WarnIng 1
To preVθ nt fire or eIeotrio shook, please do not let tho rain hit the device or
2. Use of nonˉ originaI match or Without cf the proˇ ∶ sions poWer suρ ρly v0Itagθ wⅢ damage
Do not disasstmbIe Touohing thθ inlury ln thθ eVent of Malfunct丨 qua丨 mθ d
product’ s intθ
parts cou丨 d resu" in
on the product should bθ reρ a丨 red onIy by a
technicaian should thθ
produd break oρ em or Wθ t as the resuⅡ of a ρroduct to a VV&s
serV ce to inspedlon storage and transpo"ation prooθ
from equipment to preVent contad swtch,causing no long-term use of temporary nursing equiplη
θIedric shook Do not hand|e the pIug or Charger with wet hands Fa"ure to obserVe this
resu"in firθ or
●PIease do not dirθ ctIy faCe the light bulb when the “ng
ent cousθ d a】 re
CompatibIe Ba廿 θ
●Do not placθ the photograpic Iights in nearby such as ●Do not pIaoe any oblects on tho ph° t° graphic丨 ights
or the
Liqid fa"into the internaI
m Inlury
7. obse~e ρroρ er precaufons whθ口 handing
bate"es〈 opti° n)baue“
Ieak.or θxρ Iode lf irnproporIy handIed 0bse~e thθ
es may
folloWlng ρrecautins
Whθ n handⅡ ng ba廿 e"es for use in this ρroduct
Iargo luminous chips,the
strobosoopic and other negative ρhenomena When shooting morθ ovθ 1丨 te仟 ectiVeIy irnproVe thθ oonVersion e仟 iCienoy 3 supports eXtθ rnal d丨 rθ ctˉ current powerinputthat conVeniθ nt you for a long time use〈 the poˇ ˇ θr adapteris purchase on sθ lθ ct on)
a whenthe"thiunn battery is mountθ according to the arrow direction
it Wlth
Paper or c|othes AICohol or gaso"ne and other】 ammabIe or VoIatile soIVents
Keep out of reaoh of ch"dren FaⅡ ure to obsen`e this precaution could resu"
1 VV300adopts300higt~qua"ty LED"ght bθ ads° f
"othod of^pp"catIo" Battery Insta"atiom
photographio light ON gr"Ie by oovθ
Product Featuros
4 Three colortempθ rature plates are configured and suitab|θ for use under di仟 erent θnVironmθ nts
precaution oould resuIt in eledr丨 C shock
Notes ●NeVer blook theˇ entiIation
ss,pIease keep out the power separation
θxρ osed Take the poWer cabIe to a VV&s
sorvloe representative for inspθ otion Fa"ure to obseIγ e this pre° aution c° uld
fall or other accident Cut oπ the power and then take the
damaged and the wires beoomθ
shouId you not∶∞ smoke or an unusual temperature ∞ ming iom the equipment,cut o仟 the poWer and stop using k Take the equ丨 pmentto a VV&s Autho"zed Rese"ers sen`ice center to inspection
0 Continue use oou丨 d resu"in frθ 0 Do not handle the po、 ver cable or g° near tho charger du"ng thunderstorms FaiIure to oblods this ρremutlon∞ uld resu"in eled"c shod【 0 Do not damage,modify or forCib丨 y tug° r bend the power cablθ Do not pIa∞ it undθ r heaˇ yo凵 ects°r expose itto hear cf name sh° uId thθ i冂 suIa刂 on be
thθ ρ hotographic Iight on or against the othθ r1ems aboˇ θ θ ase tum of the ght ρh0tographlc岣 ht,° r else they may∞ usθ 1re or damage to photograuo Ⅱ ●Do not seize the ρhotograρ hic I∶ ght hθ ad to take up photograρ hi° cameras ,p丨
NP-F750 NP-F530 NP— F330 NP— F570 NP-F930 NP— F770 NP-F950 NP— F960
sony NP-F se"es
NP-F550 NP-F970 NP-F950/B NP-F970/B NP-F930/B
o Use only ba仕 eries approVed for use in this equipment
o Do notsho砣 or disassembIe the battery o Be sure thθ produd poweris o仟 bθ fore replacing ba位 ery o Do not θxpose the ba廿ery t° fIame or to excessive heat o Do notimmerse in or exρ
ose to water
be used for about13omi冂
NOtes on the clea"
o竹 When
●Use dry son cI。 th to CIean photograρ hio Ⅱ ghts Υ°u Can wash wlth a doth tt。 remove,and
s"ghtly s° me neutral deteΓ gent to remove the dirt that dimcu丨
then Wkh a soft oloth to dry
●Do not use strong oIeaning agθ these solVents may damage thθ
Note∶ I"s recommθ ndθ d to use the battθ ry w"h capacⅡ y of morθ than4000mah,whioh can bθ used for about90minutes underthe highθ st brightness,capac"y of2200mah can be used for about40minutθ s underthe highest b"ghness,and caρ aoity of58oomah can
nts,such as thinnθ r,gaso"nθ r or alooho1as
su亻 aCθ of thθ protectivθ layθ r,
Proρer ρrecaut∶ ons whθ batten`chargθ r thθ couId roθ u" in nnθ °r elθ ctric 0 Keep dγ Fa"ure to obse~θ"usIng thls proCautlon shook 0 Dust on or nearlhe metal pa"s ofthe the plug should be rθ ˉ6-
movθ d with a dry cloth
utes underthe highest brightness,the battθ ry should be takem
o竹 when"is out of service
b Whenthe"thium battθ ry is dismountθ d,plθ asθ press the battθ ryIook catch and the pushbutton,and then take o矸 the|ichiumb battery
External PoWer supply
up and adjustthe brightness
Pressthe ρ owersw吐 ch,the LED camera"ghtenab e,"ghtwards rotate to ncrease the ess b门 ghtness,or仟 e Wards rotate to reduce the b冖 ghtness
(Br ghtness|s
|tcan be equipped w th the opuona|special poˇ veΓ adapterforthe video丨 ihgtto o btain|ong hour$、 ˇork,lll/hen using externa|power source,the cameraˇ v"cut offthe ba‖ ery charging The powerinterface is pos tive inside,negat ve outside,
the nputvo"age is8v,and the e ectr cis5A Note fanyfa∪ re ofthe|ght oau$ed by us ng other poweradapters,we cou d not offe r v¢
LED lamp bcads
| thr° ugh d「 eCt Current poWer s°
醇 二 彐
Elcctric quan"1y indication la1np
=彡 '
Electric quan"1y tcsting pushb△
supply hub (9、
Battery lock button
[)hn11】 cr
CT F"ters
The productcomes w"h3CT Ⅱter$simp y nsertthe CT Ⅱer$nto the co ortemperature Card ho|der ofthe productto meet yourrequ rement n di仃 erent env ronments
∶ ∶ 霪 丨{黟 。
ti妥 iΞ
)》 |
Test of Electric Quant"y uched,e ecthc quanuty nd caton Test pushbutton is s ghuy t。 in order,the disp|ayed quanttyis the rest aVa"able electr c quantty
amps are ghted
(NT0E△ he poWerteset W汛 hloW b"ghtness s d汗 ferentfrom that W1hhghb"ghtness, 9、
thus the serV ce"me s tested underthe current bHghtness)
specifications V("lagc (`)l()lCnding indcx
75V ≥85%
(oo1cnlpcla1urC(Κ ) I;c111η
18、 ^/
Ccntcr lulη inou`Hux 1cmpc dtu C dna1gc
Volunη c(L/V/II nη
Dc“ gn and spccincau。 ns su"cctto changc withou1no1ic(
η )
3200K Dimmer knob 6000K Dimmcr kllob