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Compact Control Builder Ac 800m, Product Guide




IndustrialIT Compact Control Builder AC 800M Version 5.0 Product Guide IndustrialIT Compact Control Builder AC 800M Version 5.0 Product Guide NOTICE The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document. This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used for any unauthorized purpose. The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license. This product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and in Low Voltage Directive 72/23/EEC. Copyright © 2003-2006 by ABB. All rights reserved. Release: Document number: June 2006 3BSE041586R101 TRADEMARKS All rights to trademarks reside with their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS About This Book Intended Use of This Book................................................................................................9 Target Group...........................................................................................................9 Purpose, Scope and Intended Use ..........................................................................9 New This Release.................................................................................................10 Terminology.....................................................................................................................11 Related Product Guides ...................................................................................................12 Section 1 - Key Benefits Compact Control Builder AC 800M................................................................................13 Compact Control Builder AC 800M ....................................................................14 OPC Server for AC 800M ....................................................................................16 SoftController.......................................................................................................16 Section 2 - Product Description Software Overview ..........................................................................................................18 Compact Control Builder AC 800M................................................................................18 Overview .............................................................................................................18 Compact Control Builder AC 800M Functions ...................................................20 Support for IEC 61131-3 Languages ...................................................................21 Testing the Application ........................................................................................22 Downloading to a PLC.........................................................................................22 Multi-user Engineering ........................................................................................23 Alarm and Events Handling .................................................................................23 I/O Connectivity and Communication .................................................................24 Supported ABB I/O Systems and Families ..........................................................26 3BSE041586R101 5 Table of Contents Serial Communication Protocols ......................................................................... 27 Control Network .................................................................................................. 30 Clock Synchronization......................................................................................... 30 Redundancy.......................................................................................................... 31 Compact Flash ..................................................................................................... 33 Online Help and Manuals .................................................................................... 34 Additional Software ............................................................................................. 35 OPC Server for AC 800M ............................................................................................... 35 OPC Server Data Access (DA) Part..................................................................... 36 OPC Server Alarm and Event (AE) Part.............................................................. 36 Section 3 - Technical Data and Performance General ............................................................................................................................ 37 Compact Control Builder AC 800M Performance .............................................. 37 OPC Server Performance..................................................................................... 38 Compact Flash Requirements .............................................................................. 38 Prerequisites and Requirements ...................................................................................... 38 Compact Control Builder AC 800M.................................................................... 38 OPC Server .......................................................................................................... 39 Not Supported Functions................................................................................................. 39 Section 4 - Ordering and Licensing Ordering Procedure ......................................................................................................... 41 Price Lists Structure ........................................................................................................ 41 Compact Control Builder AC 800M, 3BSE044737............................................. 42 Licensing ......................................................................................................................... 43 Upgrades ............................................................................................................ 43 Ordering Example ........................................................................................................... 44 Price List Items .................................................................................................... 44 6 3BSE041586R101 Table of Contents Appendix A - Supported Hardware and I/O Families Controllers .......................................................................................................................45 AC 800M .............................................................................................................45 Adapters...........................................................................................................................51 I/O Families .....................................................................................................................55 S800 I/O .............................................................................................................56 S900 I/O .............................................................................................................58 ABB Standard Drives...........................................................................................59 ABB Engineered Drives.......................................................................................59 S100 I/O .............................................................................................................60 S200 I/O .............................................................................................................61 S200L I/O.............................................................................................................62 I/O 200C .............................................................................................................63 Satt Rack I/O ........................................................................................................63 Appendix B - Performance and Capacity General ............................................................................................................................65 Memory and Execution Performance ..............................................................................66 Memory size.........................................................................................................66 Available memory ................................................................................................67 Execution Performance ........................................................................................68 Spare Memory Needed for Online Changes ........................................................70 Comparing Memory Allocations Made with Different Versions .........................71 Memory Consumption and Execution Times.......................................................71 Compilation and Download.............................................................................................75 Hardware and I/O ............................................................................................................76 Recommended Number of Connected I/O Channels in a Task............................76 Modulebus Response Time and Load ..................................................................77 Calculation of Scan Time on the Modulebus and CPU Load ..............................78 ModuleBus Scanning of ABB Drives ..................................................................80 S100 I/O Response Time and Load......................................................................82 Drivebus Communication with CI858 Unit .........................................................83 PROFIBUS DP Limitations and Performance .....................................................87 Calculation of I/O Copy Time Estimate for ControlNet with CI865 Unit...........88 3BSE041586R101 7 Table of Contents Communication ............................................................................................................... 90 MMS Communication ......................................................................................... 90 Data Transfer Capacity on Control Network ....................................................... 93 Modbus Master Communication.......................................................................... 98 Control Network Clock Synchronization............................................................. 99 MasterBus 300 Network ...................................................................................... 99 INSUM Network................................................................................................ 100 OPC Server for AC 800M.................................................................................. 101 INDEX 8 3BSE041586R101 About This Book Intended Use of This Book Target Group This Product Guide is primarily intended to provide sales representatives with information about Compact Control Builder AC 800M and OPC Server for AC 800M. Compact Control Builder Release Notes (3BSE033044D50xx) contains additional information. Purpose, Scope and Intended Use This book is about Compact Control Builder AC 800M and OPC Server for AC 800M. The Product Guide starts presenting information through a certain structure that begins with each product's key benefits. The product guide will then follow up with a product description for the included products and provide a functional description for each product. The technical data and performance section covers requirements regarding hardware and software when running Compact Control Builder AC 800M. The Ordering and Licensing section is intended for sales representatives within ABB only. It presents the ordering procedure, price list structure and licenses for purchasing the Compact Control Builder AC 800M and OPC Server for AC 800M. The appendixes describe support Information: • • 3BSE041586R101 Appendix A – Supported Hardware and I/O families Appendix B – Performance and Capacity 9 New This Release About This Book New This Release Following describes new added functionality compared to version 4.1: 10 • Hardware types organized and installed as libraries. – A number of standard libraries with hardware types are delivered with the system. • Device Import Wizard – To be used instead of GSD Import Tool. It is used to convert and import a device capability description file (for example a *.gsd file) to a hardware type and insert it into a user-defined library. • Satt I/O – Makes it possible to use older Satt I/O system (Rack I/O and Series 200 I/O) with the AC 800M controller. • Control Solution Library (ControlSolutionLib) – The Control Solution library contains control module types for a number of ready-to-use control solutions for commonly occurring customer processes. • Control Object Library (ControlObjectLib) – The Control Object library provides function blocks and control modules to define templates for using the control connection data type. • ABB Process Panel and ABB Panel 800 as Libraries – These libraries (ABBProcPnlCI851HwLib, ABBProcPnlCI854HwLib, ABBPnl800CI851HwLib and ABBPnl800CI854HwLib) contain hardware types to be used when ABB Process Panel and ABB Panel 800 are to be configured with a PROFIBUS DP master unit. • CI853 Supports Hot Swap – CI853 can be replaced online, without any disturbance to other units connected to the CEX bus. 3BSE041586R101 About This Book Terminology Terminology The following is a list of terms associated with Compact Control Builder AC 800M. The list contains terms and abbreviations that are unique to ABB or have a usage or definition that is different from standard industry usage. Term Description Access variables Variables that can be accessed remotely, for example from another PLC. Application Contain the code to be compiled and downloaded for execution in the controller. Cold retain An attribute for variables that maintain the variable value after a warm or cold retain. Cold retain overrides the retain attribute in a structured data type. Control module A program unit that supports object-oriented data flow programming. Control modules offer free-layout graphical programming, code sorting and static parameter connections. IndustrialIT ABB’s vision for enterprise automation. GSD file Geräte Stamm Datei, a hardware description file for a PROFIBUS DP-V0 or PROFIBUS DP-V1 slave type INSUM INtegrated System for User-optimized Motor control, an ABB system for motor control. MMS Manufacturing Message Specification. A standard for messages used for industrial communication. OPC OLE for Process Control, a standard for exchange of process control information. Compact Control Builder A programming tool used for configuration control logic AC 800M as well as hardware in a PLC control system. PLC AC 800M controller. Program A program contains written execution code. Programs are connected to tasks with the same name. 3BSE041586R101 11 Related Product Guides About This Book Term Description Project Explorer The part of the Control Builder user interface used to create, modify and navigate a project. All objects such as data types, functions and function block types can be selected and displayed in an editor. All software and hardware is configured in the Project Explorer. RNRP Redundant Network Routing Protocol, an ABB protocol for redundancy handling and routing in Control Network. Type The type is a general description of a unit that defines a behavior. Related Product Guides The following product guides contain information on related products and concepts. Title 12 Description Industrial IT 800xA - Control and I/O, System version 5.0, AC 800M Controller Hardware, Product Guide Description of the AC 800M controller S800 I/O, Product Guide Description of the S800 I/O family 3BSE041586R101 Section 1 Key Benefits This section is focused on getting you acquainted with the key benefits for the Compact Control Builder AC 800M software products. Compact Control Builder AC 800M Compact Control Builder AC 800M aims to meet the customers need for a modern industrial PLC solution, capable of handling mid-sized to large applications. Its primary target market is the process automation area, where PLC products are used, however, it can also be used for other application areas. The Compact Control Builder software product contains the following components: • Compact Control Builder AC 800M • OPC Server for AC 800M • Base Software for SoftControl These products are delivered out of the box and easy to install, run and maintain. For more information about the Compact Control Builder software product offering, see Price Lists Structure on page 41. 3BSE041586R101 13 Compact Control Builder AC 800M Section 1 Key Benefits Compact Control Builder AC 800M Compact Control Builder AC 800M adds the following key benefits to the PLC market: • Programming tool for AC 800M controllers – Contains a compiler, programming editors, standard libraries for developing controller applications and standard hardware types (units) in libraries for hardware configuring. • Programming environment • – Testing the application off-line. – Download to PLC via serial communication or Ethernet. – Online change on applications. – Cold retain of data (kept at cold start). – Backup/restore of projects. Support for all IEC 61131-3 languages – • Function Block Diagram (FBD), Structured Text (ST), Instruction List (IL), Ladder Diagram (LD) and Sequential Function Chart (SFC). Create/Change/Insert Libraries – Creating self-defined libraries containing data types, function block types etc. which can be connected to any project. – Creating self-defined libraries with hardware types. – When no available library is sufficient, the Device Import Wizard can be used to import a customized hardware type from a device capability description file. Currently, you can only import PROFIBUS GSD-files with hardware types for CI854, and not for CI851. (However, when you upgrade a previous system offering, any included hardware types for CI851 will be upgraded as well.) 14 3BSE041586R101 Section 1 Key Benefits • – Various functions and type solutions for simple logic control, device control, loop control, alarm handling etc. packaged as standard libraries. – The open library structures provide easy access to set-up and connect type solutions into self-defined libraries and/or applications before programming. Multi-user engineering – • • • 3BSE041586R101 Compact Control Builder AC 800M Project files can be distributed on Compact Control Builder stations (up to 32 stations). Redundancy functions – AC 800M CPU redundancy (using PM861 or PM864). – Redundant Control Network on MMS and TCP/IP, using Redundant Network Routing Protocol (RNRP). – Master and line redundancy (PROFIBUS DP-V1) for AC 800M (CI854 interface module). Clock synchronization – 1 millisecond clock synchronization accuracy between PLC nodes in control network. – Generating Sequence-Of-Events (SOE), using time stamps for digital I/O with high accuracy. – System alarm and system event functions. ABB Drives support – ABB Standard Drives. – ABB Application Drives. 15 OPC Server for AC 800M • • Section 1 Key Benefits Interfacing with Satt I/O – CI865 unit for Satt I/O system (Rack I/O and Series 200 I/O) with the AC 800M controller platform. – 200-RACN ControlNet I/O adapter for rack-based I/O boards. – 200-ACN unit for 200 I/O units via Satt ControlNet. Compact Flash – Store a compiled controllers configuration, that can be used at restart of the controller. OPC Server for AC 800M OPC server for AC 800M is a stand-alone product that support both Data Access and Alarm/Event traffic from control systems. • Stand-alone OPC Server, fully OPC compliant. – OPC Server DA that handles run-time data. – OPC Server AE that handles alarm and event from the control system, via the OPC Server to the OPC client. – OPC Server Online help. SoftController • 16 Testing tool for running applications offline. – SoftController provides reduced engineering and test costs. – It is a simulation tool that runs with Base Software for SoftControl and is automatically installed together with the Compact Control Builder. 3BSE041586R101 Section 2 Product Description This section describes the Compact Control Builder AC 800M product and some of the components included when purchasing the Compact Control Builder AC 800M. The Compact Control Builder is used to configure the AC 800M hardware. The OPC server is used to connect the AC 800M to a HMI or SCADA system. Compact Control Builder offers amongst other things multi-user engineering and support for redundancy functions (CPU redundancy, RNRP, master and line redundancy with CI854). More information can be found in Compact Control Builder AC 800M Functions on page 20. The OPC Server runs stand-alone and is fully OPC Data Access and Alarm/Event OPC compliant. Compact Control Builder AC 800M supports the following CPUs: • • • • • • 3BSE041586R101 PM851 PM856 PM860 PM861/PM861A PM864/PM864A SoftController running on PC 17 Software Overview Section 2 Product Description Software Overview The software delivered on the CD is divided in two parts - the Compact Control Builder AC 800M and OPC Server for AC 800M. While installing Compact Control Builder additional components and services will be installed in the background. • • Compact Control Builder AC 800M – Base Sofware for SoftControl – RNRP – User Documentation OPC Server for AC 800M Compact Control Builder AC 800M Compact Control Builder AC 800M is a programming tool for creating PLC based control solutions when using the AC 800M as hardware. It is a fully integrated Windows XP application. Overview Firmware and applications can be downloaded to PLCs using Ethernet or via a direct serial link. The controller IP address must be known by Control Builder, communication must be set up and physical connections established. An OPC Server for AC 800M can be installed on the same PC as Control Builder (Figure 1) or be installed on a separate PC, typically together with HMI software. Compact Control Builder AC 800M OPC Server for AC 800M (can also be installed stand-alone) Windows XP Figure 1. Control Builder and supporting software. 18 3BSE041586R101 Section 2 Product Description Overview Download from Programming Station PLC firmware and control applications can be downloaded from a standard PC to PLCs using Ethernet or via a direct serial link (using TK212A cable). Control Builder Ethernet or direct serial link PLC Standard PC Control Network Figure 2. Downloading firmware and/or applications. PLC Communication PLCs, programming stations and operator stations communicate with each other through the control network. The control network is used to communicate between Control Builder stations and the PLCs, between HMI and PLCs and also for communication between the PLCs. Programming Station Control Network PLCs Figure 3. PLC communication in control network. 3BSE041586R101 19 Compact Control Builder AC 800M Functions Section 2 Product Description Compact Control Builder AC 800M Functions Compact Control Builder supports a number of functions: 20 • Support for IEC 61131-3 Languages on page 21. • Testing the Application on page 22. • Downloading to a PLC on page 22. • Multi-user Engineering on page 23. • Alarm and Events Handling on page 23. • Supported ABB I/O Systems and Families on page 26. • Serial Communication Protocols on page 27. • Control Network on page 30. • Clock Synchronization on page 30. • Redundancy on page 31. • Compact Flash on page 33. • Online Help and Manuals on page 34. • Additional Software on page 35. 3BSE041586R101 Section 2 Product Description Support for IEC 61131-3 Languages Support for IEC 61131-3 Languages The IEC 61131-3 standard defines five of the most commonly used programming languages on the market. Depending on previous experience, programmers often have their own personal preference for a certain language. Table 1. Compact Control Builder programming languages. Language Function Block Diagram (FBD) Structured Text (ST) Function A graphical language for depicting signal and data flows through function blocks and re-usable software elements. Function blocks and variables are interconnected graphically, which makes the resulting control diagrams easy to read. A high-level programming language. ST is highly structured and has a comprehensive range of constructs for assignments, function/function block calls, expressions, conditional statements, iterations, etc. It is easy to write advanced, compact, but clear ST code, due to its logical and structured layout. Instruction List (IL) A traditional PLC language. It has a structure similar to simple machine assembler code. Ladder Diagram (LD) Ladder diagram (LD) is a graphical language based on relay ladder logic. Sequential Function Chart Sequential function chart (SFC) is a graphical language for depicting the sequential behavior of a (SFC) control program. 3BSE041586R101 21 Testing the Application Section 2 Product Description Testing the Application The Compact Control Builder provides two ways for testing an application, Test mode and simulating an application with the SoftController. Test Mode Test mode is normally used for testing smaller parts of an application and without performing a download to the PLC. The Test Mode means basically that Control Builder will compile and execute the code locally in the PC as if it was a PLC. SoftController The Base Software for SoftControl is a software product that comes with the Compact Control Builder installation. It is used for simulating a complete application (with a complete hardware configuration done). But, instead of downloading the application to a PLC, it can be downloaded to the SoftController, thus no need for a real PLC and I/O. Downloading to a PLC Firmware Firmware is the software that provides the basic functionality of the AC800M controller. It contains functions like operating system, real-time clock, communication etc. The firmware is stored in electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM). Some hardware is delivered with installed firmware and others are not. However, the PLC firmware can be downloaded from Control Builder. If Ethernet is used as media, the PLC IP address must be set before any download. This is carried out with the IP Configuration tool, see also IP Configuration Tool on page 35. Firmware is downloaded to both CPUs and communication modules from Control Builder via Ethernet or directly via serial communication. The application program in the CPU must be stopped before the new firmware can be downloaded. After the firmware is updated the application program has to be downloaded again and a cold start of the CPU must be performed. 22 3BSE041586R101 Section 2 Product Description Multi-user Engineering Applications Applications can be downloaded to the controller via Ethernet or direct via a serial connection (TK212A cable). An application can be distributed between several controllers. Parts of the application are then downloaded to different controllers. Multi-user Engineering Compact Control Builder supports multi-user engineering with a maximum of 32 separate Control Builder PCs. In a multi-user configuration all Control Builder PCs and the OPC Server must have access to the common project file(s). This means that a common Project folder must be created on a shared network server. Alarm and Events Handling Compact Control Builder handles alarm and events generated internally in the system, a controller or other hardware unit or in applications. Alarm and event information is communicated throughout the control network via OPC servers, that is, a number of OPC Server for AC 800M. Alarm and event handling supports the following. • Disabling and enabling of alarms • Acknowledgement and cancellation of alarms • Filtering of alarms and events • Printing of alarm and event lists on local printer • System events and alarms System events and alarms are created in a particular PLC, but can be read and acted upon, by operators in other systems. The event or alarm has its origin attached to it. OPC Server Alarms and events are collected and forwarded by the Alarm and Event (AE) part of the OPC server, see also OPC Server Alarm and Event (AE) Part on page 36. PLCs then gain access to alarms and events from other PLCs by reading data from the OPC server. Alarm and event information can also be read by other OPC clients. 3BSE041586R101 23 I/O Connectivity and Communication Section 2 Product Description I/O Connectivity and Communication Control Builder supports a number of fieldbuses and I/O systems. PLCs can be connected to fieldbuses and other I/O systems using adapters and I/O units belonging to ABB I/O families. I/O Connectivity • ModuleBus ModuleBus is an integrated master unit for S800 I/O. I/O units connected to ModuleBus are divided into clusters. 12 I/O units can be directly connected to the ModuleBus on the central unit, while the remaining I/O units have to be connected via I/O-clusters. Up to 7 I/O-clusters can be connected to the ModuleBus. PM851 only allows up to 24 S800 I/O units on ModuleBus (12 local and 12 on cluster 1). • PROFIBUS DP Control Builder supports the fieldbus system PROFIBUS DP. It can be connected to PLCs via the CI854 interface module, offering master and built-in line redundancy. Applications access the built-in fieldbus functions through corresponding I/O modules. • DriveBus The CI858 unit is the communication interface for the DriveBus protocol. ABB Drives and Special I/O units communicate with the AC 800M controller via the CI858 unit. The CI858 Drive channel can be used to connect up to 24 drives. • S100 I/O The CI856 is the AC 800M communication interface for the S100 I/O system The CI856 unit handles the I/O configuration and I/O scanning of up to five S100 I/O racks where each I/O rack can hold up to 20 I/O boards. • Satt I/O The CI865 unit is the AC 800M communication interface for Satt I/O. The CI865 unit makes it possible to use older Satt I/O system (Rack I/O and Series 200 I/O) with the PLC controller. 24 3BSE041586R101 Section 2 Product Description • I/O Connectivity and Communication INSUM INSUM (INtegrated System for User-optimized Motor control) is a system for motor and switch gear control and protection from ABB. PLCs can be integrated with INSUM by means of a TCP/IP gateway and a CI857 interface module (Figure 4). INSUM and Control Network must use separate physical networks. Control Network PLCs TCP/IP Ethernet CI857 CI857 INSUM TCP/IP gateway MMI LonWorks Router Router Subnet 1 Subnet 2 Router Router MCU 1/01 MCU 1/32 Figure 4. INSUM integration with PLCs. The TCP/IP gateway connects PLCs to the Local Operating Network (LON) fieldbus. Motor Control Units (MCUs) are grouped into sub-networks accessed through a number of routers. INSUM applications handle motor and switch gear control. They can also be set to send alarm and event information to a PLC through the TCP/IP gateway. 3BSE041586R101 25 Supported ABB I/O Systems and Families Section 2 Product Description The INSUM operator station gives direct access to INSUM functions. PLCs also have access to INSUM functions through the function blocks in the INSUM library. Communication • MMS The MMS protocol defines communication messages transferred between controllers as well as between engineering stations (such as Compact Control Builder) and the controller (e.g. downloading an application or reading/writing variables). • MasterBus 300 The MB 300 supports both network redundancy and clock synchronization (with the accuracy offered by MB 300). Note that MasterBus 300 and Control Network must use separate physical networks. • SattBus Compact Control Builder supports SattBus on Ethernet only! SattBus is a network standard for PLC communication. SattBus can be used as a low-cost fieldbus for collection of small amounts of data under hard conditions. Supported ABB I/O Systems and Families Control Builder supports the following common ABB I/O systems and families. 26 • S800 I/O, a distributed modular I/O system for communication via ModuleBus and PROFIBUS DP. • S900 I/O, a remote I/O system (for hazardous areas) that can be connected to PLCs via PROFIBUS DP. • S200 I/O and S200L I/O, two compatible, modular I/O systems. S200 I/O modules can be connected via CI856 or PROFIBUS DP to PLCs. 3BSE041586R101 Section 2 Product Description Serial Communication Protocols • S100 I/O, a rack-based I/O system that can be connected to PLC using the CI856 interface module. • Satt I/O, makes it possible to use Satt Rack I/O (an older Satt I/O system) connected to PLC using the CI865 communication interface. Serial Communication Protocols Control Builder supports a number of serial communication protocols for Compact Control Builder products and third party HMI. These protocols can be used for communication between PLCs, as well as with other devices. ModBus RTU ModBus is a wide-spread communication protocol that can be used on a variety of media, such as wire, fiber optics, radio and telephony. ModBus is an asynchronous serial master/slave protocol that is executed in half-duplex. The Compact Control Builder software only supports ModBus RTU master functionality. A number of ModBus commands are supported. Protocol functions are accessible through function blocks. The following protocol commands are supported: Table 2. Supported ModBus protocol commands Protocol Description Protocol Description FC1 Read coil status FC6 Preset single register FC2 Read input status FC7 Read exception status FC3 Read holding registers FC8(1) Diagnostic request FC4 Read input registers FC15 Force multiple coils FC5 Force single coil FC16 FC16 Preset multiple registers (1) Some slaves do not understand FC8. To avoid problems, set Poll Time to zero (0). 3BSE041586R101 27 Serial Communication Protocols Section 2 Product Description COMLI COMLI is a protocol for data transmission between PLCs from ABB. It is designed for asynchronous master/slave communication in half-duplex. COMLI can be used for serial communication. The Compact Control Builder software supports COMLI master and slave functionality. The following COMLI services are supported: Table 3. Supported COMLI services Message Type Description Limitation 0 Transfer I/O bits or a register Bit 0 to 37777 (octal) and register 0 to 3071 (decimal) 2 Request several I/O bits or registers Bit 0 to 37777 (octal) and register 0 to 3071 (decimal) 3 Transfer individual I/O bits Bit 0 to 37777 4 Request individual I/O bits Bit 0 to 37777 < Request high registers Registers 0 to 65535 (decimal) = Transfer high registers Registers 0 to 65535 (decimal) J Transfer date and time Clock synchronization of COMLI slave Siemens 3964R Siemens 3964R is a standard serial, point-to-point master/slave protocol. It can be used on any RS-232C or RS-485 channel. It is suitable for communicating with PLCs and devices with Siemens 3964R support. Communication requires installation of the RK512 interpreter in the slave system. Compact Control Builder software supports only the Siemens 3964R master protocol, thus no support for slave protocols. 28 3BSE041586R101 Section 2 Product Description Serial Communication Protocols The following Siemens 3964R services are supported: Table 4. Supported Siemens 3964R Services Service Direction Comment “E” message, data type D AC 800M to Siemens PLC Request for data, register “E” message, data type E, AC 800M to Siemens PLC Request for data, byte A, M “E” message, data type E, AC 800M to Siemens PLC Request for data, bit A, M “E” message, data type D, Siemens PLC to AC 800M Answer to request for E; A, M data “A” message, data type D AC 800M to Siemens PLC Transfer of data, register “A” message, data type D AC 800M to Siemens PLC Transfer of data, bit “A” message, data type D Siemens PLC to AC 800M Answer to transfer of data Modem Communication There are two types of modem that can be used with Control Builder: • Short-distance modems using PPP, COMLI, Siemens 3964R, ModBus RTU or PROFIBUS DP. • Dial-up modems using public telephone communications, COMLI is the only protocol for which dial-up modem communication is supported. Note, it is still possible to set up serial modem communication using a phone line between, for example, Control Builder and a PLC, or between an external system and a PLC (using AutoConnect). 3BSE041586R101 29 Control Network Section 2 Product Description There are two main reasons for using modem communication: 1. A need for increasing the maximum length of RS-232C, RS-485 and Ethernet twisted-pair connections. 2. A need for using fiber-optic communication, to eliminate either electromagnetic interference or the risk of intrusion. Control Network The recommended alternative for communication with PLCs and other devices, is Control Network, a private IP domain designed for industrial applications. Control Network is based on MMS via Ethernet or PPP on RS-232C. Routing and redundancy functions are handled by the Redundant Network Routing Protocol (RNRP), an ABB protocol for handling redundancy and for routing between nodes in a control network, see Redundancy on page 31. Clock Synchronization In cases the whole system must use the same time, for example when time stamps are useful, clock synchronization is needed. AC 800M supports clock synchronization by four different protocols: CNCP, SNTP, MB 300 Clock Sync and MMS Time Service. CNCP is the normal protocol for clock synchronization on the Control Network. An AC 800M controller selected as Clock Master multicasts synchronization messages on the network. CNCP is used if relative accuracy is needed, that is, the clocks between all AC 800M controllers are synchronized with an accuracy of <1ms. In addition SNTP is used if absolute accuracy of <1ms is needed. SNTP is a standardized protocol that typically is used by AC 800M controllers that need to be synchronized from an external time server (for example a GPS receiver) which is connected to the Control Network. The AC 800M OPC Server supports the MMS Time Service for small systems where no AC 800M is used for backward compatibility with older products. MB 300 Clock Sync is a protocol for clock synchronization of Advant/Master products on a MasterBus 300 network. 30 3BSE041586R101 Section 2 Product Description Redundancy Redundancy Control Builder supports the following redundancy functions: • CPU redundancy for PLC (PM861 and PM864) • Network redundancy (RNRP) • Line redundancy (CI854) • Master redundancy (CI854A) CPU Redundancy PLCs with PM861 and PM864 processor can be configured for CPU redundancy. Two CPU modules are then run in parallel, one as primary and one as secondary. If the primary CPU fails, the secondary CPU automatically takes over. It is also possible to run a PLC in single CPU mode with PM861 or PM864. CEX bus PM861 PM861 Dual PLC RCU link Redundant network Figure 5. Example of a redundant CPU configuration. 3BSE041586R101 31 Redundancy Section 2 Product Description Network Redundancy Network redundancy is based on the Redundant Network Routing Protocol (RNRP). This protocol is an ABB protocol for handling redundancy functions and routing between nodes in a control network. The protocol is designed for rapid detection of network failure and instant switching to alternative paths. The maximum number of RNRP nodes in a network area is limited to 50 nodes. Network redundancy requires two independent IP networks, one primary and one secondary. Whenever the maximum number of lost messages is exceeded, the traffic is switched to the secondary network. All devices with network redundancy must be connected to both networks. The node number must be identical in both networks. Network redundancy can be implemented in part of the network. Nodes with one connection only must be connected to the primary network. Line Redundancy Line redundancy support is provided by PROFIBUS DP communication, through dual ports on the CI854 interface module. Line redundancy may be achieved for other communication by adding extra equipment. 32 3BSE041586R101 Section 2 Product Description Compact Flash Compact Flash Compact Flash (CF) is a memory card that makes it possible to store a compiled controller configuration to the card and then install it into the controller by inserting the CF card. This makes it easy to distribute new software upgrades to controllers in different locations which are not networked. The control software is installed without requiring any tool. Compact Flash Writer Before downloading the application to Compact Flash, an external Compact Flash Writer must be connected to the Control Builder PCs USB port. See also Compact Flash Requirements on page 38. Cold Retain Values The cold retain values saved by Compact Flash can either be saved cyclic via settings in the hardware editor or from the code via the function block (SaveColdRetain) located in BasicLib. Either way, these values are only saved on files located on the CF card. Thus, not be confused with the cold retain values saved by Control Builder or OPC Server during a download. Cold Retain Values from a Redundant CPU Configuration If you have a redundant CPU configuration; you cannot save cold retain values cyclic or by the function block. However, you can always save cold retain values via the Tool menu in Control Builder so that your cold retain values will be part of the application, thus be loaded to the Compact Flash memory card. 3BSE041586R101 33 Online Help and Manuals Section 2 Product Description Online Help and Manuals Online Help Control Builder has an extensive online help system with context-sensitive (F1) help for objects displayed in the Project Explorer. Online help can also be displayed by clicking Help in dialog boxes or selecting it under the Help menu. F1 Figure 6. Context-sensitive (F1) help Customized help can be added for self-defined libraries, applications and components of externally added applications, as well as for non-standard hardware. Added customized files for user-defined libraries with data types, function block types and control module types as well as for applications are displayed under User Help on the Help menu. Context-sensitive help on user-defined libraries with hardware and non-standard hardware is available if a help file (HTML or WinHelp file with any file name) is added to the library or to the hardware type. Online Manuals User manuals are available from Control Builder AC 800M, in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. 34 3BSE041586R101 Section 2 Product Description Additional Software Additional Software Compact Control Builder AC 800M also contains a number of additional tools and products: • • • IP Configuration tool Serial Firmware Upgrade tool RNRP tool IP Configuration Tool The IP Configuration tool is used to set controller IP addresses via a direct serial channel. The initial IP address must be set before downloading firmware and applications to the controller. Serial Firmware Upgrade Tool The Serial Firmware Upgrade tool is used to upgrade controller CPU firmware via a direct serial channel. RNRP Tool Wizard for setting up routing between two PC stations on a redundant network. OPC Server for AC 800M OPC Server for AC 800M gives OPC clients access to PLC data they subscribe to. The OPC server can also be used to transfer alarm and event information. It consists of two parts: • Data Access (DA) part • Alarm and Event (AE) part The OPC server exposes data to the clients (DA part) and supports the transfer of alarm and event information from attached PLCs to subscribing OPC clients (AE part). 3BSE041586R101 35 OPC Server Data Access (DA) Part Section 2 Product Description OPC Server Data Access (DA) Part The Data Access (DA) part of the OPC server gives all OPC clients access to runtime data in PLCs. The OPC server exposes the following data to OPC clients. • Variables and parameters used in applications, programs, control modules, function blocks, data structures, etc. • Hardware configurations • Access variables It can also be used to store cold retain data. The OPC server detects the following events and updates data on each. • A new version of an application and/or a PLC configuration is downloaded. • A new application (an application that did not previously exist) is downloaded. • An application is deleted from a PLC. • One application or several new ones and a PLC configuration are downloaded to a previously empty PLC. The DA part of OPC Server for AC 800M supports the OPC Data Access 1.0a and OPC Data Access 2.05 standards. OPC Server Alarm and Event (AE) Part The Alarm and Event (AE) part of the OPC server subscribes to alarms and events generated by controllers and other devices in the control network. All these alarms and events are then stored and made accessible to OPC clients. The AE part of the OPC server also collects acknowledgements and cancellations of alarms from OPC clients and forwards them to the PLC or device in question. Clients may also disable or enable alarm conditions in PLCs or devices through the OPC server. The AE part of OPC Server for AC 800M supports the OPC Alarm and Events 1.02 standard. 36 3BSE041586R101 Section 3 Technical Data and Performance This section presents prerequisites and requirements that must be fulfilled, in order for Compact Control Builder AC 800M and OPC Server for AC 800M, to function properly. It also contains a list of functions that, compared to 800xA System with Control Builder Professional, are not included in Compact Control Builder AC 800M. For information about hardware and I/O, see Appendix A, Supported Hardware and I/O Families. Type solutions for simple logic control, device control, loop control, alarm handling etc. are located in standard libraries. An overview of all standard libraries are described in the manual Extended Control Software, Binary and Analog Handling. General The PLC hardware to be used for Compact Control Builder is AC 800M only. AC 800M High Integrity controllers are not supported, thus SIL (Safety Integrity Level) applications cannot be handled in Compact Control Builder AC 800M. Firmware can be downloaded to controller using Ethernet or via a direct serial link. Serial communication between Compact Control Builder and PLC is done by using the TK212A cable. Compact Control Builder AC 800M Performance A project in Compact Control Builder can handle up to 256 applications. Each application can handle 64 programs at the most. A maximum of 32 Control Builder PCs can be used together in multi-user environment and up to 32 PLCs can be created and handled within a project. 3BSE041586R101 37 OPC Server Performance Section 3 Technical Data and Performance OPC Server Performance An OPC Server can handle up to 24 controllers, while a controller can handle up to 3 OPC Servers. Compact Flash Requirements The following requirements must be fulfilled when using Compact Flash: Compact Flash Writer • It is typically an external device, thus not an onboard PC function. The memory card • Flash card of type 1, max. 256 MB, FAT 16. Prerequisites and Requirements Compact Control Builder AC 800M The following software requirement must be fulfilled in order for Compact Control Builder AC 800M to function properly. Using other software than recommended may affect performance. Table 5. Compact Control Builder AC 800M software requirements Software Operating system Requirement Windows XP SP2 or Windows 2003 Server Printing project documentation Microsoft Word Reading online manuals 38 Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later 3BSE041586R101 Section 3 Technical Data and Performance OPC Server OPC Server The OPC Server for AC 800M requires as default 256 MB RAM. Software requirement for OPC Server are to use operating system Windows XP with SP2 or Windows 2003 Server. Not Supported Functions Compact Control Builder AC 800M is similar to the 800xA System and Control Builder Professional, with a few exceptions. The Control Builder Professional in 800xA adds the following functions, to the set of functions available in Compact Control Builder: • Online Upgrade • Load Evaluate Go • Batch Handling • Audit Trail • SFC Viewer • High Integrity Controller for SIL applications • CI860 for FF HSE, and CI862 for TRIO I/O • Information routing via HART protocol • Security (controls a user’s authority to perform different operations on (Aspect) objects) 3BSE041586R101 39 Not Supported Functions 40 Section 3 Technical Data and Performance 3BSE041586R101 Section 4 Ordering and Licensing This section is intended for sales representatives. It merely presents internal identity numbers for ABB price books and price lists. If you are not involved in selling Compact Products 800, please disregard this section completely. Ordering Procedure One purpose of the Product Guide is to support the sales representatives when ordering Compact Products 800. The price lists used can all be found in the price book of the Compact Products 800. The price book includes Compact HMI 800, Compact Control Builder AC 800M, S800 I/O, AC 800M, User Documentation and Panel 800. Price Lists Structure The Compact Products 800 offering and related price lists are organized in a price book. This price book consists of the price lists below. Price Book: Compact Products 800, 3BSE045561 Price List Article No. Compact HMI 800 3BSE046096 Compact HMI 800 Expansion 3BSE046097 Compact Control Builder AC 800M 3BSE044737 S800 I/O used for Compact Control 3BSE045155 AC 800M used for Compact Control 3BSE045156 User Documentation for Compact Control 3BSE045229 Panel 800 3BSE041586R101 3BSE043387 41 Compact Control Builder AC 800M, 3BSE044737 Section 4 Ordering and Licensing Compact Control Builder AC 800M, 3BSE044737 The price list for Compact Control Builder AC 800M includes the following items. Item No. Description Article No. A030 3BSE046067R1 One year SoftCare renewal for Compact Control Builder AC 800M Gives the user the right to download and use all software updates and upgrades for the software included in Compact Control Builder AC 800M, for one year (an existing license with a valid SoftCare agreement is required to order this item). A040 Media Box with Compact Control Builder AC 800M 5.0 3BSE046066R50 This item can be ordered by users with a valid SoftCare agreement for Compact Control Builder AC 800M. It includes media and documentation for Compact Control Builder AC 800M. No license is included. Compact Control Builder AC 800M A110 Compact Control Builder AC 800M 5.0, Product Box BSE040360R50 Including: - CD with software for Compact Control Builder AC 800M version 5.0, OPC Server for AC 800M, and Soft Controller. - licenses for one Compact Control Builder AC 800M, one OPC Server for AC 800M, and one Soft Controller. - SoftCare for software updates for one year from day of shipping from factory. - firmware for AC 800M and its communication units - manuals as pdf-files - a Getting Started Manual. A120 42 OPC Server for AC 800M License 5.0 3BSE039915R50 3BSE041586R101 Section 4 Ordering and Licensing Licensing Upgrade Items A210 Upgrade of Control Builder M (Basic, Standard or 3BSE039914R50 Professional) to Compact Control Builder AC 800M 5.0 A220 Upgrade of licence for OPC Server for AC 800M/C to OPC Server for AC 800M 5.0 3BSE040716R50 A230 Upgrade of Compact Control Builder 4.x to 5.0 3BSE041706R50 The other price lists in the price book contain selected products that work together with the AC 800M for Compact Control. Licensing A license is required to use licensed ABB software. The license is delivered as a part of the delivery of any licensed software product. Upgrades SoftCare subscription for System Baseline 2 Control Builder M Basic, Standard or Professional product includes the right to upgrade to Compact Control Builder AC 800M. The Compact Control Builder AC 800M includes SoftCare for one year from day of shipping from the factory. The SoftCare includes the right to use software upgrades (can be downloaded) during this period. Media is not included but can be purchased at a nominal fee. This SoftCare agreement can be extended by purchasing the software renewal price list item. 3BSE041586R101 43 Ordering Example Section 4 Ordering and Licensing Ordering Example A system integrator gets an order for a control solution where the end customer requires two PC based HMI and three AC 800M controllers. The controllers are configured by two engineers and the end user does not need any controller configuration functionality. Below are the required items. System integrator: • Two Compact Control Builder AC 800M (license is bought by, and kept by the system integrator) End user: • Three AC 800M controllers for Compact Control • One Compact HMI 800 Server Workplace and one Compact HMI 800 client workplace (AC 800M OPC server is included in the HMI server workplace) Price List Items 44 1. From the Compact Control Builder AC 800M price list (3BSE044737), order the following items: – Two items A110 (Compact Control Builder AC 800M) 2. The AC 800M controller items (CPUs, communication interfaces, accessories etc.) can be found in the price list, 3BSE045156. 3. From the Compact HMI price list (3BSE046096), order the following items: – One item A110 (Compact HMI server workplace pre-installed on a PC) – One of the items B110, B120 or B130 (depending on number of signals) – One Compact HMI Operator Workplace – Client (item C110-140, dependent of the size of the server) 3BSE041586R101 Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families For some hardware units a certain product revision is required, as described in Release Notes. Controllers AC 800M The AC 800M modules supported are shown in the following table. The symbol replacement. on the front of a CEX bus unit indicates support for online All communication interface units support firmware download by the Control Builder except CI858, which is upgraded with an external tool. 3BSE041586R101 45 AC 800M Unit Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families Description Online Replacement Online upgrade (only valid for Control Builder Redun- Professional in dancy 800xA) NonRedunredund dant ant PM851 No Controller unit PM851 is a high-performance, 32-bit, Single Board Computer, which directly connects to the S800 I/O system via ModuleBus (one electrical and one optical) and one communication interface. No No N/A No No No N/A No No No N/A PM851 supports a maximum of one CEX bus module. PM856 Controller unit PM856 is a high-performance, 32-bit, Single Board Computer, which directly connects to the S800 I/O system via ModuleBus. PM856 supports a maximum of twelve CEX bus modules. PM860 Controller unit PM860 is a high-performance, 32-bit, Single Board Computer, which directly connects to the S800 I/O system via ModuleBus. PM860 is twice as fast as PM856 in executing an application program. PM860 supports a maximum of twelve CEX bus modules. 46 3BSE041586R101 Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families Unit Description AC 800M Online Replacement Online upgrade (only valid for Control Builder Redun- Professional in dancy 800xA) NonRedunredund dant ant PM861 Yes(1) Controller unit (Redundant and Singular) is a high-performance, 32-bit, Single Board Computer, which directly connects to the S800 I/O system via ModuleBus. The unit has one optional Redundancy Control Link for redundant configuration. Yes No Yes Yes(1) Yes No Yes Yes(1) Controller unit (Redundant and Singular) is a high-performance, 32-bit, Single Board Computer, which directly connects to the S800 I/O system via ModuleBus. PM864 is 50% faster than PM861 in executing an application program. Yes No Yes PM861 supports a maximum of twelve CEX bus modules. PM861A This is a replacement for PM861 and can use redundant communication unit CI854A and BC810. PM864 PM864 supports a maximum of twelve CEX bus modules. PM864A This is a replacement for PM864 and can use redundant communication unit CI854A and BC810. Yes(1) Yes No Yes BC810 Yes N/A N/A N/A CEX-bus interconnection unit. 3BSE041586R101 47 AC 800M Unit Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families Description Online Replacement Online upgrade (only valid for Control Builder Redun- Professional in dancy 800xA) NonRedunredund dant ant CI853 Yes The CI853 is the RS-232C serial communication interface unit for the AC 800M. Two possible settings of the serial ports on the CI853 unit are not valid and must not be used. These are 7 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit or 8 data bits, parity, 2 stop bits. No Yes(2) N/A CI854A The CI854A unit is the communication interface Yes for PROFIBUS DP/V1 for the AC 800M with redundant PROFIBUS lines and DP/V1 communication. It is a master unit and you can connect up to 124 slaves to the master. However, you cannot connect more than 32 units in one segment. Yes Yes(3) Yes(4) CI854 The CI854 unit is the communication interface No for PROFIBUS DP/V1 for the AC 800M with redundant PROFIBUS lines and DP/V1 communication. It is a master unit and you can connect up to 124 slaves to the master. However, you cannot connect more than 32 units in one segment. No Yes(3) N/A CI855 The CI855 unit is the communication interface for MasterBus 300 for the AC 800M. CI855 houses two Ethernet ports to support MasterBus 300 Network redundancy. No Yes(2) N/A 48 Yes 3BSE041586R101 Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families Unit Description AC 800M Online Replacement Online upgrade (only valid for Control Builder Redun- Professional in dancy 800xA) NonRedunredund dant ant CI856 The CI856 is a communication interface for the Yes S100 I/O system for the AC 800M. Up to five S100 I/O racks can be connected to one CI856 where each I/O rack can hold up to 20 I/O boards. No Yes(3) N/A CI857 The CI857 unit is the communication interface for INSUM for the AC 800M. Yes No Yes(5) N/A CI858 The CI858 unit is the communication interface for ABB Drives using DDCS protocol for the AC 800M. Yes No Yes(3) N/A CI865 The CI865 is the communication interface to Satt I/O on ControlNet for AC 800M. Yes No Yes(3) N/A (1) Online replacement is only supported in a redundant configuration, the unit to replace MUST NOT be energized. (2) During an online upgrade, the communication between the communication interface and the connected sub units are interrupted. (3) During an online upgrade, the communication interface sets the outputs of connected I/O units to values specified by OSP control (Output Set as Predetermined). (4) Full support of online upgrade. One of the redundant communication interface units is always active during the online upgrade process. (5) During an online upgrade, CI857 is disconnected from INSUM Gateway and the connected INSUM devices keep on running with the values they have just before the switch. 3BSE041586R101 49 AC 800M Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families The following AC 800M modules are supported, but only for migration purposes, NOT at new installations. Online Redun- Online Replace dancy Upgrade(1) ment Unit Description CI851 No The CI851 unit is the communication interface for PROFIBUS DP-V0 for the AC 800M. It is a master unit and you can connect up to 125 slaves to it. However, you cannot connect more than 32 units in one segment. No No No No CI851 can be removed online if it becomes faulty. CI851 is replaced by CI854A at new installations. CI852 No The CI852 is the communication interface for the Fieldbus Foundation H1 bus for the AC 800M. The unit acts as a Link Active Scheduler (LAS) on the H1 bus. CI852 can be removed online if it becomes faulty. (1) Only valid for Control Builder Professional in 800xA. 50 3BSE041586R101 Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families Adapters Adapters Adapter Can be connected to HART(1) SOE(2) TB820 PM851, PM856 PM860 PM861 and PM861A (Single Controller only) PM864 and PM864A (Single Controller only) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes TB840 PM851, PM856 PM860 PM861 and PM861A PM864 and PM864A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes DSBC 173A CI856 No Yes DSBC 174 CI856 No Yes DSBC 176 CI856 No Yes CI801 CI854 and CI854A Yes No CI830(3) CI851 CI854 and CI854A No No No No CI840 CI854 and CI854A Yes No RPBA-01 CI851 CI854 and CI854A No No No No NPBA-12 CI851 CI854 and CI854A No No No No CI920 CI851 CI854 and CI854A No Yes No No 200-APB12 CI851 CI854 and CI854A No No No No 200-ACN CI865 No No 200-RACN CI865 No No (1) Only valid for Control Builder Professional in 800xA. (2) OPC Server for AC 800M must be used for alarms and events. (3) CI830 is replaced by CI801 at new installations. 3BSE041586R101 51 Adapters Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families Adapter Description TB820 ModuleBus Modem TB840 ModuleBus Modem, primarily for redundant ModuleBus. DSBC 173A The DSBC 173A unit is the bus extender slave inserted in the last position of a S100 I/O rack. DSBC 174 The DSBC 174 unit is the bus extender slave inserted in the last position of a S100 I/O rack. DSBC 176 The DSBC 176 unit is the bus extender slave inserted in the last position of a S100 I/O rack. CI801 The CI801 is a remote PROFIBUS DP-V1 adapter for S800 I/O units. The CI801 does not support redundancy. The CI801 can handle up to 24 S800 I/O-units. 12 I/O-units can be directly connected to the ModuleBus on the CI801, while the remaining I/O-units have to be connected via I/O-clusters. Up to 7 I/O-clusters can be connected to one CI801, and the numbering of I/O-units connected to a cluster will start with 101 for cluster 1, 201 for cluster 2 and so on. CI840 The CI840 is a remote PROFIBUS DP-V1 adapter for S800 I/O units, with redundancy capabilities. CI840 supports redundant I/O modules. The CI840 can handle up to 24 S800 I/O-units. 12 I/O-units can be directly connected to the ModuleBus on the CI840, while the remaining I/O-units have to be connected via I/O-clusters. Up to 7 I/O-clusters can be connected to one CI840, and the numbering of I/O-units connected to a cluster will start with 101 for cluster 1, 201 for cluster 2 and so on. 52 CI920 The CI920 is a remote PROFIBUS DP-V1 adapter for S900 I/O units. 200-APB12 The 200-APB12 unit is a remote PROFIBUS DP slave I/O adapter for S200 I/O and S200L I/O units. 200-APB12 is connected to the controller via a PROFIBUS DP/V0 master unit on the controller system bus. A 200-APB12 unit can have up to eight S200 I/O units. The number of 200-APB12 slaves are, by the DIP switches, limited to 99. 3BSE041586R101 Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families Adapters Adapter Description RPBA-01 The RPBA-01 PROFIBUS-DP adapter unit is an optional device for ABB ACS 800 drives which enables the connection of the drive to a PROFIBUS network. The drive is considered as a slave on the PROFIBUS network. It is possible to: • give control commands to the drive (Start, Stop, Run enable, etc.) • feed a motor speed or torque reference to the drive • give a process actual value or a process reference to the PID controller of the drive • read status information and actual values from the drive • change drive parameter values • reset a drive fault. NPBA-12 The NPBA-12 PROFIBUS adapter unit is an optional device for ABB drives which enables the connection of the drive to a PROFIBUS system. The drive is considered as a slave in the PROFIBUS network. It is possible to: • give control commands to the drive (Start, Stop, Run enable, etc.) • feed a motor speed or torque reference to the drive • give a process actual value or a process reference to the PID controller of the drive • read status information and actual values from the drive • change drive parameter values • reset a drive fault. 3BSE041586R101 53 Adapters Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families Adapter Description 200-ACN The 200-ACN is a remote ControlNet I/O adapter for Series 200 I/O units. 200-ACN is connected to a controller via a CI865 communication interface on the controller system bus. 200-ACN units are used as nodes on the Satt ControlNet fieldbus. Each 200-ACN unit can handle up to eight Series 200 I/O units. 200-RACN The 200-RACN unit is a remote ControlNet adapter for rack based I/O units. 200-RACN is connected to a controller via a CI865 communication interface on the controller system bus. One or several adapter 200-RACN units are used as nodes. A maximum of eight I/O-racks are supported on the Satt ControlNet fieldbus. The following adapters are supported, but only for migration purposes, NOT at new installations. Adapter Description CI830 The unit CI830 is a remote PROFIBUS DP-V0 I/O adapter for units. CI830 is connected to a controller via a PROFIBUS DP-V0 master unit on the controller system bus. The CI830 can handle up to 24 S800 I/O-units. 12 I/O-units can be directly connected to the ModuleBus on the CI830, while the remaining I/O-units have to be connected via I/O-clusters. Up to 7 I/O-clusters can be connected to one CI830, and the numbering of I/O-units connected to a cluster will start with 101 for cluster 1, 201 for cluster 2 and so on. CI830 is replaced by CI801 at new installations. 54 3BSE041586R101 Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families I/O Families I/O Families All I/O units may be replaced in a running system. I/O Family Connects To S800 I/O PM851, PM856, PM860, PM861, PM861A, PM864, PM864A TB820, TB840 CI801, CI830, CI840 S900 I/O CI920 ABB Standard Drives PM851, PM856, PM860, PM861, PM861A, PM864, PM864A TB820, CI801, CI830, CI858, RPBA-01, NPBA-12 ABB Engineered Drives PM851, PM856, PM860, PM861, PM861A, PM864, PM864A TB820, CI858, RPBA-01, NPBA-12 S100 I/O CI856 S200 I/O, S200L I/O and 200-APB12, 200-ACN I/O 200C Satt Rack I/O 3BSE041586R101 200-RACN 55 S800 I/O Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families S800 I/O 56 Name Description AI801 Analog input unit, 8 inputs AI810 Analog input unit, 8 inputs AI820 Analog input unit, 4 differential inputs AI825 Analog input unit, galvanic isolated analog input unit, 4 channels AI830(1) Analog input unit, 8 RTD inputs AI835 Analog input unit, 8 inputs AI843 Analog input unit, 8 TC inputs, redundant possibilities((2)) AI845 Analog input unit 8 inputs, redundant possibilities(1) HART AI890 Analog input unit, 8 inputs, Intrinsic Safety interface. AI893 Analog input unit, 8 RTD/TC inputs, Intrinsic Safety interface. AI895 Analog input unit, 8 inputs(1), Intrinsic Safety interface, HART. AO801 Analog output unit, 8 outputs AO810(3) Analog output unit, 8 outputs AO820 Analog output unit, 4 outputs AO845 Analog output unit 8 outputs, redundant possibilities(1) HART AO890 Analog output unit, 8 outputs, Intrinsic Safety interface. AO895 Analog output unit, 8 outputs(4), Intrinsic Safety interface, HART. DI801 Digital input unit, 16 inputs DI802 Digital input unit, 8 inputs DI803 Digital input unit, 8 inputs DI810 Digital input unit, 16 inputs DI811 Digital input unit, 16 inputs DI814 Digital input unit, 16 inputs DI820 Digital input unit, 8 inputs 3BSE041586R101 Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families S800 I/O Name Description DI821 Digital input unit, 8 inputs DI825 Digital input unit, 8 channels with event recording (SoE, Sequence of events)120 V DC current sinking DI830 Digital input unit, 16 inputs with event recording (SoE, Sequence of events)120 V DC current sinking(1) (5) DI831 Digital input unit, 16 inputs with event recording (SoE, Sequence of events)120 V DC current sinking(1) (2) DI840 Digital input unit 16 inputs, redundant possibilities with event recording (SoE, Sequence of events)120 V DC current sinking(1) DI885 Digital input unit, 8 inputs(1) (2) DI890 Digital input unit, 8 inputs, Intrinsic Safety interface. DO801 Digital output unit, 16 outputs DO802 Digital output unit, 8 outputs DO810 Digital output unit, 16 outputs DO814 Digital output unit, 16 outputs DO815 Digital output unit, 8 outputs DO820 Digital output unit, 8 outputs DO821 Digital output unit, 8 outputs DO840 Digital output unit 16 outputs, redundant possibilities(1) DO890 Digital output unit, 8 outputs, Intrinsic Safety interface. DP820 Digital pulse counter DP840 Pulse/Frequency input, 8 inputs, redundant possibilities, supported in CI830 but without redundancy (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 3BSE041586R101 AI830/AI830A Not in CI801, CI840 and CI830 AO810/AO810V2 Not in C801 and CI830 Not in CI801, CI840 and CI830 57 S900 I/O Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families S900 I/O Name Description AI910N/S Analog input unit, 4 inputs AI920N/S Analog input unit, 4 inputs AI921N/S Analog input unit, 4 inputs AI930N/S Analog input unit, 4 inputs AI931N/S Analog input unit, 4 inputs AI950N/S Analog input unit, 4 inputs AO910N/S Analog output unit, 4 outputs AO920N/S Analog output unit, 4 outputs AO930N/S Analog output unit, 4 outputs DO910N/S Digital output unit, 4 outputs DO930N/S Digital output unit, 6 outputs DO940N/S Digital output unit, 8 outputs DO980N/S Digital output unit, 16 outputs DP910N/S Frequency input and pulse counter DX910N/S Bidirectional unit, 8 channels It is not possible to detect errors such as missing module, wrong module type, error in module, from S900 I/O or S800 I/O when CI851 is used. By using a CI854 or CI854A as master these types of errors can be detected. 58 3BSE041586R101 Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families ABB Standard Drives ABB Standard Drives Name Application ACS400 Standard drive ACS600 Crane application ACS600 Pump and fan application ACS600 Standard application ACS800 Crane application ACS800 Pump and fan application ACS800 Standard application DCS400 Standard drive DCS500 Standard drive ABB Engineered Drives Name Application ACS600 IGBT supply (ISU) application ACS600 System application ACS600AD Asynchronous drive ACS600C Cycle converter drive ACS600SD Synchronous drive ACS800 IGBT supply (ISU) application ACS800 System application ACS1000 Standard drive DCS600 System application 3BSE041586R101 59 S100 I/O Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families S100 I/O The following selection of S100 I/O boards are supported. Name Description DSBC 173A/174 DSDC 176 Bus extender slave DSAI 130 DSAI 130A Analog input board, 16 inputs DSAI 130D Analog input board, 16 inputs with 4 sets of filter times DSAI 133 DSAI 133A Analog input board, 32 inputs DSDI 110, DSDI 110A Digital input board, 14 inputs, 24V DSDI110AV1 DSDI 115 Digital input board, 32 channels, 24 V DSDI116 Digital input board, 32 channels, 24 V non-isolated DSDI 120, DSDI 120A Digital input board, 32 inputs, 48 V DSDI 120AV1 60 DSDI 125 Digital input board, 32 channels, 48 V DSDI 126 Digital input board, 32 channels, 48 V non-isolated DSDO 110 Digital output board, 32 outputs DSDO 115 Digital output board, 32 outputs DSDO 115A Digital output board, 32 outputs, OSP control DSDO 130 Digital output board, 16 relay outputs 24 - 240 VAC/VDC DSDO 131 Digital output board, 16 relay outputs 24 - 240 VAC/VDC DSAO 110 Analog output board, 4 outputs DSAO 120 Analog output board, 8 outputs DSAO 120A Analog output board, 8 outputs, OSP control DSAO 130 Analog output board, 16 outputs 3BSE041586R101 Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families S200 I/O Name Description DSAO 130A Analog output board, 16 outputs, OSP control DSAX 110 DSAX 110A Analog input/output board, 8 inputs 8 outputs DSDP 010 Absolute binary decoder with hardware strobe, 2 channels DSDP 140B Positioning control board for one positioning loop DSDP 161 Loop transducer interface board, 4 channels DSDP 170 Pulse counter board, 4 channels S200 I/O Name Description 200-DUTB Dummy I/O unit 200-IA8 Digital input unit, 8 inputs 200-IB10xOB6 Digital combined unit, 10 inputs and 6 outputs 200-IB16 Digital input unit, 16 inputs 200-IB16xOB16P Digitally combined unit, 16 inputs and 16 outputs 200-IB32 Digital input unit, 32 inputs 200-IE4xOE2 Analog combined unit, 4 inputs and 2 outputs 200-IE8 Analog input unit, 8 inputs 200-IF4I Analog input unit, 4 inputs 200-IM8 Digital input unit, 8 inputs 200-IP2 Pulse counter board, 2 x 4 inputs 200-IP4 Pulse counter board, 4 x 2 inputs 200-IR8 Analog input unit, 8 inputs 200-IR8R Analog input unit, 8 inputs 3BSE041586R101 61 S200L I/O Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families Name Description 200-IT8 Analog input unit, 8 inputs 200-OA8 Digital output unit, 8 outputs 200-OB16 Digital output unit, 16 outputs 200-OB16P Digital output unit, 16 outputs 200-OB32P Digital output unit, 2 x 16 outputs 200-OB8EP Digital output unit, 8 outputs 200-OE4 Analog output unit, 4 outputs 200-OF4I Analog output unit, 4 outputs 200-OM8 Digital output unit, 8 outputs 200-OW8 Digital output unit, 8 outputs Name Description AI210 Analog input unit, 8 inputs AO210 Analog output unit, 4 outputs AX210 Analog combined unit, 4 inputs and 2 outputs DI210 Digital input unit, 16 inputs DO210 Digital output unit, 16 outputs DX210 Digital combined unit, 10 inputs and 6 outputs S200L I/O See also I/O 200C on page 63. 62 3BSE041586R101 Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families I/O 200C I/O 200C Name Description 200C-IB10xOB6P Digital combined unit, 10 inputs and 6 outputs 200C-IB16 Digital input unit, 16 inputs 200C-IE4xOE2 Analog combined unit, 4 inputs and 2 outputs 200C-IE8 Analog input unit, 8 inputs 200C-OB16P Digital output unit, 16 outputs 200C-OE4 Analog output unit, 4 outputs Name Description IAPG Digital input board with 16 inputs IDLD Digital input board with 16 inputs IDP Digital input board with 32 inputs IDPG Digital input board with 32 inputs IDN Digital input board with 32 inputs IDI Digital input board with 32 inputs PTC Digital input board with 32 inputs ORG Digital output board with 16 outputs ORGH Digital output board with 16 outputs OATG Digital output board with 16 outputs ODP2 Digital output board with 16 outputs ODPG2 Digital output board with 16 outputs ORM Digital output board with 16 outputs Satt Rack I/O 3BSE041586R101 63 Satt Rack I/O 64 Appendix A Supported Hardware and I/O Families Name Description ODP.5 Digital output board with 32 outputs ODP.8 Digital output board with 32 outputs ODPG.8 Digital output board with 32 outputs ODPL.5 Digital output board with 32 outputs ODPLD Digital output board with 32 outputs ODN.2 Digital output board with 32 outputs ODLD.5 Digital output board with 32 outputs ODSG Digital output board with 32 optocoupled outputs, short circuit proof IBA Analog input board with 8 inputs IRA Analog input board with 8 inputs ICA Analog input board with 8 inputs IVA Analog input board with 8 inputs IVAPOT Analog input board with 8 inputs OCVA Analog output board with 2 outputs OCAHG Analog output board with 4 outputs OCAH Analog output board with 4 outputs OCAH with handstation Analog output board with 4 outputs IPA4 Input pulse analyzer board with 4 inputs, 8 bit counters 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity General This section presents performance and technical data for Control Software and Control Builder key functions, configuration and items. For this data to be valid, the prerequisites and requirements given below must be fulfilled. Late changes might affect performance and/or functionality. For information on late changes and restrictions on the use of the product, please refer to the Release Notes. 3BSE041586R101 65 Memory and Execution Performance Appendix B Performance and Capacity Memory and Execution Performance Memory size The total physical memory less the executing firmware is called “Memory size” by the function block “SystemDiagnostics”. This amount of memory is sometimes also called the “heap”. The memory usage is also displayed in the dialog “Heap Utilization” which can be displayed for each controller. The available memory is called “Non-Used Heap” and the rest is called “Used Shared Heap”. Spare (20-50%) Max Used Shared Heap Application Memory Used Shared Heap Available Memory “Non-used heap” Empty Project Memory Size “Heap” 8-32 MB RAM Used by Firmware Executing Firmware Figure 7. The memory organization 66 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Available memory Available memory The amount of free memory in the controller decreases when the controller has started up, and an empty project has been downloaded from Control Builder M. The remaining memory is what can be used for application code, and is hereafter referred as to “Available memory”. The measurement results in Table 6 are without any configured communication protocols and CEX units. Memory consumptions for used protocols and CEX units have to be added, according to Table 7. Table 6. Available RAM Memory and Performance in Controller AC 800M (without protocol handlers) Controller Execution Total RAM Performance (kbytes) Factor Firmware and an Empty Project (kbytes) Available Memory (kbytes) PM851 0.50 8192 5640 2552 PM856 0.50 8192 5640 2552 PM860 1.00 8192 5640 2552 PM861 1.00 16384 8360 8024 PM861A 1.00 16384 8360 8024 PM864 1.10 - 1.50 1 32768 8375 24393 PM864A 1.10 - 1.501 32768 8375 24393 1 The difference in execution performance is dependent on how much the CEX bus accesses, and how much communication that is running on the controller. The more CEX bus acces and communication there is, the lower execution performance. The more IEC 61131 execution there is, the higher performance. Table 7. Memory consumptions of protocols and CEX units Protocol/CEX Unit First Unit (kbytes) Next Unit (kbytes) ModBus 41 12 COMLI 48 5 3BSE041586R101 67 Execution Performance Appendix B Performance and Capacity Table 7. Memory consumptions of protocols and CEX units Protocol/CEX Unit First Unit (kbytes) Next Unit (kbytes) S3964R 60 5 SerialLib 63 15 CI853 4 4 CI854 145 27 CI855 84 10 CI856 55 10 CI857 144 12 CI858 59 25 CI860 235 105 CI865 127 75 Execution Performance The PM860 and PM861/PM861A processor units have the same internal design and the same performance when execution application program. The PM851, PM856 and PM860 processor units have the same internal design. They differ only in performance when executing an application program. The execution time in PM851 and PM856 is approximately two times the execution time in PM860. Cyclic CPU load is calculated as a percentage using the following formula. Cyclic CPU load (%) = 100*(Total execution time / Total interval time) 68 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Execution Performance Depending on the amount of code and requested task interval times, applications may demand up to 70% of CPU capacity (never more)1; the execution of IEC 61131-3 code is called Cyclic Load. Should an application require more than 70% of CPU capacity, the task scheduler automatically increases the task interval times to re-establish a 70% load. Load balancing can be disabled (see 3BSE040935R201).. It is important to consider CPU load if communication handling is vital to the application. Running at the maximum cyclic load will result in poor capacity and response times for peer-to-peer and OPC Server communication. Communication handling has the lowest priority in a controller. It is therefore important to consider controller CPU load if the communication handling is vital to the application. Running close to 100% total load will result in poor capacity and response times for peer-to-peer and (OPC Server for AC 800M) communication. It is recommended that peak total load will be kept below 100%. CPU load is also influenced by other factors, such as Modulebus scan interval and the number of modules on Modulebus (AC 800M), or the scanning of ABB Drives. The PM864 processor unit, in single configuration, has performance data which theoretically peaks at twice the performance compared to the PM860. The useful sustained performance improvement is, however, a bit lower and dependent on the actual application program but can be expected to be 10 to 50% compared to PM860. The difference in execution performance is dependent on how much CEX buss accesses, and how much communication is running in the controller (both communication running as CEX buss interfaces and communication running on the built in ports on the CPU i.e. ModuleBus Ethernet and RS-232). CEX buss access and communication decreases execution performance. In redundant configuration the execution performance is lower than in single configuration (typical less than 10%). Switch over time from primary controller to backup controller, in redundant configuration, is less than 10 ms. 1. 3BSE041586R101 This is not true if load balancing is set to false. The controller will run until it is forced to stop. 69 Spare Memory Needed for Online Changes Appendix B Performance and Capacity Spare Memory Needed for Online Changes As a general rule, an application should never exceed half the size of the available memory. The reason for this is the manner in which applications are updated online. 1. The modifications (the difference between the old and the updated application) are downloaded to the controller memory. 2. A new version of the application is created in controller memory, based on the old application and the modifications. 3. The controller switches from the old to the new application. 4. The old application is deleted. This technique handles all updates in a controlled and efficient way. Free memory equal to the size of the largest application is required. If an application comes close to this limit, it should be divided into two parts so that they can be updated separately. One Application in the Controller There must be spare memory in the available memory in order to be able to make on-line changes, see Figure 7. The amount of spare memory must be at least 20% of available memory, and may require up to 50%. A minimum of 20% spare available memory may be sufficient, depending on a number of factors, such as the complexity of the application and the number of defined alarms. The function block “SystemDiagnostics” reports used memory based on the memory size, not on the available memory, but the dialog “Heap Utilization” will show the available memory as “Non-Used Heap” The function block SystemDiagnostics also presents another figure: the “Maximum used memory”. This figure is presented in actual bytes, and as a percentage of the memory size. This figure is far more useful to look at when determining how close you are to being unable to make on-line changes. Several on-line changes must be made in order to catch the maximum memory need in the controller. It is still possible to make on-line changes as long as the maximum used memory value is less than 100%. 70 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Comparing Memory Allocations Made with Different More than one application in the controller Less spare memory is needed when there is more than one application in the controller. The on-line changes are done to one application at the time. This means that if changes are done to more than one application in the controller, these changes will not take effect in a synchronized way. Example: One application requires 50% used memory and 70% maximum used memory. If you split this application into two equally smaller applications, it will still require 50% used memory, but only 60% maximum used memory, since the extra memory needed for the on-line changes will be half. Comparing Memory Allocations Made with Different Versions From the discussions above, you can see that the “used memory” value provided by the SystemDiagnostics function block cannot be used to compare different versions. The amount of available memory in the controller varies between versions for a number of reasons, one being the number of functions implemented in the firmware. Memory Consumption and Execution Times Memory is reserved for each function block type defined. When another instance is created, the amount of memory reserved for the instance is very small in relation to the type. This means that the memory consumed by the type itself is of great importance. The following tables show memory consumption and execution time for AC 800M PM864/PM865 controller with PM864/PM865 PA firmware, for a number of common function blocks and control modules. In the tables the First Object column shows the required memory for the object type and one function block or control module and Next Object column shows the required memory for every further function block or control module. 3BSE041586R101 71 Memory Consumption and Execution Times Appendix B Performance and Capacity Table 8. AC 800M memory consumption and execution time for function blocks and control modules Object First Object (kbytes) Next Object (kbytes) PM864/PM865 (μs) Function Blocks SignalInBool 19.9 4.1 90 SignalOutBool 19.5 3.8 38 SignalSimpleInReal 21.4 3.4 67 SignalInReal 52.9 11.5 169 SignalSimpleOutReal 16.8 3.0 29 SignalOutReal 46.9 9.9 99 AlarmCondBasic 6.3 1.5 23 AlarmCond 9.4 1.6 28 Uni 54.0 9.1 244 Bi 61.7 12.8 317 MotorUni 64.3 12.0 336 MotorBi 73.8 16.4 452 ValveUni 52.4 8.6 224 104.7 27.1 540 ACStdDrive 89.8 17.6 616 PidSimpleReal 14.8 1.7 77 PidLoop 61.1 6.0 308 PidLoop3P 64.5 6.3 360 PidCascadeLoop 72.0 12.7 478 PidCascadeLoop3P 76.1 12.8 557 MCUExtended 72 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Memory Consumption and Execution Times Table 8. AC 800M memory consumption and execution time for function blocks and control modules (Continued) Object First Object (kbytes) Next Object (kbytes) PM864/PM865 (μs) Control Modules DetectorBool 33.4 7.0 169 Detector2Real 76.7 14.8 423 SignalInBoolM 29.0 4.2 89 SignalOutBoolM 28.7 4.1 69 SignalInRealM 67.3 10.9 284 SignalOutRealM 61.4 10.7 235 AlarmCondBasicM 11.4 0.9 23 AlarmCondM 12.1 1.1 21 UniM 60.4 9.7 254 BiM 67.6 13.7 328 MotorUniM 70.3 12.0 339 MotorBiM 79.4 16.1 436 ValveUniM 59.1 9.2 244 114.0 25.3 542 ACStdDriveM 96.2 17.8 643 AnalogInCC 28.8 3.9 141 AnalogOutCC 25.4 3.9 106 Level2CC 29.9 5.0 104 Level4CC 38.2 6.8 145 Level6CC 46.8 8.7 204 ThreePosCC 28.8 4.3 182 PidSimpleCC 20.6 2.6 102 McuExtendedM 3BSE041586R101 73 Memory Consumption and Execution Times Appendix B Performance and Capacity Table 8. AC 800M memory consumption and execution time for function blocks and control modules (Continued) Object First Object (kbytes) Next Object (kbytes) PM864/PM865 (μs) PidCC 104.6 15.2 502 PidAdvancedCC 214.8 26.3 991 SingleLoop 182.3 37.5 1100 CascadeLoop 215.0 62.0 1900 OverrideLoop 286.0 115.2 3600 FeedForwardLoop 229.6 47.6 1600 MidRangeLoop 228.4 48.1 1500 Table 9. Execution time for a number of standard operations and function calls Operation/Function 74 Data Type PM864/PM865 (μs) a:= b or c bool 0.15 a:= b and c bool 0.15 a:= b xor c bool 0.15 a := b string 13.45 a := b + c string 19.16 a := b + c string[10] 11.55 a := b + c string[140] 45.00 a := b + c dint 0.15 a := b + c real 1.79 a := b - c dint 0.15 a := b - c real 1.64 a := b * c dint 0.17 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Compilation and Download Table 9. Execution time for a number of standard operations and function calls Operation/Function Data Type PM864/PM865 (μs) a := b * c real 1.57 a := b / c dint 0.31 a := b / c real 4.73 a:= b <> c dint 0.17 a:= b <> c real 1.46 a := real_to_dint(b) dint 1.13 a := dint_to_real(b) real 1.17 a := real_to_time(b) time 10.10 a := time_to_real(b) real 5.26 Compilation and Download It takes 2.0 to 2.8 minutes to compile and download a 7 MB application, from a Pentium IV 2.8 GHz, 2 GB PC, to a controller. 3BSE041586R101 75 Hardware and I/O Appendix B Performance and Capacity Hardware and I/O Recommended Number of Connected I/O Channels in a Task In order not to jeopardize restart after power-fail the following recommendation is given for maximum number of connected I/O-channels in one task. Note however that these recommendations are only to avoid power-fail restart problems. Due to task interval and execution time latency problems may occur even if these recommendations are followed. • If variables are connected via a CI8xx unit (e.g. CI854, CI856 or CI865) follow the recommendations given in Table 10. • If variables are only connected via the Module Bus, then follow the recommendations given in Table 11. Table 10. Maximum number of I/O connected via CEX-Bus. Type of signal Max No. of connected variables in one task1 AC 800M HI2 AC 800M/PM864 AC 800M/PM861 Binary inputs (e.g. DI810) 350 470 400 Binary outputs (e.g. DO810) 280 360 300 Analog inputs (e.g. AI810) 200 280 180 Analog outputs (e.g. AO810) 180 220 130 1 2 Maximum number of connected variables, whether single or redundant I/O units are used. Specified maximum number of inputs/outputs are the number of inputs or outputs that can be used for only one signal type, that is, if signal types are mixed, a value has to be interpolated. Only valid for Control Builder Professional in 800xA. Table 11. Maximum number of I/O connected via ModuleBus. Type of signal AC 800M HI2 AC 800M (PM864/PM865) AC 800M 700 1500 800 Binary outputs (e.g. DO810) 750 1400 750 Binary inputs (e.g. DI810) 76 Max No. of connected variables in one task1 (PM861) 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Modulebus Response Time and Load Table 11. Maximum number of I/O connected via ModuleBus. Max No. of connected variables in one task1 Type of signal Analog inputs (e.g. AI810) 320 370 190 Analog outputs (e.g. AO810) 250 270 120 1 2 Maximum number of connected variables, whether single or redundant I/O units are used. Specified maximum number of inputs/outputs are the number of inputs or outputs that can be used for only one signal type, that is, if signal types are mixed, a value has to be interpolated. Only valid for Control Builder Professional in 800xA. Modulebus Response Time and Load Modulebus scanning has a considerable influence on CPU load, since I/O copying on Modulebus is handled by the controller CPU. The scan time increases as modules are added, and at a certain point Modulebus scanning will start to seriously influence CPU load. The Modulebus scan cycle time can be set in Control Builder. The cycle time must be set to suit the module requiring the shortest scan interval. A solution to this problem is to connect I/O variables requiring shorter scan intervals via the CI854 PROFIBUS adapter. In AC 800M, Modulebus scanning has the highest priority. The cyclic load presented for IEC 61131-3 applications includes extra load caused by Modulebus interrupts. 3BSE041586R101 77 Calculation of Scan Time on the Modulebus and CPU Load Appendix B Performance and Capacity Calculation of Scan Time on the Modulebus and CPU Load The following definitions are used in the calculations: 1. Amount of module types: n1 = amount of drives and DP, DI, DO, AI and AO modules (except AI880, DI880 and DO880) n2 = amount of AI880, DI880 and DO880 modules For the modules below, the following number of modules should be accounted: AO845 (redundant) = 2 DO840 (redundant) = 2 DO880 (redundant) = 2 DP820 = 4 DP840 (single) = 8 DP840 (redundant) = 9 ABB Engineered Drives = 3 ABB Standard Drives = 2 For other redundant modules, only one should be accounted. 2. Scan time for different modules: t1 = 0.5 ms (scan time for n1) t2 = 1.3 ms (scan time for n2) Calculation of Fastest Possible Scan Time The fastest possible scan time is the sum of all modules (n1+n2) multiplied with the sum of their respective scan times (t1,t2). Example It can never take less than 10 * 0.5 = 5.0 ms to scan 10 non-High Integrity I/O modules. 78 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Calculation of Scan Time on the Modulebus and CPU Load Calculation of the Modulebus CPU Load The Modulebus scanning causes the following CPU load if the chosen scan cycle time is less or equal to the fastest possible scan time: Load(fastest) = (n1 / (n1 + n2) * L + (n2 / (n1 + n2) * L) Table 12. I/O Load for PA Controller and HI Controller I/O Type PA Controller (L) HI Controller (L) Non-high Integrity I/O 20 20 High Integrity I/O 8 12 The following CPU load is caused for other scan cycle times: Load(chosen) = Fastest Possible Scan Time / Chosen Scan time * Load(fastest) The formulas are valid for all AC 800M processor unit types. Example Scan Time and CPU Load Assume that following units are used: 1 AI810: 0.5*1 = 0.5 ms 1 redundant DO880: 1.3*2= 2.4 ms 1 redundant DP840: 0.5*9 = 4.5 ms This gives a scan cycle time of 8 ms (resolution = 1 ms). CPU Load for a PA Controller will be: 10/12*20 + 2/12*8 = 18 % CPU Load for a HI Controller will be: 10/12*20 + 2/12*12 = 20 % 3BSE041586R101 79 ModuleBus Scanning of ABB Drives Appendix B Performance and Capacity Updating Rate of Data to an Application The rate in milliseconds at which all channels of an I/O module are updated in the controller to be used in the IEC 61131 application, as a function of the scan time in milliseconds is as follows: • For AI, AO and AI843 (except AI880 and other temperature measuring I/O than AI843) the updating time is equal to number of channels divided by two multiplied by the scan time. • For temperature measuring I/O (except for AI843) the updating time is equal to number of channels multiplied by the scan time. • For AI880 the updating time is equal to scan time. • For Standard Drives the updating time is equal to scan time. • For Engineered Drives the updating time is equal to scan time multiplied by 12. • For DI, DO, DP the updating time is equal to scan time. ModuleBus Scanning of ABB Drives Scanning of ABB Drives on Modulebus also influences CPU load. Modulebus Scanning of ABB Engineered Drives (AC 800M) Scanning of an engineered Drive is distributed over 3 * 12 scan cycles. Three channels (DDS pairs) are scanned in each scan cycle. The first two are always channels 1 and 2 (i.e. DDS pairs 10/11 and 12/13); the third will be different for each scan cycle. Table 13. Scan cycles for ABB Engineered Drives DDS Pair 3 80 Scan Cycle DDS Pair 3 1, 5, 9 14/15 2, 6, 10 16/17 3, 7 11 18/19 4 20/21 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity ModuleBus Scanning of ABB Drives Table 13. Scan cycles for ABB Engineered Drives DDS Pair 3 Scan Cycle DDS Pair 3 8 22/23 12 24/25 To scan the three DDS pairs each cycle takes 3 * 0.5 = 1.5 ms. It is not possible to have a scan interval less then 2 ms (=PA controller) / 5 ms =HI controller) for the Modulebus scanner. Thus, for one drive the scan time will be 2 ms. Example For four drives, the scan time will be 1.5 ms * 4 = 6.0 ms for the DDS pairs 10/11 and 12/13, and the scan time for the remaining of the DDS pairs will be 1.5 ms * 4 * 12 = 72.0 ms. ModuleBus Scanning of ABB Standard Drives (AC 800M) For ABB Standard Drives, all data sets (DDS 1/2 and DDS 3/4) are scanned in each scan cycle. It takes 2 * 0.5 = 1.0 ms to scan a single Standard Drive. Example For four ABB Standard Drives the scan time will be 1.0 ms * 4 = 4.0 ms. 3BSE041586R101 81 S100 I/O Response Time and Load Appendix B Performance and Capacity S100 I/O Response Time and Load The response time is the time it takes for a signal to go from the input terminals on a S100 I/O board to the double port memory on the CI856 unit or vice versa for output signals. The delay caused by the filtering of the input signals is not included. The S100 I/O response time is the sum of the following times: Conversion Time + Internal Scan Time + Scan Interval CI856 • Conversion Time = 0.1 ms for DSAI 130/130A. For other I/O boards it can be ignored. • Internal Scan Time = The internal scan time on DSAX 110 and DSAX 110A is 20 ms for input signals and 8 ms for output signals. For other I/O boards it is 0 ms. • Scan Interval CI856 = The scan interval on the CI856 is set for each I/O board or I/O channel and is determined by "scan interval" or "update interval" in the I/O hardware editor, under settings tab for selected I/O unit. Calculation of CI856 CPU Load For each I/O board the load on CI856 is calculated as: BoardLoad = (BaseLoad + N*ChannelLoad)/CycleTime • • • BoardLoad = the CPU load on the CI856 caused by the board (unit = percent). BaseLoad = the base load to handle the board, see Table 14 below. ChannelLoad = the additional load for each I/O channel used on the board, • • N = number of used I/O channels on the board. CycleTime = the cycle time or update interval set for the board or I/O channel see Table 14 below. (unit = 0.1 ms). Table 14. BaseLoad and ChannelLoad of S100 I/O Board 82 BaseLoad ChannelLoad DSAI 130/130A2 20 125 DSAI 130/130A20 20 40 DSAI 130D, DSAI 133/133A 7 3.5 DSAO 35 0 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Drivebus Communication with CI858 Unit Table 14. BaseLoad and ChannelLoad of S100 I/O (Continued) Board BaseLoad ChannelLoad DSDI 45 0 DSDO 12 22 DSDP 010 25 31 DSDP 170 Function Mode = Pulse25 25 30 DSDP 170 25 30 DSDP 170 Function Mode = Pulse + Frequency 25 61 DSDP 170 25 13 Function Mode = Frequency Function Mode = Pulse light2513 To allow scan task overhead and event treatment, the total load from all I/O boards should not exceed 80% . Drivebus Communication with CI858 Unit Data transfer on Drivebus is managed through datasets pairs. For standard drives 2 dataset pairs can be used and for Engineered drives up to 8 data set pairs can be defined. Dataset Priority Datasets can be given two priorities, High and Normal. High priority datasets are associated with the high priority execution table which is scanned every 2 ms. Normal priority datasets are associated with the normal priority execution table. This table is built-up of several channels (slots). The number of channels depends on the maximum number of normal priority Datsets defined in any drives unit on the bus. Every 2 ms one of the normal priority table channels is scanned. 3BSE041586R101 83 Drivebus Communication with CI858 Unit Appendix B Performance and Capacity Example Dataset Priority If the maximum number of low priority datsets defined in a drives unit on the bus is 6, the normal priority execution table contains 6 channels, each channel is scanned every 12th millisecond (2ms * 6=12ms). Dataset Pairs The transfer times for dataset pairs, for example, DS10/DS11, includes transferring the message from the drive to the AC800M (DS10) and the response message, including return value, back to the drives unit (DS11). Drivebus (CI858) Response Time and Load When calculating the response times between drives units and AC 800M on Drivebus the following has to be considered: • • • • Application task interval time in the host system, that is PM86x. Dataset execution queue and communication handler in the CI858, Bus transfer time, including data handling time in the communication ASICs on the CI858 and in the drives units. Drives unit application program. Drivebus Response Time Formula #DS_Channels: Max number of normal priority datasets in one drives unit on the bus. AC 800M Application Program Application program: Task interval time 84 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Drivebus Communication with CI858 Unit High Priority Datasets High priority dataset execution queue and communication handler: 2 ms Drivebus transfer time: 1 ms Inverter system application program: DS10/11: 2 ms DS12/13: 4 ms (Other DS: 10 - 500 ms) Normal Prio Datasets Normal Prio dataset execution queue and communication handler: 2 * #DS_Channels Drivebus transfer time: 1 ms Inverter system application program: DS10/11: 2 ms DS12/13: 4 ms Other DS: 10 - 500 ms The response time on Drivebus consists of the sum of the following: TaskInterval + DataSet + DrivebusTransfTime + ApplTime • TaskInterval = Application task interval • DataSet = DataSet Execution queue and communication handler • DrivebusTransfTime = Drivebus transfer time • ApplTime = Inverter system application time 3BSE041586R101 85 Drivebus Communication with CI858 Unit Appendix B Performance and Capacity Example Consider a Drivebus containing five drive units. Each drives unit is using one high priority dataset pair (DS10/DS11). One of the drives units is using five normal priority dataset pairs DS12/DS13 to DS20/DS21. The other drives are using four normal priority dataset pairs DS12/DS13 to DS18/DS19. In the drives units the application program is using an update time of 100 ms for the normal priority datasets. In the AC 800M the high priority datasets are attached to a high priority application task using a task interval time of 10 ms. The normal priority datasets are attached to a normal priority task using a task interval time of 250 ms. Table 15. Response times each Dataset DataSet Execution Drivebus Queue and Comm. Transfer Time Handler Inverter System Response Application Time Time (ms) DS10/DS11 10 2 1 2 15 DS12/DS13 250 2*5 1 4 265 2*5 1 100 361 Dataset Application Task Interval DS14/DS15 DS16/DS17 DS16/DS17 250 DS18/DS19 DS20/DS21 86 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity PROFIBUS DP Limitations and Performance PROFIBUS DP Limitations and Performance For PROFIBUS DP there are some limitations and performance to take into consideration. Limitations • CI854 can only act as master. • The network can have a maximum of 126 nodes. A maximum of 124 slaves can be connected to a CI854 since the node addresses 0 and 1 are reserved for CI854. • S800 I/O connected to CI840 and/or S900 I/O connected to CI920 supports cable redundancy together with slave redundancy. • If the PROFIBUS master unit, CI854, loses contact with a slave unit, for example due to a disconnected cable, input values are set according to ISP configuration. If the I/O unit does not support ISP, all input values will freeze. • Reset of PROFIBUS DP master, CI854, and the complete PROFIBUS is done if one of the following bus parameter settings are changed: Node address of CI854, baud rate or highest station address (HSA). A change of the other bus parameters does not affect the running communication. • If the CI854 is running with 12 Mbit/s, then in total 4000 bytes input and output data for the cyclic communication are allowed to be configured. For lower Baudrate than 12 Mbit/s there is no limitation. Online changes are supported by S900 (CI920) and S800 (CI840 and CI801), that is, modules can be added/changed without data being sent to ISP or OSP. Performance The cycle time on PROFIBUS depends on the baud rate, the summary of I/O data and the slave timing parameter. The fastest cycle time is about 1 ms with a baud rate of 12 Mbit/s and only one slave device. The typical cycle time is about 10-20 ms with 1,5 Mbit/s and some slave devices. CI854 slave devices can have node addresses in the range 2-125 (the node addresses 0 and 1 are reserved for the CI854). The baud rate can be configured to be in the range of 9,6 kbit/s - 12 Mbit/s. There is a maximum length of I/O data at 4000 bytes of input and output data in total when using 12 Mbit/s. For slower baud rate, up to 1,5 Mbit/s, there is no limitation of the length of the I/O data. 3BSE041586R101 87 Calculation of I/O Copy Time Estimate for ControlNet with CI865 Unit Appendix B Performance and Calculation of I/O Copy Time Estimate for ControlNet with CI865 Unit Each ControlNet node (200-ACN, 200-RACN and CI865) has its own I/O data memory that is asynchronously updated. Different configurations and parameters, depending on the I/O system type that is used, determine the total I/O update time. To estimate the maximum time, from I/O point status change until it is processed in the application program, all times from I/O point to Task Interval Time, tti, have to be added according to the formula below. PM 200-ACN or 200-RACN CI865 tti tcn I/O Board tn tf I/O Copy Time = tti + tcn+ tn + tf Figure 8. I/O Copy Schedule Remote Series 200 I/O and Rack I/O The transmission on the ControlNet network, tcn, runs asynchronously with the execution of the application program and the I/O copy cycles on 200-ACN and 200-RACN, and is determined by the network parameters. tcn for input signals equals the EPR (Expected Package Rate) for the specific node. The EPR is a user definable setting, 5-60ms. tcn for output signals equals the NUT (Network Update Time) for the specific node. The NUT is a user definable setting, 5-60ms. 88 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Calculation of I/O Copy Time Estimate for ControlNet with Series 200 I/O The 200-ACN I/O memory is updated cyclically, asynchronously with the execution of the application program. The node update time, tn, is determined by the number and type of I/O units. The approximate copying times are 0.05ms for digital I/O units and 0.2ms for analogue I/O units. There is an overhead of about 2ms for each cycle. Example 1: A 200-ACN configured with 8 analogue I/O units gives the following node update time: tn ≈ 2+8*0.2 ≈ 3.6ms Example 2: A 200-ACN configured with 8 digital I/O units gives the following node update time: tn ≈ 2+8*0.05 ≈ 2.4ms Rack I/O The 200-RACN I/O memory is updated cyclically, asynchronously with the execution of the application program. The node update time, tn, is determined by the number and types of connected to 200-RACN. The copying of the analogue input boards is spread out in time due to the relative long copying time. One analogue input board is copied each cycle (for example, if there are three analog input boards, each one of them will be copied every third cycle). The approximate copying times are 0.14 ms for digital boards and analogue output boards and 1.2 ms for analogue input boards. There is an overhead of about 1ms for each cycle. Example 1: A 200-RACN is configured with 12 digital boards, 2 analogue output boards and 2 analogue input boards. The node update time, tn, for this rack is calculated according to the following: One cycle corresponds to: 1+14*0.14+1*1.2 ms ≈ 4.2ms Two cycles are needed to copy all analogue input boards, which gives the total node update time for this node: tn ≈ 2*4.2 ≈ 8.4ms 3BSE041586R101 89 Communication Appendix B Performance and Capacity Example 2: A 200-RACN is configured with 11 digital boards, 2 analogue output boards and 3 analogue input boards. The node update time, tn, for this rack is calculated according to the following: One cycle corresponds to: 1+13*0.14+1*1.2 ms ≈ 4.0ms Three cycles are needed to copy all analogue input boards which gives the total node update time for this node: tn ≈ 3*4.0 ≈ 12ms Filter Time The I/O filter time, tf has to be added for input boards/units. Communication MMS Communication Communication performance is affected by bandwidth, message length and cyclic load. MMS communication takes place serially and asynchronously, according to the client/server (or master/slave) principle. The client channel of a system initiates the message transmission sequence, while a system acting as a server simply responds to the calls from the client via a server channel. The following table gives the performance of MMS communication in terms of transactions per second for MMSWrite or MMSRead commands. Note that MMS communiaction includes both data communication between controllers, and OPC Server and controllers. 90 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity MMS Communication Table 16. Performance of an MMS client/server system AC 800M 50% load Max. Transmission Rate [transactions/second] 300 bool PM864A as MMS Client Write 60 Read 30 PM864A as MMS Server Write 50 Read 80 Higher load on the CPU will cause lower throughput in the MMS communication, and lower load will give higher throughput. The values presented here were obtained under optimized conditions. Several function blocks have been triggered in parallel at a short interval time (10 ms) to obtain the maximum transmission rate. It is important to consider this when using these values for your communication design. The application internal communication load can be monitored from Control Builder M The Ethernet standard allows bandwidth transmission at 10 Mb/s, 100 Mb/s (fast Ethernet), and 1000 Mb/s (Gbit Ethernet) and AC 800M supports 10 Mb/s. The 10 Mbit/s is an ethernet speed which is in balance with the performance of the AC 800M controller. The maximum data flow to and from the software in an AC 800M is less than 10 Mbit/s. This means that the data flow for one AC 800M is not limited due to its ethernet speed of 10 Mbit/s. 3BSE041586R101 91 MMS Communication Appendix B Performance and Capacity In a system with several controllers and PCs a switched network should be used between the nodes. If hubs are used instead of switches the number of connected nodes plays an important role for the throughput of the network and a single node may get an ethernet throughput which is less than the nominal network speed. With switches this is however not the case. Each node gets an ethernet throughput which is more or less independent of the number of connected nodes. This means that the data flow in the complete system is also not limited by AC 800M's ethernet speed of 10 Mbit/s. For networks with several switches we recommend to use 100 Mbit/s or 1 Gbit between switches since those ports need to manage data from several nodes to several nodes. 10 Mbit/s should only be used on the ports where AC 800M controllers are connected. Those ports only need to manage data for one node. The actual communication throughput for a controller thus mainly depends on other factors than the ethernet speed, for example the cycle times of the applications and the CPU load in the controller. MMS Connections Cannot Block Each Other The controller can handle a number of concurrent MMS connections. All MMS connections are handled in a round robin fashion. This means that no connection can block communication for any other connection. For example this means that it is guaranteed that variable access from one controller to another can always be executed even if a control builder is downloading a very large application domain to one of the controllers. Number of Connections The MMS stack handles several simultaneous connections. messages are treated in a round robin fashion that guarantees that no connection is starved, but the transmission rate through the stack decreases slightly with the number of active connections. With 20 or less connections the performance decrease per additional connection is however small. With more than 20 connections the amount of buffers per connection is reduced. This may decrease the performance for the connections substantially more, at least for connections transmitting much data. 92 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Data Transfer Capacity on Control Network Data Transfer Capacity on Control Network Figure 9 shows an overview of the communication performance, which is either limited by the CPU application load or limited by the network bandwidth: – above around 1Mbit on the Control Network, the data throughput is mainly limited by how loaded the CPU is. The time to send the data bits on the cable is more or less insignificant. – below around 1 Mbit on the Control Network, is the time to send the data bits over the network cable that dominates. Figure 9. Data transfer capacity on Control Network Data Transfer Capacity on Control Network >1 Mbit/s The Control Network throughput with 1 - 10Mbit network is defined by "Transactions per second". The CPU load is mainly limiting the throughput: • With a 10 Mbit/s Control Network and a PM864A controller with 50% application load is the throughput estimated to about 50 read/write transactions per second (see Table 16 on page 91). • With a 10 Mbit/s Control Network and a PM864A controller with less than 5% application load is the throughput estimated to about 300 read/write transactions per second. • With a 1 Mbit network and a PM864A controller with 50% application load is the throughput estimated to about 50 read/write transactions per second (see Table 16 on page 91). 3BSE041586R101 93 Data Transfer Capacity on Control Network Appendix B Performance and Capacity Table 17 shows an overview of how many variables of different data types can be transferred per transaction. Table 17. Number of data variables/transaction for different types Data Type Number of Variables/Transaction Boolean 190-475 dint, real, word 190-250 Uint, word 190-475 Figure 9 and Table 17 can be used to calculate the maximum number of data variables, that can be subscribed to by a client from an AC 800M controller. An example: If a customer specifies “control notification to system” to be < 1 second, then the update rate from an AC 800M controller to the AC 800M OPC server is recommended to be 50% of the “control notification to system” time, which mean 500ms. Figure 9 and Table 17 shows that the maximum number of data variables (with 500ms update rate) via a 10 Mbit/s Control Network and a PM864A controller with 50% application load, is estimated to be: 25 * 475 Bool = 11 875 Bool or 25 * 250 dint = 6250 dint or 25 * 250 real = 6250 real or a mixed combination. It is important to understand that only data used by an OPC client are subscribed for the client and transferred from the AC 800M controller. The network bandwidth is normally also used for other activities such as the transfer of alarm/events, peer-to-peer communication or downloading application/s to the controller. These activities will also reduce the update rate of AC 800M data items to the AC 800M OPC. 94 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Data Transfer Capacity on Control Network Data Transfer Capacity on Control Network <1 Mbit/s The Control Network throughput with a < 1 Mbit/s Control Network is mainly limited by the network bandwidth. A formula is developed to calculate the required bandwidth depending on: • number and data types of transferred variables • requested AC 800M OPC update rate The following chapters are showing the required bandwidth for 500ms and 10 seconds OPC update rate for different data types in the range of 100-10.000 variables. Required Bandwidth for 500ms OPC Update Rate Figure 10 shows the required bandwidth for different data types in the range of 1001000 variables with 500ms update rate of the AC 800M OPC server. Figure 10. Required bandwidth on Control Network to get 500ms update rate of AC 800M OPC server 3BSE041586R101 95 Data Transfer Capacity on Control Network Appendix B Performance and Capacity Figure 11 shows the required bandwidth for different data types in the range of 1000-10,000 variables with 500ms update rate of AC 800M OPC server. Figure 11. Required bandwidth on Control Network to get 500ms update rate of AC 800M OPC server Figure 10 and Figure 11 can be used to calculate the required bandwidth on Control Network. Some examples: If a customer specifies “control notification to system” to be < 1second, then the update rate from an AC 800M controller to the AC 800M OPC server is recommended to be 50% of the "control notification to system" time, which mean a requested update rate of 500ms. Figure 10 shows that the required bandwidth on Control Network is estimated to about 100 kbit/s, if 750 real variables are subscribed from the AC 800M controller (with 500ms requested update rate). Figure 11 shows that the required bandwidth on Control Network is estimated to about 800 kbit/s, if 3500 boolean + 3500 dint + 3500 real variables are subscribed from the AC 800M controller (with 500ms requested update rate). 96 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Data Transfer Capacity on Control Network It is important to understand that only data used by an OPC client, for example an open faceplate or graphic display in Process Portal, are subscribed for by OPC client and transferred from the AC 800M controller. The network bandwidth is normally also used for other activities such as the transfer of alarm/events, peer-to-peer communication or downloading application to the controller. These activities will limit the update rate of AC 800M data items to the AC 800M OPC. Required Bandwidth for 10 Seconds OPC Update Rate Figure 12 shows required bandwidth for different data types in the range of 100010,000 variables with 10sec update rate of AC 800M OPC server. Figure 12. Required bandwidth on Control Network to get 10sec update rate of AC 800M OPC server 3BSE041586R101 97 Modbus Master Communication Appendix B Performance and Capacity AC 800M OPC Update Rate The OPC Server for AC 800M is used for accessing run-time data and/or alarms and events from controllers and making the data available for clients, for example Process Portal. The OPC Server should always have its update rate set twice as fast as the OPC client(s) requested update rate. The update rate controls how often the OPC Data Access Server updates its internal cache with data from a certain controller. Clock Synchronization on Control Network with Reduced Bandwidth The accuracy of the clock synchronization of nodes on Control Network by CNCP or SNTP is depending on the speed on Control Network. The clock synchronization has normally accuracy down to 1ms with 10Mbit/s Control Network. If the speed on Control Network is reduced to e.g. 9.6 kbit/s, the accuracy will be about 100ms. Modbus Master Communication AC 800M (PM864/PM865) 50% load in the controller 300 bool in each telegram 1200 baud Max Transmission Rate (total transactions/second) MBWrite MBRead 1 channel 4 channel 1 channel 4 channel 1.1 2.2 1.2 4.4 5.8 23.2 6.9 23.9 (8 data bits, 1 stop bit, odd parity) 19200 baud (8 data bits, 1 stop bit, odd parity) 98 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity Control Network Clock Synchronization Control Network Clock Synchronization Table 18. Control Network Clock Synchronization Type of Clock Synchronization High Precision SNTP SNTP CNCP (between AC 800M) Accuracy per node 1 ms 200 ms 1 ms CNCP (AC 800M to AC 800C/Advant Controller 250) 200 ms CNCP (AC 800M to PPA) 200 ms MB300 network 3 ms MasterBus 300 Network The MasterBus 300 network can have maximum 45 nodes in a control area. The maximum performance is 200 data set per second. Switch over time to a redundant bus is 3 seconds. 3BSE041586R101 99 INSUM Network Appendix B Performance and Capacity INSUM Network Table 19. INSUM Design Limitations Limitation Limitation type Value Reason Number of MCUs per controller 128 Execution time for IEC61131 application and system heap memory Number of MCUs per CI857 128 CPU performance on CI857 Number of Gateways per CI857 2 CPU performance on CI857 and memory on CI857 Number of CI857 per AC 800M 6 CPU performance Table 20. INSUM Communication Interface CI857 Performance Response time 100 Action Result Start/stop 128 MCUs 15-16.5 s Stop one MCU due to chain interlock from other MCU 500 ms Condition Task cycle 750 ms, five NVs subscribed per MCU Comments Time measured inside the IEC 61131 application, from the time it sends the first command with INSUMWrite to NVDesState until it receives the last state change with INSUM Receive from NVMotorStateExt. Task cycle 250 ms, 66 Time measured on electrical state signals MCUs, five NVs subscribed per MCU on the MCUs from the time the first MCU stop until the second MCU stop. 3BSE041586R101 Appendix B Performance and Capacity OPC Server for AC 800M OPC Server for AC 800M The OPC Server for AC 800M collects data from controllers via MMS, and makes it available to OPC clients. Performance depends on the amount of MMS traffic between the OPC server and controllers. This, in turn, depends on the number of items and the rate at which the items are updated in the OPC Server. The following information is based on an OPC Server for AC 800M running on a PC with a Pentium IV, 2.4 GHz processor and 768 Mbyte RAM. Table 21. Design Limitations Limitation Limitation type Variable update rate Maximum variable subscription Value Reason 2 sec This value is kept during the measurement 300 000 One OPC Client can subscribe 60 000 variables in to the OPC Server with the variable update rate above. Maximum OPC Servers for one controller 3 Maximum OPC Clients for one OPC Server 5 Five clients containing five groups each, subscribing for 40000 changing dint variables in total, evenly distributed over the different clients and groups Performance also depends on the controllers ability to provide the OPC server with data. This ability is controller-dependent and is shown in the table below. Values are based on an update rate of 2.0 second. The data below is measured with the same PC for the OPC Server and the AC 800M PM864. The setting of subscription queue size in AC 800M is 1500 and the CPU load is 50%. The table below shows the result on the MMS communication when an alarm burst occur. Table 22. Number of variables read per second at 2.0 s update rate Controller AC 800M PM864 3BSE041586R101 Data Access Subscription (Items) 300 000 Data Access Transmission Speed (MMS Messages/sec) 113 (144 max) Alarm Event Transmission Speed (Events/sec) 36 (86 max) 101 OPC Server for AC 800M Appendix B Performance and Capacity Table 23. OPC Write Performance 102 PC Characteristic PM864 (variable update rate: 1000 ms) Number of Subscribed Items Simultaneous Write of 1000 items (ms) 0 4 50000 4 100000 4 3BSE041586R101 INDEX A ABB Engineered Drives 55, 80 ABB Standard Drives 55, 81 AC 800M 37, 45 single CPU mode 31 AC 800M Connect performance 102 Alarm and Event OPC Server 35 applications 19, 23 Compact Flash cold retain values 33 memory card 38 writer 33, 38 Compact Products 800 price book 41 compilation 75 control network 19 CPU redundancy 31 D C CI851 50 CI852 50 CI853 48 CI854 24, 31 to 32, 48 CI854A 31, 48 CI855 48 CI856 27, 49 CI857 25, 49 CI858 49 CI865 24, 49 COMLI 28 supported services 28 communication MMS 90 Compact Control Builder components 13 functions 20 key benefits 14 price list items 42 programming languages 21 requirements 38 3BSE041586R101 Data Access OPC Server 35 Device Import Wizard 14 download 75 applications 23 firmware 22 PLC firmware 19 E execution times functions 74 operations 74 F F1 help 34 fieldbus communication 26 firmware 22 I INSUM 25 IP Configuration tool 35 103 Index L licensing 43 line redundancy 31 to 32 Local Operating Network 25 LON 25 M master redundancy 31 MasterBus 300 26 MMS 90 ModBus supported protocol commands 27 ModBus RTU master 27 modem communication 29 dial-up 29 short-distance 29 Modulebus scan cycle time 77 scan time 77 scanning ABB Engineered Drives 80 N network redundancy 31 to 32 O Online help context-sensitive 34 F1 34 OPC Server AE 16 Alarm and Event 35 DA 16 Data Access 35 performance 101 ordering procedure 41 104 P performance AC 800M Connect 102 Compact Control Builder 37 MMS client/server system 91 OPC Server 38, 101 PLC communication 19 PLC hardware 37 PM851 46 PM856 46 PM860 46 PM861 31, 47 PM861A 47 PM864 31, 47 PM864A 47 price book Compact Products 800 41 PROFIBUS DP-V1 24 R redundancy CPU 31 line 32 network 32 requirements Compact Control Builder 38 RNRP 30 to 31 RNRP tool 35 S S100 I/O 24, 55, 60 S200 I/O 26, 55, 61 S200L I/O 26, 55, 62 S800 I/O 26, 55 to 56 S900 I/O 26, 55, 58 Satt I/O 24 SattBus 26 Scan cycle ABB Engineered Drives 80 3BSE041586R101 Index scan cycle time Modulebus 77 scanning Modulebus 77 Serial Firmware Upgrade tool 35 Siemens 3964R 28 supported services 29 SoftController 22 Standard Drives 81 system events and alarms 23 T Test Mode 22 3BSE041586R101 105 Index 106 3BSE041586R101 3BSE041586R101. Printed in Sweden June 2006 Copyright © 2003-2006 by ABB. All Rights Reserved ® Registered Trademark of ABB. ™ Trademark of ABB. Automation Technology Products Wickliffe, Ohio, USA Automation Technology Products Västerås, Sweden Automation Technology Products Mannheim, Germany