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Client Driven Data Hosting Framework




CLIENT DRIVEN DATA HOSTING FRAMEWORK Create Your Data Business Today Earth Monitoring DataBase Inc. #103, 3030 Venture Lane, Melbourne, Florida, 32934 USA (321) 242-0300 Brook House, Pennerley, Shewsbury, Shopshire, SY5 0NE, UK, 0333 7000 227 CLIENT DRIVEN DATA HOSTING FRAMEWORK Earth Monitoring DataBase Inc. Unlike conventional data analysis and delivery platforms, the innovative Earth Monitoring Database allows you to build your own custom web site using the Big Data API Framework. Application based plugins allow you to fast track the design of your user interface, simply download the template of choice and install it on your web site. eCommerce plugins allow you to sell your data online creating additional value and revenue streams for you and your clients. Leverage existing public data such as NOAA and Environment Canada rainfall radar and create content data rich SCADA sites allowing you to deliver multi-million dollar platforms at a fraction of the price. No annual license fees apply to the sites you create allowing you to pass the saving onto your customer base and be more competitive in the hosting market. Alarm Plugins allow you to create and set up real-time event notification, great for overflow, pollution control and security monitoring. Automatically upload data from any wireless devices that are web enabled or utilize our open data protocol and make your own hardware compatible. Hardware neutrality allows you to select from a large array of existing technologies readily available on the market. Collect, capture and retrieve data using almost any sensor network you can imagine. TEMPLATE DRIVEN FRAMEWORK Data collection and distribution spanning across the globe requires a unique data solution not bound by conventional database concepts. We currently host hundreds of thousands of sites, archiving terabytes of raw and processed information. Site data and alarms are automatically retrieved, stored and delivered using our unique FLOW Earth Data API. Similar in concept to other APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) information is delivered to and from your web hosting framework allowing you to build and view graphs, tables and custom reports. Data requests are delivered and stored within the client hosting framework allowing you fast and easy access to large data sets. POWER Automated resolution sliders allow you to drill down and identify data anomalies and export high resolution native data without the overhead of SQL language queries. Custom element plugins such as gauges, sliders, spark-lines, graphs, scatterplots, tables, and more allow you to create a very rich user experience for your client. SCADA For a demonstration or more information please call us at (321) 242-0300. BIG DATA SOLUTION ENERGY MANUFACTURING SECURITY Example Rain Gauge Plugin Earth Monitoring DataBase Inc. #103, 3030 Venture Lane, Melbourne, Florida, 32934 USA (321) 242-0300 Brook House, Pennerley, Shewsbury, Shopshire, SY5 0NE, UK, 0333 7000 227 LOGIN TEMPLATES 4 LAYER SECURITY Earth Monitoring DataBase Inc. Templates have been designed that allow you to design your website exactly the way you want it in a short period of time. Simply download the Earth Data API and select the login template option that best suits your company. Select from an array of login templates including: Full Screen Image templates; Product Image templates, News Slider templates; Product Zoom and Hover templates. Add all of your corporate information on the Login page or simply add the login information to your existing website. 4 Layer Security protects you, your client and your data. Start your data business today, call us at (321) 242-0300 and ask for technical Support. 1 - ENTERPRISE 2 - PROJECT 3 - USERNAME 4 - PASSWORD Enterprise Users can view all of their projects. Project Users can view all of their sites. Bronze Users view individual sites. Full Screen Image Template Our most popular Login screen allowing the end user to add images of choice and tag the image with captions. Clean and simple interface . . . great for all monitoring applications. Product Image Template Product images automatically move from left to right using a full screen image preview. Product Thumbs hide below in a vertical menu News Slider Template Great Login screen for companies who want to highlight their data service offerings. Slide images with Title and Sub Title attached. Product Zoom and Hover Template FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE IMPORTANT Hover over your image and zoom in with infinite detail. Highlight your image using the image thumbs, add product content or redirect to your online store. Earth Monitoring DataBase Inc. #103, 3030 Venture Lane, Melbourne, Florida, 32934 USA (321) 242-0300 Brook House, Pennerley, Shewsbury, Shopshire, SY5 0NE, UK, 0333 7000 227 FRAMEWORK OVERVIEW EARTH MONITORING DATABASE EARTH DATA API REMOTE MACHINE EARTH DATA SERVER Earth Monitoring Database utilizes a Earth Monitoring Database is a fully CLIENT OWNED WEBSITE Unlike most hosting platforms, Earth standard data driver interface allowing scalable BIG DATA solution with unlimited Monitoring Database allows you to download manufacturers to easily connect any data hosting capability. EARTH DATA API templates and create your own website. Set your machine to the server. Simply download guarantees fast delivery of information to sites to public and allow us to broker online data the open source driver code and integrate your hosting application. sales for you. No longer pay set-up fees and have it into your monitoring platform. full control and ownership of what you create. CLIENT TEMPLATE FRAMEWORK Logo Header Tabs Date Timeline Resolution Site Monitor Channel Setup Alarm Templates Site Monitor Application Templates Earth Monitoring DataBase Inc. #103, 3030 Venture Lane, Melbourne, Florida, 32934 USA (321) 242-0300 Brook House, Pennerley, Shewsbury, Shopshire, SY5 0NE, UK, 0333 7000 227 FLOW MONITORING PLUG-IN Open Channel Flow Monitoring Template FEATURES PARAMETER VALUE The Open Channel Flow Template is ideal for sewer and river flow monitoring companies. Fully equipped with all the necessary reports allowing you to easily meet your company and client’s needs. Graphs Line Graphs Scatter Plots Time Graphs Bar Graphs Set up your own projects, maps, sites and monitors. No need for a third party to get involved. Data Analysis Depth, Velocity and Flow vs Time Stage Discharge Depth vs Velocity Log Plots Data Scrubbing Data Aid Plug-in Scrub, replace and fix data. Data API Asynchronous data feed from Earth Data API Navigation Timeline Selection Bar, Calendar, Channels Raw, Engineered Equations Virtual Equations Site Equation Channel Equations Sample Rate View down to native resolution Connectivity Wireless Connectivity Report Alarms Single and Multichannel Alarm Plug-in Data Export COPY, CSV, EXCEL, PRINT Variables User Defined Variables for both Monitor and Sites Geomatics Embedded Google Maps using GMAP3 toolkit SetUp Site and Monitor SetUp Plugin Create virtual equations to customize graphs and reports. Easily create flow channels and develop flow balance networks. Multi-Parameter Overview with Rainfall attached Create Engineered Channels based on raw data, allowing you to filter and scrub data prior to your customer base purchasing it. Raw data is legally protected and cannot be scrubbed or changed. The OC Flow Template also comes complete with the Alarm plug-in allowing you to set up multichannel site alarms, develop false alarm logic and only send what’s real. You can also set up monitor based alarms used for diagnostics and maintenance. Flow Alarm Gauges Create and expand on the Geomatics Mapping features using the powerful open-source GMAP3 plugin and create your own custom look and feel. Export maps for GIS viewing and more. Also included are all the SCADA elements you need to create a content rich data hosting platform for your company including Gauges, Sliders, Spark-lines, Flot Graphs, Data Tables and more . . Accuracy Reports Easy to set up 1. Get Hosting Account 2. Drag & Drop Earth Data API 3. Drag & Drop Templates and Plugins Login and start your monitoring project today. Overlay and Analysis THREE EASY STEPS Data Table Exporter Earth Monitoring DataBase Inc. #103, 3030 Venture Lane, Melbourne, Florida, 32934 USA (321) 242-0300 Brook House, Pennerley, Shewsbury, Shopshire, SY5 0NE, UK, 0333 7000 227 CLIENT DRIVEN DATA HOSTING FRAMEWORK OPEN ARCHITECTURE PLUGINS AND TEMPLATES Earth Monitoring DataBase Inc. Template goes here Template goes here Template goes here FLOT Graphs Plugin Spark-Lines Template goes here TEMPLATES GMAP3 Gauges PLUG-INS Template are designed around the Earth Data API. Data Plugins allow the end user to add a number of preconfigured flows in and out of the templates allowing end users to generate elements to their templates to build rich content sites with little effort. and view results instantly without long development cycles. Plugins have been designed and embedded to work in conjunction Templates incorporate Plug-Ins that allow the end user to add with the Earth Data API. gauges, line graphs, tables and also perform statistical analysis. Plugins will make you look like a code pro in minutes, simply Templates are ready to use as is, or can be modified to better follow the code integration examples and easily add a custom meet your monitoring requirements. element to your web site. HUNDREDS OF TEMPLATES TO CHOOSE FROM . . . FLOW RAIN PUMP STATION MANUFACTURING SECURITY POWER SCADA WIND ENERGY Earth Monitoring DataBase Inc. #103, 3030 Venture Lane, Melbourne, Florida, 32934 USA (321) 242-0300 Brook House, Pennerley, Shewsbury, Shopshire, SY5 0NE, UK, 0333 7000 227 WIRELESS DATA GATEWAY EARTH SIREN LOW COST - LOW POWER WIRELESS DATA LOGGERS SPECIFICATIONS: PARAMETER VALUE MONITOR Dimensions 7 X 7 X 7 in. with bumpers . . . 7 X 7 X 12 in. Enclosure Impact Proof Urethane Environmental Rating IP68 Waterproof Submersible Logger Modem Power Logger: 3.3 V Output Serial and Digital Weight 5 lb. (2.25 kg) Operating Temp. -40 to 60 C -40 to 140 F Connectors IP68 Waterproof Smart Button Direct Push Smart Button with Email Notification Earth Monitoring DataBase inc. does not manufacture wireless data loggers, however, we do work with a number of companies that do. One such partner is Blue-Siren providing to our customer-base low power battery operated wireless data gateways and complete monitoring systems. If you do not already have a wireless data solution, then consider purchasing one of our Earth Siren products. Operating for years on a few lithium batteries, fully compatible with Earth Data Drivers, fast track getting a Data Store up and operational. Regardless of your application or location, our line of low cost data acquisition products will 30 Channel work for you. Wireless Data Gateway ss Mo Wirele nitor INPUTS COMMS 8 Analog 50 Digital 4 High Frequency 4 Low Frequency 4 Serial 1 GSM/GPRS Wireless Modem 1 PC 1 TCP/IP Sample Rate 0 to 60 minutes Field Software Field-Siren Windows GUI OUTPUTS POWER Server Protocol 8 Digital 4 Serial 1 TCPIP Server Port and IP 1 CMOS (3.3V) 1 Power Regulator (3.3V to 12V) 1 Power Inverter (12V to 24V) Compressed Binary sends Data to any Server Wireless GSM/GPRS Battery Life*: Battery Life*: Rain Monitor Life: ~ 3 Years Upload: 12 hrs Alarms: real-Time Sample 1 min 4 Lion D Batteries Rain Vision Monitor Life: ~ 1 Year Upload: 2 Hour Sensors: < = 200 ma Sample 1 min. 4 Lion D Batteries Sampler Interface Optional Digital Trigger Port Data Storage: Based on 22 Active Data Channels 88,000 Samples 2.5 Years@15min 10 Months@5min SENSORS Industry Standard Protocols * Battery Life varies by configuration, download battery engineering report for more information Earth Monitoring DataBase Inc. #103, 3030 Venture Lane, Melbourne, Florida, 32934 USA (321) 242-0300 Brook House, Pennerley, Shewsbury, Shopshire, SY5 0NE, UK, 0333 7000 227 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 1. Data Management Platform must allow 12.Core API will the client full access to user interface source include a minimum code, allowing client the ability to design and of the following user build on-top of existing framework. interface elements; 2. Data Management platform must allow b. Spark-lines machine protocol allowing any data device to c. Line Graphs remotely connect and upload to the server. d. Scatter Plots 3. Data channels can be uploaded e. Data Tables automatically using a wireless device or f. CSV Export manually using a open data upload protocol. g. PDF Export third party hosting platform. 5. Data must be stored using “Big Data” technology convention and be fully scaleable allowing for hundreds of thousands of sites and data connections. 6. Data will feed into the user framework using a security protected API (Application Programming Interface) 7. User framework will not contain any software code subject to third party licenses. 8. Hosting Framework must be constructed on top of a three tiered data access system: enterprise level (see all projects and sites), Earth Monitoring DataBase Inc. a. Gauges and make available to the client an open 4. Framework must be able to work on any CLIENT DRIVEN DATA HOSTING FRAMEWORK h. Cut & Paste Export i. Horizontal and Vertical Sliders j. Graphical Time Line Selection plug in will also allow end user access to k. Resolution Slider change and add custom data scrubbing l. Google Map API and Interface equations that are not currently offered by 13. Data Analysis Templates will be default. designed using an open protocol allowing the 17. Framework will provide a channel end user access to code to create and equations plugin that allows end user to implement new features, plug-ins and custom create virtual channels based on raw channel reports. data. 14. Channel Plugin allows end user to 18. Framework will provide Engineering project level (see only project sites), and create custom sites using multiple monitors Channel plugin allowing end user to create monitor level (see monitor only). Each tier and channels, including the ability to attach and store additional information based on requires a secure encrypted password. government and public channels. data logger inputs. 9. API must be protected per client using a unique Security Key. 10. Raw data must be stored in such a way it cannot be manipulated or changed and remains in tact as a legal entity. 11. User Interface Framework must allow for the addition of element plugins. Earth Monitoring Database 15. Project setup does not require a third 19. Framework pricing is based per party. Hosting Framework will provide a user channel input and data volume, the less data interface allowing end user to create as many you use the less you pay. projects as they want. 16. Framework will provide a data analytics plug-in allowing end user capability of highlighting and scrubbing data. Analytics Earth Monitoring DataBase inc. (USA) Earth Monitoring DataBase inc. (UK) download the free API code and plug in one Training Center Brook House of the many industry templates to make #103 3030 Venture Lane Pennerley, Shewsbury your custom web site come to life. For Melbourne, Florida 32934, USA Shopshire SY5 0NE Phone: (321) 242-0300 Phone: 0333 7000 227 Create your own hosting location using the Earth Monitoring Database. Simply more information go to Earth Monitoring DataBase Inc. #103, 3030 Venture Lane, Melbourne, Florida, 32934 USA (321) 242-0300 Brook House, Pennerley, Shewsbury, Shopshire, SY5 0NE, UK, 0333 7000 227