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Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional




Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional VERIFICATION MANUAL FOR SNIP 52-01-2003 CODE Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code © 2014 Autodesk, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Except as otherwise permitted by Autodesk, Inc., this publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose. Certain materials included in this publication are reprinted with the permission of the copyright holder. Disclaimer THIS PUBLICATION AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS MADE AVAILABLE BY AUTODESK, INC. “AS IS.” AUTODESK, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE REGARDING THESE MATERIALS. Trademarks The following are registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., in the USA and/or other countries: Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis, Autodesk Concrete Building Structures, Spreadsheet Calculator, ATC, AutoCAD, Autodesk, Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk (logo), Buzzsaw, Design Web Format, DWF, ViewCube, SteeringWheels, and Autodesk Revit. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Third Party Software Program Credits ACIS Copyright© 1989-2001 Spatial Corp. Portions Copyright© 2002 Autodesk, Inc. Copyright© 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. International CorrectSpell™ Spelling Correction System© 1995 by Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products, N.V. All rights reserved. InstallShield™ 3.0. Copyright© 1997 InstallShield Software Corporation. All rights reserved. PANTONE® and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc.© Pantone, Inc., 2002. Portions Copyright© 1991-1996 Arthur D. Applegate. All rights reserved. Portions relating to JPEG © Copyright 1991-1998 Thomas G. Lane. All rights reserved. Portions of this software are based on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. Portions relating to TIFF © Copyright 1997-1998 Sam Leffler. © Copyright 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved. Government Use Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR 12.212 (Commercial Computer Software-Restricted and DFAR 227.7202 (Rights in Rights)Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable. стр. 2/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Verification example 1 - Dimensioning reinforcement in rectangular section at bending... 5 Verification example 2 - Dimensioning reinforcement in rectangular section at bending... 7 Verification example 3 - Dimensioning reinforcement in T section at bending ....................... 9 Verification example 4 - Dimensioning reinforcement in rectangular section at compression with bending ..........................................................................................................................11 Verification example 5 - Dimensioning stirrups spacings reinforcement in the calculation of inclined section of the action of shear forces...................................................................................14 Verification example 6 - Calculation of cracking width in panel ..................................................16 Verification example 7 - Calculation of plate deflection ..................................................................20 стр. 3/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code INTRODUCTION This verification manual contains numerical examples for structures prepared and originally calculated by Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional version 2012. The comparison of results is still valid for the next Robot versions. All examples have been taken from handbooks that include benchmark tests covering fundamental types of behavior encountered in structural analysis. Benchmark results (signed as “Handbook”) are recalled, and compared with results of Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional (signed further as “Robot”). Each example contains the following parts: - title of the problem - specification of the problem - Robot solution to the problem - outputs with calculation results and calculation notes - comparison between Robot results and exact solution стр. 4/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code VERIFICATION EXAMPLE 1 - DIMENSIONING REINFORCEMENT IN RECTANGULAR SECTION AT BENDING This example is taken from [1] (in Russian): ПОСОБИЕ ПО ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЮ БЕТОННЫХ И ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ ИЗ ТЯЖЕЛОГО БЕТОНА БЕЗ ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНОГО НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ АРМАТУРЫ (к СП 52-101-2003), М., 2005 (example 2) DESCRIPTION OF THE EXAMPLE: Calculate the reinforcement in rectangular section at simple bending at ULS. In this example, the results of the program are compared against [1]. One should note that we deal with theoretical (required) areas of reinforcement here. The real (provided) reinforcement is generated by the program in order to fulfill the theoretical reinforcement requirements and structural requirements, and is not analyzed here. GEOMETRY: cross section 30х60 [cm] cover to axis of longitudinal bars a = 4 [cm] MATERIAL: concrete B15 (Rb = 8,5 MPa) reinforcing steel А300 (Rs = 270 MPa) LOADS: bending moment M = 200 [kNm] IMPORTANT STEPS: Define the geometry of the beam. The span geometry and the loads should be defined in order to obtain bending moment in the mid-span equal to 200 kNm. Set proper concrete and steel in Calculation Options, as a on the pictures below. Also create new Element Type. стр. 5/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code RESULTS OF CALCULATION: Theoretical areas bottom reinf. As1 [1] 15,50 cm2 Robot 15,36 cm2 стр. 6/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code VERIFICATION EXAMPLE 2 - DIMENSIONING REINFORCEMENT IN RECTANGULAR SECTION AT BENDING This example is taken from [1] (in Russian): ПОСОБИЕ ПО ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЮ БЕТОННЫХ И ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ ИЗ ТЯЖЕЛОГО БЕТОНА БЕЗ ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНОГО НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ АРМАТУРЫ (к СП 52-101-2003), М., 2005 (example 4) DESCRIPTION OF THE EXAMPLE: Calculate the reinforcement in rectangular section at simple bending at ULS. In this example, the results of the program are compared against [1]. One should note that we deal with theoretical (required) areas of reinforcement here. The real (provided) reinforcement is generated by the program in order to fulfill the theoretical reinforcement requirements and structural requirements, and is not analyzed here. GEOMETRY: cross section 30х80 [cm] cover to axis of tension longitudinal bars a = 5 [cm] cover to axis of compression longitudinal bars a’ = 3 [cm] MATERIAL: concrete B15 (Rb = 8,5 MPa) reinforcing steel А400 (Rs = Rsc = 355 MPa) LOADS: bending moment M = 780 [kNm] IMPORTANT STEPS: Define the geometry of the beam. The span geometry and the loads should be defined in order to obtain bending moment in the mid-span equal to 780 kNm. Set proper concrete and steel in Calculation Options, as a on the pictures below. Also create new Element Type. стр. 7/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code RESULTS OF CALCULATION: Theoretical areas bottom reinf. As1 top reinf. As2 [1] 37,24 cm2 8,63 cm2 Robot 36,2 cm2 8,64 cm2 стр. 8/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code VERIFICATION EXAMPLE 3 - DIMENSIONING REINFORCEMENT IN T SECTION AT BENDING This example is taken from [1] (in Russian): ПОСОБИЕ ПО ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЮ БЕТОННЫХ И ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ ИЗ ТЯЖЕЛОГО БЕТОНА БЕЗ ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНОГО НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ АРМАТУРЫ (к СП 52-101-2003), М., 2005 (example 7) DESCRIPTION OF THE EXAMPLE: Calculate the reinforcement in T section at simple bending at ULS. In this example, the results of the program are compared against [1]. One should note that we deal with theoretical (required) areas of reinforcement here. The real (provided) reinforcement is generated by the program in order to fulfill the theoretical reinforcement requirements and structural requirements, and is not analyzed here. GEOMETRY: cross section b'f = 1500 mm, h'f = 50 mm, b = 200 mm, h = 400 mm cover to axis of longitudinal bars a = 8 [cm] MATERIAL: concrete B25 (Rb = 14,5 MPa) reinforcing steel А400 (Rs = Rsc = 355 MPa) LOADS: bending moment M = 260 [kNm] IMPORTANT STEPS: Define the geometry of the beam. The span geometry and the loads should be defined in order to obtain bending moment in the mid-span equal to 260 kNm. стр. 9/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code Set proper concrete and steel in Calculation Options, as a on the pictures below. Also create new Element Type. RESULTS OF CALCULATION: Theoretical areas bottom reinf. As1 [1] 24,46 cm2 Robot 23,91 cm2 стр. 10/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code VERIFICATION EXAMPLE 4 - DIMENSIONING REINFORCEMENT IN RECTANGULAR SECTION AT COMPRESSION WITH BENDING This example is taken from [1] (in Russian): ПОСОБИЕ ПО ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЮ БЕТОННЫХ И ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ ИЗ ТЯЖЕЛОГО БЕТОНА БЕЗ ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНОГО НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ АРМАТУРЫ (к СП 52-101-2003), М., 2005 (example 23) DESCRIPTION OF THE EXAMPLE: Calculate the reinforcement in rectangular section at compression with bending at ULS. In this example, the results of the program are compared against [1]. One should note that we deal with theoretical (required) areas of reinforcement here. GEOMETRY: cross section 40х40 [cm] height of the column 4,8 [m] cover to axis of longitudinal bars a = 5 [cm] buckling length coefficient k = 1,2 MATERIAL: concrete В25 (Rb = 14,5 MPa, Еb = 3∙105 MPa); reinforcing steel А400 (Rs = Rsc = 355 MPa) LOADS: bending moment M = 270 [kNm] compression force N = 1000 [kN] IMPORTANT STEPS: Define the geometry of the column. The value of horizontal load should be defined in order to obtain bending moment in the end of column equal to 270 kNm. стр. 11/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code Set proper concrete and steel in Calculation Options, as a on the pictures below. Also create new Element Type. стр. 12/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code RESULTS OF CALCULATION: Theoretical areas As1 = As2 [1] 19,18 cm2 Robot 19,63 cm2 стр. 13/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code VERIFICATION EXAMPLE 5 - DIMENSIONING STIRRUPS SPACINGS REINFORCEMENT IN THE CALCULATION OF INCLINED SECTION OF THE ACTION OF SHEAR FORCES This example is taken from [2] (in Russian): ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЕ И СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО В СИБИРИ, №6(36), 2006 (табл.8) DESCRIPTION OF THE EXAMPLE: Calculate the shear reinforcement (stirrups spacings) in simply supported beam with rectangular section. In this example, the results of the program are compared against [2]. GEOMETRY: cross section 20х50 [cm] cover to axis of longitudinal bars a = a ‘ = 4 [cm] MATERIAL: concrete В20 (Rbt = 0,9 MPa, γb2=0,9) reinforcing steel А400 (Rsw = 285 MPa) LOADS: shear force Q = 270 [kN] IMPORTANT STEPS: Define the geometry of the beam. The span geometry and the loads should be defined in order to obtain shear force in the end of the beam equal to 270 kN. Set proper concrete and steel in Calculation Options, as a on the pictures below. Also create new Element Type. стр. 14/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code RESULTS OF CALCULATION: stirrups spacing sw [2] 10 cm Robot 10 cm стр. 15/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code VERIFICATION EXAMPLE 6 - CALCULATION OF CRACKING WIDTH IN PANEL This example is taken from [1] (in Russian): ПОСОБИЕ ПО ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЮ БЕТОННЫХ И ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ ИЗ ТЯЖЕЛОГО БЕТОНА БЕЗ ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНОГО НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ АРМАТУРЫ (к СП 52-101-2003), М., 2005 (example 43) DESCRIPTION OF THE EXAMPLE: Calculate the cracking width in foundation slab at bending at SLS. GEOMETRY: slab thickness 30 [cm] slab dimensions 115 х 400 [cm] MATERIAL: concrete В15 (Rbt,ser = 1,1 MPa, Rt,ser = 11 MPa); reinforcing steel А400 (Rs = Rsc = 355 МПа). стр. 16/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code bar diameter d = 14 [mm] cover to axis of longitudinal bars a = 4,2 [cm] Duration factor of loads = 0,83 (see below Loads) LOADS: By the condition of an example, the area of reinforcement and number of bars is: As = 9,23 [cm2] and 6 Ø 14 . To get this area of reinforcement on the ULS, we create load case DL1 with load pz = - 39 [kN/m2]. стр. 17/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code For the calculation of SLS we create load case DL2 with load pz = -30 [kN/m2]. By the condition of an example, bending moment in slab must be 60 [kNm] (including from long-term loads [kNm] and correspondingly duration factor of loads 50/60 = 0,83). стр. 18/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code COMPARISON Parameter Reinforcement area in the middle of the plate As Long-term cracking width acrc [1] Robot 9,23 cm2 9,29 cm2 0,2 mm 0,2 mm стр. 19/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code VERIFICATION EXAMPLE 7 - CALCULATION OF PLATE DEFLECTION This example is taken from [1] (in Russian): ПОСОБИЕ ПО ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЮ БЕТОННЫХ И ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ ИЗ ТЯЖЕЛОГО БЕТОНА БЕЗ ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНОГО НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ АРМАТУРЫ (к СП 52-101-2003), М., 2005 (example 45) DESCRIPTION OF THE EXAMPLE: Calculate of deflection in the slab at bending at SLS. GEOMETRY: slab thickness 20 [cm] slab dimensions 100 х 560 [cm] MATERIAL: concrete B15 (Rbt,ser = 1,1 MPa, Rt,ser = 11 MPa) reinforcing steel А400 (Rs = Rsc = 355 MPa) cover to axis of longitudinal bars a = 2,7 [cm] стр. 20/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code Duration factor of loads = 0,93 (see below Loads) LOADS: By the condition of an example, the area of reinforcement and number of bars is: As = 7,69 [cm2] and 5 Ø 14 . To get this area of reinforcement on the ULS, we create load case DL1 with load pz = - 9,75 [kN/m2]. стр. 21/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code For the calculation of SLS we create load case DL2 with load pz = -7 [kN/m2]. By the condition of an example, bending moment in slab must be 6,5 [kNm] (including from long-term loads [kNm] and correspondingly duration factor of loads 6,5/7 = 0,93). стр. 22/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code COMPARISON Parameter Reinforcement area in the middle of the plate As Deflection [1] Robot 7,69 cm2 7,69 cm2 3,15 cm 3,1 cm стр. 23/24 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification manual for SP 52-101-2003 code LITERATURE 1. ПОСОБИЕ ПО ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЮ БЕТОННЫХ ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ ИЗ ТЯЖЕЛОГО БЕТОНА БЕЗ ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНОГО НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ АРМАТУРЫ (к СП 52- 101-2003), М., 2005 2. ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЕ И СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО В СИБИРИ, №6(36), 2006 3. СП 52-101-2003. БЕТОННЫЕ И ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫЕ КОНСТРУКЦИИ БЕЗ ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНОГО НАПРЯЖЕНИЯ АРМАТУРЫ, М., 2006. стр. 24/24