GSM/GPRS Digital Mobile Phone
s Guide
3.4 CAIIBM '.,
3-7 EBT DDY-.... 3
3-ll mLET 3.I3
The Basics
1.t Oveniew ThmL you for choosing the GSM/GPRS disital mobile phone. After readins this will be able to fully nasler the u6e ofyour phone and appreciate all its {unctions and eae ofuse. Not only does the snartphone provide you with basic call functions such as cell Register, but also with many pracrical functions and services, to improve the time you spend workins and playing. The color screen mobile phone complies with the GSM/GPRS t€chnology and has been approved by certification authorities both domestically and abroad. The availability ofsome services and features desoibed in rhis
deperds on the network and your subscription. Therefore, sone menu items may be ayailable in your phone. The shortcuts to menus and f€atures may al6o vary from phone to phone. Our company reserves the dght to reviEe this nanual content without
mobile phone will not be feature. Check vour alarm clock settings to confirm that vour tuded on automaticallv duringflight' i.ut. phone near the weak signal or hish pre'ision l".*""ffi*T;;;;',""-v.i,.
or such erec.onic
might'"'"e narrunctionine ;."'..#d;;;;".'nF'iJ;.",." ;;.,;*;"i",;." Droblcms spe'ial rip'musr b' pa'd near rh' followins 'quipmFil: ele'rroni'devi'Ps'liredete'rorc duromarr' i.,"i"",;a..**.*.rsandorhermedinal ,*uu"Lt"" ro rind our rh' ettecr ot 6obila phones on ffi;;;il;i:;;;;;;;;i" "."r-r or medi'al cquipmenr nleasc 'onrarr rhe ., ,r,* pi"'es I"""""-,i.r 'lecrroni' of rhe FquiPmrll,* -,'nura.rurcro or local sals sBFnts ,r," *-." ,. .,.ir,.. rhinss. as rhis Please do lot subiect the LCD to inl r rhens a tr* ol ilr a","-. ir,."r-lCo s.i.a ""a "-* l'aias' or rb" liquid 'r)sral lhc er's l' lhrs o'furs nnse rvrs blindne.s-itthe liquid cry.tal subsltn.e set" 'nrn runda no 'ir'umsr'n'"" rub vour """r end go immediarelv i.-"ii""i, "i,utreatment "r"* "a;r lo
Ii y.u. tsobile
phone is lost or stolen, please conract the telecommunications aurhodlies or a;ales asent immediately to have a hold on the phone and the SIM card. This yill prevent economic loss caused by unauthorized calls made from your mobile
vhetr you contact the telecommunications suthorities or a sales agent, ihey vil] need to know the IMEI number of our mobile phone (remove battery to expose runber located on the label on back ofphone). Please copy this number and keep in a safe place
ID order to avoid the misuse of your mobile phone please take the {ollowing prerertati!e measures: - Ser the PIN nunber of your mobile phone ' s SIM card and change this number iIMedialelyif itbecomes known to athirdparty. I - Please keep the phone out ofsight when leavingit in a vehicle. It is bestto cary lhe phoneeirhyou, orlock I in &e hunk. r - Sel call baring.
1.3 Safetywaininss
hosnital {or
1.2 Safety guide
and notices
Before using your mobile phone, read and understand the following norices ro ensure yourilluse ir safely andproperly.
1.3.1 General attention I Only the batery and battery charger specified by our company should be used in yourphore. Otler products might result in battery leakage, overheating, {ire or explosion. ! To avoid your phone nalfunctioning, or catching fire, please do not violently irpact,jolt orthrow your phone. r Please do not place the battery, mobile phone, or charger in a mic higL-pressure esipmeDt. OtherwiBe it could lead to unetpected accidents such as dqe to the circuitry or fire hazard. r Pbase do not use your phone near {lammable or explosive gases, othemise it could cause Ealfunclion ofyour phone or fire hazard. a Please do oot sub.iect your phone to high temperatures, high humidity or dusty pke;othedse this may lead tothe mafuncrion of yourphone. I Keep your phone out of the reach of small children. Your phone is not a toy. Childen could hut themrehes. t To ayoid rour phone falling and malfunclioning or being damaged, please do noi pl&€ itor uneyen orunslable surfaces. 1,3-2 \ ehen using your phone r Tum off your nobile phore where the phone is not allowed, such as, otr the iryLE c iD hospirals- Using the mobile phone in those places may impact the normal oI electrcoic devices and medical irshuments. Follow relevant regulations +do! rt , 6iq tor nohile phone in those places. Your mobile phone has the auto tum-on
phone sunh as herrery leakase or circuir ry Iaililre' in rilarn md"l under very rare .rrcumshn'es usrnt ihe mobile phone . :1":-1'l under sarerv *""Livetr aft..r ih. inr"rnal de' troni' "qtripmenr' In ord'r lo 6ssure vour phonemobile th' ..if, , i."."ru."* pt".se do nor usF as rhe revpao on do nor us" needlFs. pen liP'' or olh'r shary objecis 'nrs
il ro F'lfirnrl ion 'ause malfunction' do not use vour phone'
*"i"?" rhe mohile phon' or mav damaee
as ir could be harmful
"*i.r.;tenna __ -l'.UU*;, tle phone come into close contact with magneli' onjects Nch.8 '-**,," o{ the nobile phone nav eiase the inroimarion ii"" "."." ",'i"? floppy dr=L s. pav nards and eredit ccds' stoierl nn ";;#;i;; netal objects, such as thunbtacks far awav from the reftiver' i-* small metal objects Wr,".,r,I".".ir*L t rse itbecomes masretic and mav ailractthese dsmage lh" mohile Dhone - rh,s " rh*..4 *,* inJUrv orphone come inro conracr *irh Ear'r or oth'r liquid3- l{ l"J e..ia r,"ii." ,t. mobih a shoil circuit' batery reakage or other io,ra" "i,ra "** ""i"';r."-pi;;".-i;r" 1.J.3 Noti..3 khen usinE lhe
Thermain;nelifes'rs'ioilerasrhF.rrms . ii1i.,i.,,r,,",limite;6eNi'elitc lhrsrndrcarcs"t"""..tfrh'balicrvbe'ome'fcPbl'evenaft'rlh'chargtng is ovru snd vou have ro use a n'w barlcry' rhe seriine"life " ' jonesric garbage Please dispose or il" ;; ;;, ;,=,... .t;ld b,ii'ri" tr irh 'v'q dav nld --.barteri.s ar th. dir.'red p)ac"s wirh 'pacific rules for lhcir disposal pi..* a" ,.t *-.wiatteries into a lire' as this will cause lhe batter to 'atch t!'e Iwill cause the
i""art"" the battery' do not use force or Pr*sure' as this l'"'""#i"" leak, overheat, crack and catch{ire' hatten to '",".? *"", *"ar'" or other metal objects to shod-circuit the 1"""" i" as this will U*"-. ei"". a. ""i'i* r"t th€ batrerv near necklaces or other metal objects' "" cracLsnd"r'btir'' .,u..iheb"tre'yto1",[.o!erh'al 'rhe batery cause i--it".". i. *, *rder the contact points 'fthe bartery' as this sill orerheat. nraek and catch fire' to leak, "- 'iiir,"li",iai.,t'barr'riessoesrnrorheeves rherisariskofblindness'Itthts ii bul immedialel) rin3e eves wilh 'lear wal€r and 8o rn rne occurs do ror trU,t" "v". hosDital{orteatmenl. ihe bstery to arsassemble or modifv the battery. as this will 'ause i1""""''ri.^"" I" '"i leak. overh€ar. crack and catch{ire' pra*" or pta.e the batteri's near hish kmperature I^'"';;;;;;;;;; 1'"h i" i:"" crack and c6tch fi'. *'i..i*e *""J, as t:his will cause the batervio lea[' overheat' " {ire.
If the battery overheats, chanees color, or becomes disloil€d during use, charsing, orstomge, please stop using and replace itwith anew baltery. r If ihe liquid from ihe battery comes in contact with .kin or clothing this could cause buming ofthe skin. Iilmediately use clear water to rinse and seek medical tips i{ r
ffthe batteiy leaks or gives off
a strange odor, please remove the batery fron the rhe open fire ro avoid a fire or explosion. Please do no let th€ battery become wet as this will cause the bartery to ovah€at, qmoleand conoder Please do not use or place hstteries in places ofhish temperature su.h as in direct sunlighi, as this will cause the battery to leak and overheai, lower perfornance, and shoilen the batte,ry' s Iife. r Please ¬continuously charseformore than 24 hours. 1.3.4 Chargirg your phone r ConDect rhe connecror ofcharserto the mobile phone. The battery level indicator flashes on the screen. Even i{ the phone has been turned off, the charsins imase still appears, indicaring that the battery is beins charged. II the phone is orerused when the currenr is insufficient, it nay take longertime for ihe chsrging indicator to appear on the soeen afier the charging begins. I When the bauery level indicalor does not flash and indicates the batrery iE {u11, rhis indicates the charsins has been compleled- If the phone is off during charging, the charsins being conpleted image also appears on the scieen. The charsins prccess often taLes 3 to 4hours. Duingthe charging, th€ battery, phone and charser gets warm, this is a;ry of
r elecr
Please do not disassenble or modifv the charger' as or dsmdtc ro rhF har8er ' '
it will lead to bodilv harm'
ri.dl sho.k, fire
,"e the chdser in th; bathroom or other eacessivelv moist area6' ;*-;i;;";;;;, wrll .au.c clFcr ri, al .ho.k. fir" or damag' 'o rhe ' hars'r' rhis""' pf."." do nor rou.h rhc 'harser wirh h'r hand; as rh's wrll 'ause "l"rrt(sl i rhis will cause ii''"^ n. -, nodi{y or place heavv objects on the power cord' as electricalshock orfire. ftom the the unplug please .i;;t;s or csrrvins out maintenance ;*--;.f-; 'harser "" rhe bod) on ro hold nord bur rarh"r rhe pull on not i'i"" ,,0r,*;"g ' harger' do I'' .;tt d"'"ge the nord and lead ro ele'rricsl shock or rhl i,t. '"'a "r,".-",, ""i,if;"g"." as
1.3.5 Cleaninq and mainrenance
not Esrer resisranr' Plea'e do nor u'e i,,,.',."a . ii1;il;;li;". "h''e""re rng rhcm ro rr.- U rf." U*f,, -. ",.rher ex'Fssi\ 'l) moisr aIe$ and ltkFr is' avoid allot nharger' and barrerv phonc mobrle rhe to a" 3 i ".,..ii. "toth 'l"an ro trpe rhF moDrrc r Pleas. do noi u'e slcohdl rhinner' benzPnc or orher solvenLs
" e any o,,t"t ,ill
to recharge. Please clesn
cause poor
elecirical conracr' lose oI power and even itrabilitv
nomal phenoneron.
Upon the completion of charsing, disconnect the charger fron AC power socket, andfrom the mobile phone. Notes: Durinc charging, the phone musr be placed in well-ventilated environment of +5'C - +4O1iAlways use the charger supplied by your phone manu{aclurer. Usin8 an unauthorized charger might cause danger and invalidate the authorization and warranty clauses foryourphone. r The standby tine and call duration provided by the manu{acturer are based on ideal operatirgenvironnenl. ln practice,the batteryrs operatinttime varies depending on network .onditions, operatins environnent snd usage neihodsr Make sure the baitery has been insralled before charging. It is best not ro remove the battery whil€ charging. I Upotr compleiion o{ charging, disconn€ct the charger from your phone and the
Ifyou have not disconnected the ch.rger from your phone and the power supply, the charger will conrintre to charge the battery after about 5 to 8 houB when the batter Ievel deceases substantially. We advise you not to do like this, a6 ir lowets you phone perfornance and shortens vour phone Iife. r Noticeswhenusingyourcharger I Ptease Ge AC 220 volrs. The usF ofany other voltage will cause ballery leakage, fire and cause danase tothe mobile phone and cherser. a It is lorbidden to short.ircuit rhe charger, as this will cause elecrrical shock, smolirgand danage to the charger. . Please do nousethe chargeri{the po{ercord is damaged, as this willcause fire or
! r
Pleese immediately clean anydust sathered on ih€
lf the charger comes in contact wilh water oi other Iiquid the power musl
electricsl outlet. Please do no place vessels with water near the charser i. order to avoid water splGhins onto the charser and causing an electrical shortage, leakage or other iEE€diarela be ssilched off to avoid an electrical short or ehock, fire or mauunction oI
Getting Started
2.1 Component name andetplanarion 2.1.1 Technical Parameter Handset
Dimension(LxWxT) tr eighl
Lithium-ion batte,' Model: Nominal voltage:3.7V Maximum charse voltage:4 2V
Capa.ity:>2000m4 st"ndhv durauon: I 20-1 50(UnitrMins) Talk duration:120-180 (Unit:Hour) 2.1.2 lcons followingicons i",11 li."ily..a",,t
mav appe& in standhv
Indicatetheintensityof networksignals
Location by sarellire.
Receive anew messaee. '1
An application
The downloading is ovet
s a tr
i, being dovnloaded.
The alarm clock hasheen s€r f,ndaclivaied.
Arall is irprosrGs. The phone is playinsa song.
il 3 [I A
The application managetis on
Sho* batterylevel. Enable USB.
follow ihe instructions: Do nol iouc h lhe scree n with {et hands Do not louch the tcreen with greatforces' *" screen with metallic or conductive objects' 1.,"i.*r, 2.4 Connectirs Io the nPtwork 2.4.1 In"eil'nsand rmorinsrhe SIV eard
r i,.""ii'r,.rr,-.neircmo\erhebarreqsndunplusorhFrexrernalpotersuppli"s' inro h" SIM h"lder a' 'hown in th" phone' t".".r" rt,. Sttt't , and remo!r lhe SJM'srd lurn oil rh" phona removP rhc barreD i,i' w1"" ".a "",,*a,o then rem",e the SIM cardfrom the holder"'""'l;;;.";;;;orr SIM card Nevd insil d vour phone berore removing the ,i' *tL-"t power supplv is conne'red' as ihis mav cauBe ..."," il. IiM-;;i"" r
dadase to the Stl{.sr.l. 2.4.2 Turninr Your Phone on and off
Cet conn€.t€d lo lhe wireless n€lwork
,1" pOWin [*
No SIM card is
installed in
the phone.
No storage card is installed in the phone
in rhF llain ''re"n ro us' thcs".kevs carihrar"r" r'tr'leanxhircprea3F
r I I
The access is blocked.
Turn on the Bluetooih.
2 I Usine the tou.hscreen 'v'""'""[i1* r"'"h t"" ".",ia;.;""v .."*,r,.;;'i;;;;';";"'*i."*""i",a*"'""'see
i" i"."."iili,i""i, lf rou
rhe Dumber into your Phonebook2.4. i0 Making an emetgency call It rou are berond rhe network coverage (see
Save to
network sjsDal-iniensiiy L,ars at the upper lefr corner of lhe screen), .an srill make edersen.v calls. If your network :ertice prorider does nor provide roaming service to the area, the screen will shov "only forenergencvcalls",alerrinsyoulhalyoucanonlymakesuchcalls-I{yotrarewithinthe netrork corerage. vou can alsn make cmergency calls even without the SIM card. 2.4.n Cal meru Th. Call nen! is only visihle durins an active.all..nd feahrres such as Call tr:i:ing. Call Di!e{ins, an.l Multipl€-laily Call are network .lependenr. CoDta.t your rer",,rk :ervice provider. The.all oprions includel
Muie Do not send local voice. Handsfree Swirch on lhe loudspeaker
b lmPlifv
Pulthe.urrenr.allonholdor!errie!crhe'allonho|1 End a call. Enrl rhe.urrenr (,all. Morc
Stst roice recor{ling Stan voice recorling. Tum on Bluetoorh The Bltretoothdevice. if anr,canbe usedNeu call Make anorher
( XThefollowingfeatures depends
on specific
3.1 3DMusic
3 3 AldikoEbook ro *ot* "nlin" ' atalog" iiair" a ,, rU""* ''"aFruprlicarion rhar Fn'bl" 1ou allows votr ro application ""'1"u.""i.",'u*r."",1d'*nl"aiihes'book'dirPrrl);nrn\o'rrPhonP'Atrrahookts rhe * *1..";r,; to read ir olfline Additionailv' Ili'iiLi.i. the apprication onrv supporrs theEPUB roroai' ;;:1;;;;il;;[.;;t
3D Music is a music player with user-friendly 3D int.iface. [t automatically obtains album covers on the Inte.nei and is easy to control. When used forthe firsitime, it automatically co.nech ;tself to the Inlernet, and then search {or and the download albun covers- We adviseyou to iurnon WII'Iforlhefirstlime u6e.
3.2 AdvancedTask Killer Advanced Task Killer is a quite excellent task manager. By Advanced Task Kitler, you can ctose any third-party backsround prosram 1n progress- To set aparatueter, press orhold down thecorrespondinskey, as rhe case may ie.
3.4 Calibrator l.*,fi.""o-',.,"" ,.;il,;;;, i ; tool
renLslib'srion' to"orrPr r tFsponle rn \our
thF r^u'hr rFPn ro ""r"nphonehasno*
3.5 DeskClock i,i.t"Ci."l tl", 'oOt"ation to displav time
on ihe stsndbv
soeen Deskclocl(
lf Illcov*ce*vl.{..llt
an aled for aPpointment or a'tivit)'
(9 ::,::i".:-' '
T.lw.r W
.l:::,0.:,*"n..' *jr1
€ ?i?::l::1.11'Ji,1. *#' H
3-6 Messenger A chat aPPli'iation' a microphone and speaker v"i.F chat: chal wilhoDt dialing a nuhber' Conne'ting u''r' \'ho"r!r"'"r's"r 1"^"".o"";"r,o""rn" " '"nJ ""'",.";;;"'"..',"..,.,. rr"orroFpe'pl'n v,r,ior"-n"".r"'"1\:'\drr"'ge'lFr'\oL'dn'l-ar\itl trme' them .r the'arne lr:ri ''" oes"dcer to r,i,a",-.-".\h,,arp,'.('Prrnur'e'fn"r''don'e'ou'ri"nJi'onrrr'' oJ:' rFrrfdn \rir rg a''ma'r'nd \ n' m''|h; ."' :'.' :";;;;i," " "'r"trdr , heaDer lhan mak rns a call You'aner"t' ' \ar"oima:la"ir" Le' ror r'|pdthFnr1'" i,i""iv,i,r,,'
"Hl lj
l: : -,1
3.7 eBuddr it onlr , "J"i* ;,"."t,,' for prorirliug email dnil chni serrices' CuenLlr' t.,,,'d"-. \,.: . V{r \"r""''n': t'}- r[( ,r, \p I. .,, .,,,,"," ".r, Fl,,rdJ\ is a. lrtqrdnt m'rqPnEcr ;";"k.s a. nSN, Giark, Yahoo vessase' ind ICQ'";.;;.i;;" Forthefirsl time use. gothrougL thrt *efs
+1 (415) 555-5555
Slep 1: Select a Ianguage You can selecr frorn uanv larguascs sr"', 2: Ctexte trn eB r'1 h TD
..1".i,".,..n,i,r' skn ''" 3:' Selert
t;,, ;;; ;;i;;i
- |, r :r'oJ Fmr |' r"'""
in .,-o,. u
room ard 1og
" "t'x ","."".i. ".itl.nenlerthe
nsr' roruol' ArM' ctilk ICQ chafuoom t"rhar{ir} rhercorl{]
8' I oFr drd reP
or l ar:et'ook' rhere'
Fill jn
r::1 b. - 'Ouoot{
\' t '-.''.1 l8 ES['leFrulnlr ." i :.r;l;:r-
rr i'" "r'r , "n,". h
r'- '" r' rr""r.r"r
' r''"rI
3.9 fa.ebool facehook is o so.ial ulihr. Iou can.,rc!te a page. lo show your phot.s and ters.nal i.terests. You .an leare a niessage to a parti,ular friend or clerlone on Tou .an join in a srouf. Your dctai]{:(l fersonal information .an only be scrrr hv rhe people on tle same neh{ork (f.r example. a s.hool or.ontany) or the people ivho har e pa:red r aur r eriiication.
Don r
arr. r. raar'.a,
{3 e,m^"
w tttxtrtx:tX€
l.I0 Cnail Gmail is Google owned web-based emaiL ser!n,e. Tt can perrnanentlv savo imporrant emails. files and images. By using Cmail, rou can Nith .ase {ind desired items. Cnail makes email etIir:ient and firn. It duiomai;callr groups emaiis- thus vou .an .cplr to th.n rt a time. Thls makes email receipt and reply as easv as conversation. Novadays,
\ inChail.
Gmail blocks pop-up wlndoss, slosans and adverrisemenb. Less spam rear:hes rour Gmail Inhox. Bv using Coogle, itrstantll find the impofrant messase vou
3.11 CoogleTall Goosle Talk is a downloadable chat appticrtion rtereloped br Coogle. Check out
lnat C.osleTalk
{,an do:
share qui.k lhoughts in rcal time Stalus updates: see l{friends are around and rhaL th{:y are up to File uanJir: io*antLy send and reeeive files, plctures- and more1xdio conferencing: talk to huliiple peofle at once Ctuail ;ntesration: chat with your lriends on GrnaiL.
r*r, *.,
In*ant nessages:
t:r Voi.e.hat
l.1l 11S\Talk US\ Talk is a lool for chat. Ir sutpoils gnnT .hat and blocks advertisehents_ To
u.+,h.trrl.\nune.dn'tregisteranotherserrice.You.ansav.onversalionhistor!. lin:::1..=asing trafii. L! !erifvi.g thi, signah,re. and customize..lor s.rrings. Tn a.,j::: r. \li\ Ialk providesihefeatureolofllinelogin-
,. tl-i a. ''J ;rt:" r:x 1€*tt.t xr!.l.'{, itl
*rri;r,' l;','ia : .! i " t .tit. , 1, x.! a&t..: tt :a al.'ita *lartrr rt*a ] *.r-ri ltr' r lii'r'r* Yt'i :at *- ra: i.l.t.lttrr *trrtr.. *-rtrr'l $'i ,'t r li l! taa: a,l!
: l't:
i r
1.1-r Robo Detense Robo Defense is a r,ver rtefense game
:trat.s! ,nrrodu.lion: Br barrier:
on the road. and
of tonchs.reen operarions, build robots, sei
enemies when thev walk to anorher branch ofrhe road.
Toolkit lor the SM.ard Ihi-. fun.tion;s prov;ded hy network servne provider. This funcrion will noi be ar riiable l ilhoul rupporl by lhe SIM .ard and nerwork seNice pro!idtir. For more details, tlre:e.onta.l the nehrork se*ice provider. 3.i5 The \\'eather The tr ealher" lets you!ievihe.n.rentwealheraswellas rh. {eatherfo.ecast lor the nert fen dars. tor one or more cities in rhe rvorld
l.l7 Tvittrr orurerl anil operatcl hv Twitler Inl ' i{hich dGm a mcial i',i*".;. " ",'1"1., lri''i )pi'd'aDl'ri'a"'rol rr'r''r'nP'"rPnsdrJ ner*,.'.i"r.nd.i"r,Ll'sl:n3-ir\'e rr": t fl' '" r' so'k'' rr FrablP' r'r'rrr"ueh .,",ol,l,,ceinr. 'h' ';;;;,";;;;;;,", F.r, 'r'in" rrp ah':r n r,' ''m "t -\o. n"..,'o'' ' "" i. dn,r 'r\J,,r rr'''r' \rr r$r r' rr ., ,-."..',,r" "' ,'r'lor r/cd 4''b'"P ' rou_ r1 dd';rlion_L o 'lrrrdrd "-..,,:.;1.,",'-1."."op,.r-" Jrrola0.hrrd'r"''li'r'la'"'lonrneu'".'trofil' iv''I\i-r"r'rl'd"''unr'-ror{h\ .",..i."-.",L.-,.h';.'"'5,.'/r.P'H1rn'/' 'r.ii.,,- -". r,,'"',. r.'rf ii'n" l \rrr"'' onr'lF'P r' P.t' llohrn/'rcr'' "l"rrf"ri P" 'ln egr'"r'n -lrrrr'r'$' (or, o lt',r,r...',.,narrr"r,"rrx rha 'o'r' rriFn i',' dr rnc.'nu I ,r r rrr' nam' 'n'l a n "n r g r:l lD '"''mi\hi F''drrrhHrl'ur ror? ilrho,-rJill.Lrr\ I'rlhPf''rF."ll"auing"ohol"ol\'' i' r \"' r'r'l"rm/rr''n urlr tnJt,t \o, -Flp, r "P ure.r m)'.1 1"''_"'o hFr uFnl"-'''nn' ihPl l,ar. uass.d \.ur\Frilr.1t "n. 't"'o",_"'.,,l,t"-"..._.rrll\ \irh I'\Pr Psr''"rFdnr l'{'lrr'\''|u'rr'nl''d'
*'\"" \"'" ", -;":-;;;,;i,.:",,,";' '''"'",'r"r"'',
rri'lulrnurl'rnncnrrnaugndtrr ."."..',""'.1*,r..'lr,rrphrn'in'r'nrm"'_i3"dl'ol: 'PHo\L \\DlY III a.,,,un 5FlP, | - iLIfl\LrTn-'Pf i'\Pr' PJ'.'\"-rhrl I d.'n,rn' """i,."'...'"",r'i - 1l'n ''1 '' \o' r lPr'i'rrdL ndrP rn ; .--.*- ', ,"'.' pl-, . ',' lll ,1' lr Twitter.
aall* 6*ff&&rz"' 3.16 Thlnklree ltubilr ThinkFree Mobile is a powerlul mohiLe offir:e application. lr supporrs Mi.roso{r Offi.e2007do.,um{:nis.includinsWord,l'owerPoinr-Errel,ardPt}I do.uDenrs.
.&r tl*r
* tis
I lc \\ rki\1,,1'ilP \\ilr\l,,l,il,irrheSiki,,[\,,urt,i1m.lh.x])t)1,,rlionnll,r\(\r,rr,'\ir\hlrir ,,,.r: i. rrll $,r,,i, llr lin,l rl," u"nlinr,)l rnv \!,'r{i vin rl,. (,,r,t lil',.,,\ {'r rhr lDr.rnrr.
l.ll I'la, r'. \\r (.f i,,,t,,ir, al,our sor:'' ''rrir" l'\ I'r'rili"nirg \ irh l;l)S ALIII ' U thtrr'a^"
prori'l'rr rrrrl ta(ilirirs l.irr rh'
r,'-1,,n,ling l,,.rri,,rrt
WrxrMoerLE lintl't'/14*4iu Search
Random Article Popula r
My Bookmarks More,,. lhedio
3.22 Phonr
l.?0 \.ul'ube \,,,11',,1, is iD onli|, vi,lr,, servi.e t,r',\i,lor. t)rovi,liDf Is, rs wlrh high srx,l,. idr,, ut,l,,,,1lins. ,l isrrih,,ri,)!. ,li,t,ln\ an,l bnsl si rs s, N i,,,s. ,\n\ \ i,l,a' li rl, r .rl)! ,,t r,' nr,,r, tL,rrr l(;. dill 1r.ti,,s,,,, rr,,k rhxr l0 rrlrirt,s is rll,,\,,1 [],'sl,,'nu,,n \],1,.,) \
l,,in,rr.n,r.,,t,rr,ilr,li)rrh"lilnr"rrl,l,,r,lin\,,rlill",lrrlirg \\l.nk\.\t{)\.Vt,1. l),\\. l l \ ns \, ll ., Ih,,,il. nl,l:(;-4. \ll,l:L ,,n,| \ \l\. .r,. 1,, .rl,ltri,)n. l(;t, i: i,\ nilrl)1, .
l,i,.l, nll,Ns i'np r,,
li lnrs Irir l, i, n,,,1']
U. DIgcor*
'C'11 Ii' Aisld" or "(:r'n1ilr1 To dial , nL,illrPr. laP the 'l'.\r,ites t,'tots..een.\,,,,.xilenterthenrnr|'rdire.ll'tr'trrrh' nrrnreric'lk'\l"r'l
3.24 Narigation g, ui,u" oiGfS .ign,l.eceiver, vour cuuent 1o.!rion is sho\rn on rle elecironic -,,1. Ir y., f,",:" *, ,f," tl.lstinatiln' th" svstem $il] iell vou the route' This saves vour
phone sien,t" f.n., cPs satellires .an be receiverl onlv when vou are usins volr rtdooLs oi at tIe window rhrough whicb vou car see the skv' "Location "seiiings" click sdect How to use ihe fealure: In the Maln sdeen. ' \"1" ri,. . dr d rh-1'"a''1'hP .. s,r'r'"r .,."i :ri.:ip..,'T""' 1''
The Car Home comhilins nalisaiion with 'al]s. 'onta'ts and .onrenient forvou lo use ihese {eatures wher usingthe na!igation'
music i:
3.25 Map rr.1 v,f "pp. ..,"" p,"\r'ir-.hP srrPer mdr' r'r L r-' mrtrd' qPr a1l ."r.r',._
rF"l 'rnP
"1, 'i-^" ,""ai,,"-,,.'""i,.ai,'t.,t,ll.i,,n'or,t"'n;r"rhl"rrrn' "r"al'r'Br"P'tL r'l rh'' ar rrsporr r' "rd l-"rr'1 "r'h''l''ri'rrior ri,." ."r,r''',"*. " t;,r "r n1'''l inr' rldr "" Jr" tt"'rd"d h' rl".'dlr il. .'.-la,'"".',,"""'l be nd arailal'le in ud to time' tlnle trom mal larv a,r. .-,ices. ihes. dala se.vices th;. *.orolid,i.l rnaPs. dir"'iiions andlo'ation-hased infordatlon mav be .*1..s;. or incomplete. i nralid. in.orrect " \F')"remrna\i'I u'r' ii'1"r-"'i""-"1i.'r''lo'Pdtl'Pl\'ro1"nr\P t\F 1"',' \irh''u' P' dhlinr rhF l ''d''o ' rhe " ''\i, . B'' ro '.,1 "rabl.
4 \.,\ rdre r,, r' "t r,lr,arion .n'. !dn l,,dov' t'a'l lI rf'' ln' al LJrr' n .,,.',;",,;4,,.".1''"''.'v"1""r''ro,dnlloJd-r\"'r'pri'Jrr'nIIFonraloJdr' for prrpo''" ''rir'"'r'li' ,,ldenc,,J',rrlFnl 'n'r "r'\Pad\i-' "ou l"n''h'P'r)n'rlPd"snlo'r'lr"e,r' .".,t],,1r","pn,;,r'".inSif r"'l \nri,'h' . re,en. I,e,n.i"1.,1.,1 ,,.,nr,r, ,lt' - "rr-. l\"r d " 'P,' t'D'-u ' ro'-0K hPr . i,.'1,.1 'Ptu "r ,"''r I l ''r' Td' continue. rirallarion "il] fl," E-,ii .pprtrt" rcts rou tu foNard Emails to aorone who has an Imail .id.,,.".-;;;i" ;h., :;pli,ation, ser uf an Email accn,rr. a"d rh" vou '2n edit' deleic' [niai] -, eive or "end trmaiis, as if ria a computer' Yo! cdn also add or enl'r an'ther , ..unt. Tlis appli.ation needs su!lof ftom rhe network'
?v9 :'.
8$l+ ! {$3s,1qx ^-^rJlr-*-1. ;',r
3.26 Anrlroitl Nferket Androi,l Marker pr.lides dit.t a"ess tu uselul dlplications $hi(h v'u 'an itstall or vour phone
dowrload and
Installation of -^udroid applicarion r"fi.." ,f," mlr.,';.g..pi r doot'aa a"d innall an
affli'ation irom Androiil
\1 r\'r |l'_ , ,d 'r'l ''1*n tr' 'nid n'l' i'"r I ' dnl'CPnPr/rlr 'o' 'ar "Ude' "s"a'\' l', "Ant,l.'ar"n_'nn" ) \ou',n-." 'l'rinr' { ill Lulton arPears aL the upper rlghi corner. TaP the 'Aplli'nioDs" .oPtjon lo-open riew applirarions' 1ou mav 'All rr aPplicaiions" .,,.'n.ii'. rl"" tur, ""r"s-i can course' vout Of or bv hv daer .-l.iit r rolularit)the.. applications sorled ';,, "Sear.h" b!rn'r' ..:rrhtortledesirerlafplicatlorbvusirsthe : ut, e, .,d .,, r, d r''_ lF'irP'l "l'l' ar''r ldl' rn'! rPr rl' ""' l'1"''''l'''l '.r ' it .. '"r -, ,,, "_pl',,rion' Jnd rr''r' ' ''" Pr'l'' he'r' " ""r ' "1 r"ikP ' .
l. upFr ', ri- nl stol. '''on," i-.t,d'F,.,e'iLp..r'ngr"',And
tl . d..Lron t\ou1 thnrc)
I )8 rl..!leLrLtud" lllF . "1 P.,',nrnr.'ll' Inr"rrr '1-lr ""r r"r ll'r"' ,,,",,r" rl'.'f" Fr' r) d',,", ,t on 1 ".. \,,, .,,.,1 .,,'.' " Fr.l_ " ation "i l ''"' l 4'l -11,., oJ r.-dr:nr "1.r",t.Rrr'nnp"L" r' F '"'"a'\"u ,",..."4..;-".n.,r", i, rlosei.uch.'iLh 'o"r friends. !i, lotrr thone or 'onlluter' 3.29 Calculator
i-. pf,",. **;a"' ",'alculat'r sith 4 basl' iuDctiotrs so thar rdu can perforn) ."-. smrl. calculati" ,.. \''' '"" 1' Ir''r tl,t., rr"I esr ',r,1,o, -''| roundins erro'' Nore: The .al.ulator is liilired in a.'ur"\ and l ill resulr in
3.31 Voice Recorder
Voice Recorder is usedforcreating audio{iles
3.30 Browser
r!il \ia.B'!ompurpr'Youm4
You wtr} ) oLr r"are a bookma,k on t "ur ph"n" .nd '. n.h' onrz" rh" bo"kmark 'omPurPr' q'reFn' g" to 1 our le\ orrlP \ Fb'ilPs ltom lle Ysin can - quirkll Ile s'bpas"' tieh a ro '- i;1,;;;'-"1..' modes r"rrina' frnm thc horrzontal and honse' rhP.'rPen otiFnrarion ro suir rhP webpdse' d'p'nding on ln"*,,.."i'i,ffy, hov r.u ar" rotatine rour ,
re rm.!h g.t$
*art voice recording: TaP :l
TaP $l
cah be viewed with ES The audio files are auromaticallv stored on vour phone Thev browser. You can selectfrom various plavers toplav the voices recorded'
3.32 Calendar
aiew L.r.ri., Ji"*. ." . 'iew vour schedules and events ar anv rime You mav schedules *^:;i;";;; one bv one orat the same time' ;h;;;;i""a.. r, ary. "*r -.onth. II "bv 'eek" . the carendar.vll h..h.*; b; *""k. Thi".pplication is convenieni forvotrto add events orview schedule'
'llrlra ls@
Affi.kad*&o8k:&r. Nll.
: ttrr'ou.
eun &n rm k,ftr
l.i .t{ .15 )c )t
l)u.l-SlM s.rriD!s:S.1.('t SII\l carrl I or S1 M rard 2 I ireless and n.iwtrk :Set and r1,IIv rht flv morl.. sin n€rsork. Illxttrtrnh. rilurl I'r;\.1. nel\{.rk. ilrrl uohile nrt$ork. (lall serrinss:"r -nne advarted terrures such as firrd 'lialing numl'er. r"i' rnail call hrrring. an.l .,ll .ost, et.. 'Ihese fearurts rl"pend on the nerwork operator.
l',r..rll diterting.
Audioefir:cr: (luslomizedselling_upotthesoundtffetts.
AOO,) B {rf Go*t-
\,rdro pr"fil.. anrl Ourdoor
. s,l"nl. U.,'ling In rhe meanuhile. cuslomizPJ selt;nF-uP of s.fre s.ene
Sele.ionem.,leloenterthe.ustonriz.(l settinB uf, op.rnlional ar rilrrrion, volumc. ring r,,nes. notificatiors and kev
Displar: (}st"mizodserriDs-u1,,'lrhePhon. l.trninrn.e anrl Srrctr'Iirnr:-Out
is allowcrl.
l.otarionanrls.i'lr:1.ri\,!alethe.onn..lionlo(ir.l"ssner$o.k sel lhe SD lprli.irionr: \ i.s.tnanasern(l,lclererheapPli.nti.nsonrourlhone.
rn,l (;l'S: .el unl,'.l,inF I)rllrrn: lo.k lhc SIll .rrd;
-{ccounr anrl srn.hroniz{tion: Srr rh.: s}Dchmni,.ri.n o[ rour phone arc"unt
Privacl: Serrhc googleservi.PsoDvourPhonc.tsa.k uPlhedalaotstltinFs. Restorc facl.r\ sellings lo elear all personal data on rour phone. .ard and rhone srorage: Displar the interral mroorv of the neD.r\ .drd and SD
rrerdr R".',
\Y llore
h rhF mpnu. i usr,,nr;ze
r.u. pLoilc
s, rtinss
Sel..r. la.guageandinputm.rhod.
!oiieinpuran,loulpur,Availal,lehvdownloadiogan(linstallinErh.\oi.erldrd " Sfe..I Svnlheris l).ld ltrslallei fun lhe e ma.kdl. Amtssil,ilirv: Tunonard,,tfa.cessibilitv. Ddt.ail,lrin)F. Ser.urn'nrdnrenn,lrine Srherhlrloueron/off: Setthetinttt tunron or olf r"ur phon". Al,"ur lh"n.: \'irr rht 'igral intensil\, l,rrl"rv lPrel. ser\i.r stattrr. n!'bile sottw.r..nd hardrxr. i,,lormation. cl.. { allpaf.r scrrioss: Press rhe I{.nx kev ib rhe *lardltv s(een. anrl then stlect " Vatlpapers' .'lher. art manv lrirlrs of wallpapers tui y"u to sele'r fron 'Ihev: con:e
3.34 Clock Enier lhe denu ro.lisplav the current rim€
3.35 Radio
before searching {or channels
"r'adio DisPldvthelistofFMrariiochannels'YoucanselecitoPlavoreo{ ii..'".iiu,, ,n"r. , I r" ,:-, .Jn.on ai1 20 "nann'l' ra\irumi]. ,hF ,",., |- .",,.n..".,. ,rd BFn".a," om :edr, 1", S"1", . ,hi- nl,lion to J'.
Your phone provides rnanv groups of 'larm clrcks SPl..r one o{ them io edit and .ustonlize alarm clo.k.
' -
ci," ,: u",i-,,",t" > And ll
p-'- rh" Lrr ' n ro r''e rr" rnrr . [nP rn no\c ro an"rne 'h'rnnP' : TeP to hroadcast and Pause'
3.16 Search Google can he used to search the
l"uJ'real t'
vou {aD1'
3.37 Contacis
l'r-\ou'a'r v''rr'orr"'olr'dsu" nr rrr'"ds''r'""'l:lj,:l d" _\n hrn'_r \n' mal add'onlr'rc ni F'"v ^m \'Lr lhonF'r -,,"r -"..",*.,1" ". arrli'rrion on \our ''omrurer' \ nu m"\ nl'Fn li..i"-ror ' "',1 application' "Dialing" al-"tr" i.".,r,"-u"J i"re'o, or open it via rle Add
i;;;,;;;,,,,..'"",\PnrP'|rhenamPandph arpl-"n"nrmh.r.|"m|h"5lI,J,.l,,t|"1Uan|il\o.^nta..s\oU.
rh. memor! ,n
v,'uL nhone.) S.arch for,,onracts,
r;",:.;1 ,";;1""',,,.
pF'' ,h"ear'h r"' ir 'ea, n - t'n
h"\"'u*o"'l',;':|";jli:;l:;;"::";;;:i::l:ll "', p"',..t"rr"'""nnhor'en'r nsme. Whi'P )ou d P cn P'rnb rhc i'.mtid1t
Edita conta.i:
"r " Ilelet. a.onra't:
select "Edit a contart
sere't "Dereie ! 'o'ta't" ;;;.;."", ;;;;i;; also sct tle tone of incoming calls' ;.'., t". "",rad, ;;,; 'il or import or"", eaPort a an a.court. 'oDt"r
svnrhronize with or
3.40 Camera i *",r+=' r,"am"r
s dnd \ ide" r' o"der t'arLr Ps l\o marrPr s hcrc "'.."r,".. PtessOprinn5roscroPrton"' "itre".r,,j"t"t.tigL-rFsorurionphorosandvidcns
3.38 Gallery Gallery is a picture nanager 1hat typically eahibits 16 miniatures- Thdnks ro the
tool,youneedn'tpageupordolvnsereralevendozensofrinesrofindyourfavorite.Just a stisht slide on ihe screen, lots oI pictures appear in your sisht. ln addition, the tool displays pictures in 3D nanner, and supports the features of "save picture" , "set picrure as deskrop" , and "share pi.ture" .
3-41 Messaeing
lharhs an *"..,"1"' f""," i", -""" rP\l and mulrim"drs DFssdEes ln an) (lor 'onrrr rvhone ru5 or m"'s38e= in'lud" phoro' tldeo 'lip' sM:,1";i;.. fr,"".,''" s morp )ou Whal m'moq' \oi'e and pf,""".'. 'ah r." 'on'a't_:nlo"malion "'f,., "vf" '*'xx;'.'"i".'"""",1::J"',:'fii:'*""'*:,:fix ," ar ".."ur",.a -gions probabrv r":""i,ii ril*"ir"g". r", ,"* i"r"*sr ioa' 'oasulr vout n.rtn'k oncrar''' ,", '""''"""i"", rons,a' 1"u ;:i;;; ;,;: ;;" ",iri"-rn" ""r*"*. v",' rn u'"'vessstns'"As ro- seno'ns or nsn make a .""tt.1", .." s"nd m"sssP"' \ou probabl' havF 'o Pav re, e,vine mpq'aqeq, dcn.ndrng on vou" nPlwor[ opPrdlor' i.nd, ...."g., T,p i,. cnrer lhe numbPr and n3me ol lh"onrai I and then tap tie tert box abo'e kevpail' enter ihe information -.""t i..* C.",,"t"lrap """'eir". can select such oprions as Call' Add s$jeci' the number,
3.39 Wireless Keyboard A,ailahle bv rurning on the Bluetooth, addjng new equipmenl, and pairing
""t"",iog Aiiach. lnsert{acial expression, and more'
r"e,""", Deriverv reports' and maximtrm quntitv
Ns m6$8t aard aL M$5a8e &ad
36 J
To pause
To resume
Io skip
to the neat song
orreading material
or readins material
to the previous song
To mo,efasr backward or
Touch and hold 13 or (3 . Thelonseryou hold, the more sonss you skipped.
To skip to sny point in s song
Draslhe progress brr
3.42 MobileTV Your phone provides an in-built handheld video receiver, by which you can receive TV programs. Select Mobile TV to vatch TV programs. Press Options to set the {ollowing:
- Search:Auiomaticallysearchforchannels. - Regi.n setting: Select ihe location ofyourplace. - Multiple choices: Choose muhiple channels fron
ihe searched results. You can delete any selected channels. - Channel list: Display the list ofbest channels searched out. Ifyou are watchins TV on yourphone, press Opiions to set the following: Video setiings: Set the brishtness, contrast and saturation ofTV. Audio settinss: Selectan audio mode. Rename: Rename ihe current channel. Note: Please pull the antenna out when using Mobile fV. The quality o{ received videos depends lo some extenton the coverase o{yourlocalTV stations. 3 4i Mnri. Music is used for enjoying the sbred audio files. S€lect Music, you can see rhe
menusof "Listofplayedsongs"
, "Songs" . "Specialists" and "Ariists"
3.44 Voice Dialer This phore has voice d;at support senice. by voice outbound calls or openins nenu.(English available only for the present)
Tert Input
4. Text Input Enter text via the keypad. Examples ot lext include contaci details, emails, short messages, and websites. The keypad provides lhe functions of spelling prediction, spellins cofection and Iearning while nsins. The smart keypad nay give you prompts o{ correct spelling, depending on which application you are using1 Tap the texi box (memo, ornew contacr) to call the keypad. 2Tap the keys on keypad. At the initial stage, you can tap keys usin6 either ofyour index fingers. Once you set faniliarviih ihe keypad. you can try tappingkeys usingboth ofyourthumbs. White tappins a ker, the corespondins lener will appear above your thumb or anorherfinser. I{you are tappingawrons key, you nay slide to the correct one. Only wher youriappinglingerleaves a key, can tLe corresponding Ielierbe entered inthe text box.
To deleie a characier To enteran upper-ease To entera
E add Eand Eand
Tap Tap
then tap that leiter. th€n iap that disit. then tap that symbol.
Press lhe space key iwice successivell
To toggle between Chinese and
Tap "Chinese" key.
English input tueihods
\ I
SD Card Introduction
Your mobile phone supports SD .ard to exPand the memory. tnstall ihe SD card accordingtotheindicaiion. As oDe of storagesforyourphone,SD cardhas be.nset as the defauli storage at{aciory. You car directly use it withouiilaking any setiings. is well connected, the PC Data Wire--PC" Use as flash disk: If "Phone vill prompi "New hardware is found" , and "MT65xx Android Phone requires to be instailed" will appear in the dialos box, se€ the figure belo{: Check tLe relevant menus in rhe phone are opened or.losed, selectins one bv one Main Menu "USB debuggins"
- Settinss
USB debtrgginE Uncheck
liier . he.kinF and ..nfirm.i;.n. re.onne.r "Phone - Dara \\'ire - PC . and n:ake sure .-sD card has been inseile.l. the phone and SD Card trough are normal. Follon the prompts.ptparinE in lhe phone to operale, so lhal dala uploading.nd dorrnloading rith U disk ran heachiered.
\ote: The phnne hard disk userl as ti rlisk not supparted. SD card supporterl onlrYour mobile phone suppoils rhe fhs-in fearure. However. ifvou insert or rernove lhe SD card $ ithoul lnrning offrour pl,one. we advise you lo lurn on and off lour phone- to eosure its nomral operal;on. Ce.erall!. ir is n.t re.ommended lo renorc and install the SD canl.
FAQ\ xnd Solurions
If rou hare anr questions ahout the phone, plcase finrl the soluti"os from the F^Qs Shen vou use vour phone
re.eptbn arcas. for example, nearhish rise huildinss orbase rooms. the radio
\.oid thir ar far a. ror r:n
rare.aniot b.
iransmitted cff(r,tivelv.
\lhenvou use vourphone at net uork traffir r"ngestion, sucl as Norkins rin!' an(l oft-durr Iime. .an resulr in t,n,r Th;s;s r.l.rr(l ro the distance io has€ slalion in question.
\roid this as far
as vou
\ ou mar ask the nctwork servir provi.ler ro prorlle serri.e
The trunk line o{network is in bad
Itis aEgional pmblem.
In some areas,lhe calllines are in The standbytime
is relevsnt to
In poor reception areas, tum ofl your phone temporarily. :honse with a newbattery.
Replace thebatteries Shorter standbytin€
{ang offthe call and dial again. lhoose anolher better line.
Whennosisnals are received, You Use yourpho.e atstrong sigml phone will continue seochingfor areas orTurn offthe phone base starions, thus consuninga large amount ofbattery power and temporarily. reducing standby time.
Failedtotum onyoilr
The batterypoweris used up.
lontact your net{ork service
The SIM card is damaged.
SIM carderror
lhe SIM card is not properly
Ensure theSIM card is properly
The metallic
fa.e o{the SIM csrd
Beyond the CSM coverage. The
PIN code error
Eailed to charee the
The fixed
dialins number feature
Enter incoEect PIN codes
Consult rhe network senice pmvide
is feeble
The call bmingfeature is used
tailed !omake acall
Wipe the{ace with
Contact Your network service
The SIM cardis invalid Failed
Checlthe batterypower Ierel or charge thebattery.
:imesin succession.
astrongersignal area.
lancel the call
barins settinss
Cancel the fixed dialing number Contact your network service provider.
The batteryorth€ charyeris damased.
Chatrge a Dew bailery or charger.
Charge the battery when ambient temperature is lover than -1011
Changethe environment. )heck whetherthe plug is properl
Failed toaddcontacts
The storase space ofPhoneboo[
Delete some conta.ts
Failedto setupsome
Your nerwork senice provider does not provide the services, oryou haven' I iubscribed them.
Contact your network service provider.