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Audio Telex Tx8000-1 Service Information




SERVICE INFORMATION AUDIO TELEX TX8000-1 MIXER CONTENTS: OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS Australian Monitor 1 Clyde Street, Silverwater NSW 2128 Australia +61 2 9647 1411 ..-:;*.;:.*; -,;i. ' .;. -- ,1,r, i.rr &'{frH{t OPERATING INFORMATION TX8000-l MIXER Audio Telex Communicslions pty Ltd Sydney ,|20-'l2d Beoconstietd Melbourne St Auburn. Priwte 3og ltd. Ermington 2t'15. Austrotic Iet: (021 6a7 1At1 tor' t02) 648 3oQE d,26.30 Horteys Qd.. Notting Hi[. PO Box 468. Ml Wovertey 3td9 Iel: (03) 562 B5tr6 ior [03] 56? B78l Brisbone Perth d2 Commerciol fld.. Forlilude Volley. PO. 8ox 871. @6 Adeloide 3/5d Crocker Dr.Mologo Sleiner Thomos Electrcnics 6062. P0. 8ox d69. Murobooko 6061 ier: [07) 652 t3r2 22 Compton Sl.. Adetode 50m PO. Box 703d Hutls St.500,t let: (0912a9 2977 Iel: tor: For tot t07lZ5Z1237 [09] 2d9 2978 (081 231 6955 (08) 231 6062 New Zeqlsnd 8 Collins Sl. Momingsioe Arcklon(t Iel: (09) 86 7C32. Fqr (0q 8e a588 GENERAL DESCRIPTION TX8000-l is on eight chonnel compoct, mixer preomp with eight bolonced microphone or line level inputs. It. hos o seporote boss ond treble conirol for eoch ch-onnel to enoble r"iotot" Ee odjustment per chonnel. olso eT'ipped with o^tope recorder output os well o! o Uotonced output connection. The unit will operofe from rnoins AC voltoge, 24OV or l20V os well os 24 volts DC. SETTING UP For the overoge. system level, moster control should be set ot oround 5 ond then chonnel level controls should be individuolly odjusted for required output level. Once the microphoie chonnels ore set uP t9 fhe required bolonce, the totol oufput level con be ehonged with control. Tone control would normolly be set in mid posifion unless odditionol biss ond/or-o.t., treble boost or cut is required. id'rd .Ar idi'r@i 6 6i 6rtl ffi idrl!?d ldt5tffi idrlr?6t 6it, 76t rAr tlr ldrll l6lll Hno Oi iO Oi Oi iO ioi iO iO actrrtt lmrll td(ll l;.1! lmrll I t.;.la rxoooo-r EIIlnmm W FIGURE l. I FRONT VIEW FADERS ONE TO EIGHT Adjusts volume level for eoch chonnel, leove ot zero when not in use. 2. BASS CONTROLS ONE TO EIGHT. Adjusts low frequency EQ response for eoch chonnel within the ronge of +1? to -14 dB. 3. TREBLE CONTROLS ONE TO EIGHT Adjusts high frequency EQ response for eoch chonnel within the ronge of + 9.5 to 4. MASTER VOLUME CONTROL Adjusts the overoll volume for the mixer mixer output. 5. 6. VU LED to the output ond is normolly METER used - ? dB. to control the L.E.D. indicotbr lomps light to disploy level oppeoring ot the mixer output. Green indicotes normol levels up to o moximum of 0 dB. Red indicotes too much level. POWER ON/OFF SWITCH Press down to turn on - Red 7. HEADPHONE SOCKET L.E.D. will glow. .. ; Accepts 6.3 mm phone plug TRS (mono or stereo). o o 2avDc o , o q@') T Pt OUTPU! refup8jP8lP3_@8jP3_@foP FIGURE 3 REAR VIEW l. MICROPHONE INPUT SOCKET XLR (femote) One XLR femole is provided for eoch of'the eight chonnels. l9ckpt octive bolonced 200 ohm impedonce, with o sensitivity of .6 mv/ Connections 2. One 5. ground octive octive LINE INPUT SOCKETS. RCA PHONO X2. Two RCA P!9ne sockets ore provided for eoch chonnel. They occept o high level input up ro 50 mv into 47 K ohms. The two sockets ore octively summed to enoble I stereo .orr".'to be olthoush of O mOnOUfOl OUfDUL. t r-d*s!-'iv Fd*1 .{-ll ti"+ 3. 4. - Pinl Pin 2 Pin 3 Microphone inputs ore XLR 3 pin mole socke_t provides o tronsformer bolonced output nominol 1.5 volts RMS. EXTERNAL BATTERY TERMINAL X2 one red ond one block screw type post terminol. Red + Block -. MAINS SOCKET IEG 3 PIN TYPE with fuse drower plug r- v in moins cord supplied for 240 VAC operotioi. To chonge fuse, remove power leod from socket ond open drower, remove fuse ond reploce it wifh some roting fuse. .5 omps 240 VAC. 6. TAPE RECORDER OUTPUT SOCKETS Two RCA.phono sockets provide o high level signol output for o tope recorder or other unbolonced source. Moximum output is 100 mv. OPTIONAL MICROPHONE INPUT TRANSFORMER Microphone inputs for this mixer ore octive bolonced low impedonce 200 ohms. microp.hone lines ore. used, -long 9r fhe59 is o higtr level -of electricol interference, it moy be useful to instoll o bolonced Nu-mefol sh.ielded trons=former for the oppropriote chonnel. Where A plug in tronsformer module sA40l2 is ovoiloble for this purpose. FITTING (o) Remove the moins power cord from the unit. (b) Remove fhe lid by withdrowing four mounfing screws, two per side. (c) Insert the SA40l2 info the sockei provided on fhe printed circuit boord, ot the point odjocent the chonnel foder pot, for the oppropriote chonnel. (d) Reploce the lid ond moins cord. PRECAUTIONS l. AVOID EXCESSIVE HEAT, .HUMIDITY, DUST AND VIBRATION. Keep the unit owoy from iocotions whlre ii i, iit"ri to be exposed to high femperotures or humudity - such os neor rodiotors, ifo,res, etc. Also locofions which ore subject fo excessive dust occumulotion or vibrotionovoid which could corse mechonicol domoge. 2, AVOID PHYSICAL SHOCKS. Strong physicol shock to the unit con couse domoge. Hondle it with core. DO NOT OPEN THE UNIT OR ATTEMPT REPAIRS OR MODIFICATIONS. YOURSELF. This product contoins no user-serviceoble ports. Refer oll mointenonce to personnelopening rhe unir ond/oi rompering . wifh :q"':lilr^d_-rvice the internol circuitry will void fhe worronty. 4. MA/'N ? t\ v, rr U \ cr ). CI ,(tr -\ = 5 5 CJ ? N 5 ! art - L' (J(,-I u \l(^T lFt il rt \OO -\ ;l (J 4 co s:ffi )4 FI ar ) Ff + (Y) € f,f. ltt vFt v N f IL ff _,D ,-. E3 | U \o\ ff (r)€9fi ff Ff )l )4 @ ''rGlmr|-lf!€ l-{ x i Fq r'f\ >I cn l-,1 l-J - 't'f o ln J E (q -L F cf u L3 €f L. f )4 N l*. rlD J Ir ll )a o o t'f I tFt u o F N # u o € t v N u LJ F F F q ru lrl ta -! - v1 { n H X IJ J LJ F rl = = c) CJ o !r (u I (n € € \o rl u o o e o x \ € F € o (nI o v oI (a v1 F lrl t€ - x ru d F.- € L - 3 cu n-{ 1 2 4 3 9 D +3 D3 10 D4 11 3 D IC1 0 5 LM3915 3 D5 12 6 6 D6 13 7 12 D7 15 21 D8 18 R7 33K C5 .1u D10 D9 R6 2K7 C C C6 10u 8 2 R5 1K 4 X2 1 D1 + X1 5 - 6 2 3 24DC R8 10R 4 5 19VDC B F1 .5A S/B S1 X1 1 V1 BD681 1AMP Q/A F2 T1 R3 100R P2 BC546 B 9.5DC B1 R1 4K7 N1 R4 3K9 R9 4K7 2 C3 47u 240VAC 3 4 C1 2200u C2 470u C7 470u D2 20V R2 4K7 C4 47u POWER SUPPLY CD6192-1 Title A Size TX4000 TX8000 Number A Revision A4 Date: File: 1 2 3 29-Aug-2002 Sheet1 of C:\Protel Files\CDTRAX\CD6192-1.DDB Drawn By: 4 1