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Cvagp Og53




■■■ Warning and PrecautioⅡ I⒒ WARNING Please use伍 e ad即 tor toge伍 cr with t1● e product only!We are notrc叩 onsible for ' 伍e prob1en1。 aused by any o伍 er adaptor ConteⅡ ts Precaution Waming and Prccaution 1A good image is not洲 an孔 le nhen calnerajust opposite to伍 e sun,also for safety do not put伍 e camera mderthe b1azing smshlnc for q山 te a long汛△ 2Putthe camera at a appropriate posltion for a good image; Introduction.¨ 3To keep it we11-preses/ed,pleasc wash the camcra and cable by soap or warm、 .¨ .¨ 。 ¨・ …・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨¨・ ¨ 1^3 aacr us讧 呜,; 4Waranty is not avaⅡ able ifthe unlt being opened; Insta1lation ofthe Float,Fishhook and Monitor.¨ ¨¨,¨ 4~7 Introduction CR110ˉ 9Ⅱ B(43’ ’ ) Accessor1es.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨・ ¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨・ ¨・ ¨¨・ ¨8 speciflcation.¨ .¨ ¨.¨ ・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨・ ¨¨9 MENU④ E D o Μ ① COLOR ② +③ ⑤ ⑦ ⑥ oN/oFF ⑦ TF Card vater ・ △ MENU∶ To acccss the settings mcnu ofPICTURE,sYsTEM and CLOCK CR110ˉ 7HB“ .3’ 讠 LCD ON/oFF∶ To Power On&offthc LCD scrccn + ~ CR110-7HO。 5’ D ∶TO scloct thc scitings undcr thc sctting ofPICT1lRE,sYsTEM alld CLOCK ⑩ :Powel 钅 ⑧ MENU⑨ :DC9v 厂 ⑦ z§ IN C勤 oN&oFF ⑩ DC9v LcD oN/OFF⑩ Decreasc⊙ Incrcase@Down⊙ uP MENU∶ To acccss伍 e settings mcnu ofPICTURE,sYsTEM and CLOCK LCD ON/OFF∶ To POwcl On&off伍 < )▲ 0E夕 [Φ oN/oF ▲ v IN ⑩ :Power ON/oFF 炬 DC9v υ > 'l、 ⑨ ⊙ ⑩ M ⑧∶ ⑩∶< @∶ ⑦ :Av ⑦ :胛 rN CR110ˉ 7H(3.夕 ’ ) V∶ To select伍 e sc⒒ ings eLCD∞ rccn undcrthe seiting ofPICTtlRE,sYsTEM Connect to thc calnera to havc the video input,also provide powcr for | '、 ``IN∶ 山e camcra oN&oFF∶ Powcr switoh to powcr on&offtlle monitor DC9V Connectto伍 c alad CLOCK -2- charger to reohargc tlle battery inside the mon⒒ or -3- 可 Installation of the Float,Fishhook and ⅣIonitor )I Float 2,Comcction lla parallc⒈ norma11y tllc lcng伍 ofthc flsⅡ Ⅱx2pcs丘 shhookjust undcr tllc camcra, ng1ine跽 accordIng to tllc c1arity ofthc watc⒈ tlaC mCta1Ⅱ ng on tlle groove part ofulc camcra body and mal【 Firsuy usc a flshing1inc to fastcn thc noat acr。 ss thc ho1c On top ofit, the lcng刂 1ofthc flshing1inc is according to yoLlr Own choicc,Al△ d then onc flshhookon thc1oop to avoid thc lllixing、 v⒒ h another onc.scc pictLlrc as be1ow scIect all appropriate p1acc On thc、 virc ofthe calnera to fastcn the noat, see pictlre as bclo、 v 0o/ Fishhook 1,Co1mcction in scries∶ Norma11y丘 x2pcs or at most3pcs flshhook on tlae flshing1inc in a1inc,and caoh at5cm dLstancc,、 vhich can1nake sure a11are c1car when show On scrccn.Thc distancc ofthc Lcad can 0ea1妣 er longer伍 ala伍e hst Ⅱshhook on伍 c1inc.sec 3.Noticc∶ Do NOT flxthc丘 shing1inc ofthe flshhook on thc b・ tIlc groovc part at tllc cnd ofthc calllera body scc“ cturc as bc1oW bc1ow -4- lrc of tllecamcra,which can dcstroy it,Makc sure to flx thc flshinghnc On plc仇 re孙 -5- Lock e sure to丘 x CRl10-7H(3,5” ⒈压on⒒ or ) pic“ Irc1 Firsuy flx thc lllcta1s“ ip onto thc nshing r。 d as pic仉 rc1sho、 vs,alld 伍en hsta11thc holdcr togc山 cr wi钆 thc monitor onto thc mctal smp& 丘x⒒ ,as p1ctLlrc2shows A哟 usttlQC mo血 tor to an appropnate position to ellJoy tlnc flshing dclight。 CR110ˉ 7HB(43’ picmrc1 ’ ) picture2 picture2 Also you can choosc notto flx thc monitor on thc flshing rod,butjust put it on the ground,scc picl△ 】 re at side -6- -7- 】 AcCessor1es sp。 ciⅡ cation ’ ¢搭 CR110ˉ 7HB(4,3’ ) 鞫 Catncla wi伍 cable alld leel 43hoh monitor ^ ˇⅠ on△ or sGrccn sizc∶ ’ 35” or43’ I)igital TFT screen TFT Rcsolution∶ 960米 240l35’ ’ )480米 272(43’ ’ ) LangLlagc∶ EngⅡ sh,Japancsc,Russian,()hincsc Powcr supp1y:DC9V 00 Battery insidC∶ cˉ CR110-7H(35’ ip Chargci Float 2600rnAh L“ hium Battc-y Battc£y xvorking tilme:about5-7hours at20dcgrcc centigradc Working Tcmp∷ ~20~60q3 ’ ) storagc Temp∷ -30~70RC Calncra Lcns∶ J00D镳 35moh monitor FIoat Caillcra witll cable alld reel Charger Mctal dΦ Holder 型△ Wrench Color CMOs/CCD,HD800TVL Focus∶ 3,6or4,Olmm Ⅵs山 lc dl哎 ance(dear water)∶ Working Tclllp∷ ˉ 20~60℃ storagc Tclaap,∶ -30~70q3 ⒈5m