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Cvgt C412




Contents 26,1 set Automauc Rec° rd¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨………… 17 Aboutthis Guide… ………¨¨…¨¨……¨¨¨………¨¨¨……3 262 setthe Date/Time,¨ ¨¨¨¨¨…………………………………17 FCC statement¨ ……¨¨…¨¨……¨…¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨3 Prohibition of coˉ Irnportant note l° 27 cation,¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…・ 3 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨・ 4 WEEE NOuce¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨4 CE Regu丨 atory No刂 ce.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨4 Notes on lnsta"ation¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨…¨¨5 Battery warn∶ ng¨ ¨…¨¨¨………¨¨………¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨…5 31 lntroduction.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨……¨¨¨…θ Features.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨………¨¨…¨¨¨9 12 Package contents,¨ ¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨… ¨¨¨¨……9 13 Product0verview¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨10 22 |nserung∽ e Mem° ry Card instalhng in Vehic|es 22・ 、1° v冖 :to、 ,Jindsh 222 3.2 'Ⅱ ~三 E ˉ -ˉ s∶ o Po。 er n。 (∞ :y ^cu唣 rr唱 2:・ 252 252・ 252~2 2523 …¨…¨…¨…¨…¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨15 oe Demce On/of¨ t亠 POwer0n/of… ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨・ 16 ………¨……………¨¨¨16 、lanual P° wer0n/0仃 and Reset¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨…16 Manua!POwer on… ¨…¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨16 POwer0仃 ¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨…16 Reset曲 e deVice.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…… lnital setongs.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨・¨¨ 16 17 31,3 DriVer Fatigue丿 314 31,5 316 The Recording screen¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨………………25 21 ¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨……………¨¨23 Record a"othertyρ es of videos.¨ ¨¨¨¨…………23 Emergency Recording ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨¨¨¨24 \Ied,¨ Taking snaρ shot ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………¨¨…………26 4GRlD FUNCTlON CHARTinthe LCD screen ¨27 P丨 aying∨ ideos and Viewing Pictures ¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨…28 28 …………29 VieWing Pictures¨ ¨,¨ ¨¨¨…………………・ 3.2.3 The Playback screen.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨…………¨……………30 32,4 Deleting F"es¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………¨¨…………32 ¨ …~13 ¨…¨…¨…¨……14 LDWs(Lane Depadure Waming systems)¨ PIaying Vldeos and EmergenCy ReCording¨ 322 ¨… 12 tm ReCord videos wh"e drlving¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………21 31,2 32,1 12 亠o∫ ~s∶ Ⅱe Ce ⅡCe灬 Recording Videos ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨21 31,1 31,8 … ¨ …¨¨¨1刊 eiC VViˉ Fi connecting.¨ ¨¨¨……………………………………………19 31,7 Getting started¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨…¨…¨¨11 21 App"catlon insta"ation ¨¨¨¨¨…………………¨………19 2.72 21 Using the Car Recorder.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨………¨¨¨¨¨……・ Cau刂 on,… ¨…………¨¨………¨………………………¨¨…¨¨¨ 6 11 App"cation ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………¨……………………………………………1θ 27,1 33 AC刂 usting the sett∶ ngs.¨ ¨¨¨…………………………………………………・ 4.1 Using the Menu~¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨…¨¨………¨¨……………………33 42 34 Menu ltems¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…………………………¨¨¨¨¨………………・ InstaIIing the software.¨ 39 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………………¨¨………¨¨・ 40 superCar.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨………¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨¨¨¨…………¨¨¨¨¨………・ 41 sρ ecifications.¨ ¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨………¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……………・ Aboutthis Guide ^¨ lrnpo吐 ant note :∷ ˉ 冖Ⅱ冖th心 ∶¨三ˉ3e :弓 J・ J~:: sε ˉ∶・ ,号 `ε d° 。 ument o forinformaⅡ on purp° se and心 sublect to ^oJt pr or notice lA/e made eve}γ e仟 o"t° ensure thatthis Vser ∶ 0oJΓ ate and c° mp丨 ete ・90∴ ab|ity o assumed for any errors and omissions that may have ^^:ˉ =冖 ¨△C:。 rer resepˇ es the right to change the technical specifications FCC statement r丁 冖1留 糨 t:£ ∶ F昆 嘏 紧 变 %昆 胛 i冤 耀 拶 昆喇 趼 :: =:^ ˉ :・ eε :on which can be determined by turning the equipment o仟 1∶ 三ˉ∶ ∶ˉ ˉ: ~se・ s encouraged to try t° correCt the interference by° ne °r ˉ∷≡∶ ¨:∷ C宀 ⌒ g Ⅱeasures∶ ● =:∶ ˉ÷ˉ=ˉ ・ e oCate the receiVing antenna ˉ∶ ˉ ˉ :≡ ::∶ :se0a'ot on beMeen the equiplη ent and receiver ˉˉ:=ˉ ^号 e0~,=ˉ ent into an outIet on a circuit di仟 ˉ∶ ˉ~号 ˉ ・s。 。nneCted :ε e,号 ˉ ~∶ ∶~ ^: =号 ~∶ aeˉ ] := ∶ :∶ :ˉ =:s∫ 0ˉ ao e× perienced radi° erent frono that to /teChnician for help `T、 ,∷ Pa rt15° fthe FCC Ru丨 es operation s sublect to WEEE Not∶ Ce ※ ※〓 ∶:Eˇ εˉec∶ 冖 s been tested and found to c° mp丨 yw"h the Ⅱ m ts for a 卩 ~三 s:〓 〓εt00eˇ ce.pursuant to Part15ofthe FCC Ru|es These Ⅱ m‖ s are ˉ ∶ :∶ Ξ ≡ ∶ C 0・ 0Vide reasonab丨 e protection against harmful interference in a = ::=:ˉ ˉ ˉs∶ a|at on This equipment generates,uses and can radiate rodio ¨≡ ≡ˉ= :, e冖 e`gy and, f not instaⅡ ed and used in acc° rdance 、 vⅡ h the =ˇ ˉ∶ ¨~∶ :^s 冖 ay oause harmful intel亻 erence to radio communiCations ∷ Rad au° nE× posure statement This equipment compⅡ es w"h FCC radia刂 on eXposure lirnⅡ s set fodh for an uncontroⅡ ed enV ronment End users mus1 fo"oW the specⅢ c opera刂 ng instruc‖ ons for sa】 sfying RF eXposure compⅡ ance This equipment should be instaⅡ ed and oρ erated wⅡ h m丨 nimum distance20om beMeen the radiator&your body To maintain compⅡ ance with FCC eXρ osure comp"ance requirements, p|e。 se foⅡ ow the operatng instructions as dooumented in this monua| DisposaI of Waste EIectricaI and EIectronic Equipment and`or Batteη users in priVate households in the European Vn∶ on This symbol on the product or on the paokaging ind丨 th丨 d丨 s Can not be disposed of as a household `by cates that 、 Vaste You must spose of yourˇ vaste equiplη ent and/or ba廿 eγ by handⅡ ng it over to the appicable take-back scheme for the recycⅡ ng of eIectricaI and e|ectronic equiρ ment and/or ba廿 ery F° r more infonη ation about recycling of this equipment and/or batteγ , p|ease oontact your c"yo仟 ice,the shopˇ vhere you purchased the equ丨 pment or your household VVaste disposal serVice The reoyc"ng °f materials WiⅡ help to conserVe natural resources and ensure that tis reCycled in a mannerthat protects human hea"h and environ丨 ηent CE ReguIatory Notice HereWⅡ h conirrn to compIy w"h the requirements set out in the Counci| DirectiVes on the Approximotion of the LaWs of the Member states relating Electromagnetc Compa刂 b‖ y° f Radio and Telecom devioe(1995/5/EC);the LoW Vo"age DireC羽 Ve(2006/95/EC);the Rest"c刂 on of The Use of Cedain Hazardous substances in Electrical And EleCtronic Equipment DireCtive (2002/95/EC),Turkish EEE DireCuVe;the Commission RegulaⅡ on(EC)N° Prohibiti° n ofc° 丬。cation ˉ:=:・ :;3ˉ 00ˉ ~~:∶ 0ˉ = -aˉ :e冖 ˉ a∷ s∷ tJst not be co丬 ocated or operated in 山 :冖 a0'olner antenna ortransnη ⒒er 1275/2008 imp|ementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European PaHiament and ofthe CouncⅡ w"h regard to eco-design requirelη ents for standby and o仟 mode eIectHc power c° nsumption of electrical and e|ectronic househo|d and o仟 ioe equipment,and the D rectiVe2009/125/EC ofthe European ρaHialη ent and of the counoⅡ estabⅡ sh|ng a frameˇ Vork for the setting of eCo-design requirements for energy-related pnoducts Notes on Insta"ation Caution 1 This product sha"be insta"ed nearthe back-nη ofˇ ˇ indshie丨 d,if possible,for optimal viewing 2 Make sure that the lens is within the wiping range of the 3 Do not touch the lens w"h your flngers Finger grease may be 丨 eR on the lens and w"l resu"in unClear videos° r snapshots irror,atthe center Clean the lens on a regular basis 5 Due to locallaws and vehic丨 es safety considerations,do not operate the deV;ce Wh"e driˇ windscreen wiρ erto ensure a cIear View evenˇ vhen it rains 4 Ⅱ Do not insta" the deviCe on a tinted windovv, Doing so may damage the tint n丨 m, 、1ake sure that the instaⅡ ation position is not hindered by the tinted window ing Ⅱ set up time and date accurately before you use this deVice Ⅱ Please use superCar soⅠ 钿 are in condition that Google Map is function norma"y. |⒊ The firmware∫ unction in the device is for reference only,please fo"ow the actuaI road condition ● ⒊ The resu|ts of GPs positioning are on|y for refeFenGe,and shouId not a仃 eGtthe aCtu台 l dHving$ituat∶ cannot ensure the posit氵 oning accuraGy 艹 on The$ystem al$o eather GPs positioning accuraGy rnay di矸 er depending onˇ ˇ and toσ atlon suGh a$high bu:丨 din9s,tunne丨 Battery warning Neˇ er cismanue or pieΓ ce the ba仗 ery or a"ow the battery to △ Kee。 1he ba仗 ery0ut ofreach of ch"dren Bauehes may exρ |ode if exposed to naked fire Never disρ s冖 J・ ÷ o晋;e a fre Disρ osed of used batter:es Φb$e冖四ng ofthe GPs sateⅢ te recep刂 on ● ⒊ GPs receptlon performance on each dOVice may di仟 er、 The system cannot deternη ine the accuraGy ofthe p° sitioning od-C亻 Cuit of ba⒒ ehesin undergrounds:o「 GPs sate""e signals cannot pass through so"d materials (except glass)Tinted window w"I also a仟 eGtthe performance ・ A、 、ays charge using the provided system l。 nproper hand|ing 刂 oftne ba仗 ery Iη ay resu"in eXplosion 饣 s、 forests l◇ ¢锇苷regula佼 :on$、 Neˇ er replace the battery o猊 your own∶ 脸畲ve the deaIef do it for you 0⒊ results frclm di仟erent deviε es Thθ va{ue$displayed in this system,such θs speOd,pos;ti◇ n, and the distanGe、 Ⅳarning to the speed Gamora set points!may be inaccura奄 砻due to the influence of surrounding enVironment They are for your reference on丨 y △。 This deviGe requires the insta"at・ on ofthe GPs modu丨 e and vehic丨 e oonneGtoFin ordorto use the sate"丨 te status,Tirne $ynG,speedˉ detection photo prompt,user灬 de两 ned speed deteotion spot management.userˇ deflned speed hmit prompt. lane deviation deteCtion,dr;Ver fatigue a|ert etG ● ⒊ The$ystem∶ s used onIy for non-GomrnerclaI use,VVithin the maXimum Iimits permitted by app"cable laⅥ F 0ur oompany doe$not accept any responsibility for any data;oss during the oρ erati0n △・ V、 Fi signa:s are unabie文 o pass through the bu"ding The gna|translmissi◇ n is10m `卜 perlimit of s∶ uρ ÷ ÷ l/Viˉ Fi0pera甘 on Channels List∶ Ch1~Ch11 conflrm if your device∶ s su雨 oient:y shielded from the RF transn1i$sion ofthis deviCe. The produc露 empIoys wireIess data communicafon which may intel亻 ere,or be interfered by,a nearˉ by device Med∶ oa丨 Never use this device in the vicinity° f a microwave oVen◇ r at places where弋 here is rad∶ o inierferenoe Radio wave recep刂 on may be Ⅵ `orsened in sρ enVironments, 0bserve suCh ∶ nstructions When the mediGal care personnel or any posted sign requests you to sw"Ch o仟 any device that may interfere the radio frequency eciac Please be advised thatif another device is a:so using the same △ 24GHz band as this produGt,the proCessing speed° deVices may s;ow doWn ities∶ Hosρ ita丨 s and medica丨 institutes may es that are sensitiVe丈 o an eXterna|RF energy Faci丨 use faciIit氵 艹 EXplos∶ on s"es or any loCation Ⅵ 西th a posted sign∶ ln order to prevent interfeon9 Vvith an explosion aotivity, ob$erve¤ he$ign锇 ge and in$truCtions in the Exp|o$ion Are镊 orin "文 a zone w掀 ha“ sw"Ch0ff2¨ way Radio$” $呛 n by sWitching o矸 dovices that may氵 n又 erfere VVith the radio frequency, f both This ρroduct geb Warm when in use;this is norma1, amage 罗滗 黜 :黯 谩 :∶ ::茹 &揣 ‰ 、焉yJE氵 龇 卩 The radio frequency(RF)generated by this RF eleCtronio device may cause adversθ θffects on Ihe operation of o又 her electronic deVice$and re$ut父 in malfunCt∶ oning l/Vire丨 θs$ transnη i仗 ers and circuitry may aIso intorfere、 v"h other electronic devioes Therefore,do observe the foⅡ oWing precautions∶ 编 号 部 件 名称 devlce (Pb) ● VehicIe∶ The radlo frequency transmitted by this device may a矸eCt the eleGtronic$ystem in a motorized Vehic∶ e Please consuk 攵 he manufaGturer or deaIer of your vehicle on the ● Pacemaker∶ 铅 ρossible e矸 eCt, ln order t° preVent 主 机 省谗有害物质或元素 镉 六价铬 (Cd) CKVD 多溴 联苯 eBB) 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE) 0 电池 充 电器 光盎 any potentiaI 线利 interference to a pacemaker, anyone who uses a ρacemaker shou|d be advised, that, When using this devioe,a min丨 mum d吣 tance of15cm(6inch)should be kept bebveen the device and the pacemaker∶ and never putthis device in a chest pocket In Case of any doub变 of inte11erence,switch° ffthe deVice immediately, ● MedioaI DeVice∶ 汞 魄 ・ Aircraff∶ Never use a radio transmitter when you are in an airp!ane Please switch o仟 the Wiˉ Fi function of the 丨 f you use a personal medioal device: consuIt the devIce manufacturer or your physicion to 包 材类 0‘ 表 示 该有 毒有 害物 质在 该部 件 所有 均 质 材料 巾 的含 量均在 sJ汀 n“ 32oo6规 定 的 限垦 要求 以下 x;表 示 该有 毒 有 害物质 至 少 存 在于 该部件 的某 -均 质材 料 中 的 舍量 超 出 si/r ll“ a2oo‘ 规 定 的限量 要 求 注 ;本 产 品 90%以 上 的郜 件 采 胛 无奋 无 害 的环 保材 料 制 造 ,含 有 有毒有 害物 质 或 元 素 的 部 侮皆 因全球 技 术 发展 水 艹 眼制 而 无法实 观 有毒 物 质 或 元素 Ii吝 代 . ∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ 1 Introducuoh∷ ∴ |∷ 亠 ≡ ∶ ≡||∷∷ ∷ 1.3 Product overView Front VieW Thank you for purchasing this advanced Car Recorder This deVice is speci币 ca"y designed for realtirne video and audio recording when drlvIng 9 s de(LeⅡ and Right)Views 1 Features 日。 ・ Full HD recording 彳 280x720《 D60fρ s) ・ TOp and Bollom V怡 Ws 1C videos (1920x1080@30fρ s or 27” LCD Colortouch screen ・ VVide angle lens ・ Mu"ifunckion traffic safety reminder ・ AutomatiC Emergency recording for Co"ision deteCtion ・ Suρ ports sDHC uρ to32GB ∷仓 ∷ ∷ N∷ 1.2 Package Contents The paGkage con(ains the fo"oWing items ln case there is any missing° r damaged item,contaCt your dealerimmediateIy Car Recorder Quick stad guide ∷ Ⅱ饪 1 Memory Card slot 7 VVide Angle Lens 2 PoWersw‖ ch 8 W-Fi Transmission 3 Bracket Socket speaker 4 LED lndiCator Microph° ne 5 USB/Power ConneCtor LCD Touch Pane| GPs Antenna CD・ RoM⊙ Car adap1er lfem 2 Gett∶ ng starte-∷ ∷∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ 2.1 Inserting the Memory Card 2.2 Insta"ing in VehiCIes 2.2.1 Mountto W∶ ndshieId 1 lnsert memon/card with the g° ld seGtion facing upvvard and the screen ofthe device facing upˇ Vard too,as"lustrated Push the Push the bracket into bracket slot on top of deViCe, until a c"Gk sound is hOard memory Gard in until a oⅡ ck sound is heard,indicating the card is in position To remoˇ e the memory card Push to electthe memory card out ofthe sIOt With the suCtionˉ Cup Iaying 】at, position the suctionˉ cup on the Windshi0ld Ⅱote∶ HOId the base 1 Do notremove orinsertthe memory∞ rd When the device|s turned on This 2 P|ease use a Class6or higher ra刂 币rmly on the windshieId and press dovvn the clamp to mount the car holderto may daIη age the memory card ng Micro sD∞ rd,maX upto32GB the WindshieId 3 P|ease fotnatthe micro sD∞ rds before the initia|use Make sure the base is securely locked in 4 VVhen reIη oving the memory card,be carefulthatthe card may sp"ng out and getlost The memory sIot has this sp"ng-° utfeature for easy remova|of the card Ⅰ2 ρlace, 2.2,2 Adjustthe device posit∶ 1, on 2.3 ConneCting to PoWer Loose the knob to swiveIthe Use only the a杜 aChed power connectorfor activating the device and charging the bu"tˉ in battery, device Vedica"y 1 COnnect one end of power connectortO UsB/Power Connedor po仗 on the device Loose the knob to sVViVeIthe deVice 360° horizonta"y up 2 to Plug the other end of the car adapter to the cigarette Ⅱghter socket of your VehicIe 0nce the vehicIe engine is started,the deviCe automatica"y turns on , 貂挺 T Then tighten the knob to make sure the device is securely locked in place Note: This produCt shaⅡ be insta"ed nearthe back-mirror,atthe center of、 V丨 ndshie|d,丨 p° ssible,for optimal VieWing rJ f 2.5 PoWe"ng the Dev∶ ce On`o矸 Battery status lndicator: De麸 艹 涑ion| lcoi∷ ∷ “ 2.5。 日 Auto Power On`o仟 0nce the vehiCIe engine is staded,the device automatica"y turns on 囤 Fu"battery poWer 囫 囫 臼 2/3ba‖ ery power ⑿ Ba⒒ery is charging 丹 Connect the oar adapter to charge the battery battery is fuⅡ Charged If the Automatic Record function is enabled, the recording ˇ Vi" automatica"y start right afterthe device turns on‘ Please referto sef^″ fomaⅡ C 1/3ba廿 ery poWer Record(261) 2.5.2Ⅲ anual PoWer On`o仟 and Reset out of battery power ManuaI Power On Push the power switCh and make sure thatthe power9witch locks onthe memon/card slot Note: Please take note fthe environmenttemperature reaChes45° C orabove,the Car adapter stⅢ can supply p° werto device,but"W"l not Charge the Lithiumˉ ba求ery This is the CharacteHs】 c ofL"hium丬 on andis nota ma忏 unCtion ion on 2.4 LED Indicator status ExpIa"atIoⅡ LE0△ h拄 】 0岔 tor PoWer off,ba仗 ery charg丨 eIγ ful| charged may become corrupt, LED Ⅱght PoWeron,ba∮ ery fu" Green standby/standby and screen ofF Recording/Recording and screen off o矸 Green charging PoWeron,ba廿 ery charged POWer0仟 Push the p° wer sWitch and make sure thatthe memory slotis released and the device stads power o仟 sequenCe,DO not ρoweron the deVice when itis in the ρovve仁 off sequence∶ or the recorded币 Ie Red ng PoWer ofF,ba⒒ C0∶ 00 F丨 ash red Resetthe device ln case the device fa"s to function norma"y due to unknown causes, push the power sWkCh and veHfy the memory card ls in the Flash red removabIe state∶ wa"for7seconds again to resta仗 the deVice r5 r6 and push the poWer sWitch 2.6 In⒒ ial settings Before using the device, we recommend you to enabIe the Automatic Record function and set uρ the correct Date and Ti,ne 2.6.1 set Automatic Record DefauⅡ setjng of Automatic Record is EnabIed.The device wi" automatica"y start recording When p° wered on ln case Automatic ⒃缸匦 t¨ 汛 σDate' Tirne menu Touch I::":口 :t。 sded vdu⒐ p:}° for ente"ng Automat℃ function menu∶ I黠 Record Comρ Iete b岫 匕■ to 莒 uJnJi;9Id1 setting. touCh again to seled0N 七u山 ■ bd"n b ReC∝ d screen ⒉⒍2setthe Date`Time bM呵 sl扛 骨 Ⅰ ll;翼 丨、 如卩 ⒉鏖 ∶ ∶ 忄 辈 昼 丨 r撼 l∶ f;I晏 jI虽 l;∶ f11∶ Note: 1fF∶me syn⒍ ls on,devlce dock WⅢ be ca"brated Vla sateⅢ based on sθ r Πmθz° 刀e Please referto Ⅱme sy″ c,⒁ 2) 2 1f satelⅡ te p° sⅡ ioning deflned】 姒忱⑾m"妯 e zon⒐ 加 en跏 山口 ag。 nb I:Ⅰ 119Ⅰ I t。 3田 ease te cbck slgnal is not successfu1deVice clook w"Irun based on user me~ be aWare thattoucⅢ ng口 圉 ■du"ng the re∞ rdhg pro∞ ss wⅢ the recording process and enterinto main menu PIease make sure the recording can be stoρ ped before operating menu se丨 ections complete se⒒ ing r8 stoρ 2.7 AppⅡ cation FOr AndrOId Users: The camera a"ows you to connectto the mob"e devioes Via the Apρ When using for the 】rst tirne, instaⅡ the Life Cann Apρ for your Using the mob"e device[Set刂 ngsl-◇ lW卜 F刂 → [Select device , ID no∶ mob"e device^ Disρ Iay of“ Wiˉ厂J Co"″ ec″ o"readyr° n the deVice sCreen indicates that the deVice has "nked up vvith your mob"e 2.7.1 AppⅡ cat∶ on insta"ation 1 devIce, search什 om Android Market or Apρ store for Life Cam apρ 2 ⒌Exec吐e the酏 Cam鼹 Au "cationApp, Insta"the To山 ∞ m⒃ dⅧ △ m℃ 胛 ⒍ 2.7.2 Wiˉ F∶ connecting(Th‘ lunOl on‘ opl on钔 ,sOme 1 2 、 u山 国 b enter Maln№ n⒒ 而 Ⅱ h鹬 b sM℃ hα ∝ b却 ⒍em岫 ⒊ 而uch口 `口 ⒗ ed曰 s引 menu∶ wait for screen to display 4 X5XXXXXX】 → 【 Enter the passWordlˉ [Connedhgl devidb ID and Wiˉ Fi password UsiRg Wiˉ Fifunction of a mob"e device, search for deViGe ID from the Ⅱst and se!ect and enterˇ Vi-Fi Password Fori0s users: roduds ρ 喇 恤 Cam瑁 匾囝 A""涮 ∞ do nα h由 ude曲 ‘仙nα 沁n→ Note: n№ n⒐ e 1 Make sure the Wi-Fi f1ncton of the equipment Is activated and the mobⅡ deVice is receiving VV⒈ Fi signal before eXecuting the Life Cam App,orthe App Wi"be eX"ed, for enterlng W∶ ˉ Fi function 2 The mobⅡ e deⅦ ce shaⅡ be W"hin a maXlmum of a10m distance from the equipment without any buⅡ dings in be仑″een hout 3 VVhen the Ⅵ connecting W"h "-FifVncuon y° ur mob"e of the deVioe, equipment or theisconneCtion acfVated for3minutes is disConneCted,the w“ equipment WⅢ automa廿 ca"y stop he W卜 Fi仙 nction and you Wi"need to reˉ ac】vate the VVlˉ Fl functlon 4 We suggest that you shou|d set the corred date and time for yo凵 rm0bⅡ e deVice before using the equiρ ment, so that the recorded video Wlll be consistent wⅡ h the dote and tirne set刂 ngs ofthe mob"e deVioe Using the mob"e device → lseled lset刂 ngsl→ lW卜 F刂 5 When Ⅱnking Enter 【 6 The Ianguage ofthe Life Cam App Will be Consistent Wlth that of your rnobⅡ t-in one device,it sha"be the defau"language f"is notthe buⅡ → ρasswordl→ IC° nnectingl X5XXXXXⅪ device ID no。 ∶ the up with a mobⅡ e deVice,touchˉ control of deViCe screen Is no longer efeCtive, Pe矸 orm oρ erations Vla the Llfe Cam AppⅡ cation For operating the deVice again,you need to exitthe Lre Cam AppⅡ cation1rst 2J e Iuoi∷ ng fh0CaFRec0r|9F∷ Recording、 deos 3.1 ∷ ∷ 45 3∷ 而uch曰 d"n0伦 cod t。 aT哩 ≌ 祥 苕 sCm钒 F⒊e柠 箔 u鞘 1军 器 `∶ ″hⅡ e driˇ ∶ 3.1.1 ReCord v∶ deos、 ng 播 When the VehicIe engine starts up and the AutomatiC Record reaches or exceeds50km/h(31 m"e/h)and the vehide WⅢ giVe a voiCe alert and an a丨 arm screen f vehiCIe speed funCtion is enabledi the deVice automatica"y turns on and stads recording 盯嬲 I:瑟 嘿1耖】 l叩 lne ls s毗 ched o铷 Mot0: On some Cars,the re∞ rding WⅢ con】 nue When the engine is$WitChed dm Ifthis ghter° rremove the car adapter happens,please manua"y turn offthe cigare廿 e Ⅱ from the cigarete"ghter Note: LDVˇs is only app"cable When sateⅢ te posⅡ ioning is in ready state Make sure 3.1.2 LDWs(Lane Departure Warning systems) sateIlite posltioning of your deVice is ready if y° When LDVVs is enabled after sateⅡ ite positioning,deviCe W"I give a voice aIert and disρ lay an alarm screen if VehicIe speed reaches or exceeds50km/h(31m"e/h)and the vehicIe devlates from the lane 丁o set the LDVVs (Lane Depa吐 ure origina丨 I盯 h∶ 吧 1s丨 iI:∶ IId∵ Menu. l 踹 裂 、 : ∶ 鹰 蠛 。 ve巾 ⒉而 岫口 Ι逞 ‖ ∶ T唧 ⒊廴 ″∶ 丨 艮 nJ背 丨扌 E】 b swt山 1】 :F;‖ 1〗 fiΞ t。 i∶ to enable the funCtion(° n〉 2r 22 u Wantto activate刂 1is function : 3.日 ,3 Dr∶ Ver 3.1.5 Emergency Recording Fatigue AIe吐 When Driver Fatigue Ale"is enab丨 ed,a Voice aIed and a Warning screen Wi"be aGtivated1hour afterthe device is poˇ vered on!with a repetition at eVery subsequent30minutes, rsl投 f罗 Iiγ ∶ 荏 塔Wγ b蛔 而岫 骺 而uch曰 泅 t。 ℃h⒃ r。 s引 ed曰 叮 "叫 h 1⒎ Itl⒊ :∫ recording rnodej the “ Emergency” message WⅢ be shoWn imrnediately on the lowerle仗 corner ofthe screen, and the reCorded1fiIe wⅢ be ρrotected。 ng乩 饴〃 帕 n№ N ⒉ ∷ ∶ Il1u;r遏 ∶ 丨 默h臼 d"nb m a∶ ⒈ 罂T⒈ ∶ 丨 而岫 田 a猁 .⒗ h甜 协 recod" :1;aci| Note: 1 1fthe CoⅡ Fson Defecσ on fundion is enab丨 od and a ooⅢ sion丨 s detected,the t。 deVice w"l automalca"y tHgger the emergency recording Please refer to Cd″ g"D出 钅百on l02) 2 The emergency reoordlng Πle is created as a neW fle,Whioh wi"be ρrotected cⅡ ng re∞ rding,4G memoγ ∞ rd∞ n to aVoid being oveⅢ by normal(γ les,and8G(or above)memoγ card can saVe save up to5emergency"tten video】 ge″ cy厅Jes are up to10emergency video ales The ale"rnessage of“ ε ′ ',eη rJ″ wⅢ p° p up on the sCreen when the emergency recording】 bs are fu", and the oldest emergency 】le wl" be automa刂 caⅡ y deleted when a new emergency reoording fⅡ e is created 3.1.4 ReC0rd a"othertypes ofˇ ideos ⒈ T。 u∶ ⒉ 而 岫 h¤ ¤ t。 曲"rec。 耐 " ag。 ・ ⒗ h洫 饥 reco咖 ⒐ Note: 1 1t can be conΠ gured to save a video】 le for eVery3or5minutes of recording Pbase referto咱 deo Dura〃 om lzI2) 2 The devioe saVes the recording in the memory card Ⅱthe memory card capaoˇ ls fuⅡ ,the o旧 estnb ln the memoγ card‘ ove叫 H廿 en 23 2亻 3.1.6 The Recording screen Reset cf date/ ume σ 5 曰 Renη ind the user to resetthe Date Prompt `deVice Time before Please start refer to use sef the fhe Dafe/了 :me(262) Recording w囝 辟%%F橇 recording. ∞ Emergency 因 跳 1 ,coi ● ⒛噫 翻⒃您 肿 q2:Φ 9鬯 硼 臼 囵 ⑧⑧瑟 ⑧⑨:您 通 囹 7 8 囫 囤 Recording d∶ 罂 I∶ 硭 廴揣 recording mode Please refer to Emθ rgency Reco〃 Ⅱng(315) ∶ ≡尹 :oes。 Jpu“ 鳓 Recording lcon Date/Π me Menu Taking snaρ shot Indicates the recording status Indicates the cu"ent recording date and】 me 3.1.7 Taking snapshot You can also use this device to take snapshots ofthe Current scene, Touch H b enter犰 e mdn Whlle recordhg,touch■ R∞s¤ lndicates Duration duration sateⅢ te pos"ioning T№ 囵 the ic。 Video n即 screen When sateⅡ ■ 〓 ite ofthe deVice is ready Ba拄 ery Indicates the remain丨 ng ba廿 ery ρ° wer 4GRlD 而 ⑽ h囤 FUNCTl0N CHARTimthe LCD l∶ screen m杌 ρositioning be汛σ 枷 4GRlD FUNCTl0N CHART in the LCD 亻 GRfD rDe LCD screen(318) screen PIease refer t° FuⅣ cΠ o″ cH^RT加 25 to ta帕 丨呈爿 ; 色 对∶ t。 current peaⅡ 耐 "m∞ take a ph° to RecordIng in rec。 26 :l∶ :∶ F:丨 am郇 M, 3.1.84GRID FuNCTION cHARTinthe LCD screen 3.2 Playing、 Please touch 邋 `iewing PiCtures `ideos andand、 Emergency Recording 3.2.1 Playing、 ″deos when you are recording,then you can see the 4GRID FUNCTl0N CHART inthe LCD screen, TouCh any point ofthe sGreen to return to Record screen PIayback video record files as fo"ovVs∶ ⒈ 、岫 H be汛 ⒉ 而 u山 婴 ⒊ 而 岫 t。 鼬 σ滴 nmm. 莒M℃ hα ⒐ t。 bH怡 `№ 剥 m mm 猁 钉Ⅲ 耐 Emergemcy fundion menu lt燕 1 l七 d珀 |∷ Ⅱ‘⒈ i{ D"Ving speed Time ∶f奋 扯 D"Ving direcuon Distance Warning to the camera set points sρ eed 4 Note: ・ TOuch m tobr。 wse for required vidOo f"e,touch seIected preview of video to enter PIayback Mode DriVing Speed,DriVing Diredion and Distance Warning to the speed camera set points are oⅢ y appⅡ cable When sate"ite p° sitioning°fthe deVice is ready; othen吖 ise,they wⅡ l be dispIayed in gray scaIe onIy ⒌ 2B 而 uGh■ reρ 刨 刂v引 yb d町 n⒗ Recod sc呛 em 3.2.3 The PIayback screen 3.2.2 VieWing Pictures Vdeo Playback screen View pictures as fo"oWs∶ ⒈ 而 u山 国 bm妍 ⒉ 而 u山 曩爨鋈曩 t。 n№ 腼 蛔 曲 ⒃ № Plcture PIayback screen 刚 Hh`0o蛐 on湎 nmm, ⒊ 而uGh圃 的enfer Hdure function rnenu N∷ 0l= 1 lcon‖ ⒛ 饣鞫 咐0i中 ⑾0V ⒁ 颐蜊。 oΘ :Φ X9詈 0国 4^ 而岫 φ t。 № w∞ f。 r req山 ΘΘ吕 ⑨C:喝 ⑨ ` md丬 d屺 m∞ Ⅱ 岫 iΙ i‖ 泠 朴| F"e Name Current Duratlon/ Video 抵 0矸 南 锸 lndicates name of current Video or plcture fⅡ e lndicates tirne code and duration of current Video fⅡ e Duration selected preview of口 cture to enter Picture PlaybaCk Mode 国 Menu 曰 ReWind/ bu。 h目 t。 eⅢ er H汔 D刨 湘h Fast 4 ⒌ 而 uci■ 印 刨 刂v引 yb PreVIous FⅡ e d吖 n ReCod sσ eem 呷 糕 贤 军 扩 茗 1I picture is not in playback Wi" sWitCh oVerto the preVious Ⅱle T。 u由 曰 Return 口 fo唧ard/ NeXt F"e 3J t。 retum b preⅥ ew 苜%p∶ 丁j∷ l:∶ i罹 Fast 29 曰 t⒊ ●Tou山 ■ in Ⅵ de。 口 ayback mode Wi" enable fast fOMard Ⅱ羽0∶ :COn △—△ 葶 ‖ 栖薷动咖|Ⅱ ∶ ltem,谷 : 。丨 :罗 № e∶ =潲 n vde。 l∶ l{∶ ∝ picture is not in playback ˇ Vi" sWitoh oVerto the next fⅡ e υ aP ˉ P T。 u由 ■/口 ,the video t。 au∞ ρ ρ "σ 3.2。 4 Deleting F"es To deIete f"e(s),do the fo"oWing∶ Ht。 ⒈ 而岫 ⒉ Tou山 黟 猁 σ腼 n阢 nu to骊 岫 α钎 b曰 ⒗ `阢 蛐 m湎 n mn⒐ ⒊ 而u山 囤 Ⅲ 匿 囝 Ⅱ 国 日 甜∝Ⅶ猁H∝ urerEm¢ my 日 t。 ⒋ to№ W∞ TOu山 … f。 rr∞ umd酬 eo∝ u山 m盹 touch selected preVieW image to enter、 Playback MOde, ⒌ 而 `ideo'Picture uch目 b enter№ Dd刨 m men叱 猁 屺 me№ σ 刹 s引 m围 touch酗 t。 ed衄 b 搠 ∞ 雨 mσ ∞ md the se丨 ection p000F:PtI0| lt0Ⅱ Delete0ne DeIete A" ⒍ T。 u山 臼 De|ete the current】 le DeIete a"干 les re刚 ˇ引yb d"n b Rec涮 sσ e钒 Note: De丨 eted 32 fles cannot be re¢ oVered EnsuⅡ e the fIes have backup before deletIon Ⅱ 0∷ ∷ 4Ⅱ ∷ 0令 t;|¤ ‖ s0廿 iⅡ g每 4.2 Menu Items and function Iist fordetaiIs deta"s of of main Referto ∶ he below table for 4.1^丬 using the Menu ,om而 醮 You can custon1ize the general settings via the on-sGreen display (0sD)menus, lI:;I;:|l|"抬 /Ⅱ 眈 瓯 Ⅲ枷ezone 而 娃 垫 垫 奎 setthe date and刂 |Av邪 labloo"” Ⅱ me set the ume z° ne you UTGˉ 12∶ 00~ UTC+12∶ 00 When enabled, device GloCk WⅢ be caⅡ brated 滥 automa1cally based on T me syⅡ sate"ite clock of the set on/o仟 tlrne zone on comple刂 on of sateⅡ ite positioning 啊 Enable/Disable Beep the beep 0n/off Endoh`繁 氇中文 № u山 国 in协 recod mde酬 № p忱 囤 鞫 system recod and enterinto Main Menu ⒉ 而 岫 婴 鞫 蹶 鞫 t。 e L::舄 甘 〖 〗 the on-screen display menu language se丨 ect the unⅡ for distance display set LCD off … t。 № w∞ b"u涮 岫 抬ms n屺 m叩 em屺 main menu∶ touGh a function icon to enter se仗 ing screen T。 u山 圃 ℃D⒃ Ⅲ " on comp丨 etion of seuing a required function item,deVice Wi" return automatica"y to the main rnenu ofthe seIected function ⒌而uch¤ to伦 turn妃 Recσ d sG伦 em record mode T0uch any point of the touch screen wⅡ switch Ⅱon rding a矸 eCted is not when screen is off) J3 3亻 Wi-Fi KM/MlLE 刂me DeVice screen wⅢ be o仟 after a set gme1no operaJon is detected during the standby or (Rec° 囹 Frangais`Portugu0s /"aⅡ ano/Japanese/ Arabic ∞腼 囤 ⒃钔 骊 曲 ασ 湎 n menus set / 简体中文 /PyccK岫 Espahol/Deutsch` ` set Wiˉ Fi "nkage of a mobⅡ e device on/off After30sec /ofF After3min 圃 〓 獭 跏 姗~咖 ∷ Des邮 ptlⅡ ∶ Fuhct∶ o“ Llst seIect sate"ite system 渊 of the localitV p° sⅡ i° ning, deviCe WⅢ issue a Voice ale"and GPs/GLONAss an alarm image When Fomat the memory 囹 辄扌 r card inserted in the equipment A"the】 les vehicle speed is aboVe 50km/h〈31mi|e/h)and Yes/No the distance W⒒ h the in the card wⅢ be front Vehic|e is less than erased 固 :钏 蹋 Frmwa⒃ 豳 Play/Delete a video 圃 Ⅲ FⅡ e/ Posi刂 on 20m Resume the equipmen1 to Ⅱ s defau"se仗 ing 囤 lnd忆 ates the currenl de № Ⅲ 曰 嘴 nle Play/ delete a picture 曰 cture 刨 苻 Ⅲ ‰i严 d ρoints aⅡ er sateⅡ ite siti0ning, up to 200 ρ° user defined speed adiˇ 国 Delete a" the user When FCWs the o activated aRer sateIⅡ te a丨 arm reminding an screen that on`off When a vehicle approaches a speed detecuon camera, the 0n/off screen for reminding User dIe FCWs m on/o矸 m 呷 from ane issue a Voice alert and ale" and an alarm ∞A ori¤ inal丨 is device wⅢ issue a voice 囵 deV治 tes ∞ Α an a|arm soreen if vehicIe speed reaches dle sate"i1e C" 四 safety Ⅲ defned sρ eed points from system or eXceeds50km/h(31 mⅡ elh)and the vehide DⅡ Ving Head。 HeadⅡ ght ated, devlce WⅢ insumcient b"ghtness is sensed on the recolding faoe ρ0sⅡ 0ningi device wⅢ give a voice a丨 e" and LDWs on/off oW50km∫ h 20m VVhen When LDWsis enab|ed 缨 sρ eed is be丨 vehicle is more than Manua"y add speed a】u,r ale" and an alarm image When vehide (124m"e/h)and the points can be added 网 device wⅢ issue aˇ oice distance W"h the front PIay / delete an emerqencV record】 le Emergency N:§ When Front Vehide Go is acllˇ ated aRer te sate丨 Ⅱ ρos"ioning, Yes/No FirmWare Video 拙 矿妇bl00Ⅱ loⅡ 00sc亻 pJo二 F刂 “嗷 loll Llgt defned "mⅡ ale"when vehicle voice speed eXoeeds se廿 ing va丨 on/off 3犭 sρ eed Deˇ ice WⅡ 丨 :ssue a ue the o矸 / 140kmlh~200km/h When aboVe 70 km/h (435 Fa刂 gue DHVer mⅡ Ale"is enabled,a voice a丨 D"ver Faugue Alerl elh)and acc引 erates 30km/h(186mile/h)in e" and a waming 5 seconds, or sρ eeds e50km`h(31 screen wⅡ be actlVated 1 hour after the device up aboˇ is poWered on,w"h a 20km/h(024mⅡ e/h)in m"e/h)and decelerates n every subsequent30minutes 5seconds reρ euti° FHD(1080PlsOfps)/ HD30lz20P/sOfpsl` on Detec刂 on ls " Mo刂 act"ated, when the HD60σ 20P/60fpsl deVice is poWered on,a message“ Walt fof10 seconds to +20~ˉ 20 enter Ⅲotio" Detectio" or se廿 ing for enab"ng Automa"c Rec° rd aⅡ er deVice power0n to"Ch the screem to poWer of卩 w"l be displayed on the screen Ths means the saVe respec刂 ve video Record system wⅡ l enter Mo刂 on Detec刂 seleoted dura刂 on automa刂 ca"y audlo in the video moⅡ on in front of lens, se⒒ ing forthe indioa刂 on be The DeⅥ Ge a凵 t0maticaⅡ emergenoy y recording when trem° r of a recorded High sensitivity / Nomal sensⅡ ivity / Low sensⅢ Vky/off co"ision is detected "Deoelerate speed AcceIerate/ Alert is ACC/DEC Ale" actiVa刂 on the picture or video WⅢ trigger for of date and ume stamρ ated for a dura刂 0n the same as the length on ng setting the device deteds any actⅣ Detec刂 on in 10 seconds; When Video Record WⅢ CoⅢ sion fles in a length of the actiVated after sateⅢ te p° s"ioning, device WⅢ issue a voice alert and display an aIarm sCreen JB 3mln`5min ∴ 0re∷ ∷ 0邴∷ | 5 Insta"ing tⅡ ∷ |∷ ∷ s∷ ∷ ∷ 6 s∴ 0∷ 00rCoF 1 PIace the attached CD ROM into the CD player 2 Ifthe CD does not execute automatica"y,pIease use Windows F"e Managerto eXecute the lnstall~CD.exe ile in the CD The folloˇ Ving screen wⅢ be shown up Press the【 Menul"em to startthe insta"au° to the instructions on-screen n pr° Cess according signa|Noise Ratio(sNR) 托 龋强;麴潴r;w黑 I昱巛甜 擗遐 oonnected before sta"ing the video pIayback |∶ 39 7 speo∶ficatio∷ | h∷ : 亠p|^?r邛 qⅡ Ito南 Irnage sensor 1/27"CMOs sensor E仟ective piXels 1920〈 H)x1080C√ ) storage media support M Cro sDHC Class6,maX up to32GB LCD disρ lay Lens Focus range s臼 te‖ te system VViˇ Fi ace Min丨 opera】 ng Humid"y storage 1 5n∩ ~Inf|n丨 ty Temperature Pos"ioning feature vaHes Dimens ons depending° n the model) Weight 80211 b/g/n (The Wlreless netWork feature varies UsB Bu"t-in470mAh L卜 o° ~50° polylη er rechargeab丨 C 20~70%RH ˉ 20° ~80° C 80X303X512mm ApproX82g(w"h° ut memory∞ rd) depending on the model) BuiⅡ -in Frequency range Channel List 2M(1920x1080) sl"imθ ge (snaρ sh° t) Format JPEG EIectronic shu廿 er Auto∶ 1/2~1/2000sec 3-AXis Gˉ Force sensor lsO Auto WhⅡ e Balance Auto Microphone Yes IEEE80211n VVi-Fi module∶ ; HD60(720P/60fps) Resolu"on∶ G-sensor Yes 0perating Format MOV shu廿 er speaker Temperature F24,f〓 38mm Resolu刂 on:FHD(1080P/30fps);HD30(720P/30fps〉 MOvie Clip Υes Ba仗ery VVide Ang|e FiXed Focus Iens GPs/GL0NAss(sateⅡ Ⅱe speaker lntel亻 27” LCD CoIor TFT touch screen 0es。 dpton Ctom∷ 亻r ″ 2412-2462MHz 3h1~Ch11 WN79刊 1B VVM e