B & S Technology GmbH–
BS WATCH MANUAL _______________________________________________________________ Thanks a lot for purchasing one of our products. Certainly, you will not regret your decision. You have purchased a product that was built according, its conformity is verified. Please read this manual carefully to ensure safe operation. Caution: To prevent short circuits when connecting this device to a PC, please connect the USB cable first to the watch, then to your computer.
1. Technical specification: Resolution photo-mode: Pictures saved as: Resolution video-mode: Videos saved as: Framerate: Minimum illumination required: Power supply: Working temperature: Recommended humidity: Internal storage: Data-interface: Supported operating systems:
Charging time:
1600 x 1200 Pixel jpg-files 1280 x 960 Pixel AVI-files, 1GB/ 30 min video 30 fps 1 Lux 200mAh built-in accumulator -0 - +45°C 20 – 85% 4 GB USB 2.0. min. Windows 2000 or later. This device will be detected as removable disk automatically 1GB für 30 minutes video ar. 2 hours
2. Keys:
1: Take a photo 2: Cap for protecting USB-interface 3: on/off, take videos 4: no function 5: Set (analog) time. For information about how to set digital time, please refer to chapter 5.
Any information given base on manufacturer specifications. Printing errors, technical changes and errors are. Possible. They are subject to change without further notice. Powered by: B&S Technology GmbH, Im Vogelsang 23, D-24321 Lütjenburg, Germany
B & S Technology GmbH–
BS WATCH MANUAL _______________________________________________________________ 3. Charging: To charge the built-in-accu, please connect the device with a cable, and then please connect the cable to your computer. While the device is charging, the LED is glowing continuously. This device will turn off as soon as the battery is too weak. The current video will be saved anyway.
4. Turn on: Please press Key (3) until the LED is glowing. After it has changed its color to yellow, the device is ready.
5. Set time and date This device will display date and time (YYY-MM-DD HH:MM-SS) in any video or photo. To set date and time, please -
Create a txt-file (Editor-file) with your PC (right Click on your desktop) In the first line, please insert f.e. 2020/12/24 19:45:00 if your present date is December 24th, 2020 and it is 7 o`clock pm (time will be displayed in 24h-mode) Save it, but change the name to time.txt (your computer should use the “.txt” suffix automatically) Connect the device to your computer Copy the file you just have created into the main folder of the watch (next to, but NOT INTO „DCIM"folder) Disconnect the watch from USB-cable, turn it off, then on again (to ensure the device is rebooting so your settings are finished (If you connect it to your computer again, the „time.txt” file should not be displayed any longer) Note: At any time you initiate a reset or battery is too low, you have to do this settings again
6. Turn off: Press Key (3) until the LED is flashes 3 times. Note: When your turn it on but don`t take a photo or a video, it will turn off automatically in order to save energy.
Take a video: Turn on the device by pressing button (3), and then press it again. The record will start immediately, the LED flashes 3 times. To stop he record, please press button (3) again for 3 seconds so the device turns off. Pictures and videos are saved on internal storage. To view the records on your computer, we recommend downloading “VLC-mediaplayer” f.e. from
Take photos: Turn on the device by pressing key (3) and- after that- press key (1). Now the device will take a photo which is confirmed when the LED flashes shortly. The video is saved, the LED glows blue again and so the device is in stand-by-mode again.
Any information given base on manufacturer specifications. Printing errors, technical changes and errors are. Possible. They are subject to change without further notice. Powered by: B&S Technology GmbH, Im Vogelsang 23, D-24321 Lütjenburg, Germany