authenticated to access LiveCycle Policy Server features. LiveCycle Policy Server supports form-based authentication and basic authentication. LiveCycle Policy Server uses form-based JAAS authentication by default. To implement basic authentication, you use the LiveCycle Policy Server SDK to integrate a custom authentication service provider. For more information, see the LiveCycle Policy Server Developing Custom Applications guide or contact Adobe Customer Support. Note: LDAP exchanges information in clear text. You should configure WebSphere to send authentication information over an SSL connection. You must configure the JAAS application login module properties by performing the following tasks. ➤ To create the application login: 1. In the WebSphere Administration Console navigation tree, click Security > JAAS Configuration > Application Logins > New. 2. In the Alias box, type UsernamePwd_Auth and click OK. 3. Save your changes. ➤ To configure the application login module: 1. In the WebSphere Administration Console navigation tree, select Security > JAAS Configuration > Application Logins > UsernamePwd_Auth > JAAS Login Modules > New. 2. In the Module Classname box, type the following value and then click OK: com.adobe.edc.server.provider.authentication.login.LDAPLoginModule 3. Save your changes. ➤ To set custom properties for the application login: 1. In the WebSphere Administration Console navigation tree, select Security > JAAS Configuration > Application Logins >UsernamePwd_Auth > JAAS Login Modules > com.adobe.edc.server.provider.authentication.login.LDAPLoginModule > Custom Properties > New. 2. Create a new entry for each Name-Value pair listed in the following tables. A description is not needed. You should save the configuration after you specify the property value. Required values for Sun ONE Name Value Debug False java.naming.factory.initial com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory 48 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Security for LiveCycle Policy Server Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Name Value simple user.provider.url ldap:// userDNPrefix Configure according to your LDAP server (for example, uid=). userDNSuffix Configure according to your LDAP server (for example, ou=people, Required values for Active Directory Name Value Debug False java.naming.factory.initial com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory simple user.provider.url ldap:// searchUser true searchUsingAnonymousBind false binduser [user name] bindpassword [password] basedn [basedn] searchfilterPrefix [your search filter prefix] searchfilterSuffix [your search filter suffix] 49 8 Configuring Messaging and Security You must install and configure either WebSphere embedded messaging or WebSphere MQ, and then configure JMS resources. Configuring JMS resources for LiveCycle Policy Server If you installed and configured WebSphere MQ, follow the procedures in “Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ” on page 52. If you did not install and configure WebSphere MQ, follow the procedures in ““Configuring JMS resources with embedded messaging” on page 50. Configuring JMS resources with embedded messaging This section describes how to manually configure JMS resources for WebSphere. If you are not using SQL Server 2000, you can also use Configuration Manager to automatically perform this task. To configure JMS resources for WebSphere using embedded messaging, you must complete the following tasks: ● Add required queues to the WebSphere embedded JMS server. ● Set up WebSphere queue connection factories. ● Set up WebSphere queue destinations. ● Set up WebSphere listener ports. ➤ To add required queues to the WebSphere embedded JMS server: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Servers > Application Servers. 2. Select your server and, under Additional Properties, select Server Components. 3. Select JMS Servers, add EDC_Event_Queue to the Queue names list, and then click OK. ➤ To set up WebSphere queue connection factories: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Resources > WebSphere JMS Provider. 2. For Scope, select Cell, and then click Apply. If there are multiple application servers installed, ensure that Node and Server are not selected. 3. Under Additional Properties, click WebSphere Queue Connection Factories, and then click New. 50 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources with embedded messaging 51 4. Set the following properties and click OK: Name: EDCEventQCF JNDI Name: jms/EDCEventQCF XA Enabled: Deselect this option. 5. In the table, select the connection factory you just created. 6. Under Additional Properties, click Connection Pool, set the following properties, and then click OK: Connection Timeout: 180 Max Connections: 30 Min Connections: 10 Purge Policy: FallingConnectionOnly 7. Save your changes to the Master Configuration. ➤ To set up WebSphere queue destinations: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Resources > WebSphere JMS Provider. 2. Under Additional Properties, select WebSphere Queue Destinations, click New, set the following properties, and then click OK: Name: EDC_Event_Queue JNDI Name: queue/EDC_Event_Queue Persistence: Persistent ➤ To set up WebSphere listener ports: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Servers > Application Servers and, in the table, select your server. 2. Under Additional Properties, select Message Listener Service, under Additional Properties, select Listener Ports, and then click New. 3. Set the following properties and click OK: Name: EDCEventListenerPort Connection factory JNDI Name: jms/EDCEventQCF Destination JNDI Name: queue/EDC_Event_Queue Maximum sessions: 10 Maximum retries: 100 4. Save your changes to the Master Configuration. 5. Shut down and restart WebSphere Application Server. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ 52 Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ This section only applies if you installed and configured WebSphere MQ as described in “Preparing WebSphere MQ” on page 21. This section describes how to configure a single WebSphere MQ server. You can also use Configuration Manager to automatically perform this task. In this guide, [MQ_root] indicates the location where WebSphere MQ is installed. The default install location varies depending on the operating system you are using: ● (Windows) C:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere MQ ● (Solaris and Linux) /opt/mqm ● (AIX) /usr/mqm The procedures in this section describe how to configure a J2C Authentication Data Entry (for the local user you created in step 3 on page 23), and a queue connection factory for WebSphere MQ. To configure JMS resources for WebSphere using WebSphere MQ, you must complete the following tasks: ● Create the J2C Authentication Data Entry. ● Create a queue connection factory. ● Configure the session pool. ● Configure the connection pool. ● Create a queue destination. ● Configure the listener ports. ● Check your WebSphere MQ configuration. ➤ To create a J2C Authentication Data Entry: 1. In the navigation tree of the WebSphere Administration Console, click Security > JAAS Configuration > J2C Authentication Data. 2. In the right pane, click New. 3. Set the Alias property to a meaningful name, such as mquser. 4. Set the User ID and Password properties to the user name and password you created in step 3 on page 23. 5. Click OK and save your changes to the master configuration. ➤ To create a queue connection factory: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, click Resources > WebSphere MQ JMS Provider. 2. In the right pane, set Scope to Cell and click Apply. 3. Click WebSphere MQ Queue Connection Factories. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ 53 4. Click New, specify the following values for the properties of the new queue connection, and then click OK. Name: EDCEventQCF JNDI Name: jms/EDCEventQCF Category: LiveCycle Container-managed Authentication Alias: MQ_user_alias Mapping-Configuration Alias: DefaultPrincipalMapping Queue Manager: queue_manager_name Host: MQ_host Port: MQ_port Channel: SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN Transport Type: CLIENT XA enabled: Select the check box. XA enabled: Select the check box. ➤ To configure the session pool: 1. Click the name of the queue connection factory that you just created. 2. In the Additional Properties section, click Session Pools. 3. Specify the following values for the properties of the session pool, and then click OK. Connection Timeout: 180 Max Connections: 10 Min Connections: 10 ➤ To configure the connection pool: 1. Click the name of the queue connection factory that you just created. 2. In the Additional Properties section, click Connection Pool. 3. Specify the following values for the properties of the connection pool, and then click OK. Connection Timeout: 180 Max Connections: 10 Min Connections: 10 ➤ To create a queue destination: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, click Resources > WebSphere MQ JMS Provider. 2. In the right pane, set Scope to Cell and click Apply. 3. Click WebSphere MQ Queue Destinations. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ 54 4. Click New, specify the following values for the properties, and then click OK. Name: EDC_Event_Queue JNDI Name: queue/EDC_Event_Queue Base Queue Manager: queue_manager_name Queue Manager Host: MQ_Host Queue Manager Port: MQ_port Server Connection Channel Name: SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN User ID: MQ_userid Password: password for MQ_userid 5. Save your changes to the Master Configuration. ➤ To set up the listener ports: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, click Servers > Application Servers. 2. In the right pane, click the name of the server. 3. Click Message Listener Service, click Listener Ports, and then click New. 4. Set the following properties, and then click OK: Name: EDCEventListenerPort Connection Factory JNDI Name: jms/EDCEventQCF Destination JNDI Name: queue/EDC_Event_Queue Maximum Sessions: 10 Maximum Retries: 100 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for each server in the cluster. 6. Save your changes to the Master Configuration. ➤ To check your WebSphere MQ configuration: 1. Stop and restart WebSphere Application Server. 2. In WebSphere Administrative Console, click Resources > WebSphere MQ JMS Provider. 3. Click WebSphere MQ Queue Destinations. 4. Click one of the queues that you created using this guide. 5. Under Additional Properties, click MQ Config and check that no errors are appearing in the Messages area at the top of the page. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the other queues that you created using this guide. 7. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, click Servers > Application Servers. 8. In the right pane, click the name of the server. 9. Click Message Listener Service. 10. Click Listener Ports and check that the listener port is started. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring messaging for other LiveCycle products 55 Configuring messaging for other LiveCycle products If you are using WebSphere with LiveCycle Workflow or LiveCycle Form Manager, or installing LiveCycle PDF Generator to work with LiveCycle Workflow, you must install and configure WebSphere MQ. (See “Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ” on page 60.) If you are using WebSphere with LiveCycle products other than LiveCycle Workflow or LiveCycle Form Manager, you must configure WebSphere embedded messaging. (See “Configuring JMS resources with embedded messaging” on page 55.) Configuring JMS resources with embedded messaging To configure JMS resources for WebSphere using embedded messaging, you must complete the following tasks: ● Add required queues to the WebSphere embedded JMS server. ● Set up WebSphere queue connection factories. ● Set up WebSphere topic connection factories ● Set up Websphere queue destinations ● Set up WebSphere topic destinations ● Set up WebSphere listener ports This section describes how to manually configure JMS resources for WebSphere. ➤ To add required queues to the WebSphere embedded JMS server: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Servers > JMS Servers. 2. Select the JMS server that you are configuring (for example, server1). 3. Under Queue names, add the following queues to the Queue names list. Queue name Applicable LiveCycle products adobe_ObjectDeleteQueue LiveCycle Form Manager or LiveCycle Workflow adobe_PECommandQueue LiveCycle Form Manager or LiveCycle Workflow adobe_PEDCommandQueue LiveCycle Form Manager or LiveCycle Workflow adobe_PEDLongLivedQueue LiveCycle Form Manager or LiveCycle Workflow adobe_PEInteractionQueue LiveCycle Form Manager or LiveCycle Workflow adobe_PELongLivedQueue LiveCycle Form Manager or LiveCycle Workflow adobe_PEScheduledMsgQueue LiveCycle Form Manager or LiveCycle Workflow AESJobQueue LiveCycle PDF Generator PDFGCompletedJobsQueue LiveCycle PDF Generator Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources with embedded messaging 56 ➤ To set up WebSphere queue connection factories: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Resources > WebSphere JMS Provider. 2. In the Configuration tab, under Scope, select Cell and click Apply. 3. Under Additional Properties, click WebSphere Queue Connection Factories and click New. 4. (LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager) Specify the following values for the properties and click OK: Name: QueueConnectionFactory JNDI Name: QueueConnectionFactory Mapping-Configuration Alias: DefaultPrincipalMapping XA enabled: Deselect the check box. 5. (LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager) In the table, select the connection factory you created. 6. (LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager) Under Additional Properties, click Connection Pool and, in the Max Connections box, type 30, and then click OK. 7. (LiveCycle PDF Generator) In the Name box, type AESQueueConnectionFactory and, in the JNDI Name box, type jms/QueueConnectionFactory, and then click OK. 8. Save your changes to the Master Configuration. ➤ To set up WebSphere topic connection factories: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Resources > WebSphere JMS Provider, and create the following topic connection factories by completing steps 2 to 8 for each connection factory. (LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager) Topic connection factory JNDI Name Scope Port TopicConnectionFactory TopicConnectionFactory Node POFConnectionFactory POFConnectionFactory Node RegistryTopicConnectionFactory RegistryTopicConnectionFactory Cell Topic connection factory JNDI Name Scope Port AESTopicConnectionFactory jms/TopicConnectionFactory Node QUEUED QUEUED (LiveCycle PDF Generator) 2. Set the Scope as indicated in the table in step 1. 3. Under Additional Properties, click WebSphere Topic Connection Factories and click New. 4. In the Name and JNDI name boxes, type the values as indicated in the table above. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources with embedded messaging 57 5. For all of the topic connection factories, in the Mapping-Configuration Alias list, select DefaultPrincipalMapping. 6. Set the Port as indicated in the table above and click OK. 7. Under Additional Properties, click Connection Pool and, in the Max Connections box, type 30 and click OK. 8. Under Additional Properties, click Session Pools and, in the Max Connections box, type 30 and click OK. 9. Save your changes to the Master Configuration. ➤ To set up Websphere queue destinations: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Resources > WebSphere JMS Provider, and create the following queue destinations by completing steps 2 to 4 for each queue destination. (LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager) Queue destination JNDI name Scope adobe_ObjectDeleteQueue adobe_ObjectDeleteQueue Cell adobe_PECommandQueue adobe_PECommandQueue Cell adobe_PEDCommandQueue adobe_PEDCommandQueue Cell adobe_PEDLongLivedQueue adobe_PEDLongLivedQueue Cell adobe_PEInteractionQueue adobe_PEInteractionQueue Cell adobe_PELongLivedQueue adobe_PELongLivedQueue Cell adobe_PEScheduledMsgQueue adobe_PEScheduledMsgQueue Cell Queue destination JNDI name Scope AESJobQueue queue/AESJobQueue Node PDFGCompletedJobsQueue queue/PDFGCompletedJobsQueue Node (LiveCycle PDF Generator) 2. Set the Scope as indicated in the table in step 1. 3. Under Additional Properties, select WebSphere Queue Destinations and click New. 4. In the Name and JNDI Name boxes, type the values as indicated in the table in step 1, and then click OK. Note: If the scope is Node, repeat for each node in the cluster. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources with embedded messaging ➤ To set up WebSphere topic destinations: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Resources > WebSphere JMS Provider, and create the following topic destinations by completing steps 2 to 7 for each topic destination. (LiveCycle Form Manager, LiveCycle Workflow) Name and topic destination JNDI name Scope adobe_POFObjectTopic topic/adobe_POFObjectTopic Node adobe_POFSchemaTopic topic/adobe_POFSchemaTopic Node adobe_ProcessEventTopic topic/adobe_ProcessEventTopic Node adobe_TaskEventTopic topic/adobe_TaskEventTopic Node adobe_TemplateEventTopic topic/adobe_TemplateEventTopic Node adobe_RegistryCacheMonitorTopic topic/adobe_RegistryCacheMonitorTopic Cell Name and topic destination JNDI name Scope AesConfigUpdatesTopic topic/AesConfigUpdatesTopic Node Name and topic destination JNDI name Scope WatchedFolderConfigManagerTopic topic/WatchedFolderConfigManagerTopic Node (LiveCycle PDF Generator) (Watched Folder) 2. Set the Scope as indicated in the table in step 1. 3. Under Additional Properties, select WebSphere Topic Destinations and click New. 4. In the Name, JNDI name, and Topic boxes, type the values as indicated in the table in step 1. 5. In the Priority list, select APPLICATION DEFINED. 6. In the Expiry list, select APPLICATION DEFINED. 7. In the Persistence list, select PERSISTENT. For adobe_RegistryCacheMonitorTopic, in the Persistence list, select NON PERSISTENT. For AesConfigUpdatesTopic, in the Persistence list, select APPLICATION DEFINED. 58 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources with embedded messaging 59 ➤ To set up WebSphere listener ports: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Servers > Application Servers and, in the table, select the server instance that you are configuring. 2. Under Additional Properties, select Message Listener Service and create the following listener ports by completing steps 3 to 4 for each listener port. (LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager) Listener port Connection factory JNDI name Destination JNDI name AdobeMDBListener QueueConnectionFactory queue/adobe_PECommand Queue AdobeMDBPATListener TopicConnectionFactory topic/adobe_POFObjectTopic AdobeTemplateEventMDB TopicListener TopicConnectionFactory topic/adobe_TemplateEvent Topic AdobeMDBTopicListener TopicConnectionFactory topic/adobe_ProcessEventType adobe_RegistryCacheMonitor MDBPort RegistryTopicConnection Factory topic/adobe_RegistryCache MonitorTopic adobe_TaskEventTopicListener TopicConnectionFactory topic/adobe_TaskEventTopic (LiveCycle PDF Generator) Listener port Connection factory JNDI name Destination JNDI name DequeuePort jms/QueueConnectionFactory queue/AESJobQueue ConfigUpdatesListenerPort jms/TopicConnectionFactory topic/AesConfigUpdatesTopic PDFGCompletedJobsListener Port jms/QueueConnectionFactory queue/PDFGCompletedJobs Queue PsDequeuePort jms/QueueConnectionFactory queue/AESJobQueue Listener port Connection factory JNDI name Destination JNDI name WatchedFolderTopicListener jms/TopicConnectionFactory topic/WatchedFolderConfig ManagerTopic (Watched Folder) 3. Under Additional Properties, select Listener Ports and click New. 4. In the Name, Connection factory JNDI name, and Destination JNDI name boxes, type the values as indicated in the table above, and then set the Initial State to Started. 5. For PsDequeuePort, in the Maximum Sessions box, type 3. 6. In the Maximum messages box, type the following value and click OK: ● (LiveCycle PDF Generator) 1 ● (All other LiveCycle products) 5 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ 60 7. In the Maximum retries box, type the following value and click OK: ● (LiveCycle PDF Generator) 0 ● (All other LiveCycle products) 10 8. Save your changes to the Master Configuration. 9. Shut down and restart the cluster. Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ This section describes how to configure JMS resources for WebSphere MQ. This section assumes that you have already installed and prepared WebSphere MQ for deployment. Configuring JMS resources This section applies to LiveCycle Form Manager, LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle PDF Generator, and Watched Folder only. You must create four destinations and connection factories for WebSphere MQ, as described in the following sections: ● “Creating WebSphere MQ queue destinations” on page 60 ● “Creating WebSphere MQ topic destinations” on page 62 ● “Creating a queue connection factory” on page 63 ● “Creating topic connection factories” on page 64 ● “Configuring WebSphere MQ JMS provider for Watched Folder” on page 68 If you are using WebSphere as your application server with LiveCycle Workflow, you must configure WebSphere MQ This section describes how to configure WebSphere MQ In this document, [MQ_root] indicates the location where WebSphere MQ is installed. The default install location varies depending on the operating system you are using: ● (Windows) c:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere MQ ● (Solaris, Linux) /opt/mqm ● (AIX) /usr/mqm Before you perform the procedures in this section, you must have already installed WebSphere MQ and performed preliminary configurations. Creating WebSphere MQ queue destinations The following procedure describes how to create the queue destinations required for WebSphere MQ. ➤ To create the WebSphere MQ queue destinations: 1. In the navigation tree of the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Resources > WebSphere MQ JMS Provider. 2. In the right pane, under Scope, select Cell and click Apply. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ 61 3. Click WebSphere MQ Queue Destinations. 4. Click New and create the following queue destinations by completing step 5 for each queue destination. (LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager) Queue destination name JNDI name Base queue name adobe_ObjectDeleteQueue queue/adobe_ObjectDeleteQueue ADOBE.WORKFLOW.OBJECT _DELETE.QUEUE adobe_PECommandQueue queue/adobe_PECommandQueue ADOBE.WORKFLOW.PE _COMMAND.QUEUE adobe_PEDCommandQueue queue/adobe_PEDCommandQueue ADOBE.WORKFLOW.PED _COMMAND.QUEUE adobe_PEDLongLivedQueue queue/adobe_PEDLongLivedQueue ADOBE.WORKFLOW.PED _LONGLIVED.QUEUE adobe_PEInteractionQueue queue/adobe_PEInteractionQueue ADOBE.WORKFLOW.PE _INTERACTION.QUEUE adobe_PELongLivedQueue queue/adobe_PELongLivedQueue ADOBE.WORKFLOW.PE _LONGLIVED.QUEUE adobe_PEScheduledMsg Queue queue/adobe_PEScheduledMsg Queue ADOBE.WORKFLOW.PE _SCHEDULEDMSG.QUEUE (LiveCycle PDF Generator) Queue destination name JNDI name Base queue name AESJobQueue queue/AESJobQueue ADOBE.PDFG.AESJOB. QUEUE PDFGCompletedJobsQueue queue/PDFGCompletedJobsQueue ADOBE.PDFG.PDFG COMPLETEDJOBS.QUEUE 5. Specify the following values for the properties, and then click OK: Scope: Cell Category: LiveCycle Base Queue Manager Name: queue_manager_name (queue manager created in step 7 on page 24) Queue Manager Host: MQ_host Queue Manager Port: MQ_port (port specified in step 5 on page 25 for UNIX or in step 6 on page 26 for Windows) Server Connection Channel Name: SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN User ID: MQ_userid (as created in step 3 on page 23) Password: password for MQ_userid 6. Save your changes to the master configuration. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ 62 Creating WebSphere MQ topic destinations The following procedure describes how to create the topic destinations required for WebSphere MQ. ➤ To create the WebSphere MQ topic destinations: 1. In the navigation tree of the WebSphere Administrative Console, select Resources > WebSphere MQ JMS Provider. 2. In the right pane, set the Scope as indicated in the table below. 3. Select WebSphere MQ Topic Destinations. 4. Click New and create the following topic destination by completing step 5 for each topic destination. (LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager) Scope Name JNDI name Base topic name Cell adobe_Registry CacheMonitorTopic topic/adobe_Registry CacheMonitorTopic MQJMS/ADOBE/EBXML/REGISTRY_CAC HE_MONITOR_TOPIC Server adobe_POFObject Topic topic/adobe_POFObject Topic MQJMS/ADOBE/WORKFLOW/POF_ OBJECT_TOPIC Server adobe_POFSchema topic/adobe_POFSchema Topic Topic MQJMS/ADOBE/WORKFLOW/POF_ SCHEMA_TOPIC Server adobe_Process EventTopic topic/adobe_Process EventTopic MQJMS/ADOBE/WORKFLOW/PROCESS_ EVENT_TOPIC Server adobe_TaskEvent Topic topic/adobe_TaskEvent Topic MQJMS/ADOBE/WORKFLOW/TASK_ EVENT_TOPIC Server adobe_Template EventTopic topic/adobe_Template EventTopic MQJMS/ADOBE/WORKFLOW/TEMPLATE _EVENT_TOPIC (LiveCycle PDF Generator) Scope Name JNDI name Base topic name Cell AesConfigUpdates Topic topic/AesConfigUpdates Topic MQJMS/ADOBE/PDFG/AESCONFIGUPD ATES_TOPIC (Watched Folder) Scope Name JNDI name Base topic name Server WatchedFolder ConfigManager Topic topic/WatchedFolder ConfigManagerTopic MQJMS/ADOBE/WATCHEDFOLDER/CON FIG/_MANAGER_TOPIC Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ 63 5. Specify the following values for the properties, and then click OK: Scope: Scope (Scope specified in previous step) Category: LiveCycle Persistence: PERSISTENT Name: Name (name specified in previous step) JNDI name: JNDI name (JNDI name specified in previous step) Base topic name: Base topic name (base topic name specified in previous step) 6. Save your changes to the master configuration. Creating a queue connection factory The procedures in this section describe how to configure a J2C Authentication Data Entry (for the local user you created in step 3 on page 23), and a queue connection factory for WebSphere MQ. When you complete this procedure, you must also configure the session pools and connection pool. (See “To configure the session pool:” on page 64 and “To configure the connection pool:” on page 64.) ➤ To create a J2C Authentication Data Entry: 1. In the navigation tree of the WebSphere Administration Console, click Security > JAAS Configuration > J2C Authentication Data. 2. In the right pane, click New. 3. Set the Alias property to a meaningful name, such as mquser. 4. Set the User ID and Password properties to the user name and password you created in step 3 on page 23. 5. Click OK and save your changes to the master configuration. ➤ To create a queue connection factory: 1. In the navigation tree of the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Resources > WebSphere MQ JMS Provider. 2. In the right pane, set Scope to Cell and click Apply. 3. Click WebSphere MQ Queue Connection Factories. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ 64 4. Click New, specify the following values for the properties of the new queue connection, and then click OK. (LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager) Name: QueueConnectionFactory (LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager) JNDI Name: QueueConnectionFactory (LiveCycle PDF Generator) Name: AESQueueConnectionFactory (LiveCycle PDF Generator) JNDI Name: jms/QueueConnectionFactory Category: LiveCycle Container-managed Authentication Alias: MQ_user_alias. Queue Manager: queue_manager_name Host: MQ_host Port: MQ_port Channel: SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN Transport Type: CLIENT XA enabled: Deselect the check box for QueueConnectionFactory. XA enabled: Select the check box for AESQueueConnectionFactory. ➤ To configure the session pool: 1. Click the name of the queue connection factory that you just created. 2. In the Additional Properties section, click Session Pools. 3. Specify the following values for the properties of the session pool, and then click OK. Connection Timeout: 180 Max Connections: 10 Min Connections: 10 ➤ To configure the connection pool: 1. Click the name of the queue connection factory that you just created. 2. In the Additional Properties section, click Connection Pool. 3. Specify the following values for the properties of the connection pool, and then click OK. Connection Timeout: 180 Max Connections: 10 Min Connections: 10 Creating topic connection factories The following procedure describes how to create topic connection factories for WebSphere MQ. When you complete this procedure, you must also configure the session pools and connection pools. (See “To configure the session pools:” on page 66 and “To configure the connection pools:” on page 66.) Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ 65 ➤ To create a topic connection factory: 1. In the navigation tree of the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Resources > WebSphere MQ JMS Provider. 2. In the right pane, set Scope to either Cell or Server, as indicated in the table below. 3. Select WebSphere MQ Topic Connection Factories. 4. Click New and create the following topic connection factories by completing step 5 for each topic connection. (LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager) Scope Name JNDI name Category Cell RegistryTopicConnectionFactory RegistryTopicConnectionFactory LiveCycle Server POFConnectionFactory POFConnectionFactory LiveCycle Server TopicConnectionFactory TopicConnectionFactory LiveCycle (LiveCycle PDF Generator) Scope Name JNDI name Category Cell AESTopicConnectionFactory jms/TopicConnectionFactory LiveCycle 5. Specify the following values for the properties, and then click OK: Container-managed Authentication Alias: MQ_user_alias (alias you created in step 3 on page 63) Host: MQ_host Port: MQ_port Transport Type: CLIENT Channel: SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN Queue Manager: queue_manager_name Broker Control Queue: SYSTEM.BROKER.CONTROL.QUEUE Broker Queue Manager: queue_manager_name Broker Publication Queue: SYSTEM.BROKER.DEFAULT.STREAM Broker Subscription Queue: SYSTEM.JMS.ND.SUBSCRIBER.QUEUE Broker CC Subscription Queue: SYSTEM.JMS.ND.CC.SUBSCRIBER.QUEUE Broker Version: Basic Clone Support: Deselect the check box. 6. Save your changes to the master configuration. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ 66 ➤ To configure the connection pools: 1. Click the name of one of the topic connection factories that you just created. 2. In the Additional Properties section, click Connection Pool. 3. Specify the following values for the properties of the connection pool, and then click OK: Connection Timeout: 180 Max Connections: 10 Min Connections: 10 4. Repeat this procedure for each of the topic connection factories. ➤ To configure the session pools: 1. Click the name of one of the topic connection factories that you just created. 2. Under the Additional Properties section, click Session Pools. 3. Specify the following values for properties of the session pool, and then click OK: Connection Timeout: 180 Max Connections: 10 Min Connections: 10 4. Repeat this procedure for each of the topic connection factories. Configuring the listener ports You must configure several listener ports for each server defined in the cluster. ➤ To configure the listener ports: 1. In the navigation tree of the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Servers > Application Servers. 2. In the right pane, click the name of the server. 3. Click Message Listener Service. 4. Click Listener Ports. 5. Click New and create the following listener ports by completing step 6 for each listener port. (LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager) Name Connection factory JNDI name AdobeMDBListener QueueConnectionFactory queue/adobe_PECommand Queue AdobeMDBPATListener TopicConnectionFactory topic/adobe_POFObjectTopic AdobeMDBTopicListener TopicConnectionFactory topic/adobe_ProcessEventType Destination JNDI name Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JMS resources for WebSphere MQ 67 Connection factory JNDI name Destination JNDI name AdobeTemplateEventMDBTopic Listener TopicConnectionFactory topic/adobe_TemplateEventTopic adobe_RegistryCacheMonitor MDBPort RegistryTopicConnection Factory topic/adobe_RegistryCacheMonitor Topic adobe_TaskEventTopicListener TopicConnectionFactory topic/adobe_TaskEventTopic Connection factory JNDI name Destination JNDI name Name (LiveCycle PDF Generator) Name DequeuePort jms/QueueConnection Factory queue/adobe_AESJobQueue ConfigUpdatesListenerPort jms/TopicConnection Factory topic/AESConfigUpdatesTopic PDFGCompletedJobsListener Port jms/QueueConnection Factory queue/PDFGCompletedJobsQueue PsDequeuePort jms/QueueConnection Factory queue/adobe_AESJobQueue (Watched Folder) Listener port WatchedFolderTopicListener Connection factory JNDI name Destination JNDI name jms/TopicConnection Factory topic/WatchedFolderConfig ManagerTopic 6. Specify the following values for the properties, and then click OK: Initial State: Started Maximum sessions: 5 Maximum retries: 10 Maximum messages: 1 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring Messaging and Security Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Checking your WebSphere MQ configuration 68 Configuring WebSphere MQ JMS provider for Watched Folder The following procedure describes how to configure WebSphere MQ JMS providers for Watched Folder. ➤ To configure Websphere MQ for Watched Folder: 1. Run the JMSAdmin tool to create JMS MQ Definitions for WatchedFolderConfigManagerTopic. 2. Navigate to the [MQ_Root]/java/bin directory (where [MQ_Root] is the installation of your Websphere MQ). The default location of [MQ_Root] is C:\Program Files\ibm\WebSphere MQ or /usr/mqm. 3. From a command prompt, enter the following command: ● (Linux, UNIX) JMSAdmin ● (Windows) JMSAdmin.exe 4. From the InitCtx> prompt, type: DEFINE T(topic/WatchedFolderConfigManagerTopic) bver(V1) TOPIC(MQJMS/ADOBE/WATCHEDFOLDER/CONFIG_MANAGER_TOPIC) 5. From the InitCtx> prompt, type: END Note: If you receive the message “unable to bind object,” ensure that you have write access to the cfstore/topic directory. Checking your WebSphere MQ configuration Before proceeding with installing other products, check that WebSphere MQ is configured properly. ➤ To check your configuration: 1. Stop and start WebSphere Application Server. 2. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, click Resources > WebSphere MQ JMS Provider. 3. Ensure that your scope is set to Cell. 4. Click WebSphere MQ Queue Destinations. 5. Click one of the queues that you created using this guide. 6. Under Additional Properties, click MQ Config and check that no errors appear in the Messages area at the top of the page. 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each queue that you created using this document. 8. In the navigation tree, select Servers > Application Servers. 9. In the right pane, click the name of the server. 10. Click Message Listener Service. 11. Click Listener Ports and check that all of the listener ports are started. 9 Configuration Requirements The following section details configuration requirements for using LiveCycle products in a clustered environment. Large document handling For large document handling in LiveCycle Form Manager, an NFS shared directory, which allows all nodes to read and write to it, has to be created and mounted. On Windows servers, create a shared directory and allow all nodes read and write access to it. Common elements between LiveCycle products The following section details common configuration elements for LiveCycle Workflow, LiveCycle Form Manager and LiveCycle Forms. Configuring LiveCycle Workflow properties This section only applies to LiveCycle Workflow and LiveCycle Form Manager. LiveCycle Workflow requires two properties files to be configured for clustering: ● ● These files are installed to the [LiveCycle root]/Workflow/workflowproperties directory. To configure these files you must copy the contents of this folder to the [workflow properties] directory on each server in the cluster. ➤ To copy the properties files: 1. Navigate to [appserver root] and create a directory called workflowproperties. Note: This directory is referenced as [workflow properties] in this section. 2. Copy the contents of the [LiveCycle root]/Workflow/workflowproperties directory to the [workflow properties] directory. Scheduler property definition and values that can be added LiveCycle Workflow bundles the Quartz scheduler in its implementation to provide functionality for persistent timers. The quartz timers are stored in the QRTZ_tables. The scheduler, however, must be configured to work in a clustered setup to connect to the database to handle its timers. These configurations are in the file. 69 Adobe LiveCycle Configuration Requirements Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Scheduler property definition and values that can be added 70 ➤ To configure the scheduler properties definition: 1. Navigate to the [workflow properties] directory and open the file in a text editor. 2. Configure the following scheduler properties: This property specifies the initial context factory. Set this property to The JNDI provider URL is dependent on the application server used; for WebSphere, use: iiop://host:bootstrap port The bootstrap port can be found for each server through the admin console by selecting Application Server > [server name] > Ports > Bootstrap Address. adobe.workflow.scheduler.bootstrap.wait_time_mins: This is the time the scheduler waits after bootstrap is done and after initialization prior to starting the scheduler service. The delay is needed because of an issue in Quartz, where the immediate start of the scheduler upon initialization results in timer jobs already scheduled not being picked for processing. The default is 60 seconds. adobe.workflow.scheduler. startup.wait_time_secs: This is the time the scheduler waits after bootstrapping and initialization, but prior to starting the scheduler service. The delay is needed because of an issue in Quartz, where the immediate start of the scheduler upon initialization results in timer jobs already scheduled not being picked for processing. The default is 60 seconds. adobe.workflow.scheduler.startup.threads: This is the number of threads used by the scheduler. The default is 15. adobe.workflow.scheduler.jdbc.delegate: The JDBC delegate driver to be used to connect to the database. The following values are available. Delegate value Databases supported org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore. StdJDBCDelegate Used for most JDBC-compliant drivers. This works for Oracle 9i, Oracle 10G, and MySQL. org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore. MSSQLDelegate Must be used when SQL Server is used as the database to connect to. org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore. PostgreSQLDelegate For PostgreSQL database. org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore. WebSphereDelegate When WebSphere database drivers are used in the application server rather than the database vendor provided drivers org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore. oracle.OracleDelegate For Oracle drivers, although the standard JDBC driver delegate works fine. Note: The default is org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate, which works for all databases except SQL Server. adobe.workflow.scheduler.isClustered: This property must be set to true if you have multiple instances of Quartz using same set of database tables. Set this value to true. adobe.workflow.scheduler.instanceId: Each instance in the cluster must have a unique instance ID. Set this value to AUTO. 3. Configure for each server in the cluster. Adobe LiveCycle Configuration Requirements Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Cache configuration properties 71 Cache configuration properties For clustering, LiveCycle Workflow Server supports Swarm Cache, which is an implementation based on JGroups that provides the cache capabilities needed in a clustered environment. The cache is configured in the file. This file must be placed on each server in the cluster. ➤ To configure the cache configuration properties: 1. Navigate to the [workflow properties] directory and open the file in a text editor. 2. Configure the following cache properties: adobe.pof.cache.provider: If the value of hashmap is selected prior to server startup, the server starts up using a hashmap as a cache. If the value of swarm is used, the server uses the swarm cache implementation bundled. adobe.pof.cache.logging-enabled: If the value of true is selected, all of the additions, updates, and removals of data elements in the cache are logged by LiveCycle Workflow. Note that these are logged by the LiveCycle Workflow codebase; these do not enable the logging for the swarm cache implementation (that is, TCP or UDP connections and communication). adobe.pof.cache.swarm.cluster-enabled: The value of true indicates to the cache to use TCP configurations and a value of ‘false’ indicates usage of UDP configuration. adobe.pof.cache.swarm.cluster-tcp-config: This property is used to configure TCP communication between various cache nodes in the cluster. adobe.pof.cache.swarm.cluster-udp-config: The property is used to configure UDP communication between various cache nodes in the cluster. For LiveCycle Workflow, set the following values: Property name Values adobe.pof.cache.provider swarm adobe.pof.cache.logging-enabled false , true adobe.pof.cache.swarm.cluster-enabled true adobe.pof.cache.swarm.cluster-tcp-config see the example (below) adobe.pof.cache.swarm.cluster-udp-config leave empty Example: TCP configuration The following is an example for a cluster containing two servers called ServerA and ServerB. In the file for ServerA, configure your adobe.pof.cache.swarm.cluster-tcp-config string as follows: TCP(bind_addr=serverA;start_port=7800):TCPPING(initial_hosts=serverB[780 0];port_range=5;timeout=3000;num_initial_members=5):FD:VERIFY_SUSPECT(ti meout=1500;down_thread=false;up_thread=false):pbcast.NAKACK(gc_lag=100;r etransmit_timeout=600,1200,2400,4800;up_thread=true;down_thread=true):pb cast.STABLE(desired_avg_gossip=20000;max_bytes=0;stability_delay=1000;up _thread=false;down_thread=false):pbcast.GMS(join_timeout=5000;join_retry _timeout=2000;shun=false;print_local_addr=true;up_thread=true;down_threa d=true):pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER(up_thread=true;down_thread=true) Adobe LiveCycle Configuration Requirements Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Adding property definitions 72 In the file for ServerB, configure your adobe.pof.cache.swarm.cluster-tcp-config string as follows: TCP(bind_addr=serverB;start_port=7800):TCPPING(initial_hosts=serverA[780 0];port_range=5;timeout=3000;num_initial_members=5):FD:VERIFY_SUSPECT(ti meout=1500;down_thread=false;up_thread=false):pbcast.NAKACK(gc_lag=100;r etransmit_timeout=600,1200,2400,4800;up_thread=true;down_thread=true):pb cast.STABLE(desired_avg_gossip=20000;max_bytes=0;stability_delay=1000;up _thread=false;down_thread=false):pbcast.GMS(join_timeout=5000;join_retry _timeout=2000;shun=false;print_local_addr=true;up_thread=true;down_threa d=true):pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER(up_thread=true;down_thread=true) 3. Change the values of ServerA and ServerB as required for your cluster. 4. Configure configurations for each server in the cluster. Adding property definitions This section only applies to LiveCycle Workflow and LiveCycle Form Manager. Property definitions define settings that enhance the system's use of the JVM by specifying command line arguments to pass to the JVM code that starts the application server process. ➤ To add the properties to the WebSphere Server cluster: 1. Log in to the Administrative Console for your WebSphere cluster. 2. On each server, navigate to Application Servers > [server name]. 3. On the Configuration tab, under Additional properties select Process Definition. 4. Under Additional Properties, click Java Virtual Machine and, in the Generic JVM arguments box, type the following: (LiveCycle Workflow and LiveCycle Form Manager) Add the following code: -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8 -Dadobe.workflow.engine.publish-process-events=false (LiveCycle Form Manager) Add the following: 5. Add the following JVM argument to point to your file:[workflow properties]/ where [workflow properties] is the workflowproperties directory location. 6. Add the following JVM argument to point to your file:[workflow properties]/ where [workflow properties] is the workflowproperties directory location. 7. Click Apply, click Apply again, and then save your changes to the Master Configuration. 8. Save and restart the cluster. For information on how to restart the cluster, see “Shutting down and restarting nodes and clusters” on page 33. Adobe LiveCycle Configuration Requirements Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Email receiver configuration 73 Email receiver configuration When all servers in a LiveCycle Workflow cluster are configured to process incoming email messages, a form that is emailed to LiveCycle Workflow Server to initiate a process will initiate multiple instances of the process. To avoid this situation, you must configure each server in the cluster so that only one server processes email messages. By default, all servers in the cluster are configured to process email messages. The following property must be added to the JVM arguments on each server except the server that you want to process email messages using the following command: For information on how to add property definitions, see “Adding property definitions” on page 72. LiveCycle Policy Server caching configuration setup Create a file called with the following entries and copy it to the [profile root]/properties directory on each node. LiveCycle Policy Server caches many complex objects in memory, therefore, it is important that in a cluster, all of the LLiveCycle Policy Server instances have the same version of cached objects. LiveCycle Policy Server uses a multicast protocol to communicate among cache managers and update cache entries. #cluster based caching # This entry tells the maximum number of each type of object to cache. The value depends on the machine capacity and allocated JVM memory. edc.cache.size=200 # This entry specifies whether LiveCycle Policy Server is configured in a cluster environment or as stand-alone server. This entry is very important. edc.cluster=true # This entry defines the multicast IP address. The server uses this entry only when edc.cluster is set to true. Please refer to your system administrator in order to set the following address values. edc.cluster.multicast.address= Configuring caching properties for User Management This section only applies to LiveCycle Workflow and LiveCycle Form Manager. You must configure User Management caching if you have LiveCycle Form Managerr or LiveCycle Workflow installed. ➤ To configure caching properties for User Management: 1. Navigate to [appserver root]\properties and create a file named Adobe LiveCycle Configuration Requirements Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Configuring JVM properties 74 2. Copy the following text and save it into the file: #cluster based caching # This entry tells the maximum number of each type of object to cache. The #value depends on the machine capacity and allocated JVM memory. um.cache.size=200 # This entry specifies that UM is running in a clustered environment um.cluster=true # This entry defines the multicast IP address. The server uses this entry #only when um.cluster is set to true. Please refer to your system #administrator in order to set the following address values. um.cluster.multicast.address= 3. Configure the file for each server in the cluster. Configuring JVM properties You will now have to configure the Java Virtual Machine. Note: If you anticipate a high load on your LiveCycle Server you should also increase the Default disposal time-out (in seconds) value to 1800 in the LiveCycle product. You can set this value by running the LiveCycle Configuration manager and modifying the default value in the Data Manager Module Configuration screen. Refer to the LiveCycle Installation and Configuration guides for more information on running the LiveCycle configuration Manager. ➤ (LiveCycle PDF Generator) To set up custom JVM properties 1. Specify the following attributes: Value=[path to a common shared location with read-write access to all the nodes in the cluster] 2. Click New. 3. (LiveCycle PDF Generator Professional or LiveCycle PDF Generator Elements) Specify the following attributes: Value=pdfg-all#aaes-ejb.jar#Dequeue=1,1:pdfg-all#adobe-PsToPdfEjb.jar #PsToPdfDequeue=1,3:*=40,100 4. (LiveCycle PDF Generator for PostScript) Specify the following attributes: Value=pdfg-ps-all#adobe-PsToPdfEjb.jar#PsToPdfDequeue=1,3:*=40,100 5. Click Apply and then click Save. 10 Deploying LiveCycle Products This chapter describes how to deploy your LiveCycle products to WebSphere. ● “About deploying LiveCycle products to a cluster” on page 75 ● “Deploying LiveCycle products” on page 76 ● “Starting the application” on page 80 Assembling LiveCycle.ear for LiveCycle PDF Generator in a cluster When assembling the LiveCycle.ear file for deployment to a cluster, you must ensure that the LiveCycle temp and Global Storage directory are specified, and they must point to the same NFS shared directory used when defining the JVM argument About deploying LiveCycle products to a cluster Before you deploy LiveCycle products, ensure that you have met the following requirements: ● You have installed the required software and files and know the location of the directories you will be working with. ● You have run Configuration Manager to configure and assemble the products according to your system and application server requirements. If you need to make any further changes to the properties after deployment, you can run Configuration Manager to make the changes, and then redeploy the updated EAR file. For more information, see the Installing and Configuring LiveCycle for WebSphere and Installing and Configuring LiveCycle Security Products for WebSphere guides. If you are using an external web server, see your web server documentation for information regarding the configuration required to allow access to the application server. This chapter refers to the WebSphere home directory as [appserver root]. This directory is the same as the one specified for the WAS_HOME environment variable. Similarly, [LiveCycle root] refers to the location where LiveCycle products and components are installed. Summary of deployable components During the deployment process, you need to deploy the following components. Component LiveCycle product adobe-Assembler7.ear LiveCycle Assembler adobe-FontManager.ear All products except LiveCycle Policy Server adobe-printSubmitter.ear LiveCycle Print sample application FormsIVS.ear LiveCycle Forms sample application 75 Adobe LiveCycle Deploying LiveCycle Products Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Deploying LiveCycle products Component LiveCycle product LCM.ear All LiveCycle.ear All products except LiveCycle Policy Server LiveCycle-security.ear LiveCycle Reader Extensions 76 LiveCycle Document Security adobe-CredentialSecurityEJB.ear LiveCycle Document Security edc-server.ear LiveCycle Policy Server pdfg-all.ear LiveCycle PDF Generator Professional and LiveCycle PDF Generator Elements pdfg-ps-all.ear LiveCycle PDF Generator for PostScript Note: FormsIVS is not designed for clustering. Note: The LiveCycle Reader Extensions UI is not supported in a cluster; however, the API is supported. Deploying LiveCycle products You deploy LiveCycle products to WebSphere by deploying the component EAR files to the cluster using the WebSphere Administrative Console. Before deploying to WebSphere, you must start the application server on your computer. After deploying the required components, you must stop and restart the application server before starting any services. ➤ To deploy the EAR files: 1. Copy the following files from the [LiveCycle root]/configurationManager/export directory to the [appserver root]/installableApps directory of any of the managed nodes or the Deployment Manager: ● (All products except LiveCycle Policy Server) LiveCycle.ear ● (All products except LiveCycle Policy Server) adobe-FontManager.ear ● (LiveCycle Assembler) adobe-Assembler7.ear ● (LiveCycle PDF Generator Professional, LiveCycle PDF Generator Elements)pdfg-all.ear ● (LiveCycle PDF Generator for PostScript) pdfg-ps-all.ear ● (LiveCycle Reader Extensions, LiveCycle Document Security) LiveCycle-security.ear ● (LiveCycle Print) adobe-printSubmitter.ear ● (LiveCycle Policy Server) edc-server.ear 2. Copy the LCM.ear file from the [LiveCycle root]/configurationManager/deploy/websphere directory to the [appserver root]/installableApps directory. 3. Copy the FormsIVS.ear file from [LiveCycle root]/components/forms/samples/common to the [appserver root]/installableApps directory. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Deploying LiveCycle Products Deploying LiveCycle products 77 ➤ (LiveCycle Print) To deploy the adobe-printSubmitter.ear file: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Applications > Install New Application. 2. Click Browse to navigate to the [appserver root]/InstallableApps directory, select adobe-printSubmitter.ear, and then click Open or OK (depending on your operating system). 3. Continue to click Next, until you reach the step Map Modules to Application Servers, and select all the modules. Then click Next again. 4. In the Clusters and Servers step, select the cluster and click Apply. 5. Click Next to continue, accepting the default values that are displayed on each screen, and then click Finish. 6. Save to the master configuration, and ensure that you select Synchronize changes with nodes. ➤ (LiveCycle Forms) To deploy the FormsIVS.ear file: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Applications > Install New Application. 2. Click Browse to navigate to the [appserver root]/InstallableApps directory, select FormsIVS.ear, and then click Open or OK (depending on your operating system). 3. Continue to click Next, until you reach the step Map Modules to Application Servers, and select all the modules, then click Next again. 4. In the Clusters and Servers step, select the cluster and click Apply. 5. Click Next to continue, accepting the default values that are displayed on each screen, and then click Finish. 6. Save to the master configuration. Ensure that you select Synchronize changes with nodes. ➤ (All products except LiveCycle Policy Server) To deploy the adobe-FontManager.ear file: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Applications > Install New Application. 2. Click Browse to navigate to the [appserver root]/InstallableApps directory, select adobe-FontManager.ear, and then click Open or OK (depending on your operating system). 3. Click Next, and select Generate Default Bindings. 4. Continue to click Next, until you reach the step Map Modules to Application Servers, and select all the modules. Then click Next again. 5. In the Clusters and Servers step, select the cluster and click Apply. 6. Click Next to continue, accepting the default values that are displayed on each screen, and then click Finish. 7. Save to the master configuration. Ensure that you select Synchronize changes with nodes. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Deploying LiveCycle Products Deploying LiveCycle products 78 ➤ (All products except LiveCycle Policy Server) To deploy the LiveCycle.ear file: 1. In the navigation tree, select Applications > Install New Application. 2. Click Browse to navigate to the [appserver root]/InstallableApps directory, select LiveCycle.ear, and then click Open or OK (depending on your operating system). 3. Click Next, and select Generate Default Bindings. 4. Continue to click Next, until you reach the step Map Modules to Application Servers, and select all the module. Then click Next again. 5. In the Clusters and Servers step, select the cluster and click Apply. 6. Click Next to continue, accepting the default values that are displayed on each screen. 7. (LiveCycle Assembler) On the Provide JNDI Names for Bean screen, for the AdobeIDP2UI_MonitorComponent EJB, type the JNDI name, ejb/AdobeIDP2UI_MonitorComponent, and then click Next. 8. Click Finish. 9. Save to the master configuration. Ensure that you select Synchronize changes with nodes. ➤ To deploy the LCM.ear file: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Applications > Install New Application. 2. Click Browse to navigate to the [appserver root]/InstallableApps directory, select LCM.ear, and then click Open or OK (depending on your operating system). 3. Click Next, and select Generate Default Bindings. 4. Continue to click Next until you reach the step Map Modules to Application Servers, and select all the modules. Then click Next again. 5. In the Clusters and Servers step, select the cluster and click Apply. 6. Click Next to continue, accepting the default values that are displayed on each screen, and then click Finish. 7. Save to the master configuration. Ensure that you select Synchronize changes with nodes. ➤ (LiveCycle Reader Extensions, LiveCycle Document Security) To deploy the LiveCycle-security.ear file: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Applications > Install New Application. 2. Click Browse to navigate to the [appserver root]/InstallableApps directory, select LiveCycle-security.ear, and then click Open or OK (depending on your operating system). 3. Click Next, and select Generate Default Bindings. 4. Continue to click Next until you reach the step Map Modules to Application Servers, and select all the module. Then click Next again. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Deploying LiveCycle Products Deploying LiveCycle products 79 5. In the Clusters and Servers step, select the cluster and click Apply. 6. Click Next to continue, accepting the default values that are displayed on each screen, and then click Finish. 7. Save to the master configuration. Ensure that you select Synchronize changes with nodes. ➤ (LiveCycle Policy Server) To deploy the edc-server.ear file: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Applications > Install New Application. 2. Click Browse to navigate to the [AppServer root]/installableApps directory and select edc-server.ear. 3. Click Next, and select Generate Default Bindings. 4. Click Next, accept the default values that are displayed and then click Finish. 5. Click Save to Master Configuration, and then click Save. 6. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Applications > Enterprise Applications and select EDC Application. 7. In the Classloader Mode list, select Parent Last and click Apply. 8. Under Additional Properties, select Libraries and click Add. 9. In the Library Name list, select EDCApplication. 10. Click Apply and save your changes to the Master Configuration. 11. Stop the server and restart WebSphere. ➤ (LiveCycle PDF Generator) To deploy the pdfg-all.ear or pdfg-ps-all.ear files: 1. In the navigation tree, select Applications > Install New Application. 2. (LiveCycle PDF Generator Professional and LiveCycle PDF Generator Elements)Click Browse to navigate to the [appserver root]/InstallableApps directory, select pdfg-all.ear, and then click Open. 3. (LiveCycle PDF Generator for PostScript)Click Browse to navigate to the [appserver root]/InstallableApps directory, select pdfg-ps-all.ear, and then click Open. 4. Click Next, accept the default values that are displayed on the first two screens and, in the Step 1: Provide options to perform the installation screen, select Deploy EJBs. 5. Click Next. On the Map Modules to Servers step, select all the modules. 6. In the Clusters and Servers step, select the cluster and click Apply. 7. Click Next to continue, accept the default values that are displayed on each screen, and then click Finish. 8. Click Save to Master Configuration. Ensure that synchronize changes with nodes is selected, and then click Save. Adobe LiveCycle Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Deploying LiveCycle Products Starting the application 80 ➤ (LiveCycle Assembler) To deploy the adobe-Assembler7.ear: 1. In the navigation tree, select Applications > Install New Application. 2. Click Browse to navigate to the [appserver root]/InstallableApps directory, select adobe-Assembler7.ear, and then click Open. 3. Click Next, and select Generate Default Bindings. 4. Click Next. On the Step 8: Map Modules to Servers step, select all the modules. 5. In the Clusters and Servers step, select the cluster and the node containing the web server and click Apply. 6. Save to the master configuration. Now that all of the applications have been deployed, you must now update the web server plug-in file. See “Generating and updating the IBM HTTP Server plug-in” on page 29. Starting the application After deploying the product, you need to start the applications. When the red “X” beside the name of the application changes to a green arrow, the application has been deployed and started successfully. WebSphere displays an error message if it cannot start the application. For information about WebSphere error messages, refer to your WebSphere Application Server documentation. ➤ To start an application in WebSphere: 1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, select Applications > Enterprise Applications. 2. Select any or all of the applications you want to start. 3. Click Start. The red X beside the status of each application changes to a green arrow, indicating that the application is running. Tip: Wait several minutes between deploying the LiveCycle.ear and starting the application. This waiting period allows adequate time for WebSphere to copy the files to each node in the cluster. The EAR file may not start if not fully deployed. Verifying the LiveCycle Forms deployment You can verify that LiveCycle Forms has been deployed properly and is running by deploying the Installation Verification sample application that is installed with the product. The sample application (FormsIVS.ear) is in the [LiveCycle root]/components/forms/samples/common directory. Note: For information about using the sample application, click the Help link in the Samples page in the web browser. Adobe LiveCycle Deploying LiveCycle Products Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Bootstrapping LiveCycle products 81 ➤ To deploy the LiveCycle Forms Installation and Verification sample application: 1. In the navigation tree, select Applications > Enterprise Applications, and then select FormsIVS. 2. Click Start. The red X beside the name of each application changes to a green arrow, indicating that the application is running. 3. Start the application by typing http://hostname:portnumber/FormsIVS in the URL line of a web browser. Bootstrapping LiveCycle products After the LiveCycle product is deployed in the cluster, you need to bootstrap. You can run the bootstrap process from any of the nodes. However, first you need to find the JNDI server name and port number. You can find this information by running the dumpnamespace.bat file from the bin directory where the application server is installed. ➤ To bootstrap using Configuration Manager: 1. Go to the Adobe install directory and run Configuration Manager. 2. In the Choose a Language box, select English and click OK. 3. In the Welcome screen, click Next. 4. Select Custom Configuration Wizard and click Next. 5. Under Configuration Preferences, select either Use previously entered values or Revert to default values and click Next. 6. Under Task Selection, select Bootstrap Database, deselect all other options, and then click Next. 7. In the Enter Application Server Configuration Details screen, specify the following properties: ● In the Hostname box, enter the host name of the node. ● In the SOAP Port box, type the SOAP port which can be found under Application Servers > Node > End Points > SOAP CONNECTOR ADDRESS. ● Server instance name ● Local App Server root directory of the ND machine Then click Next. 8. Enter the application server URL. 9. Enter one of the servers and the port number. To retrieve the port number for your node select Servers > Application Server > [node name] > Webcontainer > HTTP transports. 10. Click Next. 11. Do not deploy the LCM.ear file. Click Next. 12. Click Initialize Database, and when bootstrapping is finished, click Finish. Adobe LiveCycle Deploying LiveCycle Products Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Viewing log files 82 Viewing log files Events, such as run-time or startup errors, are recorded to the application server log files. If you have problems deploying to the application server, you can use the log files to help you find the problem. You can open the log files using any text editor. The following log files are located in the [appserver root]/logs/servername directory: ● SystemErr.log ● SystemOut.log ● StartServer.log 11 Issues with Clustering This section contains issues that may occur in your cluster. Failed to acquire job exception in WebSphere In WebSphere clusters, a “Failed to acquire job” exception appears in the log file if you execute a directory synchronization immediately after the server nodes start up. You need to ensure that the directory sync did perform correctly; if it did not, invoke a directory sync again. ORB threadpool for LiveCycle Policy Server and LiveCycle Document Security In typical cluster configurations and configurations where LiveCycle Policy Server is used with LiveCycle Document Security, a threadpool for ORB connections set to 50 (default) concurrent threads is likely inadequate to handle the load. Administrators should increase this threadpool size to as great a number of concurrent threads as their applications require, typically 125 or more. For high availability configurations, this guideline applies to each node in the cluster. For example, if one system goes down in a two-node cluster, the remaining node can still accommodate the application’s maximum number of concurrent connections. LiveCycle Forms preferences do not get propagated Changes to LiveCycle Forms preferences do not get propagated among the cluster nodes when LiveCycle Forms is configured with or without database options. You must update the preferences for all nodes in the cluster individually. ➤ To update the LiveCycle Forms preferences: 1. Open a browser and navigate to: (LiveCycle Forms with database option) http://[nodeIP]:[port]/adminui (LiveCycle Forms without database option) http://[nodeIP]:[port]/FormServerAdmin/settings.html Where [nodeIP] is the IP address of the node, and [port] is the node’s port number. 2. (LiveCycle Forms with database option) Log in to the LiveCycle Administration Console, click Services, and then click Adobe LiveCycle Forms. 3. Perform the required changes to the LiveCycle Forms preferences. 4. Click Save. 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for each node in the cluster. 83 Adobe LiveCycle Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using WebSphere Issues with Clustering LiveCycle Reader Extensions UI is not supported in a cluster LiveCycle Reader Extensions UI is not supported in a cluster The LiveCycle Reader Extensions user interface is not supported in a clustered environment. Only the LiveCycle Reader Extensions API is supported in a clustered environment. 84