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Cp5 And Cp50 Stage Pianos In The Wake Of The Cp1




M O T I F N E W S G U I D E THe offiCiAl News Guide FROM Yamaha & Easy Sounds FOr Yamaha Music Production INSTRUMENTS Edition April 2010 Contents CP5 and CP50 in the wake of the CP1 2 Impressions from the Music Fair 2010 4 MIPA Award for the new CP1 Stage Piano 6 New Heavytones CD „freaks of nature“ 7 New MOTIF Soundlibrary: Phat Analog 8 User review of the soundset „Phat Analog“ 11 S90 XS / S70 XS: File-Management 14 MOTIF Know How: Frequently asked questions – and their answers! 17 Sounds & Goodies 20 Imprint 30 CP5 and CP50 Stage Pianos in the wake of the CP1 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 CP5 and CP50 - in the wake of the CP1 Parallel to the CP1 Stage Piano two other Compressor, and Speaker Simulator - exclusively is Stage Pianos were introduced under the CP the concept of the CP1. The next smaller model CP5 flag. The CP5 and the CP50 use parts of the does without the fifth Block (the Speaker Simulation). same technology as the „great flagship“ in different levels of variation. But they do have But it adopts the also new NW-Stage wooden key- their own features, too. board with its synthetic ivory keytops to effortlessly reproduce the true feeling of acoustic and electric CP5 and CP50 use the new Spectral Component pianos. Modeling technology as core of their piano tone In addition to the SCM sound the CP5 features an generation system, however in a less complex imple- awesome array of 305 AWM2 sounds, providing you mentation. with sounds like Strings, Brass, and Organs. This The most complex design with five Blocks - Piano enhancement of flexibility is perfect for those situa- Type, Pre-Amp, Modulation Effect, Power Amp / tions where one single Stage Piano has the role of a 2 M O T I F N E W S A G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 versatile workhorse for a variety of sounds. Just like Primarily the „even smaller“ CP50 is indeed smaller the CP1 the CP5 is also equipped with symmetrical - making it lighter and thus easier to transport. But its XLR connectors for the main stereo output allowing a sound is great, even though its SCM part of the tone interference-free direct connection to the FOH mixing generation system does without one further Block (the desk. Power Amp / Compressor). Furthermore an audio input lets you connect a On the plus side there are additional AWM2 Voices microphone to the CP5. The integration of a vocalist (a total of 205) and Drum Voices including 100 Pat- becomes a piece of cake - perfect for duos of self- terns just like on the CP5. accompanying pianists. A special effect for the audio Instead of the NW Stage keyboard the CP50 uses the input makes additional external equipment completely Graded Hammer keyboard known from its predeces- redundant. sors CP300 and CP33. As myriads of reviews prove And while we‘re at „self accompaniment“: The CP5 this keyboard also allows a sophisticated playing features Drum Voices plus 100 Patterns of different culture. rhythm styles. So you have a versatile drummer at the touch of a button. However if you like these Patterns All three models are available from spring 2010. So only for „jamming“ you would probably use the audio if you are searching for a Stage Piano for your band, playback function which can be used to render your your church, your school, or your living room you playbacks from an attached USB memory device. Vice definetely should take the time to try these new CP versa the CP5 can digitally record its own audio signal models. - including the signal from the audio input. This way Sound examples can already be heard on the internet. you can record your live gigs or produce your play- Visit to hear some meaningful backs on the CP5 without any computer. sounds for each model. 3 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 Impressions from the Frankfurt Music Fair 2010 The Music Fair (Musikmesse) saw the presentation of the new Yamaha Stage Pianos CP1, CP5, and CP50. Here are some impressions of the Yamaha booth. Bert Smorenburg Martyna Hodges and Simon Edgoose Tiemo Hauer 4 M O T I F N E W S A Peter Baartmans Anders Olinder and Glenn Hughes Nadine Eckmann (Kids2Keys) Dave Goodman Peppa singt 5 G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D 0 MIPA Award for the new CP1 Stage Piano a reward for ten years of development The MIPA Award Ceremony on the 25th March 2010 held by the german Musik Media Verlag had good news for Yamaha. The concept of the new Stage Piano CP1 had convinced the international jury. 50 european journalists elected the CP1 with its Spectral Component Modeling System (SCM) the best Instrument of its class. Chief developer Toshi Kunimoto (right) and Product Manager Claus Kruse were happy about this special award that rewards them for the last ten years of technical development. . 6 E M O T I F N E W S A G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 New Heavytones CD „freaks of nature“ Fans of the famous live band Heavytones had the chance to buy signed copies of their new CD “freaks of nature” on the Music Fair: Two members of the band, Thorsten Skringer (Sax) and Rüdiger Baldauf (Trumpet) took their time inbetween their shows on the Yamaha booth to answer questions, selling and signing CDs or simply chatting. On one of this occasions they said their new CD was recorded using almost solely Yamaha instruments – which is no surprise since the Heavytones are using Yamaha instruments for years now. The Heavytones are best known for being the musical backbone of Stefan Raab‘s late night show „TV Total“ on german tv channel Pro7. They were also accompanying the famous casting show „Unser Star für Oslo“ („Our star for Oslo“, a casting show to The CD „freaks of nature“ is available at your favorite online shop and at find a singer for the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest). The musical director of the Heavytones and MOTIF XS user Wolfgang Norman Dalheimer („WND“) has been interviewed in the MOTIF News Guide 12/2007. 7 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 New MOTIF Soundlibrary: Phat Analog The ultimate analogue limit the flexibility of the extension for MOTIF and samples in MOTIF Voices. S series models! In collaboration with Instead we programmed Yamaha Music Europe „raw“ sounds in the Mini­ EASY SOUNDS is produ- moog - using most common cing and distributing an ever-growing sound- and Oscillator combinations, different octave settings and sample library of excellent quality for the synthesizers detunings with the filter set all open and an „Organ“- of the MOTIF and S series. style envelope. Only some typical Minimoog basssounds required the usage of the filter and the enve­ The newest soundset „Phat Analog“ is produced by lopes for the samples. EASY SOUNDS mastermind Peter Krischker. As you might guess it is all about analogue synthesizers. The programming of the raw sounds was inspired by The main goal is to emulate the legendary monopho- the sounds used by famous Minimoog players like nic Minimoog and especially its timeless Synthlead Pink Floyd, Manfred Mann (Earth Band), Camel, sounds by using samples. Though the Minimoog is Lake, Tangerine Dream, Jean Michel Jarre, Jordan 40 years old now its sound has remained top of the Rudess (Dream Theather, Liquid Tension Experiment), notch in its genre. Jan Hammer, Steve Winwood, and many more. The We did not want to produce samples of perfect sounds most used Oscillator combinations then became the including their filter and envelope settings. This would reference for our raw sounds. 8 M O T I F N E W S A G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 These were then sampled to create complex Multi- The probably most used Oscillator combination of samples. Over a range of five octaves we sampled four two slightly detuned Sawtooth waves is included in notes per octave - by this each sample covers three the sample library of this soundset. Some variants of notes, thus having to be transposed maximum plus / two Pulse waves with different Pulse Width are nice minus one halftone. This minimizes sonic losses or as well. Different octave settings like 16 + 8 or 16 + 4 artefacts by transposing. should not be missed. Since the MOTIF already contains all basic wave- Of the 32 Waveforms (or Multisamples) we created forms like Sawtooth, Square, Pulse, and Triangle in 18 were sampled from the Minimoog. their Single-Oscillator variants, we focussed on the Another focus was laid on samples of the Jupiter 8 combinations of Oscillators. The „classic“ Minimoog („JP-8“), a legendary, polyphonic synthesizer (in sound uses two Oscillators, the third one is mostly contrast to the monophonic Minimoog) that was intro­ used as an LFO for the Vibrato in the Leadsounds. duced in 1981. Of course you can achieve the characteristic sound The JP-8 was mainly used for Pad, Sync, and Arpeg- of two slightly detuned Oscillators by using the wave- gio sounds for this soundset. forms included in the MOTIF and assigning Again only „raw“ sounds from the Oscillators - using them to two Voice Elements which are detuned in the unisono mode of the JP-8 - were sampled instead relation to each other. This method is often used in the of ready-made sounds. Preset Voices. And finally the samples from the Minimoog and the However the authenticity of these sounds is somewhat Jupiter 8 got company by some other analogue limited. You might notice a certain unnatural rigidity samples. of the phases especially in the Attack and Sustain sections of the sound. And more often these Element- As said before the main focus of the Phat Analog wise detuned sounds simply do not quite sound like a soundset is to build a comprehensive selection of sample of two detuned oscillators of an real analogue Minimoog Synthlead sounds. synthesizer like the Minimoog. 9 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 There are other spectacular Leadsounds as well, like contain high-quality analogue synthwaves, but are Sync Leads (Oscillator Sync), or guitar-like distorted limited in terms of length and complexity. Thus they Leads known from artists like Jan Hammer or Jordan lack in authenticity compared to the sample-based Rudess. MOTIF XS/ES versions of the analogue sounds. However they are still of a perfect quality. Furthermore we added some basic, high-quality synth sounds of categories like Synthbass, Synthstrings, The version for MOTIF XS and MOTIF ES contains Synthpads, Sequencer and Noise FX. a User Voice Bank (128 Voices) that‘s not using the samples. This Bank can be used when the MOTIF has Overall we had a perfect playability in mind with no DIMMs installed or when the capacity of the comprehensive realtime control using the controllers, Sample RAM is already packed with other samples. knobs, and buttons, refined by a tasteful effect programming. The purpose was to support the virtuosity The 32 Split-type Performances for the XS series are of the player. mostly built following this pattern: The left side of the keyboard plays an accompaniment (i.e. Drums, Bass, The effects are programmed to vary between overdone Pad/Arpeggio) while the right side is used to play a spacey and total dry („pure analogue“). Most of the Synthlead part. Voices use the assignable buttons to change the effect settings (ASSIGN The Performances 1 controls Reverb, not only use analogue ASSIGN 2 controls sounds, but „traditi- Delay). onal“ instruments as well. This results in The Vibrato (which a refreshing diver- is fundamental for sity which matches Synthlead sounds) can different styles and be controlled via the musical genres. Modulation wheel or via Aftertouch. Some of the Performances are modified Preset Perfor- The Ribbon Con­troller is mostly set to control the mances from the MOTIF XS. Filter Attack or Portamento Time. By changing these Here‘s an overview of the content of „Phat Analog“: parameters during your performance you are able to • 128 Voices (all versions) add those extra dramatic moments to your music. • 32 Performances (MOTIF XS, With the Assignable Functions (AF1&2) of the XS MOTIF-RACK XS, S90 XS / S70 XS) models you can call up alternate soundsettings without • 32 User-Waveforms / 120 MB Samples stopping the current sound. (MOTIF XS, MOTIF ES) The versions for MOTIF-RACK XS, S90 XS / „Phat Analog“ is exclusively available from S70 XS, MOTIF-RACK ES, MO6 / MO8, and EASY SOUNDS: S90 ES are using the ROM-Waveforms. These also 10 M O T I F N E W S A G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 User review of the MOTIF soundset „Phat Analog“ by Harald Landsdorf Harald Landsdorf - alias Musiker Lanze - is well my fingers can not do what my mind would love them known for his contributions on the message to do. Gee, if I just could play a fraction of a hund- board, his demos, YouTube videos, statements redth like Rick Wakeman... in the MOTIF News Guide, and uncountable contacts to other MOTIF users. Here are some short words about some of the Like for other soundsets Harald was asked to review Performances: the new „Phat Analog“ soundset so others can take USR1 - 001 „Venus Ouvertüre“ advantage of his experience. What an opener - massive and plenteous, not First of all: I‘m not a user who needs many Analogue alone for the Arpeggio Voice „Opera Voices for the kind of music I‘m making. However Electronica“ on Part 3 I very much adore music from J.M. Jarre, Tangerine USR1 - 002 „Vague Idea“ Dream, Pink Floyd, Klaus Schulze, or Kraftwerk. Wow - mixing a Leadsound like „Atmo Lead 1“ From this point of view my expectations were very with such an Organ sound seems quite high. adventurous to me - interesting anyway After having dealt with these new sounds for some USR1 - 005 „Quadro Analog“ days I‘m positively impressed. This sound does its name credit for it uses four First I intensely played with the Performances which really good Analogue Voices. The Performance really enthused me. There‘s so much inspiration reminds me of Tangerine Dream packed into them, they get me to improvise for hours and hours and dive into the good old times. Too bad 11 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 USR1 - 006 „Chilly Drive“ Now for the Voices. All of these feature more punch, warmth, and authenticity than the Preset Voices of the The name says it all: This Performances is chilly same genre. The new samples they are based on is one and calm. Its Lead Voice „Soft Drive“ almost talks cause – others are the first class programming skills to me, which is surely due to the Auto Wah effect. and the perfect effect settings. It‘s pure fun to just jingle around with this Performance Here some comments on single Voices: USR1 - 004 „Rock Gigant“ USR1 - 014 „Hypnotic Echoes“ Sounds really nice with its use of the „Tempo Nice distorted Pulse Lead sound. The Cross Delay“ combi­nation of the effects Auto Wah and Comp Distortion is really great, the knobs USR1 - 015 „Sweet Dreamz FC“ Assign 1+2 add further Elements to the Can be played very dynamically. Has a calm sound character USR1 - 013 „For Lydia“ USR1 - 020 „Octavia“ Soft Lead Sound with long Attack A large and wide sounding Performance. Really cool stuff USR1 - 017 „Fuzz Drive“ USR1 - 021 „Arps & Strings“ This fat sound simply rocks. Again with Auto Wah and Comp Distortion Jean Michel Jarre instantly comes to mind! USR1 – 034 – 036 USR1 - 023 „Wurly Brother“ Beautiful and interesting Performance with a chilly Square Leads in several variants. This diversity and calm touch saves yourself from having to program your own Square Lead – it is most likely that you‘d find the USR1 - 025 bis 032 right one here No surprises here for – like described in the USR 1 - 050 „Poly Lead“ INFO – these are modified Preset Performances. The Performance „Campfire Split“ is somewhat As the name suggests: A good Lead Pad ready to weird – campfire feeling mixed with a shot of be played polyphonic analogue sound – quite cool 12 M O T I F N E W S A G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 USR1 - 113 bis 124 USR1 - 055 „Porta Sync“ Direct use of the Ribbon Controller to change the These are some other Analogue Voices being Portamento Time in realtime – great stuff! refined with Arpeggios. Very enjoyable – I‘d like to have some more of these, too USR1 - 069 „Resonator“ To total it up: Well done. Here the LFO is used to modulate the Filter – thus Especially those users who miss the optional AN Plug- bringing the sound to life. Great! In board might love this set. USR1 - 073 bis 080 I really love the eye to the detail - the usage of the Several new analogue Bass sounds, all sounding ASSIGN buttons or the many controllers like Modula- well but without any surprises. The Presets offer good analogue Basses, too – so these new sounds tionwheel, Ribbon Controller, or Foot Controller. The are just additions programmers seem to enjoy the „Tempo Cross Delay“ which is used in most of the Voices, and indeed it USR1 - 081 „Mini Pop“ makes the Voices sound wider and nicer. The perfect Beautiful thick Pad which can be changed in its use of the LFO and the realtime control of the Porta- Attack Time via the Assign 2 button – super! mento Time via Ribbon Controller give further life to many Voices. USR1 - 081 bis 107 Many soft, massive, or fat Pads, mostly brought to This soundset is really recommendable, it enhances life by effects like Phaser, Flanger, Chorus etc. or the sonic versatility of the MOTIF / S series. by LFO Filter modulation. The ASSIGN buttons can be used to add Elements USR1 - 108 bis 112 This is my favourite section: Here the Voices are played by cool Arpeggios. Again the sound can be altered by using the ASSIGN buttons (e.g. to the Voice “Refraction” the Element „weißes Rauschen“ is added). I would have loved to have more of these Voices, they save me from searching the perfect matching Arpeggio. To be honest: From time to time I‘m a lazy user who does not want to wade through the 6.000 Arpeggios... 13 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 S90 XS / S70 XS: File-Management by Peter Krischker File types (Save): The File mode of the S90 XS / S70 XS was already mentioned by hape in the MOTIF News • All Guide 02/2010, page 13/14 („S70 XS / S90 XS • AllVoice Quick Guide: First steps“). If you haven‘t done • SeqChain so, you should read it first to get the basic knowledge on this and other topics. By the way: As mentioned by hape the S90 XS / S70 XS features a Flash-ROM of over 192 MB, This workshop deals with two special questions: What which can be used for audio recordings, sequences, and How? or soundfiles. Which MOTIF XS and S90 ES files can be So you are able to store the file types mentioned above loaded into the S90 XS / S70 XS? either on an external USB device (memory stick) or in Here‘s a list of all file types: the internal Flash-ROM. Of course you can copy files from one of these two memory locations to the other File types (Load): (see manual page 130). • All • All without system To be able to load from the Flash-ROM is useful for • Voice live situations – for you don‘t have to remember to • Performance take the correct USB stick with you and it‘s no • All Arpeggio catastrophe if it eventually gets lost. • SeqChain But: The Flash-ROM is no replacement for the periodic backup of your important data! 14 M O T I F N E W S A G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 The Flash-ROM is erased by a Factory Reset which of both devices and to compare the sorting of the might be essential after an OS update or a system Preset Voices crash!!! • MOTIF XS Song files or Mixings can not be loaded, even the Editor does not load them So please always store your data on an USB memory stick and copy them to the hard drive of your compu- How can I load single components of the ter. Even better: Store these files on a remote server in files (Voices, Voice-Bänke, Performances...)? the internet and/or burn them onto a CD. Now to the know-how: What are the steps to load files or parts of them? You do not believe how often if have to re-send the data of sold soundsets to customers who did not make I quote hape from his workshop mentioned above for backup copies. he describes it in a perfect way: Many new users of a S90 XS / S70 XS ask which files „To store your data press the FILE button. The display asks you whether you want to Save or Load. Select of other synthesizers can be loaded. First of all the “Save” and confirm with the ENTER button. Now predecessor S90 ES and the MOTIF XS come into select the media you want to save your data to. If an consideration. USB memory is attached you are able to select this Here‘s some information about it: instead of the internal memory. • S90 ES All files and S90 ES Editor files can be Use the cursor buttons to select the media and confirm loaded. However S90 ES AllVoice files can not be with ENTER. The instrument suggests “(NEW FILE)” loaded - confirm with ENTER and select the File Type: “All”, • S90 ES Multi Part Editor files can be loaded by “All Voice”, or “Seq. Chain”. After having confirmed the S90 XS / S70 XS Editor and then transferred to the File Type with ENTER you are requested to enter the S90 XS / S70 XS a name. Use the cursor buttons and the DATA wheel • MOTIF XS All files or AllVoice files can be to select the character, the INC button confirms the loaded as long these do not contain User Waveforms and/or Samples • Single Voice + Performances or single User Banks can be loaded from MOTIF XS All files • The S90 XS / S70 XS Multis won‘t be overwritten if you load a MOTIF XS All file, however they will be overwritten if you load a S90 XS / S70 XS All file • MOTIF XS Performances using Preset Voices are not automatically converted. You might have to correct them manually. In most cases it is sufficient to increase the Voice number by five. It is very helpful to refer to the Data List booklets 15 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 character and moves the cursor to the next character. Loading single User Voices: The underline is used to delete a single character. • FILE After having entered the name, confirm with ENTER • File Select > Load + ENTER and INC.“ • usb1 - ENTER The procedure of saving and loading files should now • Select Type „Voice“ be clear. • Cursor > set USR1 (or 2, 3, 4) as Source Bank Anyway here are the steps to take to load complete All + ENTER files, single Voices and Performances, and single Voice • Cursor > select Voice from the list and Performance User Banks: • Set Destination Bank - Voice + 2x ENTER • Select file + ENTER Loading single Performances: Loading a complete All file: • FILE • FILE • File Select > Load + ENTER • File Select > Load - ENTER • usb1 + ENTER • usb1 - ENTER • Select the file + ENTER • Select file + ENTER • Select Type „All“ (pre-set) + 2x ENTER • Select Type „Performance“ • Cursor > set USR1 as Source Bank + ENTER • Cursor > select Performance from the list Loading single User Voice Banks: • FILE • Set Destination-Bank + Performance No. • File Select > Load + ENTER + 2x ENTER • usb1 + ENTER • Select the file + ENTER • Select Type „Voice“ • Cursor > set USR1 (or 2, 3, 4) as Source Bank + ENTER • Select Destination Bank (USR1, 2, 3, or 4) + 2x ENTER Loading single Performance Banks: • FILE • File Select > Load - ENTER • usb1 - ENTER • Select file + ENTER • Select Type „Performance“ • Cursor > set USR1 (or 2, 3, 4) as Source Bank + ENTER • Select Destination Bank (USR1, 2, 3, or 4) + 2x ENTER 16 M O T I F N E W S A G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 MOTIF Know How: Frequently asked questions – and their answers! The following contains a selection of questions and their answers concerning Yamaha synthesizers, found in the Yamaha Synth Forum and answered by the Yamaha Europe Support Team. On the request of many readers this and the following editions will contain the most important FAQs from the MOTIF News Guides 2007 to 2009. Since the MOTIF News Guide is now published in two languages (German and English) it gained a lot of new readers which unfortunately have missed the older FAQs. And all long-time readers will get a smart overview. MOTIF XS Multiple XA-Control functions for one Element? of the polyphony. Since this is planned for a Key Off situation this shouldn‘t be a severe problem. Question: Is it possible to mute an Element of a Voice by In one of the Control Sets set „A. Func 1 (86)“ using the AF button (all AF off), even when it or „A. Func 2 (87)“ as Source and „E-level“ already is a „Key Off Sound“? as Destination and select a Depth value of about -32. Answer: No, it is not possible to select more than one Now the Element can‘t be heard when the function for the XA Control of an Element. correspondent AF button is pressed. Source: Yamaha Support But you can use the „Ctrl Set“ function (F4 COMMON EDIT) to mute an Element, though this muted Element will continue to use a voice 17 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 MOTIF XS, MOTIF ES On the MOTIF XS it is slightly different. Here MOTIF ES / XS as USB/mLAN MIDI-Interface the MIDI Thru Port can not be altered, it is fixed as Port 3. In contrast to the MOTIF ES this also applies to the events received from an external Question: I‘d like to connect an external keyboard with my keyboard connected to the MIDI IN, they are computer using the MOTIF as MIDI interface. sent to the computer via Port 3. How does it work? So basically it functions the same way as the MOTIF ES with two major differences: Answer: • The Thru Port is fixed to Port 3 MIDI IN and MIDI OUT of the MOTIF ES • The MIDI IN events are sent via Port 3 (instead and the MOTIF XS work as MIDI interface for of Port 1 on the MOTIF ES) a computer connected via USB. All you have So you have to spend some thoughts about the to do is to make sure that the correct USB port Port settings in your sequencer software. settings are selected. For instance: A MO6 is connected to the The MIDI IN connection works even though it MIDI IN of the MOTIF XS. The MO6 is to be is not documented in the manual. used to record a sequence that‘s to be played by On the MOTIF ES use UTILITY - F5 MIDI the MO6 itself. The MO is set to LOCAL OFF. - SF4 OTHER to set the MIDI Thru Port (the The MO is also connected to the MIDI OUT of initial setting is Port 1). the XS. Now the sequencer‘s track has to be set to receive from Port 3 an to send via Port 3. This is the Port number the computer has to use Source: Yamaha Synthforum to control external sound generators that are connected to the MIDI OUT of the MOTIF ES. MOTIF XS So if MIDI Thru Port is set to 4, the DAW‘s or Autoload files on two USB memory sticks sequencer‘s track has to be set to send on USB Port 4 to be able to control the connected sound Question: generator. I‘m using the Autoload function to automati- For the other way round the events of an ex- cally load my Samples from a USB memory stick ternal keyboard connected to the MIDI IN of into the RAM. If I copy the corresponding file to the MOTIF ES are sent to the computer/DAW/ another memory stick (as a backup) the XS fails sequencer via Port 1. From there they can be to load it automatically – I have to re-assign it forwarded to the MOTIF ES via Port 1 or Port 4 as the Autoload file in UTILITY mode. to the external sound generator. Is there a solution to have the file recognized So the MOTIF ES makes a perfect USB on other memory sticks and thus have it loaded (mLAN) MIDI interface for both directions. automatically?  18 M O T I F N E W S A Answer: G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 MOTIF XS: Synchronisation of Apple Logic and MOTIF XS Yes – both USB memory stick have to have the exact same name. The name is part of the file‘s path that‘s stored in the UTILITY setting. Question: And remember to confirm the UTILITY settings I want my MOTIF to receive tempo information with STORE. from Apple Logic - how can I do this? Source: Yamaha Support Answer: In Logic‘s song settings you have to make the MOTIF XS, MOTIF ES following settings: Changing MASTER programs using the foot switch MIDI – Send MIDI Clock Question: On the MOTIF XS the following settings are to Destination: Set to the MIDI Port of the XS How can I use the foot switch to change the be made: MASTER programs on a MOTIF XS? UTILITY - F5 Control - MIDI Sync = MIDI By this the Arpeggio Tempo respective Song/ Answer: Pattern Tempo syncs to MIDI. The MOTIF XS It is possible but there are several settings to now processes the MIDI Clock events sent by be made. Logic. First you have set this global parameter from Source: Yamaha Support within the Voice mode: UTILITY - F3 VOICE - SF3 Control - Foot MO6 / MO8 / MOTIF ES: Switch Control No. = „98 (PC INC)“. Starting and stopping the Arpeggio via MIDI controller Then you have edit all Performances, Patterns, and Songs you want to use in MASTER Question: programs and set this parameter: I would like to use an foot switch to start/stop the Arpeggiator. Which controller value is EDIT – COMMON – F3 Ctrl Asgn - Foot assigned to the Arpeggio Switch? Switch Control No. = „98 (PC INC)“. Answer: So if you would like to use the MASTER programs 1 – 32 for a live gig and use the foot It‘s the controller number #090. switch to step through them you first have to A value of 0 - 63 starts the Arpeggiator. check which Performances, Patterns, and Songs A value of 64 - 127 stops the Arpegggiator. are assigned to the MASTER programs (EDIT Source: ProfSynth – COMMON – F2 OTHER). Then you have to manually enter the above setting in each of them.. Source: Yamaha Support 19 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 MOTIF XS Special Offer: XSpanded Bundle 2 In a special offer the MOTIF XS series of synthesizers will be delivered including DIMMs for the sample RAM plus a huge soundset. The bundle contains the following: 1 GB SDIMM sampling memory (SRP 229,- €) 2GB USB stick containing a huge soundset with more than 500 Voices and 1 GB of samples: • „Organ Session“: Hammond B3 sound for the MOTIF (SRP 32,- €) • „Drum Performer“ large Real Drums Library, 40 Kits (SRP 32,- €) • „European Loyalty Program V2“ 3-layers Yamaha S700 piano, Sweet Voices and more • „MOTIF ES CD ROM Library“ containing the ES bonus-sounds in XS format CUBASE AI (advanced integration) The suggested retail prices for the models of the MOTIF XS series (including 19% German VAT): MOTIF XS 6 = 2.914,31 € MOTIF XS 7 = 3.390,31 € MOTIF XS 8 = 4.044,81 € XSpanded Bundle – the contents of the USB stick The USB memory stick of the XSpanded Bundle contains more than 500 Voices and about 1 Gigabyte of samples. Here‘s a short overview: European Loyalty Program – Version 2 The European Loyalty Program – Version 2 features the S700 stereo piano of the Yamaha S90 ES, Sweet Voice from the Tyros, new choirs and scatvoices, a best-of compilation of optional EASY SOUNDS soundsets, and a WAV file pool with 200 WAV files. EASY SOUNDS Library „Organ Session“ „Organ Session“ emulates the sound of a Hammond B3 by using special samples. This set features smacky Hammond sounds with concise key click and controllable Percussion, rocky organs, Entertainer settings, sacral drawbar registrations, and cool jazz organs. EASY SOUNDS Library „Drum Performer“ „Real Drums” has been produced in several complex sampling sessions. The drum sounds are dry, fat, and punchy. By using various microphone setups and special recording technologies we could deliver a huge sound variety. 40 drum kits with 200 MB. MOTIF ES CD ROM Library 197 Normal Voices, 6 Drum Voices and ca. 150 MB Samples. Plus 220 MB WAV loops. 20 M O T I F N E W S A G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 MOTIF XS European Loyalty Program – Version 2 For two years now the “European Loyalty Program” articles and workshops from the MOTIF News offers MOTIF XS users additional high-class content, Guide. if they register them­ To register simply selves at Yamaha.. write an e-mail Up to now only users with the keyword who own several “Loyalty Program” “qualifying” instru- to: ments from our competitors or have sold those [email protected] instruments when they bought their MOTIF XS were The following information is required: allowed to benefit from this program. • Keyword: European Loyalty Program – The second version of the Loyalty Program is now Version 2 open for all registered MOTIF XS users. This new • Name, postal address, e-mail address version features a new Voice and Sample library with • Name of the dealer you bought your the following contents: MOTIF XS from • The 3-layers Yamaha S700 stereo piano (32 MB • Serial number of your MOTIF XS compressed) of the Yamaha S90 ES which is known As soon as the registration process is complete the as the ultimate piano sound from Yamaha synths MOTIF XS user will receive an e-mail from EASY • „Sweet Voices“ from the Yamaha Tyros (Trumpet, SOUNDS with a password and a link where the file Trombone, Saxophone, Panflute...) can be downloaded. The size of the download file is • New Choir and Scatvoices 221 MB. • Best-of compilations of optional soundsets from With requesting the European Loyalty program the EASY SOUNDS (synths, pads & atmospheres, user agrees that his e-mail address will be forwarded organs...) to EASY SOUNDS and then used to send him the • Best-of compilation of the Xpanded series from download link and the free MOTIF News Guide. Yamaha Europe (converted from MOTIF ES) Alternatively the “European Loyalty Content • A WAV pool containing 200 WAV files with Package” can be delivered on an USB memory stick, 93 MB in total. These are drum loops, vocal and which must be ordered for a reasonable price from vocoder phrases, sound effects, in addition to the e-mail proce- and atmospheres dure mentioned above. Remember to add the keyword „XS Loyalty Program“ to your USB memory stick Furthermore the Loyalty Program contains a order. comprehensive MOTIF XS Quick Guide in PDF Already registered MOTIF XS users can request an format. This Quick Guide is compiled of all XS update by sending an e-mail to: [email protected] 21 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 MOTIF XS Soundset: “Oriental Instruments” Registered MOTIF XS Users can enjoy a This free soundset can be requested by sending an soundset from Yamaha Music Europe: e-mail containing the keyword „Oriental“ and the „Oriental Instruments“ can be downloaded serial number of your MOTIF XS to: for free from Yamaha Music Europe. [email protected] The soundset contains the following: • 36 Performances In response to his request the user gets an e-mail con- • 128 Voices taining the link referring to the soundset and the login • 7 User Drum Voices and password. The zip-file has a file-size of 58 MB. • 32 User Waveforms of oriental instruments With requesting the soundset the user agrees that his • 70 MB Samples e-mail-address will be forwarded to EASY SOUNDS • 6 Turkish Authentic Micro Tunings and then used to send him the download link and the „Oriental Instruments“ has been produced by turkish free MOTIF News Guide. musicians and is developed for the use in both Alternatively the soundset can be delivered on an USB traditional and modern turkish music. memory stick, which must be ordered for a reason­ Authentic samples of oriental musical instruments able price from in addition to the plus the most popular turkish Micro Tunings are the e-mail procedure mentioned above. Rember to add the basic building blocks of this soundset. keywords „Oriental Instruments“ to you USB memory stick order. Nonetheless these special oriental instruments can be All already registered MOTIF XS users will auto- used in music styles like pop, world, chill out, ambient matically receive their personal download link with and whatever you can imagine. the next newsletter and so do not have to request the soundset.. The 128 Voices and 36 Performances are mostly built from the new User Waveforms and Samples. Some Voices are modified Preset Voices. 22 M O T I F N E W S A G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 YAMAHA S90 XS / S70 XS Soundpackage A free “Soundpackage” with additional high-class WAV-Pool content is available for S90 XS / S70 XS users who The WAV pool contains 200 WAV files with a total register themselves at Yamaha. This Soundpackage is size of 93 MB. These are drum loops, vocoder produced by EASY SOUNDS under contract to phrases, sound effects, and atmos. Yamaha Music Central Europe and contains the MOTIF News Guides following: All already published editions of the “MOTIF Pop & Dance News Guide” are included in PDF format. This Voice Bank features 128 professional User To register simply send an e-mail with the keyword Voices compiled from popular EASY SOUNDS “S90 XS / S70 XS Soundpackage” to: libraries for the MOTIF XS and the MOTIF ES Xpanded series from Yamaha Europe converted [email protected] for the S90 XS / S70 XS. The following information is required: The set “Poc & Dance” contains Voices from • Name, postal address, e-mail address these EASY SOUNDS soundsets: • Name of the dealer you bought your • Chill Xperience S90 XS / S70 XS from • Dance Xpanded • Serial number of your S90 XS / S70 XS • Magical Pads As soon as the registration process is complete the • Mystic Spheres S90 XS / S70 XS user will receive an e-mail from • Stage & Studio EASY SOUNDS with a password and a link where the • Synth Xtreme file can be downloaded. The size of the download file is 136 MB. With requesting the Soundpackage the user agrees Vocoder Dreamz The S90 XS / S70 XS version of “Vocoder Dreamz” that his e-mail address will be forwarded to EASY features 40 Vocoder Voices and a comprehensive SOUNDS and then used to send him the download manual on how to use them with the S90 XS link and the free MOTIF News Guide. Vocoder. The User Voice Bank is divided Alternatively the soundset can be delivered on an USB as follows: memory stick, which must be ordered for a reasona- • 1 – 16 Vocoder Voices (Vocoder + ble price from in addition to the Pad/Atmo/Synth) e-mail procedure mentioned above. Rember to add the • 17 – 36 Vocoder Voices (Basic Type) keywords „S90 XS / S70 XS Soundpackage“ to your • 37 – 40 Vocoder Voices (LFO-Type) USB memory stick order. 23 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 MOTIF-RACK XS: Sound & Infopackage The free “Sound & Infopackage” is available for all To register simply send an e-mail containing your registered MOTIF-RACK XS users. The registered name, address, and serial number of your MOTIF- user will receive an e-mail with a password and link to RACK XS to: the downloadable file. The file contains the following: [email protected] • Soundset „POP & DANCE“ with 128 professional Voices Remember to order the “Sound & Infopackage”. • WAV-Pool with 200 loops and audio-phrases With registering you automatically subscribe to the • Demo song free MOTIF News Guide. • PDF file of a comprehensive guide plus tips & tricks MO6/8, S90 ES, MOTIF-RACK ES: Free Soundlibrary For some time now registered users of the Yamaha MO6 / MO8 / S90 ES / MOTIF-RACK ES synthesizers MO6 / MO8, S90 ES, and MOTIF- Voice-Library „Pop Xpanded“ RACK ES have the chance to get some sound goodies: This library contains 192 User Voices compiled from After registration each user receives a password and the MOTIF ES libraries “Arp Xpanded” and link to a free sound and information package. “Live Xpanded”. This includes the soundset “Pop Xpanded” with User Voice Bank 1 is identical to “Arp Xpanded” and 192 profesional live- and arpeggio-sounds. For details features 128 Voice based on 106 new User Arpeggio on this soundset see the box to the right. Phrases. (In the MOTIF-RACK ES version the Furthermore a comprehensive documentation of the Arpeggiator is deactivated, since the RACK has no soundset, Quick Guides, demo-sounds, and other User Arpeggios.) useful files are included. Voices 1 – 64 of the User Voice Bank 2 are identical To register simply send an e-mail containing to the 64 „Live-Voices“ of „Live Xpanded“. These are your name, address, and serial number of your keyboard and synth sounds which are specially pro- instrument to: grammed for pop, rock, dance, and live entertainment. [email protected] The Voices 65 – 128 of the User Voice Bank 2 are compiled by the best synthesizer sounds of the factory Remember to order the „Sound & Infopaket“. preset sounds from the MOTIF ES and MOTIFRACK ES. . 24 M O T I F N E W S A G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 YAMAHA MM6 / MM8: Software package „Live & Studio“ The free software package “Live & Studio” is avail­ and Controller events which set the effects and sounds able for registered MM6 and MM8 users. The regis- of the MM6 / MM8 to be controlled in “PC-Mode” tered user will receive an e-mail with a password and with 16 MIDI channels (multimode). link to the downloadable file. The demo songs combine MIDI and audio tracks. The software package contains the following: The MIDI tracks control the MM6 / MM8. The audio tracks are used to play back samples from the included • MM6 / MM8 Live Peformance Bank “WAV pool”. • Song-Templates • Demo-Song with audio and MIDI tracks for To register simply send an e-mail containing your Cubase, Logic, Standard MIDI File) name, address, and serial number of your MM6 / MM8 to: • WAV loop pool for Cubase + Logic (drums, synths, vocals, effects, atmos) [email protected] • MM6 / MM8 Quick Guide Remember to order the MM6 / MM8 software The 64 Performances for the MM6 are more suitable ­package “Live & Studio”. for live music than the more pattern orientated factory With registering you automatically subscribe to the Performances. free MOTIF News Guide. The Song templates contain setup data in formats for Cubase, Logic, and standard MIDI file (SMF). They feature SysEx events, Bank Select, Program Change, 25 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 YAMAHA KX-Serie: X-Factor - DVD If you have decided for yourself to buy a MIDI controller keyboard of our KX series, we have more than congratulations for you: It is a nice little present – and all you have to do is to register yourself as owner of a KX by writing a simple e-mail to Yamaha Europe. But when we say “nice little present” it is somewhat understated, because it‘s a DVD titled “X-Factor VST” and filled to the rim with sounds, samples, and software: More than 1,3 Gigabyte new HALion-One sounds from Sonic Reality, the S90 ES piano sample from Yamaha in HALion-One format, a special version of IK Multimedia‘s Sample Tank including sounds from high-class titles like the Miroslav Vitous Orchestral Library, Sample Moog, Sonic Synth 2 and others. There are special versions of FXpansion‘s BFD drum VST and of the Arturia Analog Factory 2 featuring sounds from Arturia‘s outstanding collection of virtual analogue synths. Audio loops from Sonic Reality and MIDI loops from Keyfax New Media round up this huge digital fund. But that‘s not all: In addition to all those sounds you‘ll get coupons worth some hundred Euros plus valueable contributions from Antares, ASK Videos, Broadjam, Electronic Musician, Obedia, Steinberg, and Tunecore. Further information about the X-Factor DVD can be found on the english special website The registration is done by sending a simple e-mail to: [email protected] Please give us your name, your address, the model of your KX, and its serial number. Your registration automatically subscribes you to the free monthly MOTIF News Guide containing the latest news and tips & tricks for Yamaha Music Production instruments. Important note: This DVD can not be shipped outside Europe! 26 M O T I F N E W S A G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 TENORI-ON: European Voice & Samplebank Yamaha Music Europe and EASY SOUNDS Tenori-On User Voice Manager to individually provide their free soundlibrary “European re-map the drum and FX kits. This way you can Voice & Samplebank” to all registered modify the supplied kits or Tenori-On users. combine new ones from the scratch.. The downloadable file (48 MB) contains the The User Voices “CO_CombKit1” and following: “CO_CombKit2” demonstrate how the sounds can be • 18 Tenori-On User Voices (Samplings) combined in a creative way. They use samples from • 4 Tenori-On Demos (AllBlock-Files) different sample directories. Combining sounds really • 268 Samples in WAV-Format (19 MB) widens the sound variety enormously. • Comprehensive PDF documentation So if you want to set up your own kits from the WAV The User Voices feature multiple drum kits, sound files you first should audition the samples using a file effects, vocal / vocoder kits, and synth sounds. Here‘s player, sampler, or audio sequencer. Then simply drag an overview of the User Voices: and drop the samples you want to use into the Voice BA_MiniSquare.tnw FX_Atmo.tnw BA_Xbass.tnw FX_Long.tnw CO_CombKit1.tnw FX_Short.tnw CO_CombKit2.tnw SQ_DarkUni.tnw DR_AnalogKit1.tnw SQ_Xsynth.tnw DR_AnalogKit2.tnw VO_VocalsFemale.tnw DR_BreakKit.tnw VO_VocalsMale.tnw DR_XdrumAdd.tnw VO_VocoderFemale.tnw DR_XdrumBasic.tnw VO_VocoderMale.tnw Manager software. The soundlibrary also features some sequences. If you are a Tenori-On user and want to have this soundlibrary you simply have to register yourself by sending an e-mail containing your name, address, serial number, date and dealer where you purchased your instrument to: [email protected] The samples used in the Voices are also provided as WAV files. Hence you can use the downloadable 27 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 Free Tutorial DVD for MOTIF XS users The free tutorial DVD “The World of MOTIF XS” (English language) is available for all registered european MOTIF XS users. The DVD procures comprehensive instructions on how to use a MOTIF XS in a music production environment. The running time of over 3 hours covers deep insights in topics like interactive Arpeggios, live performances, sampling, recording sessions, Cubase AI and much more. To request this DVD simply write an e-mail to: [email protected] Please give your name, address, serial number of your MOTIF XS, and the keyword “The World of MOTIF XS” - even if you already are a registered MOTIF XS user. The request of this DVD can be combined with the request of any other “goodie” for MOTIF XS users, like the “European Loyalty Program”. Important note: This DVD can not be shipped outside Europe! Cubase AI tutorial videos for registered users Thanks to the cooperation between Yamaha and Steinberg most of the recent instruments and mixing desks from the Yamaha Music Production range have the DAW software Cubase AI included – for those who do not own a DAW software yet this is one good reason more to buy from Yamaha. Even more Cubase AI is a music production tool with functions which were exclusive for high-end studios not very long time ago. Even better: European customers buying a Yamaha Music Production instrument with included Cubase AI software are qualified to request a free English language tutorial CD from ASK Video containing 23 videos on how to use Cubase AI4. The CD is English language only and only available as long stocks last. So better be quick – request your CD by sending an e-mail containing the serial number of your Yamaha instrument and your name and address to: [email protected] MOTIF XS users can order this CD in combination with the tutorial DVD “The World of MOTIF XS”. Important note: This CD-ROM can not be shipped outside Europe! 28 M O T I F N E W S A G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0 Easy Sounds for recent Yamaha synthesizers „Stage & Studio“ Synth Universe – Vol. 1 = „Magical Pads“ for MOTIF XS/ES, MOTIF-RACK XS/ES, S90 XS/ES, MO for MOTIF XS/ES, MOTIF-RACK XS/ES, S90 XS/ES, MO • 128 Voices. The ultimate top-40 and live set! • 128 Voices, 64 MB synth Waveforms (MOTIF XS / ES) • The version for MOTIF XS contains 40 additional Performances (split and layer sounds) perfect for stage „Magical Pads” features warm, analogue pad sounds with huge atmosphere. Refined with sweeps, swells, synth brasses, atmo sounds, and musical effect sounds. This universal collection features the most important standard instrument and synthesizer sounds for live gigging and entertainment. Outstanding performance and power. Test-driven by musicians. Synth Universe – Vol. 2 = „Mystic Spheres“ for MOTIF XS/ES, MOTIF-RACK XS/ES, S90 XS/ES, MO • 128 Voices + 60 MB synth Waveforms (MOTIF XS/ES) „Dance Xpanded“ „Mystic Sphere” is perfect for Ambient and Electronic. It contains atmospheres, pads, sound effects, spacy synth leads, trance sounds, vocal pads, and analogue vintage sounds. for MOTIF XS/ES, MOTIF-RACK XS/ES, S90 XS/ES, MO • 128 Voices, 64 WAV drum loops, 100 MIDI loops • 64 MB samples + 100 User Arpeggios (MOTIF ES) „Dance Xpanded” is the ultimate set for Dance, Trance, Electronic, Chill Out, and Pop. The 128 Voices include atmospheres, pads, leads, synth basses, chord synths, gated pads, and arpsounds. Top analogue sound and excellent new synth Waveforms! „Vocoder Dreamz“ for MOTIF XS • 128 Voices + 64 Performances + 96 MB samples „Vocoder Dreamz” combines vocoder Voices, vocal phrase kits, and drum loop kits. The Performances have some synth Voice Presets added. The vocal phrases and drum loops are controlled by User Arpeggios. Its speciality are the vocoder choirs. „Synth Xtreme“ for MOTIF XS/ES, MOTIF-RACK XS/ES, S90 XS/ES, MO • 128 Voices + 124 MB synth Waveforms (MOTIF XS/ES) The Voice Bank “Synth Xtreme” features a vast range of fat, analogue synth sounds in a high-class quality. They work perfect for Trance, Electronic, Techno, and many other genres of trendy pop music. „Organ Session“ for MOTIF XS/ES, MOTIF-RACK XS/ES, S90 XS/ES, MO • 128 Voices + 120 MB samples (MOTIF XS/ES) The combinations of synth sounds with drum and bass loops make an excellent basis for your own songs. Several demo tracks (each provided in many different formats) make your first steps easy as cake. This set is an impressive emulation of the legendary Hammond B3. Smacky organ sounds with concise key click and controllable percussion. Rocky and jazzy Hammond sounds... „Hypnotic Stepz“ „Drum Performer“ for MOTIF XS/ES, MOTIF-RACK XS/ES, S90 ES, MO for MOTIF XS und MOTIF ES • 128 Voices + 120 MB Waveforms (MOTIF XS/ES), 163 drum loops + step sequencer emulation (Cubase/Logic) • 40 drum kits, 400 drum samples (200 MB), Arpeggios... Comprehensive soundset featuring „real drums“ recorded in several complex sampling sessions. These drums sound dry, fat, and punchy. Impressive live drum sound. This is the set for those MOTIF users having a faible for step sequencers and analogue synth sounds. Here you‘ll hear outstanding combinations of synth sounds, drum sounds, and drum grooves. Pricing: Each soundset (download / CD-ROM) = 32,- EUR „Chill Xperience“ These soundsets are exclusively available from: for MOTIF XS/ES, MOTIF-RACK XS/ES, S90 XS/ES, MO EASY SOUNDS – Peter Krischker • 128 Voices + 6 demo songs (all versions) Am Langberg 97 A • 24 Performances, 92 drum loops (MOTIF XS) D-21033 Hamburg Soundset for Chill Out, Lounge, Ambient, New Age, Electronic, and related genres. These sounds offer a high degree of musical inspiration. Soft sound spheres, pleasant pads, spacy leads, chilling effects, remakes of traditional sounds... Telephone: +49 40 - 738 62 23 e-mail: [email protected] Website: 29 M O A r p T i l I 2 F 0 1 N E W S G U I D E 0 Imprint & further links Important websites for MOTIF users Official international Yamaha website for synthe­sizers including a comprehensive download section Official website of Yamaha Music Europe GmbH American MOTIF support website including message board + KEYFAX webshop + „XSpand Yamaha MOTIF News Guide Your World“ downloads The official News Guide about the Yamaha Music Production Synthesizers MOTIF XS, MOTIF ES, EASY SOUNDS website + webshop sounds and MO & S series and Computer Music Instruments USB sticks for Yamaha synths Published by John Melas MOTIF Site EASY SOUNDS Editor softwares for the MOTIF series Peter Krischker Am Langberg 97 A D-21033 Hamburg Telephone: +49 40 - 738 62 23 in cooperation with MOTIF News Guide History Yamaha Music Europe GmbH You can download all already published english Siemensstraße 43 editions as one single ZIP file using this link to the D-25462 Rellingen EASY SOUNDS website: Telephone: +49 40 - 30 30 e-mail: [email protected] A full overview of the topics of all already The free MOTIF News Guide is published monthly published editions can be downloaded here: and contains news, tips & tricks, software offers, and interviews on and around Yamaha synthesizers of the MOTIF series, S series, MO series, MM series, Furthermore you can download a free MOTIF XS Tenori-On, and articles about recording, software, and Quick Guide that is made of all single articles Computer Music Instruments. and workshops ever been published in the MOTIF News Guide: You can subscribe or unsubscribe to the free MOTIF News Guide by sending an informal e-mail to: [email protected] 30 M O T I F N E W S A 31 G U p i l r I D 2 0 E 1 0