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Cvacc C436




PrFssthe MEN1丿 key to enter the setup interface settings ∷ 婴 C丨 婴 ick on0K, ∷∷ ∴ `¨ 些 um父 罗⒇ 蛾 ct En副 蚰、 FULL H I2M∈ GA PIX∈ Ls P 彐6σ ROTATION CAR us∈ MINl CAMCORD∈ R f 丁 Preface: Thank you for purchasing this high-dcfInition dig⒒ aI vidco camcordcr,with mini reined appcarancc and a u血 quc ⅡΦ-scrcen fcaturc th扯 can match up the multi-ft】n∝ on to achicve a wide- anglc phOtography. Thc uscr manual introduccs thc mcthod of usagc in dctaⅡ , at thc samc tilllc it also providcs dctaⅡ cd info∏ nation to you, including the usage, opcration, instaⅡ ation considerations and tcchnicaI spcciflGations.Plcasc carcf`】 lly rcad and I、 】 11y understand d1is user manual bcforc your use tllc camcordcr and kccp⒒ halldy for ftlturc rcfcrcnce.We hopc tho camcordcr can satisfy your nced and makc a scⅣ icc1or you in a long teIⅡ 【 . Product overview: This subΠ 1iniature high-dcflnition digital 能 揣 iJ:1苷 ⅤideO calncorder is ahncd laf;嬲%c茁魄 r黜。 菅 瑟冱i器 :鞴 漠扌跣 and,1JsI;charging transⅡ 1ission 17 Having a widc rangc ofusc and bcing convcnicntto vidcO anytimc, anywhcre, Protcct Fca扯 c ◆ ˇⅡnutc Size, a pcr士 cGt1nodu1aF dcsign0f bugcyc lens、v⒒ h 180-dcgrcc rotally tapc and A+high-rcsolution of130-dcgrec, and.the display screen of270- degrcc rotary tapC is more con◆ cn忆 llt to capture and record tllc h屯 h rC⒃ lt1ton ⅤⅡeos fron1a、 Ⅴidc angle in various occas1ons. BuⅡ t-in 1/3.2inch scnsitivity modc、 vith1o、 Ⅴ noisc and high dcfln⒒ ion that can shoot in dill△ ly1it placcs. ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ S、vitching frOm Day to night rnodc hnction Automatic cxpostnrc contro1functi。 n BuⅡ t-in lithiu1n battery, support tllc fLlnction charging and rccOrding atthc samc ti1ne BuⅡ t-in Inicrophonc ◆ suppo⒒ brthe SD(sDHC)card witll high powcr capability ◆ sclIti1uer Gan prcvicw by thc screen to caph】 rc tllc idcal 1magc ◆ Anti-sh岔 kc R】 nction ◆ motion dctcctiOn rccording ◆ ◆ 4X digital zoom a TⅤ /IIDMI intcrfacc call bc direcdy conncctcd w"h tlle high冖 dcflnition tclevision Protect l、 /Ik: 1.LED monitor, 2.Powcr button, 3.Microphone port, 4.FiVc(Ⅱ rcction button∶ up bu仇 on(Macro,,doWn button(zooⅡ D, lea butt。 n(EV buttO1D,Ⅱ ght button(nash c。 mpensajoω , 5.卜 Ⅰ cnu bu铣 on, 6.Mode bu仇 on, 7.P1aybaGk button, 8.、 1dcO and camera bu⒒ on, 9.EⅡ splay, 10,GⅡ bClthook, 11.spcak`、 12,HDMI interfaGe,UsB interfaGe,TⅤ interface, 13,Rc蚶 button 14.Brackct1, 15,Lens, 16.Flash compcnsation, 17,The ba钆 ery∞ ver O1ow the bracket2), 18.Brackct2, 19.SI冫 card slo1 20,TⅡ pod fIxed end. 舳 丁 m 濒 扛 槲粥撤鞘 鞲 骒卿揽 y弯 l垠 廴 滥i器%蝎 c扩龆 髁挠黑吼 :絷 indicatiⅤ e dircction,until it sof11yc1icks。 2.Wlcn rcmoⅤ 1ng1he sD memory Qard,push in1hc sD memory Loading and dowll1oading thc battcry. Gard and gelltly rcleasc to苟 ect s pow“ t浼 it. Notes: 酞 c,surc the s、 vitch of sD memory card is open。 1.卜【 2.λ 汪akc svrc thc SI)rncmory card are FaGing thc right way,if it is in thc、 Ⅳrong dircGtion,itrnay damagc thc camcra and sI冫 rnemOry card。 |■ ■ n。 t fuⅡ y 彐 charged 、 3.Whcn you insertthe sD memory Gard into thc GamcOrdc△ Ⅳhich wi11sct thc sD mcmory card as the stOragc dcviGcs, 伍c Original data in tl△ c SI)1nemory card may nOt bc read。 4. If thc sE冫 4.shOve the battery covcr to rcmovc thc battcry. Ⅴ⒒h the calllcOrdcr, mcmOry card is incOmpatib1c 、 plcasc try again or change othcr sD mcmory。 5Plcasc usc tllc higll-spccd sD memory card,as tllc SDHC Gards. User Guide ChargiⅡ g the Battery TurⅡ ing the power oⅡ /oⅡ 1. To charge by directly linlcing the sOckct tO tIlc canlcordcr USB 1.Prcss thc po、 vcr button about onc sccOnd to turn thc po、 Ⅴcr on or interface or turll thc powcr of£ of£ 2. USB chargcr,putting onc of USB data cablc conncctcd to the cOluputcr and thc Othcr cnd with camcordcr or you can tum 山c 2.opcn the scrccn to turn thc power on u/hⅡ c G1osing it to tum off thc po、 ver。 powcr ofE h浪 l∶ slvitching thc opcration1nodc i乩 al甘 在忿 a丨 :l∶ ∶ ∶Ⅰ :吁 皙 巽罗:l;:甓 :弼ng ωthc ;:l;扌 22 l。 Prcss the modc buttOn to s汀 itch the vidcO and photography mode,i庄 }is the rcGOrding mode,and~凵 。photography modc, 23 V they are rnarkcd On the top Icft comcr ofthc screen 2,Press playback button tO enter into thc playback. _ˉ 2.selection ofthe white led Undcr thc reGOrding modc,press thc left button,you Gan use thc How to eⅡ ter into the systematic setting options Press thc MENu button t、 vicc to cnter into thc’ ’ Systcm Settings" s、 Ⅴitching hnction bct、 vcen day and nightrnode.The night rnode is tuming on、 vhite lcd Ⅵ砬d1thc indicator on thc1cft bottom of the optiOn,thcn it becOmes thc blue background. scrcen. Datc/TiI⒒ c∶ sct the date and timc; Auto shutdown∶ set automatic shutdown thne; 3.setting ofthe recording optioⅡ Becp S0und∶ tum on and offthe sound ofthc buttons; Languagc∶ sctthc uscd language rncnu; Rcsolution∶ Frequcncy∶ set50Hz/60Hz cuⅡ ent frequency TV modc∶ Sctthe NTSC/PAL; Default∶ recOver thc factory settings; Version∶ so细 arc version numbcr How to shoot and the setting of shooting options 1.shooJng Whcn山 e camcordcr entcrs into the rccOrding vidcd modc and a mark likc丿 」 appears on thc lca。 f thc screcn,press thc camera ●rcGOrding indicator、 ⅤⅡl Ⅱash。 When you prcss thc camera button,the recording、 ⅤⅡl stop and the ・ rccording indicator wnl disappCar. button to start recording video,thc s Prcss theˇ IENU bu仗 on to Cnter into thc rccording option setting 1080p/720p/480p Loop recOrding∶ 51ninutes/10rninutes/15Π 1inutcs Motion dctcction∶ ol△/off Date stamp∶ olVoff How to take photos and photos option settiⅡ gs 1. Turn the powcr on,prcss thc mode button to selcct thc photo ‘ 」” 、 v⒒ l appear at thc top lcft,at thc tiInc,thc modc,thcn thc rnark‘ £ camcordcr entcr into thc photo modc. 2,Aim and focus as shown in thc Ⅱlustr缸 on and a句 u哎 the camcorder to thc idca1apcrlurc, at thc time,you necd to grip thc camcordcr tighdy to prcvcnt fron△ shachng. 3.Press thc photO bu仗 on,and thcn the camera wⅡ lrnakc a"crack" sound,which rncans a photo is cOmplcted。 4,sclf-timcr functi。 n In photO modc, prcss thc ˇ【 cnu button to scleCt the sclf-timcr T modc as single sh鼠、two scConds thning,丘 Ⅴc scconds thning,tcn sccOnds tilning and continuous shooting. 5.Press thcˇ Ι EblU button to entcr h⒒ o thc photo selection setting. Capture mode∶ singlc shot,timing with ftWO sCc,/flVe∞ c./,tcn scc.) and continuous capmre. Rcsolution∶ Quality∶ ‰f苕 蹴 茈僻焉僬器踹挟 廴揽咒黥 璧 mo09,you can press the1ea of right button to revicW the audio and vidco d::l∶ a. {∶ 12M/8M/5M/3M 2.Press thC bo⒒ oⅡ 1button to thC indcx1nodc and press thC fovrdircction button,you can prcv1c`Ⅴ piCturcs and video data.ThCn supcr丘 nc,fInc and noImal Sharpness∶ strong,noΠ mal and soft Wh⒒ c balance∶ auto/dayl坨 h√ cloudy/tungstcn/丑 ‰ F受 齄 糯 漶 巳盎 1烈 thc video data,if you wantto p1E uorcsccnt Color∶ no1IIIal/blaGk-、 vhite/sepia IsC)∶ 萨 飘 找 潇 1黥 auto/100/200/400; EV1-2.0-+2.0 搏 “ Facc dctcction∶ facc detection/smilc dctcctiOn QuiCk rev始 shut/2y5s ⒒ 拶 辅 嘁 谳 嘶 樊 钰 襻 C modc, enlarge thc piCturc,thcn press the OK button to thc mobⅡ using thc four-dirCCtion bu仗 on to movc around thc picturc. And then press the OK button to Cx“ 1he FnobⅡ e1node,prcss the zoom Datc stamp∶ datc/timc Notes: 1. In any modc of recording and photo,you can press the mode button to select thc modc of cycⅡ ng sⅤ 注tching thc rccordhg and photography。 2.In the photo Fnode,prcss the right button cntcr into the wh⒒ 蜡 ''” mark mcans thc pictlIrc J Anti-shaking∶ off/on w∶ 蓝 c1cd nr⒑ ti。 n and the lcft bu钆 on Can quiGk changc thc sct EV numbcr。 button to shrink thc pic饥 rc. 3.De1ctc the iles l茫 赋 黠 揣 i捎 熬 糨 桤 踹 黼 拧 獾 h“ .斑 f ddetc龃 ,prcss OK 黑慌。 :‰ f∶ 浪 ζ ⒊JS∫昭璧 27 丁 button tO conflm. Recording whiIe Charging VIodo ∶l1II;J;r酬 浅 n吊 ;∴ 彐 :jt忿 r蹈 i老 黹 c扌 瑙 靓殉 冕 11:曹 1忿 丨 screen RoIIing l Colmputcr opcrating 龊 abovc thc OSx10.3.6above systcn∷ 2000/XP/`厂 ist〃 ⅣVindOws7,MAC | 鼹 昴 Remarks: ⅣVindows 2 sclcctthc camcra to use it. 3 Select PICBRIDGE to conncct with thc printcr to print pictures。 龊 4.Removing the1JsB to powerthe camcOrdcr or ConⅡ ect to the TV to display videos I.Usc thc HDMI cablc tO cOImect with thc high qua1ity TV to play back。 Information Backup USB Backup Modc 鞲鞲 2. 1Jse the TV cablc tO cOnneCt the TV to rcGOrding, taking a :硼 appcar,and flnd thc nccded picturc fron1thc DcIM documcntin 山e rnovable disk pictLlrc and brOwsc thc picturc and video data。 Note:Thc rcmoⅤ able disk can bc used、 | l vithout thc insta1lcr drivcr, 、 vhcn‘ the Gamcorder is opcn。 Remarks: suppose thc camcordcr is in dead halt duc to thc irnproper operation, you can prcss thc rcset button to boot 山e machinc,which wⅡ l rcturFlto nomal! Tech1ical speciflcations LCD sGreen Ca1ncra lens Languagc 2,5LTPS(4∶ 3) 130degrees A+Icvel degrees high reso1uton 1ens EngⅡ sh ,GeI.Ⅱ any, French, Spanish, ItaⅡ Notes: This product retaincd dcsi2口 1 and speciⅡ cation change c, Porlugal,TC,sC,Japancse,Rus虹 an v1deo 1080p/720p抑 8Op ′ 0'idco fo.Ⅱ ェ at AVI ResoIuton r 12M/8M/5Ⅳ 〃3⒈ 江 Photos fo..Ι Ι at JPG SD card slot sD Microphone Builtˉ in Capture modc shgle/sclf-timer ttwO sCconds timer,Ⅱ ve seconds ti1ner,ten seGOnds timer,)and sequence Frequency 50Hz/60Hz Television NTsC/‰ UsB intcrfacc UsB2,0 30 、 vithout notice. speciⅡ catioⅡ of RackˇIOunting InstaⅡ laⅡ on steps D醯 曲 曲 蜘