Sept. 8, 1942.
Filed March 12, 1941
3 Sheets-Sheet l
Sept. 8,1942. A
2,295,092 '
Filed March 12; 1941
3 Sheqts-Sheet 2
Sept. 8, 1942.
3 Sheets-Sheet 5 '
Patented Sept. 8, 1942
~ ‘or ac
Francis John Offen, Swindon, England, assignor “ to Garrard Engineering & Manufacturing Come pay, Limited, Swindon, England, a corporation
of Great Britain Application March 12, 1941, Serial No. 383,018
(01. 274-10)
6 Claims.
This invention relates to an automatic stop mechanism for sound reproducing machines or phonographs.
'.of downward the'type.movement referred toofthat an. .
which abuts
the stack-of records.
These and further objects of the ‘invention “will become more evident in the following de scription of a preferred. embodiment of the in
The stop mechanism of the invention is par ticularly designed for use with an electrically
driven phonograph of the automatic type where
"eleased by the
-‘vention illustrated in the drawings. wherein: ~ . a stack of records is supported above the turn Figure l is a view in perspective of one form table. ‘The lowermost record of the stack is of phonograph embodying the stop mechanism selectively released from the stack to drop upon This may be accomplished‘ by 10 oi'the invention. . the turntable. - Figure 2 is a plan view, partially broken away, the movement of a peripheral support provided with means for engaging ‘only the lowermost ’ 'of the record changer of Figure 1, with the record.
turntable removed to show the automatic stop
Upon the completion of the playing of a record,
and associated mechanisms.
Figure 3 is a plan view, on enlarged scale, of a part of Figure 2, showing. theautomatic stop mechanism in a position with the electric switch
a cam shaft is connected through a clutch with
the motor driving the turntable. A number of
operations are performed during each revolu tion of the cam shaft. First, the tone arm with .
_ disconnected.
Figure 4 is a vertical cross-sectional view its pickup unit is lifted from the record and swung out of the way. Then, the peripheral sup 20 taken‘along line 4—4 of Figure 2, illustrating the mechanism for releasing the automatic stop port engages the lowermost of the records to mechanismafter the last record has been dropped drop it into playing position on the turntable. onto the turntable. , - ' > Finally, the .tone arm is brought into record Figure 5 is'a sectional. view, substantially on playing position on the outer groove of the new the line 5-.-5. of Figure 4, showing the driving record on the turntable, which is now in readi connections between the motor and cam shaft. ness to be played. . ' . Figures'6 and '7 are fragmentary views of a The stack of records supported over the turn ‘detail illustrating different operating positions table is pressed by a record abutting or steady of the .mechanism' for. releasing the automatic ing arm. When the last\record has been dropped onto the turntable,_this arm collapses . Figure 8 is a. fragmentary verticallcross-sec due to its own weight and the. action of a bias tional view of the record .steadying arm- inits ing spring. This downward movement of the inoperative position. 7 ‘ ‘ record arm initiates the operation of the auto stop.
Referring to the drawingsyand more particu-'
matic stop mechanism. After the last record has been played, ‘the cam shaft again’ rotates ‘ in the manner set forth above. The camshaft continues to rotate until the tone army is swung .
larly tov Figure 1, the record changer phono-~ H
being automatically initiated when the last
, base plate to, 'inaU .
graph comprises base plate Ill, turntable ll. ro
tatably mounted above base plate 10, and center away from the record. Means are provided] ing‘ spindle I2. Spindle 12 has a shoulder [3. for supporting a stack of; records thereon, and is‘ which the cam shaft‘ actuates to operate the stop mechanism, which in turn disengages an 40 provided with a plurality of leaf springs It. It is to be. understood that other record stacking electric switch in circuit with the electric drive motor, and also engages a braking mechanism to ' and changing arrangements may be used. When a-reco'rd is dropped, it engages leaf springs l4 and stop the turntable. ' It is an object of the present invention to" is retarded, therecord dropping with a minimum provide an improved automatic stopping mecha 45 of noise. A tone arm l5, provided with a stand ard pickup unit it,'normally rests on support ,- l1 nism for phonographs. . when not in use. > ' _ .1 i "it is another object of the invention to pro Standard I8,contains bracket 20.. on which a vide astop for electrically driven phonographs record abutting or steadying arm 2! is 'pivotally of the type which automatically. plays a stack of records in succession, the stop mechanism 50 mounted. A pusher plate 22 isvprovided‘above
horizontal direction to disengage the lowermost
record has dropped into playing position; and actuated. after that record has been played. A further object of the invention is to provide
an automatic stop mechanismfor phonographs ‘-
record from shoulder .13 on spindle 12.1 The means forreciprocating record displacing plate 55
22 and for automatic'ally'v moving tone arm_l5_. ;
free to follow the pull of spring 5|, coupling and pick-up [6 over the records are not shown since they are not part of the present inven-H {I toothed clutch section 48 with cam 44. Since tlon, and are well known in the art.
~ »
' toothed clutch section 48 is continuously rotated by the drive motor 46; cam shaft 45 will be turned
- .
After a record is played, the next record sup
thereby. When cam shaft 45 has rotated through 360°, lever 4| will have returned to its former po
" portedon shoulder; [act-spindle; I2 ;is dropped .downr'uponit. -. For thisnpurpose tone arm=|5 is ; swung jioute of-the; Way‘
' 'sition-and‘against push lever. 42 against'the ac~ Towards.- this; end, a . 1-: :tion of spring'5l to interrupt the clutch driving
1 .4;toothed These» operations clutch discare. isiengagedwith accomplished a ;_,j'during ‘cam .shaft. a >3. .connection'betweenthe motor 46 and .cam shaft I ' 5 - ' is initiated - licycle or!fullzrevolutionpf thecam shaft.- The“‘10.4.5;The-automatic' stopping-mechanism when the last-record- of the stack-of records sup . ; almechanismsifor connecting the cam shaft with-'1 ‘ported on shoulder -|3'-"of-1 spindle‘ : |2 ~~ihas ‘ been
:1 :thei-dri've ls-showniiinFigure amotor ~".af_ter; 2.. Asa-record a;_record:;. has», is-n.played,=-tone been played arm-l5 movestowards" the center-.01 the record.
: droppedvon the turntable. -This>=is accomplished
- fin the-following manner. -_ As shown in Figures 4 - ..»The;--movement.; ofatonesarme l5 ,isutilized for y and 8. record steadying arm" 2| is provided with
cennecting?ithe? _ operating'i cam" shaft with the j‘? at biasing spring 52. .The other end of'spring 52 drive--motor;§:--hever.:=24
coupled-with ‘tone; arm '
secured to pin 53 on standard I8.
Spring 52
"as'a toggle-1action;"»When Jarm'. 2|~is in the open
‘a:suitable’mannen'not. shown-in the draw
g . . :Lever.~.:;2.4: :is-i-fastened' v-torplate: 25. When 'a' 20' r moperative position of Figure‘ 8; spring 52 ex ts'iaepull‘itolthe left of "pivot-49 ‘of arm 2|, hold 1f rsrec'ord. isrplayed; - plates-2 5.2 -rotated-_ in: a clock-w > -: wiser-direction;:"Plate 125:-is ‘in fr-lcti_or_1al;.engage-3-v ' inig' 'arm' 2| inYthe'inoperativeposition. . After a
‘stacklzo'f records is placed’ on'sp'indle l2,‘ arm 2| sil‘lowered-thereon to its position in Figure‘ 5.
mentiwlth'lleverz26 byrmeans ofra ?ber spacer 21 secured ' to ..-lever.:;-.26:;: ‘ ~vLever 26
= and: :thereforeiirotatesLina _;clcckwisefdirjection pivoted-.-at 1-528 as plate-25- follows-theimove'mentzof tone ‘arm-1:5. A T
Spring 52'‘ then‘ exerts'a'pull- to-the right‘ of pivot 149*a'n'd, therefore, tendsto pull‘armli in the
?a?-fténsihh-Zspringiiwikeeps'i?ber‘:spacer ‘21 in' 1 g
downward Tdirection:
- '
’ A‘ pinii~54~extending from arm: 2'|- engages the ‘ 1 ver §3t .i's'l centrally-pivoted: arr-321F110 the. opposite- “ i head 55 pfa verti'calro'd'SS'; -"-R0d 551s slidably' " = 'endl'of lever'-.~26;:=and islipressed against a stop 29 ‘30 '- mounted l-ini-‘standard‘ 18. Pin 54"is .- arranged to constant-engagement withcplate 2-5. .An'other le-‘?l- =
'’ 'j'u'st rest-upon head: 5565 rod 56 ~when1‘inlits up
7.' ~ 7 = von lever-{26¢byibiasingspring-533.5.Ahfree end of
‘ per position; ‘as long as arm‘Z-FiS-isuxipdrtediby a
" ,"i‘le'ver‘ile’is provided-:witha ?berrolleréé'. Turn
recordonshoulder v|_3y-of'--spindl<'a |2?'~above the
' table‘H is'rotatedbyshaft5-35;1=to which’ an arm _' ~
‘36- is
- turntable. The ‘lower end of woe f‘56-rreiits' upon
- '- When lever-1251s=graduallysrotatedin a‘clock;
lever BflpiVoted‘at ' 5'8'assseén- in "Figure-4.!-v The .
“other ‘end ‘65 of leveri 5"l‘has‘ra lateraLext'ending
. wiseidireetionpit causes flberrroller 34 on- lever 3i
toswin'gé: into the path of arm-36 \which-is rotated >' 5' ' per ion ‘' engageable "j-with ' vprojection--fil-"otlever
‘ in a clockwise {direction by turntable shaft 35."v Fiber rollerlr?-send arm: 36 engage vbefore the “ "
-52_.'-§-{Lever- 621s pivoted‘ at B3-;~a'fol1o'we'r 65-being pivoted-‘thereonat?lti? Spring“ ‘is arranged to
needle of picki-up-l?‘ has‘ reached thejinnermost ‘4o draw lever "end 65- towards'ffollower' 65'i'v‘vhi'ch, in I groove" ofi the-“record; -' Each ‘time turntable ||"" - ' turn; _'pulled“’ag'ainst ' lever-gt: byl'sprin'g ‘t1. makes: one ‘revolution, its arm 36. engages-zroller- " _ f =The1uppenend~651of'lever-‘62'is-arr‘anged to
34, causing lever 3-1 torotate in the: counter - joisplacej-leiier105pivoted‘-rat__‘-'|’| a'sfshow'nii'n Fig clockwise direction on its pivot 32 against the.” >_ 'u_res\~2 andBi“ 'Ere'e enu=--1-2-or~1ever-1u has a notch biasing action of'springae.
-} -1_3= which‘ is'l‘ada'pted- to‘ engage lwith?- the ‘hook
As the tone arm imov'es- inwardly, levers 25 and?"~ 3| also movei-inwardly-byvirtue of» the frictional"v - engagement of'lever‘ 2G. with plate 25. When tone -
jfshapeu- ‘end-7410f brake ‘lever 15'1pivoted"at s9.
Brake 'lever11‘1-5-has'ja ?ber roller-T61 which 'serves
' webmke-the-tarragon. Brakelever‘ili also has
arm- 'l5 reaches the eccentric groove customarily ~‘ '- '
an electrically cpndu‘ctfre‘v'roller arranged. to op
provided as'theéinnermost groove on the record." "erafte ‘electric’ switch-1' 18:; “Switch '18 in electric‘ roller 34 hasadvanced su?icie'ntlythat. when'arm _ ‘circuit with the drive motor‘for the turntable. >36 strikes the-roller- 34 ‘lever~3| is 'pivotedi'against '~ Brake ‘lever:"|'5=is*"conriectedfwith lever end‘ ‘I2 by spring end N 33. of lever _ This3-Ij't'o movement, ‘engage causes and actuate the opposite“ a fur-f‘ " ' 7*5-in1afcounterclockwise"direction; f ther leverrg38i-upivoted. at 40 onthe frame. Lever ' '
*Bralgeflever‘ 15f'h'as: a downwardly extending
" 38 ‘is‘arranged‘td ‘engage’ with a le'verf?ywhich" >_ piirM-a'da'pbed o’be'~ engagedw-ith-rthe oblique " "endf'portion 82‘ ‘o orm'ecting rod , 83"‘ pivoted to ' ‘ is shown in gures ‘i and 5." V vinjturn‘arranged to’ actuate 'leverf‘j \ >‘stopis'tart'vlever-ll4 top-‘start ‘lever 841$‘ pivoted ' * vminer ‘
_.42‘centrally"pivoted at‘43: on'a‘cam 44. ‘Cani 44" vvat 85 an'dfhas‘ an actuating‘ pin “extending up
jissecu'red' to "camshaft ~45.“ One revolution of 60 wardly.'~-~'Actuating'pin llq'is‘adapted to be'oper " {cam shaft‘ 4'5‘automa'tica11'y changes -' a record andv '_ ated by hand to stop and start the‘ record changer places thQtcne'arm-"JS'"and pick-‘up 16' upon the ’ and‘phoncgraph'.as‘willjbefhiereinafter explained. event-out section 87‘ v outermost groovexo‘f‘ newly positioned record. " Connecting 'ro'd83 _' ' j I motorifdrlve is‘ schematically‘ indicated‘ at 46. 'y throughw-hich pineal-onleverf‘lz‘projects.‘ Fol Themo'to 4B jdrivesturntableshaftj35 as'_w'ell as 65 lower11ever65is ‘shown-in Figures 4;’6‘and 7',‘ with, Shaft
whr‘hsrfv ' as securedfthereto a vtoothedv - an oblique cam-surface fQD‘atitspend 9|." Cam
surface QB'is mounted-for engagement by pro clutch section??. ,Clutch section. 48 is engage-f ' _ .iection‘on 9'2‘rof‘cam‘l4'tf '. "1? " ablewithzlug 5D of7iever'42; :Spring 5| urgeslever. _' ' The initla'ting'action' ‘and subsequent actuation 42-;towards clutchsection 48-... , ._
7'0' of-the automatic stop: mechanism‘ Will‘how be
Aslong as lever. Mgisinqth'e position shown in. . - explained. ~‘When. the‘ ‘last’ record- R ‘has -' been
Figure 5,-wlever v42 prevented from engaging . - ': dropped f from ' ‘shoulder -' l3‘ of" centering‘ spindle -i'clutchi1sectionl~-48;-:;‘ When the tone arm moves‘ - l2, record steadying arm 2i=collapses’to"the posi over the innermost ‘groove of the-record, lever 4| .. - tion’ 2|! shown in'idotted lines, one toth'e ‘com
out ofthewayof-"lever 42-, which is then7
blnod actionjoffgravitr'and‘spring- 52;""fPin 54'
rod and displacing said rod when said last record is vdropped from the stack; a motor for rotating
placed thereby, and a l'ev'er‘?ex-ibly coupled to‘ said part; a portion normally abutting-said lever to prevent its displacement; means connec‘tedbe tween said portion and said element for moving
the turntable; apparatus engageable'with said motor when the playing of’ each record is com pleted comprising a cam piece motivated with said apparatus when {the apparatus is engaged with said motor, a part normally in the path of saidcam piece and displacedthereby, and a lever
said portion from the abutting positionupon dis; placement of said element to permit displace ment of said lever with said part; and an instru
mentality actuated upon said ‘displacement of spring coupled to said part; a' pivoted unit abut said lever r'or stopping the operation of the turn 10 ting'the lower end of said rod and having a por table. tion normally abutting said lever to prevent its 4. In an automatic electric motor driven -pho-‘ displacement, said portion being moved from the nograph having means for stacking a plurality abutting position by said rod when said rod is of records above the tumtable and means for depressed by said arm to permit displacement of successively releasing the records upon the turn said .lever with said part; and a switch in cir table when a previous one has played: mecha» cuital connection with said motor and actuated nism for automatically stopping the operation into circuit breaking position upon said displace— of the phonograph ‘when playing of the last ment of said lever to stop the operation of .the stacked record is completed comprising an arm phonograph. pivotally mounted to abut the last record of ‘the 6. In an automatic motor driven phonograph stack to be played, and means coasting with said 20 having means for stacking a plurality of records arm including a plunger, said plunger being ar above the turntable and means for ‘successively releasing the records upon the turntable when a previous one has played: mechanism for auto
ranged ior displacement by said arm when said last record is dropped from the stack; a motor for
rotating the turntable; apparatus .engageable
matically stopping the operation of the phono
with said motor when the playing of each record is completed comprising a cam piece motivated with said apparatus when the apparatus is en
graph when playing of the last stacked record is completed comprising a member arranged to abut the last record of the stack to be played, a
gaged with said motor, a part normally in ‘the path of said cam piece and displaceable thereby,
spring connected to said member to normally
and a lever ?exibly coupled -to said part; an ele 30 press it against the last record, means positively coacting with said member including an element, ment coactable with said plunger and having a
portion normally abutting said lever to‘ prevent its displacement; means connected between said portion and said plunger for moving ‘said portion from the abutting position-upon displacement of '
said plunger by said ‘arm, to permit displacement of said lever with said part; and a switch in cir cuital connection with said motor and actuated
into circuit breaking position upon said displace ment of said lever.
5. In an automatic electric motor driven pho
nograph having means for stacking-‘a plurality of records above the turntable ‘and means for
successively releasing the records upon the turn table when a previous one ha's'played: mecha
nism for automatically stopping the operation of the phonograph when'playing of'the last stacked record is completed comprising an arm pivotally mounted above the records to ‘abut-the last ‘record
of ‘the stack to be played, ‘means positively co
acting with said arm includin’g'a slidably mount ed rod, a projection-from said arm touching said
said element being displaced by the displacement of ‘said member when the last record is dropped from the stack; a motor for rotating the turn table; cyclic apparatus engageable with said mo tor when the playing of each record is completed comprising a cam piece motivated with said ap
paratus when the apparatus is engaged with said motor, a part normally in the path of said cam 40 piece and displacea'ble thereby, and a lever ?exi bly coupled to said part; means abutting said ele ment and having a portion normally abutting said lever-to'prevent its displacement, said por ‘tion being moved from the abutting position 45 when said element is displaced by said member permitting displacement of said lever with said part; and an instrumentality connected vwith said motor and actuated upon the displacement of , said lever to stop "the operation of the phono ‘ 50 graph. .FRANCIS JOHN OFFEN.