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Cvaaw G576




DIGITAL TULTIMETER i opERATTilTANUAL : i I " ! l DI<;ITAL 'IULTIIIEIER co^rrEl/IS cqfifr€ilrs {. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. 3.1 3.2 4. 4.1 4,2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4,6 4.7 4.8 4.9 r SAFETYITFOilAIPiI PRELIUII{A$r DOSA}I)DOI'fTS SYMBOLS MAINTEilATrcE DEScRPTIqt NAMESOFmRTS SWITCT{ zuTTOa*SAIYD .,,1 ...1 ...2 ...3 ...4 ...6 ...7 TNPUTJACKS ...8 LrQUrrlCf;lSrALD|SH3Y{LCD) SPECIFIGI'DS GENERALSECIFICATIONS TECHNICAI.SPECIFICATIONS OPERATX'INITR,CTX)N M|SCOI{i€ETIO{Ar-ARM ' HOLDINGREil}NGS SWTCH|I{GR trcnONS SWTCHTT.TGMIreES ...10 ...12 ,..12 .,,13 .,.23 ...23 .,-24 ...24 ...24 S1/I/ITC}II}'GENEEIIFREAUENCY/DUTY ..,25 S\A/TCHII{GEREITTNGTCASUREMENT,,.2S LTGHT Poivm OFF PREPARING FOR IiEASUREMENT BACK ...26 AUTO ...27 ...29 .SE*,4- I[-,crt{Et'ER DIGITAL MULTIMETER co "tr I" I 'i 4 Ti 6 rrEffxs ...4 IGASURINGAC VOLTAGE ...30 T'E.4SURING FREQUENCY -..31 BE METER. lmproper use of this device can result in electric sho200k}tr - by V sPEc**AnaN lnput voltage range: 0.EV - voltage at higfEr trequency) 600V rms AC (higher input aGffAL MuLrtME:jspEcrF, pATtoN lnput lmpedance: 10MO ::YY'*::3.2-10 Temperature Max. lnput Voltage: 1000V DC or 750V rmsAC - By pA, mAorArange: 3.210,'l Temperature (on sensor, thermoresistor NtfC and tenperature display) Frequency response: 0 - lnput cunent range: >1/4 4okFlz oftle Fenge rms AC forthe range (higher input vol@e at higher frequency) -.Max. inputcunent t 0.1t T 0.'t? - Overload protedion: pA, mAranges: resettablefuses Fl R,mge Resolution C lc 500mAn50V 10A1250V tuse (quick acting), r&tE Th$ range by OUTY'of the l-lz range is largerthan th,at of the -20C to0t 0t 40otl to range. : r IT 32? R€solution 20 -9596 a1% - Operatingt*nperature: Periol -20s. Accuracy r 5-0%RH 0e to 40t 15.0% ofreadingtort ,l .0% of rmot -4r to32T 3.2,9 Reldive Humidity ton RH anclhumidlg displa'1) -.Sampling Accuracy 400C to Range r2t] r4r 32? to 1047 ) l0Ajack 10A voltage range or qJnent 40t 0C to 3.21A.2 Temperature (on sensor, .lhermocouple afld main mAjack (rnA Eng6s) : 400nul, F2 Resolution - Sampling Perio,i: -20s. mAjack (FAranges) l4mA 10A range: sPECtF,cArpN to 7527 t 2.0% of reeding 5.0% of readingtor t * t .0% of readinetor * 4.t' - Overload protedion: resettable fuses * 6.p 2.0% of reedlng F1 500m01280V. (dB) Range Resolution 4r)-100d8 0.1d8 Accuracy t 3.{P6dB at 94dBi 1 tHz sine wave - Typical instrumont frequency raflgo: 100 E 2t t 752T to 18:t2'll 3.2.11 Sound Level r€adingtort Ot - e000l{z DIGITAL MULTIMETER SPECIFIC.ATION 3.2-12 Luminance (.Lux) Range Res{iution L{sr (,1000) I lux r 1 oLux 10Lux .l' 6PERATING tNSfrRUcTtoIu AcDuracy t (5.096 of reading + 10 digits) at colortemp. 2856K calibrated to staniard incandoscent lamp (40000) 3.2,.13 Diode Test . 4.' MISCONNECTION ALARM Thel input jacks of the meter are equipped with sound and Iight alarms against misconnection 3'6V tn'''Efi" appear brrcause of ils Egr wortirg current which back light is on, even if may OL (over linit) wiil allo!,ved rralue for that K, OPENATffG INSTRUCT'ON necessary buttons or tunring the 7) O|-riggering: Under the REL mode, DIGITAL MULTIMETER will cause the voltage to CoP- (The accuracy of the bo 6ured wh€$ the 'Efi" sym5s1 aPpears.) lntis rce' you need not measurement cannot replace the b€tteries lasl until y€f- NomEry' l,le tt"'E!' appaewkn battedes can the back ligltt is not being used. 4.8AUTO POWEROFF 'l) lf there is no'any oPerdixl crilrin any thirty minute period afier tfe porver is 4 the meter will efier the auto Power ofl'mode. -27 - - !i!!!Y----ou*ucrroN 2) Tum the rctary selector or pre$s any of .HOLOIB.L", 'SELECT', .RINGE-, "HIDU[Y" the OPERA'NNG NSTRUCTION 4tO MEASURING DCVOLTAG A Or 'REL' buton rb resume operafiion of the met(r under auto the power off mode. 3) DIGITAL MULTIMETER Press the "S[:LECT, button to disable the auts power Boware of elec{rocutlon. P,ry sp€cl6l atte[tion D'D MEA$URTM ENT r?taced. DC, whic$ may symbol beside the i rput lsed shows that the 4.93 Turn the robry selector to the required funcllon and range to be measured. Under the manuail mode, cfiome the hiohest range when the value scale to be jack and the red test lead iilto the V jaclc 4. exc€ed th€ specified value in order to protect the internEd circuit fiom danrage. 1 te TilV range po:rition. hibn to s:witch to DC 3.2 Set the rotary selector to 4.1,0.3 Press the "SELECT' measur€ment. Then press choose the auto range or 4.1 UE'RAt'lGE btttton to nrmrd 0.4 Connect the test leads to tlr range mode. rolbge source or load for measurem,tnt. 4.1,!.5 Take the retding on The polarity oymbol tie n*t htdicdor of the LCD. poladty of 'he end denG tte connected by lhe red ted lead. is unknown. 4.9-4 Conned the common test lead first and fl{en the ctraQ6d test lead when making connection. Take aiEy the chaged test lead fir6t when disconnecting. lllCIT,8: 'l) At small voltage range, before the test leads uri#y rdings will appear cgE the circuit. This is normal becau*e the m€ier the test leads contact the -a- tq[tl irb0te @iil 4.1,0.1 Plug the black test lead inpd r/olhge or curent should not m6trd not input any'volt{e over crln be shown. symbol will ippear and th,r batteries shduld be The'4, shock when dcstroythe internal circuit ddtogh a higher voltage 4.9.1 Slf,itch on th€, power by turning the rotary selector. lf the batery vlltage ls lower than 3.6V the ,,Ffl, 4.92 Gldic to avdl measuring high voltage. ofifunc*ion. ..9 PREPARANNG FOR mnmne be shown. b ItShly sensitive. When dtlt the true rearling will - D,G.TALMULT.METER . op,s4rryg,rygr3 Lrcrto. 2) Underthe manual rang6 mode4 when only,Of or,OU is strown on the LCD, it means the measurenent has exceeded ttre, range. A higher range should be sdected. *-. I b, 3) Llrder the maoual range mode, when the scate of the va[.p to be measured is unkrown beforehanctr, tte h(fiest /tfl select rdnge first and lowtr the range gradually. IEASruFING AC VOLTAGE A I&! evoid electric shock when Do not SnFrt any voltage Z50V rms AC, which may a higher vrrltage F r t f$t sensitive' When normal becaurle the m€der b the test leads c'ontad the chc-, the true reading will be shown. ll) At the manuallrange mode, 4.11.1 Phrg Orc Hack test lead into tcst lead into tfte V jack. tre 4.1r-2 Scttr€ rotary selectorto the rllei mty'Ot- or'-OU is tittE ralEe shduld be COM jack anctthe red X7 V range position. 4.11.4 Gonnect lhe test leads to thr; volhge source or load tenrdnak for measurernent. 4.11-5 Take the reading on the main indicator of the llCD. f,hll fie scale of ttre value to be measured is unknwt b&rehand, sebct lower0l highest range first and the range gradualty' /[1 T MEASURING TREOUETTC1I 4.1:2.1 Plug the black test leed 4.11-3 Press the ,,SELECT, button to switch to AC me6$ernert. Then press lhe .MNGE" brltton to cfioGc the auto range or manual range mode. -t)- A il) At the manual range mode, d.*8, ltc inner circuit, although ca berlpryn. : F 'l) At smallvolta(F range, unsteaty teadings may appear before the test leads corffi Ap circuit This is selected, wnRulruc d Electrccuflon. Pey rpald dertion to rrerlring high rroltage. ffi FroIG: exceeded the range. Errere & OPERlIT/l|re NSTRUCTION shown on the,LCD, it mqlsthe nssurement has ikr h DIGITAL MULTIMETER red test lead into the l'lz ilEfte CO[4 jack and the iarc b [E [E range position (or bulbrl .atp AC/DC V range to 4.1;2.2 Set the rotary selec'tor press the "HzDUT\2 switch to Hz rreasurern€il}" 4.1:e.3 Connect teslt leads to thc tro en& d the sdurce or load for measurernefit 4.12.4 Take the rearling on the m*r inlcator of the !CD' I DtctTALMULflATETER opqgdruG-rlp6 vcTtoN 4.'3 HEAruRI{G DUTY 4.13.1 Plug the black test lead intcrthe COM jack and the r€d test lead into the Hz jack. 4.1 f;t+ 'd 12 Set ihe rotary selector to the Hz range position. 4.113 Ress the ,,HzlDUTy, button to switch tcr DUry meurernent (or press the ,l{:/DUTy, button at the o*,r.r* :*':::t'^ 4.1,t,4 Oonnect the test leads to tfie l.It,?E: 1!) At the manuallrange mode' AC/DC V range to switch to DUTY measurement). shown on the'LCD, it exceeded th€' range' led br +I' measurement, Tde the reariing IEAS{'RNG on the main disday of the Ll;D. wnnrulrue of Electnrcution. ?um otl tlre porrer of the clrcuit to be meaeured brftrg@nnectng the mef,er to lhe circuit. 4.14.1 Pfrg the black tsst lead intc{th6 COM jack When llp cunent to be measured is under 40OmA plug the rcd test had ioto the mA jack; when the cunent to be rn€sslned b rorer 400mA but 0nder 1OA, plug the red bs{ lead krto tire 1 0A jack. 4.1{.2 Scf th€ rotan, selector to the 7V e range position. 4.14-3 Pre6s the ,,SELECT' button to switch to DC m€aslrement. Then press flie "RANGE" button to choooe the auto range or manual range mode, -4.- rlgr mly'OU or'-OL' is rneastrre measurement has A lttts range shcltld be selocted. Il) At the manual range modq tfllrnr 0re scale of th€ valuo to be measur€d is unknour taft.dlan4 set the range to the highest. DC CURRENT A Benu cituit for measurement' 4.14.5 Take the reeding on the m*r i,ldacdor of tlre LCD' 'fie end The polarity srymbol denotB t p poladty of connected bY &re red test lead- 4.114 Gorrreet tes! leads to the tvro end of the source or 4.13-5 vcroN :q "A' 61s665 the ma)dmm trlstt cf the rnlrjack is (rlerf d $e 1oA'jack is $e lmit will jach oglrdaceefig {0A 10A" At the 400mA and ttle maximum blow the fuse. 4.I.' MEASURING,AG CURREIII Arulre Beware of Elec'tmcutiqt. h aH b be measured clctit m-5} jack When the 4.15.1 PIug the blacktest lod ith@il {IInA flug the red current to be nreasurcd b rdr to be cunen{ tle dgl nrA the test lead into Fts Turn ofi the porrer of hr{ore connec{lng measured is tte oter4{X}rnAhlrds 10A plugthe red - 33- - uGnN MULT.METER op,s4rryG / ,grR vcrtoN lr,:i test bad intotte 10Aiack. 4.1L2 Sel the rortary selector to the FU A ,ang" position. 4.1L3 Press the ,'SELECT, burlon 1o switeh to AC measrernent. Then press flire "RANGE, button to cfiooce the auto range or manual range mode. 4.11-4 Connect the,!esl leads to the circuit for measurement. 4,115 Td(e the rearling on the main indicator of the [.CD. is drom on the.LCD, it means; the measurement has th€r range. A higher range should be sde.ted. lJltder the marual range modo, when the scale of the yat e to be mrasurod is unknrlwn beforehand, set the rIgetothe highest. Q A,' rreans the maximum crrrent of the mA,jack is 4(IInA and the maximum cunrent of the 10Ar jack is l(lA At the 10A jack, cunenil exceeding the Hmit wilt bhrtlrefuse. 4I!I rNS T RU C T I O N MEASURING RESISTANCE A wanrlre Bcware of Electrrtcutaon. lfthen meaeurinrt in+ircutt t*ElG, make 6ura thnt the porer of the cilElft 5G &st has been beenr fully turned of and lftd all csrr ib0le @l,l jack and the or,,el, oeeded A OPER/cfrr{G dibcherged. roIe 1} Al Are rnanuallrange mode, wh6n only ,OL DIGITAL MULTIMETER 4.1r$.1 Plug the black test lead red test lead irilo the O jack 4.1rS.2 sdec{ortolheA{*{F the "SELECT h.ilon to Settre rotary range tosition' slrvitch to O measurement. Then press lhe 'RANGE' br*ton to 4.113.3 Press choose the auto range or nranrC range mode. 4.113.4 Connect the test leads b IlrG ends dthe relristor or ci rcuit tor measurement 4.1r$.5 Take the rearling on the ndt inlcdor of the lCD. l@Iui 'l) At the manuallrange mods, rlEl onfy 'OU or 'OU is ihown on the, LCD, it rranstlt m€surement has exceeded th€t range. A lits range should be selected. Q'fl Tpear on the LCD to indicate that the rango h6El eeed€d. il) For measuring resistilcc &p lMO, it ma)'take a 2) When the inpd is op6tl. few seconds to get a stdy rrdiqg- for high resistrnce readiE; This is normal d uGnN-'tuLrtMETER DIGITAL MULTIMETER opEgdrryg,rysrE vc*oN {{? TEASTURNG CAPACITANCE A Bcrerc d OPER,A'NNG NSTRUCTION 4.1,3.3 Press 4.1,t.4 Connect the red test lead to wnnrumre To .rn*l ehcffic ehock, make sur6 th*t the c+es hays been fully discharged hefore mtryiq te cDacitance 4. 1,!.5 Take of a,Eapacitor. 4-r 7-2 Scilhe rotary selector to he 1l) O.,,1ll{1.' ends of the capacitor for some time (about 30 seconds for the 200pF ruu€) for deady readings when measuring c+ady. witl appear on the LCD. 4.'I TESTING COIITINUITY Boware of Eledtnacrfrion. d ae circtit hae been capm have been fully beforc iestlm tlscdrrity oil I cilEuit turned off and the high open. ln suc-h case, press $le "REf button to reset tlle reoding and take measurement again, 4.1rS,1 Plug FrluS -r- t tp ibOE rclrt jack and the jack selectorbbo{tHF range Fsition. 4.1:9.3 Press the 'SELECI ham to switch to "{ for 4.119.2 Setttre rotary 4.1r$.4 Connect the test leads tlre black test lead intcrthe COM jack and the red test lead iilto the black test lead red test lead irto the A continuity te$t. +TITESTHGDloDE Set app.ainde foMard voltage The mder will show the ll) When the test leads have bG{ rewrsed or open, 'OL' 2) Scndimes a reading may appe€r when the circuit is l.2 the ICD' Meke sure that the poset t) tmaytake 4- 1 of ^4, waruure reariing on the main indicator of the tr CD. rEIE l rein indcator the rearling on the ilteaslrsnent. a-lt mst. drop ofthe diode. range position. 4-t7.3 Aler fully digcharged the capacitori connect the test T*e the li anode and the black NOY,EI 4-17-l PluS tlre btack test lead intcrthe COM jack and the red tes( tearl irfto the {F jack. {-17.4 ie test lead to thc cathode ofthe ilode fortesting. Elecf rrDcution. leds to thr two the'SIILECT' butonb switch 16 the lljack. rotary selector to the O."l lt{ 4. F range position. bs5 h ends of thc circuit for measurem,lnt 1e .5 lf the resistarlce of the 40O, the built-in ciErt ltdng tested is less than buzzerdturd. -at? - DIGITN 'IULTIMETER a.It-6 R€dfie resistance rcIlr lf tie t€C oPERAflATG INSTRVCTION on the main indicator of flie LCD. leads Er€ open or the resishnce of the {}ircuit is (r,E4o(rl'OL" o*,*u :''-.t*."' 42t MEASURING TEMPERATURE (WTH THERMO-RESISIOR} 4.21.1 This functicn is used ior masuring the 'rmbient temPerature a!'ound the will appear on the LCD. m&' 4.21.2 Turn the rotary selector I' EASI.IENG RELATIVE HUI'IIDITY 4212 Tun 4213 arouild the meter ttre roEry selector away.fom the OFF prpsifi66. The trrnent ambient humidify will be Ehowrr on the disday of the LCD" I )The hu$d,ty sensor is placed inside the front part of the ,rder and therefore it may take a longer time lb reach Erce with the environnrent being Futernore, 20 seconds, ('pGed to tle 2) measured. it takes a longer intermi$sion tim,r, about tr reading" Hence llrGqting rapidty changing antbient humidity. bke sorre time icr ertierlt it is not suiteble for a steady RH reading vvh6n the humidrty chan ges. "CfF" l'E button to LCD' srUl b€ii/een tll and "F measurement. ltElE; placed 1l) The temperature senss (t!6m{esistor) is it may inside the frort part of the oreter erd fierefore itrnral balance rvith' the environment. Furthennorq I takes a longer take a longsr time to readt and intermission tirne, about 20 soeonds, fur samplng the meter has to be expc€d h the environment for a tlence ill is not longer tima firr accurde Ititg- sampling and the meter has to be environment for a longer ilme for Grab lf, the temperature indicator of 4.21.4 Press the lur*fty plE aniaytornt}e OFF pdsition' on 4.21.3 The eurrent ambient ternperahre will be shc^rn /f-211 Tlis func-ticn is used for uraasuring the ambient lu*Ity '*"'*ucnga- suitable for mesuritg rqily clranging itmbient temPerature. Il) The working t'nnperelte.'tE lleier DH h betw€en 0 dd G' the temperaturc seflsor func{ion is temPerature b applicabb is 0 * 40C' As insidethe mcter' this measuring 'ambient if) lf exposed to'an envirorr-i beyond 0 - 40C' the meter may nhoil a wiF rangp of temperature mray cannot be dnsured and damage to the n#nry be caused' mea8urement, but -o- tlle -39- : UGTTAL MULTIMETER DIGITAL MULTIMETER OERlqr' JGINSrRUCTION OPE7RATING INSTRUCTION 'T22 trEASURIM' TEMPERATUFIE ourlt THERMOCOUpLE) A mnune Arsaof elecffircution. To .rroi, c*ectlcal shock, do not connect the trt charged circuits. Plug tte llc positi'Dn' firont part of the mder at the sound source. appear on the main display of the LCD at Arstin€_ 4223 selectortollreG rarqe 4.2:3.2 Point the sertsor located in 4.221 Trrn the robry selecior to TEMP position. 1222'ot-'will Turn the rotary on the LCD' 4.2:3.3 The sound l€vel in dB r,ril be strorm NOTEi red end of the 'K' type thermocouple into the $trong wind (ov