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Concordance® Fyi™ Server




Concordance® FYI™ Server Installation Guide Concordance FYI Server, version 5.13 Concordance FYI Reviewer, version 5.16 • Preliminary Planning • Installing FYI Server FYI Server Installation Guide No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission. While the information contained herein is believed to be accurate, this work is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind. The information contained in this work does not constitute, and is not intended as, legal advice. LexisNexis and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks of Reed Elsevier Properties Inc., used under license. Concordance is a registered trademark and FYI is a trademark of LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. Other products or services may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Concordance®, version 10.20 Concordance® Native Viewer, version 1.08 Concordance® Image, version 5.15 Concordance® FYI™ Server, version 5.13 Concordance® FYI™ Reviewer, version 5.16 Release Date: June 9, 2014 Table of Contents 3 Table of Contents Chapter 1 Installing 6 ................................................................................................................................... 6 1 Preliminary Planning .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Preparing for FYI Preparing for ......................................................................................................................................................... FYI 6 Best practices ......................................................................................................................................................... for planning 6 Data hosting......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Netw ork directory ......................................................................................................................................................... setup 10 Working w ......................................................................................................................................................... ith Concordance 12 System requirements ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 System recommendations ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Server setup ......................................................................................................................................................... and security 19 Best practices ......................................................................................................................................................... for server setup 24 FYI Server......................................................................................................................................................... security 27 Ongoing maintenance ......................................................................................................................................................... 31 Scheduling......................................................................................................................................................... administrative tasks 32 Backups and ......................................................................................................................................................... data recovery 34 Updating considerations ......................................................................................................................................................... 35 ................................................................................................................................... 38 2 Installing FYI Server .......................................................................................................................................................... 38 Before installing FYI Server .......................................................................................................................................................... 41 Installing FYI Server 67 Upgrading FYI.......................................................................................................................................................... Server .......................................................................................................................................................... 96 Testing the FYI Server installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 98 Accessing the adminstration console .......................................................................................................................................................... 100 Setting up remote administration 107 Uninstalling .......................................................................................................................................................... FYI Server .......................................................................................................................................................... 110 Troubleshooting FYI Server installation .......................................................................................................................................................... 114 Verifying connectivity © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Concordance FYI Server Installation Guide Installing Chapter 1 6 Concordance Installing Preliminary Planning Preparing for FYI Preparing for FYI Preliminary planning for implementing any software application is important to achieving the best set-up results, the first time. We recommend that you take some time to review this section to plan how your organization will be using FYI Server. Planning ahead helps ensure that administrative tasks are minimized for initial setup and your long-term maintenance of the application and its companion products (Concordance, Concordance Native Viewer, Concordance Image (Opticon), and FYI Reviewer). When implemented properly, your administrative tasks should then be streamlined into routine updates and adjustments, rather than reworking any database design, server setup, and system security later. Best practices for planning Data hosting Network directory setup Working with Concordance System requirements System recommendations Server setup and security Best practices for server setup FYI Server security Ongoing maintenance Scheduling administrative tasks Backups and data recovery Updating considerations Best practices for planning Before installing FYI Server and its companion products, please review the Best Practices for Planning to ensure your organization has reviewed all planning phases. Best Practices for Planning: FYI Server Data Hosting FYI ASPs hosting client data should take advantage of Microsoft® Active Directory® to first set up users and then add Concordance © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 7 Best Practices for Planning: FYI Server security. Active Directory includes password policies and organizational features for managing users. *Must set the Active Directory password to never expire Large firms and organizations should also take advantage of Active Directory and set up Concordance security *If using existing Active Directory, in Concordance, clear the Logon required check box on the Field rights tab in the Security dialog box for each database Smaller firms and organizations can use Concordance security to set up users and apply security Network Directory Setup Ensure FYI users have full network access to the database directory Have preset folder templates for each client and matter Have a clear separation between billable and non-billable data Receiving Data and Images Verify that file formats are recognized by Concordance Export databases to a new Concordance database to update and verify existing structures to comply with your internal guidelines Database Design Create default database structure templates for different types of discovery Implement field name conventions for consistency Create an Admin tag folder Verify that you used UNC paths in the Data Entry Attributes dialog box (Edit > Validation) Use UNC path with your hyperlinks Create smaller databases and use concatenation Use document-level text files Use single-page TIF files © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 8 Concordance Best Practices for Planning: FYI Server Add administration fields Add EDITTRAIL and CREATEDATE fields Server Setup and Security General Implement server and database firewalls when possible Users Use Concordance security and Microsoft Active Directory Ensure Active Directory and Concordance user names match Enable security and require logons for all Concordance databases Implement password policies, set Active Directory passwords to never expire Admin Console Use private IP via VPN for access Set up administration user alerts for emails Managing Clients and Users Inform users of training options, immediately Create e-mail templates for users that include their logon information and pertinent project or software instructions to get them started Request enough FYI Reviewer licenses for all users beforehand Always communicate turn-around times, as they change Remember to educate, rather than dictate Ongoing Maintenance Have dedicated admin machines with the sole purpose of managing Concordance databases off of FYI Server. Schedule maintenance windows to ensure that all users are out of the database and the database is taken offline Calculate cache settings for indexing and reindexing on each admin machine. Index databases offline locally Load balance jobs off the server © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 9 Best Practices for Planning: FYI Server Always take databases offline when loading any data or while performing administrative work Backups and Data Recovery Always back up your FYI.db file Ensure your internal guidelines are in place for back up and data retrieval Implement archiving and data destruction policies Updating Considerations Best Practice is to always be on the most recent version of FYI Server, Concordance, Concordance Native Viewer, Concordance Image (Opticon), and FYI Reviewer. Ensure your internal guidelines are in place for back up and data retrieval Quality Control Have well-defined checklists and procedures in a centrally available location Ensure that hand-off processes are well-defined Data hosting There are three main scenarios that involve data hosting: LexisNexis Hosted FYI LexisNexis Hosted FYI provides the hardware and software in a managed environment that guarantees tight security and firewalls, data back-up and retrieval methods, and more. LexisNexis Hosted FYI has certified technical staff and support people available to help discovery teams get up and running quickly. FYI ASPs FYI ASPs provide the same setup, security, and maintenance services as LexisNexis Hosted FYI. However, when speaking with FYI ASPs, it is best practice to confirm that they have certified Concordance and FYI members on staff to ensure your matter is setup properly and © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 10 Concordance as soon as you need. In-House FYI Installations For firms and organizations with the necessary technology infrastructure, data hosting inhouse allows for direct control of data and productions. Data hosting, requires a mature organization with an experienced technical team that can overcome the liability risks involved and can meet the financial investment required to ensure exceptional hardware purchases and setup, dependable power to support services, and tight physical security to protect data. Network directory setup Most organizations have network directory design guidelines already in place to store information in a consistent and logical manner. We have some recommendations for you to consider while you review your own or to consider implementing for new cases: Folder Hierarchy and Naming Conventions The following is an example of folder naming conventions and directory hierarchy for storing documents, backup files, productions, etc. This is especially useful for Hosting as it separates billable data from non-billable data. The Uploads folder gives a staging area for quality control of data received from clients. From the Uploads folder, data can then be moved to its appropriate final resting place. Moving is helpful for billing, troubleshooting such as repairing Native File links if they are disrupted. Retaining a folder template is useful when new data arrives or when moving a database to a new directory location as this will help to keep organization consistent. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 11 Databases for Billable versus Non-billable Tasks FYI ASPs hosting data for clients will have additional database design needs to construct databases to manage billable versus non-billable tasks. Uploads for billable tasks: Images Native files Databases Productions Authority lists © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 12 Concordance Backups Query files Security Uploads for non- billable tasks: Staging Load files OCR files Database administration documents Working with Concordance When working with FYI Server, you want to ensure that you have a strong understanding of Concordance, Concordance Native Viewer, and Concordance Image (Opticon). There are various aspects that must be taken in consideration during the preplanning phase. Receiving Data When you receive data from a client, data processing vendor, or third party, you should always review all files and databases to ensure they have the proper formats for Concordance. We recommend having your OCR separated into individual document-level text files. When importing these text files with a Concordance Programming Language (CPL) script, the CPL automatically overflows any text that exceeds the 12 million character capacity of a paragraph field into the next available field. When you receive Concordance databases, we recommend exporting to a new Concordance database and modifying the database structure and attributes to follow your internal guidelines. Reference the following checklist to ensure you’ve completed each step in the following order. Checklist: Receiving Concordance Databases Did you export security to a .csv file? Did you use the TagHistoryandStoreIt.cpl to retain any existing tag history? Did you export as a Concordance database? © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 13 Checklist: Receiving Concordance Databases Have you verified that field types and attributes are correct, and added administrator fields in the Modify dialog box (File > Modify)? Did you set up security and import the .csv file into the new database? Did you remember to delete the .dir and .vol files, and reload images? Did you remember to fix hyperlinks for attachments? Did you fix the UNC paths for authority lists in the Data Entry Attributes dialog box (Edit > Validation)? Working with Images You will want to preplan how you want your images scanned when working with your data processing vendor. We recommend that you use single-page TIFs with FYI Server (rather than multi-page TIFs) to reduce any latency in viewing images over the Internet. These are also easier to work with if you need to adjust document breaks. Spooling results for images viewed through the FYI Server are retained on the server. The viewer defaults to 75% resolution but you can go as low as 35% in either Concordance Image (Opticon) or the embedded viewer in FYI Reviewer. Images will deliver much quicker if you adjust this number to a lower setting. Database Design Designing databases for reviewers and clients is a necessary planning phase that ensures consistency in structure, naming conventions, security, user permissions, and more. The more forethought you apply to designing database templates and user roles for implementing security, the easier it is for you and other administrators to identify any irregularities that may occur. Database design does differ slightly when created for review teams who access them through the FYI Server. When using FYI Server to access Concordance databases, we recommend that you construct smaller databases containing fewer documents per database to improve speed for tasks, like reindexing. Smaller databases also provide reviewers with less down time when you are administrating maintenance updates. Structuring Databases Consistency is key when it comes to field naming conventions, types of fields included, and the order of fields included in Concordance databases. When fields are the same name and type, it is less confusing for reviewers and other administrators. With naming convention guidelines in place, administrators can be assured that every database has, for example, a BEGNO field as the beginning Bates number for records. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 14 Concordance Checklist: Structuring Databases Did you create default database structure templates for different types of discovery? In every template, did you include administration fields: TAGHISTORY, EDITTRAIL, LOADDATE, CREATEDATE, PRODBEG1, PRODEND1, ADMIN fields, and so on? Did you create an Admin tag folder to store all your administrative tags and name it zAdmin so it appears at the end of the tag list and doesn’t interfere with reviewer tags? Have you verified that all fields that need to be full-text searchable are designated as paragraph fields in the database? *Reviewers will then know that all fields in the Browse view that have a colon sign are full-text searchable, and those with an equal sign are for relational searching. Did you use UNC paths in the Data Entry Attributes dialog box (Edit > Validation) or with hyperlinks? Concatenation Concatenation allows you to temporarily join up to 128 databases for the purpose of search and review. To have a group of databases concatenated permanently, you can save a set of databases in a .cat file. If you name the .cat file the same as the primary database and store it in the same directory as the primary database, Concordance automatically opens all databases listed in the .cat file for all reviewers each time. When using this automatic Concatenation feature, we recommend making the primary database an empty database structure. Concatenation can optimize administrative tasks by allowing you to manage each database individually across multiple machines at the same time. Indexing times can be reduced significantly. When using concatenation with FYI, ensure that all databases have been registered to the FYI Administration Console. Users will only need the primary database that the .cat file is linked with to be distributed to them. Please beware that the size of concatenated datasets may cause latency issues when viewing records and processing updates via the Internet. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 15 System requirements Please review the current system requirements for setup considerations and suggestions for your processor and RAM. Review each section in advance before making expensive hardware and network decisions that may not be in line with LexisNexis recommendations. When setting up permissions, ensure that all users have full network access to each database directory they will need access to. Please keep informed of FYI and Concordance release updates and how they impact your system by checking our Concordance Technical Support Web site at concordance. You can also access this link from the Workspace tab in Concordance. System Requirements: FYI Server The minimum system requirements for FYI Server are: Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003/Windows Server 2008 SP2/Windows Server 2008 R2 Dual 3GHz Xeon® or Pentium HT (hyper-threaded) processors or higher 4 GB of RAM or higher 100 MB available hard disk space Disk Caching, fault tolerant RAID 1+ 0 array controller T1 or equivalent bandwidth Microsoft Internet Explorer Two open ports for inbound/outbound traffic Two open ports in the firewall are needed for inbound and outbound traffic. By default, reviewers use Port 443 because it’s generally already open on most firewalls and is typically used for SSL packets, so beware of packet monitoring protocols. The Administration Console uses Port 10001 by default for administrators, because it’s typically not used by other services. Standard editions of Microsoft Windows Server support a maximum of 4GB RAM. To add more RAM, you must use an Enterprise edition of Microsoft Windows Server. System Requirements: FYI Reviewer The minimum system requirements for FYI Reviewer are: FYI Reviewer ActiveX plug-in Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 or later Internet access © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 16 Concordance Must have client port open to inbound and outbound traffic on the PC (port 443 by default) FYI Reviewer is sold separately from FYI Server. Licenses are offered in monthly or annual blocks and are available by contacting Concordance Sales by e-mail at [email protected] or phone at 1-800-421-8398. System Requirements: Concordance .FYI The minimum system requirements for Concordance .FYI are: Internet access Concordance version 8.2 or later Concordance Native Viewer version 1.0 or later (workstation install required) Concordance Image (Opticon) version 3.0 or later Must have client port open to inbound and outbound traffic on the PC (port 443 by default) Single seat network versions of Concordance do not support FYI Server. You need mobile or multiple-seat licensing. Calculating User Capacity User capacity of the FYI Server is metered by the hardware. Based on the number of users that need to be supported, you can combine multiple CPU servers to have the proper user capacity available. A Pentium CPU supports 25 users. A Xeon or Pentium Hyper Threaded (HT) CPU supports 50 users. Multiply CPU capacity for dual and quad CPU servers. Additional FYI Serv er considerations: Server capacity is also limited by bandwidth on your LAN and Internet connections and by file server speed. The FYI Server requires a minimum of 100 MB of available hard disk space for installation of software, generated logs and temporary files, plus additional space for databases. We recommend storing databases directly on the FYI Server for highest performance and system reliability. Indexing, reindexing, and packing may require extra disk space. Performance may be affected by indexing, overloading of available Internet or LAN bandwidth, or in situations where databases are not stored directly on the FYI Server. If performance is an issue, add processors or bandwidth. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 17 For additional information about system recommendations and software compatibility, see System recommendations. System recommendations FYI Server is native software application which runs directly on your server. It does not require a Web server, such as Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) or Apache®. However, FYI Reviewer is accessed through a Web browser and requires users to have Internet access and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Installing and using the FYI Server requires proficiency with Internet addressing, ports, firewalls, and potentially with local area network (LAN) topologies and security settings. These issues can be complex even for experts. Your IT staff or Internet service providers are best suited to assist you with the security and network settings specific to your company. FYI Server software is optimized to perform at the highest levels; however, it cannot overcome slow Internet connections, slow file servers, or simple overloading. The FYI Server Admin Console can monitor server performance to help identify bottlenecks and server saturation. Interpreting the information and correcting certain issues may require the assistance of an IT professional. Network connection speed, network traffic, database and imagebase size, and other items may be a factor when evaluating performance. Please review the following recommendations for enhancing performance. Additional Recommendations For best performance we recommend a Microsoft Windows Server 2003/Windows Server 2008 SP2/Windows Server 2008 R2 with Xeon Hyper Threaded (HT) processors running at least 3 GHz, a minimum of 2GB RAM. A T1 or equivalent bandwidth is recommended. A disk caching, fault tolerant RAID 1+0 array controller is recommended for speed and data integrity. Network connection speed, network traffic, database and imagebase size, and other items may be a factor when evaluating performance. To maximize performance, the user capacity of the FYI Server is metered by the hardware. A Pentium CPU will support 25 users. A Xeon or Pentium Hyper Threaded (HT) CPU will support 50 users. Multiply CPU capacity for dual and quad CPU servers. Server capacity is also limited by bandwidth on your LAN and your Internet connection, and by file server speed. The FYI Server requires a minimum of 100 MB of available hard disk space for installation of software, generated logs and temporary files, plus additional space for databases as required. We recommend storing databases directly on FYI Server for highest performance and system reliability. Indexing, reindexing, and packing may require extra disk space. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 18 Concordance Performance may be affected by indexing, overloading of available Internet or LAN bandwidth, or in situations where databases are not stored directly on the FYI Server. Add processors or bandwidth if performance is an issue. Client Software Concordance version 10.x or later or FYI Reviewer version 4.x or later, is required to access databases from FYI Server version 4.x or later. Concordance Image version 5.x or later is required to access images. Concordance, Concordance Image, and FYI Reviewer are licensed separately and are not included with FYI Server. FYI Reviewer is an ActiveX control designed for Microsoft Internet Explorer. FYI Reviewer can run on any modern workstation or laptop that runs the latest version of Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer version 6.x or later. Compatibility FYI Server 4.x is compatible with: Concordance version 10.x or later, both mobile and network versions Concordance Image version 5.x or later, both mobile and network versions FYI Reviewer version 4.x or later Concordance and Concordance Image single-user versions and Passport are not FYIenabled and, therefore, are not compatible with FYI Server. Web Servers The FYI Server does not require a Web server, such as Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) or Apache. FYI Server is a native software application which runs directly on your server. It is optimized specifically for serving Concordance, Concordance Native Viewer and Concordance Image (Opticon) data. It does not serve any other kind of data. Remote users connect directly to FYI Server from Concordance using a .fyi database file, or through FYI Reviewer via the Internet. The FYI Server is compatible with Web servers for data hosting, and will run on a computer that is also running Web, FTP, mail, and other Internet servers. We strongly recommend for highest performance that the FYI Server should be installed by itself on a dedicated server. Memory and RAM All processing for Concordance .FYI and FYI Reviewer occurs on the FYI Server. FYI Server allows you to allocate a specific amount of RAM for indexing databases. Although you can index databases on FYI Server, we recommend that you index all databases locally on dedicated admin machines so that processing can be reserved for reviewers. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 19 Concordance allows you to allocate a specific amount of memory for the purpose of indexing databases. You can allocate up to 2GB per process in the Indexing cache field on the Indexing tab in the Preferences (Tools > Preferences) dialog box in Concordance. To determine the minimum amount of RAM you can allocate for indexing take (Total RAM) – (O/S RAM). For more information about calculating the indexing and dictionary cache, see Adjusting indexing settings and Adjusting dictionary cache settings. Latency and Bandwidth As administrators, how you monitor and manage SSL packets and set up your firewalls affects reviewer bandwidth for sending and receiving information from your in-house network to remote users. If users are experiencing latency issues, you will need to run a trace route for any dropped packets and check your firewalls to see if there’s any delay in sending and receiving information, and then fix any issues within your network. For more information about firewalls, see About setting up and managing firewalls. The FYI.db File All information from the FYI Admin Console is stored in the FYI.db file, which can be found in the same directory as the FYI Server install. This file includes information that is tracked for registered databases, users, network mapping, FYI Reviewer licenses, firewalls, etc. The backup of this file is critically important to ensure the security of the information that is being stored. Server setup and security Your server infrastructure and set-up design are critical to ensuring that FYI Server and its companion products work together in a seamless fashion and that data processing is running at optimal levels. Planning your strategy in advance saves you frustration, time, and possibly even money in the future. The steps you take now in carefully implementing the product, server locations, database locations and network directories help ensure your success in using it. You need to pre- plan: Port access and service protocols Server placement and network mapping Server firewalls and monitoring services Database firewalls User security © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 20 Concordance Plan your integration of FYI Server to ensure they coincide with your organization’s network policies and procedures and re-examine them for how they impact FYI Server requirements. For more information about server firewalls, see About setting up and managing firewalls. For more information about setting up user security, see About setting up user security. For more information about clients and matters, see About clients and matters. Identifying Administrative Tasks Identifying which administrators need access to the FYI Admin Console, Concordance, and FYI Reviewer is key to ensuring that ongoing maintenance gets performed. Checklist: Identifying Administrative Tasks Did you set up an administrator user ID and password in Microsoft Windows Services for the FYI Server to access servers where data resides? Do you know which administrators on your team need access to the FYI Admin Console? *Each user should have an individual user name and password. Additionally, have you identified which administrators on your team need access to Concordance administrative menu items? Do you have any administrators that need access to FYI Reviewer? *New users of FYI Server and FYI Reviewer may find that having administrator access to FYI Reviewer is helpful. Have you determined if there are varying levels of rights being granted to administrators? Do you know which administrators will be in charge of Concordance database processing (Zap, Pack, Index, Reindex), and for what clients, matters, and databases in the FYI Admin Console? Have you decided which administrators should receive e-mail alerts when a process fails to run or FYI Reviewer licenses need renewal, etc.? Have you determined which administrators are responsible for ensuring that packets are not dropped? Did you decide which administrators are responsible for resolving severe errors? © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 21 External Authentication or Concordance Security One of the primary distinctions to make in advance is whether you are using external authentication to manage your users or are simply using Concordance security. FYI can authenticate users using Microsoft Active Directory while also allowing you to setup field and menu restrictions for each database with Concordance security. If you are installing the FYI Server on the DMZ (demilitarized zone), you should use the external authentication to set up users, in addition to setting Concordance security in each database. If you are installing the FYI Server on the LAN (local area network), you can simply use Concordance security, which at a minimum, requires that logins and passwords are set for each user in each individual database. For more information about authentication, see About setting up user security. Adding Users and Providing Access Most FYI ASPs and organizations are managing hundreds of users simultaneously and they all need access to multiple matters and databases in remote locations. Designing a user matrix that identifies each user’s database access needs may be helpful to reference when setting up and managing user security. Concordance security allows you to grant each user different read/write access to fields and menus within a database. Security settings, user roles or groups, and user role templates can be modified based on individual needs and do affect a user’s access to Concordance .FYI or FYI Reviewer. Understanding what key settings need to be retained in order for users to access the software and underlying databases helps you minimize problem solving later. Additionally, FYI Server allows you to control what databases and matters are viewable and accessible to a user based on client and matter organization within the FYI Admin Console on the Management tab. The FYI Server and FYI Reviewer do not support user names, passwords, or database names containing characters in Unicode. FYI Reviewer only supports user names, passwords, or database names containing single-byte characters, such as English characters. If your organization uses FYI Server and FYI Reviewer, be sure to only use single-byte characters when creating user names, passwords, and database names in Concordance. For more information about setting up users and user security in FYI Server, see About setting up user security. For more information about clients and matters, see About clients and matters. Importing Users from a Concordance Database © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 22 Concordance Undoubtedly, you will be managing users who need access to either Concordance .FYI or FYI Reviewer. Most users should already have accounts and security applied within Concordance databases and you can import the user accounts directly into the FYI Server when registering a database in the Administration Console. Reference the following checklist to ensure you have completed necessary tasks for user implementation. Checklist: Importing Users Applying Security If you are using external authentication, did you set up all users first in the domain? *Passwords should be set to never expire. Did you ensure that Concordance user names match those used in the domain? Did you enable security and require logons in Concordance databases that are registered in the FYI Admin Console? Did you create pre-defined user templates to speed the implementation process and quickly add new users to databases later? If you added a new user later, did you remember to set them up in Microsoft Active Directory and/or Concordance databases, and then import them in the FYI Server when databases are synchronized? Did you remember to export your security information from Concordance to a .csv file? Synchronizing Databases When you synchronize databases in the FYI Admin Console to update the User list in the Management tab, did you remember to verify associations with clients, matters, and databases? Enabling Accounts Did you remember to enable each user account and set the maximum database on the General side tab on the User side tab in the FYI Admin Console? Synchronizing Databases A registered database in FYI Server can be synchronized with a Concordance database. This updates the user lists - adding new users and removing deleted users. Databases can be synchronized automatically by clicking the Synchronize now button on the Management tab in the FYI Admin Console. Jobs can also be scheduled to synchronize databases. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 23 A database administrator needs to be specified before a database with security enabled can be automatically synchronized. Passwords FYI Server uses the authentication logon name to determine a user's Concordance database rights, field rights, and menu security. If the user's logon name is not added to the Concordance database, the user will not have access to the database in FYI Reviewer. Check the Concordance database in Concordance and add user names and rights as needed. If a database administrator is specified, FYI Server will update the user's password in Concordance when the user logs on to FYI Reviewer. An external authentication password takes precedence over a Concordance password. This allows the system administrators to use external security, such as Microsoft Windows, to set password policies, including expiration, renewal and format. Best Practices for New Databases The first user to enter a user name and password when accessing the Security dialog box (File > Administration > Security) in Concordance, is deemed the database Supervisor. It is essential that this user name and password combination is tracked. Without them, the database security settings are essentially locked, since there is no backdoor to gain access to the security file. It is recommended that the supervisor be given full access to the database in the Security dialog box in Concordance. This ensures that the supervisor is not accidentally locked out of the database. The supervisor can add users to the Concordance database, assigning them field-specific rights and limiting their menu access. For more information about adding users to a Concordance database, see Setting up security. The FYI Server and FYI Reviewer do not support user names, passwords, or database names containing characters in Unicode, such as Chinese or Japanese characters. Currently, FYI Server and FYI Reviewer only support user names, passwords, or database names containing single-byte characters, such as English characters. If your organization uses FYI Server and FYI Reviewer, be sure to only use single-byte characters when creating user names, passwords, and database names in Concordance. When adding dom ain users to FYI Serv er, it is im portant to follow these steps: 1. Add all of the domain user names to the Concordance database and assign database rights and access. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 24 Concordance For more information about adding users to a Concordance database, see Setting up security. 2. Add the users to the domain server. 3. Insert the domain users on the Users side tab on the Management tab in the FYI Admin Console. For more information about inserting domain users, see Updating the Users list. If both the LDAP and Auxiliary server options are set, both server names are displayed when using the Insert Domain Users option. Users will be locked out of the database in FYI Reviewer if they are not added to the Concordance database as a first step. Best practices for server setup FYI Server is server class software and requires a powerful, designated server to ensure that performance is optimal. Some IT departments may try to host FYI Server on a virtual machine as opposed to a designated server in an effort to save money without allocating enough system resources. Unlike Concordance (where processing is performed on individual workstations), all processing for .FYI and FYI Reviewer users is done on the FYI Server. When implementing FYI Server, we recommend that you invest in the best server your organization can afford, that meets or exceeds what is stated in the system requirements. FYI Server is not a web server and cannot work through a proxy server. FYI must have an open connection through a named port. When planning your server setup, there are a few things to consider beforehand. We recommend that you reference the Best Practices for Server Setup when planning your server configuration. Best Practices for Server Setup: FYI Server FYI Server Minimum Microsoft Windows Server 2003/Windows Server 2008 SP2/ Windows Server 2008 R2 Dual Xeon (HT) (hyper-threaded) processors User capacity is metered by the hardware Each Pentium CPU supports 25 concurrent users © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 25 Best Practices for Server Setup: FYI Server Each Xeon or hyper-threaded CPU supports 50 concurrent users 4 GB RAM or higher 100 MB available hard disk space Disk caching, fault tolerant RAID 1+ 0 array controller High-speed Internet connection, 1.5mbps or faster Best Practice Ample CPU + RAM dependant on the number of users and how they use it * Virtual machines are not recommended due to scalability limitations Failover Redundancy T3 or OC1 Internet Connections FYI Server Security Standard Behind Firewall Secure Access Best Practice Hardware Firewall Network/Server Monitoring 24-hour Surveillance Fingerprint/Retina scan access FYI Server Backups Standard Incremental secure backups Best Practice Data Mirroring/Clustering (SQL Server) Disaster Recovery Plan Offsite Data Recovery Server Support Required Staff CCSA CCFA © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 26 Concordance Best Practices for Server Setup: FYI Server Project Manager Network Administrator Technical Support Best Practice 24/7 Technical Support CCST Paralegals Print Job Clerks Project Managers Law Firm Experience, Previous Vendor Experience, and EDD/ Processing Experience Database Administrators Active Directory Administrators Certified DBAs, Very Technically Savvy, Detail Oriented, and have Network Administration Experience FYI Server Setup Standard Be sure to have the recommended minimum hardware resources Best Practice Create a separate Microsoft Windows account for FYI that has network rights to run services Use the ActiveX at fyireviewer.html. Administrator rights are required to install the ActiveX control. If you do not have administrator rights, please see your System Administrator. Store active databases on the FYI Server itself to eliminate as much network latency as possible. Be sure your FYI Server is not on a Web server. Store the TIFF image files associated with your databases on the FYI Server to eliminate as much document and production latency as possible. FYI Reviewer Setup Standard © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. On the Client: Allow ActiveX controls and add the trusted site. If you are using Internet Explorer 7 or 8, make sure that the Enable Protected Mode option is not selected as this may cause Installing 27 Best Practices for Server Setup: FYI Server problems when accessing or printing images with FYI Reviewer. Best Practice Always have the user reinstall the ActiveX control when there is an update Concordance .FYI Setup Standard Provide the .fyi file to the client to allow them greater control over their data Best Practice Make sure that clients/users are using the latest version of Concordance, Concordance Native Viewer or Concordance Image (Opticon) We recommend that you do NOT allow access to the following menu items: File > Modify File > Reindex File > Index File > Administration File > Begin Program File > Edit Program Edit > Validation Edit > Delete and undelete FYI Server security The FYI Server uses a variety of security methods to ensure data integrity, security, and high performance. Please read this section carefully, prior to implementing security for the FYI Server, Concordance, and FYI Reviewer. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 28 Concordance FYI Server Connections Concordance and FYI Reviewer connect to the FYI Server using an SSL encrypted connection. This connection is fully compatible with firewalls that monitor and verify SSL traffic. Unlike a standard Web server connection, the FYI Server connection is kept open for the entire session for both efficiency and functionality. The connection is kept open to send progress messages, to update interactive search results and progress meters, and to perform other operations that would not be possible with repeated and unnecessary connections and disconnections. Encryption Data passed between the FYI Server and clients is both compressed and SSL encrypted for high speed and security. Concordance uses both RSA public and private key encryption. All data is transmitted using RSA 128-bit encryption. The initial handshake conversation is encrypted using 1024 bits. This is the same SSL encryption used by web servers for tasks such as online banking. We recommend that you install the server on SSL Port 443, as it is fully SSL compliant. Firewalls and Ports The FYI Server can use its own firewall. This is available in addition to your organization’s own firewall. The FYI Server firewall can be configured to allow only specific IP addresses or address ranges for a single database or for the entire server. While firewalls are not required, access to published databases is protected by database security settings and optional database firewalls. The FYI Administration Console Server is protected by password access, even when the firewall option is not used. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 29 Administrators can log on to the FYI Administration Console Server using an administrator user name and password. Firewalls are not required, but can be used to maintain security when exposing the FYI Administration Console Server to public IP ranges. Using firewalls determines which IP ranges are allowed access to the FYI Administration Console Server. Setting Port Addresses: End-user traffic for FYI Reviewer or .fyi files via the FYI Server – Default Port is 443 Administration traffic via the FYI Admin Server – Default Port is 10001 We recommend that you periodically check your ports to ensure they are open to inbound/outbound traffic. For more information about modifying port addresses, see Adjusting port settings. For more information about setting database firewalls, see About setting up and managing firewalls. DMZ or LAN? The FYI Server can reside on your LAN or in your DMZ as your data security policy dictates. If you are using external authentication, you can install the FYI Server on the DMZ in addition to applying Concordance security and setting up domain users. User logons and passwords must be identical in both security locations in order for reviewers to access databases in the FYI Server. If you are only applying Concordance security, we recommend that you install FYI Server on your LAN because the DMZ generally requires opening a connection from the server to the LAN, which can create a security risk. We also recommend using NAT (Network Address Translation) to open an inbound port to the server and installing the server on SSL Port 443, as it is fully SSL compliant. Authentication Types Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Active Directory, and PDC secure login can be used by the FYI Server, making user administration easy and fully integrated with your existing network policies. FYI Server will use NT, PDC, and Active Directory authentication, passing all login and passwords to your existing domain server for verification and enforcement of password policies including expiration, length, mix of alphanumerics, and all other policy restrictions used by your organization. FYI Server with Active Directory, Windows NT, or PDC can be used to verify users’ credentials. Logins are checked with Windows Security Controller. Setting this up helps ensure conformation with password policies. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 30 Concordance Supported Authentication Types Internal Types Description Concordance Uses the .sec file to authenticate users. Highly recommend always implementing a user login and password to connect. External Types Description External by Domain Allows for authentication against an NT Domain Controller (without Active Directory). External by NT Server Allows for authentication against a stand-alone server (Member server). External by Active Directory LDAP Uses the Microsoft Windows Active Directory to authenticate users (Windows 2003 and above). Authentication by Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (Active Directory). For more information about external authentication and how it relates to user security, see About setting up user security. Using Microsoft Active Directory If you are using external authentication, you will need to first set up users in Active Directory and then add the user's name in the Security Console of the Concordance database, before specifying Concordance .FYI or FYI Reviewer users in the FYI Admin Console. When using external authentication, it is important that user names match in both the Active Directory and the Concordance database. We also recommend registering databases in the FYI Admin Console as a means of adding users to the FYI Server. User accounts are enabled in the FYI Admin Console on the Management tab . For more information about setting up users in the Active Directory and Concordance, see Setting up users in Active Directory. File Storage Considerations File size and storage considerations are additional planning elements when setting up the FYI Server. You need to ensure the following: The server hosting FYI Server can access other servers easily © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 31 That FYI Server can access files easily Databases and images are local to the server There are not any latency issues arising from databases or image files that are too big You can choose to store databases and im ages in two ways: LAN For this setup, we recommend you store databases and images on the same server as the FYI Server to reduce any latency issues in accessing files. Network Accessible Storage You can choose to store databases on one network device and images on another, and have the FYI Server point to these locations to access them. Latency differentiations are minor if database size is kept smaller and all images are processed as single TIFs. For more information about database design, see Database Design in the Preparing for Concordance topic. Ongoing maintenance As an administrator you are busy managing multiple cases, various software programs and databases, and all in various network locations. We recommend that you take some additional time to plan a maintenance schedule based on the following tasks and processes, and any others that are distinct to your organization or client needs. Typical database m anagem ent for FYI Serv er and com panion products include: Directory and subdirectory folder design to store multiple databases for multiple case reviews within your organization Backup schedules for each client and matter, and each database, including multiple database and/or concatenated databases Full index updates on databases performed during off hours (weekends or holidays) or offline if multiple databases can be updated while staff continues work in other databases Reindex updates when records are added or modified Loading data into Concordance databases offline Subsequent data and image loads Packing databases and dictionary files after removing records within the database. De-duplication Modifying or adding database fields, which then requires a full index Creating or removing users and adjusting security settings and permissions Tracking metrics Running productions Monitoring and extending user sessions Managing FYI Reviewer licensing © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 32 Concordance Updating product versions in accordance with system requirements Archiving data according to your organization’s internal guidelines or client’s needs For more information about backups and data recovery, see About backups and data recovery. For more information about automating tasks in the FYI Admin Console, see About scheduling jobs. Scheduling administrative tasks Planning in advance what jobs need to be scheduled for ongoing maintenance helps you determine the schedules you need to manage these tasks for multiple Concordance databases and all your users and clients. By setting up a standard maintenance schedule, you can inform your users in advance to ensure that they set up their review times around these schedules. You want to make sure that all users are out of the database and the database is taken offline when performing administrative tasks. When possible, we recommend always performing management tasks locally so that processing does not impact your reviewers by using FYI Server. Have several machines dedicated exclusively to administrative tasks and ensure that they all have an optimum amount of RAM to improve processing speeds. You can use the Windows Task Scheduler on individual machines to automate certain tasks or manually perform tasks locally on those machines as well. The Jobs tab in the FYI Admin Console is another option to assist with management tasks, like reindexing and packing, but all scheduled tasks on the Jobs tab are processed on the FYI Server. You can find your database indexing time by reviewing the Log tab in the FYI Admin Console. For more information about automating tasks in the FYI Admin Console, see About scheduling jobs. Exclusive Administrative Tasks Some database management tasks require that all users are logged out of the database. The administrator is the only user allowed in the database when the following processes are occurring in Concordance: File > Modify File > Index File > Administration > Security File > Administration > Pack > Database File > Administration > Zap File > Administration > TRK Maintenance Tool File > Administration > Convert Single Database © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 33 File > Administration > Bulk Convert Databases to Current Version Database Replication/Synchronization (Tools > Replication) The following database management tasks in Concordance do not require the database to be taken offline, but they should be taken offline to ensure validity of all data: File > Reindex File > Administration > Pack > Dictionary Documents > Import Documents > Export Creating productions Indexing and Reindexing Databases Actively changed databases need frequent updating to keep the index and dictionary entries current. An index is the exclusive process of creating the database dictionary and index for the purpose of enabling full-text searching. A “reindex” simply updates the existing database dictionary and its corresponding index. A reindex is not an exclusive task. Concordance administrators are responsible for ensuring that all data is reviewed and proper backups are made before indexing/reindexing the database with updates. These processes are done from the File menu in Concordance, by selecting Index or Reindex. One way to verify whether a database requires reindexing is to check the File menu in Concordance. If there is a check mark next to Reindex on the File menu, then the database dictionary is not current with additions or changes. You can also verify reindexing status on the Databases task pane at the bottom of the Current Database panel. If the active database dictionary needs updating, the panel displays Needs Reindexing. Lastly, you can query on any documents that have changed under the Search menu. There will be times when you need to perform full index updates to include modifications to the dictionary, stopwords list, and punctuation settings. This is an exclusive process and only the Concordance database administrator can access the database at the time during the process. To perform a full index, open the database, and on the File menu, click Index. Reference the following Indexing and Reindexing Checklist to ensure you have completed all necessary tasks prior to performing these processes. Checklist: Indexing and Reindexing Reindexing Did you select the Allow exclusive indexing check box on the Indexing tab in the Preferences dialog box (Tools > Preferences) in Concordance to prevent reviewers from searching during a reindex? Did you pack the dictionary to optimize reindexing speeds up to 6x? Did you set up the ReindexingDaemon_V10.xx.cpl under the Windows Task Scheduler to automate this task? © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 34 Concordance Checklist: Indexing and Reindexing Indexing Have you planned your indexing processes to run when it does not impact regular work hours? Have you considered performing a full index for individual databases locally on dedicated admin machines? *Indexing and reindexing on a separate machine will not impact FYI Server performance. Did you send a broadcast message to alert reviewers of when indexing will occur and the timeframe for when the system may be available again? *You can do this by sending broadcast announcements from the Connections tab in the FYI Admin Console. Did you ensure that all reviewers are logged out of Concordance .FYI and FYI Reviewer by checking the Status column on the Connections tab in the FYI Admin Console? *Processing can take hours and impacts access to the system and work activity. You can schedule these tasks on the Jobs tab in the FYI Admin Console. Backups and data recovery Most FYI ASPs and large firms and organizations should already have backup and data retrieval planning outlined and implemented, as well as disaster recovery protocols. Determining backup schedules for FYI Server depends on the number of databases and users you have to manage. If you have numerous users accessing databases and running tasks, you may want to consider scheduling backups twice daily. If you only have a few databases with a handful of users accessing them, you may be able to set backup schedules to once a week. Do not perform live backups if you are using backup software that locks files, even briefly. This has been known to cause read/write functions to the database files to fail, and can cause file synchronization or corruption issues. Check with your IT group and/or backup solution provider to verify that no file locking occurs before scheduling any backups on FYI and Concordance files that are in use. Be aware that anti-virus, firewall, and backup software can often interfere with network traffic and the locking of files, and in effect could cause FYI Server software to crash. For more information about backups and data recovery, see About backups and data recovery. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 35 Updating considerations Whether you are updating versions of FYI Server, Concordance, FYI Reviewer or third-party products on the server that hosts FYI Server, you need to back up your FYI.db files first. Often administrators run patches on their servers and reboot without stopping and starting FYI services and backing up the FYI.db file. Doing so is a common cause for file corruption of the FYI.db file – the very file you do not want to rebuild. If you reboot the server while FYI services are still running, it appears as a server crash to FYI services. Updating Guidelines: Back up the FYI.db File - Always back up your FYI.db files before performing any updates to any products or services running on the server that hosts the FYI Server. Stopping and starting the FYI Server automatically creates a backup of the FYI.db file. For more information about backups, see About backups and data recovery. Concordance 10.x - Concordance v10.x is compatible with FYI Server v4.x and FYI Server v5.x. Concordance 9.5x - When updating from previous versions of Concordance to v9.5x, you need to update Concordance Image v4.5x, FYI Reviewer v3.5x, and FYI Server v3.5x at the same time. This update requires a database conversion to incorporate significant enhancements that affect tagging files. Tagging - Before upgrading to Concordance v9.5x, Concordance Image v4.5, FYI Reviewer v3.5, and FYI Server v3.5, ensure that any legacy issues with tagging are resolved in your previous version databases or you will import those issues into Concordance v9.5x. Once you import a database in Concordance v9.5, you can’t export it back into a previous version. Concordance 8.2 - If you are using a v8.2 database, you will not be able to index, reindex, or pack your database using the Jobs tab in the FYI Admin Console. To perform these actions in the Jobs tab, you need to update to Concordance v9.5x. You can, however, use a v8.2 database with the current version of FYI Server in conjunction with v9.5x databases. Always back up the FYI.db file before updating to a new version of FYI Server, as well as any third-party updates for products on the server that hosts FYI server. You need to shut down services for the FYI Server while you perform updates, otherwise you risk corruption to the FYI.db files as FYI Server will read a server reboot as a system crash. For more information on updating FYI Server, FYI Reviewer, and Concordance, see Upgrading FYI Server and Upgrading FYI Reviewer. Moving Existing Databases to Other Servers If you need to move existing databases to another server and need to ensure that all path information for databases and imagebases are preserved, we recommend that you hire a consultant. You can consider creating an alias in your host file on your server, such as \\myserver.1\. This would then redirect all paths to \\myserver.2\. See your local network administrator for more information concerning your host files. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 36 Concordance In the Imagebase Management dialog box in Concordance Image, use a relative path on the Directory tab. In our example, we put \Images\. Generally that would follow with the volume directory. Moving Imagebases Concordance Native Viewer After registering your media, if you receive an error message stating that Concordance Native Viewer is unable to open the corresponding document, you need to edit your folder paths. The folder path listed in the message box is the path stored in the Concordance imagebase that points to where your files are located so Concordance Native Viewer can open and display the document. You need to change the path to the directory location where your documents actually reside. See, Renaming file paths and folders. Use caution when resetting folder paths as there is no undo function and changes are permanent. We recommend backing up the .cib file before performing this process or other imagebase management tasks. Concordance Image Imagebase In the Imagebase Management dialog box in Concordance Image, use a relative path on the Directory tab. In our example, we put \Images\. Generally that would follow with the volume directory. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 37 If you register your images without specifying a drive letter or UNC prefix, you can apply a prefix to all image paths for a current imagebase on the Path tab in the Imagebase Management dialog box in Concordance Image (Tools > Imagebase Management). Settings and specifications entered on the Path tab globally affect the imagebase, and Concordance assumes that all images are stored in the same location. Anything on the Path tab is prepended to the Directory tab in the Imagebase Management dialog box. If you change the database’s location, you only need to change the Path tab once and not in each individual directory. This process takes some time if you are migrating databases on a large scale. This path information is stored in the database’s .INI file as if you were using Concordance Image: [Concordance Image] Image Path=_Folder Template/Client name/Case_Name. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 38 Concordance Installing FYI Server Before installing FYI Server Installation of the Concordance FYI Server is fairly simple. You can typically install and publish your Concordance databases in less than 30 minutes. Installing FYI Serv er consists of four com ponents: FYI Server FYI Administration Console Server FYI Admin Console Sample Database Make sure that you regularly back up your server data. Do not install the FYI Server unless the server data has been backed up. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 39 Before installing FYI Server, be sure to review the Preparing for FYI topic for preliminary planning, including best practices for planning and server setup, and review the FYI Server Installation Checklist in this topic. If you are installing the latest version of FYI Server and have FYI Server 5.02 or earlier installed, you must uninstall the older version before proceeding with the installation to ensure that the application files are accessible to FYI Server. For more information about uninstalling FYI Server, see Uninstalling FYI Server. The default install directory for the application data files is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\LexisNexis\FYI Server[version #] (Windows XP) or C:\ProgramData \LexisNexis\FYI Server [version #] (Windows 7). If you want to upgrade an earlier version of FYI Server, review the Updating considerations topic for preliminary planning, and see the Upgrading FYI Server topic for upgrade information and instructions. To control the server from remote locations, you can install the FYI Admin Console on your workstation or laptop after the FYI Server installation is complete. For more information about remote administration, see Setting up remote administration. After installing the FYI Server, you can modify administration settings and register and publish Concordance databases in the FYI Admin Console. You can then distribute the .fiy file to users who need remote access to Concordance and the specified URL to FYI Reviewer users. For more information about FYI Reviewer and Concordance .FYI, see the About supporting FYI Reviewer and Concordance topic and other topics in the Supporting FYI Reviewer and Concordance module. When authenticating users against an Active Directory server in a domain other than where FYI Sever is located, make sure that the FYI Server is running on Windows Server 2008 R2. See, Setting authentication types. FYI Server Installation Checklist We recommend that you install and setup the FYI Server, then distribute licenses in the order noted in the following table. Checklist: FYI Server Installation Install FYI Server and components Set the first administrator account Configure default settings Open a shortcut on the desktop to test installation, (if FYI Server opens, then it is installed and the ports are open) © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 40 Concordance Checklist: FYI Server Installation Stop services and change to Microsoft Windows FYI account Add additional administrators and email addresses Enable all email notifications Add SMTP email server address Adjust Administration Console settings Add FYI Reviewer license keys or request additional accounts Set up remote administration Add users to Concordance databases and apply security settings Register databases and import users from Concordance databases where security has been applied Enable accounts on the Management tab in the FYI Admin Console Specify the database administrator credentials on the Management tab > Databases side tab > Administration side tab Register and publish Concordance databases in FYI Finally, install and test FYI Reviewer Distribute the URL to FYI Reviewer users or the .fyi file to Concordance users FYI Server Default Settings When installing FYI Server, you can choose the following setup types: Typical – installs the FYI Server, FYI Administration Console Server, FYI Admin Console, and sample database. Uses default settings as outlined in the following table. Custom – allows you to configure some of these settings during installation. Compact – uses the default settings, but does not install the sample database. The Typical setup type uses default settings when you install the FYI Server and the FYI Admin Console on the designated server in your network. Most of these settings can be modified later in the FYI Admin Console on the Settings tab. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 41 Default Settings: FYI Server Installation Installation Setting Default Value Destination Directory C:\Program Files\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5 Components Installed FYI, Administration Client, Sample Database Working Path Directory C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data \LexisNexis\FYI Server 5\Working Path (Windows XP) C:\ProgramData\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5\Working Path (Windows 7) Snapshot Directory C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data \LexisNexis\FYI Server 5\Snapshots (Windows XP) C:\ProgramData\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5\Snapshots (Windows 7) Program Folder LexisNexis FYI Server Port 443 or the next available port Administration Console Server Port 10001 or the next available port FYI Server Timeout 480 minutes before closing idle client connections Administration Console Server Timeout 480 minutes before closing idle client connections Indexing Cache 35% of physical memory Dictionary Cache 32 MB Admin User Name and Password User-defined Installing FYI Server To install Concordance FYI Server, you must run the installation file from the server. To upgrade an earlier version of FYI Server to version 5.x or later, see Upgrading FYI Server. To learn more about FYI Server installation, see Before installing FYI Server. If you are installing the latest version of FYI Server and have FYI Server 5.02 or earlier installed, you must uninstall the older version before proceeding with the installation to ensure that the application files are accessible to FYI Server. For more information about © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 42 Concordance uninstalling FYI Server, see Uninstalling FYI Server. The default install directory for the application data files is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\LexisNexis\FYI Server[version #] (Windows XP) or C:\ProgramData \LexisNexis\FYI Server [version #] (Windows 7). The fyi.db file in FYI Server version 4.x or later uses SQLite. SQLite is an embedded relational database file structure. Because SQLite is an embedded database, SQLite does not increase the required maintenance and administration of FYI Server and FYI Reviewer. FYI Server version 5.x can be installed on the same hardware server on which FYI Server version 3.x is installed. This is known as a parallel install. If you want to install version 5.x on the same server as version 3.x, see Upgrading FYI Server for more information. Make sure that you regularly back up your server data and strongly caution users to regularly back up their data on the workstations. Do not install Concordance FYI Server unless server data and workstation data has been backed up. Do not perform live backups if you are using backup software that locks files, even briefly. This has been known to cause read/write functions to the database files to fail, and can cause file synchronization or corruption issues. Check with your IT group and/or backup solution provider to verify that no file locking occurs before scheduling any backups on Concordance, Concordance Image, and FYI files that are in use. Be aware that anti-virus, firewall, and backup software can often interfere with network traffic and the locking of files, and in effect, could cause Concordance, Concordance Image, and FYI Server software to crash. The evaluation version of Concordance FYI Server is the same software as the full version, except the evaluation version has a 30-day limit. The evaluation version can be installed on your shared server. The installation process is similar to the full version but your company name and license key are not entered. When you purchase Concordance FYI Server, you receive a license key, which you can use to install the full version of the software. If you installed an evaluation version of the software, and have purchased Concordance FYI Server, you will need to uninstall the evaluation version and install the full version using your new license key. To install the full version of FYI Server: 1. Run the FYI_Server_5_Install.exe installation file directly on the FYI Server. If you are installing the latest version of FYI Server and have FYI Server 5.02 or earlier installed, you must uninstall the older version before proceeding with the installation to ensure that the application files are accessible to FYI Server. For more information, see Uninstalling FYI Server. 2. The Welcome dialog box appears. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 43 3. Click the Server option to install the FYI Server, FYI Admin Console, and sample database. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 44 Concordance 4. In the Company Name field type your company's name, and in the FYI License Key field, type your FYI license to activate FYI Server. Click Next. You should have received an e-mail message containing your FYI license key. If you did not receive your FYI license key, or want to purchase new Concordance FYI Server licenses, contact Concordance Support at 1-866-495-2397 or e-mail [email protected]. To not activate FYI Server at this time, click Skip and click OK. An evaluation version of FYI Server will be installed. For more information, see To install the evaluation version of FYI Server. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 45 5. To print the End-User License Agreement, click the Print button. To agree to the EndUser License Agreement, click Yes. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 46 Concordance 6. The default folder for FYI Server is C:\Program Files\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5. To change the destination location, click the Browse button and choose a different folder. For example, J:\Program Files\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5. 7. When finished, click Next. The default location for application data files is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users \Application Data\LexisNexis\FYI Server[version #] (Windows XP) or C:\ProgramData \LexisNexis\FYI Server [version #] (Windows 7). © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 47 8. The Setup Type dialog box defaults to the Typical option. Click Next. The Typical setup type option installs FYI Server and FYI Admin Console on the FYI Core Server, using the default settings. These settings can be changed later from the FYI Admin Console. For more information see About applying advanced server settings. To control the server from remote locations, you can install the FYI Admin Console on your workstation or laptop after the FYI Server installation is complete. For more details, see Setting up remote administration. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 48 Concordance 9. In the Admin user field, type the FYI Server administrator's user name. In the Password and Confirm fields, type the FYI Server administrator's password. You will use the administrator's user name and password to log onto the FYI Admin Console. You can add additional administrators later through the administration console, but you will need to create the first administrator here before continuing. Before moving on to the next step, write down the FYI Server administrator user name and password. You will not be able to access the FYI Admin Console without it. If you lose this information, you will need to uninstall and reinstall FYI Server. 9. When finished, click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 49 10. If you are using a dedicated service account to run Concordance FYI Server services, in the User field, type the Microsoft Windows user name, in the Password and Confirm fields, type the Windows user's password, and click Next. It is best practice to use a dedicated service account, instead of a local system account, to run Concordance FYI Server services if you plan to launch and view E-docs referenced in Concordance using FYI Reviewer or a .FYI database, or if you plan to use mapped drives in the FYI Server. The dedicated service account must be set up before filling out the System user account dialog box during installation. For more information about setting up a dedicated service account, see To set up a dedicated service account. If you are using a local system account, leave the fields blank on the System user account dialog box, and click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 50 Concordance 10. The default program folder is LexisNexis. To change the program folder name, click an existing program folder in the Existing Folders list or type a new program folder name in the Program Folder field. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 51 11. To start the installation, click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 52 Concordance The process setups and installs the FYI Server files. 12. Keep the Start the FYI Server 5 check box selected to start the FYI Server after installation is finished. The ports for the FYI Server and Administration Console Server are displayed. Make note of the ports, because you will need this information to log on to FYI Reviewer (Concordance FYI Server Port) and FYI Admin Console (Concordance Administration Console Server Port). Click Finish. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 53 The FYI Server and components are now installed and can be accessed from your program folder. There are two new icons on your desktop: FYI Admin Console 5 (sample database) Another sample database,, is installed in your program folder. You can use it to connect to the Concordance Demo Server. However, it does not interact with the FYI Server and components that you have installed. To install the evaluation version of FYI Server: 1. Run the FYI_Server_5_Install.exe installation file directly on the FYI Server. If you are installing FYI Server version 5.03 and have an older version of FYI Server already installed, you must uninstall the older version before proceeding with the installation. For more information, see Uninstalling FYI Server. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 54 Concordance 2. The Welcome dialog box appears. Click Next. 3. Click the Server option to install the FYI Server, FYI Admin Console, and sample database. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 55 4. Click Skip to install the evaluation version of FYI Server. To install the full version of FYI Server, enter your company name and FYI license key. For more details, see To install the full version of FYI Server. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 56 Concordance 5. Click OK to acknowledge the demo version message. 6. To print the End-User License Agreement, click the Print button. To agree to the EndUser License Agreement, click Yes. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 57 7. The default folder for FYI Server is C:\Program Files\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5. To change the destination location, click the Browse button and choose a different folder. For example, J:\Program Files\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5. 8. Click Next. The default location for application data files is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users \Application Data\LexisNexis\FYI Server[version #] (Windows XP) or C:\ProgramData \LexisNexis\FYI Server [version #] (Windows 7). © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 58 Concordance 9. The Setup Type dialog box defaults to the Typical option. Click Next. The Typical setup type option installs FYI Server and FYI Admin Console on the FYI Core Server, using the default settings. These settings can be changed later from the FYI Admin Console. For more information see About applying advanced server settings. To control the server from remote locations, you can install the FYI Admin Console on your workstation or laptop after the FYI Server installation is complete. For more details, see Setting up remote administration. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 59 10. In the Admin user field, type the FYI Server administrator's user name. In the Password and Confirm fields, type the FYI Server administrator's password. You will use the administrator's user name and password to log onto the FYI Admin Console. You can add additional administrators later through the administration console, but you will need to create the first administrator here before continuing. Before moving on to the next step, write down the FYI Server administrator user name and password. You will not be able to access the FYI Admin Console without it. If you lose this information, you will need to uninstall and reinstall FYI Server. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 60 Concordance 11. If you are using a dedicated service account to run Concordance FYI Server services, in the User field, type the Microsoft Windows user name, in the Password and Confirm fields, type the Windows user's password, and click Next. It is best practice to use a dedicated service account, instead of a local system account, to run Concordance FYI Server services if you plan to launch and view E-docs referenced in Concordance using FYI Reviewer or a .FYI database, or if you plan to use mapped drives in the FYI Server. The dedicated service account must be set up before filling out the System user account dialog box during installation. For more information about setting up a dedicated service account, see To set up a dedicated service account. If you are using a local system account, leave the fields blank on the System user account dialog box, and click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 61 12. The default program folder is LexisNexis. To change the program folder name, click an existing program folder in the Existing Folders list or type a new program folder name in the Program Folder field. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 62 Concordance 13. To start the installation, click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 63 The process setups and installs the FYI Server files. 14. Keep the Start the FYI Server 5 check box selected to start the FYI Server after installation is finished. The ports for the FYI Server and Administration Console Server are displayed. Make note of the ports, because you will need this information to log on to FYI Reviewer (Concordance FYI Server Port) and FYI Admin Console (Concordance Administration Console Server Port). Click Finish. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 64 Concordance The FYI Server and components are now installed and can be accessed from your program folder. There are two new icons on your desktop: FYI Admin Console 5 (sample database) Another sample database,, is installed in your program folder. You can use it to connect to the Concordance Demo Server. However, it does not interact with the FYI Server and components that you have installed. To set up a dedicated service account: It is best practice to use a dedicated service account, instead of a local system account, to run Concordance FYI Server services if you plan to launch and view Edocs referenced in Concordance using FYI Reviewer or a .FYI database, or if you plan to use mapped drives in the FYI Server. You will want to add a use a dedicated service account with administrative rights to access the network directory where databases reside. If you do not have a valid service account set up that has rights to this directory structure, you will not be able to connect to your images or native files if they are stored on a separate server. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 65 The dedicated service account can also be the same account as the administrator account used to access the FYI Administration Console, or you can make separate accounts for stronger security. To set up a dedicated service account, you need to set up a Microsoft Windows user account with Log on as a Service rights. The dedicated service account should be set up before installing FYI Server. If you did not set up the dedicated service account before installation, you can change the logon information for the FYI Server service in the Services Manager. Please contact your System Administrator to grant Log on as a service rights. Incorrect use of the Microsoft Windows administration tools may create system instability and affect security levels. The tools are used at your own risk. To grant Log on as a Service rights to a Microsoft Windows user account: 1. Open the gpedit.msc file. 2. Opening the gpedit.msc file opens the Group Policy dialog box. 3. Select Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment from the tree view. 4. Double-click Log on as a service in the Policy column to open the Log on as a service Properties dialog box. 5. Click the Add User or Group button to open the Select Users or Groups dialog box. 6. Add your account and click OK to close the Select Users or Groups dialog box. 7. Click OK to close the Log on as service Properties dialog box. 8. Close the Group Policy dialog box. 9. Refresh the policy for your account by running GPUPDATE /TARGET:COMPUTER from the command line. 10. If you have not installed FYI Server yet, install FYI Server, and during the installation, enter the Microsoft Windows user account with Log on as a Service rights in the System user account dialog box. If you installed FYI Server before setting up the account, change the FYI Server service logon information in the Services Manager. To change the FYI Server service logon information in Services Manager: 1. Open the services.msc file. Opening the services.msc file opens the Services dialog box. You can also open the Services dialog box from the Control Panel dialog box. From the Start menu, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and double-click © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 66 Concordance Services to open the Services dialog box. 2. Right-click FYI Server 5 in the Name column and click Properties. Clicking Properties opens the FYI Server 5 Properties (Local Computer) dialog box. 3. Click the Log On tab. 4. Click the This account option. 5. Add the Microsoft Windows user account with Log on as a Service rights to the This account field. 6. Type the user account’s Microsoft Windows password in the Password and Confirm password fields. 7. Click OK. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 67 Upgrading FYI Server To plan version upgrades, please review the Updating considerations topic for preliminary planning to ensure version compatibility between FYI Server and companion products as well as referencing the system requirements for each. If you are installing the latest version of FYI Server and have FYI Server 5.02 or earlier installed, you must uninstall the older version before proceeding with the installation to ensure that the application files are accessible to FYI Server. For more information about uninstalling FYI Server, see Uninstalling FYI Server. If you have questions regarding version compatibility, contact your LexisNexis sales representative or Concordance Technical Support. There are four upgrade options for Concordance FYI Server 5.x: Upgrading from version 4.x to version 5.x Installing version 5.x in parallel with FYI Server version 3.x Migrating FYI Server version 3.x Access databases to version 5.x SQLite databases Migrating FYI Server version 3.x SQL Server databases to version 5.x SQLite databases If you want to migrate the user names and other settings from your FYI Server version 3.x SQLServer-based FYI.DB file to FYI Server version 5.x, and want to continue using SQLServer for FYI Server version 5.x, instead of the standard installed SQLite FYI.DB file, please contact Concordance Technical Support at 1-866-495-2397 or e-mail [email protected]. You can upgrade an earlier version of Concordance FYI Server to FYI Server 5.x or later by running the installation file on the same server as the previous installation. The fyi.db file in FYI Server version 4.x or later uses SQLite. SQLite is an embedded relational database file structure. Because SQLite is an embedded database, SQLite does not increase the required maintenance and administration of FYI Server and FYI Reviewer. When FYI Server 5.x is being newly installed on a server, the fyi.db file that stores user and settings data is created as a SQLite file during installation. After you have run the FYI Server 5.x upgrade, you may have links to some databases created prior to Concordance version 10. For those databases you would like to continue hosting via FYI, you can continue to maintain the links to these in the FYI Admin Console, but you will need to convert the databases to Concordance version 10 in Concordance. If you are using FYI files to connect to databases, the .fyi files need to be recreated after upgrading to Concordance version 10 and redistributed to the users. To create the new .fyi files, click the Save as .FYI file button on the Management tab’s General tab in the FYI Admin Console. See the Concordance v10 Release Document for more information about converting single and multiple databases. For databases that you do not want to convert to Concordance version 10 or host in FYI version 5.x, you can unregister these databases in the FYI Admin Console. For more information about unregistering databases, see Registering databases. Make sure that you regularly back up your server data, including databases, images, and © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 68 Concordance CPL programs, and strongly caution users to regularly back up their data on the workstations. The most important file to backup is FYI.DB. Do not upgrade Concordance FYI Server unless server data and workstation data has been backed up. Do not perform live backups if you are using backup software that locks files, even briefly. This has been known to cause read/write functions to the database files to fail, and can cause file synchronization or corruption issues. Check with your IT group and/or backup solution provider to verify that no file locking occurs before scheduling any backups on Concordance, Concordance Image, and FYI files that are in use. Be aware that anti-virus, firewall, and backup software can often interfere with network traffic and the locking of files, and in effect, could cause Concordance, Concordance Image, and FYI Server software to crash. Concordance version 10.08 is a 32-bit application and cannot use 64-bit DSN for a database connection; therefore, you need to define a 32-bit system DSN using the 32-bit Data Sources (ODBC) control panel of the Data Source Administrator located at: % systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64\Odbcad32.exe To install FYI Server for the first time, see Installing FYI Server. To learn more about FYI Server installation, see Before installing FYI Server. To upgrade FYI Server from version 4.x to version 5.x: You can upgrade an earlier version of Concordance FYI Server to FYI Server 5.x or later by running the installation file on the same server as the previous installation. 1. Backup all data files, especially FYI.DB. 2. Before migrating the FYI Server version 4.x database, make sure that there are no active FYI connections to the database. 3. Run the FYI_Server_5_Install.exe installation file directly on the FYI Server. If you are installing the latest version of FYI Server and have FYI Server 5.02 or earlier installed, you must uninstall the older version before proceeding with the installation to ensure that the application files are accessible to FYI Server. For more information, see Uninstalling FYI Server. 4. The Welcome dialog box appears. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 69 5. Click the Server option to install the FYI Server, FYI Admin Console, and sample database. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 70 Concordance 6. The Migrate v4 FYI.DB to v5 and Migrate v4 Admins to v5 check boxes are selected by default. To upgrade all of the version 4.x FYI Server and FYI Admin Console files, leave the check boxes selected. Click Next. You will be prompted to have the installer stop the FYI Server version 4.x services at the end of the installation. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 71 7. In the Company Name field type your company's name, and in the FYI License Key field, type your FYI license to activate FYI Server. Click Next. You should have received an e-mail message containing your FYI license key. If you did not receive your FYI license key, or want to purchase new Concordance FYI Server licenses, contact Concordance Support at 1-866-495-2397 or e-mail [email protected]. To not activate FYI Server at this time, click Skip and click OK. An evaluation version of FYI Server will be installed. For more information, see To install the evaluation version of FYI Server. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 72 Concordance 8. To print the End-User License Agreement, click the Print button. To agree to the EndUser License Agreement, click Yes. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 73 9. The default folder for FYI Server is C:\Program Files\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5. To change the destination location, click the Browse button and choose a different folder. For example, J:\Program Files\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5. Click Next. The default install directory for the application data files is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\LexisNexis\FYI Server[version #] (Windows XP) or C:\ProgramData \LexisNexis\FYI Server [version #] (Windows 7). © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 74 Concordance 10. The Setup Type dialog box defaults to the Typical option. Click Next. The Typical setup type option installs FYI Server and FYI Admin Console on the FYI Core Server, using the default settings. These settings can be changed later from the FYI Admin Console. For more information see About applying advanced server settings. To control the server from remote locations, you can install the FYI Admin Console on your workstation or laptop after the FYI Server installation is complete. For more details, see Setting up remote administration. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 75 11. If you are using a dedicated service account to run Concordance FYI Server services, in the User field, type the Microsoft Windows user name, in the Password and Confirm fields, type the Windows user's password, and click Next. It is best practice to use a dedicated service account, instead of a local system account, to run Concordance FYI Server services if you plan to launch and view E-docs referenced in Concordance using FYI Reviewer or a .FYI database, or if you plan to use mapped drives in the FYI Server. The dedicated service account must be set up before filling out the System user account dialog box during installation. For more information about setting up a dedicated service account, see To set up a dedicated service account. If you are using a local system account, leave the fields blank on the System user account dialog box, and click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 76 Concordance 12. The default program folder is LexisNexis. To change the program folder name, click an existing program folder in the Existing Folders list or type a new program folder name in the Program Folder field. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 77 13. To start the upgrade, click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 78 Concordance The process upgrades the FYI Server files. 14. Click Yes to stop the FYI Server version 4.x services. 15. Keep the Start the FYI Server 5 check box selected to start the FYI Server after the upgrade is finished. The ports for the FYI Server and Administration Console Server are displayed. Make note of the ports, because you will need this information to log on to FYI Reviewer (Concordance FYI Server Port) and FYI Admin Console (Concordance Administration Console Server Port). Click Finish. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 79 The FYI Server and components are now upgraded and can be accessed from your program folder or by double-clicking the FYI Admin Console 5 icon on your desktop: FYI Admin Console 5 To install FYI Server version 5.x in parallel with version 3.x: With Concordance FYI Server version 5.x, you can install version 5.x in parallel with version 3.x. This means that you can have both FYI Server versions installed and running on the same FYI hardware server or separate hardware servers. For reviewers that need to review documents in both FYI Reviewer 3.x and 5.x, they will need a reviewer license for each version. After you have installed FYI version 5, contact Concordance Sales with your new server name and MAC address (located in the Server MAC Address field on the FYI Licenses tab in the FYI Admin Console) to request the duplicate FYI Web Reviewer seats for the affected reviewers. These duplicate seats are free of charge. Please contact Concordance Sales at 1-800-421-8398 or e-mail [email protected] for more information. 1. Backup all data files, especially FYI.DB. 2. Stop the following services: Dataflight FYI Admin Server Dataflight FYI Server © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 80 Concordance Use Microsoft Services.msc (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services) to stop the services. 3. Run the FYI_Server_5_Install.exe installation file directly on the FYI Server. If FYI Server version 3.x is already installed on the machine, the following message is displayed: Clicking Yes opens the Welcome dialog box. Click Next. 4. Click the Server option to install the FYI Server, FYI Admin Console, and sample database. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 81 5. In the Company Name field type your company's name, and in the FYI License Key field, type your FYI license to activate FYI Server. Click Next. You should have received an e-mail message containing your FYI license key. If you did not receive your FYI license key, or want to purchase new Concordance FYI Server licenses, contact Concordance Support at 1-866-495-2397 or e-mail [email protected]. To not activate FYI Server at this time, click Skip and click OK. An evaluation version of FYI Server will be installed. For more information, see To install the evaluation version of FYI Server. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 82 Concordance 6. To print the End-User License Agreement, click the Print button. To agree to the EndUser License Agreement, click Yes. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 83 7. The default folder for FYI Server is C:\Program Files\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5. To change the destination location, click the Browse button and choose a different folder. For example, J:\Program Files\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 84 Concordance 8. The Setup Type dialog box defaults to the Typical option. Click Next. The Typical setup type option installs FYI Server and FYI Admin Console on the FYI Core Server, using the default settings. These settings can be changed later from the FYI Admin Console. For more information see About applying advanced server settings. To control the server from remote locations, you can install the FYI Admin Console on your workstation or laptop after the FYI Server installation is complete. For more details, see Setting up remote administration. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 85 9. In the Admin user field, type the FYI Server administrator's user name. In the Password and Confirm fields, type the FYI Server administrator's password. You will use the administrator's user name and password to log onto the FYI Admin Console. You can add additional administrators later through the administration console, but you will need to create the first administrator here before continuing. Before moving on to the next step, write down the FYI Server administrator user name and password. You will not be able to access the FYI Admin Console without it. If you lose this information, you will need to uninstall and reinstall FYI Server. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 86 Concordance 10. If you are using a dedicated service account to run Concordance FYI Server services, in the User field, type the Microsoft Windows user name, in the Password and Confirm fields, type the Windows user's password, and click Next. It is best practice to use a dedicated service account, instead of a local system account, to run Concordance FYI Server services if you plan to launch and view E-docs referenced in Concordance using FYI Reviewer or a .FYI database, or if you plan to use mapped drives in the FYI Server. The dedicated service account must be set up before filling out the System user account dialog box during installation. For more information about setting up a dedicated service account, see To set up a dedicated service account. If you are using a local system account, leave the fields blank on the System user account dialog box, and click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 87 FYI Server 3.x and 5.x must reside on separate ports. The Parallel Install Port Settings dialog box displays the current FYI Server 3.x ports. 11. In the FYI Server field, type a unique port number for the version 5.x FYI Server, and in the FYI Admin field, type a uniquie port number for the the version 5.x FYI Admin Console. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 88 Concordance 13. The default program folder is LexisNexis. To change the program folder name, click an existing program folder in the Existing Folders list or type a new program folder name in the Program Folder field. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 89 14. To start the installation, click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 90 Concordance The process setups and installs the FYI Server files. 15. Keep the Start the FYI Server 5 check box selected to start the FYI Server after installation is finished. The ports for the FYI Server and Administration Console Server are displayed. Make note of the ports, because you will need this information to log on to FYI Reviewer (Concordance FYI Server Port) and FYI Admin Console (Concordance Administration Console Server Port). Click Finish. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 91 The FYI Server version 5.x and components are now installed and can be accessed from your program folder. There are two new icons on your desktop: FYI Admin Console 5 (sample database) Another sample database,, is installed in your program folder. You can use it to connect to the Concordance Demo Server. However, it does not interact with the FYI Server and components that you have installed. 16. After installing FYI Server 5, restart the FYI Server 3.x services: Dataflight FYI Admin Server Dataflight FYI Server Use Microsoft Services.msc (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services) to start the services. To upgrade a FYI Server 3.x Access database to a 5.x SQLite database: © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 92 Concordance When FYI Server 5.x is being installed on a server where an earlier version of FYI Server is installed, and you are using the default Microsoft® Access® or a Microsoft® SQL Server® fyi.db file, then the contents of the Microsoft Access or SQL Server fyi.db file will be imported into the new SQLite fyi.db file during the FYI Server 5.x upgrade. Upgrading your Concordance FYI Server 3.x Microsoft Access database or Microsoft SQL Server database to a 5.x SQLite database is a two-part process. The first step is installing FYI Server 5.x in parallel to version 3.x on your machine. The second step is migrating the data from your version 3.x database to the new version 5.x database. If you want to migrate the user names and other settings from your FYI Server version 3.x SQLServer-based FYI.DB file to FYI Server version 5.x, and want to continue using SQLServer for FYI Server version 5.x, instead of the standard installed SQLite FYI.DB file, please contact Concordance Technical Support at 1-866-495-2397 or e-mail [email protected]. 1. Backup all data files, especially FYI.DB. 2. Install FYI Server 5.x on the same machine FYI Server 3.x is installed or on a separate hardware server. To install version 5.x on the same machine as version 3.x, see To install FYI Server version 5.x in parallel with version 3.x. To install version 5.x on a separate hardware server, see Installing FYI Server. 3. Download the following two files: FYIDBMigrationTool.exe Fyidbsetup.exe The files are available for download at: 4. Save the files to any location on the hard drive containing the FYI Server version 3.x installation. 5. Before migrating the FYI Server version 3.x database, make sure that there are no active FYI connections to the database. 6. Double-click the FYIDBMigrationTool.exe file to open the FYIDB Migration Tool utility. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 93 The Source Type field defaults to MSACCESS. The Destination Type field defaults to SQLITE. 7. In the Source File field, enter the directory path to the version 3.x FYI.DB file you want to migrate. The Source File field defaults to the FYI.DB file in the default FYI Server version 3.x installation directory, C:\Program Files\Dataflight\FYI Server\FYI.DB. 8. In the Destination File field, enter the directory path where you want the converted SQLite FYI.DBsqlite file to be created. The Destination File field defaults to the default FYI Server version 3.x installation directory, C:\Program Files\Dataflight\FYI Server\ FYI.DB.sqlite. The Exclude Database Table check box is selected by default. When the Exclude Database Table check box is selected, only the FYI Server version 3.x database settings and users are migrated to FYI Server version 5.x. The FYIDB Migration Tool utility creates an empty version 5.x SQLite database with converted database settings and users. If you want the FYIDB Migration Tool utility to migrate the FYI Server version 3.x database along with the database settings and users, clear the Exclude Database Table check box. 9. Click the Migrate button to run the FYIDB Migration Tool utility. When the migration is successfully completed, the Migration success message is displayed. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 94 Concordance 10. Click OK to close the message. The fyi.db.sqlite file is created in the directory entered in the Destination File field. 11. Delete or rename the existing FYI.DB file in the FYI Server version 5.x installation directory. 12. If the fyi.db.sqlite file was not created in the FYI Server version 5.x installation directory, copy and paste the new fyi.db.sqlite file to FYI Server version 5.x installation directory and rename the fyi.db.sqlite file to fyi.db. After you have run the FYI Server 5.x upgrade, you may have links to some databases created prior to Concordance version 10. For those databases you would like to continue hosting via Concordance. FYI, you can continue to maintain the links to these in the FYI Admin Console, but you will need to convert the databases to Concordance version 10 in Concordance. If you are using .fyi files to connect to databases, the .fyi files need to be recreated after upgrading to Concordance version 10 and redistributed to the users. To create the new .fyi files, click the Save as .FYI file button on the Management tab’s General tab in the FYI Admin Console. See the Concordance v10 Release Document for more information about converting single and multiple databases. For databases that you do not want to convert to Concordance version 10 or host in FYI version 5.x, you can unregister these databases in the FYI Admin Console. For more information about unregistering databases, see Registering databases. To upgrade a FYI Server 3.x SQL Server database to a 5.x SQLite database: When FYI Server 5.x is being installed on a server where an earlier version of FYI Server is installed, and you are using the default Microsoft Access or a Microsoft SQL Server fyi.db file, then the contents of the Microsoft Access or SQL Server fyi.db file will be imported into the new SQLite fyi.db file during the FYI Server 5.x upgrade. Upgrading your Concordance FYI Server 3.x Microsoft Access database or Microsoft SQL Server database to a 5.x SQLite database is a two-part process. The first step is installing FYI Server 5.x in parallel to version 3.x on your machine. The second step is migrating the data from your version 3.x database to the new version 5.x database. If you want to migrate the user names and other settings from your FYI Server version 3.x SQLServer-based FYI.DB file to FYI Server version 5.x, and want to continue using SQLServer for FYI Server version 5.x, instead of the standard installed SQLite FYI.DB file, please contact Concordance Technical Support at 1-866-495-2397 or e-mail [email protected]. 1. Backup all data files, especially FYI.DB. 2. Install FYI Server 5.x on the same machine FYI Server 3.x is installed or on a separate hardware server. To install version 5.x on the same machine as version 3.x, see To install FYI Server version 5.x in parallel with version 3.x. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 95 To install version 5.x on a separate hardware server, see Installing FYI Server. 3. Download the following two files: FYIDBMigrationTool.exe Fyidbsetup.exe The files are available for download at: 4. Save the files to any location on the hard drive containing the FYI Server version 3.x installation. 5. Before migrating the FYI Server version 3.x database, make sure that there are no active FYI connections to the database. 6. Double-click the FYIDBMigrationTool.exe file to open the FYIDB Migration Tool utility. 7. In the Source Type field, select SQLSERVER. The Destination Type field defaults to SQLITE. 8. In the Source DSN field, type the data source name (DSN) for the FYI Server 3.x SQL Server database. The Source DSN field defaults to FYIDB. 9. In the Destination File field, enter the directory path where you want the converted SQLite FYI.DBsqlite file to be created. The Destination File field defaults to the default FYI Server version 3.x installation directory, C:\Program Files\Dataflight\FYI Server\ FYI.DB.sqlite. The Exclude Database Table check box is selected by default. When the Exclude Database Table check box is selected, only the FYI Server version 3.x database settings and users are migrated to FYI Server version 5.x. The FYIDB Migration Tool utility creates an empty version 5.x SQLite database with converted database © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 96 Concordance settings and users. If you want the FYIDB Migration Tool utility to migrate the FYI Server version 3.x database along with the database settings and users, clear the Exclude Database Table check box. 10. Click the Migrate button to run the FYIDB Migration Tool utility. When the migration is successfully completed, the Migration success message is displayed. 11. Click OK to close the message. The FYI.DB.sqlite file is created in the directory entered in the Destination File field. 12. Navigate to the FYI Server version 5.x installation directory, and delete or rename the existing FYI.DB file. 13. If the fyi.db.sqlite file was not created in the FYI Server version 5.x installation directory, copy and paste the new fyi.db.sqlite file to FYI Server version 5.x installation directory and rename the fyi.db.sqlite file to fyi.db. After you have run the FYI Server 5.x upgrade you may have links to some databases created prior to Concordance version 10. For those databases you would like to continue hosting via FYI, you can continue to maintain the links to these in the FYI Admin Console, but you will need to convert the databases to Concordance version 10 in Concordance. If you are using FYI files to connect to databases, the .fyi files need to be recreated after upgrading to Concordance version 10 and redistributed to the users. To create the new .fyi files, click the Save as .FYI file button on the Management tab’s General tab in the FYI Admin Console. See the Concordance v10 Release Document for more information about converting single and multiple databases. For databases that you do not want to convert to Concordance version 10 or host in FYI version 5.x, you can unregister these databases in the FYI Admin Console. For more information about unregistering databases, see Registering databases. Testing the FYI Server installation Installing the sample database allows you test the connection. You will need to find the server’s host name or IP address to log on to the FYI Admin Console. The host name can be the server's numeric IP address or the server's URL, such as © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 97 To ensure the FYI Server installation was successful you can: Open the sample database in Concordance Open and log on to the FYI Administration Console To find your server's IP address: 1. On the Start menu, click Run to open the Run dialog box. 2. In the Open field, type cmd. 3. Click OK to open the cmd.exe command prompt. 4. Type ipconfig/all and press Enter to see the host name or IP address for the server. 5. After noting the host name or IP address for the server, type exit and press Enter to close the cmd.exe command prompt. To open a sample database: Concordance needs to be installed before opening the sample database. Double-click the icon, , on your desktop. If you have Concordance Image or Opticon installed, you can also view images. For issues with opening the sample database, see Troubleshooting FYI Server installation. To open the FYI Admin Console: 1. Double-click the FYI Admin Console icon, , on your desktop. Clicking the FYI Admin Console icon launches the FYI Admin Console. 2. On the Connect tab, type the administrator user name and password you entered in the Administrator user and password dialog box during installation. 3. In the Host name field, type or select host name of the FYI Administration Console Server. The host name can be the server's numeric IP address or the server's URL, such as © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 98 Concordance 4. In the Port field, type the FYI Administration Console Server port number displayed on the FYI Server 5 installation complete dialog box at the end of the installation. 10001 is the default port number, which can be adjusted later. For more information about adjusting port settings, see Adjusting port settings. 5. Click the Connect button to access the FYI Admin Console. For issues with opening the FYI Admin Console, see Troubleshooting FYI Server installation. Accessing the adminstration console You will need the FYI Server administrator user name and password, and the server’s host name or IP address to log on to the FYI Admin Console. The host name can be the server's numeric IP address or the server's URL, such as For more information about finding your server’s IP address, see To find your server's IP address. To access the FYI Admin Console: 1. On your desktop, double-click the FYI Admin Console icon, . Clicking the FYI Admin Console icon launches the FYI Admin Console. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 99 2. Click the Connect tab, type the FYI Server administrator user name and password you entered in the Administrator user and password dialog box during installation. If other FYI Server administrator accounts were set up on the Administrators tab in the FYI Admin Console, you can also use those administrator user names and passwords to log on to the FYI Admin Console. 3. In the Host name field, type or select host name of the FYI Administration Console Server. The host name can be the server's numeric IP address or the server's URL, such as 4. In the Port field, type the FYI Administration Console Server port number displayed on the FYI Server 5 installation complete dialog box at the end of the installation. 10001 is the default port number, which can be adjusted later. For more information about adjusting port settings, see Adjusting port settings. 5. Click the Connect button to access the FYI Admin Console. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 100 Concordance Setting up remote administration Use the Installation Wizard's Custom setup to install the FYI Admin Console on workstations. This allows administrators to control the FYI Server from remote locations. The FYI Admin Console should be installed on your FYI Server before installing the FYI Admin Console on workstations. To install FYI Admin Console for remote administration: 1. Run the FYI_Server_5_Install.exe installation file directly on the workstation. 2. The Welcome dialog box appears. Click Next. 3. Click the Client option to install the FYI Admin Console. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 101 4. To print the End-User License Agreement, click the Print button. To agree to the EndUser License Agreement, click Yes. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 102 Concordance 5. The default folder for FYI Server is C:\Program Files\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5. To change the destination location, click the Browse button and choose a different folder. For example, J:\Program Files\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 103 6. The Setup Type dialog box defaults to the Typical option. Select the Custom option and click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 104 Concordance 7. Select only the Administration Client check box. Make sure that the Sample Database check box is not selected. Click Next. 8. Select the IP Address or host name on which the FYI Server 5 will reside. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 105 9. The default program folder is LexisNexis. To change the program folder name, select an existing program folder from the list or type a new program folder name in the text box. Click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 106 Concordance 10. To start the installation, click Next. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 107 11. The process setups and installs the FYI Admin Console files. Click Finish. The FYI Admin Console is installed and can be accessed from your program folder or by double-clicking the FYI Admin Console 5 icon on your desktop: Uninstalling FYI Server When you uninstall FYI Server, you want to ensure that you remove not only the software but all its components as well. To uninstall FYI Server: 1. Before uninstalling FYI Server, make sure that there are no active connections to the server. Uninstalling FYI Server will stop the server. 2. From the Start menu, click Control Panel and double-click Add or Remove Programs to © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 108 Concordance open the Add or Remove Programs dialog box. 3. Click FYI Server 5 and click the Remove button. Clicking the Remove button opens the following message: 4. Click OK to acknowledge the message. Clicking OK opens the Upgrade or Repair, Remove the program dialog box. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 109 5. Click the Remove option and click Next. Clicking Next opens the following message: 6. If there are currently no active connections to the server, click Yes. If there are active connections to the server click No, and once there are no longer any active connections, run the uninstall process. 7. Clicking Yes opens the following message: 8. Click Yes to uninstall all working directories, log files, and registry settings that were created after the installation of FYI Server 5. Click No to preserve all working directories, log files, and registry settings that were © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 110 Concordance created after the installation of FYI Server 5. Clicking Yes or No starts the uninstall process. 9. When this uninstall is completed, the Maintenance Complete dialog box is displayed. Click Finish. If you clicked Yes to uninstall all working directories, log files, and registry settings, after uninstalling FYI Server, you will need to manually delete the FYI Server directory folder. 10. Browse to the FYI Server installation directory. The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\LexisNexis\FYI Server 5. 11. Delete the FYI Server folder and its subfolders. Troubleshooting FYI Server installation If FYI Server services do not start, it could be that the services’ dependencies are not starting. Try starting the dependent service or reboot the machine. Your existing network may use configuration and security features that require special attention. These include file access rights, inter-server logons, port addresses, and firewalls. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 111 If you experienced issues opening the sample database ( with Concordance directly from the server, you should contact Concordance Technical Support at 866-495-2397 or by email at [email protected]. If you cannot access the sample database with Concordance from another workstation, continue reading this topic to troubleshoot the issues. Network configuration problems are beyond the scope of the Installing FYI and Administrating FYI Server modules in the Concordance Answer Center, the CCFA Training Course, and Concordance Technical Support. Questions about network configuration problems should be directed to your IT manager or technical support staff. Use the information in this section for guidance. For more information about security issues, see the following: About setting up and managing firewalls About setting up user security About managing security and FYI About clients and matters About managing user accounts Databases on File Servers If you had trouble opening one of your own databases, and the sample database worked, try moving your databases from the network server to the FYI Server's C:\ drive and reregister the database. The FYI Server is running as a Windows service. A service can access the C:\ drive, but without additional configuration it cannot access other network file servers. The FYI Server service needs security rights to access your network drives. To assign these rights, you must give the server a valid user account for the FYI Server service, using the Windows Control Panel Services dialog box (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services). We also recommend that you contact your IT manager if you need further guidance or permission. For more information about adding user accounts for FYI Server services, see Adding new network maps. For highest performance, Concordance recommends that you serve databases directly from the FYI Server's local drives, using a disk caching and fault tolerant RAID 1+0 array controller. Performance will be faster than serving databases from another file server on the network. Internet Addresses The Internet address of the FYI Server must be accessible to clients and users for them to communicate with the server. However, due to firewalls and public and private Internet addressing issues within your organization, your server's Internet address may not be visible to other computers – either inside or outside of your organization. Your IT staff or Internet service provider is best qualified to help in this case. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 112 Concordance Ports and Firewalls Ports are part of the address one computer uses to communicate with another over the Internet. For instance, the port for Web servers is 80. (Your Web browser takes care of port addressing automatically.) All communication over the Internet requires ports, either implicitly as with Web browsers, or explicitly in the case of FYI Server. FYI Server's custom installation allows you to specify port numbers for your installation. The default ports are 443 for the FYI Server, and 10001 for the FYI Administration Console Server. Your server's firewall and your company's firewall may not allow the FYI Server to use certain Internet port addresses. If this is a problem, then either the firewall needs to be reconfigured, or you need to place the FYI Server on another port. You can change the FYI Server's port address most easily from the Settings tab in the FYI Administration Console. If that is not an option, then change the port by uninstalling and reinstalling FYI Server. Remember that FYI Server uses two ports, one for serving the database and one for administering the server. For more information, see About applying advanced server settings. Remote User Issues Remote users connect to the FYI Server through the address and port specified during the FYI Server installation. Inbound ports are restricted by firewalls, so these unassigned port addresses are typically closed. In order to connect to FYI Server databases, the FYI Server ports must be open to inbound traffic. Please contact your IT Department for assistance in configuring your firewall settings. Your clients need their outbound ports open as well if they want to connect. While it is unusual that outbound ports are restricted, it is not unheard of. A firewalled outbound port will keep Concordance from connecting with your server. Once again, you should contact your IT department for assistance in configuring the firewall to allow outbound ports. Remote Access Security If your user population is completely within your own organization then the server's Internet (IP) address only needs to be visible to them within your organization's firewall. If you need to provide access to clients outside the firewall, then they need to access the server via the server's IP address. This can be accomplished in several ways. You can make the server's address visible outside your firewall. You can use a technique known as Port Address Translation (PAT) or Network Address Translation (NAT); or you can use a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN). PAT, NAT, and VPNs require specific knowledge of your network hardware and firewalls, which places it beyond the scope of the Installing FYI and Administrating FYI Server modules in the Concordance Answer Center or the CCFA training course. Consult with your Internet service provider or network administrator for security options, such as VPNs. Windows 2000 © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 113 Installing FYI Server on a Microsoft Windows 2000 Server may result in a connection error when logging on to the FYI Administration Console. You may receive the following message box. This error is caused by the dependency order used in Windows 2000. To resolve this issue, you need to manually start the Computer Browser service, the FYI Admin Server 5 service, and the FYI Server 5 service in that order. If you are not familiar with starting these services, please contact your IT manager or technical support staff. To start the services for FYI Server on a Windows 2000 server: 1. From the Start menu, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and double-click Services to open the Services dialog box. 2. Right-click the Computer Browser service and click Start. © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. 114 Concordance 3. Right-click the FYI Admin Server 5 service and click Start. 4. Right-click the FYI Server 5 service and click Start. After you start all three services, you should be able to log on to the FYI Admin Console. Verifying connectivity Reference the Connectivity Checklist for FYI Server to ensure that you have completed all necessary steps to ensure connectivity channels for servers, databases, and users. Connectivity Checklist: Checklist: FYI Server Connectivity Servers Is FYI Server installed? Is the FYI Administration Console Server installed? Did you remember to set up a valid administrator account in Microsoft Windows? Did you set up your firewall ports for FYI traffic? Databases Did you register your database in the FYI Admin Console? Is the Yes option selected in the Online field for the database? Did you associate your Concordance databases to the client and matter that applies for each database? *FYI Reviewer users cannot access databases unless they are associated with a matter. *Clients are for organizational purposes only. Have you implemented the necessary IP address restrictions? © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Installing 115 Checklist: FYI Server Connectivity Did you specify a database administrator on the Management tab in the FYI Admin Console? Do you have a valid user account? Users Do you have users associated to a database in the FYI Admin Console? Did you save a .fyi file for Concordance users and note the URL for FYI Reviewers? Have you set the maximum number of open databases for each user? Does each user have a valid ID and password, and does it match any used for authentication? Have you enabled accounts to FYI Server and Concordance .FYI or FYI Reviewer? Do you have an FYI Reviewer license for each user? Have you installed Concordance locally for each .FYI user? Have you verified that your Internet connection is working and that users can download the ActiveX Control? Have you made sure your users are not using a proxy server? © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Index setting up for FYI Server Index 100 -S- -CConcordance .FYI verifying connectivity 117 security FYI Server 27 system requirements FYI Server 15 114 -F- -T- FYI Admin Console logging on 98 verifying connectivity 114 FYI Reviewer verifying connectivity 114 FYI Server about security 27 before installing 38 installing 41 installing for remote administration preliminary planning 6 system requirements 15 testing installation 96 uninstalling 107 upgrading 67 verifying connectivity 114 troubleshooting FYI Server installation 110 -Uuninstalling, FYI Server upgrading FYI Server 67 107 100 -Iinstalling before installing FYI Server 38 FYI Server 41 FYI Server for remote administration 100 preliminary planning - FYI Server 6 testing FYI Server installation 96 troubleshooting FYI Server installation 110 -Llogging on FYI Admin Console 98 -Rremote administration © 2015 LexisNexis. All rights reserved.