SIAL Canada 2015 Coverage
Contents Mixed grill from Juneau and BBQ master Raichlen; La Tag Barbecue's 13-week series will begin airing May 27 on Zeste (Montreal Gazette) .......................................................................................... 4 SIAL Toronto 2015; Direct Energy Centre, April 29 (Toronto Star) ....................................................... 4 Un produit québécois s’illustre au SIAL (La Presse) .............................................................................. 5 Place aux charcuteries de la mer (Le Soleil).......................................................................................... 5 Ça passe ou ça casse: Les trempettes Malimousse ( ............................................................ 7 Ag Minister Opens Event Showcasing Ontario Agri-Food Sector ( ..................... 8 Ontario Hosts Major International Food Tradeshow (Apr 28, 2015) ( .............................. 9 Les tendances alimentaires des Canadiens ( .......................................................... 10 Toronto accueille le Salon international de l'alimentation ( .................................. 10 Agri-Food Sector to Showcase Ontario’s World Class Products ( ............... 11 B.C. coffee brand named innovative product at SIAL ( ................................. 12 People (Ontario Restaurant News) ..................................................................................................... 12 Reminder: Register for SIAL Canada before April 27 ( ........................................... 13 Olymel, entreprise exportatrice canadienne de l’année ( ......................................... 13 UNVEILING THE SIAL INNOVATION 2015 FINALISTS ( ....................................... 14 SIAL Canada – SET Canada 2015 ......................................................................................................... 14 Photo of the Week: Mary Dalimonte at SIAL Canada ( .................................................... 14 Innovative products from SIAL Canada; New and innovative products in abundance on trade show floor ( ............................................................................................................... 14 Trendspotting: keeping it simple at SIAL ( ....................................................... 16 SIAL Innovation 2015 finalists; A look at the 10 product finalists vying for the innovation grand prize ( ........................................................................................................................ 18 At SIAL, beverages with benefits and international fare; Countries from around the globe present at first day of exposition ( .................................................................................... 19 6 reasons to attend SIAL Canada; Show promises the latest in international trends and innovations ( ........................................................................................................................ 21 Chef Massimo Capra and Keg Executive Team to judge Grill Masters Cooking Challenge ( ...................................................................................................... 22 TFO Canada Trade Missions at SIAL Canada International Food & Beverage Show – Toronto ( ................................................................................................................................... 22
GOODS | Local Coffee Company “Doi Chaang” Making A Big Difference In Small Thai Village ( ............................................................................................................................. 24 Olymel wins 2015 Canadian Export Business Award at the SIAL in Toronto ( .............. 25 SIAL Canada Toronto 2015 ( ................................................................................... 26 SIAL 2015: Quebec shines! ( ................................................................................ 26 SIAL Canada: The North American Food Marketplace ( ............................................ 27 SIAL Canada, April 28-30, 2015 Direct Energy Centre, Toronto, Ontario ( ........................ 28 Come see us at SIAL Toronto. ( ...................................................................... 28 SIAL Canada 2015 ( 28 Québec’s VIPs at SIAL CANADA 2015 ( ....................................................... 29 Chocolate Cheese, Kefir Drinks and Other SIAL 2015 Highlights ( ..................... 29 SIAL Canada 2015 ( ................................................................................................................ 30 SIAL Canada 2015 is “ON” from April 28-30th, in Toronto ( ............................... 31 Étiez-vous au SIAL de Toronto la semaine dernière? Nous, OUI. Voici notre compte-rendu. ( ........................................................................................................................... 31 Malimousse remporte le Grand Prix SIAL Innovation 2015 pour ses trempettes ( .................................................................................................................... 33 SET/SIAL CANADA ( ..................................................................................................... 34 SOIRÉE RÉSEAUTAGE SIAL TORONTO 2015 – UN RENDEZ-VOUS À NE PAS MANQUER ( ................................................................................................................. 34 캐나다식품박람회 SIAL SHOW 2015 ( ................................................................... 35 SIAL Toronto 2015: una joya para la industria mundial de la alimentación ( 35 Ontario Hosts Major International Food Tradeshow; Agri-Food Sector to Showcase Ontario’s World Class Products ( ................................................................................................................. 37 SIAL Toronto – avril 2015 ( ........................................................................................... 38 Le saint et Malimousse, une recette gagnante! ( 38 INVITATION TO VISIT PHILIPPINE BOOTHS AT 2015 SIAL CANADA - TORONTO: 28-29-30 April ( .................................................................................................................. 39 Black Rock Grill CANADA, SIAL TORONTO ( ............................................................ 40 Olymel wins 2015 Canadian Export Business Award at the SIAL in Toronto ( 40 Minister Fast and Minister Ritz Congratulate Canadian Business Award Winner ( ....... 40 Almendras y palmitos de Bolivia llegan a Toronto ( .......................................................... 41 Networking Event of the Agri-Food Industry ( ......................................................... 42 Trade Mission - SIAL Canada 2015 and Saskatchewan China Trade Forum ( 42
Newsletter ( ....................................................................................................... 43 EXPOSITION CACHÈRE AU SIAL ( .............................................................................................. 43 Srbija na sajmu prehrane u Torontu ( .......................................................................... 44 SIAL Canada dévoile le Grand Prix SIAL Innovation 2015 ( ................................ 44 Dani srpske privrede u Kanadi ( ............................................................................................. 45 Silaturahmi Duta Besar Dr. T. Faizasyah dengan Masyarakat dan Diaspora Indonesia di Great Toronto Area (GTA) Toronto, 28 April 2015 ( ................................................. 46 Gıda Fuarı’na Türkiye’den katılımda rekor düşüş ( .................................................... 47 Olymel, entreprise exportatrice canadienne de l’année ( ......................................... 47
Mixed grill from Juneau and BBQ master Raichlen; La Tag Barbecue's 13-week series will begin airing May 27 on Zeste (Montreal Gazette) Wed May 6 2015 JULIAN ARMSTRONG Also online: Prize-winning Montreal chef Martin Juneau has joined forces with U.S. barbecue specialist Steven Raichlen to co-host a new French TV show about grilling. To be called La Tag Barbecue, the show’s 13week series will begin airing May 27 on Zeste, the French food channel. Its theme will be taken from the children’s game, Tag, You’re It and have a visiting Quebec chef as guest cook each week. Sponsored by the Provigo supermarket chain, the show will use easily available foods, plus occasional “surprise” ingredients, says Juneau, chef and co-owner of Pastaga in Little Italy. The chef, who won the national chefs’ contest Gold Medal Plates in 2011, had his restaurant named as one of the best new establishments in Canada in 2012, and starred in the TV show Et que ça sauté!, expects to focus on fresh, Quebec ingredients. He and Raichlen will emphasize the guest chef’s style but will also throw in grilling tips, including special techniques developed by Raichlen. The Miami-based author and TV cook made a name for himself years ago by cooking a whole chicken upended on a beer can. He has published 29 grilling books; a number have been translated into French. Fluent in French — he has a degree in French literature and studied medieval cuisine in Europe — Raichlen is a big fan of Quebecers, their friendliness, and their restaurants. To his pleasure, “I get recognized on the street,” he said in a recent interview. Taping is underway in a studio in Knowlton. Quebec product honoured A seafood dip made with Greek-style yogurt has won the annual innovative new product contest at a major international food industry conference, held April 28 to 30 in Toronto. The product is Malimousse. Competing with nine other finalists at the contest run by the Salon International de l’Alimentation (SIAL), the dip is available in major Montreal supermarkets. A plus-factor is that it is gluten-free. Made by Cuisine Malimousse, located at St-Augustin-de-Desmaures on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River west of Quebec City, the product comes in four flavours: shrimp and dill; salmon and maple; lobster and chipotle; and crab and artichokes. Visit for suggestions about using the product to flavour various foods. Judges, made up of Ontario food industry representatives, a chef, a dietitian, and culinary teachers, chose the product for its quality, simple and health-conscious list of ingredients, and convenient packaging. Other entries came from across Canada – three others from Quebec, and one – a green coffee product — from Indonesia. For the complete list, visit the SIAL website:
SIAL Toronto 2015; Direct Energy Centre, April 29 (Toronto Star) Sat May 2 2015
From left, James Libby, Jennifer Monteith, Peter McCallion and Joey Cee at SIAL 2015. SIAL, a global food exhibition, hosted its Canada show at the Direct Energy Centre in Toronto. From left, Sylvia Cloutier, Christian Jasmin and Nicole Lelievre. Rebecca Jett of IMEX Management won an autographed CFL football from Michael (Pinball) Clemons.
Un produit québécois s’illustre au SIAL (La Presse) Émilie Bilodeau Also online: TORONTO — Malimousse, une entreprise de Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, près de Québec, s’est distinguée parmi des produits du monde entier, la semaine dernière, au Salon international de l’alimentation (SIAL), à Toronto. Les trempettes à base de fruits de mer et de yogourt grec ont remporté le Grand Prix SIAL innovation. Les quatre saveurs – crevette et aneth, saumon et érable, homard et chipotle et crabe et artichaut – ont séduit le jury. Ce dernier a entre autres vanté la qualité du produit, son format pratique, ses propriétés nutritives et la richesse de ses saveurs. « On désirait obtenir une texture plus crémeuse que les produits qu’on avait par le passé, explique Hugo Magnan, directeur général de Malimousse. Pour se faire, on a préparé une émulsion à base d’huile et d’œufs à laquelle on a ajouté du yogourt grec. Ça apporte une texture légère, crémeuse et un aspect santé au produit. » M. Magnan suggère de déguster les trempettes, lancées il y a un an, avec des légumes, des craquelins ou des croustilles. « Ça peut être très intéressant pour faire des tartares. Par exemple, on peut utiliser la trempette au saumon fumé pour donner un kick à un tartare. On peut aussi ajouter un peu de trempette à des crab cakes », ajoute-t-il. Les quatre trempettes sont vendues dans les épiceries IGA, Metro, Loblaws et Provigo. Malimousse participait d’ailleurs au SIAL 2015 dans l’espoir d’exporter ses produits en Ontario et dans l’Ouest canadien. Avec le prix de l’innovation que l’entreprise a remporté, il s’agit assurément d’un pas dans cette direction.
Place aux charcuteries de la mer (Le Soleil) le 25 avril 2015 Laurie Richard Also online: (Québec) Tout comme la viande, les poissons et les fruits de mer se déclinent en une variété de produits transformés. On les fume, on les sert en mousses, on les transforme en saucisses. Le saumon s'impose en la matière, mais la charcuterie de la mer est beaucoup plus large et ne demande qu'à être explorée.
Les charcuteries de poissons et de fruits de mer, qui ont commencé à se multiplier sur le marché québécois dans les années 90, se présentent sous des formes aussi variées que son homonyme carné : des tartinades, des produits que l'on peut trancher, comme des pâtés, et des produits transformés que l'on doit cuire. L'industrie considère les produits de fumaison comme à part, mais force est d'admettre qu'on les consomme comme des charcuteries à table. Atkins et Frères, entreprise de Mont-Louis, en Gaspésie, se spécialise dans la fabrication de produits de fumaison fins. Guillaume Thibault, propriétaire depuis un an et demi, soutient que le saumon est encore «le roi incontesté», mais que l'intérêt pour les autres poissons et fruits de mer fumés se développe peu à peu. «La truite a toujours été dans l'ombre du saumon. Le maquereau sort tout tranquillement : il a du mal à faire sa place sur le marché.» Atkins et Frères propose le poisson injustement sous-estimé en filets fumés à chaud garnis soit d'épices cajuns, de fines herbes, de poivre concassé ou d'un mélange poivrecitron. L'intérêt gastronomique est au rendez-vous pour les crevettes, la morue, le thon blanc ou les huîtres fumées, mais ce sont des produits de niche assez chers, admet-il. Atkins et Frères propose aussi un «saumoscuitto», un saumon fumé à froid et affiné sur une plus longue période. Plus sec que le saumon fumé classique, mais offert en tranches comme sa source d'inspiration, il est relevé avec des épices aromatiques. M. Thibault suggère de le déguster dans son plus simple appareil, comme tous ses autres produits, d'ailleurs. Dans la «charcuterie pure», Atkins offre aussi des rillettes de poissons et crustacés fumés, des tartinades en pots où l'on distingue bien la chair. Paul Beaulieu, propriétaire des Fumoirs P. Beaulieu, de Stoneham-et-Tewkesbury, fume à la maison le saumon, mais aussi, en saison, la truite, le hareng, les crevettes, les moules et l'esturgeon. Ce dernier, pêché à Montmagny, devrait bientôt atterrir dans les fumoirs de M. Beaulieu. Fumé à chaud, il s'est envolé très rapidement l'an dernier. M. Beaulieu propose aussi une mousse maison de saumon fumé à froid et peut même fumer vos propres poissons. Trempettes primées Cuisine Malimousse de Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures a lancé l'an dernier une sélection de trempettes à base de poissons ou de fruits de mer et de yaourt grec : crabe et artichauts, homard et chipotle, crevette et aneth et saumon et érable. La semaine dernière, les trempettes Malimousse ont été nommées parmi les 10 plus belles innovations alimentaires de 2015 par le SIAL, le Salon international de l'alimentation consacré aux professionnels de l'agroalimentaire qui se tiendra à Toronto à la fin du mois. «On a réussi à sortir des sentiers battus» avec ces trempettes, note Hugo Magnan, pdg de Cuisine Malimousse. Les Québécois sont de plus en plus prêts à s'éloigner du saumon et de la crevette. La combinaison inusitée homardchipotle se vend très bien, dit-il. «On sent un engouement pour les produits un peu plus haut de gamme», remarque-t-il, mais il faut tout de même demeurer prudent. Malimousse lancera par ailleurs un autre produit de charcuterie marine l'automne prochain : des mousses présentées en tranche, sous emballage, comme des pâtés de foie à l'ancienne, illustre M. Magnan.
Du jerky de saumon Tout comme pour la viande, la fabrication de charcuteries sert souvent à revaloriser les retailles. Daniel Ouimet, propriétaire de la poissonnerie Saum-Mom à Mont-réal, travaille le saumon depuis 1992. À sa connaissance, il est le seul fabricant de jerky de saumon au Québec. «J'ai mis ça au point parce qu'il y avait beaucoup de trim quand on fait du saumon fumé.» Le saumon déjà fumé l'est une deuxième fois, il est en ensuite assaisonné et séché pendant au moins trois mois. Le produit emballé se conserve par la suite plusieurs mois à la température de la pièce. Et le jerky de saumon se marie très bien avec la bière, note M. Ouimet. Sa saucisse de saumon, poussée dans un boyau de collagène, attire l'attention pendant la saison du BBQ. M. Ouimet indique qu'une fois la saucisse préblanchie et passée sur le gril, elle remplace très bien le porc, avec de la mayo, dans un hot-dog!
Ça passe ou ça casse: Les trempettes Malimousse ( Catherine Lefebvre 12-05-2015 Récipiendaire du Grand prix SIAL Innovation 2015, l'entreprise Malimousse de Saint-Augustin-deDesmaures présente sa nouvelle gamme de trempettes de poisson ou fruits de mer à base de yogourt grec. Le SIAL Canada est le rendez-vous de l'industrie agroalimentaire canadienne et regroupe des entreprises d'ici et d'ailleurs. Le jury du Prix SIAL Innovation choisit 10 finalistes, dont un Grand Prix pour les entreprises s'étant entre autres démarquée par la qualité de leur produit, leur praticité ou la simplicité de leurs ingrédients. Ça passe Dans le cas de Malimousse, plusieurs critères ont charmé les membres du jury, notamment le goût. Avec des saveurs telles que crevettes et aneth, homard et chipotle, saumon et érable, ainsi que crabe et artichauts, voilà de quoi enjoliver des crudités, un sandwich ou un tartare. Un autre critère qui a plu au jury: les valeurs nutritives. En effet, elles ne contiennent pas trop de sodium, très peu ou pas de sucres du tout, et des gras majoritairement insaturés. Ça casse Sur le site de l'entreprise, ils vantent le produit comme étant «tout indiqué pour combler les petites fringales». Pourtant la portion d'une cuillère à soupe dans le tableau des valeurs nutritives procure à peine 1 g de protéines. Il n'y a pas de quoi nous rassasier jusqu'au prochain repas. Il faut donc penser à
ce produit comme un condiment plutôt qu'à une portion de yogourt de grec, même si on a souvent tendance à en manger plus qu'une seule cuillère à soupe. Notons un bel effort du côté de la pêche durable en ce qui a trait aux crevettes nordiques, au homard et au crabe utilisés dans leurs produits. Quant au saumon, ce n'est pas toujours aussi simple. « Pour le saumon, même avec un effort colossal, il est difficile de s'approvisionner seulement de produit sauvage. Nous utilisons plusieurs variétés selon les disponibilités du marché, Atlantique, arc-en-ciel, coho, provenant du Canada, de la Norvège, du Chili, de l'Irlande et de l'Écosse.» Précise, Hugo Magnan de Malimousse. La plupart du saumon d'élevage provenant du Canada, de la Norvège, du Chili et de l'Écosse est toutefois «à éviter» selon le programme Oceanwise. Puis, les trempettes Malimousse ont une vie de tablettes de 42 jours, afin de satisfaire les supermarchés et les consommateurs. Pour y parvenir, l'utilisation d'agent de conservation est inévitable puisqu'il s'agit de poissons et de fruits de mer, après tout. Le calcium disodique EDTA fait donc partie de la liste d'ingrédients. Bien que la quantité permise dans les aliments est strictement règlementée par Santé Canada, il vaut mieux d'être prudent et bouder les additifs alimentaires en général le plus souvent possible. Enfin, si on faisait le même genre de trempette à la maison, la liste d'ingrédients serait bien plus courte: yogourt grec, poisson ou fruit de mer au choix, herbes fraiches, jus et zeste de citron, sel et poivre, merci bonsoir. On la prépare à la minute selon la quantité requise, et comme ça, on évite le gaspillage et les ennuis d'hygiène et salubrité. Pour en savoir plus :
Ag Minister Opens Event Showcasing Ontario Agri-Food Sector ( April 29, 2015 Ray Baynton Also on: Government officials call it the largest agri-food trade show in Canada. Ontario Agriculture Minister Jeff Leal officially opened the 2015 SIAL Canada trade show yesterday in Toronto. The event showcases Ontario’s food and beverage manufacturers to businesses and visitors from around the world. About 14 thousand visitors from around the world are expected to visit the event, which wraps up Thursday at the Direct Energy Centre.
The host duties for this Canadian event alternate between Toronto and Montreal each year. OMAFRA says the value of Ontario’s food exports have increased more than 40 per cent from 2010 to 2014.
Ontario Hosts Major International Food Tradeshow (Apr 28, 2015) ( April 28, 2015 Ontario is hosting the largest agri-food trade show in Canada, showcasing the province's food and beverage manufacturers to businesses and visitors from around the world. Today, Jeff Leal, Ontario's Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, officially opened the 12th edition of the Salon International de l'Alimentation (SIAL) Canada trade show. An estimated 14,000 visitors from around the world will visit the SIAL, representing organizations and businesses including Future Group of India, Publix Supermarkets of United States and Chinese online grocer COFCO Womai. Over the past five years, Ontario's food exports have continued to grow. From 2010 to 2014, exports of the province's food and beverages increased more than 40% - from $8.9 billion in 2009 to $12.5 billion in 2014. To help encourage future growth, Minister Leal, along with Michael Chan, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade, recently led a trade mission to China focused on increasing export and investment opportunities for Ontario's agriculture and agri-food sector. Building new opportunities for the province's agri-food sector is part of the government's economic plan for Ontario. The four-part plan is building Ontario up by investing in people's talents and skills, building new public infrastructure like roads and transit, creating a dynamic, supportive environment where business thrives, and building a secure savings plan so everyone can afford to retire. Quick Facts This year SIAL Canada takes place from April 28 to 30 at the Direct Energy Centre. In 2011 SIAL Canada was hosted in Toronto for the first time. The tradeshow host alternates between Montreal and Toronto on an annual basis. Ontario’s food exports to non-U.S. markets increased over 13.1% since 2006. Top markets include Hong Kong, Japan, China, Mexico and Netherlands. In 2014, Canada exported nearly $56.8 billion of food products. Ontario is home to Canada’s largest food processing sector, accounting for 3,000 businesses that employ about 100,000 people across the province. The Premier's Agri-Food Growth Challenge calls on Ontario's agri-food sector to double its rate of growth and create 120,000 new jobs by 2020. In 2014, the agri-food sector grew by 17,000 jobs and increased exports by $648 million.
Les tendances alimentaires des Canadiens ( Le jeudi 30 avril 2015 Aujourd'hui prend fin le Salon international de l'alimentation de Toronto, le SIAL. L'événement attire près de 15 000 visiteurs provenant de 61 pays. C'est aussi l'occasion de découvrir les tendances alimentaires qui arriveront bientôt dans nos supermarchés. Nous profitons de l'occasion pour découvrir et comprendre comment les Canadiens choisissent les produits qu'ils consomment. Sophie-Andrée Blondin reçoit Robert Lévy, représentant pour XTC World Innovation, une entreprise qui surveille les tendances alimentaires dans le monde. Afin de connaître ce que veulent les consommateurs canadiens, cette année, XTC World Innovation a mené une étude auprès de 60 000 Canadiens. Les consommateurs se sont prononcés, entre autres, sur leurs besoins, leurs habitudes et leurs achats quotidiens de produits alimentaires. « Ça nous permet d'avoir les consommateurs comme juges pour les nouveaux produits. On utilise la même étude pour connaître les marques qui sont les plus dignes de confiance », précise Robert Lévy. Voici les facteurs qui influencent les consommateurs dans leurs choix : 1. l'argent 2. la performance du produit 3. le plaisir 4. la santé 5. la commodité 6. la confiance (un facteur variable) 7. l'innovation 8. la connectivité sur appareil mobile (en 2014, le Canada a rejoint les États-Unis sur ce point) 9. l'opinion des consommateurs sur les réseaux sociaux 10. le changement démographique entre les baby-boomers et les nouvelles générations, qui ne consomment pas de la même façon que leurs parents et leurs grands-parents 11. le multiculturalisme, surtout au sein des communautés chinoise et indienne, qui exercent une influence importante au Canada
Toronto accueille le Salon international de l'alimentation ( Le mardi 21 avril 2015 Un événement majeur du secteur de l'agroalimentaire se tient à Toronto du 28 au 30 avril : le Salon international de l'alimentation (SIAL). Depuis trois ans, le SIAL canadien se tient en alternance à Montréal et à Toronto. Quel est le but de cette alternance et quels sont les défis des prochaines années pour l'agroalimentaire? Pour répondre à ces questions, Sophie-Andrée Blondin reçoit Xavier Poncin, directeur du SIAL Canada.
Le SIAL Canada s'appelait originellement SIAL Montréal, mais en raison de la volonté de se renouveler et du besoin d'aller chercher des marchés plus à l'Ouest et aux États-Unis, est venue l'idée idée de créer un deuxième SIAL d'une autre couleur. Aujourd'hui, le SIAL Montréal met beaucoup plus en valeur gastronomie, épicerie fine et savoir-faire local. Toronto est plus commercial, ouvert sur le grand marché des États-Unis. Toronto étant une ville cosmopolite, le SIAL est à son image. Cette année, il y aura 46 pays représentés. Il s'agit là d'une belle occasion pour les importateurs canadiens et étrangers. De plus, on peut y voir les tendances, les produits cuisinés avec des ingrédients qui viennent de l'étranger ou encore les préparations inédites. L'influence asiatique est très forte en alimentation. Comme à Montréal, il existe un SIAL Innovation à Toronto. Parmi les 10 produits qui ont été sélectionnés, il y aura un grand gagnant. Ce concours est très important, car 75 % à 80 % des visiteurs du SIAL viennent voir les finalistes et disent que c'est l'activité qui les intéresse le plus.
Agri-Food Sector to Showcase Ontario’s World Class Products ( Wednesday April 29, 2015 Queen Park - Ontario is hosting the largest agri-food trade show in Canada, showcasing the province's food and beverage manufacturers to businesses and visitors from around the world. Jeff Leal, Ontario's Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, officially opened the 12th edition of the Salon International de l'Alimentation (SIAL) Canada trade show. An estimated 14,000 visitors from around the world will visit the SIAL, representing organizations and businesses including Future Group of India, Publix Supermarkets of United States and Chinese online grocer COFCO Womai. Over the past five years, Ontario's food exports have continued to grow. From 2010 to 2014, exports of the province's food and beverages increased more than 40% - from $8.9 billion in 2009 to $12.5 billion in 2014. To help encourage future growth, Minister Leal, along with Michael Chan, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade, recently led a trade mission to China focused on increasing export and investment opportunities for Ontario's agriculture and agri-food sector. Building new opportunities for the province's agri-food sector is part of the government's economic plan for Ontario. The four-part plan is building Ontario up by investing in people's talents and skills, building new public infrastructure like roads and transit, creating a dynamic, supportive environment where business thrives, and building a secure savings plan so everyone can afford to retire. • This year SIAL Canada takes place from April 28 to 30 at the Direct Energy Centre. • In 2011 SIAL Canada was hosted in Toronto for the first time. The tradeshow host alternates between Montreal and Toronto on an annual basis. • Ontario’s food exports to non-U.S. markets increased over 13.1% since 2006. Top markets include Hong Kong, Japan, China, Mexico and Netherlands.
• In 2014, Canada exported nearly $56.8 billion of food products. • Ontario is home to Canada’s largest food processing sector, accounting for 3,000 businesses that employ about 100,000 people across the province. • The Premier's Agri-Food Growth Challenge calls on Ontario's agri-food sector to double its rate of growth and create 120,000 new jobs by 2020. In 2014, the agri-food sector grew by 17,000 jobs and increased exports by $648 million.
B.C. coffee brand named innovative product at SIAL ( April 27, 2015 April 27, 2015, Toronto – Doi Chaang Coffee Co.'s Social Medium blended roast in both whole bean and aroma cup was named one of the 10 most innovative products for 2015 by food and beverage trade show SIAL Innovation. A panel of expert jurors for SIAL Canada has narrowed down the list from a total of 77 registered products from 12 countries to the 10 finalists competing for the 2015 SIAL Innovation Grand Prize Award. The 10 prize-winning products all touch on developments that are important to the North American food industry, Doi Chaang said in a news release. Each product aims to bring enjoyment and pleasure to consumers through quality ingredients and product design. When considering each product the jury took into account health, packaging, customer convenience, flavour and sustainability for selecting the SIAL Innovation Finalists, which were announced at a press conference in Toronto, on April 8. Doi Chaang's Social Medium Blended roast was awarded a spot among the finalists for its innovations in packaging, manufacturing process and marketing positioning. The Social Medium blend is 100 per cent Arabica coffee, Fair Trade and Certified Organic, and is available in 340-gram whole bean bags as well as in single-serve, Keurig compatible aroma cups, which are 90 per cent biodegradable and one of the only Fair Trade and Certified Organic coffees available for single-service use. The announcement of the 2015 SIAL Innovation Grand Prize Award will happen during the Agrifood Export Group cocktail on April 28 following the kickoff of the three-day trade show, which runs until April 30 at the Direct Energy Centre, in Toronto.
People (Ontario Restaurant News) May 2015 Hundreds gathered at the 15th annual SIAL Canada Show at the Direct Energy Centre from April 28 to 30 in Toronto. Exhibitors from across the food-service industry highlighted innovative products ready for market. Attendees had a first-hand view of many international flavours through a wide range of international selections with many country pavillions.
This year, more than 110 olive oils from 14 countries participated in the Olive d’Or Awards supporting the success of virgin olive oils. Malimousse Seafood Dip with Greek yogurt received the 2015 SIAL Innovation Grand Award. Next year’s show will be held in Montreal on April 13 to 15, 2016. PHOTO: Butchery demonstration at SIAL 2015. PHOTO: Elite Meat representatives at SIAL 2015.
Reminder: Register for SIAL Canada before April 27 ( April 2015 More than 800 national and international exhibitors from 45 countries will come together with over 14,000 buyers from Canada, the United States and 64 other countries at the SIAL Canada International Food and Beverage tradeshow on April 28, 2015. As the largest food tradeshow in Canada, SIAL Canada offers visitors an unequalled selection of international and domestic products and equipment. SCMA members involved in retail, food service or food processing and who are on the lookout for new innovative, specialty, ethnic or regional products from Canada, or from across the globe will want to attend this event. SCMA members receive a 50% discount off the admission price by using the promo code SCMA15. SIAL Canada 28 April, 2015 - 30 April, 2015 Direct Energy Centre, Exhibition Place 100 Princes' Blvd. Suite 1 Toronto, ON M6K 3C3 Admission to the event includes access to the SET Supply Chain section of the tradeshow. Register for this must-see event before Monday April 27. Use the Promo Code SCMA15 to get a 50% discount.
Olymel, entreprise exportatrice canadienne de l’année ( le mai 1, 2015 Celine Normandin Olymel s’est méritée le prix de l’Entreprise exportatrice canadienne 2015 attribué par le Groupe Export agroalimentaire Québec-Canada, dans le cadre du SIAL 2015 qui a lieu cette année à Toronto. Ce prix récompense l’excellence, la créativité et le dynamisme d’une entreprise qui s’est démarquée sur les marchés d’exportation en 2014.
Olymel l’a emporté sur deux autres finalistes, Chocmod Canada Inc. et L.B. Maple Treat Corporation. Olymel exporte près du tiers de ses ventes totales, notamment aux États-Unis, au Japon et en Australie, ainsi que dans plus de 60 autres pays. Son chiffre d’affaires annuel est de près de 2,8 milliards de dollars. Un produit québécois a également remporté les honneurs du Grand Prix SIAL Innovation 2015. La trempette aux fruits de mer de Malimousse l’a emporté parmi 10 produits nominés.
UNVEILING THE SIAL INNOVATION 2015 FINALISTS ( Apr 7, 2015 [Downloadable PDF press release]
SIAL Canada – SET Canada 2015 April 28, 2015 April 28 @ 8:00 am - April 30 @ 5:00 pm Make contact with 700 businesses from around the world and develop new business relationships. Learn about local, regional and national products from 45 different countries. Keep up with the latest industry developments. Browse new product lines organized by type. Check out the cutting-edge educational sessions. Participate in culinary workshops and demonstrations.
Photo of the Week: Mary Dalimonte at SIAL Canada ( Thursday, April 30, 2015 When Mary Dalimonte, Sobeys’ senior vice-president of merchandising and commercial programs, visited the Grocery Business SIAL trade show booth in Toronto, we took the opportunity to photograph her alongside our poster featuring Mary’s recent cover story.
Innovative products from SIAL Canada; New and innovative products in abundance on trade show floor ( May 05, 2015 Attendees of the SIAL Canada show last week in Toronto were privy to tastes from around the globe.
Hundreds of exhibitors showcased their innovative product lines. Canadian Grocer went in search of new and exciting products and innovations and this is what we found (see gallery below): SIAL Canada 2015 Woolwich Dairy's goat's milk ice cream contains few ingredients while still boasting a delicious, creamy flavour. Plus, the goat's milk is easier on shoppers with a sensitivity to lactose. The artist who helped design the packaging for Eganville, Ont.-based Algonquin Tea Company was an apprentice to the infamous Canadian artist Norval Morriseau. Mr. Donair is trying to bring the authentic maritime experience across Canada. The company sells original donair meat and a coveted donair sauce. A SIAL, Mr. Donair also showcased a meal kit, complete with all the fixings to make four donairs in the comfort of your own home. Quebec-based Filoche specializes in side dishes to go alongside mains of meat and fish. These frozen mashed potatoes can be made in the microwave and come in a variety of flavours including original, lemon, spicy, garlic and herbs, maple and cranberries. Peak Drive Beverages, a start up, launched a new line of natural soft drinks called Just Craft Soda. Flavours included lemon & lemongrass, peach & habanero, apple & ginger, pear & vanilla and cherry & cinnamon. Fontaine Sante launched three new flavours of hummus at the show including beet, sesame and ginger, and sweet pepper and caraway. Krinos showcased a cow and goat cheese feta. The cubed cheese comes in a "shake it" resealable package, which means shoppers can easily use it as a salad topper and toss it in the fridge to use again later. Fantino & Mondello dry salami featured gluten-free salami bites in a resealable bag. The Quebec-based company was a SIAL Innovation 2015 finalist. Acai Frooty, a frozen dessert from Brazil, will be making its grand entrance into Canada in three months. Crafted, brewed and bottled in Montreal, this Kombucha-based drink boasts energizing capabilities and the ability to aid in digestion. This product touts a revolutionary approach to French-style cake making. While with cake mixes you still need to add ingredients like eggs or water, ready-to-bake products simply need to be poured and baked. Happy Family supplies organic fruit and vegetable blends for babies. Its line of yogurt drops are freezedried so they can melt in a baby's mouth, alleviating any worries about choking. Zoglo's is dedicated to producing meatless alternatives with protein and vegetables.
Princeton, NJ-based Daregal is famous for its frozen chopped herbs. The packaging makes it so you just peel the lid and sprinkle the desired amount on your dishes. Malimousse seafood dip was winner of the SIAL Innovation Grand Prize. This apple syrup comes in a 250-millilitre bottle, can be used in a wide spectrum of recipes, ranging from salad dressings and granola bars to sangria and poultry.
Trendspotting: keeping it simple at SIAL ( April 30, 2015 Forget complicated ingredient lists; many products are sticking to basics There’s something to be said for keeping things simple—particularly when it comes to food and beverages. Several products spotted on the second day of the SIAL Canada trade exposition contain few—and in some cases, just one—ingredient. In a time when food companies and nutritionists alike create messaging about the importance of using (and eating) only ingredients people can pronounce, these products stick to the basics. Van Dyk’s 100% Pure Wild Blueberry Juice contains only that: wild blueberries. More specifically, they are Canada Grade A wild lowbush blueberries grown in Nova Scotia. The juice comes from whole blueberries grown in fields owned by the Van Dyk family; it is not from juice concentrate. No sugar, water or preservatives are added to this flavourful juice. It has a one-year shelf life. Randy MacDonald, business manager at Van Dyk’s Health Juice Products, said the antioxidant-packed juice has multiple applications, and can be used in everything from smoothies to reductions for pork or veal. It can also be added to sparkling water, said MacDonald. The target demographics for the juice are female buyers for the household that want to make healthy choices for their family, as well as the boomer generation that is interested in continuing a healthy lifestyle later in life. The 500-millilitre bottles are sold nationally in the health food section of Loblaws and Sobeys; in Ontario, the product is distributed by UNFI and also available in grocers including Longo’s, Whole Foods and Goodness Me. It also has distributors in Edmonton and Nova Scotia. Another tasty product at SIAL stood out because of its use of a single ingredient: an apple syrup made from 100% apple juice. Unlike other apple syrups, this product has no sugar added. “It’s completely natural,” said Vergers Cataphard’s Mélissa Cataphard, who is part of the fourth generation of the family that runs the Quebec apple producer. The apple syrup (pictured), which comes in a 250-millilitre bottle, can be used in a wide spectrum of recipes, ranging from salad dressings and granola bars to sangria and poultry. Cataphard told Canadian Grocer that the syrup can also be used as a sweetener in place of sugar in coffee, and is a good
alternative for diabetics looking for something sweet. She said its glycemic index is five times lower than that of white sugar. This week’s appearance at SIAL marks the first time the product has been exhibited outside of Quebec. The apple syrup launched in Quebec roughly three years ago and is currently sold in Metro and IGA stores in that province. It’s stocked in the produce section close to the bags of apples, said Cataphard. The company handles its own distribution in Quebec and is currently looking for distribution in Ontario and the rest of Canada. Keeping with the limited ingredients trend seen the show, Fruit of the Land debuted its new line of jams. The private label collection contains 75% fruit preserve, and comes in flavours including apple, fig and apricot. The fresh (never dried), sun-ripened fruits used in the jams come from a farm in the Carmel region of Israel. VP of marketing, Stacey Kurtz, said the jam line is designed for families. “You feel good giving it to your kids,” she said. “It’s fresh fruit in a jar.” Beyond the standard way the jams can be paired with bagels or scones, it can also be spooned into Greek or low-fat yogurt, said Kurtz. The apricot flavour makes a nice glaze for chicken, she added, and the fig jam complements a cheese platter. “We see jam as well beyond the breakfast table,” said Kurtz. The jams are currently available at Fruit of the Land’s year round store in Promenade Mall in Thornhill, Ont.; the company is looking for a distributor for outside of the Greater Toronto Area. Other companies found a simple packaging tweak or the addition of one ingredient could lead to a new and innovative product. Black River Cheese, based in Milford, Ont., recently changed the text on its iconic logo to read “Prince Edward County” rather than “naturally aged” to emphasize the localness of the product. Ross Chamberlain, account manager with Black River, said specialty cheeses have become a big hit for the artisan cheesemaker. Its maple cheddar, infused with maple syrup from a local producer, is the company’s best selling product. It inspired other flavours like honey cheddar and wine cured cheddar, with the honey and wine also sourced from local wineries and honey farms. Woolwich Dairy also created several products stemming from its original Chevrai goat cheese. While Woolwich’s original flavoured chevre is still popular, marketing manager Jenna Pringle said the company has been able to incorporate popular flavour trends into the mix, creating goat cheese varieties such as thai fusion, taziki, lemon & lime, and even sriracha. This was the third SIAL show in Toronto since organizer SIAL Canada announced in 2010 that it would begin alternating the show each year between Toronto and Montreal. Before then the show was only held in Montreal. Attendance was up 20 per cent during the first two days compared to the last show in Toronto in 2013, Xavier Poncin, SIAL Canada’s executive director, told Canadian Grocer Thursday. He added that the number of exhibitors was 835 from 45 countries, an 11 per cent increase from the last Toronto show.
Several exhibitors interviewed by Canadian Grocer said they had been able to see representatives from major Canadian grocers. Poncin said that SIAL had also made an effort through its U.S. Buyers program to attract American grocers to this show. He noted that buyers from New York-based Wegmans and several American independents were at the show. SIAL wrapped up Thursday afternoon. The next show will be held April 13 to 15 in Montreal.
SIAL Innovation 2015 finalists; A look at the 10 product finalists vying for the innovation grand prize ( April 09, 2015 Finalists for the SIAL Innovation 2015 Grand Prize were announced Wednesday. The jury, composed of a variety of industry experts, believe this list touches on developments important to the North American food industry. The jury considered health, packaging and consumer convenience when selecting the finalists. The Grand Prize will be awarded at the SIAL Canada Show, which runs from April 28 to April 30. Attendees can find these products on the tradeshow floor. View the SIAL Innovation finalists: Social Medium (Doi Chaang Coffee Co.) This organic and Fair Trade coffee is packaged in 12 individually wrapped pods. The pods are 90% biodegradable. (Origin: Thailand and British Columbia) Sumatra Robusta Green Coffee (Exotico) This instant green coffee is low in calories, and can be drunk hot or cold. (Origin: Indonesia) Dry Salami (Fantino & Mondello) This produce features gluten-free salami bites in a resealable bag. (Origin: Quebec) Haskap Juice Drink (Haskapa) Each bottle is made from 187 haskap berries, lightly sweetened. (Origin: Nova Scotia) Infused Maple Syrup (Pure) This spice-infused maple syrup is available in a sophisticated bottle with a wooden cap. (Origin: Nova Scotia) Seafood Dip (Malimousse) This specialty dip is made with Greek yogurt and fish or seafood. (Origin: Quebec)
Teriyaki Stir Fry (Fresh Attitude Fraiche) An Asian-inspired vegetable and noodle mix, this product is microwaveable and comes in a resealable bowl. (Origin: Quebec) Konjac Angel Hair (Nupasta) Gluten-free and ready in one minute, this product is made with konjac root and non-GMO soy. (Origin: China and Ontario) Nutritious and Delicious Bar (Omax) This nutrition bar can be eaten frozen or at room temperature. (Origin: Quebec) All-Natural Craft Caesar Mix (Walter) Walter is a natural, handcrafted Bloody Caesar cocktail mix. (Origin: British Columbia)
At SIAL, beverages with benefits and international fare; Countries from around the globe present at first day of exposition ( April 28, 2015 Rob Gerlsbeck Beverages with benefits and foods from far-flung countries were presented to grocers on day one of SIAL Canada. The three-day trade exposition kicked off Tuesday at Toronto’s Direct Energy Centre. Among the new products on display was Protein2o, a bottled water that boasts 15 grams of protein. New in Canada (it hit the market in January through Unique Foods) the 500 ml water in flavours such as Natural Wild Cherry Splash, is aimed at consumers looking for a post-workout quench. It contains fewer calories than protein shakes, said Bob Kral, president of Protein2o, based in Melrose Park, Ill., and is especially popular with women 22 to 45. “One of its benefits is that protein without calories builds lean muscle mass,” Kral said. Protein2o launched in America a year ago and is now in supermarkets such as Kroger, Roundy’s and Safeway. One more beverage brand pumping up its healthy bonafides was Rise Kombucha. The Montreal-based company makes a line of bottled kombucha (fermented teas) in funky flavours such as blueberry-maple and rose-schizandra. Kombucha contains antioxidants and proponents also say it’s good for the digestive system. Simon Bertrand, Rise’s president, said that with more companies launching kombucha products, consumer awareness is starting to grow about the teas.
At SIAL, Rise was showcasing new graphics on its 12- and 14-ounce bottles, which feature the company name more prominently in white bold letters. The new design was launched in December, Bertrand said. Another new product at SIAL was a dense and nutritious bar under the Omax brand from Saint-Jean-surRichelieu, Que.-based Nutrifrance. Six bars come in 240-gram pouches in two flavours: chocolate-hazelnut and cranberry-lemon. The chewy, slightly sweet bars can be frozen or stored at room temperature and come with an array of benefits: high in vitamin D, high in fibre and low in cholesterol and sodium. Julie Venne, Nutrifrance’s sales co-ordinator, told Canadian Grocer the bars make an excellent snack and, because they’re a good source of energy, can be eaten for breakfast too. “You could have a bar with a yogurt,” she said, adding that ideally grocers will stock Omax bars in the bakery department. The SIAL Canada show is held annually, alternating between Toronto and Montreal each year. It’s one of several grocery shows put on around the globe each year by SIAL, which is based in France. The largest is the show in Paris held every two years in the fall. Perhaps because of its global connections, SIAL Canada attracts a number of international exhibitors. Stands from Mexico, Jordan, Ecuador and Bolivia were prominent at the show. The Colombian stand featured seven companies from that country. Among these was Super, a confectionery maker whose candies and gummies are popular with kids. Super’s line at the show included colourful Nerds-like candies called Oka Loka Nanos and gummies covered in a hard chocolate shell called Chocolores Gomas. Gerhald Claussen, international sales manager with Super, said that his company’s candies have gained popularity outside Colombia. For instance, its Trululu soft candies that come in playful shapes like crocodiles are a hit in Costa Rica, and Super’s Chao brand mints “are selling well in Israel.” Since Colombia and Canada inked a free trade agreement in 2011, more than 160 Colombian agri-food companies have exported to Canada for the first time. Alvaro Concha, trade commissioner with Procolombia, the country’s trade commission office in Toronto, said the aim of the Colombian stand at SIAL was to present a more diversified portfolio of goods to Canadian buyers and show that Colombia has more products than coffee and fruit. International foods weren’t only exhibited by non-Canadian firms, though. One of the more interesting items at the show Tuesday was Nupasta, a pasta made by milling the roots of the konjac plant, which grows in China and Japan. Konjac’s main advantage over regular wheat pasta is that it’s gluten free. Each 210-gram pack of Nupasta also contains six grams of fibre and only 25 calories, one-tenth the calories of regular pasta.
The product was launched only a few months ago and has already gotten accolades, with a SIAL Innovation award at this show. It also made the finalists list for this year’s Canadian Grand Prix New Product Awards. Nupasta is currently listed in some 200 independent stores but is looking at listing with major grocers as well. Nupasta’s Stephen Cheung said products made from the konjac plant may be new in Canada but they’re old hat in Japan. “If you look at the space given to pasta in Canadian grocery stores, the space given to konjac in Japanese stores is bigger,” he said. The SIAL show continues Wednesday and Thursday.
6 reasons to attend SIAL Canada; Show promises the latest in international trends and innovations ( March 02, 2015 Danny Kucharsky The Salon International de l’alimentation (SIAL) Canada, Canada’s largest international food and beverage tradeshow, is coming to Toronto’s Direct Energy Centre from April 28 to 30. Here are six reasons to attend this year’s show: 1. International appeal. SIAL Canada highlights international brand, by hosting exhibitors from more than 50 countries. This year, visitors from more than 60 countries are expected to meet and do business with nearly 800 exhibitors. Indonesia, which has emerged as Southeast Asia’s most important agricultural country, is this year’s Country of Honour. The country, which has seen its food market grow by 57% in the last four years, will be represented by up to 25 companies. 3. Innovation galore. SIAL Partners with XTC World Innovation, which deciphers consumer trends and innovations in the food industry on a global scale and presents their findings at the show. Attendees can also check out the SIAL Innovation awards, where 10 finalists are recognized and one Grand Prize is given to companies showcasing innovative new products. A new “people’s choice” award will also be granted this year. Submissions from finalists will be available for tasting at show. Among the conference presenters, NSF International and the Guelph Food Safety Centre will be looking at innovation in food packaging. The Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada will look at innovative food processing technologies we can expect to see in the future. 4. Keeping it local. While SIAL looks at food on an international scale, it’s in tune with local markets. This year’s show features 400 Canadian exhibitors and representation from every province. Events on the tradeshow floor such as Cheese by SIAL and La Cuisine by SIAL also focus on local food offerings. A panel discussion featuring Mike Fata, CEO co-founder of Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods and Mathew Holmes,
executive director of the Canada Organic Trade Association will also look at the best practices in the organic sector, as set out by local companies. 5. Buyer program. New this year, the U.S. Hosted Buyer Program offers exhibitors a unique business meeting tool for B2B meetings involving American buyers and importers. Select U.S. buyers participate in pre-arranged one-on-one meetings with select exhibitors from around the world, with the goal of helping exhibitors and buyers meet. 6. Presentations and programs. The conference program includes presentations featuring issues that are currently impacting the industry, such as supply chain safety, e-commerce, and catering to the ethnic consumer.
Chef Massimo Capra and Keg Executive Team to judge Grill Masters Cooking Challenge ( April 30, 2015 TORONTO — The Keg Restaurants is preparing to host its first-ever Grill Masters cooking competition challenge. The company-wide initiative encourages and fosters culinary creativity and gives Keg staff an opportunity to create their ultimate entrée. The Grand Finale will take place in Toronto next Monday, May 4, and will give 12 regional winners the opportunity to present their winning entrée to a panel of notable restaurant and culinary experts including Celebrity Chef Massimo Capra, Judge, Chopped: Hazel Mae, Sports Anchor, Rogers Sportsnet; Steve McGoey, Corporate Chef, Keg Steakhouse & Bar; Dean Sockett, vice -president, People & Culture, Keg Steakhouse & Bar and Doug Smith, executive vice-president and COO, Keg Steakhouse & Bar. The competition will take place between 12:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Ryerson University’s Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management.
TFO Canada Trade Missions at SIAL Canada International Food & Beverage Show – Toronto ( Start Date: April 28, 2015, 08:00 End Date: April 30, 2015, 18:00 Event Contact: For More Information: Welcome to the foods of the world! TFO Canada to Host Over 70 Exporters from 8 Countries at SIAL Canada April 28-30, 2015 in Toronto
SIAL Canada 2015 is the country's most important agri-food industry event. SIAL Canada is the only event of its size in the country, bringing together more than 800 national and international exhibitors from 45 countries, at the same time welcoming more than 14,000 buyers from Canada, the United States and 64 other countries. This year TFO Canada is working with nine Trade Support Institutions from eight countries to bring more than 70 exporters in the processed food sector. Click here to download the list of companies. For more information on the companies or the products, please contact: Bolivia and Ecuador: Lidia Karamaoun, Senior Project Manager
[email protected] Ph: (613) 233-3925 x 27 El Salvador and Saint Lucia: Marysabel Gonzalez, Project Manager
[email protected] Ph: (613) 233-2925 x 30 Indonesia and Jordan: Zaki Munshi, Project Manager
[email protected] Ph: (613) 233-3925 x 21 Cell: (613) 400-9700 Tunisia and Morocco: Amandine Gakima, Project Manager
[email protected] Ph: (613) 233-3925 x 22 Bienvenue aux aliments du monde! TFO Canada reçoit plus de 70 exportateurs de 8 pays au SIAL Canada du 28 au 30 avril 2015 à Toronto Le SIAL Canada 2015 est le plus important événement de l'industrie agro-alimentaire au pays; réunissant plus de 800 exposants nationaux et internationaux provenant de 45 pays et accueillant plus de 14 000 acheteurs en provenance du Canada, des États-Unis et de 64 autres pays. Cette année TFO Canada, en collaboration avec neuf organisations d'appui au commerce venant de huit pays différents, reçoit plus de 70 exportateurs du secteur des aliments transformés. Cliquez ici pour télécharger la liste des exposants. Pour plus d'informations sur les exposants ou les produits, S.V.P. contacter :
Bolivie et Équateur : Lidia Karamaoun Gestionnaire principale de projet
[email protected] Tél. : 613 233-3925 poste 27 Salvador et Sainte-Lucie : Marysabel Gonzalez Gestionnaire de projet
[email protected] Tél. : 613 233-3925 poste 30 Indonésie et Jordanie : Zaki Munshi Gestionnaire de projet
[email protected] Tél. : 613 233-3925 poste 21 Mobile : 613 400-9700 Tunisie et Maroc : Amandine Gakima Gestionnaire de projet
[email protected] Tél. : 613 233-3925 poste 22
GOODS | Local Coffee Company “Doi Chaang” Making A Big Difference In Small Thai Village ( April 21, 2015 Vancouver, BC | 2015 is shaping up to be a big year for Doi Chaang Coffee Co. they have been awarded a place as one of ten finalists for the Salon International de l’Alimentation (SIAL) Innovation 2015 Award, made it to the top five in the category of Best International Trade in the Small BC Business Awards, and have received a $7000 charitable donation for their Doi Chaang Coffee Foundation which will be put towards sending a shipping container filled with school and recreational supplies to the villagers of Doi Chang Village where their coffee is grown. In February, President & CEO John A. Darch attended the Small BC Business Awards to pitch judges on why Doi Chaang Coffee Co. deserved the title of Best International Trade in BC. When Darch speaks passionately about the company, which was co-founded by his father, and the difference it has made in the village of Doi Chang, it is clear why they decided to build a business that gives 50% of its profits back to the coffee farmers in Northern Thailand. “I go back at least 5 times a year,” said Darch, “we have real relationships with the farmers. We listen to their challenges and work with them to solve their problems”. In 2013, Doi Chaang Coffee Co. sent a
shipping container full of medical supplies to the village, and will be shipping another container in the coming months, which has supplies for a recreation centre, school supplies, and a design that allows the container to converted into an office space equipped with solar panels, windows and a door when it arrives at the villages. To help fund the shipping of the container, Robert Denning, an advocate for Doi Chaang, with rotary, has helped to raise $7000 to present to the Doi Chaang Coffee Foundation. On April 9th, the Thai Consulate General joined Doi Chaang Coffee Co. to receive the cheque at a presentation ceremony which took place at the Royal Thai Consulate. Ultimately, the Doi Chaang Coffee Foundation aims to raise $2 million to build a school for the children in Doi Chang village as well as children in surrounding villages. SIAL announced on April 8 that Doi Chaang’s Social Medium Blended roast had made it as one of ten finalists for the Innovation 2015 Award which is available in 340g whole bean bags as well as single serve aroma cups, which are Fair Trade, Certified Organic and 90% biodegradable. The packaging, manufacturing process and marketing positioning are all things that SIAL takes into consideration when choosing the winning products. The Grand Prize winner will be announced at the SIAL Canada show in Toronto on April 28. Darch is confident this growth will continue as consumer demand for high quality, Certified Fair Trade and Organic coffee grows. Doi Chaang Coffee can now be found at a number of retailers across Canada including Safeway, Choices, Donald’s Market, Longo’s, FreshCo, Sobey’s East & West and more.
Olymel wins 2015 Canadian Export Business Award at the SIAL in Toronto ( April 29, 2015 St-Hyacinthe, Wednesday, April 29, 2015 — Olymel has garnered the 2015 Canadian Export Business Award, presented by the Agri-Food Export Group Quebec-Canada during the Networking Event of the Agri-Food Business as part of SIAL 2015 in Toronto, on Tuesday, April 28. Olymel won out over two other finalists. The award recognizes the excellence, creativeness and dynamism of a company that has distinguished itself on the export markets in 2014. Olymel also received congratulations from two federal ministers: International Trade, the Honourable Ed Fast, and Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Gerry Ritz. In a news release, they singled out Olymel's ability to convert business opportunities into success on export markets, thereby creating jobs and wealth for Canadians. Sylvain Blais, Sales Director, Processed Meats, Private Labels, Industrial, USA received the award on behalf of Olymel. This recognition by the industry demonstrates Olymel's excellent performance on export markets, a major part of its business. Olymel exports nearly a third of its total sales, mainly to the United States, Japan and Australia, as well as over 60 other countries. Its annual sales are on the order of 2.8 billion dollars. - 30 Source: Olymel l.p.
Information: Richard Vigneault Corporate Communications (514) 497-1385 or (450) 771-0400
SIAL Canada Toronto 2015 ( April 29, 2015 [Photos]
SIAL 2015: Quebec shines! ( 18 Apr 2015 Do you know SIAL, the trade show dedicated to agriculture, food and innovation? The word SIAL comes from the French for Salon International de l’Agroalimentaire (International Agri-food Salon), with the Paris show recognized as the flagship among all international events. For the record, the next French SIAL will be held in Paris from October 16 to 20, 2016. In Canada, our own version of SIAL alternates between Montreal and Toronto. From April 28-30, the Queen City will be welcoming local food producers and manufacturers to feature the trends and innovations that may, or may not, win over Canadian foodies. During the 2015 Edition, a jury will award an Innovation Grand Prix to one of 10 finalists whose products embody novelty, be it for their inspired packaging, new ingredients or out-of-the-box thinking. Four of the ten products nominated this year hail from Québec, so let’s give our local food industry a big high five. Try these new offerings for yourself and come back to tell me if they represent the gold standard for you? Fantino & Mondello – Salaminis I actually recommended these Salaminis in the Summer issue of Véro Magazine. These bite-size salamis are quite tasty and apero-ready. With four varieties to choose from — Original, Asiago, Masala and Calabrese — you can surely find one to please or, better yet, combine a few for a generous party platter (I’m partial to the Asiago and Calabrese myself). Kudos to F&M also for the 125-g resealable bags, easy to use and very convenient. Their PR peeps sent trial samples of these, I’ve continued to buy them since, which says it all. A must for lazy summer nights, relaxing on the deck with a glass of wine, why not. Info: $5.69 for 125 g; sold in groceries Fresh Attitude Fraiche – Teriyaki, Stir Fry I’m a mom always pressed for time so I buy Fresh Attitude Ready-to-eat vegetables when the day gets away from me (too often to count). So I asked for trial samples of these new Stir Fries a few months back. I was quite taken with the innovative packaging that has you peel off the lid, combine the multiple ingredient sections into the main “bowl,” then cover and microwave. The vegetables held up and were quite tender-crisp without cooking oil, a definitive plus.
Tastewise though, it was a bit of a let down and I missed the kick of freshly grated ginger, garlic and onion that characterize much of Asian cuisine. But we dine in Montreal’s Chinatown on a regular basis and I habitually stray towards the hardcore section of the menu, so I’m not the intended target here. For a healthy lunch at the office, I could see it though. Of the four varieties available, not surprisingly, I preferred the spicy General Tao… Info: $5.99 for 325 g; sold in groceries Malimousse – Seafood Dip Mea culpa, I didn’t know these dips because, basically, I make my own, but I’ll try to remedy the situation. Marketed as “seafood” dips made with Greek yoghurt, they are offered in four different varieties (I’m sensing a pattern here…): Shrimp and Dill, Lobster and Chipotle, Crab and Artichoke, and Salmon and Maple. If you try them, write and tell me what you thought? Info: $3.49 to $3.99 for 140 g; sold in groceries Omax – Nutritious and Delicious Bars While I’ve seen, just ignored, the Malimousse dips in store, the new Omax Nutritious Bars are not available in supermarkets right now. So I’m ill placed to comment on their taste, convenience or price. Their maker, the Nutrifrance company, specializes in healthy, mostly probiotic bakery goods. The story goes these bars were originally sold exclusively at IGA but the fact they needed to be baked on the premises (think Cousin breads) seemed too big a hurdle. The company has decided to make and package them in-house, so look for them soon in other grocery chains. Offered in two flavours: Cranberry-Lemon and Chocolate-Hazelnut. Info: Price and availability to be confirmed.
SIAL Canada: The North American Food Marketplace ( Apr. 9th, 2015 “SIAL Canada 2015 will be the country’s most important agri-food industry event. SIAL Canada is the only event of its size in the country, bringing together more than 800 national and international exhibitors from 45 countries, all while welcoming more than 14,000 buyers from Canada, the U.S. and 64 other countries… In addition, SIAL Canada is the only domestic show offering up a complete range of food products, all under the same roof, and in so doing, meeting the needs of your clients — whether they’re inretail, food service or food processing — that are on the lookout for new innovative, specialty, ethnic or regional products… from right here, or from across the globe.” For more info visit the event website.
SIAL Canada, April 28-30, 2015 Direct Energy Centre, Toronto, Ontario ( April 6, 2015 SIAL Canada 2015 will be the country’s most important agri-food industry event. SIAL Canada is the only event of its size in the country, bringing together more than 800 national and international exhibitors from 45 countries, all while welcoming more than 14,000 buyers from Canada, the United States and 64 other countries. In addition, SIAL Canada is the only domestic show offering up a complete range of food products, all under the same roof, and in so doing, meeting the needs of your clients – whether they’re in retail, foodservice or food processing – that are on the lookout for new innovative, specialty, ethnic or regional products… from right here, or from across the globe. Expected in 2015: •14,000 professional visitors •800 exhibitors from 45 countries, including Canada •240,000 sq/ft of exhibiting space (+ 10% compared to 2013 in Toronto) Online registration fees valid until Monday April 27th, 2015: $51* CAD (taxe included) On-site or online registration, as of Tuesday April 28th, 2015: $71* CAD (taxe included) Time and Place: April 28-30, 2015 Direct Energy Centre, Toronto, Ontario For further information please visit: SIAL Canada 2015
Come see us at SIAL Toronto. ( April 28, 2015 Booth #1744. April 28, 29 & 30 at the Direct Energy Center.
SIAL Canada 2015 ( April 16, 2015 From Tuesday, April 28, 2015 - 10:00am To Thursday, April 30, 2015 - 05:00pm Captivating Flavours, Variety & Quality of Peruvian products Visit the Peruvian Pavilion and enjoy daily Peruvian food and drink sampling
See the list of Peruvian exporters that will exhibit at SIAL and request B2B meetings with the exhibitors you are interested in Location : Direct Energy Centre - Toronto, Ontario - Access: 101 Princes' Blvd, Toronto Contact : (416) 963-5561
[email protected]
Québec’s VIPs at SIAL CANADA 2015 ( Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Each year, the Québec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ) extends a limited number of VIP invitations to professional food & beverage buyers from around the globe to be their guest at SIAL Canada. This year more than 20 buyers will participate in the program, 6 from the United States. This year, SIAL Canada 2015 is being held in Toronto (April 28-30) and will return to Montréal in 2016. In addition to a sourcing agenda specifically designed to their individual needs, U.S. Buyers will be able to visit the more than 800 exhibitors from 45 countries. Created in 1964 in Paris, the SIAL show has now expanded to 7 different events around the globe to include SIAL CANADA, a showcase of North American premium food, beverage and equipment products targeted at both the retail and foodservice industries. More than 15,000 international food professionals are projected to attend SIAL in 2015. For more information about SIAL CANADA and the Québec Ministry of Agriculture’s VIP Program, contact your regional Québec Business Development Officer .
Chocolate Cheese, Kefir Drinks and Other SIAL 2015 Highlights ( May 5, 2015 Cynthia Cheng Mintz I had the wonderful opportunity to attend SIAL 2015 this year. I went for the first time in 2013, the last time they were in Toronto, an event which switches back and forth between our city and Montreal. Each year, a country is featured (this year was Indonesia), while other countries also present their items to media and prospective vendors. Of course, most offered tastings. Kefir and Lassi from M-C Dairy (they don’t have a website, so it’s next-to-impossible to get additional info) Chocolate Cheese Nut milks Highlights of the event included the delicious cheese section, which I thought was better than last time. One of the best had to be the fudge cheese from PineRiver Cheese (above, second image), made by mixing Havarti and dark cocoa among other ingredients. It is absolutely DELICIOUS! I also had the
chance to taste various types of kefir from M-C Dairy (they also have a mango lassi, as you can see from the first image) and some nut milks (pistachio and walnut) from a yet-to-be-launched US brand. Sweet infused maple syrup (and not just for sweet breakfast treats!) Savoury infused maple syrup (good for salad dressings and marinades) Quinoa meals Other favourites included infused maple syrups (there were two savoury versions (the rep said that they’re great for salad dressings and even as marinades for meats) and four sweet) as well as the many pastries offered by all the countries represented at the event (I loved Brazil’s pao de queijo, which literally means cheese bread. They’re mini buns made with cheese and dough, seen below) and a prepackaged quinoa meal with vegan toppings (think yogurt and granola) from a US brand called Cucina Amore. Unfortunately, this is not available in Canada just yet. Of course, there were tons of olive oil and balsamic tastings, including the winners of this year’s Olive d’Or award. Pao de queijo The spread in the media/VIP space The event was very well-run and I have to say that media were treated very well. In fact, this event is probably the only one where media and other VIPs had a comfortable lounge and were well-fed with “real” food. I think the only thing missing was a coffee station. Maybe in 2017. :)
SIAL Canada 2015 ( April 30, 2015 SIAL Canada 2015, the International Food & Beverage Tradeshow, cater to North American foodindustry professionals. UNFI Canada will be in booth # 1915. We hope to see you there! Tradeshow: April 28 - 30, 2015 Date : Apr, 28, 2015 - Apr, 30, 2015 Location Direct Energy Centre Toronto, Ontario Registration
SIAL Canada 2015 is “ON” from April 28-30th, in Toronto ( April 29, 2015 As Marketing professionals, we do not only visit retail stores and clients, we also visit well-known trade shows in Canada and the US to have broader perspectives on the B2B trends and innovation. Two of our teammates, Food & Drink advisors, are attending and will share their findings on this 2015 edition on Friday morning. Stay tuned and follow-us to have updated in the Food & Beverage sector.
Étiez-vous au SIAL de Toronto la semaine dernière? Nous, OUI. Voici notre compte-rendu. ( Le SIAL Canada ouvrait ses portes le 28 avril à Toronto avec pour volonté de faire rencontrer les professionnels de l’agro-alimentaire nord-américains et internationaux. Sial Innovation Que serait l’institution du Sial sans son prix de l’innovation? À Trampoline Marketing, on le suit toujours avec attention car cette compétition dénote toujours un esprit de risque et une volonté d’améliorer la vie gustative des consommateurs. Nous tenons à féliciter les 10 finalistes. Cette année le premier prix est revenu à Malimousse et ses trempettes au produit de la mer, à retrouver dans les Loblaws, IGA et Metro. Ce que l’on a retenu Comme vous avez pu lire dans les articles précédents, à Trampoline Marketing on aime distribuer des prix en fonction de ce que l’on a apprécié. Cet article ne dérogera pas à la règle. Dans la catégorie du plus beau kiosque, on a été fasciné par St-Donat et son mur de tartes (voir image). Photo-2-St-Donat-ConvertImageDe plus l’accueil était chaleureux, et la présidente Marie Ève St-Amour vraiment disponible. À noter aussi que les pâtisseries St-Donat développent maintenant des produits sur demande des bannières. Une belle forme de flexibilité pour répondre aux attentes des distributeurs et de leurs clients. On n’a pas que regarder, on a aussi goûté au Sial. Dans la catégorie des produits carnés on a beaucoup aimé le bacon goûteux, croustillant et chaud chez F. Ménard qui était servi sur des bâtonnets de bois de , en plus de leur service spontané et sincère. On a aussi énormément apprécié les rillettes de la charcuterie de l’Ermitage Photo-3-Rillettes-ErmitageConvertImagequi nous venaient tout droit de France. Il faut un vrai savoir-faire artisanal pour réaliser un beau produit comme ça. Catégorie prêt-à-manger frais
La salade Tao d’Attitudes fraiches, qui avec son chou façon Kimchi transforme une salade à manger sur le pouce en un repas délicieux. La recette est très réussie. Catégorie produits laitiers Woolwhich Dairy a travaillé de nouveaux fromages dont une pâte semi-ferme ‘Crooked Wheel’ et deux nouvelles saveurs de fromages à tartiner dont une aux grains de poivre. Et pour accompagner les fromages? Photo-5-Lucullus-ConvertImageLes confits Lucullus, en phase d’introduction sur le marché canadien, sont récemment disponibles chez Loblaws et Provigo Le Marché. Cerises noires est la saveur la plus populaire en France et était aussi la préférée de notre collaboratrice. Catégorie gourmandises sucrées Piccola Cucina, une entreprise manitobaine qui fait de délicieux macarons et dont le kiosque, bien que petit, était coloré et invitant. La tarte caramel au beurre et pommes de Gaudet et les succulents carrés pralinés de Chocolate signatures combleront les vrais gourmands. Catégorie breuvages L’eau Icelandic maintenant représentée par Worldwide Beverage Innovations Inc, attirait l’attention avec une bouteille en plastique un peu biseautée qui a une empreinte zéro carbone a-t-on appris. Cette eau déjà vendue à Toronto veut concurrencer Eska et Evian au Canada. Soulignons les eaux naturellement infusées Zpirit de l’entreprise torontonienne qui mettait bien en valeur les saveurs appétissantes et la transparence de leur produit grâce aux sous-verre lumineux. Catégorie découvertes Haskapa berries : vous connaissez? Des baies cultivées en Russie et au Japon pour ses fortes propriétés anti-oxydantes plus élevées que celles du bleuet a-t-on appris. La Nouvelle-Écosse cultive cette baie et nous avons goûté ces breuvages. Pas encore disponible au Québec mais on peut commander en-ligne. Catégorie emballage/conditionnement Les jolies boîtes en métal de TheodorThéodore ont capté notre attention de même que leur arôme. Des thés noirs, verts et plantes à infusion digne des grands établissements parisiens disponibles en ligne. Chaque événement comprend des coups de coeur et des déceptions. Voici les nôtres: • moins d’exposants provenant de l’Europe cette année qu’en 2013 • faible présence de breuvages (alcoolisés ou non) outre le thé et le café • peu d’exposant de nourriture pour bébé • manque de créativité à plusieurs kiosques pour mettre en valeur des produits crus ou dans la catégorie épicerie (imaginez si nous étions des acheteurs …) • plusieurs exposants qui sont présents au SIAL année après année ne proposaient pas de nouveaux produits cette fois-ci, ne serait-ce qu’un format
En conclusion, la décision de participer à une foire commerciale doit reposer sur des critères précis. Est-ce que ces critères sont toujours pertinents ou d’actualité? Avez-vous informé vos contacts (clients, acheteurs, fournisseurs, chambre de commerce locale) que votre entreprise participera à cette foire? Outre la location d’espace, comment attirerez-vous l’attention des visiteurs? Quelle sera l’approche avec les visiteurs? Trampoline Marketing peut vous aider lors de foires commerciales avec des outils à la pointe technologique. Par exemple, nous aurions conseiller un exposant d’utiliser sa tablette à des fins interactives et de recueillir des données pertinentes pouvant nourrir des tactiques marketing. Contactez-nous pour avoir plus d’information sur notre solution clé-en-main. Nous serons présents à d’autres foires commerciales cette année aux États-Unis, et le service de veille est toujours disponible. Si vous souhaitez revoir vos stratégies de commercialisation, d’identifier les foires commerciales auxquelles vous devriez participer et optimiser l’effet de votre présence avant, pendant et après la foire, nous pouvons vous guider ! Pour suivre l’actualité nord-américaine dans l’alimentaire et découvrir les nouvelles tendances, nous vous invitons à nous suivre sur twitter et vous inscrire à notre info-lettre trimestrielle.
Malimousse remporte le Grand Prix SIAL Innovation 2015 pour ses trempettes ( 2015-05-01 Le 28 avril dernier, lors du SIAL Canada 2015, le rendez-vous de l’industrie agroalimentaire canadienne qui se tenait à Toronto, l’entreprise Malimousse de Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures a remporté le Grand Prix SIAL Innovation 2015 pour sa trempette aux fruits de mer, devançant ainsi les neuf autres finalistes du Canada, de la Chine, de la Thaïlande et de l’Indonésie. Malimousse-SIAL-Innovation-2015La nouvelle gamme de trempettes aux fruits de mer sans gluten à base de yogourt grec de l’entreprise augustinoise a charmé les membres du jury. Ces derniers ont d’ailleurs vanté la qualité du produit, son format pratique, ses propriétés nutritives, la richesse de ses saveurs et la simplicité des ingrédients utilisés. Le prix a été remis par monsieur Pierre Paradis, ministre de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec, dans le cadre de la soirée de réseautage de l’industrie agroalimentaire du Groupe Export agroalimentaire. En complément La liste des finalistes : f
Vidéo - Remise du prix [anglais] À propos de SIAL Innovation SIAL Innovation est le seul concours international présent aux quatre coins du monde. Constitué d’experts issus de l’industrie alimentaire et en partenariat avec XTC World Innovation, le jury récompense 10 finalistes et couronne 1 Grand Prix. Tous les finalistes et le grand gagnant auront la chance unique de voyager dans le monde entier, soit dans tous les salons du réseau SIAL Group, qui ont lieu au Canada, en Chine, aux Philippines, en Indonésie, à Paris ou encore à Abu Dhabi. À propos de SIAL Canada 2015 SIAL Canada 2015 est la seule manifestation de cette envergure au Canada, regroupant plus de 800 exposants nationaux et internationaux venus de 45 pays et accueillant plus de 14 000 acheteurs du Canada, des États-Unis, mais aussi de 64 pays. SIAL Canada est le seul salon national, proposant une offre complète de produits alimentaires sous un même toit, répondant ainsi aux attentes de vos clients, qu’ils soient du commerce du détail, de la restauration ou de la transformation alimentaire, à la recherche de produits nouveaux, innovants, de spécialités ethniques ou régionales, d’ici, mais aussi du monde entier.
SET/SIAL CANADA ( April 16, 2015 Event: SET/SIAL CANADA Date: April 28 to 30, 2015 Description: SIAL Canada is the only domestic show offering up a complete range of food products, all under the same roof, and in so doing, meeting the needs of your clients – whether they're in retail, food service or food processing – that are on the lookout for new innovative, specialty, ethnic or regional products… from right here, or from across the globe. SET Canada, taking place at the same time and venue as SIAL Canada, is North America’s best show when it comes to equipment and technology that’s aimed at: retail professionals, the food-processing industry, and the food-service industry. Come and meet Atlas Copco Compressors Canada, booth 1454! Location: Direct Energy Centre, Toronto, Ontario Venue: Booth 1454 Contact: Mrs. Alix Lavertu Email:
[email protected]
C’est le mardi, 28 avril 2015 à 17 heures que vous donne rendez-vous le Groupe Export. Ce cocktail dînatoire est l’occasion par excellence d’échanger avec d’autres leaders de l’industrie agroalimentaire, tous des gens désireux de voir leurs produits dépasser les frontières. Vous avez jusqu’au 10 avril pour réserver vos billets. Venez tisser des liens qui propulseront vos affaires ! Cette soirée permettra à votre entreprise : ·
de créer des liens d’affaires
de rencontrer des acheteurs internationaux – plus de 100 acheteurs invités
de découvrir les tendances agroalimentaires mises en valeur dans nos vitrines
Deux Prix seront remis lors de la soirée : - Prix Entreprise exportatrice canadienne 2015 - Sial Innovation Prix du billet: 175 $ Pour réserver un billet Réservez votre billet avant le 10 avril et obtenez gratuitement un Laisser-Passer Visiteur pour le Salon SIAL Canada!
캐나다식품박람회 SIAL SHOW 2015 ( May 11, 2015 지난 4월 28일부터 30일까지 토론토에서 개최되었던 2015 캐나다 식품박람회에서 캐나다지역 한국 농식춤이 524만5천불이라는 수출상당 실적을 거두었다. 2015 SIAL Canada, International Food & Beverage Tradeshow, was held from April 28th to 30th in Toronto. The Korean agriculture food in Canada scored $5,245,000 revenue at SIAL Canada International Food & Beverage Tradeshow.
SIAL Toronto 2015: una joya para la industria mundial de la alimentación ( 12/05/2015
La 15ta edición de SIAL Canadá que se desarrolló en Toronto los días 28, 29 y 30 de abril de 2015 recibió 831 compañías de 46 países de todo el mundo. SIAL Canadá es parte de Grupo SIAL, la red número uno en ferias de productos de alimentación con 10 exhibiciones ubicadas en Montreal y Toronto, así como en París, Sao Paulo, Shangai, Abu Dhabi y ahora también en el Sudeste asiático, en Manila y Yakarta. Cada compañía exhibidora recibe cientos de visitantes de la industria, expone sus mejores productos y dispara así sus contactos comerciales en el mercado de referencia. En palabras del gerente general del Grupo SIAL, Nicolas Trentesaux, el desafío del futuro es la provisión de alimentos para 9 billones de seres humanos, en los próximos 30 a 40 años. Habrá quienes se especialicen en la producción, el proceso, y/o la distribución de productos. Habrá que prepararse para hacer frente a una demanda cada vez más creciente en variedad de productos alimenticios en Asia y Africa. Para Robert Comeau, presidente del Consejo de Administración de Groupe Export agroalimentaire Quebec-Canada, los acuerdos de libre comercio existentes entre Canadá, Estados Unidos, México, y los que se encuentran en vías de concreción con Europa, Corea y el Acuerdo Transpacífico son excelentes noticias para la industria. Indonesia fue este año el país de honor, y se realizaron durante los tres días del SIAL, forums de negocios, actividades de matching de negocios y diálogos comerciales con los delegados de dicho país, incluyendo empresas exhibidoras, oficiales del gobierno de Indonesia, así como miembros de la Food and Beverage Association (GAPMMI). Como es ya tradicional, las actividades se organizaron en torno a la Cuisine by SIAL, Olive d’Or, SIAL Innovation y el Store Tour, donde miles de visitantes pudieron acceder a los productos más novedosos, así como a las últimas tendencias en productos de alimentación. El evento especial “Queso” contó con la presencia de las siguientes compañías -buscando expandir sus mercados desde Quebec al mundo-: Crooked Wheel; La fromagerie Polyethnique Inc, Les fromages Latino Inc., Fromagerie du Presbytere, Fromagerie de L’Ile-aux-grues, Fromagerie Medard, Fromagiers de la Table Ronde, todas distribuidas por Plaisirs Gourmets – Lise Morissette; Fromagerie F.X.Pichet, Fromagerie du rang 9 y Fromagerie de l’Abbaye de St-Benoit-du-Lac, ambas distribuidas por Woolwich Dairy – Liz Long. En el evento Olive d’Or, la presencia chilena se destacó entre todos los países participantes como el único país de América Latina entre los grandes jugadores de esta área. Así estaban presentes, desde Chile: 8 Olivos – Agricola y Forestal Don Rafael, Aura Limited Edition y Aura Premium Blend – Agroindustrial Siracusa S.A., Olave y Sol de Aculeo – Comercial e Industrial Soho S.A. El resto de las empresas provenían de España, Portugal, Italia, Grecia, Líbano, Marruecos, Túnez, Francia y Croacia. Este año y por su 8a edición, SIAL dio lugar a los productos innovadores. SIAL Innovation tiene como misión identificar, seleccionar y promover los productos alimenticios del futuro. La selección se realiza conjuntamente con su socio, el XTC World Innovation, así como un panel de expertos en alimentación que incluyen representantes de las cadenas de supermercados Metro y Sobeys, así como el director editorial de Canadian Living, director culinario de Modern Culinary Academy, chef y socio de los
restaurantes Oliver & Bonacini, profesor de nutrición Simon Tousignant, de la Universidad de Guelph, y hasta un especialista en packaging de Canadian Packaging. Los 10 finalistas incluyen productos de los más innovadores que marcan las tendencias de los mercados y hacia donde se inclina el interés de los consumidores actuales y futuros. Los productos finalistas van del Café organico y Fair-Trade, Café instantáneo para fitness bajas calorías, Salame Gluten-free, vegetales y mezcla de noodles para microondas y bowl “resealable”, Jugo de Haskap suavemente edulcorado, hasta la Salsa Griega para mariscos y pesados, todos productos donde se favorecen las innovaciones en recetas pero sobre todo en packaging, valorando su practicidad. El mercado de productos orgánicos y gluten-free siguen creciendo y demandando su lugar en todas las góndolas. Desde América Latina, los países presentes en diversos rubros fueron: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, República Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador y Perú. México por su parte, con una fuerte presencia, exhibió 12 empresas, algunas ya exportando a Canadá y Estados Unidos, y otras buscando expandir sus mercados por primera vez. Las posibilidades que se ofrecen a las empresas en este evento son innumerables, cada exhibidor con sus representantes comerciales intercambiando experiencias e información de todos los mercados. Sin duda, una joya para la industria. Colaboración especial para NM de Soledad Silvera, de Stratekey Canal – Negocios Quebec-Latinoamérica
Ontario Hosts Major International Food Tradeshow; Agri-Food Sector to Showcase Ontario’s World Class Products ( April 28, 2015 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Ontario is hosting the largest agri-food trade show in Canada, showcasing the province's food and beverage manufacturers to businesses and visitors from around the world. Today, Jeff Leal, Ontario's Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, officially opened the 12th edition of the Salon International de l'Alimentation (SIAL) Canada trade show. An estimated 14,000 visitors from around the world will visit the SIAL, representing organizations and businesses including Future Group of India, Publix Supermarkets of United States and Chinese online grocer COFCO Womai. Over the past five years, Ontario's food exports have continued to grow. From 2010 to 2014, exports of the province's food and beverages increased more than 40% - from $8.9 billion in 2009 to $12.5 billion in 2014.
To help encourage future growth, Minister Leal, along with Michael Chan, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade, recently led a trade mission to China focused on increasing export and investment opportunities for Ontario's agriculture and agri-food sector. Building new opportunities for the province's agri-food sector is part of the government's economic plan for Ontario. The four-part plan is building Ontario up by investing in people's talents and skills, building new public infrastructure like roads and transit, creating a dynamic, supportive environment where business thrives, and building a secure savings plan so everyone can afford to retire. Quick Facts This year SIAL Canada takes place from April 28 to 30 at the Direct Energy Centre. In 2011 SIAL Canada was hosted in Toronto for the first time. The tradeshow host alternates between Montreal and Toronto on an annual basis. Ontario’s food exports to non-U.S. markets increased over 13.1% since 2006. Top markets include Hong Kong, Japan, China, Mexico and Netherlands. In 2014, Canada exported nearly $56.8 billion of food products. Ontario is home to Canada’s largest food processing sector, accounting for 3,000 businesses that employ about 100,000 people across the province. The Premier's Agri-Food Growth Challenge calls on Ontario's agri-food sector to double its rate of growth and create 120,000 new jobs by 2020. In 2014, the agri-food sector grew by 17,000 jobs and increased exports by $648 million.
SIAL Toronto – avril 2015 ( April 28, 2015 Lieu: Toronto Canada Dates: 28-30 avril 2015 Pour qui ? Entreprises du secteur agroalimentaire de la Gaspésie et les Îles-de-la-Madeleine. Information: Jérôme-Alexandre Lavoie, chef de mission
Le saint et Malimousse, une recette gagnante! ( le 6 mai 2015 Dans le cadre du SIAL, le salon de l'industrie agroalimentaire canadienne qui s'est tenu à Toronto, du 28 au 30 avril dernier, Cuisine Malimousse a remporté le Grand Prix SIAL Innovation 2015 grâce à sa trempette aux fruits de mer. SIAL Innovation est un concours unique au monde récompensant les meilleures innovations alimentaires internationales de l'année et permettant de révéler les tendances de consommation dans le monde. Formés d'experts issus du monde alimentaire, les membres du jury ont salué la qualité et l'aspect
savoureux du produit tout autant que ses propriétés nutritives, la simplicité des ingrédients et l'attrait de l'emballage. L'agence Le saint a eu le privilège de concevoir entièrement l'image pour ces délicieuses trempettes aux fruits de mer sans gluten à base de yogourt. S'inspirant d'un concept marin, les créatifs de l'agence ont exploité les motifs de rayures, évoquant à la fois finesse et allure nautique. Par ses couleurs vibrantes, le design des emballages communique la fraîcheur et l'authenticité des produits utilisés. Des emballages qui font honneur à leur contenu et qui se démarquent à l'étalage des supermarchés. À propos de Cuisine Malimousse Fondée en 1989, Malimousse est une entreprise familiale spécialisée dans la fabrication de produits alimentaires à base de poissons et fruits de mer. À propos de Le saint publicité + design Active depuis 2002, l'agence Le saint propose une gamme de services en stratégie marketing, branding, publicité et développement web pour les marchés B2B et B2C. Elle aide les entreprises, provenant de tous les domaines, à rehausser la perception de leurs produits et services, à gagner des parts de marché et à créer de la valeur pour leurs actionnaires, en leur fournissant des solutions dont l'impact est directement tangible.. À propos de SIAL Innovation SIAL Innovation est le seul concours international présent aux quatre coins du monde. Constitué d'experts issus de l'industrie alimentaire et en partenariat avec XTC World Innovation, le jury récompense 10 finalistes et couronne 1 Grand Prix. Tous les finalistes et le grand gagnant auront la chance unique de voyager dans le monde entier, soit dans tous les salons du réseau SIAL Group, qui ont lieu au Canada, en Chine, aux Philippines, en Indonésie, à Paris ou encore à Abu Dhabi. À propos de SIAL Canada 2015 SIAL Canada 2015 est la seule manifestation de cette envergure au Canada, regroupant plus de 800 exposants nationaux et internationaux venus de 45 pays et accueillant plus de 14 000 acheteurs du Canada, des États-Unis, mais aussi de 64 pays. SIAL Canada est le seul salon national, proposant une offre complète de produits alimentaires sous un même toit, répondant ainsi aux attentes de vos clients, qu'ils soient du commerce du détail, de la restauration ou de la transformation alimentaire, à la recherche de produits nouveaux, innovants, de spécialités ethniques ou régionales, d'ici, mais aussi du monde entier.
The Philippine Consulate General in Toronto, the Trade Office in New York and the Office of the Agriculture Attaché in Washington D.C. are inviting buyers to visit the Philippine companies at the Direct Energy Centre Booth Nos. 845, 847, 849, 944, 946 and 948. For meeting requests with participating Philippine companies please email
[email protected].
Black Rock Grill CANADA, SIAL TORONTO ( April 21, 2015 Black Rock Grill CANADA Dining systems presents for the first time in Canada. The exciting spectacular: Of Steak on the Stone cooking. Your customer will live cook their steak sizzling hot on the super heated black rock grill. Take your business to the next level! Get the edge over your competitors, make your venue the talk of the town and keep your customers coming back time and time again. Taste the Experience and see our demo.
Olymel wins 2015 Canadian Export Business Award at the SIAL in Toronto ( 29 April 2015 St-Hyacinthe, Wednesday, April 29, 2015 — Olymel has garnered the 2015 Canadian Export Business Award, presented by the Agri-Food Export Group Quebec-Canada during the Networking Event of the Agri-Food Business as part of SIAL 2015 in Toronto, on Tuesday, April 28. Olymel won out over two other finalists. The award recognizes the excellence, creativeness and dynamism of a company that has distinguished itself on the export markets in 2014. Olymel also received congratulations from two federal ministers: International Trade, the Honourable Ed Fast, and Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Gerry Ritz. In a news release, they singled out Olymel's ability to convert business opportunities into success on export markets, thereby creating jobs and wealth for Canadians. Sylvain Blais, Sales Director, Processed Meats, Private Labels, Industrial, USA received the award on behalf of Olymel.
Minister Fast and Minister Ritz Congratulate Canadian Business Award Winner ( 2015-04-28 ate%20Canadian%20Business%20Award%20Winner Quebec-based Olymel is creating jobs and prosperity at home and abroad April 28, 2015 - Ottawa, Ontario - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada The Honourable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade, and the Honourable Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, today congratulated Olymel, winner of the 2015 Canadian Business Award, which recognizes Canadian agri-food companies that have increased their success by tapping into the
tremendous opportunities beyond Canada’s borders, creating jobs and prosperity at home. The prize was awarded during the annual SIAL Canada show, one of the industry’s most important North American gatherings and a leading event in the global network of food-industry shows. With 10,000 employees, Quebec-based Olymel is one of Canada’s largest pork and poultry production, processing and distribution companies. Olymel exports its products to over 60 countries and has sales offices in Japan, South Korea and Australia. Olymel has used the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service to facilitate exports and find new partners abroad. Minister Fast and Minister Ritz also recognized the runners-up for the prize: Chocmod Canada Inc. and L.B. Maple Treat Corporation. Canada’s agri-food exports rose to record levels in 2014, reaching $56.4 billion—an all-time high and a 12-percent increase over the previous record year of 2013. The Harper Government is committed to creating the right economic environment to support and help grow Canadian businesses; this includes keeping taxes low and ensuring companies receive the full range of support and services from the government they need to find real export success in global markets, which creates jobs and opportunities for workers and their families at home in Canada. Quotes “Our government is committed to working shoulder to shoulder with Canadian companies in the agrifood sector as they seize export opportunities. Through the Global Markets Action Plan, free trade agreements and trade missions, and under a whole-of-government approach, this government has revolutionized Canada’s trade-promotion efforts, ensuring Canadian businesses receive the support they need to find real export success in global markets, creating jobs and opportunities for Canadian workers and their families.” - Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade “Agriculture continues to drive Canada’s economy, accounting for one in every eight jobs. Events like SIAL give Canadian producers and processors a chance to showcase their top-quality products to customers around the world and to take advantage of new economic opportunities created by our government’s ambitious trade agenda.” - Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
Almendras y palmitos de Bolivia llegan a Toronto ( Viernes 1 mayo, 2015 Rufo Valencia Expositores de productos bolivianos en la exposición internacional de alimentos SIAL Toronto 2015. Crédito de la foto: SIAL
María Esther Rivas, de la Empresa Boliviana de Almendras, y Álvaro Escobar, de la empresa de productos agrícolas Bolhispania, llegaron a Toronto para participar en el Salón Internacional de la Alimentación SIAL Toronto 2015. Su misión es repetir el éxito que tuvo la presentación de la quinua como alimento en la escena internacional. Hasta hace algunos años, la quinua era vista con desprecio por parte de la población boliviana. Era considerada “comida de indios”. Años más tarde, gracias al trabajo constante de sus defensores, la quinua llegó a los cielos de la fama. En parte porque fue integrada como alimento en las misiones espaciales. Actualmente es frecuente en Canadá encontrar en muchos restaurantes ensaladas y platillos preparados a base de quinua. Y se puede encontrar este producto en los grandes supermercados. Este éxito internacional de la quinua, sin embargo, se tradujo en una serie de dificultades para los propios bolivianos, que vieron el precio de la quinua en los mercados locales trepar por los cielos. Por otro lado, el aumento de la demanda internacional por este produjo le quitó tierras a otros cultivos que servían para el sustento de las comunidades rurales. Es con esta experiencia que los bolivianos María Esther Rivas y Álvaro Escobar presentaron sus productos: la almendra, rica en selenio y producida en acuerdo con las comunidades de la región amazónica del país andino, y los palmitos, que según Escobar, ofrecen una variedad de usos culinarios. Por su parte los canadienses, que han adoptado tradiciones culinarias y productos provenientes de distintas regiones del mundo, se han acercado con mucho interés a estos productos de las tierras bolivianas, explicaron en entrevista los expositores, a quienes sorprendió favorablemente la diversidad cultural de Toronto, la ciudad más populosa de Canadá.
Networking Event of the Agri-Food Industry ( April 28, 2015 The “Agri-Food Industry Networking Event” was held in Toronto on April 28, 2015, as part of SIAL Canada. Olymel Wins Canadian Export Business Award for 2015 Export Group is proud to give the 2015 Canadian Export Business Award to Olymel, not only to honour its extraordinary performance on international markets, but also to highlight its value-added activities and superb positioning in highly competitive markets in the midst of an extremely demanding context. Sylvain Blais, Sales Director, Processed Meats, Private Labels, Industiral, USA, Olymel John Geurtjens, Senior Director, Agribusiness and Agri-food, Ontario from Farm Credit Canada
Trade Mission - SIAL Canada 2015 and Saskatchewan China Trade Forum ( April 27, 2015 a_trade_forum.html Toronto, Ontario STEP is recruiting companies to participate in a trade mission to the SIAL Canada 2015 International Food Exhibition being held April 27 - 30, 2015 in Toronto, Ontario. At the same time, Saskatchewan is partnering with the Bank of China Canada to organize Saskatchewan China Trade Forum on April 27, 2015. This is an opportunity to present your finest food and beverage products, food ingredients and organics to the Canadian, American, and International marketplaces. For agriculture commodity exporters and suppliers, it is also a good opportunity to market products through Chinese distributors or agents based in Toronto. Business to business meetings will be organized on both April 27, 2015 at the Forum and on April 28, 2015 at the SIAL show. For more information, please contact: Yi Zeng, Director, Trade Development, Asia Telephone: 306-787-2194
[email protected]
Newsletter ( April 21, 2015 SIAL opened it’s doors this past week and the Peruvian delegation was present with a very colorful stand. See more photos.
EXPOSITION CACHÈRE AU SIAL ( April 3, 2015 Au salon du SIAL cette année, le stand MK fut encore sujet d’un grand intérêt auprès de nombreux visiteurs cherchant à obtenir plus d’informations concernant la certification cachère. Notre stand, avec son nouveau design, a attiré l’attention des entrepreneurs ainsi que de divers visiteurs conscients de l’excellente réputation qu’a acquise la certification Canada Kosher, non seulement dans l’Amérique du Nord, mais aussi à travers le monde. Beaucoup d’entrepreneurs se sont intéressés à la possibilité d’obtenir la certification cachère; quant aux visiteurs, beaucoup d’entre eux ont questionnés sur ce qu’implique la procédure pour une compagnie qui veut être certifiée cachère. Beaucoup d’entreprises très fières d’être déjà certifiées par le MK ont pu afficher sur leur stand le signe MK désignant, ainsi, le haut niveau de certification acquise par leur compagnie. Le Pavillon International a montré beaucoup d'intérêt dans l'importation de produits en provenance du Canada, et portant la marque de MK. On a répondu à beaucoup de questions venant des compagnies et qui ont mené à une reprise de contacte à la suite du salon. Le personnel du SIAL, toujours aussi aimable, a exprimé sa satisfaction à avoir eu l’opportunité de profiter de la présence du MK en tant qu’organisme de certification cachère de haut niveau, et à assister à un événement prestigieux. Encore une fois,
comme dans les années précédentes, le MK était fier de faire partie du SIAL Canada Show, et de voir les nombreux produits avec le symbole MK exposés dans de nombreux stands à travers le salon.
Srbija na sajmu prehrane u Torontu ( April 28, 2015 Srbija je jedan od mnogobrojnih učesnika najvećeg sajma prehrane i pića SIAL koji danas počinje u Torontu. Ovo je prva organizovana promocija srpske privrede za područje slobodne trgovine NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) koje obuhvata Kanadu, SAD i Meksiko sa 400 miliona stanovnika, ali i za druge zemlje sveta čije kompanije učestvuju na sajmu. Uz podršku Privredne komore Srbije i Republike Srpske nacionalni paviljon i predstavljanje firmi iz Srbije i Republike Srpske organizuje Srpsko-kanadska privredna komora osnovana u najvećoj kanadskoj metropoli. Na poziv Srpsko-kanadske komore sajmu koji traje od 28. do 30. aprila prišustvovaće i ambasador Srbije u Kanadi Mihailo Papazoglu. SIAL je najveća godišnja specijalizovana sajamska manifestacija koja se naizmenično održava u Torontu i Montrealu. Prošle godine na tom sajmu učestvovalo je 767 izlagača iz 43 zemlje, a posetilo ga je 15.000 ljudi, mahom profesionalaca u oblasti proizvodnje hrane i pića, kao i prateće industrije. Srpsko-kanadska privredna komora je neprofitna organizacija čiji je osnivač finansijska savetnica iz Toronta Danijela Ninčić. Cilj komore je povezivanje privrednih subjekata i unapređenje dvosmerne ekonomske saradnje srpske dijaspore i matice kao i Kanade i Srbije. Najavljeno je takođe da Srpsko-kanadska komora uz brojne sponzore i izlagače krajem aprila i početkom maja organizuje Dane srpske privrede i vitezova vina u Kanadi. Na toj manifestacji osim privrednika predstaviće se i vitezovi vina – voditelj programa Miša Brkić i gost Aleks Bermet, vlasnik istoimenog robnog žiga za bermet – ekskluzivno desertno vino sa dugom tradicijom sa fruškogorskog područja. Dani srpske privrede i vitezova u Kanadi trebalo bi da se, osim u Torontu, održe još u Kičeneru, Hamiltonu i Vindzoru u Ontariju, kao i u glavnom gradu Alberte Edmontonu i pacifičkoj metropili Vankuveru u Britanskoj Kolumbiji.
SIAL Canada dévoile le Grand Prix SIAL Innovation 2015 ( 1 mai 2015 Le 28 avril dernier, à l’occasion de la soirée de réseautage de l’industrie agroalimentaire du Groupe Export tenue lors de la plus récente édition du SIAL Canada à Toronto, la trempette aux fruits de mer de
Malimousse a remporté le titre de Grand Prix SIAL Innovation 2015. SIAL Innovation est le seul concours international présent aux quatre coins du monde. Constitué d’experts issus de l’industrie alimentaire et en partenariat avec XTC World Innovation, le jury récompense 10 finalistes et couronne un Grand Prix. Tous les finalistes et le grand gagnant auront la chance unique de voyager dans le monde entier, soit dans tous les salons du réseau SIAL Group, qui ont lieu au Canada, en Chine, aux Philippines, en Indonésie, à Paris ou encore à Abu Dhabi. Cette entrée a été publiée dans Actualités, avec comme mot(s)-clef(s) Prix et distinctions. Vous pouvez la mettre en favoris avec ce permalien.
Dani srpske privrede u Kanadi ( April 19, 2015 Srpsko-kanadska privredna komora, uz veliki broj sponzora i izlagača, organizuje u poslednjim nedeljama aprila i prvim nedeljama maja manifestaciju – Dani srpske privrede i vitezovi vina u Kanadi. Planirano je da se u više gradova, čiji spisak i vreme susreta objavljujemo na kraju teksta, održe B2B (business to business) tribine – susreti, na kojima će se organizovati prezentacije srpskih proizvoda i usluga. Osnovni cilj je ostvarivanje kontakata sa kompanijama i preduzetnicima iz Kanade i SAD, kao i sa drugim zainteresovanima, kako bi se upoznali sa ponudom i mogućnostima investiranja i saradnje u oblastima trgovine i turizma, pre svega. Manifestaciju su, između ostalih, podržale Privredna komora Srbije i Privredna komora Republike Srpske. Na Danima srpske privrede, pored privrednika, posetiocima će se predstaviti vitezovi vina – voditelj programa Miša Ćirić i specijalni gost Aleks Bermet, vlasnik istoimenog robnog žiga za čuveno desertno vino fruškogorskog vinogorja. Ulaz je besplatan, a najavljeno je da će goste zabavljati Paganini bend. Nastup na SIAL sajmu u Torontu Srpska delegacija iskoristiće posetu Kanadi i za nastup na međunarodnom sajmu hrane, pića i pratećih tehnologija SIAL (The North American Food Marketplace) u Torontu, od 28. do 30. aprila. Dani srpske privrede – vreme i mesto susreta Otava, Srpski centar, CŠO „Sv. Arhiđakona Stefana“ – 24. aprila u 19 časova Hamilton, sala CŠO „Katedralnog hrama Sv. Oca Nikolaja“ – 25. aprila u 19 časova (Nash Rd.) Toronto, Srpski centar u Misisagi, CŠO „Sv. Sava“ – 26. aprila u 18 časova Vindzor, Srpski centar, CŠO „Gračanica“ – 1. maja u 19 časova Kičener, sala CŠO „Sv. Trojice“ – 3. maja u 18 časova Edmonton, sala CŠO „Sv. Sava“ – 8. maja u 19 časova Vankuver, sala CŠO „Sv. Arhangela Mihaila“ – 9. maja u 18 časova Kalgari, sala CŠO „Sv. Simeona Mirotočivog“ – 10. maja u 18 časova
Silaturahmi Duta Besar Dr. T. Faizasyah dengan Masyarakat dan Diaspora Indonesia di Great Toronto Area (GTA) Toronto, 28 April 2015 ( April 29, 2015 Konsul Jenderal RI Toronto, Bapak Julang Pujianto pada tanggal 28 April 2015, telah menyelenggarakan acara silaturahmi, perkenalan Duta Besar RI Dr. Teuku Faizasyah dan Ibu Andis E. Faizasyah dengan masyarakat dan diaspora Indonesia yang berdomisili di Toronto Great Area (GTA). Acara dihadiri oleh sekitar 180 orang tamu undangan yang berasal dari perwakilan organisasi kemasyarakatan Indonesia di GTA, Persatuan Mahasiswa Indonesia di Kanada (PERMIKA) Toronto, PERMIKA Waterloo, masyarakat Indonesia lainnya serta para peserta pameran Salon International de l’Alimentation (SIAL) 2015 dan Delegasi Kementerian Perdagangan RI. Dalam sambutannya, Duta Besar RI menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih atas dukungan aktif masyarakat dan diaspora Indonesia selama ini dalam berbagai kegiatan KBRI/KJRI, program-program prioritas Pemerintahan Indonesia di bawah Presiden RI Bapak Ir. Joko Widodo. Juga disampaikan harapan agar masyarakat dan diaspora Indonesia senantiasa menjaga kerukunan dan kebersamaan di luar negeri serta dapat mereprsentasikan nilai-nilai ke-Indonesiaan di Kanada. Duta Besar RI juga menegaskan komitmen perwakilan RI di Kanada untuk senantiasa membangun kebersamaan dengan masyarakat Indonesia melalui keterbukaan informasi, termasuk pemanfaatan media social. Konsul Jenderal RI Julang Pujianto membuka acara silaturahmi dengan memperkenalkan beberapa kelompok masyarakat dan diaspora Indonesia yang bermukim di wilayah GTA dan menggaris bawahi telah terjalinnya keterhubungan yang baik antara perwakilan Indonesia dengan masyarakat dan diaspora Indonesia. Masyarakat Indonesia dan para diaspora menjadi bagian penting dari pelaksanaan misi perwakilan Indonesia di wilayah akreditasi. Dalam penyampaian sambutan perkenalan terhadap Duta Besar RI oleh para wakil Masyarakat, selain disampaikan ucapan selamat datang, juga disampaikan kesediaan setiap unsur masyarakat dan diaspora untuk senantiasa mendukung berbagai kegiatan KBRI/KJRI di GTA. Acara silaturahmi juga diisi dengan acara hiburan yang merupakan sumbangan dari DWP KJRI Toronto dan masyarakat dan diaspora Indonesia, berupa koor paduan suara, tarian poco-poco dan lagu-lagu serta hiburan lainnya. Konsul Jenderal RI Toronto, Bapak Julang Pujianto Menyampaikan Kata Sambutan Pada Acara Silaturahmi dengan Masyrakat Indonesia di Toronto, Kanada, 28 April 2015 Duta Besar RI, Dr. Teuku Faizasyah menyampaikan kata sambutan pada acara silaturahmi dengan masyarakat Indonesia di Toronto, Kanada, 28 April 2015 Duta Besar RI, Dr. Teuku Faizasyah beramah tamah dengan masyarakat dan diaspora Indonesia, di Toronto 28 April 2015
Gıda Fuarı’na Türkiye’den katılımda rekor düşüş ( May 11, 2015 ‘Şekerli Mamuller Tanıtım Grubu (ŞTG)’ yeni tanıtım konsepti ‘Delightland’ ile Fuar’a katıldı. Fuar süresince Delightland standında ziyaretçilere Türk kahvesi ve lokum ikramı yapıldı. Gıda Fuarı’na Türkiye’den katılımda rekor düşüş on: May 11, 2015In: EKONOMİ, MANSETNo Comments Türkiye ekonomisindeki yavaşlama ve ihracatın gerilemesi yurt dışında düzenlenen fuarlara katılımı da olumsuz yönde etkiliyor. Son olarak Toronto’da düzenlenen SIAL Kanada Gıda Fuarı’na Türkiye’den sadece iki özel firma ve üç tanıtım grubu katıldı. 26-28 Nisan tarihleri arasında Toronto’da Direct Energy Centre’da düzenlenen Fuar’da şirket bazında kurutulmuş meyve üreticisi ‘Günaydınlar Organik Ltd. Şti.’ ile ‘Çaykur’; tanıtım grubu olarak ise ‘Şekerli Mamuller Tanıtım Grubu (ŞMTG)’, ‘Makarna, Bulgur, Bakliyat, Bitkisel Yağlar Tanıtım Grubu (MBTG)’ ve ‘Su Ürünleri Tanıtım Grubu’ Fuar’da stant açtı. Fuar’da ayrıca ‘Dimes’ ve ‘Yonca’ firmaları Kanada distribütörleri vasıtasıyla temsil edildi. SIAL Kanada Gıda Fuarı bir yıl Montreal, bir yıl da Toronto’da yapılıyor. Toronto’da iki yıl önce yapılan Fuar’a TÜYAP Tüm Fuarcılık Yapım A.Ş.’nin organizatörlüğünde Türkiye’den 11 firma katılmıştı. Pazara yeni giriyoruz 2011 yılından beri Kanada pazarı için fason üretim yaptıklarını ve bir süredir de distribütörleri vasıtasıyla ‘Yonca’ markasıyla Kanada pazarına girdiklerini söyleyen ‘Yonca Konserve Grubu’ Satış Sorumlusu Fulya Meriç, Fuar’ın çok kalabalık olmadığını ancak firma olarak iyi bağlantılar yaptıklarını söyledi. Yonca’nın yağ, turşu, közlenmiş ürünler, soslar ve domates ürünlerini 50’den fazla ülkeye ihraç ettiğini kaydeden Meriç, Kanada’ya ağırlıklı olarak başta ayçiçek yağı olmak üzere sıvı yağ sattıklarını, domates salçasına da ağırlık vereceklerini ifade etti. Türkiye’deki tüm şekerlemecileri temsil eden ‘Şekerli Mamuller Tanıtım Grubu (ŞTG)’ yeni tanıtım konsepti ‘Delightland’ ile Fuar’a katıldı. Fuar süresince Delightland standında ziyaretçilere Türk kahvesi ve lokum ikramı yapıldı. Türkiye’nin tatlı diyarı olarak bilinmesini istediklerini ifade eden ŞTG’den Burşem Ege, lokum ve kahvenin ise muhteşem ikili olduklarını belirtti. ŞTG, 195 ülkeye 2.7 milyar dolarlık ihracat yapan 2000’den fazla firmayı temsil ediyor.
Olymel, entreprise exportatrice canadienne de l’année ( le mai 1, 2015 Celine Normandin
Olymel s’est méritée le prix de l’Entreprise exportatrice canadienne 2015 attribué par le Groupe Export agroalimentaire Québec-Canada, dans le cadre du SIAL 2015 qui a lieu cette année à Toronto. Ce prix récompense l’excellence, la créativité et le dynamisme d’une entreprise qui s’est démarquée sur les marchés d’exportation en 2014. Olymel l’a emporté sur deux autres finalistes, Chocmod Canada Inc. et L.B. Maple Treat Corporation. Olymel exporte près du tiers de ses ventes totales, notamment aux États-Unis, au Japon et en Australie, ainsi que dans plus de 60 autres pays. Son chiffre d’affaires annuel est de près de 2,8 milliards de dollars. Un produit québécois a également remporté les honneurs du Grand Prix SIAL Innovation 2015. La trempette aux fruits de mer de Malimousse l’a emporté parmi 10 produits nominés.