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Cvct I181




1, I Basic lntormation 1.1 lnstrudion 1 Than is for you to select the color GSM/GPRS numeric mobile phooe. yOU opente the phone bythe user manual, The keypad GSM/GPRS network condition, lt has basic opented hand set ell function besldes, an is devhed contn pose Io perrorm the fundlon ofthe prompt dkplayed at lower right corner ofthe so 6llmrdi 6.Hang-up For your safety may be dangemus or illegal ,Read the complete user guide for further information. To end e call or Elect lncomlog calls, Hold down this key t0 power intert or.emwe the On/off. an SpeedGll (thecall mu$be rtored in phone bmk ), 8. *key Net weiSht ;s 859 l1m is GSM900 lnput numberand wod, Speed to select option menu. network / 1800MHz frequency band 9, 111.04'47.62 *13.38 mm hou6 Standbytime:250 About mms Grd while the phone is connected to an power sourece, as this could setting, input, the call numberb 3,2.3 chat longtime pre$ing right lhisfunction isbased onSMs. ard. $ft key to delete all input. Press left soft keyto save Pressdial keyto makea call. ln call status, you can directpress numberkeyto 3.2,4voicenailseruer 2.TAnswera 2.8 End hours #ky 10, i,llddle Note: funcion cuer to left menu. Press right navigation key adjud the EV refurence menus.Press left navigation key can open option menu, to -4-+4. lN some pre$ right se@ndary Preceding menu. 2.3 2. Up/down naviSation key tl,l keyand keepingit depressedfor2 secondesorlong€r, Battery onnen network options. move the cu6orto por down when editing. ln idlestatus, pre$ navigation keyto menu, lnsrt a SIM erd roft network informatlon ls stored in SIM cark and the phone book information! infomation the all also key enter list. Pre$ bool to St[,t card or phone, this informatio0 include ljnkman name, to'phone book,, viewthe call hand set max store 250 pcs telephone records. SIM card memory base or of seruice netwo* dld Press 'optio0' submenu pop-up as 3.5 multimedia ln main menu status,Fressnavigation ley t0 find 'f key to adjust vduma,pruf 20ll 1at6st hiSh-ebd sprstyle video phona multimedia menu, press left key to enter or ,:f itself 3.5,1 3 2 message to enter submenu, include Sllls voice mail serer brcadcast message. cameE Use this function , take a photo or video by yourself loves and store in the - oe.iaii.r !.r[odl &l+**;rx f- vidco button orderfile of memory 3.2.1SMS Grd orstore inyou phone, send a text messaSe ky seryice cente[ the handEt support EMs and you can insen picture, 3.5.2 imageviewer animatic, melody, ringto ne in a message. and follow .@p,*** 3.4dial press multimedia icon tQ enter this menu, ' '.' to co0kol musk to play/pausc rnd lcg. capability' EMS.CHAT.and before you use a phone .The 5ll!l @rd is offer by Network opeEton The press up/down navigati0n key lefvright navigation ley to switch music. function menu use ln idle menu, interhce, fre$navigatice to select 'message 2,3.1S1M Card call submenu 3 Note: or other main menu. "pressthekey'refe6topressingandthereafterreleaslnga kEj'hold dilnakey'rcfeNto presinga 2.2 icon menu d@s qist at special shtus, ring tone select, call group. ln idle status.Pre$ right soft tey E)(2 TlPrinthlshandbook,thephrase mavi8ation key return to [nter audio player meru, with u *' phone number, home number, company number, email. Companytelephone,h number, bi(hday, enter SlM2 call rccords, ln standby mode.Pre$ E)(2 keyto camera or or right when editing. ln idle status, press left navig.tion ley to Viewthe name, call number, messge and kEto srTstem I 3,3 Audio player You can save fulds information ln shndby mode.pre$ EX1 that the caller can leave a messge on the rcice mail 3,2,5 Broad cast message aall 3.1 phone same as left soft key, 12. so Press 11. E)(l teft/right navigation key mll voice mailtoxmumbertoaccessyourvoice mail, 2.l0call optlibn lcy 2.1.2 AppeaEnce 2.1.3 l(eypad Description I call 2.9 Call history ln standby mode, press the ley to enter into the main menu. on other you actually use it .We are not responsible for any damages due to inapprcpriate use. of00) 2,6 Emergenc-ycall It has different functlon ln varlous menus. Notei the performance of your phone depends on your l@al network opeEtiont card and how Move the SIM intemational phone prefix ('+'instead It has dltferent fundlon l0 varlour menus, ma timer 6 1: 3,2.2 IIMS ln idle status, press number key to input Gll number, press right soft keyto delete mistake phoneorSlM under most clrcumshnces pressing thh keywill put the mobile phone into standby mode. 0-9 number ley Size: fmm 2.5 makingcall 2,1 Components name and explanation Call screen. (E 2.1,1 Techni@l Specification Network it away 7. Numberl(6y Before use Battery are 4C Keep on. 1.2 followingthem @il. eleclricityan magnethm. lftheSlM card h brcke. The handset6n not be nature use, Aho has many other useful Thesefunctions can make your life more conwnient a[d fun. Read these simple guidelines. Not stored in Slltl card, So you must avoid touch the mehl hce ofthe SIM lorer right corner ofthe sreen realize and fundions,Bluetooth, voice changer, camen,music player, video playet, Edio and 2. t Lrr,t*rE To preform the funcrlon of the prcmpt displayed at .ffi:-: use th!.ormal phono il I lSitHfl fi+fiBUI lt{+*l *S, fiEfifi+ffiE.4,[+4 SffiU Ev H*llffiEfllfifi. fi :fl*.ts+, frE+fiBEt',irfrtr#*.H, fifr+fiBrrE,[ffitfi*$., 11fiqfl &ffRtl 2,frtfrHT+fi& thIFfietiirEifi l)ft " fiHt+*N $tltr8H, ]Eifrflfl, Bffif6ft,q csM /cPRsfr+#AHifr , l0,lUiEii,HF+trcEHilfiHtl" fli+tlfi 48f; {UHffifirifiE. GSII / GPRS 8Afi!*{+fri,lft . ffif, E*Hffl$, fEil/t, 86ffiil#, ilfrffifi|*, t[Bil[+. rtEIjfiE mi*u-[fl flt, 4B+)t4ilfl !r]6EA+fi fr &il)S*ft , iHHiiEi+fi H,HfiiHF ffi ffi HfiiEifiilE#*H. &frfi&irilfrl/xfl, 11'1,04-47.62-1 E*, GSII900 3,38 mm [4/l800MHz Hiu*4, 4c/11ooHi 0"e &FiffiAfr 8,tB itillftll]' 2504'fi E, f8fit+tlfr ff n*Tif, fliAfr ft rfrHfr,t, ft&fisf ii+ill,u^{+ 1fi+# iEifNlE,54,fi' ru*rgf fiitlfi fi 14HEil{flHf , fi{[nArtfr fr E +il+q, Hftt#*H, *ftfr t (ftiEifr fl*rx,fi EFffi&tifrfr dffiillHrtT, +ffi E ffi sN4s,EMs,fl iBfi EBBHTI tBt, sllil ilE, ftB,H,HHF. 3.2.1 t4trls *T MMS M!]s ErffitrH,BnE4" E& trtB4ftlrftrffifi, fiId, K,t, FE, ffiXlbbn {ruiifr!HE" ,x',frXm+fi, Tgd+fl€&8ffififfiI4#U $M +, +. 3.2i ftaB8u srls riiE" 3,2,4it8fi[ffi',Xft+ tl" ffi &&tffillHi6, iBif; , fi ?eaE ffi t,6iifi^T, +Eif fi {h,]UH&&fi+& -0' ( +',its ill SII}IJH $M2 fitjEifrfi*. ffi fi {**+, fi rd&T+fi &E*tcfi ffi fi 4F]l49F, &Efr ufi sfi @fl ',#', iBtgE. frEfr@ilIffi r|lt" &',ri68', 7*.+SmfiT 3.4w+ tffiffi-*ry,&:t 3.5*Mff at*+Fffi, &+ffiBtt1lrH14*+, &E @itL &rffil4iFimiMB*B. 3.s,1 iEil &ffifiriBE, fi ffi4*p, {FffiAif, Ef HiH6I{+il*#ffi 3,1Hitts E, 3,5,2 0[{+, fr{+r^' rffiG,H 3.3BfiffifiI* &86" &',x', fl 2,7fr{if; €8, & 3.2.s i+Ilrfr 00)" Eifi*s.&Ulfltffiffifi#. 3,fituE*fr8 |.,EU. & slM frSfrF+Efll+illfr slM ff Afnffi tqfi , fi f, uliE 2,6r6fr+ 8""' t{+tlHfrT, frfif,E1'itlt*+, af,{uT*"+-, tfr 0ft5afiflffi *s, i$ +*4, EHts[ffiBTfiH" 2,9i[iEUrfi 2.13mfrfifr rl&fiffir f, +tlt 1Hfi slM , Ufi+f,ffiAgE, frfifiBiHh#iftSrul K&fr fiffiiHhtrHffiI" &E il&ft6m#sH6E,iBE, '[&tTE*SH4Erfrt, 10.+t{ft E+fltrifftrfiT, &E+ffiffit^ + ), ttHfifi 9,#f, 2,1,2rffl 1,F]EftE+ffi& +HE*iiHaEH" ,fr4'mfififi6i#r{$M shl ffitj1fr,x,fi8ft*m $M *trr+Em, EBHffi. 2.8'f;frj[itt ftH69fi*fffr, ffiBBt, frE4frfi#iliFifr, +, tg, 2,5fiS ttfid, fr& , &sfi &f*'HB' 2,4#friltt. 6,8ffi& ,('l' srM $t'| ,t#&-Efr,ttHff frqfi&fr*H+H. fi{+tlfril, frfrtfi,Efi$u [txH,[f,, 859 fi.ffi r&jinft4F,L,HilE'H" +il6%,tfr EMs, EJt:JffiIK,t, 2,3.$r[1* &tr&frAil#& 5,fr+& *+, 3.2.1 S!1S fi, +flr,fiftTi[[fl'&,fr, fifrtsHfiTfiHllH6Ht,rfrt, 2,1,1fitilffi Et 2,3s*8f, fiftdFffifl . 2.lAhAffirt}.tl d4ffi &*4fi {t+*s, ffi, a&H+tr,ffiA 4,fifrffi 2,ftHif & il2 ilEnt^iEillfr #,H, fifrFHtTfiltffirtttlttt, illfrfltiA $6' fr+ftf,ilA IffiHI 3,tfif, EU1tffi[i4ffiE,n]Efiftffi. 1.2 2,2 {HHflUlt#+frfi, ffiHfi, #iltrffin'f,&, E+tltHfin, J.I 1;H 12.00 E{+tl,tilT, Aqfitr8iq, tEEfi, *H*Fftt+, ,6H#, {imfi ', cihEifr E *, t+illiI{ffi#, frfi EHfillH Bl,6 Ai+ill. xoll &rX*&ta*&tr1&frl lL*r* lrrm r&r. Aurer".rd' lE r""-"*rt mE*.- W +tt&sJ'*rrdt*'1{*&! I