RACKS These Rack cabinets of standard 19” width, house P.A. central elements, with possibility of different heights (10, 15, 25, 35, 40 or 42 units) according to the needs. The 35, 40 and 42 units models are 800 mm deep for an easy interconnection of the equipments. They are made of 15” steel and “epoxy” painted. They can be optionally equipped with wheels, metacrilate front door lockable with a key, practicable rear panels for an easy connection of loudspeakers lines, passive and forced ventilation. Please consult OPTIMUS for totally mounted, wired and revised rack cabinets, including the specific technical documentation for your installation.
COMPONENTS V-22 V-44 Z-45 Z-46 Z-46S P-150 P-250 P-350 P-400 P-420
Height units Internal width (mm) Width (mm) Depth (mm) Height (mm) Wheels & rear panel Door (optional)
2 Fans blower unit. Thermostat included 4 Fans blower unit. Thermostat included Main switch front panel (2 u.) with 20 A. magneto-thermal switch Frontal monitor loudspeaker panel (3 u.) w/ volume control Frontal monitor loudspeaker panel (3 u.) w/ volume control & 6 programs selector Lockable glass door for AR-150 Rack Lockable glass door for AR 250 Rack Lockable glass door for AR 350 Rack Lockable glass door for AR 400 Rack Lockable glass door for AR 420 Rack
10 488 (19’’) 546 460 460 no no
15 488 (19’’) 546 610 844 yes P-150
25 488 (19’’) 546 610 1.285 yes P-250
35 488 (19’’) 546 800 1.732 yes P-350
40 488 (19’’) 546 800 1.954 yes P-400
42 488 (19’’) 546 800 2.043 yes P-420
Architects and engineers specifications AR-100
Rack cabinet of 10 units high and standard 19’’ width, for 488 mm wide equipments. Total height 460 mm, depth 460 mm. Panels made of 15’’ steel and epoxy painted. Only in case it is delivered fully mounted: It includes all the necessary elements for housing the equipments which are required for the Public Address system functioning. It is delivered fully mounted, cabled, revised and including the corresponding technical documentation.
Rack cabinet of 15 units high and standard 19’’ width, for 488 mm wide equipments. Total height 844 mm, depth 610 mm. Panels made of 15’’ steel and epoxy painted. It includes wheels and rear panel. Only in case it is delivered fully mounted: It includes all the necessary elements for housing the equipments which are required for the Public Address system functioning. It is delivered fully mounted, cabled, revised and including the corresponding technical documentation.
Rack cabinet of 15 units high and standard 19’’ width, for 488 mm wide equipments. Total height 1.285 mm, depth 610 mm. Panels made of 15’’ steel and epoxy painted. It includes wheels and rear panel. Only in case it is delivered fully mounted: It includes all the necessary elements for housing the equipments which are required for the Public Address system functioning. It is delivered fully mounted, cabled, revised and including the corresponding technical documentation.
The Rack cabinet is the OPTIMUS AR-150 model.
The Rack cabinet is the OPTIMUS AR-250 model.
Rack cabinet of 15 units high and standard 19’’ width, for 488 mm wide equipments. Total height 1.732 mm, depth 800 mm. Panels made of 15’’ steel and epoxy painted. It includes wheels and rear panel. Only in case it is delivered fully mounted: It includes all the necessary elements for housing the equipments which are required for the Public Address system functioning. It is delivered fully mounted, cabled, revised and including the corresponding technical documentation.
Rack cabinet of 15 units high and standard 19’’ width, for 488 mm wide equipments. Total height 1.954 mm, depth 800 mm. Panels made of 15’’ steel and epoxy painted. It includes wheels and rear panel. Only in case it is delivered fully mounted: It includes all the necessary elements for housing the equipments which are required for the Public Address system functioning. It is delivered fully mounted, cabled, revised and including the corresponding technical documentation.
Rack cabinet of 15 units high and standard 19’’ width, for 488 mm wide equipments. Total height 2.043 mm, depth 800 mm. Panels made of 15’’ steel and epoxy painted. It includes wheels and rear panel. Only in case it is delivered fully mounted: It includes all the necessary elements for housing the equipments which are required for the Public Address system functioning. It is delivered fully mounted, cabled, revised and including the corresponding technical documentation.
The Rack cabinet is the OPTIMUS AR-350F8 model.
The Rack cabinet is the OPTIMUS AR-400F8 model.
The Rack cabinet is the OPTIMUS AR-42F8 model.
The Rack cabinet is the OPTIMUS AR-100 model.